HMP Code - Calibration - Accuracy PDF
HMP Code - Calibration - Accuracy PDF
HMP Code - Calibration - Accuracy PDF
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 995 – 95b (2002)
means shall be provided for agitation to maintain a uniform gerous moving parts shall be thoroughly protected.
product. 4.10.3 Ample unobstructed space shall be provided on the
4.3 Mineral Filler—Adequate dry storage shall be provided mixing platform if applicable.
for mineral filler, when required, and provision shall be made 4.10.4 An unobstructed passage shall be maintained at all
for accurate proportioning. times in and around the truck-loading space. This space shall
4.4 Cold Aggregate Feeder—The plant shall be provided be kept free of drippings from the mixing platform. A ladder or
with mechanical means for uniformly feeding the aggregates platform shall be located at the truck-loading space to permit
into the dryer so that uniform production and temperature may easy and safe inspection of the mixture as it is delivered into
be assured. When aggregates must be blended from two or the trucks. Overhead protection shall be provided where
more bins at the cold feed to meet the requirements of the necessary.
paving mixture specifications, a synchronized proportioning
method shall be provided. 5. Significance and Use
4.4.1 If recycling capability is required, the plant shall be 5.1 This specification describes the various components of
equipped with mechanical means for feeding the desired batch, continuous mix, and drum mix plants. This standard is
weight of reclaimed asphalt pavement into the mix. Facilities useful to help evaluate existing plants and for specifying new
shall be provided for obtaining samples of the reclaimed plants to ensure the plant is capable of producing a quality
asphalt pavement. product. This standard does not address plant operation and
4.5 Dryer—A dryer of satisfactory design capable of drying control or mixture production.
and heating the aggregate to the moisture and temperature
6. Requirements for Plants Controlling Gradation of
requirements of the paving mixture specifications shall be
Hot, Dry Aggregates
4.6 Bituminous Control Unit: 6.1 Plant Screens:
4.6.1 Satisfactory means, either by weighing or metering, 6.1.1 Plants shall be equipped with plant screens located
shall be provided to obtain the proper amount of bituminous between the dryer and hot aggregate bins and shall have
material. Accuracy of the metering devices shall be within 1.0 adequate capacity and size range to separate the heated
% of the actual weight being measured when that weight has aggregate into the sizes required for proportioning so that they
been determined using another measuring device and shall be may be recombined consistently within the specification limits.
within 0.5 % when that weight has been determined using test 6.1.2 The nominal maximum size aggregate in the fines bin
weights. Bituminous material scales shall conform to 8.5. shall be specified. The screen type and size shall be determined
4.6.2 Suitable means shall be provided, either by steam or by the operator. No aggregate shall be larger than the maximum
oil jacketing, or other insulation, for maintaining the specified specified.
temperature of the bituminous material in the pipe lines, 6.1.3 Control shall be based on frequent bin samples tested
meters, weigh buckets, spray bars, and other containers or flow in accordance with Test Method C 136. Aggregate in each bin,
lines. including mineral filler, shall be combined in proper propor-
tions, and the composite shall be checked for compliance with
4.7 Thermometric Equipment:
the paving mixture specifications.
4.7.1 An armored recording thermometer of suitable range
6.2 Hot Aggregate Bins:
shall be fixed in the bituminous material feed line at a suitable
6.2.1 Hot-bin storage of sufficient capacity to ensure uni-
location near the discharge at the mixer unit.
form and continuous operation shall be provided. Bins shall be
4.7.2 Approved recording thermometers, pyrometers, or divided into the specified number of compartments arranged to
other recording thermometric instruments shall be fixed at the ensure separate and adequate storage of appropriate fractions
discharge chute of the dryer and, when applicable, in the hot of the aggregate.
fines bin to register and record automatically the temperature of 6.2.2 Each compartment shall be provided with an overflow
the heated aggregate or heated mixture. chute of such size and at such a location to prevent any backing
4.8 Emission Controls: up of material into other compartments or into contact with the
4.8.1 A dust collecting system shall be provided. The screen.
system shall be made to waste the material so collected, or to 6.2.3 Bins shall be equipped with “tell-tale” devices to
return all or any part uniformly to the mixture. indicate the position of the aggregate in the bins at the lower
4.8.2 Other emissions, such as smoke but excepting water quarter points. An automatic plant shut-off shall be provided to
vapor, shall be controlled to be in compliance with applicable operate when any aggregate bin becomes empty.
limits. 6.2.4 Adequate and convenient facilities shall be provided
4.9 Surge and Storage Bins—If bins are used for surge or for obtaining aggregate samples from each bin.
storage, they shall be such that mixture drawn from the bin
meets the requirements of the paving mixture specification. 7. Requirements for Plants Controlling Gradation of
4.10 Safety Requirements: Cold, Damp Aggregates
4.10.1 Adequate and safe stairways to the mixer platform 7.1 Maximum Aggregate Size—Oversize aggregate shall be
shall be provided if applicable. Guarded ladders to other plant rejected by suitable methods or devices before the aggregate
units shall be located where required. enters the cold feed, or by plant screens complying with 6.1.
4.10.2 All gears, pulleys, chains, sprockets, and other dan- 7.2 Cold Feed Bins:
D 995 – 95b (2002)
7.2.1 Cold feed bins for storing aggregates prior to propor- weights shall be kept clean and conveniently located for
tioning shall be equipped with “tell-tale” devices to indicate the calibration of the scale.
position of the aggregate in the bins at the lower quarter points. 8.4 Bituminous Material Bucket:
An automatic plant shut-off shall be provided to operate when 8.4.1 If a bucket is used, it shall be large enough to handle
any aggregate bin becomes empty or the flow from any bin gate a batch in a single weighing.
becomes restricted. 8.4.2 The filling system and bucket shall be of such design,
7.2.2 Adequate and convenient facilities shall be provided size, and shape that the bituminous material will not overflow,
for obtaining samples of the full flow of aggregate from each splash, or spill outside the bucket during filling and weighing.
cold feed bin and from the total cold feed. 8.4.3 The time required to add the bituminous material shall
7.2.3 Adequate and convenient facilities shall be provided not exceed 20 s. Where the quantity of bituminous material is
for diverting aggregate flow into trucks or other suitable metered, provision shall be made to check the delivery of the
containers to check the accuracy of the aggregate delivery meter by actual weight.
8.4.4 The bucket shall be steam or oil-jacketed or equipped
7.2.4 Control shall be based on frequent samples from each
with properly insulated electric heating units. It shall be
cold-feed bin and the total cold feed tested by Test Method
arranged to deliver the bituminous material in a thin uniform
C 136. Results of total cold-feed samples shall be checked for
sheet or in multiple sprays over the full length of the mixer.
compliance with the paving mixture specifications.
8.5 Bituminous Material Scales—Scales for the weighing of
8. Requirements for Batch Plants bituminous material shall meet the requirements for aggregate
8.1 Control of Aggregate Gradation—The plant shall be scales, as specified in 8.3 except a device to indicate at least the
equipped to control aggregate gradation in accordance with the last 20 lb (9.1 kg) of the approaching total load shall be
requirements of either Section 6 or Section 7. provided. Beam-type scales shall be equipped with a tare beam
8.2 Weigh Box or Hopper: or adequate counterbalance for balancing the bucket and
8.2.1 Means shall be provided for weighing aggregate from compensating periodically for the accumulation of bituminous
each bin into a weigh box or hopper, suspended on scales, and material on the bucket.
ample in size to hold a full batch. 8.6 Mixer Unit for Batch Method:
8.2.2 The weigh box or hopper shall be supported on 8.6.1 The plant shall include a batch mixer of an approved
fulcrums and knife edges that will not easily be thrown out of twin-shaft pugmill type capable of producing a uniform mix-
alignment or adjustment. ture.
8.2.3 Gates, both on the bins and the hopper, shall not leak. The mixer shall be designed to provide means of
8.3 Aggregate scales: adjusting the clearance between the mixer blades and liner
8.3.1 Scales for any weigh box or hopper may be either plates to ensure proper and efficient mixing.
beam or springless-dial type and shall be of standard make and If not enclosed, the mixer box shall be equipped with
design. The accuracy of the weighing device shall be within 1.0 a dust hood to prevent loss of dust by dispersion.
% of the actual weight being measured when that weight has The mixer shall be constructed to prevent leakage of
been determined using another measuring device and shall be the contents.
within 0.5 % when that weight has been determined using test Mixer discharge shall not cause appreciable segre-
weights. gation.
8.3.2 The change in load required to alter noticeably the
8.6.2 The mixer shall be equipped with a positive means for
position of rest of the indicating element (or elements) of a
governing mixing time and an accurate time lock to control the
nonautomatic indicating scale shall not be greater than 0.1 % of
operation of a complete mixing cycle by locking the weigh-box
the nominal scale capacity.
gate after the charging of the mixer until the closing of the
8.3.3 Beam type scales shall be equipped with a device to
mixer gates at the completion of the cycle; it shall lock the
indicate that the required load is being approached. This device
bituminous material bucket throughout the dry-mixing period
shall indicate at least the last 200 lb (91 kg) of the load.
and shall lock the mixer gate throughout the dry- and wet-
8.3.4 Graduation intervals for either beam or dial scales
mixing periods.
shall not be greater than 0.1 % of the nominal scale capacity.
Scale graduations and markings shall be plainly visible. The dry-mixing period is defined as the interval of
8.3.5 On dial scales, parallax effects shall be reduced to the time between the opening of the weigh-box gate and the
practical minimum with clearance between the indicator index application of bituminous material. The wet-mixing period is
and scale graduations not exceeding 0.06 in. (1.5 mm). the interval of time between the start of the application of
8.3.6 Scales shall be equipped with adjustable pointers for bituminous material and the opening of the mixer gate.
marking the weight of each material to be weighed into the The timing control shall be flexible and capable of
batch. being set at intervals of not more than 5 s throughout cycles up
8.3.7 Not less than ten test weights, each of 50-lb (22.7-kg) to 3 min.
nominal weight and each stamped with its actual weight to If required by the specifications, a mechanical batch
within 60.05 %, shall be provided for the purpose of testing counter shall be installed as part of the timing device and shall
and calibrating the scales. For each scale a suitable cradle or be designed to register only completely mixed batches.
platform shall be provided for applying the test loads. The test 8.7 Automation of Batching:
D 995 – 95b (2002)
8.7.1 If required by the specifications, an automatic weigh- The recorder shall record the proportions as indi-
ing, cycling, and monitoring system shall be installed as part of cated on the batching scale or meter within an accuracy of
the batching equipment. 0.5 % of the maximum batch size.
8.7.2 The system shall include equipment for accurately
proportioning the various components of the mixture by weight 9. Requirements for Continuous Mix Plants
or by volume in the proper order, and equipment for controlling 9.1 Control of Aggregate Gradation—The plant shall be
the cycle sequence and timing of mixture operations. There equipped to control aggregate gradation in accordance with the
shall be auxiliary interlock cut-off circuits to interrupt and stop requirements of either Section 6 or Section 7. Accurate means
the automatic batching operations whenever an error exceeding of checking the proportioning of each hot bin size by weight
the acceptable tolerance occurs in proportioning. shall be provided.
8.7.3 Accuracy—The automatic proportioning system shall 9.1.1 Hot-aggregate bins shall include interlocked feeders
be capable of consistently delivering materials within the full mounted under the bin compartments. The interlocked feeders
range of batch sizes within the following tolerances: shall be equipped with a dust-proof revolution counter with
Total Batch Weight of minimum graduations of one tenth of a revolution. The mix
Paving Mix, % proportions shall be set up on the basis of pounds (or
Batch aggregate component 61.5 kilograms) of each aggregate bin size per revolution.
Mineral filler 60.5
Bituminous material 60.1 9.1.2 Each bin shall have a feeder mechanism, subject to
Zero return (aggregate) 60.5 control by positive mechanical means, to control the rate of
Zero return (bituminous material) 60.1 flow of aggregate drawn from each respective bin compart-
The electrical circuits for the above delivery tolerances of ment. Where the gate orifice-type feeder is used, it shall have
each cut-off interlock shall be capable of providing the total at least one dimension adjustable by positive mechanical
span for the full allowable tolerance for maximum batch size. means. Locks shall be provided on each gate. Calibrated gages
Tolerance controls shall be automatically or manually adjust- with minimum graduations of not more than 1⁄10 in. (2.5 mm)
able to provide spans suitable for less than full-size batches shall be provided for each gate to establish gate openings.
(Note 1). The automatic controls and interlock cut-off circuits 9.1.3 When added mineral filler is specified, a separate bin
shall be capable of being consistently coordinated with the and feeder shall be furnished with its drive interlocked with the
batching scale or meter within an accuracy of 0.2 % of the aggregate feeders.
nominal capacity (Note 2) of said scale or meter throughout the 9.1.4 Means shall be provided to establish the rate of flow in
full range of the batch sizes. pounds (or kilograms) per revolution by scale weight.
9.2 Weight Calibration of Bituminous Material and Aggre-
NOTE 1—If separate tolerance controls are not provided for the batch-
ing of mineral filler, it will be necessary to reduce the aggregate tolerances
gate Feed—The plant shall include a means of calibrating gate
to6 0.5 % for those batches requiring mineral filler. openings and bituminous material flow by means of weight test
NOTE 2—The term “nominal capacity” of a scale or meter where samples in pounds (or kilograms) per revolution.
referred to herein is defined as the maximum quantity which the scale or 9.2.1 The aggregate fed out of the bins through individual
meter is capable of measuring. orifices shall be bypassed into suitable test boxes, and each
8.8 Recording of Batching: compartment material shall be confined in individual test
8.8.1 If required by the specifications, an automatic graphic receptacles or compartments.
or digital record shall be produced for each batch of bituminous 9.2.2 Accessories shall be supplied so that the aggregate in
concrete indicating the proportions of each aggregate compo- each compartment may be weighed separately.
nent, mineral filler, and bituminous material. Such records of 9.2.3 Test containers shall be of convenient size to obtain a
the batches shall be further identified through a print of day and composite weight at least 600 lb (273 kg).
date. Bituminous material proportions shall be recorded either 9.3 Synchronization of Aggregate and Bituminous Material
as weight or volume. If recorded as volume, the record shall be Feed—Satisfactory means shall be provided to afford positive
either in gallons at 60°F (16°C), gallons converted to weight in interlocking or mechanical control between the flow of aggre-
pounds, or actual gallons with an additional recording of gate through the gates and the flow of bituminous material
bituminous material temperature. through the meter or other proportioning device. Means shall
8.8.2 If a digital tape or ticket recorder is used, it shall be provided to check the rate of flow of the bituminous material
record the proportions as indicated on the batching scale or by scale weight per revolution.
meter within an accuracy of 0.5 % of maximum batch size. 9.4 Mixer Unit for Continuous Method—The plant shall
8.8.3 If graphical recording is used, it shall be designed so include a continuous mixer of an approved twin-shaft pugmill-
that the stylus will traverse at least 9 in. (229 mm) of the type and shall be capable of producing a uniform mixture
recorder width for the total aggregate weight and maximum within the permissible job mix tolerances.
bituminous material weight or volume; the preceding based on 9.4.1 The paddles shall be adjustable for angular position on
maximum batch size. the shafts and reversible to retard the flow of the mix. The charts shall be designed so that all quantities, 9.4.2 Mixers shall be equipped with discharge hoppers or
including zero can be read directly and shall have a resolution other facilities to prevent segregation during discharge.
of at least ten lines per inch. The chart speed shall be such that 9.4.3 The mixer shall carry a manufacturer’s plate giving
individual aggregate weights, when batched cumulatively, can the net volumetric contents of the mixer at the several heights,
be clearly identified. inscribed on a permanent gage.
D 995 – 95b (2002)
9.4.4 Charts shall be prepared giving the rate of aggregate maximum bituminous material weight. The charts shall be
feed per revolution and per interval of time at the plant designed so that all quantities, including zero, can be read
operating speed. directly and shall have a resolution of at least 10 lines per inch
9.4.5 Continous mixers not complying in all respects with (25.4 mm). The chart speed shall be such that individual
the above requirements, but capable of producing a uniform aggregate weights, when batched cumulatively, can be clearly
mixture within the job mix tolerances, will be considered for identified.
approval and may be approved. 9.6.4 A digital recorder shall be installed as part of the
9.4.6 The weight per unit volume relationship of the coated platform truck scales. The recorder shall produce a printed
loose mix shall be determined and the pugmill capacity at digital record on a ticket of the gross and tare weights of the
operating height shall be determined by means of the volume delivery trucks along with a time and date print for each ticket.
gage on the side of the mixer. Provisions shall be made so that scales may not be manually
9.4.7 Positive means for governing mixing time shall be manipulated during the printing process. In addition, the
provided. Mixing time shall be determined from the following system shall be so interlocked as to allow printing only when
equation: the scale has come to rest. The scales and recorder shall be of
pugmill dead capacity, lb~kg! sufficient capacity and size to weigh accurately the heaviest
Mixing time, s 5 pugmill output, lb~kg!/s (1) loaded trucks or tractor trailers that are used for the delivery of
bituminous paving mixtures from the plant.
9.5 Automation of Continuous Mixing Plants:
9.5.1 If required by the specifications, devices capable of 10. Requirements for Drum-Mix Plants
automatically sampling and weighing the quantity of each 10.1 Control of Aggregate Gradation—The plant shall be
hot-bin aggregate size and sampling, weighing, or metering the equipped to control aggregate gradation in accordance with the
bituminous material fed to the pugmill during either a known requirements of Section 7.
number of revolutions of the plant or a known interval of time 10.2 Aggregate Delivery System:
shall be installed as part of the plant equipment. In addition, 10.2.1 The total cold aggregate feed shall be weighed
each aggregate hot bin, mineral-filler bin, and the bituminous continuously by an approved belt scale. The accuracy of the
material feed line shall have interlock circuits such that the weighing device shall be within 1.0 % of the actual weight
plant operations will be stopped if either aggregate or bitumi- being measured when that weight has been determined using
nous material flow is discontinued or reduced. another measuring device and shall be within 0.5 % when that
9.5.2 The plant shall proportion each size of aggregate to the weight has been determined using test weights.
pugmill with such accuracy that the weight of material from 10.2.2 Provisions shall be made for introducing the mois-
each hot bin shall not deviate from the design value by an ture content of the total cold feed into the belt weighing signal
amount more than 1.5 % of the total weight of bituminous and correcting wet aggregate weight to dry aggregate weight.
paving mixture delivered per revolution or interval of time. 10.2.3 An automatic digital record of the dry weight of
Where the separate addition of mineral filler is required, it shall aggregate flow shall be displayed, recorded, and totaled in
be added so as not to deviate more than 0.5 % of the total appropriate units of weight and time at least once every 5 min
weight of bituminous paving mixture per revolution or interval of plant operation, and on demand, at least once every minute
of time. The bituminous material shall be added so as not to of plant operation for a period of at least 5 min.
deviate more than 0.1 % of the total weight of bituminous 10.2.4 When mineral filler is specified, a separate bin and
paving mixture per revolution or interval of time. feeder shall be provided with its drive interlocked with the
9.5.3 The scales or meters, or both, used to determine the aggregate feeders.
quantities of aggregates and bitumen per revolution or interval 10.3 Bituminous Material System:
of time shall be accurate to within 0.20 % of their nominal 10.3.1 Satisfactory means shall be provided to assure posi-
capacities. The aggregate sampling device shall have a capac- tive interlock between dry weight of aggregate flow and the
ity of at least 1 lb for each ton per hour of plant output capacity flow of bituminous material through an approved meter. The
or 100 lb (45.3 kg) which ever is greater. interlock shall be capable of adjusting the flow of bituminous
9.6 Recording of Continuous Plants: material to compensate for any variation in the dry weight of
9.6.1 When required by the specifications, each plant shall aggregate flow.
have an automatic graphic or digital recorder for recording the 10.3.2 An automatic digital record of the flow of bituminous
weights of samples of each hot-bin aggregate size and bitumi- material shall be displayed, recorded, and totaled in appropriate
nous material, either individually or cumulatively. In addition units of volume or weight and time at least once every 5 min
to the recording of sample quantities, the time of sampling of plant operation, and on demand, at least once every minute
identified by a time and date accurate to the nearest minute of plant operation for a period of at least 5 min. The digital
shall also be recorded. record of bitumen flow shall be coordinated with the digital
9.6.2 If a digital tape or ticket recorder is used, it shall be record of dry aggregate flow at the point at which the bitumen
capable of accurately recording weights to 0.1 % of the is discharged into the aggregate.
nominal capacity of the weighing system. 10.4 Drum-Mix Plant—The drum-mix plant shall be of
9.6.3 If graphical recording is used, it shall be designed so satisfactory design, capable of drying and heating the aggre-
that the stylus will traverse at least 9 in. (229 mm) of the gate to the moisture and temperature requirements set forth in
recorder width for the maximum aggregate sample weight and the paving mixture specifications, and capable of producing a
D 995 – 95b (2002)
uniform mixture of aggregates and bituminous material. A bituminous paving mixtures; continuous mix plants; drum mix
surge or storage system complying with 4.9 shall be provided. plants
11. Keywords
11.1 asphalt plants; batch plants; bituminous mixing plants;
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