Task 4
Task 4
Task 4
This task asks you to identify the formative and summative assessment strategies used during a
week. As part of this task, you are required to implement a new formative assessment strategy,
provide evidence of implementation and reflect on the impact.
What are the components of a learning outcome/instructional objective?
Components are those identified by an educational theorist Robert Marger. The major components are audience,
condition, standards and behavior.
List the assessment strategies used for English, Math and Science in 1 week.
Learning Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Summative
Outcome Strategy/strategies Strategy explained Assessment Strategy
Recognize Talk to each other One of the effective Written exam
some or all of strategy to see how well a Children always need
the letters in student understands is review and repetition until
the alphabet (speak), The nature of the they prove the information
child is the participation in their mind, so by the end
Hold a book and the talk because he of two weeks the student
right side up feels the achievements have short written exam
with the spine always, this is an important with activities for three
on the left, aspect of the method of different levels to check
front cover teaching the child, to listen their understanding and
showing to him and motivate him to they develop to different
his simple words, that are level or they need more
Recognize ideal in his eyes, help him extra and focusing work.
that the in his way to success and
progression of learning. By the end of the
text is left to day or in transition between
right, top to the subjects the teacher can
bottom have talkative circle or
dissection time about what
Recognize her students learned, to test
that text holds them by listening to their
meaning. talking between other what
ideas they are share, how
Know the they relate the lesson with
words start real life example to see in
with letter which level are they.
(Tt). (Wees, D.)
-Recognize Listening In the interdiction of the Numbers & letters
measurable lesson the teacher can Hunt
attributes of assess the students, while Final chick list evaluation,
objects, such the teacher are telling a in the classroom having
as heavy or story to introducing the revision with whole class
light. subject, she can listen to her using class corner, set in
student’s comments to find one area having group of 4
-Recognize out their own information students observe them by
about the lesson, give the having activities to see their
students a chance to share abilities and levels, then
measurable the ideas and their real switch between the groups.
stories, even if it’s an
attributes of a
imagination that mean they
single object. are trying to be attract and
attention in the lesson, that
help the teacher to know
what she have to teach more
and focus on during the
lesson and next time. The
classroom has to be mutual
education because the
teacher are giving new
knowledge or add some and
the students are teaching the
teacher from their
imagination and minds
which help her to put the
class strategies and the plan
to teach. (Wees, D.)