Performance Evaluation of Solar Tracking Systems For Power Generation Based On Simulation Analysis: Solar Island Concept
Performance Evaluation of Solar Tracking Systems For Power Generation Based On Simulation Analysis: Solar Island Concept
Performance Evaluation of Solar Tracking Systems For Power Generation Based On Simulation Analysis: Solar Island Concept
Abstract— Solar island concept was built in Ras Al Khaimah, higher the doping level, the higher the conversion ratio will
UAE for the purpose of power generation using renewable be, and as the temperature increases the maximum efficiency
technologies while tracking the azimuth of the sun with high will be in the materials with largest band gaps. H. Zhai et al
precision. In this paper the concept of floating solar tracking [3] investigated and analyzed concentrating solar collector
platform is presented, looking into details other similar
with linear Fresnel lens. An experiment was done on a
developments around the world. Taking the Solar Island concept,
simulation is carried out to estimate the power generated from concentrating solar collector then a mathematical model was
installing solar system on the structure. Skelion and PVsyst 6.0 built to verify the results. This confirmed that the thermal
were used to simulate the power output from PV modules. While efficiency of the linear Fresnel lens concentrator can be 9%
a calculation procedure was followed to evaluate the power higher than the evacuated tube collectors if the inlet water
output from CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) linear Fresnel temperature is from 80 to 90 degrees Celsius. Heimsatha et al
technology. The analysis showed power yield increase of 14.8 % [4] presented a sensitivity analysis for different geometries
and 15.03% when PV solar system and CSP solar system were and material parameters for a linear Fresnel collector receiver,
evaluated respectively, as compared to fixed PV solar system. the analysis showed that it is essential to take into account the
absorption of the concentrated solar radiation on the mirrors of
the linear Fresnel collector receiver, especially the second
Keywords— Solar Energy, Solar Tracking Systems, Power mirror. Also, the absorbed radiation can have larger effect than
Output, Rotating Structure. the material parameter used. Therefore, the heat loss in the
linear Fresnel collector receiver depends on parameters such
as: the absorber temperature, sun position, collector geometry
and other parameters. Ali Al-Mohamad [5] studied the effect
I. INTRODUCTION of using a sun tracking system on the efficiency of PV panels
The aim behind studying the performance of solar systems using a programmable logic-controller unit. A PV system
with trackers is to realize the percentage of power increase along with a software were designed to perform this operation.
when tracking the sun as compared to fixed solar systems. It was found that the power output from the PV system was
Several parameters such as initial cost, maintenance cost, ROI increased by almost 20% when using a tracker. Furthermore,
and other factors can play important role in determining the programmable logic-controller allows to connect more PV
whether or not to invest in solar systems with trackers. Kacira modules in both configurations (series, parallel) which will
et al [1] identified the optimum tilt angel suitable for the lead to a reduction of the tracking system price and will make
photovoltaic panels using a mathematical model that can be it more cost effective.In this paper a unique design of a
used for any location. Using the optimum angel can lead to rotating structure that can be populated with a solar system
maximizing the amount of energy received by the panels and and track the sun is presented. A simulation comparison of
the amount of energy output. By computing the energy output power generated from PV solar system versus CSP solar
for each month separately and considering the life cycle cost system is presented. A floating PV system results from the
of the tracking system, the practicality and the feasibility of combination of photovoltaic power plant technology and
the tracking system can be decided. Joseph J. Wysocki and floating technology. Sahu et al [6] gave more insight about the
Paul Rappaport [2] carried out analysis on the effect of the Floating PV technology, its pre- sent status & various design
temperature on the photovoltaic solar energy conversion. The options. They stated that floating type solar photovoltaic
temperature range varied between 0 and 400 degrees Celsius, panels have numerous advantages compared to overland
with a solar power density of 135 mw/cm2, the research installed solar panels, including fewer obstacles to block
suggested that the best conversion ratio is obtained when the sunlight, convenient, energy efficiency, higher power
current is ideal, when there is leakage or a recombination on generation efficiency owing to its lower temperature
the surface a degradation in the performance will occur, the underneath the panels.
Choi et al [7] performed a study on major design elements II. SOLAR ISLAND PLATFORM
of tracking-type floating photovoltaic systems, where they
studied two floating PV systems installed by K-Water, the first A pilot project structure of the solar island has been built
one is a 100 kW floating PV system on the water surface on in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. The structure has been successfully
Hapcheon dam reservoir has been operating it since 2011, the tested for tracking the azimuth with a precision of+/- 0.026°.
second one is a 500 kW floating PV system on another The structure of the solar island rotates as a whole, this
location nearby installed in July 2012, the authors introduced enables the solar system populated on the island to be rotated
the concept of tracking-type floating PV and the application as a one tracking system and this is a major advantage over the
plan for the tracking algorithm and the rotation mechanism of conventional tracking systems available at the market. Main
structure which is a major design element. Choi [8] verified parts of the solar island consist of the following: a rotating
the superiority of floating PV system through comparison steel torus that floats on a water channel, a plastic membrane
analysis of generation amount by 2.4kW, 100kW and 500kW sealed against the steel torus, a set of rubber wheels rotating
floating PV system installed by K-water and the cause of such against the water channel walls and a network of equally
superiority was analyzed. Also, effect of wind speed, and spaced x-y steel cables fixed on the torus. Air blowers which
waves on floating PV system structure was measured to are located on the center of the island provides light air
analyze the effect of the environment on floating PV system pressure below the membrane, which provides a sufficient
generation efficiency. vertical force to support the load of the solar field.
Sharma and Kothari [9] analyzed the floating solar PV
potential in large reservoirs in India, also they reported the
types of floating solar PV systems and benefits of deployment
of such systems, they concluded that floating solar
Photovoltaic offers an economical, eco-friendly alternative to
Land or rooftop solar PV.Hartzell [10] evaluated the current In this part, we present the proposed design for the thermal
state of floating solar photovoltaic technology and proposes loop to be used for power generation from CSP technology, the
use of the technology on water management infrastructure in current section estimates the power generated from populating
Arizona, USA, he found that floating solar photovoltaic has a the solar island completely with CSP modules. The solar
higher energy density (100 W/m2) than land-based, utility- modules are made of a steel skeleton which is designed to
scale solar and does not involve significant cost increases. His support the mirror blades and the pipes carrying the heated
fluids. The flat mirror blades are precisely mounted on the
study recommends water reservoirs by hydropower dams as
structure with the right inclination angle by means of suitable
ideal locations for floating photovoltaic installations and
flexible clips Fig.1. The thermal loop consists of two main
implementation of floating solar photovoltaic technology parts: 1) primary circuit 2) secondary circuit, the loop starts
within a sustainable development paradigm. from heating the water flowing through the solar field, as the
Muscat [11] studied the effect of sea water on the water is heated enough it is transferred to the storage tank. The
efficiency of solar cells, in her study, a number of experiments storage tank feeds the heat exchanger with the hot fluid at
were set up to analyze if the effect of salinity would indeed around 200 C, and the heat is transferred to the working fluid
affect the performance of solar cells comparisons were of the organic Rankine cycle, in which electricity is generated
from the cycle. A buffer tank is located after the secondary
conducted for two types of solar technologies: a floating
circuit, the function of this tank is to take the condensed water
equivalent PV platform with a water pump allowing sea water
from heat exchanger during night operation.
trickles down the face of the solar cell and a floating
equivalent PV platform subject to sea spray ultimately One module structure has been built and tested as a
transformed to sea salt residue accumulation. The author prototype to validate the input temperature Fig.2, the structure
concluded that floating solar systems with a constant supply of tracks the azimuth direction of the sun automatically with the
sea water provides the best power output solution for solar help of a tracker, and the receiver is held 4 meters above the
systems installed in Malta in the Spring and Summer months. field collector with the help of a receiver holder. The prototype
From the results, it is evident that the floating systems present consists of 118 strips of mirrors located symmetrically relative
good opportunities, the author recommended that a pilot to the receiver. Water is used as the working fluid, and the
project in this field should be conducted over a span of two structure consisted of other parts such as: main water tank,
small water tank, centrifugal pumps, electric heater and flow
years; 1 year for proper planning of the suitable structure to be
control valve. The operation of the tracker is based on DC
used and 1 full year for testing in the real environment.
motors that are controlled by a dedicated drive unit that moves
The design of the structure and the tracking system of the the tracker according to the signals from control system using
structure is presented in this paper, also a simulation Solar Position Algorithm (SPA) and encoder as feedback
comparison of power generated from PV solar system versus element.
CSP solar system is presented.
2017 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA)
B. Energy Output
Fig.1: CAD model of a Standard Solar Module Fig. 3 shows the total output energy for each month, for
the three systems. The energy output for the 22-degree tilt
with vertical tracking systems is between 42,000 KW in
January, and 66,258 KW in May where it has the maximum
output. Now comparing the zero tilt with the 22-degree tilt, it
can be noticed that the zero tilt angel PV system has a slightly
higher energy output from May till the end of July. However,
the optimum angel system has a higher output during the other
9 months of the year than the zero tilt. Which is why the total
output energy of the year is higher for the 22 degrees tilt
system 564,323 KW than the zero tilt system 526,444 KW.