University of Dhaka: Internship Report ON
University of Dhaka: Internship Report ON
University of Dhaka: Internship Report ON
Submitted To
Dr. Tahmina Khatun
Department of AIS
University of Dhaka
Submitted By
ID: 11326039
Batch: 26th
Department of AIS
University of Dhaka
Date of Submission: May 10, 2018.
Letter of Transmittal
Dear Madam,
As a partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) in University of Dhaka
(DU), I did my internship in National Bank Ltd. Shimanto Squire branch. I have the pleasure
to submit herewith copy of the internship report on “A Working Report on General Banking
Activities of National Bank Limited Shimanto Squire branch”.
I have done my level best to complete the report in time and with the quality of my
expectation. The whole experience of this report enables me to get an insight in the real life
situation. The experience I have achieved during time of preparing the term paper will help
me greatly in my career. I have really enjoyed doing my internship in National Bank Ltd. I
hope that the report will meet your expectations and standards.
I request you to accept this report and forward it for further evaluation.
Yours sincerely
The Internship Report entitled “General Banking Activities of National Bank Ltd.” has been
submitted to the department of Accounting & Information Systems for the degree of Master
of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration on May 10, 2018 by Iqbal
Hassan Bhuiyan, Id: 11326039. The report has been accepted and may be presented to the
Internship Defense Committee for evaluation.
(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report.
The university does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions.)
Dr. Tahmina KHatun
Department of AIS
University of Dhaka
Internship Supervisor
All praise is to the one to one to whom all dignity, honor and glory are due, the unique with
perfect attributes, who begets not, nor is he begotten. He has not equaled, but he is Almighty,
omnipotent for preparing fruitfully this internship reports.
While preparing the report, I got immense encouragement and full guidance given by my
Internship supervisor Dr. Tahmina Khatun, Professor, Department of Accounting &
Information Systems, without her relentless support, it would have been impossible to
conduct this study. I also express my gratitude to my supervisor for providing me detailed
feedback and technical assistance on preparing the report.
Then, I grateful to my job supervisor, Md. Abu Sayeed Dipak, Vice President, „National
Bank Limited‟ under whose supervision I have done my internship successful. He was very
generous and friendly with me. I am greatly thankful to him.
Finally, I am grateful to all the cooperative staffs of Shimanto Squire Branch, National bank
Ltd. This acknowledgement is not enough to tell them how profound the impact of their
opinion is on this report, how indebted I am to them. I express my heartiest gratitude to all
of them. This report is not free from limitations. There might still be some minor mistakes
such as typing errors despite my utmost care. I apologize for this.
Executive Summary
In recent years banks have diversified their services by creating new subsidiaries that perform
additional services or by merging with other types of financial institutions. National Bank
Ltd. was established as a banking company. There are different types of activities involved in
the banks. A bank collects money from the people through some special types of products
and all the collected money invests in the different sectors at higher interest rates. This
investment process is dealt in the loan and advance departments of National Bank Limited.
As an intern in National Bank, this internship report has been prepared. This report aims
toward providing an overview on the general banking system of National Bank Limited.
While preparing this report it has been tried to reveal the insights of the general banking
system of the bank. While discussing the different aspects of general banking activities of the
bank, priority has been given to depict the real situation in National Bank Limited are
concerned by employing the experience gathered during the internship program. It is focused
some theoretical aspect of the general banking in this report. From the analysis of the findings
during internship period a few recommendations were also prescribed in this report. Analysis
on the findings is basically done to sort out the major aspects of the general banking systems
and to draw some significant inferences. This report will provide the critical aspect of the
general banking of the National Bank Limited.
Bibliography 49
Acronyms 50
1.0 Origin of Report:
As a mandatory part the EMBA Program, all the students of the faculty of Business Studies,
University of Dhaka have to undergo a three month long internship program with an
objective of gaining practical knowledge about current business world. After this internship
program each and every students have to submit an internship report mentioning their
activities during the internship program .The primary goal of internship is to provide an on-
the-job exposure to the student and an opportunity to know how to implement theoretical
concepts in real life situations. Students are placed in enterprises, organizations, research
institutions and as well as in development projects. As a part of the internship program,
National Bank Limited, Shimanto Square Branch was preferable to me.
This report is the result of internship program conducted in National Bank Limited and is
prepared as a partial requirement for the completion of the MBA(Evening) program of
University of Dhaka. As a result this report is submitted based on the “General Banking
Activities of National Bank Limited” (NBL). This report also includes information on the
products and services of National Bank Limited, the overview of the organization and also
facilities they offer to satisfy their customers.
To make a bridge between the theories and practical procedures of banking day to day
operations that will be helpful for my future career.
Both primary and secondary data sources were used to generate the report.
Primary sources: Primary sources are as follows:
Face to face conversation with the respective officers and staff of the bank.
Practical work exposure from the different desks six departments of the banks.
Personal dairy (that contains every day experience in the bank while undergoing
practical orientation).
Mrs. Monowara Sikder Ms. Parveen Haque Sikder Alhaj Khalilur Rahman
Director Director Director
Mr. Ron Haque Sikder Mr. Mabroor Hossain Mr. Jonas Khan Sikder
Director Director Director
Mr. Md. Anwar Hussain Mr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Mr. A K M Enamul Hoque
Independent Director Khan Shameem
Independent Director Independent Director
Number of ATMs 10
Number of Subsidiaries 07
2.5 Mission:
Quality financial services adopting the latest technology.
Fast and efficient customer service.
Maintaining high standard of business ethics
Balanced growth.
Steady & competitive return on shareholders' equity.
Innovative banking at a competitive price.
Attract and retain quality human resources
Extending competitive compensation packages to the employees.
Firm commitment to the growth of national economy.
Involving more in Micro and SME financing.
2.6 Vision
Ensuring highest standard of clientele services through best application of latest information
technology, making due contribution to the national economy and establishing ourselves
firmly at home and abroad as a front ranking bank of the country are our cherished vision
The operation of the bank is computer oriented to ensure prompt and efficient services
to the customer.
The bank has introduced camera surveillance system (CCTV) to strengthen the
Extend socio-economic and financial services to individuals of all economic
Portfolio of investment and investment policy have been specially tailored to achieve
particularly in the priority sectors and in the less developed areas of the national
2.11 Management Hierarchy of National Bank Limited:
Additional Deputy
Managing Director
Deputy Managing
Senior Executive
Vice President
Executive Vice
Senior Vice President
Vice President
Senior Principle
Principle Officer
Senior Officer
Junior Officer
Assistant Officer
Trainee Assistant
2.12Shimanto Square Branch of National Bank Ltd:
The 66thbranch of NBL is the Shimanto Square this branch is situated in L.K Plaza Shimanto
Square Bazar, Shimanto Square, Dhaka. This branch is inaugurated at 25 October 2010; the
manager of this branch is S.M. Zahirul Haque. He also got the position of SVP of NBL. This
branch has also got 19 efficient and responsible employees. Although this branch has past
seven years, it has created positive image not only to the NBL but also among the customer.
The management of this branch always tries to provide better service to its customer and
behave well with them. Basically, this branch‟s major portion of customers is corporate.
Income Statement
Interest Income 14434.75 19103.18 18981.41 20621.01 19504.69
Interest Expenses 9188.82 13,679.66 16,166.14 16,511.70 16,571.69
Non-Interest Income 7496.72 6,618.46 7,976.37 8,406.29 10,143.66
3150.70 8,316.78 7,251.73 5,793.21 4,816.51
Profit before Tax
9591.94 3,725.20 3,539.91 6,722.39 8,260.14
and Provision
Profit after Tax 6085.70 1,487.91 2,116.59 2,660.29 3,854.03
Balance Sheet
Authorized Capital 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
Paid-up Capital 8,603.65 14,196.03 14,196.03 15,615.64 17,177.20
Reserve Fund &
12,918.92 8,178.24 9,733.61 11,348.31 16,380.76
Total Shareholders‟
21,522.57 22,374.27 23,929.64 26,963.95 33,557.96
Deposits 128,215.97 157,331.73 193,642.97 203,296.18 222,112.91
Loans and Advances 115,388.89 126,169.79 151,098.98 172,964.72 186,179.45
Investments 30,334.69 54,326.46 56,827.52 54,885.52 59,658.52
Fixed Assets
(inclnon banking 2,310.94 2,340.19 2,973.25 3,099.34 3,084.08
Total Assets 169,037.38 205,207.33 235,173.80 256,537.46 281,569.21
Off Balance Sheet
Exposure 44,392.67 50,484.49 74,399.30 63,525.84 51,470.56
Credit Quality
% of NPLs to Total
2.83% 4.32% 3.24% 5.26% 7.01%
Loans and Advances
Share Information
No of Shareholders
72,374 106,988 121,350 111,363 91,585
(In actual number)
No of Shares
Outstanding 860.37 1,419.60 1,419.60 1,561.56 1,717.72
Other Information
Number of Branches
154 165 171 179 191
and SME Centers
Number of OBU
1 1 1 1 1
Number of
3,758 3919 4126 4236 4266
Number of Foreign
415 492 492 493 493
Number of
5 6 6 7 7
Number of
associates -Gulf 1 1 1 1 1
Number of exchange company
Wholly or partly
3 4 4 5 5
Under agreement 50 50 50 52 52
Fixed Deposit:
National Bank Limited offers settled term funds that will scale up client's reserve funds sum
with the time.
Account Opening Procedure
Collecting a structure and top off every one of the prerequisites of A/C holder.
Nominee must be said and related data too.
Two duplicates international ID size photo one for holder one for chosen one.
Needed international ID or national ID card or chief certificates
Any sum of money can be saved
Untimely encashment account is accessible.
Overdraft account accessible against term receipt
Monthly Saving:
National Bank Limited offers month to month investment funds plan for its retail clients.
Regularly scheduled payments of deposit will be Tk.500/ - , Tk.1,000/ - , Tk.2,000/ -
,Tk.3,000, Tk.4000/ - , Tk.5,000/ - and Tk.10,0000
Accounts may be opened for any portion and term, which is not changeable.
A man is permitted to open more than one account for distinctive portion in a
PC or Computer accessories.
Quick preparing.
Silver International
Gold Local
Silver Local
Power Cards
Two key cards are as followed:
Credit Card:
NBL Credit Card is acknowledged in numerous vendor outlet around the globe. An extensive
variety of traders incorporate lodgings, eateries, carriers, & travel operators, shopping
centers and departmental stores, doctor's facilities & demonstrative focuses, gem
specialists, gadgets & PC shops and some more.
Dual Currency Card Facility.
Power Card:
NBL Power Card is the first plastic for which consumers don’t need to keep up any account
with our any branch.
It is a Pre-paid Card
Yearly/Renewal Fee Tk. 200/ - just
May be issued and refilled from RFCD/FC Account
Acknowledged at all VISA POS shippers
Money withdrawal at all ATM stalls bearing VISA and Q-trade logo(Except HSBC in
for cold hard currency Bangladesh)
Drawing of Cash:
from NBL ATMs - Free of charges
From ATMs under Q-money system Tk.10.00 per exchange
From other ATM - Tk. 100.00 for each exchange.
Money Withdrawal Fee (aboard)- 2.00% on the money drawn sum or US$2.00,
whichever is higher.
Just 1% stacking charge against both International and Local Power Card at the
season of Refilling.
Yearly Tk.100 for enlistment of SMS administration.
No Hidden Charges.
1-100000 20 3 23
100001-500000 30 4 34
500001-1000000 50 8 58
No.of accounts
Time period
Here, we can see that from January 2016 to October 2016 the trend of SB holder‟s number
fluctuating over years.
For detecting the trend in savings account, the trend analysis is performed. Results obtained
from trend analysis are presented in table:
Table-01: Trend analysis result of Savings account (SB)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
We can see that from the month February, 2017 to October, 2017the trend of SB account
holders number will increase.
current deposit
No.of accounts
6 current
4 deposit
Time period
Here, we can see that from January 2016 to October 2016 the trend of CD holder‟s number
fluctuating over years.
For detecting the trend in Current deposit, the trend analysis is performed. Results obtained
from trend analysis are presented in table:
Table-03: Trend analysis result of Current deposits (CD)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Based on the above table, the trend equation for Current deposit can be written as follows:
Since the value of time is negative the trend of Current account will decreasing. The trend
will be decreased in -0.113 times in every 4 months.
Table-04: Forecasted value of current deposits.
Month Forecasted value
February, 2017 4
June, 2017 4
October,2017 3
We can see that from the month February, 2017 to October, 2017 the trend of Current deposit
holders number will decrease.
4.2 Millionaire Deposit Scheme:
2 millionaire
1 deposit scheme
Time period
Here, we can see that from January 2016 to October 2016 the trend of MDS holder‟s number
fluctuating over years.
For detecting the trend in Millionaire deposit scheme, the trend analysis is performed. Results
obtained from trend analysis are presented in table:
Table-07: Trend analysis result of Millionaire deposits scheme (MDS)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Based on the above table, the trend equation for MDS can be written as follows:
We can see that from the month February, 2017 to October, 2017 the trend of MDSholder‟s
number will constant.
fixed deposit
No.of accounts
fixed deposit
Time period
Here, we can see that from January 2016 to October 2016 the trend of FDR holder‟s number
fluctuating over years.
For detecting the trend in fixed deposit, the trend analysis is performed. Results obtained
from trend analysis are presented in table:
Table-09: Trend analysis result of Fixed deposit (FDR)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Based on the above table, the trend equation for FDR can be written as follows:
Since the value of time is positive the trend of fixed deposit will increasing. The trend will be
increased in 0.036 times in every 4 months.
Table-10: Forecasted value of FDR.
Month Forecasted value
February, 2017 16
June, 2017 16
October,2017 17
We can see that from the month February, 2017 to October, 2017 the trend of FDR holder‟s
number will increase.
6.0 Findings:
6.1 Recommendations:
C. Hudgins Sylvia, Peter Ross S.“Bank Management & Financial services-7th Edition
NBL National Bank Ltd.
SB Saving Account
FED Foreign Exchange Department
AD Authorized Dealer
CCI Chief Controller of Import
CCE Chief Controller of Export
IMP Import Policy
EXP Export Policy
MT Mail Transfer
FC Foreign Currency
L/C Letter of Credit
PAD Payment against Documents
LIM Loan against Imported Merchandising
TC Export Registration Certificate
VAT Value Added Tax
CA Current Account
STD Short term Deposit
FDR Fixed Deposit Receipt
MSS Monthly Saving Scheme
DD Demand Draft
TT Telegraphic/Telephonic Transfer
PO Pay Order
CM Credit Memorandum
DBDS Double Benefit Deposit Scheme