Bioeffects of Microwave - A Brief Review
Bioeffects of Microwave - A Brief Review
Bioeffects of Microwave - A Brief Review
Review paper
Since the 18th century scientists have been intrigued by the interaction of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and various life pro-
cesses. Attention has been focussed on EMFs in different frequency ranges, of which microwave frequency range forms an important
Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and are considered to be that radiation ranging in frequency from 300
million cycles per second (300 MHz) to 300 billion cycles per second (300 GHz), which correspond to a wavelength range of 1 m
down to 1 mm. This nonionising electromagnetic radiation is absorbed at molecular level and manifests as changes in vibrational
energy of the molecules or heat (Microwaves irradiating the community, Hidden hazards, Bantan Books publisher, Australia, 1991).
Identifying and evaluating the biological effects of microwaves have been complex and controversial. Because of the paucity of
information on the mechanism of interaction between microwave and biological systems, there has been a persistent view in physical
and engineering sciences, that microwave fields are incapable of inducing bioeffects other than by heating (Health Physics 61 (1991)
3). Of late, the nonthermal effects of microwaves on tissue responses are being documented (Physiol. Rev. 61 (1981) 435; Annals of
New York Acad. Sci. 247 (1975) 232; J. Microwave Power 14 (1979) 351; Bioelectromagnetics 7 (1986a) 45; Bioelectromagnetics 7
(1986b) 315; Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation, Warsaw, Polish Medical Publication (1974) 289; Biologic
Effects and Health hazards of the microwave Radiation, Warsaw, Polish Medical Publication (1974) 22; Multidisciplinory per-
spectives in event-related brain potential research, Washington DC, US Enonmental Protection Agency, (1978) 444).
The present article is an attempt to familiarise the reader with pertinent information regarding the effects, mainly athermal, of
microwave irradiation on biologic systems, especially microorganisms.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Thermal versus athermal effects of microwave irradi- sions; cell death was solely the result of heat produced
ation by microwave irradiation; death was due to not only
heat but also microwave electric field. One of the main
There is evidence that microwaves cause different reasons for the above conflicting conclusions is the dif-
biological effects depending upon field strength, fre- ficulty in keeping the temperature constant during the
quencies, wave forms, modulation and duration of ex- microwave irradiation. Keeping this in mind Siego Sato
posure (Rai et al., 1994a,b). developed a new method for maintaining a constant
These effects were mainly attributed to microwave temperature during microwave irradiation (Sato, 2001).
heating (Gandhi, 1987) but recent reports have shown or No cell death was observed at 35 °C, whereas at 45, 47
suggested that there are nonthermal microwave effects and 50 °C, the death rates of Escherichia coli exposed to
in terms of energy required to produce various types of microwave irradiation were higher than those obtained
molecular transformations and alterations. in conventional heat sterilisation at the same tempera-
One of the modern approaches to sterilisation in the ture. Although the author could not specify the exact
food industry is the use of microwave irradiation. Mi- mechanism underlying the nonthermal effect of micro-
crobiological studies involving microwave irradiation waves, the author proposed that the microwaves either
have resulted in the following two conflicting conclu- caused ions to accelerate and collide with other mole-
cules or caused dipoles to rotate and line up rapidly with
alternating (2450 million times/s) electric field resulting
in a change in secondary and tertiary structure of pro-
Corresponding author. teins of microorganisms.
0960-8524/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 0 - 8 5 2 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 6 9 - 4
156 S. Banik et al. / Bioresource Technology 87 (2003) 155–159
Michael Kozempel developed a continuous experi- quency, filament length of the directly microwave
mental microwave process to isolate thermal and non- exposed samples are directly correlated, whereas tur-
thermal effects (Milligan and Brigid, 2000) to test the bidity of cell suspension, protein, carbohydrate, chlo-
concept of nonthermal pasteurisation of liquids. The rophyll a, carotenoids and phycocyanin of directly
process combined rapid energy input to the food system microwave exposed samples are inversely correlated
using microwave, with rapid removal of thermal energy with higher modulation frequencies. Moore et al. (1978)
utilising an efficient heat exchanger concept. The com- observed a reversible loss of virulence with virulent cells
bination of yeast, Pedicoccus sp. and E. coli K-12 were of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6 upon exposure
tested in water, beer, liquid whole egg etc. The temper- to microwave at a frequency of 10,000 MHz and an
ature of the process was maintained at 35 °C or less with intensity of 0.58 mW/cm2 for 30–120 min. The authors
a total microwave exposure time of 3–8 min. It was suggested a temporary change in one or more metabolic
observed that microwave energy in the absence of other processes affecting virulence as a nonthermal microwave
stresses such as heat, pH or anti-microbials did not de- effect. A 30–60% decrease occurred in their ability to
stroy microorganisms at low temperature. produce tumors on potato or turnip disks. The micro-
Much effort has been devoted to studies that have wave exposure did not affect the viability of these bac-
attempted to demonstrate the existence of nonthermal teria or their ability to attach to a tumor binding site;
effects of microwave irradiation by containing end-point neither did it induce thermal shock. Loss of virulence
temperatures below thermal death points of microor- was reversible within 12 h.
ganisms under investigation. Early reports by Beckwith Dreyfuss and Chipley (1980) attempted to characte-
and Olsen (1931); Carpenter (1958); Fabian and Graham rise some of the effects of sublethal microwave irradia-
(1933); Fleming (1944); Nyrop (1946); Susskind and tion in cells of Staphylococcus aureus. Upon exposure to
Vogelhut (1959); and Yen and Lui (1934), initiated this microwave irradiation the activities of various metabolic
hypothesis for both procaryotes and eucaryotes. Culkin enzymes such as Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
and Fung (1975) demonstrated that E. coli and Salmo- membrane ATPases, alkaline phosphatase, malate de-
nella typhimurium could not survive in soups cooked at hydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxi-
915 MHz by microwave irradiation. They found that dase adenosine triphosphatase etc. were affected but the
microbial destruction occurred at lower temperature and irradiation affected S. aureus in a manner quite different
shorter time periods when compared to conventional from conventionally heated cells. This thus indicates the
heating methods. They also found varied effects based athermal behaviour of microwave irradiation.
upon the intensity of the field strength at the top and Subtle effects of low levels of microwave radiation
bottom of the soup containers. They postulated that which were not directly attributable to heat have been
factors other than thermal effects might be involved in reported by researchers, mainly in Europe, since the
the effects of microwave irradiation on microorganisms. 1950s. The occasional reports of head-ache, lassitude,
Athermal physiological effects of continuous waves stomach-ache pains, sleeplessness, irritability and other
and modulated microwaves were studied on a Cyano- highly subjective symptoms suspected the nonthermal
bacterium Nostoc muscorum (Singh et al., 1994). The effects of microwave among workers in the vicinity of
study showed that different microwave frequencies in microwave generating equipments.
continuous waves and modulated modes produced sig- Low intensity of microwave has been found to
nificantly different physiological effects on the algae. modify behaviour without modifying the core tempe-
Water mediated bio-effects further presented additional rature of experimental subjects (Justeen, 1979). Many
proof that water had the capability to remember the physiological (Ray and Behari, 1990) and biochemical
imposed electromagnetic field characteristics for an ex- changes (Kunjlwar and Behari, 1993) have been re-
tended period of time. ported in rats also after low level microwave exposure.
The effect of microwave modulated with square wave Mammalian immunity has been found to be modulated
of different pulse repetition frequencies was studied on by low levels of microwave (Budd and Czerski, 1985;
physiological behaviour of the Cyanobacterium (Ana- Nageswari et al., 1991). Low intensity of microwave ir-
baena dolilum) by Samarketu et al. (1996). The organism radiation has in fact been considered as mild nonspecific
was directly exposed by inoculating the nutrient solution ‘‘stressor’’ (Lu et al., 1980) with effects on total body (Lu
for an hour to microwave 9.575 GHz modulated with et al., 1986) and reproduction (Lu et al., 1981). Acute
square waves of different pulse repeatation frequencies low level of microwave has been reported to activate the
at incident power density 0.658 mW/cm2 . The study endogenous opioids in the nervous system causing a
revealed that microwaves athermally induced different decrease in the central cholinergic activity in the hip-
biological effects by changing the structures by differ- pocampus and frontal cortex (Lai et al., 1986, 1987; Lai,
entially partitioning the ions, altering the rate and/or 1992).
direction of biochemical reactions. Frequency depen- In our laboratory (Banik et al., 2002a,b) attempts
dent effect reveals that parameters like heterocyst fre- have been made to study the effect of microwave irra-
S. Banik et al. / Bioresource Technology 87 (2003) 155–159 157
diation on biomethanation by using a methanogenic radiation. Results of studies with Enterobacter aerogenes
bacterial strain (Methanosarcina barkeri-DSM 804) as and E. coli B showed that microwave radiation inhibited
inoculum. Microwave frequency ranging from 13.5 to or stimulated protein, DNA and RNA synthesis and cell
36.5 GHz was irradiated for 2 h on anaerobic microbial growth.
culture of Methanosarcina barkeri-DSM 804 to study
growth character of the bacteria and its effect on bio-
methanation. From the study it was revealed that
3. Microwave irradiation studies on humans and animals
the cited frequencies of microwave are able to induce
biomethanation by quicker generation of biogas and
After several studies by Golantt, Mikhn, Novikov
increasing quantity of methane in biogas. Study of
and Rodshtadt it could be suggested that peripheral
growth dynamics revealed that microwave could in-
receptors and afferent nerve signaling could be involved
crease growth rate of the bacteria and was most effective
in the whole organisms response to a local microwave
on biomethanation at 31.5 GHz frequency.
exposure. Chernyakov and co-authors were able to in-
duce heat rate changes in anaesthetised frogs by mi-
crowave irradiation of remote skin areas. This data
2. Microwave effect on cellular growth rate and properties
was then supported by the findings of Potekhina and
co-workers where some frequencies from 53–78 GHz
Grundler and co-authors (Grundler et al., 1977, 1982,
effectively changed the natural heart rate variability in
1988) observed that the growth rate of yeast Sacharo-
anaesthetised rats (Pakhomov et al., 2001).
myces cerevisiae could either be increased upto 15% or
Teratogenic effect of microwave was performed
decreased upto 29% by certain frequencies of microwave
with Drosophila flies by Belyaev and co-workers. The
irradiation within 41.8–42.0 GHz.
experiments involving microwave exposure suggested
Dardanoni and co-authors (Dardanoni et al., 1994)
supposedly that microwave disturbed DNA-protein in-
observed frequency and modulation dependent effects
teractions, which determine the realisation of the onto-
on the growth of the yeast Candida albicans. Microwave
genetic program.
modulated at 1 KHz irradiation reduced growth rate by
Liburdy and his group (Pakhomov et al., 2001) found
15% at 72 GHz but not at 71.8 or 72.2 GHz. A 3 h
that microwaves exposure (2450 MHz) of rabbit ery-
continuous irradiation at 72 GHz increased the growth
throcytes increased Na-passive transport only at mem-
rate by about 25% over the control.
brane phase transition temperature of 17–19 °C and this
Levina and co-workers (Pakhomov et al., 2001)
permeability effect was enhanced for relative hypoxia
studied microwave effects on the development of the
which is characteristic of intracellular oxygen tension of
protozoan Spirostum sp. cell population. The study in-
less than or equal to 5 mm Hg.
dicated that the irradiation affected the populationÕs
The human body begins to significantly absorb elec-
own growth control mechanism, and that the effect de-
tromagnetic radiation when the frequency exceeds about
pended on the stage and other particulars of the popu-
15 MHz. This absorbtion varies for different parts of the
lation development.
body. In the frequency range of 70–100 MHz, which
Tambiev and co-workers (Pakhomov et al., 2001)
overlaps the TV and FM radio broadcast frequencies,
observed that exposure for 30 min at 2.2 mW/cm2 and
the body acts as an efficient radiation antenna strongly
7.1 mm wavelength enhanced the growth of blue-green
absorbing these wave lengths (Pakhomov et al., 2001).
algae Spirulina platensis by 50%. They observed stimu-
latory effects are of considerable promise in biotech-
nology, where S. platensis is used for production of food
protein and biologically active products. 4. Genetic effects
Bulgakova and co-workers (Pakhomov et al., 2001)
studied how microwave exposure of S. aureus affected A number of studies indicated that microwave could
its sensitivity to antibiotics with different mechanism affect the fine chromosome structure and function of cell
of action. Irradiation either increased or decreased the and cell tolerance to standard mutagens and lesion re-
antibiotic sensitivity and the probability of these oppo- pairs. Recent work by Belyaev et al. (1993, 1994) poin-
site effects depended on the antibiotic concentration. ted to the chromosomal DNA as a target for resonance
Sherb and co-workers (Pakhomov et al., 2001) interaction between living cells and microwave. Studies
showed changes in transmissivity of R-plasmids in var- by Hellar and Teixeira (1959) are reported to have
ious strains of E. coli and S. aureus upon 30 min expo- shown that low power microwave radiation could pro-
sure to 6.0–6.7 mm band of microwave irradiation. duce mutations in mammalian cells and insects. In
Berzhanskaya and co-workers (Pakhomov et al., the 1960s and 1970s researchers showed that protein,
2001) found a suppression of bioluminescence of Pho- RNA and DNA absorbed 65–75 GHz radiation, and
tobacterium leiognathi at 36.2–55.9 GHz microwave ir- that microwaves were able to interfere with repair
158 S. Banik et al. / Bioresource Technology 87 (2003) 155–159
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