GS-1930 GS-1530 Service Manual: Technical Publications
GS-1930 GS-1530 Service Manual: Technical Publications
GS-1930 GS-1530 Service Manual: Technical Publications
(before serial number 17408)
Genie Europe
Safety Rules
Workplace Safety
Service Manual - First Edition
Theory of Operation
Power Source controls to activate the various machine functions.
The ECM has predetermined settings for the
The Genie GS-1530 and GS-1930 machines are various machine functions.
powered by four six-volt (255 AH) batteries. The
four batteries are wired in series to produce 24 The joystick is fitted with a 5000 ohm
volts. potentiometer. With the joystick in the neutral
position, the potentiometer will measure 2730
Hydraulic System ohms. These signals are sent to the multiplex card,
then down to the ECM to control the voltage
All machine functions are performed by the supplied to the proportional valve. Two
hydraulic system. The hydraulic system is powered microswitches mounted on the joystick tell the
by a single-section gear pump. When the pump is ECM the drive direction desired. A thumb rocker
activated, it supplies hydraulic fluid under pressure switch on the top of the joystick is used for
to the function manifold, where the control valves steering.
are located. To protect from over-pressurization of
the hydraulic system, the pump is provided with a Mounted on the platform control box lid of
pressure relief valve. machines before serial number 17408 are buttons
and a switch that, when activated, sends a signal to
Activating a machine function is accomplished by the ECM through the multiplex card. On machines
actuating or moving a switch and/or control handle, after serial number 17407, the platform control box
which sends voltage to the ECM. The ECM then lid has a decal/membrane pad. This is a touch-
sends the signal to the appropriate directional activated pad incorporating wiring, switches and
control valve. The directional valve determines LEDs that are resistant to the environment.
which direction the hydraulic fluid will travel. Activating any of the buttons on the pad will send a
Computer software determines the volume of fluid signal to the ECM through the multiplex card.
in relation to the proportional valve input voltage.
A diagnostic display is located at the battery pack
Electrical System side of the machine to aid in troubleshooting. If the
machine malfunctions, a fault code will be shown in
Limit switches are found in various locations on the the display window.
machine. The function of a limit switch is to
communicate the operating position of the machine Washing electronic components is not suggested.
to the ECM (Electronic Control Module). When a Instead, use compressed air to remove debris from
change in signal is received from a limit switch, the these components.
ECM responds by limiting the drive speed to 0.5
Component damage hazard. Avoid
miles per hour (0.8 km/h), according to the default
shock or impact to the ECM.
settings in the ECM software.
Internal damage may not be visible
from the outside.
Machine Controls
The GS-1530 and GS-1930 machines are
equipped with operational controls which are found
in two locations: the ground controls, located on
the hydraulic tank side of the machine, and the
platform controls, located in the platform. All lift and
drive functions are available at the platform
controls. Only platform up/down functions are
available at the ground controls.
The ECM uses input from the ground or platform
Table of Contents
Important Information ...................................................................................................... ii
Platform Controls
Platform Components
Scissor Components
Ground Controls
Hydraulic Pump
Fluid Capacities
Torque Procedure
1 Replace the O-ring. The O-ring must be 2 Lubricate the O-ring before installation.
replaced anytime the seal has been broken.
3 Be sure that the face seal O-ring is seated and
The O-ring cannot be re-used if the fitting or
retained properly.
hose end has been tightened beyond finger
tight. 4 Position the tube and nut squarely on the face
The O-rings used in the Parker seal end of the fitting and tighten the nut finger
Seal Lok® fittings and hose ends tight.
are a custom-size O-ring. They 5 Tighten the nut or fitting to the appropriate
are not a standard SAE size torque per given size as shown in the table
O-ring. They are available in the above.
O-ring field service kit (Genie part
number 49612). 6 Operate all machine functions and inspect the
Maintenance Tables
Table B
Table C
Table D
Table A Procedures
A-1 A-2
Inspect the Operator’s and Inspect the
Safety Manuals Decals and Placards
Maintaining the operator’s and safety manuals in Maintaining all of the safety and instructional
good condition is essential to safe machine decals and placards in good condition is
operation. Manuals are included with each mandatory for safe machine operation. Decals
machine and should be stored in the container alert operators and personnel to the many
provided in the platform. An illegible or missing possible hazards associated with using this
manual will not provide safety and operational machine. They also provide users with operation
information necessary for a safe operating and maintenance information. An illegible decal
condition. will fail to alert personnel of a procedure or hazard
and could result in unsafe operating conditions.
1 Check to be sure the storage container is
present and in good condition. 1 Refer to the Decals section in the appropriate
Genie GS-1530 & Gemie GS-1930 Operator's
2 Check to make sure that the operator’s,
Manual and use the decal list and illustrations
responsibilities and safety manuals are present
to determine that all decals and placards are in
and complete in the storage container in the
2 Inspect all decals for legibility and damage.
3 Examine the pages of each manual to be sure
Replace any damaged or illegible decal
that they are legible and in good condition.
4 Always return the manuals to the storage
Contact your authorized Genie
container after use.
distributor or Genie Industries if
Contact your authorized Genie replacement decals are needed.
distributor or Genie Industries if
replacement manuals are needed.
A-3 A-4
Inspect for Damage and Loose or Check the Hydraulic Oil Level
Missing Parts Maintaining the hydraulic oil at the proper level is
Daily machine condition inspections are essential essential to machine operation. Improper hydraulic
to safe machine operation and good machine oil levels can damage hydraulic components. Daily
performance. Failure to locate and repair damage, checks allow the inspector to identify changes in
and discover loose or missing parts may result in oil level that might indicate the presence of
an unsafe operating condition. hydraulic system problems.
1 Inspect the entire machine for damage and Perform this procedure with the
improperly installed or missing parts including: platform in the stowed position.
· Electrical components, wiring and electrical 1 Visually inspect the oil level in the hydraulic
cables tank through the sight gauge in the side of the
power unit module.
· Hydraulic power unit, tank, hoses, fittings,
cylinders and manifolds Result: The hydraulic oil level should be within
· Drive motors the FULL and ADD marks on the oil level indicator
· Pothole guards
2 Add oil if necessary. Do not overfill.
· Scissor pins and retaining fasteners
· Scissor components and wear pads Hydraulic Oil Specifications
· Dents or damage to machine
Hydraulic oil type Dexron equivalent
· Tires and wheels
· Limit switches, level sensor and alarm Hydraulic tank capacity 5.5 gallons
20.8 liters
· Optional horn (if equipped)
· Beacons (if equipped) Hydraulic system 6 gallons
· Manual brake release components (including tank) 22.7 liters
A-5 A-6
Check for Hydraulic Leaks Test the Platform and
Detecting hydraulic fluid leaks is essential to Ground Controls
operational safety and good machine Testing the machine functions and the Emergency
performance. Undiscovered leaks can develop into Stop buttons for malfunctions is essential for safe
hazardous situations, impair machine functions machine operation. An unsafe working condition
and damage machine components. exists if any function fails to operate properly or
1 Inspect for hydraulic oil puddles, dripping or either Emergency Stop button fails to stop all the
residue on or around the following areas: machine functions. Each function should operate
smoothly and be free of hesitation, jerking and
· Hydraulic tank—filter, fittings and hoses unusual noise.
· Hydraulic power unit, fittings and hoses
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
· Hydraulic lift cylinder and manual out the Emergency Stop button to the ON
lowering valve position at both the platform and ground
· Function manifold controls.
· The underside of the drive chassis 2 Activate the platform up function.
· Drive motors Result: The platform should raise.
· Drive brakes
3 Activate the platform down function.
· Ground area under the machine
Result: The platform should lower. The descent
alarm should sound while the platform is
4 Push in the ground controls Emergency Stop
button to the OFF position.
Result: No function should operate.
5 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the Emergency Stop button to the ON
position at both the ground and the platform
6 Press and hold the lift function enable button
OR move the lift/drive selector switch to the lift
7 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the control handle.
Result: The green power light should come on.
A-8 A-9
Test the Tilt Sensor Test the Pothole Guards
Perform this test from the ground The pothole guards should
with the platform controls. Do not automatically deploy when the
stand in the platform. platform is raised. The pothole
guards activate two limit switches
1 Fully lower the platform.
which control the machine drive
2 Place a 2x4 block or similar piece of wood speed. If the pothole guards do
under both wheels on one side and drive the not deploy and the platform is
machine up onto them. raised above 6 feet (1.8 meters),
an alarm sounds and the machine
3 Raise the platform. will not drive.
Result: When the platform is raised 7 feet 1 Raise the platform.
(2.1 meters) from the ground, an alarm should
sound. Result: When the platform is raised 4 feet
(1.2 meters) from the ground, the pothole guards
4 Lower the platform and remove both pieces of should deploy.
2 Press on the pothole guards on one side, and
then the other.
Result: The pothole guards should not move.
3 Lower the platform.
Result: The pothole guards should return to the
stowed position.
4 Place a 2x4 block or similar piece of wood under
the pothole guard. Raise the platform.
Result: When the platform is raised
approximately 7 to 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 meters),
an alarm should sound and the drive function
should not work.
5 Lower the platform and remove the 2x4 block.
A-10 A-11
Test the Lift/Drive Select Switch Perform 30 Day Service
(before serial number 17408) The 30 day maintenance procedure is a onetime
A properly functioning Lift/Drive Select Switch sequence of procedures to be performed after the
is essential for safe machine operation. An first 30 days or 50 hours of usage. After this
improperly operating Lift/Drive Select Switch interval, refer to the maintenance tables for
will fail to activate the appropriate platform control continued scheduled maintenance.
which may result in a hazardous situation. 1 Perform the following maintenance procedures:
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull · B-3 Inspect Tires and Wheels
out the Emergency Stop button to the ON · C-1 Replace the Hydraulic Filter
position at both the platform and ground
2 Move the lift/drive select switch to the LIFT
3 Press and hold the function enable switch.
Result: The green power light should come on.
4 Slowly move the control handle off center.
Result: The platform should raise or lower.
5 Move the lift/drive select switch to the DRIVE
6 Press and hold the function enable switch.
Result: The green power light should come on.
7 Slowly move the control handle off center.
Result: The drive and steer functions should
Table B Procedures
B-1 7 Check each battery pack and verify that the
batteries are wired correctly.
Check the Batteries
Proper battery condition is essential to good
machine performance and operational safety.
Improper fluid levels or damaged cables and
connections can result in component damage and
hazardous conditions.
B-3 B-4
Inspect the Tires and Wheels Test the Key Switch
(including castle nut torque) Proper key switch action and response is essential
Maintaining the tires and wheels in good to safe machine operation. The machine can be
condition is essential to safe operation and good operated from the ground or platform controls and
performance. Tire and/or wheel failure could result the activation of one or the other is accomplished
in a machine tip-over. Component damage may with the key switch. Failure of the key switch to
also result if problems are not discovered and activate the appropriate control panel could cause
repaired in a timely fashion. a hazardous operating situation.
1 Check the tire surface and sidewalls for cuts, 1 Pull out the Emergency Stop button to the ON
cracks, punctures and unusual wear. position at both the ground and platform
2 Check each wheel for damage, bends and
cracks. 2 Turn the key switch to platform control.
3 Remove the cotter pin and check each castle 3 Check the platform up/down function from the
nut for proper torque. ground controls.
4 Install a new cotter pin. Result: The machine functions should not
Always replace the cotter pin with
a new one when removing the 4 Turn the key switch to ground control.
castle nut or when checking the 5 Check the machine functions from the
torque of the castle nut. platform controls.
B-5 B-6
Test the Emergency Stop Buttons Test the Horn
Properly functioning Emergency Stop buttons A functioning horn is essential to safe machine
are essential for safe machine operation. An operation. The horn is activated at the platform
improperly operating Emergency Stop button controls and sounds at the ground as a warning to
will fail to shut off power and stop all machine ground personnel. An improperly functioning horn
functions resulting in a hazardous situation. will prevent the operator from alerting ground
personnel of hazards or unsafe conditions.
As a safety feature, selecting
and operating the ground controls 1 Turn the key switch to platform control and
will override the platform controls, pull out the Emergency Stop button to the
except the platform Emergency ON position at both the ground and
Stop button. platform controls.
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull 2 Push down the horn button at the platform
out the Emergency Stop button to the ON controls.
position at both the ground and platform
controls. Result: The horn should sound.
10 Tag the forward and the reverse valve coils. 15 Install the coil nut onto the valve and tighten.
Remove the coils from the valve. Torque to 60 in-lbs / 7 Nm.
The forward valve coil has white 16 Connect the battery pack to the machine.
and brown wires attached.
7 Replace the brakes and repeat this procedure
The reverse valve coil has beginning with step 1. Refer to Repair Procedure
white/black and brown wires 8-1, How to Remove a Drive Brake.
18 Contact the Genie Industries Service Parts
For reassembly, it will be helpful to Department and order kit part number 105457.
leave the wire harness attached to
19 Install the new valve received in the kit and
the valve coils.
mark the new valve with a white paint pen to
11 Remove the drive forward/reverse valve from the identify new valve installation.
function manifold. Cap the open port of the
20 Repeat this procedure beginning with step 1.
If the machine fails to stop within the specified
12 Carefully inspect the hex portion of the valve for
stopping distance after installing new brakes,
an identification stamp.
please contact the Genie Industries Scissors
Result: SV10-4727 is stamped on the hex Service Department, 1-800-536-1800 Ext. 8710.
portion of the drive forward/reverse valve. This
indicates the machine is equipped with a
dynamic brake valve. Proceed to step 13.
Result: SV10-4727 is not stamped on the hex
portion of the drive forward/reverse valve. This
indicates the machine is not equipped with a
dynamic brake valve. Proceed to step 18.
13 Install the drive forward/reverse valve removed
in step 11 into the function manifold and
securely tighten. Torque to 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm.
14 In order, install the reverse valve coil (with
white/black and brown wires), spacer washer
and the forward valve coil (with white and brown
wires) onto the valve.
For the machine to function
correctly, the reverse valve coil
must be closest to the manifold.
B-8 B-9
Test the Drive Speed - Test the Drive Speed -
Stowed Position Raised Position
Proper drive functions are essential to safe Proper drive functions are essential to safe
machine operation. The drive function should machine operation. The drive function should
respond quickly and smoothly to operator control. respond quickly and smoothly to operator control.
Drive performance should also be free of hesitation, Drive performance should also be free of hesitation,
jerking and unusual noise over the entire jerking and unusual noise over the entire
proportionally controlled speed range. proportionally controlled speed range.
Select a test area that is firm, level Select a test area that is firm, level
and free of obstructions. and free of obstructions.
1 Create start and finish lines by marking two lines 1 Create start and finish lines by marking two lines
on the ground 40 feet (12.2 m) apart. on the ground 40 feet (12.2 m) apart.
2 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull 2 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the Emergency Stop button to the ON out the Emergency Stop button to the ON
position at both the ground and platform position at both the ground and platform
controls. controls.
3 Lower the platform to the stowed position. 3 Raise the platform approximately 6 feet (2 m).
4 Choose a point on the machine; i.e., contact 4 Choose a point on the machine; i.e., contact
patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use
when crossing the start and finish lines. when crossing the start and finish lines.
5 Bring the machine to maximum drive speed 5 Bring the machine to maximum drive speed
before reaching the start line. Begin timing before reaching the start line. Begin timing
when your reference point on the machine when your reference point on the machine
crosses the start line. crosses the start line.
6 Continue at full speed and note the time when 6 Continue at full speed and note the time when
the machine reference point passes over the the machine reference point passes over the
finish line. Return the control handle to center. finish line. Return the control handle to center.
Stowed position 40 ft/ 10.1 sec 12.2 m/10.1 sec Platform raised 40 ft / 55 sec 12.2 m / 55 sec
B-10 B-11
Perform Hydraulic Oil Analysis Check the Electrical Contactor -
See D-1, Test or Replace the Hydraulic Oil. (before serial number 6901)
Maintaining the electrical contactor in good
condition is essential to safe machine operation.
Failure to locate a worn or damaged contactor could
result in an unsafe working condition and
component damage.
Table C Procedure
Replace the Hydraulic Filter
Replacement of the hydraulic filter is
essential for good machine performance and
service life. A dirty or clogged filter may cause the
machine to perform poorly and continued use may
cause component damage. Extremely dirty
conditions may require that the filter be replaced
more often.
Table D Procedure
D-1 6 Remove the motor controller mounting bracket
retaining fasteners and move the motor
Test or Replace the Hydraulic Oil controller to the side.
Replacement or testing of the hydraulic oil is 7 Remove the hydraulic tank from the machine.
essential for good machine performance and
service life. Dirty oil and suction strainer may 8 Remove the suction strainer and clean it using
cause the machine to perform poorly and a mild solvent.
continued use may cause component damage. 9 Clean the inside of the hydraulic tank using a
Extremely dirty conditions may require oil changes mild solvent.
to be performed more often.
10 Install the suction strainer using thread sealer
This machine uses Dexron on the threads.
equivalent hydraulic oil. Before
replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil 11 Install the drain plug using thread sealer on the
may be tested by an oil distributor threads.
for specific levels of contamination 12 Install the hydraulic filter bracket and the Curtis
to verify that changing the oil is motor controller bracket.
necessary. If the hydraulic oil
is not replaced at the two year Electrocution hazard. The
inspection, test the oil connectors on the motor controller
quarterly. Replace the oil when will short out to ground if the
it fails the test. motor controller mounting bracket
is not installed before the battery
Perform this procedure with the pack is connected.
platform in the stowed position.
13 Install the hydraulic tank.
1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine.
14 Fill the tank with hydraulic oil until the fluid is
2 Open the power unit compartment and place a within the FULL and ADD marks on the oil level
drain pan or other suitable container under the indicator decal. Do not overfill.
hydraulic tank.
15 Clean up any oil that may have spilled. Properly
3 Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic tank. discard of oil.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and Hydraulic oil type - Dexron equivalent
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow Hydraulic tank capacity 5 gallons
the oil pressure to dissipate 18.9 liters
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
Hydraulic system 5.5 gallons
or spray.
(including tank) 20.8 liters
4 Completely drain the tank into a suitable
container. See capacity specifications listed
5 Remove the return filter mounting bracket
fasteners from the manifold. Push the filter and
accumulator out of the way.
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall be Read each appropiate flow chart thoroughly.
completed by a person trained and qualified on Attempting shortcuts may produce hazardous
the repair of this machine. conditions.
Immediately tag and remove from service a Be aware of the following hazards and follow
damaged or malfunctioning machine. generally accepted safe workshop practices.
Continued on next page
Up function selected.
Key switch to platform control.
Note: if joystick controller is returned to center position before
Ground control and platform Emergency Stop buttons pulled out
36 function enable button is released, code 31 flashing will appear. If
to the on position.
flashing function enable button is released first, code 36 flashing will
Lift/drive switch to lift position.
remain until another function is selected.
Platform drive enable switch Malfunctioning drive enable Troubleshoot drive enable
46 closed at start up. switch. switch.
Platform joystick off neutral at Joystick potentiometer not
47 start up. centered.
Verify potentiometer setting.
Chart 1
All Functions Turn keyswitch to Troubleshoot ground
platform control and light is on and platform control
Will Not Operate press and hold the systems separately OR
function enable switch. consult Genie Industries
Visually inspect the Service Department.
power-on LED.
light is not on
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are less than Charge batteries OR
Check voltage on input
not tripped or blown. side of 275A (F1) fuse 24V check battery condition
and replace bad
inside battery module batteries OR check for
Be sure the batteries tray. short circuits OR check
are properly connected. battery cables OR check
for open in negative
Be sure the batteries battery cable from
24V or more batteries to ground point
are fully charged. on module tray.
Be sure both
Emergency Stop 0V
Check voltage on output Replace 275A fuse.
switches are pulled out side of 275A fuse inside
to the ON position. the battery module tray.
Turn key switch to 0V Check cam on key bad Repair or replace key
ground control position switch. switch.
and check output side of
Replace contact OR
refer to Ground Controls
Inoperative, Chart 5 OR
consult Genie Industries
24V Service Department.
Continued from the Turn key switch to 0V Check cam on key bad Repair or replace key
platform control position switch. switch.
previous page. and check output side of
each contact.
Chart 2
Pump Motor Activate lift function from
24V or
more Check voltage on B+ less than Replace positive battery
the ground controls and terminal on motor 24V cable from pump to B+
Will Not Operate check voltage at positive controller. terminal on motor
terminal on pump motor. controller.
Check continuity on continuity Replace ground cable
Be sure the circuit ground cable from pump on lift pump motor.
breaker and fuse are motor to M- terminal on
not tripped or blown.
Be sure the batteries
are properly connected. Check continuity from B- no Replace negative cable
terminal on controller to continuity from B- terminal on
Be sure the batteries the negative battery controller to the
are fully charged. cable at the Anderson Anderson plug.
plug (AP1).
less than
Activate lift function and 24V Before serial number
check voltage at 6900: Repair open in
terminal 1 on controller. wht wire (A8-motor)
from K 1 contact to
After serial number
6901: Repair open in
less than 24V 24V wht wire (A8-motor)
from ECU.
Continued on the next
page. Replace pump motor
OR consult Genie
Industries Service
Activate lift function and 24V or Activate lift function and Repair open in wht wire
check voltage on the more check voltage on the 0V (A8-motor) from ECM to
input side of K1. white wire on the coil of K1 OR replace ECM OR
K1. conult Genie Industries
Service Department.
Check continuity on the Repair or replace K1.
brn ground wire on the
coil of K1 to the ground
point on the chassis.
0V no
Repair open in brn
ground wire from K1 to
the ground point on
Chart 3
All Functions Check hydraulic fluid low Fill with Dexron II
level. equivalent hydraulic
Inoperative, fluid.
Power Unit OK
Starts and Runs
Check for a positive no good Replace pump coupling
connection between OR replace pump OR
electric motor and replace motor.
pump by removing
Be sure, if the Error pump from motor,
Indicator light is on at leaving all hoses
the platform controls, connected. Visually
check coupling
you refer to the specific connection.
chart that relates to the
error code that is good
displayed on the ECM.
no good
Test the hydraulic pump. Replace the pump.
Be sure the circuit See Repair section.
breaker and fuse are
not tripped or blown. good
Chart 4
Ground With key switch in Repair open in wht wire
ground position and the jumper from the platform
Controls Emergency Stop buttons
control contact to the
pulled out to the ON ground control contact
Inoperative, position at both the at the key switch (S2).
Platform ground and platform
controls, check voltage
Controls on the contact at the
input side of the key
Operate switch at the ground
controls (S2).
24V or more
Chart 5
Platform Turn the key switch to Repair open in wht wire
platform control and jumper from the
Controls make sure both 0V Emergency Stop contact
Emergency Stop buttons to the platform control
Inoperative, are pulled out to the ON contact at the key switch
Ground position at both the (S2).
ground and platform
Controls controls. Check voltage
at the input side of the
Operate platform controls contact
on the key switch (S2).
24V or more
Check voltage at the Check if the key switch Replace the key switch
Be sure, if the Error output side of contact.
internal cam is activating
contact for platform
Indicator light is on at platform control contact. controls.
the platform controls,
you refer to the specific no
chart that relates to the 24V
error code that is Replace key switch.
displayed on the ECM.
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are Check voltage at 0V Repair open in wht wire
terminal A11 at the (A11-key sw) from the
not tripped or blown. ECM. key switch to A11 at
Be sure the batteries
are properly connected. 24V
Chart 6
Platform Up With the key switch in Connect the positive Repair open in the wht
platform position and lead from a volt meter to wire (A6-up coil) from
Function both Emergency Stop the coil on the platform the platform up
buttons pulled out to the up directional valve directional valve coil to
Inoperative ON position and the lift/ light is (item G) wire terminal
the ECM (see Repair
drive selector switch in on without disconnecting Section) OR replace
the lift position, activate the wire and the ECM OR consult the
the controller in the UP negative lead of the volt Genie Industries Service
Be sure all other direction and check to meter to the ground Department.
functions operate see if the error indicator point on the manifold.
light at the platform Activate the controller in
normally. controls is on. the UP direction and
check the voltage.
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are 24V
not tripped or blown. 0 or
Disconnect the wire ohms Replace the platform up
Be sure the batteries from the platform up directional valve coil
are properly connected. directional valve coil on (item G).
the function manifold
(item G) and check the
Be sure the batteries resistance. See Repair
are fully charged. Section.
light is not on
18-20 ohms
Chart 7
Platform Down With the key switch in With the platform raised Repair open in the wht
the platform position and and the safety arm wire (B6-down coil) from
Function the platform raised installed, connect the the platform lowering
slightly and the leads of a volt meter to valve coil (item R) to the
Inoperative Emergency Stop buttons the wires on the platform ECM OR repair open in
pulled out to the ON light is lowering coil on the 0V the brown ground wire
position at both the on cylinder without circuit from the coil to
ground and platform removing the wires. With the battery module tray
Be sure all other controls and the lift/drive the key switch in the OR replace the ECM
functions operate switch in the lift position, platform position and the OR consult the Genie
activate the controller in lift/drive toggle switch in Industries Service
normally. the DOWN direction and the lift position, activate Department.
check to see if the error the controller in the
Be sure the circuit indicator light is on. DOWN direction and
breaker and fuse are check the voltage.
not tripped or blown.
Be sure the batteries 0 or
are properly connected. Label and disconnect infinite
the wires from the coil ohms Replace platform
on the platform lowering lowering valve coil
Be sure the batteries valve (item R) at the (item R).
are fully charged. platform lift cylinder and
check the resistance
(See Repair Section).
23 to 25
With the platform raised platform
Repair or replace the
and the safety arm lowers platform lowering valve
removed, pull the cartridge (item R).
manual platform
lowering handle at the
light is not on ground controls.
platform does
not lower
Check for mechanical
restrictions keeping the
platform from lowering
OR repair or replace the
platform lowering valve
cartridge (item R) OR
repair or replace the lift
cylinder OR consult the
Genie Industries Service
Label and disconnect bad Replace the lift/drive
Continued from the
the wires from the lift/ toggle switch.
previous page.
drive toggle switch at
the platform controls
and troubleshoot the
toggle switch (see
Repair Section).
Chart 8
Steer Left With the key switch in Connect the positive Repair open in the wht
platform position and lead from a volt meter to wire (B7-left coil) from
Function both Emergency Stop the steer left directional the coil on the steer left
buttons pulled out to the light is valve coil (item F) wire directional valve (item F)
Inoperative ON position, activate the on terminal without to the ECM OR repair
steer rocker switch in disconnecting the wire, 0V open in the brown
the LEFT direction and and the negative lead of ground wire circuit from
check to see if the error the volt meter to the the manifold to the
Be sure all other indicator light at the brown ground wire on battery module tray OR
functions operate platform controls is on. the manifold. Activate replace the ECM OR
the steer rocker switch consult the Genie
normally. in the LEFT direction and Industries Service
check the voltage. Department.
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are 24V
not tripped or blown.
0 or
Disconnect the wires infinite
Be sure the batteries from the coil on the ohms
are properly connected. steer left directional Replace the coil.
valve on the function
manifold (item F) and
Be sure the batteries check the resistance of
are fully charged. the valve coil (See
light is not on Repair Section).
26 to 28
ohms Repair or replace the
steer directional valve
cartridge (item F) OR
consult the Genie
Industries Service
Activate the steer left no Check continuity of the bad Replace the steer left/
function. Does the motor steer microswitch. right micro switch inside
turn on? the drive controller
1200 psi
Chart 9
Steer Right With the key switch in Connect the positive Repair open in the wht
platform position and lead from a volt meter to wire (wire C7-rt coil)
Function both Emergency Stop the steer right directional from the steer right
buttons pulled out to the light is valve coil (item F) wire directional valve coil
Inoperative ON position, activate the on terminal without (item F) to the ECM OR
steer rocker switch in disconnecting the wire, 0V repair open in brown
the LEFT direction and and the negative lead of ground wire circuit from
check to see if the error the volt meter to the the manifold to the
Be sure all other indicator light at the brown ground wire on battery module tray OR
functions operate platform controls is on. the the function replace the ECM OR
manifold. Activate the consult the Genie
normally. steer rocker switch in Industries Service
the RIGHT direction and Department.
Be sure the circuit check the voltage.
breaker and fuse are
not tripped or blown. 24V
0 or
Be sure the batteries Disconnect the wires infinite
are properly connected. from the steer right ohms
directional valve coil on Replace the coil.
the function manifold
Be sure the batteries (item F) and check the
are fully charged. resistance of the valve
light is not on
coil. See Repair Section.
26 to 28
ohms Repair or replace the
steer directional valve
(item F) OR consult the
Genie Industries Service
Activate the steer right no Check continuity of the bad Replace the steer left/
function. Does the motor steer microswitch. right micro switch inside
turn on? the drive controller
Chart 10
All Drive error
With the key switch in Reset the ECM by Refer to the chart(s) that
Functions platform position and the pushing in the platform light is are related to the error
Emergency Stop buttons Emergency Stop button on code that is displayed
Inoperative, All pulled out to the ON to the OFF position, on the ECM OR consult
position at both the light is switch the lift/drive the Genie Industries
Other Functions ground and platform flashing selector switch to the Service Department.
controls, activate drive drive position and pull
Operate forward and drive the Emergency Stop
reverse functions. button up to the ON
Normally Check to see if the position. Check the
green indicator light is lights at the platform
flashing at the platform controls.
Be sure, if the Error
green light is
Indicator light is on at flashing
the platform controls,
you refer to the specific Test the lift/drive toggle bad Replace lift/drive toggle
chart that relates to the switch S7 (see Repair switch.
Section). Is switch
error code that is good?
displayed on the ECM.
light is not good
Be sure the circuit flashing
breaker and fuse are Replace the main circuit
not tripped or blown. board OR replace the
ECM OR Consult the
Be sure the batteries Genie Industries Service
are properly connected.
3000 psi
Chock both sides of the or more See Chart 10A, Brake
front drive wheels. Release Function
Connect a 0 to 5000 psi Inoperative.
(0 to 345 bar) pressure
gauge to the test port on
the function manifold
and drive the machine in
either the forward or
reverse direction.
less than
3000 psi
Chart 10A
Brake Release Chock the wheels at the wheels Turn the brake release wheels Rebuild or replace the
steer end. Jack the non turn valve (item N) clockwise turn brakes OR replace the
Function steer end of the all the way and try to brake release valve
Inoperative machine up rotate the wheels. (item N) OR consult the
approximately 4 inches Genie Industries Service
(10 cm) and place jack Department.
stands under the
machine for support.
Be sure, if the Error Turn the brake release
Indicator light is on at knob (item N)
counterclockwise all the
the platform controls, way and pump the hand wheels
you refer to the specific pump fully 13-15 times do not
chart that relates to the or until much resistance turn
is felt. Turn each wheel
error code that is by hand. Each wheel
displayed on the ECM. should turn freely
without much effort.
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are
not tripped or blown.
Attempt to drive the If machine still does not
Be sure the batteries machine in either wheels drive at full speed with
direction and have an turn the platform in the
are properly connected. assistant try to rotate the stowed position, replace
non steer wheels. This the joystick controller
Be sure the batteries will require 2 people. OR replace the main
are fully charged. circuit board at the
wheels platform controls OR
do not replace the ECM OR
turn consult the Genie
wheels Industries Service
do not Department.
Chart 11
Drive Forward With the key switch in Connect the positive Repair open in the wht
platform position and the lead from a volt meter to wire (C6-forward coil)
Function Emergency Stop buttons the drive forward from the drive forward
pulled out to the ON directional valve coil directional valve coil to
Inoperative position at both the light is (item J) wire terminal the ECM OR repair
ground and platform on without disconnecting open in the brown
controls, activate drive the wire, and the ground wire circuit from
controller in the forward negative lead of the volt the manifold to the
Be sure all other direction and check to meter to the brown battery module tray OR
functions operate see if the error indicator ground wire on the replace the ECM OR
light at the platform manifold. Activate drive consult the Genie
normally. controls is on. in the forward direction Industries Service
and check the voltage. Department.
Be sure the circuit
breaker and fuse are 24V
not tripped or blown.
0 or
Disconnect the wires infinite Replace the drive
Be sure the batteries from the drive forward ohms forward directional valve
are properly connected. light is not on directional valve coil coil (item J).
(item J) and check the
resistance. See Repair
Be sure the batteries Section.
are fully charged.
Chart 12
Drive Reverse With the key switch in Connect the positive Repair open in the wht
platform position and the lead from a volt meter to wire from the drive
Function Emergency Stop buttons the drive reverse reverse directional valve
pulled out to the ON directional valve coil coil (A7-reverse coil) to
Inoperative position at both the light is (item J) wire terminal the ECM OR repair
ground and platform on without disconnecting 0V open in the brown
controls, activate the the wire, and the ground wire circuit from
drive controller in the negative lead of the volt the manifold to the
Be sure all other reverse direction and meter to the brown battery module tray OR
functions operate check to see if the error ground wire on the replace the ECM OR
indicator light at the function manifold. consult the Genie
normally. platform controls is on. Activate drive in the Industries Service
reverse direction and Department.
Be sure the circuit check the voltage.
breaker and fuse are
not tripped or blown. 24V
0 or
Be sure the batteries Disconnect the wires infinite Replace the drive
are properly connected. light is not from the drive reverse ohms reverse directional valve
on directional valve coil coil (item J).
(item J) and check the
Be sure the batteries resistance. See Repair
are fully charged. Section.
Chart 13
Machine Will With the key switch in Raise the platform Raise the platform more
platform position and the light is approximately 3 feet than 6 feet (1.8 m) and
Not Drive At Emergency Stop buttons not on (0.9 m) and drive yes drive the machine. If the
pulled out to the ON machine. Does the machine does not drive
Full Speed position at both the machine drive at a and an alarm sounds,
ground and platform reduced speed? the machine is operating
controls, and the normally. Check the
platform in the stowed pothole guards for
Be sure the circuit position, drive the obstructions OR test the
machine in either pothole guard limit
breaker and fuse are direction. Is the error Consult the Genie switches (see Repair
not tripped or blown. indicator light on at the Industries Service section).
platform controls? Department.
Be sure the batteries
are properly connected. is on
Be sure the batteries Check voltage at the wht 0V Repair open in the wht
are fully charged. wire (39C-pothole sw) at wire (39C-pothole sw)
S5. from S5 to the multi-
function alarm to the key
Chart 14
Machine With the key switch in light is
Consult the Genie
platform position and the not on
Drives At Emergency Stop buttons
Industries Service
pulled out to the ON
Full Speed position at both the
With Platform ground and platform
controls, and the
Raised platform in the stowed
position, drive the
machine in either
direction. Is the error
indicator light on at the
Be sure the circuit platform controls?
breaker and fuse
are not tripped or is on
See Chart 13 OR
Be sure the remove the obstruction
from the pothole guard
batteries are OR consult the Genie
properly connected. Industries Service
Be sure the
batteries are fully
About This Section
There are two groups of schematics in this section.
An illustration legend precedes each group of
Electrical Schematics
still exists
Electrical Components
B1 ................... Alarm, steady tone .............. 39540 ............. Floyd Bell Inc. ...................... UC-09628-Q .................. 1
B2 ................... Alarm, intermittent ............... 18963 ............. Floyd Bell Inc. ...................... XB-09-630-Q .................. 1
F1 ................... Fuse, 275 amp .................... 13104 ............. Buss ..................................... ANN-275 ........................ 1
F2 ................... Circuit breaker ..................... 47811 ............. ETA ...................................... 45-700-IG1-P10 ............. 2
FB1 ................ Flashing beacon .................. 39676 ............. ECCO Electronic Controls ... 6220A ............................. 2
G1 .................. Battery, 255AH, 6V DC ....... 46265 ............. Dyno Battery Co. ................. GC2B, dry ...................... 8
H1 .................. Hour meter ........................... 19506 ............. ENM Corporation ................. T40A4508 ...................... 1
K1 ................... Relay, 180 amp ................... 19550 ............. Curtis Instruments ............... 13220544 ....................... 1
P2 ................... Level sensor, Dual Axis ....... 40836 ............. Power Comp. of Midwest .... L36 ................................. 1
R1 .................. Resistor, 75 Ohm ................ 51590 ............. Dale ..................................... RS-10-38, 75 Ohm ........ 1
S1 ................... Contact, N.C. ....................... 29732 ............. Telemecanique .................... ZB2-BE102 .................... 1
S2 ................... Contact - key switch, N.O. .. 45081 ............. Telemecanique .................... ZB2-BE101 .................... 1
S9 ................... Contact, N.C. ....................... 44990 ............. Telemecanique .................... ZA2-BZ1026 ................... 1
S10 ................. Contact, N.O. ....................... 44989 ............. Telemecanique .................... ZA2-BZ1016 ................... 1
Y2, Y3, Y4 ...... Coil, 20V DC with diode ....... 39347 ............. Hydra Power Systems ......... 6309757 ......................... 3
Y5, Y6, Y8 ...... Coil, 20V DC with diode ....... 44176 ............. Hydra Power Systems ......... 6359752 ......................... 3
Y7 ................... Coil, 20V DC ........................ 44787 ............. Hydra Power Systems ......... 10166-25 ........................ 1
Module Tray
(models before
serial number
Module Tray
(models after
serial number
Electrical Schematic
(models before serial number 6901)
Electrical Schematic
(models before serial number 6901)
Electrical Schematic
(models before serial number 6901)
Section 6 - Schematics Service Manual
Electrical Schematic
(models from serial number 6901 to 8931)
Electrical Schematic
(models from serial number 6901 to 8931)
Electrical Schematic
(models from serial number 6901 to 8931)
Section 6 - Schematics Service Manual
Electrical Schematic
(models after serial number 8931)
Electrical Schematic
(models after serial number 8931)
Electrical Schematic
(models after serial number 8931)
Service Manual - First Edition Section 6 - Schematics
Hydraulic Schematic
Hydraulic Schematic
Service Manual - First Edition Section 7 - Repair Procedures
Repair Procedures
About This Section
Most of the procedures in this section should only
be performed by a trained service professional
in a suitably equipped workshop. Select the
appropriate repair procedure after troubleshooting
the problem.
Platform Controls
Platform Controller
The platform controller is controlled by an ECM
(Electronic Control Module) located in the battery
pack module tray. It is a fully self-contained unit
which is capable of recognizing machine
malfunctions with on-board diagnostics and
displays a fault code on a digital display on the
ECM. This aids in troubleshooting the machine by
pinpointing the fault or malfunction. See the
Troubleshooting section of this manual for a list of
fault codes and additional information. The ECM is
not user-serviceable. For further information or
assistance, consult the Genie Industries Service
a b
e d
a Main circuit board a Main circuit board
b Lift/drive selector toggle switch b Emergency stop button
c Horn button c Joystick controller
d Emergency stop button d Alarm
e LED circuit board
f Joystick controller
How to Set the DIP Switch Codes 4 Open the controller box lid and locate the DIP
switch on the circuit board. Move the DIP
Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust the switch settings to correspond with the
DIP switch settings to other than configuration of the machine options, indicated
what is specified in this procedure. in the DIP Switch Code Chart.
Exceeding specifications will
cause death or serious injury. a
Overload Cutout
operating any function.
Motion Beacon
Descent Delay
Motion Alarm
Diagnostic Dip Switch Lift/Drive Cut Out: This cuts out lift and drive
Display Code Code functions when the machine goes out of level.
Required for Europe and Australia.
Toggle switches used for single function switching terminal 1 to 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 no continuity
are single pole double throw (SPDT) switches. Dual (infinite W)
function switching requires a double pole double terminal 2 to 3 continuity
throw (DPDT) switch. (zero W)
terminal 4 to 6 no continuity
Left Center Right
terminal 5 to 6 no continuity
1 3 1 3 1 3
2 2 2
Single pole
double throw
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6
Double pole
double throw
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Platform Components
2-1 11 Lift the steer end of the platform slightly to clear
the scissor arms and slide the platform towards
Platform the non-steer end of the machine until the non-
steer end platform pivot pins are visible through
How to Remove the Platform the access holes in the side of the platform.
Perform this procedure with the 12 Remove the retaining fasteners from the scissor
platform extension fully retracted platform pivot pins at the non-steer end of the
and locked in position. machine.
1 Lower the platform to the stowed position. 13 Use a slide hammer to remove the pins.
2 Remove the retaining fastener that holds the Crushing hazard. The platform will
platform controls quick disconnect plug to the fall if it is not properly supported.
bottom of the platform. 14 Carefully lift the platform off of the machine and
3 Twist to disconnect the plug from the platform place it on a structure capable of supporting it.
controls. Note the position of the wear pads
4 Remove the cover to the 110V AC outlet. Label before the platform is removed so
and disconnect the wiring from the outlet. when the platform is installed they
will be in the correct position.
Electrocution hazard. Contact with
electrically charged circuits may
result in death or serious injury.
Remove all rings, watches and
other jewelry.
5 Pull the wiring through the platform tube.
If your machine is equipped with
an air line to platform option, the
air line must be disconnected from
the platform before removal.
6 Support the platform with a forklift at the
non-steer end. Do not lift it.
7 Attach a strap from the platform railings to the
carriage on the forklift to help support the
8 Remove the retaining fasteners from the
scissor platform pivot pins at the steer end of
the machine.
9 Use a slide hammer to remove the pins.
Crushing hazard. The platform will
fall if it is not properly supported.
10 Remove the plugs from the access holes in the
side of the platform.
Platform Extension
1 12
3 13
5 14
8 16
10 18
Steer End Non-steer End
1 Number 4 pivot pin (steer-end) 10 Number 1 inner arm
2 Number 3 center pivot pin 11 Number 1 pivot pin (steer-end)
3 Lift cylinder rod end pivot pin 12 Number 4 pivot pin (non-steer end)
4 Number 3 inner arm 13 Number 3 outer arm
5 Number 3 pivot pin (steer-end) 14 Number 3 pivot pin (non-steer end)
6 Number 2 center pivot pin 15 Number 2 outer arm
7 Number 2 inner arm 16 Number 2 pivot pin (non-steer end)
8 Number 2 pivot pin (steer-end) 17 Lift cylinder barrel end pivot pin
9 Number 1 center pivot pin 18 Number 1 outer arm
14 Lower the cylinder onto the number 1 center 24 Repeat steps 20 through 23 for the battery pack
pivot pin (index #9). side of the machine. Remove the arm from the
15 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
number 3 inner arm (index #4). Bodily injury hazard. The number
16 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the 2 outer arm (index #15) may
number 3 pivot pin (index #5). Do not remove become unbalanced and fall if not
the pin. properly supported when the pins
are removed.
17 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pin. 25 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 2 inner arm (index #7).
18 Repeat steps 16 and 17 for the battery pack
side. 26 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 2 pivot pin (index #8).
Bodily injury hazard. The number
3 inner arm (index #4) may 27 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
become unbalanced and fall if not hammer to remove the pin.
properly supported when the pins
are removed. 28 Repeat steps 26 and 27 for the battery pack
side of the machine. Remove the arm from the
19 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the machine.
number 2 outer arm (index #15).
Bodily injury hazard. The number
20 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the 2 inner arm (index #7) may
number 2 center pivot pin (index #6) at the become unbalanced and fall if not
ground controls side. properly supported when the pins
are removed.
21 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pin. 29 Remove the retaining fasteners on the safety
arm from the number 2 inner arm (index #7)
22 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
that was just removed.
number 2 pivot pin (index #16) at the ground
controls side. 30 Attach the strap from the crane to the number 1
inner arm (index #10).
23 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pin. 31 Raise the number 1 inner arm (index #10)
approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) and insert the
safety arm between the number 1 inner arm
(index #10) and the number 1 outer arm
(index #18).
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
clear of moving parts when
inserting the safety arm.
32 Disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose on the 37 Attach the strap from the crane to the number 1
lift cylinder. Cap the fitting on the cylinder. inner arm (index #10). Raise the inner arm
slightly and remove the safety arm. Lower the
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
arms on to the block.
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
connections very slowly to allow clear of moving parts when
the oil pressure to dissipate lowering the arms onto the block.
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
38 Remove the cables from the number 1 inner
or spray.
arm (index #10) and lay off to the side.
33 Tag and disconnect the wires from the solenoid
Component damage hazard.
valve on the cylinder.
Cables can be damaged if they
34 Attach the strap from the crane to the lug on are kinked or pinched.
the rod end of the cylinder.
39 Attach the overhead crane to the number 1 outer
35 Remove the external snap ring from the arm (index #17). Do not lift it.
cylinder barrel-end pin (index #17). Use a soft
40 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
metal drift to remove the pin. Remove the
number 1 center pivot pin (index #9) at the
cylinder from the machine.
ground controls side.
Crushing hazard. If the overhead
41 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
crane is not properly attached, the
hammer to remove the pin.
cylinder may become unbalanced
and fall when it is removed from 42 Repeat steps 40 and 41 for the battery pack
the machine. side.
Component damage hazard. Be Bodily injury hazard. The number
careful not to damage the valve or 1 outer arm (index #17) may
fittings on the cylinder while become unbalanced and fall if not
removing it from the machine. properly supported when the pins
are removed.
36 Place a 4 x 4 x 32 inch (10 x 10 x 81 cm) long
block across both sides of the chassis under 43 Slide the arm to the non-steer end and remove
the number 1 center pivot pin (index number the outer base scissor arm from the machine.
Note the position of the wear pads
before the arm is removed so
when the scissor is assembled
they will be in the correct position.
44 Attach the overhead crane to the number 1 inner How to Replace the Scissor Arm
arm (index #10). Do not lift it.
Wear Pads
45 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 1 pivot pin at the ground controls side.
(before serial number 632)
Use a slide hammer to remove the pin. 1 Remove the platform. See 2-1, How to Remove
46 Repeat step 45 for the battery pack side. the Platform.
Remove the number 1 inner arm (index #10) 2 Carefully slide the forks from a forklift under the
from the machine. scissor arms at the non-steer end of the
Bodily injury hazard. The number 1
inner arm (index #10) may become 3 Attach a strap from the scissor arms to the
unbalanced and fall if not properly carriage on the forklift for support.
supported when the pins are 4 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
removed. number 1 inner arm pivot pins. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pins.
5 Remove the fasteners from the level sensor
box. Remove the box.
6 Remove the fasteners from the level sensor.
Remove the level sensor.
7 Slide the scissor assembly towards the non-
steer end of the machine approximately 18
inches (45.7 cm).
8 Remove the mounting fasteners from the
stationary wear pads on the platform and at the
steer end of the chassis.
Note the position of the old wear
pads before they are removed so
when the new ones are installed
they will be in the correct position.
9 Install the new wear pads with new fasteners.
10 Slide the movable wear pads off of the number 3
inner arm (index #3) and the number 1 outer arm
(index #16). Install the new wear pads.
11 Re-assemble machine in reverse order in which
it was disassembled.
1 15
3 16
4 17
6 18
10 20
11 21
Steer End Non-steer End
1 Number 5 pivot pin (steer-end) 13 Number 1 inner arm
2 Number 4 center pivot pin 14 Number 1 pivot pin (steer-end)
3 Number 4 inner arm 15 Number 5 pivot pin (non-steer end)
4 Number 4 pivot pin (steer-end) 16 Number 4 outer arm
5 Number 3 center pivot pin 17 Number 4 pivot pin (non-steer end)
6 Lift cylinder rod end pivot pin 18 Number 3 outer arm
7 Number 3 inner arm 19 Number 3 pivot pin (non-steer end)
8 Number 3 pivot pin (steer-end) 20 Number 2 outer arm
9 Number 2 center pivot pin 21 Number 2 pivot pin (non-steer end)
10 Number 2 inner arm 22 Lift cylinder barrel end pivot pin
11 Number 2 pivot pin (steer-end) 23 Number 1 outer arm
12 Number 1 center pivot pin
15 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to 24 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 3 outer arm (index #18). lug on the rod end of the lift cylinder to support
16 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 3 center pivot pin (index #5) at the 25 Remove the external snap ring from the
ground controls side. cylinder rod-end pivot pin (index #6). Use a soft
metal drift to remove the pin.
17 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pin. Bodily injury hazard. The cylinder
may fall if not properly supported
Bodily injury hazard. The number
when the pin is removed.
3 outer arm (index #18) may
become unbalanced and fall if not 26 Lower the cylinder onto the number 1 center
properly supported when the pivot pin (index #12).
center pivot pin is removed.
27 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
18 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the the number 3 inner arm (index #7).
number 3 pivot pin (index #19) at the non-steer
28 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 3 pivot pin (index #8) at the steer end
19 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide of the machine at the ground controls side.
hammer to remove the pin.
29 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
Bodily injury hazard. The number hammer to remove the pin.
3 outer arm (index #18) may
Bodily injury hazard. The number 3
become unbalanced and fall if not
inner arm (index #7) may fall if not
properly supported when it is
properly supported when the pins
are removed.
20 Repeat steps 16 through 19 for the battery
30 Repeat steps 28 and 29 for the battery pack
pack side of the machine.
21 Remove the fasteners from the lower cable tray
31 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
support at the steer end.
number 2 outer arm (index #20) at the ground
22 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the controls side.
number 2 center pivot pin (index #9) at the
32 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
ground controls side. Do not remove the pin.
number 2 center pivot pin (index #9) at the
23 Slide the cable tray towards the battery pack ground controls side.
side of the machine and remove it from the
33 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
machine and lay it off to the side.
hammer to remove the pin.
Component damage hazard.
Cables can be damaged if they
are kinked or pinched.
34 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the 43 Raise the number 1 inner arm (index #13)
number 2 pivot pin (index #21) at the ground approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) and insert the
controls side. safety arm between the number 1 inner arm
(index #13) and the number 1 outer arm
35 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
(index #23) at the steer end of the machine.
hammer to remove the pin.
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
36 Repeat steps 32 through 35 for the battery
clear of moving parts when
pack side of the machine.
inserting the safety arm.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
44 Disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose on the
2 outer arm (index #20) may
lift cylinder. Cap the fitting on the cylinder.
become unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when the pins Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
are removed. hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
37 Attach a lifting strap from an over head crane
connections very slowly to allow
to the number 2 inner arm (index #10).
the oil pressure to dissipate
38 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
number 2 pivot pin (index #11) at the ground or spray.
controls side.
45 Tag and disconnect the wires from the solenoid
39 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide valve on the cylinder.
hammer to remove the pin.
46 Attach the strap from the crane to the lug on
40 Repeat steps 38 and 39 for the battery pack the rod end of the cylinder.
side of the machine.
47 Remove the external snap ring from the cylinder
Bodily injury hazard. The number 2 barrel-end pivot pin (index #22). Use a soft
inner arm (index #10) may become metal drift to remove the pin. Remove the
unbalanced and fall if not properly cylinder from the machine.
supported when the pins are
Crushing hazard. If the overhead
crane is not properly attached, the
41 Remove the retaining fasteners on the safety cylinder may become unbalanced
arm from the number 2 inner arm (index #10) and fall when it is removed from
that was just removed. the machine.
42 Attach the strap from the crane to the number Component damage hazard. Be
1 inner arm (index #13). careful not to damage the valve or
fittings on the cylinder while
removing it from the machine.
48 Place a 4 x 4 x 32 inch (10 x 10 x 81 cm) long 56 Attach the overhead crane to the number 1 inner
block across both sides of the chassis under arm (index #13). Do not lift it.
the number 1 center pivot pin (index #12).
57 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
49 Attach the strap from the crane to the number 1 number 1 pivot pin (index #14) at the ground
inner arm (index #13) at the non-steer end. controls side. Use a slide hammer to remove
Raise the arm slightly and remove the safety the pin.
arm. Lower the arm on to the block.
58 Repeat step 57 for the battery pack side.
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands Remove the number 1 inner arm (index #13)
clear of moving parts when from the machine.
lowering the arms onto the block.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
50 Remove the cables from the number 1 inner 1 inner arm (index #13) may
arm (index #13) and lay off to the side. become unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when the pins
Component damage hazard.
are removed.
Cables can be damaged if they
are kinked or pinched.
51 Attach the overhead crane to the number 1
outer arm (index #23). Do not lift it.
52 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 1 center pivot pin (index #1) at the
ground controls side.
53 Remove the external snap ring. Use a slide
hammer to remove the pin.
54 Repeat steps 52 and 53 for the battery pack
Bodily injury hazard. The number 1
outer arm (index #23) may become
unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when the pins are
55 Slide the arm to the non-steer end and remove
the number 1 outer arm (index #23) from the
Note the position of the wear pads
before the arm is removed so
when the scissor is assembled
they will be in the correct position.
3 13
5 14
8 16
10 18
14 Lower the cylinder onto the number 1 center 23 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
pivot pin (index #9). the number 2 inner arm (index #7).
15 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to 24 Remove the external snap rings from the
number 3 inner arm (index #4). number 2 pivot pin (index #8).
16 Remove the external snap rings from the 25 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
number 3 pivot pin (index #5). pivot pin (index #8). Remove the number 2
inner arm (index #7) from the machine.
17 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 3
pivot pin (index #5). Remove the number 3 Bodily injury hazard. The number
inner arm (index #4) from the machine. 2 inner arm (index #7) may
become unbalanced and fall if not
Bodily injury hazard. The number
properly supported when it is
3 inner arm (index #4) may
removed from the machine.
become unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when it is 26 Remove the safety arm from the number 2
removed from the machine. inner arm (index #7) that was just removed.
18 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to 27 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the
the number 2 outer arm (index #15). number 1 inner arm (index #10).
19 Remove the external snap rings from the 28 Raise the number 1 inner arm (index #10)
number 2 center pivot pin (index #6) at the approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) and insert the
battery pack side. safety arm between the number 1 inner arm
(index #10) and the number 1 outer arm
20 Use a soft metal drift to remove both of the
(index #18).
number 2 center pivot pins (index #6).
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
21 Remove the external snap rings from the
clear of moving parts when
number 2 pivot pin (index #16).
inserting the safety arm.
22 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
29 Disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose on the
pivot pin (index #16). Remove the number 2
lift cylinder. Cap the fitting on the cylinder.
outer arm (index #15) from the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
Bodily injury hazard. The number
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
2 outer arm (index #15) may
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
become unbalanced and fall if not
connections very slowly to allow
properly supported when it is
the oil pressure to dissipate
removed from the machine.
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
or spray.
30 Tag and disconnect the wires from the solenoid 36 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the
valve on the cylinder. number 1 outer arm (index #18). Do not lift it.
31 Attach the strap from an overhead crane to the 37 Remove the external snap rings from the
lug on the rod end of the lift cylinder. number 1 center pivot pin (index #9).
32 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the 38 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 1
cylinder barrel-end pivot pin (index #17). Use a center pivot pin (index #9).
soft metal drift to remove the pin. Remove the
Bodily injury hazard. The number
cylinder from the machine.
1 outer arm (index #18) may
Crushing hazard. If the overhead become unbalanced and fall if not
crane is not properly attached, the properly supported when the pin is
cylinder may become unbalanced removed.
and fall when it is removed from
39 Slide the number 1 outer arm (index #18) to the
the machine.
non-steer end and remove it from the machine.
Component damage hazard. Be
Bodily injury hazard. The number 1
careful not to damage the valve or
outer arm (index #18) may become
fittings on the cylinder while
unbalanced and fall if not properly
removing it from the machine.
supported when removing it from
33 Place a 4 x 4 x 32 (10 x 10 x 81 cm) inch long the machine.
block across both sides of the chassis under
Note the position of the wear pads
the number 1 center pivot pin (index #9).
before the arm is removed so when
34 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the the scissor is assembled they will
number 1 inner arm (index #10). Raise the be in the correct position.
inner arm slightly and remove the safety arm.
40 Attach the strap from an overhead crane to the
Lower the arms on to the block.
number 1 inner arm (index #10). Do not lift it.
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
41 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from both
clear of moving parts when
of the number 1 pivot pins (index #10) at the
lowering the arms onto the block.
steer end of the machine. Use a slide hammer
35 Remove the cables from the number 1 inner to remove the pins.
arm (index #10) and lay off to the side.
42 Remove the number 1 inner arm (index #10)
Component damage hazard. from the machine.
Cables can be damaged if they
Bodily injury hazard. The number 1
are kinked or pinched.
inner arm (index #10) may become
unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when removed from the
How to Replace the Scissor Arm 11 Remove the fasteners from the level sensor box
and slide it towards the non-steer end of the
Wear Pads machine as far as it will go.
(after serial number 631) Component damage hazard. Be
1 Remove the platform. See 2-1, How to Remove careful not to damage the level
the Platform. sensor box, limit switch, level
sensor or wiring while moving the
2 Remove the mounting fasteners from the level sensor box.
stationary wear pads on the platform.
12 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
Note the position of the old wear both ends of the machine with a tie down strap
pads before they are removed so or other appropriate device.
when the new ones are installed
they will be in the correct position. 13 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 1 inner arm pivot pins at the steer end
3 Remove the fasteners from the entry ladder and of the machine. Use a slide hammer to remove
remove the entry ladder. the pins.
4 Raise the platform approximately 7 to 8 feet (2.1 14 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
to 2.4 m). steer end of the scissor arms.
5 Rotate the safety arm away from the machine. 15 Carefully slide the forks from a forklift under the
6 Lower the platform onto the safety arm. scissor arms at the non-steer end of the
7 Mark the mounting position of the level sensor
box on the drive chassis. 16 Raise the scissor arms up until the number 1
inner arm will clear the level sensor box.
8 Remove the level sensor box lid.
Component damage hazard. Be
9 Mark the mounting position of the level sensor careful not to damage the level
on the level sensor box. sensor box, limit switch or level
10 Remove the mounting fasteners from the level sensor while moving the scissor
sensor. assembly.
17 Move the scissor assembly towards the non-
steer end of the machine slightly and to one
side of the machine until one of the scissor arm
wear pads are accessible. Do not allow both
wear pads to slide out of the drive chassis.
The scissor assembly will fall if
both wear pads are allowed to
slide out of the drive chassis.
1 15
3 16
4 17
6 18
10 20
11 21
Steer End Non-steer End
1 Number 5 pivot pin (steer-end) 13 Number 1 inner arm
2 Number 4 center pivot pin 14 Number 1 pivot pin (steer-end)
3 Number 4 inner arm 15 Number 5 pivot pin (non-steer end)
4 Number 4 pivot pin (steer-end) 16 Number 4 outer arm
5 Number 3 center pivot pin 17 Number 4 pivot pin (non-steer end)
6 Lift cylinder rod-end pin 18 Number 3 outer arm
7 Number 3 inner arm 19 Number 3 pivot pin (non-steer end)
8 Number 3 pivot pin (steer-end) 20 Number 2 outer arm
9 Number 2 center pivot pin (2 pins) 21 Number 2 pivot pin (non-steer end)
10 Number 2 inner arm 22 Lift cylinder barrel-end pin
11 Number 2 pivot pin (steer-end) 23 Number 1 outer arm
12 Number 1 center pivot pin
13 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 4 20 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
pivot pin (index #4) at the steer end. Remove cylinder rod-end pivot pin (index #6). Use a soft
the number 4 inner arm (index #3) from the metal drift to remove the pin.
Bodily injury hazard. The cylinder
Bodily injury hazard. The number 4 may fall if not properly supported
inner arm (index #3) may become when the pin is removed.
unbalanced and fall if not properly
21 Lower the cylinder onto the number 1 center
supported when it is removed from
pivot pin (index #12).
the machine.
22 Remove the cables from the number 3 inner
14 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
arm (index #7) and lay them off to the side.
the number 3 outer arm (index #18).
23 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
15 Remove the external snap rings from the
number 3 inner arm (index #7).
number 3 center pivot pin (index #5).
24 Remove the external snap rings from the
16 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 3
number 3 pivot pin at the steer end (index #8).
center pivot pin (index #5).
25 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 3
17 Remove the external snap rings from the
pivot pin (index #8). Remove the number 3
number 3 pivot pin (index #19) from the non-
inner arm (index #7) from the machine.
steer end of the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
18 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 3
3 inner arm (index #7) may
pivot pin (index #19) from the non-steer end of
become unbalanced and fall if not
the machine. Remove the number 3 outer arm
properly supported when it is
(index #18) from the machine.
removed from the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. The number
26 Remove the cable clamps from the lower cable
3 outer arm (index #18) may
tray. Lay the cables off to the side of the
become unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when it is
removed from the machine. Component damage hazard.
Cables can be damaged if they
19 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
are kinked or pinched.
lug on the rod end of the lift cylinder.
27 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
number 2 outer arm (index #20).
28 Remove the mounting fasteners from the lower
cable tray supports.
29 Remove the external snap rings from the 37 Remove the safety arm from the number 2 inner
number 2 center pivot pin (index #9) at the arm (index #10) that was just removed.
ground controls side.
38 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the
30 Remove the external snap rings from the number 1 inner arm (index #13).
number 2 center pivot pin (index #9) at the
39 Raise the number 1 inner arm (index #13)
battery pack side.
approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) and insert the
31 Use a soft metal drift to remove both of the safety arm between the number 1 inner arm
number 2 center pivot pins (index #9). (index #13) and the number 1 outer arm
(index #23).
32 Remove the external snap rings from the
number 2 pivot pin (index #21) at the non-steer Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands
end of the machine. clear of moving parts when
inserting the safety arm.
33 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
pivot pin (index #21). Remove the number 2 40 Disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose on the
outer arm (index #20) from the machine. lift cylinder. Cap the fitting on the cylinder.
Bodily injury hazard. The number Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
2 outer arm (index #20) may hydraulic oil can penetrate and
become unbalanced and fall if not burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
properly supported when it is connections very slowly to allow
removed from the machine. the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
34 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
or spray.
the number 2 inner arm (index #10).
41 Tag and disconnect the wires from the solenoid
35 Remove the external snap rings from the
valve on the cylinder.
number 2 pivot pin (index #11) at the steer end
of the machine. 42 Attach the strap from an overhead crane to the
lug on the rod end of the lift cylinder.
36 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 2
pivot pin (index #11). Remove the number 2 43 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
inner arm (index #10) from the machine. cylinder barrel-end pivot pin (index #22). Use a
soft metal drift to remove the pin. Remove the
Bodily injury hazard. The number
cylinder from the machine.
2 inner arm (index #10) may
become unbalanced and fall if not Crushing hazard. If the overhead
properly supported when it is crane is not properly attached, the
removed from the machine. cylinder may become unbalanced
and fall when it is removed from
the machine.
Component damage hazard. Be 51 Slide the number 1 outer arm (index #23) to the
careful not to damage the valve or non-steer end and remove it from the machine.
fittings on the cylinder while
Bodily injury hazard. The number
removing it from the machine.
1 outer arm (index #23) may
44 Place a 4 x 4 x 32 inch (10 x 10 x 81 cm) long become unbalanced and fall if not
block across both sides of the chassis under properly supported when removing
the number 1 center pivot pin (index it from the machine.
number #12).
Note the position of the wear pads
45 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the before the arm is removed so
number 1 inner arm (index #13). Raise the when the scissor is assembled
inner arm slightly and remove the safety arm. they will be in the correct position.
Lower the arms on to the block. 52 Attach the strap from an overhead crane to the
Bodily injury hazard. Keep hands number 1 inner arm (index #13). Do not lift it.
clear of moving parts when 53 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from both of
lowering the arms onto the block. the number 1 pivot pins (index #14) at the steer
46 Remove the cables from the number 1 inner end of the machine. Use a slide hammer to
arm (index #13) and lay them off to the side. remove the pins.
Component damage hazard. 54 Remove the number 1 inner arm (index #13)
Cables can be damaged if they from the machine.
are kinked or pinched. Bodily injury hazard. The number 1
47 Remove the fasteners from the entry ladder inner arm (index #13) may become
and remove the entry ladder. unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when removed from the
48 Attach the strap from the overhead crane to the machine.
number 1 outer arm (index #23). Do not lift it.
Component damage hazard. Be
49 Remove the external snap rings from the sure not to damage the limit switch
number 1 center pivot pin (index #12). or level sensor box components
50 Use a soft metal drift to remove the number 1 when the number 1 inner arm
center pivot pin (index #12). (index #13) is removed from the
Bodily injury hazard. The number
1 outer arm (index #23) may
become unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when the pin is
How to Replace the Scissor Arm 11 Remove the fasteners from the level sensor box
and slide it towards the non-steer end of the
Wear Pads machine as far as it will go.
(after serial number 631) Component damage hazard. Be
1 Remove the platform. See 2-1, How to Remove careful not to damage the level
the Platform. sensor box, limit switch, level
sensor or wiring while moving the
2 Remove the mounting fasteners from the level sensor box.
stationary wear pads on the platform.
12 Secure the ends of the scissor arms together at
Note the position of the old wear both ends of the machine with a tie down strap
pads before they are removed so or other appropriate device.
when the new ones are installed
they will be in the correct position. 13 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 1 inner arm pivot pins at the steer end
3 Remove the fasteners from the entry ladder and of the machine. Use a slide hammer to remove
remove the entry ladder. the pins.
4 Raise the platform approximately 7 to 8 feet (2.1 14 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
to 2.4 m). steer end of the scissor arms.
5 Rotate the safety arm away from the machine. 15 Carefully slide the forks from a forklift under the
6 Lower the platform onto the safety arm. scissor arms at the non-steer end of the
7 Mark the mounting position of the level sensor
box on the drive chassis. 16 Raise the scissor arms up until the number 1
inner arm will clear the level sensor box.
8 Remove the level sensor box lid.
Component damage hazard. Be
9 Mark the mounting position of the level sensor careful not to damage the level
on the level sensor box. sensor box, limit switch or level
10 Remove the mounting fasteners from the level sensor while moving the scissor
sensor. assembly.
17 Move the scissor assembly towards the non-
steer end of the machine slightly and to one
side of the machine until one of the scissor arm
wear pads are accessible. Do not allow both
wear pads to slide out of the drive chassis.
The scissor assembly will fall if
both wear pads are allowed to
slide out of the drive chassis.
7 Disconnect and plug the hydraulic hardline from How to Check the Resistance
the lift cylinder. Cap the fitting on the cylinder.
of a Valve Coil
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and 1 Turn the key switch to the OFF position and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic disconnect the wires from the valve coil to be
connections very slowly to allow tested.
the oil pressure to dissipate 2 Connect the positive lead from the ohmmeter to
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt the valve coil terminal, then connect the
or spray. negative lead from the ohmmeter to the internal
8 Remove the hardline retaining strap from the ring of the valve coil.
Platform lowering valve coil specifications
9 Attach a strap from an overhead crane or
similar lifting device to the rod end of the lift 2 position 2 way N.C. solenoid valve - 20V 23 - 259
cylinder for support. (schematic item R)
Ground Controls
4-1 10 Raise the platform and rotate the safety arm to
the storage position.
Manual Platform Lowering Cable
11 Pull the manual lowering handle at the ground
The manual platform lowering cable lowers the controls 2 to 3 times to ensure it is functioning
platform in the event of a main power failure. The correctly.
manual platform lowering cable is attached to the
Cable distance 3/16 to 1/4 inch
barrel end of the lift cylinder and is activated next
4.7 to 6.4 mm
to the ground controls.
Hydraulic Pump
5-1 How to Remove the
Function Pump Hydraulic Pump
When removing a hose assembly
The hydraulic pump is attached to the motor which
or fitting, the O-ring on the fitting
makes up the Hydraulic Power Unit.
and/or hose end must be replaced
How to Test the Hydraulic Pump and then torqued to specification
during installation. Refer to
When removing a hose assembly Section Two, Hydraulic Hose and
or fitting, the O-ring on the fitting Fitting Torque Specifications.
and/or hose end must be replaced
1 Remove the mounting fasteners from the
and then torqued to specification
hydraulic filter bracket at the function manifold.
during installation. Refer to
Push the filter off to the side.
Section Two, Hydraulic Hose and
Fitting Torque Specifications. 2 Tag, disconnect and cap the hydraulic hoses
on the pump.
1 Disconnect and plug the high pressure hydraulic
hose from the hydraulic pump. Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
connections very slowly to allow
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
the oil pressure to dissipate
connections very slowly to allow
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
the oil pressure to dissipate
or spray.
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
or spray. 3 Remove the pump mounting bolts. Carefully
remove the pump.
2 Connect a 0 to 5000 psi (0 to 350 bar) pressure
gauge to the high pressure port on the pump.
3 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
the Emergency Stop button to the ON position.
4 Activate the platform up function from the
ground controls.
Result: If the pressure gauge reads 3700 psi
(255 bar), immediately stop. The pump is good.
Result: If pressure fails to reach 3700 psi
(255 bar), the pump is bad and will need to be
serviced or replaced.
5 Remove the pressure gauge and reconnect the
hydraulic hose.
Function Manifold
Function Manifold Components
The function manifold is mounted inside the hydraulic power unit module.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Flow regulator, 0.5 gpm (1.9 L/min) .. A ........... Steer circuit ....................................... 35-40 ft-lbs (47-54 Nm)
2 Orifice washer, 0.040 in (1 mm) ....... B ........... Steer circuit
3 Relief valve, 1200 psi (82.7 bar) ....... C ........... Steering relief .................................... 25-30 ft-lbs (34-41 Nm)
4 Relief valve,
GS-1530, 3200 psi (220.6 bar) ......... D ........... System relief ..................................... 25-30 ft-lbs (34-41 Nm)
GS-1930, 3700 psi (255.1 bar) ......... D ........... System relief ..................................... 25-30 ft-lbs (34-41 Nm)
5 Orifice plug, 0.025 in (0.6 mm) ......... E ........... Brake circuit
6 3 position 4 way solenoid valve ......... F ........... Steer left/right ................................... 18-20 ft-lbs (24-27 Nm)
7 2 position 4 way solenoid valve ......... G ........... Platform up ....................................... 23-25 ft-lbs (31-34 Nm)
8 Orifice washer, 0.060 in (1.5 mm) .... H ........... Brake circuit
9 2 position 2 way solenoid valve,
N. O. .................................................. I ............ Brake circuit ...................................... 18-20 ft-lbs (24-27 Nm)
10 3 position 4 way solenoid valve ......... J ............ Drive forward/reverse ....................... 18-20 ft-lbs (24-27 Nm)
11 Check valve ....................................... K ........... Brake circuit ...................................... 35-40 ft-lbs (47-54 Nm)
12 Check valve (machines after
serial number 1885 only) ................... L ........... Steer circuit ....................................... 35-40 ft-lbs (47-54 Nm)
13 Diagnostic fitting ................................ M .......... Testing
Crushing hazard. The chassis will Always replace the cotter pin with
fall if it is not properly supported. a new one when removing the
castle nut.
5 Remove the castle nut, then remove the wheel.
3 Loosen the wheel castle nut. Do not remove it.
6 Tag, disconnect and cap the hydraulic hoses
on the drive motor.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to
allow the oil pressure to
dissipate gradually. Do not
allow oil to squirt or spray.
7-3 7-4
Steering Bellcrank Steering Bellcrank
(before serial number 2000) (after serial number 1999)
1 Remove the steering cylinder. See 7-2, How to When removing a hose assembly
Remove the Steering Cylinder. or fitting, the O-ring on the fitting
and/or hose end must be replaced
2 Remove the pin retaining fastener from the
and then torqued to specification
bellcrank center pivot pin. Remove the pin.
during installation. Refer to
3 Support one drive yoke/motor assembly with a Section Two, Hydraulic Hose and
lifting device. Fitting Torque Specifications.
4 Remove the retaining fastener from the yoke 1 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses
pivot shaft. from the steering cylinder. Cap the fittings on
the cylinder.
5 Place a block under the yoke/motor assembly
that is being removed. Lower the yoke Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
assembly approximately 3 inches (7.6 cm) to hydraulic oil can penetrate and
allow the steer link to clear the pivot shaft on burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
the yoke. connections very slowly to
allow the oil pressure to
Bodily injury hazard. The yoke/ dissipate gradually. Do not
motor assembly may fall if not allow oil to squirt or spray.
properly supported when it is
lowered from the chassis. 2 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the rod-
end pivot pin of the steer cylinder. Remove the
6 Lower the yoke assembly on to the block for pin.
Note the quantity and location of
Component damage hazard. When the spacers when removing the
the bellcrank is installed, be sure rod-end pivot pin.
the steering cylinder hoses are
placed between the bellcrank and 3 Remove the retaining fastener from the center
the bottom of the drive chassis. pivot pin of the bellcrank.
7 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the Note the quantity and the location
bellcrank pivot pin. Remove the pin. of the spacers on the bellcrank.
8 Repeat steps 4 through 7 for other yoke/motor 4 Remove the retaining fasteners from the steer
assembly. Remove the bellcrank. links at each end of the bellcrank. Remove the
bellcrank from the machine.
Note the quantity and the location
of the spacers in between the
bellcrank and the steer links.
Brake Release Hand Pump Components
The brake release handpump manifold is mounted behind the entry ladder next to the battery charger.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Check valve, pilot operated ............... N ........... Manual brake release ....................... 25-30 ft-lbs (34-41 Nm)
2 Shuttle valve ...................................... O ........... Brake release .................................... 8-10 ft-lbs (11-14 Nm)
3 Hand pump ........................................ P ........... Manual brake release ....................... 25-30 ft-lbs (34-41 Nm)