(1981) - Fowler, D. Anthyphairetic Ratio and Eudoxan Proportion
(1981) - Fowler, D. Anthyphairetic Ratio and Eudoxan Proportion
(1981) - Fowler, D. Anthyphairetic Ratio and Eudoxan Proportion
Author(s): D. H. Fowler
Source: Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 2 (1981), pp. 69-72
Published by: Springer
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argued(in[2],[3],and[4])thatthereis goodcircumstantialevidenceforbelieving
thattheremightthenhave beena highlydevelopedand subtleanthyphairetic
Riddell described(pp. 7-9) howEudoxanproportion theoryis relatedto the
patternsetup bytheoccurrences oftwoperiodicevents;letme heredescribea
similarpatterngenerated by twolinesegments a and b (a> b), and laterrefer
to thecontext
briefly ofperiodic, events.On thesameline,
A' A2 Ai A% As
0| 1 H- i 1- S i- h 1 r1 1 r1-! r-
Bx Bi ft ft ft ft Bi ft ft fto flu B'i Bu
set out OAlA2A3... witha = OAt = AXA2= A2A3= ..., and OBiB2B3...
with b = OBX = BiB2 = B2B3 = ...; then the resultingpatternof points (say
B^^^B+AiBsBeA^BsBçAt ...) willcharacterisetheratioa:b. In factwhat
is definedin Euclid's Elements,V, Definition5, is proportion,or equalityof
ratios: a, 6, a, and V are in proportionifa and 6, and a and V both definethe
same pattern.In otherwords,wheneverAkcomes beforeBh Äk willcome before
ifka < Ib,thenka < lb' etc.
B¡, etc.;or,equivalently,
Thus the two proceduresfor definingratios lead to two different kinds of
the of subtractions, and in the
patterns:in anthyphairesis, alternating sequences
Eudoxan theory,thepatternscreatedby the two sequences multiples. these
of Are
twopatternsrelated?Clearlytheymustbe; but Riddell did notpursuethispossi-
bility,and onlyremarked(p. 9) that"thischaracterisation [ofratio,byanthyphai-
resis]does not resemble V, Definition 5."
Take, then,the patterngivenabove and see how we can deduce fromit some
of thetermsof theanthyphairetic ratio,a:b = [n0,nl9n2,. . .]. It is clearfromthe
firstthreetermsBlB2Al that n0 = 2, since their patternclearly implies that
2. OBX <OA1<2>. OBU or 2b < a < 3b; we next deduce from the pattern
(BlB2Al)(B3BAA2)(B5B6A3)B1B8B9AA9which generates successive multiples
of the intervalB2AU to B*A2 then B6A3 then BS(B9)A^ that ^ = 3, since
3(0 - 2b)<b< 4(a - 2b). Beyond this thepatternas a wholeso farwillagain
repeatitself,and will thus measure the size of the thirdorderdifference A3B7
second order difference and so more terms will be needed to
against the B2AU
determinethe nexttermn3; and so on.
Descriptionsof thepatternsthatcan occurand how theyare relatedto anthy-
in the
phairesisweregivenbyE.B. Christoffel [1] and H.J.S. Smith[6] 1875-6;
readermightpreferto deduce theprocedurefordecoding patterns the forhimself
ratherthanattempting to understandthefollowingrecursivedescription,and he
would benefitgreatlyfromtheexercise.Let AndenoteA repeatedn times; and if
S and Tdenote anytwosequencesof¿'s and B% letSnTdenote5 repeatedn times
followedbyT. Thensuccessively longerinitialsegments ofthepatterncorresponding
to the anthyphairetic ratio a:b = [n0, nu n2,...] are definedby: So = Bn°A...;
St = SpB ...; S2 = SÏ>S0 ...; ...; Sk+l Sp+iS^ ..., where the A's and £'s
are subscripted in increasingorder.Conversely, onlypatternsthatare susceptibleof
such a descriptioncan arise fromratios.Periodicpatterns(whichmusttherefore
containcoincidentA's and 5's similarto theinitialO in thefigure)correspondto
Universityof Warwick
(Received September5, 1980)