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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,946,551 B2

LOng et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 20, 2005

(54) PREPARATION OF HYALURONIC ACID 2002/0037312 A1 3/2002 Brown et al.

FROM EGGSHELL MEMBRANE 2003/0175332 A1 9/2003 Brown et al.
(75) Inventors: Frank Daniel Long, Neosho, MO
(US); Randall Gene Adams, Carthage, JP 10435O2 2/1989
Chelmsford, MA (US)
(73) ASSignee: New Life Resources, LLC, Carthage, OSuoji, C.J. "Acid Glycosaminoglycan of Eggshell Mem
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(21) Appl. No.: 10/616,278 Hens-Egg Shell’, Biochemical Journal, 1962, 82,
(22) Filed: Jul. 9, 2003 “Egg Science and Technology”, Eds. W.J. Stadelman and
(65) Prior Publication Data O.J. Cotterill, Food Products Press, a subsidiary of The
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US 6,946,551 B2
1 2
PREPARATION OF HYALURONIC ACID HA is a natural lubricant and Synovial fluid requires the
FROM EGGSHELL MEMBRANE presence of hyaluronic acid to be an effective lubricant of the
Synovial membrane. The network-making property plays a
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional primary role in the connective tissue; this role differs from
Application No. 60/453,891, filed Mar. 12, 2003, which is those of the chondroitin Sulphate, dermatan Sulphate and
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. keratan Sulphate, their water retention abilities and,
therefore, their Solution Viscosity being inferior.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Hyaluronic acid may also play an important role in the
The present invention relates to extraction, isolation and control of intercellular and interstitial permeability. This
theory is Supported by the fact that the depolymerization of
purification of hyaluronic acid from eggshell membrane. hyaluronic acid, which occurs in certain pathological con
The hyaluronic acid material from the eggshell membrane ditions of connective tissues, results in an increased perme
contains polydisperse hyaluronic acid for use in various ability of the connective tissue barrier.
applications. Hyaluronic acid is involved in OSSification processes.
BACKGROUND 15 Calcium (II) ions can become Strongly associated with a
hyaluronic acid proteoglycan and are not readily displaced,
Hyaluronic acid was discovered by Meyer and Palmer in even by high concentrations of univalent ions. There is
1934. Karl Meyer isolated the polysaccharide from the evidence for a role of proteoglycans in regulation of mineral
Vitreous humor. Since it contained uronic acid, Meyer phase Separation in calcifying cartilage and calcification
named the Substance hyaluronic acid from hyalos (meaning itself.
glassy, Vitreous) and uronic acid. At physiological pH all The intraarticular injection of Viscoelastic high molecular
carboxyl groups on the uronic acid residue are dissociated weight (HMW)-HA solutions provides protection,
and the polysaccharide was named Sodium hyaluronate lubrication, pain reduction and hydration to the articular
when Sodium is the counter ion. In 1986, BalaZS Suggested cartilage and capsular tissues. This injection may restore the
the name hyaluranon. This is currently the accepted termi 25
damaged HA layer on the articular cartilage Surface, bring
nology. The abbreviation “HA” will be used in this appli ing about an alleviation of arthritic condition and arrest of
cation to designate hyaluranon, which includes hyaluronic the process of disease.
acid and its metallic Salts. The HA properties are dependent on the molecular
HA is a linear polysaccharide (long-chain biological weight, the Solution concentration, and physiological pH. In
polymer) formed by repeating disaccharide units consisting low concentrations, the individual chains entangle and form
of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine linked by a continuous network in Solution, which gives the System
f3(1-3) and f(1-4) glycosidic linkages. HA is distinguished interesting properties, Such as pronounced Viscoelasticity
from the other glycosaminoglycans, as it is free from cova and pseudoplasticity that is unique for a water-Soluble
lent links to protein and Sulphuric groups. It is however an polymer at low concentration.
integral component of complex proteoglycans. HA is an 35 HA exhibits Viscous flow, elastic and pseudoplastic prop
important component of the intercellular matrix, the material erties. This property is unique to HA. Other
filling the Space between the cells of Such diverse tissueS as glycosaminoglycans, GAGS, may form Viscous Solutions,
skin, tendons, muscles and cartilage. but only at considerably greater concentrations than HA, and
HA has been discovered as a coat attached to cell Surface, they never form a Viscoelastic polymer network. HA has
as part of large molecular Structures, and as free 40 been demonstrated to be important in different activities
polysaccharide, e.g., in Synovial fluid and in the vitreous Such as tissue hydration, lubrication, Solute transportation,
body. HA is ubiquitous in animals, with the highest concen cell migration, cell function, cell differentiation, and cell
tration found in Soft connective tissue. It plays an important proliferation.
role for both mechanical and transport purposes in the body; Sources and Manufacturing of HA: During the 1930s and
e.g., it gives elasticity to the joints and rigidity to the 45 1940s Meyer and others isolated hyaluranon from a number
vertebrate disks, and it is also a constituent of major impor of Sources and relatively large amounts were found in
tance in the vitreous body of the eye. Vitreous, Synovial fluid, umbilical cord, Skin, and rooster
HA, because of its high degree of hydration, is probably comb. HA has historically been isolated from synovial fluid,
responsible for the high content of water of Some tissues, umbilical cord, Skin, and rooster comb. However, Kendall in
increasing the resistance of Such tissues to compression. 50 1937 isolated HA from certain strains of bacteria, Such as
This is a role based on hyaluronic acids capacity to hold streptococci. Today HA is also obtained from bacterial
more water than any other natural or Synthetic polymer. The fermentation.
size (MW) of individual molecules and the potential for The isolation of HA from rooster combs typically includes
intermolecular interactions determines whether a particular the following Steps: An enzymatic digestion, a specific
HA preparation will form an elastoViscous matrix under 55 Separation in order to remove protein and a purification to
given conditions. provide a crude extract. Further purification Steps include
The large molecular Volume forces the overlap of indi precipitation in ethanol and redissolution in Sodium chloride
vidual HA molecular domains, resulting in extensive chain Solution. Thus, a typical proceSS for isolating HA from
entanglement and chain-chain interaction. It is the resulting rooster comb includes removal of epithelium from the
intertwined polymeric network, which acts as the jelly-like 60 combs, grinding of combs, treatments in acetone and mul
milieu Supporting and influencing tissue functions. tiple treatments with ethanol and Sodium chloride Solutions.
Hyaluronic acid Serves as a thickening agent to Synovial Several U.S. patents describe methods to isolate and purify
fluid, and the Viscoelastic effect is Such that under impact a hyaluronic acid including U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,141,973; 4,784,
hyaluronic acid Solution is hard elastic, but under slow 990; 5,099,013; 5,166,331; 5,316,926; 5,411,874, 5,559,104
movement the viscosity effect is more operable. The shock 65 and 5,925,626, which are incorporated herein by reference.
absorber effect is particularly important and effective in There are Some differences between the isolation-origin
young people. and the fermentation-origin HA. The HA obtained from
US 6,946,551 B2
3 4
isolation methods has the natural Structure of the glycosami assays as follows: (1) colorimetric measurement for uronic
noglycan (formally called mucopolysaccharide) in natural acid using a modified carbazole reaction'—uronic acid
tissues. In this Sense it is much more porous than that composes about 50% of the HA molecule. (2) Assay using
obtained by fermentation, and therefore can exhibit great an ELISA test prepared by Corgenix, Inc.–this enzyme
differences of dispersability in water. HA obtained by bac linked binding protein assay uses a capture molecule known
terial fermentation typically includes higher levels of bac as hyaluronic acid binding protein (HABP) to measure HA
teria and, when cultured, has a higher number of colony concentration. (3) Measurement by size exclusion chroma
forming units (c.f.u.) than HA obtained by isolation tography using the method of Armstrong and Johns.
methods, due to the high level of nutrients in the fermenta The first assay method (discussed above) was used to
tion media. Further, fermentation-origin HA typically measure HA in aqueous extracts of crude eggshell mem
includes significant levels of endotoxins that must be branes and in enzyme hydrolysates of eggshell membranes.
removed. The HA obtained by fermentation also needs to be Results indicated HA concentrations ranging from 0.1% to
more purified in order to eliminate as many bacterial pro more than 2% in tested Samples. It is Suspected that these
teins as possible. uronic acid concentrations are lower than expected due to
interference of the calorimetric reactions by protein con
There are also drawbacks with HA prepared by many of taminants. More Sensitive and Specific ELISA assays indi
the known methods or from known Sources. These draw cated Significantly higher levels of HA in eggshell mem
backs can include, for example, an inflammatory response brane Samples. Concentrations ranged from 5% to more than
when used in compositions for treating mammals and post 10% on a wet weight basis. Measurement using Size exclu
operative complications in ocular Surgery. Although, many Sion chromatography confirmed the presence of HA.
of the drawbacks can be avoided or minimized by additional It is believed that these findings are the first reporting of
processing, it results in an increased costs in obtaining HA Significant quantities of HA, glucosamine and chondroitin in
having the requisite purity and functionality. eggshell membrane. Concentrations of glucosamine and
Although HA obtained from known Sources, discussed chondroitin were 10% and 9% of wet membrane weight,
above, have found use in connection with humans and 25
respectively. Furthermore, the concentrations of HA in egg
animals, e.g., as ingredients for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals shell membrane appear to be higher than those reported for
and nutraceuticals, these known Sources contain relatively any other tissue, including cocks comb.
low levels of HA or require Significant processing to produce After confirming the presence of Significant amounts of
HA in the required purity. This also results in a relatively HA in eggshell membranes, HA was extracted and purified
high cost for useable HA. from crude eggshell membrane using techniques for extract
The composition of egg and/or eggshell membranes, as ing HA from other Source materials. The molecular weight
well as the eggshell, have also been previously reported. of purified HA was measured using HPLC techniques.
Eggshell membranes are composed of protein fibers between Results indicated a relatively low molecular weight HA,
the albumin and the inner surface of the shell. The proteins between 50,000 and 100,000 daltons. The inventors believe
have a high concentration of arginine, glutamic acid, 35
this is the first report of Significant quantities of HA in
methionine, histidine, cystine, and proline." Additional eggshell membrane and that eggshell membrane may be an
investigations of eggshell membrane have demonstrated the abundant Source of HA for a variety of applications.
presence of high concentrations of collagen, including Type Thus, in one aspect, the present invention is a hyaluronic
I and Type X collagen. Further investigations have iden acid isolate which includes HA derived from eggshell mem
tified keratan and dermatan Sulfate in eggshell." Studies 40 brane. The eggshell membrane preferably contains at least
have also reported the absence of uronic acid in eggshell about 0.5 wt %, more preferably at least about 1 wt %, and
membrane. One study, which investigated the acid gly most preferably from about 1 to about 5 wt % hyaluronic
cosaminoglycan content of the isthmus region of hen ovi acid. The hyaluronic acid isolate preferably contains at least
duct and the egg membrane of Shell-free eggs, reported very about 80 wt %, more preferably at least about 90 wt %, and
low levels of hyaluronic acid in the egg membrane collected 45 most preferably at least about 95 wt % hyaluronic acid.
from the shell-free eggs. However, neither the presence of The hyaluronic acid isolate can be derived from the
Significant quantities of hyaluronic acid (HA) in eggshell eggshell membrane by extracting a hyaluronic acid fraction
membrane nor the extraction of HA from eggshell mem from the eggshell membrane. In one embodiment, the hyalu
brane have been previously reported. ronic acid fraction is purified to provide the hyaluronic acid
Thus, there is a need for new Sources of HA, which have 50 isolate having a desired naturally occurring HA content and
higher concentrations of the naturally occurring HA. There can be purified to provide a cosmetic grade and/or pharma
is also a need for HA derived from new Sources, which does ceutical grade hyaluronic acid.
not have the problems associated with known Sources of The hyaluronic acid isolate can also include other natu
HA, requires leSS processing and/or results in more cost rally occurring material derived from eggshell membrane
effective methods for obtaining useful HA products. 55 Selected from the group consisting of a hexosamine, chon
droitin Sulfate and combinations thereof. The hexosamine
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION can be Selected from the group consisting of N-acetyl-D-
The present invention is based on the discovery, for the glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, hexoses and mix
first time, of the presence of Significant quantities of HA in tures thereof. In this embodiment, a composition can be
eggshell membrane. This invention includes extraction, iso 60 prepared in which therapeutically effective amounts of the
lation and purification of hyaluronic acid material from a hexosamine and/or chondroitin Sulfate are present.
novel Source, eggshell membrane, and preparation of useful The hexosamine, e.g., glucosamine, is preferably present
isolate(s) and compositions based on the discovery. in an amount of at least about 0.05, more preferably in the
The inventors have investigated eggshell membrane, range of about 0.5 to about 10, and most preferably in the
which was cleanly Separated from egg and eggshell, by 65 range of about 0.5 to about 5 wt %.
analyzing for amino acid profiles, glucosamine, chondroitin, The chondroitin Sulfate is preferably present in an amount
and HA. HA content was measured using three different of at least about 0.05, more preferably in the range of about
US 6,946,551 B2
S 6
0.5 to about 10, and most preferably in the range of about 0.5 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
to about 5 wt %.
The present invention reports the presence of high con
In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method for centrations of HA in eggshell membrane and describes
producing a hyaluronic acid composition which includes extraction, purification, and analysis of HA derived from
extracting a hyaluronic acid composition from eggshell eggshell membrane.
membrane. The method preferably includes the step of The composition of eggshell membranes was analyzed
Separating the eggshell membrane from the egg yolk, egg from a Source of cracked eggs, which included the eggshells
white and eggshell prior to the extracting Step. with the membrane attached. The eggshell membranes were
The hyaluronic acid composition preferably contains at first Separated from the eggshells. Following Separation
least about 80 wt %, at least about 90 wt %, and most from the shell, the eggshell membrane was tested for amino
preferably at least about 95 wt % hyaluronic acid. acid profile and for glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and
In one embodiment, the hyaluronic acid composition is chondroitin. Initial results from the Corgenix ELISA assay
Substantially pure hyaluronic acid. The hyaluronic acid showed HAconcentrations from 5%-10% (50 mg/mL to 100
composition preferably contains a naturally occurring hyalu 15 mg/mL). Samples of crude eggshell membrane were pro
ronic acid having an average molecular weight of less than cessed to extract and purify HA. Initial results demonstrated
about 1,000,000, more preferably in the range of from about that the isolated HA exhibited a relatively low concentration
50,000 to about 500,000, and most preferably in the range of low molecular weight HA (approximately 50,000-100,
from about 50,000 to about 250,000 daltons. The molecular 000 daltons) using Size exclusion chromatography and a
weight can be increased by additional processing, e.g., by refractive indeX detector. Samples of enzyme hydrolyzed
croSS-linking the hyaluronic acid. There are numerous meth eggshell membrane were tested for HA by the uronic acid
ods to crosslink hyaluronic acid. Selected patent references assay. Results showed HA concentrations between 0.1% and
describing crosslinking methods include U.S. Pat. No. 2% of the total hydrolysate. This hydrolysate represented
4,716.224 (polyfunctional epoxy compounds); U.S. Pat. No. enzyme treated eggshell membrane diluted about 1:5 in
5,099,013 (formaldehyde); U.S. Pat. No. 5,783,691 25 enzyme Solution. Therefore, the total HA content of eggshell
(phosphorus acid halides); and U.S. Pat. No. 6,030,958 membrane was between 0.5%-10% HA. This appears to be
(water Soluble carbodiimides). In addition, Selected litera the highest level of HA measured in any tissue.
ture citations include Luo, et. al., Bulpitt, et al.'', Prestwich The following Table compares the concentration of HA in
et al.'', and Tomihata, et al.' eggshell membrane to the concentration of HA in other
In one embodiment, the hyaluronic acid composition can tissues. (from Laurent, TC, Chemistry & Biology of Extra
also include a naturally occurring material derived from cellular Matrix, Academic Press, Volume 2, Pp. 763, 1970).
eggshell membrane Selected from the group consisting of a
hexosamine, chondroitin Sulfate and combinations thereof,
as discussed more fully above with respect to the hyaluronic
acid isolate. HA concentration
35 percent by Wet Weight
In yet another aspect, the invention is directed to a
composition for use with mammals, including both humans Source HA content
and animals. The composition includes hyaluronic acid
derived from eggshell membrane. The composition can also Vitreous Humor O.OO2%
Adult Skin O.O3-O.09%
include other naturally occurring constituents derived from 40 Synovial Fluid 0.14-0.36%
eggshell membrane which are useful to humans or animals. Umbilical Cord O.3%
These other constituents can include glucosamine and/or Rooster Comb
chondroitin Sulfate. 0.5-10% by uronic
Membrane acid analysis
Preferred uses of the composition include use as a lubri
cant or moisturizing agent in cosmetics or eye drops, an 45
orally administered nutraceutical or a locally administered The inventors believe that eggshell membrane is a valu
treatment for joints afflicted with osteoarthritis. able source for HA. This HA can be used in various
Thus, in another aspect, the invention is directed to a applications including cosmetics, eye drops, nutraceuticals,
method of treating a mammal having a condition which will and various other medical applications. Furthermore, the
benefit from the administration of HA, which includes 50 presence of glucosamine and chondroitin in eggshell mem
administering a composition rich in HA derived from egg brane Suggests the potential application of processed egg
shell membrane. shell membrane as a nutraceutical to treat joint pain.
In yet another aspect, the invention is directed to a method The residue following HA extraction has also been ana
for producing a product for use with mammals which lyzed for hydroxyproline content. Results showed that the
includes extracting a hyaluronic acid composition from 55 wet residue contained 4.5% hydroxyproline. Collagen is
eggshell membrane and incorporating the hyaluronic acid composed of about 13% hydroxyproline. Therefore, the total
composition in a product for use with mammals. Preferably, collagen content of the residue is about 35% of the wet
the eggshell membrane is first Separated from the egg white, weight. This collagen residue may also have important
egg yolk and eggshell prior to extracting the hyaluronic acid medical and non-medical applications. It is known that
composition. The hyaluronic acid composition can also be 60 eggshell membrane primarily contains Type I collagen. It
purified prior to incorporation into the product for use with also contains significant quantities of Type X collagen. Type
mammals. X collagen may have application in reducing or preventing
AS a result of the present invention, an extremely useful, tissue mineralization.
high grade HA can be provided, alone or along with other Therefore, in addition to preparing compositions/products
naturally-occurring beneficial components, which can be 65 containing Substantially pure HA derived from eggshell
used in compositions and treatments for mammals, i.e., membrane, the present invention also contemplates useful
animals and humans. products derived from eggshell membrane, which include
US 6,946,551 B2
7 8
combinations of naturally occurring components from the undesirable and/or detrimental for the contemplated use of
membrane, Such as combinations of the other useful com the HA isolate/composition.
ponents discussed above. Methods for Separating eggshell membrane from the
In one aspect, the present invention is a hyaluronic acid eggshell can include a purely mechanical manner as, for
isolate which includes HA derived from eggshell membrane. instance, by rolling and pulling the membranes away from
The eggshell membrane preferably contains at least about the washed shells after removal of the yoke and albumen of
0.5 wt %, more preferably at least about 1 wt %, and most fresh or uncooked eggs. Mechanical methods of Separating
preferably from about 1 to about 5 wt % hyaluronic acid. eggshell membranes from cooked eggs are also contem
The terminology "isolate' as used herein means a product plated.
or composition which is Set apart from other constituents of A combination of mechanical and chemical means of
eggshell membrane. The hyaluronic acid isolate preferably Separating the eggshell membrane from the eggshell can also
contains at least about 80 wt %, more preferably at least be used, Such as agitating coarsely chopped eggshells con
about 90 wt %, and most preferably at least about 95 wt % taining the adhering membranes in the presence of a dilute
hyaluronic acid. acid until the membrane Separates from the Shell and Sepa
The hyaluronic acid isolate can be derived from the rating the released membranes from the shells. U.S. Pat. No.
eggshell membrane by extracting a hyaluronic acid fraction 3,194,732 to Neuhauser provides a more detailed discussion
from the eggshell membrane. In one embodiment, the hyalu of methods for Separating eggshell membrane from
ronic acid fraction is purified to provide the hyaluronic acid eggshells, which is incorporated herein by reference.
isolate having a desired naturally occurring HA content. In The method also preferably includes purifying the
one embodiment, the hyaluronic acid fraction can be puri extracted hyaluronic acid composition to provide a desired
fied to provide a cosmetic grade or a pharmaceutical grade HA content. The hyaluronic acid composition preferably
hyaluronic acid. contains at least about 80 wt %, more preferably at least
The hyaluronic acid isolate can also include other natu about 90 wt %, and most preferably at least about 95 wt %
rally occurring materials derived from eggshell membrane. 25 hyaluronic acid. In one embodiment, the hyaluronic acid
These materials can be Selected from the group consisting of composition is Substantially pure hyaluronic acid.
a hexosamine, chondroitin Sulfate and combinations thereof. The method for isolating and/or purifying the HA com
The hexosamine can be Selected from the group consisting position from the eggshell membrane is generally not
of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, critical, So long as the functional characteristics of the
hexoses and mixtures thereof. In this embodiment, the extracted HA are not detrimentally altered for the contem
hyaluronic acid isolate preferably includes therapeutically plated use. Typical methods include enzymatic digestion of
effective amounts of the hexosamine (e.g., glucosamine), the HA containing Source, Separation to remove proteins and
chondroitin Sulfate or their combination. nucleic acids and purification to provide a crude extract.
The hexosamine is preferably present in an amount of at Examples of useful enzymes to carry out the enzymatic
least about 0.05, more preferably in the range of about 0.5 35 digestion include papain, chymopapain, pronase, ficin,
to about 10, and most preferably in the range of about 0.5 to pepsin, a yeast enzyme complex or other enzyme complexes
about 5 wt %. or cocktails. Additional, purification Steps typically include
The chondroitin Sulfate is preferably present in an amount repeated Steps of precipitation in an alcohol Solution and
of at least about 0.05, more preferably in the range of about redissolution in a NaCl Solution. There are numerous
0.5 to about 10, and most preferably in the range of about 0.5 40 examples of methods for isolating and/or purifying HA from
to about 5 wt %. biological Sources, e.g., animal Sources. Selected patent
The hyaluronic acid isolate is preferably free of any references describing methods to isolate and purify HA
animal body components or trace thereof, e.g., animal tissue, include U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,141,973; 4,784,990; 5,099,013;
blood or body fluid components, which are detrimental or 5,166,331; 5,316,926; 5,411,874, 5,559,104 and 5,925,626.
undesirable for the contemplated use of the HA isolate. The 45 While not being bound by theory, it is believed that the
hyaluronic acid isolate is, for example, free of animal body HA composition derived from eggshell membrane is free of,
components which can cause an inflammatory response, or at least contains a lower amount of, undesirable constitu
e.g., certain proteins. The hyaluronic acid isolate is also ents found in other known Sources of HA. For example, it is
preferably free of any by-products associated with HA believed that HA derived from animal body tissues or fluids,
derived from bacterial fermentation, which are detrimental 50 or from bacterial fermentation, will typically contain certain
or undesirable for the contemplated use of the HA isolate. amounts of other components which are detrimental or
In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method for undesirable to an animal being administer Such an HA
producing a hyaluronic acid composition which includes composition. The detrimental or undesirable components
extracting a hyaluronic acid composition from eggshell can include components found in the natural Source of the
membrane. The method preferably includes the step of 55 HA or components introduced during the processing to
Separating the eggshell membrane from the egg yolk, egg isolate and purify the HA, e.g., Solvents. Thus, it is believed
white and eggshell prior to the extracting Step. that HA derived from these known sources will contain
Typically, the Source of eggshell membrane will be from undesirable components not found in the HA compositions
cracked eggs, where the eggshell membrane is still attached derived from eggshell membrane, will contain higher levels
to the eggshell. The eggshell membrane can be separated 60 of undesirable components or will require additional pro
from the eggshell in any convenient manner. Preferably, the cessing to obtain HA comparable to HA derived from
eggshell membrane is Separated from the eggshell in the eggshell membrane.
absence of any unwanted Substance that would remain in the Accordingly, in a preferred embodiment, the HA compo
HA Source material, e.g., the eggshell membrane. Unwanted Sition derived from eggshell membrane is isolated and/or
Substances can include, for example, Solvents or other 65 purified in the absence of any required solvent (or other
chemicals that remain in the HA Source material, after the material) used to process known Sources of HA, which is
eggshell membrane is Separated from the eggshell, which are detrimental for the contemplated use of the HA composition.
US 6,946,551 B2
9 10
In another embodiment, the HA composition derived from include use as a vehicle for other pharmacological
eggshell membrane can be isolated and/or purified using a Substances, in wound healing, treatment of periodontal dis
lower amount of Solvents (or other materials) required for eases and as an osteoinductive agent. Additional uses for the
isolating and/or purifying HA derived from other known isolate(s) and/or composition(s) contemplated by the present
Sources. For example, it is contemplated that HA can be invention include all known uses for HA, Such as those
extracted from the eggshell membrane using Sterile water or described more fully in U.S. Pat. No. 5,166,331 to della
other aqueous Solutions, Such as an aqueous Solution con Valle, et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,559,104 to Romeo, et al.; and
taining 3% sodium acetate or a 0.05-0.15M sodium chloride U.S. Pat. No. 5,646,129 to Callegaro, et al.; which are
Solution. incorporated herein by reference.
In one embodiment it is contemplated that HA is extracted Thus, in another aspect, the invention is directed to a
from eggshell membrane, in the absence of organic Solvents, method of treating a mammal having a condition which will
by initially extracting the HA using aqueous Solutions. benefit from the administration of HA, which includes
Purification can be accomplished using cetylpyridinium administering a composition rich in HA derived from egg
chloride precipitation, redissolution in Sodium chloride Solu shell membrane.
tion and Subsequent treatments using diafiltration and ultra 15
In yet another aspect, the invention is directed to a method
filtration. However, it is also contemplated in other embodi for producing a product for use with mammals which
ments that organic Solvents will be used in one or more of includes extracting a hyaluronic acid composition from
the HA purification Steps. eggshell membrane and incorporating the hyaluronic acid
In yet another embodiment, the HA composition derived composition in a product for use with mammals. Preferably,
from eggshell membrane can be isolated and/or purified the eggshell membrane is first Separated from the egg white,
using fewer processing Steps or leSS costly processing than egg yolk and eggshell prior to extracting the hyaluronic acid
the processing required to obtain an HA composition derived composition. The hyaluronic acid composition can also be
from other known Sources, having the same purity as that of purified prior to incorporation into the product for use with
the HA composition derived from eggshell membrane. 25
The hyaluronic acid composition preferably contains a Although the present invention has been described with
naturally occurring hyaluronic acid having an average reference to hen eggshell membrane, one skilled in the art
molecular weight of less than about 1,000,000, more pref can easily ascertain the use of eggshell membrane from
erably in the range of from about 50,000 to about 500,000, other fowl including emu, ostrich, etc. Furthermore, in Some
and most preferably in the range from about 50,000 to about examples the present application has been described with
250,000 daltons. The molecular weight can be increased by reference to a method for eggshell membrane enzyme
additional processing, e.g., by cross-linking the hyaluronic hydrolysis and Subsequent HA extraction and purification.
acid. There are numerous methods to crosslink hyaluronic One skilled in the art can easily ascertain various methods
acid. Selected patent references describing crosslinking for eggshell membrane hydrolysis, and for extraction and
methods include U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,716,224; 5,099,013; 5,783, 35 purification of HA from eggshell membrane Sources. Such
691; and 6,030,958. In addition, selected literature refer equivalents are intended to be encompassed in the Scope of
ences have been cited above. the present invention. The present application also describes
In one embodiment, the hyaluronic acid composition can the analysis of eggshell membrane residue following HA
also include other naturally occurring materials derived from extraction. This residue contains as high content of collagen,
eggshell membrane. The other naturally occurring materials 40 as determined by measurement of hydropxyproline. One
can include any materials found in the eggshell membrane skilled in the art can easily ascertain the use of this high
that have medical or non-medical uses in combination with collagen containing material, alone or in combination with
the naturally occurring HA. Preferred materials include the extracted HA, for medical and non-medical applications.
materials Selected from the group consisting of a
hexosamine, chondroitin Sulfate and combinations thereof, EXAMPLES
as discussed more fully above with respect to the hyaluronic The following non-limiting examples have been carried
acid Solate.
out to illustrate preferred embodiments of the invention.
In yet another aspect, the invention is directed to a
composition for use with mammals, including both humans Example 1
and animals. The composition includes hyaluronic acid 50
derived from eggshell membrane. The composition can also Eggshells and attached eggshell membrane were obtained
include other naturally occurring constituents derived from from an egg breaking facility. The eggshell membrane was
eggshell membrane which are useful to humans or animals. first Separated from eggshells. Eggshell membrane was
These other constituents can include a hexosamine, e.g., collected and immediately packaged in plastic bags and
glucosamine, and/or chondroitin Sulfate. 55 placed in frozen Storage. Samples of eggshell membrane
By the Terminology “use with mammals,” is intended were later retrieved for extraction and purification of HA.
treatment of a mammal having any condition which would Samples were treated using Sterile water to extract Soluble
benefit from the administration of HA(or administration of HA and the extracted HA was then isolated and purified.
HA in combination with any other naturally occurring Purified HA was then analyzed for uronic acid using the
constituents from the eggshell membrane), as well as inclu 60 carbazole reaction. Samples of HA were also analyzed for
Sion of the composition in any product intended for use by molecular weight using HPLC techniques. Small quantities
mammals. Uses of the composition can include use as an of HA were extracted of low molecular weight, between
ingredient in cosmetics, nutraceuticals or pharmaceuticals. 50,000 and 100,000 daltons.
Preferred uses include use as a lubricant or moisturizing Example 2
agent in cosmetics or eye drops, an orally administered 65
nutraceutical or a locally administered composition for Samples of eggshell membrane were analyzed for HA
treatment of joints afflicted with osteoarthritis. Other uses content using a very Sensitive ELISA test prepared by
US 6,946,551 B2
11 12
Corgenix, Inc. This enzyme-linked binding protein assay Baker, et. al., Biochem. J., 82:352, 1962
uses a capture molecule known as hyaluronic acid binding Osuoji, C I, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 244:481-483, 1971
protein (HABP) to measure HA concentration. Samples of Cifonelli, JA, “The calorimetric estimation ofuronic acid”
eggshell membrane were shown to contain 5-10% HA. In: Methodology of Connective Tissue Research, ED: DA
Hall, Joynson-Bruvvers Ltd, Oxford, 1976, Chapter 26,
Example 3 Pp 253–256.
Armstrong, D C and Johns, MR, “Improved Molecular
Samples of eggshell membrane were Subjected to enzyme Weight Analysis of Streptococcal Hyaluronic Acid by
hydrolysis using a yeast enzyme complex. The hydrolysate Size Exclusion Chromatography' in Biotechnology
was analyzed for uronic acid using the carbazole colorimet Techniques,
ric assay. Hydrolysate was shown to contain between J. Control Release, 69:169-184, 2000
0.1-0.3% HA. Since eggshell membrane samples were 'J. Biomed. Biomater, Res., 47:152–169
diluted approximately 1:10, HA content was between 1-3% '' J. Control Release, 53:93-103, 1998
HA. '' J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 37:243-251, 1997
We claim:
Example 4 15 1. A method for producing a hyaluronic acid composition
comprising providing eggshell membrane from a mature
Samples of eggshell membrane were Subjected to enzyme fowl egg and extracting a hyaluronic acid rich fraction from
hydrolysis using a Second enzyme cocktail composed of a Said eggshell membrane.
yeast enzyme complex. The hydrolysate was analyzed for 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein Said eggshell
uronic acid using the carbazole colorimetric assay. Hydroly membrane contains from about 0.5 to 100 wt % hyaluronic
Sate was shown to contain approximately 2% HA. Since acid.
eggshell membrane was diluted approximately 1:5, the HA 3. A method according to claim 2, wherein Said eggshell
content of eggshell membrane was approximately 10%. membrane contains from 1 to 100 wit% hyaluronic acid.
4. A method according to claim 3, wherein Said eggshell
Example 5 25 membrane contains hyaluronic acid in the range of about 1
Wet eggshell membrane is treated with a yeast enzyme to about 5 wt %.
complex to reduce the eggshell membrane particles to a 5. A method according to claim 1, wherein the Step of
thick, almost clear slurry. The Slurry is diafiltered using a providing an eggshell membrane comprises the Step of
20,000 molecular weight cutoff membrane. NaCl is added to Separating Said eggshell membrane from the egg yolk, egg
the retained solution to a concentration of 0.2M and the pH white and eggshell.
adjusted to 7.2 using phosphate buffer (0.2M). After pH 6. A method according to claim 1, wherein Said hyaluronic
adjustment, 1% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) is added to acid composition contains at least about 80 wt % hyaluronic
the solution at 1:60 (v/v). After mixing for 2 hours, the CPC 7. A method according to claim 6, wherein Said hyaluronic
precipitate is removed by centrifugation or filtration and
ethanol added to the filtered HA solution at 2:1 (2 parts 35 acid composition contains at least about 90 wt % hyaluronic
ethanol to 1 part HA solution). The precipitate is then 8. A method according to claim 7, wherein Said hyaluronic
collected by centrifugation or filtration and dissolved in
0.2M NaCl in 0.2M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. HA is again acid composition contains at least about 95 wt % hyaluronic
precipitated by adding ethanol at 2:1 and the precipitate acid.
redissolved in 0.15M NaCl. The HA is again precipitated by 40 9. A method according to claim 8, wherein said hyaluronic
adding ethanol at 2:1. The final precipitate is washed in acid composition is Substantially pure hyaluronic acid.
acetone and air dried for Storage. Additional StepS may be 10. A method according to claim 1, wherein Said hyalu
included to purify HA for medical applications. ronic acid composition contains hyaluronic acid having an
All references, including patents, publications, and patent average molecular weight of less than about 1,000,000
45 daltons.
applications, mentioned in this Specification are herein 11. A method according to claim 10, wherein said hyalu
incorporated by reference in the same extent as if each ronic acid composition contains hyaluronic acid having an
independent publication, patent or patent application was average molecular weight in the range of from about 50,000
Specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by to about 500,000 daltons.
reference. 50 12. A method according to claim 11, wherein Said hyalu
Thus, while there has been disclosed what is presently ronic acid has an average molecular weight in the range from
believed to be the preferred embodiments of the invention, about 50,000 to about 250,000 daltons.
those skilled in the art will appreciate that other and further 13. A method according to claim 10, wherein the molecu
changes and modifications can be made without departing lar weight of Said hyaluronic acid is modified by increasing
from the Scope or Spirit of the invention, and it is intended 55 the average molecular weight.
that all Such other changes and modifications are included in 14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the average
an are within the Scope of the invention as described in the molecular weight of Said hyaluronic acid is increased by
appended claims. croSS-linking the hyaluronic acid.
REFERENCES 15. A method according to claim 1, wherein Said hyalu
60 ronic acid composition comprises hyaluronic acid and at
Egg Science and Technology, Eds. William J. Stadelman least one other naturally occurring constituent derived from
and Owen J. Cotterill, Food Products Press, Binghamton, eggshell membrane Selected from the group consisting of a
N.Y., 3 edition, 1990, Pps.100–101 hexosamine, chondroitin Sulfate and combinations thereof.
* Arias, et. al., Connective Tissue research, 36:21-33, 1997 16. A method according to claim 15, wherein said hex
Wu, et. al., Matrix biology, 14:507–513, 1994 65 OSamine is Selected from the group consisting of N-acetyl
Carrino, et. al., Connective Tissue Research, 35: 325-329, D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, a hexose and
1996 mixtures thereof.
US 6,946,551 B2
13 14
17. A method according to claim 15, wherein said hex least one other naturally occurring constituent derived from
osamine is present in an amount from about 0.05 to 100 wt Said eggshell membrane Selected from the group consisting
%. of a hexosamine, chondroitin Sulfate and combinations
18. A method according to claim 17, wherein said hex thereof.
osamine is present in the range of about 0.5 to about 10 wt 26. A method according to claim 23, wherein the Step of
%. providing an eggshell membrane comprises the Steps of
19. A method according to claim 18, wherein said hex providing mature fowl eggs having an eggshell, egg yolk,
osamine is present in the range of about 0.5 to about 5 wt %. egg white and eggshell membrane, in which the eggshell
20. A method according to claim 15, wherein said chon encases the egg yolk, egg white and eggshell membrane, and
droitin sulfate is present in an amount from about 0.05 to 100 breaching the eggshell to expose the egg yolk, egg white and
wt %.
21. A method according to claim 20, wherein Said chon eggshell membrane.
droitin sulfate is present in the range of about 0.5 to about 27. A method according to claim 23, wherein the step of
10 wt %. providing an eggshell membrane comprises the Steps of
22. A method according to claim 21, wherein Said chon 15 providing cracked eggs having an eggshell and an eggshell
droitin Sulfate is present in an amount of at least about 0.5 membrane attached to the eggshell, and Separating the
to about 5 wt %. eggshell membrane from the eggshell.
23. A method for producing a hyaluronic acid containing 28. A method according to claim 1, wherein the Step of
product, Said method comprising providing eggshell mem providing an eggshell membrane comprises the Steps of
brane from a mature fowl egg, extracting a hyaluronic acid providing mature fowl eggs having an eggshell, egg yolk,
rich fraction from Said eggshell membrane and incorporating egg white and eggshell membrane, in which the eggshell
Said hyaluronic acid rich fraction in a product Select from the encases the egg yolk, egg white and eggshell membrane, and
group consisting of lubricant for use in cosmetics or eye breaching the eggshell to expose the egg yolk, egg white and
drops, a moisturizing agent for use in cosmetics or eye eggshell membrane.
drops, an orally administered nutraceutical and a locally 25 29. A method according to claim 1, wherein the step of
administered composition for treatment of Osteoarthritis. providing an eggshell membrane comprises the Steps of
24. A method according to claim 23, further comprising providing cracked eggs having an eggshell and an eggshell
purifying Said hyaluronic acid rich fraction prior to the Step membrane attached to the eggshell, and Separating the
of incorporating Said fraction in Said product. eggshell membrane from the eggshell.
25. A method according to claim 23, wherein Said hyalu
ronic acid rich fraction comprises hyaluronic acid and at

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