Directions: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your experiences in the
area of the NBPTS. Finally, identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing. On the last page, summarize your
strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
• Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of practice in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced colleagues for
support, guidance, and survival. The teacher is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his practice.
• Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher is able to provide independent instruction and easily applies what s/he has
learned about educational practice.
• Integrating/Innovating (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled and confident. The Integrating/Innovating
teacher is contributing to the broader educational community through staff development, research, or publication in professional
Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Practice Accordingly
2. Teachers Understand How Students Develop and Learn
3. Teachers Treat Students Equitably
4. Teachers Know Their Mission Transcends the Cognitive Development of Their Students
Three Examples of Proposition 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• I use differentiated instruction for language arts
and writing. I teach the same lesson, but give
students options on how to complete each
assignment. Sometimes students are able to One goal I have for myself is to make sure that my instruction
choose their assignments, and other times, I allows all students to learn. Sometimes I see some students
choose which students complete which struggling while other students are bored because the gap in
my class is so great.
• When I plan unit, I think about how to teach the Another goal is for me to utilize all the help I get from the
lessons in which order so that it would make the parents in my class. I would love for them to help, but I don't
most sense for my students. always know how they can help in my classroom.
• I make sure that all of my students are challenged
in their work, creating challenge work for them
when they are finished with their assignments.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to E/E A I/I
5. Teachers Appreciate How Knowledge in Their Subjects is Created, Organized, and Linked to Other
6. Teachers Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students
7. Teachers Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge
Three Examples of Proposition 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• When I plan units, I always look for ways to
integrate different subjects into the same lesson.
• I use a lot of different resources to teach the
different subjects. This allows me to teach the One area of growth is for me to command specialized
same concepts in different ways so that all of my knowledge in reading and writing. I'm not as confident in
students are able to understand it. teaching these subjects as I am teaching others.
• I teach my lessons in different ways - in small
groups, as a whole class, reteaching to individuals,
Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals
2. Teachers Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups
3. Teachers Value Student Engagement
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/). 1
4. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress
5. Teachers Engage Students in the Learning Process
Three Examples of Proposition 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• I teach lessons in different ways to meet the
instructional goals of all my students. I use small
groups, whole class, reteaching to individual Although I encourage students to be engaged in their own
students, etc… learning, I often fear that I'll lose control of my classroom. I
• I'm always looking for ways to engage in students don't like having the class be loud, so I don't always allow
in their own learning. students to be engaged in that sense. Most of the time, we
• I assess my students on a daily basis after each have a student-led discussion to revisit or review concepts.
lesson. I grade all of my students' work to see how
well they have mastered the lesson's objective.
Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment
2. Teachers Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Practice and Positively Impact Student Learning
Three Examples of Proposition 4 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• My school administrator does not have a
background in education, so I make most of the
decisions for our school, such as which curriculum
to use for each subject and what assemblies to put
on each month. One area of growth is that I can conduct more research on
• I encourage families to provide me with feedback my own to improve my teaching practices. There are several
about what they like about my teaching and what books I've been meaning to read that I haven't gotten around
they dislike. That way, I'm able to improve my to just yet.
• I ask my colleagues about my teaching practices
and they always provide me with helpful feedback
on how I can improve my teaching.