Impact of Inventory Inaccuracy On Service-Level Quality of A Multiproduct Production Line With Product Priorities
Impact of Inventory Inaccuracy On Service-Level Quality of A Multiproduct Production Line With Product Priorities
Impact of Inventory Inaccuracy On Service-Level Quality of A Multiproduct Production Line With Product Priorities
Thi Le Hoa VO
CREM, UMR CNRS 6211/IGR-IAE de Rennes
11 rue Jean Macé, CS 70803
35708 Rennes Cedex 7 - France
ABSTRACT: This article focus on the behaviour of a multi-product batch production line with fixed capacity which is
scheduled according to inaccurate inventories (IRI). We assume an unlimited supply of raw materials and a constant
demand for the different finished goods. The ordering policy of this production line is based on a (Q,R) continuous
review, lost-sales inventory model and on given priority for each product using the same production line. Simulation
modelling is proposed to investigate the relationship between the quality of service, safety stock and inventory
inaccuracy under demand variations for each product. It is shown that the service-level quality is a non-monotone
function of the inaccuracy rate, i.e. the service-level quality increases twice up to an IRI’s level and decreases after.
This unusual phenomenon has been observed which goes against certain empirical practices in the SMEs that safety
stock is only necessary for certain intervals of data inaccuracy rate.
KEYWORDS: Multi-product production line, continuous review inventory system, inventory inaccuracy, continuous
model, discrete-time simulation.
with lot priority. To achieve this aim, a simulation model echelon inventory system with multiple item types and
of a (Q,R) continuous review lost-sales inventory model the use of cycle counting as the corrective action. The
with different products according to product priority and results show that the correct application of cycle count-
resource constraints has been completed by an analytical ing will increase record accuracy and provide significant
approach aiming at studying the relationship between amount of savings for the entire supply chain. The au-
IRI and the volume of products out of stock during a thors also demonstrate the ability of simulation models
long period of time. to simulate more than one item type within a multi-
echelon inventory system as well as a more general de-
The paper is then organized as follows. At first, a litera- mand amount process. Nevertheless, none of these au-
ture review shows that few researches deal with the im- thors focuses on the problems of IRI in a multi-product
pact of IRI on service-level quality subjected to demand manufacturing system.
fluctuations and particularly in a multiple product multi-
echelon inventory system. Second, a simulation model is From a theoretical point of view, many papers consider
described and based on a (Q,R) policy taking into ac- such problems with inventory policy approaches. To our
count inaccuracies in inventory records. At third, the knowledge, works on optimizing safety stock (e.g. Shin,
simulation results will be analyzed in order to show the 1999; Ross, 2002; Atali et al., 2005) never take into con-
impact of inventory inaccuracy on the quality of service sideration the risk induced by inventory inaccuracy.
in this particular system. Finally, discussion and out- Most researchers do indeed introduce the fluctuation of
looks are proposed focusing on both service-level quality demand and shipment delay, but few of them take IRI
and safety stock calculation in case of inventory inaccu- into account. Their research usually focuses on (Q,R)
racy. system optimization models under uncertainties in lead-
times, demand, supply, machine breakdown, etc., but
2 LITERATURE REVIEW rarely emphasize the effect of inventory inaccuracy upon
service-level quality. For example, Sahin et al. (2009)
Research on IRI has been taking place since the 1960s propose a newsvendor type model which analytically
with the report by Rinehart (1960) on a case study of a derives the optimal policy in the presence of records
Federal government supply facility. The author stated errors of evenly distributed inventory and demand in the
that this inaccuracy produces a “deleterious effect” on supply chain. Rekik et al. (2008) have also developed an
operational performance. Following this, Iglehart and analytical model of a single-period store inventory
Morey (1972) reported that this divergence between model subject to misplacement errors and compare it to a
stock record and physical stock results in “warehouse RFID implemented inventory system.
denials”. Their research took into consideration the fre-
quency and depth of inventory counts and stocking pol- Even though most of the current research focusing on
icy to minimize total cost per time unit. Studying a simi- (Q,R) policy often propose models of operational re-
lar problem, Kök and Shang (2004) have suggested im- search, simulation modelling is becoming an effective
plementing a cycle count program and carefully adjust- and timely tool and is capturing the cause and effect rela-
ing base-stock levels across periods to minimize total tionship in this field. For example, Kang and Gershwin
inventory and inspection costs. Moreover, focusing on (2004) use analytical and simulation modelling to inves-
the significance of measuring IRI, DeHoratius and Ra- tigate the problems caused by information inaccuracy in
man (2008) show that inventory counts may not impact inventory systems. By applying the (Q,R) policy, they
record inaccuracy and additional buffer stock may not be suggest that a small rate of stock loss can disrupt the
equally necessary across all items in all stores. They also replenishment process and create severe shortages of
suggest that inventory density and product variety have stock. According to these authors, the IRI problem can
substantial implications for identifying and eliminating be effectively controlled if the stochastic behaviour of
the source of inventory record inaccuracy. However, the stock loss is known. Fleisch and Tellkamp (2005) use
their study is only based on the retail stores of one firm simulation and variance analysis to study the individual
and does not include all factors that might impact varia- impacts of different types of IRI on the performance
tion in IRI from one store to the next or across manufac- measurements of a three-echelon inventory system with
turing plants with product variety and inventory levels. on product. Their results show that eliminating inventory
inaccuracy can reduce supply chain cost and out-of-stock
Product variety and inventory levels are analogous to level even if the level of process quality, stolen and un-
environmental complexity in information processing saleable items remains unchanged. Besides, the supply
theory (Flynn and Flynn, 1999; Vachon and Klassen, chain performance increases further if at the same time
2002). Particularly, increasing product variety is akin to as inventory inaccuracy is eliminated; the factors that
increasing the organizational “complexity cost” (De- cause inventory inaccuracy are improved.
Horatius and Raman, 2008). In manufacturing such cost
include reduced manufacturing efficiency, frequent
changeovers, and the activities need to track and support
each variant (Yunes et al., 2004). In addition, Gumruk-
Following our previous work (Thiel et al., 2010)
cua et al. (2008) present a simulation model of a two-
concerning the influence of inaccuracies in (Q,R)
MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
A supply order is placed if the on-hand estimated stock
Batch production by i Retailer i Orders
X k ,i is less than Ri and if there is no inventory on-order;
product priority
. that is, there is no supply delivered between k and (k+Li-
1). Then the supply order process is defined as follows:
n Retailer n Orders
~ k −1
1 if X k − Li , i < Ri and
S k ,i = ∑ S j ,i = 0 (3)
j = k − Li
0 otherwise
Production Orders
with priority 1, ...i..., n
mean proportional to the demand rate. Kang and { }
X t , i = max 0, X t , i + ε t , i
Gershwin (2004) suggest that overall in the retail indus-
try, the inventory record error tends to have nonzero Ori = 0
mean. If (OIPt,i = 0 and X~ t ,i < Ri and π i > max (π j ) ∀j ≠ i )
then Ori = µι z.
Thus, the sequence at each period and for each product is If OIPt,i > 0 then OAt+L,i = µι z else 0.
assumed to be as follows: Xt+d,t,i = Xt,i + ( OAt,i – min[Xt,i, δt,i] ) dt
- The real component inventory is adjusted to Krt+dt,i = Krt,i + max[0, (µι - Xt,i )] dt
Xk,i + Sk,iQi , with Sk,i defined in equation (3).
- The demand δk is revealed. Either the demand is totally
satisfied (if Xk,i + Sk,i Qi ≥ δk,i) or not (loss-sales of 4 IMPACT OF THE INVENTORY RECORD
δ k ,i − X k ,i − S k ,i Qi ) INACCURACY ON THE QUALITY OF
- The inventory level is approximated by
X k +1,i = X k +1,i + ε k +1,i and a supply order is placed
Fleisch and Tellkamp (2005) propose to define inventory
if X~ k +1,i < Ri . inaccuracy as “the absolute difference between physical
and information system inventory, divided by the aver-
age physical inventory”. For each product i, it is chosen
Simulation translation
here an inaccuracy rate IRi = σ ε varying from 0% to
This analytical formulation is now translated into a con- Ri
tinuous model with discrete-time simulation. This model 90% which corresponds to a variation of σ ε between 0
is simulated using Euler integration method during a and 5,000.
period T with a time step dt.
~ We consider a manufacturer which produces a specific
Variables: δt,i , Xt,i, X t ,i , OIPt,i, OAt,i, Krt,i Ori, product for each retailer using the same production line.
Model parameters: σ ε i , σ i , πi To just focus on the effect of inventory errors, we as-
sume that the demand and inventory policy for each
Constant:, z, CP, L, Ri, Qi product are the same.
δt,i Demand of product i at time t normally distributed Simulation were run one hundred times using iThink
z Order quantity inventory coverage time software and default random noise seed for generating
Xt,i Inventory level at time t with X0,i = µι z different inaccuracies in the inventory data. The data
X t , i Inaccurate inventory record were collected after a run-in period of 1,000 hours fol-
L Production lead-time (assumed to be the same for lowed by a recording period of T = 32,000 hours and
each product i using the shared production line) with a time step dt = 1 hour.
Ri Reorder point with safety stock for a 97.5% service
level Ri = µι L + 1.96 σ i For each running time, the service-level quality for each
Qi Fixed quantity order Qi = µι z product is evaluated by recording the value of Krt,i ac-
OIPt,i Order quantity in process not delivered at time t
cording to each value of the inventory inaccuracy rates.
OAt,i Order quantity arrived at time t+L when launching
The values of Krt,i have been defined by average values,
an order at time t standard errors, confidence intervals, skewness and kur-
Ori Ori = 0 when no order is launching (else Ori = Qi) tosis. Each simulation is based on a constant demand
Krt,i Cumulated number of products out-of-stock at time t µ of 300 per hour for each product i, a delivery time
πi Priority given for each product i L = 18 hours, an order quantity inventory coverage time
CP Fixed capacity of the production line z = 64 hours, a reorder point Ri = µ L = 300 x 18 = 5,400
and a fixed order quantity Qi = µ z = 300 x 64 = 19,200.
Preliminary comments
Number of shortages
during 32000 hours
same production line with the highest priority for prod-
uct 1, a medium priority for product 2 and lowest priori- 30000
ty for product 3.
For each product, a non-monotone relationship between
the number of shortages Kr,i cumulated after a total simu- 10000
lation time of 32,000 hours and the inventory inaccuracy
rate IRi. Two peaks are observed for low and high val- 0
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
ues of IRi. For high IRi values the peak amplitudes are Inventory inaccuracy rat e
higher for low priority products which confirm that the
priority policy rules are kept whatever inaccuracy level. Product 1 Product 2
Product 3 P1 Only two products
We also simulated the case of one product P2 only two products
( µ 2 = µ3 = 0 ) and we observed only one peak which
Figure 3: Evolution of service-level quality Kr,i with IR,i
confirms our previous work (Thiel et al, 2009).
inventory inaccuracy rate (constant demand).
during 32000 hours
simulation modeling, the observed phenomenon will
30000 further theoretically analyzed by defining the shortage
probabilities in the case where the real stock level is be-
low the replenishment threshold and also the measured
inventory exceeds the same threshold.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
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