Hawaii Winter Program
Hawaii Winter Program
Hawaii Winter Program
Required Texts
1. Growing Up Local (GUL) ed. Eric Chock (Bamboo Ridge Press, 1998)
2. Set of photocopied stories, poems, letters, and excerpts from longer
works by Liliuokalani, David Kalakaua, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack
London, John Dominis Holt, O.E. Bushnell, Bill Holm, Barack Obama, and
others. (PC)
Course Requirements
Attendance at two 2-3 hours course orientations: one pre departure at
Queens College, and one in Honolulu.
Prompt attendance in class and at all scheduled field trips and events; and
active participation in class discussions.
5-minute oral intro to be given to the class on an assigned topic, to be
assigned at New York orientation.
Journal—consisting of assigned entries and in-class writing exercises.
2 short (3-5 page) essays, second one delivered orally and turned in as a
written work
5-7 pg. final paper
Final Exam
Because this course is on a compressed schedule, attendance in each and
every class session is of even greater importance than it is in other college
courses. Any unexcused absence will adversely affect your grade.
Similarly, prompt arrival in class is extremely important: tardy arrivals are
noted, and detract from your grade. Promptness in turning in written work
counts as well: late papers will be marked down.
Your grade for the course will be determined as follows: 10% Attendance
and participation
10% Oral presentations (Assigned topic intros, and oral presentation of
Paper #3)
30% Two Short Essays and a Journal
25 % Final Paper
25 % Final Exam
*The journal will not be assigned a letter grade, but will be a factor in
determining your final grade, especially in borderline cases. Quality and
depth of observations and thought, amount and quality of effort, and
evidence of honest inquiry are the elements that will be looked for in journal
writing, not finished thoughts, well-organized structure, or polished prose.
(Save that for your papers.)