The Veterinarian's Role in Food Safety
The Veterinarian's Role in Food Safety
The Veterinarian's Role in Food Safety
6 June 2011
I. Introduction
Veterinarians (Vets) and Food Safety: A Word Association
It is common in the English language to
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
come across word associations. For example,
“Most reported outbreaks of foodborne disease are due
the word cat is often associated with the word to contamination of foods with zoonotic agents, often
mouse or the word dog. The word soldier during primary production. Veterinary services play a
is associated with the word army. When key role in the investigation of such outbreaks, all the way
back to the farm and in formulating and implementing
you read the word vet, you will very likely remedial measures once the source of the outbreak
associate that name with cats or dogs. This is has been identified. This work should be carried out
because the word vet conjures up the image in close collaboration with human and environmental
health professionals, analysts, epidemiologists(流行
of a person who treats sick animals such as
病學家), food producers, processors and traders and
dogs or cats. others involved.”
One of the ways to understand this ‘new’ idea is to follow the ‘from farm to fork’ process shown in
the following photographs.
(5) Restaurant
(Photography by Wing) (4) Transport of product after inspection
One of the main aims and advantages of developing such a ‘new’ and ‘holistic’ concept is that in
the event of a problem developing, such as a food ‘poisoning’ incident, the food, its processing and
its source can more easily be traced, investigated and effectively corrected.
The FVE go on to say “the farmer’s responsibility to ensure that his product is uncontaminated by
herbicides, pesticides, and veterinary medicinal products, and to ensure that risks associated with
animal health, animal welfare or zoonotic disease are controlled, can only be effectively achieved
through a specifically designed animal health plan. These plans must be drawn up in conjunction with
the producer’s veterinarian who can provide reassurance to customers.” (2)
Medicine Use
On every livestock farm there will be a farmer trying to raise animals or
birds. Vets who visit the farms will be guiding the farmer in his use of medicines
for any animals that get sick. They will want to make sure that he uses the right
medicine for the right species and the correct dose. For example, in Hong
Kong, farmers are advised to use foot and mouth disease (FMD) vaccine,
which contains and matches the specific strains of virus that are present in the
territory at the time.
Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine
used in Hong Kong
Vets will also want to assist and advise the farmer in the use of
Antibiotic Permit issued to farmers antibiotics because of the risk this has in developing resistance to
antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics represent a risk to future generations of animals,
which may get sick. If the bacteria are very resistant to antibiotics, there may be no medicines
available to the farmer for him to treat a sick animal. It is also possible, in certain circumstances that
these resistant bacteria could reach a slaughterhouse or a market, causing meat or milk to become
contaminated, which in turn may cause antibiotic resistance to be transferred to the consumers of such
In view of the above, the uses of antibiotics on farm animals in Hong Kong is controlled. Farmers are
allowed to buy only specified injectable antibiotics and the permit on page 3 is a photocopy of such.
Animal Feed
Vets will also have interest in the food the animals consume. This
is because, if the animal feed is incorrect or toxic, it will affect the
health of the animals, and in some cases, the toxin in the animal
feed can be absorbed by the animal and then passed on to the
consumer in the milk, meat or eggs produced.
For instance, in Demark, farmers are advised to buy certified
salmonella-free feed and similar requirements are known, for
laying hens, to avoid salmonella (沙門氏菌) or say dioxin (二
噁英) entering the food chain in eggs.(5)
If a vet suspects zoonoses, such as tuberculosis (TB), is on a farm, he will want to take certain steps.
The first two steps will be to confirm the diagnosis and control the disease outbreak. The third will be
to make sure that the disease does not enter the food chain, in this case, through the milk or through
the meat. In the picture below, a vet is checking through a tuberculin skin test, whether the animal is
suffering from TB or not.
In the picture below, local chickens about to be marketed are being bled to check for the absence
of the zoonotic avian influenza H5N1 infection; this is very much a vet directed process.
II. (b) Food Safety at the Market Level
Food animal markets, world wide, are well known for spreading disease from farm back to farm
or further down the “farm to fork” food chain. Therefore this is an area where additional measures
are sometimes required such as “rest days” during which markets are kept empty while they are
thoroughly cleansed.
A related example is the European practice found in the UK, where government vets routinely
inspect livestock auction markets and where animal health officers (AHO), under their direction, are
stationed at the auction usually for the whole day of the market. If an AHO detects a problem that
requires professional attention; he will call a government vet or private vet to attend to the case.
For example, if a cow has an accident and breaks a leg he may call out a private vet to carry out
immediate euthanasia (人道毀滅) on welfare grounds.
working with live animals be patient, considerate, competent, and familiar with USDA guidelines.
Requirements similar to this occur in Macau, Mainland China and Singapore.
The picture on the right shows an inspector
collecting the urine of a pig that may contain traces
of an illegal substance, such as Clenbuterol (鹽酸克
倫特羅) or Salbutamol (沙丁胺醇).
In theory the list of chemicals or drugs that animals could be tested is unending. This list could
include any of the drugs produce by the pharmaceutical industry. However, one has to be practical
about this. An example of a list of the most relevant, from the point of view of risk to the public, is
shown in the table below.
Different countries have different ways of addressing these evolving challenges. In the USA the
majority of government vets involved with food matters are employed by the Food Safety and Inspection
Service (FSIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, many vets are also employed
by the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Centre of Veterinary Medicine (CVM).
Vets in Hong Kong originally had little involvement in food processing; however, recently they have
had a greater involvement. This was because countries importing food products from Hong Kong were
worried about serious animal and bird diseases being allowed to pass through the production process
and then into their country. One example of this was the importing country’s requirement for veterinary
inspection to ensure that meat was deboned and cooked to avoid foot and mouth disease virus from
surviving the manufacturing process and being imported (the virus survives for a long time in bone
marrow). Another example was the requirement for veterinary inspection to ensure moon cakes were
cooked to a certain temperature and specified time in order to reduce the risk of Newcastle disease
virus, Salmonella, and other serious pathogens passing through the manufacturing process.
In addition, vets in Hong Kong have also inspected food-processing facilities in countries which
export food of animal origin to Hong Kong. One example of this was the inspection of a Canadian
facility, to ensure that the spinal cord and other relevant body parts were removed from a carcass
prior to its meat being export in order to reduce the risk of BSE. Another example was the inspection
of an Australian facility, to investigate the source of bacterial contamination of imported ice cream
into Hong Kong.
II. (e) Food Safety in the Storage and Transport of Food
Traditionally, food inspectors are involved in the inspection of the retail side of the food process.
However, vets do have a great interest in how food of animal origin is stored prior to going to
retailers. This is an area where, if one is not careful, mistakes can occur. In this respect, it is important
that batches of food are kept separate from each other and are clearly marked and identified with
their movements recorded.
Certain countries do use veterinary supervised inspections of the storage and transport of food. In
Singapore, for example, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has established
certain requirements for the handling and processing of meat and fish, through their Wholesome Meat
and Fish Act and Sale of Food Acts.(7)
In addition, if food is to move across international borders, it often requires some form of veterinary
health certification. This can only be completed by a vet (see the section IV on page 14). Part of the
certification will be to ensure not only that the food is correctly handled at the correct temperature, but
that it is also of good hygienic quality and safe to eat.
II. (f) Food Safety in the Sale of Food for the Plate and onto Your Fork
Traditionally food retail and the correct handling and cooking of food in the kitchen at restaurants
and at home was, in many countries, the responsibility of food inspectors and/or food hygienist and
their related bodies. However, in Europe, particularly in France and Germany, vets in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries were integral to the development of food hygiene laws, initially to curb large
outbreaks of trichinosis (旋毛蟲病). (8)
The importance of food handling is also highlighted by the fact that the USDA estimates that 85% of
food poisoning cases could be avoided if people just handled food properly. (9) As a result of this, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (美國疾病控制與預防中心) in the USA, employs
veterinary epidemiologists as part of the team to track down and investigate food poisoning cases,
and such investigations reach right into the fridges, storerooms and kitchens of restaurants and homes.
The start of this particular veterinary public health involvement can be traced to the aftermath of
World War II, where the U.S. Public Health Service’s Communicable Disease Center, later named
CDC established a veterinary public health unit. James Steele, the first chief public health vet in the
CDC, was also active in promoting the veterinary public health unit in the World Health Organization
(WHO). Martin Kaplan, another American vet, became the first director of this WHO unit. Both men
expanded into the USA and worldwide the traditional European emphasis on veterinary-directed food-
safety programs to include investigations into the epidemiology and control of zoonoses. (10)
II. (g) Food Safety through “Traceback”
If a food poisoning problem does occur in the retail or domestic cooking area, vets will want to be
informed by their public health colleagues about the identity of the suspect food. This is because world
wide the opinion is that it is important to check the whole food producing system, as the problem may
not be just in the restaurant or at home. (See the first box on page 1)
In particular, they will want to know the batch number, name of the food manufacturer, name of the
food and other details to help with identification and traceback. They will then start the “traceback”
An example of this early veterinary role is that meat safety was the main item on the agenda of the
Vienna International Conference organized by Austria and Hungary in March 1872. This conference
set up the outline of border controls to be used to increase food safety.
China soon followed suit in 1896 when the Ching Dynasty Government approved the building
of the Central–Eastern Railway by Russia. Meat was imported from Russia to feed the builders of
the railway line. As a consequence in 1903, the Chinese Railway Bureau established a veterinary
inspection department whose main task was to inspect this Russian meat. (11)
Nowadays the veterinary strategists will use many intellectual tools. Risk assessments, risk analysis,
risk communication, risk management, assessment of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
(HACCP) (危害分析重要管制點), their own field experience, incident data resources, research data
resources and food safety simulations are few examples of these tools.
In Hong Kong this work is now mainly carried out by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food
and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD).
They have access and contribute to many national and international early warning and surveillance
systems. For example, the USA’s PulseNet and FoodNet system, the EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food
and Feed (RASFF), WHO International Food Safety Authority’s Network (INFOSAN) and the Food
and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) Emergency Prevention
System for Food Safety (EMPRESS Food Safety). All of these
systems are freely available online.
Lessons are being learnt from radioactive contamination Welsh sheep on uplands: currently some sheep grazing
monitoring which still occurs in the United Kingdom, 25 years uplands are under restriction while measurements are
taken, this has been continuing for over 25 years.
after the world’s worst nuclear accident at Chernobyl (切爾諾 (Photography by Marion Phillips)
Sheep from affected areas are still scanned before entering the food chain. In the weeks and months
following the accident, more than 5,000 farms were placed under restrictions. Over the years, this
number has come down to the current 330 in Wales and 8 in Cumbria, England.
The restrictions mean any sheep and lambs which graze on higher ground there have to be brought
down to lower lying areas to allow radiation measurements to decrease, before they can be sold.
According to a farmer in the area, “no-one could have predicted how things have turned out”. He
said, “Anyone still under restriction would have found it hard to believe that it would still be in place
after 25 years”.(12)
IV. The Health Certification of Food Animals and Food of Animal Origin
The verb ‘to vet’ used in the English language is a very distinctive word. It means to check something
thoroughly and in detail. Traditionally once a vet has “vetted” an animal or animal product, he can
issue a certificate describing what he has found. This certificate is regarded, within the veterinary
profession, as an extremely important document, which as far as it is humanly possible reflects the
whole truth. Veterinary certificates, since they have to be completed to the highest possible standards,
are very useful in facilitating international trade. The importer expects that what is written on the
veterinary heath certificate is true and believable. It is on these ethical principles that the OIE uses
veterinary health certificates to ensure that food that is safe to eat can cross borders (See box below
and Veterinary Bulletin Volume No. 1 Issue No.5).
V. Conclusion
According to one of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s recent publications,
there still are worldwide significant challenges concerned with food safety. There are many reasons
for these new challenges. To give two simple examples, the world trade in agricultural products has
increased fivefold since 1950,(13) and the number of agents causing food borne diseases is likewise
In these new situations, both government and private companies require new mixes of professions
and technologists to help them overcome these challenges. It now appears that the veterinarian will
be one of those professions to be intimately involved in facing these challenges.
Every profession has its golden age when its work is recognized to be vital to society and how
people view the world. Hundreds of years ago, astrologers were one of the most important professions.
Government used them to guide them on serious issues of the day. Private people used them to assist
them in personal matters. A little later, priests became one of the most powerful professions, again
acting at both a government and a private level. Nowadays both astrologers and priests are still
present but have not such a great impact on society. In the last century, the impact of engineers,
doctors and technologists has been very great. Most recently, computer professionals have become
extremely relevant.
Now with globalization, more processed food, more and more food imports and exports worldwide,
greater movement of animal and humans, it appears that it is the turn of the veterinary profession to be
one of the most crucial to society. Their work with food of animal origin is an indicator of the influence
they now have and will probably have in the future. Vets are not only trained to deal with all mammal
species except man but also with birds, fish and exotic animals. They are trained in an extremely wide
set of disciplines up to a degree level: examples would be risk assessment, bacteriology, virology,
toxicology, immunology and public health to mention a few.(15)
At the beginning of this issue, you were asked to consider what word you would associate with
vet. It was likely you associated it with dogs, cats, and their health. Now you may perhaps consider
associating many foods with the word vet. For hopefully in one sense much of the food you will eat
in the future will have been “vetted”. That is it to say it will have been thoroughly checked by a vet.
(1) Federation of Veterinarians of Europe. Meat Inspection and the Development of Community Risk Based Food Legislation
FVE Response.
Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(2) Federation of Veterinarians of Europe. Role of the Private Veterinary Practitioner in Food Hygiene Controls on Farm.
Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(4) The Official Journal of the European Union Online. Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of
the Council.2005-laying down requirements for feed hygiene.
Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(5) Monique A. van der Gaag and Ruud B.M. Huirne. Elicitation of expert knowledge on controlling Salmonella in the pork
chain. Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(6) Teagasc Food Assurance Online (Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority). Veterinary Checks and Controls in
Meat Plants.
Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(7) The University of Nottingham. Logistics and Cold Supply Chain Management in Singapore and Asia Pacific
Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(8) Zylberman P. Making Food Safety an Issue: Internationalized Food Politics and French Public Health from the 1870s to
the Present. The UCL Centre for the History of Medicine. Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(9) Schafer W. and Driessen S. A Quick Consumer Guide to Safe Food Handling. The University of Minnesota. Retrieved 15th April 2011.
(11) 夏紅民。1998。中國的進出境動植物檢疫。中國農業出版社。中華人民共和國。第21頁。
(13) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food Quality and Safety. Retrieved 15th April 2011.
Editorial Board:
Editor: Dr. Barry BOUSFIELD, Dr. Richard BROWN, Dr. Mary CHOW and Dr. NG Lip Tet
Proofreader: Dr. Christopher John BRACKMAN and Dr. Veronica LEONG
Chinese editor of specific terms: Dr. Kenny HO and Dr. Michelle YEUNG
Coordinator: Mr. Dominic LEUNG