United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,171,586 B1
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,171,586 B1
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,171,586 B1
4 15
wild 0.5
O do
0 S.
S t
g- -0.5
2. 0.5
e X
A. 0 S.
9 t
r ve
I -0.5
0.92 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
([8T1u0/-?6e)| G 86
0.1- OZ Oy 0.1-OZ 08 Oy 0.1-OZ 0/- 0,2- 08 Oy
Storage Temperature (C)
FIG. 4
0/-OZ 9 E-Oy
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 5 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
O 5 1O 15 2O 25 30 35 40
Retention Time (Minutes)
30 40
Storage Temperature ( °C)
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 7 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
0.0031 00032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036 0.0037
1/T (K)
FIG. 7
: H.
E. C 15 20 25
Retention Time (Minutes)
FIG. 8
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 8 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
O 5 10 15 20 25
Retention Time (Minutes)
FIG. 9
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 9 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
RÑ?ONUI Z ?ae! Z
Storage Temper ture (C)
5 O 15 2O 25 30
Retention Time (Minutes)
FIG. 11
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 10 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
FIG. 12
FIG. 13
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 11 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
5 y
-3s M2
S923 NA. Mu 400C
0 10 20 30 40 SO 60
Retention Time (Minutes)
FIG. 14A
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Retention Time (Minutes)
FIG. 14B
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 12 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036 0.0037
1/T (K)
FIG. 15
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 13 0f 25 US 6,171,586 B1
FIG. 16
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 14 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 15 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
80 40°C
4056789 :
FIG. 18B
47o C
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 16 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
Time (weeks)
FIG. 19A
O O 20 30 40 50
Time (weeks)
FIG. 19B
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 17 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
O 10 20 30 40 SO
Time (weeks)
FIG. 19C
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 18 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
phoA promoter
STll signal
beta-lactarinase Light Chain
STI signal
Heavy Chain-GCN4 leu zipper
lambda to terminator
Col. 1 origin
FIG. 20
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 19 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
s A S M F W F S A T N A Y A O
3. Q M T O S P S S L S A. S W G D R
9 w T T C R A O D N N Y L N
P K. w
35 N Y O K P G A L A.
Sl T S L E. S G P S G S
67 S G D Y T L S O P E.
83 F A Y Y C O N L P P T F
99 O T K E A P S
15 F S D E G T
3. C N N F A.
47 W Lu Q S O
l63 W D S D S T Y S L S
179 L. T S K A D Y E. K K W Y
95 W O C S S P V T K S F N
2. R G E C
FIG. 21A
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 21 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
Strain Genotype
1A2 W31 10 Afhua
7C1 W3110 AfhuA AphoA A(argF-lac)
23E3 W3110 A?huA AphoA A(argF-lac) deoC AdegP
49B2 W3110 AthuA AphoA A(argF-lac) deoCAdegP ilvGAfucP
49A5 W3110 AfhuA AphoA A(argF-lac) deoCAdegP ilvGAfucP AmalE
FIG. 22
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 22 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
7-17 hours
SECONDARY NOCULUM temperature and pH controlled
SECONDARY MEDUM O transferred at 10-25 OD550
FIG. 23
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 23 Of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
2.01 102.3
2 100
1.99 97.7
5 1.98 95.5 s
1.97 93.3 s
SS 1.96 91.2 9
C 1.95 89.1
1.94 87.1
1.93 85.1
O O 10 2O 30 40 50 60
Time (days)
f SS
o O
9. X.
D 3.
-10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (days)
FIG. 24B
U.S. Patent Jan. 9, 2001 Sheet 24 of 25 US 6,171,586 B1
mM Treha
FIG. 25
1OOON: 1
FIG. 26
KnOZ o] Zso,
U.S. Patent US 6,171,586 B1
«±---Z Z -
%JeuOou 94
FIG. 27
Matrix of formulations prepared for this study.
TWEEN 20 TM NaCl Mannitol Trehalose
Formulation Buffer pH (0.01% v?v) (140 mM) (4% w/v) (8% w/v)
10 mM 5.0 -- --
10 mM 5.0 -- --
10 mM 6.O -- --
10 mM 6.O -- --
10 mM 6.O -- --
polyethyleineimine (PEI) (wh), pH 6 was added to the Two pH's were compared, pH 5 (sodium acetate) and pH
homogenate to a final concentration of 0.2% PEI. The 6 (histidine). At each pH, sodium chloride and trehalose
mixture was incubated for about one hour at 2-8 C. About were compared as tonicifiers. A histidine formulation with
one volume of extraction buffer (120 mM MES, 5 mM mannitol at pH 6 was also evaluated. The presence of a
EDTA, pH 6) was added before the solids were removed by 50 surfactant (e.g. 0.01% TWEEN 20TM) was found to be
centrifugation at 15,280 g. The clear Supernatant was con required for Stabilization against Shaker-induced aggrega
ditioned to a conductivity of less than 3mohms by the tion and for preventing adsorption to containers at protein
addition of cold water. The conditioned Supernatant was concentrations below 1 mg/mL. The Stability assays indi
loaded onto a cation exchange column (ABX column; cated that the trehalose formulations were generally Superior
Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc., N.J., USA) equilibrated in 50 mM 55 to the others, with pH 5 showing slightly greater chemical
MES, pH 6.0. Sodium citrate, pH 6.0. The cation exchange Stability than the pH 6 formulation due to reduced clipping.
anti-CD18 precursor antibody pool was diluted with 50 mM Kinetic data after 2 weeks and 5 weekS Storage at 5, 30, and
MES, 36 mM sodium citrate, pH 4.0 to a concentration of 40° C. were used for Arrhenius analysis and shelf-life
approximately 2 g/L. The pool was then adjusted to pH4 by
addition of 2 M citric acid and flowed through a column prediction. Using cation eXchange HPLC, the preferred
containing immobilized pepsin (pepsin-CPG) previously 60 formulation for rhuMAb CD18 was 10 mM Sodium acetate,
equilibrated with 50 mM MES, 36 mM sodium citrate pH 8% trehalose whv, 0.01% TWEEN 20TM, pH 5.0, with a
4.0. Pepsin (Sigma, Mo., USA) was chemically coupled to predicted shelf life of 25-75 months (95% confidence
controlled pore glass (CPG) by Bioprocess Ltd., NJ, USA; intervals) at 5° C.
the CPG was activated with NalO4 followed by reduction of In designing antibody formulations, it may be useful to
Schiff base formation between CPG and pepsin using 65 analyze the Structural properties of the antibody to be
NaBH3CN). This procedure removed the zippers from the formulated, but this is not necessary. RhuMAb CD18 con
hinge region while leaving intact F(ab'). The effluent from sists of beta sheets of light (left side of the molecule in FIG.
US 6, 171586 B1
27 28
16) and heavy chains (right side of the molecule in FIG. 16) Final pH 5.92. The solution was sterile filtered into 2 L
which are structurally stabilized each by two intramolecular Nalgene bottles and stored at 5 C.
disulfides and held together by two intermolecular disulfides 2 M NaCl: 116.88 g NaCl, made up to 1 L with Milli-Q
(depicted as barrels at the bottom of FIG. 16). The CDRs water. The solution wasd sterile filtered into 1 LNalgene
(complimentarity determining regions) in the variable Seg 5
ments are oriented on the top of the molecule. Located bottles and stored at 5 C.
within and close to the CDRS are a number of methionines, 18% Mannitol: 180 g mannitol, made up to 1 L with
only one of which (Met 65) is fully exposed. Though Met 65 MilliO water. The Solution was sterile filtered into 1 L
is buried in anti-CD18, it is near a histidine residue which, Nalgene bottles and stored at 5 C.
Without being limited to any one theory, might promote 10 20% Trehalose: 400 g trehalose, made up to 2 L with
metal induced oxidation of proximal methionine (Li et al. Milli-Q water. Final pH was 6.4. The solution was
Biochem. 34(17):5762-5772 (1995)). Susceptibility to oxi- sterile filtered into 2 L Nalgene bottles and stored at 5
dation in the CDRS was assessed herein. It was found to be C
desirable to use a Sugar as the tonicifler, rather than a Salt, So
as to minimize oxidation at low pH. 15 10% (v/v) TWEEN 20TM: 10 mL of concentrated TWEEN
In assessing the potential deamidation or isomerization 20TM was carefully removed and added to a 100 mL
Sites in this molecule, i.e. ASX-Gly or ASX-Ser (ASX indicates volumetric flask, diluted with Milli-Q water, and stirred
Asp or ASn) that are in hydrophilic and flexible regions until dissolved. Stored at 2-8 C. in the dark.
(Clarke et al. in Stability of Protein Pharmaceuticals. Part Formulation: Table 2 below shows the preparation of the
A. Chemical and Physical Pathways of Protein 2 buffers against which the starting protein bulk was dialyzed
Degradation, T.J. Ahern and M. C. Manning, Editors. 1992, for this study. Approximately 40 mL of the bulk rhuMAb
Plenum Press: New York. p.2-29; and Kossiakoff, Science, CD18 (~1.3 mg/mL protein concentration) was dialyzed (2
240:191-94 (1988)), six were found to be exposed and in L for 4 hr at 5° C. and ~2 Lovernight) to solutions prepared
fairly flexible regions (FIGS. 2A and 2B). Without being as shown in Table 2. The dialyzate was filtered with 0.2 uM
limited to any one theory, heavy chain motifs MNS, Nalgene cellulose acetate filter units and Stored under asep
KNG, and light chain motifs GN'S, QD’S, KD'7°S, tic conditions for use as blank for UV and HPLC analysis.
Summary of formulation preparation
O.2 M 18% 20% Approx. Made up
buffer Mannitol Trehalose 1M NaCl Water tO
Formulation (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL) pH final pH (mL)
F1 Acet/5 2OO 560 3OOO 5.07 5.07 4OOO
F2 Acet/5 2OO 16OO 2OOO 5.17* 5.07 4OOO
F3 His/6 2OO 560 3900 6.03 6.03 4OOO
F4 His/6 2OO 889 28OO 5.85* 6.O1 4OOO
F5 His/6 2OO 16OO 2OOO 5.97 5.97 4OOO
Formulation F2 was adjusted with acetic acid buffer made by diluting 286 uL of glacial acetic
acid and 200 mL of the 20% trehalose and mixed with Milli-Q water to a final 500 mL. This is 10
mM acetic acid with 8% trehalose. Approximately 250 mL was required to adjust the pH as
required. Formulation F4 was adjusted with 0.5 mL of 50% NaOH.
Summary of final formulation concentration adjustment
and concentration determination
Effect of three cycles of freezing and thawing to 5 C.
on the Stability of rhuMAb CD18
RP-HPLC RP-HPLC SEC SEC UW Conc. UV Average Titer Specific Activity
Formulation Total Area %. Main Total Area %. Main (mg/mL) 340-360 nm. (ug/mL) (MAC-1/UV)
F15° C. 10276 - 25 88.0 - 0.1 6401 - 151 83.8 O.4 O.949 - O.OO3 O.O11 O.OO1 1000 - 32 1.05 + 0.03
-2O. C. 10341 - 106 88.2 - 0.1 6556 73 83.2 - 0.1 O.952 O.OO2 O.O12 O.OO1 948 - 28 1.OOOO3
-70° C. 10328, 13 87.5 O.O1 6353 63 83.O. O.9 0.948 0.005 0.013 - 0.004 972 - 15 1.O3 + O.O2
F2 5° C. 10537 - 4 88.5 + 0.2 6508 - 18 81.7 O.3 O.941 O.OO6 O.O17 O.OOS 1069 57 1.14 OO6
-2O. C. 10644 - 107 87.3 - O.S 6290 - 54 83.1 O.2 O.941 O.OO2 O.O12 O.OO1 1132 27 1.20 O.O3
-70° C. 10503 - 74 88.5 + 0.2 6435 - 120 82.5 + 0.8 O.938 - O.OOO O.O09 OOO2 1064 41 1.13 - 0.04
F3 5° C. 10147 SO 87.9 O.2 6311 - 65 848 - O.3 O.926 - O.OO2 O.O17 O.OO1 1017 77 1.10 O.08
-2O. C. 10050 + 43 88.4 O.OO 6404 - 39 85.6 - 0.1 O.922 O.OO7 O.O12 O.OO1 997 - 28 1.08 O.O3
-70° C. 995385 88.0 O.2 6356 52 83.9 O.2 O.926 - O.OO2 0.017 - 0.005 1021 + 26 1.O. O.O3
US 6, 171586 B1
35 36
TABLE 11-continued
Effect of three cycles of freezing and thawing to 5 C.
on the Stability of rhuMAb CD18
RP-HPLC RP-HPLC SEC SEC UW Conc. UV Average Titer Specific Activity
Formulation Total Area %. Main Total Area %. Main (mg/mL) 340-360 nm. (ug/mL) (MAC-1/UV)
F45° C. 10397 - 26 88.2 - 0.1 6304 - 148 84.5 + 1.1 O921 - O.OOO 0.010 - 0.003 905 - 18 O.98 O.O2
-20 C. 10126 - 18O 88.6 O.O3 6467 13 83.5 + 0.2 O.922 - O.OO)4 O.O14 O.OO1 1004 20 1.09 O.O3
-7O C. 1032251 88.1 - 0.1 63.273 84.7 - 1.1 O924 - O.OO)4 O.OO9 O.OOf 982 21 1.06 O.O3
FS 5° C. 10438 81 88.0 - 0.1 6418 64 85.9 0.3 O.930 - O.OO1 0.016 - 0.004 1058 - 39 1.14 - 0.04
-20 C. 10443 - 10 88.3 - 0.1 631O 11 86.5 + 0.4 O.923 - O.OO)4 O.O16 O.OO3 1010 49 1.09: 0.05
-7O C. 1035O 135 88.3 + O.OO 6340 - 58 85.5 + 0.1 O.923 - O.OO3 O.O17 O.OO6 1003 22 1.09 O.O2
Mean + SE of two vials are shown. No significant loss in monomer content or receptor binding was noticed.
temperatures. Based upon chromatographic changes Seen 60 IEF: The effect of storage for 5 weeks at different tem
upon exposure of Samples to pH 11 (see below), this method peratures was assayed by isoelectric focusing electrophore
should readily detect changes Such as deamidation and/or sis (IEF) for formulations F2 and F5. The major band
disulfide scrambling, both of which can be induced at appeared to have ap of -8.8. Three main components at pl’s
alkaline pH. ~8.75 (second most intense band), -8.6, and ~8.4 were also
65 Seen, which increase slightly with Storage, particularly at pH
Table 13 below shows the first order rate constants for the 6. The 30 and 40 C. samples showed conversion to the more
5 formulations at 5, 30, and 40° C. acidic bands. For the 40 C. samples, the bands at pl8.8 and
US 6, 171586 B1
39 40
8.75 had approximately equal intensity and there was no may have been formed either by proteolytic cleavage and/or
discernible difference between the formulations in this by disulfide scrambling, both of which may be enhanced at
regard. There were at least two more acidic bands (pl’s ~8.6 higher pH S. Reduction of the control and degraded Samples
and ~8.4), which had at least 4-fold lower intensity than the led to only the light and heavy chains, consistent with either
two most basic bands. These bands did not seem to change the cleavage to Fab, or mixed disulfide formation between
in intensity with Storage. heavy and light chains.
SDS-PAGE: The effect of storage temperature on the RhuMAb CD18 appeared to be least stable in salt formu
stability of rhuMAb CD18 formulations F2 and F5 (5 lations; at pH 5 a larger aggregate (equivalent to a trimer)
weeks) was assayed by SDS-PAGE (under reduced and appeared and at pH 6 precipitation was noted at 40 C.
nonreduced conditions). The rhuMAb CD18 appeared at a Without being bound to any one theory, one possible expla
MW of ~120 kD on the non-reduced gel. In the starting bulk nation is that NaCl does not provide hydrogen bonding, as
there were Several minor bands at higher molecular weight Sugars and mannitol do, which could potentially prevent
than the main band which may represent rhuMAb CD18 Self-association of this antibody at higher temperatures.
with various portions of the leucine-Zipper Segment Sill Based on the above preliminary data from the primary
attached. Several percent of this impurity is known to be 15
assays (IEX, SEC, and UV), the preferred aqueous formu
present in this bulk preparation. There were Several bands of lation for rhuMAb CD18 is 10 mM sodium acetate, 8%
lower MW than the main band, but only one of these bands trehalose wN, 0.01% TWEEN 20TM, pH 5.0. The shelf-life
Seemed to change in any of the formulations, or with predicted from an Arrhenius fit to the first order rate con
temperature. The band at around 45 kD increased with stants (IEX data) is 1.7 to 4 years at 5° C. (95% confidence
temperature and Seemed slightly more intense in pH 6 than intervals).This formulation can be prepared by mixing 0.573
in pH 5 formulations. This observation was consistent with mL glacial acetic acid, 0.403 mL concentration NaOH, 80 g
SEC data. The band just above the -45 kD band on the trehalose, 1 mL of a 10% TWEEN 20TM solution and making
non-reduced gels corresponded in apparent molecular up to 1 L with MilliO water (pH 5.0+0.1 at the 2 L scale).
weight with the band Seen on the reduced gels and may Conductivity of this formulation was found to be 502+10%
represent a non-reducing contaminant protein. All Species 25
microSiemenS/cm using a Radiometer-Copenhagen CDM
converted to two bands, corresponding to light and heavy 83 with a CDC 314 probe, and density was 1.017 g/mL.
chain, upon reduction with dithiothreitol, Suggesting the
absence of any proteolytic cleavage. MALDI-TOF MS EXAMPLE 2
(Yates, J. Methods Enzymol., 271:351–377 (1996)) con This example describes the production of a Stable aqueous
firmed formation of fragments that were the size of Fab'. multdose formulation comprising a recombinant humanized
Formulation pH and protein concentration: The effect of anti-CD20 antibody, rhuMAb CD20. Acetate (pH 5) formu
pH on the conformation of rhuMAb CD18 was investigated lations stored at 40 C. for one month demonstrated greater
using fluorescence spectroscopy (FIG. 17). The protein stability than those samples formulated in histidine (pH 5 or
appeared to lose tertiary Structure below pH 3, but is 35 6). The histidine formulations after accelerated temperature
unchanged in the range of pH 3 to 8. Storage became very opalescent and yellow in color. A
Based on the above observation, the effect of pH and buffering capacity of 10–30 mM acetate was sufficient to
protein concentration on the stability of rhuMAb CD18 was maintain the pH at 5.0. The effective amount of tonicity
then investigated using a central composite design protocol. modifier needed to Stabilize the antibody against freeze or
Formulations containing 10 mM Na citrate, 8% trehalose, 40 thermal induced aggregation was compared using Sodium
0.05% TWEEN 20TM containing one of the following con chloride (NaCl) or trehalose. Trehalose was found to protect
ditions were prepared: 0.5 mg/mL (pH 4.5), 5 mg/mL (pH3, the formulation from freeze induced aggregation, particu
4.5, 6), 10 mg/mL (pH 4, 5), 25 mg/mL (pH 4.5). Samples larly at levels >134 mM (500:1 molar ratio). The trehalose
were placed at 40 C. and -70° C., and analyzed after 2 formulations (67-270 mM) were much more effective than
month by IEX (FIG. 18A) and SEC (FIG. 18B). Again, pH 45 NaCl in stabilizing formulations placed at 40 C. as evi
5 was found to be the most stable condition for the protein, denced by the clarity of the solution. These results led to the
irrespective of protein concentration. development of a Stable prototype liquid multidose formu
Long Term Stability of rhuMAb CD18 Formulation: To lation comprising 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20, 25 mM
address the long term stability of the F2 formulation, dupli acetate, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol, 0.02%
cate samples in 10 mM Na acetate, 8% trehalose, 0.01% 50 polysorbate 20 at pH 5.0 that has a minimum shelf life of
TWEEN 20TM, pH 5 were prepared in 3 cc glass vials and two years storage at 2-8 C.
placed on Stability at the indicated temperatures. Analysis by MATERIALS AND METHODS
SEC (FIG. 19A) and MAC-1 binding (FIG. 19C) indicates
no change in the size distribution, aggregation State, or RhuMAb CD20: The bulk material used in all studies was
bioactivity of the protein for up to 43 weeks at 5°C; stability 55 composed of 27 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20 in 50 mM Tris and
up to ~1 mo at 30° C. is indicated. IEX shows formation of 100 mM sodium chloride at pH 7.5 or 2.7 mg/mL rhuMAb
acidic peaks (~1% after 43 weeks) that were identified to be CD20 in 25 mM Tris and 50 mM sodium chloride at pH 6.0.
deamidation by peptide mapping/MS (FIG. 19B). The bulk was stored aseptically at 2-8 C. in the absence of
CONCLUSIONS 60 Buffer exchange: The exchange of the bulk rhuMAb
Preliminary data Suggested that the primary reaction in CD20 into different test buffers was done by dialysis at 2-8
the purified rhuMAb CD18 was cleavage to species approxi C. using Spectra/Por(R 7 membranes (MWCO=8 Kda)
mately half the MW of the starting material, and that this which were rinsed thoroughly with deionized water before
reaction, as well as generation of acidic peaks on IEX and use. One Volume of antibody was dialyzed against a mini
earlier eluting peaks on HIC and RP-HPLC, were all mini 65 mum of 10 volumes of the appropriate test buffer. This
mized at pH 5 (compared to pH 6), and in trehalose process was repeated three to four times within a one day
(compared to salt or mannitol). The smaller MW species period. To obtain the final concentration of 40 mg/mL, the
US 6, 171586 B1
41 42
antibody was further concentrated using an Amicon UF/DF HIC HPLC: Samples were diluted to 10 mg/mL with
cell containing a YM30 membrane (MWCO=30 KDa). Due formulation buffer before being assayed. The antibody was
to the lower Starting concentration of the 2.7 mg/mL digested with carboxypeptidase and papain prior to analysis
material, this material was first concentrated to ~40 mg/mL of the final fragments. The method uses a TSK-GEL butyl
and then dialyzed against the appropriate test buffer. After NPR (4.6x35 mm) column. The temperature of the column
the target concentration was reached and the buffer eXchange is controlled at 35 C. during the assay. Elution of the
completed, trehalose, benzyl alcohol and polySorbate 20 antibody fragments is induced by changes in the ammonium
were added to the final concentrations described in Tables 15
to 17 below. The liquid multdose C2B8 candidate formula Sulfate gradient. The total run time of the assay is forty
tion was 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20 formulated in 25 mM minutes and the flow rate is 1 ml/min. A protein load of 5-10
acetate, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol and 0.02% 1O tug is injected and the detection is monitored by UV absor
polysorbate 20 at pH 5.0. The formulation was then sterile bance at 214 nm.
filtered through a 0.2u membrane and the concentration was UV spectrophotometric Scan: For protein concentration
determined by UV spectrophotometric scan. A 0.5 ml of determination, samples were accurately diluted 1:100 with
each final formulation was then filled into Sterile 3 cc glass formulation buffer. The absorbance at 280,320 and 350 were
Vials, Stoppered with teflon faced grey butyl rubber Stoppers 15 read with an Hewlett Packard 8451A diode array spectro
and then capped with crimp Seals. photometer against the same formulation buffer as blank.
The protein concentration was calculated by Subtracting
TABLE 1.5 A from Aso and dividing by an extinction coefficient of
pH and buffer species comparison study
For turbidity evaluation, Samples were Scanned without
Concentration of Concentration
rhuMAb CD20 of buffer Storage Temperature
dilution on an Hewlett Packard 8451A diode array spectro
(mg/mL) species (mM) pH ( C.) photometer and the average absorbance in the range of
340-360 nm was determined. Water was used as the blank.
40 50 mM Acetate 5.0 2-8, 40, 50 Accelerated stability studies: The vials were stored
40 50 mM Histidine 5.0 2-8, 40, 50 25
40 50 mM Histidine 6.O 2-8, 40, 50 upright in temperature-controlled rooms or incubators at
2–8, 30, 40 or 50° C. Two to three vials were removed at
All formulations contain 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol and finite times and the protein degradation monitored by the
0.02% polysorbate 20. stability indicating assays (SEC HPLC, HIC HPLC, UV
Spectrophotometric Scan to determine protein concentration
TABLE 16 and turbidity, as well as pH measurement). In addition,
Samples were Subjected to the complement dependent cell
Acetate buffering capacity study cytotoxicity assay as described below to assess bioactivity.
Concentration of rhuMAb Freeze-thaw Studies: Samples were exposed to a mini
CD20 (mg/mL) mM Acetate Storage temperature (C.) 35 mum of two hours of freezing at -70° C. followed by a room
temperature thaw (<45 minutes). Each cycle was composed
40 1O 2-8, 40 of one freeze followed by one thaw excursion. Three vials
40 15 2-8, 40
40 2O 2-8, 40 were removed per formulation after one, three and five
40 25 2-8, 40 consecutive freeze-thaw cycles and the Stability monitored
40 3O 2-8, 40 40 by SEC HPLC and UV spectrophotometric scan to measure
All formulations contain 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol and
the turbidity and protein concentration.
0.02% polysorbate 20 at pH 5.0. Complemnent Dependent Cytotoxicity Assay (CDC): The
bioactivity of the stability samples was determined by the
CDC assay described in Gazzano Santoro et al., J. Immunol.
TABLE 1.7 45 Meth. 202:163–171 (1997), except that human complement
Effective ratio of tonicity modifier: rhuMAb CD20 study (rather than rabbit complement) was used. The percent
bioactivity of the test Sample was determined as follows,
Molar ratio of mM trehalose or sodium
Tonicity modifier sugarfsalt:rhuMAb CD20 chloride (CDC assay mg/mL of samplef
% bioactivity = protein concentration of sample) X 100
Trehalose O O
Trehalose 250:1 67 (CDC assayy mg
mg/mL of referencef
Trehalose SOO:1 134
Trehalose 1OOO:1 267 protein concentration reference)
Sodium Chloride SOO:1 134
Sodium Chloride 1OOO:1 267
55 The protein concentration of the test Sample and reference
A). All formulations contained 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20, 20 mM acetate, control were determined by UV spectrophotometric Scan.
0.9% benzyl alcohol and 0.02% polysorbate 20 at pH 5.0.
B). A freeze-thaw comparison study was completed for the trehalose for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mulations. The stability of all formulations at 2-8 and 40° C. was con
ducted in parallel. pH and buffer species: Decreasing the pH from 7.5 to 5.0
SEC HPLC: Samples were diluted to 10 mg/mL with 60 of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20 formulated in histidine and
formulation buffer before being assayed. The method uses a trehalose virtually eliminated oxidation of the antibody even
TSKG3000 SWXL column (TosoHaas) with a mobile phase after two months storage at 40° C. (FIG.24B). There is also
consisting of 0.2M potassium phosphate, 0.25M potassium a decline in the rate of aggregation but the difference below
chloride, pH.7. The Socratic flow rate is 0.5 mLlmin with a pH 6.5 is slight (FIG.24A). Further reduction in aggregation
total run time of 30 minutes. The amount of protein injected 65 rate may require a decrease in the protein concentration. A
is 200 up and the UV absorbance at 280 nm is used as the Stable formulation appears to require a pH in the acidic
mode of detection. range.
US 6, 171586 B1
43 44
To differentate between the effect of buffer species and the
effect of pH, histidine (5 or 6) and acetate (5), multdose TABLE 1.9
formulations were compared after storage at 2–8, 40 or The effect of buffer species and pH on the percentage
50° C. The samples were stored at 50° C. as a way of quickly unoxidized Fe and percentage monomer of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb
determining the relative stability between the formulations CD20 multidose formulations containing 50 mM acetate or
with the caveat that the degradation observed was not histidine, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol and 0.02%
polysorbate 20 at pH S or 6.
necessarily predictive of that seen at 2-8 C. Storage.
%. Unoxidized Fc % Monomer
Formulation Temperature (HIC HPLC) (SEC HPLC)
The visual clarity of the formulations and the turbidity as
measured by UV spectrophotometric scan (340–360 nm) Acetate pH 5 2-8 C. 93.9 99.4
after four (50° C.) and eight (2–8, 40°C.) weeks storage is Histidine pH 5 2-8 C. 99.1 99.4
Histidine pH6 2-8 C. 99.3 98.5
described in Tab Both histidine formulations were more 15 T = 8 weeks
opalescent than the acetate at all temperatures Studied. After
Acetate pH 5 40° C. 96.5 90.4
two weeks storage at 50 C., the histcline at pH 5 had formed Histidine pH 5 40° C. 87.O 87.4
a Solid opaque gel while the Sibling formulation at pH 6 was Histidine pH 6 40° C. 81.7 93.9
visually cloudy and yellow in color by four weeks. The
histidine formulations stored at 40 C. also turned yellow. Since the acetate pH 5 formulation had only a slightly
Without being bound to any one theory, the color formation higher aggregation rate, did not turn yellow upon Storage at
is likely due to the oxidation of histidine and is more high temperatures and had the greatest clarity under all
apparent in this study due to the high concentration of conditions Studied, it was chosen as the buffer Species and
histidine used (50 mM). No differences were observed at 25
pH of choice for all Subsequent liquid C2B8 multidose
2-8 C. storage relative to the initial timepoint. formulation Screens.
Amount of buffering Species: The amount of acetate
TABLE 1.8 which maintained the pH of a 40 mg/mL C2B8 multidose
formulation at 5.0 was determined. Summarized in Table 20
The effect of buffer species and pH on the appearance is the effect on pH as the acetate buffer concentration was
and clarity of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20 multidose formulations increased from 10 to 30 mM. At two and four weeks there
containing 50 mM acetate or histidine, 150 mM trehalose,
0.9% benzyl alcohol and 0.02% polysorbate 20 at pH S or 6. appeared to be a slight advantage in Staying above 15 mM
acetate, although this did not hold true upon long term
Turbidity Storage. No change was seen in the pH in any of the test
Avg. O.D. formulations studied after one years storage at 2-8 C. A
Formulation Temperature Appearance 340-360 nm. 35
range of 10 to 30 mM acetate is sufficient to maintain the pH
T = 8 weeks at 5.0.
Acetate pH 5 ea 0.051 - 0.001
Histidine pH 5 ea 0.065 + 0.0002
Histidine pH 6 ea O.O68 O.OO1
Acetate pH 5 palescent O.16 O.OO2 The effect of acetate buffer concentration on maintaining
Histidine pH 5 Light yellow, 0.28 0.015 the pH of liquid rhuMAb CD20 multidose formulations at 5.0.
Opalescent The formulations were composed of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20, 10
Histidine pH 6 Light yellow, O.36 O.O26 to 30 mM acetate, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol,
Opalescent 0.02% polySOrbate 20 at pH 5.0.
= 4 weeks 45
mM pH (weeks
Acetate pH 5 50° C. Very Opalescent O.61 O.OO7
Histidine pH 5 50° C. Firm opaque gel ND1 Acetate O 2 4 56
Histidine pH 6 50° C. Cloudy, yellow solution 1.30 - 0.2O
2-8 C.
"The turbidity was not determined (N/D) due to the gelation of the 1O S.O3 5.12 5.11 S.OO
sample. 50
15 5.07 5.12 5.14 5.06
2O 5.04 5.04 5.04 S.OO
25 S.O1 S.OO 5.02 4.98
3O S.O1 S.OO 5.02 4.98
40° C.
The stability was also monitored by HIC and SEC HPLC
methods. After eight weeks storage at 40 C., the acetate pH 1O 5.12 5.14
15 5.10 5.17
5 formulations were unchanged while the histidine pH 6 2O 5.08 5.10
formulations had a 18 percent reduction in unoxidized Fc 25 5.05 5.05
relative to the initial bmepoint (Table 19). The percentage 3O S.O3 5.05
monomer decreased in all formulations stored at 40 C. with
the histidine pH 6 being slightly more stable. This reduction Ratio of tonicity modifier: protein: The addition of tre
was attributed to the formation of a high molecular weight halose was beneficial to the stability of rhuMAb CD20
aggregate(s) eluting at the Void Volume, a lagging shoulder multdose formulations after multiple freeze/thaw cycles
on the monomer peak and lower molecular weight Species. (FIG.25). A decrease in the formation of Soluble aggregates
The protein concentration and pH were also measured, 65 was observed as the concentration of trehalose in the for
except in the case of gelation, and no changes were observed mulation was increased. At a ratio of 500 moles trehalose:1
over the duration of the study. mole C2B8 (134 mM trehalose), the percentage of aggregate
US 6, 171586 B1
45 46
formed was only 0.5% after five freeze-thaw cycles while Stability in the liquid State. The candidate liquid multidose
the control formulation containing no isotonicity modifier formulation preferably contains at least 500:1 molar ratio of
formed 4% aggregate. Having at least a 500 fold molar trehalose to C2B8.
excess of trehalose in the liquid C2B8 formulation offered
Sufficient protection against freeze induced aggregation. Stability of candidate liquid multidose formulation: Based
The ability of trehalose to stabilize rhuMAb CD20 during on the aforementioned Studies, a protoype liquid multidose
accelerated temperature Storage was Studied and compared formulation composed of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20, 25 mM
to Sodium chloride. acetate, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl alcohol and 0.02%
FIG. 26 describes the effect of excess molar ratios of polysorbate 20 at pH 5.0 was placed on stability at 2-8, 30
trehalose or sodium chloride on the clarity of test formula C. and 40° C. The stability profile by SEC HPLC at each
tions stored at 40 C. Sodium chloride is deleterious to the temperature studied is shown in FIG. 28. Although the rate
stability. After two weeks storage at 40 C., the 500:1 ratio of aggregation is slightly faster at 40 C. for the multidose
sample had an O.D. of 0.44. At a 1000:1 molar ratio, the formulation (40 mg/mL) compared to the reference control
Sodium chloride containing formulation Separated into a two (10 mg/mL rhuMAb CD20, 25 mM citrate, 150 mM sodium
phase System composed of an opaque gel covered with an 15 chloride, 0.07% polysorbate 80 at pH 6.5), no decrease in
opalescent fluid on top. In contrast, there was little change percentage monomer was observed upon Storage at 2-8 C.
in the solution clarity of the samples containing 0 to 1000:1 for two years. The bioactivity of the two year old 2-8 C.
molar ratio of trehalose even after one months storage at 40 samples was 99.2% relative to the reference control as
C. Although the 2-8 C. formulations were unchanged from determined by the CDC assay.
the initial bmepoint, the Sodium chloride containing Samples
were more opalescent. CONCLUSIONS
The effect of trehalose on minimizing the Soluble aggre
gate formation was assessed by SEC HPLC (FIG. 27). No The above Screening Studies indicated that a stable high
differences were observed between the trehalose formula 25 concentration rhuMAb CD20 liquid multidose formulation
tions and the negative control which contained no tonicity was possible by buffering with acetate, maintaining the pH
modifier. The formulations appeared to degrade at the same at 5 and including preferably at least about 500 moles of
rate to the same products upon Storage at 40 C. The pH and trehalose per mole of antibody. The preferred liquid multi
concentration were also maintained over the duration of the dose configuration is composed of 40 mg/mL rhuMAb
Study . CD20, 25 mM acetate, 150 mM trehalose, 0.9% benzyl
The presence of trehalose is beneficial in minimizing alcohol and 0.02% polysorbate 20 at pH 5 and has a shelf life
freeze-induced aggregation and is not deleterious to the of two years at 2-8 C.
Gly Ser Leu Arg Teu Ser Cys Ala Thir Ser Gly Tyr Thr Phe Thr
20 25 30
Glu Thir Met His Trp Met Arg Glin Ala Pro Gly Gly Teu
35 40 45
Glu Trp Wall Ala Gly Ile Asn. Pro Asn Gly Gly Thr Ser His
5O 55 60
Asn Glin Arg Phe Met Asp Arg Phe Thir Ile Ser Wall Asp Ser
65 70 75
Thr Ser Thir Ala Tyr Met Glin Met Asn Ser Lieu Ala Glu Asp
85 90
Thr Ala Val Tyr Tyr Ala Arg Trp Arg Gly Telu Asn Gly
95 100 105
US 6, 171586 B1
47 48
Phe Asp Val Arg Tyr Phe Asp Val Trp Gly Glin Gly Thr Leu Val
10 15 20
Thr Val Ser Ser Ala Ser Thr Lys Gly Pro Ser Val Phe Pro Leu
25 30 35
Ala Pro Ser Ser Lys Ser Thr Ser Gly Gly Thr Ala Ala Leu Gly
Cys Leu Val Lys Asp Tyr Phe Pro Glu Pro Val Thr Val Ser Trp
Asn Ser Gly Ala Leu Thir Ser Gly Val His Thr Phe Pro Ala Val
Leu Glin Ser Ser Gly Leu Tyr Ser Leu Ser Ser Val Val Thr Val
Pro Ser Ser Ser Leu Gly. Thr Glin Thr Tyr Ile Cys Asn Val Asn
200 2O5 210
His Lys Pro Ser Asn. Thir Lys Val Asp Llys Lys Val Glu Pro Lys
215 220 225
Ser Cys Asp Llys Thr His Thr Cys Pro Pro Cys Pro Ala Pro Glu
230 235 240
Gly Asp Arg Val Thr Ile Thr Cys Arg Ala Ser Glin Asp Ile Asn
2O 25 30
Asn Tyr Lieu. Asn Trp Tyr Glin Gln Lys Pro Gly Lys Ala Pro Lys
35 40 45
Leu Leu Ile Tyr Tyr Thr Ser Thr Leu. His Ser Gly Val Pro Ser
50 55 60
Arg Phe Ser Gly Ser Gly Ser Gly Thr Asp Tyr Thr Leu Thir Ile
65 70 75
Ser Ser Leu Gln Pro Glu Asp Phe Ala Thr Tyr Tyr Cys Glin Glin
8O 85 9O
Gly Asn Thr Leu Pro Pro Thr Phe Gly Glin Gly Thr Lys Val Glu
95 OO O5
Ile Lys Arg Thr Val Ala Ala Pro Ser Val Phe Ile Phe Pro Pro
10 15 20
Ser Asp Glu Gln Leu Lys Ser Gly Thr Ala Ser Val Val Cys Lieu
25 30 35
Lieu. Asn. Asn. Phe Tyr Pro Arg Glu Ala Lys Val Glin Trp Llys Val
40 45 5O
Asp Asn Ala Leu Glin Ser Gly Asn. Ser Glin Glu Ser Val Thr Glu
55 60 65
Gln Asp Ser Lys Asp Ser Thr Tyr Ser Leu Ser Ser Thr Leu Thr
70 75 8O
Leu Ser Lys Ala Asp Tyr Glu Lys His Lys Val Tyr Ala Cys Glu
85 90 95
US 6, 171586 B1
49 SO
Val Thr His Glin Gly Leu Ser Ser Pro Val Thr Lys Ser Phe Asn
200 2O5 210
Leu Ser Lys Asn Tyr His Leu Glu Asn. Glu Val Ala Arg Lieu Lys
2O 25 30
Ser Ile Ala Thr Asn Ala Tyr Ala Asp Ile Gln Met Thr Glin Ser
-5 1 5
Pro Ser Ser Leu Ser Ala Ser Val Gly Asp Arg Val Thr Ile Thr
10 15 20
Cys Arg Ala Ser Glin Asp Ile Asn. Asn Tyr Lieu. Asn Trp Tyr Glin
25 30 35
Glin Lys Pro Gly Lys Ala Pro Llys Lieu Lieu. Ile Tyr Tyr Thr Ser
40 45 5O
Thr Leu. His Ser Gly Val Pro Ser Arg Phe Ser Gly Ser Gly Ser
55 60 65
Gly Thr Asp Tyr Thr Leu Thir Ile Ser Ser Leu Gln Pro Glu Asp
70 75 8O
Phe Ala Thr Tyr Tyr Cys Glin Glin Gly Asn Thr Leu Pro Pro Thr
85 9O 95
Phe Gly Glin Gly Thr Lys Val Glu Ile Lys Arg Thr Val Ala Ala
OO 105 110
Pro Ser Val Phe Ile Phe Pro Pro Ser Asp Glu Gln Leu Lys Ser
15 120 125
Gly Thr Ala Ser Val Val Cys Leu Leu Asn Asn Phe Tyr Pro Arg
30 135 140
Glu Ala Lys Val Glin Trp Llys Val Asp Asn Ala Leu Glin Ser Gly
45 15 O 155
Asn Ser Glin Glu Ser Val Thr Glu Glin Asp Ser Lys Asp Ser Thr
60 1.65 170
Tyr Ser Lieu Ser Ser Thr Lieu. Thir Lieu Ser Lys Ala Asp Tyr Glu
US 6, 171586 B1
175 18O 185
Lys His Lys Val Tyr Ala Cys Glu Val Thr His Glin Gly Lieu Ser
190 195 200
Ser Pro Val Thr Lys Ser Phe Asin Arg Gly Glu Cys
210 214
Ser Ile Ala Thr Asn Ala Tyr Ala Glu Wall Glin Teu Wall Glu Ser
-5 1
Gly Gly Gly Telu Wall Glin Pro Gly Gly Ser Teu Arg Teu Ser Cys
10 15 20
Ala Thr Ser Gly Thr Phe Thr Glu Thr Met His Trp Met
25 30 35
Arg Glin Ala Pro Gly Gly Telu Glu Trp Wall Ala Gly Ile Asn
40 45 5O
Pro Asn Gly Gly Thr Ser His Asn Glin Arg Phe Met Asp
55 60 65
Phe Thr Ile Ser Wall Asp Ser Thr Ser Thr Ala Met Glin
70 75 8O
Met Asn Ser Telu Arg Ala Asp Thr Ala Wall Ala
85 9O 95
Arg Trp Arg Gly Teu Asn Gly Phe Asp Wall Arg Phe
OO O5 10
Wall Trp Glin Gly Thr Teu Thr Wall Ser Ser Ser Thr
Gly Ser Wall Phe Pro Ala Pro Ser Ser Ser Thr
Pro Glu Wall Thr Wall Ser Asn Ser Gly Ala Thr Ser
Gly Wall Thr Phe Pro Ala Telu Glin Ser Ser Teu Tyr
Ser Telu Ser Ser Wall Wall Thr Pro Ser Ser Ser Teu Thr
9O 200
Glin Thr Ile Asn Wall Asn His Pro Ser Asn Thr Lys
2O5 210 215
Wall Asp Lys Wall Glu Pro Lys Ser Asp Thr His Thr
220 225 230
Pro Pro Pro Ala Pro Glu Telu Telu Gly Arg Met Lys
235 240 245
Glin Telu Glu Asp Wall Glu Glu Telu Telu Ser Asn His
25 O 255 260
Teu Glu Asn Glu Wall Ala Arg Telu Teu Wall Gly Glu Arg
265 27 O 275 277
US 6, 171586 B1
57 58
What is claimed is: 19. The formulation of claim 18 wherein the preservative
1. A stable aqueous pharmaceutical formulation compris is benzyl alcohol.
ing a therapeutically effective amount of an antibody not 20. The formulation of claim 15 wherein the antibody is
Subjected to prior lyophilization, an acetate buffer from present in an amount of about 30-50 mg/mL.
about pH 4.8 to about 5.5, a surfactant and a polyol, wherein 21. The formulation of claim 20 wherein the buffer is
the formulation lacks a tonicifying amount of Sodium chlo 10–30 mM sodium acetate at pH 5, the polyol is trehalose in
ride. an amount of about 2-10% w/v, the surfactant is polysorbate
2. The formulation of claim 1 which is isotonic. in an amount of about 0.01-0.1% V/V, wherein the formu
3. The formulation of claim 1 which is stable at a lation further comprises benzyl alcohol as a preservative and
temperature of about 2-8 C. for at least one year. wherein the formulation is stable at a temperature of about
4. The formulation of claim 1 which is stable following 2-8 C. for at least two years.
freezing and thawing of the formulation. 22. An article of manufacture comprising a container
5. The formulation of claim 1 which is stable at about 30 holding a Stable aqueous pharmaceutical formulation com
C. for at least one month. prising a therapeutically effective amount of an antibody not
6. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the polyol is a 15
Subjected to prior lyophilization, an acetate buffer from
nonreducing Sugar. about pH 4.8 to about 5.5, a surfactant and a polyol, wherein
7. The formulation of claim 6 wherein the nonreducing the formulation lacks a tonicifying amount of Sodium chlo
Sugar is trehalose. 23. A method for Stabilizing an antibody in an aqueous
8. The formulation of claim 6 wherein the nonreducing pharmaceutical formulation by combining a therapeutically
Sugar is Sucrose. effective amount of an antibody not Subjected to prior
9. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the antibody is an lyophilization, an acetate buffer from about pH 4.8 to about
antibody fragment.
10. The formulation of claim 9 wherein the antibody 5.5, a Surfactant and a polyol, wherein the formulation lackS
fragment is a F(ab'). a tonicifying amount of Sodium chloride.
11. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the antibody binds 25
24. A Stable aqueous pharmaceutical formulation com
CD18. prising a therapeutically effective amount of an antibody not
12. The formulation of claim 1 which is stable at a subjected to prior lyophilization, a 10-30 mM acetate buffer
temperature of about 2-8 C. for at least two years. at pH 5.0, a Surfactant, and trehalose at a concentration of at
13. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the antibody least 134 mM, wherein the formulation lacks a tonicifying
amount of Sodium chloride.
concentration in the formulation is from about 0.1 to about
50 mg/mL. 25. The formulation of claim 24 wherein the antibody
binds CD18 or CD2O.
14. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the Surfactant is
26. The formulation of claim 25 wherein the CD18
a polySorbate. binding antibody is a F(ab')2 fragment.
15. The formulation of claim 1 wherein the antibody binds 27. An article of manufacture comprising a container
CD2O. 35
16. The formulation of claim 15 wherein the acetate is holding the formulation of claim 25.
present in an amount of about 5–30 mM. 28. The formulation of claim 1, wherein the acetate buffer
17. The formulation of claim 16 wherein the acetate is is at pH 5.0.
present in an amount of 10–30 mM. 29. The formulation of claim 28, wherein the antibody
binds CD20.
18. The formulation of claim 15 further comprising a 40