Day 1 Reflection
Day 1 Reflection
Day 1 Reflection
• The use of technology is heavily included within the lessons; all students are provided
with school iPad’s.
• The app ‘Classroom’ is used throughout the school, at the beginning of each day the
classroom teacher uploads all files that will be used – students have access to these
files, they are able to edit documents, add notes where needed and highlight.
Day 2 Reflection:
• I have begun to develop a relation with the students and learn many of their names
• My Supervising Teachers had me teacher a 1hour lesson on Poetry.
• I ensured to use a YouTube clip to begin the lesson.
• After the lesson I noticed that I need to project my voice more, especially for students
sitting at the back of the classroom.
• I also need to allow for a longer amount of discussion and modelling before and after
the lesson has concluded.
Day 3 Reflection:
• Today I taught 2 lessons:
o Literacy – Sentence building (30 minutes)
o Numeracy – BODMAS (1 hour)
• I ensured to ask not only students with their hands up, but also students without their
hands up – I believe this allows me to help those students whom are not paying
attention – it allows them to get back on track with the content being taught.
• I believe I need to continue to model for longer amounts of time before asking
students to start their work
Day 4 Reflection:
• Today I taught 1 lesson:
o Literacy – Comprehension (45 minutes)
• I ensured to continue to roam the classroom when students were working silently –
many of the students began to notice that I was not going to sit at my desk, and asked
multiple questions during the work time.
• I however, need to ensure students continue to work well during this time – many of
the students would often stop working because they were unsure on what was
needed next, I needed to remind the class a number of times what was asked of them
o My ST suggest writing the expectations of the lesson up on the whiteboard as
a reminder for students.
Day 5 Reflection:
• Today I taught 2 lessons:
o Literacy – Poetry (1 hour)
o Numeracy – Finishing off (1 hour)
• I ensured I continued to ask students questions whom were becoming distracted
during the modelling phase of both of the lessons.
• I ensured that I wrote up all expectations for the lessons on the whiteboards – this
decreased the amount of questions received on what students were to do next.
• During one part of the Numeracy lesson, I had a number of students ask me the same
question on an equation they were asked to complete – instead of explaining this
question continuously I stopped the class and gathered their attention to the
whiteboard, where I modelling what the equation was asking and how to begin.
Day 6 Reflection:
• Today I taught 2 lessons:
o Literacy – Figurative Language (Similes and Metaphors) (1 hour)
o Literacy – Poetry (1 hour)
• I ensured I continued to ask students what the definitions where throughout the
• I included the use of a YouTube video throughout the lesson – this kept students
engaged and began to re-iterate what was learnt in the lesson.
• I ensured I ‘over-planned’ for these lessons – by doing this I now have a spare lesson
to use in the next session.
Day 7 Reflection:
• Today I taught 3 lessons:
o Literacy – Editing (30 minutes)
o Literacy – Sentence Building (30 minutes)
o Literacy – Poetry (1 hour)
• I have continued to develop my relationship with the students – they have begun to
see me as a ‘real teacher’ and have begun to listen more closely to the tasks set.
• After these lessons I ensured I debriefed with my Supervising Teacher – they provided
me with the feedback and criticism that I am able to take on board for future lessons.
Day 8 reflection:
• Today I taught 3 lessons:
o Literacy – Poetry (1 hour)
o Numeracy – BODMAS (30 minutes)
o Numeracy – Measurement (30 minutes)
• Today I incorporated the use of the outside area, this allowed for the students to
learn through the use of the environment – students enjoyed working outside and
based their work off this.
Day 9 Reflection:
• Today I taught two lessons:
o Literacy – Figurative Language (1 hour)
o Literacy – Big Write (1 hour)
• I ensured students were able to create their own definitions – this allowing them to
create their own sense of understanding for the topics being learnt.
• I encouraged students to create their own examples – during this time students
worked with partners, asking each other if they needed to change anything in their
Day 10 Reflection:
• Today I taught three lessons:
o Literacy – Poetry (1 hour)
o Literacy – Editing (1 hour)
o Humanities – 3 levels of Australian Government (1 hour)
• Reflecting on today’s lesson’s I have noticed a large development in my teaching, I
have begun to outline all expectations of students at the beginning of the lesson, I
also ensure that I write these up on the board for students to relate back to
throughout the session. I have begun to modify my lessons when students have
specialist (extra Math/English) classes during classroom time, I have also begun to
modify my lessons during sessions when I notice students losing interest or not
• I have begun to ensure I remind students of the amount of time remaining in the
session, I have found that by doing this, students are able to finish their work
Day 11 Reflection:
• Today is my first day of full control.
• Today I was extremely nervous for my day of full control – the result of this was
forgetting to model the work asked of the students. I instead gave them the
instruction on what I wanted done during the session and sent them on their way. I
soon noticed that this was incorrect as many of the students were still asking
questions and were confused on what was being asked of them.
• After this occurring in the morning session, I ensured that for the rest of the day I
explained what was asked of students, modelled what they were to do, and before
sending them to do their work, I clarified with them what was asked. This resulted in
all students working promptly to finish their work.
Day 12 Reflection:
• Today is my second day of full control.
• The school day was extremely disruptive. During the morning and middle session I did
not have a full class due to extra curricula’s taking place (band practice, specialists
and choir. This, however, allowed me to modify my lessons – rather than teaching
new content to only 8 – 10 students I developed their understanding further on past
lessons they were still unsure of. Although disrupting to the day, having a smaller
amount of students within the classroom allowed me to work closely with the
remaining students, I was able to develop their knowledge further and broaden their
understanding on certain subjects.
• By modifying what I was going to teach today, I was able to move the lessons planned
to next week, this allowed me a head start on planning my lessons for next week.
Day 13 Reflection:
• Today is my third day of full control.
• Students were thoroughly engaged with the lessons today, I have begun to relate the
topics to student’s interests, I have found that by doing this I am able to keep them
engaged for a longer period of time.
• I have also begun to gain the respect of students. The have begun to ask me for help
rather than the ST, as they have seen me as a teacher, not just a university student.
This has allowed me to work closely with students have difficulty and learning how
they learn, so I am able to modify lessons for all learning abilities.
Day 14 Reflection:
• Today is my fourth day of full control.
• I have begun to realise that it is okay to not get to all lesson contents planned for the
day. This can be largely affected by how the students are acting throughout the day.
Today I realised that the students AND teacher both feed off each other’s emotions
and energy. Today students were working slowly, however, were still putting in the
required effort and amount of work asked.
• Today I was not able to complete the 12:15 – 1:30 task of Statistics (Graphing data), I
instead allowed students extra time to continue working on the BODMAS and
Measurement activities. By doing this I have an extra lesson to use later in the week
or next week if required.
Day 15 Reflection:
• Today is my fifth day of full control.
• Today we attended an excursion to Swinburne Tafe.
• Throughout the day students attended 5 different sessions, held by lectures;
o Horticulture
o Photography
o Science-lab
o Electro-technology
o Engineering
• Over the course of the day, students participated in different activities, the purpose
of the excursion was to show students that they do not need to attend University and
complete a Bachelor or Masters, they are able to go on and complete a trade.
• During the day, it was interesting to see how the students acted outside of the
school’s walls. All of the students were attentive and respectful to those teaching.
Day 16 Reflection:
• Today is my sixth day of full control.
• Throughout the day I ensured I showed much more authority than previous weeks.
• The ST, allowed me to handle all problems within the classroom and on the
playground. The ST also stepped back when I conducted my lessons, acting like ‘they
were not in the room.’ By doing this over the course of the day, I was able to grasp a
small insight into the amount of work, resilience and authority that must be take over
the course of a day.
Day 17 Reflection:
• Today is my seventh day of full control.
• Throughout the day I continued to show much more authority within the classroom,
today many of the students began to realise this and they ensured they approached
myself rather than the ST.
• I have been developing my transitions between sessions, although not conducting a
specific activity, I have found that by correcting work as a class and / or debriefing
after the session, students have an understanding that the next task will be starting.
• I do however need to become more aware of students distracting others whilst
conferencing with other students, ‘Meerkatting’ every 30 – 60 seconds, allows an
understanding of what is taking place in class while conferencing is taking place.
Day 18 Reflection:
• Today is my eighth day of full control.
• On Wednesdays, I only have the students in the classroom during the middle block of
the day, 11:30am – 1:30pm. Over the past few weeks I have found this extremely
helpful during planning time, I am able to plan all of the lessons for the next week,
and reflect on lessons during the week that may need to be re-visited in following
• Although only have the students for 2 hours in the classroom today, I decided to
dedicate 1 hour to Literacy and 1 hour to Numeracy, much of this is finishing off or
asking for help needed in these curriculum areas that they are having trouble
Day 19 Reflection:
• Today is my ninth day of full control.
• Throughout the day we were interrupted a number of time dur to Carols practice,
band practice and last minute Talent Show problems.
• Although the day was planned for Carols practice 12:30pm – 1:30pm and the Talent
Show 2:30pm – 3:30pm, interruptions took place over the course of the day, leaving
majority of my class absent for periods of time longer than expected.
o This was difficult to overcome, as the disruption was not expect, however,
majority of the work set had already been started or explained. I allowed
students to continue on with the point in the day they were at when entering
the classroom after attending practices etc.
Day 20 Reflection:
• Today is my tenth day of full control.
• Today is my final day of placement rounds.
• Throughout the day, students were asked to only complete two pieces of work:
o A poem on Christmas
o BODMAS Calendar
• Students enjoyed having an ‘easy’ day and enjoyed being rewards for their hard work
in the middle hour of the day, where we planned a number of games outside, and
attended a class party.