Only The Guide
Only The Guide
Only The Guide
for the IB Diploma
Sixth Edition
K. A. Tsokos
First, second and third editions © K. A. Tsokos 1998, 1999, 2001
Fourth, fifth, fifth (full colour) and sixth editions © Cambridge University Press 2005, 2008,
2010, 2014
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 1998
Second edition 1999
Third edition 2001
Fourth edition published by Cambridge University Press 2005
Fifth edition 2008
Fifth edition (full colour version) 2010
Sixth edition 2014
Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
isbn 978-1-107-62819-9 Paperback
Additional resources for this publication at
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and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
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The material has been developed independently by the publisher and the content
ersity Press is in no way connected with nor endorsed by the International Baccalaureate
The website accompanying this book contains further resources to support your IB Physics
studies.Visit and register for access.
Appendices 524 Answers to Test yourself questions 528
1 Physical constants 524
2 Masses of elements and selected isotopes 525 Glossary 544
3 Some important mathematical results 527
Index 551
Credits 559
This sixth edition of Physics for the IB Diploma is fully updated to cover the
content of the IB Physics Diploma syllabus that will be examined in the
years 2016–2022.
Physics may be studied at Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL).
Both share a common core, which is covered in Topics 1–8. At HL the
core is extended to include Topics 9–12. In addition, at both levels,
students then choose one Option to complete their studies. Each option
consists of common core and additional Higher Level material.You can
identify the HL content in this book by ‘HL’ included in the topic title (or
section title in the Options), and by the red page border. The four Options
are included in the free online material that is accessible using
The structure of this book follows the structure of the IB Physics
syllabus. Each topic in the book matches a syllabus topic, and the sections
within each topic mirror the sections in the syllabus. Each section begins
with learning objectives as starting and reference points. Worked examples
are included in each section; understanding these examples is crucial to
performing well in the exam. A large number of test yourself questions
are included at the end of each section and each topic ends with exam-
style questions. The reader is strongly encouraged to do as many of these
questions as possible. Numerical answers to the test yourself questions are
provided at the end of the book; detailed solutions to all questions are
available on the website. Some topics have additional questions online;
these are indicated with the online symbol, shown here.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) provides a cross-curricular link between
different subjects. It stimulates thought about critical thinking and how
ersity Press
we can say we know what we claim to know. Throughout this book, TOK
features highlight concepts in Physics that can be considered from a TOK
perspective. These are indicated by the ‘TOK’ logo, shown here.
Science is a truly international endeavour, being practised across all
continents, frequently in international or even global partnerships. Many
problems that science aims to solve are international, and will require
globally implemented solutions. Throughout this book, International-
Mindedness features highlight international concerns in Physics. These are
indicated by the ‘International-Mindedness’ logo, shown here.
Nature of science is an overarching theme of the Physics course. The
theme examines the processes and concepts that are central to scientific
endeavour, and how science serves and connects with the wider
community. At the end of each section in this book, there is a ‘Nature of
science’ paragraph that discusses a particular concept or discovery from
the point of view of one or more aspects of Nature of science. A chapter
giving a general introduction to the Nature of science theme is available
in the free online material.
Free online material
Additional material to support the IB Physics Diploma course is available
online.Visit and register to access
these resources.
Besides the Options and Nature of science chapter, you will find
a collection of resources to help with revision and exam preparation.
This includes guidance on the assessments, additional Topic questions,
interactive self-test questions and model examination papers and mark
schemes. Additionally, answers to the exam-style questions in this book
and to all the questions in the Options are available.