Ipho 2012 t2 A
Ipho 2012 t2 A
Ipho 2012 t2 A
Kelvin water dropper (8 points) where the droplet’s capacitance Cd = 4πε0 r; the electrical work
Part A. Single pipe (4 points) dWel = ϕmax dq = 4πε0 ϕ2max dr. Putting dW = 0 we obtain an
i. (1.2 pts) Let us write the force balance for the droplet. equation for ϕmax , which recovers the earlier result.
Since d ≪ r, we can neglect the force π4 ∆pd2 due to the excess Part B. Two pipes (4 points)
pressure ∆p inside the tube. So, the gravity force 43 π rmax
3 ρg
i. (1.2 pts) This is basically the same as Part A-ii, except
is balanced by the capillary force. When the droplet separates that the surroundings’ potential is that of the surrounding
from the tube, the water surface forms in the vicinity of the electrode, −U/2 (where U = q/C is the capacitor’s voltage)
nozzle a “neck”, which has vertical tangent. In the horizontal and droplet has the ground potential (0). As it is not defined
cross-section of that “neck”, the capillary force is vertical and which electrode is the positive one, opposite sign of the po-
can be calculated as πσd. So, tential may be chosen, if done consistently. Note that since
s the cylindrical electrode is long, it shields effectively the en-
rmax = 3 . vironment’s (ground, wall, etc) potential. So, relative to its
surroundings, the droplet’s potential is U/2. Using the result
ii. (1.2 pts) Since d ≪ r, we can neglect the change of the of Part A we obtain
droplet’s capacitance due to the tube. On the one hand, the
droplet’s potential is ϕ; on the other hand, it is 4πε1 0 rQ . So, Q = 2πε0 U rmax = 2πε0 qrmax /C.
Q = 4πε0 ϕr. ii. (1.5 pts) The sign of the droplet’s charge is the same as
iii. (1.6 pts) Excess pressure inside the droplet is caused by that of the capacitor’s opposite plate (which is connected to
the capillary pressure 2σ/r (increases the inside pressure), and the farther electrode). So, when the droplet falls into the bowl,
by the electrostatic pressure 12 ε0 E 2 = 12 ε0 ϕ2 /r 2 (decreases the it will increase the capacitor’s charge by Q:
pressure). So, the sign of the excess pressure will change, if q
dq = 2πε0 U rmax dN = 2πε0 rmax ndt ,
2 ε0 ϕmax /r = 2σ/r, hence
1 2 2
ϕmax = 2 σr/ε0 . where dN = ndt is the number of droplets which fall during
the time dt This is a simple linear differential equation which
The expression for the electrostatic pressure used above can
is solved easily to obtain
be derived as follows. The electrostatic force acting on a surface
charge of density σ and surface area S is given by F = σS · Ē , s
2πε r n πε n 6σd
q = q0 eγt ,
0 max 0
where Ē is the field at the site without the field created by the .
γ = 3 C = C ρg
surface charge element itself. Note that this force is perpen-
dicular to the surface, so F /S can be interpreted as a pressure.
iii. (1.3 pts) The droplets can reach the bowls if their mech-
The surface charge gives rise to a field drop on the surface equal anical energy mgH (where m is the droplet’s mass) is large
to ∆E = σ/ε0 (which follows from the Gauss law); inside the enough to overcome the electrostatic push: The droplet starts
droplet, there is no field due to the conductivity of the droplet: at the point where the electric potential is 0, which is the sum of
Ē − 1 ∆E = 0; outside the droplet, there is field E = Ē + 1 ∆E,
2 2 the potential U/2, due to the electrode, and of its self-generated
therefore Ē = 12 E = 12 ∆E. Bringing everything together, we potential −U/2. Its motion is not affected by the self-generated
obtain the expression used above. field, so it needs to fall from the potential U/2 down to the po-
Note that alternatively, this expression can be derived by tential −U/2, resulting in the change of the electrostatic energy
considering a virtual displacement of a capacitor’s surface and equal to U Q ≤ mgH , where Q = 2πε U r
0 max (see above). So,
comparing the pressure work p∆V with the change of the elec-
trostatic field energy 12 ε0 E 2 ∆V . mgH
Umax = ,
Finally, the answer to the question can be also derived from 2πε0 Umax rmax
the requirement that the mechanical work dA done for an in- r s
finitesimal droplet inflation needs to be zero. From the en- H σd 3
H 2
gσ 2
∴ Umax = ρd 6
ergy conservation law, dW + dWel = σ d(4πr ) + 2 ϕmax dCd ,
2 1 2
2ε0 rmax = 6ε0 3
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