Standard STD 5051,16: Text Marking On Parts

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Standard STD 5051,16

Volvo Group

Issue date October 2016 Issue 16 Page 1 (41)

The English language version is the original and the reference in case of dispute.


Text marking on parts

Marking of parts

This issue differs from issue 15 in that incorrect references for the designations “V” and “X” in table 3
have been corrected.

1 Scope and field of application ......................................................................................................... 2
2 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................................... 2
3 Location and visibility....................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Volvo brand marking ........................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Supplier brand marking – when applicable ......................................................................................... 3
3.4 Supplier serial number ........................................................................................................................ 3
4 Indication of marking in design-engineering documentation ...................................................... 3
5 Marking methods............................................................................................................................... 5
6 Basic markings .................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Volvo brand marking ........................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Part number......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Country of origin .................................................................................................................................. 8
6.4 Special requirements for the United States ........................................................................................ 8
6.5 Designations ........................................................................................................................................ 8
7 Supplementary markings ............................................................................................................... 11
8 Brand markings ............................................................................................................................... 14
8.1 The VOLVO and VOLVO PENTA wordmarks .................................................................................. 14
8.2 The UD Trucks brand mark ............................................................................................................... 15
8.3 The SDLG brand mark ...................................................................................................................... 18
8.4 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark ............................................................................................... 19
8.5 The PREVOST brand mark ............................................................................................................... 21
8.6 The NOVABUS brand mark .............................................................................................................. 21
8.7 The MACK brand marking ................................................................................................................. 22
8.8 The EICHER brand mark .................................................................................................................. 26
9 Text height ....................................................................................................................................... 28
9.1 Volvo.................................................................................................................................................. 29
9.2 UD Trucks ......................................................................................................................................... 30
9.3 Renault Trucks .................................................................................................................................. 31
9.4 Prevost .............................................................................................................................................. 31
9.5 Nova Bus ........................................................................................................................................... 32
9.6 Mack Trucks ...................................................................................................................................... 32

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Volvo Group

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9.7 Eicher ................................................................................................................................................ 33

10 Text style for the other text ............................................................................................................ 33
11 Relative position of text on marked part....................................................................................... 34
12 Associated standards ..................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix A Marking examples ............................................................................................................. 36
Appendix B Discontinued basic markings .......................................................................................... 39
Appendix C Discontinued supplementary markings .......................................................................... 40
Appendix D Discontinued Volvo wordmark sizes ............................................................................... 41

1 Scope and field of application

This standard specifies how parts shall be marked or branded. Which parts shall be marked and what
information the marking shall contain is not addressed here, as this is decided in local instructions at the
respective Volvo Group entity.

The standard applies to direct marking on parts. In relevant sections, it may also be used for indirect
marking, such as marking of packages.

Marking may include branding when requested by the brands.

If the manufacturer needs to make its own marking to facilitate handling, for example, this can be
accepted by the responsible Volvo Group entity on condition that the function of the part is not
jeopardized. However, this marking shall be placed completely separate from the Volvo Group entity
marking. The supplier’s marking shall be approved by the Volvo Group entity.

2 Terms and definitions

Volvo brand marking
In this standard Volvo brand marking refers to marking with one or more of the various Volvo Group

3 Location and visibility

3.1 General
The marking shall be located in such a way that the function of the part is not affected and the marking
must be legible when required.
Any application of the Volvo Group product emblems and wordmark logotypes must be approved by
Product Design and Aftermarket brand representatives.

3.2 Volvo brand marking

When Volvo brand marking is required it shall be located in a visible area of the part.
It shall be proportional in size to the physical size of the part and the area where it is located.
The area selected shall be non-critical and should not be affected by further processing or assembly

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Volvo Group

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3.3 Supplier brand marking – when applicable

As a general rule, a manufacturer’s/supplier’s trademark/logotype shall not be present on the part.
However, European law sometimes allows a supplier trademark/logotype on Volvo products. In these
cases, Volvo demands compliance with the following conditions for this to happen:

− All supplier brand markings shall be approved by the brand representatives.

− Only tier-1 supplier brand markings may appear.

− The Volvo brand marking must be equally or more prominent than the tier-1 supplier’s marking,
irrespective of whether the component is installed in the vehicle.

− The tier-1 supplier’s brand marking shall be clearly separate from the Volvo brand marking.

− The tier-1 supplier’s brand marking shall not be visible to the customer during normal vehicle use.

− Other tier-1 supplier markings, e.g. to facilitate handling, may be accepted, provided that this
does not jeopardize the form, fit or function of the part. However, such marking shall be placed
clearly separate from the specified Volvo marking and must not be visible to the customer during
normal use of the product or component. The supplier’s additional marking may only contain
information that will support manufacturer traceability of the part. The supplier’s part number, or
similar, shall not be included in the marking.

3.4 Supplier serial number

When Volvo requires that a part be marked with the supplier’s serial number to ensure traceability, this
number shall be easy to distinguish from other numerical information.

Unless otherwise agreed, it is recommended that the serial number be indicated using the “S/N:” string of

4 Indication of marking in design-engineering documentation

In the technical documentation (drawings, etc.), the marking shall be given as follows:

The marking symbol shall consist of a square. It shall be placed so that its diagonals are parallel to the
sides of the drawing. The surface onto which the marking shall be applied shall be shown with a leader
line drawn from one of the corners of the square. The leader line shall terminate in a point (surface of part
or limited surface area) or an arrow (edge of part) as shown by the example in figure 1a.

The placement of the marking on parts shall be clearly indicated in the technical documentation.

For indication of the opposite (hidden) surface, a dashed leader line is used as per figure 1b.

If several different markings have been indicated, they shall be marked by a digit in the symbol for
marking as shown by the example in figure 1a.

If the marking area shall be limited, this must be indicated with a long-dashed, double-dotted, narrow line.
Its dimension and placement shall be given in accordance with the example in figure 1a.

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Fig. 1a Fig. 1b

The symbol with an arrow or with a point shall be placed by the relevant figure in the drawing

The marking requirement shall be placed near the symbol or in the text space. See example below.

MARKED ACCORDING TO STD 5051,16 Section Table

MET 2.1.1 - 1G - HPS1 - 25

Brand marking size / Text height 9 5–11

Supplementary markings 7 3

Basic marking 6 2

Marking method 5 1

Fig. 2

If the marking text shall be read in a specific direction, an arrow showing the direction of reading shall be
indicated, see figure 1.

In addition to this, the number of lines necessary for marking (when deviating from section 11) and
specific colour requirements for the respective brand marking can be specified in plain text.

For parts with common design-engineering documentation (e.g. multi-part drawings) but with different
trademarks, this shall be indicated in accordance with the following examples:

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Alternative 1

1) For part number 12345670:


MET 1.1 – 1G – 6.5

2) For part number 12345671:


MET 1.1 – 23G – L50

Alternative 2


12345670 MET 1.1 – 1G – 25
12345671 MET 1.1 – 23G – L50

See Appendix A for more marking examples.

5 Marking methods
The method number shall be indicated by one, two, or three digits, separated by point(s). If only one digit
has been given for a method comprising alternative marking variants as per table 1, any of the given
alternatives is acceptable.

When durable branding is required another method than specified in the table below may be accepted,
under condition that the branding is legible during the component’s entire life.

Table 1
Method No. Marking method Remarks
1 Marking in connection with casting, Parts and blanks formed by casting, injection
forging or other type of forming: moulding, forging or some other method.
Durable branding

1.1 Marking text raised on the finished

1.2 Marking text indented in the finished
1.3 Marking text raised in an indented The raised text in the indented area shall not go
marking area on the finished part above the normal surface of the part. The depth shall
be indicated where required.

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Method No. Marking method Remarks

2 Various durable marking methods: Marking methods which produce a permanent
identification visible even after painting, plating, etc.
Used, for instance, for sheet metal and leather parts,
and when remarking cast and forged parts. In
unfavourable cases, this may reduce tensile strength.

2.1.1 Punching (by pressing, rolling or

2.1.2 Embossing
2.1.3 Marking using a vibro pen
2.2.1 Etching (with acid)
2.2.2 Etching (electro-chemical)
2.3.1 Engraving
2.3.2 Scribing
2.4 Sparking (electrical arc scribing)
2.5 Marking using a laser beam
3 Marking plate: Used, for instance, for certain pressed sheet metal
parts and for components bought in the finished

3.1 Screwed plate

3.2 Riveted plate
3.3 Spot-welded plate
3.4 Soldered plate
4 Adhesion: Non-durable marking method used, for instance, for
plastics and rubber parts and for components bought
in the finished stage.

4.1 Label (adhesive)

4.2 Decal (decalcomania)
4.3 Band (tape)

5 Stamping, Stenciling or Painting Used for instance on mandrel vulcanized rubber parts
Non-durable branding

and also on parts made of metal, plastic, fibre, paper,

leather and cork. Unless otherwise specified, the
marking colour is at the suppliers’ discretion, but it
shall contrast with the final colour of the furnished
part. The logotype can be printed on the original
material. May be carried out as screen print.
Considered non-durable as it may become invisible
after painting, plating, etc.
Branding may not be painted over unless the
branding is visible after painting and with due
consideration to the part material and quality of the
5.1 With dye
5.2 With ink This can be considered durable branding in some
applications (refer to the branding guidelines)

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Method No. Marking method Remarks

5.3 With paint This can be considered durable branding in some
applications (refer to the branding guidelines)
5.4 Paint pen Paint pen shall not be used if the logotype and/or
branding is required. The application with a paint pen
is usually free hand, and the text height should be
selected accordingly.
6 Marking on rubber:

6.1 Vulcanization Mandrel vulcanized rubber parts

6.2 Hot stamping Free vulcanized rubber hose
1) BDAT level 2
2) BDAT level 3

6 Basic markings
This section describes the basic marking designations used for text marking on parts. In addition to this,
supplementary marking designations in accordance with section 7 can be used.
The general requirement is that the marking shall be kept together and structured as shown in section 11,
figure 34.
If lack of space makes this impractical, the marking shall be spread out and this shall be indicated on the
drawing by using multiple marking symbols (see example 2 in Appendix A).

6.1 Volvo brand marking

The Volvo brand markings are legally protected. They are specially designed for us. A correct
representation of our brand markings helps maintain this protection and is thus an absolute requirement.
All our brand markings have a fixed graphic form, and the distances between the various elements must
never be changed. The brand markings may not occur in running text or be changed by the addition of
text, pictures or symbols.
When a brand marking is reproduced by casting, punching, embossing, etching, or engraving, unless
otherwise is stated, the letters shall be filled and evenly raised or lowered, depending on marking method,
in relation to the surrounding surface.

6.2 Part number

The identity of the part (the part number) shall be given in the marking text.
The clearance all around the part number shall be equal to at least half the height of the marking.
In certain cases, the marking text contains another part number than that of the part in question (e.g. the
part number of the assembly in which it is to be included). When that is the case, the number shall be
written out in full next to the marking code (see example 2 in Appendix A1).

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6.3 Country of origin

Parts that require indication of the country of origin in the marking shall include the words “MADE IN”,
followed by the actual name of the country of origin in capital letters.

The name of the country of origin shall correspond to the short name in English stated in ISO 3166-1.

Unless otherwise agreed, no abbreviation or Alpha-3 code of the country name is permitted. For example,
USA shall preferably be indicated as “UNITED STATES”.

6.4 Special requirements for the United States

Special requirements apply to parts of foreign origin brought into the United States even if no country of
origin marking has been indicated in the basic marking as per table 2.

According to Section 304 of the Tariff Act of 1930, all imported parts must have country of origin marking,
see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 19 - Custom Duties, Part 134 - Country of Origin Marking

Note: If you have questions or want clarification to ensure correct adherence to the marking standard related
to country of origin, please e-mail your request to:
with "Country of Origin Marking Request" as your Subject.

6.5 Designations
Designations specifying country of origin without the mandatory prefix “MADE IN” shall not be used for
new design. These designations have been transferred to table B1 in Appendix B

Other designations that shall not be used for new design have been transferred to table B1 in Appendix B

Table 2
Designation Marking information Example
0 Free-text marking (refers to other marking
information than that specified in designations
1–38. As an alternative, no basic marking)
1G The VOLVO brand mark + part number + country
of origin

2 The VOLVO brand mark + part number
3G The VOLVO brand mark + country of origin
4G Part number + country of origin
5 The VOLVO brand mark only
6 Part number only
7G Country of origin only
8 Text: Made by XXXXX for YYYYY

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Designation Marking information Example

17G The UD TRUCKS brand mark + part number +
country of origin

18 The UD TRUCKS brand mark + part number
19G The UD TRUCKS brand mark + country of origin
20 The UD TRUCKS brand mark only
23G The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + part
number + country of origin

24 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + part
25G The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + country of
26 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark only
27G The EICHER brand mark + part number + country
of origin

28 The EICHER brand mark + part number
29G The EICHER brand mark + country of origin
30 The EICHER brand mark only

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Designation Marking information Example

31G The MACK brand mark + part number + country
of origin

32 The MACK brand mark + part number
33G The MACK brand mark + country of origin
34 The MACK brand mark only
35G The SDLG brand mark + part number + country
of origin

36 The SDLG brand mark + part number
37G The SDLG brand mark + country of origin
38 The SDLG brand mark only
39G The PREVOST brand mark + part number +
country of origin

40 The PREVOST brand mark + part number
41G The PREVOST brand mark + country of origin
42 The PREVOST brand mark only
43G The NOVA BUS brand mark + part number +
country of origin

44 The NOVA BUS brand mark + part number
45G The NOVA BUS brand mark + country of origin
46 The NOVA BUS brand mark only

1) Note the clear-zone requirement (see section 8).

2) XXXXX = Name or trademark of the supplier YYYYY = Volvo Group entity

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7 Supplementary markings

Table 3
Designation Marking information Example of marking Remarks
A The VOLVO logotype PENTA Applies only to Volvo Penta.
Refers to the addition of "PENTA" to the VOLVO
logotype to obtain the trademark "VOLVO PENTA".
C RENAULT TRUCKS RENAULT TRUCKS Applies only to Renault Trucks. See section 8.3 for
logotype, on one line details. (If the former RENAULT logotype is still to be
used, the appendix applies.)
D RENAULT TRUCKS Applies only to Renault Trucks. See section 8.3 for
diamond details. (If the former RENAULT logotype is still to be
used, the appendix applies.)
E Batch number Number that relates the product with all other units of
the same product from the same production batch.
F Serial number S/N: 1234ABCD Number assigned to an entity for its lifetime
H Change condition/ -1 -1 = part version 01
version suffix -2 = part version 02
etc. (acc. to the drawing or Part Version Report)
J Right-hand part RH Right Hand

K Left-hand part LH Left Hand

M Date of manufacture 10-015 Year-Day. The ordinal number of one day is
represented by three digits. The first day of any year is
represented by [001] and subsequent days in
ascending sequence.
N Blank number Blank Number for blank may be specified in order to
1234567 facilitate handling up to the stage of machining.
Normally not indicated on the drawing.
P Supplier number 12345 Max. 5 digits according to the series of the respective
purchasing unit. The supplier's name (letters) may be
used in exceptional cases (after approval by the Volvo
Group entity concerned).
(Q) Tool number -12 Max. 2 digits. Normally not stated on the drawing but
is generally required when one and the same part is
manufactured at the same time in different tools or in
different mould compartments in the same tool.
R Heat number 1234 A heat or a charge is a quantity of steel or any other
metal which has been produced simultaneously in one
melting furnace. The heat number may consist of
digits, letters or a combination of digits and letters (if
possible, maximum 4 characters).
S Date of manufacture If only designation S has been given for marking infor-
mation, any of the alternatives S1, S2, S3 or S4 is

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Designation Marking information Example of marking Remarks

S1 Date of manufacture 10-04 Year-Month. The part will be marked, e.g., 10-04. For
cast parts, it may be replaced by a date clock on an
ejector plane. (See figures 4a, 5a.)
S2 Date of manufacture GA Year-Month. In encoded form acc. to table 4. The part
will be marked, e.g., GA (2016/January).
S3 Date of manufacture 04-10 Month-Year. In those cases another form of date
(not ISO) indication is required by national laws (e.g. USA). The
part will be marked, e.g., 04-10. For cast parts, it may
be replaced by a date clock on an ejector plane.
S4 Date of manufacture 150101 YearMonthDay
This indication is used when there is a need for
detailed traceability and method U is not an option.
Below are two examples of how this can be indicated:
- YY indicates the year in the current century
(e.g. 2015 = 15)
- MM indicates the month with two digits
(e.g. January = 01)
- DD indicates day of month
T Date of manufacture 10W03 YearWeek (with W in between and no spaces) W =
short for Week. Calendar week is represented by two
digits. The first calendar week of the year shall be
identified as [01] and subsequent weeks shall be
numbered in ascending sequence.
U Date of manufacture 10W031 YearWeekDay (with W in between and no spaces) W
= short for Week. Day of week is represented by one
digit. Monday shall be identified as day [1] of any
calendar week, and subsequent days of the same
week shall be numbered in ascending sequence to
Sunday (day [7]).
V Date of manufacture (see figures 3a Date clock or date insert, alt date field for cast or
and 3b) injection-moulded parts as per figure 4 (year and
month to be indicated).
X Date of manufacture (see figures 4a Date clock or date insert, alt date field for cast or
and 4b) injection-moulded parts as per figure 5 (year and
month to be indicated).
Y Date of manufacture Date clock or date insert, alt. date field as per V or X
but with other dimensions (dimensioned on drawing)
(year and month to be indicated).
Z Compressed code 12R345 6 characters. Only used upon request from the
manufacturing unit if there is insufficient space for
complete marking. (Supplier code + RH or LH part +
batch number, consecutive).

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Table 4 Examples of marking of date of manufacture in encoded form

Year Letter Year Letter Year Letter Month Letter
2015 F 2027 V 2039 9 January A
2016 G 2028 W 2040 A February B
2017 H 2029 X 2041 B March C
2018 J 2030 Y 2042 C April D
2019 K 2031 1 2043 D May E
2020 L 2032 2 2044 E June F
2021 M 2033 3 2045 F July G
2022 N 2034 4 2046 G August H
2023 P 2035 5 2047 H September J
2024 R 2036 6 2048 J October K
2025 S 2037 7 2049 K November L
2026 T 2038 8 2050 L December M

The date fields as per figures 3b and 4b shall comprise a ten-year period, starting with the year the part
was first manufactured in the top left-hand square.
Figures 3a, 3b, 4a and 4b shall be regarded as explanatory figures, and other designs are therefore
accepted (shall be approved by the Volvo Group entity concerned). Tolerance zone ± 2 mm.

Date clock or date insert V (2013 January indicated) Date field V (new part in 2011 June, last date of
manufacture 2012 March indicated)
Fig. 3a Fig. 3b

Date clock or date insert X (2013 February indicated) Date field X (new part in 2011 August, last date of
manufacture 2012 March indicated)
Fig. 4a Fig. 4b

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8 Brand markings

8.1 The VOLVO and VOLVO PENTA wordmarks

The minimum width of the VOLVO wordmark shall be 25 mm.

Fig. 5a VOLVO wordmark Fig. 5b VOLVO PENTA wordmark

When marking materials that, for some reason, do not permit the use of filled letters (e.g. hard materials),
the letters may be produced with contour lines. See figures 7a and 7b. A suitable thickness for the contour
lines is 1/100 of the length/width of the logotype. Contour lines may not be used in any other context.

Fig. 6a VOLVO wordmark contour Fig. 6b VOLVO PENTA wordmark contour

In accordance with the Volvo Brand Emblem Handbook, the pre-determined clear-zone around the
logotype shall be at least equal to the height (X) of the wordmark. See figures 7a and 7b.

Fig. 7a VOLVO wordmark clear zone Fig. 7b VOLVO PENTA wordmark clear zone

Note: In case of inadequate marking space, the clear zone may be equal to half the height of the logotype.

8.1.1 Colours
When printed, the VOLVO logotype must always be represented in one of its corporate colours.
For a correct representation of the Volvo corporate colours, the colour swatches included in the Volvo
Brand Emblem Handbook must be used. The purchasing department concerned is responsible for
providing colour swatches to the supplier.

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If no colour requirement has been specified on the drawing, the marking text shall be applied "colourless"
(in the case of marking methods 1, 2, or 6).
If the drawing specifies one single colour (black or white), this refers to the colour of the text and the
surrounding surface is "colourless" (= substrate colour).
In the case of marking method 5 (stamping, stencilling or painting), and if no colour has been specified, the
marking shall be made in black or in white colour and shall be in contrast with the colour of the substrate.

The colour regulations that apply to the VOLVO wordmark also apply to the VOLVO PENTA wordmark.

The colour requirement for the VOLVO wordmark also applies to the rest of the marking text.

8.2 The UD Trucks brand mark

The UD Trucks brand mark is comprised of the brand symbol and the wordmark.
On parts where a UD Trucks brand marking cannot be executed at its minimum size in accordance with
this standard, the symbol (see figure 12) by itself can be permitted. The choice of execution should be
based on the available space on each specific part.
Please give precedence to vertical use of the brand mark.
Use of the UD Trucks brand mark shall be made in accordance with the following preference:
1. Type A (brand mark in vertical format), see figure 8
2. Type B (brand mark in horizontal format), see figure 10
3. Type C (brand logotype), see figure 12
4. Type D (brand symbol), see figure 13
For questions regarding the use of the UD Trucks brand mark, please contact

8.2.1 Application
The use of the UD Trucks brand mark must comply with the latest issue of the UD Trucks brand guideline
A_Basic elements 6.1.
This must be followed in order to reproduce the brand mark accurately.

The minimum dimension of the UD Trucks brand mark in vertical format shall be in accordance with
figure 9.

Fig. 8

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The relative size of each brand mark element and the established minimum clear zone around the brand
mark shall be in accordance with figure 9.

Fig. 9

The minimum dimension of the UD Trucks brand mark in horizontal format shall be in accordance with
figure 10.

Fig. 10

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The relative size of each brand mark element and the established minimum clear zone around the brand
mark shall be in accordance with figure 11.

Fig. 11

The minimum dimension of the UD TRUCK wordmark shall be in accordance with figure 12.

Fig. 12

The minimum dimension of the UD Trucks symbol shall be in accordance with figure 13.

Fig. 13

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8.3 The SDLG brand mark

For questions regarding the use of the SDLG brand mark, please contact
The minimum size of the SDLG logo shall be 10 mm. See figure 14.

Fig. 14

In accordance with the SDLG CORPORATE IDENTITY MANUAL, the pre-determined clear zone around
the logotype shall be at least equal to half the width of the logotype. See figure 15.

Fig. 15

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8.4 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark

The font to be used is DIN Pro Medium.

8.4.1 Principle of construction and dimensions of standardized markings

The construction and dimensions of the brand mark shall comply with section 8.5.2. However, if this is
technically impossible or if the marking area is too small for the RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark on two
lines, the marking may be performed in accordance with section 8.5.3. or section 8.5.4, where the
wordmark defined in section 8.5.2 is to be preferred.

8.4.2 RENAULT TRUCKS on two lines

The minimum width of the RENAULT TRUCKS two-line brand marking shall be 16 mm.

Fig. 16

The established minimum clear zone around the logotype shall be equal to the height of the letter “R”.
Example of the established minimum clear zone for the RENAULT TRUCKS two-line brand marking:

Fig. 17

8.4.3 RENAULT TRUCKS on one line

The single-line RENAULT TRUCKS branding defined below may, after approval by the design-engineering
department, be used if the available space is too small to use the branding defined in section
The minimum width of the RENAULT TRUCKS single-line brand marking shall be 30 mm.

Fig. 18
If this single-line RENAULT TRUCKS brand marking shall be applied, the text note must contain
supplementary marking “C” as per table 3.

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The established minimum clear zone around the logotype shall be equal to the height of the letter “R”.
Example of the established minimum clear zone for the single-line RENAULT TRUCKS brand marking.

Fig. 19

8.4.4 RENAULT TRUCKS diamond

A RENAULT TRUCKS diamond, as defined below, may, with Design-engineering department approval, be
used when the space available is too small to use the RENAULT TRUCKS branding defined in sections and
If the RENAULT TRUCKS diamond shall be applied, the text note must contain supplementary marking “D”
as per table 3.

Minimum dimension 12 mm according to table 8:

Fig. 20

Example of the established minimum clear zone for the RENAULT TRUCKS diamond, H12:
(height = H1+H+H1)

Fig. 21

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8.5 The PREVOST brand mark

8.5.1 Trademark requirements

The minimum size of the PREVOST wordmark shall be 25 mm. See figure 22.

Fig. 22 PREVOST wordmark

The clear zone is equal to 1.5 times the height of the Prevost logotype all around it. This dimension can
also be calculated using the rotated ’P’ of the Prevost logotype (see below).

Fig. 23 PREVOST wordmark clear zone

8.5.2 Colours
When printed, the PREVOST logotype must always be represented in its corporate colour: black.
If no colour requirement has been specified on the drawing, the marking text shall be applied "colourless"
(in the case of marking methods 1, 2, or 6).
If the drawing specifies one single colour (black or white), this refers to the colour of the text and the
surrounding surface is "colourless" (= substrate colour).
In the case of marking method 5 (stamping, stencilling or painting), and if no colour has been specified, the
marking shall be made in black or in white colour and shall be in contrast with the colour of the substrate.

The colour requirement for the PREVOST wordmark also applies to the rest of the marking text.

8.6 The NOVABUS brand mark

8.6.1 Trademark requirements

The minimum size of the NOVA BUS wordmark shall be 20 mm. See figure 24.

Fig. 24 NOVA BUS wordmark

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In accordance with the Nova Bus Guidelines, the pre-determined clear zone around the logotype shall be
at least equal to the height (X) of the wordmark. See figures 24.

Fig. 25 NOVA BUS wordmark clear zone

8.6.2 Colours
When printed, the NOVA BUS logotype must always be represented in black.
If no colour requirement has been specified on the drawing, the marking text shall be applied "colourless"
(in the case of marking methods 1, 2, or 6).
If the drawing specifies one single colour (black or white), this refers to the colour of the text and the
surrounding surface is "colourless" (= substrate colour).
In the case of marking method 5 (stamping, stencilling or painting), and if no colour has been specified, the
marking shall be made in black or in white colour and shall be in contrast with the colour of the substrate.

The colour requirement for the NOVA BUS logotype also applies to the rest of the marking text.

8.7 The MACK brand marking

8.7.1 The MACK wordmark

Parts that require branding that is visible during normal operation of the truck or parts that require durable
branding shall be marked with the Mack wordmark, see figure 26.
Make sure to follow the defined clear space and minimum size rules to ensure scaling and legibility of the
To learn more about the application of Mack branding and to download the assets, please refer to the Mack
Aftermarket Guidelines on the Mack Brand Center on Violin (for internal use) or (for external suppliers).
For questions regarding the use of the Mack wordmark and Pure Mack, please contact
All parts branding and durable aftermarket marking proposals should be presented to Mack’s Design
Director for final approval before production.

8.7.2 Application
The minimum dimension of the MACK wordmark shall be 12,7 mm.

Fig 26 MACK wordmark

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The established minimum clear zone around the MACK wordmark shall be equal to the width of the letter M
in the wordmark.

Fig 27 MACK wordmark clear zones

Additional text note on the drawing is required. See example below:
MET 1.1 – 31G – HPS – 12,7

8.7.3 The Pure Mack seal

Parts that require marking on the B-side, meaning that the marking is not visible during normal operation of
the truck or after installation on the truck, shall be branded with the Pure Mack seal or its secondary
applications based on legibility and product texture, see figures 28, 29a and 29b, respectively.
The Pure Mack seal or its secondary applications shall be used in accordance with the following
1. Type A – The Pure Mack seal, see figure 29
2. Type B – The Pure Mack wordmark on two lines, see figure 30a.
3. Type C – The Pure Mack wordmark on a single line, see figure 30b.
Below is an example of a part with both brand marking (figure 28a), which is visible to our customers and a
required durable B-side marking (figure 28b).

Fig 28a Fig 28b

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8.7.4 Application
The minimum dimension of the Pure Mack seal shall be 19 mm.

Fig. 29 Pure Mack seal minimum dimension

On parts where the Pure Mack seal cannot be executed at its minimum size in accordance with this
standard, either of these Pure Mack double-line or single-line executions is permitted. The double-line or
single-line execution shall be chosen based on the available space on each specific part.

Fig. 30a Minimum dimension of double line Fig. 30b Minimum dimension of single line

The use of either of these executions shall be indicated by an additional text note on the drawing. See
example below:
MET 1.1 – 31G – HPS – 13

The established minimum clear zone around the Pure Mack seal shall be equal to half the width of the seal.

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Fig. 31 Pure Mack seal with clear zone

For the double-line or single-line brand marking, the minimum clear zone shall be equal to the width of the
letter “M”.

Fig. 32a Double-line with clear zone Fig. 32b Single-line with clear zone

Manufactured and purchased assemblies shall be identified by the assembly number; component parts
shall not be identified. Items similar to engines, transmissions, differential carriers, and axles are an
exception. See section 6 Basic Marking and the examples given in Appendix A1.
In general, the Pure Mack seal trademark shall not be illustrated on the part drawing.

8.7.5 Part deviations

Questions regarding specific part markings shall be directed to Purchasing and resolved through
Deviation from this requirement requires approval by the appropriate project engineer and must be
accompanied by a Change Proposal, (CP) and/or Product Modification Request (PMR).
When the supplier cannot comply with this specification, changes to the drawing may be initiated with a
“Supplier Request for Engineering Change”.

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8.8 The EICHER brand mark

8.8.1 Brand mark requirements

The Eicher trademarks shown on drawing 21692507 shall be used and applied on all new and changed
components/parts released by Engineering in accordance with procedures and requirements outlined in
this standard.
The use of the logotype must comply with the latest issue of the EICHER NEW LOGO BASIC
GUIDELINES. Contact the EICHER Brand Management Team for more information:
EICHER Brand Team
VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd.
Eicher Trucks and Buses
# 96, Sector 32, Gurgaon-122 001
Haryana, India
The Eicher brand mark shall be used in accordance with the following preference:
4. Type D (stacked version consisting of the horse head symbol and the wordmark), see figure 33a
5. Type C (side-by-side version consisting of the horse head symbol and the wordmark), see figure 33b
6. Type B (horse head symbol only), see figure 33c
7. Type A (wordmark only), see figure 33d

Types A and B shall only be used in case of insufficient space on the part.
The different types of EICHER brand markings are indicated by using the designations found in table 11.

8.8.2 Application
The minimum dimension of the Eicher brand mark, type D, shall be 20 mm.

Fig. 33a EICHER stacked logotype – Type D

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The minimum dimension of the Eicher brand mark, type C, shall be 50 mm.

Fig. 33b EICHER side-by-side logotype – Type C

Fig. 33c EICHER horse head symbol – Type B

Fig. 33d EICHER wordmark – Type A

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The clear zone around the logotype shall be at least equal to the height of the letter E in the wordmark.
See figure 33e for example.

Fig. 33e Example of clear zones

9 Text height
If the marking contains a brand mark, the specified size in the designation refers to the brand mark. The
text height of the other information shall be smaller than the height of the brand marking. The proportion
between the text height and the width of each brand mark is given in tables 6–12.
For definition of text heights, see figure 34 in section 11 Relative position of text on marked part.
If only identity data and manufacturing information are specified, the size refers to the text height of the
identity data (H1).
In these cases, the clearance all around the marking shall be equal to at least half the specified height H1
of the marking.
The dimensions listed in tables 6–12 refer to the letter or digit size in the tool. Thus, they are not
equivalent to the size of the actual marking obtained on the part.

Parts exposed to dirt, underseal or similar shall have a minimum text height of 4 mm for legibility reasons.

Normally, the combination 6/4 for H1/H2 should be used for such parts.

Should this combination not be possible due to lack of space, a text height of 4 mm shall be specified.
This must, however, be written out in full. See example below.


MET 1.1 – 1G – HPS – 4 (all information)

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9.1 Volvo
When the VOLVO brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the height of the
wordmark that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can be found in table 6 (H1 and H2,
Values marked in bold italic shall be preferred.

Table 5
The VOLVO wordmark Text height H1 (line 2) Text height H2 (lines 3
and 4)
Height Length Tol Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
approx. Nom (7,7xH) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm] [mm]
1,2 ± 0,1 0,8 ± 0,1
1,6 1
2 1,2
2,5 1,6
3,2 25 ± 1,2 3 ± 0,2 2
4,1 31,5 ± 1,5 4 2,5
5,2 40 ±2 5 3 ± 0,2
6,5 50 ± 2,5 6 ± 0,4 4
8,2 63 ±3 8 5
10,4 80 ±4 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
13 100 ±5 12,5 8
16 125 ±6 16 ± 0,8 10 ± 0,6
21 160 ±8 20 12

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9.2 UD Trucks
When the UD TRUCKS brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size of the
brand mark that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can be found in table 6 (H1 and
H2, respectively).
All dimensions of UD brand mark are based on Brand symbol height that is described in UD Trucks
Identity Guideline.

Table 6
The UD TRUCKS brand marks Text height H1 Text height H2
(line 2) (lines 3 and 4)
Type A Type B Type C Type D Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
Size Size Size Size [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
(Width) (Width) (Width) (Width)
A13 C13 1,2 ± 0,1 0,8 ± 0,1
A18 C18 2 1,2
A25 C25 2,5 1,6
A30 B43 C30 3 ± 0,2 2
A35 B50 C35 D6 4 2,5
A45 B65 C45 D7 5 3 ± 0,2
A55 B75 C55 D8 6 ± 0,4 4
A75 B100 C75 D11 8 5
A90 B125 C90 D13 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
A115 B155 C115 D17 12,5 8
A145 B200 C145 D22 16 ± 0,8 10 ± 0,6
A185 B250 C185 D30 20 12

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9.3 Renault Trucks

When the RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size
of the brand mark that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can be found in table 7 (H1
and H2, respectively).

Table 7
The RENAULT TRUCKS logotype Text height H1 Text height H2
(in two lines) (in one line) diamond
Length Tol Length Tol Height Tol Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
H12 ± 0,6 1,2 ± 0,1 0,8 ± 0,1
H14 ± 0,6 1,6 1
L16 ± 0,8 L30 ± 1,5 H16 ± 0,8 2 1,2
L20 ±1 L40 ±2 H20 ±1 2,5 1,6
L25 ± 1,2 L50 ± 2,5 3 ± 0,2 2
L30 ± 1,5 4 2,5
L40 ±2 5 3 ± 0,2
L50 ± 2,5 6 ± 0,4 4
L60 ±3 8 5
L80 ±4 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
L100 ±5 12,5 8
L125 ±6 16 ± 0,8 10 ± 0,6
L160 ±8 20 12

On the basis of the digital definition in Model 83000345 and with the approval of the Product Design
department, the use of other more suitable dimensions is permitted.

9.4 Prevost
When the PREVOST brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size of the
brand mark that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can be found in table 8 (H1 and
H2, respectively).
Values marked in bold italic shall be preferred.

Table 8
The PREVOST wordmark Text height H1 (line 2) Text height H2
(lines 3 and 4)
Height Length Tol Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
approx. Nom (12,8xH) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm] [mm]
1,95 25 ± 1,2 2 ± 0,1 1,2 ± 0,1
2,4 31 ± 1,5 2,5 1,6
3,1 40 ±2 3 ± 0,2 2
3,9 50 ± 2,5 4 2,5
4,9 63 ±3 5 3 ± 0,2
6,25 80 ±4 6 ± 0,4 4
7,9 101 ±5 8 5
9,8 125 ±6 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
12,5 160 ±8 12,5 8

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9.5 Nova Bus

When the NOVA BUS brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size of the
brand mark that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can be found in table 9 (H1 and
H2, respectively).
Values marked in bold italic shall be preferred.

Table 9
The NOVA BUS wordmark Text height H1 (line 2) Text height H2
(lines 3 and 4)
Height Length Tol Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
approx. Nom (10,2xH) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm] [mm]
1,6 16,2 ± 0,8 1,6 ± 0,1 1 ± 0,1
2,1 21 ± 1,1 2 1,2
2,6 26 ± 1,3 2,5 1,6
3,2 32 ± 1,6 3 ± 0,2 2
4,1 42 ± 2,1 4 2,5
5,2 53 ± 2,6 5 3 ± 0,2
6,5 66 ±3 6 ± 0,4 4
8,2 83 ±4 8 5
10,4 106 ±5 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
13 132 ±7 12,5 8

9.6 Mack Trucks

When the MACK brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size of the brand
mark that is specified (basic markings 31–34 in table 2, section 4 Basic markings). Other requirements
concerning text height can be found in table 10 (H1 and H2, respectively).

Table 10
MACK PURE MACK Text height H1 Text height H2
wordmark (line 2) (lines 3 and 4)
The seal wordmark wordmark
double line single line
Width [mm] Diameter Width [mm] Width [mm] Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
12,7 1,2 ± 0,1 1 ± 0,1
16 1,6 1
19 19 2 1,2
22 2 1,2
25 19 13 22 2,5 1,6
30 22 14,5 27 3 ± 0,2 2
40 28 19 38 4 2,5
50 36 24 49 5 3 ± 0,2
60 43 29 55 6 ± 0,4 4
80 55 37 72 8 5
100 68 46 90 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
125 83 56 111 12,5 8

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9.7 Eicher
When the EICHER brand mark is included in the marking requirement, it is generally the size of the
logotype selected from drawing 21692507 that is specified. Other requirements concerning text height can
be found in table 11 (H1 and H2, respectively).
In case the branding space is very large, EICHER Brand Management Team can be contacted for any
change in the branding and logotype, see section 8.9.1.

Table 11
The EICHER logotype Text height H1 Text height H2
(line 2) (lines 3 and 4)
Type A Type B Type C Type D Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
Size Size Size Size [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
A10 B10 C10 D10 1,2 ± 0,1 0,8 ± 0,1
A12,5 B12,5 C12,5 D12,5 1,6 1
A15 B15 C15 D15 2 1,2
A20 B20 C20 D20 2,5 1,6
A25 B25 C25 D25 3 ± 0,2 2
A30 B30 C30 D30 4 2,5
A40 B40 C40 D40 5 3 ± 0,2
A50 B50 C50 D50 6 ± 0,4 4
A65 B65 C65 D65 8 5
A80 B80 C80 D80 10 ± 0,5 6 ± 0,4
A100 B100 C100 D100 12,5 8
A125 B125 C125 D125 16 ± 0,8 10 ± 0,6
A135 B135 C135 D135 18 11
A145 B145 C145 D145 20 12
A200 B200 C200 D200 22 ± 1,0 13 ± 0,8

10 Text style for other text

Lower-case letters shall normally be used with an upper-case initial letter. The text may, however, be written in
upper-case letters if this is better from a technical point of view.
Unless otherwise stated, “Helvetica Medium” or other similar linear (grotesque) type shall be used.

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11 Relative position of text on marked part

Figure 33 shows how the information shall be positioned unless otherwise indicated. Normally, all this
information is not required at the same time.

Fig 34.

1) According to the relevant trademark regulations. See section 8 Brand markings.

Line 1 Brand mark
Line 2 Identification data
Line 3 Additional manufacturing data other than country of origin
Line 4 Country of origin (indicated in English)
Should one (or some) of the intermediate lines not be used, the lower one(s) shall be moved up a step (or
two). Should some information in the horizontal plane be left out, the remaining data shall be moved to the
left to produce a straight left margin.
For products where left-aligned text is not suitable from an aesthetic viewpoint, centred text is acceptable
(this shall, however, require approval by the Volvo Group entity concerned).
If the number of lines is restricted due to lack of space, this shall be indicated on the drawing. In such
case, e.g. "two lines" shall be indicated after the marking information.
If more than one line is prescribed, the logotype shall always be placed by itself on the top line.

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12 Associated standards
STD 920-0001 Representation of dates and times
STD 103-0002 Generic identification and marking of plastics products
STD 103-0010 Marking of aluminium parts
STD 103-0013 Parts marking with bar codes and 2D symbologies
STD 5052,21 Colour identification marking on rubber parts
ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions
DIN 1451 Serifenlose Linear-Antigua

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Appendix A Marking examples

As an aid in the application of this standard, the following marking examples are given:

Example 1


MET 1.1 – 1G – P – 4,1
Means: Marking method/Marking text raised – Basic marking/The VOLVO brand mark + part
number + country of origin – Additional markings/P = Supplier number – Logotype size/4,1 (for other
text heights, see table 5)
It also illustrates marking with a part number differing from the one that applies to the part in question, for
instance the assembly number.

Example 2


MET 1.1 – 2 – 4,1


MET 1.1 – 7G – 4,1

The example above illustrates how to indicate that the marking shall be spread out on the part.

Means: Marking method/Marking text raised – Basic marking/The VOLVO brand mark +
part number – Logotype size/4,1 (for other text heights, see table 5)

Means: Marking method/Marking text raised – Basic marking/Country of origin –

Logotype size/4,1 (for other text heights, see table 5)

Example 3


MET 1.1 – 0 – KV – 6
MET 1.1 – 0 – JV – 6

Means: Marking method/Marking test raised – Basic marking/No basic marking – Additional markings/
K = LH design, J = RH design (symmetric-opposite), V = date of manufacture – Text height (mm)/6.

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Example 4


MET 2.2.1/MET 3.2 – 2 – JPS2 – 6,5

Means: Marking method/Etching (with acid)/riveted plate – Basic marking/The VOLVO brand mark +
part number – Additional markings/J = Right-hand part (RH) P = Supplier number, S2 = Date of
manufacture is indicated in the form of a date code in accordance with table 5 (e.g. 1994 January =
date code RA) – Logotype size/6,5 (for other text heights, see table 5)

Example 5


MET 2.5 – 23G – P – L50

Means: Marking method/Marking using a laser beam – Basic marking/The RENAULT TRUCKS brand
mark + part number + country of origin – Additional markings/P = Supplier number – brand mark
size/L50 (for other text heights, see table 7).

Example 6


MET 2.1.1 – 6 – 4

Means: Marking method/Punching – Basic marking/Part number – Text height (mm)/4

Example 7


MET 1.1 – 0 – 6
ABCD 1234567

Means: Marking method/Marking text raised on the finished part – Free-text marking – Text height

ABCD 1234567 = Free-text marking

= No basic marking

Example 8


MET 5.2 or 5.3 – 10 – 43
Means: Marking method/Stamped or Stenciled with Ink or Paint – Basic marking/The MACK brand
mark + part number – Logotype size/43 (for other text heights, see table 10)

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Example 9


MET 4.1 – 14 – CE – L40

Means: Marking method/Label – Basic marking/The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + part number –
Additional markings/C = Simplified RENAULT TRUCKS single-line brand mark, E = Batch number –
Logotype size/L40 (for other text heights, see table 7)

Example 10


MET 2.3.1 – 17G – T – A55

Means: Marking method/Engraving – Basic marking/The UD TRUCKS brand mark + part number +
country of origin – Additional markings/T = Date of manufacture – Logotype size/A55 (for other text
heights, see table 6)

Example 11


MET 2.1.2 – 27G – T – D50

Means: Marking method/Embossing – Basic marking/The EICHER brand mark + part number +
country of origin – Additional markings/T = Date of manufacture – Logotype size/D50 (for other text
heights, see table 11)

Example 12

1) For part number 12345670:


MET 1.1 – 1G – 6,5

2) For part number 12345673:


MET 1.1 – 9G – 43

Means: Multiple marking alternatives:

1) Marking method/Marking text raised – Basic marking/The VOLVO brand mark + part
number + country of origin – Logotype size/6,5 (for other text heights, see table 5)
2) Marking method/Marking text raised – Basic marking/The MACK brand mark + part number +
country of origin – Logotype size/43 (for other text heights, see table 10)

Example 13


MET 2.1.3 – 27G – T – D65

Means: Marking method/Marking using a vibro pen – Basic marking/The EICHER brand mark + part
number + country of origin – Additional markings/T = Date of manufacture – Logotype size/D65 (for
other text heights, see table 11)

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2018-05-14
Standard STD 5051,16
Volvo Group

Issue 16 Page 39 (41)

Appendix B Discontinued basic markings

The following designations shall no longer be used when marking shall include country of origin, since
they do not require the inclusion of “MADE IN” prior to the country name.

Table B1
Designation Marking information Example
1 The VOLVO brand mark + part number + country
of origin
3 The VOLVO brand mark + country of origin
4 Part number + country of origin
7 Country of origin only
9,10,11,12 Former MACK brand mark, not for new design.
13,14,15,16 Former Renault brand mark, not for new design.
17 The UD TRUCKS brand mark + part number +
country of origin
19 The UD TRUCKS brand mark + country of origin
23 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + part
number + country of origin
25 The RENAULT TRUCKS brand mark + country of
27 The EICHER brand mark + part number + country
of origin
29 The EICHER brand mark + country of origin
31 The MACK brand mark + part number + country
of origin
33 The MACK brand mark + country of origin
35 The SDLG brand mark + part number + country
of origin
37 The SDLG brand mark + country of origin

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2018-05-14
Standard STD 5051,16
Volvo Group

Issue 16 Page 40 (41)

Appendix C Discontinued supplementary markings

The following supplementary marking shall no longer be used for new design.

This was previously accepted as an alternative for indicating part version in accordance with
supplementary marking H, as per table 3

Change field (alt. for supplementary marking H)

a) • • • • • • • • • a) = 1-line, 10 change conditions or part version suffixes
b) • • • • • • • b) = 2-lines, 10 change conditions or part version suffixes
• • indicated

c) • • • • • c) = 3-lines, 09 change conditions or part version suffixes

• • • • indicated

d) • • • • • • • d) = 20 change conditions or part version suffixes indicated

• • • • • • •
• • • • • •

Fig. C1

Table C1 Dimensions/design of relevant change field. For a definition of H1, see figure 7
H1 No. of lines No. of Size of square Square field Square field No. of
Line 2 squares/line height length changes
mm mm mm mm
2 1 12 a) 2 2 24 12
2,5 1 12 a) 2 2 24 12
3 1 12 a) 2 2 24 12
4 2 8 b) 2 4 16 16
5 2 8 b) 2,5 5 20 16
6 2 8 b) 3 6 24 16
8 3 5 c) 2,5 7,5 12,5 15
10 3 5 c) 3 9 15 15
12,5 3 5 c) 4 12 20 15
16 3 5 c) 4 12 20 15
20 3 5 c) 4 12 20 15

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2018-05-14
Standard STD 5051,16
Volvo Group

Issue 16 Page 41 (41)

Appendix D Discontinued Volvo wordmark sizes

The following Volvo wordmark sizes shall no longer be used for new design.

Table D1
The VOLVO wordmark Text height H1 (line 2) Text height H2 (lines 3
and 4)
Height Length Tol Nominal Tol Nominal Tol
approx. Nom (7,7xH) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm] [mm]
1,3 10 ± 0,5 1,2 ± 0,1 0,8 ± 0,1
1,6 12,5 ± 0,6 1,6 1
2,1 16 ± 0,8 2 1,2
2,6 20 ±1 2,5 1,6

© AB Volvo Group. All rights reserved. The Standard may not be used, reproduced, transmitted or made available
to a third party without prior written permission. Printed copies are uncontrolled. Print date: 2018-05-14

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