Book AngelsBook of Angels

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First of all, who are the Angels? 5

Statements of people who have witnessed the existence of angels 6

How to recognize Angels 9

The Angels’ Families 10

The Angels’ Power 12

Learn the name of your Protective Guardian Angel 13

How to summon Your Guardian Angel 18

How to summon an Angel 19

The Angel’s Response 20

Getting to know more about the Angels 21

Seraphim Choir 22

Cherubim Choir 31

Thrones Choir 40

Dominations Choir 49

Powers Choir 58

Virtues Choir 67

Principalities Choir 76

Archangels Choir 85

Angels Choir 94

In Conclusion 103


T hat’s the first thing we need to know.

An Angel, according to the very definition of the word, is a


The word “angel” comes from the Greek word “aggelos”, which
means “messenger”. So, an angel is a messenger, someone
who brings or transmits a divine message to humans, or to one
person in particular.

The most advanced studies, conducted in all religions, show

that these spiritual beings have existed since the beginning of
time. They are usually depicted in human form, but also are
often adorned with wings.

Their role is quite simple: they come to warn people about

some danger. These spiritual beings, who take on human form
so as not to stand out from those around us, are responsible
for delivering a message to one particular person.


T he oldest evidence on record comes, of course, from the


After Abraham had seen God, he was visited by God, who was
accompanied by two angels.

Their mission was to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

They were welcomed by Lot, who lived in Sodom. Since he had
sheltered them, they allowed him and his family to leave the
city before it was destroyed. And we all know how the story
ends : Lot’s wife turned back to see what was happening to
Sodom, which the angels had forbidden anyone to do, and she
was immediately transformed into a pillar of salt. Lot and his
two daughters were the only survivors.

Tobie’s father sent him to collect the money he had lent to

a friend twenty years ago. The boy knew nothing about the
road he was on. Along the way, he met the angel Raphael, who
accompanied him on the entire journey. Tobie did not know
that his companion was an angel. The angel protected him
during the entire time, even until Tobie got married. At that
time, the angel explained who he was, noting that he had been
sent by God and that he had submitted all of Tobie’s prayers to
God. He also specified that he was one of seven angels looking
after Tobie.

During the exodus from Israel, God told Moses that he would
send an exterminator angel to carry out his vengeance on the
Egyptians. This was the famous episode of the “ten plagues
of Egypt”, especially the tenth, where all the firstborn children
were killed except for those of the Hebrews. The exterminator
angel was able to identify them because they had painted their
door sills with blood from a sacrifice offered to God (Genesis,

However, the case most often cited is that of Mary, who was
visited by the archangel Gabriel to tell her she would give birth
to a child, Jesus, who was surrounded by angels during his
entire life.

The same archangel Gabriel appeared to Mohamed, the

founder of Islam.

We also have the story of Gabriel’s appearance to Joan of Arc,

and of how she was able to recognize the king of France, whom
she had never seen, simply because she was guided by the

There are, of course, more recent testimonies, which the press

and various books have brought to the attention of everyone.

Thus, during World War II, a man fell more than 15,000 feet
without his parachute. He was a tail gunner in a Flying Fortress
aircraft and was sucked out the window of his cabin after it was
broken by fire from a German plane. He was certain he would
die, but an angel – he is sure – rescued him from the situation
by making him land first in a forest of snow-covered pine trees
that broke his fall. He said he felt himself held up by his angel
before falling gently into the snow. And he came through
without a scratch, even after a fall of more than 8 miles, which

is the equivalent, if you can imagine a tower that tall, of four
thousand stories!

Some twenty years ago, two young salesmen for an insurance

company left a restaurant. They got into their car without
fastening their safety belts. Suddenly, due to some mysterious
warning, the driver stopped the car and fastened his safety belt,
telling his passenger to do the same. Although surprised, his
passenger obeyed him. They started off again, very slowly. Two
miles later, the car skidded on a patch of mud left on the wet
ground by the driver of a tractor pulling a wagon full of beets.
Everyone ended up in the ditch, but unhurt. Nobody knows
what would have happened to them if they had not fastened
their safety belts. To this day, the driver is convinced of the
existence of his guardian angel : “He’s the one who mysteriously
told me to stop and fasten my safety belt,” he concludes every
time he tells the story.

A few years ago, a reporter, who was doing a story on the mafia,
was sitting in a car when he was subjected to a volley of shots
aimed at himself and the other occupants.

The car was riddled with bullets. Everyone in the car died except
him, since he had felt himself miraculously pushed down by a
hand that came to rest on his head. In addition, the car caught
fire and exploded. Miraculously, he felt someone rescuing him
by pulling him out of the car. However, there was no one there!
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that he believes in the existence
of his guardian angel.

Many artists have described experiences showing the

existence of their guardian angel, who gave them advice or
helped them out at some point in their career : stage artists,
as well as sculptors, painters, musicians, and writers, who all
recognize the existence of a guardian angel.

I n the Middle Ages, the Kabbalists, people who make symbolic

and esoteric interpretations of sacred texts, left many
manuscripts. Each manuscript carefully describes the forces
and powers for doing good of angels, spiritual beings, who are
destined to give us a wake up call.

Later, their work was resumed and carried on further. This

resulted in a consistent collection being published. More
recently, scholars have drawn on both the symbolism of the
sacred letters that, in Hebrew, comprise the names of the
angels, and on an analysis of the influences that traditional lore
assigns to the portion of the zodiac that each angel occupies
or reigns over.

So, those are the origins of what will be presented to you in this
book. Before moving on to a closer examination of each of the
angels and what he can do for you based on your date of birth,
there are a number of important things you should know.


T he Kabbalists emphasized a number of points. The most

important one is that every guardian angel has a residence,
or a palace, within a 5-degree arc of the zodiac, starting with
the sign of the Ram. Since the zodiac has 360 degrees, simple
division allows us to see that there are 72 different angels.

These 72 Angels are grouped into nine families that we call the

Each one of these angels is governed, guided in a way, by an

angel known as the “Prince” (or the Reigning Angel). You will find
these nine choirs listed below, each preceded by the name of
the Prince that reigns over it.

You will also find, after the name of each choir, the names of all
the angels included in them, along with their sequence number
in relation to the zodiac :

Metatron and the Seraphim angels :

Vehuiah (1), Jeliel (2), Sitael (3), Elemiah (4), Mahasiah (5),
Lelahel (6), Achaiah (7) and Cahetel (8).

Raziel and the Cherubim :

Haziel (9), Aladiah (10), Lauviah (11), Hahaiah (12), Iezalel (13),
Mebahel (14), Hariel (15) and Hekamiah (17).

Zaphkiel and the Thrones :
Lauviah II (17), Caliel (18), Leuviah (19), Pahaliah (20),
Nelchael (21), Yeiayel (22), Melahel (23) and Haheuiah (24).

Zadkiel and the Dominations :

Nithaiah (25), Haaiah (26), Yeratel (27), Seheiah (28),
Reiyel (29), Omael (30), Lecabel (31) and Vasariah (32).

Camael and the Powers :

Yehuiah (33), Lehaiah (34), Chavakhiah (35), Menadel (36),
Aniel (37), Haamiah (38), Rehael (39) and Yeiazel (40).

Michael and the Virtues :

Hahahel (41), Mikhael (42), Veuliah (43), Yelahiah (44),
Sealiah (45), Ariel (46), Asaliah (47) and Mihael (48).

Haniel and the Principalities :

Vehuel (49), Daniel (50), Hahasiah (51), Imamiah (52),
Nanael (53), Nithael (54), Mebahiah (55) and Poyel (56).

Raphael and the Archangels :

Nemamiah (57), Yeialel (58), Harahel (59), Mitzrael (60),
Umabel (61), Iahhel (62), Anauel (63) and Mehiel (64).

Gabriel and the Angels :

Damabiah (65), Manakel (66), Ayael (67), Habuhiah (68),
Rahael (69), Jabamiah (70), Haiaiel (71) and Mumiah (72).


T his power is applied every day. In fact, each angel is

responsible :

First, for a specific person. In this respect, the angel is his or her
Guardian Angel. In reality, this is the person’s “main” Guardian
Angel since there are lots of other Angels who help him protect
such and such a person - every one of us, who help him pass
on divine messages to that person, and who intercede with the
Heavenly Powers so they will listen to that person. Each Angel
protects all those who are born within a certain number of
days based on their date of birth.

Second, for a specific day and, during a single day, for a specific
20-minute period of time (which are derived by dividing the 24
hours in a day by 72).

As a result, you can summon the Angel who ruled over the day
you were born and who reigns over your birth day. This Angel,
your Day Angel, can do much good for everything related to
your emotional life, your friendships, your love life, and your

However, you need to call on him using a special formula.


B elow is a list of Guardian Angels showing the period of time

they reign over. To quickly find out who your Protective
Guardian Angel is and discover which major quality he
symbolizes, just refer to this table :



March 21 - 25 Vehuiah Transformation

March 26 - 30 Jeliel Fertility/Fidelity

March 31 - April 4 Sitael Responsibility

April 5 - 9 Elemiah Success/Protection

April 10 - 14 Mahasiah Peace/Harmony

April 15 - 20 Lelahel Health/Healing

April 21 - 25 Achaiah Understanding/Faith

April 26 - 30 Cahetel Harvest/Benediction

May 1 - 5 Haziel Forgiveness/Indulgence

May 6 - 10 Aladiah Tolerance


May 11 - 15 Lauviah Wisdom/Power

May 16 - 20 Hahaiah Revelation/Refuge

May 21 - 25 Lezalel Reconciliation

May 26 - 31 Mebahel Justice

June 1 - 5 Hariel Faith

June 6 - 10 Hekamiah Loyalty

June 11 - 15 Lauviah II Premonition/Revelation

June 16 - 21 Caliel Truth/Justice

June 22 - 26 Leuviah Expansion

June 27 - July 1 Pahaliah Vocation

July 2 - 6 Nelchael Victory/Liberation

July 7 - 11 Yeiayel Respect/Renown

July 12 - 16 Melahel Re-establishment/Healing link

July 17 - 22 Haheuiah Protection

July 23 - 27 Nithaiah Wisdom/Serenity

July 28 - August 1 Haaiah Truth

August 2 - 6 Yeratel Civilization


August 7 - 12 Seheiah Longevity

August 13 - 17 Reiyel Inspiration/Liberation

August 18 - 22 Omael Growth/Fertility

August 23 - 28 Lecabel Illumination

Aug. 29 - September 2 Vasariah Support

September 3 - 7 Yehuiah Greater protection

September 8 - 12 Lehaiah Calm/Good Luck

September 13 - 17 Chavakhiah Reconciliation

September 18 - 23     Menadel Liberation

September 24 - 28 Aniel Courage/Divine Inspiration

Sept. 29 - October 3 Haamiah Voice/Truth

October 4 - 8 Rehael Respect

October 9 - 13 Yeiazel Joy/Help

October 14 - 18 Hahahel Spirituality

October 19 - 23 Mikhael Organization/Discernment

October 24 - 28 Veuliah Prosperity

Oct. 29 - November 2 Yelahiah Physical Protection


November 3 - 7 Sehaliah Success/Promotion

November 8 - 12 Ariel Discovery/Attaining One’s Ideals

November 13 - 17 Asaliah Truth/Contemplation

November 18 - 22 Mihael Premonition/Engenderment

November 23 - 27 Vehuel Generosity/Spiritual Elevation

Nov. 28 - December 2 Daniel Forgetting/Grace/Eloquence

December 3 - 7 Hahasiah Vocation/Panacea

December 8 - 12 Imamiah Protection/Amnesty

December 13 - 16 Nanael Inspiration

December 17 - 21 Nithael Listening/Balance

December 22 - 26 Mebahiah Lucidness/Inspiration

December 27 - 31 Poyel Fortune/Knowledge

January 1 - 5 Nemamiah Inner Peace

January 6 - 10 Yeialel Intelligence/Healing

January 11 - 15 Harael Wealth/Wisdom

January 16 - 20 Mitzrael Healing/Liberation

January 21 - 25 Umabel Memory/Friendship


January 26 - 30 Iah-hel Happiness

Jan. 31 - February 4 Anauel Courage/Health

February 5 - 9 Mehiel Inspiration/Protection

February 10 - 14 Damabiah Success/Protection

February 15 - 19 Manakel Liberation

February 20 - 24 Ayael Understanding/Succor

February 25 - 29 Habuhiah Healing/Fertility

March 1 - 5 Rahael Seeking/Recovery

March 6 - 10 Jabamiah Regeneration/Transmutation

March 11 - 15 Haiaiel Courage/Peace

March 16 - 20 Mumiah Revelation/Rebirth


A ll the sacred writings in the major religious works of

humanity state very precisely that the Creator and Master
of the Universe has tasked the Guardian Angels with meeting
people’s needs so that Creation can reach perfection.

You thus need only ask to have your wish fulfilled. But, you have
to know how to go about it.

After numerous analyses of all the sacred writings, with the help
of several angels who came to my assistance for this purpose, I
have developed the prayer you can say to your Guardian Angel
so that he will fulfill your wish as soon as possible.

You will, obviously, have to be in a true state of prayer: if you

merely say these words without even thinking about what
you are saying, you’ll get nothing in return, or something so
insignificant that there’ll be no point in mentioning it!

However, if you concentrate fully on the words you are saying,

and if you get into a true state of prayer, then your summons
will go directly to your Guardian Angel and he will intercede
with the Heavenly Powers on your behalf.


T o summon your Protective Guardian Angel, or any other

Angel of your choice, first be sure you will not be disturbed
and then seat yourself comfortably. If you wish, you may turn
on some soft music, at very low volume, or you may prefer the
benefit of complete silence if you are lucky enough to be far
from the hustle and bustle of the city. In that case, you will be
able to hear the leaves rustling or birds singing.

Get a piece of white paper (or, even better, of parchment) and

use only the light of a single candle. Also set out a small dish
next to you that will not catch fire.

At the top of your sheet of paper, write the name of the Angel
you are going to summon to help you, and then, let your hand
write whatever comes to you!

Don’t worry about using a formal style. Write the words as

they occur to you: here, you have to speak from your heart and
express your request honestly. Your sole objective must be to
convince the Angel you are summoning that your request is
pure and deserving of his intervention.

After you have written out your request, read it out loud with
conviction, then burn the paper in the candle flame. If you can
do so, I recommend that you burn a stick or cone of incense.

And, above all, don’t rush off! Stay for a bit in the calm of the
moment, because this might be right when the Angel you’ve
summoned decides to show himself!

Y ou may wonder how the angel you have called on will

respond to you.

You should first know that he may not respond immediately:

you have entrusted him with a message and he first has to pass
it on to the right person.

In fact, if the Angel summoned cannot immediately give you

the answer you are expecting, for whatever reason, he will
pass it on to another Angel who may be the one to respond
to your request. In that case, your response may come to you
somewhat later.

It is also possible, in some special cases, that the angelic realm

may decide that you must not know the response to your
question immediately, but perhaps some two or three months
from now. But there’s no need to pout about this: your angel
has powers infinitely greater than your own and he knows
what’s best for you.

Be patient because your response will always come! In what

form? Well, that’s really hard to predict!

The angel summoned, or your personal Protective Guardian

Angel, may appear to you in any form. Nevertheless, you will
immediately recognize him!
You may also feel a sort of inner vibration, followed by the
sensation that words are being whispered directly into your

brain without anyone speaking them. That will be your Angel’s

His response can also take other forms (a messenger, a trusted

intermediate), but in any case, it will be engraved in your mind
one way or another.

After that, you will only have to follow the instructions given by
your Angel to solve the problem you submitted to him.

And you will have an indescribable sense of Joy and Happiness.


I n the following pages, you will find a sheet on each Angel

that you are able to summon for help. Each “sheet” has been
set up in the same way so that you can compare the various
talents and powers that each of the Angels are able to grant

In order for your request to quickly reach the Angel that you
summon, I recommend that you be sure to say your prayer
on the exact days stated on each “sheet”, which are called
“reigning Days”, and at the exact times of day, which are called
“reigning Hours”.



M etraton reigns over all of the creative forces. He is God’s

architect and time-keeper. He is the one who reigns over
the plans of the Creation.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Vehuiah – Jeliel – Sitael – Elemiah – Mahasiah –

Lelahel – Achaiah - Cahetel

1 – Vehuiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 21st and
25th. Reigning Days : March 21st, June 3rd, August 17th, October 29th
and January 9th. Reigning Hours : Midnight to 12:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love: the feelings of love are very strong. You and your partner
are very faithful and have no sense of the years passing.

Money and work : Vehuiah endows you with powerful

motivation to create and transform things, which produces
excellent performance in the world of business. You earn big
and will become wealthy and live in luxury in the second part
of your life. At work, quick thinking and perceptiveness are the
main qualities granted by this Angel.

Health : migraine headaches and anxieties are relieved and

cured by calm and patience. “Thunderbolts, lightning and dark
clouds” are cleared away by the angel Vehuiah. He motivates
those he protects and spurs them to accomplishments that
allow them to put their excess energy to use.

2 – Jeliel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 26th and
30th. Reigning Days : March 22nd, June 4th, August 18th, October 30th
and January 10th. Reigning Hours : 12:20 - 12:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : A love of flowers and pets. In general, a love of everything

beautiful. If you avoid jealousy, you will have a happy marriage.

Money and work : Good financial results in any activities

related to ceremonies, of any type. Endowed with great
intellectual clarity, the people protected by Jeliel are successful
in difficult, arduous tasks. They also have great powers of

Health : This Guardian Angel grants the men he protects

fertility to create works or art or have children, and the women
he protects have normal pregnancies, fast deliveries without
complications, and lovely children who adore their parents. He
also makes the adoption of children easy and successful.

3 – Sitael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 31st and
April 4th. Reigning Days : March 23rd, June 5th, August 19th, October
31st and January 11th. Reigning Hours : 12:40 - 1:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Guardian Angel promotes the formation of a

perfect couple because he symbolizes responsibility. Each of
the partners helps and inspires the other. Their home is very
welcoming. If there are problems having children, adoption will
be a successful alternative.

Money and work : Success is important since Sitael facilitates

access to positions of major responsibility. The people he
protects overcome obstacles through honesty and loyalty, and
especially with great amounts of courage.

Health : this Guardian Angel protects against all types of

diseases (and all types of adversity). In other words, he is
the ideal shield against all infectious illnesses and against
poisonous bites.

4 – Elemiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between April 5th and 9th.
Reigning Days : March 24th, June 6th, August 20th, November 1st and
January 12th. Reigning Hours : 1:00 - 1:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Every couple protected by this Angel has a happy


Money and work: Elemiah symbolizes success and protection.

He therefore grants major financial success and protection
from business problems.

Health : this Guardian Angel protects against torments,

anxieties, complexes, etc. He also provides help and protection
against any accidents when traveling by road or air, and
especially full protection to sailors and all those who travel by

5 - Mahasiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between April 10th and 14th.
Reigning Days : March 25th, June 7th, August 21st, November 2nd and
January 13th. Reigning Hours : 1:20 - 1:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Mahasiah symbolizes peace and harmony. Most of the

people he protects express their feelings through the arts.

Money and work : success awaits the companies owned by

people protected by this Angel, especially if they are “cutting-
edge”. These people are quick learners and easily pass exams.
Their career often brings them into contact with the highest
beliefs of the human spirit.

Health : In order to preserve their harmony, the people

protected by Mahasiah have to live healthy lives.

6 - Lelahel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between April 15th and 20th.
Reigning Days : March 26th, June 8th, August 22nd, November 3rd and
January 14th. Reigning Hours : 1:40 - 2:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : it seems that the people protected by this Angel find

true, long-lasting love in “high-society” encounters.

Money and work : fame and fortune for those protected by

this Angel often come in the world of medicine, which is normal
(see below), but also in the world of science or the arts.

Health : Lelahel symbolizes health and healing. Many of those

he protects work in healthcare or related sectors (doctors,
druggists, nurses, physical therapists, magnetizers, etc.).

7 - Achaiah

This is the guardian Angel of people born between April 21st and 25th.
Reigning Days : March 27th, June 9th, August 23rd and 24th, November
4th and January 5th. Reigning Hours : 2:00 - 2:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : finding true love under the auspices of this Angel usually
occurs in slightly unusual circumstances, often in lines of work
involving the imagination.

Money and work : the people protected by Achaiah usually

come into large sums of money during their exploration of
nature’s secrets or by investing in complex scientific research.
Achaiah provides understanding and patience in times of
difficulty and helps discover the meaning of life.

Health : often good, enhanced by exposure to light (sunlight,


8 - Cahetel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between April 26th and 30th.
Reigning Days : March 28th, June 10th, August 25th, November 5th and
January 16th. Reigning Hours : 2:20 - 2:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Love is often found with the help of friends. In this

area, moreover, everything has to stay within the confines of
friendship or go-betweens.

Money and work : Cahetel offers wealth, abundant harvests

and great success to anyone working in the field of agriculture.

Health : people protected by Cahetel have great spiritual

capacities to understand God’s work. For them, healing or
getting back into shape comes through herbal cures, infusions
of medicinal aromatic plants and in any case through living
a calm life (in body and mind) spent in the open air and the


Prince : RAZIEL

R aziel reigns over spiritual intuition. He is responsible for

managing the laws of time. He governs the major cycles of
human life and of the appearance of comets. It should also be
noted that he is a great healer.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Haziel - Aladiah – Lauviah – Hahaiah – Lezalel –

Mebahel - Hariel - Hekamiah

9 - Haziel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 1st and 5th.
Reigning Days : March 29th, June 11th, August 26th, November 6th and
January 17th. Reigning Hours : 2:40 - 3:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Haziel symbolizes forgiveness and unconditional

love. This means that, under his protection, both partners
will provide each other with new discoveries, and with new
experiences with spiritual and material usefulness. Love will
burst forth when they look far and high together.

Money and work : thanks to this Angel, you will enjoy the
friendship and care of very important people. Through the
generosity of this Angel, you may suddenly come into major
amounts of money. You should therefore summon him
frequently. He will also help you fulfill all of your promises.

Health : the symbol of divine forgiveness for all wrongs, Haziel

is the primary Cherubim, meaning Raziel’s closest assistant.
Summoning him is often enough to re-establish harmony in
the face of sickness or depression since Haziel also protects
against anything that might harm body and mind.

10 - Aladiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 6th and 10th.
Reigning Days : March 30th, June 12th, August 27th, November 7th and
January 18th. Reigning Hours : 3:00 - 3: 20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Aladiah is the symbol of tolerance and open mindedness.

Those under his protection often meet each other in altruistic

Money and work : this angel grants strong inspiration to see

a project through to completion, which generally results in
greater wealth, often through the founding or improvement of
institutions that fight disease. One may also gain wealth in the
area of treating diseases.

Health : the Angel Aladiah transmits live-preserving energy

(good health and long life), which brings both physical and
mental regeneration.

11 - Lauviah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 11th and 15th.
Reigning Days : March 31st, June 13th, August 28th, November 8th and
January 19th. Reigning Hours : 3:20 - 3:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : the true love inspired by Lauviah springs from idealism.

It frequently results from the fact that both members of the
couple have the same tastes and ideals.

Money and work : Lauviah symbolizes wisdom and power.

Thanks to him, wealth will come to you spontaneously and
naturally, often through friends. Those protected by Lauviah
are successful in everything they set their hand to, and their
projects always turn a profit.

Health : Lauviah protects you from both natural and personal

disasters. Those he protects are often immune to all diseases
of any sort.

12 - Hahaiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 16th and 20th.
Reigning Days : April 1st, June 14th, August 29th, November 9th and
January 10th. Reigning Hours : 3:40 - 4:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Hahaiah symbolizes revelation and protection. He

grants those he protects the power to reveal their inner
personality, which they achieve by observing their partner, who
may become their true love.

Money and work : Hahaiah protects you from adversity. He

also enables you to interpret your dreams. It is often through
their great generosity that those protected by this Angel come
into great sums of money, usually after middle age.

Health : thanks to this ability to interpret their dreams, those

protected by Hahaiah find their own ways to solve health
problems... if they have any!

13 - Iezalel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 21st and 25th.
Reigning Days : April 2nd, June 15th and 16th, August 30th, November
10th and January 20th. Reigning Hours : 4:00 - 4:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes reconciliation. After you have

found true love, he grants you great happiness since, in
addition to faithfulness, he does everything possible to
facilitate reconciliation after any disagreement.

Money and work : people under his protection have powerful,

happy memories. In addition, they are very quick to complete
any task whatsoever. They are thus able to amass considerable
wealth, and may even strike it rich between the ages of 30 and
50, by applying their intelligence to the cause of friendship
between peoples, races and genders.

Health : those under the protection of the angel Iezalel enjoy

excellent health. Their very minor problems in this area can be
done away with through the advice of friends or their druggist.
Their family physician will also be a good friend.

14 - Mebahel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between May 26th and 31st.
Reigning Days : April 3rd, June 17th, August 31st, November 11th and
January 22nd. Reigning Hours : 4:20 - 4:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Mebahel symbolizes uprightness and justice. He

motivates those he protects to show their partner great love
by always being tolerant and understanding.

Money and work : It is often the case that the careers of

people protected by the Angel Mebahel are related to law. That
provides them with regular, large sources of income related to
their work. This passion for justice may also become evident
when there’s a need to free innocent prisoners or help the

Health : those protected by Mebahel have tremendous

inner balance, which provides them with rock-solid, almost
invulnerable, good health.

15 - Hariel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 1st and 5th.
Reigning Days : April 4th, June 18th, September 1st, November 12th
and January 23rd. Reigning Hours : 4:40 - 5:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : those protected by this Angel often have great powers

of seduction. Their partner will be subject to their charms but
their love is ever sustainable, lasting for their entire life. Both
love and respect each other.

Money and work : Hariel symbolizes faith and liberation.

As a result, he favors inspiration in the work place, especially
the discovery of useful ways to produce objects for scientific,
artistic or religious uses, often for purification.

Health : this Angel cures all illnesses since he follows the

orders of Raziel, the great healer. He especially protects your
arms and hands, as well as anything related to breathing and
lung disorders.

16 - Hekamiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 6th and 10th.
Reigning Days : April 5th, June 19th, September 2nd, November 13th
and January 24th. Reigning Hours : 5:00 - 5:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : This Angel symbolizes grace and friendship. It is often

through friendship that two people destined for each other,
one of whom is protected by this Angel, will meet up. Their
dreams thus come true since each partner stimulates the
dreams and hopes of the other.

Money and work : thanks to Hekamiah, you will be in the good

graces and friendship of important people. Everyone under
the protection of this Angel obtains great financial success by
their ability to talk to prominent personalities in high places. In
addition, those around them are extremely loyal. Their wealth
obviously benefits from this!

Health : this Angel especially provides protection for your

chest and stomach. When they have major crises, those under
his protection can summon him for help. They usually need to
keep a balanced diet, free of excesses, to get back into shape.



Z aphkiel is the angel of reasoning. He governs forms (the

human skeleton), as well as understanding, philosophical
thinking and all deductive sciences.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Lauviah II – Caliel – Leuviah – Pahaliah – Nelchael –

Yeiayel – Melahel - Haheuiah

17 - Lauviah II

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 11th and 15th.
Reigning Days : April 6th, June 20th, September 3rd, November 14th
and January 25th. Reigning Hours : 5:20 - 5:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Lauviah II symbolizes premonition and return. In a

couple where one of the members is protected by this Angel,
the sacrifices they agree to make to help those around them
will be a great source of love and happiness.

Money and work : anyone protected by Lauviah II will have

symbolic dreams that are premonitions. Thanks to this Angel,
people under his protection are able to correctly interpret the
meaning of their dreams. Those messages very often turn into
financial achievements that lead to major successes.

Health : this Angel protects the entire body, and more

specifically the circulatory system, legs, calves and ankles. He
facilitates purification of the blood.

18 - Caliel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 16th and 21st.
Reigning Days : April 7th, June 21st, September 4th, November 15th
and January 26th. Reigning Hours : 5:40 - 6:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Caliel symbolizes truth and justice. In couples, both

partners behave nobly, which allows them to achieve true love

Money and work : financial success is modest but sufficient.

Some types of income may come from legal disputes or cases
won in court. Caliel ensures that truth wins out in human courts
of justice, and some of those he protects have high earnings as
judges or as employees in the offices of notary publics, lawyers,
accountants, etc.

Health : this Angel deals with the hair and skin. He may be
summoned to treat excessive hair loss, and above all to help
prevent or cure any type of skin infection or disorder.

19 - Leuviah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 22nd and
26th. Reigning Days : April 8th, June 22nd, September 5th, November
16th and January 27th. Reigning Hours : 6:00 - 6:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : in any couple where one of the members is protected

by Leuviah, one often finds that the couple lovingly engages in
admirable and significant activities. The couple is usually fertile
since Leuviah grants them God’s grace and blessing.

Money and work : a person protected by this Angel can often,

with the help of very influential people, be successful in his or
her industrial or business undertakings. It should be noted
that such a person has an excellent memory that enables him
or her to retain very useful information that is helpful in their

Health : this Angel protects you against any type of health

problem, especially those related to the hips, thighs and sciatic
nerve. He promotes rapid recovery after exhausting efforts.

20 - Pahaliah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between June 27th and July
1st. Reigning Days : April 9th, June 23rd September 6th, November 17th
and January 28th. Reigning Hours : 6:20 - 6:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : both partners will make mutual compromises. And that’s

right when true love will take root. This spirituality of these
persons (Pahaliah symbolizes vocation) may also become a
factor of mutual love.

Money and work : those protected by Pahaliah are often

very successful at publishing religious books containing
edifying sermons that preach poverty, or in church journalism
in the traditional religious press. Pahaliah indeed helps one
understand the importance of mankind in the world and
his place in the Creation. Some people are so attracted by
spirituality that they discover a religious calling.

Health : this Angel protects all of the head.

21 - Nelchael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 2nd and 6th.
Reigning Days : April 10th, June 24th, September 7th, November 18th
and January 29th. Reigning Hours : 6:40 - 7:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Nelchael inspires poetic and romantic love. Music,

painting and art in general play a key role in the consolidation
of love. It should be noted that Nelchael provides relief from

Money and work : those protected by Nelchael are usually

quick to understand mathematics, especially when it comes
to financial matters. Some even specialize in the stock market,
where they achieve major earnings.

Health : this Angel protects you from any sort of illness, but is
especially concerned with the heart. In fact, he grants a power
of absolute victory over the forces of evil that often attack the
heart, in every possible way.

22 - Yeiayel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 7th and 11th.
Reigning Days : April 11th, June 25th, September 8th, November 19th
and January 29th. Reigning Hours : 7:00 - 7:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : both members of the couple will be simultaneously

lovers and friends. Their friendship will bear fruit since each
partner will open new human horizons to the other.

Money and work : Yeiayel symbolizes respect and recognition.

He thus grants luck and good fortune to those he protects,
meaning financial success. He provides effective assistance to
businessmen who want to get ahead.

Health : this Angel especially protects the kidneys and bladder.

Much of his action is through spring water, the purest kind.

23 - Melahel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 12th and 16th.
Reigning Days : April 12th, June 26th, September 9th, November 20th
and January 30th. Reigning Hours : 7:20 - 7:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : a person protected by this Angel brings purity and light

to all their loved ones.

Money and work : This angel motivates those he protects to

work in the field of natural health care. He may even bring riches
to many of them through the marketing of natural products.

Health : Melahel is the Angel of good health through the use

of plants. Those he protects are naturally attracted to a healthy
lifestyle and eating habits.

24 - Haheuiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 17th and 22nd.
Reigning Days : April 13th, June 27th, September 10th, November 21st
and January 31st. Reigning Hours : 7:40 - 8:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Haheuiah symbolizes protection. Every couple destined

to meet often does so by happenstance, frequently on the
basis of “love at first sight”, which produces immediate, long-
lasting love.

Money and work : this Angel provides sufficient financial

success in the social or political advancement of repatriated
persons, political exiles, the poor, the sick and prisoners.
Those he protects become true “angels” for everyone who
approaches them. The activities and devotion of the protected
one provide him with well-deserved financial comfort.

Health : this Angel protects against all diseases, especially

those related to the arm pits, thorax and solar plexus. It should
be added that Heheuiah protects against troublesome animals.


Prince : ZADKIEL

Z adkiel reigns over the “hierarchies”, authority, government

and anything that governs the operation of society. He has
a role in justice.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Nithaiah – Haaiah – Yeratel – Seheiah – Reiyel –

Omael - Lecabel - Vasariah

25 - Nithaiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 23rd and 27th.
Reigning Days : April 14th, June 28th, September 11th, November 22nd
and February 1st. Reigning Hours : 8:00 - 8:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes wisdom and understanding.

Thanks to him, love will grow stronger during mystical or
esoteric experiences. For people protected by Nithaiah,
parapsychology and esoterism are major bonding factors.

Money and work : it is through the search for wisdom,

especially with the help of premonitory dreams that he may
have after summoning his guardian angel, that a person
protected by Nithaiah will have intuitions that enable him to
become rich without too many obstacles to overcome.

Health : this Angel protects against all diseases, especially

anemia and nervous disorders. The person protected has to
follow the diet that suits him best. Classical music has positive
effects on those protected by this Angel.

26 - Haaiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between July 28th and
August 1st. Reigning Days : April 15th, June 29th, September 12th,
November 23rd and February 2nd. Reigning Hours : 8:20 - 8:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes truth. Needless to say, if their

love is to be true and enduring, this quality has to be present
from the start and remain with the couple. That is how they will
come to have joyful love.

Money and work : Haaiah often gives those he protects

tremendous financial success in key roles in society. The
earnings they get are, of course, substantial. This wealth is
frequently related to providing services.

Health : this Angel is the great protector of the entire system

of bones and the skeleton. He is especially protective in the
case of falls, and thus many people state that they were held
up by this Angel during a fall: from a helicopter, a top floor, a
tree, etc.

27 - Yeratel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between August 2nd and
August 6th. Reigning Days : April 16th, June 30th, September 13th,
November 24th and February 3rd. Reigning Hours : 8:40 - 9:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Yeratel symbolizes mission and protection. Both people

in the couple will love each other and truly appreciate each
other. They will get along perfectly.

Money and work : the mission Yeratel entrusts to those

he protects is to propagate light and civilization. They often
succeed, in financial terms, through their social contacts.
Yeratel also grants them victory over slanderers and enemies.

Health : this Angel is of help for liver failure. During mild

attacks, one should not hesitate to summon him, and in severe
cases, also call one’s physician.

28 - Seheiah

This is the Guardian Angel or people born between August 7th and
12th. Reigning Days : April 17th, July 1st, September 14th, November
25th and February 4th. Reigning Hours : 9:00 - 9:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Seheaiah symbolizes longevity. He grants those he

protects a long and happy life filled with love.

Money and work : this Angel protects against fires and

accidents, disasters and falls. People linked to him will have
extraordinary opportunities at the time of fires, floods,
earthquakes, power outages, etc.

Health : Seheiah protects the eyes and, in general, material

and spiritual vision.

29 - Reiyel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between August 13th and
17th. Reigning Days : April 18th, July 2nd, September 15th, November
26th and February 5th. Reigning Hours : 9:20 - 9:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel:

Love : this Angel symbolizes inspiration and liberation. The

men and women he protects have great ambitions for love that
Reiyel often fulfills.

Money and work : those protected by this Angel are freed

from visible and invisible enemies. They are not subject to
enchantments or spells. In addition, they are inspired to
make pronouncements and speeches. Their career advances
incessantly. There is great good will behind their truly legitimate

Health : this is the protective Angel for the spine, and he

looks after spinal fluid. One can summon this Angel in cases
of fatigue.

30 - Omael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between August 18th and
22nd. These people can Pray to him and get results every day. Reigning
Days : April 19th, July 3rd, September 16th, November 27th and
February 6th. Reigning Hours : 9:40 - 10:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes patience and fertility. Those

protected by Omael are filled with love for anything part of or
representing nature: plants, pets, birds and, of course, human
beings. They are especially enamored of their children, who
often have a very elevated soul.

Money and work : in the world of money and work, fruition

means financial success. Everything related to people
protected by Omael multiplies: whether in terms of harvests,
sales or salary increases, everything is abundant.

Health : Omael is a health Angel. Those he protects are in

excellent condition physically and mentally.

31 - Lecabel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between August 23rd and
August 28th. Reigning Days : April 20th, July 4th, September 17th,
November 28th and February 7th. Reigning Hours : 10:00 - 10:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Lecabel symbolizes illumination and glory. In the field

of love, that means an inevitable and providential meeting
with the person loved. Both partners are patient, solve their
problems together and likewise ward off all worries together.

Money and work : this Angel provides mastery in agriculture

and excellent harvests. He also helps one find timely and
inspired ways to solve any problem. Those he protects
therefore often attain glory and wealth due to their natural

Health : Lecabel rules over the gastrointestinal tract.

Whenever this system is slow, he can be summoned.

32 - Vasariah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between August 29th and
September 2nd. Reigning Days : April 21st, July 5th, September 18th,
November 29th and February 8th. Reigning Hours : 10:20 - 10:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes attentiveness and support. A

person protected by Vasariah peacefully loves his or her
partner and is always available to them.

Money and work : Vasariah often guides those he protects

into a career in justice, where they often benefit from the
guidance and beneficence of powerful judges. They may be
lawyers, judges, prosecutors, etc.

Health : this Angel protects the upper lobes of the liver and
the womb.


Prince : CAMAËL

C amaël reigns over physical bravery, sports, violence, wars

and chastisements sent by God. He is the “great purifier”.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Yehuia – Lehaiah – Chavakhiah – Menadel – Aniel –

Haamiah – Rehael - Yeiazel

33 - Yehuiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 3rd and
7th. Reigning Days : April 22nd and 23rd, July 6th, September 19th,
November 30th and February 9th. Reigning Hours : 10:40 - 11:00 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Guardian Angel symbolizes protection from above.

Their couple is obviously included in this protection. Those
protected by Yehuiah are granted understanding, sympathy
and fidelity. Throughout their days, their love grows ever
stronger and their harmony ever deeper.

Money and work : In this area, tradition has it that those

protected by Yehuiah are endowed with the ability to make
their subordinates obey them. They are sufficiently well-off
financially, although potentially much above average if they
provide services to prominent personalities, especially since
Yehuiah provides protection against all traps and pitfalls.

Health : this Angel provides a veritable invisible shield against

any type of poisoning, which means that those he protects are
essentially free of its risks.

34 - Lehaiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 8th and
12th. Reigning Days : April 24th, July 7th, September 20th, December
1st and February 10th. Reigning Hours : 11:00 - 11:20 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Lehaiah symbolizes tranquility and good luck. As a

result, those he protects can envision a promising relationship.
They may meet their future partner at the home of someone
very powerful or in luxurious premises. In addition, their Angel
helps pacify anger at times of dispute in the couple.

Money and work : Lehaiah grants those he protects the

benefits of marvelous good luck. They often get tremendous
income thanks in part to their talent (they have a sort of gift for
business) and in part through the support of key figures.

Health : this Angel protects against rheumatism in general by

facilitating the elimination of toxic waste accumulated in the
body. Those he protects can promote this effect by following a
natural diet and drinking only water.

35 - Chavakhiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 13th

and 17th. Reigning Days : April 25th, July 8th and 9th, September 21st,
December 2nd and February 11th. Reigning Hours : 11:20 - 11:40 a.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes forgiveness and harmony. Those

he protects enjoy lasting love and deep understanding with
their partner.

Money and work : Chavakhiah helps recover lost money and

jobs or, in terms of money, what was stolen from someone he
protects. He enables people to win out in court cases, assets
divvied up, inheritances, etc., especially by intervening on the
side of amicable settlements.

Health : this Angel basically protects the sciatic nerves.

36 - Menadel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 18th

and 23rd. Reigning Days : April 26th, July 10th, September 22nd,
December 3rd and February 12th. Reigning Hours : 11:40 - Noon.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes liberation. He grants greater

opportunity for friendship than for love. However, thanks to
him, one’s first love is the right one that needs to be kept up,
even if it is far from the person protected by Menadel.

Money and work : in general terms, Menadel helps keep

one’s job and favors increases in salary. His reigning days are
particularly fruitful for getting a raise or finding a good job. This
is also a good time to move from a job that’s just “to put bread
on the table” to a job one desires by one’s calling.

Health : this Angel has power over the teeth. He can thus
provide some relief for toothaches.

37 - Aniel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 24th

and 28th. Reigning Days : April 27th, July 11th, September 23rd, De-
cember 4th and February 13th. Reigning Hours : Noon - 12:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes courage and divine inspiration. He

leads one to true unity through the decision made by those he
protects to rise above partisan friendships into a realm of ideal

Money and work : Aniel usually grants fame to those he

protects who seek to explore the secrets of nature. Their
inspiration is enhanced by their study of the laws of the
universe. In addition, they benefit from a key ability to overcome
any obstacle in life. That is why success is always theirs at the
end of the road.

Health : this Angel protects against heart disease.

38 - Haamiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between September 29th

and October 3rd. Reigning Days : April 28th, July 12th, September 24th,
December 5th and February 14th. Reigning Hours : 12:20 - 12:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes frankness and truth. Those he

protects have to rank their feelings carefully so that everyone
around them is in their proper place. After that, everyone will
protect them against external forces.

Money and work : Haamiah helps acquire treasures on Earth

and in Heaven. In addition, he promotes understanding of
the rites of any religious pursuit and watches over the search
for and disclosure of truth. Those he protects are often
magnetizers, clairvoyants and occultists. They have powerful
gifts that they use to help others to everyone’s benefit.

Health : this Angel protects against disorders of the genitals

and urinary system.

39 - Rehael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 4th and
8th. Reigning Days : April 29th, July 13th, September 25th, December
6th and February 15th. Reigning Hours : 12:40 - 1:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes discernment and attentiveness.

Those he protects usually have happy couples. He promotes
compatibility between the behavior of one of the partners and
the thoughts of the other. In addition, he promotes respect
and good relations between parents and children.

Money and work : Rehael helps those he protects increase

their wealth. They must nevertheless be generous to others.
They also must avoid trying to withdraw from commitments
they have made to those around them.

Health : this Angel protects the spleen and the lower lobes of
the liver, but also grants divine forgiveness, which means he
can help heal all diseases.

40 - Yeiazel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 9th and
13th. Reigning Days : April 30th, July 14th, September 26th, December
7th and February 16th. Reigning Hours : 1:00 - 1:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Yeiazel symbolizes inspiration and assistance. He helps

those he protects to attain sublime and eternal love. This love
could become love of the Divine or of Transcendence.

Money and work : the Angel Yeiazel both provides inspiration

for creators and drives off their enemies. Those he protects
thus enjoy relatively broad freedom in the field of creativity.
However, they must ensure that their actions are compatible
with those of everyone else.

Health : this Angel protects the pancreas.


Prince : MICHAEL

M ichael reins over taste, the sense of beauty and nobleness

of the spirit. He is the angel who grants a “knightly spirit”
and magnanimity.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Hahahel – Mikhael – Veuliah – Yelahiah –

Sealiah – Ariel - Asaliah - Mihael

41 - Hahahel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 14th and
18th. Reigning Days : May 1st, July 15th, September 27th, December 8th
and February 17th. Reigning Hours : 1:20 - 1:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes vocation and faith. At one time or

another, those he protects are called on to choose their path in
life. To do so, they must fearlessly express their feelings.

Money and work : prosperity is often found with those

protected by Hahahel, but they may go through times of crisis
where they come out on top easily, especially by joining forces
with friends. Many people who summon Hahahel find they
have a calling for religious missions.

Health : this Angel protects the ears (internally and externally).

42 - Mikhael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 19th and
23rd. Reigning Days : May 2nd, July 16th, September 28th, December
9th and February 18th. Reigning Hours : 1:40 - 2:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Mikhael symbolizes discernment and happiness. That

means that those he protects are highly successful in love.

Money and work : this Angel grants great luck to those seeking
to enter politics (success in elections). He gives all others lots
of “flash” and diplomatic skill for success, especially in business.
They can invest in the stock market without thinking twice, for

Health : this Angel protects against twisted ankles.

43 - Veuliah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 24th and
28th. Reigning Days : May 3rd, July 17th, September 29th, December
10th and February 19th. Reigning Hours : 2:00 - 2:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Veuliah symbolizes prosperity. In order to seduce and

tame the persons they want to be loved by, those he protects
have to be discretely flattering.

Money and work : this Angel is obviously very helpful to

entrepreneurs and ensures that their projects are a success.
Those he protects often climb high and quickly on the social
ladder. Their wealth will increase but Veuliah ensures that they
do not become egotistical.

Health : this Angel protects the feet and toes. Whenever

possible, one should walk barefoot on the grass (lawn) or, even
better, on clean sand at the seashore.

44 - Yelahiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between October 29th and
November 2nd. Reigning Days : May 4th, July 18th, September 30th,
December 11th and February 20th. Reigning Hours : 2:20 - 2:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes physical protection, tolerance

and patience. The last two qualities help those protected by
Yelahiah to experience intense love with their chosen partner.

Money and work : this Angel provides protection for judges,

for winning court cases and protection against thieves and
muggers. An extraordinary piece of luck may sometimes allow
those he protects to play a major role. This action often turns
a switch in their minds leading to a truly positive and radical
change. They are totally successful in their career and enjoy
complete success, especially those who go into the service of
a noble cause.

Health : this Angel reigns over and protects the reproductive


45 - Sealiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 3rd and
7th. Reigning Days : May 5th, July 19th, October 1st, December 12th
and February 21st. Reigning Hours : 2:40 - 3:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : the success in love of those protected by this Angel is

due to their inner truth and sincere emotional behavior.

Money and work : Sealiah symbolizes success and good

health. The wealthy and powerful people who often form part
of the acquaintances of those protected by this Angel call upon
them for assistance. They then must accept the call since it
frequently represents a great opportunity not to be missed.

Health : this Angel protects against angina.

46 - Ariel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 8th and
12th. Reigning Days : May 6th, July 20th, October 2nd, December 13th
and February 22nd. Reigning Hours : 3:00 - 3:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Ariel symbolizes the attainment of ideals. Those he

protects thus have to express their love and tenderness to
their partner, who is often their ideal.

Money and work : this Angel helps with the discovery of

nature’s hidden treasures and secrets. Sometimes, through
premonitory dreams, he shows those he protects the path to
follow. They often have new ideas that will benefit their income
and their normally perceptive manner of thinking usually offers

Health : this Angel protects the lungs and bronchial tubes.

Those protected by Ariel have it in their best interest to eat
properly and never miss an opportunity to get out in the fresh
air and sunshine.

47 - Asaliah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 13th and
17th. Reigning Days : May 7th, July 21st, October 3rd, December 14th
and February 23rd. Reigning Hours : 3:20 - 4:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Asaliah symbolizes truth and contemplation. The

sentimental life of those he protects is often satisfactory and
stable. They often love intensely.

Money and work : this Angel provides the power to know the
truth, within and around oneself. Those he protects can join up
with new partners to succeed in new undertakings based on
new ideas. Their social and professional lives progress without
obstacles or pitfalls.

Health : Asaliah protects the abdomen and its walls.

48 - Mihael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 18th and
22nd. Reigning Days : May 8th, July 22nd, October 4th, December 15th
and February 24th. Reigning Hours : 3:40 - 4:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes premonition and love. Those

he protects are especially gifted at not being misled in this
respect. They have a strong tendency to reach for greater
emotional heights. Peace, love, friendship and fidelity are what
characterize their couple.

Money and work : Mihael grants those he protects the power

to have sudden premonitions and early warnings that keep
them from making mistakes. Their professional future normally
abounds with promising signs.

Health : this Angel protects the gastric zone.


Prince : HANIEL

H aniel reigns over the realm of plants. His main job is

love, and in that respect he governs the relationships of
sympathy and antipathy, and attraction and repulsion.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Vehuel - Daniel – Hahasiah – Imamiah –

Nanael - Nithael - Mebahiah - Poyel

49 - Vehuel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 23rd and
27th. Reigning Days : May 9th, July 23rd, October 5th, December 16th
and February 25th. Reigning Hours : 4:00 - 4: 20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel enables those he protects to continuously

enhance their love, which means they enjoy happy and
harmonious times that bring them beauty, inspiration and

Money and work : Vehuel symbolizes fame and generosity.

Those he protects often attain great fame because of their
personal talent and because of their goodness and generosity.

Health : Vehuel protects the vertebrae of the back.

50 - Daniel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between November 22nd

and December 2nd. Reigning Days : May 10th, July 24th, October 6th,
December 17th and February 26th. Reigning Hours : 4:20 - 4:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes forgetting and grace. In the field of

love, he provides a certain ease of seduction for a really great
love that is enduring and may even cause jealousy.

Money and work : Daniel provides the remedy for all evils,
God-given consolation and an ability to forgive insults through
forgetting. In the area of work, those he protects, despite
certain obstacles, often obtain major monetary gains. Their
work may be valued by entire communities.

Health : this Angel protects the joints.

51 - Hahasiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 3rd and
7th. Reigning Days : May 11th, July 25th, October 7th, December 18th
and February 27th. Reigning Hours : 4:40 - 5:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes vocation and wisdom. Those he

protects are often in the position of a conquest or a renewed
conquest. Their Angel ensures final victory, following a major
inner struggle in those it protects, against ferocious instincts
that upset the heart.

Money and work : the people Hahasiah protects often

practice medicine or make major discoveries in that field, or in
any other field related to meeting the needs of a community.
Their actions, of any sort, are generally the expression of their
abilities. They sometimes achieve an unstoppable rise due
to important and influential friends, including their Guardian

Health : this Angel specially protects against liver disease.

52 - Imamiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 8th and
12th. Reigning Days : May 12th, July 26th, October 8th, December 19th
and February 28th. Reigning Hours : 5:00 - 5:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes protection and respect. He grants

deep respect and great love for the partner, who is selected
for his or her qualities. In general, the couple lives in true

Money and work : Imamiah grants his protection to everyone

who has to travel for work. They are comfortably off financially
but occasionally gain another achievement: a rise in power
accompanied by major success.

Health : this Angel protects the brain.

53 - Nanael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 13th and
16th. Reigning Days : May 13th, July 27th, October 9th, December 20th,
February 29th and March 1st. Reigning Hours : 5:20 - 5:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel promotes mutual attraction between two

people destined for each other. This situation produces much
enduring joy and great happiness.

Money and work : Nanael symbolizes knowledge and

inspiration. Those he protects are often inspired to study
science, or law, since many judges and lawyers depend on
this Angel. Their income is generally good due to their self-
confidence and their qualities.

Health : this Angel protects against osteoporosis.

54 - Nithael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 17th and
21st. Reigning Days : May 14th, July 28th, October 10th, December 21st
and March 2nd. Reigning Hours : 5:40 - 6:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Nithael symbolizes attentiveness and balance. That is

why those he protects are successful in love. They achieve
great happiness based on deep understanding. They live a
long, happy life as a couple.

Money and work : this Angel provides those it protects

with great success. This is usually helped by the providential
acceptance of their requests submitted to people in power.
They rapidly rise in society. Their superior qualities thus find
fertile ground for expression.

Health : Nithael governs the thymus endocrine gland.

55 - Mebahiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 22nd

and 26th. Reigning Days : May 15th, July 29th, October 11th, December
22nd and March 3rd. Reigning Hours : 6:00 - 6:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : those protected by Mebahiah often have intense

powers of attraction. They must always limit those powers by
remembering what is just and right.

Money and work : this Angel symbolizes inspiration. This

advantage may become a disadvantage for those he protects
if they are unaware that it’s not their merits that play a
determinant role in their work life, but rather their moods.
Nevertheless, their eloquence is appreciated, to the extent that
many of them become singers, politicians (especially women),
show persons, hearing and speech doctors, etc.

Health : this Angel protects the vocal mechanisms.

56 - Poyel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between December 27th

and 31st. Reigning Days : May 16th, July 30th and 31st, October 12th,
December 23rd and March 4th. Reigning Hours : 6:20 - 6:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : in this area, those protected by Poyel have to be able to

accept their love situation, be faithful to themselves and true
to their word. If the feelings for their beloved have waned, the
right solution is to rekindle love and not to replace the other

Money and work : Poyel symbolizes knowledge and power.

He grants everything requested: fame, wealth, knowledge,
wisdom, power and eloquence. This means that those he
protects progress well in life, as do their earnings.

Health : this Angel protects against sexually transmissible



Prince : RAPHAEL

R aphael is also called “the medicine of god”. His main

function is to bring Glory and, as such, he rules over
absolute Intelligence.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Nemamiah – Yeialel – Harahel – Mitzrael –

Umabel - Iah-hel - Anauel - Mehiel

57 - Nemamiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 1st and
5th. Reigning Days : May 17th, August 1st, October 13th, December
24th and March 5th. Reigning Hours : 6:40 - 7:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Nemamiah symbolizes prosperity in all areas. In all

areas also means in love. Those protected by this Angel have a
powerful flow of loving feelings.

Money and work : this Angel also, of course, grants prosperity

to those he protects in this area. What does that mean? Several
things. First, quick advancement in their chosen career, which
usually means substantial increases in their income. Next, the
chance to be at the helm and a leader in just causes. Finally,
sometimes, a radical change in their source of income due to
research that puts to good advantage the abilities of those
protected by this Angel.

Health : this Angel watches over the eyes and helps cure their

58 - Yeialel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 6th and
10th. Reigning Days : May 18th, August 2nd, October 14th, December
25th and March 6th. Reigning Hours : 7:00 - 7:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes healing and struggle. Those

protected by this angel often find happiness in love after a long
struggle. After that, peace, tranquility and serenity inhabit their

Money and work : Yeialel matches the inner abilities of those

he protects with the jobs they have or will have. That brings
them, often belatedly (around age 50 or a bit later), success
and wealth. They are very talented at detecting false witnesses
and anyone wishing to harm or persecute them.

Health : this Angel specifically protects the knees.

59 - Harael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 11th and
15th. Reigning Days : May 19th, August 3rd, October 15th, December
26th and March 7th. Reigning Hours : 7:20 - 7:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes wisdom. Thanks to him, the

emotional life of those he protects is literally luminous, with
unmatched clarity. Their love is pure and transparent, and their
children are humble and obedient.

Money and work : Harael helps those he protects administer

their affairs wisely and efficiently. In the area of work, he
sometimes enables them to discover veritable treasures,
in every sense of the word: it may be a treasure in the literal
sense of the word (many treasure hunters are found among
those Harael protects), but it may also be, much more often,
a treasure in the sense that they really know how to deal with
business matters and stock market risks.

Health : this Angel watches over the regularity of the body in

order to prevent any malformation or deformity.

60 - Mitzrael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 16th and
20th. Reigning Days : May 20th, August 4th, October 16th, December
27th and March 8th. Reigning Hours : 7:40 - 8:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Mitzrael endows those he protects with the power to

be objective by enlightening their consciousness. In the area of
love, they will be able to make the right choice easily, although
maybe after hesitating between a number of possibilities.

Money and work : this Angel symbolizes healing and liberation.

He also grants those he protects a liking for service and great
loyalty to their co-workers. They know how to do away with all
obstacles. Their great inner strength enables them to start an
undertaking to promote community action.

Health : this Angel protects the bladder, and the large and
small intestines.

61 - Umabel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 21st and
25th. Reigning Days : May 21st, August 5th, October 17th, December
28th and March 9th. Reigning Hours : 8:00 - 8:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : those protected by Umabel are fortunate to be able

to distinguish, after a clearly understandable moment of
hesitation, true love from false love. Once they have made the
right choice, much happiness in love awaits them.

Money and work : this Angel symbolizes memory and

detachment. Even if their work brings in money, that is not why
those protected by Umabel do it. They really want to achieve
something lasting, and they are often able to do so with the
help of their Guardian Angel. They quickly win the friendship of
people around them and they normally have a gift for rapidly
learning physics and astrology.

Health : this Angel protects against all suffering, especially

during fainting spells.

62 – Iah-Hel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 26th and
30th. Reigning Days : May 22nd, August 6th, October 18th, December
29th and March 10th. Reigning Hours : 8:20 - 8:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Iah-hel symbolizes happiness. Obviously, those he

protects quickly find a match made in heaven and their love is
ever lasting! In their couple, they get along perfectly.

Money and work : Iah-hel grants wisdom and the power

to discover quiet places to meditate. In their work, those he
protects often need long periods of reflection, and they
sometimes discover they would do better to change their line
of business, or withdraw from one deal and get into another,
or change companies or jobs. This change usually does them a
lot of good, both in terms of finding their new work interesting
and in terms of money.

Health : this Angel grants special protection for the thyroid

gland and vocal chords.

63 - Anauel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 31st and
February 4th. Reigning Days : May 23rd, August 7th, October 19th,
December 30th and March 11th. Reigning Hours : 8:40 - 9:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Anauel endows those he protects with the power to

rouse the latent tenderness in their conscience so they can
love and be loved.

Money and work : this Angel symbolizes courage and good

health. The bravery of those he protects in the world of work
is favored by the fact that their Guardian Angel protects them
from accidents. The people they work with very quickly discover
their qualities and their value without the need to demonstrate
them openly. This may help them advance at work and increase
their income.

Health : in this area, Anauel is the Angel of longevity who

provides protection especially against the ills of aging.

64 - Mehiel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 5th and
9th. Reigning Days : May 24th and 25th, August 8th, October 20th,
December 31st and March 12th. Reigning Hours : 9:00 - 9:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes inspiration and protection. Those

protected by Mehiel are normally very happy, especially if their
relationships with others are built on true feelings.

Money and work : Mehiel grants those he protects a great

capacity for invention and inspiration. Their inventions are
often highly original, in every area, and often in writing. Their
financial success is total and enduring. They work for the future
good rather than for the present. They sometimes become
quite famous.

Health : this Angel fights fatigue and nervous exhaustion.


Prince : GABRIEL

G abriel reigns over the physical space in which we move

around, as well as everything we know about the Universe.
He also reigns over intuition and instincts.

He governs the following eight Angels :

Damabiah – Manakel – Ayael – Habuhiah –

Rahael – Jabamiah - Haiaiel - Mumiah

65 - Damabiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 10th and
14th. Reigning Days : May 26th, August 9th, October 29th, January 1st
and March 13th. Reigning Hours : 9:20 - 9:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Damabiah symbolizes success and protection. In love,

as in all other areas, his protection grants unmatched success.
He helps those he protects to find true love.

Money and work : this Angel grants success in work, especially

in undertakings that are useful to society. Anyone who benefits
from his support is protected from enchantments and spells,
as well as from material and moral catastrophes. With a will of
steel, they are able to bring to anything they undertake a clear
vision of improvements to be made in their work.

Health : Damabiah, as noted above, protects against bodily

harm (traffic accidents, fire, air, and especially those related to

66 - Manakel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 15th and
19th. Reigning Days : May 27th, August 10th, October 22nd, January
2nd and March 14th. Reigning Hours : 9:40 - 10:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes liberation. Those he protects are

rid of their egotism or faults since they are able, often after a
discovery by chance (but in reality inspired by the Angel), to
find their true love and be devoted.

Money and work : those protected by Manakel often come

into large sums of money, but are not slaves to them. In
contrast, their Guardian Angel advises them to use the money
to try and improve the world. The more effort they put into this
goal, the more they receive. They are thus able to reach the
highest level at work.

Health : this Angel protects against rheumatism of the joints

and bone deformations. He also helps cure insomnia.

67 - Ayael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 20th and
24th. Reigning Days : May 28th, August 11th, October 23rd, January
3rd and March 15th. Reigning Hours : 10:00 - 10: 20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Ayael symbolizes understanding and consolation.

He prevents those he protects from making fun of, or being
sarcastic about, those around them or their loved one. They
never treat their loved one lightly or harshly.

Money and work : the future of those protected by this

Angel will be perfectly peaceful in financial terms. Whether
concerning money or work, their future is highly promising.
Whenever they have to deal with a problem, the Angel often
sends them an intermediate, known for goodness and a sense
of justice, on whom they can call for assistance.

Health : this Angel protects against arthritis of the hip.

68 - Habuhiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 25th and
29th. Reigning Days : May 29th, August 12th, October 24th, January
4th and March 16th. Reigning Hours : 10:20 - 10:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Habuhiah symbolizes healing and fertility. The heart of

those he protects is constantly in motion. Feelings, thinking
and speech are all called into play for the purpose of attraction.
When this “general mobilization” emanates from the highest,
most noble part of their personality, they find eternal, true love.

Money and work : the potential for abundance granted

by Habuhiah also extends, of course, to the financial status
of those he protects, especially if their work is devoted to
an activity that promotes their spiritual, moral and human
elevation. Their natural enthusiasm for life, if it truly springs
from the heart and is not superficial or “prefabricated”, will
open all doors to them. They will thus be successful socially
and professionally.

Health : this is the best Healing Angel, above all.

69 - Rahael

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 1st and 5th.
Reigning Days : May 30th, August 13th, October 25th, January 5th and
March 17th. Reigning Hours : 10:40 - 11:00 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Rahael symbolizes searching and uprightness. He

motivates those he protects to help them find enduring and
ever-lasting love, achieved after a long period of preparation.

Money and work : those protected by Rahael have much

luck. In fact, in the financial area, this Angel grants them fame,
fortune, inheritances and talent. They are thus easily able to
find lost or stolen objects and, in the latter case, are able to
identify the thief. Those protected by Rahael who work in the
legal fields may acquire great recognition. In general, most of
them achieve major victories.

Health : this Angel protects against anorexia.

70 - Jabamiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 6th and
10th. Reigning Days : May 31st, August 14th, October 26th, January 6th
and March 18th. Reigning Hours : 11:00 - 11:20 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : this Angel symbolizes regeneration and recovery.

When those he protects are able to gather up, with his help,
the feelings dispersed all around them, they are able to
project them onto the right person and then have only to let
themselves be carried away by love.

Money and work : Jabamiah grants abundance to every

undertaking started by those he protects. If an obstacle
appears on their path, such as a jealous or traitorous person,
they are able to forcefully strike them down, although without
causing them any harm or wrong, so as not to be weighed
down by a feeling of guilt. Their Guardian Angel helps them
specifically in doing this. Subsequently, they will gain major
benefits from their new circumstances.

Health : this Angel protects against kidney stones, and also

protects the skin.

71 - Haiaiel

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 11th and
15th. Reigning Days : June 1st, August 15th, October 27th, January 7th
and March 19th. Reigning Hours : 11:20 - 11:40 p.m.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Haiaiel symbolizes courage and peace. If the heart of

those he protects is upset and ready to rebel, that usually
means that they love someone they shouldn’t and that they are
indifferent to those awaiting their love. Fortunately, this Angel
helps them put an end to their confusion and turn to true love.

Money and work : in general, Haiaiel grants protection, victory

and peace. Those he protects progress toward extraordinary
circumstances. Thus, despite a few difficulties, they are
able to gain substantial advantages from business deals or
undertakings otherwise considered fruitless. Thanks to their
Angel, their circumstances are full of all kinds of prosperous

Health : Haiaiel protects the digestive system and is co-

protector of the nervous system.

72 - Mumiah

This is the Guardian Angel of people born between March 16th and
20th. Reigning Days : June 1st, August 16th, October 28th, January 8th
and March 20th. Reigning Hours : 11:40 p.m. - midnight.

Powers and talents granted by this Angel :

Love : Mumiah symbolizes revelation and the goal to be

reached. In love, he grants those he protects the benefit of
order and proper measure.

Money and work : in this area, this Angel grants success in

everything tried. To reach their goal, those he protects must
often join forces with people who share the same ideas. They
are thus able not only to attain altruistic goals, but are also
led, without really trying, into rich and luxurious financial
circumstances. Some achieve great fame in the field of

Health : this Angel protects against sclerosis and governs the

digestive system.


Y ou have just learned about the amazing powers and

talents that each Angel can grant you. This is an initial
step I have been pleased to help you take into the world of the
fabulous powers of the angels.

There are, of course, highly specific and much more complex

prayers, rituals and invocations suited to each Angel, each
human being and each type of request. However, these
invocations absolutely must be kept secret. I was not able to
include them in this book, but I’m sure you understand why
and that you won’t hold it against me.

Let me leave you with this initial introduction to the Angels and
recommend, if you wish to summon the help of a particular
Angel, that you follow the key directions revealed to you here.


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