Construction Safety Inspection Checklist: Housekeeping and Sanitation

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Construction Safety

Inspection Checklist
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Check Items Inspected:

Yes No N/A Date Corrected Jobsite General
q q q 1. Posters and safety signs/warnings?
q q q 2. Safety meetings held periodically?
q q q 3. First aid kit available and adequately stocked?
q q q 4. Job related safety training completed?
q q q 5. Accident reporting procedure established?
q q q 6. Substance abuse policy in place?
q q q 7. Injury records being kept?
q q q 8. Emergency telephone numbers posted?
q q q 9. Traffic routes identified?

Housekeeping and
q q q Sanitation
q q q 1. General neatness of work area(s)?
q q q 2. Regular disposal of waste and trash?
q q q 3. Procedures to handle hazardous waste?
q q q 4. Passageways and walkways clear?
q q q 5. Adequate lighting?
q q q 6. Waste containers provided and used?
q q q 7. Sanitary facilities adequate and clean?
q q q 8. Adequate potable water supply?
q q q 9. Adequate drinking cups?
q q q 10. Nails, boards, debris removed?
q q q 11. Eye flushing facilities available?
12. Emergency showers available?

q q q Construction Area - Secured Access/After Hours

q q q 1. Warning signs in place?
q q q 2. Open ditches protected?
q q q 3. Drop-offs protected?
q q q 4. Ladders lowered?
q q q 5. Hazard lights utilized?
q q q 6. Equipment secured?
7. Utility ditches flagged or barricaded?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
Hazard Communication
q q q 1. Written program?
q q q 2. Employees trained?
q q q 3. MSDS’s on file and available?
q q q 4. Control and disposal measure(s) established?
q q q 5. Material properly stored and labeled?
q q q 6. Log of all chemicals on site available?
q q q 7. Labels legible?

Fire Prevention
q q q 1. Adequate number and type of fire extinguisher(s) available?
q q q 2. Fire prevention/extinguisher training accomplished?
q q q 3. Fire extinguisher inspections accomplished
q q q (monthly/periodically)?
q q q 4. Phone number of fire department posted?
q q q 5. Fire extinguisher(s) provided on appropriate equipment?
q q q 6. Are flammable liquids in approved containers and correctly
q q q labeled?
q q q 7. Are flammable liquids properly stored?
q q q 8. Fire alarm available/fire evacuation plan established?
q q q 9. Fuel supplies protected from accidental impact?
q q q 10. Fire training given to appropriate personnel?
q q q 11. Is equipment shut down prior to refueling?
q q q 12. Is equipment properly grounded to fuel trucks before refuel-
q q q ing?
q q q 13. “No smoking” signs posted and enforced?
q q q 14. Hydrants clear, access to public thoroughfare open?

Flammable Liquids/Materials
q q q 1. Empty containers removed?
q q q 2. Only approved containers being used?
q q q 3. Containers stored in approved and appropriate area(s)?
q q q 4. Outside storage bermed for containment?
q q q 5. Storage tanks properly grounded, bonded & pressure relief
q q q provided?
q q q 6. Cylinders stored/secured in upright position?

q q q 1. Electrical devices have current inspection and coding?
q q q 2. Electrical equipment properly maintained?
q q q 3. Equipment properly grounded?
q q q 4. Assured equipment grounding program established?
q q q 5. GFCI used and tested where required?
q q q 6. Fuses provided?
q q q 7. Electrical dangers posted?
q q q 8. Proper fire extinguisher(s) provided?
q q q 9. Are terminal boxes equipped with required covers?
(Cover used)?
q q q 10. Are circuits labeled in terminal boxes?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
Personal Protective Equipment
q q q 1. Hazard evaluation accomplished and certified?
q q q 2. Protective equipment adequate for exposure?
q q q 3. Employees issued PPE where needed?
q q q 4. Is PPE being used?
q q q 5. Employees trained in the use of PPE?
q q q 6. Are inspections being accomplished periodically/before
q q q and after use?
q q q 7. Adequate maintenance and sanitary storage available/
q q q Utilized?
q q q 8. Adequate fall protection provided?
q q q 9. Eye protection?
q q q 10. Face protection (glasses, goggles, shields)?
q q q 11. Hearing protection?
q q q 12. Respirators and masks?
q q q 13. Respirators used for harmful dust, asbestos, sand blasting,
q q q welding (lead, paint and galvanized zinc or cadmium)?
q q q 14. Head protection?
q q q 15. Hand and foot protection?
q q q 16. Physicals accomplished as required?

Hand Tools
q q q 1. Proper tool used for the job?
q q q 2. Handles free of cracks and attached to tool properly?
q q q 3. Inspections and proper maintenance accomplished prior to
q q q use?
q q q 4. Neatly stored, safely carried?
q q q
q q q Power Tools
q q q 1. Good housekeeping where tools are used?
q q q 2. Inspections and proper maintenance accomplished?
q q q 3. Tools grounded properly or double insulated?
q q q 4. Guards in place and used correctly?
q q q 5. Damaged or malfunctioning tools tagged out until repaired
q q q or replaced?
q q q 6. Local laws and ordinance compliance?
q q q 7. All operators qualified?
q q q 8. Tools protected from unauthorized use?
q q q 9. Competent instruction and supervision?
q q q 10. Cords included in electrical inspection?

q q q 1. Ladders inspected and in good condition?
q q q 2. Ladders used properly for type of exposure?
q q q 3. Ladders secured to prevent slipping, sliding, or falling?
q q q 4. Do side rails extend 36” above top of landing?
q q q 5. Are ladders spliced?
q q q 6. Rungs or cleats not over 12” on center?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
q q q 7. Proper maintenance and storage?
q q q 8. Are ladders painted?
q q q 9. Do fixed ladders in excess of 20 feet have fall protection?
q q q 10. Are aluminum ladders of sufficient strength for the task?

q q q 1. Erection properly supervised?
q q q 2. All structural members free from defects and meet safety
q q q factor?
q q q 3. Are all connections secure?
q q q 4. Are scaffolds erected on solid footing?
q q q 5. Is scaffold tied to structure?
q q q 6. Are working areas free of dirt, debris, snow, ice, grease, etc.?
q q q 7. Are workers protected from falling objects?
q q q 8. Is scaffold plumb and square, with cross-bracing?
q q q 9. Are guard rails, intermediate rails, and toe boards in place?
q q q 10. Are ropes and cables in good condition?
q q q 11. Fall protection available and in use?

Excavation and Shoring

q q q 1. Are holes, trenches, and cuts over 5 feet deep shored, sloped
or trench boxes used?
q q q 2. Operation supervised by competent person?
q q q 3. Spoil banks at least 2 feet from edges of cut?
q q q 4. Ladders placed to ensure no greater than 25 feet of lateral
travel by worker?
q q q 5. Ladder properly secured?
q q q 6. Are adjacent structures properly shored?
q q q 7. Is shoring and sheathing correct for soil and depth?
q q q 8. Are roads and sidewalks supported and protected?
q q q 9. Excavation barricaded and lighting provided?
q q q 10. Are equipment ramps adequate?
q q q 11. Have underground utility installations been identified?
q q q 12. Registered professional engineer design/approval accom-
q q q 13. Confined space entry permit required plan established?
q q q 14. Are daily inspections completed by a competent person?

q q q 1. Testing of atmosphere accomplished?
q q q 2. Adequate ventilation?
q q q 3. Electrical approved for hazardous locations?
q q q 4. Adequate fire prevention?
q q q 5. Rescue plan?
q q q 6. Confined space entry permit program?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
Hoists, Cranes and Derricks
q q q 1. Are annual inspections completed?
q q q 2. Are operators properly tested and physical exams current?
q q q 3. Are daily inspections completed by operators?
q q q 4. Outriggers used?
q q q 5. Power lines deactivated, removed, or warning signs posted
warning of at least 10 foot clearance from overhead power
lines (voltages 50,000 volts or below)?
q q q 6. Hoists designed by a competent professional engineer?
q q q 7. Proper loading for capacity at lifting radius?
q q q 8. Operation in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction?
q q q 9. Competent person inspecting crane?
q q q 10. Equipment properly lubricated and maintained?
q q q 11. Load testing accomplished?
q q q 12. Signalmen where needed?
q q q 13. Alarms working and audible?

Heavy Equipment
q q q 1. Regular inspection and maintenance?
q q q 2. Seat belts provided and used in equipment with ROPS?
q q q 3. Backup alarms working and audible?
q q q 4. Slow moving vehicle emblem attached to rear of equipment
operating at less than 25 mph?
q q q 5. No employees riding equipment without proper seating?
q q q 6. Lights, brakes, warning signals operative?
q q q 7. Wheels chocked when necessary?
q q q 8. Haul roads well maintained and laid out properly?
q q q 9. Equipment properly secured when not in use?
q q q 10. Noise arresters used?
q q q 11. Spark arresters used as necessary?

Motor Vehicles
q q q 1. Regular inspection and maintenance?
q q q 2. Qualified operators?
q q q 3. Local and state laws observed?
q q q 4. Brakes, lights, warning devices operative?
q q q 5. Weight limits and load stress controlled?
q q q 6. Personnel carried in correct manner?
q q q 7. All glass in good condition?
8. Backup signals provided?
q q q 9. Fire extinguisher(s) installed?
q q q 10. Seat belts worn?
q q q 11. Tie down straps or chains inspected?
q q q 12. Are all vehicles checked at the beginning of each shift?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
Garages and Repair Shops
q q q 1. Fire hazards controlled?
q q q 2. Oily rag containers used and emptied daily?
q q q 3. Good housekeeping?
q q q 4. Adequate lighting?
q q q 5. Adequate ventilation?
q q q 6. Are fuels and lubricants in proper containers?
q q q 7. Are fire extinguisher(s) provided, proper type and rating?
q q q 8. Ample absorbent materials available and in use?

q q q 1. Floor openings planked over or barricaded?
q q q 2. Roadways and sidewalks protected?
q q q 3. Adequate lighting provided?
q q q 4. Barricades or covers installed (shafts, wall openings, stair-
ways, stairwells, trenches, outriggers, etc.)?

Handling and Storage of Materials

q q q 1. Materials properly stored or stacked?
q q q 2. Are shelves, racks, and overhead storage load rated?
q q q 3. Are passageways clear?
q q q 4. Sufficient employees to do the job?
q q q 5. Lifting correctly?
q q q 6. Materials protected from weather?
q q q 7. Employees protected from falling into hoppers and bins?
q q q 8. Is dust protection used?
q q q 9. Correct type of fire extinguisher(s) and other fire protection
q q q 10. Traffic controlled through the storage area?
q q q 11. Rigging inspected prior to use?
q q q 12. Competent person responsible?

q q q 1. Engineering survey in writing?
q q q 2. Are material chutes provided and used?
q q q 3. Are operations planned ahead?
q q q 4. Is there shoring of adjacent structures?
q q q 5. Utilities shut off?
q q q 6. Hazardous materials/chemicals removed from any pipes,
q q q tanks, or equipment?
q q q 7. Chutes provided for disposing of material above 20 feet?

q q q 1. Contractor qualifications and credentials checked?
q q q 2. Explosive inventory completed and accounted for at all
q q q times?
q q q 3. Stray electrical currents checked?
q q q 4. Blasting mats used when required?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected
q q q 5. All signs, warning signals, and protective equipment in
q q q 6. Non-essentials removed from area?
q q q 7. Radio transmissions limited?
q q q 8. Procedures for handling misfires in place?
q q q 9. Explosives properly stored?
q q q 10. Is black powder prohibited?
q q q 11. Experienced and trained personnel handling explosives?
q q q 12. Detonators tested before each shot?
q q q 13. Area inspection after each shot?
q q q 14. Proper disposal of wrappings, waste, and scrap?
q q q 15. Operations suspended during electrical storms or when light-
ning is within 10 miles?
q q q 16. Explosives and related materials properly stored?
q q q 17. All blasting operations conducted between sun-up and sun-

Welding and Cutting

q q q 1. Are operators qualified?
q q q 2. Screens and shields in place?
q q q 3. Are oxygen and acetylene stored properly?
q q q 4. Are bottles not in use secured with caps in place?
q q q 5. Proper eye protection and PPE used?
q q q 6. Fire extinguisher located near operations?
q q q 7. “Hot work” permit completed and posted in areas requiring
q q q such permit?
8. Are valves shut-off and regulators backed off each night?
q q q 9. Flashback arresters placed on hoses (O2 and fuel gas)?
q q q 10. Electrical equipment grounded?
q q q 11. Area inspected for fire hazards?
q q q 12. Gas lines and power cables protected and in good condition?
q q q 13. Proper ventilation?
q q q 14. Welding permit program?
q q q
q q q Steel Erection
1. Safety nets or planked floors?
q q q 2. Hard hats, safety shoes, gloves and other PPE used?
q q q 3. Taglines for controlling loads?
q q q 4. Fire hazards covered and barricaded?
q q q 5. Floor openings covered and barricaded?
q q q 6. Hoisting apparatus checked?
q q q 7. Adequate fall protection?
q q q 8. Christmas treeing used correctly?
Check Items Inspected:
Yes No N/A Date Corrected

Concrete Construction
q q q 1. Forms properly installed and braced?
q q q 2. Adequate shoring, plumbed, and cross braced?
q q q 3. Proper curing period and procedures used?
q q q 4. Adequate PPE?
q q q 5. Caps on rebar?
q q q 6. Automatic shutoff on power operated trowels?
q q q 7. Nails and stripped form material removed from area?

q q q 1. Proper scaffolding?
q q q 2. Masonry saws properly equipped, dust protection provided?
q q q 3. Safe hoisting equipment?
q q q 4. Are limited access zones established as required?

Highway Construction
q q q 1. Competent flagmen properly dressed, trained, and posted?
q q q 2. Adequate warning signs and markers?
q q q 3. Equipment not blocking right-of-way?
q q q 4. Traffic control through construction site?
q q q 5. Adequate marking and maintenance of detours?
q q q 6. Dust control used?
q q q 7. Adequate lighting?
q q q 8. Are barricades erected with correct directional stripes?

q q q 1. If unexpected presence detected, is stop work procedure
q q q 2. Owner been notified?
q q q 3. Area secured?

Work Permits
q q q 1. Safe work permit procedures followed?
q q q 2. “Hot work” permit procedures followed?
q q q 3. Excavation permit procedures followed?
q q q 4. Control of hazardous energy (lockout/lay out) procedures
Being used?
q q q 5. Confined space entry permit procedures followed?
q q q 6. Are emergency rescue plans established and available?

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