Application For NCT
Application For NCT
Application For NCT
and NAITA into NVQ LEVEL 05 & 06 as per circulars issued by the TVEC
Please refer the instructions before filling this application (see next page)
4. Email:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Work Experience:
(Please attach relevant work experience certificates/letters. If annexure attached do not need to fill the
below table)
Name of organization Period of work (from .. to …)/ on – Designation
the-job training
I do hereby certify that the information above furnished by me is true and correct.
Note: Please note that incomplete application or application with false information will be rejected and
inform to your correspondence address within 14 working days from the date of receipt of this application
stating the reason for the rejection.
1. This application is only valid as per circulars issued by the TVEC for those who obtained
certificates from DTET, NAITA and VTA.
2. Applicants are required to refer relevant circulars and provide necessary details to the TVEC in
addition to this application, if any.(refer circulars in
For all NCT certificate holders - Applicants are required to provide necessary details of
work experience during the period of study by filling the annexure I as per circulars issued
by the TVEC.
NCT Quantity Surveying - Applicants are required to follow a bridging programme
covering competencies mentioned in the circular.
4. Requirements for National Certificate for Industrial Technician (Civil) - Full time programmes
Applicants are required to provide on-the-job (OJT) details as per the circular.
5. All NCT & NCIT certificate holders are required to prepare an evidence portfolio and need to
appear for an interview/viva. For NCT certificate holders, portfolio should contain the record of
relevant work experience of not less than 03 years duration during the period of following the
NCT course.
6. Details of the interview will be sent to candidates through an email or a short-message (SMS).
Director General
Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission
“Nipunatha Piyasa”, 03rd Floor,
354/2, Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 05.
Please mark “Equivalence of Qualification into NVQ level 05/06” on the top left corner of the
Annexure 1