Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, Maxey, Rowlands, and Price, 978-0470489536
Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, Maxey, Rowlands, and Price, 978-0470489536
Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, Maxey, Rowlands, and Price, 978-0470489536
Description: IMEN 5330 - Six Sigma Quality and Continuous Improvement - 3 credit hour course centering on an
examination of the various methods and approaches used to achieve, sustain, and improve quality of a product or
service. Also includes an exploration into the principles and techniques used to evaluate both continuous and attribute
data with an emphasis on the enhancement of skills in computer software that are used in quality assurance activities
and/or data analysis. Prerequisite: ITEN 4352 or ITEN 4362 or permission of instructor.
Textbook. There are two required textbooks for the class (both available in the university bookstore).
(1) Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, 2004, George, Maxey, Rowlands, and Price, McGraw-Hill Publishing,
ISBN 9780071441193, bookstore price new, $19.00, price used, $14.25;
(2) Excel for Dummies, Greg Harvey, 2010, Wiley Publishing, Inc., ISBN 978-0470489536, $25.00 new, $18.75 used.
Objectives and Outcomes: The purpose of this course is to help you develop knowledge and insight into the procedures
used in quality control and assurance activities. Objectives of this course include:
• examining various methods and approaches used to achieve, sustain and improve the quality of a product or service.
• exploring the principles and techniques used to evaluate both continuous and attribute data.
• enhancing skills in computer software that are used in quality assurance activities and data analysis.
Expected outcomes
• demonstrate the ability to use and apply quality analysis tools and techniques within the Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet program through the completion of lab activities.
• demonstrate the ability to complete individual and/or group projects through the successful completion of given
• demonstrate the use and application of quality analysis tools and concepts through successful completion of the
mid-term and final exams.
Activities and Requirements. Various activities will be integrated into this course. Through assigned readings, you will
be exposed to a wide range of quality assurance issues and practices. During in-class discussions, you will be given an
opportunity to contribute to and learn more about topics from your readings. Through in-class activities and out-of-
class assignments, you will apply and reflect on topics that have been discussed in class and are important issues and
concepts in quality assurance.
All submitted assignments must either be typed-written (word processed) or handwritten in a readable fashion. All
work submitted will be considered final and evaluated as such unless prior arrangements are made in advance.
Grading and Evaluation Criteria. Letter grades will be assigned based on the distribution of percentage points earned
throughout the semester. The percentage point distribution that will be used is as follows:
A 90 - 100.0%
B 80 - 89.9%
C 70 - 79.9%
Mid-term and final exams will be given during the weeks scheduled by the university. The chapters covered in these
exams are listed in the tentative schedule. Each of these exams will be worth 100 points and will be scored on a 10
percentage point scale (i.e., 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, etc). Mid-term and final grades will be based on a weighted
average of all assigned activities, and examinations. Final grades for the course will be based on the following points
and percentages:
Lab and Submittals. It is your responsibility to submit all of your files on the proper due date to the appropriate location
on the ITEN Server. All lab and project file are due before class not after unless approved by myself. IMPORTANT:
To be scored for full credit, all submitted files must follow the following filename format:
Last name, first initial, course initials, activity name and number (no commas in actual filename)
Assignment/Lab Submittal Policies. To get credit for a lab assignment you must be in attendance on the day/session the
lab assignment is given. Grade deductions of 50% for each session a given assignment is late beyond its scheduled due
date. Any assignments that are due prior to the mid-term exam will not be accepted for late credit after the mid-term
exam. Unless otherwise instructed, any assignment that is due on or before the last day of classes will not be accepted
for credit after the last class day. Any assignment for which there is no work submitted will receive a zero. As a final
note, since the number of quizzes and assignments given during the semester normally exceeds the number used for
final grade calculation, the lowest quiz and/or lab activity scores will be dropped. If the number of quizzes and/or
assignments taken equals the number required, all scores will be used.
Attendance Policy. Your attendance is expected at each scheduled class and/or lab activity. Individuals with three or
more consecutive absences during the semester may be dropped from the course.
Course Content and Tentative Schedule. The schedule on the following page identifies the topics and activities that will
be covered during particular class dates. It also includes the assignments and readings that you will be expected to
complete prior to class. Any revisions to this schedule will be given at the earliest possible date but not less than one
Tentative Schedule
Six Sigma Quality, Summer 2015
Disability statement:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil
rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disability. If you
believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early
as possible in the term. DRC is located in the Student Health and Wellness building at 1210 Retama Drive, or call (361)
Non-Academic Misconduct:
The university respects the rights of instructors to teach and of students to learn. Maintenance of these rights requires
campus conditions that do not impede their exercise. Campus behavior that interferes with these rights will not be
tolerated; examples include
1. interfering with the instructor's ability to conduct the class,
2. causing inability of other students to profit from the instructional program, or
3. any interference with the rights of others.
An individual engaging in such disruptive behavior may be subject to disciplinary action. Such incidents will be
adjudicated by the Dean of Students under non-academic procedures.
Ongoing behaviors or single behaviors considered distracting (e.g., coming late to class, performing a repetitive act that
is annoying, sleeping or reading a newspaper in class, etc.) will be addressed by the faculty member initially either
generally or individually. Cases in which such annoying behavior becomes excessive and the student refuses to respond
to the faculty member’s efforts can be referred to the Dean of Students. In the case of serious disruptive behavior in a
classroom the instructor may first request compliance from the student and if it is not received, an instructor has the
authority to ask the student to leave the classroom. If the student fails to leave after being directed to do so, assistance
may be obtained from other university personnel, including University Police Department. An individual engaging in
such disruptive behavior is subject to disciplinary action. Such incidents will be adjudicated by the Dean of Students
under non-academic procedures to determine if the student should be allowed to return to the classroom.
Harassment /Discrimination:
Texas A&M University-Kingsville will investigate all complaints that indicate sexual harassment, harassment, or
discrimination may have occurred by the facts given by the complainant. Sexual harassment of anyone at Texas A&M
University-Kingsville is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Any member of the university community violating this
policy will be subject to disciplinary action. A person who believes he/she has been the victim of sexual harassment,
harassment, or discrimination may pursue either the informal or the formal complaint resolution procedure. A complaint
may be initially made to the complainant’s immediate supervisor, a department head, any supervisory employee, the
Dean of Students (593-3606), or the Office of Compliance (593-4758). Regardless of who the complaint is filed with,
the Compliance Office will be notified of the complaint so it can be investigated.
Six-drop policy:
The following provision (new in Fall 2007) does not apply to students with Texas public college or university credits
prior to Fall 2007. The Texas legislature has enacted a limit to the number of course drops allowed to a student without
penalty. After a student has dropped six courses, a grade of QF will normally be recorded for each subsequent drop. If
you need additional information on Senate Bill 1231 and how it affects you, please contact the Registrar’s Office.