Generalni Katalog 2013

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Electric Capacitors
• General Information 10
• Electrical function of a capacitor 11
• Capacitance and dielectric 12
• Voltage influence in capacitors 14
• Single-phase capacitors 16
• Three-phase power capacitors 17
• Couplings 18
• Leakage capacitor’s tangent 19
• Handling precautions and security 20
• Operating conditions 21

Reactive Energy Compensation

 Electric power 24
 Reactive energy associated troubles 26
 Reactive energy compensation’s benefits 27
 Reactive energy compensation’s economic saving 29
 Capacitive energy calculation needed for compensation 30
 Configurations for reactive energy compensation 32
 Motors and transformers compensation 34
 Quality, installation and protection 37
 Case study: commercial establishment 38
 Conclusions 39

Harmonics and Quality Electric Energy

 Quality of electric energy 42
 Electrical network disturbances 43
 Harmonics 44
 Harmonics Parameters 45
 The 3rd and 5th harmonics 47
 Reactive energy compensation in harmonic distorted networks 48
 Repulsion passive filters 52

Reactive Energy Formulary

 Magnitudes and associated units table; most frequent multiples and submultiples table 54
 Electric Capacitors 55
 Capacitors and filter reactances in case of harmonic presence 59
 Reactive Power of a capacitors bank 61

 Three phase capacitors with connector
MA/C/CE/TER Series 64
 Reinforced three phase capacitors with connector
MA/C/CE/TER RTF Series 66
 Three phase capacitors with connector for harmonics filter applications
MA/C/CE/TER RCT Series 68
 Three phase capacitors with connector
DW Series (New Compact Design) 70
 Single phase capacitors with overpressure disconnection system
EA Series 72
 Three-phase capacitors
BO/R/TER Series 74
 Reinforced three-phase capacitors
BO/R/TER RTF Series 76
 Three phase capacitors with connector for harmonics filter applications
BO/R/TER RCT Series 78
 Three-phase capacitors
BO/R Series 80
 Reinforced three-phase capacitors
BO/R RTF Series 82
 Three phase capacitors for harmonics filter applications
BO/R RCT Series 84

Fixed Capacitor Banks

 Three-phase protected power capacitor PRE Series 88
 Three-phase protected power capacitor PRBA and PRBD Series 90
 Three-phase protected power capacitor PR00 and PRC0 Series 92
 Three-phase protected power capacitor COMPACT-1 Series 94

Automatic Capacitor Banks

 Automatic capacitor banks COMPACT-3 Series 98
 Automatic capacitor banks COMPACT-5 Series 100
 Automatic capacitor banks COMPACT-9 Series 102
 Automatic capacitor banks MINI-MURAL Series 104
 Automatic capacitor banks MURAL Series 108
 Automatic capacitor banks MODULAR Series 112
 Thyristor switching automatic capacitor banks ST Series 116
 Automatic capacitor banks with harmonic filters ARM Series 120

Medium Voltage
• General information of MV Capacitors 126
• Technical characteristics and dimensions of three-phase MV Capacitors 127
• Technical characteristics and dimensions of single-phase MV Capacitors 129
• Medium Voltage Capacitor Banks 131
• Selection chart of MV capacitors for motor and transformers 134
• Medium Voltage harmonic filters 135
• Current limiting reactors for MV Capacitors 135
• Three-phase contactor for MV Capacitors 135

Three-phase Harmonic Filters and Transformers

 Three-phase harmonic filters 138
 Single-phase transformers 140
 Single-phase isolating transformers 141
 Single-phase Swimming-Pools Transformers 141
 Three-phase Transformers 142

 Capacitors duty Contactors 144
 On-load break switch 144
 Quick discharge resistors 144

 Automatic reactive power controller PR-2D Series 146
 Automatic reactive power controller PR-5D Series 147
 Automatic reactive power controller PR-8D Series 148
 Summation current transformers RT Series 149
 Split core current transformers RT...P Series 150

 Lighting Capacitors 154
 Motor Run Capacitors 156
 Ballasts for discharge lamps 158
 Ventronic Electronic Ballast 160

Ic T


General Information

A capacitor is an electrical component, which sto-

res electric charge. Its most important application
is that of power factor correction (see Reactive
compensation chapter).

The capacitive element’s constructive material de-

pends on its application. RTR Energía S.L. manu-
factures cylindrical capacitors with propylene film,
metallized with elements such as Al o Zn, which
makes it self-healing and reduces the possible
losses. This film will have different thicknesses
depending on the working voltage. The elements
used for metallizing act as current conductors, and
the polypropylene as a dielectric.
Three-phase capacitor

After the manufacturing process and a quality con-

trol, the capacitive elements (coils) are introduced
Free margin
in aluminium or plastic cans, and then encapsu-
lated with polyurethane resin, which is ecological
and non-toxic. This resin is specially designed by
the RTR Energía S.L.’s Chemistry Department
and can be used with different capacitors and
electric equipments which need encapsulation.

Another type of capacitor

Metallized polypropylene
• MICA capacitors: used as high frequency and
telecommunication capacitors. Capacitive element
• CERAMIC capacitors: used in telecommunica-
tion applications when there is not enough spa-
• ELECTROLYTIC capacitors: used mainly for di-
rectcurrent rectifications.
• TRIM capacitors: their capacitance can be modi-
fied depending on the needs of the application.

Capacitor’s types

Electrical function of a capacitor

A capacitor is used for storing electrical energy.
The capacitor is charged when the capacitor’s pla-
tes voltage, Uc, levels up with the supply voltage, Ic

The movement of the electrons in between the

plates of the capacitor constitutes the electrical
capacitive current Ic, which flows through the line
and provides electric energy to the capacitor, ge-
nerating an electric field between the capacitor’s

If Ic is released, the electrical energy remains sto-

red in the electric field, and so, in the capacitor.

The number of electrons which are moving during
the charge of the capacitor (Q), measured in Cou-
lombs (C) which are dimensionally equivalent to
amperes times second (A·s). The charge is the
amount of electricity stored in the capacitor.


I = Amperes (A)
t = Seconds (s)
Once the capacitor is charged, this charge is main-
tained even when the outer electrical energy is dis-
connected, as the attractive force between plates Plates
is also maintained, due to the polarity difference
between them.

Because of this, the capacitors have a discharge

resistor in their terminals so the discharge in the
capacitor can be avoided when an operator is han-
dling it.

This resistor must meet the standard UNE EN-

60831-1-2 in its 22th chapter for three-phase power
capacitors and the standard UNE-EN-61048-49
for lighting capacitors.


Capacitance and dielectric

Voltage is very influential in the behaviour of the Submutiples table

capacitor, thus the charge fluctuates with it. Char-
ge (Q) Supply voltage (U) ratio is a constant value, 10º Prefix Symbol
which depends on the capacitor’s frame and is de-
noted as capacitance (C), measured in Farads (F). 10 -1
deci d
10 -2
centi c
10 -3
mili m
10 -6
micro µ

C= Q Q = [Coulombs ] 10 -9
nano n
U U = [Volts ] C = [ Farads ] 10 -12
pico p

A capacitor has a 1 Farad capacitance when it

stores a charge of 1 Coulomb if a 1 V voltage is
applied between the plates.
Capacitor’s design
Keeping the basic principle of capacitor’s de- equation
pendence, which states that the bigger it is the
area of the plates, the bigger it is also the capa-
citance, and in the other way, the bigger it is the C=
ε ·
distance between these plates (dielectric’s thick- 4 · π · 9 · 10 9
ness) the lower it is the capacitance. Due to this
principle, electric-field intensity (E) can be defined
in a capacitor as: C: capacitance of a capacitor, in farads.
S: area of the plate, in m 2.
d: dielectric thickness, in m.
E= U V ε: dielectric constant.
d m


Different Isolators
Electrical capacitors use nowadays dielectrics
made of propylene film, metallized with elements Sustance ε
such as Al or Zn, among others, with different thic- Air 1
knesses depending on the applied voltage bet-
ween the plates. Polypropylene 2,2
Mineral Oil 2,3
As it was seen before with the basic principle of Polyester 3,3
dependence, the lower it is the dielectric thickness,
Paper 3,5
the bigger it is the electric-field intensity, which
provokes that the size of the capacitors is gradua- Transformer oil 4,5
lly smaller, as they have for distances between the Pyrex glass 4,7
plates the thickness of the film, in micron.
Mica 5,4
Porcelain 6,5
Silicon 12

Capacitance and dielectric

Depending on the values of the constants of every 4
1 2

dielectric, there is a limit potential difference, which 1 Electrodes

all materials can manage throughout the thick- (Metallized Film)

ness. This limit is defined as electrical stiffness.

2 Prolypylene Film
3 Electric connection
4 No metallized area
Because of determined electric-power system
conditions or extreme temperatures, inadmissible
for the correct working of the capacitor, this volta- 3
ge limit can be overfilled. Thus, the dielectric can
be bored and an electric arc will be formed bet-
ween the plates.

The propylene film self-healing means that the

electric arc will not generate a short circuit, but
will evaporate the metal which surrounds the
breakthrough point. This way, the isolation bet-
ween plates is repaired in the latter breakthrough

After this self-healing, the capacitor can work in

normal conditions, with a capacitance leak inferior
to 100 pF.

Metallized area


In RTR Energía S.L., during the quality control of the metallized propylene film, the breakdown
of the dielectric (propylene) is forced and the self-healing of it can be observed. In this photo-
graph the evaporated metal-coat and the still working capacitor can be seen.

Voltage influence in capacitors


When a capacitor is connected to a continuous Charge process

voltage, Ucc, the current has a very high intensi-
ty and is limited by the ohmic resistance, which is Uc
tiny in the capacitor. When the voltage between
the plates of the capacitor increases, the current
gradually decreases.
When the charging process is finished, the current Ic
intensity becomes zero. In continuous rating and
direct voltage, the capacitor behaves as an open

During the discharge process of the capacitor, the

voltage and the current decrease with the same
ratio, and so they become zero simultaneously.

The charge and discharge time is directly propor-

tional to capacitance and circuit resistance, and
so, when the resistance fluctuates the charge and
discharge process can be shortened or extended.
Discharge process
The time constant t, is the time needed by a capa-
citor to gain a 63% of the charge of the impressed
voltage, and is denoted as: Uc

R = Ohms ( Ω )
C = Farads (F)

In theory, the total capacitor’s charge or dischar-
ge is produced after an infinite interval of time, as
the mathematical function which defines it attains
the limit in an asymptotic way. But in practice, the
capacitor is charged or discharged in a 5-times in-

Voltage influence in capacitors


When a capacitor is connected to an alternating

voltage, the plates are positively and negatively
charged, in an alternating and periodic way, with a
flow of alternating current.

The capacitor is periodically charged and dischar-

ged, and so the two processes are simultaneous, The complete charging and dischar-
because of the alternating current flowing through ging process is done in an electrical
the network. This periodical process provokes an voltage semi period. If the electrical
inversion in the direction of the current when this voltage’s period in Europe is 20 mili-
current’s value is zero. In the same way as in di- seconds, a capacitor will need half of
rect current, the capacitor acts as a finite resistan- this time for completing its charge or
ce, measured in ohms: discharge.

Tcharge and discharge = 10 ms

1 f = frequency (Hz)
XC = (Ω)
2π · f · C C = Fards(F)

When the current’s value is zero, the charge pro-

cess in the capacitor is finished as it will be totally
charged at the end of the positive half-wave of the
current for a known value of voltage, +Uca, and at
the end of the negative half-wave with a voltage
value of -Uca.

The discharge process is produced when the cu-

rrent reaches its maximum value, therefore, the
voltage value tends to be zero.

U +U ca U

charge discharge



-U ca

Single-phase capacitors

A single-phase capacitor is that which can be im-

planted between two phases or between phase Uca=230V; f=50Hz
and neutral.

The reactive power of the capacitor (Q) is measu- Ic

red in VAr, and defined as:

Uca Uca
Ic = = = Uca · ω · C = Uca · 2π · f · C
Xc 1

Q = Uca · Ic = Uca · (Uca · 2π · f · C ) = U2ca · 2π · f · C

Q, power of the capacitor [VAr]

f, line frequency [Hz]
C, capacitance of the capacitor [F]
Uca, supply voltage [V]
Ic, capacitive current [A]


Due to the importance of the supply voltage on

the reactive capacitor’s power, there is a need of The content of the standard UNE-
knowing why the nearly totality of capacitors ma- EN-60831-1/2 says that, for indus-
nufacturers, included RTR Energía S.L., design trial frequencies, a capacitor must
their capacitors for a 440 V voltage. exist a voltage value of 1,10·Uca
(440 V), at least 8 hours a day.
With this design, the capacitor’s reliability and life
increase because it warrants that it will resist an
overvoltage that can be produced in the power
lead, and that, as it is said in the standard UNE-
EN-50160, it can be up to a 10%.

Design and

Three-phase power capacitors

These capacitors are designed for being connec-
ted to a three-phase electric line, R-S-T, and the
way of connecting the capacitive elements (coils) R S T
in its interior is with two possibilities.


The total capacitance of the capacitor is divided

in three partial capacitances CD, as shown in the

If the capacitance between two phases is taped,

for example R-S, the total capacitance will not be
the CD of the RS phases but the CD(RS) in para-
llel with the series connection CD(RT)-CD(ST) (see
section G), which means:

C∆ · C∆ R
CRS = C∆ + = 1,5 · C∆
C∆ + C∆ S

Now, the reactive power in the capacitor (Q) can

be defined, as well as its capacitive current (Ic).

Q = 3 · U2ca · 2π · f · C∆ Q = [ VAr ]

Q C∆ = [ F ]
IC = C
√3 · Uca f = [ Hz ]

This connection scheme is not so usual, and is
used when the line voltage is higher than the one Ic
that can be allowed by each of the wirings, as:
Ucoil =
√3 C

The Ic is defined in the same way that it is done in

the delta connection, while the reactive power is:

For the same 3 wirings:

Q = [ VAr ] Cγ = [ F ]
Q = Uca · 2π · f · Cγ
f = [ Hz ] Qdelta = 3 · Qwye

Combination of Capacitors


In the parallel connection between capacitors, the C1

global equivalent capacitance is the sum of the ca-
pacitances. The same occurs with the total reacti-
ve energy. C2
CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + ... Cn

QT = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + ... Qn C3

The impressed voltage between the capacitor’s

plates is the one that can be allowed depending Cn
on the capacitor’s constructive characteristics. All
the capacitors are affected by the same voltage.


When the working voltage, Uca, is higher than the

rated voltage on the manufactured capacitor, a
C1 C2 C3 Cn
group of capacitors can be connected in series.
In this case, every capacitor will have a different
voltage between plates, depending on its capaci-
tance and reactive power. As every series connec-
tion, the current flowing through them is the same
for every capacitor.

The inverse of the total capacitance (CT) is the

sum of the inverses of the different capacitances.

1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ... +
CT C1 C2 C3 Cn

1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ... +
QT Q1 Q2 Q3 Qn

The reactive power (QT) has the same behaviour

as the capacitance, thus the inverse of the total
reactive is the sum of the inverses of the different

Leakage Capacitor’s Tangent

The leakage tangent of a capacitor (tan d ) is the
value that can define the quality and behaviour of
an electrical capacitor. The leakages in a capaci- I I
tor can be related and represented throughout the
losses of an ohmic resistance (R).

Considering an ideal capacitor, without losses, the

angle of phase difference j^ between the current Ic R Iactive
and the voltage Uca is 90º.

This is an ideal situation, but in fact every capaci-

tor has losses because of the propylene film, the
plates’ metallization, the solders, wires, etc.

Due to these losses, the angle of phase difference,

j,^ is not of 90º, and the voltage, Uca, is lagging with
respect to the active current, Iactive, and the new an-
gle formed is the loss angle, defined as j^ = 90º- d.
Its tangent is the leakage tangent of the capacitor.

Iactive R XC 2π · f · C 1
tanδ = = = = =
IC UCA R R 2π · f · C · R δ

The loss power (Pp) of a capacitor, measured in UCA

watts (W), is:

PP = UCA · I · cos φ̂ = UCA · I · sen δ̂ = Q · tgδ̂

RTR Energía S.L. priori-

tizes its product’s quality
by using the best metalli-
PP = Q · tgδ̂ zed film, manufactured in
European Union.
PP = [ W ] Q = [ VAr ]
The quality process gua-
rantees that the losses
The capacitance of a capacitor is reduced with its power of the capacitors is
lifetime, which increases gradually the capacitor’s inferior to 0.5 W/kVAr,
PP ( W )
losses, due to the inverse ratio of the leakage tan- 0.5 ≤ → tgδ̂ ≤ 5 · 10-4
gent and the capacitance. Q ( kVAr )

Handling Precautions and Security

When handling a capacitor, there is a need of ta-

king into account a series of security precautions.
When a capacitor is disconnected off the voltage,
it remains charged with the supply voltage. If the
plates are shorten and touched, they can cause a
dangerous accident due to the violent discharge of
the capacitor.

The standards EN-61048 and EN-60252 establish

the need of the capacitors of having illumination
and a discharge resistor’s motor, so that when the
supply voltage is switched off, it must store a maxi-
mum voltage of 50V in an interval of 60 seconds.

In the same way, the three-phase capacitors must

be equipped with a snubber resistor, which can
discharge voltage until its maximum value is 75V
in an interval of 3 minutes, as it is stablished in the
annexe B of the standard EN-60831-1/2.


Due to extreme and inadmissible operating con-

ditions of overvoltage, overcurrent or high tem-
peratures, RTR Energía S.L. has designed an
overpressure release system, which works by
unpacking the terminal covers, thus the terminal
connection with the capacitive element is interrup-

Under this conditions and seeking a right perfor-

mance of the release system, it is very important
that the resin of the enclosure is designed to avoid
that the metal fusion’s gases are entrapped. It
must allow these gases to rise, and so the system
will work accurately. Because of this, RTR Energía
S.L. has a Chemical division which develops and
manufactures the electrical resins, depending on
each of the applications.

Operating Conditions


The capacitors must operate under the following The maximum current that a capacitor can reach is
limits: 1,5 the rated current, (1,5 · In).
Maximum 55ºC
Maximum 55ºC
Daily average 45ºC
Daily average
Annual average 35ºC
Annual average 35ºC
The capacitor’s installation altitude must not ex-
ceed 2000 m over the sea level. In higher altitu-
This means that a capacitor must never reach a des, the heat dissipation is reduced, and this must
value beyond 55 ºC, or remain more than 24 hours be considered when dimensioning the capacitor.
beyond 45 ºC or more than a year beyond 35 ºC
of temperature.
VOLTAGE The harmonics presence which a capacitor can
bear is determined taking on account that the vol-
The maximum overvoltage that a capacitor can tage and current maximum limits must not be sur-
bear is of 1,10 times the rated voltage, as it has mounted. These limits are shown below:
been explained in the Scheme E.

THDUmax 2%
THDUmax 2%
THDImax 25%
THDImax 25%

RTR Energía
RTR Energía

Voltage harmonic Voltage harmonic

Voltage harmonic distortion
distortion distortion
≤ 2% ≤ 3%
THDU≤2% THDU≤3% 3%<THDU≤7% THDU≥7%
THDU≤2% THDU≤3% 3%<THDU≤7% THDU≥7%
MA/C/CE/TER Series
MA/C/CE/TER Series De tuning factorp(%)=14%
p(%)=7% 5,67%, 7%, 14%
MA/C/CE/TER Series p(%)=7% p(%)=14%


MA/C/CE/TER Series


Reactive Energy

Electric power
Electric power can be defined as “the capability of
an electric equipment of doing a mechanical work,
or the work quantity that can be obtained in a de-
termined amount of time” (VA

Q: Reactive Q: Reactive

power (VAr) power (VAr)

o we
It is measured in watts (W), and its most frequent ntp
multiples are the kilowatt (kW) and the megawatt p are
(MW), while the most used submultiple is the mi- S:
liwatt (mW). A)
P: Active power r (V(W)
However, in AC power supply equipments which t po
running is based in electromagnetism, such as en
P = S·cos(φ) par Q = S·sen (φ)
transformers, motors, etc, by generating their own A p
S :
magnetic field, there are three different types of Where S is: φ
power coexisting: S = √3·U·I in three-phase lines
P: Active power (W)
S = U·I in single-phase lines
• Active power (P)
• Reative power (Q) P = S·cos(φ) Q = S·sen (φ)
• Apparent power (S) POWER
Where S is:FACTOR (FP)
S = √3·U·I in three-phase lines
These three different types of power can be rela- The power
S = U·I factor (FP) islines
in single-phase the ratio of active power
ted by a power-triangle. There is an angle, •, for-(P) to the apparent power (S) and is determined
med by the apparent and the active powers, which by the kind of loads connected to the installation,
defines the out-of-phase between the voltage (U) where the resistive loads have a power factor clo-
and the current (I), and its cosine of this phase an-
se to unity.
gle is equivalent to the line power factor (PF) when
When inductive and reactive loads are introduced,
there is no harmonic distortion. power factor can vary by leading and lagging the
current with respect to the voltage.
Most common industry
This out-of-phase can measure the power factor.
power factors:
Asynchronous motor 50% of load 0,73
Asynchronous motor 100% of load 0,85
Arc welding
Most static
common industry 0,5
power factors:
Rotational welding
Asynchronous groups
motor 50% of load 0,7-0,9
Arc welding recitfiers
Asynchronous motor 100% of load 0,7-0,9
Arc welding static 0,5
Power factors in small
Rotational welding installations:
groups 0,7-0,9
Arc lamp
welding recitfiers 0,5
Discharge lamp 0,4-0,6
Dielectric heating
Power factors in small 0,85
electric installations:
Arc furnaces
Fluorescent lamp 0,8
Induction furnaces
Discharge lamp 0,85
Dielectric heating 0,85
Arc furnaces 0,8
Induction furnaces 0,85

Electric power

Active power represents the real power, measured in watts (W). Thus, the amount of energy used when
an electric equipment is functioning and working, i.e. the energy given by a motor shaft when moving a
device, the energy given, in terms of heat, by an electric heater resistance, or the light given by a lamp,

Active power is also the hired power to the electric company, and can reach households, industries, offi-
ces or any other facility when it is needed, along the supply network. The global amount of power, used
by the totality of electric appliances is normally registered by counters or other electrical meters, which
are installed by the deliverer companies in order to measure the totality of electric energy consumed in
a particular period of time, specified in contracts.


Reactive power is the power consumed by motors, transformers or any other electric device including
any kind of coil, so that it creates an electromagnetic field. These coils are part of an electric circuit, and
in electric systems they constitute loads, consuming both active and reactive power. Their work efficien-
cy depends on their power factor; the lower it is (far-off unitiy) the bigger is the amount of reactive power
consumed. Besides, reactive power does not produce any effective power and produces a negative im-
pact on the energy transmission through the distributing electric lines, thus its consumption is penalized
throughout the tariff by the mains supply company. Reactive power is measured by volt-ampere reactive
(VAr), and its most frequent multiple is the kilovoltampere (kVAr).


Apparent power or gross power is, according to the Pythagoras theorem, is the active and reactive
power sum. These two components represent the total line input power, also the totality of the power
given by the electric generators in the set. This power is imparted along distribution cables, also lines,
reaching consumers in households, factories, industrial plants, etc. Apparent power is measured in volt-
ampere (VA).

Reactive Energy Associated Troubles

• Conductor heating accelerates the isolation da-

mage, reducing its lifetime and producing possi-
ble shortcircuits.
Joule effect losses
• Capacity droop on the National Electrical Net-
Plosses = I2·R
work, when generating an extra amount of ener-
gy, due to loss compensation.

• Winding heating in transformers. -Resist drop-

I: current flowing through the conductor,
outs without an apparent cause.
in ampere (A)

R: conductor’s resistance, in ohm ( Ω)


A current excess because of a low power factor can induce generators and transformers become over-
loaded, reducing therefore their useful lives when overrunning their design ratings.


Current flowing through an electric conductor produces a potential drop, which is defined by Ohm’s Law.

The current growth because of a low power factor will produce a bigger potential drop, causing an in-
sufficient power supply in loads requirement, reducing, thus reducing in them the output power.

Reactive Energy Compensation’s Benefits

If the current is substituted by the active power expression in the Joule’s effect losses formula, the
following relation is obtained:

Losses f cosφi Joule effect losses decrement:
Losses i cosφf cosφfinal
0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00
0,50 65,40% 69,14% 72,30% 75,00%
Losses i: initial losses 0,55 58,13% 62,65% 66,48% 69,75%
Losses f: final losses 0,60 50,17% 55,56% 60,11% 64,00%
cosφi: initial power factor
0,65 41,52% 47,84% 53,19% 57,75%
cosφf: final power factor
0,70 32,18% 39,51% 45,71% 51,00%
0,75 22,15% 30,56% 37,67% 43,75%
0,80 11,42% 20,99% 29,09% 36,00%
0,85 - 10,80% 19,94% 27,75%
0,90 - - 10,25% 19,00%
0,95 - - - 9,75%


Considering an amount of daily los-

ses in electrical distribution ciphered
in 8850 kWh and a CO2 emission in
electrical production of 400 g/kWh,
3,5 tons of CO2 are emitted daily
to the atmosphere in Spain. This
quantity represents the 1,25% of the
annual electric energy generation

Reactive energy compensation

would reduce in 1,36 tons of carbon
dioxide emitted to the atmosphere,
which means nearly 500 tons per

Reactive Energy Compensation’s Benefits



The current must overcome the conductor’s electric impedance (Z)

while the electric energy is being transported, therefore a potential
drop is produced.

Potential drop can be determined by Ohm’s law, and is the product

of current and resistance. If the value of the demanded current is
substituted by its equivalent in terms of line power, the following
expression is obtained:

Pactive ·Z cte ∆ Uf cosφi

∆U = = → =
√3·U·cosφ cosφ ∆ Ui cosφf

∆ U Potential drop in the line

U, Distribution voltage
Z, Conductor’s impedance

Potencial drop decrement on distribution lines:

0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00
0,50 41,18% 44,44% 47,37% 50,00%
0,55 35,29% 38,89% 42,11% 45,00%
0,60 29,41% 33,33% 36,84% 40,00%
0,65 23,53% 27,78% 31,58% 35,00%
0,70 17,65% 22,22% 26,32% 30,00%
0,75 11,76% 16,67% 21,05% 25,00%
0,80 5,88% 11,11% 15,79% 20,00%
0,85 - 5,56% 10,53% 15,00%
0,90 - - 5,26% 10,00%
0,95 - - - 5,00%


If the power factor were compensated, part of the extra power, produced in order to reduce losses, could
be used in the electrical provided consumption. Checking out the consumption and losses profiles, the
Spanish National Electrical Distributor could gain a 0,5% in capacity, enough energy for more than a
twoyear Ceuta and Melilla supply.

Reactive Energy Compensation´S
Economic Saving
Reactive power compensation is good not only
as a technical advantage but also as an eco-
nomical one.

Since January 2012, companies in Spain with

an electrical contract of 15kW or more (basica-
lly, every commercial enterprise from a small
store up to a big industry) can be suffering
bursts in their billing, because of a legal chan-
ge published in BOE, on December 31, 2009,
which tries to actuate on energetic efficiency
throughout a more responsible use of energy
in companies.

Reactive power prices in Spain

€/kVArh €/kVArh
cosφ Reactive power prices in Spain
% Increase
(2009) (2010) 2009-2010
Obviously, this new legislation is specially
cosφ ≥ 0,95 €/kVArh
0 €/kVArh
0 -
% Increase affecting industrial plants which use trans-
0,9 ≤ cosφ < 0,95 (2009)
0,000013 (2010)
0,041554 2009-2010
formers, motors and any other industrial
cosφ≤ ≥cos 0
φ < 0,9 0,017018
0,95 0 -
0,85 0,041554 144,18 %
receptor that needs magnetic fields for run-
≤ cos φ
≤ cosφ < 0,85
< 0,95 0,000013
0,034037 0,041554
0,041554 319,546%
22,08 % ning.
0,85 ≤cos
0,9 0,017018
0,051056 0,041554
0,062332 144,18
0,8 ≤ cosφ < 0,85 0,034037 0,041554 22,08 %
cosφ < 0,8 0,051056 0,062332 22,08 %

Reactive energy compensation is achieved by

the installation, in electric lines, of capacitor
banks, which can generate capacitive loads, so
that reactive losses in the wiring are reduced.

With these new rates, any industrial plant which

has basic equipment, such as furnaces or fluo-
rescent lamps (see charts in section A), can
suffer charge build-ups due to reactive energy.

This amendment means to users which, until

now did not pay any reactive energy consump-
tion, are suffering, since January 2010, a burst
on their electrical billing.

Capacitive Energy Calculation Needed
for Compensation
In order to determine the power factor for its co-
rrection, a three-step method is used, which can P = Σ Active powers (kWh)
be followed in the attached block diagram: Q = Σ Reactive powers (kVArh)

1. Installation’s reactive power computation

2. Capacitive power, needed to compensate, com-
3. Installation’s power factor (FP) variability com- FP = cos(φ) =
putation S √P + Q 2


The installation’s reactive power calculation im-

plies determining its power factor (FP). Therefore, Decice upon
the facility needs to be studied with, among other
FPdesired = cos(φdesired )

• An electric line analyser

• An energy consumption bills analysis, as shown
in the block diagram.
k = tan(φinitial ) - tan(φdesired )


Once the installation’s FP is determined, the value

of the desired power factor (which will totally re- F Value determination (kW):
move reactive energy), FPdesired, must be selected.
This value is going as close to unity as possible. • Power (kW) measured with a
peak demand meter.
There is a value, named “k factor”, which is de-
• Hired power (kW) by the plant
fined by the tangent’s difference, and its most fre-
quent values are listed in the table below. • The product of the power value
(kWh) and the operating number
Once the k and F values have both been defi- of hours.
ned and calculated, the capacitive power (PkVAr),
in kVAr, needed for the FP compensation, can be
calculated too. RTR Energía S.L. suggests an in-
crease of 15-20% of the PkVAr value, in order to fo-
recast any other capacity increments. PkVAr = k · F

Application Example:

F = 85kW (Maximum Demand)

cos(φinitial ) = 0,73
cos(φdesired ) =1

k = 0,936 table values:

PkVAr = 85 · 0,936 = 79,56 kVAr

PkVAr recommended = 95 kVAr

Capacitive Energy Calculation Needed
for Compensation

If a central compensation scheme is chosen (see section F),

• 1:1:1:1…all the steps’ capacitive
the fluctuation pattern of the FP with time must be known, in
power is the same.
order to decide the number of steps needed by the bank for
• 1:2:2:2…the capacitive power of the
achieving the calculated capacitive power throughout time.
first step is half that of the other steps.
• 1:2:4:4…the capacitive power of the
For example, assuming an 80 kVAr battery is needed, and
first step is half that of second step,
knowing that 60 kVAr are produced by a fixed motor, the re-
and the latter is in turn half that of
maining 20 kVAr can appear and disappear intermittently du-
the rest of the step
ring the day.

2 steps of 40 kVAr 4 steps of 20 kVAr 2 steps of 5 kVAr

Step Sequence: 1:1: Step Sequence: 1:1:1:1 1 steps of 10 kVAr
3 steps of 20 kVAr
The second 40kVAr step The fourth 20kVAr step Step Sequence: 1:1:2:4:4:4
is switched on and off is switched on and off
permanently Ë NO permanently Ë NO Optimum solution Ë OK

Usual k factor vualues

FP before cosφ 0,80 0,84 0,88 0,90 0,90 0,95 0,96 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00
tgφ 0,750 0,646 0,540 0,484 0,484 0,329 0,292 0,251 0,203 0,142 0,000
cosφ tgφ
0,400 2,291 1,541 1,645 1,752 1,807 1,865 1,963 2,000 2,041 2,088 2,149 2,291
0,430 2,100 1,350 1,454 1,560 1,615 1,674 1,771 1,808 1,849 1,897 1,957 2,100
0,460 1,930 1,180 1,284 1,391 1,446 1,504 1,602 1,639 1,680 1,727 1,788 1,930
0,490 1,779 1,029 1,133 1,239 1,295 1,353 1,450 1,487 1,528 1,576 1,637 1,779
0,520 1,643 0,893 0,997 1,103 1,158 1,217 1,314 1,351 1,392 1,440 1,500 1,643
0,550 1,518 0,768 0,873 0,979 1,034 1,092 1,190 1,227 1,268 1,315 1,376 1,518
0,580 1,405 0,655 0,759 0,865 0,920 0,979 1,076 1,113 1,154 1,201 1,262 1,405
0,610 1,299 0,549 0,653 0,759 0,815 0,873 0,970 1,007 1,048 1,096 1,157 1,299
0,640 1,201 0,451 0,555 0,661 0,716 0,775 0,872 0,909 0,950 0,998 1,058 1,201
0,670 1,108 0,358 0,462 0,568 0,624 0,682 0,779 0,816 0,857 0,905 0,966 1,108
0,700 1,020 0,270 0,374 0,480 0,536 0,594 0,692 0,729 0,770 0,817 0,878 1,020
0,730 0,936 0,186 0,290 0,396 0,452 0,510 0,608 0,645 0,686 0,733 0,794 0,936
0,760 0,855 0,105 0,209 0,315 0,371 0,429 0,526 0,563 0,605 0,652 0,713 0,855
0,790 0,776 0,026 0,130 0,236 0,292 0,350 0,447 0,484 0,525 0,573 0,634 0,776
0,800 0,750 - 0,104 0,210 0,266 0,324 0,421 0,458 0,499 0,547 0,608 0,750
0,810 0,724 - 0,078 0,184 0,240 0,298 0,395 0,432 0,473 0,521 0,581 0,724
0,820 0,698 - 0,052 0,158 0,214 0,272 0,369 0,406 0,447 0,495 0,556 0,698
0,830 0,672 - 0,026 0,132 0,188 0,246 0,343 0,380 0,421 0,469 0,530 0,672
0,840 0,646 - - 0,106 0,162 0,220 0,317 0,354 0,395 0,443 0,503 0,646
0,850 0,620 - - 0,080 0,135 0,194 0,291 0,328 0,369 0,417 0,477 0,620
0,860 0,593 - - 0,054 0,109 0,167 0,265 0,302 0,343 0,390 0,451 0,593
0,870 0,567 - - 0,027 0,082 0,141 0,238 0,275 0,316 0,364 0,424 0,567
0,880 0,540 - - - 0,055 0,114 0,211 0,248 0,289 0,337 0,397 0,540
0,890 0,512 - - - 0,028 0,086 0,184 0,221 0,262 0,309 0,370 0,512
0,900 0,484 - - - - 0,058 0,156 0,193 0,234 0,281 0,342 0,484
0,910 0,456 - - - - 0,030 0,127 0,164 0,205 0,253 0,313 0,456
0,920 0,426 - - - - - 0,097 0,134 0,175 0,223 0,284 0,426
0,930 0,395 - - - - - 0,067 0,104 0,145 0,192 0,253 0,395
0,940 0,363 - - - - - 0,034 0,071 0,112 0,160 0,220 0,363
0,950 0,329 - - - - - - 0,037 0,078 0,126 0,186 0,329
0,960 0,292 - - - - - - - 0,041 0,089 0,149 0,292
0,970 0,251 - - - - - - - - 0,048 0,108 0,251
0,980 0,203 - - - - - - - - - 0,061 0,203
0,990 0,142 - - - - - - - - - - 0,142

Configurations for Reactive Energy

Individual compensation is used in continuous working cycle equipments, where reactive consumption
is significant, mainly in electric motors and transformers. The capacitor is installed in every single load,
so the only conductors affected by the reactive energy are those who are uniting load and capacitor. This
configuration has, on the one hand, the following advantages:

• Reactive energy is confined between load and capacitor. Therefore, the remaining lines are free from
this reactive energy.
• The capacitor is switched on only when there is a connected load, as the starter functions as the
capacitor’s switch so no other control system is needed.

On the other hand, this configuration has the following disadvantages:

• Individual capacitor’s price is higher than that of an equivalent capacitor on its own.
• Capacitor’s are under-used when an individual load remains idle for a long period of time.

This fixed-compensation configuration has to be studied carefully when any of the following highlighted
cases: in asynchronous motor’s compensation and power transformers (see section G).



Configurations for Reactive Energy

The group-compensation configuration is sugges-

ted when a group of loads (either different or not)
are simultaneously connected, thus demanding a
constant amount of reactive energy.

This configuration has, on the one hand, the fo-

llowing advantages:

• The capacitors bank can be put in where motors Circuit

control centre.
• Capacitors are only used when the loads are
• It has a lower set-up cost.
• Reactive power is totally removed from distribu-
tion lines. LOAD LOAD

There is, on the other hand, a disadvantage on

the main power lead: there is still reactive power
remaining between loads and the motors control


The total capacitor’s bank power is installed (put

in) on the tapping, next to the energy feedboards.
The total bank power is divided between a num-
ber of packs or steps, put through with an auto-
matic controller which can switch them on and off
when wanted, depending on the instant reactive
consumption. This configuration has, on the one
hand, the following advantages: kVA

• More efficient use of capacitor’s capacity.

• Better voltage regulation in electric systems.
• Bank’s power output adjusts according to any gi-
ven instant requirement

On the other hand, the shortcoming of this confi- X/5 TI

guration is that power distribution lines are not re-

lieved from reactive power, and still an automatic
controller is needed in the setup.



Motors and Transformers

When compensating individual asynchronous mo-

tors, care must be taken in order to avoid self-exci-
tation appearance. Self-excitation begins when the
motor is turned off, as it remains spinning because
of the inertia, until it finally stops. When the feed
is cut out, if the compensation has been done on
the motor’s terminals then the capacitor’s capaciti-
ve currents on the stator will generate a magnetic
field on the rotor in the same direction as the de-
creasing magnetic field. Thus, the motor will work
as a generator, and this will cause overvoltages in
the motor terminals.

There are two possible solutions in order to avoid

self-excitation appearance:

• Capacitor’s capacitive currents can be limited Qcompensation = P · ( tanφi - tanφf )

through the capacitor bank power’s limitation so
that they are lower than the motor’s void current Qcompensation ≤ Qlímite
(EN60831-1 standard advices that void current
should never be higher than the 90% reactive
Qlimit = 0.9 √3·Un · I0 ó
void motor’s power).
• Compensation can be done in terminals throug-
hout a contactor. This way, when the motor is Qlímit = 2·P ( 1- cosφinitial )
turned off from the feed, capacitors will remain
insulated from the motor terminals.

In practice we can consider:

Qcompensation = 0,3·PPrated of motors

Circuit breaker


Motors and Transformers

Sometimes the direct asynchronous motor’s con-

nection is not possible, normally because of the R
current peaks that appear during the starting S
(start). When this occurs, wye-delta commutators T
are used. Circuit Contactor
If the motor is fitted with a wye-delta starter, the
capacitor’s connection will be done with connec-
tors, so that the capacitor will be switched when
the motor has finished its start (wye) and has
achieved a continuous rating.

Using this starting method avoids overcurrents

and overvoltages during motor starting.



La energía que viene


Motor Capacitor power

Output kVAr

kW CV 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm Switching from Closed to Wye:
7,5 10 2,50 2,50 2,50 5,00
1. Open Delta connections.
11 15 2,50 2,50 5,00 5,00 2. Close connections to the grid.
15 20 5,00 5,00 5,00 7,50 3. Close connections to the neutral point.
18 25 5,00 5,00 7,50 10,00
22 30 7,50 7,50 10,00 10,00 Wye - Delta connections switching:
30 40 10,00 10,00 12,50 15,00
1. Open connections to the neutral point
37 50 12,50 15,00 17,50 20,00
2. Close Delta connections.
45 60 15,00 17,50 20,00 22,50
55 75 17,50 25,00 22,50 25,00
75 100 22,50 27,50 27,50 32,50
90 125 25,00 30,00 35,00 40,00
110 150 30,00 35,00 42,50 45,00
132 180 37,50 45,00 45,00 55,00
160 220 45,00 50,00 60,00 65,00
200 270 50,00 60,00 67,50 80,00
250 340 60,00 65,00 75,00 85,00
280 380 70,00 77,50 85,00 95,00
355 485 85,00 95,00 107,50 122,50
400 544 100,00 105,00 125,00 135,00
Note: The values in this table are for information only

Motors and Transformers

Transformers reactive energy compensation must

be enough to rectify the reactive energy that can
appear during its void working, as this is a cons-
tant value (Q0) and also the absorbed reactive
energy when charged.

The following table includes some approximate

reactive power values of the capacitors, depen-
ding on the transformer power.

Qcompensation = Q0 + Qload

Qcompensation = √3 · U · + · · Sn
100 100 Sn

I0 = Magnetizing current in %
U = Rated Primary Voltage
UCC = Short Circuit Voltage in % Primary
S = Rated Apparent Power
Sn = Working Power KVA



Power Voltage Voltage

kVA < 24 kV > 24 kV

25 2,50 2,50
50 5,00 5,00
100 7,50 10,00
In practice we can consider:
160 10,00 12,50
250 15,00 20,00
Qcompensation = 0,05·Sn si Sn ≤ 1000kVA
400 20,00 25,00
500 25,00 30,00 Qcompensation = 0,03·Sn si Sn > 1000kVA
630 30,00 40,00
800 45,00 50,00
1000 60,00 65,00
1250 70,00 80,00
1600 90,00 100,00
2000 112,50 120,00
2500 155,00 165,00
Note: The values in this table are for information only

Quality, Installation and Protection

RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors are manufactured under a strict Quality Control that verifies the
capacitor’s correct working in every production line. In order to obtain the best capacitor’s performance
it is very convenient to follow the installation suggestions, supplied with every capacitor.


They should be, preferably suitable for sudden breakdown, and dimensioned for a 1.6 to 2 times the
rated capacitor’s current.


As switchgears, they should be suitable for sudden breakdown and able to manage the high charge and
discharge current capacitor’s values. So, their calibration must be done between 1.6 and 2 times the
capacitor’s rated one.


For the same reasons as exposited before, the minimum wire section must be 1.8 times bigger than that
used for rate current.


Ambient temperature for a satisfactory capacitors working should be within -25º C and 55º C. Because
of this, if there were reactances placed in the setup, capacitors should be located below them, in venti-
lated and air-conditioned areas if needed.

Never manipulate charged ca-
pacitors. Before touching a ca-
RTR Energía S.L. seeks to maintain conti- pacitor, even when discharge
nuous improvement, and has been awar- resistors have been fitted, the
ded the certification of its Quality Assurance capacitor terminals should be -
System under ISO 9001: 2008 by AENOR short-circuited and grounded.
and IQNet.

Case Study: Commercial Establishment
An example of a real-life case of power factor com-
pensation in a hostelry-place is presented here. The
installation has a 40 kW demand and a monthly bill of
€1468,66 of the consumed energy plus 420,42 of reac-
tive energy. Therefore, if reactive energy is compensa-
ted, the billing will be reduced in a 28%.

The power consumption statistics shown below divides

the customer’s power bill in 6 day-intervals. For each
period, the active and reactive powers and the peak de-
mand (peak demand meter reading) are shown.


Time Period Consumption
Following the calculation steps shown in schedule
E, and considering the hired power as F’s value, the Active Power P1 1737 kWh
installation’s power factor can be determined, as well Active Power P2 4863 kWh
as the capacitive power needed for the reactive energy Active Power P3 1427 kWh
compensation. Active Power P4 683 kWh
Active Power P5 1820 kWh
STEPS CALCULATION Active Power P6 610 kWh
Reactive Power P1 1434 kVArh
Always following the procedure shown in Schedule E
Reactive Power P2 4091 kVArh
for each of the time periods, and taking F as the corres-
Reactive Power P3 1842 kVArh
ponding peak demand meter reading, the power factor
Reactive Power P4 551 kVArh
and needed capacitive power can be we can determi-
Reactive Power P5 1841 kVArh
ned for each of the intervals.
Reactive Power P6 662 kVArh
Peak demand meter reading P1 35 kW
FP= k F(kW) PkVAr Peak demand meter reading P2 40 kW
Power cosφ
calculation Peak demand meter reading P3 22 kW
0,73 0,935 40 37,42 Peak demand meter reading P4 32 kW
Peak demand meter reading P5 32 kW
Peak demand meter reading P6 21 kW

Power FP=
calculation cosφ k F(kW) PkVAr

0,77 0,826 35 28,89

Thus, the capacitors bank power
should be of, at least, 37.5 kVAr.
P2 0,77 0,841 40 33,65
P3 0,61 1,291 22 28,40 RTR Energía S.L. advices an increase
of this value of 15-20%, in order to sa-
P4 0,78 0,807 32 25,82
tisfy future power demand increments.
P5 0,70 1,012 32 32,37 So, the chosen capacitor bank in this
0,68 1,085 21 22,79
case would be a mural-series one,
precisely a 45kVAr one, with 5 steps

The minimural-series would not be sui-

table in this case, as it only has three
steps (3x15).

Reactive power compensation offers the following advantages:

INCREASE OF ENERGY USAGE EFFICIENCY by reducing transport losses. When losses are redu-
ced, there is no need of producing an extra amount of energy, in order to compensate these losses.
Thus, the greenhouse gasses emitted when electric energy is generated are also reduced.

INCREASE OF THE NATIONAL GRID’S CAPACITY, since the energy, generated as an extra due to
compensate losses can be used as consumption energy. Based on power consumption and losses
statistics, the Spanish National Grid’s capacity would increase by 0.5%, energy enough to supply, for
example, more than twice the yearly consumption of Ceuta and Melilla.

OPTIMIZATION OF THE INSTALLATION DESIGN as the increment of the conductor’s size is preven-
ted even though the current is increasing. Therefore, resources such as copper, which has an important
influence in the installation’s budgets, are used in a more efficient way.

INCREASE OF THE ELECTRICAL MACHINE’S DURABILITY. The reactive energy removal provokes
a current’s growth, which is responsible for a reduction of the power appliances useful lifes.

INCREASE OF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY QUALITY by reducing the increment in power drops
during its transport. This voltage drop is responsible for the decreased output power in loads, such as
motors, lamps, etc.

ECONOMICAL SAVING in electrical billing, obtained by removing the reactive energy consumption
penalties. This penalties may nowadays mean a 30% of the total power bill.


and quality
Electric Energy

Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier,

French mathematician (1768 -1830)

120º 120º


Balanced three-phase system

Unbalanced three-phase system

Quality of Electric Energy

The basic fundamental parameters which define

an electrical energy supply are: supply voltage (U) Negative quality aspects of the electri-
and current (I). cal supply, as established in the standard
EN-UNE-60150:1996, are:
The right voltage supply (U) and the ability for gi-
ving users the amount of needed energy in a par- • Overvoltage
ticular moment depends on the electricity supplier • Electric Power Interruptions
company, which distributes the energy. • Cutoffs
• Voltage fluctuations
In Spain, voltage is supplied at 400 volts (V) in • Flicker
a three-phase system, with a frequency value of • Voltage holes
50Hz, considering this as low voltage up to 1000V.
From 1000V up to 25 kilovolts (kV) it is considered
as medium voltage, which depends on the areas
and the supply companies.

Finally, values over 25 kV are considered high voltage, and it is used basically for transporting electrical
energy in large distances.

Actually, QUALITY (correct energy supply) and ELECTRIC ENERGY EFFICIENCY (obtaining the
maximum yield out of it) concepts must be unified. Because of this, the maximum consumption of
energy must be optimized, as well as its transport and use. This will grant the correct running of the
electrical equipment.

The most important characteristic in quality and energetic efficiency is that of generating and trans-
porting the maximum amount of active energy, which produces effective power. This compensates the
oscillating energy loads, as well as the nonproductive ones, as reactive energy (see chapter of reac-
tive energy compensation) or distortion energy, produced by some of the electrical appliances with
nonlinear components, such as non-filtered reactances, speed shifters, rectifiers or electronic starters,
among many other.

Electrical Network Disturbances

With the aforesaid standard, UNE-EN-60150, here are
some of the most important electrical network disturbances.

120º 120º


Frequency disturbances measured in 10 seconds avera-

ge values. These variations produce an inaccurate run- Balanced three-phase system
ning in electric motors, both synchronous and asynchro-
nous, electrical household appliances, etc.

Unbalanced three-phase system
The voltage or current three-phase system is perfectly ba-
lanced when its three phases (R, S and T) have a 120º
angular displacement between them, and when its vector
modulus have the same value.

If the system is unbalanced, it can occur that the modulus of each of the different phases are different,
or that the phase shift between two of the vectors is not the usual value of 120º. Furthermore, these two
things can happen simultaneously.

Displaying a three-phase system this way, either balanced or unbalanced is valid if the system has three
wires or four, including the neutral wire.

The unbalanced systems must not exceed the following values:

Current < 10%

Voltage < 3%

When the system is unbalanced, the current through the neutral wire increases.


Harmonic voltage is defined by the standard

UNEEN-60150:1996 as “a sinusoidal voltage,
where the frequency is an integer multiple of the
system’s supply voltage fundamental frequency”.

Fourier, a French mathematician, defined this

phenomenon by the following assertion: “any pe-
riodic signal, no matter its complexity, can be split
in a number of signals, and the sum of these sig-
nals will have a frequency which will be a multiple
of the fundamental or reference frequency”

After analysing this phenomenon, the conclusion

in RTR ENRGIA S.L. is that this is the most accu-
rate definition for a harmonic, though the Fourier’s Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier,
mathematic series expansion is not going to be French mathematician (1768 -1830)

studied here, as it is not part of the purpose of this

Distorted wave
Harmonics generate non-linear loads. These
loads, when connected to a sinusoidal and alter- Fundamental

nating electrical network, absorb non-linear cu- 3rd harmonic

rrents. Their amplitude and frequency depends on 120º 120º
the current’s wave distortion when a sine voltage 120º 1 2 3
is applied to them. These non-linear loads are ge-
nerally periodic.
Balanced three-phase system


Among many others, the main causes of the harmonic distortionεare the following.

• Electromagnetic and electronic lighting ballasts Unbalanced three-phase system

• Electric welding equipment
• Single-phase network connected electronic equipment
• Electromagnetic reactance for discharge lamps
• Electronic starter
• Speed shifters


• Increase of transported power, worsening the network power factor

• Automatic switch untimely drop-out
• Conductors overloads
• Vibrations and overloads in machinery
• Establishment of instabilities in electrical systems
• Wrong operation of protective relays
• Capacitors’ impedance fall-off ( Xc ) = 1/• · C. This may produce a failure in the automatic regulated ba-
ttery, which is installed in order to rectify the power factor when the resonant phenomenon appears
(XL=Xc). This situation is explained in detail in section D.
• Wrong measures in measurement apparatus
• Noises in control equipment

The electrical companies analyse the penalties to be applied to industrial installations which generate
harmonics, as well as to the ones which generate reactive energy.

Harmonics Parameters

Los armónicos se clasifican por tres parámetros (Orden, Frecuencia y Secuencia) que
Harmonics can be classified by three different parameters: order, frequency and sequence, which can
definen perfectamente la función del armónico correspondiente en las redes eléctricas.
perfectly define each of the harmonic functions in the electrical network.
Partiendo de que la frecuencia fundamental en España es de 50 Hz, el número de orden
determina el número
The fundamental frequencydevalue
veces que isla50frecuencia
in Spain de ese
Hz, and the order armónico
number es number
defines the mayor ofque la
fundamental: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7… orden natural de los números
times in which the harmonics’ frequency is higher than the fundamental value: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… the
natural order of numbers.
También se define como la relación que hay entre la frecuencia del armónico (fn) y la
It can also be
frecuencia defined as the
fundamental (f50ratio
). of the harmonic frequency (fn) and the fundamental frequency (f50)


Se define como el resultado de multiplicar Los armónicos de orden impar son los
The harmonics’ frequency is defined
el número de orden del armónico por la as the result of multiplying the order number
que se encuentran of the
en las harmonic
redes and
the fundamental frequency (50 Hz),
frecuencia fundamental (50 Hz), por e.g: de la industria, edificios y explotaciones
ejemplo: industriales, aeropuertos, etc. Los de
3rd harmonic 3 x 50Hz = 150Hz
orden par sólo aparecen cuando hay
5th harmonic 5 x 50Hz = 250Hz
3ª armónica 3 x 50 Hz = 150 Hz asimetría en la señal eléctrica.
7th harmonic 7 x 50Hz = 350Hz
5ª armónica 5 x 50 Hz = 250 Hz
7ª armónica
Odd-order harmonics7can
x 50
be Hz = 350
found in theHzelectrical network of all kind of industries, buildings, indus-
trial runnings, airports, etc. Even-order harmonics can be found in unbalanced electric signals.

La secuencia positiva o negativa de los Orden Frecuencia Secuencia

armónicos no determinan un comportamiento 1 50 +
concreto de los mismos en la redes eléctricas, 2 100 - afo-
son positive
negative sequence
unos of
harmonics does not establish a specific behaviour of the
resaid harmonics in electric networks. They are both equally harmful. 150 0
4 200 +
En el caso concreto de las baterías de 5 power factor,
In the particular case of the capacitors’ banks for the correction of the 250 the most harmful
harmonic is that ofpara la corrección
negative del factor
sequence, specially thede
5º one. 6 300 0
potencia son más perjudiciales los de 7 350 +
secuencia negativa,
Instead, harmonics y null
with fundamentalmente el 5º.
sequence have a frequency which is an8 electrical multiple
400 -
of the fundamen-
tal frequency. These harmonics are displaced along the uncharged wire,9 so that450
the current flow 0is of
the same value or even higher than the current
Por el contrario, los de secuencia cero, al ser flow through the phases.
··· This produces
··· the uncharged
wire heating, so it makes it necessary
su frecuencia múltiplo eléctrico de la to have the same section on both
n uncharged
50·n and phase wires.
Parámetros de los armónicos más usuales
fundamental, se desplazan por el neutro,
The most usual
haciendo que harmonics parameters
por él circule are the ofollowing:
la misma más
intensidad que por las fases con el
Order del mismo,
consiguiente calentamiento Frequency
de ahí Sequence
la necesidad de igualar la sección del neutro 50 a +
las fases. 2 100 -
3 150 0
4 200 +
5 250 -
6 250 0
7 350 +
8 400 -
9 450 0
... ... ...



(U) AND CURRENT (I) La tasa de distorsión armónica se define como Uca fn
la relación en tanto por ciento (%) de la tensión HD U n % = ⋅ 100
(o de la intensidad) en valor eficaz de la Uca f50
The harmonic distortion rate can be defined as the voltage or current percentage rate (%), with the
effective value of the INDIVIDUAL
EN TENSIÓN del armónico
harmonic frequency (U) E INTENSIDAD correspondiente
and the effective (I) value y la of the voltage or current Ica fn
tensión (o intensidad) en valor eficaz de la HD In % = ⋅ 100
corresponding to the fundamental frequency. Ica f50
tensión correspondiente a la frecuencia
a de distorsión armónica se define como fundamental. Uca fn
ción en tanto por ciento (%) de la tensión HD U n % = ⋅ 100
la intensidad) en valor eficaz de la Uca f50
ncia del armónicoTASA correspondiente
n (o intensidad) en valor eficaz de la HD In % = ⋅ 100
Ica f50
n correspondiente a la frecuencia
mental. La tasa de distorsión armónica se define como Uca fn
por ciento llama
de asíla tensión
a (U)la Etasa de distorsión
INTENSIDAD HD U n(I)% = ⋅ 100 2 2 2 2
armónica total THD - THDI a la Uca THD U ca 2 + U ca 3 + U ca 4 +  + U c
(o de la intensidad) en valor eficaz dereferenciada
U f50
U2 − n
de distorsión armónica
frecuencia ARMONICA:
se define
del como
armónico THDfrecuencia
U - THDfundamental:
correspondiente I yU la Ica frequency 2 2 U2 ca 1 2
The total rate of harmonic distortion is the rate referenced ca fn to the fundamental fn I ca 2 + I ca 3 + I ca 4 +  + I ca n
ación en tanto por tensiónciento (%) (o de la tensión en valor HD
intensidad) eficaz Un % de= la ⋅ 100 HD In % = ⋅ 100
Ica fTHD I 2−n = ⋅
e la intensidad) tensión en valor correspondiente
eficaz de la a la frecuenciaUca f50 50 I ca 1
encia del armónico fundamental.
correspondiente y la h 2 + h 2 I+cah42fn +  + hn2 Como norma de consulta, en la IEC
ón (oasí a la tasaen de
intensidad) eficaz de la THDf2−n =
valor HD2In2 % =32 2
⋅ 100 ⋅ 100 2 el valor “n” se limita al armónico núm
ica correspondiente
total referenciada U ca 2 + U ca 3Ihca +1Uf50ca 4 +  + U ca n
ón a la a frecuencia
la THDU2−n = ⋅ 100 40.
amental. 2 2 THD
U 2 ca 1 U - THD 2 I
Para una I ca 2 + I cacomprensión
+ I 4 +  + I ca
For a better understanding ofTHD = mejor
thisI parameter, the 3totalcarate sen ⋅ va
of harmonic a
100distortion (THD)
La THDisI going es generada to be por las carga
referred to the two fundamental referenciar
values: the el effective
THD I a ca 1
voltage dos(U )valores
and the effective current (I ).
circuitos noca lineales en la instalac
A TOTAL fundamentales: THDI de laconsulta, tensión en eficaz (Uca) y
2 2
3 + h4 +  + hn
2 ARMONICA: THD Como U -norma la IEC-555 mientras que la THDU es generada
Df2−n = Se llama ⋅ 100 así a la tasa la corriente
de distorsióneficaz (I ).
el valor “n” se limita al armónico número U ca 2 + U ca 3 + Ulas fuentes, como resultado de
ca 2 2 2 2
h1 armónica total referenciada a 2 la ca 4 +  + U ca n
40. 2
U ca 2 + U ca 3 + U caU42−+n  + U ca n = 2 corriente en el circuito
⋅ 100 muy distorsiona
ama así a la tasa frecuencia fundamental: THD
de distorsión = 2 ⋅ 100
2 U 2 ca 1 2
U2 − n I + I + I +  + I
una mejortotal comprensión
referenciada se va a ala La THDI es generada U
ca 2 ca 3 ca 4 ca n
nica THD
por ca 1 las
I 2−n cargas
= de ⋅ 100
nciar el THD a los dos valores
encia fundamental: circuitos no lineales en la instalación; I ca 1
mentales: la tensión eficaz (Ucah)2 y+ h 2 + hmientras
U Como norma de
porconsulta, en la IEC-555
2 2
4 +  + hn
queI 2la +THD 2
I ca es
2 generada 2
iente eficaz (Ica). THDf2−n = 2 3
EL ESPECTRO ⋅ 100 ca 2 ARMÓNICO3 + I ca 4 +  + I ca n
THD fuentes, = como el
resultadovalor “n”de se ⋅ limita al armónico número
h1 I 2−n
2 2 2
h2 + h3 + h4 +  + hn 2 corriente en el circuito muy40.
ca 1 distorsionada.
Df2−n = ⋅ 100 El espectro armónico es la descomposición de
h1Para una mejor comprensión seenvasus a armónicos
una señal La THD en el dominio
es generada de lapor lasTHDU cargas de
standard to el be THD
consulted Como
is the norma
IEC-555, de consulta en la IEC-555,
Así where the “n” value is limited to the 40th harmonic.
a frecuencia.
los dos valores se representa en un diagrama 60

el valor “n” se limita alcircuitos armónicono númerolineales en la instalación;

una mejor comprensión fundamentales:
vamos laa tensión de eficaz
barras (U elca)porcentaje
y de cada
mientras queuna la THDde las U es generada por

Thelatotal rate referred

corriente eficaz tocathe
(I ). 40.
current, THDI, is generated by the non-linear loads in the wiring circuit.
enciar el ARMÓNICO
THD a los dos valores señales armónicas, cuya las fuentes, suma produce como resultado la de una

amentales: la tensión eficaz (Uca) y señal total analizada. corriente en el circuito muy distorsionada.
The total rate referred to the voltage, La THDTHDU, I es generadais the result poroflas a verycargas de current in the30 circuit.
rriente armónico
eficaz (Ica).es la descomposición de circuitos70 no lineales en la instalación. 20

eñal en sus armónicos en el dominio de la En laTHDUfigura adjunta se observa un espectro 10

ncia. Así se representa en un diagrama armónico La THD
donde el 5º armónico alcanza un
es generada por las fuentes,
rras el porcentaje de cada una deSPECTRUM las valor próximo al 25% en tensión. 0
ESPECTRO ARMÓNICO como resultado de una corriente en el 50 Hz 150 Hz 250 Hz 350 Hz

es armónicas, cuya suma produce la circuito 40muy distorsionada.

total analizada.
When decomposing a signal es into its harmonics in de
El espectro armónico la descomposición
señal en domain,
sus the harmonic
armónicos en el spectrum
dominioisde la

figura adjunta
SPECTRO ARMÓNICO se observa un espectro THDU

formed. This harmonic Así se spectrum canen beun repre-

nico donde el 5º frecuencia. representa diagrama
10 60
armónico alcanza un
sented barras
in a bar-graph, by including the 0 percenta-
al 25% enesde el porcentaje de cada una de150 Hzlas 250 Hz 50
próximo tensión.
pectro armónico ge of each ofarmónicas,
la the different harmonic
descomposición de signals. The la
50 Hz 350 Hz
señales cuya suma produce 70 40

señal en sus armónicos sumseñal en

of these elpercentages
total dominio
analizada. de la gives the total analy-

60 30

sed signal.
encia. Así se representa en un diagrama 50
arras el porcentaje Endela cada
figurauna de las

adjunta se observa un espectro

es armónicas, Incuya the attached
sumadonde figure
produce aelharmonic
la armónico spectrum,
armónico 5º alcanza un
total analizada.where depróximo
5th harmonic achieves approximately a

valor al 25% en tensión. 0

50 Hz 150 Hz 250 Hz 350 Hz

25% of the voltage value, can be observed.


a figura adjunta se observa un espectro 10

nico donde el 5º armónico alcanza un 0

50 Hz 150 Hz 250 Hz 350 Hz

próximo al 25% en tensión.

The 3rd and 5th harmonics


In the figure attached, the distorted wave is repre- Distorted wave

sented and its peak value is the graphical addition
of both of the sine waves. Fundamental

3rd harmonic
The amplitude of the fundamental wave is three ti-
mes the 3rd harmonic, and both of them have the 1 2 3

peak value in the same instant of time.

The 3rd harmonic has a special feature: its frequen-

cy is an electrical multiple of the fundamental fre-
quency, and has a null sequence, so that in a three-
phase 4wire system (R, S, T and N) there is a mesh
entering with the three phases (R, S and T) while The third harmonic has a frequency
three times higher (points
. 1, 2 and 3 )
there is a shift along the discharged wire (N). This
occurs the same way with the harmonics 6, 9, etc.


Distorted wave
In the figure attached, the 5th harmonic is repre- Fundamental
sented, as well as the distorted wave with its peak
value. This peak value is the graphical addition of 5th harmonic
the fundamental and the harmonic waves.
1 2 3 4 5
As it was previously mentioned, the amplitude of the
fundamental wave is five times the 5th harmonic,
and both of them have the peak value in the same
instant of time.

In contrast to the 3rd harmonic, the 5th harmonic is

NOT an electrical multiple of the fundamental wave, The fifth harmonic has a frequency
so the frequency shift will be through the phases R, five times higher (points 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
S, and T and it will be the 1st harmonic the one who
affects the capacitors and the three-phase system,
as well as the harmonics 7, 11, etc.

In RTR ENERGIA S.L., these two harmonic distortions (3rd and 5th) are the most important ones when
determining the power factor correction in industrial facilities, since the capacitors must be installed
forming passive filters (L-C) as it is explained in section D.

Reactive Energy Compensation

in Harmonic Distorted Networks

In a complex circuit, as the one shown in the image below and the usual ones in almost any industrial
facilities, there are commonly different kinds of loads (as linear or non-linear) which can appear, as well
as a capacitors’ bank for compensating the power factor of the mounting.

20 KV 20 KV

1600 KVA 1600 KVA

400V 400V

80 KVAR/440V 80 KVAR/440V
2500 AMP 2500 AMP



1600 AMP 1600 AMP 1600 AMP




700 KVAR/440V 700 KVAR/440V 700 KVAR/440V

If there is a possibility of harmonic distortion presence in the electrical network of the facility, an analysis
of the electrical network must be made with a properly calibrated network analyser.

RTR Energía S.L. performs this sort of network analyses with properly calibrated equipment when their
clients ask for it.

Once completed these network analyses, which must last for approximately 4 or 5 days including a
weekend, the necessary data will be obtained in order to diagnose the electrical requirements of the

• Supply voltage “Uca”

• Electric current “Ica”
• Frequency
• Power in the installation
• Power factor
• Capacitive energy demanded by the installation
• Current in the discharged wire
• Unbalance in the mounting because of consumption
• THDU since the 3th, 5th, 7th… harmonic (total and for each of the harmonics)
• THDI since the 3th, 5th, 7th… harmonic (total and for each of the harmonics)
• The predominant harmonic in the network both in voltage and current.

Sometimes, in order to check the harmonics presence in the mounting, performing an analysis for a brief
period of time is enough to decide the best capacitors’ bank for the installation.

Following there are some examples shown:

11.30 THDU

41.05 THDI

10.05 THDU

8.81 THDU

32.39 THDI

7.56 THDU

23.72 THDI
6.31 23.72

Harmonic distortions spectrum in voltage (THDU) and current (THDI) are obtained by a network
analyser. It can be observed, as the distortions are very high, and as it will be seen afterwards,
the chosen solution for the set up of the bank of capacitors due to compensate de reactive
energy was the placing of passive filtering with an overvoltage of 14%.

In such case, it can be clearly noticed the presence of harmonic distortion,

19.09 THDI
although the net-
work analysis will be fulfilled in a brief period of time. It is not this way in the following example.


24.37 THDI

2.98 THDU
2.98 21.94
21.94 THDI

2.75 THDU
2.75 19.52 19.52 THDI

2.52 THDU 17.09 THDI

2.52 17.09

2.30 14.66

In this case, the harmonic distortion spectrum in voltage (THDU) and current (THDI) is plotted bet-
ween the acceptable limits, so the capacitor bank installed can be an RTF with reinforced capaci-
tors from the RTR Energía S.L. catalogue, or even for a passive filter set up with an overload factor
of 7%. In order to make the correct decision, the network analyses must include a wide range of
time so that the evolution of the harmonic content can be verified.

decisión más adecuada, el análisis de red debe comprender un periodo amplio de tiempo,
para verificarcual

Harmonics Resonance
The resonance phenomenon is produced when XL=XC in a parallel or series circuit with non-linear
inductive loads.
cuandoXX L=X
en un circuito donde hay colocados
C Cen un circuito donde hay colocados
en serieooen
paralelo cargas
cargas nonolineales,
condensadores,y ycargas

XX = ω ⋅ L ⎫ ⎫
L L= ω ⋅ L 11
⎬ ⎬⇒⇒ωω⋅ L⋅ L==
XX = 1 ω ⋅C ωω⋅ C⋅ C
C C= 1 ω ⋅ C ⎭ ⎭

TheLa frecuencia
frequency value
frecuencia para lalacual
in which
para cual
los valores
occurs, XX
valores Ly yin
Lis, XX seigualan,
Cse igualan,sese
XL=XC, is denomina
named frecuencia
denomina de f .
frecuencia de R
resonancia fR.fR .

1 1 11
ωω = 1 ⇒⇒2π2π⋅ f⋅ fR== 1 ⇒⇒f fR==
R R=
LL⋅ C⋅ C LL⋅ C⋅ C 2π2π LL⋅ C⋅ C

Both of the impedances depend on the frequency (f), but XL has a direct proportionality with the frequen-
cy, while XC is inversely proportional to the frequency. So, when there is a raise in the frequency, the
value of the impedance XC decreases while XL increases.
RL XL 2∏•f•L Rs
RL XL 2∏•f•L RsRF Xc =
2∏•f•C 1
L C Xc =
RF 2∏•f•C
C s
f f
Impedance of a non-linear winding f Impedance of a non-linear capacitor f
Impedance of a non-linear winding
Impedancia de una bobina no ideal impedance of a non-linear capacitor
Impedancia de un condensador no ideal

Generally, capacitors in industrial facilities are set

in parallel as it can be seen in the equivalent circuit
attached. Xeq Xc Rp In
Xeq Xc Rp In
When this configuration acts as a current divider
and the value of XC is the lowest one, the majority
of the current will flow through the capacitors, and Bank of Harmonic
this is why the capacitors may malfunction. capacitor Batería de distortion
condensadores armónica
Transformer and P active
Transformador y P activa
reactive loads total
cargas reactivas total

Parallel Resonance

Resonance is produced in a parallel circuit when the resultant current and the line voltage are in-phase.
When with a specific value of resonance frequency in the parallel L-C circuit, as wR=150 Hz (frequency
on the 5th harmonic), this circuit is inductive (w<wR) the current is delayed so voltage will lead current. If
the circuit is capacitive (w>wR), current will lead voltage.

In an L-C circuit, the resultant current of the windings (L, etc.) is the same value as the current of the
capacitors (C, etc.) but with the opposite sign, so both the algebraic and vector addition have as a result
the maximum value of the impedance and a null value of the resultant current (the opposite results of a
series circuit).

In this situation, the current in both L-C branches is extremely high which is hazardous for the capacitor
as the XC value is the lowest of the whole circuit.


Z 1
R L+ R C

ωL ω• C
ωR ω

It can be clearly seen in the chart how the impedance (Z) raises until reaching the maximum value.

of this, it is necessary
55ºC to protect the capacitors when they are parallel installed in a high har-
monic content circuit.
Daily average 45ºC Regulador
Annual average 35ºC automático
When an industrial facility, with a high harmonic content, is supplied by a power transformer (medium/
low) it is necessary to Lhave
1 the compensating
L2 L n capacitors installed on the base of the transformer so that
they can be protected from the harmonics action (see section G on the reactive energy compensation’s Ured
chapter). Z 1
R L+ R C

1 C C2 Cn IL IC
ω ω• C
In presence of harmonic distortions, a passive filter (LC) must
be used, as their main function is to pro-
tect the capacitors. This filtering is recommended in the standardωUNEEN-61642
R and as a practical
ω data
RTR Energía S.L. establishes that in facilities with distortions on voltage on the 5th harmonic higher
than 3%, the installation of L-C filters is required, as well as in 5th harmonic current distortions higher
than 30%.
RTR Energía S.L. manufactures two classes of
capacitors: Standard which can bear harmonic THDUmax 2%
distortions on voltage lower than 2% and in current L1 L2 Ln
lower than 25% and Reinforced which can bear THDImax 25%
distortions on voltage lower than 3% and in current
lower than 30%.
C1 C2 Cn

RTR Energía

Voltage harmonic Voltage harmonic

Voltage harmonic distortion
distortion distortion
≤ 2% ≤ 3%
THDU≤2% THDU≤3% 3%<THDU≤7% THDU≥7%

MA/C/CE/TER Series
MA/C/CE/TER Series De tuning factorp(%)=14%
p(%)=7% 5,67%, 7%, 14%



MA/C/CE/TER Series
RCT Series

destrucción PASIVOS DE
de los condensadores de RECHAZO
la batería autorregulada de compensación de
Repulsion Passive Filters
El objetivo de los filtros de rechazo es evitar la amplificación del armónico preponderante
El filtro enla sí
de es un acoplamiento
instalación, generalmente elen5º,
bien sea de tensión o de corriente e impedir la
debidamente paralelo entre
y las cargas inductivas “L” (transformadores, motores
arrancadores…) y los condensadores “C”; evitando así la sobrecarga y posible
previamente, formado por:
The aim of the repulsion
destrucción defilters
los iscondensadores
that of avoiding thede
the facilityautorregulada
preponderant harmonic, mainly
de compensación de
the 5threactiva.
harmonic either on voltage or on current and also impeding the parallel resonance between the
• una reactancia trifásica/monofásica
inductive loads “L” (transformers, starter motors, etc.) and the capacitors “C”, avoiding the overloads
and possible damage or destruction of the automaticencontrolled
serie, battery of the bank of capacitors of
• un condensador
El filtro en sí es trifásico/monofásico
un acoplamiento de
reactive equalization.
potencia en calculado
kVAr que yrequiera la
The filter formado por:
is a cascade arrangement, properly calculated and previously tuned,
and is made up of: L L L
A esta •situación una reactancia llama rama de
se trifásica/monofásica
• A three phase
• un cada
/ single rama
phase reactance.
condensador debe estar de
• A
 three phase
diseñada con la / single phase
su potencia capacitor,
correspondiente with the needed setup power (in kVAr).
en kVArprotección.
que requiera la C C
as compensation branch, and
LaThis is knownramas
distintas (L-C) conforman la each of theautorregulada
batería branches must bede condensadores que sería
designed with the required protection.
el filtro completo
A esta que tiene como
situación se misión
llama compensar
rama de el factor de potencia de la instalación
The various L-C branches form an automatic controlled bank of capacitors,
y cuya potencia total serácada
la suma ramade lasdebe
estarde cada una de las ramas
C de.
which acts as a complete
diseñada con sufilter with the aim of compensating
correspondiente protección. the power factor of the setup and its ove-
rall power is the sum of the power of all of the branches.
conforman DE autorregulada de condensadores que sería
la batería
el filtro completo – C)tiene como misión compensar el factor de potencia de la instalación
y cuya potencia total será la suma de las potencias de cada una de las ramas de.
HOW del
A partir TO análisis
la red OF donde se analizan
los armónicos (L-C)
hay en la instalación, se DE
determina el armónico preponderante, por lo (L – C)
With the network analysis of the facilities’ harmo-
nics, thees el 5º armónico
preponderant harmonic(250 Hzdetermi-
Una A partir del análisis de can be
la red donde se analizan
ned, usually being the 5th harmonic (with a armónico,
vez conocida la frecuencia del fre-
los armónicos
sequency value ofla
establece frecuencia de resonancia del se
250Hz). que hay en la instalación,
determina el armónico preponderante, por lo
filtro ( R), que nunca debe coincidir con ningún
Once known
general the es
frequency value of the(250
el 5º armónico harmonic,
Hz frecuencia).
múltiplo entero
the resonance
Una vez de la
conocidaof thela filter de la
(wR) is esta-
frecuencia redarmónico,
del (50–
Hz) yse suestablece
and itvalor
must debe
never ser inferior
la coincide
frecuencia with de la frecuencia
any inte-
resonancia del
filtro (of preponderante,
multiple the
R ), current
que frequency
nunca debe de esta
coincidir forma
Hz). con la
resonancia this, con
the value
entero the
de resonance
la frecuencia frequency
es imposible. de la red (50–
(wR) must be a lower value than that of the prepon-
60 Hz) y su valor debe ser inferior la frecuencia
derant harmonic one, so that the resonance with
del de resonancia
other harmonic ( R) se
is impossible. dedetermina
esta forma la
a travésresonancia
del factor condeotro
sobretensión (p%) que
armónico es imposible.
The resonance
establece frequencyentre
la relación (wR) isla determined
tensión de la
reactancia y la del condensador: ( relates
Lathe overvoltage
frecuencia factor
de (p%),
resonanciawhich R) se determina
both the
a capacitor and reactance
través del factor devoltages.
sobretensión (p%) que
establece la relación entre la tensión de la
reactancia y la del condensador: 2 2
UC C UL f red
p(%) = 100 = 100 red
= 100
UL resonance 2
f resonance 2
UC C UL f red
p(%) = 100 = 100 red
= 100
UL resonancia f resonancia
RTR Energía S.L. designs its own capacitors, with
THDU p(%) f current f resonance
the appropriate passive filters so that they are able
to bear a 15% overvoltage, introduced by the filter. 50 Hz 189 Hz
As an example, a 440V capacitor with an installed 3-7% 7
reactance of an overvoltage value of p(%)=7 can 60 Hz 227 Hz
bear a voltage value of:
50 Hz 134 Hz
>7% 14
440 · 1,07 · 1,15 = 540 V 60 Hz 160 Hz

Energy Formulary
Magnitudes and Associated Units Table

Physical Quantity Símbol S.I units Other useful units

Active power P Watt (W) 1kW=1000W

Reactive power Q volt-ampere reactive (VAr) 1kVAr = 1000VAr

Apparent power S volt-ampere (VA) 1kVA = 1000VA

Power factor FP o co sφ - -

Capacitance C Farad (F) 1µF = 10-6F

Inductance L Henry (A) 1mH = 10-3mH

Current I Ampere (A) 1H = 10-3mH

Voltage (electric tension) U Volt (V) -

Electrical resistance R Ohm (Ω) 1kΩ = 1000Ω

Capacitive XC Ohm (Ω) 1kΩ = 1000Ω

Inductive XL 1kΩ = 1000Ω
Ohm (Ω)

Magnitudes and Associated Units Table

10n Prefix Símbol Equivalencia decimal en los prefijos

1012 Tera T

109 Giga G

106 Mega M 1.000.000

103 Kilo k 1.000

102 Hector h 100

101 Deca da 10

10-1 deci dc 0,1

10-2 centi c 0,01

10-3 mili m 0,001

10-6 micro µ 0,000001

10-9 nano n 0,000000001

10-12 pico p 0,000000000001

Electric Capacitors


Q = U2 · 2 · π · f · C

U = line supply voltage, in volts (Vca )
f = line frequency, in hertz (Hz)
C = capacitor’s capacitance, in farads (F)
Q = capacitor’s power, in reactive volt ampere (VAr)


U ·2·π·f

U = line supply voltage, in volts (V ca)
f = line frequency, in hertz (Hz)
C = capacitor’s capacitance, in farads (F)
Q = capacitor’s power, in reactive volt ampere (VAr)

Capacitance, in farads (F)

Capacitance, in microfarads (μF)=
1000 000

Example: Three-phase capacitor 30kVAr – 440V – 50Hz

C= = 0.00049325F=493,25, μF
(440 V) 2 · 2 · π · 50Hz


Xc =
Xc = capacitive reactance, in ohms (Ω)
f = line frequency, in hertz (Hz)
C = capacitor’s capacitance, in farads (F)

Electric capacitors


Ic =
√3 · U

U = line supply voltage , in volts (Vca )
Q = capacitor’s power, in volt-ampere reactive (VAr)
Ic = current, in amperes (A)

Ic =
U = line supply voltage , in volts (Vca )
f = es la frecuencia de la red en hertzios (Hz)
C = capacitor’s capacity, in farads (F)
Ic = current, in amperes (A)

In single-phase capacitors, √3 is substituted by 1

√3 = 1,7321

Example: Three-phase capacitor 30kVAr – 440V – 50Hz

Ic = = 39,36A
√3 .440V


C ∆=
C = capacitor’s capacitance, in farads (F)
C∆= capacitance of each of the windings, in farads (F)

R How to calculate the capacitance when knowing

S the capacitance between 2 phases
T (C R-S o CR-T o CS-S):
C 2
C∆= · C R-s

C C C = 2 · C R-s

Electric capacitors

Example: Winding capacitance in a three-phase capacitor of

30kVAr – 440V – 50Hz with delta connection.
493,25 μF
C∆= = 164,42 μF


CY = C

C = capacitor’s capacitance, in farads (F)
CY = capacitance of each of the windings in farads (F)

R How to calculate the capacitance when knowing

S the capacitance between 2 phases
T (CR-S o CR-T o CS-S):

C Y = 2 · C R-S

CY C = 2 · C R-S



C1 C2 C3 Cn

The global capacitance (CT) for a group of capacitors, where each of the individual capacities are
(C1, C2, C3,..., Cn) when united in series, is:
1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ...
CT C1 C2 C3 Cn

The global reactive power of the group (Q T) depending on the individual reactive power
of each of the united capacitors (Q 1, Q2, Q3,…, Qn) is:

1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ...
QT Q1 Q2 Q3 Qn

Electric capacitors

The current (IC) flowing through each of the capacitors is going to be the same, and its value
is that of a capacitor which has either CT for capacitance or QT for reactive power, depending
on the used formula.






The global capacitance (CT) for a group of capacitors, where each of the individual capacities are
(C1, C2, C3,…, Cn) when united in parallel, is:

C T = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 +...+ C n

The global reactive power of the group (Q T) depending on the individual reactive power of
each of the united capacitors (Q 1, Q2, Q3,…, Qn) is:

Q T = Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 +...+ Q n

The current (Icn) flowing through each capacitor is the value corresponding to each of them
depending on CT or QT and the formula that is used. The global current (IC) flowing through
the group is valued by the expression:

IT = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 +...+ I n

Example: Parallel connection between a capacitor of 15 kVAr, two of 30 kVAr

and one of 60 kVAr to a 440V and 50Hz line.
Q T = 15kVAr + 30kVAr + 30kVAr + 60kVAr = 135kVAr

CT = = 0.00221961F=2219,61 μF
(440V)2 · 2 · π · 50Hz

135000VAr = 177,14A
I =
√3 · 440V

Capacitors and Filter Reactances in Case
of Harmonic Presence

fred 2
p(%)=100 · f

fred= line frequency, in hertz (Hz)
fresonance = = detuned frequency, in hertz (Hz)
p(%)= overload factor

The most usual resonance frequencies in a passive filter (L-C) are (see UNE-EN-61642):

p=7% p=14%
Line frequency
(3%<THD-U<7%) (THD-U>7%)

50 Hz 189 Hz 134 Hz
60 Hz 227 Hz 160 Hz


U c = U · 1+

U = line supply voltage, in volts (Vca )
p = overload factor, in percentage
Uc = Terminals voltage in the capacitor, in volts (V)


Ic =
√3 · U

Q = capacitor’s power, in volt-ampere reactive (VAr)
U = es la tensión de la red eléctrica
Ic = line supply voltage, in volts (Vca)

√3 · Ic
2 · π · f · Uc

f = line frequency, in hertz (Hz)
Uc = Terminals voltage in the capacitor, in volts (V)

Capacitors and filter reactances in case
of harmonic presence


XL = XC ·

XL= inductive reactance, in ohms ( Ω)
XC= capacitive reactance, in ohms ( Ω)
p= overload factor, in percentage



L= inductance, in Henry (H)
XL= inductive reactance, in ohms ( Ω)
f = line frequency, in hertz (Hz)

Example: Capacitor and reactance required for 30kVAr – 440V – 50Hz detuned in 189 Hz

50Hz 2
p(%) = 100 · = 7%

U c = 440V · 1+ = 470,8V

Ic = = 39,36A
√3 · 440V

√3 · 39,36A
C RCT = = 458,72 μF
2 · π · 50Hz · 470,8V

XC = = 6,94 Ω
2 · π · 50Hz · 458,72 ·10-6F

X L = 6.94 Ω · = 0,49 Ω

0.49 Ω
L= = 0,00155H = 1,55mH
2 · π · 50Hz

Reactive Power of a Capacitor Bank


FP = COS( ϕ0 ) = P
√P + Q2

P = global active energy consumed by the electric installation, in kilowatts per hour (kWh)
Q = global reactive energy consumed by the electric installation, in kilovoltamperes per hour (kVArh)
FP o COS(ϕ0 ) = original installation’s power factor

ϕ0 = arc cos(FP)


Q B = F · ( tan (ϕ0 ) - tan (ϕf ) )

F = power hired by the installation, in kilowatts (kw).
tan(ϕ0 ) = ϕ0 angle’s tangent
tan(ϕf ) = final angle’s tangent
QB= bank’s reactive power in kilovolt-ampere reactive (kVAr)


FP final = COS (ϕf ) tan(ϕf )

Example: Equipment with a hired power of 40 kW, consuming an amount of active

energy of 10150 kWh and a reactive one of 10400 kVArh.
The final desired value of FP is 1.

FP = COS( ϕ0 ) = = 0,698
√(10150kWh)2 + (10400 kVArh)2

tan(ϕ0 ) = 1,026
Q B = 40kW · (1,026 - 0.000) = 41,04kW
tan(ϕf ) = 0,000


Three phase capacitors with connector
MA/C/CE/TER Series
230/400/415/440/480/525/690 V

Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
General Description Standards ......................................IEC 60831-1/2
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with EN 60831-1/2
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection system. Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage...................1,1 x Un **
Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Applications Max. THD in voltage........................2%
RTR Energía power capacitors are specially designed for reac-
tive power factor correction using them individually or assem- Max. THD in current.........................25%
bled into automatic capacitor banks series: Mini, Mural, Modu- Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
lar, ST and Compact Series. Connection.....................................Delta
Casing............................................Aluminium can
Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system Dielectric.........................................Metallized polypropilene film
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics, Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors
Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys-
Terminal type..................................Connector
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec-
Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor.
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Expected life...................................120.000 Hrs (Temp. level C)
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level
*Without resistors

Dimensions Cable section

D x H (mm) mm2
70 x 215 2.5 mm2
85 x 215 6 mm2
100 x 215 10 mm2
100 x 300 10 mm2
120 x 300 25 mm2
136 x 300 50 mm2

**Industrial frequency “8 hours every 24 hours” of fluctuation and

regulation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor.
EN 60831-1-1996(20.1)

MA/C/CE/TER 50 Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 230 V 70 x 215 C2300255TER0000 2,5 480 V 70 x 215 C4800255TER0000
5 230 V 85 x 215 C2300505TER0000 5 480 V 70 x 215 C4800505TER0000
7.5 230 V 100 x 215 C2300755TER0000 7.5 480 V 85 x 215 C4800755TER0000
10 230 V 100 x 300 C2301005TER0000 10 480 V 85 x 215 C4801005TER0000
12.5 230 V 120 x 300 C2301255TER0000 12.5 480 V 100 x 215 C4801255TER0000
15 230 V 120 x 300 C2301505TER0000 15 480 V 100 x 215 C4801505TER0000
20 230 V 136 x 300 C2302005TER0000 20 480 V 100 x 300 C4802005TER0000
25 480 V 120 x 300 C4802505TER0000
30 480 V 120 x 300 C4803005TER0000
35 480 V 120 x 300 C4803505TER0000
40 480 V 136 x 300 C4804005TER0000
50 480 V 136 x 300 C4805005TER0000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2,5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000255TER0000 2,5 525 V 70 x 215 C5250255TER0000
5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000505TER0000 5 525 V 70 x 215 C5250505TER0000
7.5 400 V 85 x 215 C4000755TER0000 7.5 525 V 85 x 215 C5250755TER0000
10 400 V 85 x 215 C4001005TER0000 10 525 V 85 x 215 C5251005TER0000
12.5 400 V 100 x 215 C4001255TER0000 12.5 525 V 100 x 215 C5251255TER0000
15 400 V 100 x 215 C4001505TER0000 15 525 V 100 x 215 C5251505TER0000
20 400 V 100 x 300 C4002005TER0000 20 525 V 100 x 300 C5252005TER0000
25 400 V 120 x 300 C4002505TER0000 25 525 V 120 x 300 C5252505TER0000
30 400 V 120 x 300 C4003005TER0000 30 525 V 120 x 300 C5253005TER0000
35 400 V 120 x 300 C4003505TER0000 35 525 V 120 x 300 C5253505TER0000
40 400 V 136 x 300 C4004005TER0000 40 525 V 136 x 300 C5254005TER0000
50 400 V 136 x 300 C4005005TER0000 50 525 V 136 x 300 C5255005TER0000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2,5 415 V 70 x 215 C4150255TER0000 2,5 690 V 70 x 215 C6900255TER0000
5 415 V 70 x 215 C4150505TER0000 5 690 V 70 x 215 C6900505TER0000
7.5 415 V 85 x 215 C4150755TER0000 7.5 690 V 85 x 215 C6900755TER0000
10 415 V 85 x 215 C4151005TER0000 10 690 V 85 x 215 C6901005TER0000
12.5 415 V 100 x 215 C4151255TER0000 12.5 690 V 100 x 215 C6901255TER0000
15 415 V 100 x 215 C4151505TER0000 15 690 V 100 x 215 C6901505TER0000
20 415 V 100 x 300 C4152005TER0000 20 690 V 100 x 300 C6902005TER0000
25 415 V 120 x 300 C4152505TER0000 25 690 V 120 x 300 C6902505TER0000
30 415 V 120 x 300 C4153005TER0000 30 690 V 120 x 300 C6903005TER0000
35 415 V 120 x 300 C4153505TER0000 35 690 V 120 x 300 C6903505TER0000
40 415 V 136 x 300 C4154005TER0000 40 690 V 136 x 300 C6904005TER0000
50 415 V 136 x 300 C4155005TER0000 50 690 V 136 x 300 C6905005TER0000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2,5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400255TER0000
5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400505TER0000
7.5 440 V 85 x 215 C4400755TER0000
10 440 V 85 x 215 C4401005TER0000
12.5 440 V 100 x 215 C4401255TER0000
15 440 V 100 x 215 C4401505TER0000
20 440 V 100 x 300 C4402005TER0000
25 440 V 100 x 300 C4402505TER0000
30 440 V 120 x 300 C4403005TER0000
35 440 V 120 x 300 C4403505TER0000
40 440 V 136 x 300 C4404005TER0000
50 440 V 136 x 300 C4405005TER0000

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Reinforced three phase capacitors with connector
230/400/440/460V, 50Hz

Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
General Description Standards ......................................IEC 60831-1/2
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with EN 60831-1/2
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an
Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed
Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection system.
Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage...................1,15 x Un
Applications Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Oversized to support over voltage and equipped with overpres- Max. THD in voltage........................3%
sure disconnection system. The capacitors are assembled in Max. THD in current.........................30%
automatic capacitors banks series: Mini, Mural, Modular, ST Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
and Compact Series. Connection.....................................Delta
Casing............................................Aluminium can
Overpressure disconnection system Disconnection system....................Overpressure
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics, Dielectric.........................................Metallized polypropilene film
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Terminal type..................................Connector
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Expected life...................................130.000 Hrs (Temp. level D)
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level

*Without resistors

Dimensions Cable section

D x H (mm) mm2
70 x 215 2.5
85 x 215 6
100 x 215 10
100 x 300 10
120 x 300 25
136 x 300 50

**Industrial frequency “30 min every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regu-

lation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor. EN

MA/C/CE/TER RTF 50 Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 230 V 70 x 215 C2300255RTFTER0
5 230 V 100 x 215 C2300505RTFTER0
7.5 230 V 100 x 300 C2300755RTFTER0
10 230 V 120 x 300 C2301005RTFTER0
15 230 V 136 x 300 C2301005RTFTER0

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2,5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000255RTFTER0
5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000505RTFTER0
7.5 400 V 85 x 215 C4000755RTFTER0
10 400 V 100 x 215 C4001005RTFTER0
12.5 400 V 100 x 215 C4001255RTFTER0
15 400 V 100 x 300 C4001505RTFTER0
20 400 V 100 x 300 C4002005RTFTER0
25 400 V 120 x 300 C4002505RTFTER0
30 400 V 120 x 300 C4003005RTFTER0
35 400 V 136 x 300 C4003505RTFTER0
40 400 V 136 x 300 C4004005RTFTER0

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400255RTFTER0
5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400505RTFTER0
7.5 440 V 85 x 215 C4400755RTFTER0
10 440 V 100 x 215 C4401005RTFTER0
12.5 440 V 100 x 215 C4401255RTFTER0
15 440 V 100 x 300 C4401505RTFTER0
20 440 V 100 x 300 C4402005RTFTER0
25 440 V 120 x 300 C4402505RTFTER0
30 440 V 136 x 300 C4403005RTFTER0
35 440 V 136 x 300 C4403505RTFTER0
40 440 V 136 X 300 C4404005RTFTER0

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 460 V 70 x 215 C4600255RTFTER0
5 460 V 70 x 215 C4600505RTFTER0
7.5 460 V 85 x 215 C4600755RTFTER0
10 460 V 100 x 215 C4601005RTFTER0
12.5 460 V 100 x 215 C4601255RTFTER0
15 460 V 100 x 300 C4601505RTFTER0
20 460 V 100 x 300 C4602005RTFTER0
25 460 V 120 x 300 C4602505RTFTER0
30 460 V 136 x 300 C4603005RTFTER0
35 460 V 136 x 300 C4603505RTFTER0
40 460 V 136 X 300 C4604005RTFTER0

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three phase capacitors with connector for
harmonics filter applications
230/400/440/480V, 50Hz

Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
General Description Standard ........................................EN 60831-1/2
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with low Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type capaci- Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
tors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyurethane resin Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an excellent Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed in an alumi- Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
nium can with overpressure disconnection system. Maximum over voltage...................1,15 x Un
Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Applications Max. THD in voltage........................Specific design for
Capacitors specially designed to install with 189 Hz (other fre- harmonics
quencies upon request) three phase harmonic filters. These Max. THD in current.........................30%
power capacitors are assembled into Arm´s series Automatic Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
capacitor bank. Connection.....................................Delta
Casing............................................Aluminium can
Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system Dielectric.........................................Metallized polypropilene film
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics,
Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Terminal type..................................Connector
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level

Dimensions *Without resistors

Dimensions Cable section

D x H (mm) mm2
70 x 215 2.5
85 x 215 6
100 x 215 10
100 x 300 10
120 x 300 25
136 x 300 50

**Industrial frequency “30 min every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regu-

lation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor. EN

MA/C/CE/TER RCT 50 Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 230 V 70 x 215 C2300255TER0RCT
5 230 V 80 x 215 C2300505TER0RCT
7.5 230 V 100 x 215 C2300755TER0RCT
10 230 V 100 x 300 C2301005TER0RCT
12.5 230 V 100 x 300 C2301005TER0RCT
15 230 v 120 x 300 C2301505TER0RCT
20 230 V 136 x 300 C2302005TER0RCT
25 230 V 136 x 300 C2302505TER0RCT

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2,5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000255TER0RCT
5 400 V 70 x 215 C4000505TER0RCT
7.5 400 V 85 x 215 C4000755TER0RCT
10 400 V 100 x 215 C4001005TER0RCT
12.5 400 V 100 x 215 C4001255TER0RCT
15 400 V 100 x 300 C4001505TER0RCT
20 400 V 100 x 300 C4002005TER0RCT
25 400 V 120 x 300 C4002505TER0RCT
30 400 V 120 x 300 C4003005TER0RCT
35 400 V 136 x 300 C4003505TER0RCT
40 400 V 136 x 300 C4004005TER0RCT

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400255TER0RCT
5 440 V 70 x 215 C4400505TER0RCT
7.5 440 V 85 x 215 C4400755TER0RCT
10 440 V 100 x 215 C4401005TER0RCT
12.5 440 V 100 x 215 C4401255TER0RCT
15 440 V 100 x 300 C4401505TER0RCT
20 440 V 100 x 300 C4402005TER0RCT
25 440 V 120 x 300 C4402505TER0RCT
30 440 V 120 x 300 C4403005TER0RCT
35 440 V 136 x 300 C4403505TER0RCT
40 440 V 136 X 300 C4404005TER0RCT

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 480 V 70 x 215 C4800255TER0RCT
5 480 V 70 x 215 C4800505TER0RCT
7.5 480 V 85 x 215 C4800755TER0RCT
10 480 V 100 x 215 C4801005TER0RCT
12.5 480 V 100 x 215 C4801255TER0RCT
15 480 V 100 x 300 C4801505TER0RCT
20 480 V 100 x 300 C4802005TER0RCT
25 480 V 120 x 300 C4802505TER0RCT
30 480 V 120 x 300 C4803005TER0RCT
35 480 V 136 x 300 C4803505TER0RCT
40 480 V 136 X 300 C4804005TER0RCT

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three phase capacitors with connector
DW Series New Compact Design

230/400/415/440/480/525 V

Connected Disconnected



Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
General Description Standard ........................................IEC 60831-1/2
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with EN 60831-1/2
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection system. Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage...................1,1 x Un **
Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Applications Max. THD in voltage........................2%
RTR Energía power capacitors are specially designed for reac- Max. THD in current.........................25%
tive power factor correction using them individually or assem- Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
bled into automatic capacitor banks series: Mini, Mural, Modu- Connection.....................................Delta
lar, ST and Compact Series. Casing............................................Aluminium can
Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system Dielectric.........................................Metallized
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics, .......................................................polypropilene film
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Terminal type..................................Connector
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Expected life...................................100.000 Hrs (Temp. level C)
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level

Dimensions *Without resistors

Dimensions Cable section

D x H (mm) mm2
70 x 215 4
85 x 215 6
100 x 215 10
120 x 215 16
136 x 215 25

**Industrial frequency “8 hours every 24 hours” of fluctuation and

regulation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor.
EN 60831-1-1996(20.1)

50 Hz DW Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
5 230 V 85 x 215 D2300505TER0000 10 400 V 85 x 215 D4001005TER0000
7.5 230 V 100 x 215 D2300755TER0000 12.5 400 V 85 x 215 D4001255TER0000
10 230 V 120 x 215 D2301005TER0000 15 400 V 100 x 215 D4001505TER0000
12.5 230 V 136 x 215 D2301255TER0000 20 400 V 120 x 215 D4002005TER0000
15 230 V 136 x 215 D2301505TER0000 25 400 V 120 x 215 D4002505TER0000
30 400 V 136 x 215 D4003005TER0000
35 400 V 136 x 215 D4003505TER0000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
10 415 V 85 x 215 D4151005TER0000 10 480 V 85 x 215 D4801005TER0000
12.5 415 V 85 x 215 D4151255TER0000 12.5 480 V 85 x 215 D4801255TER0000
15 415 V 100 x 215 D4151505TER0000 15 480 V 100 x 215 D4801505TER0000
20 415 V 120 x 215 D4152005TER0000 20 480 V 120 x 215 D4802005TER0000
25 415 V 120 x 215 D4152505TER0000 25 480 V 120 x 215 D4802505TER0000
30 415 V 136 x 215 D4153005TER0000 30 480 V 136 x 215 D4803005TER0000
35 415 V 136 x 215 D4153505TER0000 35 480 V 136 x 215 D4803505TER0000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm) KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
10 440 V 70 x 215 D4401005TER0000 10 525 V 85 x 215 C5251005TER0000
12.5 440 V 85 x 215 D4401255TER0000 12.5 525 V 85 x 215 C5251255TER0000
15 440 V 85 x 215 D4401505TER0000 15 525 V 100 x 215 C5251505TER0000
20 440 V 100 x 215 D4402005TER0000 20 525 V 120 x 215 C5252005TER0000
25 440 V 120 x 215 D4402505TER0000 25 525 V 120 x 215 C5252505TER0000
30 440 V 120 x 215 D4403005TER0000 30 525 V 136 x 215 C5253005TER0000
35 440 V 136 x 215 D4403505TER0000 35 525 V 136 x 215 C5253505TER0000
40 440 V 136 x 215 D4404005TER0000

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Single phase capacitors
with overpressure disconnection system

EA Series
230/400/415/440/480V, 50Hz
Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

General Description
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with low Technical Characteristics
loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. RTR Energía
S.L. dry type capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological Standard ........................................EN 60831-1/2
polyurethane resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
provides an excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
enclosed in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
system. Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage...................1,1 x Un **
Applications Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
RTR Energía power capacitors are specially designed for reac-
Max. THD in voltage........................2%
tive power factor correction using them individually or assem-
Max. THD in current.........................25%
bled into automatic capacitor banks.
Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
Overpressure disconnection system Terminals........................................2x6.3 Qc
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics, Casing............................................Aluminium can
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Disconnection system....................Overpressure
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Dielectric.........................................Metallized
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- .......................................................polypropilene film
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
Terminal cover................................Plastic cover PA-6
*Without resistors

Dimensions Terminal
D x H (mm) ∅
70 x 140 FAD 6,3

**Industrial frequency “8 hours every 24 hours” of fluctuation and

regulation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor.
EN 60831-1-1996(20.1)

EA 50 Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
0,83 230 V 70 x 140 EA0230083500000
1,67 230 V 70 x 140 EA0230167500000
2,50 230 V 70 x 140 EA0230250500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
0,83 400 V 70 x 140 EA0400083500000
1,67 400 V 70 x 140 EA0400167500000
2,50 400 V 70 x 140 EA0400250500000
3,33 400 V 70 x 140 EA0400333500000
4,17 400 V 70 x 140 EA0400417500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
0,83 415 V 70 x 140 EA0415083500000
1,67 415 V 70 x 140 EA0415167500000
2,50 415 V 70 x 140 EA0415250500000
3,33 415 V 70 x 140 EA0415333500000
4,17 415 V 70 x 140 EA0415417500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
0,83 440 V 70 x 140 EA0440083500000
1,67 440 V 70 x 140 EA0440167500000
2,50 440 V 70 x 140 EA0440250500000
3,33 440 V 70 x 140 EA0440333500000
4,17 440 V 70 x 140 EA0440417500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
0,83 480 V 70 x 140 EA0480083500000
1,67 480 V 70 x 140 EA0480167500000
2,50 480 V 70 x 140 EA0480250500000
3,33 480 V 70 x 140 EA0480333500000
4,17 480 V 70 x 140 EA0480417500000

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three-phase capacitors

BO/R TER Series

230/440/460/480/525/690V , 50Hz
Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
Standards ......................................IEC 60831-1/2
General Description EN 60831-1/2
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with
Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type
Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha-
Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an
Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed
Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection system.
Maximum over voltage...................1,1 x Un **
Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Applications Max. THD in voltage........................2%
RTR Energía power capacitors are specially designed for reac- Max. THD in current.........................25%
tive power factor correction used individually or in parallel with Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
other capacitors in order to obtain a bigger steep. Connection.....................................Delta
Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system .......................................................polypropilene film
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics,
Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors
Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys-
Terminal type..................................Connector
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec-
Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor.
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Expected life...................................120.000 Hrs (Temp. level C)
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level
*Without resistors

Dimensions Brackets Cable section
H x A x P (mm) mm2
300 X 115 X 115 2 2.5 - 10
425 X 165 X 150 2 10 - 50
425 X 320 X 150 2 50

**Industrial frequency “8 hours every 24 hours” of fluctuation and

regulation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor.
EN 60831-1-1996(20.1)

BO/R TER 50Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000255TER00 5 480 V 300 x 115 x 115 R048000505TER00
5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000505TER00 7.5 480 V 300 x 115 x 115 R048000755TER00
7.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000755TER00 10 480 V 300 x 115 x 115 R048001005TER00
10 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001005TER00 12.5 480 V 300 x 115 x 115 R048001255TER00
12.5 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001255TER00 15 480 V 300 x 115 x 115 R048001505TER00
15 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001505TER00 20 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048002005TER00
20 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023002005TER00 25 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048002505TER00
25 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023002505TER00 30 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048003005TER00
30 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023003005TER00 35 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048003505TER00
35 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023003505TER00 40 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048004005TER00
40 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023004005TER00 45 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048004505TER00
45 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023004505TER00 50 480 V 425 x 165 x 150 R048005005TER00
60 480 V 425 x 320 x 150 R048006005TER00
70 480 V 425 x 320 x 150 R048007005TER00
80 480 V 425 x 320 x 150 R048008005TER00

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000505TER00 5 525 V 300 x 115 x 115 R052500505TER00
7.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000755TER00 7.5 525 V 300 x 115 x 115 R052500755TER00
10 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001005TER00 10 525 V 300 x 115 x 115 R052501005TER00
12.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001255TER00 12.5 525 V 300 x 115 x 115 R052501255TER00
15 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001505TER00 15 525 V 300 x 115 x 115 R052501505TER00
20 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002005TER00 20 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052502005TER00
25 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002505TER00 25 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052502505TER00
30 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003005TER00 30 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052503005TER00
35 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003505TER00 35 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052503505TER00
40 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044004005TER00 40 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052504005TER00
45 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044004505TER00 45 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052504505TER00
50 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044005005TER00 50 525 V 425 x 165 x 150 R052505005TER00
60 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044006005TER00 60 525 V 425 x 320 x 150 R052506005TER00
70 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044007005TER00 70 525 V 425 x 320 x 150 R052507005TER00
80 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044008005TER00 80 525 V 425 x 320 x 150 R052508005TER00

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 460 V 300 x 115 x 115 R046000505TER00 5 690 V 300 x 115 x 115 R069000505TER00
7.5 460 V 300 x 115 x 115 R046000755TER00 7.5 690 V 300 x 115 x 115 R069000755TER00
10 460 V 300 x 115 x 115 R046001005TER00 10 690 V 300 x 115 x 115 R069001005TER00
12.5 460 V 300 x 115 x 115 R046001255TER00 12.5 690 V 300 x 115 x 115 R069001255TER00
15 460 V 300 x 115 x 115 R046001505TER00 15 690 V 300 x 115 x 115 R069001505TER00
20 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046002005TER00 20 690 V 425 x 165 x 150 R069002005TER00
25 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046002505TER00 25 690 V 425 x 165 x 150 R069002505TER00
30 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046003005TER00 30 690 V 425 x 165 x 150 R069903005TER00
35 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046003505TER00 35 690 V 425 x 165 x 150 R069003505TER00
40 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046004005TER00 40 690 V 425 x 165 x 150 R069004005TER00
45 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046004505TER00 45 690 V 425 x 320 x 150 R069004505TER00
50 460 V 425 x 165 x 150 R046005005TER00 50 690 V 425 x 320 x 150 R069005005TER00
60 460 V 425 x 320 x 150 R046006005TER00 60 690 V 425 x 320 x 150 R069006005TER00
70 460 V 425 x 320 x 150 R046007005TER00 70 690 V 425 x 320 x 150 R069007005TER00
80 460 V 425 x 320 x 150 R046008005TER00 80 690 V 425 x 320 x 150 R069008005TER00

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request
Reinforced three phase capacitors
230/440V, 50Hz
Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
Standards ......................................IEC 60831-1/2
EN 60831-1/2
General Description Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with low
Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type capaci-
Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
tors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyurethane resin
Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an excellent
Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed in an alumi-
Maximum over voltage...................1,15 x Un
nium can with overpressure disconnection system.
Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
Max. THD in voltage........................3%
Max. THD in current.........................30%
Applications Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
Oversized to support over voltage and equipped with overpres- Connection.....................................Delta
sure disconnection system. Casing............................................Aluminium can
Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system .......................................................polypropilene film
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics,
Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors
Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys-
Terminal type..................................Connector
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec-
Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor.
Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Expected life...................................130.000 Hrs (Temp. level D)
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level
Dimensions *Without resistors

Dimensions Brackets Cable section

H x A x P (mm) mm2
300 X 115 X 115 2 2.5 - 10
425 X 165 X 150 2 10 - 50
425 X 320 X 150 2 50

**Industrial frequency “30 min every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regulation of voltage, higher values
may cause damages in capacitor. EN 60831-1-1996(20.1)

BO/R TER RTF 50Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000255TERTF
5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000505TERTF
7.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000755TERTF
10 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001005TERTF
12.5 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023000255TERTF
15 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001505TERTF
20 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023002005TERTF
25 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023002505TERTF
30 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023003005TERTF

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000505TERTF
7.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000755TERTF
10 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001005TERTF
12.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001255TERTF
15 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001505TERTF
20 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002005TERTF
25 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002505TERTF
30 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003005TERTF
35 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003505TERTF
40 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044004005TERTF
45 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044004505TERTF
50 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044005005TERTF
60 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044006005TERTF
70 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044007005TERTF

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three phase capacitors for harmonics
filter applications
230/440V, 50Hz Connected Disconnected

Overpressure disconnection system

Technical Characteristics
Standard ........................................EN 60831-1/2
Capacitance tolerance....................- 5% + 10%
General Description Frequency......................................50Hz (60Hz upon request)
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with Temperature range.........................-25ºC + 55ºC
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type Dielectric losses.............................≤ 0.2 W/KVAr
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Total losses*...................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an Maximum over voltage...................1,15 x Un
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed Maximum over current....................1,5 x In
in an aluminium can with overpressure disconnection system. Max. THD in voltage........................Specific design for
Applications Max. THD in current.........................30%
Capacitors specially designed to install with 189 Hz (other fre- Discharge resistance .....................Incorporated
quencies upon request) three phase harmonic filters. These Connection.....................................Delta
power capacitors are assembled into Arm´s series Automatic Casing............................................Aluminium can
capacitor bank Disconnection system....................Overpressure
Overpressure disconnection system .......................................................polypropilene film
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltage, harmonics, Voltage test between terminals......2,15 x Un 2 sec.
high temperatures, etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Voltage test terminals to case .............3 KV for 10 sec. AC
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Terminal type..................................Connector
tem. When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Inrush current.................................Upto 200 x In
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Protection.......................................IP 20, indoor mounting
Humidity.........................................Max. 95%
Altitude...........................................Max. 2000 above sea level
*Without resistors
Dimensions Brackets Cable section
H x A x P (mm) mm2
300 X 115 X 115 2 2.5 - 10
425 X 165 X 150 2 10 - 50
425 X 320 X 150 2 50

BO/R TER RCT 50Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000255TERTF
5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000505TERTF
7.5 230 V 300 x 115 x 115 R023000755TERTF
10 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001005TERTF
12.5 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001255TERTF
15 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023001505TERTF
20 230 V 425 x 165 x 150 R023002005TERTF
25 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023002505TERTF
30 230 V 425 x 320 x 150 R023003005TERTF

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000505TERTF
7.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044000755TERTF
10 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001005TERTF
12.5 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001255TERTF
15 440 V 300 x 115 x 115 R044001505TERTF
20 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002005TERTF
25 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044002505TERTF
30 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003005TERTF
35 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044003505TERTF
40 440 V 425 x 165 x 150 R044004005TERTF
45 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044004505TERTF
50 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044005005TERTF
60 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044006005TERTF
70 440 V 425 x 320 x 150 R044007005TERTF

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three-phase capacitors
BO/R Series

230/400/440/460/480/525/690/1100V , 50Hz
Technical Characteristics
Standard ................................................ EN 60831-1/2
Capacitance tolerance............................ -5% + 10%
Frequency.............................................. 50Hz
Temperature range................................. -40ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Total losses*............................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage........................... 1,1 x Un **
Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
THD Max in voltage................................. 2%
THD Max in current................................ 25%
Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
Connection............................................. Delta
Dielectric................................................. Metallized
............................................................... polypropilene film
Dimensions test between terminals.............. 2,15
Brackets x Un 2 sec.
x A x test between terminals to case . ...... 3 k VM
P (mm) for 10sec. AC

*Without resistors
255 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 210 x 70 2 M8
General Description Dry and Ecological
370 x 220 x 150 2
CapacitorM 12
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with RTR Energía S.L. dry type capacitors are filled with a non-toxic
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type and
520ecological polyurethane
x 220 x 150 2 resin. Resin manufactured
M 12 by RTR
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Energía provides excellent heat dissipation properties, increasing
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an the capacitor
620 x 220 xexpected
150 life. 2 M 12
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed in
750 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
a prismatic box with threaded stud for the connection.

This series power capacitors are specially designed for reactive
power factor correction used individually or in parallel with other
capacitors in order to obtain a bigger steps.


Dimensions Brackets Term

H x A x P (mm) M
255 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
520 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
620 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
750 x 220 x 150 2 M 12

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R02300025500000 5 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04000050500000
5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R02300050500000 7.5 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04000075500000
7.5 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R02300075500000 10 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04000100500000
10 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R02300100500000 12.5 400 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04000125500000
12.5 230 V 370 x 220x 150 R02300125500000 15 400 V 370 x 210x 70 R04000150500000
15 230 V 370 x 220 x 150 R02300150500000 20 400 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04000200500000
20 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R02300200500000 25 400 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04000250500000
25 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R02300250500000 30 400 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04000300500000
30 230 V 620 x 220 x 150 R02300300500000 35 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04000350500000
35 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R02300350500000 40 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04000400500000
40 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R02300400500000 45 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04000450500000
45 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R02300450500000 50 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04000500500000
60 400 V 620 x 220 x 150 R04000600500000
70 400 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04000700500000
80 400 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04000800500000

**Industrial frequency “8 hours every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regulation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor. EN 60831-
Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code
BO/R 50Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04400050500000 5 525 V 255 x 210 x 70 R05250050500000
7.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04400075500000 7.5 525 V 255 x 210 x 70 R05250075500000
10 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04400100500000 10 525 V 255 x 210 x 70 R05250100500000
12.5 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04400125500000 12.5 525 V 370 x 210 x 70 R05250125500000
15 440 V 370 x 210x 70 R04400150500000 15 525 V 370 x 210x 70 R05250150500000
20 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04400200500000 20 525 V 370 x 210 x 70 R05250200500000
25 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04400250500000 25 525 V 370 x 220 x 150 R05250250500000
30 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04400300500000 30 525 V 370 x 220 x 150 R05250300500000
35 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04400350500000 35 525 V 520 x 220 x 150 R05250350500000
40 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04400400500000 40 525 V 520 x 220 x 150 R05250400500000
45 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04400450500000 45 525 V 520 x 220 x 150 R05250450500000
50 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04400500500000 50 525 V 520 x 220 x 150 R05250500500000
60 440 V 620 x 220 x 150 R04400600500000 60 525 V 620 x 220 x 150 R05250600500000
70 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04400700500000 70 525 V 750 x 220 x 150 R05250700500000
80 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04400800500000 80 525 V 750 x 220 x 150 R05250800500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 460 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04600050500000 5 690 V 255 x 210 x 70 R06900050500000
7.5 460 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04600075500000 7.5 690 V 255 x 210 x 70 R06900075500000
10 460 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04600100500000 10 690 V 255 x 210 x 70 R06900100500000
12.5 460 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04600125500000 12.5 690 V 370 x 210 x 70 R06900125500000
15 460 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04600150500000 15 690 V 370 x 210x 70 R06900150500000
20 460 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04600200500000 20 690 V 370 x 210 x 70 R06900200500000
25 460 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04600250500000 25 690 V 370 x 220 x 150 R06900250500000
30 460 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04600300500000 30 690 V 370 x 220 x 150 R06990300500000
35 460 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04600350500000 35 690 V 520 x 220 x 150 R06900350500000
40 460 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04600400500000 40 690 V 520 x 220 x 150 R06900400500000
45 460 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04600450500000 45 690 V 520 x 220 x 150 R06900450500000
50 460 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04600500500000 50 690 V 520 x 220 x 150 R06900500500000
60 460 V 620 x 220 x 150 R04600600500000 60 690 V 620 x 220 x 150 R06900600500000
70 460 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04600700500000 70 690 V 750 x 220 x 150 R06900700500000
80 460 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04600800500000 80 690 V 750 x 220 x 150 R06900800500000

Power Voltage Dimensions Code Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm) KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 480 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04800050500000 5 1100 V 255 x 210 x 70 R11000050500000
7.5 480 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04800075500000 7.5 1100 V 255 x 210 x 70 R11000075500000
10 480 V 255 x 210 x 70 R04800100500000 10 1100 V 255 x 210 x 70 R11000100500000
12.5 480 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04800125500000 12.5 1100 V 370 x 210 x 70 R11000125500000
15 480 V 370 x 210x 70 R04800150500000 15 1100 V 370 x 210x 70 R11000150500000
20 480 V 370 x 210 x 70 R04800200500000 20 1100 V 370 x 210 x 70 R11000200500000
25 480 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04800250500000 25 1100 V 370 x 220 x 150 R11000250500000
30 480 V 370 x 220 x 150 R04800300500000 30 1100 V 370 x 220 x 150 R11000300500000
35 480 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04800350500000 35 1100 V 520 x 220 x 150 R11000350500000
40 480 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04800400500000 40 1100 V 520 x 220 x 150 R11000400500000
45 480 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04800450500000 45 1100 V 520 x 220 x 150 R11000450500000
50 480 V 520 x 220 x 150 R04800500500000 50 1100 V 520 x 220 x 150 R11000500500000
60 480 V 620 x 220 x 150 R04800600500000 60 1100 V 620 x 220 x 150 R11000600500000
70 480 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04800700500000 70 1100 V 750 x 220 x 150 R11000700500000
80 480 V 750 x 220 x 150 R04800800500000 80 1100V 750 x 220 x 150 R11000800500000

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Reinforced three-phase capacitors

BO/R RTF Series

230/400/440V, 50Hz

General Description
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with Technical Characteristics
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Standard ................................................ EN 60831-1/2
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed in Frequency.............................................. 50Hz (60Hz upon
a prismatic box with threaded stud for the connection. ............................................................... request)
Temperature range................................. -40ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Applications Total losses*...........................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
This series power capacitors are specially oversized designed Maximum over voltage........................... 1,15 x Un
to support overvoltage in power factor correction applications, Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
used individually or in parallel with other capacitors in order to THD Max in voltage................................. 3%
obtain a bigger steps. THD Max in current.................................. 30%
Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
Dry and Ecological Capacitor Connection............................................. Delta
RTR Energía S.L. dry type capacitors are filled with a non-toxic Dielectric................................................. Metallized
and ecological polyurethane resin. Resin manufactured by RTR ............................................................... polypropilene film
Energía provides excellent heat dissipation properties, increasing Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
the capacitor expected life. Voltage test between terminals to case . ...... 3 k V for 10sec. AC

*Without resistors


Dimensions Brackets Term

H x A x P (mm) M
255 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
520 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
620 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
750 x 220 x 150 2 M 12

**Industrial frequency “30 min every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regu-

lation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor. EN

BO/R RTF 50Hz Series

Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R023000255RTF00
5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R023000505RTF00
7.5 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R023000755RTF00
10 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R023001005RTF00
12.5 230 V 370 x 220 x 150 R023001255RTF00
15 230 V 370 x 220 x 150 R023001505RTF00
20 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R023002005RTF00
25 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R023002505RTF00
30 230 V 620 x 220 x 150 R023003005RTF00
35 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023003505RTF00
40 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023004005RTF00
45 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023004505RTF00

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R040000505RTF00
7.5 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R040000755RTF00
10 400 V 255 x 210 x 70 R040001005RTF00
12.5 400 V 370 x 210 x 70 R040001255RTF00
15 400 V 370 x 210 x 70 R040001505RTF00
20 400 V 370 x 210 x 70 R040002005RTF00
25 400 V 370 x 220 x 150 R040002505RTF00
30 400 V 370 x 220 x 150 R040003005RTF00
35 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R040003505RTF00
40 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R040004005RTF00
45 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R040004505RTF00
50 400 V 520 x 220 x 150 R040005005RTF00
60 400 V 620 x 220 x 150 R040006005RTF00
70 400 V 750 x 220 x 150 R040007005RTF00
80 400 V 750 x 220 x 150 R040008005RTF00

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044000505RTF00
7.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044000755RTF00
10 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044001005RTF00
12.5 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044001255RTF00
15 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044001505RTF00
20 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044002005RTF00
25 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R044002505RTF00
30 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R044003005RTF00
35 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044003505RTF00
40 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044004005RTF00
45 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044004505RTF00
50 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044005005RTF00
60 440 V 620 x 220 x 150 R044006005RTF00
70 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R044007005RTF00
80 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R044008005RTF00

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request

Three phase capacitors for harmonics
filter applications
BO/R RCT Series
230/440V, 50Hz

General Description
RTR Energía S.L. Power capacitors are manufactured with Technical Characteristics
low loss metallized self-healing polypropylene film. Dry type
capacitors are filled with a non-toxic an ecological polyuretha- Standard ................................................ EN 60831-1/2
ne resin manufactured by RTR Energía, this resin provides an Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
excellent heat dissipation properties. This series is enclosed in Frequency.............................................. 50Hz (60Hz upon
a prismatic box with threaded stud for the connection. ............................................................... request)
Temperature range................................. -40ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Applications Total losses*............................................≤ 0.45 W/KVAr
Capacitors specially designed to install with 189 Hz (other fre- Maximum over voltage........................... 1,15 x Un
quencies upon request) three phase harmonic filters. Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
THD Max in voltage................................. Specific design for
Dry and Ecological Capacitor harmonics
RTR Energía S.L. dry type capacitors are filled with a non-toxic THD Max in current.................................. 30%
and ecological polyurethane resin. Resin manufactured by RTR Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
Energía provides excellent heat dissipation properties, increasing Connection............................................. Delta
the capacitor expected life. Dielectric................................................. Metallized
............................................................... polypropilene film
Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
Voltage test between terminals to case . ...... 3 k V for 10sec. AC

*Without resistors


Dimensions Brackets Term

H x A x P (mm) M
255 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 210 x 70 2 M8
370 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
520 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
620 x 220 x 150 2 M 12
750 x 220 x 150 2 M 12

**Industrial frequency “30 min every 24 hours” of fluctuation and regu-

lation of voltage, higher values may cause damages in capacitor. EN

Serie BO/R RCT 50Hz

Power Voltage Dimensions Code
KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
2.5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R023000255RCT00
5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70 R023000505RCT00
7.5 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R023000755RCT00
10 230 V 370 x 210 x 70 R023001005RCT00
12.5 230 V 370 x 220 x 150 R023001255RCT00
15 230 V 370 x 220 x 150 R023001505RCT00
20 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R023002005RCT00
25 230 V 520 x 220 x 150 R023002505RCT00
30 230 V 620 x 220 x 150 R023003005RCT00
35 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023003505RCT00
40 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023004005RCT00
45 230 V 750 x 220 x 150 R023004505RCT00

Power Voltage Dimensions Code

KVAr V.c.a D x H (mm)
5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044000505RCT00
7.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044000755RCT00
10 440 V 255 x 210 x 70 R044001005RCT00
12.5 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044001255RCT00
15 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044001505RCT00
20 440 V 370 x 210 x 70 R044002005RCT00
25 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R044002505RCT00
30 440 V 370 x 220 x 150 R044003005RCT00
35 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044003505RCT00
40 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044004005RCT00
45 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044004505RCT00
50 440 V 520 x 220 x 150 R044005005RCT00
60 440 V 620 x 220 x 150 R044006005RCT00
70 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R044007005RCT00
80 440 V 750 x 220 x 150 R044008005RCT00

* Other voltages upon request

* 60 Hz upon request


Fixed Capacitors
Three-phase protected power capacitor series
PRE series

230/440V, 50Hz


General Information Technical Characteristics

RTR Energía three-phase protected power capacitors are spe-
cially designed for reactive power factor correction for trans- Standard ................................................ IEC 831-1/2
formers and electrical installations where automatic regulation Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
is not required. This series capacitor banks are equiped with Frecuency............................................... 50Hz
automatic switch protection. Temperature range................................. -25ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage........................... 1,1 x Un
Overpressure disconnection system Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltages, harmonics, THD Max. in voltage............................... 2%
high temperatures , etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Discharge resistance.............................. Incorporated
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
tem . When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Voltage test between terminals to case.. 3 KV en AC/10 sec.
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Connection............................................. Delta
Protection .............................................. IP-54


Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
1 230 V 540 x 136 x 140
2 230 V 540 x 136 x 140
2.5 230 V 540 x 136 x 140
3 230 V 540 x 136 x 140

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
1 440 V 540 x 136 x 140
2 440 V 540 x 136 x 140
2.5 440 V 540 x 136 x 140
3 440 V 540 x 136 x 140
4 440 V 540 x 136 x 140
5 440 V 540 x 136 x 140

Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
4 230 V 570 x 275 x 140
5 230 V 570 x 275 x 140
6 230 V 570 x 275 x 140
7 230 V 570 x 275 x 140
8 230 V 570 x 275 x 140
9 230 V 570 x 275 x 140

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
7.5 440 V 570 x 275 x 140
10 440 V 570 x 275 x 140
12.5 440 V 570 x 275 x 140
15 440 V 570 x 275 x 140

Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
10 230 V 570 x 380 x 140
11 230 V 570 x 380 x 140
12 230 V 570 x 380 x 140

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
17.5 440 V 570 x 380 x 140
20 440 V 570 x 380 x 140
22.5 440 V 570 x 380 x 140
25 440 V 570 x 380 x 140

Three-phase protected power capacitor series
PRBA and PRBD series
230/440V, 50Hz


General Information Technical Characteristics

RTR Energía three-phase protected power capacitors are spe-
cially designed for reactive power factor correction for transfor- Standard ................................................ IEC 831-1/2
mers and electrical installations where automatic regulation is Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
not required. Frecuency............................................... 50Hz
Temperature range................................. -25ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage........................... 1,1 x Un
Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
THD Max in voltage................................ 2%
Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
Voltage test terminals to case ...................... 3 k V for 10sec. AC
Connection............................................. Delta

PRBA Circuit Breaker + Pilot Light
Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70
5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70
7.5 230 V 370 x 220 x 150
10 230 V 370 x 220 x 150
15 230 V 370 x 220 x 150
20 230 V 520 x 220 x 150

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
7.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
10 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
12.5 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
15 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
20 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
25 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
30 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
35 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
40 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
50 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
60 440 V 620 x 220 x 150

PRBD Disconector + Fuses + Pilot Light

Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70
5 230 V 255 x 210 x 70
7.5 230 V 370 x 220 x 150
10 230 V 370 x 220 x 150
15 230 V 520 x 220 x 150
20 230 V 520 x 220 x 150
25 230 V 520 x 220 x 150
30 230 V 370 x 220 x 310

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
7.5 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
10 440 V 255 x 210 x 70
12.5 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
15 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
20 440 V 370 x 220 x 150
25 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
30 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
40 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
50 440 V 520 x 220 x 150
60 440 V 370 x 220 x 310

Three-phase protected power capacitor series
PR00 and PRC0 series
230/440V, 50Hz


General Information Technical Characteristics

RTR Energía three-phase protected power capacitors are spe-
cially designed for reactive power factor correction for transfor-
Standard ................................................ IEC 831-1/2
mers and electrical installations where automatic regulation is
Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
not required.
Frecuency............................................... 50Hz
Temperature range................................. -25ºC + 55ºC
 RAL 1013
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Maximum over voltage........................... 1,1 x Un
Overpressure disconnection system Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
In order to avoid problems caused by overvoltages, harmonics, THD Max in voltage................................ 2%
high temperatures , etc. RTR Energía S.L. power capacitors Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
have been designed with an overpressure disconnection sys- Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
tem . When the terminal cover expands, the internal connec- Voltage test terminals to case ...................... 3 k V for 10sec. AC
tions are interrupted and disconnecting the capacitor. Technical Connection............................................. Delta

* Please contact us for other power or frequency requirements.

PR00 Circuit Breaker + Pilot Light
Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 300 x 300 x 200
5 230 V 300 x 300 x 200
7.5 230 V 400 x 300 x 200
10 230 V 400 x 300 x 200
15 230 V 600 x 400 x 260
20 230 V 600 x 400 x 260

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
7.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
10 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
12.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
15 440 V 400 x 300 x 200
20 440 V 400 x 300 x 200
25 440 V 400 x 300 x 200
30 440 V 600 x 400 x 260
40 440 V 600 x 400 x 260
50 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
60 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
80 440 V 600 x 500 x 260

PRC0 Circuit Breaker + Fuses + Pilot Light

Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 V 300 x 300 x 200
5 230 V 300 x 300 x 200
7.5 230 V 300 x 300 x 200
10 230 V 400 x 300 x 200
15 230 V 600 x 400 x 260
20 230 V 600 x 500 x 260
25 230 V 600 x 500 x 260

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a H x A x P (mm)
2.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
7.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
10 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
12.5 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
15 440 V 300 x 300 x 200
20 440 V 400 x 300 x 200
25 440 V 400 x 300 x 200
30 440 V 600 x 400 x 260
40 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
45 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
50 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
60 440 V 600 x 500 x 260
80 440 V 800 x 600 x 300

Three-phase protected power capacitor series
Compact-1 series
230V, 50Hz
400 - 440V, 50Hz

General Information Technical Characteristics

RTR Energía three-phase protected power capacitors are
specially designed for reactive power factor correction for Standard ................................................ IEC 831-1/2
transformers and electrical installations where automatic Capacitance tolerance............................ - 5% + 10%
regulation is not required. Frecuency............................................... 50Hz
Temperature range................................. -25ºC + 55ºC
Dielectric losses..................................... ≤ 0.5 W/KVAr
Note Maximum over voltage........................... 1,1 x Un
Indoor wall mounting, none dusty, ventilated room, away from Maximum over current............................ 1,5 x In
direct sun light, inside cabinet temp. Max. ≤ 55ºC. THD Max in voltage................................ 2%
Discharge resistance ............................. Incorporated
Voltage test between terminals.............. 2,15 x Un 2 sec.
Voltage test terminals to case ...................... 3 k V for 10sec. AC
Connection............................................. Delta
Fixed capacitor components
 hree phase capacitor series MA/C/CE/TER (overpressure
disconnection system).

 apacitor duty contactors with damping resistors.


 CB for general protection.


 uick discharge resistors.


Without contactor
Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
5 230 400 x 280 x 180
7.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
10 230 400 x 280 x 180
12.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
15 230 400 x 280 x 180
20 230 400 x 280 x 180

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V H x A x P (mm)
2.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
7.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
10 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
12.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
15 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
20 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
25 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
30 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
35 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
40 400-440 400 x 280 x 180

* Please contact us for other power or frequency requirements.

With Contactor
Power Voltage Dimensions
KVAr V H x A x P (mm)
2.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
5 230 400 x 280 x 180
7.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
10 230 400 x 280 x 180
12.5 230 400 x 280 x 180
15 230 400 x 280 x 180
20 230 400 x 280 x 180

Power Voltage Dimensions

KVAr V H x A x P (mm)
2.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
7.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
10 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
12.5 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
15 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
20 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
25 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
30 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
35 400-440 400 x 280 x 180
40 400-440 400 x 280 x 180

* Please contact us for other power or frequency requirements.


Automatic capacitors
Automatic capacitor Banks with

MA/C/CE/TER Series

Compact-3 serie
230V, 50 Hz

General Description Capacitor Banks Components

These types of capacitors banks are normally used to improve  Three phase capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER (overpressure dis-
reactive power in small instalations; stores; neughboring com- connection system)
munities.  Capacitor duty contactors with damping resistors.
 MCB for general protection.
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose.
Note  Microprocessor based PFC regulator.
Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
 Top entry for power supply.
direct sun light, incide cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC
 Cover RAL 1013 and galvanized sheet framework.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 230 2 (2.5 + 2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
7.5 230 2 (2.5 + 5.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
7.5 230 3 (2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
10 230 2 (5.0 + 5.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
10 230 3 (2.5 + 2.5 + 5.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
12.5 230 3 (2.5 + 5.0 + 5.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
15 230 3 (5.0 +5.0 + 5.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
17.5 230 3 (2.5 + 5.0 + 10.0) 1:2:4 600 x 360 x 160
20 230 3 (5.0 + 5.0 + 10.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
22.5 230 3 (7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
25 230 3 (5.0 + 10.0 + 10.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160

Automatic capacitor Banks with

MA/C/CE/TER Series

Compact-3 serie
400 - 440V, 50Hz

General Description Capacitor Banks Components

These types of capacitors banks are normally used to improve  Three phase capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER (overpressure dis-
reactive power in small instalations; stores; neughboring com- connection system)
munities.  Capacitor duty contactors with damping resistors.
 MCB for general protection.
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose.
Note  Microprocessor based PFC regulator.
Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
 Top entry for power supply.
direct sun light, incide cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC
 Cover RAL 1013 and galvanized sheet framework.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 400-440 2 (2.5 + 2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
7.5 400-440 2 (2.5 + 5.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
7.5 400-440 3 (2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
10 400-440 2 (5.0 + 5.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
10 400-440 3 (2.5 + 2.5 + 5.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
12.5 400-440 3 (2.5 + 5.0 + 5.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
15 400-440 2 (5.0 + 10.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
15 400-440 3 (5.0 + 5.0 + 5.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
17.5 400-440 3 (2.5 + 5.0 + 10.0) 1:2:4 600 x 360 x 160
20 400-440 3 (5.0 + 5.0 + 10.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
22.5 400-440 2 (7.5 + 15.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
22.5 400-440 3 (7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
25 400-440 3 (5.0 + 10.0 + 10.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
30 400-440 3 (7.5 + 7.5 + 15.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
30 400-440 3 (10.0 + 10.0 + 10.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
35 400-440 3 (5.0 + 10.0 + 20.0) 1:2:4 600 x 360 x 160
37.5 400-440 3 (7.5 + 15.0 + 15.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160
37.5 400-440 3 (12.5 + 12.5 + 12.5) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
40 400-440 3 (10.0 + 10.0 + 20.0) 1:1:2 600 x 360 x 160
45 400-440 3 (15.0 + 15.0 + 15.0) 1:1:1 600 x 360 x 160
50 400-440 3 (10.0 + 20.0 + 20.0) 1:2:2 600 x 360 x 160

Automatic capacitor Banks with

MA/C/CE/TER Series

Compact-5 serie
230V, 50 Hz

General Description Capacitor Banks Components

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro-  Capacitors Banks Components Three-phase capacitors se-
ve reactive power in small instalations as stores; neughboring ries MA/C/CE/TER. (overpressure disconnection system)
communities etc.
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors.

Note  MCB for steps protection

Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from  On-Load break switch
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC for not to
damage the capacitor´s using life.  Resistor for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator.
Upon request  Top left side entry for power supply( right side under request)
For other powers, frequency, capacitor series, steps can be
upon request.  Cover RAL 1013 galvanized sheet framework.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

kVAr V.c.a kVAr H x A x P (mm)
20 230 5 (2,5 + 2,5 + 5,0 + 5,0 + 5,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
25 230 5 (2,5 + 2,5 + 5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
30 230 4 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
30 230 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
35 230 4 (5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
37.5 230 5 (2,5 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
40 230 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
45 230 5 (5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
47,5 230 5 (2,5 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
50 230 4 (10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0) 1:1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
50 230 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
55 230 4 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
57,5 230 5 (2,5 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
60 230 4 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
60 230 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
70 230 4 (10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
75 230 5 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
80 230 5 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
90 230 5 (10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325

Automatic capacitor Banks with

MA/C/CE/TER Series

Compact-5 serie Capacitor Banks Components
 Capacitors Banks Components Three-phase
440V, 50Hz capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER. (overpressu-
re disconnection system)
C  apacitor duty contactors with dumping resis-
 CB for steps protection
 On-Load break switch
 Resistor for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator.
 op left side entry for power supply( right side
under request)
 over RAL 1013 galvanized sheet framework.

General Description Upon request

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- For other powers, frequency, capacitor series, steps combina-
ve reactive power in small instalations as stores; neughboring tions department.
communities etc.

Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC for not
to damage the capacitor´s using life.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a KVAr H x A x P (mm)
40 440 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
45 440 5 (5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 10,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
47,5 440 5 (2,5 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
50 440 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
55 440 4 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
57,5 440 5 (2,5 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
60 440 4 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
60 440 5 (5,0 + 5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
67,5 440 4 (7,5 + 15,0 + 15,0 + 30,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
70 440 4 (10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
75 440 4 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 40,0) 1:2:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
80 440 5 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
82,5 440 4 (7,5 + 15,0 + 30,0 + 30,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
90 440 4 (10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 40,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
90 440 5 (7,5 + 7,5 + 15,0 + 30,0 + 30,0) 1:1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
95 440 5 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 40,0) 1:2:4:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
97,5 440 5 (7,5 + 15,0 + 15,0 + 30,0 + 30,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
100 440 5 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 40,0) 1:1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
100 440 5 (20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 20,0) 1:1:1 950 x 475 x 325
110 440 4 (10,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
112,5 440 4 (12,5 + 25,0 + 25,0 + 50,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
115 440 5 (5,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:4:8 950 x 475 x 325
120 440 5 (10,0 + 10,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
125 440 5 (12,5 + 12,5 + 25,0 + 25,0 + 50,0) 1:1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
130 440 5 (10,0 + 20,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
135 440 5 (15,0 + 30,0 + 30,0 + 30,0 + 30,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
137,5 440 4 (12,5 + 25,0 + 50,0 + 50,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
140 440 4 (20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
150 440 4 (25,0 + 25,0 + 50,0 + 50,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
150 440 5 (10,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
160 440 5 (20,0 + 20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:1:2 950 x 475 x 325
162,5 440 5 (12,5 + 25,0 + 25,0 + 50,0 + 50,0) 1:2:2:4 950 x 475 x 325
175 440 4 (25,0 + 50,0 + 50,0 + 50,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
180 440 5 (20,0 + 40,0 + 40,0 + 40,0 + 40,0) 1:2:2 950 x 475 x 325
187,5 440 5 (12,5 + 25,0 + 50,0 + 50,0 + 50,0) 1:2:4 950 x 475 x 325

Automatic capacitor Banks with



Compact-9 series
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Capacitor Banks Components

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor co-  Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.(overpressure disconnection
rrection in installations where there is high reactive energy con- system)
sumption.  Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
Note  Resistors for fast discharge purpose
Indoor mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from di-
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
rect sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

kVAr V.c.a kVAr H x A x P (mm)
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
225 400-440 V 5 (1x15+1x30+3x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
237,5 400-440 V 6 (1x12,5+1x25+4x50) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
250 400-440 V 6 (2x25+4x50) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
260 400-440 V 7 (1x20+6x40) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
275 400-440 V 6 (1x25+5x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
287,5 400-440 V 7 (1x12,5+1x25+5x50) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
315 400-440 V 7 (1x15+2x30+4x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
332,5 400-440 V 6 (1x17,5+1x35+4x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
35 400-440 V 6 (2x35+4x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
375 400-440 V 8 (1x25+7x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
402,5 400-440 V 7 (1x17,5+1x35+5x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
425 400-440 V 9 (1x25+8x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
435 400-440 V 9 (1x15+2x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
455 400-440 V 7 (1x35+6x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
472,5 400-440 V 8 (1x17,5+1x35+6x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
490 400-440 V 8 (2x35+6x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
510 400-440 V 9(1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
525 400-440 V 8 (1x35+7x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
542,5 400-440 V 9 (1x17,5+1x35+7x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
560 400-440 V 9 (2x35+7x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
595 400-440 V 9 (1x35+8x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
630 400-440 V 9 (9x70) 1:1:1 1600X1000X500

* Other voltages and frequencies upon request.

Automatic capacitor Banks with


Compact-9 series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Capacitor Banks Components

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor co-  Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
rrection in installations where there is high reactive energy con- system)
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors

Note  HRC fuses for steps protection

Indoor mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from di-
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
rect sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

kVAr V.c.a KVAr H x A x P (mm)
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
225 400-440 V 5 (1x15+1x30+3x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
237,5 400-440 V 6 (1x12,5+1x25+4x50) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
250 400-440 V 6 (2x25+4x50) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
260 400-440 V 7 (1x20+6x40) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
275 400-440 V 6 (1x25+5x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
287,5 400-440 V 7 (1x12,5+1x25+5x50) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
315 400-440 V 7 (1x15+2x30+4x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
332,5 400-440 V 6 (1x17,5+1x35+4x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
35 400-440 V 6 (2x35+4x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
375 400-440 V 8 (1x25+7x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
402,5 400-440 V 7 (1x17,5+1x35+5x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
425 400-440 V 9 (1x25+8x50) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
435 400-440 V 9 (1x15+2x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
455 400-440 V 7 (1x35+6x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
472,5 400-440 V 8 (1x17,5+1x35+6x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
490 400-440 V 8 (2x35+6x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
510 400-440 V 9(1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
525 400-440 V 8 (1x35+7x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
542,5 400-440 V 9 (1x17,5+1x35+7x70) 1:2:4 1600X1000X500
560 400-440 V 9 (2x35+7x70) 1:1:2 1600X1000X500
595 400-440 V 9 (1x35+8x70) 1:2:2 1600X1000X500
630 400-440 V 9 (9x70) 1:1:1 1600X1000X500

* Other voltages and frequencies upon request.

MINI-MURAL series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mini-Mural series without on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Note

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
ring communities etc

These capacitors banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x H x A x P (mm)
5 230 V KVAr 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 230 V 2 (2x2.5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 230 V 2 (1x2.5+1x5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
10 230 V 3 (3x2.5) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
12.5 230 V 3 (2x2.5+1x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 230 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 230 V 2 (1x5+1x10) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
17.5 230 V 3 (3x5) 1:2:4 600 x 400 x 260
22.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
22.5 230 V 2 (1x7.5+1x15) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
25 230 V 3 (3x7.5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260

MINI-MURAL series with
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mini-Mural series with on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Note

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Indoor wall mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- from direct sun light, inside cabinet temp. Max. ≤ 55ºC.
ring communities etc

These capacitors banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60 Hz.
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 230 V 2 (2x2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 230 V 2 (1x2.5+1x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 230 V 3 (3x2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
10 230 V 3 (2x2.5+1x5) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
12.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 230 V 2 (1x5+1x10) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 230 V 3 (3x5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
17.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 600 x 500 x 260
22.5 230 V 2 (1x7.5+1x15) 1:2:2 600 x 500 x 260
22.5 230 V 3 (3x7.5) 1:1:1 600 x 500 x 260
25 230 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 600 x 500 x 260

MINI-MURAL series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mini-Mural series without on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Note

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
ring communities etc

These capacitors banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x H x A x P (mm)
5 400-440 V KVAr 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 400-440 V 2 (2x2.5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 400-440 V 2 (1x2.5+1x5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
10 400-440 V 3 (3x2.5) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
12.5 400-440 V 3 (2x2.5+1x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 400-440 V 2 (1x5+1x10) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
17.5 400-440 V 3 (3x5) 1:2:4 600 x 400 x 260
20 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
22.5 400-440 V 3 (2x5+1x10) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
25 400-440 V 3 (3x7.5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
27.5 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 600 x 400 x 260
30 400-440 V 4 (1x2,5+1x5+2x10) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
30 400-440 V 3 (3x10) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
35 400-440 V 4 (2x5+2x10) 1:2:4 600 x 400 x 260
37.5 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
40 400-440 V 3 (1x7.5+2x15) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
45 400-440 V 3 (2x10+1x20) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
50 400-440 V 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260

MINI-MURAL series with
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mini-Mural series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Note

This types of automatic capacitor banks in normally used to Indoor wall mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away
compensate reactive power in small industrial plants, building/ from direct sun light, inside cabinet temp. Max. ≤ 55ºC.
office load...etc.

These capacitor banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Three phase capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.
MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60 Hz.
 Capacitor duty contactors with damping resistors.
 HRC fuses for protection.
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 On-load break switch (Icc)*.
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose.
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator.
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 400-440 V 2 (2x2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 400-440 V 2 (1x2.5+1x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
7.5 400-440 V 3 (3x2.5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
10 400-440 V 3 (2x2.5+1x5) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
12.5 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 400-440 V 2 (1x5+1x10) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
15 400-440 V 3 (3x5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
17.5 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 600 x 400 x 260
20 400-440 V 3 (2x5+1x10) 1:1:2 600 x 400 x 260
22.5 400-440 V 3 (3x7.5) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
25 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 600 x 400 x 260
27.5 400-440 V 4 (1x2,5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 600 x 500 x 260
30 400-440 V 3 (3x10) 1:1:1 600 x 400 x 260
30 400-440 V 4 (2x5+2x10) 1:1:2 600 x 500 x 260
35 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:4 600 x 500 x 260
37.5 400-440 V 3 (1x7.5+2x15) 1:2:2 600 x 500 x 260
40 400-440 V 3 (2x10+1x20) 1:1:2 600 x 500 x 260
45 400-440 V 3 (3x15) 1:1:1 600 x 500 x 260
50 400-440 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 600 x 500 x 260

MURAL series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mural series without on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Note

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
ring communities etc

These capacitors banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
15 230 V 6 (6x2.5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
22.5 230 V 5 (1x2.5+4x5) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
27.5 230 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
30 230 V 6 (6x5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
35 230 V 4 (1x5+3x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
37.5 230 V 5 (1x2.5+1x5+3x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
37.5 230 V 5 (5x7.5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
40 230 V 4 (4x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
45 230 V 5 (1x5+4x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
45 230 V 6 (6x7.5) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
50 230 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
50 230 V 5 (5x10) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
55 230 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 1000 x 800 x 300
55 230 V 5 (1x5+5x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
60 230 V 6 (6x10) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300

on-load break switch
MURAL series with
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mural series with on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Note

These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
ring communities etc

These capacitors banks are made up of:

Upon request
 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors
 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
15 230 V 6 (6x2.5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
22.5 230 V 5 (1x2.5+4x5) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
27.5 230 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
30 230 V 6 (6x5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
35 230 V 4 (1x5+3x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
37.5 230 V 5 (1x2.5+1x5+3x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
37.5 230 V 5 (5x7.5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
40 230 V 4 (4x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
45 230 V 5 (1x5+4x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
45 230 V 6 (6x7.5) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
50 230 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
50 230 V 5 (5x10) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
55 230 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 1000 x 800 x 300
55 230 V 5 (1x5+5x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
60 230 V 6 (6x10) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300

MURAL series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mural series without on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description
These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro- Note
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo- Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
ring communities etc direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .

These capacitors banks are made up of:

 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection Upon request
system)  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.
 HRC fuses for steps protection
 On-load break switch (Icc)*  Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator
 RAL 1013
Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions
KVAr V.c.a No. steps x H x A x P (mm)
37.5 400-440 V KVAr 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
40 400-440 V 5 (1x2.5+1x5+3x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
40 400-440 V 4 (4x10) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
45 400-440 V 5(2x5+3x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
50 400-440 V 5 (1x5+4x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
50 400-440 V 5 (5x10) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
52.5 400-440 V 6(2x5+4x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
55 400-440 V 4 (1x7.5+3x15) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
55 400-440 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
60 400-440 V 6 (1x5+5x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
60 400-440 V 6 (6x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
67.5 400-440 V 5(2x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
70 400-440 V 5 (1x7.5+4x15) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
75 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
75 400-440 V 5 (1x5+1x10+3x20) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
80 400-440 V 5 (5x15) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
80 400-440 V 4 (4x20) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
82.5 400-440 V 5 (2x10+3x20) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
90 400-440 V 6 (1x7.5+5x15) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
90 400-440 V 6 (6x15) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
100 400-440 V 5 (1x10+4x20) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
100 400-440 V 5 (5x20) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
105 400-440 V 6 (2x10+4x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
110 400-440 V 4 (1x15+3x30) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
112.5 400-440 V 6 (1x10+5x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
120 400-440 V 5 (1x12.5+4x25) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
120 400-440 V 6 (6x20) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
125 400-440 V 7 (2x10+5x20) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
125 400-440 V 5 (5x25) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
135 400-440 V 6 (2x12.5+4x25) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
150 400-440 V 5 (1x15+4x30) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
150 400-440 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
165 400-440 V 6 (2x15+4x30) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
180 400-440 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
180 400-440 V 6 (6x30) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
on-load break switch
MURAL series with
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Mural series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description
These types of capacitors banks are commonly used to impro-  RAL 1013
ve reactive power in small industrial plants ; stores; neughbo-
ring communities etc Note
Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
These capacitors banks are made up of: direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .
 Capacitors series MA/C/CE/TER.( overpressure disconnection
system) Upon request
 Capacitor duty contactors with dumping resistors  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
 HRC fuses for steps protection MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.
 On-load break switch (Icc)*
 Resistors for fast discharge purpose
 Microprocessor based PFC regulator

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
37.5 400-440 V 5 (1x2.5+1x5+3x10) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
40 400-440 V 4 (4x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
40 400-440 V 5(2x5+3x10) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
45 400-440 V 5 (1x5+4x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
50 400-440 V 5 (5x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
50 400-440 V 6(2x5+4x10) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
52.5 400-440 V 4 (1x7.5+3x15) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
55 400-440 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
55 400-440 V 6 (1x5+5x10) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
60 400-440 V 6 (6x10) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
60 400-440 V 5(2x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
67.5 400-440 V 5 (1x7.5+4x15) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
70 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
75 400-440 V 5 (1x5+1x10+3x20) 1:2:4 800 x 600 x 300
75 400-440 V 5 (5x15) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
80 400-440 V 4 (4x20) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
80 400-440 V 5 (2x10+3x20) 1:1:2 800 x 600 x 300
82.5 400-440 V 6 (1x7.5+5x15) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
90 400-440 V 6 (6x15) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
90 400-440 V 5 (1x10+4x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
100 400-440 V 5 (5x20) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
100 400-440 V 6 (2x10+4x20) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
105 400-440 V 4 (1x15+3x30) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
110 400-440 V 6 (1x10+5x20) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
112.5 400-440 V 5 (1x12.5+4x25) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
120 400-440 V 6 (6x20) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
120 400-440 V 7 (2x10+5x20) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
125 400-440 V 5 (5x25) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
125 400-440 V 6 (2x12.5+4x25) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
135 400-440 V 5 (1x15+4x30) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
150 400-440 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
150 400-440 V 6 (2x15+4x30) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
165 400-440 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
180 400-440 V 6 (6x30) 1:1:1 1000 x 800 x 300
180 400-440 V 7 (2x15+5x30) 1:1:2 1000 x 800 x 300
MODULAR series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Modular series without on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Upon request

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor correction  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
in installations where there is high reactive energy consumption. MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.
Note  Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x H x A x P (mm)
67.5 230 V KVAr 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
75 230 V 5 (1x7.5+4x15) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
90 230 V 5 (5x15) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
100 230 V 3 (3x30) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
120 230 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
150 230 V 3 (3x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
180 230 V 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500

MODULAR series with
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Modular series with on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Upon request

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor correction  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
in installations where there is high reactive energy consumption. MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.
Note  Different power/ voltage can be upon request.
Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
67.5 230 V 5 (1x7.5+4x15) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
75 230 V 5 (5x15) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
90 230 V 3 (3x30) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
100 230 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
120 230 V 3 (3x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
150 230 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
180 230 V 6 (6x30) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500

MODULAR series without
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Modular series without on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Upon request

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor correction  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
in installations where there is high reactive energy consumption. MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.

 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.

Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
190 400-440 V 6 (1x10+1x20+4x40) 1:2:4 1300 x 1000 x 500
200 400-440 V 6 (2x20+4x40) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
200 400-440 V 5 (5x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
220 400-440 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
225 400-440 V 5 (1x25+4x50) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
240 400-440 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
240 400-440 V 7 (2x20+5x40) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
250 400-440 V 5 (5x50) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
250 400-440 V 6 (2x25+4x50) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
260 400-440 V 7 (1x20+6x40) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
275 400-440 V 6 (1x25+5x50) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
300 400-440 V 5 (5x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
315 400-440 V 7 (1x15+2x30+4x60) 1:2:4 1300 x 1000 x 500
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
360 400-440 V 6 (6x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
360 400-440 V 7 (2x30+5x60) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
375 400-440 V 8 (1x25+7x50) 1:2:2 1600 x 1000 x 500
390 400-440 V 7 (1x30+6x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
405 400-440 V 8 (1x15+1x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1600 x 1000 x 500
420 400-440 V 7 (7x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
435 400-440 V 9 (1x15+2x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
450 400-440 V 8 (1x30+7x60) 1:2:2 1600 x 1000 x 500
465 400-440 V 9 (1x15+1x30+7x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
480 400-440 V 8 (8x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
480 400-440 V 9 (2x30+7x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
495 400-440 V 10 (1x15+2x30+7x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
510 400-440 V 9 (1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
525 400-440 V 10 (1x15+1x30+8x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
540 400-440 V 9 (9x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
540 400-440 V 10 (2x30+8x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
555 400-440 V 11 (1x15+2x30+8x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
570 400-440 V 10 (1x30+9x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
600 400-440 V 10 (10x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
600 400-440 V 11 (2x30+9x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
630 400-440 V 11 (1x30+10x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
660 400-440 V 11 (11x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
660 400-440 V 12 (2x30+10x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
690 400-440 V 12 (1x30+11x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
720 400-440 V 12 (12x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700

MODULAR series with
on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor Banks with
Modular series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

General Description Upon request

These types of capacitors banks are used in power factor correction  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
in installations where there is high reactive energy consumption. MA/C/CE/TER RTF,BO/R 50-60Hz.

 Different power/ voltage can be upon request.

Indoor wall , mounting , none dusty, ventilated room, away from
direct sun light, inside cabinet temperature max ≤55ºC .

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
190 400-440 V 6 (1x10+1x20+4x40) 1:2:4 1300 x 1000 x 500
200 400-440 V 6 (2x20+4x40) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
200 400-440 V 5 (5x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
220 400-440 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
225 400-440 V 5 (1x25+4x50) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
240 400-440 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
240 400-440 V 7 (2x20+5x40) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
250 400-440 V 5 (5x50) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
250 400-440 V 6 (2x25+4x50) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
260 400-440 V 7 (1x20+6x40) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
275 400-440 V 6 (1x25+5x50) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
300 400-440 V 5 (5x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
315 400-440 V 7 (1x15+2x30+4x60) 1:2:4 1300 x 1000 x 500
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
360 400-440 V 6 (6x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
360 400-440 V 7 (2x30+5x60) 1:1:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
375 400-440 V 8 (1x25+7x50) 1:2:2 1600 x 1000 x 500
390 400-440 V 7 (1x30+6x60) 1:2:2 1300 x 1000 x 500
405 400-440 V 8 (1x15+1x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1600 x 1000 x 500
420 400-440 V 7 (7x60) 1:1:1 1300 x 1000 x 500
435 400-440 V 9 (1x15+2x30+6x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
450 400-440 V 8 (1x30+7x60) 1:2:2 1600 x 1000 x 500
465 400-440 V 9 (1x15+1x30+7x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
480 400-440 V 8 (8x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
480 400-440 V 9 (2x30+7x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
495 400-440 V 10 (1x15+2x30+7x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
510 400-440 V 9 (1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
525 400-440 V 10 (1x15+1x30+8x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
540 400-440 V 9 (9x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
540 400-440 V 10 (2x30+8x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
555 400-440 V 11 (1x15+2x30+8x60) 1:2:4 1700 x 1500 x 700
570 400-440 V 10 (1x30+9x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
600 400-440 V 10 (10x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
600 400-440 V 11 (2x30+9x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
630 400-440 V 11 (1x30+10x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
660 400-440 V 11 (11x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700
660 400-440 V 12 (2x30+10x60) 1:1:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
690 400-440 V 12 (1x30+11x60) 1:2:2 1700 x 1500 x 700
720 400-440 V 12 (12x60) 1:1:1 1700 x 1500 x 700

on-load break switch
Thyristor switching automatic capacitor banks
ST series without

with MA/C/CE/TER, RTF Series

ST series without on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Accessories

These types of automatic capacitor banks are used to com- RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
pensate reactive energy in installations where reactive power sories the following components:
requirements changes rapidly. This series switch capacitors in
the zero crossing point avoiding transient problems.  Thermostats
 Intensity transformers
Indoor floor mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away
from direct sun light, inside cabine temp. Max. -10ºC + 45ºC.

Upon request Technical Characteristics

 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60Hz. Voltage .................................................. 230 V c.a.
 Different power/voltage can be upon request. Tolerance ............................................... +10%-15 %.
 With harmonic filters can be upon request Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831, IEC 831, EN 60439, IEC 439,
IEC 255-5, UNE 21 136.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
12.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
17.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
25 230 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
27.5 230 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
37.5 230 V 3 (1x7.5+2x15) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
52.5 230 V 4 (1x7.5+3x15) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
60 230 V 4 (4x15) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
70 230 V 3 (1x10+1x20+1x40) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
82.5 230 V 4 (1x7.5+1x15+2x30) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
100 230 V 3 (1x20+2x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
110 230 V 4 (1x10+1x20+2x40) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
140 230 V 4 (1x20+3x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
165 230 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
180 230 V 5 (1x20+4x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 230 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
240 230 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
Thyristor switching automatic capacitor banks

ST series with
with MA/C/CE/TER, RTF Series
ST series with on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Accessories

These types of automatic capacitor banks are used to com- RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
pensate reactive energy in installations where reactive power sories the following components:
requirements changes rapidly. This series switch capacitors in
the zero crossing point avoiding transient problems.  Thermostats
 Intensity transformers
Indoor floor mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away
from direct sun light, inside cabine temp. Max. -10ºC + 45ºC.

Upon request Technical Characteristics

 The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60Hz. Voltage .................................................. 230 V c.a.
 Different power/voltage can be upon request. Tolerance ............................................... +10%-15 %.
 With harmonic filters can be upon request Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831, IEC 831, EN 60439, IEC 439,
IEC 255-5, UNE 21 136.

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
12.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
17.5 230 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
25 230 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
27.5 230 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
37.5 230 V 3 (1x7.5+2x15) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
52.5 230 V 4 (1x7.5+3x15) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
60 230 V 4 (4x15) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
70 230 V 3 (1x10+1x20+1x40) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
82.5 230 V 4 (1x7.5+1x15+2x30) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
100 230 V 3 (1x20+2x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
110 230 V 4 (1x10+1x20+2x40) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
140 230 V 4 (1x20+3x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
165 230 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
180 230 V 5 (1x20+4x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 230 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
240 230 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
Thyristor switching automatic capacitor banks
ST series without

with MA/C/CE/TER, RTF Series

ST series without on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

Technical Characteristics
Voltage .................................................. 400 ó 440 V c.a.
Tolerance ............................................... +10%-15 %.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831, IEC 831, EN 60439, IEC 439,
IEC 255-5, UNE 21 136.

General Description Upon request

These types of automatic capacitor banks are used to com-  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
pensate reactive energy in installations where reactive power MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60Hz.
requirements changes rapidly. This series switch capacitors in  Different power/voltage can be upon request.
the zero crossing point avoiding transient problems.  With harmonic filters can be upon request
Note RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
Indoor floor mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away sories the following components:
from direct sun light, inside cabine temp. Max. -10ºC + 45ºC.
 Thermostats
 Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
12.5 400-440 V 3 ( 1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
17.5 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
25 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
27.5 400-440 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
31.25 400-440 V 3 (1x6.25+2x12.5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
35 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
43.75 400-440 V 3 (1x6.25+1x12.5+1x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
50 400-440 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
55 400-440 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
62.5 400-440 V 3 (1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
68.75 400-440 V 4 (1x6.25+1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
70 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
80 400-440 V 4 (4x20) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
87.5 400-440 V 4 (1x12.5+3x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
100 400-440 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
105 400-440 V 3 (1x15+1x30+1x60) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
118.75 400-440 V 6 (1x6.25+1x12.5+4x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
140 400-440 V 3 (1x20+1x40+1x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
165 400-440 V 4 (1x15+1x30+2x60) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
200 400-440 V 3 (1x40+2x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 400-440 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
280 400-440 V 4 (1x40+3x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
300 400-440 V 5 (1x20+1x40+3x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
360 400-440 V 5 (1x40+4x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
380 400-440 V 6 (1x20+1x40+4x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
440 400-440 V 6 (1x40+5x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
460 400-440 V 7 (1x20+1x40+5x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
480 400-440 V 6 (6x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
520 400-440 V 7 (1x40+6x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
540 400-440 V 8 (1x20+1x40+6x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
560 400-440 V 7 (7x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
600 400-440 V 8 (1x40+7x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
640 400-440 V 8 (8x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
Thyristor switching automatic capacitor banks

ST series with
with MA/C/CE/TER, RTF Series
ST series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

Technical Characteristics
Voltage .................................................. 400 ó 440 V c.a.
Tolerance ............................................... +10%-15 %.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831, IEC 831, EN 60439, IEC 439,
IEC 255-5, UNE 21 136.

General Description Upon request

These types of automatic capacitor banks are used to com-  The capacitor bank model can be fitted with capacitor series
pensate reactive energy in installations where reactive power MA/C/CE/TER RTF, BO/R 50-60Hz.
requirements changes rapidly. This series switch capacitors in  Different power/voltage can be upon request.
the zero crossing point avoiding transient problems.  With harmonic filters can be upon request
Note RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
Indoor floor mounting, non dusty, well ventilated room, away sories the following components:
from direct sun light, inside cabine temp. Max. -10ºC + 45ºC.
 Thermostats
 Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
12.5 400-440 V 3 ( 1x2.5+2x5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
17.5 400-440 V 3 (1x2.5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
25 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
27.5 400-440 V 4 (1x2.5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
31.25 400-440 V 3 (1x6.25+2x12.5) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
35 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
43.75 400-440 V 3 (1x6.25+1x12.5+1x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
50 400-440 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
55 400-440 V 4 (1x5+1x10+2x20) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
62.5 400-440 V 3 (1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
68.75 400-440 V 4 (1x6.25+1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
70 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
80 400-440 V 4 (4x20) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
87.5 400-440 V 4 (1x12.5+3x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
100 400-440 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
105 400-440 V 3 (1x15+1x30+1x60) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
118.75 400-440 V 6 (1x6.25+1x12.5+4x25) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
140 400-440 V 3 (1x20+1x40+1x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
165 400-440 V 4 (1x15+1x30+2x60) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
200 400-440 V 3 (1x40+2x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 400-440 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
280 400-440 V 4 (1x40+3x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
300 400-440 V 5 (1x20+1x40+3x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
360 400-440 V 5 (1x40+4x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
380 400-440 V 6 (1x20+1x40+4x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
440 400-440 V 6 (1x40+5x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
460 400-440 V 7 (1x20+1x40+5x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
480 400-440 V 6 (6x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
520 400-440 V 7 (1x40+6x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
540 400-440 V 8 (1x20+1x40+6x80) 1:2:4 To be confirmed
560 400-440 V 7 (7x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
600 400-440 V 8 (1x40+7x80) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
640 400-440 V 8 (8x80) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
ARM series without
Automatic capacitor banks with harmonic fil-
ters and MA/C/CE/TER RCT Series
ARM series without on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Technical Characteristics

The ARM series capacitor banks are designed to be installed
in systems with higher rates of voltage harmonics distortion
Voltage .................................................. 230 V c.a.
THD-V 3% and current harmonics distortion THD-I 30%.
Tolerance ............................................... ±10%.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
These banks are equipped with an “L-C” reactors and special
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.
designed capacitors (RCT) of the same power tuned to 189Hz
or 134Hz resonance frequency.
Regulator with fast response to switching.
STANDARD UNE EN 60831-1-2, EN 60439.
The capacitor banks are specially designed for industries who
have installed elements that generate non-linear loads of cer-
tain values (variable speed drives, electronic ballasts, recti-
fiers, static motor starters etc...).

 RAL 1013 Accessories

RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
sories the following components:

 Thermostats
 Three-phase harmonic filters
 Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
50 230 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
62.5 230 V 3 (1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
75 230 V 3 (3x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
87.5 230 V 4 (1x12.5+3x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
100 230 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
112.5 230 V 5 (1x12.5+4x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
120 230 V 4 (4x30) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
125 230 V 5 (5x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
137.5 230 V 6 (1x12.5+5x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
150 230 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
165 230 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
180 230 V 6 (6x30) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
195 230 V 7 (1x15+6x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 230 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
240 230 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
Auto capacitor banks with harmonic filters and

ARM series with

ARM series with on-load break switch
230V, 50Hz

General Description Technical Characteristics

The ARM series capacitor banks are designed to be installed in
systems with higher rates of voltage harmonics distortion THD-
Voltage .................................................. 230 V c.a.
V 3% and current harmonics distortion THD-I 30%.
Tolerance ............................................... ±10%.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
These banks are equipped with an “L-C” reactors and special
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.
designed capacitors (RCT) of the same power tuned to 189Hz
or 134Hz resonance frequency.
Regulator with fast response to switching.
STANDARD UNE EN 60831-1-2, EN 60439.
The capacitor banks are specially designed for industries who
have installed elements that generate non-linear loads of cer-
tain values (variable speed drives, electronic ballasts, rectifiers,
static motor starters etc...).

 RAL 1013 Accessories

RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
sories the following components:

 Thermostats
 Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
50 230 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
62.5 230 V 3 (1x12.5+2x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
75 230 V 3 (3x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
87.5 230 V 4 (1x12.5+3x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
100 230 V 4 (4x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
112.5 230 V 5 (1x12.5+4x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
120 230 V 4 (4x30) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
125 230 V 5 (5x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
137.5 230 V 6 (1x12.5+5x25) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
150 230 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
165 230 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
180 230 V 6 (6x30) 1:1:1 To be confirmed
195 230 V 7 (1x15+6x30) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
220 230 V 6 (1x20+5x40) 1:2:2 To be confirmed
240 230 V 6 (6x40) 1:1:1 To be confirmed

on-load break switch
ARM series without
Automatic capacitor banks with harmonic fil-
ters and MA/C/CE/TER RCT Series
ARM series without on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

Technical Characteristics
Voltage .................................................. 400 ó 440 V c.a.
Tolerance ............................................... ±10%.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831-1-2, EN 60439.

General Description tain values (variable speed drives, electronic ballasts, rectifiers,
The ARM series capacitor banks are designed to be installed in static motor starters etc...).
systems with higher rates of voltage harmonics distortion THD-
V 3% and current harmonics distortion THD-I 30%.  RAL 1013

These banks are equipped with an “L-C” reactors and special Accessories
designed capacitors (RCT) of the same power tuned to 189Hz RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
or 134Hz resonance frequency. sories the following components:

The capacitor banks are specially designed for industries who  Thermostats
have installed elements that generate non-linear loads of cer-  Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 400-440 V 2 (2x2,5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
7,5 400-440 V 2 (1x2,5+1x5) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
12,5 400-440 V 3 (1x2,5+2x5) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
17,5 400-440 V 3 (1x2,5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 1000 x 800 x 300
20 400-440 V 3 (2x5+1x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
25 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
27,5 400-440 V 4 (1x2,5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 1200 x 1000 x 400
35 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:4 1200 x 1000 x 400
37,5 400-440 V 3 (1x7,5+2x15) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
40 400-440 V 3 (2x10+1x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
50 400-440 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
60 400-440 V 6 (6x10) 1:1:1 1500 x 1000 x 400
67,5 400-440 V 5 (1x7,5+4x15) 1:2:2 1500 x 1000 x 400
70 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
75 400-440 V 5 (1x5+1x10+3x20) 1:2:4 1500 x 1000 x 400
90 400-440 V 5 (1x10+4x20) 1:2:2 1500 x 1000 x 400
105 400-440 V 4 (1x15+3x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 800 x 400
125 400-440 V 6 (2x12,5+4x25) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
135 400-440 V 5 (1x15+4x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
150 400-440 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 2000 x 1100 x 400
165 400-440 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
190 400-440 V 6 (1x10+1x20+4x40) 1:2:4 2000 x 1100 x 400
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 800 x 800
225 400-440 V 5 (1x25+4x50) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
255 400-440 V 6 (1x15+2x30+3x60) 1:2:4 2000 x 1100 x 800
270 400-440 V 5 (1x30+4x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
360 400-440 V 6 (6x60) 1:1:1 2000 x 1100 x 800
390 400-440 V 7 (1x30+6x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1300 x 800
405 400-440 V 8 (1x15+1x30+6x60) 1:2:4 2000 x 1300 x 800
420 400-440 V 8 (2x30+6x60 1:2:2 2000 x 1300 x 800
510 400-440 V 9 (1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1600 x 800
570 400-440 V 10 (1x30+9x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1600 x 800
600 400-440 V 11 (2x30+9x60) 1:2:2 2 x (2000 x 1100 x 800)
660 400-440 V 12 (2x30+10x60) 1:2:2 2 x (2000 x 1100 x 800)

on-load break switch
Automatic capacitor banks with harmonic fil-

ARM series with

ters and MA/C/CE/TER RCT Series
ARM series with on-load break switch
400/440V, 50Hz

Technical Characteristics
Voltage .................................................. 400 ó 440 V c.a.
Tolerance ............................................... ±10%.
Frequency ............................................. 50 ó 60 Hz.
Ambient temperature ............................. -10ºC+45ºC.

Regulator with fast response to switching.

STANDARD UNE EN 60831-1-2, EN 60439.

General Description tain values (variable speed drives, electronic ballasts, rectifiers,
The ARM series capacitor banks are designed to be installed in static motor starters etc...).
systems with higher rates of voltage harmonics distortion THD-
V 3% and current harmonics distortion THD-I 30%.  RAL 1013

These banks are equipped with an “L-C” reactors and special Accessories
designed capacitors (RCT) of the same power tuned to 189Hz RTR Energía Banks of capacitors can incorporate as acces-
or 134Hz resonance frequency. sories the following components:

The capacitor banks are specially designed for industries who  Thermostats
have installed elements that generate non-linear loads of cer-  Intensity transformers

Power Voltage Composition Program Dimensions

KVAr V.c.a No. steps x KVAr H x A x P (mm)
5 400-440 V 2 (2x2,5) 1:1:1 800 x 600 x 300
7,5 400-440 V 2 (1x2,5+1x5) 1:2:2 800 x 600 x 300
12,5 400-440 V 3 (1x2,5+2x5) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
17,5 400-440 V 3 (1x2,5+1x5+1x10) 1:2:4 1000 x 800 x 300
20 400-440 V 3 (2x5+1x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
25 400-440 V 3 (1x5+2x10) 1:2:2 1000 x 800 x 300
27,5 400-440 V 4 (1x2,5+1x5+2x10) 1:2:4 1200 x 1000 x 400
35 400-440 V 3 (1x5+1x10+1x20) 1:2:4 1200 x 1000 x 400
37,5 400-440 V 3 (1x7,5+2x15) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
40 400-440 V 3 (2x10+1x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
50 400-440 V 3 (1x10+2x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
60 400-440 V 6 (6x10) 1:1:1 1500 x 1000 x 400
67,5 400-440 V 5 (1x7,5+4x15) 1:2:2 1500 x 1000 x 400
70 400-440 V 4 (1x10+3x20) 1:2:2 1200 x 1000 x 400
75 400-440 V 5 (1x5+1x10+3x20) 1:2:4 1500 x 1000 x 400
90 400-440 V 5 (1x10+4x20) 1:2:2 1500 x 1000 x 400
105 400-440 V 4 (1x15+3x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 800 x 400
125 400-440 V 6 (2x12,5+4x25) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
135 400-440 V 5 (1x15+4x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
150 400-440 V 6 (6x25) 1:1:1 2000 x 1100 x 400
165 400-440 V 6 (1x15+5x30) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 400
190 400-440 V 6 (1x10+1x20+4x40) 1:2:4 2000 x 1100 x 400
210 400-440 V 4 (1x30+3x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 800 x 800
225 400-440 V 5 (1x25+4x50) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
255 400-440 V 6 (1x15+2x30+3x60) 1:2:4 2000 x 1100 x 800
270 400-440 V 5 (1x30+4x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
300 400-440 V 6 (2x30+4x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
330 400-440 V 6 (1x30+5x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1100 x 800
360 400-440 V 6 (6x60) 1:1:1 2000 x 1100 x 800
390 400-440 V 7 (1x30+6x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1300 x 800
405 400-440 V 8 (1x15+1x30+6x60) 1:2:4 2000 x 1300 x 800
420 400-440 V 8 (2x30+6x60 1:2:2 2000 x 1300 x 800
510 400-440 V 9 (1x30+8x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1600 x 800
570 400-440 V 10 (1x30+9x60) 1:2:2 2000 x 1600 x 800
600 400-440 V 11 (2x30+9x60) 1:2:2 2 x (2000 x 1100 x 800)
660 400-440 V 12 (2x30+10x60) 1:2:2 2 x (2000 x 1100 x 800)


Medium Voltage
1. General information for MV capacitors
1.1 Total film dielectric

RTR Capacitors have a dielectric constituted in general by

three polypropylene films “hazy”, rough in both faces, of high
purity. This construction, instead of which it uses only two
layers of a rough film in a single one of his faces, common in
other manufacturers, confers to RTR Capacitors greater secu-
rity of operation and greater life utility. The rough of both faces
of polypropylene is a condition indispensable for the complete
impregnating of the film during the process and, therefore, for
the stability of the capacitor in the long term.

1.2 Impregnating biodegradable

RTR Capacitors use exclusive impregnating the nonchlorina-

ted MDBT, developed for the most demanding applications by
Elf-Atochem(France). This it is characterized by his high flash
point, great capacity of gas absorption derived from the internal
electrical unloadings, and total environmental compatibility (biodegradable).

1.3 Construction with folio extended and wild fold

RTR Capacitors is constituted by elementary units, each one of them consisting of aluminum folio windings of high purity
and polypropylene films. The aluminum laminae excel towards the ends of the coil, and their edges are folded forming a ring
anticrown that confers to the condenser a tension of insepción ofpartial unloadings superior to 50% of the nominal value. The
laminae are welded to each other and with the next coils by means of special alloys of great adhesion and low point of fusion.
This way the use of “abatis”, characteristic of the previous designs is avoided.

1.4 Under stress

RTR Energía S.L. uses conservative criteria of design that imply the application of dielectric efforts (kV/ mm) relatively low on
the materials. Like consequence, the capacitors are of dimensions somewhat greater than those of other marks, with an expec-
tation of greater life utility.

1.5 Inner fuses

RTR Energía S.L. incorporates to a great part of their range of MV. capacitors (specially for the greater powers) with the option
of individual inner fuses by coil, of new design. Such they allow to isolate the possible failure of anyone of the elements of the
capacitor and other elements can still work in normal condition. The fuses are separated to each other, so that it is impossible
that the performance of one of them causes the catuación of the fuse next to. In addition, the condensers with internal fuses
allow simpler, light and economic constructions.

1.6 Dielectric low losses

The characteristics of their design, the rigorous selection of the manufacture materials and the artisan care put in their construc-
tion and process give like result capacitors of low losses, which is translated in smaller this form and operating temperatures, a
greater life utility.

2. Tecnical characteristics and dimensions for
three-phase capacitors

 Standard............................................................................................................................... IEC 871-1/4

 Voltage test terminal to terminal........................................................................................... 1 - 7,2 kV
 Frequency............................................................................................................................ 50 - 60 Hz
 Losses . ............................................................................................................................... <0.15 W/KVAr
 Temperature ........................................................................................................................ -5+50ºC
 Dielectric liquid .................................................................................................................... MDBT Nonchlorinated
 Residual Voltage ................................................................................................................. 10% Un later 5 min.
 Dielectric ............................................................................................................................. Polypropylene
 Fuses................................................................................................................................... Optional
 Use . .................................................................................................................................... Indoor-Inclemency
 Altitude ................................................................................................................................ 1000 m s.n.m.
 Maximum over voltage. ....................................................................................................... 1.1 x Un
 Maximum over current ........................................................................................................ 1.3 x In
 Tolerance.............................................................................................................................. -5 + 15%
 Vltage test............................................................................................................................ 4,3 x Un (10 sec

2.1 Aproximated dimensions


1. In these tables the equipments of use have been included mas commonly nevertheless they can be made for other voltages,
frequencies, etc.

2. The height corresponding to the fin of fixation (C) could be changed according to the needs of the assembly.

3. Also is possible the construction of single-phase capacitors with one point or two isolated points.

4. The dimensions and others characteristics are subject to changes without previous notice

2.2 Range from 1 to 1,2 kV
Power (kVAr) Dimensions Weight
a 50 Hz a 60 Hz A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) Kg.
10 12 200 135 130 15
15 18 200 135 130 16
25 30 200 135 130 17
50 60 260 135 230 20
100 120 450 135 230 32

BIL = 25 kV BIL = 25 kV

without terminal cover with terminal cover

2.3 Range from 2 to 3,6 kV

Power (kVAr) Dimensions Weight
a 50 Hz a 60 Hz A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) Kg.
25 30 200 135 130 15
50 60 200 135 130 17
75 90 300 135 230 21
83.3 100 300 135 230 22
100 120 320 135 230 25
150 180 500 135 230 35
167 200 500 135 230 35
200 240 580 135 230 40
250 300 660 135 230 49
300 360 680 160 230 55

BIL = 40 kV BIL = 40 kV
without terminal cover with terminal cover

2.4 Range from 4 to 7,2 kV
Power (kVAr) Dimensions Weight
a 50 Hz a 60 Hz A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) Kg.
25 30 260 135 130 16
50 60 260 135 130 18
75 90 320 135 230 22
83.3 100 320 135 230 23
100 120 360 135 230 26
150 180 460 135 230 36
167 200 500 135 230 36
200 240 600 135 230 41
250 300 700 135 230 50
300 360 720 160 230 56

BIL = 60 kV
without terminal cover

3. Technical characteristics and dimensions

for single-phase capacitors
 Standard............................................................................................................................... IEC 871-1/4
 Frequency............................................................................................................................ 50 - 60 Hz
 Losses . ............................................................................................................................... <0.15 W/KVAr
 Temperature ........................................................................................................................ -5+50ºC
 Dielectric liquid .................................................................................................................... MDBT Nonchlorinated
 Residual Voltage ................................................................................................................. 10% Un later 5 min.
 Dielectric ............................................................................................................................. Polypropylene
 Fuses................................................................................................................................... Optional
 Use . .................................................................................................................................... Indoor - Inclemency
 Altitude ................................................................................................................................ 1000 m s.n.m.
 Maximum over voltage ........................................................................................................ 1.1 x Un
 Maximum over current ........................................................................................................ 1.3 x In
 Tolerance.............................................................................................................................. -5 + 15%
 Voltage test terminal to terminal........................................................................................... 4,3 x Un (10 sec)

3.1 Aproximated dimensions


1. In these tables the equipments of use have been included mas commonly nevertheless they can be made for other voltages,
frequencies, etc.
2. The height corresponding to the fin of fixation (C) could be changed according to the needs of the assembly.
3. Also is possible the construction of single-phase capacitors with one point or two isolated points.
4. The dimensions and others characteristics are subject to changes without previous notice

3.2 Range from 6 to 36 kV
Power (kVAr) Dimensions Weight
a 50 Hz a 60 Hz A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) Kg.
33 40 200 135 130 15
50 60 200 135 130 17
83.3 100 320 135 230 22
100 120 320 135 230 25
150 180 450 135 230 35
167 200 500 135 230 35
200 240 580 135 230 40
250 300 660 135 230 49
300 360 720 160 230 55
333 400 720 160 230 59
400 480 860 160 230 67
500 600 1080 160 230 79

BIL = 95 y 110 kV BIL = 95 y 110 kV

2 stud terminals 1 stud terminal

BIL = 125 kV BIL = 125 kV

2 stud terminals 1 stud terminal

BIL = 150 kV BIL = 150 kV
2 stud terminals 1 stud terminal

4. Capacitors banks of medium voltage

4.1 Fixed banks for medium voltage overhead distribution lines

Simple, compact, low cost, maintenance-free capacitor

banks for pole mounting on overhead distribution feeders.
They provide voltage level support and loss reduction, in-
creasing power quality offered to costumers.

Reactive Power Range:

 from 75 to 1500 kVAr (50Hz);
 from 90 to 1800 kVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from,3.6 to 36 kV.


4.2 Automatic capacitor banks for medium voltage overhead distribution lines
They provide finer reactive control according to the load. Con-
trol strategies based either on time of day, voltage level, VAR
demand, temperature or a combination of them. Micropro-
cessor-based controls with metering, event recording, annual
programming and remote supervision capacity.
Capacitor switching by means of economical oil switches
or maintenance-free vacuum switches with dry, solid foam

Reactive Power Range:

 from 75 to 1500 kVAr (50Hz);
 from 90 to 1800 kVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from,3.6 to 36 kV.

4.3 Fixed, open type medium voltage capacitor banks for industrial installations
and small power substations

When the capacitors are installed at the customer’s installa-

tion, they provide low power factor penalty reduction or elimi-
nation. Floor-or platformmounted banks of reduced fooftprint.
Capacitors connected in simple or double wye with unbalance
protection. Various sectionalizing and protection schemes

Reactive Power Range:

 from 75 to 20 kVAr (50Hz);
 from 90 to 24 kVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from,3.6 to 36 kV.

4.4 Automatic, open type medium voltage capacitor banks for large industrial ins-
tallations and power substations

Control strategies based either on time of day, voltage level, VAR

demand, temperature or combination of them. Single- or multista-
ge banks, each stage provided with independent switching,
protection and inrush current limiting reactors. Off-the-shelf or
PLC-based, open-architecture controls. Special control options:
Zero-Voltage-Crossing (ZVC) of switches, automatic tripping of
bank upon loss of voltage, time-delayed bank reconnection after
power restoring.

Reactive Power Range:

 from 75 to 1500 kVAr (50Hz);
 from 90 to 1800 kVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from,3.6 to 36 kV.

4.5 High voltage capacitor banks for large power substations
They provide large amounts of reactive power to the system.
All bank components are designed to withstand large short-
circuit currents. Capacitors are connected in simple wye,
double wye or bridge connection.

Reactive Power Range:

 From 1 to 100 MVAr (50Hz);
 From 1.2 to 120 MVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from 36 kV to 145 kV.

4.6 Metal enclosed capacitor banks

Metal-enclosedcapacitormodules,factory-assembled, ready
to install in indoor or outdoor locations. Capacitor switching
with vacuum contactors, vacuum switches or vacuum circuit

Reactive Power Range:

 from 1 to 100 MVAr (50Hz);
 from 1.2 to 120 MVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from 36 kV to 145 kV.

4.7 Fixed capacitor Banks for the mining and oil industries

They are used to supply reactive power to internal power distribu-

tion systems in mining and oil fields, and also to provide VARs to
well pumps, oil-pumping stations, etc. Sturdy design to withstand
the harshest environmental conditions without maintenance. No
floor preparation works or protective fences required.

Reactive Power Range:

 from 50 kVAr to 6 MVAr (50Hz);
 from 60 kVAr to 7.2 MVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from 2.3 kV to 15 kV.

5. Selection chart of MV capacitors for motors
and transformers
5.1 Charts for MV motors

Power Nominal Reactive power (kVAr)

KW C.V. 3000 r.p.m 1500 r.p.m.
150 204 30 37
180 245 40 45
200 272 42 50
250 340 53 63
300 408 63 75
400 543 80 100
500 680 100 125
750 1019 150 187
1000 1359 200 250
1300 1766 260 325
1600 2174 320 400
2000 2717 400 500
2500 3397 500 625
3000 4076 590 750
4000 5435 800 1000
5000 6793 1000 1250

Aparent Primary Secondary

Power Voltage Voltage R e a c t i v e
2,5 ≤20 ≤16 kVAr
3,15 ≤20 ≤16 190
4 ≤20 ≤16 240
5 v20 ≤16 300
6,3 ≤36 ≤20 375
8 ≤36 ≤20 475
10 ≤36 ≤20 600
12,5 ≤36 ≤20 750
16 ≤66 ≤20 940
20 ≤66 ≤20 1200
25 ≤66 ≤20 1500
31,5 ≤66 ≤20 1875
40 ≤66 ≤20 2360

7. Medium voltage harmonic filters
They provide reactive compensation and filtering of harmonic
distortion produced by electric furnaces, eletrolyctic proces-
soft-starters, variable drives and other non-linear loads.
Heavyduty capacitors specially designed to operate under
permanentovervoltage and high currents.

Rango de Potencia:
 from 250 kVAr to 6 MVAr (50Hz);
 from 250 kVAr to 7.2 MVAr (60 Hz);
 and voltage level from 1 kV to 36 kV.

8. Current limiting reactors fot MV capacitors

Power Voltage Electric current
25 6.6 2,75
50 6.6 5,5
75 6.6 8,25
100 6.6 11
150 6.6 16,5
200 6.6 22
250 6.6 27,5
300 6.6 33

(*) For any further information please contact to our Technical Dept

9. Three-phase contactor for MV capacitors (*)

Voltage Electric current

kV A
6.6 400

(*) For any further information please contact to our Technical Dept


Three Phase Harmonic
Filters and Transformers
Three-phase harmonic filters

Copper winding

Constructive Characteristics
Three phase harmonic filters are made of low losses mag-
netic plates, permanent regime class F (155ºC) copper con-
ductor and 90ºC thermal protection relay.

With the purpose of increasing filters ventilation, windings

are separated among them, improving thermal dissipation. Technical Characteristics
Standard surge factor is 7% and 14% with resonance fre- Complince standard .............................. IEC-60289;IEC-076
quency 189 Hz and 134 Hz for 50 Hz networks. Tolerance “L”.......................................... 3%
Permisible overload................................ 1,07 x In
With this standard values in three phase networks and ba- Linearity Inductance............................... 1,60 x In
lanced loads, the 5th (250 Hz) harmonic and higher resp- Heat insulation........................................ Clase F (155ºC)
nant phenomenons are eliminated avoiding resonance bet- Thermal protection................................. 90ºC
ween inductive impedance and three phase capacitors for Room temperature................................. 45ºC
power factor correction and preventing network capacitors Proof stress............................................ 4KV
and capacitor banks for overloads. Protection degree................................... IP-00
Detuning factor (p%).............................. 7% - 14%

Rated Voltage: 230 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 189 Hz; Detuning factor: 7 %

Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code

KVAr mH µF A
2,5 5,07 3x46,63 6,28 RTF23000251895
5 2,53 3x93,27 12,55 RTF23000501895
10 1,27 3x186,53 25,10 RTF23001001895
12,5 1,01 3x233,17 31,38 RTF23001251895
15 0,84 3x279,80 37,65 RTF23001501895
20 0,63 3x373,07 50,20 RTF23002001895
25 0,51 3x466,33 62,76 RTF23002501895
30 0,42 3x559,60 75,31 RTF23003001895
40 0,32 3x746,13 100,41 RTF23004001895

Rated Voltage: 230 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 134 Hz; Detuning factor: 14 %
Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code
KVAr mH µF A
2,5 10,90 3x43,12 6,28 RTF23000251345
5 5,45 3x86,25 12,55 RTF23000501345
10 2,73 3x172,49 25,10 RTF23001001345
12,5 2,18 3x215,62 31,38 RTF23001251345
15 1,82 3x258,74 37,65 RTF23001501345
20 1,36 3x344,99 50,20 RTF23002001345
25 1,09 3x431,23 62,76 RTF23002501345
30 0,91 3x517,48 75,31 RTF23003001345
40 0,68 3x689,97 100,41 RTF23004001345

Rated Voltage: 400 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 189 Hz; Detuning factor: 7 %
Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code
KVAr mH µF A
2,5 15,33 3x15,42 3,61 RTF40000251895
5 7,67 3x30,84 7,22 RTF40000501895
10 3,83 3x61,67 14,43 RTF40001001895
12,5 3,07 3x77,09 18,04 RTF40001251895
15 2,56 3x92,51 21,65 RTF40001501895
20 1,92 3x123,35 28,87 RTF40002001895
25 1,53 3x154,18 36,08 RTF40002501895
30 1,28 3x185,02 43,30 RTF40003001895
40 0,96 3x246,69 57,74 RTF40004001895
50 0,77 3x308,36 72,17 RTF40005001895
60 0,64 3x370,04 86,60 RTF40006001895
70 0,55 3x431,71 101,04 RTF40007001895
80 0,48 3x493,38 115,47 RTF40008001895
100 0,38 3x616,73 144,34 RTF40010001895

Rated Voltage: 400 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 134 Hz; Detuning factor: 14 %
Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code
KVAr mH µF A
2,5 32,98 3x14,26 3,61 RTF40000251345
5 16,49 3x28,52 7,22 RTF40000501345
10 8,25 3x57,03 14,43 RTF40001001345
12,5 6,60 3x71,29 18,04 RTF40001251345
15 5,50 3x85,55 21,65 RTF40001501345
20 4,12 3x114,06 28,87 RTF40002001345
25 3,30 3x142,58 36,08 RTF40002501345
30 2,75 3x171,09 43,30 RTF40003001345
40 2,06 3x228,12 57,74 RTF40004001345
50 1,65 3x285,15 72,17 RTF40005001345
60 1,37 3x342,18 86,60 RTF40006001345
70 1,18 3x399,21 101,04 RTF40007001345
80 1,03 3x456,24 115,47 RTF40008001345
100 0,82 3x570,31 144,34 RTF40010001345

Rated Voltage: 440 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 189 Hz; Detuning factor: 7 %
Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code
KVAr mH µF A
2,5 18,55 3x12,74 3,28 RTF44000251895
5 9,28 3x25,48 6,56 RTF44000501895
10 4,64 3x50,97 13,12 RTF44001001895
12,5 3,71 3x63,71 16,40 RTF44001251895
15 3,09 3x76,45 19,68 RTF44001501895
20 2,32 3x101,94 26,24 RTF44002001895
25 1,86 3x127,42 32,80 RTF44002501895
30 1,55 3x152,91 39,36 RTF44003001895
40 1,16 3x203,88 52,49 RTF44004401895
50 0,93 3x254,85 65,61 RTF44005001895
60 0,77 3x305,81 78,73 RTF44006001895
70 0,66 3x356,78 91,85 RTF44007001895
80 0,58 3x407,75 104,97 RTF44008001895
100 0,46 3x509,69 131,22 RTF44010001895

Rated Voltage: 440 V; Nominal Frequecy: 50 Hz. Resonance fequency: 134 Hz; Detuning factor: 14 %
Power Inductance Capacitance Current Code
KVAr mH µF A
2,5 39,91 3x11,78 3,28 RTF44000251345
5 19,95 3x23,57 6,56 RTF44000501345
10 9,98 3x47,13 13,12 RTF44001001345
12,5 7,98 3x58,92 16,40 RTF44001251345
15 6,65 3x70,70 19,68 RTF44001501345
20 4,99 3x94,27 26,24 RTF44002001345
25 3,99 3x117,83 32,80 RTF44002501345
30 3,33 3x141,40 39,36 RTF44003001345
40 2,49 3x188,53 52,49 RTF44004401345
50 2,00 3x235,66 65,61 RTF44005001345
60 1,66 3x282,80 78,73 RTF44006001345
70 1,43 3x329,93 91,85 RTF44007001345
80 1,25 3x377,06 104,97 RTF44008001345
100 1,00 3x471,33 131,22 RTF44010001345

Single-phase transformer

Safety and isolating single-phase transformers are made

of low losses magnetic plates, permanent regime class
F (155 ºC) copper conductor. Clamp type terminal blocks,
compact dimensions and weight reduction make easier

Technical Characteristics
Standard ............................ ................... IEC-61558
Protection Index..................................... IP-00
Heat Insulation....................................... Clase F (B)
Dielectric Strength ................................. 4kV
Room Temperature max. ......................... 40ºC
Frequency ............................................. 50 Hz


Power A B C D E F
VA mm mm
100 75 75 68 63 60 10,5x4,5
160 96 85 85 80 65 14x5,5
200 96 85 85 80 65 14x5,5 C
250 96 100 85 80 80 14x5,5
300 108 100 C 95 90 80 16,5x5,5
320 108 110 95 90 85 16,5x5,5
400 108 110* 95 90 85 16,5x5,5 F
500 108 125* 95 90 100 16,5x5,5

630 150 120* 130 125 90 21,5x8 D E

800 D 150 130* 130 125E 100 21,5x8
1000 A 150 140* 130 125B 110 21,5x8

*Secondary at 12V-24V, dimensions increasing 15 mm

**Dimensions can change without previously notice

Transformation Ratio F Power

Primary Secondary VA
A 100 160 B 200 250 320 400 500 630 800 1000
230 12 38,57 € 50,62 € 53,84 € 56,33 € 76,01 € 93,82 € 112,14 € 147,54 € 167,43 € 202,52 €

230 24 38,11 € 51,40 € 52,23 € 61,16 € 79,17 € 87,54 € 102,23 € 135,87 € 162,02 € 185,34 €
230 48 35,71 € 51,97 € 56,70 € 60,58 € 76,68 € 88,89 € 102,33 € 125,85 € 148,94 € 185,86 €

230 115 35,82 € 53,94 € 53,64 € 58,97 € 74,91 € 87,16 € 97,76 € 127,76 € 148,22 € 182,95 €
230 230 36,96 € 51,14 € 53,78 € 58,09 € 77,26 € 83,84 € 102,59 € 129,33 € 145,83 € 183,16 €

400 12 45,53 € 51,04 € 60,94 € 63,23 € 80,00 € 91,94 € 107,68 € 153,47 € 168,52 € 196,04 €

400 24 37,22 € 49,31 € 51,91 € 58,41 € 77,10 € 80,16 € 100,09 € 135,04 € 157,46 € 178,48 €
400 48 40,70 € 48,95 € 54,72 € 61,63 € 78,29 € 88,67 € 100,92 € 128,60 € 149,67 € 174,86 €

400 115 37,69 € 50,00 € 55,91 € 61,26 € 77,26 € 86,07 € 96,93 € 130,88 € 145,06 € 172,67 €
400 230 36,55 € 47,86 € 56,43 € 60,02 € 75,53 € 80,98 € 100,62 € 154,50 € 148,32 € 168,72 €

Other powers and voltages under request.

Single-Phase Isolating Transformers
Single-phase power isolating transformers dry
type is especially designed for installations which Technical Characteristics
need galvanic isolation and/or the attenuation of
line disturbances. They are manufactured with Rated Voltage Primary...........................................230 V
electrical steel with low losses and copper Rated Voltage Secondary......................................230 V
windings. Thermal Class........................................................B
On request we can manufacture transformers Room Temperature max........... ............................(40° C)
with other voltages, with taps, electrostatic Frequency..............................................................50/60 Hz
screen, with thermal switch, etc. Class......................................................................I
Protection Index.....................................................IP00
Dielectric strength between windings.....................≥4 kV

Power A B C D E F Weight
kVA mm mm kg
1,30 163 160 245 98 115 8 17,00
1,60 163 165 245 98 120 8 19,00 C
2,00 163 175 245 98 130 8 21,50
2,50 163 195 245 98 150 8 25,50
3,00 200 200 290 120 140 10 34,00 D
3,50 200 210 290 120 150 10 38,00 D E
4,00 200 220 290 120 160 10 42,00 A B

5,00 200 240 290 120 180 10 48,00

Single-Phase Swimming-Pools Transformers C

Single-phase safety transformers intended


to supply spotlights in swimming-pools and Technical Characteristics D E

moist locations, where the safety reason it A B

is necesary to supply with safety extra low Class......................................................................100, 300

voltage. It has several taps in the primary and 700 VA
winding in order to compensate fot the Protección contra choques eléctricos.....................class I
voltage drop in the transformer-spotlight Rated Voltage Primary........................................... 230 V
line conductors. Rated Voltage Secondary...................................... 12V
Thermal Class.........................................................B(130° C)
and F(155° C)
Room Temperature max.......... ..............................(40° C)
Frequency...............................................................50/60 Hz
Protection Index......................................................IP00
Dielectric Strength between windings.....................≥4,5 kV
Dielectric Strength between windings and mass.....≥2,5 kV
Standard..................................................................IEC 61558


Power Primary Secondary A B C D E F Weight

VA V V mm mm kg
100 230 12,5-13-13,5 84 80 9 90 70 5 2,00
300 230 12,5-13-13,5 108 115 93 90 70 5,5 4,00
600 230 12,5-13-13,5 120 135 108 100 110 5,5 7,90

Transformer Light
100 1x100W
300 1x300W
600 2x300W



REACTANCES AND Three-Phase Transformers
Three-Phase Transformers

Three-phase power isolating transformers dry type are designed

for voltage transformation with galvanic isolation and attenuation
of line disturbances. They are manufactured with electrical steel
Three-phase power and
with low losses isolating
coppertransformers dry type areconnection
windings. Adjustable designed
for voltage transformation
according with galvanic isolation and attenuation
the requirements.
of line disturbances. They are manufactured with electrical steel
with low losses and copper windings. Adjustable connection
according the requirements.
Technical Characteristics
Rated Voltage Primary ....................................... 400 V
Technical Characteristics
Rated Voltage Secondary................................... 230 V
Thermal Clas....................................................... B
Rated Voltage
Room Primary .......................................
Temperature max. 400 V
...................................... max40° C
Rated Voltage Secondary...................................
Frequency.. 230 V
......................................................... 50/60 Hz
ClassClas.. ..................................................... B I
Room Temperature
Protection max.
Index....... ...................................... max40°
........................................... IP00C
Frequency.. ......................................................... 50/60
Dielectric Strength.............................................. ≥4kV Hz
Class ..................................................................
Natural air cooling I
ConnectionIndex....... ...........................................IP00Dyn5
Dielectric Strength..............................................
Standard.............................. ≥4kVEC-61558
Natural air cooling
Connection ......................................................... Dyn5
Standard.............................................................. EC-61558


Power A B C D E F Weight D E
kVA mm mm kg A B
Power0,50 A 180 B 85 C 200 D 140E 55 F 6 Weight
kVA1,00 240 110 250
mm 200
mm 75 6
kg 16,00
1,50 240 120 250 200 85 6 18,50
0,50 180 85 200 140 55 6 6,50
2,00 240 130 250 200 95 6 23,00
1,00 240 110 250 200 75 6 16,00
3,50 300 135 340
240 120 250 200
20085 1056 8 18,50
2,004,00 240 300130 145
250 340 200 20095 1156 8 23,0040,00
3,505,00 300 300135 175
340 340 200 200105 1358 8 33,5050,00 C
4,006,00 300 145 340 360
360 170 200 300115 1158 8 40,0056,00
5,006,50 300 360175 170
340 360 200 300135 1158 8 50,0056,00
6,008,00 360 170 360 360
360 180 300 300115 1258 8 56,0058,00 F

6,50 360 360
360 360170 190 300 300115 1358 8 56,0067,00
8,00 360 180 360 300 125 8 58,00
10,00 360 190 360 300 135 8 67,00

Capacitors duty contactors

Model Coil Voltage Capacitor Power

TC1-D V kVAr
TC1-D10 230 2,5-7,5
TC1-D12 230 10
TC1-D16 230 15
TC1-D20 230 20
TC1-D33 230 25-30
TC1-D40 230 35-40
TC1-D60 230 50-60

On-load break switch

Code Current

CSSD40D3 40A
CSSD63K3 63A
CSSD125D3 80A
CSSD125D3 100A
CSSD160DM3 125A
CSSD160DM3 160A
CSSD200DM3 200A
CSSD250DM3 250A
CSSD315DM3 315A
CSSD400K3 400A
CSSD630K3 500A
CSSD630K3 630A
CSSD800K3 800A
CSSD1000K3 1000A
CSSD1250K3 1250A
CSSD1600K3 1600A
CSSD1800K3 1800A
CSSD2500K3 2500A
CSSD3150K3 3150A

Quick discharge resistor (*)

Type Resistance

RD-1K8 2x1800

(*) For any futher information please contact to our Technical Dept.
Automatic reactive power controller
PR-2D Series

Code Tipo PR-2D

REG03DPR2500000 PR-2D 3 Steps
REG06DPR2500000 PR-2D 6 Steps
PR-2D 144 x 144 REG12DPR2500000 PR-2D 12 Steps

Technical Characteristics Mechanical Characteristics

Voltage supply.................................... 230 V Front panell............................................ 144 x 144 mm
Voltage measurement........................ 110-690 V
Frequency.......................................... 50-60 Hz Mounting aperture.................................. 138 x 138 mm
Current Transformer........................... x/5 A
C/K setting.......................................... Automatic ajustement, Depth...................................................... 95 mm
...........................................................allows re-adjustements
...........................................................between 0,05 and 0,95 Mounting................................................. Brackets
Cos ϕ setting...................................... 0.85 IND a 0.95 CAP
Cos ϕ indicator................................... Digital Real connection...................................... Plug-in connector
Tendendy indicator............................. luminous indicator
Capacitor status................................. luminous indicator Protection............................................... IP 41
Measurement system......................... A1 - Automatic,
...........................................................A2-Semiautomatic, Temperature........................................... -10 + 60 ºC
...........................................................A3 - Manual
Visualization....................................... Secondary signal T.I. Weight.................................................... 1,25 Kg
Connect time...................................... 10 to 20 sec.
Programing......................................... 1:1:1; 1:2:2; 1:2:4;
...........................................................1:1:2; 1:1:2:2:4
Manual connection pulsers................. 4 seg
Number of steps................................. 3,6 and 12


Automatic reactive power controller
PR-5D Series

Code Tipo PR-5D
REG05DPR5500000 PR-5D 5 Steps
PR-5D 96 x 96 REG07DPR5500000 PR-5D 7 Steps

Technical Characteristics Mechanical Characteristics

Voltage supply........................................ 380...415 Vac Front panell............................................ 96 x 96 mm
Frequency.............................................. 50-60 Hz
Cos ϕ...................................................... 0.8 IND...0.80 CAP Mounting aperture.................................. 91 x 91 mm
Cos ϕ indicator ...................................... Digital
Tendendy indicator................................. Luminous indicator Depth...................................................... 65 mm
Capacitor status..................................... Luminous indicator
Connect time........................................... 5...240 seg. Protection............................................... IP 54
Programing............................................. 1:1:1; 1:2:2; 1:2:4:4;
............................................................... 1:2:4:8; Mounting................................................. Brackets
Number of steps..................................... 5, 7
Real connection...................................... Plug-in connector

Temperature........................................... -20 + 60 ºC

Weight.................................................... 440...460 g


Automatic reactive power controller
PR-8D Series

Code Tipo PR-8D

REG06DPR8500000 PR-8D 6 Steps
REG12DPR8500000 PR-8D 12 Steps

Technical Characteristics Mechanical Characteristics

Supply voltage.......................................... (phase-neutral) 220 VAC Protection dig......................................... IP 20
Rang of operation............................... (0.8-1.1) x Un
Frequency.......................................... 50Hz Protection dig. of contacts...................... IP 00
Power consumption............................ <1 VA
Contact’s current................................ Máx. 3 A / 240 VCA Amtient temp.......................................... -5ºC...+50ºC
Current meaurement rang..................... 0.1 - 6 A CA
Display rang....................................... 0.00-1.00Ind. y Cap. Humidity................................................. 15%...95%
Min. time of connection
& disconnection................................... 50 mA Type of installation.................................. Panel mounting
Accuracy............................................. 1% +- dígito
Ratio of current transformer............... 5/5...10000/5 A Dimensions............................................. 144x144x40 mm
Max. time of connection
& disconnection.................................. 10...60 s
Min. time of connection
& disconnection.................................. 2...10 s
Value of IND. P.F. adjustment............. 10%...50%
Value of CAP. P.F. adjustment............ 5%...50%
Display................................................ LED of 4 digit


Summation transformers resin encapsulated

RT... - IFRA
RT... Series
Used for power factor regulation equipment. In these transformers, the resulting
secondary current is the average of the primary currents vectorial summation.
Transformers can be supplied with 15 VA power and 0,5 class if required.

Code Model Relation Class Power

TISURT20 RT2 5+5/5 2 trafos 0.5 10 VA
TISURT30 RT3 5+5+5/5 3 trafos 0.5 10 VA
TISURT40 RT4 5+5+5+5/5 4 trafos 0.5 10 VA
TISURT50 RT5 5+5+5+5+5/5 5 trafos 0.5 10 VA

Split core current transformer
RT...P Series

To facilitate the assembly of current transformers in low vol-

tage, both in working instalations and new ones RTR Ener- Technical Characteristics
gía S.L., offers a wide range of split core transformers. These
transformers offer the following advantages: WORKING NORMS:
IEC-185.................................................. IEC-1010
 High quality plastic body, self-extinguishable (grade V0). DIN.57414.............................................. UNE-21.088
 High mechanical resisteance. VDE-0414............................................... EN 50081-82
 Possible connection to an old frame (without needing to cut  Security factor...................................... Fs<5
any bars).  Frequency............................................ 50-60 Hz
 Isolation level....................................... 0.72/3kVca
 Working temperature........................... -10ºC+50ºC
 Precission class................................... 0.5, 1 and 3
 Secondary............................................ X/5 ó X/1 A

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
RT30P 22 32 90 100 34 98 107
RT60P 32 62 120 130 34 129 139
RT80P 52 82 120 150 34 128 157
RT100P 82 104 150 172 34 157 179
RT125P 82 127 150 195 34 157 203
RT160P 82 162 150 230 34 159 239

RT30P Series Bar: 30x20 mm / Wire: Diameter 20 mm

Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T010030P 100 - - 3.00 0.83
T015030P 150 - - 3.75 0.83
T020030P 200 - 2.50 4.00 0.88
T025030P 250 - 3.75 5.00 0.90
T030030P 300 2.50 4.00 6.00 0.92
T040030P 400 3.75 5.00 10.0 0.95

RT60P Series Bar: 60x30 mm / Wire: Diameter 30 mm

Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T025060P 250 1.00 2.5 3.75 1.00
T030060P 300 2.00 3.75 5.00 1.00
T040060P 400 2.50 3.75 7.50 1.00
T050060P 500 3.75 5.00 15.00 1.10
T060060P 600 5.00 7.50 20.00 1.10
T075060P 750 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.10
T080060P 800 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.10
T100060P 1000 10.00 15.00 20.00 1.10

Split core current transformer
RT...P Series

RT80P Series Bar: 80x50 mm / Wire: Diameter 50 mm
Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T025080P 250 1.00 2.5 3.75 1.10
T030080P 300 2.00 3.75 5.00 1.15
T040080P 400 2.50 3.75 7.50 1.20
T050080P 500 3.75 5.00 15.00 1.25
T060080P 600 5.00 7.50 20.00 1.30
T075080P 750 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.30
T080080P 800 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.30
T100080P 1000 10.00 15.00 20.00 1.35

RT100P Series Bar: 100x80 mm / Wire: Diameter 80 mm

Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T025100P 250 1.00 2.5 3.75 1.40
T030100P 300 2.00 3.75 5.00 1.50
T040100P 400 2.50 3.75 7.50 1.50
T050100P 500 3.75 5.00 15.00 1.60
T060100P 600 5.00 7.50 20.00 1.70
T075100P 750 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.75
T080100P 800 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.75
T100100P 1000 10.00 15.00 20.00 1.75
T120100P 1200 15.00 20.00 30.00 1.80
T150100P 1500 15.00 20.00 30.00 1.80
T200100P 2000 20.00 30.00 45.00 1.80

RT125P Series Bar: 125x80 mm / Wire: Diameter 80 mm

Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T050125P 500 1.25 5.00 7.50 1.65
T060125P 600 1.25 5.00 15.00 1.70
T075125P 750 5.00 10.00 20.00 1.75
T080125P 800 7.50 10.00 20.00 1.75
T100125P 1000 10.00 20.00 30.00 1.80
T120125P 1200 15.00 20.00 30.00 1.80
T150125P 1500 20.00 30.00 45.00 1.90
T200125P 2000 25.00 30.00 45.00 1.90
T250125P 2500 25.00 30.00 45.00 1.90
T300125P 3000 30.00 45.00 60.00 2.05

RT160P Series Bar: 160x80 mm / Wire: Diameter 80 mm

Code Current Power (VA) Weight
(A) Class 0.5 Class 1 Class 3
T050160P 500 1.25 5.00 7.50 2.4
T060160P 600 1.25 5.00 15.00 2.4
T075160P 750 5.00 10.00 20.00 2.4
T080160P 800 7.50 10.00 20.00 2.4
T100160P 1000 10.00 20.00 30.00 2.4
T120160P 1200 15.00 20.00 30.00 2.4
T150160P 1500 20.00 30.00 45.00 2.4
T200160P 2000 25.00 30.00 45.00 2.4
T250160P 2500 25.00 30.00 45.00 2.4
T300160P 3000 30.00 45.00 60.00 2.4
T400160P 4000 30.00 45.00 60.00 2.4
T500160P 5000 30.00 45.00 60.00 2.4


Lighting capacitors

General Description Technical Characteristics

Lighting Capacitors manufactured with selfhealing metallized
polypropylene film and encapsulated in self-extinguishable and Standards............................................... EN 61048
aluminium cans. Consumption ......................................... EN 61049
Dielectric................................................. Metallized
Terminals Polypropylene film
• 2 00 mm leads Tolerance................................................ ±10%
Frequency.............................................. 50/60 Hz
•P  ush-wire Temperature Range................................ -25 + 85ºC
Discharge ressitor ................................. Built-in
Fixing Voltage Vca............................................ 250 Vac
•C  entrally mounted M8 Bottom Screw Insulation Resistance ............................ <104 MΩμF
•C  lamp Tan δ a Vn 50 Hz, 20ºC . ...................... <10.10-4
•S  nap-In
• F lat Can

Capacitors in plastic can

RI008HPxxxP25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 60μF

Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 50mm
Length (h): 52, 70, 74, 94, 98mm
h 200 Terminal: wire of 200mm
h 200 Fixing: Screw M8
h 200 Plastic can

RIFRLHPxxxP25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 25μF

Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35mm
Length (h): 52, 70, 74, 98mm
Terminal: wire of 200mm
h 200
Fixing: conector clip
h 200 Plastic can
h 200

RIFR8HPxxxP25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 12μF

Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30mm
Length (h): 52, 70, 74mm
Terminal: wire of 200mm
Fixing: Snap-In connector-M8
Plastic can
h 200
h 200
h 200

RIFRLCRxxxP25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 25μF
Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35mm
Length (h): 52, 70, 74, 98mm
Terminal: Push-wire
Fixing: Snap-In connector
Plastic can

RIFR8CRxxxP25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 12μF

Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30mm
Length (h): 52, 70, 74mm
h Terminal: Push-wire
Fixing: Snap-In connetor-M8
Plastic can

Serie RI008CRxxxP25

Capacity: from 2μF to 40μF

Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40mm
h Length (h): 52, 70, 74, 98mm
Terminal: Push-wire
h Fixing: Screw M8
Plastic can

Capacitors in aluminium can

RI008HPxxxA25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 60μF

h 200 Voltage: 250 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 50mm
Length (h): 58, 76, 100mm
h 200
Terminal: wire of 200mm
Fixing: Screw M8
Aluminium can
hh 200
h 200

RI008CRxxxA25 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 40μF

Voltage: 250 V
h Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40mm
Length (h): 58, 76, 100mm
h Terminal: Push-wire
Fixing: Screw M8
hh Aluminium can

Motor run capacitors

General Description Technical Characteristics

Motor run Capacitors manufactured with selfhealing metallized
polypropylene film and encapsulated in self-extinguishable Standards............................................... EN 60252
plastic aluminium cans. Dielectric . .............................................. Metallized
Polypropylene film
Terminals Tolerance................................................ ±5%
•D  ouble Faston 6.3mm tags Frequency.............................................. 50/60 Hz
Temperature Range................................ .-25 + 85ºC
• 2 x0.75 of 210mm Twin cable Voltage Vca............................................ 400/450 Vac
• 200mm Leads Test Voltage between terminals
to case.................................................... 2,4 kV
Fixing Insulation resistance............................... .<104 MΩμF
•C  entrally mounted M8 Bottom Screw Tan δ a Vn 50 Hz, 20ºC.......................... .<10.10-4
Can......................................................... Aluminium/Plastic
• F lat Can

Capacitors in plastic can

RMLFDxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 60μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 45, 50mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98mm
Terminal: faston connector 6.3mm
Fixing: No
Plastic can
h 11

RM8FDxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 65μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98, 120mm
Terminal: faston connector 6.3mm
Fixing: Screw M8
Plastic can
h 11

RMLMGxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 60μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98mm
Terminal: Twin cable 210mm
Fixing: No
Plastic can

h 210

RM8MGxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 65μF
Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98mm
Terminal: Twin cable 210mm
Fixing: Screw M8
hh 210 Plastic can
hh 210
h 210

RMLHPxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 60μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98, 120mm
Terminal: 200mm Wire
hh 200 Fixing: No
Plastic can
h 200

RM8HPxxxP45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 65μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55mm
Length (h): 52, 56, 74, 94, 98, 120mm
Terminal: 200mm wire
hh 200 Fixing: Screw M8
200 Plastic can
h 200

Capacitors in aluminium can

RM8FDxxxA45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 65μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55mm
Length (h): 58, 76, 100, 127mm
Terminal: faston 6.3mm
Fixing: Screw M8
Aluminium can
hh 1111
hh 1111
h 11

RM8HPxxxA45 series

Capacity: from 2μF to 65μF

Voltage: 450 V
Diameter: 25, 30, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55mm
Length (h): 58, 76, 100, 127mm
Terminal: cable 200mm
Fixing: Screw M8
hh 200
200 Aluminium can
hh 200
h 200

Ballasts for discharge lamps

General Description
Our range of electronic ballasts for discharge lamps has been
designed as products to be incorporated in lightings or in indivi-
dual boxes. They are prepared for incorporate dependand and
independent ignitors. Ballasts´protective wrapper facilitate their
assembly and to allow coupling diferents auxiliary elements.

High precision winding with copper or aluminium thread protec-

tion degree H,180ºC and magnetic sheets low losses.

High Pressure Sodium/Metal Halide (MH)

Copper control gear

Code Description
CBD402232DU Compact-class 1-400W 230/240V 50HZ (4.6A)
CBD602232DU Compact-class 1-600W 230/240V 50HZ (6.2A)

Aluminium Ballasts with thermal protection (PT)

Code Description
HSA07223221 HSI-SAPI 70W 230/240V 50HZ (1.0A) — PT
HSA10223221 HSI-SAPI 100W 230/240V 50HZ (1.2A) — PT
HSA15223221 HSI-SAPI 150W 230/240V 50HZ (1.8A) — PT
HSA25223221 HSI-SAPI 250W 230/240V 50HZ (3.0A) — PT

Aluminium Ballasts without thermal protection (PT)

Code Description
HSA07223232 HSI-SAPI 70W 230/240V 50HZ (1.0A)
HSA10223232 HSI-SAPI 100W 230/240V 50HZ (1.2A)
HSA15223232 HSI-SAPI 150W 230/240V 50HZ (1.8A)
HSA25223232 HSI-SAPI 250W 230/240V 50HZ (3.0A)

* For any, powers, voltages and frecuencies resquesting please contact our Technical Department

Mercury (MV) / Metal Halide

Aluminium Ballasts with thermal protection (PT)

Code Description
HMA25223221 HIA-HSI 250W 230/240V 50HZ (2.15) — PT
HMA40223221 HIA-HSI 400W 230/240V 50HZ (3.5A) — PT

Aluminium Ballasts without thermal protection (PT)

Code Description
HMA25223232 HIA-HSI 250W 230/240V 50HZ (2.15)
HMA40223232 HIA-HSI 400W 230/240V 50HZ (3.5A)

Ignitor for discharge lamps


Code Description


Code Description
PXE070255 35-70W SAP
PAE400255 35-400W SAP/HM
PCX070255 35-70W SAP/HM — (timed ignitor)


VENTRONIC electronic ballats

• Dimmable
• Different Periods and Levels
• Works as ballast, ignitor and capacitor
• Only one unit
• Fast and Easy fixing
• Less losses than electromagnetic ballasts
• Energy Savings
• Operates Ceramic Metal Halide, Quartz Metal Halide, HPS Lamps
• HPS lamps dim up to 70% in power. MH lamps dim up to 40% in power (lamps to be confirmed)
• Stabilize power individually between 198-256 V
• Stabilize power in dimmed level

Ventronic Electronic Ballast

Lamp Code Line Circuit Line Máx. Case
Voltage Power current temp.
(W) (A) (V) (W) (A) (ºC)
20 0.225 VYB020255 230V 24 0.1 80
35 0.5 VYB035255 230V 45 0.10 80
50 0.68 VYB050255 230V 56 0.23 80
70 1.0 VYB070255 230V 79 0.33 80
100 1.1 VYB100255 230V 110 0.46 80
140 1.8 VYB140255 230V 150 0.63 80
150 1.8 VYB150255 230V 161 0.67 80

• Option: Cable terminal & Connector

Dimmable Electronic Ballast. Ventronic Part Night

Lamp Code Line Circuit Line Máx. Case
Voltage Power current temp.
(W) (A) (V) (W) (A) (ºC)
50 0.68 VYB050ES1 230V 56 0.24 80
70 1.0 VYB070ES1 230V 79 0.33 80
100 1.1 VYB100ES1 230V 110 0.46 80
150 1.8 VYB150ES1 230V 161 0.67 80

• ES1 Program Dimming

High Frequency Electronic Ballast DALI. For MH UNI-FORM Pulse Start Lamps
Lamp Code Dimming / Power Min. Description
250 VGB250S01 Switched & 1-10V / 50% VENTRONIC VGB250S01 1-10V MH 250W
400 VGB400S01 Switched & 1-10V / 35% VENTRONIC VGB400S01 1-10V MH 400W
250 VGB250D01 DALI / 50% VENTRONIC VGB250D01 1-10V & DALI MH 250W
400 VGB400D01 DALI / 35% VENTRONIC VGB400D01 1-10V & DALI MH 400W






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