8 2 Introduction To Biodiesel Production
8 2 Introduction To Biodiesel Production
8 2 Introduction To Biodiesel Production
oils or animal fats and an alcohol that can be used in diesel engines, alone or
blended with diesel oil.
Biodiesel production is a very modern and technological area for researchers due to the relevance that it
is winning every day because of the increase in the petroleum price and the environmental advantages.
Different studies have been carried out using different oils as raw material, different alcohol (methanol,
ethanol, butane) as well as different catalysts, homogeneous ones such as sodium hydroxide, potassium
hydroxide, sulphuric acid and supercritical fluids, and heterogeneous ones such as lipases. One of the
advantages of this fuel is that the raw materials used to produce it are natural and renewable. All these
types of oils come from vegetables or animal fat, making it biodegradable and nontoxic. Conventionally,
biodiesel is produced either in single-stage or double-stage batch process or by continuous flow-type
trans esterification process. A number of methods are currently available and have been adopted for the
production of biodiesel fuel. There are four primary ways to produce biodiesel 1. Direct use and blending
of raw oils. 2. Micro-emulsions. 3. Thermal cracking. 4. Trans esterification.
used, the reaction product would be a mixture of ethyl esters. In both cases,
glycerin will be the co-product of the reaction. This is shown schematically in
Figs. 2.5 and 2.6.
Although transesterification is the most important step in biodiesel production
(since it originates the mixture of esters), additional steps are necessary to obtain a
product that complies with international standards [4, 17], as shown in Box 2.4. In
consequence, once the chemical reaction is completed and the two phases (mix of
esters and glycerin) are separated, the mix of methyl esters must be purified to
reduce the concentration of contaminants to acceptable levels. These include
remnants of catalyst, water and methanol; the latter is usually mixed in excess
proportion with the raw materials in order to achieve higher conversion efficiency
in the transesterification reaction. In the following sections the steps of the purification
process will be described in detail
5.2 Health Effects Biodiesel is safer for people to breathe. Research conducted in the US shows biodiesel
emissions have decreased levels of all target polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrited PAH
compounds, as compared to petroleum diesel exhaust. PAH and nPAH compounds have been identified
as potential cancer causing compounds. Targeted PAH compounds were reduced by 75 to 85 percent,
with the exception of benzo(a) anthracene, which was reduced by roughly 50 percent. Target nPAH
compounds were also reduced dramatically with biodiesel fuel, with 2-nitrofluorene and 1-nitropyrene
reduced by 90 percent, and the rest of the nPAH compounds reduced to only trace levels. All of these
reductions are due to the fact the biodiesel fuel contains no aromatic compounds.
5.3 Energy Balance Biodiesel helps preserve and protect natural resources. For every one unit of energy
needed to produce biodiesel, 5.5 units of energy are gained. Because of this high energy balance and
since it is domestically produced, biodiesel use can greatly contribute to domestic energy
security.Among current food-based biofuels, soybean biodiesel has major advantages over corn grain
ethanol. Biodiesel provides 93% more usable energy than the fossil energy needed for its production.
5.4 Biodegradability and Toxicity Biodiesel is nontoxic and biodegradable. Tests sponsored by the United
States Department of Agriculture confirm that biodiesel is ten times less toxic than table salt and
biodegrades as fast as dextrose (a test sugar).
In the United States, biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have successfully completed the
Health Effects Testing requirements (Tier I and Tier II) of the Clean Air Act (1990).
Biodiesel can reduce the direct tailpipe-emission of particulates, small particles of solid
combustion products, on vehicles with particulate filters by as much as 20 percent compared
with low-sulfur (< 50 ppm) diesel. Particulate emissions as the result of production are reduced
by around 50 percent compared with fossil-sourced diesel. (Beer et al., 2004). Biodiesel has a
higher cetane rating than petrodiesel, which can improve performance and clean up emissions
compared to crude petro-diesel (with cetane lower than 40). Biodiesel contains fewer aromatic
hydrocarbons: benzofluoranthene: 56% reduction; Benzopyrenes: 71% reduction
Carbonyl Emissions
When considering the emissions from fossil fuel and biofuel use, research typically focuses on
major pollutants such as hydrocarbons. It is generally recognized that using biodiesel in place of
diesel results in a substantial reduction in regulated gas emissions, but there has been a lack of
information in research literature about the non-regulated compounds which also play a role in
air pollution.[13] One study focused on the emissions of non-criteria carbonyl compounds from
the burning of pure diesel and biodiesel blends in heavy-duty diesel engines. The results found
that carbonyl emissions of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, acetone, propionaldehyde and
butyraldehyde, were higher in biodiesel mixtures than emissions from pure diesel. Biodiesel use
results in higher carbonyl emissions but lower total hydrocarbon emissions, which may be better
as an alternative fuel source. Other studies have been done which conflict with these results, but
comparisons are difficult to make due to various factors that differ between studies (such as types
of fuel and engines used). In a paper which compared 12 research articles on carbonyl emissions
from biodiesel fuel use, it found that 8 of the papers reported increased carbonyl compound
emissions while 4 showed the opposite.[13] This is evidence that there is still much research
required on these compounds.