Economics Department Working Papers: 593 by Jean-Yves Gnabo, and Diego Moccero
Economics Department Working Papers: 593 by Jean-Yves Gnabo, and Diego Moccero
Economics Department Working Papers: 593 by Jean-Yves Gnabo, and Diego Moccero
The papers are in PDF format, and may be downloaded for free.
Note: The views expressed in these papers are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily
reflect those of the OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.
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603 Oil Price Shocks, Rigidities and the Conduct of Monetary Policy: Some Lessons from a
New Keynesian Perspective
by Romain Duval and Lukas Vogel
600 Product Market Regulation and economic performance across Indian States
by Paul Conway, Richard Herd & Thomas Chalaux
599 Improving Product Market Regulation in India: An International and Cross-State
by Paul Conway and Richard Herd
598 Revenue Buoyancy and its Fiscal Policy Implications
by Isabelle Joumard and Christophe André
597 Monetary Policy, Market Excesses and Financial Turmoil
by Rudiger Ahrend, Boris Cournède and Robert Price
596 Explaining differences in hours worked among OECD countries: an empirical analysis
by Orsetta Causa
595 Fiscal policy in India: past reforms and future challenges
by Richard Herd and Willi Leibfritz
594 The significance of Switzerland’s enormous current account surplus
by Peter Jarrett and Céline Letremy
593 Interdependencies between monetary policy and foreigh-exchange intervention under
inflation targeting: The case of Brazil and the Czech Republic
by Jean-Yves Gnabo, Luiz de Mello and Diego Moccero
592 Solow or Lucas? Testing growth models using panel data from OECD countries
by Jens Arnold, Andrea Bassanini and Stefano Scarpetta
591 The private internal rates of return to tertiary education: new estimates for 21 OECD
by Romina Boarini and Hubert Strauss
589 The wage premium on tertiary education: new estimates for 21 OECD countries
by Hubert Strauss and Christine de la Maisonneuve
586 Globalisation and the European Union: Which countries are best placed to cope?
by David Rae & Marte Sollie
582: The costs of delaying fiscal consolidation: a case study for Greece
by Vassiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou & David Turner
581: Local government finances: The link between intergovernmental transfers and net
by Luiz de Mello
579: Improving employment prospects in the Slovak Republic: building on past reforms
by Andrés Fuentes
575: Product Market Competition in the OECD Countries: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
by Jens Høj, Miguel Jimenez, Maria Maher, Giuseppe Nicoletti, and Michael Wise
574: Too Little Destruction, Too Little Creation: A Schumpeterian Diagnosis of Barriers to
Sustained Growth in Ukraine
by Christian Gianella and William Tompson
573: How do the OECD growth projections for the G7 economies perform? A post-mortem
by Lukas Vogel
572 Austria’s deepening economic integration with Central and Eastern Europe
by Rina Bhattacharya
568 Competition Law and Policy Indicators for the OECD countries
by Jens Høj
566: Family policy in Hungary: how to improve the reconciliation between work and family?
by Philip Hemmings
562: Migration in OECD countries: labour market impact and integration issues
by Sébastien Jean, Orsetta Causa, Miguel Jimenez and Isabelle Wanner
559: The Swedish housing market – better allocation via less regulation
by Felix Hüfner and Jens Lundsgaard
558: Linkages between performance and institutions in the primary and secondary education
sectorby Douglas Sutherland and Robert Price
555. Improving the efficiency of health care spending: selected evidence on hospital
by Espen Erlandsen
554. Cross-country analysis of efficiency in OECD health care sectors: options for research
by Unto Häkkinen and Isabelle Joumard
551. Why has core inflation remained so muted in the face of the oil shock?
by Paul van den Noord and Christophe André. April 2007
546. Performance indicators for public spending efficiency in primary and secondary
Douglas Sutherland, Robert Price, Isabelle Joumard and Chantal Nicq. February 2007
545. Monetary policy and macroeconomic stability in Latin America: The cases of Brazil,
Chile, Colombia and Mexico
Luiz de Mello and Diego Moccero. February 2007
544. The Brazilian "tax war": The case of value-added tax competition among the states
Luiz de Mello. February 2007. Forthcoming in Public Finance Review, 2007.
543. Public spending efficiency: institutional indicators in primary and secondary educations
Frédéric Gonand, Isabelle Joumard and Robert Price. February 2007
542. Enhancing Turkey's growth prospects by improving formal sector business conditions
Rauf Gönenç, Willi Leibfritz and Gökhan Yilmaz. January 2007
537. A golden rule for Russia? How a rule-based fiscal policy can allow a smooth adjustment
to the new terms of trade
Christian Gianella. January 2007
529. The Turkish pension system: further reforms to help solve the informality problem
Anne Marie Brook and Edward Whitehouse. December 2006
526. Strengthening the integration of Japan in the world economy to benefit more fully from
Randall S. Jones and Taesik Yoon. December 2006
525. OECD's FDI regulatory restrictiveness index: Revision and extension to more economies
Takeshi Koyama and Stephen Golub. December 2006
522. Short-term pain for long-term gain: The impact of structural reform on fiscal outcomes
in EMU
Paul van den Noord and Boris Cournède. November 2006
521. Interactions between monetary and fiscal policy: How monetary conditions affect fiscal
Rudiger Ahrend, Pietro Catte and Robert Price. November 2006
520. Restoring fiscal sustainability in the Euro Area: raise taxes or curb spending?
Boris Cournède and Frédéric Gonand. October 2006
519. Should measures of fiscal stance be adjusted for terms of trade effects?
David Turner. October 2006
518. Monetary policy and inflation expectations in Latin America: Long run effects and
volatility spillovers
Luiz de Mello and Diego Moccero. October 2006
513. The Danish housing market: less subsidy and more flexibility
Espen Erlandsen, Jens Lundsgaard and Felix Hüfner. September 2006
510. Assessing Russia's non-fuel trade elasticities: Does the Russian economy react
"normally" to exchange rate movements?
Christian Gianella and Corinne Chanteloup. September 2006
504. Improving labour market performance in France
Stéphanie Jamet. July 2006
501. The political economy of structural reform: Empirical evidence from OECD countries
Jens Høj, Vincenzo Galasso, Giuseppe Nicoletti and Thai-Thanh Dang. July 2006
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies No. 43/1 2007 (forthcoming)
500. Labour market performance, income inequality and poverty in OECD countries and
Jean-Marc Burniaux, Flavio Padrini and Nicola Brandt. July 2006
497. Getting education right for long-term growth in the Czech Republic
Alessandro Goglio. July 2006
495. Poland's education and training: Boosting and adapting human capital
Paul O'Brien and Wojciech Paczynski. June 2006
493. Nothing ventured, nothing gained: The long-run fiscal reward of structural reforms
Peter Hoeller and Claude Giorno. June 2006
492. Ireland's housing boom: What has driven it and have prices overshot?
David Rae and Paul van den Noord. June 2006
488. Are house prices nearing a peak? A probit analysis for 17 OECD countries
Paul van den Noord. June 2006
487. Maintaining Switzerland's top innovation capacity
Florence Jaumotte. June 2006
486. Employment patterns in OECD countries: reassessing the role of policies and institutions
Andrea Bassanini and Romain Duval. June 2006
485. Brazil's fiscal stance during 1995-2005: The effect of indebtedness on fiscal policy over
the business cycle
Luiz de Mello and Diego Moccero. May 2006
484. Realising the oil supply potential of the CIS: the impact of institutions and policies
Rudiger Ahrend and William Tompson. May 2006
483. Summary of a workshop on global convergence scenarios: structural and policy issues
Nick Vanston (Rapporteur). May 2006
482. New OECD methods for supply-side and medium-term assessment: a capital services
Pierre-Olivier Beffy, Patrice Ollivaud, Pete Richardson and Frank Sédillot. July 2006
481. Balancing health care quality and cost containment: the case of Norway
Alexandra Bibbee and Flavio Padrini. February 2006
480. The ageing challenge in Norway: ensuring a sustainable pension and welfare system
Benoît Bellone and Alexandra Bibbee. February 2006
479: Strengthening innovation in the Netherlands: making better use of knowledge creation
in innovation activities
David Carey, Ekkehard Ernst, Rebecca Oyomopito and Jelte Theisens. February 2006
478: How to sustain growth in a resource based economy? The main concepts and their
application to the Russian case
Rudiger Ahrend. February 2006
477: Projecting OECD health and long-term care expenditures: What are the main drivers?
February 2006. This work has also been published as Oliveira Martins and de la Maisonneuve,
"The Drivers of Public Expenditure on Health and Long-Term Care: an Integrated Approach",
OECD Economic Studies, no. 42 2006
471: Fast-falling barriers and growing concentration: the emergence of a private economy in
Sean Dougherty and Richard Herd. December 2005. This work has also been published in the
China Economic Review, Vol. 18/3, 2007.
470: Sustaining high growth through innovation: reforming the R&D and education systems
in Korea
Yongchun Baek and Randall S. Jones. December 2005
469: The labour market in Korea: Enhancing flexibility and raising participation
Randall S. Jones. December 2005
463: The benefits of liberalising product markets and reducing barriers to international trade
and investment in the OECD
December 2005
461: Assessing the value of indicators of underlying inflation for monetary policy
Pietro Catte and Torsten Sløk. November 2005
460: Regulation and economic performance: product market reforms and productivity in the
Giuseppe Nicoletti and Stefano Scarpetta. November 2005
This work has also been published in Institutions, Development, and Economic Growth, (T.S.
Eicher and C. García-Peñalosa eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006.
447: The education challenge in Mexico: delivering good quality education to all
Stéphanie Guichard. September 2005
444: The challenges of EMU accession faced by catching-up countries: A Slovak Republic
case study
Anne-Marie Brook. September 2005
443: Getting better value for money from Sweden's healthcare system
David Rae. September 2005
442: How to reduce sickness absences in Sweden: lessons from international experience
David Rae. September 2005
441: The labour market impact of rapid ageing of government employees: Some illustrative
Jens Høj and Sylvie Toly. September 2005
439: The French tax system: Main characteristics, recent developments and some
considerations for reform
Willi Leibfritz and Paul O'Brien. July 2005
438: The effects of EMU on structural reforms in labour and product markets
Romain Duval and Jørgen Elmeskov. July 2005
433: Product market competition and economic performance in the United Kingdom
Maria Maher and Michael Wise. June 2005
432: The benefits of liberalising product markets and reducing barriers to international trade
and investment: the case of the United States and the European Union
June 2005
430: Fifteen years of economic reform in Russia: what has been achieved? What remains to
be done?
Rudiger Ahrend and William Tompson. May 2005
429: Assessing the OECD Jobs Strategy: Past developments and reforms
and Annexes
Nicola Brandt, Jean-Marc Burniaux and Romain Duval. May 2005
427: The impact of structural policies on trade-related adjustment and the shift to services
Per Mathis Kongsrud and Isabelle Wanner. April 2005
423: Estimating a fiscal reaction function: the case of debt sustainability in Brazil
Luiz de Mello. April 2005. Forthcoming in Applied Economics, 2007.
412: Oil price developments: drivers, economic consequences and policy responses
Anne-Marie Brook, Robert Price, Douglas Sutherland, Niels Westerlund and Christophe André.
December 2004
410: Banking reform in Russia: problems and prospects
William Tompson. November 2004
406: Tax treatment of private pension savings in OECD countries and the net tax cost per
unit of contribution to tax-favoured schemes
Kwang-Yeol Yoo and Alain de Serres. October 2004
401: One money, one cycle? Making Monetary Union a smoother ride
Peter Hoeller, Claude Giorno and Christine de la Maisonneuve. September 2004
400: Modelling cyclical divergence in the euro area: the housing channel
Paul van den Noord. September 2004
398: Product market competition and economic performance in the United States
Hannes Suppanz, Michael Wise and Michael Kiley. July 2004
396: The impact of exchange rate regimes on real exchange rates in South America, 1990-
Anne-Laure Baldi and Nanno Mulder. June 2004
395: How market imperfections and trade barriers shape specialisation: South America vs.
Joaquim Oliveira Martins and Tristan Price. June 2004. This work has also been published in
Trade and Competitiveness in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: not as Easy as A-B-C, OECD, Paris,
391: Asset price cycles, "one-off" factors and structural budget balance
Nathalie Girouard and Robert Price. June 2004
390: Channels for narrowing the US current account deficit and implications for other
Anne-Marie Brook, Franck Sédillot and Patrice Ollivaud. May 2004
379: Is there a change in the trade-off beween output and inflation at low or stable inflation
rates? Some evidence in the case of Japan
Annabelle Mourougane and Hideyuki Ibaragi. February 2004
378: Policies bearing on product market competition and growth in Europe
Carl Gjersem. January 2004
376: Female labour force participation: past trends and main determinants in OECD countries
Florence Jaumotte. December 2003
371: Coping with ageing: a dynamic approach to quantify the impact of alternative policy
options on future labour supply in OECD countries
Jean-Marc Burniaux, Romain Duval and Florence Jaumotte. November 2003
370: The retirement effects of old-age pension systems and other social transfer
programmes in OECD countries
Romain Duval. November 2003
369: Policies for an ageing society: recent measures and areas for further reform
Bernard Casey, Howard Oxley, Edward Whitehouse, Pablo Antolin, Romain Duval and Willi
Leibfritz November 2003
367: Recent and prospective trends in real long-term interest rates: Fiscal policy and other
Anne-Marie Brook. September 2003
363: Post-crisis changes in banking and corporate landscapes - the case of Thailand
Margit Molnar. June 2003
362: Post-crisis changes in banking and corporate landscapes in Dynamic Asia
Margit Molnar. June 2003
359: Policies and international integration: Influences on trade and foreign direct investment
Giuseppe Nicoletti, Steve Golub, Dana Hajkova, Daniel Mirza and Kwang-Yeol Yoo. June 2003
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies No. 36/1 2003
357: Measures of restrictions on inward foreign direct investment for OECD countries
Stephen S. Golub. June 2003
356: Tax incentives and house price volatility in the Euro Area: Theory and evidence
Paul van den Noord. June 2003
351: Discretionary fiscal policy and elections: the experience of the early years of EMU
Marco Buti and Paul van den Noord. March 2003
350: The US health system: an assessment and prospective directions for reform
Elizabeth Docteur, Hannes Suppanz and Jaejoon Woo. February 2003
348: Comparative analysis of firm demographics and survival: micro-level evidence for the
OECD countries
Eric Bartelsman, Stefano Scarpetta and Fabiano Schivardi. January 2003
344: The decline in private saving rates in the 1990s in OECD countries: How much can be
explained by non-wealth determinants?
Alain de Serres and Florian Pelgrin. December 2002
340: The Brazilian pension system - Recent reforms and challenges ahead
Marcos Bonturi. August 2002
337: Next steps for public spending in New Zealand: the pursuit of effectiveness
Dave Rae. July 2002
333: Investment in human capital through post-compulsory education and training: selected
efficiency and equity aspects
Sveinbjörn Blöndal, Simon Field and Nathalie Girouard. July 2002
329: The role of policy and institutions for productivity and firm dynamics: Evidence from
micro and industry data
Stefano Scarpetta, Philip Hemmings, Thierry Tressel and Jaejoon Woo. April 2002
328: Improving the efficiency and sustainability of public expenditure in the Czech Republic
Andrew Burns and Kwang-Yeol Yoo. April 2002
327: Increases in business investment rates in OECD countries in the 1990s: How much can
be explained by fundamentals?
Florian Pelgrin, Sebastian Schich and Alain de Serres. April 2002
326: Sectoral shifts in Europe and the United States: How they affect aggregate labour
shares and the properties of wage equations
Alain de Serres, Stefano Scarpetta and Christine de la Maisonneuve. April 2002
323: Overheating in small euro area economies: Should fiscal policy react?
Peter Hoeller, Claude Giorno and Christine de la Maisonneuve. February 2002
318: Product Market Regulation and Wage Premia in Europe and North America: An Empirical
Sébastien Jean and Giuseppe Nicoletti. January 2002
This work has also been published in CEPII Working Paper 2004-12, also published as
Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Labour Markets Research Paper,
No. 2004-26, September 2004
316: Labour Market Institutions, Product Market Regulation, and Innovation : Cross Country
Andrea Bassanini and Ekkehard Ernst. January 2002
315: Ongoing Changes in the Business Cycle - Evidence and Causes
Thomas Dalsgaard, Jorgen Elmeskov and Cyn-Young Park. January 2002
313: Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Complexity in the Tax System in the United
StatesRichard Herd and Chiara Bronchi. December 2001
310: Trade Linkages and the Trade Matrices in the OECD Interlink Model
Laurence Le Fouler, Wim Suyker and Dave Turner. October 2001
297: Firm dynamics and productivity growth: a review of micro evidence from OECD
Sanghoon Ahn. June 2001
292: Increasing simplicity, neutrality and sustainability: a basis for tax reform in Iceland
Richard Herd and Thorsteinn Thorgeirsson. May 2001
285: Managing public expenditure: some emerging policy issues and a framework for
Paul Atkinson and Paul van den Noord. February 2001
283:Economic growth: the role of policies and institutions. Panel data evidence from OECD
Andrea Bassanini, Stefano Scarpetta and Philip Hemmings. January 2001
281: The tax system in New Zealand: an appraisal and options for change
Thomas Dalsgaard. January 2001
273: Fixed cost, imperfect competition and bias in technology measurement: Japan and the
United States
Kiyohiko G. Nishimura and Masato Shirai. December 2000
Working Papers No.272 to 268 below were presented at a Workshop on "The causes of
economic growth", at the OECD, 6-7 July 2000
272: Entry, exit, and aggregate productivity growth: micro evidence on Korean
Chin-Hee Hahn. December 2000
271: The tax system in Korea: more fairness and less complexity required
Thomas Dalsgaard. December 2000
265: The great reversals: the politics of financial development in the 20th century
Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales. October 2000
263: Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD countries
Jonathan Temple. October 2000
262: Human capital in growth regressions: how much difference does data quality make?
Angel de la Fuente and Rafael Doménech. October 2000
261: Raising the speed limit: US economic growth in the information age
Dale W. Jorgenson and Kevin J. Stiroh. October 2000
259: Knowledge, technology and economic growth: recent evidence from OECD countries
Andrea Bassanini, Stefano Scarpetta and Ignazio Visco. October 2000
256: Public expenditure reform: the health care sector in the United Kingdom
Vincent Koen. August 2000
253: Policy interdependence during economic transition: the case of Slovakia 1999-2000
Joaquim Oliveira Martins and Tristan Price. June 2000
251:The implementation and the effects of regulatory reform: past experience and current
Rauf Gonenc, Maria Maher and Giuseppe Nicoletti. June 2000
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies, Special issue: Regulatory
Reform, n. 32, 2001.
250: The concept, policy use and measurement of structural unemployment: estimating a
time varying NAIRU across 21 OECD countries
Pete Richardson, Laurence Boone, Claude Giorno, Mara Meacci, David Rae and David Turner.
June 2000
248: Economic growth in the OECD area: recent trends at the aggregate and sectoral level
Stefano Scarpetta, Andrea Bassanini, Dirk Pilat and Paul Schreyer. June 2000
246: Policy influences on economic growth in OECD countries: an evaluation of the evidence
Sanghoon Ahn and Philip Hemmings. June 2000
244: The tax system in Norway: past reforms and future challenges
Paul van den Noord. May 2000
243: A changing financial environment and the implications for monetary policy
Paul Mylonas, Sebastian Schich and Gert Wehinger. May 2000
240: Comparing semi-structural methods to estimate unobserved variables: the HPMV and
Kalman filters approaches
Laurence Boone. April 2000
239: New issues in public debt management: governement surpluses in several OECD
countries, the common currency in Europe and rapidly rising debt in Japan [163 kb]
Paul Mylonas, Sebastian Schich, Thorsteinn Thorgeirsson and Gert Wehinger. April 2000
238: Regulation, industry structure and performance in the electricity supply industry
Faye Steiner. April 2000
233: The tax system in Mexico - a need for strengthening the revenue-raising capacity
Thomas Dalsgaard. February 2000
230: The size and role of automatic fiscal stabilisers in the 1990s and beyond
Paul van den Noord. January 2000
228:Finance and growth, Some theoretical considerations, and a review of the empirical
Kotaro Tsuru. January 2000
227: What the yield curves say about inflation -does it change over time
Sebastian T. Schich. December 1999
225: Some issues related to the equity-efficiency trade-off in the Swedish tax and transfer
Henning Strand. November 1999
224: The economic effects of employment-conditional income support schemes for the low-
paid- an illustration from a CGE model applied to four OECD countries
Andrea Bassanini, Jørn Henrik Rasmussen and Stefano Scarpetta. October 1999
220: Technology upgrading with learning cost - a solution for two "productivity puzzles"
Sanghoon Ahn. July 1999
218: Sustainable economic growth- natural resources and the environment in Norway
Paul van den Noord and Ann Vourc'h. July 1999
216: Estimating prudent budgetary margins for 11 EU countries- A simulated SVAR model
Thomas Dalsgaard and Alain de Serres. July 1999
215: The problems and prospects faced by pay-as-you-go pension systems- A case study of
Paul Mylonas and Christine de la Maisonneuve. May 1999
213: The levels and cyclical behaviour of mark-ups across countries and market structures
Joaquim Oliveira Martins and Stefano Scarpetta. April 1999. This work has also been
published in "Estimation of the Cyclical Behaviour of Mark-ups: A technical note", OECD
Economic Studies, no. 34, 2002
211: The recent experience with capital flows to emerging market economies
Sveinjörn Blöndal and Hans Christiansen. March 1999
209: Towards more efficient government- reforming federal fiscal relations in Germany
Eckhard Wurzel. February 1999
208: Stock market fluctuations and consumption behaviour - some recent evidence
Laurence Boone, Claude Giorno and Pete Richardson. December 1998
199: Marginal effective tax rates on physical, human and R&D capital
Kathryn Gordon and Harry Tchilinguirian. June 1998
196: La Stratégie de l'OCDE pour l'emploi- Rapport sur l'état d'avancement de la mise en
oeuvre des recommandations by pays
Mai 1998
194: The European Union's trade policies and their economic effects
Peter Hoeller, Nathalie Girouard and Alessandra Colecchia. April 1998
190: Submission by the OECD to the G8 growth, employability and inclusion Conference
March 1998
186: OECD submission to the Irish National Minimum Wage Commission
December 1997
184: Concept, measurement and policy implications of the NAIRU - perspective from Belgium
Joost Verlinden. October 1997
182: The United Kingdom NAIRU- Concepts, measurement and policy implications
Chris Mellis and A.E. Webb. September 1997
171: The reliability of quarterly national accounts in seven major countries- A user's
Robert York and Paul Atkinson. February 1997
170: Confidence indicators and their relationship to changes in economic activity
Teresa Santero and Niels Westerlund. November 1996
169: Labour productivity levels in OECD countries - Estimates for manufacturing and selected
service sector Dirk Pilat. September 1996
168: Ageing populations, pension system and government budgets- Simulations for 20 OECD
countries Deborah Roseveare, Willi Leibfritz, Douglas Fore and Eckhard Wurzel. September
167: Modelling the supply side of the seven major OECD economies
Dave Turner, Pete Richardson and Sylvie Rauffet. August 1996
166: Size distribution of output and employment- A data set for manufacturing industries in
five OECD countries, 1960s-1990
Bart van Ark and Erik Monnikhof, Economics Debytment. August 1996
161: Innovation firm size and market structure- Schumpeterian hypotheses and some new
George Symeonidis. April 1996
158: Monetary policy at price stability- A review of some issues
Malcolm Edey, Norbert Funke, Mike Kennedy and Angel Palerm. September 1995
157: Technical progress, factor productivity and macroeconomic performance in the medium
Claude Giorno, Pete Richardson and Wim Suyker. September 1995
156: Ageing populations, pension systems and government budgets: How do they affect
Willi Leibfritz, Deborah Roseveare, Douglas Fore and Eckhard Wurzel. July 1995
153: Markets for tradeable CO2 emission quotas principles and practice
Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal. March 1995
152: Estimating potential output, output gaps and structural budget balances
by Claude Giorno, Pete Richardson, Deborah Roseveare and Paul van den Noord. February
150: The determinants and properties of monetary conditions- Direct survey evidence from
New Zealand
Andreas Fischer and Adrian Orr. December 1994
148: Macroeconomic performance and fiscal policy adjustments in the medium term-
Alternative medium-term scenarios
Pete Richardson, Claude Giorno and Stephan Thurman. October 1994
147: The EC's internal market- Implementation, economic consequences, unfinished business
Peter Hoeller and Marie-Odile Louppe. August 1994
146: OECD model comparison project (II) on the costs of cutting carbon emissions.
Comparison of model structure and policiy scenarios- GREEN and 12RT
Alan Manne and Joaquim Oliveira Martins. August 1994
145: An international sectoral data base for fourteen OECD countries (Second edition)
F.J.M. Meyer zu Schlochtern and J.L. Meyer zu Schlochtern. June 1994
138: The French distribution industry and the openess of the French economy
Patrick Messerlin. October 1993
133: The Economic Analysis of Institutions and Organisations- in general and with respect to
Country studies
Oliver E. Williamson. September 1993
132: High and persistent unemployment- assessment of the problem and its causes
Jørgen Elmeskov. September 1993
129: Trends and cycles in labour productivity in the major OECD countries
Giuseppe Nicoletti and Lucrezia Reichlin. June 1993
This work has been also published in CEPR Working Paper, No. 808, July 1993
127:The international spillovers of capital income taxation- an applied general equilibrium
François Delorme, Lawrence H. Goulder and Philippe Thalmann. January 1993
124: The Chinese economic area- economic integration without a free trade agreement
Randall Jones, Robert King and Michael Klein. July 1992
123: New issues, new results- the OECD's second survey of the macroeconomic costs of
reducing CO2 emissions
Peter Hoeller, Andrew Dean and Masahiro Hayafuji. July 1992
121: Results for the OECD comparative modelling project from the Whalley-Wigle model
John Whalley (University of W.Ontario) and Randall Wigle (Wilfried Laurier University). July
118: The costs of reducing CO2 emissions- a comparison of carbon tax curves with GREEN
Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Jean-Marc Burniaux, John P. Martin and Giuseppe Nicoletti. July
1992. This work has also been published in "The Costs of Reducing CO2 Emissions: a
Comparison of Carbon Tax Cost Curves with GREEN" in A. Dean (ed.) The Costs of Cutting
Carbon Emissions: Results from Global Models, OECD Monographs, 1993.
117: Adjustment under fixed exchange rates- application to the European Monetary Union
A. Steven Englander and Thomas Egebo. July 1992
116: GREEN- a multi-sector, multi-region, dynamic general equilibrium model for quantifying
the costs of curbing CO2 emissions- a technical manual
Jean-Marc Burniaux, John P. Martin,Giuseppe Nicoletti and Joaquim Oliveira Martins. May
1992.This work has also been published in "GREEN: A Global Model for Quantifying the Costs
of Policies to Curb CO2 Emissions", OECD Economic Studies, no. 19, 1992.
115: The costs of reducing CO2 emissions- evidence from GREEN
Jean-Marc Burniaux, John P. Martin, Giuseppe Nicoletti and Joaquim Oliveira Martins. May
1992. This work has also been published in "The Costs of International Policies to Reduce
CO2 Emissions: Evidence from GREEN", OECD Economic Studies, no. 19, 1992.
114: Carbon taxes and CO2 emissions targets- results from the IEA model
E. Lakis Vouyakas, IEA. April 1992
113: Use of the Edmonds-Reilly model to model energy-related greenhouse gas emissions
D.W. Barns, J.A. Edmonds and J.M. Reilly, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Washington D.C.
April 1992
112: The welfare effects of fossil carbon restrictions- results from a recursively dynamic
trade model
Thomas Rutherford, University of Western Ontario. April 1992
110: Energy taxation and price distortions in fossil fuel markets- some implications for
climate change policyPeter Hoeller and Jonathan Coppel. April 1992
109: The information content of interest rate spreads across financial systemsFrank Browne
and Warren Tease. April 1992
107: A "credit" crunch- the recent slowdown in bank lending and its implications for
monetary policy
Paul Francis O'Brien and Frank Browne. March 1992
104: GREEN- a multi-sector, multi-region, dynamic general equilibrium model for quantifying
the costs of curbing CO2 emissions- a technical manual
J.M. Burniaux, J.P. Martin, G. Nicoletti and J. Oliveira Martins. June 1991
103: The costs of policies to reduce global emissions of CO2- initial simulation results with
J.M. Burniaux, J.P. Martin,G. Nicoletti and J. Oliveira Martins. June 1991. This work has also
been published in "The Economic Costs of International Agreements to Emissions of CO2",
The Economic and Social Research Institute papers no. 14, May, 1992.
101: P-star as an indicator of inflationary pressure
Peter Hoeller and Pierre Poret. April 1991
99: The measurement of output and factors of production for the business sector in OECD
countries (the OECD Business Sector Database)
Mark Keese, Gérard Salou and Pete Richardson. March 1991
96: Increasing financial market integration, real exchange rates and macroeconomic
Adrian Blundell-Wignall and Frank Browne. February 1991
94: Financial liberalisation and international trends in stock, corporate bond and foreign
exchange market volatilities
Paul Kupiec. February 1991
93: A macroeconomic model for debt analysis of the Latin America region and debt
accounting models for the highly indebted countries
Peter Dittus and Paul O'Brien. February 1991
88: Business investment in the OECD economies- recent performance and some implications
for policy
Robert Ford and Pierre Poret. November 1990
85:Simulating the OECD Interlink model under alternative monetary policy rules
Pete Richardson. October 1990
84: Walras - a multi-sector, multi-country applied general equilibrium model for quantifying
the economy-wide effects of agricultural policies- a technical manual
Jean-Marc Burniaux, François Delorme, Ian Lienert and John P. Martin. August 1990
83: Exchange rate policy in advanced commodity-exporting countries- the case of Australia
and New Zealand
Adrian Blundell-Wignall and Robert G. Gregory. July 1990
82: Economics and the environment- a survey of issues and policy options
Jon Nicolaisen and Peter Hoeller. July 1990
76: The dollar position of the non-US private sector, portofolio effects, and the exchange rate
of the dollar
Bixio Barenco. February 1990
71: Modelling business sector supply for the smaller OECD countries
Raymond Torres, Peter Jarrett and Wim Suyker. October 1989
70: On the sequencing of structural reforms
Sebastian Edwards. September 1989
69: The information content of the term structure of interest rates- theory and practice
Frank Browne and Paolo Manasse. September 1989
64: Revised groupings for non-OECD countries in OECD's macroeconomic model Interlink
Paul O'Brien, Laure Meuro and Arthur Camilleri. January 1989
62: The economic dynamics of an ageing population- the case of four OECD countries
Alan J. Auerbach, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Rob. P. Hagemann and G. Nicoletti. January 1989
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies, n.12, Spring 1989 and NBER
Working Paper, n. 2797, 1989
61: Ageing populations: economic effects and implications for public finance
Robert P. Hagemann and Giuseppte Nicoletti. January 1989
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies, n.12, Spring 1989
59: Eliminating the U.S. federal budget deficit by 1993 - the interaction of monetary and
fiscal policy
Richard and Byron Ballis. December 1988
51: The effects of monetary policy on the real sector- an overview of empirical evidence for
selected OECD countries
Jean-Claude Chouraqui, Michael Driscoll and Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn. April 1988
50: Private consumption, inflation and the "debt neutrality hypothesis", the case for eight
OECD countries
Giuseppe Nicoletti. January 1988
This work has also been published in OECD Economic Studies, n.11, Fall 1988
42: OECD economic activity and non-oil commodity prices- reduced-form equations for
Gerald Holtham and Martine Durand. June 1987
41:A revised supply block for the major seven countries in Interlink
Peter Jarrett and Raymond Torres. April 1987
40: Tax reform in OECD countries- economic rationale and consequences
Robert P. Hagemann, Brian R. Jones and Robert Bruce Montador. August 1987
39: Monetary policy in the second half of the 1980s- how much room for manoeuvre?Kevin
Clinton and Jean-Claude Chouraqui. February 1987
38: Tracking the U.S. external deficit, 1980-1985- experience with the OECD Interlink model
Pete Richardson. February 1987
32: The formulation of monetary policy- a reassessment in the light of recent experience
Paul Atkinson and Jean-Claude Chouraqui. March 1986
31: The OECD compatible trade and production data base 1970-1983
Anders Brodin and Derek Blades.March 1986
30: Public debt in a medium-term context and its implications for fiscal policy
Jean-Claude Chouraqui, Brian Jones and Robert Bruce Montador. May 1986
28: Exchange rates and real long-term interest-rate differentials- evidence for eighteen
OECD countries
David T. Coe and Stephen S. Golub. February 1986
17: Real gross product in OECD countries and associated purchasing power parities
Peter Hill.
13: The demand for money and velocity in major OECD countries
A. Blundell-Wignall, M. Rondoni and H. Ziegelschmidt. February 1984
10: Dynamique des prix et structure industrielle: une analyse théorique économétrique
David Encaoua (with collaboration from Paul Geroski et Riel Miller). July 1983
9: Medium-term financial strategy- the co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policy
Jean-Claude Chouraqui and Robert Price. July 1983
8: Simulation des effets macro-économiques d'une forte baisse des prix pétroliers
Flemming Larsen and John Llewellyn. June 1983
2: Capital, energy and labour substitution- the supply block in OECD medium-term models
Patrick Artus. March 1983