Inventory Inaccuracy and Supply Chain Performance

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Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

Inventory inaccuracy and supply chain performance:

a simulation study of a retail supply chain
Elgar Fleisch, Christian Tellkamp*
Institute of Technology Management, University of St. Gallen, Unterstrasse 22, St. Gallen CH-9000, Switzerland

Received 3 July 2003; accepted 6 February 2004


Inventory inaccuracy is a main issue in businesses dealing with physical assets. The aim of this paper is to examine the
relationship between inventory inaccuracy and performance in a retail supply chain. We simulate a three echelon supply
chain with one product in which end-customer demand is exchanged between the echelons. In the base model, without
alignment of physical inventory and information system inventory, inventory information becomes inaccurate due to low
process quality, theft, and items becoming unsaleable. In a modified model, these factors that cause inventory inaccuracy
are still present, but physical inventory and information system inventory are aligned at the end of each period. The results
indicate that an elimination of inventory inaccuracy can reduce supply chain costs as well as the out-of-stock level.
Automatic identification technology that is becoming available offers the potential to achieve inventory accuracy.
r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Inventory inaccuracy; Retailing; Automatic identification; Simulation; Supply chain performance

1. Introduction real-time alignment of both data and the physical

flow of goods. The result is inaccurate inventory
Even if information technology (e.g. EDI) is information.
used within a supply chain to share information on The phenomenon of inventory inaccuracy is
end-customer demand and inventory levels, there well-known. Raman et al. (2001) found in a case
is still often a discrepancy between the data on study that for more than 65% of stock keeping
customer demand or inventory levels in informa- units (SKU) in retail stores, information on
tion systems, and the real physical flow of inventory in the inventory management system
products.1 This discrepancy frequently stems from was inaccurate (i.e. the information system in-
media breaks and the missing real-time or near ventory differed from physical inventory). The
difference was on average 35% of the target
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-71-2282467; fax: +41-71- inventory. In a second case study, the authors
2282420. found that a median of 3.4% of SKUs were
E-mail address: (C. Tellkamp). not found on the sales floor although inventory
Large parts of this paper have been funded by the M-Lab was available in the store. In the first case,
(, a joint research initiative of ETH Zurich and
University of St. Gallen. M-Lab’s research partners include
inventory inaccuracy reduced profits by 10%,
companies such as Novartis, Paul Hartmann, SAP, SAP SI, in the second case, misplaced items reduced profits
Swisscom Mobile, UBS, and Volkswagen. by 25%.

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

374 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

Reasons why information system inventory impact of forecasting error (among other para-
records are inaccurate include external and inter- meters) on supply chain performance, but do not
nal theft (Bullard and Resnik, 1983), unsaleables consider inaccurate inventory data. We are only
(e.g. damaged, out-of-date, discontinued, promo- aware of two papers that study material require-
tional, or seasonal items that cannot be sold any ments planning (MRP) systems, but have not seen
longer), incorrect incoming and outgoing deliv- any research that addresses this issue for a multi-
eries (Raman et al., 2001; ECR Europe, 2000), as echelon supply chain. Both papers use simulation
well as misplaced items (Raman et al., 2001). as research method. Brown et al. (2001) simulate
There is some empirical evidence on the the effect of inventory inaccuracy in a MRP
magnitude of these factors that cause inventory environment. They look at the frequency of error,
inaccuracy. According to survey data, internal and the magnitude of error, and the location of
external theft, administrative errors and vendor products. Frequency of error refers to the number
fraud accounted for an estimated 1.8% of sales in of time periods in which inventory is inaccurate.
the US retail industry in 2001, costing US retailers Magnitude of error measures the percentage
USD 33 billion (Hollinger and Davis, 2001). For deviation of physical inventory from information
US supermarkets, the NSRG survey (National system inventory. Location of goods takes into
Supermarket Research Group, 2001) estimates account that errors can occur at different points in
that internal and external theft, receiving errors, the production process, e.g. at the beginning of the
damage, accounting errors and retail pricing errors production process or closer to the end. The
amount to 2.3% of sales. These figures only take authors conclude that frequency of error has a
into account the item value, but not any process- consistent and dominant impact on the perfor-
related costs (e.g. for handling of damaged items). mance measures that they used. (The performance
measures are the percentage of late units and
inventory cost.) However, location and magnitude
2. Related work of error can also affect performance depending on
the supply chain configuration. Krajewski et al.
In our paper, we draw on two areas of research: (1987) assess the impact of several factors on the
(a) research on the bullwhip effect and (b) previous performance of a MRP system and compare this
studies on the effect of inventory inaccuracy on with the performance of a Kanban system.
performance. Inventory inaccuracy is introduced to the system
The bullwhip effect has been studied intensively by incoming and outgoing deliveries. A certain
in recent years (e.g. Lee et al., 1997; Simchi-Levi percentage of deliveries is assumed to be inaccu-
et al., 2000). It has been shown that the sharing of rate. The magnitude of error is normally distrib-
information on end-customer demand can lead to uted. Inventory inaccuracy is eliminated by
a significant reduction of the bullwhip effect (Chen inventory counts which are conducted in regular
et al., 2000). However, there is also evidence that time intervals. The authors use the amount of
using information technology to improve the labor needed, the inventory level, the amount of
physical flow of products through the supply past due demand and the percentage of late orders
chain (e.g. by reducing lead times and batch sizes) as performance measures. Krajewski et al. (1987)
can be more beneficial than the sharing of demand conclude that inventory inaccuracy had less
and inventory data (Cachon and Fisher, 2000). impact on the performance than anticipated. Of
Simulation studies on the bullwhip effect have the factors considered, a reduction in batch sizes
been conducted e.g. by Joshi (2001) and Simchi- combined with shorter setup times had the single
Levi et al. (2000). most important impact on performance.
To our knowledge there is a limited amount of The results of previous research on the bullwhip
research that has been carried out to study the effect are used to determine the configuration of
effect of inventory inaccuracy on supply chain the supply chain model. Our supply chain config-
performance. Ganeshan et al. (2001) simulate the uration is similar to the one used by Joshi (2001)

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 375

and Simchi-Levi et al. (2000), except that we to achieve higher inventory inaccuracy, taking into
eliminated one echelon, the wholesaler, to reduce account recent advances in technology. The article
complexity. A three echelon supply chain was e.g. finishes with a summary, our conclusions and
used in the original Forrester production–distribu- directions for further research.
tion system (Towill, 1991).
The work on inventory inaccuracy in a MRP
environment provides the basis for modelling the 4. Research method
specific factors that cause inventory inaccuracy.
Our analysis extends the above-mentioned We use simulation as research method. This
research in two respects: (a) Simulation studies of allows us to study the impact of several factors
the bullwhip effect frequently focus on showing that cause inventory inaccuracy on a number of
the benefit of sharing information on end-custo- supply chain performance measures within a
mer demand in a multi-echelon supply chain. We dynamical system. Simulation models are often
assume that this is already done, and introduce used when certain characteristics of the supply
inventory inaccuracy into the analysis. Inventory chain cannot easily be modeled with analytical
inaccuracy has so far only been studied in a models or when stochastic variables are to be
production environment. (b) Both Brown et al. incorporated (Riddalls et al., 2000). They are
(2001) and Krajewski et al. (1987) use only a low useful to understand complex systems. Simulation
and high setting for each independent variable models do not optimize a supply chain. Instead,
(with one exception where also a middle setting is they allow analysts to determine the performance
used). This has the drawback that the choice of the of a given supply chain configuration (Simchi-Levi
high and low setting can determine whether a et al., 2000).
variable has a significant impact on performance Our simulation model uses discrete and constant
or not. For example, by increasing the difference time intervals. In the base case, we set up a supply
between the high and low setting, a variable which chain where information on end-customer demand
previously had no significant effect can become is available to all echelons in real time, and
significant. In our approach, we make incremental inventory inaccuracy is caused by various factors
changes to each variable in order to determine the which are discussed below. We then modify the
critical value at which a significant change in model so that physical inventory and information
supply chain performance accrues. system inventory are aligned in each time period
which eliminates inventory inaccuracy, and com-
pare the two models.
3. Research question Each simulation runs for 200 time periods. We
start with the calculation of the performance
In our research we want to answer the question: measures in time period 11 in order to avoid a
How does supply chain performance change when bias from starting conditions. Initially, demand
inventory inaccuracy is eliminated? Our focus is is stable, and there is no inventory inaccuracy.
not on changing the physical flow of products. We A similar procedure is also used by Brown
examine improvements in supply chain perfor- et al. (2001). For each specific setting of the
mance through more accurate information, given supply chain, we perform 20 runs in order to
the existing flow of products. get robust results as proposed by Swaminathan
We start with a discussion of the research et al. (1998).
method, followed by an overview of the simulation Demand, orders and other variables related to
model. We continue with a description of the the physical flow of products are continuous
performance measures that we use to determine variables. Some of the exogenous variables are
supply chain performance. It follows an analysis of stochastic variables: End-customer demand is
the simulation results. After the analysis, we look independently and identically normally distribu-
at the managerial implications and different means ted. Theft, one factor that causes inventory

376 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

inaccuracy, follows a uniform distribution. An- 5. Simulation model

other factor called incorrect deliveries is influenced
by the magnitude of error which is an uniformly A number of parameters need to be estimated
distributed variable and by the frequency of error and several relationships between variables and
which is a binary variable. The default values for parameters have to be defined when building a
the factors that cause inventory inaccuracy are simulation model. We have tried to find reasonable
derived from industry sources. This is described estimates for the parameters and relationships,
below. and are not aware that our conclusions would
The data is analyzed in SPSS using variance change due to a variation in any of the parameters
analysis (ANOVA) in order to determine the or relationships (e.g. lead times, batch sizes).
critical value for a factor at which supply chain However, more research in this area is needed. In
performance changes significantly. Variance ana- this paper we can only present a broad description
lysis is commonly used to analyze the impact of of the model. A formal description of the
one (or more) at least nominally scaled indepen- simulation model can be found in Fleisch and
dent variables on one (or more) metrically scaled Tellkamp (2003).
dependent variables. For our model, we assume a high value
Firstly, we examine the base case without consumer packed goods (CPG) product that is
alignment of physical inventory and information sold in supermarkets. The supply chain consists of
system inventory at the end of each period. In this a single retailer, distributor and producer. Each
model, inventory inaccuracy can occur. We vary time interval is assumed to be 1 week. There are no
each factor and compare the resulting perfor- capacity constraints. Fig. 1 illustrates the config-
mance with the performance when the default uration of the supply chain used for simulation
value is used. Secondly, we compare the perfor- purposes and shows the various factors that cause
mance in the base case with the performance of a inventory inaccuracy as well as the flow of
modified model in which physical and information products and information.
system inventory are aligned at the end of each End-customers demand a certain quantity of a
period. Finally, we extend our second analysis by SKU from the retailer each week. Demand
assuming that the factors that cause inventory consists of two components, real demand plus
inaccuracy improve at the same time as inventory returns of unsaleable items that are detected by the
inaccuracy is eliminated. end-customer.

Incorrect Incorrect
Theft deliveries Theft deliveries Theft

End-customer Retailer Distributor Producer

Unsaleables Misplaced Unsaleables Misplaced Unsaleables Misplaced

items items items

Impact of factors that cause inventory inaccuracy

Product flow
Information flow

Fig. 1. Configuration of supply chain for simulation, impact of factors that cause inventory inaccuracy, and flow of products and

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 377

The retailer can fulfill customer demand as long incoming order if possible. Orders that could not
as items are in stock. It is assumed that end- be fulfilled enter the order backlog. The distributor
customers whose orders could not be fulfilled places its order, based on end-customer demand
immediately are prepared to wait for next week’s (not the incoming order), cover orders (its own
delivery. These orders enter the order backlog. and the retailers), its inventory level, and the
This assumption is somewhat idealistic for the information on the incoming delivery, while taking
retailer as customers react in different ways to batch size constraints into account. The informa-
stock-outs (Lambert and Stock, 1993). They can tion regarding the cover order is shared with the
buy a different SKU, buy the SKU elsewhere, producer.
come back later, or decide not to buy the product As for the echelons downstream, the producer
at all. tries to fulfill the incoming order from the
The retailer places an order every week, taking distributor if possible. Orders that could not be
into account end-customer demand, available fulfilled enter the order backlog for production.
inventory (based on information system inventory, The producer produces according to customer
adjusted for any alignments with physical inven- demand, any cover orders (its own, the distribu-
tory), and the incoming delivery (adjusted for any tors, and the retailers), its inventory as well as
detected missing or unsaleable items). By placing last week’s production, now available for ship-
an order, the retailer has to consider batch size ment. Batch size constraints also exist for pro-
constraints which are determined e.g. by the duction. Batch sizes increase upstream in the
amount of items in a case. supply chain.
The information on available inventory accord- As mentioned above, physical inventory and
ing to the inventory system can differ from the information system inventory can differ. In our
actually available physical inventory. There are a model, the difference results from the following
number of factors that lead to inaccurate inven- factors: incorrect deliveries, misplaced items, theft
tory information. For example, theft reduces the and unsaleables. Incorrect deliveries in our model
number of available products. Also, incoming are deliveries in which fewer items are physically
deliveries may contain fewer items than ordered. delivered than shown in the delivery records. This
The retailer shares the information on real happens from time to time with varying degrees of
customer demand with its suppliers. He also error magnitude. Sometimes, the receiver detects
informs the distributor about any ‘‘cover orders’’. that the delivery is incorrect when inspecting the
Cover orders are orders in excess of real customer delivery. If the error is not detected, incorrect data
demand. In our model, they result from the on the number of items is used to update the
different causes of inventory inaccuracy. More information system inventory of both the custo-
precisely, they occur when (a) an inventory count mer and the supplier, and both inventory records
is conducted and a difference between information become inaccurate. Misplaced items are items that
system inventory and physical inventory is de- are stored in a location where they cannot be
tected, or (b) unsaleable items are detected by found and therefore are not available for sale.
either the retailer or the end-customer. The These items may reappear after a while (at latest
concept of cover orders is mentioned e.g. by when a physical inventory count is conducted).
Towill (1991) who looks at the demand amplifica- Theft reflects theft by employees in case of the
tion occurring in a supply chain (the bullwhip distributor and the producer, and theft by employ-
effect). He sees the separation of real customer ees and customers in case of the retailer. Unsale-
demand and cover orders and sharing of this able items are items that e.g. have been damaged
information throughout the supply chain as a during the handling process or have exceeded their
means to significantly smooth demand amplifica- shelf life. We assume that unsaleable items are not
tions. detected until they are about to be shipped. In
The procedure for the distributor and producer some cases, unsaleable items are even shipped to
is similar. The distributor tries to fulfill the customers.

378 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

There are two events in which physical inven- The model described above is called the base
tory and information system inventory are aligned. model. When talking about the second model in
The first one are periodical inventory counts, the which physical inventory and information system
second one is when the product is not available inventory are aligned at the end of each period, we
any longer. In our model, this is assumed to speak of the modified model. (The factors that
happen when real inventory falls below one item. cause inventory inaccuracy are still present in this
The out-of-stock situation is then detected, and the supply chain.) The statistical tests for comparing
information system inventory is adjusted. (We supply chain performance for the base model and
treat demand and inventory as continuous vari- the modified model are described in conjunction
ables, although they are discrete variables in with the results of our analysis.
reality. An inventory level below one in our model We draw on data from two industry sources to
may be interpreted as the removal of the last item select appropriate default values for incorrect
from a shelf in reality.) deliveries, theft and unsaleables: Hollinger and
Fig. 2 shows the development of physical Davis (2001), National Supermarket Research
inventory and information system inventory for Group (2001). The data are based on surveys of
one specific simulation run and 50 time periods in supermarkets in the US. We derived the following
the base case. The figure shows that when no out- default values: 0.25% of items in deliveries for
of-stock instances occur over a certain period of incorrect deliveries, 1.5% of inventory for theft,
time, inventory inaccuracy can built up. and 0.2% of inventory for unsaleables. The
In general, physical inventory tends to be below surveys do not contain a figure for misplaced
information system inventory. Theft and items items. As mentioned above, Raman et al. (2001)
becoming unsaleable reduce the physically avail- found for one retailer that a median of 3.4% of
able inventory, but do not affect the information SKUs could not be found on the sales floor
system inventory. However, there are circum- although they were available in the store. To be
stances under which physical inventory can be conservative, we chose the ratio of misplaced items
above information system inventory. For example, at 2% of deliveries. To our knowledge, there are
the distributor might accidentally ship fewer items no sources which provide comparable data for
than appear in the delivery records. Assuming an distributors and producers. Therefore, we decided
incorrect incoming delivery, theft and unsaleables to use the same data for these echelons although
as zero and an accurate inventory at the beginning there is a risk that these figures overestimate the
of the period, this would result in a physical problem. For example, as batch sizes increase, the
inventory at the end of the period which is higher risk of incorrect deliveries or wrong storage may
than the information system inventory. decrease.


Inventory level




0 10 20 30 40 50
Time periods

Physical inventory

System inventory

Fig. 2. Example for development of physical inventory and system inventory over a selected period of time in the base case.

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 379

For our analysis, we have grouped the factors appropriateness to measure the effect of inventory
incorrect deliveries and misplaced items into one inaccuracy for our supply chain configuration. For
factor called process quality. Process quality also example, measures such as customer response time
takes accidental shipment of unsaleable items to or lead time are not used because they are more
customers into account. The incorrect deliveries suitable for different production and distribution
and misplaced items factors are similar as they processes, e.g. make-to-order.
deal with problems that are inherent to the current The first non-monetary performance indicator
process of physically handling the product (i.e. measures the fraction of time items are out-of-
receiving, storing, picking, and shipping). stock, assuming a linear trend of outgoing
deliveries in each period. (This measure is similar
to common definitions of out-of-stock used in the
6. Supply chain performance measures retail industry (see e.g. Gruen et al., 2002).
Conceptually, our out-of-stock measure assumes
Performance measures are used in supply chain that a retailer conducts regular checks of product
management to determine the efficiency or effec- availability at different points in time over several
tiveness of a given supply chain. One can periods. The out-of-stock ratio can then be
distinguish qualitative and quantitative measures calculated by dividing the number of observations
(Swaminathan et al., 1998; Beamon, 1998). Quan- in which the product was out-of-stock by all
titative measures based on monetary data include observations.)
measures of cost, sales, profit, inventory invest- The second non-monetary performance is in-
ment, and return on investment. Quantitative ventory inaccuracy. Inventory inaccuracy is de-
measures based on non-monetary data include fill fined as the absolute difference between physical
rate, customer response time, and lead time and information system inventory, divided by the
(Beamon, 1998). average physical inventory. For both performance
In order to determine supply chain performance, measures, the value is calculated as the average
a number of performance measures are used. We over the three echelons and over the entire
examine the direct effect of the factors that cause simulation time.
inventory inaccuracy on each of the supply chain We used two specifically designed monetary
performance measures. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. performance measures. They include only those
We use two monetary and two non-monetary cost components that are affected by the factors
quantitative measures to determine supply chain that cause inventory inaccuracy and exclude cost
performance. They are based on the performance such as fixed order costs or transportation costs.
measures suggested by Beamon (1998). The The first monetary performance indicator mea-
measures we selected were chosen because of their sures the costs which are directly related to

Factors that cause inventory inaccuracy Supply chain performance measures

(independent variables) (dependent variables)
Cost excluding
lost item value Monetary
Cost including measures
lost item value

Grouped into Misplaced items Inventory inaccuracy

one factor called performance
process quality measures
for analysis Incorrect deliveries Out-of-stock

Fig. 3. Factors that cause inventory inaccuracy and supply chain performance measures.

380 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

inventory inaccuracy, excluding the item value of the level of theft and unsaleables, and increasing
stolen or unsaleable items. The cost components the level of process quality, respectively.
are (a) cost for out-of-stock items, (b) inventory After each variation in one of the factors (e.g.
holding cost, (c) additional inventory holding cost after changing the level of theft from its initial level
for misplaced items, (d) handling cost for detected of 1.5 to 1.4%), we performed 20 simulation runs.
missing or unsaleable items and (e) cost for not- Based on the results of the simulation runs, the
detecting missing or unsaleable items in the performance measures’ means and standard devia-
incoming delivery. tions for this specific setting were calculated. This
If the echelon downstream, the receiver, does data provided the basis for the variance analysis.
not detect that items are missing or are unsaleable We compared the results for each of the settings
in the delivery, the echelon upstream, the supplier, with the results of the default setting and
can realize a profit. We have refrained from determined the point at which the changes lead
including these profits in our cost measures to significant changes in supply chain perfor-
because this would effectively represent an incen- mance, using a significance level of 95%. This
tive for the supplier to constantly deliver less than means that the factors that cause inventory
ordered or to ship unsaleable items, hoping that inaccuracy constitute the independent variables,
this will not be detected by the receiver. Concep- and the performance measures the dependent
tually, one can argue that the profit for the echelon variables. The results of the variance analysis are
downstream is offset by an equal amount of cost at shown in Table 1.
this echelon, e.g. due to loss of business or higher The performance measures show significant
transaction costs in the future. improvements if the level of theft is decreased
The second monetary performance measure from 1.5% to between 1.3% and 1.1%. Changes in
includes two additional cost components which performance become significant first for the cost
measure the lost item value due to theft and items measure which takes the lost item value into
becoming unsaleable. (For the latter, this means account. The reason for this is that the cost of
only the part of the cost that is not already stolen items account for more than 50% of cost in
included in the first cost measure.) The two cost this cost measure and fall directly if the level of
components are not directly influenced by reduc- theft decreases.
tions in inventory inaccuracy or improvements in For unsaleables, the cost measure that includes
process quality. (Indirectly, however, increased the lost item value improves significantly. As for
process quality helps the receiver to detect more theft, this is due to the direct impact of a decrease
unsaleable items in the delivery which affects the in unsaleables on the lost item value cost
second cost component.) We include these cost component. The other performance measures do
components as process changes or new technolo- not show significant improvements. This can be
gies might not only improve inventory inaccuracy, attributed to the low default value for unsaleables
but also help to reduce theft and the amount of compared to theft.
items becoming unsaleable at the same time. For an increase in process quality, both
inventory accuracy and the two cost measures
improve significantly, but not the out-of-stock
7. Analysis of simulation results level. The cost measures show significant improve-
ments before the change in inventory inaccuracy
7.1. Base case: No periodic inventory alignment becomes significant. (A value of zero for process
quality corresponds to a process where process
We first wanted to determine whether the quality is equal to the default values, a value of 1
factors that cause inventory inaccuracy have an to a process with no quality problems. A process
impact on supply chain performance in the base quality of e.g. 0.4 means that the level of misplaced
case (i.e. without inventory alignment in each items decreases from a default value of 2 to 1.2%,
period). This was done by successively lowering the level of detected unsaleable items in a delivery

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 381

Table 1
Values of factors at which performance measures differ significantly from default values in the base case

Independent variable Value Dependent variable F-value Significance

Theft (default value: 0.015) 0.011 Inventory inaccuracy 7.597 0.009

0.012 Out-of-stock 5.319 0.027
0.011 Cost excluding lost item value 8.360 0.006
0.013 Cost including lost item value 24.152 0.000

Unsaleables (default value: 0.002) 0 Inventory inaccuracy 0.178 0.675

0 Out-of-stock 0.003 0.954
0 Cost excluding lost item value 2.039 0.161
0 Cost including lost item value 15.966 0.000

Process quality (default value: 0) 0.6 Inventory inaccuracy 4.415 0.042

1 Out-of-stock 1.918 0.174
0.2 Cost excluding lost item value 18.032 0.000
0.4 Cost including lost item value 9.948 0.003
 Significant at 95% level.
 Significant at 99% level.

increases from 60 to 76% at the customer and As before we conducted 20 simulation runs and
from 40 to 64% at the supplier. Furthermore, calculate mean and standard deviation of the
incorrect deliveries decrease from an average of performance measures after each variation in one
0.5% of items to 0.3%, and the level of detected of the factors. In contrast to the previous analysis,
incorrect deliveries at the customer increases from however, we now want to compare supply chain
50 to 70%.) The result indicates that, although performance of the modified model against the
significant costs may be saved when process base model for specific settings. This means that
quality is improved, the improvement has com- we need data on supply chain performance for
parably little impact on inventory inaccuracy and both models as input for the variance analysis. To
hardly any impact on the out-of-stock level. illustrate our approach, assume zero theft and no
problems with unsaleable products or process
7.2. Comparison of base case and modified model quality. In this case, the performance of the base
and the modified model is identical as there is no
Secondly, we looked at the change in supply inventory inaccuracy. However, performance
chain performance when inventory inaccuracy is starts to deteriorate when the level of theft
eliminated in the modified model. This is done by increases. Up to 0.4% theft per period, perfor-
assuming that physical inventory and information mance does not deviate significantly for the two
system are aligned at the end of each period. models. However, at 0.5% (i.e. one third of the
For the default values, an elimination of default value) and above, theft has reached a level
inventory inaccuracy significantly improves all at which supply chain performance is significantly
performance measures. In order to better under- worse in the base model than in the modified
stand at which level the improvements become model. Similar analysis were conducted for the
significant, we varied each factor starting with the other factors that cause inventory inaccuracy. The
best case (i.e. with perfect process quality, no theft results are shown in Table 2. Since inventory
and unsaleables). This gives an indication of the inaccuracy is eliminated, we exclude this perfor-
required magnitude for each factor before supply mance measure.
chain performance deteriorates significantly, as- Up to the default level of 0.2% for unsaleables,
suming that the other sources are not present. there is no significant change in the performance

382 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

Table 2
Values of factors at which performance measures in the modified model differ significantly from the base case

Independent variable Value Dependent variable F-value Significance

Theft 0.005 Out-of-stock 11.956 0.001

0.005 Cost excluding lost item value 9.880 0.003
0.005 Cost including lost item value 13.538 0.001

Unsaleables 0.005 Out-of-stock 0.174 0.679

0.005 Cost excluding lost item value 2.942 0.094
0.005 Cost including lost item value 2.726 0.107

Process quality 0 Out-of-stock 3.433 0.072

0.4 Cost excluding lost item value 6.290 0.017
0.4 Cost including lost item value 6.290 0.017
 Significant at 95% level.
 Significant at 99% level.

measures. The level of unsaleable items was analysis, we vary the modified model and assume
increased to 0.5%, but even at that level we do that, at the same time as inventory inaccuracy is
not find any significant impact. This is in contrast eliminated, the relevant factor that causes inven-
to the results above for theft and can be explained tory inaccuracy improves as well. Specifically, we
by the fact that in our model most items are assume that each factor improves by approxi-
shipped by the producer and distributor or sold by mately 80% compared to its default value. This
the retailer in the same time period in which they means that process quality improves to 0.8, theft
are received. The effect is that, in contrast to theft, decreases to 0.2% and unsaleables to 0.1%.
most unsaleable items are detected (either by the To conduct the variance analysis, we can use the
supplier or customer) within the time period in same data as in the previous analysis. However,
which they become unsaleable, and information this time we compare supply chain performance
system inventory is adjusted. for varying supply chain settings in the base model
If inventory inaccuracy is due to low process with a fixed supply chain setting for the modified
quality, eliminating inventory inaccuracy only has model. For example, we compare the out-of-stock
a significant impact on the cost measures, but not ratio for different levels of theft in the base model
on the out-of-stock level. The effect on cost against the out-of-stock ratio with a fixed level of
measures occurs if process quality is 0.4. The theft at 0.2% in the modified model. The results of
results in our model indicate that if there are the variance analysis are shown in Table 3.
problems with process quality, eliminating inven- With one exception, we see significant changes
tory inaccuracy can be beneficial from a monetary in the performance measures already at lower
perspective even if the out-of-stock level does not factor values, compared to the previous analysis.
change significantly. For example, the level of theft at which the out-of-
stock ratio changes significantly is 0.4% in this
7.3. Comparison of base case and modified model analysis compared to 0.5% in the previous
with improvements in factors analysis.
The results for stolen and unsaleable items
The previous analysis does not take into account highlight the impact of changes in the level of
the fact that procedures or technologies to theft and unsaleables on the cost measure that
eliminate inventory inaccuracy might have the includes the lost item value. Here, significant
potential to improve process quality and reduce improvements are reached first. For unsaleables,
the level of theft and unsaleables. In our final the cost measure which excludes item cost is the

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 383

Table 3
Values of factors at which performance measures in the modified model differ significantly from the base case. assuming improvements
in factors

Independent variable Value Dependent variable F-value Significance

Theft 0.004 Out-of-stock 7.217 0.011

0.004 Cost excluding lost item value 7.217 0.011
0.003 Cost including lost item value 38.002 0.000

Unsaleables 0.005 Out-of-stock 4.218 0.047

0.005 Cost excluding lost item value 3.450 0.071
0.002 Cost including lost item value 43.925 0.000

Process quality 0.4 Out-of-stock 4.457 0.041

0.6 Cost excluding lost item value 15.223 0.000
0.6 Cost including lost item value 15.223 0.000
 Significant at 95% level.
 Significant at 99% level.

only one that does not improve significantly. integrators in order to realize pallet, case or item
Improvements in process quality first show in the level tracking in retail supply chains (e.g. Alex-
cost measures and only later in the out-of-stock ander et al., 2002; Kambil and Brooks, 2002;
level. This is consistent with the results above. K.arkk.ainen and Holmstrom,. 2002; Wolff, 2001).
Benefits of RFID technology being discussed
include reductions in stolen and unsaleable items,
8. Means to improve inventory accuracy labour cost savings, and a reduction in out-of-
stock items (e.g. Alexander et al., 2002).
There are different ways in which the problem of A consortium of universities and companies has
inventory inaccuracy can be tackled. We can been established that develops the applications,
distinguish approaches that use technology from technology and standards for tagging and tracking
those that do not rely on technology. Non- individual items throughout the supply chain
technology approaches include benchmarking, (Sarma et al., 2000). Recently, this consortium
awareness building, and process improvements has transferred its development effort for open,
(Raman et al., 2001). These steps mainly focus global standards to a joint venture formed by two
on, and can help to reduce, e.g. the amount of main international information standardization
misplaced items. However, they offer less potential bodies in retailing (EAN/UCC, 2003). At the
for detecting theft or incorrect deliveries which moment, a number of companies are conducting
also cause inventory inaccuracy. Raman et al. or have already conducted pilots with RFID
(2001) do not explicitly advocate the use of new technology in order to determine technical feasi-
technology, but stress the relevance of POS (point bility (e.g. Alien Technology, 2002; RFID Journal,
of sale) data or automatic replenishment systems 2003a; Wolfram, 2003), and a number of large-
which rely on accurate data. scale roll-outs are under preparation (e.g. RFID
When looking at technologies to improve Journal, 2003b; Tesco plc, 2003).
inventory accuracy, one might consider automatic RFID technology has some advantages over
identification technology such as radio frequency conventional barcode technology (e.g. non-line-of-
identification (RFID). There are currently various sight and automatic identification), but also some
efforts to promote the use of RFID tags in drawbacks (e.g. tag cost, lack of standards) (ECR
retailing. RFID technology is advocated by several Europe, 2000; Sarma et al., 2000). Eliminating
researchers as well as consultants and systems inventory inaccuracy relies on frequent checks of

384 E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385

physical inventory against information system items are detected early. Only when the level of
inventory. To detect stolen or unsaleable items in unsaleables is reduced at the same time as
a store, for example, individual items on a shelf inventory inaccuracy is eliminated, we can observe
need to be identified which cannot be achieved a change in the cost measure that takes the lost
with a barcode-based solution. item value into account.
When RFID technology is applied on individual Process quality consists of two factors, incorrect
items and is solely to be used to achieve inventory deliveries and misplaced items. Eliminating inven-
accuracy, it seems most appropriate for high value tory inaccuracy caused by low process quality
items, due to the cost of tags. It might be used for a reduces supply chain cost, but does not have an
wider range of products if improvements in impact on the out-of-stock level. Supply chain cost
process quality, a reduction in theft or in unsale- improve further if process quality improves at the
able items can be achieved. same time as inventory inaccuracy is eliminated.
With improvements in process quality, we also
notice a decrease in the out-of-stock level.
9. Summary and conclusions Our research is limited to a one-product supply
chain configuration with specific parameter estimates
To our knowledge, this is the first study that (e.g. for lead time, demand variability) and default
simulates the impact of inaccurate inventory infor- values for the factors that cause inventory inaccu-
mation on supply chain performance. We have racy. In our model, inventory inaccuracy caused by
studied how process quality, theft and unsaleables theft had a substantial effect on supply chain
affect inventory inaccuracy, the out-of-stock level, performance, in contrast to inventory inaccuracy
and the cost related to inventory inaccuracy. Our caused by unsaleables. However, for other products
results indicate that eliminating inventory inaccuracy such as food and grocery products the level of
can reduce supply chain cost as well as reduce the unsaleables is estimated at around 1% of sales
level of out-of-stock, even if the level of process (Lightburn, 2002), five times the 0.2% that we
quality, stolen and unsaleable items remains un- derived as an average for a product sold in super-
changed. Supply chain performance increases further markets. Further studies of other supply chains are
if, at the same time as inventory inaccuracy is needed in order to understand under which circum-
eliminated, improvements in the factors that cause stances it is worthwhile to attack the problem of
inventory inaccuracy (i.e. process quality, stolen and inventory inaccuracy. Case studies based on real
unsaleable items) can be achieved. These results are data should be conducted to study the impact of
achieved in a supply chain in which information on inventory inaccuracy in relation to total supply chain
customer demand is already exchanged. cost. In these case studies, one may also compare the
The impact of inventory inaccuracy on supply benefits of eliminating inventory inaccuracy with the
chain performance varies by the factor that causes associated cost of process changes or the introduc-
it. Inaccuracy caused by theft appears to have the tion of new technologies.
biggest impact on supply chain performance Our research suggests that it can be useful for
compared to inaccuracy caused by unsaleables or companies that face high levels of inventory
low process quality. Eliminating inventory inaccu- inaccuracy to examine procedures or technologies
racy caused by theft reduces the level of out-of- to eliminate (or at least reduce) inventory inaccu-
stock and supply chain cost. The impact increases racy. To give some guidance, the results of our
when theft is reduced at the same time as inventory model indicate that an elimination of inventory
inaccuracy is eliminated. inaccuracy can reduce supply chain cost and
In our model, inventory inaccuracy caused by decrease the out-of-stock level when inventory
unsaleable items does not have an impact on inaccuracy is initially as low as 2%.
supply chain performance. This can mainly be There are different approaches that can help to
attributed to the fact that the level of unsaleables is improve inventory accuracy. Some researchers
small compared to theft and that most unsaleable advocate the use of benchmarking, awareness

E. Fleisch, C. Tellkamp / Int. J. Production Economics 95 (2005) 373–385 385

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