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Keywords Abstract
chronic hepatitis B – HBV DNA – lamivudine – Background: Telbivudine showed greater antiviral suppression than lamivu-
nucleoside analogue – telbivudine switch dine in phase II and III clinical trials. Aims: The present phase IIIb,
randomized, double-blind, multicentre global trial assessed the antiviral
efficacy and safety of telbivudine switch in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients
who exhibited persistent viraemia under lamivudine therapy. Methods:
Rifaat Safadi, Holy Family Hospital, Nazareth,
HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative adult patients (N = 246) with persistent
Tel: 1972 4 6508900
viraemia [hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA43 log10 copies/ml] under lamivudine
Fax: 1972 4 6508922
treatment for 12–52 weeks were randomized (1:1) to continue lamivudine
e-mail: safadi@hadassah.org.il 100 mg/day or switch to telbivudine 600 mg/day for 1 year. Primary endpoint
was the reduction in serum HBV DNA levels from baseline at Week 24.
Received 28 May 2010 Results: The mean reduction in serum HBV DNA levels from baseline with
Accepted 23 September 2010 telbivudine was significantly higher than lamivudine at Week 24 (1.9 0.18
vs. 0.9 0.27 log10 copies/ml; Po0.001) and maintained through 1 year.
DOI:10.1111/j.1478-3231.2010.02360.x The rate of treatment failure was significantly lower (Po0.001) for patients
who switched to telbivudine (5%) compared with those who continued
lamivudine (20%) after 52 weeks of treatment. In the telbivudine group,
treatment failure occurred in only five patients with 424 weeks of prior
lamivudine treatment, all associated with pre-existent lamivudine-resistant
mutations. Genotypic resistance rates were higher in patients continuing
lamivudine compared with those who switched to telbivudine with o24
weeks of lamivudine exposure. Both treatments were well tolerated with
similar safety profiles. Conclusions: Early (24 weeks) switch to telbivudine
improves virological outcomes in CHB patients with persistent viral replica-
tion under lamivudine treatment.
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is a significant health treatment of CHB include oral nucleoside analogues
problem worldwide. It is estimated that 5% of the total (lamivudine, entecavir and telbivudine), nucleotide ana-
world population is infected with hepatitis B virus logues (adefovir dipivoxil and tenofovir) and an immu-
(HBV), and among these, 500 000 die of HBV-related nomodulatory agent (interferon/peginterferon-a) (6).
complications [cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma Lamivudine is the most commonly prescribed drug for
(HCC)] (1). Recent studies established a possible link CHB therapy, with treatment extended beyond 1 year in
between the level of persistent viral replication and the most patients. During the first year of lamivudine therapy,
development of CHB complications (2–4). Therefore, the HBV strains resistant to lamivudine may develop in
main goal of CHB treatment is the achievement of early 15–30% patients, leading to treatment failure (7). The
and durable viral suppression, as described in current GLOBE trial compared the efficacy and safety of telbivu-
international guidelines (5). Drugs available for the dine vs. lamivudine treatment over 2 years in patients with
CHB and demonstrated a significantly higher efficacy for The incidence of adverse events (AEs), serious adverse
telbivudine and similar safety to lamivudine in HBeAg- events (SAEs), death and graded laboratory abnormal-
positive and HBeAg-negative patients (8, 9). ities was analysed during the study visits.
The aim of the present study was to compare the
antiviral efficacy and safety of telbivudine switch vs.
Genotypic resistance analysis
continued lamivudine treatment in patients with persis-
tent viraemia after 12–52 weeks of previous lamivudine Hepatitis B virus DNA was amplified by PCR (COBAS
treatment. Amplicor HBV MonitorTM assay, Roche Molecular Sys-
tems, Branchburg, NJ, USA; lower limit of detection of
Patients and methods 300 copies/ml) for all the serum samples collected at
screening and at Week 48 from patients with ‘1 log10
Patients above nadir’ virological breakthrough, the 344-codon
Male and female adult CHB patients (aged 18–70 years) reverse transcriptase domain of the HBV polymerase
with HBeAg-positive or HBeAg-negative compensated gene was sequenced at an independent laboratory (Delft
liver disease participated in this phase IIIb, randomized, diagnostic laboratory, Fonteijinenburghlaan 5, 2275 CX,
double-blind, multicentre global trial (40 centres). Key Voorburg, the Netherlands). This automated method has
inclusion criteria were prior lamivudine treatment for been reported previously and detects potential resistance
12–52 weeks, serum HBV DNA 43 log10 copies/ml and mutations that comprise at least 25% of the amplified
serum alanine transferase (ALT) o10 times the upper viral DNA (10, 11).
limit of normal (ULN). Patients were excluded if they
had: co-infection with hepatitis C, D or HIV; evidence of Data analysis
hepatic decompensation, pancreatitis or HCC; previous
treatment for CHB with nucleos(t)ide analogues except This study was powered for treatment differences on the
lamivudine; treatment with interferon-a or other immu- primary endpoint. This design was based on the phase IIb
nomodulators within the past 12 months; other forms of study results (9) and a 1 log10 copies/ml increment in
liver disease; serum creatinine level Z1.5 mg/dl; pro- serum HBV DNA reduction (primary endpoint) was
thrombin time 43 s; serum albumin level o3.3 g/dl; or expected at Week 24. With these assumptions and an
total bilirubin level Z2.0 mg/dl. Eligible patients with a estimated drop-out rate of 10%, a sample size of 240
serum a-feto protein 450 ng/ml required exclusion patients (120 patients per-treatment) provided 490%
owing to the possibility of underlying HCC. power for the primary comparison of HBV DNA reduc-
tion at Week 24, and approximately 85% for the compar-
ison of ALT normalization.
Study design Two analysis populations were defined for this study.
All eligible patients who were treated previously with All randomized patients who received at least one dose of
lamivudine (12–52 weeks) were randomized (1:1, by an the study medication and those who had at least one
IVRS system) to either switch to once-daily administra- observation after baseline were included in the intent-to-
tion of oral telbivudine 600 mg (tablet) or to continue treat (ITT) population. These patients were used for
lamivudine 100 mg for 52 weeks (Fig. 1a). Patients analysing all efficacy endpoints. The last observation
provided written informed consent. This study con- carried forward approach was applied for missing values.
formed with the ethics principles of the Declaration of Primary efficacy variables were analysed by ANCOVA.
Helsinki, Good Clinical Practice guidelines and applic- The continuous and categorical variables were compared
able local regulatory requirements, including institu- by the two-sided t-test and the w2 testing respectively.
tional-review board approval. Descriptive statistics for secondary endpoints including
serum HBV DNA levels, change from the baseline in
serum HBV DNA and serum ALT concentrations, was
Efficacy and safety assessments
presented by visit and treatment group. Treatment failure
Primary efficacy endpoint was a reduction in serum HBV and virological breakthrough were analysed using an
DNA levels from the study baseline at Week 24. Secondary ANCOVA model with effects for baseline stratification
efficacy endpoints evaluated at Weeks 24 and 52 were factors (HBeAg-negative vs. -positive status, 12–24 vs.
serum HBV DNA undetectable by polymerase chain 25–52 weeks of prior lamivudine therapy), at the 0.05
reaction (PCR) (o300 copies/ml), ALT normalization, significance level. The Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel meth-
HBeAg loss and seroconversion, treatment failure and od was used to combine stratified subgroups for testing
virological breakthrough. Treatment failure was defined response rates between the treatment groups.
as completion of at least 24 weeks of treatment without McNemar’s test was used to determine the significance
two consecutive measurements of serum HBV DNA for emergence of mutations at each of the 344 residues
o5 log10 copies/ml. Virological breakthrough was defined across all breakthrough patients. The safety population
as a persistent (two consecutive determinations) on-treat- consisted of all patients who received at least one dose of
ment increase in HBV DNA of 41 log10 above nadir (9). the study medication with at least one post-baseline
Screened N = 414
Excluded; n = 166
Not meeting inclusion criteria
Randomized 248
(IVRS system)
Excluded; n = 2
Did not receive the study
Telbivudine; N = 122 Lamivudine; N = 124 allocation
Discontinued; n = 6 Discontinued; n = 8
Non-compliance; n = 2 AE; n = 1
AE; n = 1 PI, sponsor / patient
PI, sponsor / patient request; n = 6
request; n = 3 Death; n = 1
Fig. 1. (a) Trial design – Laboratory evaluations were conducted at screening, at baseline (randomization) and at Weeks 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32,
40, 48 and 52. During each visit HBeAg, HBeAb, HBsAg and HBsAb were assayed at the central reference laboratory using standard,
commercially available enzyme immunoassays. Serum HBV DNA levels were quantified by the COBAS Amplicor HBV Monitor Assay. Complete
physical examination was performed at screening, Week 24 and Week 52 (study end). Additional physical examinations were performed at
visits whenever deemed necessary. (b) Flow chart representing patient disposition. AE, adverse event; HBV, hepatitis B virus; ITT, intent to treat.
observation. For all analyses based on the safety popula- graphics and disease characteristics were similar among
tion, patients were analysed according to the treatment patients in both groups (Table 1). The number of
received. The incidence of AEs and frequency of Grade 3 HBeAg-positive patients was equal (n = 81) for both
or 4 laboratory abnormalities were summarized by treat- treatment groups. There were 41 telbivudine- and 43
ment groups and compared with Fisher’s exact test. lamivudine-treated patients who were HBeAg-negative.
Serum HBV DNA samples collected at screening from
Results 246 ITT patients (122 telbivudine; 124 lamivudine) were
sequenced with complete sequence data obtained from
223 patients. Samples that could not be amplified were
Of 414 screened patients, 248 fulfilled the inclusion presumed to carry the wild-type sequence. Overall,
criteria and were randomized; the ITT population com- 15.9% patients [39/246 of the serum samples; 21/122
prised 246 patients receiving telbivudine (n = 122) or (17.2%) and 18/124 (14.5%) in the telbivudine and
lamivudine (n = 124). On treatment, 116 patients in each lamivudine groups respectively] carried one of M204
group completed this study (Fig. 1b). Baseline demo- mutations (I, V, or mixed). There was no significant
difference in the prevalence of pre-existing lamivudine- was seen with telbivudine (mean D 1.9 0.18; mean
resistant mutations between treatment groups. serum HBV DNA levels 3.8 0.19 log10 copies/ml) com-
pared with lamivudine treatment (mean D 0.9 0.27,
Efficacy results in the intent-to-treat population mean serum HBV DNA levels 5.1 0.26 log10 copies/ml).
The percent of patients experiencing undetectable
Significantly (P o 0.001) greater reduction in serum HBV HBV DNA levels, HBeAg loss and seroconversion at
DNA levels from baseline at Week 24 (primary endpoint) Week 24 was higher in the telbivudine group. None
of the patients in either group had HBsAg loss or
seroconversion while numerically higher rates of ALT
Table 1. Demographical and baseline disease characteristics normalization were achieved in lamivudine patients
(intent-to-treat population) (Table 2).
Telbivudine Lamivudine The greater decline in serum HBV DNA levels in
Baseline patient characteristics N = 122 N = 124 telbivudine group was retained at all timepoints from
Age in years – mean (SE) 35.5 (1.0) 37.3 (1.0)
Week 24 onwards (mean HBV DNA levels not shown)
Weight in kg – mean (SE) 71.2 (1.5) 71.5 (1.24) until Week 52 although serum HBV DNA levels increased
Height in cm – mean (SE) 169.7 (0.8) 170.4 (0.7) at Week 52 in both telbivudine and lamivudine group
Gender – n (%) male 90 (74) 96 (77) (Table 2).
Race – n (%) At Week 52, telbivudine treatment resulted in signifi-
Caucasians 15 (12) 13 (10) cantly higher rates of undetectable serum HBV DNA
Asians 75 (61) 76 (61) (46%) compared with lamivudine 31% (P = 0.005). The
Chinese 55 (68) 63 (80) proportion of patients with ALT normalization was
Korean 13 (16) 12 (15) higher in the telbivudine group (60%) compared with
African/African-Americans 0 (0) 2 (2)
the lamivudine group (51%).
Middle Eastern/Indians 25 (20) 29 (23)
Others 7 (6) 4 (3)
HBeAg status
HBeAg-positive 81 (66) 81 (65) Efficacy results by HBeAg status and duration of prior
HBeAg-negative 41 (34) 43 (35) lamivudine treatment
Serum HBV DNA (log10 copies/ml),
Mean (SE) 5.6 (0.21) 6.0 (0.24) HBeAg-positive patients switched to telbivudine had
Median 5.0 5.3 better outcomes compared with the group of continued
Serum ALT concentration (IU/L) lamivudine treatment at all timepoints, with significantly
Mean (SE) 68.5 (7.1) 57.7 (4.8) higher HBV DNA decline and rate of HBV DNA un-
Median 41.5 40.5 detectable at Week 52 (P o 0.05) regardless of the dura-
Duration of prior lamivudine-therapy tion of prior lamivudine treatment. However, those who
(years) were switched to telbivudine treatment post-lamivudine
Mean (SE) 0.6 (0.03) 0.5 (0.03) exposure (o 24 week) retained benefits of greater decline
Median 0.5 0.4
in serum HBV DNA levels and higher rates of HBV DNA
P-values for continuous variables are from a two-sided t-test. P-values for undetectable at Week 52 similar to that observed at Week
categorical variables are from a w2 test. Percentages are based on the 24 (Table 3). The outcomes for HBeAg-negative patients
number of patients with non-missing data for the parameter in each at Week 24 were generally better but no significant
treatment group. differences were observed because of the small number
ALT, alanine transferase ; HBV, hepatitis B virus; SE, standard error. of patients in this group.
Table 2. Efficacy results with or telbivudine- or lamivudine-treatment at Week 24 and Week 52 (intent-to-treat population, last observation
carried forward)
Week 24 Week 52
P-values are from a CMH w2 test for discrete parameters and from ANCOVA for continuous parameters.
CMH, Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel; HBV, hepatitis B virus.
10/43 (23)
19/28 (68)
Treatment failure and association with pre-existing
7/14 (50)
2/39 (5)
genotypic resistance
Undetectable HBV
At Week 52, the overall rate of treatment failure was
Table 3. Efficacy results at Week 24 and Week 52 with telbivudine or lamivudine stratified by HBeAg status and duration of prior lamivudine treatment (intent-to-treat population)
23/28 (82)
9/39 (23)
5/12 (42)
patients, P o 0.001). Treatment failure was most fre-
quently associated with the presence of pre-existent
genotypic resistance mutations at screening in telbivu-
dine patients (83%; 5/6 patients) than in lamivudine
1.103 0.627
1.502 0.407
0.777 0.573
0.014 0.660
patients (52%; 13/25 patients) (Table 4). Among the five
telbivudine patients with pre-existing M204 resistance
Change from baseline in serum HBV
1.231 0.750
pared with only one of the eight patients (1/8, 12%) with
a pre-existing M204V, including mixed mutations.
Week 52
17/28 (61)
10/39 (26)
21/28 (75)
7/12 (58)
0.483 0.373
1.004 0.497
0.513 0.579
1.235 0.336
2.290 0.366
1.298 0.360
Table 4. Treatment failure and the presence of pre-existing genotypic resistance at Week 52, stratified by HBeAg status and the duration of
prior lamivudine therapy (intent-to-treat population)
Telbivudine Lamivudine
N = 122 N = 124
Percentages are based on the number of patients in each treatment group eligible for meeting the endpoint (n 0 ).
TF, treatment failure.
Table 5. Virological breakthrough and genotypic resistance at Week 48 stratified by the duration of prior lamivudine therapy (all patients and
patients with wild-type HBV virus at screen)
Telbivudine Lamivudine
N = 122 N = 124
1 log10 above nadir VB Genotypic resistance 1 log10 above nadir VB Genotypic resistance
Duration of prior lamivudine treatment n 0 /N (%) n 0 /N (%) n 0 /N (%) n 0 /N (%)
All patients
12–24 weeks 5/71 (7.0) 5/71 (7.0) 13/71 (18.3) 9/71 (12.7)
24–52 weeks 13/51 (25.4) 10/51 (19.67) 7/53 (13.2) 4/53 (7.5)
Combined 18/122 (14.8) 15/101 (12.3) 20/124 (16.1) 13/124 (10.5)
Patients with wild-type HBV virus at screen
12—24 weeks 5/58 (8.6) 5/58 (8.6) 13/67 (19.4) 9/67 (13.4)
24–52 weeks 8/43 (18.6) 7/43 (16.3) 6/39 (15.4) 4/43 (10.3)
Combined 13/101 (12.9) 12/101 (11.9) 19/106 (17.9) 13/106 (12.3)
Percentages are based on the number of patients in each treatment group eligible for meeting the endpoint (n 0 ).
HBV, hepatitis B virus; VB, virological breakthrough.
breakthrough patients. Of the 18 telbivudine break- this study. No novel primary resistance mutation was
through patients, two (11%) carried M204 mutations identified in telbivudine breakthrough patients.
(one M204V, one M204I) at screening that persisted Of the 20 breakthrough lamivudine patients, 13 (65%)
post-breakthrough and therefore were not treatment exhibited treatment-emergent codon M204 genotypic
related. In 15/18 (83.3%) telbivudine breakthrough pa- changes [M204I (54%), M204V (15%)], and L180M or
tients, the M204I signature mutation emerged while on L801/V secondary mutations. A single lamivudine
treatment, with 14/15 (93%) categorized as a pure M204I patient possessed the M204I resistance strain at both
mutant and one as a mixed mutant population (M204M/ screening and Week 48 and was therefore excluded from
I/V). Interestingly, one patient with a treatment-emer- the subsequent analysis of treatment-emergent muta-
gent M204I mutation was genotyped as M204V at screen- tions. The final six lamivudine patients had HBV gen-
ing but M204I at Week 48. The remaining telbivudine omes with wild-type M204 codons despite the viral
breakthrough patients carried a wild-type M204 and no rebound, presumably related to non-compliance or a loss
other known resistance mutation at Week 48; this break- of response to lamivudine for reasons unrelated to
through may reflect a lack of compliance. Despite the genotypic resistance.
prior lamivudine exposure, no treatment-emergent The rates of the virological breakthrough and genoty-
M204V change (including the M204V-L180M double pic resistance were also calculated excluding patients
mutant) was seen in response to telbivudine therapy in with pre-existing mutations and considering only those
who carried wild-type HBV viruses at screening (Table None of the SAEs was study drug related in either
5). In patients with wild-type virus at screening, the treatment group.
virological breakthrough was lower in telbivudine switch
(13%) compared with continued lamivudine group
(18%) and similar to the overall study population
(15%). Considering the duration of lamivudine exposure The primary goal of antiviral therapy for CHB is an early
in these patients, the rate of viral breakthrough in and durable suppression of HBV replication with the
telbivudine switch patients with longer (24–52 weeks) ultimate goal of preventing advanced liver sequelae
lamivudine exposure was 18%, which was lower than in (cirrhosis and HCC). Lamivudine, the first oral anti-
the analogous group of overall population (25%) and HBV agent is still the number one prescribed drug
suggest that the mutations developed during prolonged worldwide for treatment of CHB. However, a major
lamivudine exposure could have confounded the benefit problem with lamivudine therapy is the frequent emer-
of telbivudine switch. gence of drug resistance mutations, most commonly
located in the YMDD motif at position rt204 (M204V/I)
either with or without the compensatory mutations at
Safety and adverse events position rt180 (L180M) and rt173 (V173L) (12). During
the first year of lamivudine therapy, 15–30% patients fail
Both treatments were well tolerated with the incidence of to develop durable virological response because of emer-
AEs throughout Week 52 similar. Sixteen patients in the gence of HBV strains resistant to lamivudine (7). It was
telbivudine group (13%) and 20 patients in the lamivu- demonstrated that the evolution of lamivudine-resistant
dine group (16%) experienced drug-related AEs (Table HBV leading to suboptimal efficacy is inversely propor-
6). Nine percent of patients (n = 21) experienced a tional to the degree of HBV DNA suppression during
post-baseline, on-treatment, Grade 3 or 4 laboratory early treatment (13). While some patients with YMDD
abnormality. There were four patients with investigator- mutant HBV may maintain low levels of viraemia on
described myalgia (lamivudine, n = 1 and telbivudine, lamivudine, such patients commonly develop variable
n = 3). Three of these patients experienced Grade 1 AE of return of HBV replication, high viraemia, and variably
myalgia (lamivudine, n = 1 and telbivudine, n = 2) but elevated serum ALT levels (14, 15). Initially considered
recovered spontaneously. In one case, the investigator no more than a virological problem, lamivudine resis-
considered the event to be reasonably or possibly related tance is now recognized to be a relevant clinical problem,
to the study drug (lamivudine, n = 1). The incidences of which requires specific therapeutic management (7). At
ALT elevation were similar between treatment groups the time this study was planned one of proposed strate-
(telbivudine, 2%; lamivudine, 3%) and were considered gies for treatment of CHB patients with suboptimal
unrelated to the study drug. response to an oral antiviral was a switch to a more
Overall, SAEs occurred in five (4%) and eight (6%) of potent drug. Based on this hypothesis and the superior
the telbivudine and lamivudine patients, respectively, efficacy of telbivudine over lamivudine shown in the
including myocardial infarction and haemorrhoids. GLOBE trial (8), the present study aimed to define the
benefit of switching patients who remained viraemic
Table 6. On-treatment adverse events by preferred term in decreas-
under lamivudine treatment to telbivudine.
ing frequency occurring in Z4% of patients in either treatment While the duration of prior lamivudine therapy for
group switching to other treatment is difficult to define, at the
time of inception of this trial the best strategy was to
Telbivudine Lamivudine
N = 122 N = 124
select the patients based on active CHB (serum HBV
Adverse events n (%) n (%) DNA level 43 log10 copies/ml) with major ALT elevation
(particularly ALT 45 ULN) for a duration of 1 year or
Upper respiratory tract infection 9 (7) 10 (8)
less (16). Other simultaneous ongoing trials used a
Headache 9 (7) 8 (6)
Nasophyrangitis 7 (6) 6 (5)
similar design.
Cough 6 (5) 3 (2) Results of this study are consistent with GLOBE (8, 17)
Abdominal pain 5 (4) 7 (6) and other studies for telbivudine-treated patients, in
Arthralgia 5 (4) 5 (4) achieving significantly greater reductions in HBV DNA
Nausea 5 (4) 1 ( o 1) levels and PCR undetectability at Weeks 24 and 52
Pharyngolaryngeal pain 5 (4) 4 (3) compared with lamivudine-treated patients. An early
ALT increased 4 (3) 6 (5) switch to telbivudine in patients with prior lamivudine
Fatigue 4 (3) 7 (6) exposure demonstrated a significantly lower rate of
Diarrhoea 3 (2) 6 (5) treatment failure. In the majority of telbivudine switch
Hepatic enzyme increased 3 (2) 5 (4)
patients (83.3%), treatment failure was associated with
Percentages are based on the number of patients in the safety popula- pre-existing M204 lamivudine resistance mutations at
tion in each treatment group. screen compared with only about half (56%) in the
ALT, alanine transferase. lamivudine continuing group. Interestingly, the M204I
signature mutation was characterized in half of the viral replication under lamivudine treatment – the in-
telbivudine patients with pre-existing M204 resistance creased power of lamivudine-resistance mutations with
mutations who experienced treatment failure. each additional month of ongoing treatment is well
Even in patients classified as carrying wild-type HBV at known. Only one patient with o24 weeks of lamivudine
screening, the rates of virological breakthrough and exposure who was switched to telbivudine experienced
genotypic resistance for telbivudine at Week 48 in this treatment failure and the rates of virological break-
study were higher than the rates found in treatment- through and genotypic resistance were lower compared
naı̈ve patients in the pivotal GLOBE study (17). This with the patients continuing lamivudine therapy. In
difference may be attributed to the fact that genotypic contrast, in both groups the rates of treatment failure,
resistance analysis was performed at screening and not at virological breakthrough and genotypic resistance in-
baseline leaving a gap of 6 weeks when resistance muta- creased substantially in relation to longer duration (424
tions may have developed but were not detected. Another weeks) of prior lamivudine exposure. Hence, it appears
explanation may be that owing to the lower sensitivity of that early (24 weeks) switch to telbivudine may benefit
the mutation assay there were some lamivudine muta- patients who remain viraemic under lamivudine treat-
tions that were not detected. In the GLOBE study, the ment.
signature mutation associated with telbivudine resistance Both treatments were well tolerated and showed a
was M204I, found either alone or in association with the similar safety profile as observed in the GLOBE study
secondary mutations L80I/V or L180M, findings that (8). Patients who switched to telbivudine from lamivu-
were confirmed in the present study (8). dine did not experience any additional spectrum of
Interpretation of these results needs to take into adverse effects.
account that this study was designed based on the super- In conclusion, this study shows that early switch (before
ior efficacy and lower resistance rates to telbivudine as 24 weeks of lamivudine treatment) to telbivudine may
compared with lamivudine in the overall HBV popula- improve the patient’s outcomes. Switching lamivudine-re-
tion and that the resistance profile to telbivudine and sistant patients to telbivudine monotherapy may have a
cross resistance to lamivudine and telbivudine was not limited role, and to achieve a more potent antiviral effect
fully established when this study started. Lamivudine- and prevent multidrug resistance, the combination of telbi-
experienced patients enrolled in this study, therefore, vudine with another nucleotide could be another option.
included a broader population not stratified according
to pre-existing lamivudine resistance, which today is Acknowledgements
known to be an important criterion to decide the success
of switching therapies in CHB patients. Lamivudine- The authors wish to thank the patients and study centres
experienced patients were (1) viraemic patients on lami- for participating in this study. The authors wish to thank
vudine therapy carrying established lamivudine resis- Mechthild Jung, PhD, Vijay Singh, PhD and Charles
tance or wild-type HBV strain at screen, and (2) those Koehne, MSc for their editorial support in the prepara-
successfully achieving viral suppression or maintaining tion of this manuscript.
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