Instruction For BSE Applicants 3
Instruction For BSE Applicants 3
Instruction For BSE Applicants 3
Before you start filling the online application form please read the following explanatory notes.
It will help you to understand the questions and eventually help you to fill in the form. Form
will be available online only during the application period.
1. When filling the Online application, please write the program code as BS 00
2. You MUST give a correct telephone number and a valid email address in the online
application form which will be used to communicate with you.
3. ALL qualification should be clearly and legibly written and all relevant details should be
4. If you are following any academic qualifications, which may finish before November
2017, you can still apply. Indicate the expected date of completion in the application.
5. You must attach a set of photocopies for all educational certificates earned After GCE
6. If you have qualifications NOT listed in the attached BSE qualifications list / our web site,
please complete the exemption form available on the following web URL:
or the regional/study centre and send it to BSE Coordinator with the photocopies of
educational certificates before 22nd November 2017.
BSE Coordinator,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Nawala, Nugegoda.
Selection test
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9. Selection interviews will be held on 10th December 2017 starting at 9am. Applicants
should bring all relevant education and professional certifications (originals) to the
10. Those who possess the necessary education qualifications AND pass the selection test and
the interviews, will be called for registration on 02nd of February 2018.
Academic Activities
Fees comprise of the tuition fee, fee for the induction program and the facilities fee.
Facilities Fee is Rs.2000 to be paid annually (This fee may increase annually).
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Tertiary Level/Professional qualification list for the BSE program
Advance Certificate in Technology (OUSL)
Successful completion of 1 academic year (or 2 semesters) of a Bachelors Degree Programme in any other state
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