AIIMS Solved Paper 1998
AIIMS Solved Paper 1998
AIIMS Solved Paper 1998
marks : 200
1. The amount of heat measured in calo- (3 ) It is a partial shadow
ries needed to raise the temperature of 1 (4) It is circular in shape.
gram of substance by 1 degree centi- 7 . If a force of 30.6 kg acts on a 60 kg
grade is known as mass, calculate the resulting accelera-
(1) heat of fusion (2) specific heat tion. (1 k.g of force = 9 .8 newtons)
(3) coefficient of expansion
(1) 5m ウ・」セ@ (2 ) Rュ O ウ・」セ@
(4) latent heat.
(3) 0.5 m sec.2 (4 ) 9 .8 m l sec. 2.
2. What is the potential energy of a 10 kg
steel ball which has been raised verti- 8 . If the uniform acceleration near the sur-
cally 9 m above the floor ? face of the earth is about
(1) 441 joules (2 ) 98 joules 9 .8 m / sec.2 for a free-fall , what Is the
(3) 90 joules (4) 882 joules. velocity at the end of 2 seconds of fall
(neglect friction ) ?
3. The volume of a confined gas varies in-
versely with the absolute pressure pro- (1) 14.6 m/sec (2) 17.0 m/sec
vided that the temperature remains (3 ) 19.6 m/sec (4) 9 .8 m/sec.
unchanged. This statement is known as 9 . If the mass of a moving projectile is tri-
(1) Dalton's law (2) Bernoulli's law pled and its velocity is doubled, the ki-
(3) Avagadro's law (4 ) Boyle's law. netic energy will be multiplied by
4. What is the work done In joules if a (I) 8 (2 ) 6 (3) 2 (4) 12.
100-kg ball is raised to 3 m above the 10. Which ratio below best defines the effi-
floor in 1 second ? ciency of simple machines ?
(1) 1960 joules (2) 980 joules (1) useful キッセォ@ output x 1O(J'{,
(3) 2940 joules (4) 3240 joules. work mput
5. You are standing 1000 m from the point ( ) work input x
where a steel block strikes the side- work output
walk. How long will It take the sound to (3 ) theoretical ュ・」ィセョQ。ャ@ セカ。ョエァ・@ x
reach your ears if the speed of sound in actual mechan1cal advantage
air at ooC is about 333 m/sec. ? (4 ) useful work input x 100%.
(1 ) 3 seconds (2) 2 seconds useful work output
(3) 1 second (4 ) 5 seconds. 11. If an object is moving with a constant
6. Shadows consist of two portions, the acceleration, the net force acting on that
umbra and the penumbra. Which state- body is
ment below applies ONLY to the umbra? ( 1) increasing (2 ) decreasing
(1) It receives no light from any part of the (3 ) constant (4 ) zero
source 12. The direction of the force exerted on a
(2) It receives light from part of the source surface by a liquid at rest Is
(1) normal to the surface (3) The resultant force action on a vehicle wiU
(2) parallel to the surface be that which maintains it in a circular
(3 ) tangential to the surface path.
(4) 300 to the surface. (4 ) All of the above statements are correct.
13. In simplest terms, the energy of a wave 19. How far will a body free-fall in 1 sec-
Is directly proportional to the square of ond If released from rest ?
Its (1) 0.0 m (2) 4.9 m
(1) height (2 ) refraction (3) 9.8 m (4) 19.6 m.
(3) rellection (4 ) length. 20. Which statement below is true ?
14. A good floor lamp has a wide heavy bMe ( 1) Radiant energy is propagated as a wave
to Increase Its stability through motion
(2 ) Positrons have the same mass as an elec-
(1) banking
(2) lowering the center of gravity
(3) When a nucleus emits a beta particle, its
(3 ) raising the center of gravity
mass number is unchanged.
(4) None of the above.
(4) All of i.he above.
15. A resultant force of 45 kg Is acting on
a body whose acceleration Is 21. Radium Ra 236 has a half-life of 1590 How much of the original amount
10 m / sec2 . Calculate the mass of the
of Ra 236 would remain after 6360 yean
(1 ) 450 kg (2) 44.1 kg
(3) 4 .5 kg (4 ) 1960 kg. (1) .!. (2 ) .!.
8 4
16. Two forces of 45 kg-/ and 40 kg-/ act on
1 1
a body In opposite directions. What Is (3 ) 16 (4 ) 2·
the resultant force ?
(1) 45 kg-f (2 ) 40 kg·f
I1 22. A ball is located in a semicircular
trough. The ball is moved slightly to one
(3) 5 kg-f (4) 90 kg-f.
side and returns to its original locatiun.
17. F =Gm 1 , m2/ セ@ is the equation repre- The ball Is said to be In
senting Newton's law of universal gravi- (1 ) neucral equilibrium
tation. Which of the statements below is
(2) unstable equilibrium
(3 ) stable equilibrium
( 1) G is called the gravitation constant
(4 ) aU of the above.
(2 ) The law can be used to calculate the mass
of an object on another planet if the mass 23. Using the figure below as a reference,
and radius of that planet are known identify the true statement. The large
tank is full of water and Is exposed to
(3) Knowing the value of G, one can easily cal-
culate the mass of the earth. the atmosphere
(4) All of the above are true.
18. Which of the stateme.nt.s below Is coa-
(1) The angle of bank for a road is ッ「セョ ・、@
from a consideration of the centripetal d1 = diameter of opening
force required v 1 = velocity at dt
(2) There is no tendency for the vehicle to v2 = velocity at d 2
skid if a road is banked for the speed at
which the vehicle is moving (1) v 1! vz = 1 (2 ) vz > v 1
(3) V} > IJ2 (4 ) none of the above. In uniformly accelerated motlra the fol-
24. If a color disc composed of red, or- lowing equations hold :
ange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and V = Vo + at
violet pie-shaped sections is rapidly ro- X = Vot + セ。エ
tated, which color will your eye see ? When X = displacement, V = velocity at
(1 ) red (2 ) black time t , Vo = Initial velocity, t = time,
(3) brown (4) white. and a = acceleration. A ball Is pro-
25. The amount of a liquid 's cohesive jected directly upward at a カ・ャッ」ヲセ@ of
force per unit of length is called 15m/sec.
(1) depression (2 ) adhesion 30. What Is the highest point this ball will
(3) apparent weight (4) surface tension.
(1) 38.66 m (2) 11.48 m
26. When light Is reflected from a surface
it can be either regular reflection or dif- (3) 9.80 m (4) 1.53 m .
fuse reflection. The essential difference 31. What Is the distance above the ground
between regularly and dlffuseJy reflect- after 3 seconds ?
ing surfaces is that (1 ) 1.8 m (2) 0.9 m
(1) regularly reflecting surfaces are smoother (3 ) Om (4) 3.6 m.
than diffusely reflecting surfaces 32. What Is Its velocity at that point ?
(2) light can not be re flected from a diffusely (1 ) 14.4 m/sec. downward
reflecting surface (2) 14.4 m/sec. upward
(3) the regularly reflecting surface is coarser (3 ) 29.4 m/sec. downward
than the diffusely reflecting surface (4) 29.4 rn/sec. upward .
(4) all of the above are essential differences 33. What Is t.h e velocity of the light In the
between regularly and diffusely reflecting
medium If
Sin 9t = 0 . 707 , Sin e, = 0 .500, and the
27. If the density of a given body Is
velocity of light In a vacuum Is
10 gm / cm3 , what Is Its specific gravity?
3.0 x 10 8 m / sec.?
(1) 0.01. (2 ) 1.0 gm
(3) 1.0 (4) 10.0. (1) 2 .1 x 10 8 m/s ec
28. When analyzed, most complicated ma- (2) 2.8 x 10 m/ sec
chines are found to consist of a combi- (3) 1.4 x 108 m/sec
nation of various simple machines. 8
Which machine below is NOT a simple (4) 4 .2 x 10 mlsec
machine? 34. The ray of light as it enters will
(1) lever (2 ) electric motor ( 1) bend away from the normal
(3) inclined plane (4 ) pulley. (2) be totally reflected
29. Calculate the velocity of a test sled (3) bend toward the normal
that Is propelled by a device that has (4) do none of the above.
2500 joules of available energy to pro- 35. The index of re&actlon can be defined
pel a sled of 50 kg mass as the velocity of light In a vacuum dJ.
(1 ) 10 m/sec (2 ) 25 m..sec vided by the velocity In the medJum
(3) 50 m/sec (4) 1 rn/sec.
(N = cS ). If this is the case, another valid
Sin ei Cr Sine, C, or not at all. Eliminate those c hoices
(1) - - = -
Si ner Sr (2 ) Siner = Cr. that you think to be Incorrect and mark
the letter of your choice on the answer
si N, Sin e, s, sheet
(3 ) - = - (4) Sin e = -
Sr Ni r Sr Questions
§ DlrectloM : Using the lllu.tratlon when ( 1) Graham's law of diffusion
both 1111rjacu 1 and 2 are exposed to (2) Charles' law (3 ) Ohm's law
the atmosphere, Pt and P2 are gauge (4) Gresham's law
preaue, and ht and h2 are height..
39. f =
48. A particle travels 336 mi in 6 hn; its 1
53. Assertion(A). A pool of water loob
average velocity is shallower than it actually Is
(1) 33.6 miJhr (2 ) 66 miJhr. Reasoning (R). Ught bends towarch the
(3) 56 mi. /hr. (4) 40 milkm/hr. normal while travelling &om water to air
49. The volume of the piece of glass Is
( 1) Both A and R Correct and R explains A
(1) 166on3 (2) 60 em' (2 ) A is right, R is wrong
(3) 1.6 cm3 (4 ) 1666 cm3 . (3) Both A and R .correct but R does not ex-
50. If the buoyant force of the water Is plains A
equal to the weight of the water dis- (4) A and Rare both wrong.
placed, then the piece of glass sus-
54. Weight of a person can be zero when
pended in water weighs
1. he is falling freely
(1) 16 N (2) 100 N
2 . he is orbiting in a satellite
(3) 83 N (4) 50 N.
3. he is in aeroplane flying at a high altitude.
51. U the piece of glass were suspended In
4. he is having ride in a gas filled balloon.
air, It would weight (the buoyancy of air
(1) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
•• neglected)
(1 ) 100 Newtons (2) 50 Newtons (2) 1 and 2 are correct
(3) 10 Newtons (4) 600 Newtons (3) 1 and 4 are correct
(4) 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
52. Auertlon (A) . When an electric motor 55. Assertlon(A) : The earth revolva
is .tarted the Initial current In It Is con- around the suo an elliptical orbit
siderably more than the final current Reasoniog(R) : The suo alwaye attract.
Reasoning : The current falls due to the the earth with the same force
fall In the back emf (1) both A and Rare both are both wrong
(1) A is true, R is false (2) A is right, R is wrong
(2) A is false, R is true (3) both A and R are correct and R explains A
(3) Both A and R are true and R is the correct (4) both A and R are correct, but R does not
explanation of A · explain A
(4) Both A and R are true but R is not the cor-
rect explanati.on of A
§ l>frec:don. : - Quesda. (56 to 60) eon.t of t&oo セ N@ As.erdon and rec.on. MGI'Ic
G dear c:rGa Conapondfng to each qclalloft CIS jolJouJs :
(1). If both assertion and reason are true statements and the reason is a correct explanation of
the assertion
(2). If both assertion and reason are true statements but the reason is not a correct explanation
of the assertion
(3).1f the assertion is true but the reason is a false statement
(4) If both assertion and reason both are false statements.
Assertion Reason
56. The couple acting on a body is not equal to Couple and KE have different dimensions.
the rotational KE of the body
(1) (2) (3) (4)
57. A tiny drops of liquid resist deforming forces Excess pressure inside a drop is directly pro-
better than bigger drops portional to the Sl!rface tension.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
58. A thin aluminium disc, spinning freely about a A current induced in a disc rotating in a mag-
centre pivot, is quickly brought to rest when netic field produces a force which tends to op-
. placed between the poles of a strong U-sMped pose the disc's motion.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
59. In Rutherford's experiment, a-particles from a The entire positive cha.rge and nearly whole of
sodium source were allowed to fall on a 10 4 the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nu-
mm thick gold foil. Most of the particles passed cleus.
straight through the foil.
(1) (2) (3) (4).
60. At ordinary temperatures. the Vibrational de- The average charge corresponding to a degree
grees of freedom do not contribute to the spe- of vibration is not kT and hence the molecular
cific heat of gases vibrations are not excited.
(1) (2) (3) (4) .
(1) 5 . (2) 4. . (3) 3. (4) 8. 16. The neutron was discovered by
11. Con•lder thl• reaction (1) James Chadwick
Fe++._-+ Fe++++ e- (2) Ernest Rutherford
(3) Marie 。ョセ@ Pierre Curie
(1) The reaction toward.the left is a reduction
(4) Albert Einstein.
(2) The reaction toward the right is a reduc-
tion · 17. Whk:h of the followl8g .tructural formu-
la I• not properly Identified ?
(3) The reaction toward the right is an oxida-
tion. H H
(4) One and three .are correct I I
(1) Ethane H - C- C- H
12. The neutralization . of 50 ml of
0.25 NH2S04 will require - - ml of I I
{1) 2.5 (2) 0.25 . . 'I
(3) 50 . {4) _
25 . (2 )MethaneH - C- H
13. Of the compounds listed below, which . I
ha• the greatest affinity for combining H
with hemoglobin ? H H H -H
(1) helium . I ·I I I
(2) carbon monoxide, CO (3) F\!ntane H - C - C-C-C- H
(3) oxygen, D2 I .1 I I
(4) carbon dioxide, CD2.
14. Below are lleted the maJ_or dlfferenca
I I I .
between compound• and mtxturu. (4) Propane H - C - C - C - H.
Which one I• an Incorrect palrlbg ? · I I I
(1) Physicalun· Chemical union ·1 8. An Inorganic cation has been preclpl·
· ion tated from water by the addition of
{2) No new sub- · New substances are NaOH. When we find that the preclpl·
stMces are formed tate may be recllesolved Upon the addi-·
formed tlon of. NaOH ot; dilute HNOa, we map_
(3) Can be sepa- Can be separated by conclude that the precipitate . . .
rated by physical pnysiClll means {1) amphoteric (2) colloidal
{3) amorphous . {4) 。ョエィイッーュセ」 N@
(4) Eements .
form no definite
fJem'ents form defi-
nite proportions .
19. The Inorganic cation In the アオエャッセ@ .
proportions above could be
{1) nickel (2) Jerrie
·15. ·Which. of the following reactlone I• a
decoinpo•ltlon reaction ? (3) silver (4) ⦅ 。ャオュゥョセ N@
(4) kentucky fescue grass. 27. Reaction of propanal with HCN fol·
(2) the pH will increase (1) tertiary structure (2 ) secondary structure
(3) the pH will decrease (3) primary structure (4) quaternary ウエイオセ@
(4) the セ、ゥエケ@ will decrease. II 39. Methyl Iodide and o-propyllodldemay
34. Which of the following Is an Incorrect be reacted with socllum metal to pro-
statanent? duce _ _ _ _ _ organic products
( 1) Certain substances break up into ions (1) 4 (2 ) 3 (3) 2 (4) 8.
when dissolved in water 40. In the previous question the compound
(2) Atoms and ions of the same element have
different properties
l listed below that would be produced In
greatest yield Is
(3) The fewer ions formed. the greater the 1 (1) hexyl iodide (2 ) sodium propane
electric current carried by an e lectrolyte I (3 ) n-hexane (4) n-butane.
(4) Ions have a charge equal to the number of 41 . Catalytic hydrogenation of phenyl dla-
electrons gained or lost. zonlum bromide produca
35. In a titration of Iodine with aocllum (1) phenylhydrazine (2} bromobenzene
thlosulphate, the formation of a blue (3) benzene (4 ) phenylamine
color on the addition of colorless •tarch 42. Addition of water to metallic sodium
.olutlon indicates that produces
(1} a blue complex of starch, iodine, and so-
( 1) hydrogen and sodium hydroxide
dium thiosulphate has been produe€d
(2 ) sodium hydrate ·
(2) all of the iodine has not been reduced
(3) oxygen and sodium hydride
(3) the glassware has not been washed suffi-
(4) nitrogen and sodium hydride.
43. The common lead storage battery pro-
(4) all of the iodine has not be oxidized.
cluca electricity by two baD cell reac-
36. A negative Iodoform tat (I.e., no yel- 1
tions, one of which Is (written In the
. low precipitate) wtll ·be the rault when I
direction of production of electricity)
NaOH + It Is reacted with
(1) Pb + Uセ R
M ---+ 1'1)504 + 2e-
I (2 ) PbS04 + 2e- Pb + ウセ R
(1) CHa-CH2 -Di2- C =0 HSIセKR hセ@
(2) H -C -CHa (4 ) none of the above.
(3) CHa - C - CH2 - CH 3 44. Calcium carbide reacts with water to
II produce
0 (1) methAne (2) carbon dioxide
(4) CH3 - C - CHa. (3) acetylene (4) carbohydrate.
I 45. Which of the following aqueous solu-
OH tions will have the lowest &eezlng point?
37. nctor (s) that IJlfluence (s) enzymatic (1) 1.5 M glucose (2) 0.3 M NC12S04
・、mエケャウHセI@ (3) 1 M NaO (4) H20.
(1) pH 46. The reactloa of HBr with 1-propene In
(2) concentration, substrate, cofactors the praence of peroxides will produce
(3) enzyme poisons {4) aU of the above. primarily
sa. The alpha helix In a protein •• claul- I (1) 2-bromopropane
W•the (2) 1-bromopropane
(3) 2-bromopropene Reaeonlng : Thle I• due to -.citation of
(4) 1.2-dibromopropane. valence ehell electrone of eoclhun tooe
47. A zwtttaiOD I• a molecule containing &om lower to higher orbitale.
(1) more than one cationic or anionic func- (1) (21 (3 ) {4 ).
tion 53. Assertion : Amonget the haJose-,
(2) polar and nonpolar groups fluorine can oxidiee the elemeats to
(3) both cationic and anionic functions
hlgb..t oxidation .tat...
(4) none of the above. Reasoning : Due to small •lze of fluoride
ion, It Is difficult to oxldl•• fluoride ion
48. U.. of helium i• pt"elerred over UN of
to fluorine. Hence revene reaction
hydrogen In a.trshlpe (e.g., blJmpe) be-
takee place more easily
( 1) (2) {3 } (4}.
{1) helium is chemically less reactive
54. セnイエヲッョ@ : A セjオエゥッョ@ of bromine In
(2) helium has a lower density
CCI.t Is decolouriNd on paulng acety-
(3) both of the above
lene gaa through It
(4) none of the above.
Reasoning : Bromine Ia expellecl from
49. Low molecular weight mercaptan• are the solution by acetylene gaa
often added to natural gae to
(1) (2) (3) (4).
( 1) provide a stench whi<;h is helpful in the
55. Aaeertton : When tranaltton metal at-
detection of gas leaks
om• ャッョセN@ the 4• orbital electrons
(2} pA?Vent corrosion of the pipelines before the 3d or-
electron• are lomeed
(3} produce a pleasant deodorant during bital eledroAS.
Reuollbtg : The energy of 3d orbital
(4} slightly retard the burning. electron• la lower than that of 4• orbi-
50. Nucleotide. are compoeed of two types tal•
ofeuean {!) (2) (3) (4)
(1) glucose and ribose 56. Aaaertlon : Nitrogen I• unreactive at
(2) glucose and maltose room temperatura but beeoma rue·
(3) ribose and deoxyribose tlw at elevated temperatura (on heat-
(4) meltose and deoxyribose. lag) or In praence of catalyat..
§ AIYuer quaCino 51 to 60 according to fteaaonJng : In nltrog«Q molecul•,
tM gh1en choice. then Ia extenaive delocalizatton of elec-
(1} Assertion is true but the Reason is false trons
(2} Assertion is false, Reason is true {1) (2 ) (3) (4).
(3) Both A and R are true and the R is a cor- 57. Aaeertlon : Fluorescein I• aa acleorp-
rect explanation of the R. tlon lnclicator.
(d) Both A Md Rare true but R is not a cortect Reaeonlng : The Indicator ftuoraecla
セョ@ of the assertion. •• a dye.
51. Anertlon: Nobel gu can be liquefied. (1) (2} (3) (4}.
Reaeoolng : Attractive force can ed.t 58. A.....tton : AJJ enzymes are proteta.
between non polar molecula. but all proteins are not enzym. .
(1) (2) (3} (4}. Reaeonlng : Enzymes are bio-c:ataly.ts
52. Aacrtiora : AlkaJJ metal glw col- ud Poe.... a .table configuration hav-
セ@ to the buMen flame. Ing ... active alte packet.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
59. AaNrtion : The alkali metaJa are 60. Auertlon : Many endothermic reac..
•troas reducing -srent. tlons that are not apontaaeou at rooaa
P.Moefng : Tbey hMioe oaly oae eJectroo temperature become apontaoeou. at
to be loet from their valeoc:e ........ high temperature
{1) (2) {3} (4} Reuonlng : Entn>py of the system l•
creuea with lncreasea in temperature.
(1) (2 ) (3) (4).
1. Suberin In cork cell wall Ia a (3 ) Apothecium (4 ) Cleistotheciun
{1) polypeptide (2} polysaccharide 8 . The nonnal or polygonum type embryo
(3) fatty substance (4) none of the above. aacl•
2. The eequence of spores produced In the (1) monosporic 8 nuc:leate
wheat , cycle Ia (2) tetrasporic 6 nucleate
( 1) basidiospores, aedospores, pycniospores (3) monosporic 4 nucleate
and teliospores {4) bisporic 8 nucleate.
(2) teliospores, basidiosores, uredospores and 9. A ciON relation between flower and poiU-
pycniospores natlng agent •• best exhibited by
(3} teliospores, aeciospotes, uredospores and (1) Salvia (2) Avena
basidiospores (3) Cocos (4) 'rUcca.
(4)aeciospores, uredospores, teliospores, GUIIMI'OU &..
10. Splrocycllc (hemlcycllc)
セ。ョ、@ pyc:niospores.
stamen• and apocarpo... ca.peh are
3. Hetaotnchou. habit Ia •howa by fouaclln the family
( 1) Ulothrlx (1) Cucurbitoceoe (2) Crudjerae
(2) Oedogonium (3) Chlamydomonas (3) Ranunculaceae (4) Labiatae.
(4) Stegeocladium. 11. Plant whOM seeds are known to haw
. 4. Streptomycin Ia produced by longe•t viability period
(1) Streptomyces scoleus (1) Triticum vulgare (wheat)
(2) Steptomyces fradie {2) Zisyplius j ujuha (ber}
(3) Streptomyces venezuela (3) Nelumbo nudfera (lotus)
(4) Sb'eptomyces griseus (4) Carico papaya (papaya)
5. Gam. aad Allard an related with '12. Which one of these an necessary coa-
(1) Photolysis (2) Phototropism clitlold for Hardy-Weinberg principle for
(3) Photo-periodism applylfttl to a genetic populatloa ?
(4) pィッエーウセイケャ。ゥョ N@ (1) A high mutation rate and random mating
6. Plaamlda an (2) A low mutation rate and a snWJ popula-
(1) viruses tion
(2) new type of micro organisms (3) Selective mating and a small populAtion
(3} extra chromosomal genetic element of (4) Non-migrating and a large population.
bacteria 13. The Singer model of plasma .......braae
{4) genetic element of bacteria. ciJffen from Robertson'• model In the
7. Tbe lndtiDg body of Aspergillus or Penldl- {1) arrangement of proteins
flum Ia (2) arrangement of lipid layers
(1) Hypanthodium (2) Peritheium (3.) number of lipid layers
(4) absence of proteins in Singer model. •
14. AJbumum is 24. Utmu• yielding lichen i• lmowo aa
( 1} heart wood (2) sap wood (1) Roccella tintoria
(3} soh wood (4) none of the above (2) Leronora esrulenta
15. Padma i• a \lariety of (3) C/adonia rangiferina
(1} millet (2) maize (4) Cetraria islandica.
(3) ri<:e (4} wheat. 25. One of the followiDg i• a eomce of rub-
16. Mltochonclria are rich In ber
{1) iron (2) cobalt (1) Cedrus deodaro
(3) molybdenum (4} manganese. (2) Tectono grandis
17. Velamen I• present In (3) Hevea brasiliensis
(1) parasitic roots {2 ) assimilatory roots (4) Michelia champaca.
(3) epiphytic roots (4 ) fusiform roots. 26. Plica Mmlmularie i• found in
18.• does not fncreaH tiM { 1) kidney of mammals
( 1) rate of photosynthesis (2) heart of rabbit
(2) rate of respiration {3) ear of mammals
(3) uptake o( water by cells (4) eyes of frog.
(4) plasticity of the ceU waU. 27. Which one of the ·following •ubetaocu
19. Folding• of Inner membrane of mfto- l• acttwly eccreted Into the glomerular
chooclria are called ftlterate of the kidney tubule ?
(1) セ@ (2) endoplasm (1) amino acids (2) chloride ions
(3 ) cristzle (4 ) grana.
20. Ginger I• a stem and a root beeauec It I (3) sodium ions
28. Holocene is
(4) potassium ions.
31. Red - green colour blindness appears ' (l ) soil
due to (2) human population growth and planning
( 1) over activity of adrenals (3 ) study of human environment
(2) deficiency of vitamin A (3 ) pertaining to human training and devel-
(3} inheritance through X chromosome opment
(4 } excessive drinking of alcohol. 41. Graft of an organ like klclney betwe.o
32. In the development of frog the blas- genetically dissimilar people le knowo
topore forms the future a•
{1) tympanum (2 ) mouth (1 ) demigraft {2 ) hemigraft
(3 ) nares {4) anus. {3) allograft (4) none of the above.
33. In the heart of rabbit the bicuspid 42. The Infective etage of Entamoeba hi•
(mitral) valve Is situated -between tolytica ie
(1) right ventricle and pulmonary aorta (1) premature cyst (2 ) sporozoite
(2) left auricle and left ventricle (3 ) trophozoite (4 ) mature cyst.
(3) right auricle and right ventricle 43. The moet important characterletlc of a
(4} postcaval and right auricle. mammal is
34. In what physical form the glycogen is (1) a four chambered heart
found in cellt (2 ) presence of diaphragm
(1) Uquid (2) Soluble (3} presence of corpus callosum
(3) Crystallized (4 ) Insoluble. (4) presence of thecodont dentition.
35. Pyruvic acid before combining with ox- 44. In which form C02 is carrled In the
aloacetlc acid of citric acid cycle be- blood?
comes (1) Potassium bicarbonate
(1} cis-aconitic acid (2 ) acetyl Co.-A (2) Potassium carbonate
(3} lactic acid (4 ) aceto -acetic acid. (3) Sodium bicarbonate
36. The sucker fish (Remora) on a shark Is (4) Sodium carbonate.
an example of 45. Mendel did not recognise phenomenon
(1) predation (2 ) symbiosis of linkage In hie experiment. because
(3) parasitism (4) commensalism. (1) he studied only pure plants
37. Blatta orientalis can be distinguished from (2) there were many chromosomes to handle
Periplaneta americana in that the female of (3) characters he studied were located on dif-
Blatta is with ferent chromosomes
( 1) smaller wings (2) vestigeal wings (4) he did not have powerful microscope.
(3) large wings (4) large eyes. 46. Protective resemblance of animal•
38. Trypanosoma causes sleeping sickness with their environment and background
In man, It finally Invades ••
(1) liver (2) blood ( 1) batesian
(3} brain (4 } 」セイ・「ッMウーゥョ。ャ@ fluid . (2 } mimesis (3} Mullerian mimkty
39. The change In mammalian sperm (4) mimicry.
which prepares it to fertilize the cwum is 4 7. Some animals have conetant high body
termed temperature. Thle Is because
{1) fertilizin (2) caudation ( 1} they can work fast at this temperature
(3) activation (4) capaciation. {2) they prefer to live in cold region
40. Demogr!lphlc studies are related to (3) they are active animals
(4) they like this temperature. (2) liver of vertebrates and are secretory
48. Gauchu'• clisease is ..-ociated with (3) kidney o( frog and are excretory
(1) abnonnal carbohydrate metabolism (4) testis of rabbit and are nutritive.
(2) abnonnal protein metabolism 50. One of the following group cte.mhaat..
(3) deficiency of Acn-t uric acid
(4) abnonnal fat metabolism . ( 1) fiShes {2) amphibians
49. Sustentacular cell• are found In (3) birds {4) mammals.
{1) brain of rabbit and are concerned with
§ (DirecUons} Q5l to 60 cOIUW. of tu10 セ・N@ one ltlbelled the 'A...niM (1)'
and the other labelled the Reoson (R)'. Exomlne thue セ。エN@ CGI'fl/ully and de-
dele 1/ the .WUment. セッョ@ (1) 」Nセ、@ the Reo.on (ll) are lndfvlcfuGIIy lrve Md If -o,
キセhエィ・イ@ the reason t. tz correct ・クーャセョ。エッ@ of the .-rdon. Select )'OUr .......,.,.. to
セィオ・@ quadons from the codes gfocm below
( 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
Assertion Reason
51. ln a DNA molecule the total q uantity o( purines Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs
equals lhe total quantity of pyrimidines with guanine
(1) (2) (3) (4)
52. A cholera patient is given セオ」ッウ・@ electrolytes aryd These plltsmalyse the disease causing germs
(1) (2) {3) (4)
53. Excess consumption of alcohol results in dam- It promotes fonnation of fatty tissue in the liver
age to liver
(1) (2) (3) (4 )
54. XXX females are called super females They often give birth to triplets and quadrup&ets
(1 ) (2 ) (3) (4)
55. The male Anopheles does not spread malaria It does not cany plasmodium
(1) (2) (3 ) (4)
56. A persons of AB blood g-oup are called セ@ They carry no antibodies
(1) (2) (3) (4)
57. A doctor advised a patient to take plenty o( cit- The patient's complaint was that he had swol-
rus fruiiS. guavas, tomatoes and amlas over a len and spongy gums that bleed easily
period of two months regularly
(1) (2) (3) (4)
58. Ufe would have been impossible without The food we consume and the oxygen we
green plants breath are products of their セカゥエ・ウ@
(1) (2) (3) (4)
59. A man cannot pass on a sex-linked gene to his A male's X-chromosome is inherited from his
son . mother
(1) (2) (3) (4 )
60. Biomonitoring is reliable for determining the The living organism reacts to minute changes in
pollutants in air. water and soil the environment
(1) (2) (3) (4 )
1. Which of the following commissioned (3) Aryabhatta (4) Rohini.
ranks in the Air force is higher ? 11. Galileo was a scientist who belonged
(1) Group Captain (2) Squadron Leader to
(3) Air Commodore (4) Wing Commander. (1) France (2) Great Britain
2. Who said "I have no further territorial (3) Germany (4) Italy.
claims to make in Europe" ? 12. Some personalities and their countries
(1) Hider (2) Mussolini are matched below. Which of these is
(3) Napoleon (4) Stalin. wrong?
3. Name the person associated with t。ャセ@ ( 1) Pablo Picasso SpaiR-
wandi (2) Jesus Christ BetNehem
(1) Guru Arjan Dev (2) Guru Gobind Singh (3) Nicolas Copemicutaly-
(3) Guru Nank (4) Mahatma Gandhi. (4) Genghis Khan mッセャゥ。N@
4. How many yean come between one 13. Skylab was launched into space by the
B.C. and one A.D. ? U.S. in
1 1 (1) 1975 (2) 1974
(l}.Q (2) 1 (3) 2• (4) 12. (3) 1973 (4) 1979.
5. Pulitzer prize is given for 14. Which European leader was called the
(1) Agriculture (2) Journalism 'man of blood and iron'
(3) Uterature (4) Social work. (1) Hitler (2) Mussolini
6. l...and of white elephants is {3) Napoleon Bonaparte
(1) Kenya (2) Burma (4) Bismarck.
(3) India (4) Thailand. 15. Ludwing Von Beethowen was a
7. Jews were originally nomads &om (1) Musician (2) Painter
(1) Palestine (2) Sahara desert (3) Poet (4) Sculptor.
(3) Germany (4) North Europe. 16. The highest dam In the world is
8. Which of the following is the largest (1) Bhakra (2) Grande Dixence
multipurpose project in India (3) lnguri (4) Nurek.
(1) Hirakund (2) Bhakra Nanga! 17. Which of the following languages is
(3) Beas (4) Oamodar Valley. spoken by the largest number of people
9. 'Asian' Drama' was written by ln the wodd
(1) Gunnar Myrdal (2) William Shakespeare (1) English (2) Arabic
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru(4) Mulkh Raj Anand. (3) French (4) Chinese.
10. Which of the following is India's com- 18. Official reports of the British govern-
mUDicatlon satellite ? ment are called as
(1) APPLE (2) Bhaskara (1) Blue Boo!<s (2 ) Grey Books
(3) Green Books (4} White Papers. 20. Which Hindi writer l• the founder of
19. Who wu that ruler of India who trana- 'Khui Boll' ln Hindi literature
ferred hJ• capital from Delhi to Daulta- ( 1) Hazari Prasad Dwivedi
bed or Devangtr (2) Bhartendu Harish Chandra
(l) Feroz Tughlak (2) Mohd. Taughlak (3) Munshi ?rem Chand
(3) Allauddin Khilji (4) Auranzeb (4) None of these .
19. (2) Use = vo + セ。エ@x 0 = - 15 + 9 .8t
when x = distQnce of fall, 15 = 9 .8 t. , i.e.t = 1.53
uelocity = 0,
\10 • initial
o = occelerotiCWI, 9.8 m/sec.2, and
X = (-15) (1.53) + Y.! (9.8Xl.53) 2
t- 1 second X=- 22.95 + (4 . セ@ (2.34)
x=O + Q セ。ャ@ X=- 22.95 + 11.47
(9.8) (1) 2 X =· 11.48m ab01e the ground
x=4.9m. 31. (2) Choose the upward direction as negative
20. (4) All the statements are true and downward as positive. '
21. (3) Each 1590 years 1/2 of the 1'8l'Mining • Then Vo •- 15 "Ysec and
ment would decay. Theteforv, for the 6360 years a= 9 .8 m;MC.2 at t =3 seconds, X"'?
HセI@ 4
of the orgnal would セ@ or 1/16 X=Vot+ QセR@
22. (3) Stable equilibrium. X = (1-15) (3) + \セ^@ (9.8) (3)
colors. St =3 x 10 8 m/ sec.
25. (4) Definition of surface tension
Sin Or ) ( 8) ( 0.500 )
26. (1) 1ne smoother the surface, the more regu- Sr =si ( Sin ei セ@ 3 X 10 0.70
wty reflecting the surface is. Mirrors are
smooth enough that they reflect in a regular Sr =(3)(. 7) {10 セ@ = 2 .1 x 10 8 "Ysec
fashion. 34. (3) The answer is simple in that we know that
27. (4) SpecifiC gravity is numerically equal to Nr = 1.5 and Ni = 1.0,
density, so long as density is measured in
Nr .
gm/ cm3. :. Ni > 1.0; therefore, the ray of light slows
28. (2) The six devices known as simple ma- down and bends towards the normal.
chines are inclined plane, lever, pulley, screw,
wedge, and wheel- and-axle. c
35. (4) If N = S, :. Nr = S, and
29. (3) KE = 2 when KE = 2500 joules,
Ni = C substituting in the Snell's law given
m=SOkg,andv=? Sj
2500 = セ@ (,}) j.e. 100 =,} Sin6i Sr where C = speed of
v =lOrn/sec. Sine, =c light in vacuum and
si and s, is speed of
30. (2) At highest point si light in medium.
V = 0, Vo:::- 15 m/sec .,a= 9.8 m/sec.2 ,
SinO• si
andt=? . Then n - - = -
Sin9r Sr
36. (2) The question is self--explanatory 128
37. (1) Since pressure is measured in gauge,
or 16t - 128 = 0 and t = 16 = 8 sec.
pressure and PI and P2 are measured at sur- V2 - VI
faces exposed to the atmosphete PI = P2 = 0 . 46. (1) a= - t-
P1 V1
38. (3) ht + W + 2a + セ@
vla at 1 the =
58 mitlu.- 23_mi1fu-. 35 mltfw.
= 3.5 sec.
2 3 .5 sec .
velocity in all practical purposes = 0 and = 10 mi./hr. per sec.
Po = P2 =0 then the equation above can be Or, since 35 mi./hr. = 51 ft./sec
written as 51 'Vsec ..
v22 3 .5sec.
セK@ 2a =hi =12.7 ft. per sec.2
vl = (hl - h2)2a 47. (3) v =
V} + V2
v2 = [(hl - セI@ (2a)) セ@
v = セHRS@ + 58) milhr. v = 40 NUュゥエセオM N@
39. (3) Mathematical expression of Centripetal
force 5280 ft./min .
v = 40.5x / h 59.4ft./sec.
40. (4) Mathematical expression of Ohm's law . 3600 sec. r.
41. (2) Mathematical expression of Charles' law X = 59 .4ft.!sec. x 3.5 sec X = 208ft.
42. (1) Mathematical expression of Grahams law
of diffusion.
48. (3) v =S セ = 56 mi!hr
60 49. (4) The volume of the glass may be calcu-
43. (4) V = at; t = 60 sec. = h r.
lated as follows :
60 a 1 cm3
800 8
= 3600 =60 ·10.000 gm x - -
6 gm
=1666 crJ
a = TXLPュゥGィイセ@
50. (3) 1666 an x セ@ = 1666 g of hセ@
44. (1) The Pauli exclusion principle states that em
no more than 2 electrons may occupy a par- 2
1.7kg H20 x 9 .8m/ sec. = 16.66N
ticular atomic orbital. In order for 2 electrons ·
to occupy the orbital they must possess oppo- Therefore 100 N- 17 N = 83 N.
site spins. 51. (1)
45. (3) S , the distance, equals zero when the ob- F = mg. 10 kgx 9 .8 m;sec_2
ject has returned. Vo, the initial velocity,
= 98 kg - m/sec.2 = 98 N
equals 128 ftJsec. g, the acceleration of grav-
The acceleration of gravity is 32 ヲエ ャウ・」セM This
. ity equals 32 ft/sec2 •
may be converted to acceleration in the Mks
0= 128t-
= M ャセ@ system by working out a conversion factor
2 .54cm
. x 12 = 30.48 em/ft .= 0 .30 m/ ft .
QVセ@ -128t = 0 m.
Factoring, t (16t- 128) = 0 32 x 0 .30= 9 .6 m/sec.2 •
When the product equals zero, one of the fac- The smaller number results from rounding,
tors must equal zero but this is close enough.
Either t = 0 (not valid) 52. (3) 53.(2) 54.(2 ) 55.(3) 56.(1) 57.(2)
58.(1) 59.(1) 60.(3)
1. (3) Silver ions wi\1 react with chloride ions and C6H 1206 + Vセ@ ---+ 6Hz0 + 6 」セ@
precipitate as AgCI. + Energy (673 calories)
2. (2) The equation is self-explanatory. Anaerobic respiration (alcoholic Fermenta-
3. (1) H2S +--+ 2H + + S 2-. By the common ion tion):
34. (3) The more ions formed, the greater the PbOz + 4H + S04- 2 + 2 e- M セ@ PbS04 + 2HzQ
electric current carried by an electrolyte solu- During recharging of the battery the two half.
tion. cell reactions are reversed .
35. (2) !2 KセPS M R@ M M セ@ 21 - + S406+· Iodine 44. (3) CaC2 + 2H20 セ@ C2H2 + Ca (OH)i.
is being reduced. Iodine (i.e., l2l but not io- 45. (3) Freezing point depression in water de.
dide (i.e., 1- ) reacts with starch to form a blue pends only on the number of solute particles
complex. per unit volume
36. (1) A yellow precipitate of iodoform is pro- 1 MNaCI == 2 x 1 x 6 .02 x 10 23 particles per liter
duced in this reaction with methyl ketones, al-
cohols that may be oxidized to methyl 0 .3 M N8S04::: 3 x .03x 6.02 x 10 23 particles
ketones, or acetaldehyde. per liter.
37. (4) Enzymes are influenced by ;temperature 1.5 M glucose = 1 x 1.5 x 6 .02 x 10 23 particles
1. inactivated usually above 60° C per liter.
2. rate of reaction is controlled as in any 0 .5 M BaS04 =3 x O.Sx 6 .02 x 10 23 particles
chemical reaction; the rate is approximately per liter.
doubled by each 10° C increase
Dividing by 6 .02 x 10 23 we can see that
3. low temperatures slow the reactions PH. the comparative figures are NaCl, 2;
There is an optimum pH for every reaction n。コsセ L@ 0 .9; glucose, 1.5 ; and
poisons BaS04 , 1.5 . Thus, the NaCI solution has
some enzymes themselves can be harmful to the greatest number of particles per unit
the organism but they are also susceptible to volume (considering the ionization of
compounds like cyanide, etc., which inacti- NaCI , NazS04 and BaS04), and its will
vate them ·
have the lowest fteezing point.
concentration. 46. (2) Markovanikov's rule predicts that in the
the rate of a reaction is directly proportional absence of peroxides the addition of hydro-
to the amount of enzyme present in relation gen halide across a double bond will occur
to substrate. If a coenzyme or specific activa- with hydrogen being added to the carbon,
tor is required, that substance may control the which already contains the most hydrogen. In
overall rate of the reaction also. the presence of peroxides, however, a free
38. (2) The alpha helix contributes to the secon- radical mechanism results in hydrogen bro-
dary structure of proteins, but not all proteins mide being added in the opposite orientation.
(nor all regions of proteins) contain the alpha 47. (3) This is a definition of the zwitterion; an
helix secondary structure. example is the amino acid , glycine.
39. (2) The four products of this Wurtz reaction 48. (1) Helium has a higher density and cost
are n-hexane, n-butane, and ethane. On the than hydrogen, but it is much safer. Hydrogen
basis of probability only, the butane should readily escapes through tiny holes, and if ig-
represent 50 % of the product on a molar ba- nited, it reacts quite readily with oxygen. He-
sis. lium is essentially inert chemically.
40. (4) See explanation for question 39.
49. (1) Low molecular weight mercaptans have a
41. (1) +N2+ Br- + H2 catalyst+ - NH - NH2 very unpleasant odor even in low concentra-
42. (1) HzO + Na - -> H2 + NaOH tion. They are added to give an odor to the
43. (1) During the production of electricity the odorless natural gas. This is quite helpful in
tiNO half-cell reactions of the storage battery detecting leaks and thus avoiding explosions.
50. (3) The question states a fact and the infor-
Pb + S04- 2 セ@ PbS04 + 2e- mation should be learned.
51.(4) Certain condition like extremely low tem- 57.(4) Both assertion and reason are true but
perature and very high pressure can liquefy reason is not correct explanation of assertion
the nobel gases. Reason is also true but not because it never explain about the adsorption
the correct explanation of assertion nature of fluorescein
52.(3) Due to excitation of valence electrons of · 58.(4) Assertion and reason are true but not ex-
alkali metals, their salts give colour to the plaining why all enzymes are proteins. In gen-
bunsen flame eral all enzymes are proteinous macro-
53.(4} It is true that among halogens, chlorine molecules made of amino acids.
oxidises to highest oxidation state but reason 59.(3) Alkali metals are strong reducing agent be-
is not correct explanation, though it is indi- cause it has a tendency to get oxidised by re-
vidually correct. moving one electron easily. The main reason
54.(1} Decolouration of Br2 water shows unsatu- for this, they have ns 1 electronic configuration
ration in hydrocarbon . As acetylene have trip- and by removing ns 1 electron it can attain ncr
pie bond, it consist of one cs- and one ble gas configuration which is a stable con-
n--bond. 1t-bond is replaced by bromine figuration.
and addition reaction is taking place here. 60.(3) As we know that all exothermic reactions
55.(1) It is true that .4s electrons ionises before are not spontaneous whereas all such type of
3d-orbital electrons but the energy level of reactions where the entropy of system in·
3d- orbital electron is more than 4s-orbital creases are spontaneous. So, we can say
electrons. where the internal energy of system decreases
56.(1) N2 molecules contains triple bond, hence, and randomness increases the reaction be-
less reactive because of high bond energy. come spontaneous. Hence, both assertion
But reason is incorrect because there no delo- and reason are true and reason explains the
calization of electron in it. assertion.
1.{3) 2.(4} 3.(4) 4.(4) 5.(3) 6.(2) 7.(4) 8.(1) 9.{4) 10.{3} 11.(3} 12.(4)
13.(1) 14.(2) 15.{3} 16.(4} 17.(3) 18.(1) 19.(3) 20.(4) 21.{2) 22.{3}
23.(3) 24.(1) 25.(3) 26.(4) 27.{3) 28.(2} 29.(1) 30.(1) 31.(3) 32.(4)
33.{2) 34.(4) 35.(2) 36.(4) 37.(2) 38.(4) 39.(4) 40.(2) 41.(3} 42.(3}
43.(2} 44.(3) 45.{3) 46.{2} 47.{3) 48.(4) 49.(4) 50.(3} 51.(1) 52.{3)
53.(3) 54.(3) 55.(1) 56.(1) 57.{3) 58.{1) 59.(1} 60.{1)
1. Suberin is a protein and gives rigidity to the 5. Gamer and Allored found out that tobacco
ceU wall plants could flower only after exposure to a
2. It is caused by puccinia graminis and has 5 number of short days
stages 7. Cleistothecium is a closed structure containing
3. Heterotrichous stage is the arrangement of dif- spores on the inner wall
ferent types of flagella on the body 8. It is so named because it was discovered for
the 15 ttime in polygonum by strasburger
13. Robertson model says a phospholipid layer is cause death . It is also called African sleeping
sandwitched between two layers of proteins sickness or gambian fever .
are discontinuosly embedded in two layers of 42. Its infection takes place by contaminated
Upids water .
16. Mn helps in the electron transport reactions 44. Carbon dioxide reacts with water forming
18. Auxins help in cell elongation,cell division carbonic acid in the presence of carbonic an-
phototropism geotropism, apical dominance, hydrase carbonic add dissociates into hydro-
root initiation, abcission etc. gen ion and bicarbonate which diffuse into
20. Nodes and internodes are exclusive charac- plasma
teristics of stem COz + H2 0 M @セ H 2 C03 セ@ H C03 + H+
21. Smallest flower is Wolffia
4 7. Body temperature is a function of rate of me-
22. Classification of Cucurbitaceae is tabolism thus active animals have high body
Polypetalae, Calyciflorae, Passiflorales, Cucur- temperature.
bitaceae 49. Sustentacular cells are found in germinal epi-
23. PMA covers stomata as a film and allows thelia of seminiferous tubules of testis. These
」セ@ diffusion but restrict diffusion of water are also known as nurse cells or sertoli cells
and thus reduce transpiration without affect- 51. This is expressed by chargaff's base pairing
ing 」セ@ uptake . Other anti transpirants is rule
ABA 52 . Cholera patient is given these to over come
28. Ho\ocene represents the age of man dehydration to which human cells may plas-
29. Due to development in the field of medicine, molyse
mortality rate in chlidren have lowred. 53. Excessive alcohol hampers metabolism
30. Heckels theory takes into account the com- 55. Plasmodium vivax the protozoan due to
parative embryological evidences which malaria is caused and it is carried by
31. Colour blindness is a sex \inked disease and female anopheles mosquito
therefore it appears due to inheritance 56. Since no antibodies are present in AB blood
through X chromosome group thus no antigen in required and there-
32. Archenteron opens through blastopore fore AB is universal acceptor
33. The heart of rabbit is a mammalian heart 57. The patient had scurvy which is caused due
and therefore mitral valve is situated at the left to deficiency of vitamin 'C' thus to provide vi-
auriculoventircular opening tamin 'C' doctor advised him citrus fruits
38. Trypanosoma affects blood and nervous tis- 59. Sex!inked gene is found on X chromosome of
sue due to which man fee\s sleepy and may male thus can not be transferred from male .
1.(3) 2.(1) 3.(3) 4.(1) 5.(2) 6.(4) 7.(1) 8.(2) 9.(1) 10.(1) 11.(4) 12.(3)
13.(3) 14.(4) 15.(1) 16.(4) 17.{4) 118.(1) 19.(2) 20.(2)