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A.I.Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics,
National Science Center ”Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”,
Akademicheskaya Str. 1, 61108 Kharkov, Ukraine
V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University,
Svobody Sq. 4, 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
1 Cosmo-warm-up 11
1.1 Astronomy ”before the Common Era” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Quantities large and small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Geometric warm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Astrophysical warm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5 Planck scales and fundamental constants c, G, ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.6 Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.7 Forest for the trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.8 Life on Mars? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.8.1 Fine tuning of the Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.9 Thermo warm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.10 Play with Numbers after Sivaram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Thermodynamics of Universe 79
6.1 Thermodynamical Properties of Elementary Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.2 Thermodynamics of Non-Relativistic Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3 Entropy of Expanding Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.4 Connection between Temperature and Redshift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.5 Peculiarities of Thermodynamics in Early Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.6 The Saha equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.7 Primary Nucleosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7 Perturbation Theory 85
7.1 Non relativistic small perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.2 Introduction to relativistic theory of small perturbations . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.2.1 Perturbations on flat background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.2.2 Metrics perturbations, coordinates transforms and perturbed energy–
momentum tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7.3 Expansion of cosmological perturbations in helicities . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7.3.1 Scalar perturbations in conformal Newtonian gauge . . . . . . . . . 88
7.3.2 Evolution of vector and tensor perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.4 CMB anisotropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.5 Initial perturbations in the Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.5.1 Fluctuations power spectrum: non–relativistic approach . . . . . . . 90
7.5.2 Quantum fluctuations of fields in inflationary Universe . . . . . . . 91
8 Inflationary Universe 93
8.1 Problems of the Hot Universe (the Big Bang Model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.1.1 The Horizon Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.1.2 The Flatness Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.1.3 The Entropy Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.1.4 The Primary Inhomogeneities Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.2 Cosmological Inflation: The Canonic Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.2.1 Scalar Field In Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.2.2 Inflationary Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.2.3 Inflation in the Slow-Roll Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.2.4 Solution of the Hot Big Bang Theory Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.2.5 Different Models of Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
16 Horizons 167
16.1 Simple English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
16.2 Simple Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
16.3 Composite models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
16.4 Causal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
16.5 Conformal diagrams: stationary black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
16.5.1 Schwarzschild-Kruskal black hole solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
16.5.2 Other spherically symmetric black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
16.6 Hubble sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
16.7 Proper horizons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
16.8 Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
16.9 Holography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
To our best knowledge, there are no problem books on cosmology yet, that would include
its spectacular recent achievements. We believe there is a strong need for such now, when
cosmology is swiftly becoming a strict and vast science, and the book would be extremely
useful for the youth pouring in this area of research. Indeed, the only way to rise over the
popular level in any science is to master its alphabet, that is, to learn to solve problems.
Of course, most of modern textbooks on cosmology include problems. However, a
reader, exhausted by high theory, may often be thwarted by the lack of time and strength
to solve them. Might it be worth sometimes to change the tactics and just throw those
who wish to learn to swim into the water?
We present an updated version of the ”Dynamics of the Universe in Problems” We
have the following new sections , ’Gravitational Waves’, ”Interactions in the Dark Sector”,
”Horizons” and ”Quantum Cosmology” . A number of new problems have been added to
almost every section. The total number of problems exceeds fifteen hundred. Solutions
to all the problems can be found at Dynamics of the Universe in Problems
Chapter 1
2. How could Eratosthenes in 250 BCE determine the Earth’s radius with the help of
a well?
3. How could Aristarchus (310-230 BCE) compute the distance to the Moon, knowing
that it sets in about two minutes, and the maximum duration of a lunar eclipse is
three hours?
4. How can one calculate the size and distance to the Sun, while observing the phases
and eclipses of the Moon?
5. Can one estimate how farther is the Sun than the Moon using only naked eye
6. How to determine the distance to an Earth’s satellite (Moon, for example) or to the
Sun, using only a chronometer?
7. Ancient Babylonians knew, that apparent motion of Mars relative to the Earth is
periodic with the orbital period 780 days (the synodic period of Mars). Tycho Brahe,
in XVI century, measured the apperent Mars’ trajectory with great precision. How
could Johannes Kepler, using Brahe’s data, accurately calculate the orbits of both
Earth and Mars relative to the Sun and discover the laws named after him, which
in time enabled Newton to biuld the classical theory of gravity?
8. The orbital period of Io, one of the satellites of Jupiter, is equal to 42.5 hours. In the
1670-ties Ole Rømer was measuring the time between two successive eclipses of Io
when Earth moved on its orbit towards Jupiter and when it moved in the opposite
direction. The noticed difference allowed him to estimate the speed of light. Try to
reproduce the reasoning and estimates of Rømer.
9. In 1982 Doppler predicted the effect of change in the percieved frequency of os-
cillations when there is relative motion of emitter and detector. Doppler assumed
that this effect can cause the difference in the color of stars: a star moving towards
the Earth seems “bluer”, while the one moving away “reddens”. Explain why the
Doppler effect cannot substantially change the color of a star.
10. In the beginning of the XXth century J.F. Hartmann, a German astronomer, was
studying the spectra of double stars. The wavelengths of their spectral lines shifted
periodically due to their relative motion, with the period equal to the orbital one.
In the spectra of some of the binaries he also noticed there were absorption lines
with wavelengths that did not change with time. What discovery did Hartmann
make due to this observation?
11. Originally the interstellar gas was discovered by its absorption of spectral lines
of calcium. Does that mean that calcium is the dominating component of the
interstellar medium?
12. One of the creators of the Theory of Relativity, Henry Poincare, when speaking in
1904 (!) of the fact that the speed of light c enters all the equations of electromag-
netism, compared the situation with the Ptolemy’s geocentric theory of epicycles,
in which the Earth’s year enters all the relations for the relative motion of celestial
bodies. Poincare expressed hope that a future Copernicus would rid electrodynamics
of c. Recall other examples of blunders of geniuses.
14. What is the angular dimension of our Galaxy for an observer in the Andromeda
galaxy, if the distance to it is about 700kpc? Compare it with the angular size of
the Sun viewed from the Earth.
15. A glance on the night sky makes the impression of invariability of the Universe.
Why do the stars seem to us practically static?
16. * A supernova outburst in the Andromeda galaxy has been observed on Earth.
Estimate the time since the star’s explosion.
17. A galaxy at distance R from us at the moment of observation recedes with velocity
V . At what distance was it situated at the moment of emission of the observed
18. Suppose that we have concentrated the whole cosmic history (14 billion years) in one
day. Display the main events in the history of the Universe using the logarithmic
time scale. Start from the Planck’s time to avoid singularities.
19. According to the Big Bang model the initial ratio of the uranium isotopes’ abun-
dances was U 235 /U 238 ≈ 1.65, while the presently observed one is U 235 /U 238 ≈
0.0072. Taking into account that the half–value periods of the isotopes are equal to
t1/2 (U 235 ) = 1.03 · 109 years and t1/2 (U 238 ) = 6.67 · 109 years, determine the age of
the Universe.
20. Estimate the mass MG of Milky Way and the number of stars in it, if the Sun is an
avarage star of mass M⊙ , situated almost at the edge of our Galaxy and it orbits its
center with the period T⊙ = 250 millions years at the distance RG = 30 thousands
light years.
21. Estimate the density of luminous matter in the Universe assuming that the Milky
Way containing ∼ 1011 stars of solar type is a typical galaxy, and average inter-
galactic distance is of order of L = 1Mpc.
22. Assume that the space is infinite and on average uniformly filled with matter. Es-
timate the distance from our observable part of the Universe to the part of the
Universe with identical distribution of galaxies and the same Earth.
23. Show that in the hydrogen atom the ratio of electrical forces to gravitational ones
is close to the ratio of the size of the Universe to the size of an electron (this fact
was first noted by P.Dirac).
24. Express the Bohr radius through the fine structure constant and Compton wave-
25. Estimate the free path of a hydrogen atom in the intergalactic space.
27. Estimate the total amount of energy collected by optical telescopes during the past
XX century and compare it with the energy needed to turn over a page of a book.
28. * Estimate your own weight on the surface of white dwarf, neutron star, black hole.
29. Densities of astrophysical objects vary in a wide range. Estimate the ratio of a
neutron star’s density to the average density of Milky Way.
30. What cosmological process releases the maximum amount of energy simultaneosly
since the Big Bang?
31. Demonstrate, that for any Standard Model particle quantum gravity effects are
completely negligible at the particle level.
33. * Consider the sphere of radius R. A circle is drawn on the sphere which has radius
r as measured along the sphere. Find the circumference of the circle as a function
of r.
34. Suppose that galaxies are distributed evenly on a two-dimensional sphere of radius
R with number density n per unit area. Determine the total number N of galaxies
inside a radius r. Do you see more or fewer galaxies out to the same radius, compared
to the flat case?
35. An object of size A is situated at distance B. Determine the angle at which the
object is viewed in flat space and in spaces of constant (positive and negative)
38. What are the differences between the Doppler effect for light and the ”analogous”
effect for sound?
39. Using the Doppler effect, how could we demonstrate that time is running differently
for observers which move relative to each other?
40. Every second about 1400J of solar energy falls onto one square meter of the Earth.
Estimate the absolute emittance of the Sun.
41. Assuming that the constant emittance stage for the Sun is of order of 1010 years,
find the portion of solar mass lost due to radiation.
42. Why was the connection between the emittance of variable stars (Cepheids) and the
period of their brightness variation discovered from observation of stars in Great
Magellan cloud rather than in our Galaxy?
43. A supernova in its maximum brightness reaches the absolute stellar magnitude of
M = −21. How often will the supernova outbursts be registered if observation is
carried out on the whole sky up to the limiting magnitude m = 14? Assume that
in a typical galaxy a supernova bursts on average once per 100 years, and galaxies
are distributed with spatial density of one galaxy per 10Mpc3 .
46. The main method for investigation of interstellar neutral hydrogen are observations
in unltraviolet band. The strongest interstellar absobtion line is α–Lyman hydrogen
line (λ = 121.6nm). This line corresponds to transition of electron from state with
quantum number n = 1 to the state with n = 2. At the same time, the Balmer
series characterized by electron transition from excited n = 2 state are not observed.
Why does this happen?
48. At present hydrogen in the Sun burns (transforms into helium) at temperature
1.5 · 107 K, but much higher temperature will be required to synthesize carbon from
helium (when hydrogen is exhausted) due to higher Coulomb barrier. What physical
mechanism could provide the increase of the Sun’s temperature at the later stages
of its evolution?
49. Accretion is the process of gravitational capture of matter and its subsequent pre-
cipitation on a cosmic body, i.e. a star. In such a process the kinetic energy of the
falling mass m transforms with some efficiency into radiation energy, which leads
to additional contribution to the brightness of the accreting system. Determine the
limiting brightness due to accretion (the Eddington limit).
51. How many quantities completely determine the orbit of a component of a double
52. Consider some physical quantity A. The multiplication of A by any power of arbi-
trary fundamental constant certainly changes it’s dimensionality, but not its physical
meaning. For example, the quantity e ≡ E/c2 is energy, despite the fact that it has
Okun L B ”The theory of relativity and the Pythagorean theorem” Phys. Usp. 51 622–631 (2008);
the dimensionality of mass. Why, then, do we refer to the quantity E/~ as frequency,
but not as energy, although the Planck constant ~ is a fundamental constant as well
as c?
53. In special relativity mass is determined by the relation
m2 = e2 − p2 , e = E/c2 .
This expression presents the simpliest possible relation between energy, momentum
and mass. Why the relation between these quantities could not be linear?
54. Construct the quantities with dimensionalities of length, time, mass, temperature,
density from fundamental constants c, G, ~ and calculate their values (the corre-
sponding quantities are called the Planck units).
55. Perform the same procedure for just c, G. Considered quantities are called Newton
units. Construct, in particular, the Newton force unit and Newton power unit.
What is the physical meaning of these quantities? Why is there no Newton length
56. * Compare the delay of reception of an object located at 1 m from flat mirror, with
Planck time.
57. Demonstrate that gravitational radius of a particle with Planck mass coincides with
its Compton wavelength. Note that gravitational radius in General Relativity is
a radius of the spherically symmetric mass, for which the escape velocity at the
surface is equal to the speed of light.
58. Demonstrate that in the units c = ~ = 1
1 GeV ≈ 1.8 · 10−24 g; 1 GeV −1 ≈ 0.7 · 10−24 c ≈ 2 · 10−14 cm.
59. Estimate the energy scale, which correspond to current age of the Universe in units
60. Express Planck mass in terms of K, cm−1 , s−1 .
61. Express Newton’s constant G in units c = 1.
62. Show that the fine structure constant α = e2 /~c is dimensionless only in a space of
dimension D = 3.
63. Construct a dimensionless combination from the constants c, ~, e, G in the space
of arbitrary dimension.
64. * Compare the constants of strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational inter-
65. * Estimate the order of magnitude of the temperature of Great Unification, i.e the
temperature at which intensity of gravitation comes up to intensities of three other
66. Construct planck units in a space of arbitrary dimension.
1.6. GRAVITY 17
1.6 Gravity
67. Consider two observers with constant distance L between them, moving far from
any mass, i.e. in the absence of gravitational field, with constant acceleration a. At
t0 the rear observer emits a photon with wavelength λ. Calculate the redshift that
the leading observer will detect.
68. Let’s suppose that an elevator’s rope breaks and elevator enters the state of free fall.
Is it possible to determine experimentally, been inside, that the elevator is falling
near the Earth’s surface?
69. Richard Feynman wrote: ”The striking similarity of electrical and gravitational
forces . . . has made some people conclude that it would be nice if antimatter repelled
matter.” What arguments did Feynman use to demonstrate the inconsistence of this
assumption (at least in our world)?
70. What is the difference (quantitative and qualitative) between the gravitational waves
and the electromagnetic ones?
71. Find the probability that transition between two atomic states occurs due to grav-
itation rather than electromagnetic forces.
72. In his Lectures on Gravitation Feynman asks: ”. . .maybe nature is trying to tell us
something new here, maybe we should not try to quantize gravity. Is it possible per-
haps that we should not insist on a uniformity of nature that would make everything
quantized?”. And answers this question. Try to reproduce his arguments.
73. Evidently the role of gravitation grows with the mass of a body. Show that grav-
itation dominates if the number of atoms in the body exceeds the critical value
Ncr ≃ (α/αG )3/2 ≃ 1054 , where α = e2 /(~c) is the fine structure constant and
αG ≡ Gm2p /(~c) is the ”fine structure constant” for gravitation, mp is proton’s
74. Stars form from gas and dust due to gravitational instability, which forces gas clouds
to compress. This process is known as Jeans instability after the famous English
cosmologist James Jeans (1877 – 1946). What is the physical cause of the Jeans
75. Observations show that stars form not individually, but in large groups. Young stars
are detected in clusters, which contain, usually, several hundreds of stars, which were
formed at the same time. Theoretical calculations show that formation of individual
stars is almost impossible. How could this claim be justified?
76. A gas cloud of mass M consisting of molecules of mass µ is unstable if the gravi-
tational energy exceeds the kinetic energy of thermal motion. Derive the stability
condition for the spherically symmetric homogeneous cloud of radius R (the Jeans
77. Estimate the critical density for a hydrogen cloud of solar mass at temperature
T = 1 000 K.
78. Compare the gravitational pressure in the centers of the Sun (ρ = 1.4 g/cm3 ) and
the Earth (ρ = 5.5 g/cm3 ).
79. Gravitational forces on the Sun are balanced by gas pressure. If pressure ”switches
of” at some moment, Sun would collapse. The time of gravitational collapse is called
the dynamic time. Calculate this time for the Sun.
80. Show that for any star its dynamic time is approximately equal to the ratio of star’s
radius to the escape velocity on its surface. Compare this estimate for the Sun with
the exact value obtained in the previous problem.
81. Show that stars (and star clusters) have the amazing property of negative thermal
capacity: the more the star looses energy due to radiation from its surface, the
higher is the temperature at its center.
82. Along with cosmological redshift, there is the gravitational redshift (the effect of
General Relativity), which consists in change in clock under varying gravitational
potential. How could these effects be distinguished qualitatively?
The following four problems are based on the paper2 . Here we try to understand the
effect of gravity on matter (particles and photons) in terms of Newtonian and relativis-
tic physics, but without relying on the General Theory of Relativity (GTR). Thus the
terminology differs from that of GTR, and one should not be surprised to see that i.e.
c is not constant. For readers familiar with GTR it would be instructive to reformulate
the solutions in its terms and establish the relations between the notions used in both
83. Demonstrate that a photon emitted at lower floor of a building due to the transition
between two nuclear (atomic) levels could not induce the reverse transition in the
same nucleus (atom) at higher floor.
84. Consider a photon in a static gravitational field. Which characteristics of this photon
(energy, frequency, momentum, wavelength) change and which remain the same?
85. Describe the mechanism of light deflection in the gravitational fields of the Sun and
galaxies (see ***).
86. Trace the photon from problem 83 with clocks, located along the photon’s trajectory
(at each floor).
Okun L B “The theory of relativity and the Pythagorean theorem” Phys. Usp. 51 622–631 (2008)
88. There are n trees per hectare in a forest. Diameter of each one is D. Starting from
what distance will we be unable to see the forest for the trees? How is this question
connected to the Olbers’ paradox4 ?
89. In a more romantic formulation this problem looks as following. Suppose that in
the Sherwood Forest the average radius of a tree is 30cm and average number of
trees per unit area is n = 0.005m−2 . If Robin Hood shoots an arrow in a random
direction, how far, on average, will it travel before it strikes a tree?
90. The same problem in the cosmological formulation looks this way. Suppose you are
in a infinitely large, infinitely old Universe in which the average number density of
stars is nst = 1011 Mpc−3 and the average stellar radius is equal to the Sun’s radius:
Rst = RJ = 7 · 108 m. How far, on average, could you see in any direction before
your line of sight strucks a star?
93. Estimate the number of stars, which had already received the signal of homo sapi-
ens’existence on the Earth.
94. The inhabited planets in our Galaxy are likely to be located within the so–called
galactical habitable zone, which has the form of narrow ring with radius greater or
approximately equal to half the radius of Galaxy. Explain, why genesis of life is
unlikely to happen at too small or too large galactocentric distances.
95. Why does the width of galactic habitable zone gradually increase in time?
96. One of the possible formulations of the Fermi paradox, or the ”great silence” para-
dox, is the following: if there is intelligent life in the Universe, why does it not emit
any signal into space and generally manifest itself in any way? This paradox is
related to the name of Fermi, because once having listened to the arguments of his
L. Anchordoqui, arXiv:0706.1988, physics.ed-ph
Ryden, Introduction to cosmology, ADDISON-Wesley.
colleagues stating that there exist a great number of highly developed technological
civilizations, he asked after some pause: ”So, where are they?” Give arguments to
support or disprove the paradox.
98. Our Sun emits energy during billions of years and thus supports life development
on the Earth. It is possible due to very slow reaction of deuteron creation from
two interacting protons. Find the limiting value of electron mass providing the
necessarily low rate of such reaction.
99. When designing a suit for open space, what should ingeneers be more careful of –
heating of heat extraction?
100. Estimate the number of photons in gas oven at room temperature and at maximum
101. Estimate the temperature at the surface of the Sun, assuming that the Earth with
mean temperature at its surface 15 C ◦ is in thermal equilibrium with the Sun.
102. What is the difference between the entropy of gravitational degrees of freedom and
ordinary entropy (e.g., entropy of ideal gas)?
103. One of the most used classifications divide physical systems into ”open” and ”iso-
lated”. The entropy in an isolated system could only increase, eventually reaching
the thermal equilibrium. In contrast, due to external interactions, entropy in open
systems could decrease, for example, through absorption of a component with low
entropy. Explain why the Sun is a source of low entropy for the Earth.
104. Estimate how many infrared photons Earth radiates per one ultraviolet photon it
absorbs from the Sub.
105. A human during his lifetime increases the entropy of the Universe by converting
chemical energy contained in the food to heat. Estimate the corresponding entropy
106. Estimate the contribution of Earth during its existence to the entropy production.
107. Show that the Sun has contributed the entropy increase of about 1040 J/K
109. (after C.Sivaram, Scaling Relations for self-Similar Structures and the Cosmological
Constant, arXiv: 0801.1218) In recent papers [1], it was pointed out that the surface
gravities of a whole hierarchy of astronomical objects (i.e. globular clusters, galaxies,
clusters, super clusters, GMC’s etc.) are more or less given by a universal value
a0 ≈ cH0 ≈ 10−8 cm s−2 . Thus
a= ≈ a0
for all these objects, M being their typical mass and R their typical radius. Also
interestingly enough it was also pointed out [2] that the gravitational self energy of
a typical elementary particle (hadron) was shown to be
Gm3 c
EG ≈ ≈ ~H0
implying the same surface gravity value for the particle
GM Gm3 c c
ah = ≈ × ≈ cH0 ≈ a0 .
r2 ~ ~
Calculate actual value of the ratio
M √ c2
≈ Λ ∼1
R2 G
for such examples as a galaxy, whole Universe, globular cluster, a GMC, a super-
cluster, nuclei, an electron, Solar system, planetary nebula.
Chapter 2
2. Show that if some spatial distribution is everywhere isotropic then it is also homo-
geneous. Is the opposite true?
4. Why the notion of ”Big Bang” regarding the early evolution of the Universe should
not be treated too literally?
5. Show that the Hubble’s law is invariant with respect to Galilean transformations.
6. Show that the Hubble’s law represents the only form of expansion compatible with
homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe.
7. Show that if expansion of the Universe obeys the Hubble’s law then the initial
homogeneity is conserved for all its subsequent evolution.
8. In the 1940-ties Bondi, Gold and Hoyle proposed a stationary model of the Universe
basing on the generalized cosmological principle, according to which there is no
privileged position either in space or in time. The model describes a Universe,
in which all global properties and characteristics (density, Hubble parameter and
others) remain constant in time. Estimate the rate of matter creation in this model.
9. Galaxies typically have peculiar (individual) velocities of the order of Vp ≈ 100 km/s.
Estimate how distant a galaxy should be for its peculiar velocity to be negligible
compared to the velocity of Hubble flow VH = H0 R.
10. Estimate the age of the Universe basing on the observed value of the Hubble’s
constant (the Hubble time tH ).
11. Show that the model of the expanding Universe allows one to eliminate the Olbers’
Roger Penrose
The Road to Reality
Find the explicit expressions for the intervals of proper time and spatial length, and
for the 4-volume. Show that the invariant 4-volume is given by
√ √
−g d4 x ≡ −g dx0 dx1 dx2 dx3 ,
where g = det(gµν ).
13. Let there be an observer with 4-velocity uµ . Show that the energy of a photon with
4-wave vector k µ that he registers is uµ kµ , and the energy of a massive particle with
4-momentum pµ is uµ pµ .
∇µ Aν = ∂µ Aν + Γν λµ Aλ ; ∇µ Aν = ∂µ Aν − Γρ νµ Aρ , (2.1)
15. Derive the transformation rule for matrices Γλ µν under coordinate transformations.
Show that for any given point of spacetime there is a coordinate frame, in which
Γλ µν are equal to zero in this point. It is called a locally inertial, or locally geodesic
16. Free falling particles’ worldlines in General Relativity are geodesics of the spacetime—
i.e the curves xµ (λ) with tangent vector uµ = dxµ /dλ, such that covariant derivative
of the latter along the curve equals to zero:
uµ ∇µ uν = 0.
In a (pseudo-)Euclidean space the geodesics are straight lines. Obtain the general
equation of geodesics in terms of the connection coefficients. Show that the quantity
uµ uµ is conserved along the geodesic.
and derive the geodesic equation from the principle of least action. Find the canon-
ical 4-momentum of a massive particle and the energy of a photon.
18. A Killing vector field, or just Killing vector, is a vector field K µ (x), such that
infinitesimal coordinate transformation x → x′ + εK (where ε → 0) leaves the
metric invariant in the sense1
gµν (x) = gµν (x).
∇µ Kν + ∇ν Kµ = 0,
19. Suppose there is a coordinate frame, in which the metric does not depend on one
of the coordinates xk . Show that in this case the vectors ∂k constitute the Killing
vector field, and that the inverse is also true: if there is a Killing vector, we can
construct such a coordinate frame.
20. Prove that if K µ is a Killing vector, the quantity K µ uµ is conserved along a geodesic
with tangent vector uµ .
1 ′
That is, let gµν (x) be the components of the metric at some point A in the original frame. Then gµν (x)
are the components of the metric in the new frame, taken at point A′ , which has the same coordinates
in the new frame as A had in the old frame.
21. The Riemann curvature tensor Ri klm can be defined through the so-called Ricci
identity, written for arbitrary 4-vector Ai :
∇m ∇l Ai − ∇l ∇m Ai = Ri klm Ak .
Express Ri klm in terms of the Christoffel symbols. Show that the Ricci tensor
Rkm = Rl klm
is symmetric.
22. Prove the differential Bianchi identity for the curvature tensor:
∇i Rj klm + ∇l Rj kmi + ∇m Rj kil = 0, (2.2)
and show that
∇i Rji = 21 ∂j R.
23. The energy-momentum tensor in General Relativity is defined through the varia-
tional derivative of the action for matter
µν 1 √
Sm [g , ψ] = d4 x −g Lm (g µν , ψ)
with respect to metric g µν :
δg S = 1
d4 x −g δg µν Tµν .
Here Lm is the Lagrange function for the matter fields ψ. Show that for the cases
of a massless scalar field and electromagnetic field the above definition reduces to
the usual one.
24. The full action consists of the action for matter, discussed in the previous problem,
and the action for the gravitational field Sg :
c3 √
S = Sg + Sm ; where Sg = − d4 x −g R,
R = Rii = g ik Rik is scalar curvature, G is the gravitational constant. Starting from
the variational principle, derive the Einstein-Hilbert equations2 for the gravitational
Rµν − 21 Rgµν = 4 Tµν . (2.3)
25. Show that the Einstein’s equation can be presented in the following form
Rµν = 4 Tµν − 21 T gµν , where T = Tµµ .
Show that it leads to the ”energy-momentum conservation law” for matter
∇µ T µν = 0.
Does it mean the energy and momentum of matter are actually conserved in general?
Also called Einstein field equations, or just Einstein equation (either in singular or plural); the action
Sg is referred to as Hilbert or Einstein-Hilbert action.
27. The comoving reference frame is defined so that matter is at rest in it, and the
distance χAB between any two points A and B is constant. Show that in a homoge-
neous and isotropic Universe the proper (physical) distance rAB between two points
is related to the comoving one as
where quantity a is called the scale factor and it can depend on time only. Integrate
the Hubble’s law and find a(t).
28. Consider a spacetime with homogeneous and isotropic spatial section of constant
time dt = 0. Show that in the comoving coordinates its metric necessarily has the
form of the Friedman–Lemaı̂tre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW)3 metric:
ds2 = dt2 − a2 (t) dχ2 + Σ2 (χ)(dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 ) , (2.4)
sin2 χ
Σ (χ) = χ2
sinh2 χ.
The time coordinate t, which is the proper time for the comoving matter, is referred
to as cosmic (or cosmological) time.
29. Show that the FLRW metric (2.4) can be presented in the form
2 2 2 dr 2 2 2 2 2
ds = dt − a (t) + r (dθ + sin θdϕ ) , (2.5)
1 − kr 2
30. Show that only the sign of spatial curvature has physical meaning, as renormaliza-
tion of the scale factor rescales the curvature.
31. Why is the normalization of the scale factor not fixed for a spatially flat Universe,
for which k = 0?
32. Consider a closed Universe (with k = +1) and find the length of equator and full
volume of its spatial section dt = 0.
Depending on geographical or historical preferences, named after a subset of the four scientists:
Alexander Friedmann, Georges Lemaı̂tre, Howard Percy Robertson and Arthur Geoffrey Walker. Thus
abbreviations FRW, RW or FL are also used.
33. Present arguments in favor of the affirmation that the electric charge of a closed
Universe should be exactly zero.
36. Express the FLRW metric in comoving coordinates and conformal time. Show that
in the case k = 0 it is conformally flat, i.e. it can be made flat (pseudo-Euclidean)
by means of global stretching.
37. Consider an arbitrary function of time f (t) and express f˙ and f¨ in terms of deriva-
tives with respect to conformal time.
38. Obtain the equation of a photon’s worldline in terms of conformal time for the case
of the isotropic and spatially flat Universe.
39. Derive the equations of geodesics in terms of conformal time and comoving coordi-
nates for the case of radial motion in the FLRW metric.
40. A comoving observer is the one that is at rest in the comoving coordinates. He sees
the Universe as isotropic, and can also be called an isotropic observer. Show that
the frequency of a photon and velocity of a free particle, as measured by a comoving
observer4 at time t, are proportional to 1/a(t).
41. Express the detected redshift of a photon as a function of the cosmic time t at the
moment of its emission and vice versa: express the time t and conformal time η at
the moment of its emission in terms of its registered redshift.
42. Obtain the relation between the scale factor and conformal time using the properties
of conformal time interval.
43. Is it possible for an open Universe to evolve into a closed one or vice versa?
44. Calculate all connection coefficients (Christoffel symbols) for the FLRW metric.
45. Derive the components of Ricci tensor, scalar curvature and the trace of energy-
momentum tensor for the FLRW metric.
46. Obtain the components of the Ricci tensor and scalar curvature (3) R of the spatial
section t = const of the FLRW metric. Show that k = sign(3) R if (3) R 6= 0.
We will refer to these quantities as to the “physical” energy and momentum of a particle, to stress
that they are the ones directly measured in the most natural way.
47. Derive the components and trace of the energy-momentum tensor which satisfies
the cosmological principle.
Stephen Weinberg
2.4.1 Warm-up
48. An elastic rubber cord of 1 meter length 1 is attached to a wall. A spider sits on it
at the junction to the wall, and a man holds the other end. The man starts moving
away from the wall with velocity 1 m/s, and at the same time the spider starts to
run along the cord with velocity 1 cm/s. Will the spider come up with the man?
50. Suppose a particle’s mean free path in an expanding Universe is small enough. Show
that its momentum decreases as5 p(t) ∝ a(t)−1 .
51. Show that the comoving phase volume equals to the physical one.
52. Show that the twins’ paradox is resolved in the FLRW Universe in the same way
as in the Minkowski spacetime: the twin who experienced non-zero acceleration
appears to be younger than his brother6 .
53. Show that the Hubble’s time H0−1 gives the characteristic time scale for any stage
of evolution of the Universe.
54. Show that in a Universe which expands with acceleration the Hubble’s radius de-
55. Show that the surface of Hubble’s sphere recedes with velocity V = c(1 + q), where
q = −aä/(ȧ)2 is the deceleration parameter.
56. Show that the standard definition of redshift is valid only inside the Hubble’s sphere.
This is a generalization of the previous problem to relativistic case, but still a simplification of the
general formulation 40.
O.Gron, S. Braeck, arXiv:0909.5364
66. Show that, although radial recession and peculiar velocities add vectorially, their
corresponding redshifts combine as
1 + ztot = (1 + zrec )(1 + zpec ).
76. Show that the first Friedman equation is the first integral of the second one.
77. Show that in the weak field limit of General Relativity the source of gravity is the
quantity (ρ + 3p).
78. How does the magnitude of pressure affect the expansion rate?
79. Consider the case k = 0 and show that the second Friedman equation can be
presented in the form
HH ′ = −4πG (ρ + p) ,
where H ′ ≡ d ln a
81. The critical density corresponds to the case of spatially-flat Universe k = 0. Deter-
mine its actual value.
82. Show that the first Friedman equation can be presented in the form
Ωi = 1,
ρi 3H 2 3 k
Ωi ≡ , ρcr = , ρcurv = − ,
ρcr 8πG 8πG a2
and ρcurv describes the contribution to the total density of the spatial curvature.
83. Express the scale factor a in a non-flat Universe through the Hubble’s radius and
total relative density ρ/ρcr .
84. Show that the relative curvature density ρcurv /ρcr in a given region can be interpreted
as a measure of difference between the average potential and kinetic energies in the
96. Evaluate the derivatives of the state parameter w with respect to cosmological and
conformal times.
97. Consider an FLRW Universe dominated by a substance, such that Hubble parameter
depends on time as H = f (t), where f (t) is an arbitrary differentiable function. Find
the state equation for the considered substance.
99. Show that for non-relativistic particles the state parameter w is much less unity.
101. Derive the analogue of the second Friedman equation in the Newtonian mechanics.
102. Obtain the conservation equation for non-relativistic matter from the continuity
equation for the ideal fluid.
103. Show that equations of Newtonian hydrodynamics and gravity prohibit the existence
of a uniform, isotropic and static cosmological model, i.e. a Universe constant in
time, uniformly filled by ideal fluid.
104. Find the generalization of the Newtonian energy conservation equation to an ex-
panding cosmological background11 .
105. Using the Layzer-Irvene equation, discussed in the previous problem, recover the
Newtonian virial theorem
107. Obtain the conservation equation for the expanding Universe using only thermody-
namical considerations.
108. A photon’s wavelength is redshifted due to the Universe’ expansion. Estimate the
rate of change of the energy of the Universe due to this process.
P.J.E. Peebles, Principles of Physical Cosmology, Princeton University Press, 1993
2.8 Cosmography
In problems 109-56 we use an approach to the description of the evolution of the Uni-
verse’s, which is called “cosmography”12. It is based entirely on the cosmological principle
and on some consequences of the equivalence principle. The term ”cosmography” is a
synonym for ”cosmokinematics”. Let us recall that the kinematics represent the part of
mechanics which describes motion of bodies regardless of the forces responsible for it. In
this sense cosmography represents nothing else than the kinematics of cosmological expan-
In order to construct the key cosmological quantity a(t) one needs the equations of
motion (the Einstein’s equation) and some assumptions an the material composition of
the Universe, which enable one to obtain the energy-momentum tensor. The efficiency of
cosmography lies in the ability to test cosmological models of any kind, that are compatible
with the cosmological principle. Modifications of General Relativity or introduction of new
components (such as dark matter or dark energy) certainly change the dependence a(t),
but they absolutely do not affect the kinematics of the expanding Universe.
The rate of Universe’s expansion, determined by Hubble parameter H(t), depends on
time. The deceleration parameter q(t) is used to quantify this dependence. Let us define it
through the expansion of the scale factor a(t) in a Taylor series in the vicinity of current
time t0 :
a(t) = a (t0 ) + ȧ (t0 ) [t − t0 ] + ä(t0 )[t − t0 ]2 + · · ·
a(t) q0
= 1 + H0 [t − t0 ] − H02 [t − t0 ]2 + · · ·
a (t0 ) 2
ä(t)a(t) ä(t) 1
q(t) ≡ − = − .
ȧ2 (t) a(t) H 2 (t)
Note that the accelerated growth of scale factor takes place for q < 0. When the sign
of the deceleration parameter was originally defined, it seemed evident that gravity is the
only force that governs the dynamics of Universe and it should slow down its expansion.
The choice of the sign was determined then by natural wish to deal with positive quantities.
This choice turned out to contradict the observable dynamics and became an example of
historical curiosity.
See Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, chapter 14
112. Show that for the deceleration parameter the following relation holds:
! !
dH dH
q (a) = − 1 + dt2 − 1 + da .
113. Show that derivatives of lower cosmographic parameters can expressed through the
higher ones.
114. Prove that
= j − q(2q + 1).
d ln(1 + z)
dH d2 H
115. Show that the derivatives dz
and dz 2
can be expressed through the parameters q
and j.
116. Show that the time derivatives of the Hubble’s parameter can be expressed through
the cosmographic parameters as follows:
Ḣ = −H 2 (1 + q); (2.14)
Ḧ = H 3 (j + 3q + 2) ; (2.15)
H = H 4 [s − 4j − 3q(q + 4) − 6] ; (2.16)
H = H 5 [l − 5s + 10 (q + 2) j + 30(q + 2)q + 24] . (2.17)
117. Consider the case of spatially flat Universe and express the scalar (Ricci) curvature
and its time derivatives in terms of the cosmographic parameters q, j, s, l.
118. Show that the accelerated growth of expansion rate Ḣ > 0 takes place on the
condition q < −1.
121. Obtain the following integral relation between the Hubble’s parameter and the de-
celeration parameter
H = H0 exp [q(z ′ ) + 1]d ln(1 + z ′ ) .
122. Reformulate the Hubble’s law in terms of redshift for close galaxies (z ≪ 1).
d(i) H 2
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4
dz (i)
and express them in terms of the cosmographic parameters.
126. Show that the deceleration parameter q can be presented in the form
H ′ (x)
q(x) = x − 1; x = 1 + z.
128. Express the derivatives dH/dz and d2 H/dz 2 throgh the parameters q and
r≡ .
aH 3
130. Show that the current age of the Universe is proportional to H0−1 and the proportion-
ality coefficient is determined by the average value of the deceleration parameter.
131. Show that the proper distance to an object with redshift z is related to the current
deceleration parameter q0 as
c 1 h p i
R= q0 z + (q0 − 1) 1 + 2q0 − 1 .
H0 q02 1 + z
2 −2
132. Express the current values of deceleration parameter q0 ≡ − a1 ddt2a a1 da
dt and
3 −3
the jerk parameter j ≡ a1 ddt3a a1 da
dt in terms of N ≡ − ln (1 + z)
λ0 − λe ∆λ
z= = .
λ e λ e
Let’s introduce a new redshift:
λ0 − λe ∆λ
z= = .
λ 0 λ 0
139. The most commonly used distance is the luminosity distance, and it is related to
the distance modulus in the following way:
However, alternative distances are also used (for a variety of mathematical pur-
1) The ”photon flux distance”:
dF = .
(1 + z)1/2
dP = .
(1 + z)
dQ = .
(1 + z)3/2
dA = .
(1 + z)2
Obtain the Hubble law for these distances (in terms of z-redshift, up to the second
power by z)
143. Alternative (if less physically evident) redshifts are also viable. One promising
redshift is the y4 redshift: y4 = arctan(y). Obtain the second order redshift formula
for dL in terms of y4 .
145. When looking at the various series formulas, you might be tempted to just take the
highest-power formulas you can get and work with them. Why is this not a good
Using the definition of the redshift, construct a power series for z-redshift based on
this physical distance.
149. Obtain a power series (in z) breakdown of redshift drift up to z 3 (hint: use (dH)/(dz)
150. Using the Friedmann equations, continuity equations, and the standard definitions
for heat capacity(that is,
∂U ∂h
CV = , CP = ,
∂T ∂T
where U = V0 ρt a3 , h = V0 (ρt + P )a3 , show that
V0 H 2 j − 1
CP = ,
4πG T ′ (1 + z)4
V0 H 2 2q − 1
CV = .
8πG T ′ (1 + z)4
151. What signs of Cp and Cv are predicted by the Λ − CDM model? (q0ΛCDM =
−1 + 32 Ωm , j0ΛCDM = 1 and experimentally, Ωm = 0.274 ± 0.015)
153. What values of the powers in the power series are required for the following singu-
a) Big bang/crunch (scale factor a = 0)
b) Big Rip (scale factor is infinite)
c) Sudden singularity (nth derivative of the scale factor is infinite)
d) Extremality event (derivative of scale factor = 1)
154. Analyze the possible behavior of the Hubble parameter around the cosmological
milestones (hint: use your solution of problem 152).
155. Going outside of the bounds of regular cosmography, let’s assume the validity of
the Friedmann equations. It is sometimes useful to expand the Equation of State
as a series (like p = p0 + κ0 (ρ − ρ0 ) + O[(ρ − ρ0 )2 ],) and describe the EoS parameter
(w9t) = p/ρ) at arbitrary times through the cosmographic parameters.
157. Continuing the previous problem, let’s look at the third order term - d2 p/dρ2 .
Chapter 3
At present the Big Bang model does not have any significant flaws.
I would even say that it is confirmed to be true to the same extent
that we know that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Yakov B. Zel’dovich
6. Derive the exact solutions of the Friedman equations for the Universe filled with
matter and radiation. Plot the graphs of scale factor and both densities as functions
of time.
7. At what moment after the Big Bang did matter’s density exceed that of radiation
for the first time?
8. Determine the age of the Universe in which either matter or radiation has always
been dominating.
9. Derive the dependence a(t) for a spatially flat Universe that consists of matter
with equation of state p = wρ, assuming that the parameter w does not change
throughout the evolution.
10. Find the Hubble parameter as function of time for the previous problem .
11. Using the first Friedman equation, construct the effective potential V (a), which
governs the one-dimensional motion of a fictitious particle with coordinate a(t), for
the Universe filled with several non-interacting components.
12. Construct the effective one-dimensional potential V (a) (using the notation of the
previous problem) for the Universe consisting of non-relativistic matter and radia-
tion. Show that motion with ȧ > 0 in such a potential can only be decelerating.
13. Derive the exact solutions of the Friedman equations for the Universe with arbitrary
curvature, filled with radiation and matter.
14. Show that for a spatially flat Universe consisting of one component with equation
of state p = wρ the deceleration parameter q ≡ −ä/(aH 2 ) is equal to 12 (1 + 3w).
15. Express the age of the Universe through the deceleration parameter q = −ä/(aH 2 )
for a spatially flat Universe filled with single component with equation of state
p = wρ.
16. Find the generalization of relation q = 21 (1 + 3w) for the non-flat case.
17. Show that for a one-component Universe filled with ideal fluid of density ρ
1 d ln ρ
q = −1 − .
2 d ln a
18. Show that for a Universe consisting of several components with equations of state
pi = wi ρi the deceleration parameter is
Ω 3X
q= + wi Ωi ,
2 2 i
19. For which values of state parameter w the rate of expansion of a one-component
flat Universe increases with time?
20. Show that for a spatially closed (k = 1) Universe that contains only non-relativistic
matter the solution of the Friedman equations can be given in the form
a(η) = a⋆ (1 − cos η); t(η) = a⋆ (η − sin η); a⋆ = ; 0 < η < 2π.
21. Find the relation between the maximum size and the total lifetime of a closed
Universe filled with dust.
22. Suppose we know the current values of the Hubble constant H0 and the deceleration
parameter q0 for a closed Universe filled with dust only. How many times larger will
it ever become?
23. In a closed Universe filled with non-relativistic matter the current values of the
Hubble constant is H0 , the deceleration parameter is q0 . Find the current age of
this Universe.
24. Suppose in the same Universe radiation is dominating during a negligibly small
fraction of total time of evolution. How many times will a photon travel around the
Universe during the time from its “birth” to its “death”?
25. In a closed Universe filled with dust the current value of the Hubble constant is H0
and of the deceleration parameter q0 .
26. Find the solution of Friedman equations for spatially open (k = −1) Universe filled
with dust in the parametric form a(η), t(η).
27. Suppose the density of some component in a spatially flat Universe depends on scale
factor as ρ(t) ∼ a−n (t). How much time is needed for the density of this component
to change from ρ1 to ρ2 ?
28. Using the expression for H(t), calculate the deceleration parameter for the cases of
domination of
a) radiation,
b) matter.
30. Derive the equations of motion for relative densities Ωi = ρi /ρcr of the two compo-
nents comprising a spatially flat two-component Universe, if their equations of state
are p = wi ρ, i = 1, 2.
31. Suppose a Universe is initially filled with a gas of non-relativistic particles of mass
density ρ0 , pressure p0 , and cp /cv = γ. Construct the equation of state for such a
32. Derive the expression for the critical density ρcr from the condition that Hubble’s
expansion velocity equals the second cosmic velocity (escape velocity) v = 2gR.
33. Suppose the Universe is filled with non-relativistic matter and some substance with
equation of state pX = wρX . Find the evolution equation for the quantity r ≡ ρρX
34. Express the deceleration parameter through the ratio r for the conditions of the
previous problem.
35. Let a spatially flat Universe be filled with non-relativistic dust and a substance with
equation of state pX = wρX . Show that in case ρX ∝ H 2 , the ratio r = ρm /ρX does
not depend on time.
36. Show that for the model of the Universe described in the previous problem the
parameter r is related with the deceleration parameter as
ṙ = −2H q.
37. Show that in the model of the Universe of problem 35, in case k = +1 and q > 0
(decelerated expansion) r increases with time, in case k = +1 and q < 0 (accelerated
expansion) r decreases with time, and for k = −1 vice-versa.
38. Let us consider a general class of power-law cosmologies described by the scale factor
t α
a(t) = a0 ,
(a) the scale factor in terms of the deceleration parameter may be written as
t 1/1+q 1
a(t) = a0 , i.e. α = .
t0 1+q
S.Kumar arXiv:1109.6924.
(1 + q) t
or in terms of redshift
H(z) = H0 (1 + z)1+q .
39. In the power-law cosmology find the age of the Universe at redshift z.
40. For the power-law cosmology find the luminosity distance between the observer and
the object with redshift z.
42. Show that in the early Universe the curvature term is negligibly small.
43. Show that k = sign(Ω − 1) and express the current value of the scale factor a0
through the observed quantities Ω0 and H0 .
44. Find the lower bound for a0 , knowing that the Cosmic background (CMB) data
combined with SSNIa data imply
a) radiation,
b) matter.
46. Estimate the upper bound of the curvature term in the first Friedman equation
during the electroweak epoch (t ∼ 10−10 s) and the nucleosynthesis epoch (t ∼
1 − 200 s).
47. Derive and analyze the conditions of accelerated expansion for a one-component
Universe of arbitrary curvature with the component’s state parameter4 w.
S.Kumar arXiv: 1109.6924
49. Let us consider the Minkowski spacetime in spherical spatial coordinates (T, R, θ, φ).
Let at some moment of initial explosion a cloud of particles emerge from the origin
with all possible velocities v < c in all directions, which stay constant. Their mass is
considered negligible, so that they do not interact and do not affect the underlying
spacetime. The larger is the velocity of a particle, the further away from the origin
it is at a given moment of time, so the velocity of a particle v, or alternatively its
r = artanh v ≡ 21 ln
serve as radial coordinates in the region R < T . Let τ be the proper time of
the particle. Show that the region R < T in coordinates (τ, r, θ, φ) is the Milne
Universe5 .
50. Let the density of matter in the Milne Universe (in the comoving frame) be small but
finite. Find the dependence of (number) density on the distance to the horizon R =
T in the Minkowski spacetime (the laboratory frame with regard to the experiment
of the Big Bang), if the distribution in the Milne Universe is homogeneous. What
is the total number of particles (galaxies) in each of the frames of reference?
a) radiation,
b) dust,
c) matter with state equation p = wρ.
52. Show the the comoving particle horizon equals to the age of the Universe in confor-
mal time.
53. Show that, if ultrarelativistic matter is dominating in the matter content of a spa-
tially flat Universe (k = 0), its particle horizon coincides with the Hubble radius.
54. Find the comoving Hubble radius RH /a as function of the scale factor for a spatially
flat Universe that consists of one component with equation of state p = wρ.
In fact, this is the way Milne in his papers of 1935 and 1948 introduced this spacetime, trying to
show that Big Bang can be described by pure kinematics and in the frame of Special Theory of Relativity
only. This is in general not possible, but his renowned example is very instructive.
55. Express the comoving particle horizon Lp /a through the comoving Hubble radius
RH /a for the case of domination of a substance with state parameter w.
56. Show that in an open Universe filled with dust the number of observed galaxies
increases with time.
57. Show that even in early Universe the scale of particle horizon is much less than
the curvature radius, and thus curvature does not play significant role within the
58. Estimate the ratio of the volume enclosed by the Hubble sphere to the total volume
of the closed Universe.
Rh = 2G M(Rh ).
In this expression, M(Rh ) is the mass enclosed within Rh (which terns out to be the
Hubble sphere). This is the radius at which a sphere encloses sufficient mass-energy to
create divergent time dilation for an observer at the surface relative to the origin of the
61. Show, that if we were to make a measurement at a fixed distance R away from us,
the time interval dt corresponding to any measurable (non-zero) value of ds must
go to infinity as r → Rh .
62. Show that Rh is an increasing function of cosmic time t for any cosmology with
w > −1.
The energy conditions are formulated in coordinate-independent way, but in the context
of cosmology they are most useful in application to the energy-momentum tensor of a
perfect fluid7 :
The conditions are assumed to hold for arbitrary timelike vectors v µ and arbitrary null
vectors k µ .
For more detailed discussion see textbooks: Carroll S. Spacetime and geometry: an introduction to
General Relativity. AW, 2003; ISBN 0805387323, 525p. (§4.6), and Poisson E. A relativist’s toolkit. CUP,
2004; ISBN 0521830915, 248p. (ch 2)
64. Derive the energy conditions for the perfect fluid, shown in the last column, from
the coordinate-independent formulations.
65. Does the weak energy condition follow from the strong one? Which of the energy
conditions imply the others?
66. Express the energy conditions in terms of scale factor and its derivatives.
67. Express the null, weak and strong energy conditions in terms of the Hubble param-
eter and redshift.
68. Find the restrictions that the energy conditions impose on the deceleration param-
eter in a flat Universe with ρ > 0.
71. Show that any tensor field of second rank defined on an n−dimensional Riemannian
manifold with positive definite metric gµν can be uniquely decomposed into
Bµν = Θgµν + σµν + ωµν , (3.1)
where Θ = B µ µ , σµν is the symmetric traceless part of Bµν , and ωµν is the antisym-
metric part of Bµν .
72. Let there be a congruence in a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold. What is
the geometric meaning of Θ, σ and ω for Bµν = uν;µ ?
73. Derive the Raychaudhuri equation for a congruence of timelike geodesics in space-
dΘ 1
= − Θ2 − σµν σ µν + ωµν ω µν − Rµν uµ uµ . (3.2)
dτ 3
Here Θ, σµν and ωµν are the components (3.1) of decomposition of Bµν = uµ;ν .
75. Write out the Raychaudhuri equation for the geodesics of comoving matter in the
FLRW Universe and show that it is reduced to the second Friedman equation.
a → as 6= 0, ∞, H → Hs 6= 0, ∞.
where A, B, q, n > 0 and C are some free constants. What values of q and n are
compatible with the sudden singularity of the previous problem?
78. Is any energy condition violated by the solutions with the sudden future singularity?
What physical constraint on matter can be introduced that would prevent it?
is the comoving coordinates, the fixed points that partake in the cosmological expansion.
The two sets are related through
R = a(t)r.
The angular coordinates are the same, as we assume that the cosmological expansion is
79. How can we understand in terms of the physical and comoving coordinates whether
the atom partakes in the cosmological (Hubble) expansion or not?
80. Derive the equation of motion for the atom’s electron accounting for the cosmological
81. Write the effective potential for the electron for the case of exponential expansion
a(t) = eβt and use it to analyze the dynamics for the case L2 = C, where C is the
constant of electrostatic interaction.
82. Why does the Solar system not expand despite of expansion of all the Universe?
Give quantitative arguments.
84. Find the conformal time as function of the scale factor for a Universe with domina-
tion of a) radiation and b) non-relativistic matter.
85. Find the relation between time and redshift in the Universe with dominating matter.
86. Derive a(η) for a spatially flat Universe with dominating radiation.
87. Express the cosmic time through the conformal time in a Universe with dominating
88. Derive a(η) for a spatially flat Universe with dominating matter.
89. Find a(η) for a spatially flat Universe filled with a mixture of radiation and matter.
90. Suppose a component’s state parameter wi = pi /ρi is a function of time. Find its
density as function of redshift.
91. Derive the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift in a Universe filled with
non-relativistic matter.
92. The redshift of any object slowly changes with time due to acceleration (or decel-
eration) of the Universe’s expansion. Find the rate of change of redshift ż for a
Universe with dominating non-relativistic matter.
93. The Universe is known to have become transparent for electromagnetic waves at
z ≈ 1100 (in the process of formation of neutral hydrogen, recombination), i.e when
it was 1100 times smaller than at present. Thus in practice the possibility of optical
observation of the Universe optically is limited by the so-called optical horizon: the
maximal distance that light travels since the moment of recombination. Find the
ratio of the optical horizon to the particle one for a Universe dominated by matter.
94. Derive the particle horizon as function of redshift for a Universe filled with matter
and radiation with relative densities Ωm0 and Ωr0 .
95. Show that any signal emitted from the cosmological horizon will arrive to the ob-
server with infinite redshift.
97. Show that the electromagnetic radiation frequency decreases with expansion of the
Universe as ω(t) ∝ a(t)−1 .
98. Show that if the radiation spectrum was equilibrium at some initial moment, then
it will remain equilibrium during the following expansion.
99. Find the CMB temperature one second after the Big Bang.
100. Show that creation of the relic radiation (the photon decoupling) took place in the
matter-dominated epoch.
101. What was the color of the sky at the recombination epoch?
103. Estimate the moment of time when the CMB energy density was comparable to
that in the microwave oven.
104. Estimate the moment of time when the CMB wavelength will be comparable to that
in the microwave oven, which is λ = 12.6 cm.
105. When the relic radiation obtained formal right to be called CMB? And for what
period of time?
106. Calculate the presently observed density of photons for the CMB and express it in
Planck units.
107. Find the ratio of CMB photons’ energy density to that of the neutrino background.
109. Why, when calculating the energy density of electromagnetic radiation in the Uni-
verse, we can restrict ourselves to the CMB photons?
110. The relation ργ ∝ a−4 assumes conservation of photon’s number. Strictly speaking,
this assumption is inaccurate. The Sun, for example, emits of the order of 1045 pho-
tons per second. Estimate the accuracy of this assumption regarding the photon’s
number conservation.
111. Can hydrogen burning in the thermonuclear reactions provide the observed energy
density of the relic radiation?
112. Find the ratio of relic radiation energy density in the epoch of last scattering to the
present one.
113. Find the ratio of average number densities of photons to baryons in the Universe.
114. Explain qualitatively why the temperature of photons at the surface of last scattering
(0.3 eV) is considerably less than the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom (13.6
115. Estimate the moment of the beginning of recombination: transition from ionized
plasma to gas of neutral atoms.
116. Determine the moment of time when the mean free path of photons became of the
same order as the current observable size of Universe).
117. How will the 31 and the time when 32 change if one takes into account the possibility
of creation of neutral hydrogen in excited states?
118. Why is the cosmic neutrino background (CNB) temperature at present lower than
the one for CMB?
Chapter 4
3. Consider the set of particles, which move with constant accelerations a = const > 0
in Minkowski space, with initial conditions at time t = 0 set as x = ρ = c2 /a. Let τ
be the proper time of these particles in the units of ρ/c. What region of spacetime
is parametrized by the pair of positive numbers (τ, ρ)? Express the metric in this
region in the coordinates (ρ, ϕ), where ϕ = cτ /ρ. This is the Rindler metric.
in the Schwarzschild metric, it suffices to answer all the questions with a substantially
simplifying condition g0i = 0, where i = 1, 2, 3 (see the last of the problems).
Let the spacetime metric have the general form
Coordinates are arbitrary and do not carry direct metrical meaning. An observer, sta-
tionary in a given coordinate frame, has 4-velocity uµ = (u0 , 0, 0, 0), and the interval
determines his proper “local” time
4. Find the physical distance dl between two events with coordinates xµ and xµ + dxµ .
5. Find the difference between coordinate times of two infinitely close simultaneous
6. Let a particle’s world line be xµ (λ). What is the proper time interval δτ of a
stationary observer, in which this particle covers distance from xµ to xµ + dxµ ?
rg 2GM
ds2 = h(r) dt2 − h−1 (r) dr 2 − r 2 dΩ2 , where h(r) = 1 − ; rg = ; (4.1)
r c2
dΩ2 = dθ2 + sin2 θ dϕ2 – metric of unit sphere.
The Birkhoff’s theorem (1923) [5, 6] states, that this solution is unique up to coordinate
transformations. The quantity rg is called the Schwarzschild radius, or gravitational
radius, M is the mass of the central body or black hole.
10. What is the physical distance between two points with coordinates (r1 , θ, ϕ) and
(r2 , θ, ϕ)? Between (r, θ, ϕ1 ) and (r, θ, ϕ2 )? How do these distances behave in the
limit r1 , r → rg ?
11. What would be the answers to the previous two questions for r < rg and why1 ?
Why the Schwarzschild metric cannot be imagined as a system of “welded” rigid
rods in r < rg , as it can be in the external region?
15. Derive the Killing vectors for a sphere in Cartesian coordinate system; in spherical
Ωµ = (1, 0, 0, 0),
Rµ = (0, 0, 0, 1),
S µ = (0, 0, cos ϕ, − cot θ sin ϕ),
T µ = (0, 0, − sin ϕ, − cot θ cos ϕ)
17. Show that existence of Killing vectors S µ and T µ leads to motion of particles in a
19. Write down explicitly the conserved quantities pµ Ωµ and pµ Rµ for movement in the
plane θ = π/2.
20. What is the work needed to pull a particle from the horizon to infinity? Will a black
hole’s mass change if we drop a particle with zero initial velocity from immediate
proximity of the horizon?
It is actually not a very simple problem
21. Derive the equation for null geodesics (worldlines of massless particles).
22. Use energy conservation to derive v(r), ṙ(r) = dr/dt, r(t) for a massive particle.
Initial conditions: g00 |ṙ=0 = h0 (the limiting case h0 → 1 is especially interesting
and simple).
23. Show that the equation of radial motion in terms of proper time of the particle is the
same as in the non-relativistic Newtonian theory. Calculate the proper time of the
fall from r = r0 to the center. Derive the first correction in rg /r to the Newtonian
result. Initial velocity is zero.
25. A particle (observer) falling into a black hole is emitting photons, which are detected
on the same radial line far away from the horizon (i.e. the photons travel from
emitter to detector radially). Find r, v and ṙ as functions of the signal’s detection
time in the limit r → rg .
27. The source is falling freely without initial velocity from radius r0 ; it flies by the
stationary detector at the moment of emission.
28. The source is freely falling the same way, while the detector is stationary at rdet >
rem .
29. The source is falling freely and emitting continuously photons with constant fre-
quency, the detector is stationary far away from the horizon rdet ≫ rg . How does
the detected light’s intensity depend on rem at the moment of emission? On the
proper time of detector?
30. Show that the ratio of specific energy to specific angular momentum of a particle
equals to rg /b, where b is the impact parameter at infinity (for unbounded motion).
31. Derive the geodesics’ equations; bring the equation for r(λ) to the form
1 dr 2
+ Vǫ (r) = ε,
2 dλ
where Vǫ (r) is a function conventionally termed as effective potential.
32. Plot and investigate the function V (r). Find the radii of circular orbits and analyze
their stability; find the regions of parameters (E, L) corresponding to bound and
unbound motion, fall into the black hole. Consider the cases of a) massless, b)
massive particles.
33. Derive the gravitational capture cross-section for a massless particle; the first cor-
rection to it for a massive particle ultra-relativistic at infinity. Find the cross-section
for a non-relativistic particle to the first order in v 2 /c2 .
34. Find the minimal radius of stable circular orbit and its parameters. What is the
maximum gravitational binding energy of a particle in the Schwarzschild spacetime?
36. Show that the 4-acceleration of a stationary particle in the Schwarzschild metric
can be presented in the form
aµ = −∂µ Φ, where Φ = ln g00 = 12 ln g00
39. Suppose all the matter is distributed around the center of symmetry, and its energy-
momentum tensor is spherically symmetric, so that the form of gµν written above is
correct. Show that the solution in the exterior region is reduced to the Schwarzschild
metric and find the relation between C and the system’s mass M.
40. Let there be a spherically symmetric void r < r0 in the spherically symmetric matter
distribution. Show that spacetime in the void is flat.
41. Let the matter distribution be spherically symmetric and filling regions r < r0 and
r1 < r < r2 (r0 < r1 ). Can one affirm, that the solution in the layer of empty space
r0 < r < r1 is also the Schwarzschild metric?
42. Make coordinate transformation in the Schwarzschild metric near the horizon (r −
rg ) ≪ rg by using physical distance to the horizon as a new radial coordinate instead
of r, and show that in the new coordinates it reduces near the horizon to the Rindler
44. Rewrite the metric in coordinates r and u = t − r ⋆ , find the equations of null
geodesics and the value of g = det(gµν ) at r = rg . Likewise in coordinates r and
v = t + r ⋆ ; in coordinates (u, v). The coordinate frames (v, r) and (u, r) are called
the ingoing and outgoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates.
45. Rewrite the Schwarzschild metric in coordinates (u′ , v ′ ) and in the Kruskal coordi-
nates (T, R) (Kruskal solution), defined as follows:
u′ + v ′ v ′ − u′
v ′ = ev/2rg , u′ = −e−u/2rg ; T = , R= .
2 2
What are the equations of null geodesics, surfaces r = const and t = const, of the
horizon r = rg , singularity r = 0, in the coordinates (T, R)? What is the range
space of (T, R)? Which regions in the Schwarzschild coordinates do the regions
{I : R > |T |}, {II : T > |R|}, {III : R < −|T |} and {IV : T < −|R|} correspond
to? Which of them are casually connected and which are not? What is the geometry
of the spacelike slice T = const and how does it evolve with time T ?
46. Pass to coordinates
v′ u′
v ′′ = arctan √ , u′′ = arctan √
rg rg
and draw the spacetime diagram of the Kruskal solution in them.
47. The Kruskal solution describes an eternal black hole. Suppose, for simplicity, that
some black hole is formed as a result of radial collapse of a spherically symmetric
shell of massless particles. What part of the Kruskal solution will be realized, and
what will not be? What is the casual structure of the resulting spacetime?
48. Find the components of metric tensor gµν and its inverse g µν .
49. Write down the integrals of motion corresponding to Killing vectors ∂t and ∂ϕ .
50. Find the coordinate angular velocity Ω = dt
of a particle with zero angular momen-
tum uµ (∂ϕ )µ = 0.
53. Show that in the limit µ → 0 the Kerr metric describes Minkowski space with the
spatial part in coordinates that are related to Cartesian as
x = r 2 + a2 sin θ cos ϕ,
y = r 2 + a2 sin θ sin ϕ,
z = r cos θ,
where r ∈ [0, ∞), θ ∈ [0, π], ϕ ∈ [0, 2π).
Find equations of surfaces r = const and θ = const in coordinates (x, y, z). What
is the surface r = 0?
54. Write the Kerr metric in the limit a/r → 0 up to linear terms.
56. Find the surfaces g rr = 0 for the Kerr metric. Are they spheres?
On calculating curvature invariants, one can see they are regular on the horizons and
diverge only at ρ2 → 0. Thus only the latter surface is a genuine singularity.
59. Derive the internal metric of the surface r = 0 in Kerr solution.
60. Show that the set of points ρ = 0 is a circle. How it it situated relative to the inner
66. Under what condition a particle can have ut < 0? In what area can it be fulfilled?
Can such a particle escape to infinity?
67. What is the meaning of negative energy? Why in this case (and in GR in general)
energy is not defined up to an additive constant?
68. Let a particle A fall into the ergosphere, decay into two particles B and C there,
and particle C escape to infinity. Suppose C’s energy turns out to be greater than
A’s. Find the bounds on energy and angular momentum carried by the particle B.
76. Show that an underextremal Kerr black hole (with a < µ) cannot be turned into
the extremal one in any continuous accretion process.
This problem’s results can be presented in the form that provides far-reaching analogy
with the laws of thermodynamics.
0: Surface gravity κ is constant on the horizon of a stationary black hole. The ze-
roth law of thermodynamics: a system in thermodynamic equilibrium has constant
temperature T .
1: The relation
δµ = δA+ + ΩH δJ
gives an analogy of the first law of thermodynamics, energy conservation.
2: Horizon area A+ is nondecreasing. This analogy with the second law of thermody-
namics hints at a correspondence between the horizon area and entropy.
3: There exists no such continuous process, which can lead as a result to zero surface
gravity. This is an analogy to the third law of thermodynamics: absolute zero is
77. Put down explicit expressions for the metric components and parameters A, B, C, D, ω.
79. Use the normalizing conditions for the 4-velocity uµ uµ = ǫ2 and two conservation
laws to derive geodesic equations for particles, determine the effective potential for
radial motion.
80. Integrate the equations of motion for null geodesics with L = aE, investigate the
asymptotes close to the horizons, limits a → 0 and a → µ.
81. Find the minimal radii of circular geodesics for massless particles, the corresponding
values of integrals of motion and angular velocities. Show that of the three solutions
one lies beyond the horizon, one describes motion in positive direction and one in
negative direction. Explore the limiting cases of Schwarzschild a → 0 and extreme
Kerr a → µ.
82. Find L2 and E 2 as functions of radii for circular geodesics of the massive particles.
83. Derive equation for the minimal radius of a stable circular orbit; find the energy
and angular momentum of a particle on it, the minimal radius in the limiting cases
a/µ → 0, 1.
85. Let us consider a particle moving with the four-velocity U µ . The interval ds2 between
two close events is defined in terms of differentials of coordinates,
ds2 = gµν dxµ dxν . (4.8)
For given dxµ , what is the value of the proper time dτobs between the corresponding
events measured by this observer? How can one define locally the notions of simul-
taneity and proper distance dl for the observer in terms of its four-velocity and the
corresponding projection operator hµν ? How is the interval ds2 related to dτobs and
86. Let our observer measure the velocity of some other particle passing in its immediate
vicinity. Relate the interval to dτobs and the particle’s velocity w.
87. Analyze the formulas derived in the previous three problems applied to the case
of flat spacetime (Minkovskii space) and compare them to the known formulas of
special relativity.
88. Consider an observer being at rest with respect to a given coordinate frame: xi =
const (i = 1, 2, 3). Find hµν , dτobs , the condition of simultaneity and dl2 for this
case. Show that the corresponding formulas are equivalent to eqs. (84.6), (84.7) of
[11], where they are derived in a different way.
89. Consider two events at the same point of space but at different values of time. Find
the relation between dxµ and dτobs for such an observer.
We call it a fiducial observer (FidO) in accordance with [17]. This notion is applied
in [17] mainly to static or axially symmetric rotating black holes. In the latter case
it is usually called the ZAMO (zero angular momentum observer). We will use FidO
in a more general context.
Show that a FidO’s world-line is orthogonal to hypersurfaces of constant time t =
91. Find the explicit form of the metric coefficients in terms of the components of
the FidO’s four-velocity. Analyze the specific case of axially symmetric metric in
coordinates (t, φ, r, θ) with g0i = gtφ δiφ .
92. Consider a stationary metric with the time-like Killing vector field ξ µ = (1, 0, 0, 0).
Relate the energy E of a particle with four-velocity uµ as measured at infinity by a
stationary observer to that measured by a local observer with 4-velocity U µ .
93. Express Erel and E in terms of the relative velocity w between a particle and the
observer (i.e. velocity of the particle in the frame of the observer and vice versa).
94. Show that in the flat spacetime the formulas derived in the previous problem are
reduced to the usual ones of the Lorentz transformation.
95. Find the expression for E for the case of a static observer (U i = 0).
96. Find the expression for E for the case of the ZAMO observer and, in particular, in
case of axially symmetric metric.
98. Let us consider a collision of particles 1 and 2 viewed from the frame attached
to some other particle 0. How are different Lorentz factors related to each other?
Analyze the case when the laboratory frame coincides with that of particle 0.
99. When can the relative Lorentz factor of two particles γ as a function of their in-
dividual Lorentz factors in some frame γ1 and γ2 grow unbounded? How can the
answer be interpreted in terms of relative velocities?
100. A tetrad basis, or the orthonormal tetrad, is the set of four unit vectors hµ(a) (sub-
scripts in parenthesis a = 0, 1, 2, 3 enumerate these vectors), of which one, hµ(0) , is
timelike, and three vectors hµ(i) (i = 1, 2, 3) are spacelike, so that
Define the local three-velocities with the help of the tetrad basis attached to the
observer, which would generalize the corresponding formulas of special relativity.
101. Derive the analogues of the results of problems 92 and 93 for massless particles
(photons). Analyze the cases of static and ZAMO observers.
102. The ergosphere is a surface defined by equation g00 = 0. Show that it is the surface
of infinite redshift for an (almost) static observer.
103. Consider an observer orbiting with a constant angular velocity Ω in the equatorial
plane of the axially symmetric back hole. Analyze what happens to redshift when
the angular velocity approaches the minimum or maximum values Ω± .
104. Let two massive particle 1 and 2 collide. Express the energy of each particle in the
centre of mass (CM) frame in terms of their relative Lorentz factor γ(1, 2). Analyze
the limiting cases of ultra-relativistic γ(1, 2) → ∞ and non-relativistic γ(1, 2) ≈ 1
105. For a stationary observer in a stationary space-time the quantity α = (U 0 )−1 is the
redshifting factor: if this observer emits a ptoton with frequency ωem , it is detected
at infinity by another stationary observer with frequency ωdet = αωem. For a generic
observer this interpretation is invalid, however, α = ds/dt still determines the time
dilation for this observer, and thus can still be called the same way. Express the
redshifting factor of the center of mass frame αc.m. through the redshifting factors
of the colliding particles α1 and α2 .
106. Relate the energy of a particle at infinity E1 , its energy at the point of collision in
the C.M. frame (E1 )c.m. and µ.
107. Solve the same problem when both particles are massless (photons). Write down
formulas for the ZAMO observer and for the C.M. frame.
110. What is the physical reason for the stopping of thermonuclear reactions in the stars
of white dwarf type?
112. What is the average density of a white dwarf of one solar mass, luminosity one
thousandth of solar luminosity and surface temperature twice that of the Sun?
113. Explain the mechanism of explosion of massive enough white dwarfs, with masses
close to the Chandrasekhar limit.
114. Thermonuclear explosions of white dwarfs with masses close to the Chandrasekhar
limit lead to the phenomenon of supernova explosions of type I. Those have lines of
helium and other relatively heavy elements in the spectrum, but no hydrogen lines.
Why is that?
118. Find the maximum redshift of a spectral line emitted from the surface of a neutron
119. What is the gravitational radius of the Universe? Compare it with the size of the
observable Universe.
120. What is the time (the Salpeter time) needed for a black hole, radiating at its Ed-
dington limit, to radiate away all of its mass?
121. The time scales of radiation variability of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are from
several days to several years. Estimate the linear sizes of AGNs.
122. What mechanisms can be responsible for the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in
the center of a galaxy to acquire angular momentum?
123. The Galactic Center is so “close” to us, that one can discern individual stars there
and examine in detail their movement. Thus, observations carried out in 1992-2002
allowed one to reconstruct the orbit of motion of one of the stars (S2) around the
hypothetical SMBH at the galactic center of the Milky Way. The parameters of
the orbit are: period 15.2 years, maximum distance from the black hole 120 a.u.,
eccentricity 0.87. Using this data, estimate the mass of the black hole.
124. Using the results of the previous problem, determine the density of the SMBH at
the Galactic Center.
125. Show that for a black hole of mass M the temperature of the surrounding hot gas
in thermal equilibrium is proportional to
T ∼ M −1/4 .
126. Show that luminosity of a compact object (neutron star or black hole) of several
solar masses is mostly realized in the X-rays.
127. In order to remain bound while subject to the rebound from gigantic radiative
power, AGNs should have masses M > 106 M⊙ . Make estimates.
128. AGNs remain active for more than tens of millions of years. They must have tremen-
dous masses to maintain the luminosity
L ∼ 1047 erg/sec
129. What maximum energy can be released at the merger of two black holes with masses
M1 = M2 = M2 ?
130. Show that it is impossible to divide a black hole into two black holes.
131. J. Wheeler noticed that in the frame of classical theory of gravity the existence of
black holes itself contradicts the law of entropy’s increase. Why is that?
132. What is the reason we cannot attribute the observed entropy’s decrease (see the
previous problem) to the interior of the black hole?
133. Find the surface area of a stationary black hole as a function of its parameters:
mass, angular momentum and charge.
135. Determine the lifetime of a black hole with respect to thermal radiation.
136. Determine the temperature of a black hole (Hawking temperature) of one solar mass,
and the temperature of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy.
137. Particles and antiparticles of given mass m (neutrinos, electrons and so on) can be
emitted only if the mass M of the black hole is less than some critical mass Mcr .
Estimate the critical mass of a black hole Mcr (m).
Chapter 5
10. Why CMB cannot be used to warm up food like in the microwave oven?
11. The binding energy of electron in the hydrogen atom equals to 13.6 eV . What is
the temperature of Planck distribution, with this average photon energy?
13. Show that the electromagnetic radiation frequency decreases with expansion of Uni-
verse as ω(t) ∝ a(t)−1 .
14. Show that if the radiation spectrum was equilibrium at some initial moment, then
it will remain equilibrium during the following expansion.
15. Find the CMB temperature one second after the Big Bang.
16. Show that creation of the relic radiation (the photon decoupling) took place in the
matter-dominated epoch.
19. Estimate the moment of time when the CMB energy density was comparable to
that in the microwave oven.
20. Estimate the moment of time when the CMB wavelength will be comparable to that
in the microwave oven, which is λ = 12.6 cm.
21. When the relic radiation obtained formal right to be called CMB? And for what
period of time?
22. Calculate the presently observed density of photons for the CMB and express it in
Planck units.
23. Find the ratio of CMB photons’ energy density to that of the neutrino background.
25. Why, when calculating the energy density of electromagnetic radiation in the Uni-
verse, we can restrict ourself to the CMB photons?
26. The relation ργ ∝ a−4 assumes conservation of photon’s number. Strictly speaking,
this assumption is inaccurate. The Sun, for example, emits of the order of 1045 pho-
tons per second. Estimate the accuracy of this assumption regarding the photon’s
number conservation.
27. Can hydrogen burning in the thermonuclear reactions provide the observed energy
density of the relic radiation?
28. Find the ratio of relic radiation energy density in the epoch of last scattering to the
present one.
29. Find the ratio of average number densities of photons to baryons in the Universe.
30. Explain qualitatively why the temperature of photons at the surface of last scattering
(0.3 eV) is considerably less than the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom (13.6
32. Determine the moment of time when the mean free path of photons became of the
same order as the current observable size of Universe).
33. How will the results of problems 31 and 32 change if one takes into account the
possibility of creation of neutral hydrogen in excited states?
34. Why is the cosmic neutrino background (CNB) temperature at present lower than
the one for CMB?
36. The magnitude of dipole component of anisotropy generated by the Solar system’s
motion relative to the relic radiation equals ∆Td ≃ 3.35mK. Determine the velocity
of the Solar system relative to the relic radiation.
37. Estimate the magnitude of annual variations of CMB anisotropy produced by rota-
tion of the Earth around the Sun.
38. Show that the angular resolution ∆θ is related to the maximum harmonic lmax (in
the spherical harmonics decomposition) by ∆θ = 180◦ /lmax .
39. Does the measurement of velocity relative to the CMB mean violation of the rela-
tivity principle and an attempt to introduce an absolute reference frame?
43. Determine the position of the first acoustic peak in the CMB power spectrum pro-
duced by baryon oscillations on the surface of last scattering in the Einstein-de
Sitter Universe.
44. Propose a scheme to use acoustic oscillations of CMB for the determination of
geometry of the Universe.
45. Find relative perturbation in the CMB temperature due to the Doppler effect.
46. Find relation between the relative perturbation in the CMB temperature and that
of matter density for the case of adiabatic potential perturbations.
47. How perturbations of gravitational potential affect the perturbations of the CMB
48. Find mean square variation of the CMB temperature due to the potential pertur-
bations (see problems 45,46,47).
49. Estimate angular resolution of CMB anisotropy measurements required to detect the
seeds of large scale structures in form of density fluctuations on the last scattering
52. When a relativistic charged particle is scattered on a photon, the process is called the
inverse Compton scattering of the photon. Consider the inverse Compton scattering
in the case when a charged particle with rest mass m and total energy E ≫ m in
laboratory frame impacts a photon with frequency ν. What is the maximum energy
that the particle can transfer to the photon?
53. Estimate the probability of the fact that a photon observed on Earth has already
experienced Thomson scattering since the moment it left the surface of last scatter-
54. Cosmic rays contain protons with energies up to 1020 eV . What energy can be
transmitted from such a proton to a photon of temperature 3K?
55. Relic radiation passes through hot intergalactic gas and is scattered on the electrons.
Estimate the CMB temperature variation due to the latter process (the Sunyaev-
Zel’dovich effect).
56. A photon with energy E ≪ mc2 undergoes collisions and Compton scattering in the
electron gas with temperature kT ≪ mc2 . Show that to the leading order in E and
T the average energy lost by photons in collisions takes the form
h∆Ei = (E − 4kT ).
57. Find the force acting on an electron moving through the CMB with velocity v ≪ c.
58. Estimate the characteristic time of energy loss by high-energy electrons with energy
of order 100GeV passing through the CMB.
5.6. EXTRAS 77
59. Find the energy limit above which the γ-rays interacting with the CMB should not
be observed.
5.6 Extras
60. In year 1953 the article ”Extended Universe and creation of Galactics” by G.A. Gamov
was published. In that paper Gamov took two numbers—the age of the world
and average density of matter in the Universe—and basing on them he determined
the third number: the temperature of the relic radiation (cosmic microwave back-
ground). Try to repeat the scientific feat of Gamov.
Chapter 6
Thermodynamics of Universe
2. Find the number densities and energy densities, normalized to the photon energy
density at the same temperature, for neutrinos, electrons, positrons, pions and nu-
cleons in the relativistic limit.
3. Calculate the average energy per particle in the relativistic and non-relativistic
5. Find the entropy density for bosons end fermions with zero chemical potential.
6. Find the effective number of internal degrees of freedom for a mixture of relativistic
bosons and fermions.
7. Generalize the results of the previous problem for the case when some i-components
have temperature Ti different from the CMB temperature T .
8. Find the effective number of internal degrees of freedom for the Standard Model
particles at temperature T > 1T eV .
9. Find the change of the number of internal degrees of freedom due to the quark
hadronization process.
10. Find the relation between the energy density and temperature at 1010 K.
11. Find the ratio of the energy density at temperature 1010 K to that at 108 K.
12. Determine Fermi energy of cosmological neutrino background (CNB) (a gas).
17. Show that for a substance with the equation of state p = wρ the following holds
T ∝ ρ w+1 .
18. Show that for a substance with the equation of state p = wρ the following holds
T ∝ a−3w .
34. Find the dependence of free non-relativistic gas’ temperature on the redshift.
35. Estimate the time moment when the recombination started, i.e. when ionized
plasma transited to the gas of neutral atoms, and determine the corresponding
redshift value. The recombination temperature equals to Trec ≈ 0.3 eV.
37. Find the time dependence of the temperature of the early Universe by direct inte-
gration of the first Friedman equation.
39. What was the time dependence for temperature at the early stages of evolution of
the Universe?
40. Determine the energy density of the Universe at the Planck time.
41. Show that at Planck time the energy density of the Universe corresponded to 1077
proton masses in one proton volume.
42. What was the temperature of radiation-dominated Universe at the Planck time?
43. Determine the age of the Universe when its temperature was equal to 1 MeV .
45. Show that in the epoch when the energy density of the Universe was determined by
ultra-relativistic matter and effective number of internal degrees of freedom did not
change, held Ṫ /T ∝ −T 2 .
46. Estimate the baryon-antibaryon asymmetry A ≡ (nb − nb̄ )/nb̄ in the early Universe.
47. Determine the monopoles’ number density and their contribution to the energy
density of the Universe at the great Unification temperature. Compare the latter
with the photons’ energy density at the same temperature.
48. At what temperature and time does the contribution of monopoles into the Universe
energy density become comparable to the contribution of photons?
λ2T e =
me kT
is the electron’s thermal de Broglie wave length and I = 13.6eV is the ionization energy
for hydrogen. It is often used in astrophysics for description of stellar dynamics.
49. Using the Saha equation, determine the hydrogen ionization degree
50. Assuming that the ionization degree at the last scattering was equal to 10%, deter-
mine the decoupling temperature using the Saha equation.
51. How many iterations in the Saha equation are needed in order to obtain the de-
coupling temperature with accuracy 1K? Write down analytically the approximate
52. Estimate the duration of the epoch of recombination: how long did it take for hydro-
gen ionization degree to change from 90% to 10% according to the Saha equation?
53. Using the Saha equation, determine the hydrogen ionization degree in the center of
the Sun (ρ = 100g/cm3 , T = 1.5 · 107 K).
55. Up to what temperature can the reaction nνe ↔ pe− support thermal equilibrium
between protons and neutrons in the expanding Universe?
57. Determine the age of Universe when it reached the temperature of freeze-out.
58. Determine the time period during which the synthesis of light elements took place.
59. At what temperature and at what time did efficient deuterium synthesis start?
60. Determine the ratio of neutrons to protons number densities at temperature interval
from the freeze-out to the creation of deuterium.
62. How many helium atoms are there for each hydrogen atom?
64. What nuclear reactions provided the 4 He synthesis in the early Universe?
65. Why is synthesis of elements heavier than 7 Li suppressed in the early Universe?
66. In our Universe the neutron half-value period (the life-time) approximately equals to
600 seconds. What would the relative helium abundance be if the neutron life-time
decreased down to 100 seconds?
68. What is more important for the open space suit: heating or cooling function?
69. If the Universe is electrically neutral then how many electrons are there for each
70. Explain why the thermonuclear processes in the first stars considerably influenced
the evolution of the Universe as a whole?
71. Why is the present relative abundance of chemical elements approximately the same
as right after the creation of the Solar system?
Chapter 7
Perturbation Theory
∆Φ = 4πGρ.
1. Express the deviation of expansion rate from Hubble law in terms of physical and
comoving coordinates.
2. Obtain the equations for perturbations in linear approximation, assuming that un-
perturbed state is stationary gas. uniformly distributed in space.
4. Consider time dependent adiabatic perturbations and find the characterictic scale
of instability (so–called Jeans instability).
9. Assuming, that a particular solution to equation from prob. 6 has the form δ1 (t) ∼
H (t), construct the general solution for δ(t). Consider the flat Universe filled with
the substance with p = wρ.
12. Determine the dependence of density fluctuations on scale factor in the flat Universe
a) radiation,
b) matter
is dominating.
13. Determine the dependence of density fluctuations on time in the closed Universe
with k = 1.
14. Determine the dependence of density fluctuations on time in the open Universe with
k = −1.
which is reduced to the replacement ∂i ←→ iki (see problem 30), and ~k has a meaning of
conformal momentum.
Due to isotropy, metrics is invariant under spatial rotations, while at fixed conformal
momentum ~k it is invariant under the rotations around the direction of ~k, i.e. posses
posses SO(2) symmetry. Arbitrary three–dimensional tensor can be expanded in irre-
ducible representations of SO(2), which have certain helicity (eigenvalues of a rotation
operator Lα = −i dα at angle α ).
For example, three–dimensional scalar has zero helicity, since it doesn’t transform under
rotations around ~k. Since for three–dimensional vector vi ∝ ki , it has unit helicity, or
more precisely a superposition of helicities +1 and -1. Three–dimensional tensor of the
form hij ∝ vi vj or hij ∝ δij has the same helicity. Symmetric transverse traceless tensor
hTijT has double helicity. Mathematically this can be expressed as
In linear theory, the Einstein’s equations and equations of energy–momentum tensor co-
variance split into independent equations for helical components of cosmological pertur-
bations. Thus, the perturbations are divided into tensor (double helicity), vector (unit
helicity) and scalar (zero helicity). Expansion of perturbed metrics in helical components
in general case has the form (see, for example [?]):
where Φ, Z, Ψ, E are scalar functions of coordinates,ZiT , WiT are transverse vectors (ki ZiT =
ki WiT = 0) and hTijT is a transverse traceless tensor.
In the subsequent problems the all types of perturbations are considered: scalar, vecotr
and tensor. Also, we will use the gauge h0i = 0.
29. Obtain the linearized Friedman equations in conformal Newtonian gauge using the
results of previous problems.
31. Using the linearized Friedman equations in momentum representation, obtain the
equation, which contains only gravitational potential Φ.
33. Derive the continuity equation and Euler equation for single component relativistic
36. Consider the Universe filled with ideal fluid with the equation of state p = wρ
with metrics from previous (?) problem. Derive the equations, corresponding to
condition Tα,β = 0.
37. Using the metrics (7.5), derive the equation of motion of scalar field ϕ from varia-
tional princile.
38. Derive the equation for fluctuations of scalar field δφ(t) using the metrics (7.5) and
assuming linear approximation in scalar potential Φ.
39. Using the conformal Newtonian gauge, determine the components of energy–momentum
tensor of scalar field, which is represented as a sum of unifom background field ϕ(t)
and perturbation part ψ(~x, t).
40. Considering the scalar field from previous problem, determine which quantity plays
a part of velocit of medium.
41. Using the conformal Newtonian gauge determine the scalar of three–dimensional
curvature in co–moving reference frame.
where ηµν is a standard Minkowski metrics and hµν (~(x)) – function of the coordinates
describing the perturbations over a flat background.
43. Obtain the components of the Ricci tensor for perturbed metrics of the form (7.6).
Calculate also the Ricci scalar curvature.
44. Calculate the components of linearized Einstein tensor in metrics (7.6).
45. Construct the equation describing the evolution of tensor perturbations in the ex-
panding Universe.
46. Construct the expression for the action of gravitational waves in the expanding
47. Construct the equation for gravitational perturbations in the Minkowski background
48. Find the solution for the equation describing the evolution of tensor modes beyond
the horizon.
49. Determine the amplitude of the tensor perturbations in the Universe filled with
relativistic matter. Consider the case η → 0.
50. Determine the amplitude of the tensor perturbations in the Universe filled with
relativistic matter. Consider the case η → 0, η → ∞.
54. Estimate the angular scale of the CMB anisotropy due to the Silk effect.
58. Considering the free massless scalar quantum field as a set of quantum harmonic
oscillators, refine the estimate obtained in the problem 57.
59. Representing the inflanton field as a superposition of uniform scalar field ϕb (t) and
small perturbation ψ(~x, t) on the background of unperturbed FRW metrics, obtain
the equations of motion of small perturbation ψ(~x, t),, assuming, that action for
perturbation is quadratic.
60. Perform a qualitative analysis of the equation for small perturbations of the inflaton
from previous problemin the different modes of inflation.
61. Estimate the amplitude of vacuum fluctuations at the moment of exit of cosmological
perturbations beyond the on the horizon.
62. Demonstrate that the inflationary stage provides amplification of vacuum fluctua-
tions of inflaton field.
63. Consider the difference in the sequence of events during the evolution of cosmological
perturbations in the radiation–dominated stage, or during the stage of domination
nonrelativistic matter and inflationary cosmology.
64. Demonstrate that in the slow–roll regime at the beginning of inflation the inflaton
field behaves like a massless scalar field in the Minkowski space.
65. What is the initial state of the inflaton quantum field towards the creation and
annihilation operators?
66. For modes beyond the horizon at the inflationary stage, obtain a qualitative solution
to the equation, obtained in problem 64.
67. Obtain the exact solution to the equation from problem 64 at the inflationary stage.
Consider the case of modes below and beyondthe horizon.
68. Demonstrate, that power spectrum Pk (ϕ) of the modes, which cross the horizon is
the same as for free massless scalar field (see problem 58.)
69. Obtain the equation, connecting the gravitational potential Φ, background inflanton
scalar field ϕ(t) and its perturbation ψ(~x, t).
70. Obtain the equations of evolution of scalar perturbations generated by the inflanton
field perturbation in the case, when there is no other fields of matter in the Universe.
What form does its solution has in the case for the mode under the horizon and
what its implies?
71. Construct the solution of the equation obtained in the previous problem for the case
of inflation in the slow–roll approximation. Find the spatial curvature of hypersur-
faces of constant inflaton field R in this regime.
72. Find the power spectrum of Pϕ (k) of spatial curvature of hypersurfaces generated
by fluctuations of the inflaton field in the comoving reference frame.
73. Express the amplitude of the scalar perturbations ∆P ≡ |Pϕ (k)| generated by
fluctuations of the inflaton field through the potential of this field.
76. Construct the relation between the power amplitudes of the primary gravitational
and scalar perturbations generated at the inflationary stage.
Chapter 8
Inflationary Universe
6. Show that both in the radiation–dominated and matter–dominated epochs the com-
bination a2 H 2 is a decreasing function of time. Relate this result to the problem of
flatness of the Universe.
x≡ .
9. Show that the standard model of Big Bang must include the huge dimensionless
parameter–the initial entropy of the Universe–as an initial condition.
11. How should the early Universe evolve in order to make the characteristic size λp
of primary perturbations decrease faster than the Hubble radius lH , if one moves
backward in time?
12. Suppose that in some initial moment the homogeneity scale in our Universe was
greater than the causality scale. Show that in the gravitation–dominated Universe
this scale relation will be preserved in all future times.
13. If the presently observed CMB was strictly homogeneous, then in what number of
causally independent regions would constant temperature be maintained at Planck
14. Suppose an initial homogeneous matter distribution in the Universe is given. The
initial velocities must obey Hubble law (otherwise the initially homogeneous matter
distribution will be quickly destroyed). What should the accuracy of the initial ve-
locity field homogeneity be in order to preserve the homogeneous matter distribution
until present time?
15. Estimate the present density of relict monopoles in the framework of the model of
the Hot Universe.
16. The cyclic model of the Universe is interesting because it avoids the intrinsic prob-
lem of the Big Bang model–the ”initial singularity” problem. However, as it often
happens, avoiding old problems, the model produces new ones. Try to determine
the main problems of the cyclic model of the Universe.
17. In the Big Bang model the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic. In this model
the momentum of a particle decreases as p(t) ∝ a(t)−1 as the Universe expands.
At first sight it seems that due to homogeneity of the Universe the translational
invariance must ensure the conservation of the momentum. Explain this seeming
25. Obtain the equation of motion for the homogeneous scalar field ϕ(t) in potential
V (ϕ) using the analogy with Newtonian dynamics.
26. Express V (ϕ) and ϕ through the Hubble parameter H and its derivative Ḣ for the
Universe filled with quintessence.
27. Show that Friedman equations for the scalar field ϕ(t) in potential V (ϕ) can be
presented in the form
2 8πG 1 2
H = ϕ̇ + V (ϕ) ,
3 2
Ḣ = −4πGϕ̇2 .
28. Provided that the scalar field ϕ(t) is a single–valued function of time, transform the
second order equation for the scalar field into a system of first order equations.
29. Express the equations for the scalar field in terms of conformal time.
30. Show that condition Ḣ > 0 cannot be realized for the scalar field with positively
defined kinetic energy.
31. Show that the Klein–Gordon equation could be rewritten in dimensionless form
1 dV
ϕ′′ + (2 − q) ϕ′ = χ; χ≡− ,
H 2 dϕ
32. Represent the equation of motion for the scalar field in the form
V,ϕ 3(1 + w) 1 d ln (xϕ )
± = 1+ ,
V Ωϕ (a) 6 d ln a
1 + wϕ ϕ̇2 + 2V (ϕ)
xϕ = , wϕ = 2 ,
1 − wϕ ϕ̇ − 2V (ϕ)
in the system of units such that 8πG = 1.
33. The term 3H ϕ̇ in the equation for the scalar field formally acts as friction that
damps the inflation evolution. Show that, nonetheless, this term does not lead to
dissipative energy production.
34. Obtain the system of equations describing the scalar field dynamics in the expanding
Universe containing radiation and matter in the conformal time.
35. Calculate pressure of homogeneous scalar field in the potential V (ϕ) using the ob-
tained above energy density of the field and its equation of motion.
36. What condition should the homogeneous scalar field ϕ(t) in potential V (ϕ) satisfy
in order to provide accelerated expansion of the Universe?
37. What conditions should the scalar field satisfy in order to provide expansion of the
Universe close to the exponential one?
39. A. Vilenkin in his cosmological bestseller ”Many world in one” remembers: ”On a
Wednesday afternoon, in the winter of 1980, I was sitting in a fully packed Harvard
auditorium, listening to the most fascinating talk I had heard in many years. The
speaker was Alan Guth, a young physicist from Stanford, and the topic was a new
theory for the origin of the universe. . . The beauty of the idea was that in a single
shot inflation explained why the universe is so big, why it is expanding, and why
it was so hot at the beginning. A huge expanding universe was produced from
almost nothing. All that was needed was a microscopic chunk of repulsive gravity
material. Guth admitted he did not know where the initial chunk came from, but
that detail could be worked out later. ”It’s often said that you cannot get something
for nothing.” he said, ”but the universe may be the ultimate free lunch” ”. Explain,
why can this be.
41. The inflation is defined as any epoch for which the scale factor of the Universe
has accelerated growth, i.e. ä > 0. Show that the condition is equivalent to the
requirement of decreasing of the comoving Hubble radius with time.
42. Show that in the process of inflation the curvature term in the Friedman equation
becomes negligible. Even if that condition was not initially satisfied, the inflation
quickly realizes it.
45. Find the time dependence of scale factor in the slow–roll regime for the case V (ϕ) =
m2 ϕ2 /2.
46. Find the dependence of scale factor on the scalar field in the slow-roll regime.
47. Show that the conditions for realization of the slow–roll limit can be presented in
the form:
MP∗2l V ′ ∗2 V ′′
ε(ϕ) ≡
≪ 1; |η(ϕ)| ≡ MP l ≪ 1; M ∗ ≡ (8πG)−1/2 .
2 V V Pl
48. Show that the condition ε ≪ 1 for the realization of the slow–roll limit obtained in
the previous problem is also sufficient condition for the inflation.
50. Show that the condition ε ≪ η is satisfied in the vicinity of inflection point of the
inflationary potential V (ϕ).
51. Show that the inflation parameter ε can be expressed through the parameter w in
the state equation for the scalar field.
54. Show that the inflation parameters εH , ηH can be presented in the following sym-
metric form
d ln H d ln H ′
εH = − ; ηH = − .
d ln a d ln a
55. Prove that the definition of inflation as the regime for which ä > 0 is equivalent to
condition εH < 1.
56. Show that inflation appears every time when the scalar field’s value exceeds the
Planck mass.
57. Find the energy momentum tensor for homogeneous scalar field in the slow–roll
61. Find the number Ne of e-foldings of the scale factor in the inflation epoch.
62. Find the number Ne of e-foldings of the scale factor for the inflation process near
the inflection point.
63. Show that inflation transforms the unstable fixed point x = 0 for the quantity
into the stable one, therefore solving the problem of the flatness of the Universe.
64. Find the particle horizon in the inflationary regime, assuming H ≈ const.
65. Find the solution of the horizon problem in the framework of inflation theory.
66. Did entropy change during the inflation period? If yes, then estimate what its
change was.
67. Does the inflation theory explain the modern value of entropy?
68. Find the solution of the monopole problem in frame of inflation theory.
[g] = (mass)4−n
It should be noted that the sow-roll conditions for the given potential are always satisfied
for sufficiently high values of the inflaton field
nMP l
ϕ≫ √ ,
4 3π
therefore the slow-roll takes place at field values which are great compared to Planck units.
V = gφn ,
where g = (mass4−n ) is the interaction constant, and show that there is wide range
of scalar field values where classical Einstein equations are applicable and the slow-
roll regime is realized too. Assume that the interaction constant g is sufficiently
small in Planck units.
70. Estimate total duration of the chaotic inflation in the case of power law potentials
of second and forth order.
71. Express the slow-roll parameters for power law potentials in terms of e-folding num-
ber Ne till the end of inflation.
72. Obtain number N of e-fold increase of the scale factor in the model
V (ϕ) = λϕ4 λ = 10−10 .
73. Estimate the range of scalar field values corresponding to inflation epoch in the
V (ϕ) = λϕ4 (λ ≪ 1) .
74. Show that the classical analysis of the evolution of the Universe is applicable for the
scalar field value ϕ ≫ MP l , which allows the inflation to start.
75. Find the time dependence for the scale factor in the inflation regime for potential
(1/n)λϕn , assuming ϕ ≫ MP l .
76. The inflation conditions definitely break down near the minimum of the inflaton
potential and the Universe leaves the inflation regime. The scalar field starts to
oscillate near the minimum. Assuming that the oscillations’ period is much smaller
than the cosmological time scale, determine the effective state equation near mini-
mum of the inflaton potential.
77. Show that effective state equation for the scalar field, obtained in previous problem
for potential V ∝ ϕn , in the case n = 2 corresponds to non–relativistic matter and
for n = 4—to the ultra–relativistic component (radiation).
78. Obtain the time dependence of scalar field near the minimum of the potential.
79. Find the energy-momentum tensor of a homogeneous scalar field in the regime of
fast oscillations near the potential minimum.
80. Check wether the chaotic inflation model agrees with the experimental data, which
give the value r = PT /PR < 0.2 for the tensor perturbation amplitude and ns =
0.94 ÷ 0.99 for the spectrum slope. For the inflaton potential take V (ϕ) = m2 ϕ2 /2.
81. Consider chaotic inflation with potential V (ϕ) = m2 ϕ2 /2 and obtain difference be-
tween the spectrum slopes for the waves corresponding to cosmological perturbations
of sizes 100 kpc and 10 Gpc.
82. What is the difference between the chaotic inflation model by Linde and its original
version by Starobinsky–Guth?
Figure 8.1: The inflaton potential in the inflation model with small field values.
83. Show that the inflation regime can start without super-Planck values of the inflaton
field. Consider potential of the form
V (ϕ) = V0 − ϕ4 .
84. Consider an inflation model in which in inflaton potential near the origin takes the
V (ϕ) = V0 − ϕ4 .
Assume that the slow-roll regime terminates at comparably small value of the infla-
ton field, so that λϕ4e ≪ V0 , to obtain the ratio ǫ/|η|. Determine which of the two
parameters reaches unity first.
85. Using the results of the previous problem and the condition λϕ4e ≪ V0 , obtain the
inequality giving the condition for realization of the novel inflation scenario.
86. For the model of problem 84 obtain the post-inflation heat up temperature Treh .
87. For the model of problem 84 determine relation between the inflaton field value on
the inflation stage and the e-folding number till the end of inflation.
88. For the model of problem 84 determine relation between the slow-roll parameters
and the e-folding number till the end of inflation.
a(t) ∝ tp .
92. Find the exact particular solution of the system of equations for the scalar field in
potential V (ϕ) = g exp(−λϕ).
93. Compare the solution obtained in the previous problem with the solution of evolution
equations for the scalar field in the expanding Universe in the inflation limit.
95. Show that the dependence H(ϕ) = ϕ−β leads to the so-called intermediate infla-
tion (the Universe expansion goes faster than any power law and slower than the
exponential one), at which
96. Consider the inflation model with the potential V (ϕ) = Λ exp(−ϕ/ϕ0 ) and obtain
the field values at which the slow-roll conditions are satisfied. Assume that the
inflation terminates at ϕ = ϕ1 .
97. Consider the inflation model of the previous problem and obtain the initial value of
the field required to prolong the inflation
√ for Ne & 60 e-foldings. What value of Λ
gives the correct amplitude δρ/ρ ≃ PR ≃ 5 · 10−5 of the scalar perturbations?
98. Consider the hybrid inflation model with potential of the form 8.1, where U(ϕ =
0) = 0 and U(ϕ)
√ = m2 ϕ2 /2. The potential V (ϕ, χ) has maximum at ϕ = 0,
χ = ν = µ/ h. The constant V0 is determined from the requirement that the
potential value at minimum is equal to zero, resulting in
V0 = .
The line χ = 0 represents the valley of the potential V (ϕ, χ) at ϕ > ϕc , where
ϕc = µ/g. Consider the case when the contribution of the inflaton field into the
total energy at critical value of the former is small
Uc ≡ U(ϕc ) ≪ V0 . (8.2)
Obtain the slow-roll parameters under the requirement that the inflation endures
up to the moment when the inflaton rolls down the critical value ϕc (ϕ ≫ ϕc ), and
show that the inflation can take place at sub-Planck values of the inflaton field.
99. Consider the inflation model of problem 98 and obtain the potential value Vef f (χ)
corresponding to the field value χ, at which it starts to roll down to the potential
minimum ϕ = 0 after the Hubble time ∆t ∼ H −1 (ϕc ) and χ = ν after the inflaton
reaches the critical value ϕc .
100. Obtain the value ηχ corresponding to the fast roll down of the field χ along the
potential Vef f (χ) (see the previous problem).
101. Use the results of the problems 98 – 100, the condition Uc ≡ U(ϕc ) ≪ V0 and assume
that the critical value of the inflaton field is small compared to the Planck mass to
obtain the chain of inequalities giving the conditions to realize the hybrid inflation
102. Obtain dependence of the e-folding number till the inflation end on the inflaton field
103. Obtain relation between η and Ne for the hybrid inflation model in the case of
quadratic potential of the inflaton field.
104. Consider the hybrid inflation model with Uc ∼ V0 . Show that in this case ϕc & MP l .
What region of the (ǫ, η) plane corresponds to the models of such type?
106. The Standard Model of particles allows instability of baryons, which can decay to
leptons within the framework of this model. But as the rate of the processes vio-
lating the baryon number conservation is very low (for example, the proton lifetime
τp ≥ 1030 years), it is extremely difficult to find experimental proofs of the proton
instability. Try to formulate the ”inflationary proof” of the proton instability.
107. In what way is the inflation theory related to the solution of the problem: ”why is
mathematics so efficient in description of our world and prediction of its evolution?”
Chapter 9
Dark Energy
The observed accelerated expansion of the Universe requires either modification of General Relativity or
existence within the framework of the latter of a smooth energy component with negative pressure, called
the ”dark energy”. This component is usually described with the help of the state equation p = wρ. As it
follows from Friedman equation,
ä 4πG
=− (ρ + 3p).
a 3
For cosmological acceleration it is needed that w < −1/3. The allowed range of values of w can be split
into three intervals. The first interval −1 < w < −1/3 includes scalar fields named the quintessence.
The substance with the state equation p = −ρ (w = −1) was named the cosmological constant, because
ρ = const: energy density does not depend on time and is spacially homogeneous in this case. Finally,
scalar fields with w < −1 were called the phantom fields. Presently there is no evidence for dynamical
evolution of the dark energy. All available data agree with the simplest possibility - the cosmological
constant. However the situation can change in future with improved accuracy of observations. That is
why one should consider other cases of dark energy alternative to the cosmological constant.
5. Represent the first Friedman equation in terms of intrinsic Gaussian curvature of the three-space
K(t) = K0 /a2 (t).
6. Analyze the contribution of different energy components to the intrinsic Gaussian curvature of the
7. Find equation for the scale factor in a two-component Universe filled with matter with equation
of state p = wρ and cosmological constant.
8. Find the natural scale of length and time appearing due to introduction of cosmological constant
into General Relativity.
9. Show that the relativity principle results in the state equation p = −ρ for dark energy in form of
cosmological constant if it is treated as the vacuum energy.
10. Show that the cosmological constant’s equation of state p = −ρ ensures Lorentz-invariance of the
vacuum energy-momentum tensor.
11. Show that the equation of state p = −ρ is the only form which ensures Lorentz-invariance of the
vacuum energy-momentum tensor.
12. Show explicitly that the state equation p = −ρ is Lorenz–invariant.
13. Consider the observer that moves with constant velocity V in the Universe described by FLRW
metrics and filled with substance with equation of state p = wρ. Calculate the energy density,
which the observer will register. Consider the cases of decelerated and accelerated expansion of
the Universe.
14. Does the energy conservation law hold in the presence of dark energy in the form of cosmological
15. Show that by assigning energy to vacuum we do not revive the notion of ”ether”, i.e. we do not
violate the relativity principle or in other words we do not introduce the notions of absolute rest
and motion relative to vacuum.
16. Suppose that density of the dark energy as cosmological constant is equal to the present critical
density, ρΛ = ρcr . What is then the total amount of dark energy inside the Solar System? Compare
this number with M⊙ c2 .
17. Estimate the upper limit for the cosmological constant. Can an upper or lower limit be derived
from the observed rate of growth of cosmological structures?
18. Knowing the age of the oldest objects in the Universe, determine the lower physical limit of the
physical vacuum density.
19. Find time dependence of the scale factor in the case of flat Universe filled by dark energy in the
form of cosmological constant and non-relativistic matter with current relative densities ΩΛ0 and
Ωm0 respectively (see Chapter 11 for more detailed analysis).
20. Consider flat Universe filled by matter and cosmological constant with Λ < 0 and show that it
collapses in time period
tcol = p .
21. Find the value of redshift in the cosmological constant dominated flat Universe, for which a source
of linear size d has the minimum visible angular dimension.
22. Find (in the Newton’s approximation) a critical distance r0 around a point mass m, embedded
into medium which is the cosmological constant Λ > 0, where the gravity vanishes: it is attractive
if r < r0 and repulsive if r > r0 .
Presence of the cosmological constant reevaluates standard notions about the connection between
geometry and the fate of the Universe. The traditional philosophy of General Relativity is that ”Ge-
ometry is Destiny”, with ”geometry” in this context implying openness or closure of the three-space
of constant cosmological time. If energy content is provided by ”ordinary” matter (nonrelativistic
matter or radiation) this slogan transforms into ”Density is Destiny”. If the density of matter is
less or equal than the critical value (and the Universe is open), then the destiny of Universe is eter-
nal expanding; if the density is greater, and the Universe is closed, then the destiny is recollapse.
If the Universe contains cosmological constant (or any energy component with w < −1/3) the
situation changes radically: an open Universe can recollapse, while a closed Universe can expand
forever. Geometry no longer determines the fate of the Universe.
23. As Ωtot − 1 = k/(H 2 a2 ) the sign of k is determined by whether Ωtot is greater or less than 1.
A measurement of Ωtot at any epoch—including the present—determines the geometry of the
Universe. However, as opposed to situation with only non-relativistic matter, we can no longer
claim that the magnitude of Ωtot uniquely determines the fate of the Universe. Explain decoupling
between Ωtot and destiny using deceleration parameter.
24. Show that decoupling between Ωtot and destiny of the Universe is due to violation of strong energy
25. Find the maximum value of scale factor for a hypothetical flat Universe with ΩΛ0 < 0.
26. For the Universe considered in the previous problem, find the analytical solution t(a) and time of
the collapse from a = amax back down to a = 0.
27. In the flat Universe with Ωm0 < 1 and positive cosmological constant find the late time asymptotic
for the scale factor.
28. Show that eternal expansion is inevitable if and only if
1 4π
ΩΛ > 4Ωm cos arccos(Ω−1
m − 1) + .
3 3
29. Show that if Ωm0 + ΩΛ0 > 1 (positive spatial curvature) and Λ > 0, then it is possible to have a
Universe that expands at late times, but without the initial Big Bang (a = 0, t = 0).
30. Show that collapse of the Universe is possible if the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Closed (k > 0) Universe: ρm > 2ρΛ when H = 0.
2. Open, flat (k ≤ 0) or closed (k > 0) Universe: ρΛ ≤ 0.
31. Show that eternal expansion of the Universe is possible if the following conditions are satisfied
1. Closed (k > 0) Universe: ρm < 2ρΛ before H = 0.
2. Open or flat (k ≤ 0) Universe: ρΛ ≥ 0.
36. Construct the dynamics of the Universe in the cosmological model with Λ = σH, σ > 0.
37. Construct the dynamics of the Universe in the cosmological model with Λ(H) = σH + 3βH 2 and
ρ = ρΛ + ρm .
p2 /2 + U (q) = E.
Besides that we restrict ourselves to the canonic form of the kinetic energy. The action for fields
of such type takes the form
√ √ 1 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ
S = d4 x −g L = d4 x −g g µν µ ν − V (ϕ) .
2 ∂x ∂x
The equations of motion for the scalar field are obtained as usual, by variation of the action with
respect to the field (see Chapter ’Inflation’).
48. Obtain the Friedman equations for the case of flat Universe filled with quintessence.
49. Obtain the general solution of the Friedman equations for the Universe filled with free scalar field,
V (ϕ) = 0.
50. Show that in the case of Universe filled with non-relativistic matter and quintessence the following
relation holds: Ḣ = −4πG(ρm + ϕ̇2 ).
51. Show that in the case of Universe filled with non-relativistic matter and quintessence the Friedman
8πG 1
H2 = ρm + ϕ̇2 + V (ϕ) ,
3 2
Ḣ = −4πG(ρm + ϕ̇2 )
can be transformed to the form
8πG dϕ 2 d ln H Ωm0 x
= − ;
3H02 dx 2
3H0 x dx H2
8πG H2 x dH 2 1
2 V (x) = 2 − − Ωm0 x3 ;
3H0 H0 6H02 dx 2
x ≡ 1 + z.
52. Show that the conservation equation for quintessence can be obtained from the Klein-Gordon
ϕ̈ + 3H ϕ̇ + = 0.
53. Find the explicit form of Lagrangian describing the dynamics of the Universe filled with the scalar
field in potential V (ϕ). Use it to obtain the equations of motion for the scale factor and the scalar
54. In the flat Universe filled with scalar field ϕ obtain the isolated equation for ϕ only. [see S.Downes,
B.Dutta, K.Sinha, arXiv:1203.6892 ]
55. What is the reason for the requirement that the scalar field’s evolution in the quintessence model
is slow enough?
56. Find the potential and kinetic energies for quintessence with the given state parameter w.
57. Find the dependence of state equation parameter w for scalar field on the quantity
2V (ϕ)
and determine the ranges of x corresponding to inflation in the slow-roll regime, matter-dominated
epoch and the rigid state equation (p ∼ ρ) limit correspondingly.
58. Show that if kinetic energy K = ϕ̇2 /2 of a scalar field is initially much greater than its potential
energy V (ϕ), then it will decrease as a−6 .
59. Show that the energy density of a scalar field ϕ behaves as ρϕ ∝ a−n , 0 ≤ n ≤ 6.
60. Show that dark energy density with the state equation p = w(a)ρ(a) can be presented as a function
of scale factor in the form
ρ = ρ0 a−3[1+w̄(a)] ,
where w̄(a) is the parameter w averaged in the logarithmic scale
w(a)d ln a
w̄(a) ≡ R .
d ln a
61. Consider the case of Universe filled with non-relativistic matter and quintessence with the state
equation p = wρ and show that the first Friedman equation can be presented in the form
h R z dz ′ ′
H 2 (z) = H02 Ωm0 (1 + z)3 + (1 − Ωm0 )e3 0 1+z′ (1+w(z )) .
62. Show that for the model of the Universe considered in the previous problem the state equation
parameter w(z) can be presented in the form
2 d ln H
3 (1 + z) dz − 1
w(z) = H 2 .
1 − H02 Ωm0 (1 + z)3
63. Show that the result of the previous problem can be presented in the form
2/3E(z)E ′(z) − Ωm0 (1 + z)2 H(z)
w(z) = −1 + (1 + z) , E(z) ≡ .
E 2 (z) − Ωm0 (1 + z)3 H0
64. Show that decreasing of the scalar field’s energy density with increasing of the scale factor slows
down as the scalar field’s potential energy V (ϕ) starts to dominate over the kinetic energy density
ϕ̇2 /2.
65. Express the time derivative ϕ̇ through the quintessence’ density ρϕ and the state equation param-
eter wϕ .
66. Estimate the magnitude of the scalar field variation ∆ϕ during time ∆t.
67. Show that in the radiation-dominated or matter-dominated epoch the variation of the scalar field
is small, and the measure of its smallness is given by the relative density of the scalar field.
68. Show that in the quintessence (w > −1) dominated Universe the condition Ḣ < 0 always holds.
69. Consider simple bouncing solution of Friedman equations that avoid singularity. This solution
requires positive spatial curvature k = +1, negative cosmological constant Λ < 0 and a ”matter”
source with equation of state p = wρ with w in the range
−1 < w < − .
In the special case w = −2/3 Friedman equations describe a constrained harmonic oscillator
(a simple harmonic Universe). Find the corresponding solutions. (Inspired by P.Graham et al.
70. Derive the equation for the simple harmonic Universe (see previous problem), using the results of
problem 7.
71. Barotropic liquid is a substance for which pressure is a single–valued function of density. Is
quintessence generally barotropic?
72. Show that a scalar field oscillating near the minimum of potential is not a barotropic substance.
73. For a scalar field ϕ with state equation p = wρ and relative energy density Ωϕ calculate the
w′ = .
d ln a
74. Calculate the sound speed in the quintessence field ϕ(t) with potential V (ϕ).
75. Find the dependence of quintessence energy density on redshift for the state equation pDE =
w(z)ρDE .
76. The equation of state p = w(a)ρ for quintessence is often parameterized as w(a) = w0 + w1 (1 − a).
Show that in this parametrization energy density and pressure of the scalar field take the form:
wef f (a) = (w0 + w1 ) + (1 − a)w1 / ln a.
77. Find the dependence of Hubble parameter on redshift in a flat Universe filled with non-relativistic
matter with current relative density Ωm0 and dark energy with the state equation pDE = w(z)ρDE .
78. Show that in a flat Universe filled with non–relativistic matter and arbitrary component with the
state equation p = w(z)ρ the first Friedman equation can be presented in the form:
1 d ln(δH 2 /H02 )
w(z) = −1 + ,
3 d ln(1 + z)
δH 2 = H 2 − ρm
describes the contribution into the Universe’s expansion rate of all components other than matter.
79. Express the time derivative of a scalar field through its derivative with respect to redshift dϕ/dz.
80. Show that the particle horizon does not exist for the case of quintessence because the corresponding
integral diverges (see Chapter 2(3)).
81. Show that in a Universe filled with quintessence the number of observed galaxies decreases with
82. Let t be some time in the distant past t ≪ t0 . Show that in a Universe dominated by a substance
with state parameter w > −1 the current cosmic horizon (see Chapter 3) is
Rh (t0 ) ≈ (1 + hwi)t0 ,
where hwi is the time-averaged value of w from t to the present time
hwi ≡ w(t)dt.
83. From WMAP1 observations we infer that the age of the Universe is t0 ≈ 13.7 ·109 years and cosmic
horizon equals to Rh (t0 ) = H0−1 ≈ 13.5 · 109 light-years. Show that these data imply existence of
some substance with equation of state w < −1/3,—”dark energy”.
84. The age of the Universe today depends upon the equation-of-state of the dark energy. Show that
the more negative parameter w is, the older Universe is today.
85. Consider a Universe filled with dark energy with state equation depending on the Hubble parameter
and its derivatives,
p = wρ + g(H, Ḣ, Ḧ, . . . , ; t).
What equation does the Hubble parameter satisfy in this case?
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe is a spacecraft which measures differences in the temperature
of the Big Bang’s remnant radiant heat—the cosmic microwave background radiation—across the full
86. Show that taking function g (see the previous problem) in the form
2 3
g(H, Ḣ, Ḧ) = − 2 Ḧ + Ḣ + ω02 H + (1 + w)H 2 − H0 , κ2 = 8πG
κ 2
leads to the equation for the Hubble parameter identical to the one for the harmonic oscillator,
and find its solution.
87. Find the time dependence of the Hubble parameter in the case of function g (see problem 85) in
the form
g(H; t) = − 2 H, κ2 = 8πG
κ f (t)
where f (t) = − ln(H1 + H0 sin ω0 t), H1 > H0 is arbitrary function of time.
88. Show that in an open Universe the scalar field potential V [ϕ(η)] depends monotonically on the
conformal time η.
89. Reconstruct the dependence of the scalar field potential V (a) on the scale factor basing on given
dependencies for the field’s energy density ρϕ (a) and state equation parameter w(a).
90. Find the quintessence potential providing the power law growth of the scale factor a ∝ tp , where
the accelerated expansion requires p > 1.
91. Let a(t), ρ(t), p(t) be solutions of Friedman equations. Show that for the case k = 0 the function
ψn ≡ an is the solution of ”Schrödinger equation” ψ̈n = Un ψn with potential [see A.V.Yurov,
U n = n2 ρ − (ρ + p).
92. Consider flat FLRW Universe filled with a scalar field ϕ. Show that in the case when ϕ = ϕ(t),
the Einstein equations with the cosmological term are reduced to the ”Schrödinger equation”
ψ̈ = 3(V + Λ)ψ
with ψ = a . Derive the equation for ϕ(t) [see A.V.Yurov, arXiv:0305019].
93. Consider FLRW space-time filled with non-interacting matter and dark energy components. As-
sume the following forms for the equation of state parameters of matter and dark energy
1 w̄xα
wm = α
, wDE = ,
3(x + 1) xα + 1
where x = a/a∗ with a∗ being some reference value of a, α is some positive constant and w̄ is
a negative constant. Analyze the dynamics of the Universe in this model. [see S.Kumar,L.Xu,
94. Show that initial value of the tracker field should obey the condition ϕ0 = MP l .
95. Show that densities of kinetic and potential energy of the scalar field ϕ in the potential of the form
V (ϕ) = M 4 exp(−αϕM ), M≡
are proportional to the density of the concomitant component (matter or radiation) and therefore
it realizes the tracker solution.
96. Consider a scalar field potential
A −n
V (ϕ) = ϕ ,
where A is a dimensional parameter and n > 2. Show that the solution ϕ(t) ∝ t2/(n+2) is a
tracker field under condition a(t) ∝ tm , m = 1/2 or 2/3 (either radiation or non-relativistic matter
97. Show that the scalar field energy density corresponding to the tracker solution in the potential
A −n
V (ϕ) = ϕ
(see the previous problem 96) decreases slower than the energy density of radiation or non-
relativistic matter.
98. Find the equation of state parameter wϕ ≡ pϕ /ρϕ for the scalar field of problem 96.
99. Use explicit form of the tracker field in the potential of problem 96 to verify the value of wϕ
obtained in the previous problem.
where Lagrangian L is generally speaking an arbitrary function of variables ϕ and X. The dark
energy model realized due to modification of the kinetic term with the scalar field, is called the
k-essence. The traditional action for the scalar field corresponds to
L (ϕ, X) = X − V (ϕ).
In the problems proposed below we restrict ourselves to the subset of Lagrangians of the form
where K(X) is a positively defined function of kinetic energy X. In order to describe a homogeneous
Universe we should choose
X = ϕ̇2 .
102. The sound speed cs in any medium must satisfy two fundamental requirements: first, the sound
waves must be stable and second, its velocity value should be low enough to preserve the causality
condition. Therefore
0 ≤ c2s ≤ 1.
Reformulate the latter condition in terms of scale factor dependence for the equation of state
parameter w(a) for the case of the k-essence.
103. Find the state equation for the simplified k-essence model with Lagrangian L = F (X) (the so-called
pure kinetic k-essence).
104. Find the equation of motion for the scalar field in the pure kinetic k-essence.
105. Show that the scalar field equation of motion for the pure kinetic k-essence model gives the tracker
which differs from the canonic action for the scalar field only by the sign of the kinetic term.
106. Show that the action of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravitation
√ 1
S = d4 x −g (∇ϕ)2 − V (ϕ)
leads, under the condition ϕ̇2 /2 < V (ϕ), to wϕ < −1, i.e. the field is phantom.
107. Obtain the equation of motion for the phantom scalar field described by the action of the previous
108. Find the energy density and pressure of the phantom field.
109. Show that the phantom energy density grows with time. Find the dependence ρ(a) for w = −4/3.
110. Show that the phantom scalar field violates all four energy conditions.
111. Show that in the phantom scalar field (w < −1) dominated Universe the condition Ḣ > 0 always
112. As we have seen in Chapter 3, the Friedman equations, describing spatially flat Universe, possess
the duality, which connects the expanding and contracting Universe by appropriate transformation
of the state equation. Consider the Universe where the weak energetic condition ρ ≥ 0, ρ + p ≥ 0
holds and show that the ideal liquid associated with the dual Universe is a phantom liquid or the
cosmological constant.
113. Show that the Friedman equations for the Universe filled with dark energy in the form of cosmo-
logical constant and a substance with the state equation p = wρ can be presented in the form of
nonlinear oscillator [see M.Dabrowski, arXiv0307128]
Ẍ − ΛX + D(D − 1)kX 1−2/D = 0
X = aD(w) , D(w) = (1 + w).
114. Show that the Universe dual to the one filled with a free scalar field, is described by the state
equation p = −3ρ.
115. Show that in the phantom component of dark energy the sound speed exceeds the light speed.
116. Construct the phantom energy model with negative kinetic term in the potential satisfying the
slow-roll conditions
1 dV
V dϕ
1 d2 V
≪ 1.
V dϕ2
130. Formulate the condition for the absence of a finite-time future (Big Rip) singularity in terms of
function ρ(a) .
The problems below develop an alternative approach to investigate the singularities in the phantom
Universe [see P-H. Chavanis, arXiv:1208.1195]
131. Consider the polytropic equation of state
p = αρ + kρ1+1/n ≡ −ρ + ρ 1 + α + kρ1/n
under assumption −1 < α ≤ 1. The case α = −1 is treated separately in Problem 132. The
additional assumption 1 + α + kρ1/n ≤ 0 (and necessary condition k < 0) guarantees that the
density increases with the scale factor. This corresponds to phantom Universe. Find explicit
dependence ρ(a) and analyze limits a → 0 and a → ∞.
132. Consider the previous problem with α = −1 and k < 0. This equation of state was introduced
by Nojiri and Odintsov (see problem 131). Chavanis re-derives their results in a more transparent
143. Express the statefinder in terms of Hubble parameter H(z) and its derivatives.
144. Find the statefinders
145. Express the photometric distance dL (z) through the current values of parameters q and s.
147. Show that the sound speed of a single perfect barotropic fluid is diverges when w crosses the
phantom divide line.
148. Find a dynamical law for the equation of state parameter w = p/ρ in the barotropic cosmic fluid
[see N.Caplar, H.Stefancic, arXiv:1208.0449].
149. Using the results of previous problem, find the functions w(z), ρ(z) and p(z) for the simplest
possibility cS = const.
150. Realize the procedure described in the problem 148 for the case of a minimally coupled scalar field
ϕ with potential V (ϕ) in a spatially flat Universe.
151. Consider the case of Universe filled with non-relativistic matter and quintessence and show that
the condition to cross the phantom divide line w = −1 is equivalent to sign change in the following
dH 2 (z)
− 3Ωm0 H02 (1 + z)2 .
152. Consider a model with the scale factor of the form
a = ac ,
t − ts
where ac is a constant, n > 0, ts is the time of a Big Rip singularity. Show that on the interval
0 < t < ts there is crossing of the phantom divide line w = −1.
153. Show, that for the model considered in the previous problem the parameter H(t) and density ρ(t)
achieve their minimal values at the phantom divide point. (see K.Bamba, S.Capozziello, S.Nojiri,
154. Find condition of intersection with the line w = −1 for the quintom Lagrangian
1 µν ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ∂ψ ∂ψ
L= g − µ ν − W (ϕ, ψ).
2 ∂xµ ∂xν ∂x ∂x
field. Neglecting ordinary matter and radiation, the evolution of such a Universe is described by
two degrees of freedom, the homogeneous scalar field ϕ(t) and the scale factor of the Universe a(t).
The relevant evolution equations are the Friedmann and Klein-Gordon equations, reading (in the
units in which c = ~ = 8πG = 1)
1 2
ϕ̇ + V = 3H 2 , ϕ̈ + 3H ϕ̇ + V ′ = 0,
where V [ϕ] is the potential of the scalar fields, and H = ȧ/a is the Hubble parameter. Furthermore,
an overdot denotes a derivative w.r.t. time, whilst a prime denotes a derivative w.r.t. the scalar
field ϕ.
158. Show that the Hubble parameter cannot increase with time in the single scalar cosmology.
159. Obtain first-order differential equation for the Hubble parameter H as function of ϕ and find its
stationary points.
160. Consider eternally oscillating scalar field of the form ϕ(t) = ϕ0 cos ωt and analyze stationary points
in such a model.
161. Obtain explicit solution for the Hubble parameter in the model considered in the previous problem.
162. Obtain explicit time dependence for the scale factor in the model of problem 160.
163. Reconstruct the scalar field potential V (ϕ) needed to generate the model of problem 160.
164. Describe possible final states for the Universe governed by a single scalar field at large times.
165. Formulate conditions for existence of end points of evolution in terms of the potential V (ϕ).
166. Consider a single scalar cosmology described by the quadratic potential
m2 2
V = v0 + ϕ .
Describe all possible stationary points and final states of the Universe in this model.
167. Obtain actual solutions for the model of previous problem using the power series expansion
H[ϕ] = h0 + h1 ϕ + h2 ϕ2 + h3 ϕ3 + ...
ϕ(t) = ϕ0 e−ωt
2Ḣ + 3H 2 = −pφ = − + V (φ) , (9.5)
φ̈ + 3H φ̇ + V ′ (φ) = 0, (9.6)
in terms of the parameter G(φ) introduced as
φ̇2 = 2V (φ) sinh2 G(φ).
188. Rewrite the equation (9.9) in form of the two linear differential equations for the variable w = e−G .
189. Obtain a consistency integral relation between the separation function M (φ) and the self-interaction
potential V (φ), corresponding to the equations for the variable w, obtained in the previous prob-
190. Obtain exact solution of the equation (9.9) in the case M (φ) = V .
191. Obtain exact solution of the equation (9.9) in the case M (φ) = V −3/2 .
where a1 , a2 and a3 represent three different scale factors which are a function of time t.
192. Find the field equations of the BI Universe.
193. Reformulate the field equations of the BI Universe in terms of the directional Hubble parameters.
a˙1 a˙2 a˙3
H1 ≡ , H2 ≡ , H3 ≡ .
a1 a2 a3
194. The BI Universe has a flat metric, which implies that its total density is equal to the critical
density. Find the critical density.
195. Obtain an analogue of the conservation equation ρ̇ + 3H(ρ + p) = 0 for the case of the BI Universe.
196. Obtain the evolution equation for the mean of the three directional Hubble parameters H̄.
197. Show that the system of equations for the BI Universe
H1 H2 + H1 H3 + H2 H3 = ρ,
Ḣ1 + H12 + Ḣ3 + H32 + H1 H3 = −p,
Ḣ1 + H12 + Ḣ2 + H22 + H1 H2 = −p,
Ḣ2 + H22 + Ḣ3 + H32 + H2 H3 = −p,
H1 H2 + H1 H3 + H2 H3 = ρ,
Ḣ1 + 3H1 H̄ = (ρ − p),
Ḣ2 + 3H2 H̄ = (ρ − p),
Ḣ3 + 3H3 H̄ = (ρ − p).
198. Show that the mean of the three directional Hubble parameters H̄ is related to the elementary
volume of the BI Universe V ≡ a1 a2 a3 as
1 V̇
H̄ = .
203. Find the directional expansion rates of the radiation dominated model.
204. Find time dependence for the scale factors ai in the radiation dominated BI Universe.
205. Find the partial energy densities for the two components of the BI Universe dominated by radiation
and matter in terms of volume element Vrm .
206. Obtain time evolution equation for the total volume Vrm in the BI Universe dominated by radiation
and matter.
207. Using result of the previous problem, obtain a relation between the mean Hubble parameter and
the volume element.
where α and β are non-negative constants. Further a0 and t0 respectively denote the scale factor
and age of the Universe today.
208. Calculate Hubble parameter, deceleration parameter and jerk parameter for hybrid expansion law.
209. For hybrid expansion law find a, H, q and j in the cases of very early Universe (t → 0) and for the
late times (t → ∞).
210. In general relativity, one can always introduce an effective source that gives rise to a given expansion
law. Using the ansatz of hybrid expansion law obtain the EoS parameter of the effective fluid.
211. We can always construct a scalar field Lagrangian which can mimic a given cosmic history. Con-
sequently, we can consider the quintessence realization of the hybrid expansion law. Find time
dependence for the the quintessence field ϕ(t) and potential V (t), realizing the hybrid expansion
law. Obtain the dependence V (ϕ).
212. Quintessence paradigm relies on the potential energy of scalar fields to drive the late time accel-
eration of the Universe. On the other hand, it is also possible to relate the late time acceleration
of the Universe with the kinetic term of the scalar field by relaxing its canonical kinetic term. In
particular this idea can be realized with the help of so-called tachyon fields, for which
V (ϕ) p
ρ= p , p = −V (ϕ) 1 − ϕ̇2 .
1 − ϕ̇2
Find time dependence of the tachyon field ϕ(t) and potential V (t), realizing the hybrid expansion
law. Construct the potential V (ϕ).
213. Calculate Hubble parameter and deceleration parameter for the case of phantom field in which the
energy density and pressure are respectively given by
1 1
ρ = − ϕ̇2 + V (ϕ), p = − ϕ̇2 − V (ϕ).
2 2
214. Solve the problem 211 for the case of phantom field.
215. Find EoS parameter for the case of phantom field.
218. Show that if a ∝ η q then the state parameter w is related to the index q by the following
w= = const.
Chapter 10
Dark Matter
In the beginning of thirties of the last century a Swiss cosmologist F. Zwicky applied the virial theorem (in
the gravitational field 2hEkin i + hEpot i = 0) in order to estimate the mass of the Coma cluster (Berenice’s
Hair). He was surprised to discover that in order to support the finite motion of the galaxies belonging
to the cluster, its mass must be at least two orders of magnitude greater than the observed mass (in form
of luminous galaxies). He was the first to introduce the term ”dark matter” which strongly entered the
vocabulary of modern cosmology. At present the term is understood as the non-baryon matter component
which neither emits nor absorbs electromagnetic waves in any range.
7. Find the lower limit for the mass of the dark matter particles in case they are:
a) bosons;
b) fermions.
8. Find the lower limit for the mass of fermion particles that constitute a compact spherical object
of dark matter with radius R and mass M .
9. Show that particles that contitute a galaxy of mass M = 1010 M⊙ and radius R = 3kpc must be
10. In assumption that neutrinos have mass mν and temperature of decoupling TD ≃ 1M eV , determine
their contribution to the presently observed energy density.
If WIMPs represent dark matter, they will not just generate the background density of Universe,
but they will also cluster together with the usual baryon matter in the galactic halo. In particular,
they will be presented in our own galaxy — the Milky Way. It gives hope to detect the relic
WIMPs immediately on the Earth. What is these hope related to? By definition, WIMPs do not
interact with photons. However, WIMPs could annihilate into usual matter (quarks and leptons)
in the early Universe. Otherwise they would have too high relative abundance today. Due to the
crossover symmetry, the temperature of annihilation of e.g. WIMPs into quarks is related to the
amplitude of elastic scattering of WIMPs on quarks. Therefore WIMPs should interact, though
weakly, with usual matter. Due to this interaction, WIMPs can elastically scatter on target nuclei
and lead to a recoil of detector nuclei partially transferring energy to them. Therefore the search
for the events of elastic scattering of WIMPs on detector nuclei is one of the prospective ways of
galactic dark matter research.
11. Show that preservation of thermal equilibrium for a certain component in the expanding Universe
is possible only under the condition Γ ≪ H, where Γ is the rate of reaction needed to support the
12. Show that at high temperatures T ≫ mχ (mχ is the WIMPs mass) the ratio of equilibrium
densities of WIMPs and photons is constant: neq eq
χ /nγ = const.
13. Show that the Boltzmann equation describing the evolution of WIMPs number density nχ in
particle number preserving interactions leads to the usual relation for non-relativistic matter nχ ∝
a−3 .
14. Show that in the early Universe for T ≥ mχ , the WIMPs number density follows its equilibrium
value at temperature decreasing.
15. Show that decreasing of the annihilation cross-section leads to increasing of the relic density:
contrary to Charles Darwin, the weakest wins.
16. What temperature does neutrino’s density ”freezing” take place at?
17. Considering the WIMPs as the thermal relics of the early Universe, estimate their current density.
20. In frames of the halo model considered in the previous problem determine the local dark matter
density ρ0 basing on the given rotation velocities of satellite galaxies at the outer border of the
halo v∞ ≡ v(r → ∞) and in some point r0 .
21. For the halo model considered in problem 19 obtain the dependencies ρ(r) and v(r) in terms of ρ0
and v∞ . Plot the dependencies ρ(r) and v(r).
22. Many clusters are sources of X-ray radiation. It is emitted by the hot intergalactic gas filling the
cluster volume. Assuming that the hot gas (kT ≈ 10keV ) is in equilibrium in the cluster with
linear size R = 2.5M pc and core radius rc = 0.25M pc, estimate the mass of the cluster.
34. Show that if a WIMP has the mass of the order 100GeV and velocity of the order of 300km/s,
then it coherently interacts with nucleons of a detector nuclei.
35. Find the total WIMP–nucleus cross–section determining the elastic events’ count rate.
36. How will the number of counts for the elastic events detector be affected by transition to heavier
target nuclei at fixed detector mass?
37. Show that if the WIMPs’ mass is of the order of 100GeV then the elastic spin-independent cross-
section for WIMPs on a nucleus with A ∼ 100 is eight orders of magnitude larger then the
corresponding cross-section on a nucleon
38. Estimate the annual modulations’ amplitude of the WIMPs elastic scattering cross-section.
39. Estimate the diurnal modulations’ amplitude of the WIMPs elastic scattering cross-section.
The evolution of any broadly applied model is accompanied by multiple generalizations that aim to resolve
conceptual problems, as well as to explain the ever-increasing array of observations. In the case of
Standard Cosmological Model one of the most promising directions of generalization is the replacement of
the cosmological constant with a more complicated, dynamic form of dark energy, as well as the inclusion of
interaction between the dark components. Typically, dark energy (DE) models are based on the scalar fields
minimally coupled to gravity, and do not implement the explicit coupling of the field to the background dark
matter (DM). However there is no fundamental reason for this assumption in the absence of an underlying
symmetry which would suppress the coupling. Given that we do not know the true nature of either DE
or DM, one cannot exclude the possibility that there exists a coupling between them. Whereas new forces
between DE and normal matter particles are heavily constrained by observations (e.g. in the solar system
and gravitational experiments on Earth), this is not the case for DM particles. In other words, it is
possible that the dark components interact with each other, while not being coupled to standard model
particles. Therefore, the possibility of DE-DM interaction must be looked at with the utmost seriousness.
7. Show that the quintessence coupled to DM with certain sign of the coupling constant behaves like
a phantom uncoupled model, but without negative kinetic energy.
8. In order to compare dynamics of a model with observational results it is useful to analyze all dy-
namic variables as functions of redshift rather than time. Obtain the corresponding transformation
for the system of interacting dark components.
9. (after [21]) Show that energy exchange between dark components leads to time-dependent effective
potential energy term in the first Friedman equation.
10. Show that the system of interacting components can be treated as the uncoupled one due to
introduction of the partial effective pressure of the dark components
Πde ≡ , Πdm ≡ − .
3H 3H
11. Assume that the mass mdm of dark matter particles depends on a scalar field ϕ. Construct the
model of interacting dark energy and dark matter in this case.
12. Assume that the mass mdm of DM particles depends exponentially on the DE scalar field m =
m∗ e−λϕ . Find the interaction term Q in this case.
13. Find the equation of motion for the scalar field interacting with dark matter if its particles’ mass
depends on the scalar field.
14. Make the transformation from the variables (ρde , ρdm ) to
r= , ρ = ρdm + ρde
for the system of interacting dark components.
15. Generalize the result of previous problem to the case of warm dark matter.
16. Calculate the derivatives dr/dt and dr/dH for the case of flat universe with the interaction Q.
17. It was shown in the previous problem that
ρ̇dm ρ̇de 1+r Q r Q
ṙ = r − = 3Hr wde + = (1 + r) 3Hwde +Γ , Γ≡ .
ρdm ρde ρdm 3H 1+r ρde
Exclude the interaction Q and reformulate the equation in terms of ρde , H and its derivatives.
18. Generalize the result, obtained in the previous problem, for the case of non-flat Universe [22].
19. Show that critical points in the system of equations obtained in problem 14 exist only for the case
of dark energy of the phantom type.
20. Show that the result of previous problem holds also for warm dark matter.
21. Show that existence of critical points in the system of equations obtained in problem 14 requires
a transfer from dark energy to dark matter.
22. Show that the result of previous problem holds also for warm dark matter.
23. Assume that the ratio of the interacting dark components equals
r≡ ∝ a−ξ , ξ ≥ 0.
Analyze how the interaction Q depends on ξ.
24. Show that the choice
r≡ ∝ a−ξ , (ξ ≥ 0)
guarantees existence of an early matter-dominated epoch.
25. Find the interaction Q for the Universe with interacting dark energy and dark matter, assuming
that ratio of their densities takes the form
r≡ = f (a),
26. Let
Q= ρdm .
f (t
Show that the sign of the deceleration parameter is defined by the ratio
27. Show that in the model, considered in the previous problem, the transition from the accelerated
expansion to the decelerated one can occur only due to time dependence of the interaction.
29. Obtain the equation for the evolution of the DE energy density for Q = δ(a)Hρdm .
30. Find ρdm and ρde in the case Q = δHρdm , δ = const, wde = const.
31. As was shown above, interaction between dark matter and dark energy leads to non–conservation
of matter, or equivalently, to scale dependence for the mass of particles that constitute the dark
matter. Show that, within the framework of the model of previous problem (Q = δHρdm , δ =
const, wde = const) the relative change of particles mass per Hubble time equals to the interaction
32. Find ρdm and ρde in the case Q = δHρde , δ = const, wde = const.
33. Find ρdm and ρde in the case Q = δ(a)Hρde , δ(a) = β0 aξ , wde = const. (after [23].)
34. Let’s look at a more general linear model for the expansion of a Universe that contains two
interacting fluids with the equations of state
p1 = (γ1 − 1)ρ1 ,
p2 = (γ2 − 1)ρ2 ,
Here α and β are constants describing the energy exchanges between the two fluids. Obtain the
equation for H(t) and find its solutions (After [24, 25]).
35. Show that the energy balance equations (modified conservation equations) for Q ∝ H do not
depend on H.
36. The Hubble parameter is present in the first Friedmann equation quadratically. This gives rise
to a useful symmetry within a class of FLRW models. Because of this quadratic dependence,
Friedmann’s equation remains invariant under a transformation H → −H for the spatially flat
case. This means it describes both expanding and contracting solutions. The transformation
H → −H can be seen as a consequence of the change a → 1/a of the scale factor of the FLRW
metric. If, instead of just the first Friedmann equation, we want to make the whole system of
Universe-describing equations invariant relative to this transformation, we must expand the set of
values that undergo symmetry transformations. Then, when we refer to a duality transformation,
we have in mind the following set of transformations
ρ+p ρ̄ + p̄
H → H̄ = −H, ρ → ρ̄ = ρ, p → p̄ = −2ρ − p, γ≡ → γ̄ ≡ = −γ.
ρ ρ̄
40. Consider a model in which both fluids are dust. Find r(t) ≡ ρ1 (t)/ρ2 (t).
41. Consider a Universe with more than two CDM components interacting with each other. What is
the asymptotic behavior of the individual densities of the components in the limit t → ∞?
42. Consider a Universe containing a cold dark matter and a dark energy, in which the dark energy be-
haves like a cosmological constant. Show that in such model dark energy is a perpetual component
of the Universe.
43. Consider a two-component Universe with the interaction Q = γρ1 ρ2 . Let one component is CDM
(ρ1 = ρdm , w1 = 0), and the second is the dark energy with arbitrary state equation (ρ2 = ρde ,
w2 = γde − 1). (The case considered in the previous problem corresponds to γde = 0.) Find the
relation between the dark energy and dark matter densities.
44. Let interaction term Q be a non-linear function of the energy densities of the components and/or
the total energy density. Motivated by the structure
r r
ρdm = ρ, ρde = ρ,
1+r 1+r
ρ ≡ ρdm + ρde , r≡
consider ansatz
Q = 3Hγρm rn (1 + r)s .
where γ is a positive coupling constant. Show that for s = −m interaction term is proportional to
a power of products of the densities of the components. For (m, n, s) = (1, 1, −1) and (m, n, s) =
(1, 0, −1) reproduce the linear case.(After [29])
45. Find analytical solution of non-linear interaction model covered by the ansatz of previous problem
for (m, n, s) = (1, 1, −2), Q = 3Hγρde ρdm /ρ.
46. Find analytical solution of non-linear interaction model for (m, n, s) = (1, 2, −2), Q = 3Hγρ2dm/ρ.
47. Find analytical solution of non-linear interaction model for (m, n, s) = (1, 0, −2), Q = 3Hγρ2de /ρ.
48. Consider a flat Universe filled by CDM and DE with a polytropic equation of state
pde = Kρden
where K and n are the polytropic constant and polytropic index, respectively. Find dependence of
DE density on the scale factor under assumption that the interaction between the dark components
is Q = 3αHρde . (after [30])
49. Show that under certain conditions the interacting polytropic dark energy with Q = 3αHρde
behaves as the phantom energy.
50. Find deceleration parameter for the system considered in the problem 48.
ẋ = f (x, y, t),
ẏ = g(x, y, t).
We will be interested in the so-called autonomous systems, for which the functions f and g do not
contain explicit time-dependent terms. A point (xc , yc ) is said to be a fixed (a.k.a. critical) point of the
autonomous system if
f (xc , yc ) = g(xc , yc ) = 0.
A critical point (xc , yc ) is called an attractor when it satisfies the condition (x(t), y(t)) → (xc , yc ) for
t → ∞. Let’s look at the behavior of the dynamical system (11.1) near the critical point. For this
purpose, let us consider small perturbations around the critical point
x = xc + δx, y = yc + δy.
Taking into account the specifics of the problem that we are solving, we made the change
d d
→ ,
dt dN
where N = ln a. The matrix M̂ is given by
∂f ∂f
∂x ∂y
M̂ =
∂g ∂g
∂x ∂y
δx = C1 eλ1 N + C2 eλ2 N ,
δy = C3 eλ1 N + C4 eλ2 N ,
The stability around the fixed points depends on the nature of the eigenvalues.
Let us treat the interacting dark components as a dynamical system described by the equations
51. Find effective EoS parameters w(dm)ef f and w(de)ef f for the interactions Q1 , Q2 and Q3 .
52. Find the critical points of equation for ratio r = ρdm /ρde if Q = 3αH(ρdm + ρde ), where the
phenomenological parameter α is a dimensionless, positive constant, wdm = 0, wde = const.
53. Show, that the remarkable property of the model, considered in the previous problem, is that for
the interaction parameter α, consistent with the current observations α < 2.3 × 10−3 the ratio r
tends to a stationary but unstable value at early times, rs+ , and to a stationary and stable value,
rs− (an attractor), at late times. Consequently, as the Universe expands, r(a) smoothly evolves
from rs+ to the attractor solution rs− .
54. Transform the system of equations
56. Construct the stability matrix for the dynamical system considered in the problem 54 and deter-
mine its eigenvalues.
57. Using result of the previous problem, determine eigenvalues of the stability matrix for the following
cases: i) Ωdm = 1, Ωde = 0, fj 6= 0; ii) Ωdm = 0, Ωde = 1, fj 6= 0; iii) fj = 0.
58. Obtain position and type of the critical points obtained in the previous problem for the case of
cosmological constant interacting with dark matter as Q = 3γdm ρdm .
59. Construct the stability matrix for the following dynamical system
ρ′ = − 1 + ρ,
(1 + r)2
r′ = r wde − Π ,
ρ = ρϕ + ρdm , p = pϕ + pdm
(we do not exclude the possibility of warm DM (pdm 6= 0).) If some interaction exists between the scalar
field and DM, then
ρ̇dm + 3H(ρdm + pdm ) = Q
ρ̇ϕ + 3H(ρϕ + pϕ ) = −Q.
Using the effective pressures Πϕ and Πdm ,
Q = −3HΠdm = 3HΠϕ
60. Obtain the modified Klein-Gordon equation for the scalar field interacting with the dark matter.
61. Consider a quintessence scalar field ϕ which couples to the dark matter via, e.g., a Yukawa-like
interaction f (ϕ/MP l )ψ̄ψ, where f is an arbitrary function of ϕ and ψ is a dark matter Dirac
spinor. Obtain the modified Klein-Gordon equation for the scalar field interacting with the dark
matter in such way. (after [32])
62. (The problems 62-66 are inspired by [33])
Show that the Friedman equation with interacting scalar field and dark matter allow existence of
stationary solution for the ratio r ≡ ρdm /ρϕ .
63. Find the form of interaction Q which provides the stationary relation r for interacting cold dark
matter and quintessence in spatially flat Universe.
64. For the interaction Q which provides the stationary relation r for interacting cold dark matter and
quintessence in spatially flat Universe (see the previous problem), find the dependence of ρdm and
ρϕ on the scale factor.
65. Show that in the case of interaction Q obtained in the problem 63, the scalar field ϕ evolves
logarithmically with time.
66. Reconstruct the potential V (ϕ), which realizes the solution r = const, obtained in the problem 63.
67. (after [34])
Let the DM particle’s mass M depend exponentially on the DE scalar field as M = M∗ e−λϕ , where
λ is positive constant and the scalar field potential is
V (ϕ) = V∗ eηϕ .
the scale factor, as well as a series of other cosmological characteristics of the Universe become infinite.
This catastrophe has earned the name ”Big Rip”. One of the way to avoid the unwanted big rip singularity
is to allow for a suitable interaction between the phantom energy and the background dark matter.
69. Show that through a special choice of interaction, one can mitigate the rise of the phantom com-
ponent and make it so that components decrease with time if there is a transfer of energy from
the phantom field to the dark matter. Consider case of Q = δ(a)Hρdm and wde = const.
70. Calculate the deceleration parameter for the model considered in the previous problem.
71. (after [35].)
Let the interaction Q of phantom field ϕ with DM provide constant relation r = ρdm /ρϕ . Assuming
that wϕ = const, find ρϕ (a), ρϕ (ϕ) and a(ϕ) for the case of cold dark matter (CDM).
72. Construct the scalar field potential, which realizes the given relation r for the model considered in
the previous problem.
The energy density and the pressure of this field are, respectively
V (T )
ρT = p
1 − Ṫ 2
and p
pT = −V (T ) 1 − Ṫ 2 .
The equation of motion for the tachyon is
T̈ 1 dV
+ 3H Ṫ + .
1 − Ṫ 2 V (T ) dT
73. Find interaction of tachyon field with cold dark matter (CDM), which results in r ≡ ρdm /ρT =
74. Show that the stationary solution ṙ = 0 exists only when the energy of the tachyon field is
transferred to the dark matter.
75. Find the modified Klein-Gordon equation for arbitrary interaction Q of tachyon scalar field with
dark matter.
76. Find the modified Klein-Gordon equation for the interaction Q obtained in the problem 73 and
obtain its solutions for the case ϕ̇ = const.
77. Show that sufficiently small values of tachyon field provide the accelerated expansion of Universe.
According to the Bianchi identities, (i) vacuum decay is possible only from a previous existence of some
sort of non-vanishing matter and/or radiation, and (ii) the presence of a time-varying cosmological term
results in a coupling between Tµν and Λ. We will assume (unless stated otherwise) coupling only between
vacuum and CDM particles, so that
uµ , T;ν(CDM)µν = −uµ = −uµ (ρΛ g µν );ν
8πG ;ν
where Tµν = ρdm uµ uν is the energy-momentum tensor of the CDM matter and ρΛ is the vacuum
energy density. It immediately follows that
Note that although the vacuum is decaying, wΛ = −1 is still constant, the physical equation of state
(EoS) of the vacuum wΛ ≡= pΛ /ρΛ is still equal to constant −1, which follows from the definition of the
cosmological constant.
(see [37, 38] )
78. Since vacuum energy is constantly decaying into CDM, CDM will dilute in a smaller rate compared
with the standard relation ρdm ∝ a−3 . Thus we assume that ρdm = ρdm0 a−3+ε , where ε is a small
positive small constant. Find the dependence ρΛ (a) in this model.
79. Solve the previous problem for the case when vacuum energy is constantly decaying into radiation.
80. Show that existence of a radiation dominated stage is always guaranteed in scenarios, considered
in the previous problem.
81. Find how the new temperature law scales with redshift in the case of vacuum energy decaying into
Since the energy density of the cold dark matter is ρdm = nm, there are two possibilities for storage
of the energy received from the vacuum decay process:
(i) the equation describing concentration, n, has a source term while the proper mass of CDM particles
remains constant;
(ii) the mass m of the CDM particles is itself a time-dependent quantity, while the total number of
CDM particles, N = na3 , remains constant.
Let us consider both the possibilities.
82. Find dependence of total particle number on the scale factor in the model considered in problem
83. Find time dependence of CDM particle mass in the case when there is no creation of CDM particles
in the model considered in problem 78.
84. Consider a model where the cosmological constant Λ depends on time as Λ = σH. Let a flat
Universe be filled by the time-dependent cosmological constant and a component with the state
equation pγ = (γ − 1)ργ . Find solutions of Friedman equations for this system [39] .
85. Show that the model considered in the previous problem correctly reproduces the scale factor
evolution both in the radiation-dominated and non-relativistic matter (dust) dominated cases.
86. Find the dependencies ργ (a) and Λ(a) both in the radiation-dominated and non-relativistic matter
dominated cases in the model considered in problem 84.
87. Show that for the Λ(t) models
T = −ρ̇Λ a3 .
89. Consider a two-component Universe filled by matter with the state equation p = wρ and cosmo-
logical constant with quadratic time dependence Λ(τ ) = Aτ 2 , and find the time dependence for of
the scale factor.
90. Consider a flat two-component Universe filled by matter with the state equation p = wρ and cos-
mological constant with quadratic time dependence Λ(τ ) = Aτ ℓ . Obtain the differential equation
for Hubble parameter in this model and classify it.
91. Find solution of the equation obtained in the previous problem 90 in the case ℓ = 1. Analyze the
obtained solution.
92. Solve the equation obtained in the problem 90 for ℓ = 2. Consider the following cases
a) λ0 > −1/(3γτ0)2 ,
b) λ0 = −1/(3γτ0 )2 ,
c) λ0 < −1/(3γτ0)2
(see the previous problem). Analyze the obtained solution.
93. Consider a flat two-component Universe filled by matter with the state equation p = wρ and
cosmological constant with the following scale factor dependence
Λ = B a−m , (11.3)
Find dependence of energy density of matter on the scale factor in this model.
94. Find dependence of deceleration parameter on the scale factor for the model of previous problem.
100. Find the statefinder parameters for Q = 3δHρdm , assuming that wde = const.
101. Find statefinder parameters for the case ρdm /ρde = a−ξ , where ξ is a constant parameter in the
range [0, 3] and wde = const.
102. Show that in the case ρdm /ρde = a−ξ the current value of the statefinder parameter s = s0 can be
used to measure the deviation of cosmological models from the SCM.
103. Find how the statefinder parameters enter the expression for the luminosity distance.
Thus, the key piece in the holographic principle is the assumption that all the information about the
Universe can be encoded on some two-dimensional surface — the holographic screen. Such approach
leads to a new interpretation of cosmological acceleration and to an absolutely unusual understanding of
Gravity. The Gravity is understood as an entropy force, caused by variation of information connected
to positions of material bodies. More precisely, the quantity of information related to matter and its
position is measured in terms of entropy. Relation between the entropy and the information states that
the information change is exactly the negative entropy change ∆I = −∆S. Entropy change due to matter
displacement leads to the so-called entropy force, which, as will be proven below, has the form of gravity.
Its origin therefore lies in the universal tendency of any macroscopic theory to maximize the entropy.
The dynamics can be constructed in terms of entropy variation and it does not depend on the details
of microscopic theory. In particular, there is no fundamental field associated with the entropy force.
The entropy forces are typical for macroscopic systems like colloids and biophysical systems. Big colloid
molecules, placed in thermal environment of smaller particles, feel the entropy forces. Osmose is another
phenomenon governed by the entropy forces.
Probably the best known example of the entropy force is the elasticity of a polymer molecule. A single
polymer molecule can be modeled as a composition of many monomers of fixed length. Each monomer can
freely rotate around the fixation point and choose any spacial direction. Each of such configurations has
the same energy. When the polymer molecule is placed into a thermal bath, it prefers to form a ring as
the entropically most preferable configuration: there are many more such configurations when the polymer
molecule is short, than those when it is stretched. The statistical tendency to transit into the maximum
entropy state transforms into the macroscopic force, in the considered case—into the elastic force.
Let us consider a small piece of holographic screen and a particle of mass m approaching it. According
to the holographic principle, the particle affects the amount of the information (and therefore of the
entropy) stored on the screen. It is natural to assume that entropy variation near the screen is linear on
the displacement ∆x:
∆S = 2πkB ∆x. (11.5)
The factor 2π is introduced for convenience, which the reader will appreciate solving the problems of this
section. In order to understand why this quantity should be proportional to mass, let us imagine that the
particle has split into two or more particles of smaller mass. Each of those particles produces its own
entropy change when displaced by ∆x. As entropy and mass are both additive, then it is natural that
the former is proportional to the latter. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the entropy force
related to information variation satisfies the equation
F ∆x = T ∆S. (11.6)
If we know the entropy gradient, which can be found from (15.2), and the screen temperature, we can
calculate the entropy force.
An observer moving with acceleration a, feels the temperature (the Unruh temperature)
1 ~
kB TU = a. (11.7)
2π c
Let us assume that the total energy of the system equals E. Let us make a simple assumption that the
energy is uniformly distributed over all N bits of information on the holographic screen. The temperature
is then defined as the average energy per bit:
E= N kB T. (11.8)
Equations (15.2)–(15.5) allow one to describe the holographic dynamics, and as a particular case—the
dynamics of the Universe, and all that without the notion of Gravity.
104. For the interacting holographic dark energy Q = 3αHρL , with the Hubble radius as the IR cutoff,
find the depending on the time for the scale factor, the Hubble parameter and the deceleration
105. Show that for the choice ρhde ∝ H 2 (ρhde = βH 2 , β = const)an interaction is the only way to
have an equation of state different from that of the dust.
106. Calculate the derivative
d ln a
for the holographic dark energy model, where IR cut-off L is chosen to be equal to the future event
horizon. (after [41])
107. Find the effective state parameter value wef f , such that
for the holographic dark energy model, considered in the previous problem, with the interaction
of the form Q = 3αHρde .
108. Analyze how fate of the Universe depends on the parameter c in the holographic dark energy
model, where IR cut-off L is chosen to be equal to the future event horizon.
109. In the case of interacting holographic Ricci dark energy with interaction is given by
Q = γHρR , (11.9)
where γ is a dimensionless parameter, find the dependence of the density of dark energy and dark
matter on the scale factor.
110. Find the exact solutions for linear
between Ricci DE and DM, if the energy density
of Ricci DE is given by ρx = 2Ḣ + 3αH 2 /∆, where ∆ = α − β and α, β are constants.
111. Find the equation of motion for the relative density
Ωq = , (11.10)
H 2T 2
were Z a
T = . (11.11)
0 Ha′
of interacting agegraphic dark energy and the deceleration parameter, for sets of interaction term
Q = 3αHρq ; 3βHρm ; 3γHρtot .
where a0 = 1 in the present epoch. Other fields of matter (radiation, baryons) evolve independently
and are conserved. Hence, the DE density has the form
ǫ(ã) + ãǫ′ ln(ã)
ρΛ = ρm0 dã + X , (11.14)
where the prime denotes the derivative with respect to the scale factor, and X is the integration
constant. If radiation is neglected, the first Friedmann equation takes the form
H = H0 Ωb,0 a−3 + Ωm0 ϕ(a) + ΩX,0 , (11.15)
Using the assumption that the function ǫ(a) has the following simple form
where ǫ0 and ξ can take both positive and negative values, find function ϕ(a) and relative energy
density Ωb (a), Ωm (a) and ΩΛ (a).
113. Using the results of the previous problem, find the deceleration parameter for this model is q(a).
Draw the graph deceleration parameter as a function of log(a) for various values of ǫ0 and ξ:
ξ = 1.0 and ǫ0 = 0.1, ξ = −1.0 and ǫ0 = 0.1, ξ = 0.8 and ǫ0 = 0.5, ξ = −0.5 and ǫ0 = −0.1..
114. Consider the possibility of an accelerating transient regime within the interacting scalar field model
using potential of the form
λ √ 2 √ α σ 2
V (φ) = ρφ 0 [1 − (1 + α σφ) )] exp [−λ σ(φ + φ )], (11.17)
6 2
where ρφ 0 is a constant energy density, σ = 8πG/λ, and α and λ are two dimensionless, positive
parameters of the model, that the deceleration parameter is non-monotonically dependent on the
scale factor. Plot the deceleration parameter as a function of the scale factor.
115. Consider a simple parameterization:
Q = 3β(a)Hρde (11.18)
with a simple power-law ansatz for β(a), namely:
β(a) = β0 aξ . (11.19)
Substituting this interaction form into conservation equations for DM and DE:
we get
−3(1+w0 ) 3β0 (1 − aξ )
ρde = ρde0 a · exp , (11.22)
where the integration constant ρde0 is value of the dark energy at present, and the dark energy
EoS parameter w ≡ pde /ρde is a constant-w0 . Substituting Eq. (11.22) into Eq. (11.21), we get
the dark matter energy density,
ρdm = f (a)ρdm0 , (11.23)
( 3β0 )
1 Ωde0 3β0 a−3w0 e ξ
ξ 3β0 aξ 3w0 3β0
f (a) ≡ 3 1− · a E 3w0 −a E 3w0 , (11.24)
a Ωdm0 ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ
where ρdm0 is dark matter density at present day, and En (z) = 1 t−n e−xt dt the usual exponential
integral function. Note however that Eq. (11.23) is an analytical expression, while in the corre-
sponding expressions were left as integrals and were calculated numerically. Obviously, in the case
of non-interaction (that is, for β0 = 0), Eq. (11.23) recovers the standard result ρdm = ρdm0 /a3 .
For the special case ξ = 0 find dimensionless Hubble parameter E 2 (z) ≡ H H02
, the evolution of
the density parameters Ωb (a), Ωdm (a) and Ωde (a) and q(a). For what values of β0 the cosmic
acceleration is transient?
116. Consider the flat FLRW cosmology with two coupled homogeneous scalar fields Φ and Ψ:
8πG k
H2 = (ρm + ρr + ρQ ) − 2 . (11.29)
3 a
Here a dot denotes a derivative with respect to the cosmic time t, the subscript b refers to the
dominant background quantity, either dust (m) or radiation (r) while Q refers to the Dark Energy
sector, here the two quintessence scalar fields.
The quintessence fields with potential V have the following energy density and pressure:
1 2 1 2
ρQ = Φ̇ + Ψ̇ + V (Φ, Ψ) (11.30)
2 2
1 1 2
pQ = Φ̇2 + Ψ̇ − V (Φ, Ψ) (11.31)
2 2
with pQ = (γQ − 1)ρQ . It is convenient to define the following new variables :
r r r
8πG Φ̇ 8πG Ψ̇ 8πG √
XΦ = √ , X Ψ = √ , X V = V. (11.32)
3H 2 2 3H 2 2 3H 2
On the frontier between XX and XXI centuries the Standard Cosmological Model (SCM) became the
dominant model of Universe. It is based on two most important observational results:
1. Accelerated expansion of the Universe
2. Euclidean geometry of space.
The theoretical basis of the SCM is the theory of General Relativity. Also it is assumed that early Universe
is adequately described by the inflation theory (see Chapter ??). SCM fixes a set of parameters of the
Universe and, in particular, its energy composition: Ωk0 = 0, Ωm0 = 0.27, Ωr0 = 8.1 × 10−5 , ΩΛ = 0.73.
According to SCM, two components dominate in the present Universe—the dark energy (in form of
cosmological constant Λ) and the cold dark matter (CDM). Therefore the model was named ΛCDM .
In the problems below, unless specified otherwise, the standard values for the SCM parameters are to
be used.
19. Consider the case of flat Universe filled by non-relativistic matter and dark energy with state
equation pX = wρX , where the state parameter w is parameterized as the following
w = w0 + wa (1 − a) = w0 + wa .
Express current values of cosmographic parameters through w0 and wa .
20. Show that the results of the previous problem applied to SCM coincide with the ones obtained in
the problem 17.
21. Photons with z = 0.1, 1, 100, 1000 are registered. What was the Universe age tU in the moment
of their emission? What period of time tph were the photons on the way? Plot tU (z) and tph (z).
22. Determine the present physical distance to the object that emitted light with current redshift z.
23. A photon was emitted at time t and registered at time t0 with red shift z. Find and plot the
dependence of emission time on the redshift t(z).
24. Find the time dependence for the scale factor and analyze its asymptotes. Plot a(t).
25. Using the explicit solution for scale factor a(t), obtained in the previous problem, find the cosmic
horizon Rh (see Chapter 3).
26. Show that the Universe becomes Rh -delimited only after the cosmological constant starts to dom-
27. Analyze the stability of Friedmann equations.
28. Determine solutions for the perturbations δρm and δH. Make sure that the solutions are stable.
Figure 12.1: To problem 52: Hubble diagram for the neighborhood of the Local group.
56. Show that for a fixed source of radiation the luminosity distance for high redshift values in flat
Universe is greater for the dark energy dominated case compared to the non-relativistic matter
dominated one.
57. In the observations that discovered the accelerated expansion of the Universe the researchers in
particular detected two Ia type supernovae: 1992P , z = 0.026, m = 16.08 and 1997ap, z = 0.83,
m = 24.32. Show that these observed parameters are in accordance with the SCM.
58. Find the redshift value, at which a source of linear dimension d has minimum visible angular size.
59. Compare the observed value of the dark energy density with the one expected from the dimen-
sionality considerations (the cosmological constant problem).
60. Determine the density of vacuum energy using the Planck scale as cutoff parameter.
61. Identifying the vacuum fluctuations density with the observable dark energy value in SCM, find
the required frequency cutoff magnitude in the fluctuation spectrum.
62. What purely cosmological problem originates from the divergence of the zero-point energy density?
63. With exact supersymmetry, the bosonic contribution to cosmological constant is canceled by its
fermionic counterpart. However, we know that our world looks like not supersymmetric. Super-
symmetry, if exists, has to be broken above or around 100GeV scale. Compare the observed value
of the dark energy density with the one expected from broken supersymmetry.
64. Determine duration of the inflation period.
65. Plot the dependence of luminosity distance dL (in units of H0−1 ) on the redshift z for the two-
component flat Universe with non-relativistic liquid (w = 0) and cosmological constant (w = −1).
Consider the following cases:
a) Ω0Λ = 0;
b) Ω0Λ = 0.3;
c) Ω0Λ = 0.7;
d) Ω0Λ = 1.
66. For a Universe filled by dark energy with state equation pDE = wDE ρDE and non-relativistic
matter obtain the Taylor series for dL in terms of z near the observation point z0 = 0. Explain
the obtained result.
67. Determine position of the first acoustic peak in the CMB power spectrum produced by baryon
oscillations on the surface of the last scattering.
68. Compare the asymptotes of time dependence of the scale factor a(t) for the SCM and de Sitter
models. Explain physical reasons of their distinction.
69. Redshift for any object slowly changes due to the acceleration (or deceleration) of the Universe
expansion. Estimate change of velocity in one year.
70. Determine the lower limit of ratio of the total volume of the Universe to the observed one?
71. What is the difference between the inflationary expansion in the early Universe and the present
accelerated expansion?
72. Compare the values of Hubble parameter at the beginning of the inflation period and at the
beginning of the present accelerated expansion of Universe.
2. The basic theory of gravitational waves, discussed below, deals mostly with small perturbations on
flat Minkowski background. Can this approximation be useful for studying waves on a non-trivial
non-flat background, and if yes then in which cases?
4. Show that dipole gravitational radiation is prohibited by the momentum conservation law.
5. Obtain, using dimensional analysis, the quadrupole formula for the energy loss by a system due
to emission of gravitational waves
dE G ... ...αβ
∼ 5 · Qαβ Q ,
dt c
Qαβ = d3 x (xα xβ − 31 r2 δαβ )ρ(x).
6. Using the quadrupole formula, find the upper limit for gravitational luminosity of a source.
8. Why the upper limit on luminosity, obtained in General Relativity, should not change in the future
quantum theory of gravitation?
10. Estimate the upper bound of the gravitational wave frequency generated by a compact source with
size R and mass M .
We can also consider perturbations on the background of other exact solutions of the Einstein
equations by replacing ηµν with the corresponding gµν . Thus cosmological perturbations are
naturally studied in the Friedmanninan background.
The linearized Einstein equations are obtained in the first order by hµν , discarding quadratic
terms. On Minkowski background the zero-order terms for the curvature tensor and its contractions
vanish, so from the Einstein’s equation the stress-energy tensor in the considered region must also
be small (if non-zero) and ∼ h. The constraints this places on matter will be considered in more
detail in the next section.
11. Show that on Minkowski background the inverse metric is
Is it really a problem at all?
13. Derive the curvature, Ricci and Einstein tensors in the first order by hµν .
14. Write the Einstein’s tensor in terms of the trace-reversed metric perturbation
h̄µν = hµν − h ηµν .
group SO(3)) in the following way (spatial components are denoted by Greek indices from the
beginning of the alphabet α, β, γ . . . = 1, 2, 3):
h00 = 2Φ; (13.2)
h0α = −wα ; (13.3)
hαβ = 2 sαβ + Ψηαβ , (13.4)
where hαβ is further decomposed in such a way that sij is traceless and Ψ encodes the trace:
h ≡ hα
α =η
hαβ = 0 + 2Ψδαα = 6Ψ; (13.5)
Ψ= 6 h; (13.6)
1 1
sαβ = 2 hαβ − 6h ηαβ . (13.7)
Thus the metric takes the form
ds2 = (1 + 2Φ)dt2 − 2wα dt dxα − (1 − 2Ψ)ηαβ − 2sαβ dxα dxβ
16. Write down geodesic equations for a particle in the weak field limit in terms of fields Φ, wα , hαβ .
What are the first terms of expansion by v/c in the non-relativistic limit?
17. Derive the Einstein equations for the scalar Φ, Ψ, vector wα and tensor sαβ perturbations. Which
of them are dynamical?
18. Find the gauge transformations for the scalar, vector and tensor perturbations.
19. This one is equivalent to Gaussian normal coordinates and is fixed by setting
Φ = 0, wα = 0. (13.8)
Write the explicit coordinate transformations and the metric in this gauge.
20. This is a generalization of the conformal Newtonian or Poisson gauge sometimes used in cosmology,
which is fixed by demanding that
∂α sαβ = 0, ∂α wα = 0. (13.9)
Find the equations for ξ µ that fix the transverse gauge.
∂µ hµ ν = 0, h0µ = 0, hµ µ = 0. (13.12)
k λ kλ · hµν = 0.
1) either the wave vector is null k λ kλ = 0, which roughly translates as that gravitational waves
propagate with the speed of light,
2) or hµν = 0, which means that in any other (non-TT) coordinate frame, in which metric pertur-
bation is non-zero, it is due to the oscillating coordinate system, while the true gravitational field
25. Rewrite the gauge conditions for the TT and Lorenz gauge
1) in terms of scalar, vector and tensor decomposition; 2) in terms of the metric perturbation for
the plane wave solution
hµν = hµν eikλ x = hµν eiωt−ikz
with wave vector k µ = (ω, 0, 0, k) directed along the z-axis.
So any plane-wave solution with k µ = (ω, 0, 0, k) in the z-direction in the TT gauge has the form
(in coordinates t, x, y, z)
0 0 0 0
0 h+ h× 0 ikz−iωt
hµν = 0 h× −h+ 0 e
, (13.13)
0 0 0 0
or more generally any wave solution propagating in the z direction can be presented as
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
hµν (t, z) =
0 0 −1 0 h+ (t − z) + 0 1 0
h (t − z) = (13.14)
0 ×
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
= e(+) (×)
µν h+ (t − z) + eµν h× (t − z). (13.15)
Here h+ and h× are the amplitudes of the two independent components with linear polarization,
(×) (+)
and eµν , eµν are the corresponding polarization tensors.
(×) (+)
26. Show that eµν and eµν transform into each other under rotation by π/8
27. Consider the plane wave solution of the wave equation in the Lorenz gauge:
h̄µν = Aµν ei kλ x , k µ kµ = 0.
2) What is the transformation to the Lorenz gauge for arbitrary gravitational wave in vacuum?
28. Consider the plane-wave solution, in which
Rµνρσ = Cµνρσ eikλ x .
1) Using the Bianchi identity, show that all components of the curvature tensor can be expressed
through R0α0β ;
2) Show that in the coordinate frame such that k µ = (k, 0, 0, k) is directed along the z-axis the
only possible nonzero components are R0x0x , R0y0y and R0x0y , obeying R0x0x = −R0y0y , leaving
only two independent non-zero components;
3) in the TT gauge (denoted by the superscript T T )
R0α0β = − 21 ∂02 gαβ
49. What is the reason for the very low efficiency of gravitational waves’ production, i.e. conversion
of mechanical energy into that of gravitational waves?
50. What happens to a single particle as a gravitational wave passes through?
51. One may wonder, how it is possible to infer the presence of an astronomical body by the grav-
itational waves that it emits, when it is clearly not possible to sense its much larger stationary
(essentially Newtonian) gravitational potential. What gives us hope to overcome this problem?
The next three problems are inspired by S.Hughes, Listening to the Universe with gravitational-
wave astronomy, arXiv:astro-ph/0210481
52. What could be the origin of this poetic terminology?
53. The most promising sources (neutron binaries, supernovae) of gravitational waves should give the
amplitudes of the order of h ∼ 10−21 . For every kilometer of baseline L we need to be able to
measure a distance shift of ∆L better than 10−16 cm. How can we possibly hope to measure an
effect that is ∼ 1012 times smaller than the wavelength of visible light (all interferometers use
optical lasers)?
54. The atoms on the surface of the interferometers’ test mass mirrors oscillate with an amplitude
δlatom = ∼ 10−10 cm
mω 2
at room temperature T , with m the atomic mass, and with a vibrational frequency ω ∼ 1014 s−1 .
This amplitude is huge relative to the effect of the gravitational waves. Why doesn’t it wash out
the gravitational wave?
Chapter 14
Observational Cosmology
Holographic Universe
The traditional point of view assumed that dominating part of degrees of freedom in our World are
attributed to physical fields. However it became clear soon that such concept complicates the construction
of Quantum Gravity: it is necessary to introduce small distance cutoffs for all integrals in the theory
in order to make it sensible. As a consequence, our world should be described on a three-dimensional
discrete lattice with the period of the order of Planck length. Lately some physicists share an even more
radical point of view: instead of the three-dimensional lattice, complete description of Nature requires
only a two-dimensional one, situated on the space boundary of our World. This approach is based on
the so-called ”holographic principle”. The name is related to the optical hologram, which is essentially
a two-dimensional record of a three-dimensional object. The holographic principle consists of two main
1. All information contained in some region of space can be ”recorded” (represented) on the boundary
of that region.
2. The theory, formulated on the boundaries of the considered region of space, must have no more
than one degree of freedom per Planck area:
A G~
N≤ , Apl = . (15.1)
Apl c3
Thus, the key piece in the holographic principle is the assumption that all the information about the
Universe can be encoded on some two-dimensional surface — the holographic screen. Such approach leads
to a new interpretation of cosmological acceleration and to an absolutely unusual understanding of Gravity.
The gravity is understood as an entropy force, caused by variation of information connected to positions of
material bodies. More precisely, the quantity of information related to matter and its position is measured
in terms of entropy. Relation between the entropy and the information states that the information change
is exactly the negative entropy change ∆I = −∆S. Entropy change due to matter displacement leads to
the so-called entropy force, which, as will be proven below, has the form of gravity. Its origin therefore
lies in the universal tendency of any macroscopic theory to maximize the entropy. The dynamics can be
constructed in terms of entropy variation and it does not depend on the details of microscopic theory. In
particular, there is no fundamental field associated with the entropy force. The entropy forces are typical
for macroscopic systems like colloids and biophysical systems. Big colloid molecules, placed in thermal
environment of smaller particles, feel the entropy forces. Osmose is another phenomenon governed by the
entropy forces.
Probably the best known example of the entropy force is the elasticity of a polymer molecule. A single
polymer molecule can be modeled as a composition of many monomers of fixed length. Each monomer can
freely rotate around the fixation point and choose any spacial direction. Each of such configurations has
the same energy. When the polymer molecule is placed into a thermal bath, it prefers to form a ring as
the entropically most preferable configuration: there are many more such configurations when the polymer
molecule is short, than those when it is stretched. The statistical tendency to transit into the maximum
entropy state transforms into the macroscopic force, in the considered case—into the elastic force.
Let us consider a small piece of holographic screen and a particle of mass m approaching it. According
to the holographic principle, the particle affects the amount of the information (and therefore of the
entropy) stored on the screen. It is natural to assume that entropy variation near the screen is linear on
the displacement ∆x:
∆S = 2πkB ∆x. (15.2)
The factor 2π is introduced for convenience, which the reader will appreciate solving the problems of this
Chapter. In order to understand why this quantity should be proportional to mass, let us imagine that
the particle has split into two or more particles of smaller mass. Each of those particles produces its own
entropy change when displaced by ∆x. As entropy and mass are both additive, then it is natural that
the former is proportional to the latter. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the entropy force
related to information variation satisfies the equation
F ∆x = T ∆S. (15.3)
If we know the entropy gradient, which can be found from (15.2), and the screen temperature, we can
calculate the entropy force.
An observer moving with acceleration a, feels the temperature (the Unruh temperature)
1 ~
kB TU = a. (15.4)
2π c
Let us assume that the total energy of the system equals E. Let us make a simple assumption that the
energy is uniformly distributed over all N bits of information on the holographic screen. The temperature
is then defined as the average energy per bit:
E= N kB T. (15.5)
Equations (15.2)–(15.5) allow one to describe the holographic dynamics, and as a particular case—the
dynamics of the Universe, and all that without the notion of Gravity.
10. Show that in order to produce an entropy force when a particle approaches the holographic screen,
its temperature must be finite.
11. Determine the entropic acceleration of a particle crossing the holographic screen with temperature
Tb .
12. Show that the Unruh temperature is the Hawking radiation temperature
8πkB GM
with substitution a → g, where g is the surface gravity of the black hole.
13. In order to verify experimentally the Unruh effect, it is planned to accelerate particles with accel-
eration of the order of 1026 m/ sec2 . What vacuum temperature does this acceleration correspond
14. Derive the second Newton’s law from the holographic principle.
15. Show that the inertia law can be obtained from the holographic principle.
16. Obtain the Newton’s law of universal gravitation using the holographic principle.
17. Compare how close to a black hole are Earth, Sun and observable Universe.
18. Estimate the temperature of the Hubble sphere, considering it as a holographic screen.
19. Show that equilibrium between the relic radiation and holographic screen is possible only at Planck
20. According to the holographic ideology, all physical phenomena can be described by the boundary
layer theory. Therefore a conclusion comes that one should account for contribution of such surface
terms while deriving the equations of General Relativity. Show that consideration of the boundary
terms in the Einstein-Hilbert action is equivalent to introduction of non-zero energy-momentum
tensor into the standard Einstein equations.
21. Derive the Friedman equations from the holographic principle.
22. Derive the Friedman equations from the holographic principle for a non-flat Universe.
23. Consider an effective field theory with the ultraviolet cutoff parameter equal to Λ and entropy
satisfying the inequality
S ≡ L3 Λ3 ≤ SBH ≃ L2 MP2 l ,
where SBH is the Beckenstein-Hawking entropy, and show that such a theory necessarily contains
the states with Schwarzschild radius RS much greater than the linear dimensions L of the system.
(see Zimdahl, Pavon, 0606555)
24. Estimate the dark energy density assuming that the total energy in a region with linear size L
cannot exceed the black hole mass of the same size.
25. Find the correspondence between the ultraviolet and infrared cutoff scales.
26. Show that the entropy force produces negative pressure.
27. Taking the Hubble sphere for the holographic screen, and using the SCM parameters, find the
entropy, the force acting on the screen and the corresponding pressure.
28. The most popular approach to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe assumes
introduction of dark energy in the form of cosmological constant into the Friedman equations.
As we have seen in the corresponding Chapter, this approach is successfully realized in SCM.
Unfortunately, it leaves aside the question of the nature of the dark energy. An alternative approach
can be developed in the frame of holographic dynamics. In this case it is possible to explain the
observations without the dark energy. It is replaced by the entropy force, acting on the cosmological
horizon (Hubble sphere) and leading to the accelerated Universe’s expansion.
Show that the Hubble sphere acceleration obtained this way agrees with the result obtained in
29. Plot the dependence of the deceleration parameter on the red shift in the Universe composed of
non-relativistic matter. Take into account the negative pressure generated by the entropy force
(see Problem 26). Compare the result with the SCM.
30. Show that the coincidence problem does not arise in the models with the holographic dark energy.
31. Show that the holographic screen in the form of Hubble sphere cannot explain the accelerated
expansion of Universe.
32. Obtain the equation of motion for the relative density of the holographic dark energy in the case
when the particle horizon serves as the holographic screen.
33. Solve the equation of motion obtained in the previous problem.
34. Find dependence the of holographic dark energy density on the scale factor taking the cosmological
event horizon Rh as the holographic screen. Find the equation of state parameter for such a dark
35. Obtain the equation of motion for the relative density of the holographic dark energy in the case
when the event horizon serves as a holographic screen.
36. Solve the equation of motion obtained in the previous problem.
37. Find the dependence of cosmological parameters (Hubble parameter H, state equation parameter
w and deceleration parameter q) on red shift in the model of the Universe composed of radiation,
non-relativistic matter and holographic dark energy, taking as the holographic screen the Ricci
scalar’s R characteristic length
α 3α 2 k
ρRDE = − R= Ḣ + 2H + 2 ,
16π 8π a
ρ̇m + 3Hρm = Q,
47. In the model of interacting agegraphic dark energy and dark matter find the equation of motion
for the relative density of agegraphic dark energy.
Isolated systems are known to evolve towards the equilibrium state in such a way that entropy S(x)
never decreases
≥ 0,
d2 S(x)
< 0.
In the context of eternally expanding FRW-cosmology the above mentioned conditions imply that
the entropy available to comoving observer plus the entropy on the cosmological horizon satisfy the
conditions (generalized second law of thermodynamics)
S ′ (a) ≥ 0, S ′′ (a) ≤ 0
where the prime stands for differentiation with respect to scale factor d/da and a → ∞. The latter
condition means that we deal below with late stages of the Universe evolution.
48. Show that in the Friedmannian Universe with energy density ρ the cosmological horizon area equals
3 1
A= .
2G ρ
49. Show that in the Friedmannian Universe filled with a substance with state equation p = wρ the
cosmological horizon area grows with the Universe’s expansion under the condition 1 + w > 0.
50. Using the results of Problem 48, find the entropy of the Universe.
51. Find the state equation for the substance, filling the Universe with A′′ ≤ 0.
Chapter 16
In this chapter we assemble the problems that concern one of the most distinctive features of General
Relativity and Cosmology — the horizons. The first part gives an elementary introduction into the
concept in the cosmological context, following and borrowing heavily from the most comprehensible
text by E. Harrison [43]. Then we move to more formal exposition of the subject, making use of the
seminal works of W. Rindler [44] and G.F.R. Ellis, T. Rothman [45], and consider first simple, and then
composite models, such as ΛCDM. The fourth section elevates the rigor one more step and explores
the causal structure of different simple cosmological models in terms of conformal diagrams, following
mostly the efficient approach of V. Mukhanov [46]. The section on black holes relates the general scheme
of constructing conformal diagrams for stationary black hole spacetimes, following mostly the excellent
textbook of K. Bronnikov and S. Rubin [47]. The consequent sections focus on more specific topics, such
as the various problems regarding the Hubble sphere, inflation and holography.
2. Suppose there is a static universe with homogeneously distributed galaxies, which came into being
at some finite moment of time. Draw graphically the particle horizon for some static observer.
3. How does the horizon for the given observer change with time?
4. Is there an event horizon in the static Universe? What if the Universe ends at some finite time?
5. Consider two widely separated observers, A and B (see Fig. 16.1). Suppose they have overlapping
horizons, but each can apparently see things that the other cannot. We ask: Can B communicate
to A information that extends A’s knowledge of things beyond his horizon? If so, then a third
observer C may communicate to B information that extends her horizon, which can then be
communicated to A. Hence, an unlimited sequence of observers B, C, D, E,. . . may extend A’s
knowledge of the Universe to indefinite limits. According to this argument A has no true horizon.
This is the horizon riddle. Try to resolve it for the static Universe.
Figure 16.1: The horizon riddle: can two observers with overlapping horizons pass infor-
mation to each other regarding things outside of the other’s horizon?
6. Suppose observer O in a stationary universe with beginning sees A in some direction at distance
L and B in the opposite direction, also at distance L. How large must L be in order for A and B
to be unaware of each other’s existence at the time when they are seen by O?
7. Draw spacetime diagrams in terms of comoving coordinate and conformal time and determine
whether event or particle horizons exist for:
(a) the universe which has a beginning and an end in conformal time. The closed Friedman
universe that begins with Big Bang and ends with Big Crunch belongs to this class.
(b) the universe which has a beginning but no end in conformal time. The Einstein–de Sitter
universe and the Friedman universe of negative curvature, which begin with a Big Bang and
expand forever, belong to this class.
(c) the universe which has an end but no beginning in conformal time. The de Sitter and
steady-state universes belong to this class.
(d) the universe which has no beginning and no ending in conformal time, as in the last figure
of Fig. ??. The Einstein static and the Milne universes are members of this class.
Conformal time is the altered time coordinate η = η(t), defined in such a way that lightcones on
the spacetime diagram in terms of η and comoving spatial coordinate are always straight diagonal
lines, even when the universe is not stationary.
8. Draw the spacetime diagram in terms of comoving space and ordinary time or the universe with
an end but no beginning in conformal time.
9. Formulate the necessary conditions in terms of conformal time for a universe to provide a comoving
observer with
16.2. SIMPLE MATH 169
10. Consider two galaxies, observable at present time, A and B. Suppose at the moment of detection
of light signals from them (now) the distances to them are such that LA B
det < Ldet . In other words,
if those galaxies had equal absolute luminosities, the galaxy B would seem to be dimmer. Is it
possible for galaxy B (the dimmer one) to be closer to us at the moment of its signal’s emission
than galaxy A (the brighter one) at the moment of A’s signal’s emission?
11. Show on a spacetime diagram the difference in geometry of light cones in universes with and
without particle horizons.
12. The proper distance Dp (t0 ) between two comoving observers is the distance measured between
them at some given moment of cosmological time t = t0 . It is the quantity that would be obtained
if all the comoving observers between the given two measure the distances between each other at
one moment t = t0 and then sum all of them up. Suppose one observer detects at time t0 the light
signal that was emitted by the other observer at time te . Find the proper distance between the
two observers at t0 in terms of a(t).
13. Show, that the proper distance Lp to the particle horizon at time t0 is
14. The past light cone of an observer at some time t0 consists of events, such that light emitted in
each of them reaches the selected observer at t0 . Find the past light cone’s equation in terms of
proper distance vs. emission time Dplc (te ). What is its relation to the particle horizon?
15. The simplest cosmological model is the one of Einstein-de Sitter, in which the Universe is spatially
flat and filled with only dust, with a(t) ∼ t2/3 . Find the past light cone distance Dplc (??) for
Einstein-de Sitter.
Rindler uses the term “fundamental observers”
16. Demonstrate that in general Dplc can be non-monotonic. For the case of Einstein-de Sitter show
that its maximum – the maximum emission distance – is equal to 8/27LH , while the corresponding
redshift is z = 1.25.
17. In a matter dominated Universe we see now, at time t0 , some galaxy, which is now on the Hubble
sphere. At what time in the past was the photon we are registering emitted?
18. Show that the particle horizon in the Einstein-de Sitter model recedes at three times the speed of
19. Does the number of observed galaxies in an open Universe filled with dust increase or decrease
with time?
20. Draw the past light cones Dplc (te ) for Einstein-de Sitter and a Universe with dominating radiation
on one figure; explain their relative position.
21. Find the maximum emission distance and the corresponding redshift for power law expansion
a(t) ∼ (t/t0 )n .
22. Show that the most distant point on the past light cone was exactly at the Hubble sphere at the
moment of emission of the light signal that is presently registered.
23. Show that the comoving particle horizon is the age of the Universe in conformal time
24. Show that
= Lp (z)H(z) + 1; (16.2)
= Le (z)H(z) − 1. (16.3)
(a) radiation;
(b) matter.
30. Consider a flat universe with one component with state equation p = wρ. Find the particle horizon
at present time t0 .
31. Show that in a flat universe in case of domination of one matter component with equation of state
p = wρ, w > −1/3
2 3(1 + w)
Lp (z) = , L˙p (z) = . (16.4)
H(z)(1 + 3w) (1 + 3w)
32. Show that in a flat universe in case of domination of one matter component with equation of state
p = wρ, w < −1/3
2 3(1 + w)
Le (z) = − , L˙p (z) = − . (16.5)
H(z)(1 + 3w) (1 + 3w)
In the brackets here stands the line element of two-dimensional Minkowski flat spacetime. Coordinate
transformations that preserve the conformal form of the metric
ds22 = Ω2 (η, χ) dη 2 − dχ2 ,
are called conformal transformations, and the corresponding coordinates (η, χ) – conformal coordinates.
39. Show that it is always possible to construct η(η̃, χ̃), χ(η̃, χ̃), such that the conformal form of metric
(16.6) is preserved, but η and χ are bounded and take values in some finite intervals. Is the choice
of (η, χ) unique?
In this section we will reserve notation η and χ and names “conformal coordinates” and “conformal
variables” to such variables that can only take values in a bounded region on R2 ; η̃ and χ̃ can span
infinite or semi-infinite intervals. Spacetime diagram in terms of conformal variables (η, χ) is called
conformal diagram. Null geodesics η = ±χ + const are diagonal straight lines on conformal diagrams.
40. Construct the conformal diagram for the closed Universe filled with
(a) radiation;
(b) dust;
(c) mixture of dust and radiation.
Show the particle and event horizons for the observer at the origin χ = 0 (it will be assumed
hereafter that the horizons are always constructed with respect to this chosen observer).
41. Construct the conformal diagram for the de Sitter space in the closed sections coordinates. Provide
reasoning that this space is (null) geodesically complete, i.e. every (null) geodesic extends to infinite
values of affine parameters at both ends.
42. Rewrite the metric of de Sitter space (??) in terms of “static coordinates” T, R:
cos η sin χ
tanh(HΛ T ) = − , HΛ R = . (16.7)
cos χ sin η
(a) What part of the conformal diagram in terms of (η, χ) is covered by the static coordinate
chart (T, R)?
(b) Express the horizon’s equations in terms of T and R
(c) Draw the surfaces of constant T and R on the conformal diagram.
(d) Write out the coordinate transformation between (η, χ) and (T, R) in the regions where
| cos η| > | cos χ|. Explain the meaning of T and R.
43. The scale factor in flat de Sitter is a(t) = HΛ−1 eHΛ t .
(a) Find the range of values spanned by conformal time η̃ and comoving distance χ̃ in the flat
de Sitter space
(b) Verify that coordinate transformation
− sin η sin χ
η̃ = , χ̃ = (16.8)
cos χ − cos η cos χ − cos η
bring the metric to the form of that of de Sitter in closed slicing (it is assumed that η̃ = 0
is chosen to correspond to infinite future).
(c) Which part of the conformal diagram is covered by the coordinate chart (η̃, χ̃)? Is the flat
de Sitter space geodesically complete?
(d) Where are the particle and event horizons in these coordinates?
44. What parts of the spacetime’s boundary on the conformal diagram of flat de Sitter space corre-
sponds to
(a) spacelike infinity i0 , where χ̃ → +∞;
(b) past timelike infinity i− , where η̃ → −∞ and from which all timelike worldlines emanate
(c) past lightlike infinity J − , from which all null geodesics emanate?
45. Consider the de Sitter space in open slicing, in which a(t) = HΛ sinh(HΛ t), so conformal time is
η̃ = , (16.9)
where again the lower limit is chosen so that the integral is bounded.
(a) Find η̃(t) and verify that coordinate transformation from (η̃, χ̃) to η, χ, such that
− sin η sin χ
tanh η̃ = , tanh χ̃ = (16.10)
cos cos χ cos η
brings the metric to the form of de Sitter in closed slicing.
(b) What are the ranges spanned by (η̃, χ̃) and (η, χ)? Which part of the conformal diagram do
they cover?
46. Rewrite the Minkowski metric in terms of coordinates (η, χ), which are related to (t, r) by the
sin η sin χ
tanh η̃ = , tanh χ̃ = (16.11)
cos χ cos η
that mirrors the one between the open and closed coordinates of de Sitter. Construct the conformal
diagram and determine different types of infinities. Are there new ones compared to the flat de
Sitter space?
47. The choice of conformal coordinates is not unique. Construct the conformal diagram for Minkowski
using the universal scheme: first pass to null coordinates, then bring their span to finite intervals
with arctan (one of the possible choices), then pass again to timelike and spacelike coordinates.
48. Draw the conformal diagram for the Milne Universe and show which part of Minkowski space’s
diagram it covers.
49. Consider open or flat Universe filled with matter that satisfies strong energy condition ε + 3p > 0.
What are the coordinate ranges spanned by the comoving coordinate χ̃ and conformal time η̃?
Compare with the Minkowski metric and construct the diagram. Identify the types of infinities
and the initial Big Bang singularity.
50. Draw the conformal diagram for open and flat Universes with power-law scale factor a(t) ∼ tn ,
with n > 1. This is the model for the power-law inflation. Check whether the strong energy
condition is satisfied.
dr2 rg
ds2 = f (r)dt2 − − r2 dΩ2 , f (r) = 1 − , (16.12)
f (r) r
where rg is the gravitational radius, and dΩ2 is the angular part of the metric, which we will not
be concerned with. The surface r = rg is the horizon. Focus for now only on the external part of
the solution,
− ∞ < t < +∞, rg < r < +∞) .
The general procedure of building a conformal diagram for the (t, r) slice, as discussed in the cos-
mological context earlier, works here perfectly well, but needs one additional step in the beginning:
(a) use a new radial coordinate to bring the metric to conformally flat form;
(b) pass to null coordinates;
(c) shrink the ranges of coordinate values to finite intervals with the help of arctan;
(d) return to timelike and spacelike coordinates.
Meaning the spacetime possesses the infinity with the same structure as that of Minkowski, which is
Identify the boundaries of Schwarzschild’s exterior region on the conformal diagram and compare
it with Minkowski spacetime’s.
52. The region r ∈ (0, rg ) represents the black hole’s interior, between the horizon r = rg and the
singularity r = 0. Construct the conformal diagram for this region following the same scheme as
(a) Which of the coordinates (t, r) are timelike and which are spacelike?
(b) Is the singularity spacelike or timelike?
(c) Is the interior solution static?
The Schwarzschild black hole’s interior is an example of the T-region, where f (r) < 0, as opposed
to the R-region, where f (r) > 0.
53. Consider radial motion of a massive particle and show that the exterior and interior parts of the
Schwarzschild are not by themselves geodesically complete, i.e. particle’s worldlines are terminated
at the horizon at finite values of affine parameter. Show that, on the other hand, the horizon is
not a singularity, by constructing the null coordinate frame, in which the metric on the horizon is
explicitly regular.
54. Geodesic incompleteness means the full conformal diagram must be assembled from the parts
corresponding to external and internal solutions by gluing them together along same values of r
(remember that each point of the diagram corresponds to a sphere). Piece the puzzle.
Note that a) there are two variants of both external and internal solutions’ diagrams, differing with
orientation and b) the boundaries of the full diagram must go along either infinities or singularities.
where F is some analytic function, with F (0) 6= 0. Suppose we want to introduce a new radial
“tortoise” coordinate x, such that the two-dimensional part of the metric in terms of (t, x) has the
conformally flat form:
ds22 = f (ρ(x)) dt2 − dx2 . (16.15)
It is sometimes called the “quasiglobal coordinate”
59. All galaxies inside the Hubble sphere recede subluminally (slower than light) and all galaxies
outside recede superluminally (faster than light). This is why the Hubble sphere is sometimes
called the “photon horizon”. Does this mean that galaxies and their events outside the photon
horizon are permanently hidden from the observer’s view? If that were so, the photon horizon
would also be an event horizon. Is this correct?
60. Show, by the example of static universe, that the Hubble sphere does not coincide with the
boundary of the observable Universe.
61. Estimate the ratio of the volume enclosed by the Hubble sphere to the full volume of a closed
62. Show that in a spatially flat Universe (k = 0), in which radiation is dominating, the particle
horizon coincides with the Hubble radius.
63. Find the dependence of comoving Hubble radius RH /a on scale factor in a flat Universe filled with
one component with the state equation ρ = wp.
64. Express the comoving particle horizon through the comoving Hubble radius for the case of domi-
nation of a matter component with state parameter w.
67. Show that in the Einstein-de Sitter Universe the relative velocity of the Hubble sphere and galaxies
on it is equal to c/2.
69. Show that in universes of constant positive deceleration q, the the ratio of distances to the particle
and photon horizons is 1/q.
70. Show that the Hubble sphere becomes degenerate with the particle horizon at q = 1 and with the
event horizon at q = −1.
71. Show that if q is not constant, comoving bodies can be inside and outside of the Hubble sphere at
different times. But not so for the observable universe; once inside, always inside.
16.8 Inflation
77. Is spatial curvature important in the early Universe? Compare the curvature radius with the
particle horizon.
78. Comoving Hubble radius
RH 1 1
rH = = = (16.24)
a aH ȧ
plays crucial role in inflation. Express the comoving particle horizon le in terms of rH .
79. Show that for the conventional Big Bang expansion (with w ≥ 0) the comoving particle horizon
and Hubble radius grow monotonically with time.
The flatness problem
80. The “flatness problem” can be stated in the following way: spacetime in General Relativity is
dynamical, curving in response to matter in the Universe. Why then is the Universe so closely
approximated by Euclidean space? Formulate the “flatness problem” in terms of the comoving
Hubble radius.
81. Inflation is defined as any epoch, in which scale factor grows with acceleration4, i.e. ä > 0. Show
that this condition is equivalent to the comoving Hubble radius decreasing with time.
Technically, this includes also the current epoch of cosmological history – late-time accelerated cos-
mological expansion.
16.9 Holography
In the context of holographic description of the Universe (see the minimal introduction on the subject in
the corresponding Chapter) the Hubble sphere is often treated as the holographic screen, and consequently
called a horizon, although technically it is not.
89. Formulate the problem of the cosmological constant (see chapter on Dark Energy) in terms of the
Hubble radius.
90. Choosing the Hubble sphere as the holographic screen, find its area in the de Sitter model (recall
that in this model the Universe’s dynamics is determined by the cosmological constant Λ > 0).
91. Find the Hubble sphere’s area in the Friedman’s Universe with energy density ρ.
92. Show that in the flat Friedman’s Universe filled with a substance with state equation p = wρ the
Hubble sphere’s area grows with the Universe’s expansion under the condition 1 + w > 0.
93. Estimate the temperature of the Hubble sphere TH considering it as the holographic screen.
94. Taking the Hubble sphere for the holographic screen and using the SCM parameters, find the
entropy, force acting on the screen and the corresponding pressure.
95. The most popular approach to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe assumes
introduction of dark energy in the form of cosmological constant into the Friedman equations. As
seen in the corresponding Chapter, this approach is successfully realized in SCM. Unfortunately, it
leaves aside the question of the nature of the dark energy. An alternative approach can be developed
in the frame of holographic dynamics. In this case it is possible to explain the observations without
the dark energy. It is replaced by the entropy force, which acts on the cosmological horizon (in
this case it is the Hubble sphere) and leads to the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Show
that the Hubble sphere’s acceleration obtained this way agrees with the result obtained in SCM.
96. Show that a pure de Sitter Universe obeys the holographic principle in the form
Here Nsur is the number of degrees of freedom on the Hubble sphere, and Nbulk is the effective num-
ber of degrees of freedom, which are in equipartition at the horizon temperature TH = ~H/2πkB .
16.9. HOLOGRAPHY 179
97. If it is granted that the expansion of the Universe is equivalent to the emergence of space (in the
form of availability of greater and greater volumes of space), then the law governing this process
must relate the emergence of space to the difference
We could imagine this relation as a Taylor series expansion truncated at the first order. Show that
this assumption is equivalent to the second Friedman equation.
Chapter 17
Quantum Cosmology
1. Consider two neutral particles of equal mass M in flat space, whose motion obeys a Schrodinger
equation. The stationary ground state of the system is the analog of an atom, but with gravitational
binding instead of electricity. Estimate the size R of the ground state wave function. (Craig J.
Hogan, Quantum indeterminacy in local measurement of cosmic expansion, 1312.7797)
2. Obtain the condition for the acceleration due to the gravitation of the bodies to be smaller than the
cosmic acceleration, and their gravitational binding energy to be less than their cosmic expansion
kinetic energy. Give an interpretation of the obtained inequality in terms of the gravitational
free-fall time and the space-time curvature.
3. The standard quantum uncertainty in position x of a body of mass M measured at two times
separated by an interval τ is
∆xq (τ )2 ≡ h(x(t) − x(t + τ ))2 i > 2~τ /M. (17.1)
Consider two bodies of identical mass M in a state of minimal relative displacement uncertainty
∆x. What value of their masses should be in order to make the uncertainty in position to be less
than the change in their separation due to cosmic expansion.
4. Estimate minimum size of a system needed for the uncertainty in position of its parts to be less
than the change in their separation due to cosmic expansion.
5. (see M.Gasperini, String theory and primordial cosmology, 1402.0101)
Like all classical theories, GR has a limited validity range. Because of those limits the standard
cosmological model cannot be extrapolated to physical regimes where the energy and the space-time
curvature are too high. Show that SCM is not applicable in the vicinity of the initial singularity
(Big Bang).
6. Construct Lagrangian and hamiltonian corresponding to the action
√ R
S= −g −ρ , ρ= ρi .
16πG i
7. Using the lagrangian obtained in the previous problem, obtain the equation of motion for scale
factor in closed FRLW Universe, filled with cosmological constant ρ = ρΛ and show that it coincides
with the first Friedmann equation (see Vilenkin, 9507018)
8. Obtain and analyze the solution a(t) of the equation obtained in the previous equation.
9. Construct an effective Hamiltonian for the de Sitter model.
10. Using result of the previous problem, obtain the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the de Sitter model.
11. Obtain Wheeler-de Witt equation for a Universe filled by cosmological constant and radiation.
ϕ̈~k + (k 2 + m2 )ϕ~k = 0.
Each (in general) complex function ϕ~k (t) satisfies the harmonic oscillator equation with the frequency
ωk = (k 2 + m2 )1/2 . The functions ϕ~k (t) are called the modes of the field ϕ.
To quantize the field, each mode ϕ~k (t) is quantized as a separate harmonic oscillator. We replace
the classical ”coordinates” ϕ~k and momenta π~k ≡ ϕ̇~∗k by operators ϕ̂~k and π̂~k with the equal-time
commutation relations
[ϕ̂~k , π̂~k ] = iδ(~k + ~k ′ ).
12. Construct the wave function of the vacuum state of a scalar field.
13. Find the wave function, obtained in the previous problem, in the limit of quantization inside an
infinitely large box (V → ∞).
14. Estimate the typical amplitude δϕ~k of fluctuations in the mode ϕ~k .
15. Show, that if ϕL is the average of ϕ(t) over a volume V = L3 , the typical fluctuation δϕL of ϕL is
hϕ2L i ∼ k 3 δϕ~k k=L−1
16. Analyze the expression for amplitude of the scalar field fluctuations, obtained in the previous
problem, as a function of linear size L of the region of the averaging.
17. Obtain the modified Raychaudhuri equation in LQC.
18. Consider a model of Universe filled with dust-like matter, i.e. p = 0, to demonstrate the main
distinction between the standard (Fridmannian) and the LQC (see A. Barrau1, T. Cailleteau, J.
Grain4, and J. Mielczarek, Observational issues in loop quantum cosmology, arXiv:1309.6896 ).
19. Estimate the typical wavelength of photons radiated by a black hole of mass M and compare it
with the size of the black hole (the Schwarzschild radius).
20. The temperature of a sufficiently small black hole can be high enough to efficiently produce baryons
(e.g. protons) as components of the Hawking radiation. Estimate the required mass M of such
black holes and compare their Schwarzschild radius with the size of the proton (its Compton
21. (see V.Frolov, A.Zelnikov, Introduction to black hole physics, Oxford University Press, 2011)
GR allows the existence of black holes of arbitrary mass. Why do we not observe formation of
small mass black holes in the laboratory or our everyday life?
22. Black holes of small masses can be created in the early Universe when the matter density was high.
Such black holes are called the primordial black holes (PBHs). The mass spectrum of the PBHs
could span an enormous mass range. Determine the mass range of the PBHs, created during the
radiation dominated epoch 10−43 sec < t < 1sec.
23. (see V. F. Mukhanov and S. Winitzki, Introduction to Quantum Fields in Classical Backgrounds,
Lecture notes - 2004)
A glass of water is moving with constant acceleration. Determine the smallest acceleration that
would make the water boil due to the Unruh effect.
In the de Broglie-Bohm causal interpretation of quantum mechanics the Schrodinger equation for a
single nonrelativistic particle
∂ψ(x, t) ~2 2
i~ = − ∇ + V (x) ψ(x, t)
∂t 2m
∂S (∇S)2 ~2 ∆R
+ +V − = 0,
∂t 2m 2m R
∂R ∇S
+ ∇ R2 = 0.
∂t m
The first equation is a Hamilton-Jacobi type equation for a particle submitted to an external potential
which is the classical potential plus a new quantum potential
~2 ∆R
2m R
The second equation can be treated as the continuity equation for a fluid with the density ρ = R2 . In
a series of the problems below let us confine ourselves to the simple case when the Universe is supposed
to be filled with only one component, namely, the nonrelativistic gas of point-like particles of the equal
mass m. Then the energy-momentum tensor components have the following form:
T µν = (ρm + ρq + pq ) − pq g µν
where ρm is the classical energy density of nonrelativistic component (the corresponding classical pressure
pm is equal to zero), while ρq and pq represent quantum admixtures, generated by interaction with the
quantum potential.
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