Practical Training Report ON: BY Roll No-Submitted To Mca Department College Name

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Roll No-


College name _______________


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that,
but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to all those people
who extended their wholehearted co-operation and have helped me in completing this project
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. __, Director (UM INFONEXUS) for creating
opportunities to undertake me in the esteemed organization.
Special thanks to Mr. ___ Project Manager for all the help and guidance extended to me by
him in every stage during my training. His inspiring suggestions and timely guidance enabled me to
perceive the various aspects of the project in a new light.
I am highly indebted and graceful to Mr. __(Project Leader) and Mr.___ (Team Leader)
for Their strict supervision, constant encouragement, inspiration and guidance, which ensure the
worthiness of my work. Working under them was an enrich experience. I express my sincere thanks
to my senior of software development department for their encouragement and valuable suggestion
I would also thank to my Mr. ------, HOD (MCA Dept.) & my internal project guide Mr.
------- who guided me a lot in completing this project. I would also like to thank my project mate for
guiding and encouraging me throughout the duration of the project.
In all I found a congenial work environment in UM INFONEXUS and this completion of
the project will mark a new beginning for me in the coming days.

MCA -th Sem
Roll No. :

I, Name--, hereby declare that the report of the project entitled “E SHOPPING” has not
presented as a part of any other academic work to get my degree or certificate except College
name for the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Computer


This is to certify that the project entitled E-SHOPPING being submitted for the
partial fulfillment of degree of MCA, session 2008-2009, is a record of work carried out by
Name under my guidance and supervision.

This is to further certify that the student has attended the UM

INFONEXUS, NOIDA for the 6 months after the fifth semester theory exams. His work has
been satisfactory and commendable.

I wish him success in his life.



This is to certify that Name, a benefited student of MCA of batch 2009-2010 has
completed the Project titled “E SHOPPING” being submitted for the partial fulfillment of
degree of MCA.

This is to further certify that the student has attended the College name. And
UM InfoNexus, Noida for the 6 months after the fifth semester theory exams. His work has
been satisfactory and commendable.

Mr. -----------
HOD MCA Department
Place: College name

1. Introduction
1.1 Company Profile
2. Project Detail
2.2 Introduction
2.3 Project description
2.4 Objective
3. System Development methodologies

4. Initial Investigation and System Requirements

4.1 System Study and Problem Formulation

4.2 Project Category
4.3 Platform (Technologies/Tools)
4.4 Front-end and Back-end Tools
4.5 Software and Hardware Used
5. Feasibility Study
6. System Design

6.1 Data Flow Diagrams

6.2 E-R Diagrams
6.3 Flow Chart
6.4 Data Base Design

7. Testing and System Security

8. Quality Assurance

9. Implementation and maintenance

10. Evaluation
11. Conclusion
12. Bibliography

• Company

A company where innovation and technical integrity of our professionals, work to

Advantage: We at UM InfoNexus have decided to embark upon a need based
Challenging the “Me too” approach used conventionally, tailor-making IT solutions
Bridging the gap between you and IT We at UM InfoNexus offer you all the services
Under one roof, providing you total IT solutions with a complete team of
(Microsoft Certified and Sun Microsystems Certified Professionals) to handle various
Projects The difference our company creates is the level of analytical services
Our professionals analyze the acceptability level of users of solutions beforehand
Designing a solution for them We are more inclined to implement solutions rather
Selling solutions This not only increases the dependability on computer but also
the users more confident. Our organization has computer professionals experienced
in a
Varied area of activities.

UM InfoNexus is a subsidiary of U S Tech India Inc. which was established in April
1999 with view to provide single point solutions to the entire computer related needs
to not only big organizations but to individuals as well. The sole aim of the company
is to increase the awareness of computers and their versatile use by eliminating the
common and recurring problems. In addition to providing hardware and software
we are also engaged in activities such as handling turnkey projects to implement
complete solutions at the user’s place. We offer you an amazing diversity with
everything you could ever want, to be it software designing, bulk data handling and
customer relationship management solutions (CRM), web based applications, ERP
solutions, E-Commerce solutions, Corporate & Institutional Training and many more
options besides your hardware related needs and networking solutions into a fresh
perspective. We are staffed with a team of bright, creative, dedicated people who
work in pursuit of professional objectives. Our team works on a disciplined plan,
agreed upon and followed through. We work together efficiently, economically, and
We respect, admire and love the talents of our co-workers, and draw on them in our
pursuits.We challenge one another in efforts to serve our clients, always seeking
and encouraging the next great idea. Talking about our presence in the Software
Product industry,
one of our very renowned and flagship software is - Pay Bill Reporter. It’s a complete
ERP suite for the Government segment that automates the internal working of a
department i.e. it connects all the branches of a Government department into a
unified, intelligent working environment. This product has given U S Tech good
name and fame in the government segment having about 75% departments of Delhi
Government, Government of India and many more of other states on our client list.
Another very renowned software product of our company dedicated to the corporate
and SME (small and mid sized companies) is USTECH CRM. This software solution
takes care of Sales, Support, Client Management, Lead Management, Sales
process flow, Campaigns management and office process automation for a
company. But this is just a start, which is a part of the targeted comprehensive ERP
We also have to our credits, the experience to serve Intelligence agencies in
developing software tools to fight the technical threats in secret and secure manner.
The solutions include Mobile Tracking System developed for Anti terrorist cell, Delhi
Police and same for Daman police also. We had also designed and developed
solutions to monitor the registration and movement of the Pak Nationals coming to
India and many more.
On the pretext of Corporate and Institutional Training, we are equipped with the work
force having skill set on the latest and ongoing technologies in the current IT

We can name out those technologies as below:

• DotNet 2008 with framework 3.5

• J2SE/J2EE with Struts
• Software Quality Testing (SQT)
• Embedded Systems
• BizTalk Server
• SharePoint Server
• Silver Light.

Varied areas of activities of Digital Creations include the following:

• Pay Bill Reporter Software Package
• Web applications development.
• Software Training and Consultancy.
• Web Designing
• Product lifecycle management
• Relational database management and research
• Customized Software Development
• Software Sales
• Character Modeling
• 3D Animations & Walkthroughs
Our Services

Relational Database management and Research

We have completed a prestigious work to be specially mentioned here is to design,

develop and maintain a relational database solution for the intelligence agencies
which is capable to handle the information getting stored in hundred millions. To be
more precise the system, which was kept secret few years ago, but now its open to
the world is called Mobile Tracking System. The system was responsible to track the
position of a user, his incoming and outgoing calls and number of other queries
based on the combinations and permutations as per the requirements of the
investigating officers. In this system data was coming from all the mobile companies
and local bodies relating to all the users, which was numbering in hundred millions.
That data was transformed and stored in a predesigned relational database. A front-
end solution was prepared for the investigators/researchers to get their required
queries from such a bulky database. Accuracy and speed of the result of queries
was the major factor to be taken care-off. The success of our efforts has resulted in
solving many of highlighted cases and has also become a service to the nation from
our company.

Web Development

Interactive media redefined the way organizations communicate, taking advantage

of the advancement in the information technology to supplement and to add value to
existing marketing activities thereby giving companies with more traditional creative
tendencies a new lease on life. In this age of highly selective audience with shorter
attention span, let us help you utilize these new media to establish your presence
where in counts, when it counts. In addition to creating Web sites for our own clients,
we specialize in creating spot illustration and graphics for developers of major
database-driven sites. Seeing your organization on a website can help you make
better decisions. Having your website of your organization that shows your activities
to date. Create and analyze work areas and organization’s profiles. And more!
Whether you are launching a new website, upgrading on existing site or merely need
A logo or banner ad, UM InfoNexus has the expertise to make your projects a
Owner-updateable sites - UM InfoNexus’s custom built Content Management
mean that your website stays as current as you want at absolute minimum costs.
Database design - UM InfoNexus’s competency in Information Architecture makes
highly efficient information archival and retrieval.
E-commerce ennoblement - UM InfoNexus’s decades of small-business
experience can
Minimize risks in your entry into marketing.

Following are the tools and technologies that we use as building blocks in
Application Development:

Web Technologies

· VB.Net,
· J2EE,
Cold Fusion,
Java (JSP, Servelet, EJB & Applet),
Web Servers
· All popular web servers.

· Oracle, MS SQL & Access, Cache

· NT, Linux, UNIX.

· Cold Fusion Studio, Visual Interdev, Jbuilder, Visual Age for Java.
Web Application Server
· Cold Fusion Application Server, Jrun. · HTML, Editors
· Macromedia Dreamweaver, 'Microsoft FrontPage. Multimedia / Animation
· Flash, Director, 3DX Player, 3D Studio Max, Illustrator, Sound Forge, Adobe
Premier, ULead MediaStudio & More.

To set-up and undertake e-commerce through Internet using computer
To establish develop and maintain online databases and services and e-mailing,
e-shopping and other similar databases and service.
This is the fastest moving development on the Internet, which makes selling your
products over the web easy.
We can set up a database of your products and allow the customers to purchase
products online quickly, easily and above securely.

Multimedia Presentation
A multimedia production combines different media types into a cohesive
presentation.These media types include the latest packages in animation and
graphics alone each of these types is a factor but when combined it dramatically
improves the effectiveness of the presentation A multimedia presentation can be
utilized for any application viz. company profile, product demos, sales, training,
medical presentation to name a few.

Corp Presentation
Breathe new life into your corporate presentations!
UM InfoNexus can create introduction, animations and special effects for your
corporate presentations that will clearly communicate your message and is sure to
keep your audience's eyes open. We can add value to your presentations with
animations of your corporate logo, 3D animated charts and graphs and by making
your idea or concept a reality through 3D simulation.
UM InfoNexus’s team of animators is skilled in developing productions for
presentations, commercials, and other corporate promotional purposes that will
impress and dazzle your audience. Utilizing the latest animation tools and special in-
house technologies, we can bring broadcast quality animation and special effects to
the corporate market at a fraction of broadcast prices.

CD Authoring
UM InfoNexus is able to offer your business or organization fun production of
CDROMs. For use in advertising campaigns, employee education programs and
public relations efforts Employee Education - Training manuals, company policies
and explanations of benefit programs can be published on CD at a fraction of the
cost of printing.
Business card-sized CDs - UM InfoNexus can assist you in making an
unforgettable first impression with a unique and informative custom production.
How can our CD-ROMs give your company a competitive edge in the marketplace?
Let's take an example of a software company. UM InfoNexus can create CD-ROMs
for software companies who are looking for a way to actually demonstrate their
Once again, paper based marketing materials by themselves often fail to convey the
excitement of high tech products and services, in this case a software product. In
paper based material, a software company describes their software and shows the
customer a couple of screenshots to give them a vague sense of the functionality
and the interface. But with a CD-ROM, UM InfoNexus can show your clients live
demonstrations of your programs and can package those demonstrations with sleek,
elegant graphics and interactivity. It really is important to show, not tell. We look
forward to creating a CDROM for your organization. We can also web enable the
complete CD-ROM presentation and incorporate it within your corporate web site.
“Dedication of our core team of professionals to deliver our services before the set
deadline of our esteemed clients." This is the thrust to satisfy the client with the
quality, punctuality and accuracy. UM InfoNexus is entering the field of Back
operations with the motto. Data Entry Services, Call Center Services are the key
places to work on.

Preparation of Pay bill Inner Sheet
Preparation of Pay bill Outer Sheet
Preparation of All Schedules:
Acquaintance Rolls
Pay Slips
Last pay Certificate
History Vision (Privilege to see and to take printouts of the past records).
Preparation of Tax Calculation Sheets Preparation of Form 16.
Preparation of Form 24.
Penal interest calculation
Tax planning

Long term Arrears of Pay and Allowances IV Pay Commission (i.e. 1986) Onwards.
Reports available are: -
Due drawn statement month wise Inner Sheet
Outer Sheet
Dearness Allowance Arrear
Reports available are: -
Due drawn statement individually Inner Sheet
Outer Sheet
Acquaintance roll
Preparation of Death Pension
Preparation of Family Pension
Calculation of last ten months working service. Commutation

Preparation of GPF Ledger
Preparation of GPF Broad Sheet
Preparation of GPF Annual Card
Preparation of GPF statement
GPF Interest calculation

Preparation of Budget statements, which includes all 11 statements Budgetary
Preparation of Bill register
G.A.R. Forms
Pension Forms
G.F.R Forms
G.P.F. Forms
HBA Forms
Advances Forms

Vendor Masters
Item Masters
Receipt &. Issue
Department Masters

PIS (Personnel Information system)

Unique ID to all employees
Detailed Personal/Official Information of all employees Records of Service and
All employee transactions

Some of our Prestigious Clients (Government Segment) are: -

Delhi: -
- Director General of Security, Cabinet Secretariat
- General Administration Department
- Sales Tax Department
- Office of Labor Commissioner
- Office of Divisional Commissioner (New Delhi Distt.)
- Department of Social Welfare
- Directorate of Information and Publicity
- Registrar of Cooperative Societies
- Land and Building Dep't.
- Transport Department
- Directorate of Agricultural Marketing
- Legislative Assembly

Directorate of Health Services: -

- Lok Nayak Hospital
- Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. Hospital
- G.B. Pant Hospital
- Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences
- Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
- Geeta Colony Super Specialty Children Hospital
- Maulana Azad Medkal College
- Guru Nanak Eye Center
Directorate of Training and Technical Education
- Delhi College of Engineering
Hindi Academy
Delhi Police (All 34 units)

Goa: -
- Office of Resident Commissioner

Chandigarh: -
- I. G. Of Police

Daman: -
- I. G. Of Police

Before Starting the project we should fully know about the meaning of project. There are
seven letters in the word “PROJECT” each character has its own technical meaning.


This deal with the idea at thinking and which are required for the project


The money problem will be solved and resources from which collected


The procedure from which the getting job is prepared in a systematic way is known as

Joint effort

This is directly proper to a operation output is made of several person working sincerely is


A well-educated engineer can do this work in a better way to find out better result. Hence the
project is as engineering function.


To make the project successfully, it is necessary for its success and completion of project


It must as it gives a better shape. It is not possible to complete the project without technique.
The project is a system that gives the systematic way of planning and working.


The e-shopping Web site is the application that provides customers with online shopping.
Through a Web browser, a customer can browse the catalog, place items to purchase into a
virtual shopping cart, create and sign in to a user account, and purchase the shopping cart
contents by placing an order with a credit card


The analysis audience of this document includes the customer, i.e. The staff of the company
and members of the software development team. All significant requirements related to the
functionality, performance and othere factors are covered by this document. Before
requirements can be analyses modeled and specific they are gathered through an elicitation
process. Context free questions were asked to the management people belonging to different
large organizations/institutes regarding how they would characterize a good output that
would generate a successful solution, what kind of problems will this solution address How
they describe the environment in which the solution will be used, and will special
performance issues or constraints affect the way the solution is approached.

Objective of E-SHOPPING

The Application is a working demonstration of how to use blueprints principles in a real

application design. This document is an online guide to the design and the implementation
of the application Enterprise Applications with web technology. Each release of the
application maintains consistent design features such as separating logic and presentation,
using web component for control and web pages for presentation, using business
components, and so on. High-level design features, this document goes deeper into the
implementation details of the current application release. This document is provided as an
online-only resource so that it may be continually extended and updated. This document
begins with a description of the separate applications that the sample application comprises,
describes the modular structure of the E-SHOPPING application, and provides an in-depth
description of several pieces of the modules

• S

System Development Methodology

System Development Life Cycle Phases:

1.2.1 Initiation Phase

The initiation of a system (or project) begins when a business need or opportunity is
identified. A Project Manager should be appointed to manage the project. This business
need is documented in a Concept Proposal. After the Concept Proposal is approved, the
System Concept Development Phase begins.

1.2.2 System Concept Development Phase

Once a business need is approved, the approaches for accomplishing the concept are
reviewed for feasibility and appropriateness. The Systems Boundary Document identifies
the scope of the system and requires Senior Official approval and funding before
beginning the Planning Phase.

1.2.3 Planning Phase

The concept is further developed to describe how the business will operate once the
approved system is implemented, and to assess how the system will impact employee and
customer privacy. To ensure the products and /or services provide the required capability
on-time and within budget, project resources, activities, schedules, tools, and reviews are
defined. Additionally, security certification and accreditation activities begin with the
identification of system security requirements and the completion of a high level
vulnerability assessment.

1.2.4 Requirements Analysis Phase

Functional user requirements are formally defined and delineate the requirements in
terms of data, system performance, security, and maintainability requirements for the
system. All requirements are defined to a level of detail sufficient for systems design to
proceed. All requirements need to be measurable and testable and relate to the business
need or opportunity identified in the Initiation Phase.

1.2.5 Design Phase

The physical characteristics of the system are designed during this phase. The operating
environment is established, major subsystems and their inputs and outputs are defined,
and processes are allocated to resources. Everything requiring user input or approval
must be documented and reviewed by the user. The physical characteristics of the system
are specified and a detailed design is prepared. Subsystems identified during design are
used to create a detailed structure of the system. Each subsystem is partitioned into one or
more design units or modules. Detailed logic specifications are prepared for each
software module.

1.2.6 Development Phase

The detailed specifications produced during the design phase are translated into
hardware, communications, and executable software. Software shall be unit tested,
integrated, and retested in a systematic manner. Hardware is assembled and tested.

1.2.7 Integration and Test Phase

The various components of the system are integrated and systematically tested. The user
tests the system to ensure that the functional requirements, as defined in the functional
requirements document, are satisfied by the developed or modified system. Prior to
installing and operating the system in a production environment, the system must
undergo certification and accreditation activities.
1.2.8 Implementation Phase

The system or system modifications are installed and made operational in a production
environment. The phase is initiated after the system has been tested and accepted by the
user. This phase continues until the system is operating in production in accordance with
the defined user requirements.

1.2.9 Operations and Maintenance Phase

The system operation is ongoing. The system is monitored for continued performance in
accordance with user requirements, and needed system modifications are incorporated.
The operational system is periodically assessed through In-Process Reviews to determine
how the system can be made more efficient and effective. Operations continue as long as
the system can be effectively adapted to respond to an organization’s needs. When
modifications or changes are identified as necessary, the system may reenter the planning

1.2.10 Disposition Phase

The disposition activities ensure the orderly termination of the system and preserve the
vital information about the system so that some or all of the information may be
reactivated in the future if necessary. Particular emphasis is given to proper preservation
of the data processed by the system, so that the data is effectively migrated to another
system or archived in accordance with applicable records management regulations and
policies, for potential future access.

SDLC Objectives:

This guide was developed to disseminate proven practices to system developers, project
managers, program/account analysts and system owners/users throughout the DOJ. The
specific objectives expected include the following:

• To reduce the risk of project failure

• To consider system and data requirements throughout the entire life of the system
• To identify technical and management issues early
• To disclose all life cycle costs to guide business decisions
• To foster realistic expectations of what the systems will and will not provide
• To provide information to better balance programmatic, technical, management, and
cost aspects of proposed system development or modification
• To encourage periodic evaluations to identify systems that are no longer effective
• To measure progress and status for effective corrective action
• To support effective resource management and budget planning
• To consider meeting current and future business requirements

Key Principles

This guidance document refines traditional information system life cycle management
approaches to reflect the principles outlined in the following subsections. These are the
foundations for life cycle management.

Life Cycle Management Should be used to Ensure a Structured Approach to Information

Systems Development, Maintenance, and Operation

This SDLC describes an overall structured approach to information management.

Primary emphasis is placed on the information and systems decisions to be made and the
proper timing of decisions. The manual provides a flexible framework for approaching a
variety of systems projects. The framework enables system developers, project managers,
program/account analysts, and system owners/users to combine activities, processes, and
products, as appropriate, and to select the tools and methodologies best suited to the
unique needs of each project.

Support the use of an Integrated Product Team

The establishment of an Integrated Product Team (IPT) can aid in the success of a
project. An IPT is a multidisciplinary group of people who support the Project Manager
in the planning, execution, delivery and implementation of life cycle decisions for the
project. The IPT is composed of qualified empowered individuals from all appropriate
functional disciplines that have a stake in the success of the project. Working together in
a proactive, open communication, team oriented environment can aid in building a
successful project and providing decision makers with the necessary information to make
the right decisions at the right time.

Each System Project must have a Program Sponsor

To help ensure effective planning, management, and commitment to information systems,

each project must have a clearly identified program sponsor. The program sponsor serves
in a leadership role, providing guidance to the project team and securing, from senior
management, the required reviews and approvals at specific points in the life cycle. An
approval from senior management is required after the completion of the first seven of
the SDLC phases, annually during Operations and Maintenance Phase and six-months
after the Disposition Phase. Senior management approval authority may be varied based
on dollar value, visibility level, congressional interests or a combination of these.
The program sponsor is responsible for identifying who will be responsible for formally
accepting the delivered system at the end of the Implementation Phase.

A Single Project Manager must be Selected for Each System Project

The Project Manager has responsibility for the success of the project and works
through a project team and other supporting organization structures, such as working
groups or user groups, to accomplish the objectives of the project. Regardless of
organizational affiliation, the Project Manager is accountable and responsible for
ensuring that project activities and decisions consider the needs of all organizations that
will be affected by the system. The Project Manager develops a project charter to define
and clearly identify the lines of authority between and within the agency’s executive
management, program sponsor, (user/customer), and developer for purposes of
management and oversight.

A Comprehensive Project Management Plan is Required for Each System


The project management plan is a pivotal element in the successful solution of an

information management requirement. The project management plan must describe how each life
cycle phase will be accomplished to suit the specific characteristics of the project. The project
management plan is a vehicle for documenting the project scope, tasks, schedule, allocated
resources, and interrelationships with other projects. The plan is used to provide direction to the
many activities of the life cycle and must be refined and expanded throughout the life cycle.

Specific Individuals Must be Assigned to Perform Key Roles throughout

the Life Cycle

Certain roles are considered vital to a successful system project and at least one
individual must be designated as responsible for each key role. Assignments may be
made on a full- or part-time basis as appropriate. Key roles include program/functional
management, quality assurance, security, telecommunications management, data
administration, database administration, logistics, financial, systems engineering, test and
evaluation, contracts management, and configuration management. For most projects,
more than one individual should represent the actual or potential users of the system (that
is, program staff) and should be designated by the Program Manager of the program and




The existing system work manually. The existing system has got lot of
intricacies within itself and need lot of human effort and paper works. All above the data
need to be maintained on ledgers and maintaining this is a tedious and risky process. As
the transactions increases, so the data too. So the task of maintaining them increases
exponentially. To view a data may need lot of paper to be searched.

Some of the negative aspects of the existing system are as follows:

1) Course of action is time consuming. Wherever a need for search arises, the process
evolves search through paper records.
2) Readability of records is constrained. All the records may not be handled or written
by the same person. So the format and style of records differ and hence it is difficult to
3) Paper records are easily damaged in course of time. The life time of paper record is
unreliable less that it easily gets spoiled.
4) Expenditure is high. Manual system needs added man power.
5) Prone to corruption by unauthorized users. Securing of manual system is not fully
guaranteed. Inaccuracy can be expected. Data can get easily scratched.
6) Techniques used are more complicated. Proper techniques are not exposed, so the
functioning is intricate.

To overcome these, the proposed system has been suggested.


The proposed system is a computerized one. This has greater accuracy

and efficiency. This takes only limited time for shopping.

The system includes two users.

1) Administrator(HR)
2) General User
The user gets into the system using user name and a unique password. Each user has
his own accessibility permission to accomplish his task flawlessly.

Advantages of the proposed system are

1) Easy access to the data
2) The new system is more user friendly, reliable and flexible.
3) Pop-up menus to carry out transactions for a new user, and for other alert
4) Timely Report generation.
Requirement Analysis
At the heart of system analysis is a detailed understanding of all important facets of
business area under investigation. (For this reason, the process of acquiring this is often
termed the detailed investigation) Analyst, wirking closely with the employees and
managers, must study the business process to answer
these key questions:

 What is being done?

 How is it being done?
 How frequent does it occur?
 How great is the volume of transaction or decisions?
 How well is the task being performed?
 Does a problem exist?
 If a problem exist, how serious is it?
 If a problem exists, what is the underlying cause?

Requirement analysis relies on fact-finding techniques. These include:

 Interview
 Questionnaires
 Record inspection
 On-site observation

In the world we are growing for globalization day by day with the development in IT
resources and advancement, by using latest technologies every organization wants to beat
its competitors and want to grow. Enterprise Resourceful Planning is the need of today’s
organization. Survival on manual system is difficult so, that’s why organization of the
corporate world wants to computerize their departments. The modules should be
complete database driven and interactive that should provide the proper information
about the Placement and Training Organization.
Success of any system depends up to a large extent on how accurately a
problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out to the choice of
solution. Analysis is the only phase in which the requirements for the new system are
identified. System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a
system and their relationship within and outside of the system. The question is: what
must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of
the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other
related system. During analysis data are collected on the available files, decision points
and transactions handled by the parent system. Data flow diagram, interviews, onsite
observations, questionnaires are used as a logical system model and tools to perform the

An analyst is responsible for performing following tasks:

 Gathered all facts about the present system from the employees.

 Studied strength and weakness of the current system.

 Determined “what” must be done to solve the problem.

 Prepared a functional specifications document.

In order to reduce the time, there is a need for computerized system that cans retrieve
data, insert data, update existing data or delete existing data. These modules are
developed wit the aim of reducing time, reducing manpower, reducing cost so that the
records can be easily maintained. The volume of work and complexity are increasing year
by year. This system reduces complexity and workload.


A request to take assistance from information system can be made for many reasons, but
in each case some one in the organization initiate the request. When the request is made,
the first system activity the preliminary investigation begins. This activity has three parts:

 Request clarification
 Feasible Study
 Request approval

Many requests from employees and users in the organization are not clearly defined.
Therefore, it becomes necessary that project request must be examined and clarified
properly before considering systems investigation.

The feasibility study is carried out by a small group of people who are familiar with
information system techniques, understand the parts of the business or organization that
will be involved or affected by the project, and are skilled in the system analysis and
design process.

• Request Approval:

It is not necessary that all request projects are desirable or feasible. Some organizations
receive so many projects request from employees that only a few of them can be
purchased. However, those projects that are feasible and desirable should be put into a
In some cases, development can start immediately, although usually system staff
members are busy on other ongoing projects. When such situation arises, management
decides which projects are more urgent and schedule them accordingly. After a project
request is approved, its cost, priority, completion time and personal requirements are
estimated and used to determine where to add it to any existing project list. Later on,
when the other projects have been completed, the proposed application development can
be initiated.
Analysis is a process of studying a problem and to find the best solution to that
problem. System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation.
Analysis is one phase, which is important phase for system development lie cycle.
System development is a problem solving techniques. Analysis involves interviewing the
client and the user. Three people and the existing documents about the current mode of
operation are the basic source of information for the analyst.

Analysis is the process of studying a problem to find the best solution to that problem.
System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation. Analysis is one
phase of the very important phase of the system development life cycle. System
development is a problem solving techniques. Analyses involve interviewing the client
and the user. These people and the existing document about the current mode of
operation are the basic source of information for the analyst.
Human Resource Department of the organization controls the manpower planning by
recording manpower requirements, grade, job specifications and presently vacancies and
strength. It maintains the candidate’s databank for the respective post.


Computer Aided Software Engineering can be as simple as a single tool that support a
specific software engineering activity or as complex as a complete “environment “ that
encompasses tools, a database, people, hardware, a network, operating system, standards,
and myriad other components. Each building block forms a foundation for the next, with
tools sitting as the top of the heap. It is interesting to note that the foundation for effective
CASE environment has relatively little to do for software engineering tools themselves.
Rather, successful environments appropriate hardware and systems software. In addition,
the environment architecture must consider the human work patterns that are applied
during the software engineering process.
The environment composed of the hardware platform and system support (including
networking software, software management, and object management services), the
groundwork for CASE. But the CASE environment itself demands other building blocks.
A set of portability services provides a bridge between CASE tools and their integration
framework and the environment architecture. The integration framework is a collection of
specialized programs that enables individual’s CASE tools to communicate one another,
to create a project database, and to exhibit the same look and feel to the end user (the
software engineer). Portability services allow CASE tools and their integration
framework to migrate across different hardware platforms and operating system with out
significant adaptive maintenance.

The building blocks represent a comprehensive foundation for the integration of CASE
tools. However, most CASE tools in use today have been: constructed using all these
building blocks.

In fact some CASE tools remain “point solution:” That is, a tool is used to assist in a
particular software engineering activity (e.g. analysis modeling) but does not directly
communicate with other tools, is not tied into a project database, is not part of an
integrated CASE environment (l-CASE). Although this situation is not ideal, a CASE
tool can be used quite effectively, even if it is a point solution.

At the low end of the integration spectrum is the individual (point solution) tool. When
individual tools can provide tools provide facilities for data exchange, the integration
level is improved slightly. Such tools produce output in a standard format that should be
compatible with other tools that can read the format. In some cases, the builder of
complementary CASE tools work together to form a bridge between the tools (e.g. an
analysis and design tool that is coupled with a code generator). Using this approach, the
team developed, synergy between the tools separately. Single source integration occurs
when a single CASE tools vendor integrates a number of different tools and sells them as
a package.
Although this approach is quite effective, the closed architecture of most single source
environments precludes easy addition from other vendors.
Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is conducted to select the best system that meets performance
requirement. This entails an identification description, an evaluation of candidate system
and the selection of best system for the job. The system required performance is defined
by a statement of constraints, the identification of specific system objective and a
description of outputs.

The key consideration in feasibility analysis are :

1. Economic Feasibility :

2. Technical Feasibility :

3. Operational Feasibility:

Economical feasibility

It looks at the financial aspects of the project. It determines whether the

management has enough resources and budget to invest in the proposed system and the
estimated time for the recovery of cost incurred. It also determines whether it is worth
while to invest the money in the proposed project. Economic feasibility is determines by
the means of cost benefit analysis.The proposed system is economically feasible because
the cost involved in purchasing the hardware and the software are within approachable.
The personal cost like salaries of employees hired are also nominal, because working in
this system need not required a highly qualified professional. The operating-environment
costs are marginal. The less time involved also helped in its economical feasibility. It was
observed that the organization has already using computers for other purpose, so that
there is no additional cost to be incurred for adding this system to its computers.
The backend required for storing other details is also the same database that is
Sql. The computers in the organization are highly sophisticated and don’t needs extra
components to load the software. Hence the organization can implement the new system
without any additional expenditure. Hence, it is economically feasible.

• Software Cost :

Sql 2005 : 15000/-

.Net frame work : 25000/-

• Manpower Cost :

Team cost : 25000/-

System Cost : 40000/-

Total Cost : 105000/-

Technical Feasibility

It is a measure of the practically of a specific technical solution and the availability

of technical resources and expertise

• The proposed system uses c# as front-end and Sql server 2005 as back-end tool.
• The above tools are readily available, easy to work with and widely used for
developing commercial application.

Hardware used in this project are- p4 processor 2.4GHz, 128 MB RAM, 40

GB hard disk, floppy drive. This hardware was already available on the existing
computer system. The software like Sql Server 2005, iis, .net framework and operating
system WINDOWS-XP’ used were already installed On the existing computer system. So
no additional hardware and software were required to purchase and it is technically
feasible. The technical feasibility is in employing computers to the organization. The
organization is equipped with enough computers so that it is easier for updating. Hence
the organization has not technical difficulty in adding this system.

Duration of Project:-

Time Duration

For study 30 days

Designing 20 days
For development 100 days
Testing 15 days

Total time 165 days

Operational Feasibility

The system will be used if it is developed well then be resistance for users that

• No major training and new skills are required as it is based on DBMS model.

• It will help in the time saving and fast processing and dispersal of user request and

• New product will provide all the benefits of present system with better

• Improved information, better management and collection of the reports.

• User support.

• User involvement in the building of present system is sought to keep in mind the
user specific requirement and needs.

• User will have control over there own information. Important information such as
pay-slip can be generated at the click of a button.

• Faster and systematic processing of user application approval, allocation of IDs,

payments, etc. used had greater chances of error due to wrong information entered by

Behavioral Feasibility

People are inherent to change. In this type of feasibility check, we come to

know if the newly developed system will be taken and accepted by the working force i.e.
the people who will use it.
• E-R D



System design provides the understandings and procedural details necessary for
implementing the system recommended in the system study. Emphasis is on the
translating the performance requirements into design specifications. The design phase is a
transition from a user-oriented document (System proposal) to a document oriented to the
programmers or database personnel.

System design goes through two phases of development:

1) Logical Design

2) Physical Design

A data flow diagram shows the logical flow of the system. For a system it
describes the input (source), output (destination), database (data stores) and procedures
(data flows) all in a format that meets the user’s requirement. When analysis prepare the
logical system design, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually
determines the information flow into an out of the system and the required data resources.
The logical design also specifies input forms and screen layouts.

The activities following logical design are the procedure followed in the physical
design e.g., producing programs, software, file and a working system. Design
specifications instruct the user about what the system should do.

Logical and Output Design:

The logical design of an information system is analogous to an engineering

blue print of an automobile. It shows the major features and how they are related to one
another. The detailed specification for the new system was drawn on the bases of user’s
requirement data. The outputs inputs and databases are designed in this phase.

Output design is one of the most important features of the information system.
When the outputs is not of good quality the users will be averse to use the newly
designed system and may not use the system. There are many types of output, all of
which can be either highly useful or can be critical to the users, depending on the manner
and degree to which they are used.

Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the

results of processing to users, They are also used to provide a permanent hard copy of
these results for later consultation. Various types of outputs required can be listed as

• External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organisation

• Internal outputs, whose destination is with the organisation

• Operational outputs, whose use is purely with in the computer department e.g.,
program-listing etc.

• Interactive outputs, which involve the user is communicating directly with the
computer, It is particularly important to consider human factor when designing computer
outputs. End user must find outputs easy to use and useful to their jobs, Without quality
output, user may find the entire system unnecessary and avoid using it. The term
“Output” in any information system may apply to either printer or displayed information.
During the designing the output for this system, it was taken into consideration, whether
the information to be presented in the form of query of report or to create documents etc.

Other important factors that were taken into consideration are:

The End user, who will use the output.

• The actual usage of the planned information

• The information that is necessary for presentation

• When and how often output and their format is needed. While designing output
for project based Attendance Compilation System, the following aspects of outputs
designing were taken into consideration.

• The outputs (i.e., well formatted table outputs in the screen itself) designed are
simple to read and interpret.

• Format of each output was another important point taken into consideration.
Output media, for each output appropriate media is decided whether it will be displayed
on screen or will be taken to printer or both.

• Other output design related specifications, i.e., how frequently the outputs will
be generated, how many pages or sheets approximately it will keep up, what is its
planned use and output distribution to users are also taken into account.

These were a few major designing issues, which were taken into consideration,
while deciding the output specifications for the system. As direct beneficiary of reports is
the user community, they were consulted constantly at every level. Formats and screen
design for various reports were identified, taking into account the user requirements.
Before finalising these were given to users for any improvement and suggestions. End
users issues taken into consideration were Readability, Relevance and Acceptability.

Once all the output reports to be generated by ACS system were identified, they were
given to users for their acceptance. For prototyping various outputs, final outputs models
were created with dummy data, before they were finalised.
Output Sources:

Output contents originate from these sources:

• Retrieval from a data source.

• Transmission from a process or system activity.

• Directly from an input source.

The information produced in an output can be presented as

• Tabular contents

• Graphic format

• Using Icons

Output Definition:
The output should be defined in terms of:

Types of outputs

• Content-headings, numeric, alphanumeric, etc.,

• Format-hardcopy, screen, microfilm, etc.,

• Location-local, remote, transmitted, etc.,

• Frequency-daily, weekly, hourly, etc.,

• Response-immediate with in a period, etc.,

Data items

The name given to each data item should be recorded and its characteristics described
clearly in a standard form:

• Whether alphanumeric or numeric

• Legitimate and specific range of characteristics

• Number of characters
• Positions of decimal point, arithmetic design, etc.,

Input Design:

The input design is the link that ties the information system into the user’s world.
Input specifications describe the manner in which data enters the system for processing.
Input design features can ensure the reliability of the system and produce results from
accurate data, or they can result in the production of erroneous information.

Input Design consists of

• developing specifications and procedures for data preparation

• Steps necessary to put data into a usable form for processing.

• Data entry, the activity of putting data into the computer processing.

Objectives of Input design

Five objectives of design input focus on

• Controlling the amount of input required

• Avoid delay

• Avoiding errors in data

• Avoiding extra steps.

• Keeping the process simple.

Input stages several activities have to be carried out as part of te overall input process.
They include some or all of the following.

Data recording (i.e., collection of data)

Data encapsulation(i.e.,transfer of data)

Data conversion(i.,e.,controlling the flow of data)

Data transmission(i.e.,transporting te data)

Data validation(i.e.,checking te input data)

Data correction(i.e.,correcting the errors)

Input Performa were designed, after a careful discussion with users. It was attempted to
cover all user requirements. Designed Performa were given to user for any suggestion and final

Various data items were identified and wherever necessary were recorded.

Input designs are aimed at reducing the chances of mistakes of errors. As the human beings are
prone to errors there is always a possibility of occurrence of chance of errors. Adequate
validation checks are incorporated to ensure error free data storage. Some of the data validation
checks applied are as following:

Redundancy of data is checked. It means the records of primary key do not occur twice.

Primary key field of any table must not be left blank.

Wherever items are coded, input code is checked for it’s validly with respect to several checks.

Utmost care has been taken to incorporate the validation at each stage of the system. E.g. when entering
records into employee information table for employee, it is checked that whether the corresponding
employee exists in the employee information table etc.,

Enough messages and dialogue boxes are provided while design screen, which does
guide user at the time of any errors, or at time of entry. This feature provides a user-friendly
interface to native users. It can be emphasized that input deigns of E-SHOPPING is so designed
that it ensures easy and error free data entry mechanism. Once one is sure of input data the output
formatting becomes an routine work.


The purpose of this phase is to plan a solution for the problem specified by the
requirement document. This is first step in moving from the problem domain to solution domain.
Designing activity is divided into two parts.

a) System Design It aims to identify the modules that should be in the system, the specification
of these modules and how they interact with each other to produce the desired result.

b) Detailed Design The internal goal of each of the modules specified in the system design is
A database is a collection of inter-related data stored with a minimum of redundancy
to serve many applications. It minimizes the artificiality embedded in using separate files.
The primary objectives are fast response time to enquires, more information at low cost,
control of redundancy, clarity and ease of use, accuracy and fast recovery. The
organization of data in a database aims to achieve three major objectives, they are data
integration, data integrity and data independence. During the design of the database at
most care has been taken to keep up the objectives of the database design.


The process of code is to facilitate the identification and retrieve of items of

information. The code should be simple and easy to understandable. The codes were
designed in such a way that the features such as optimum human – oriented use and
machine efficiency are unaffected.

For the code to be designed effectively, the following characteristics were also considered
while designing the code.

• Uniqueness
• Versatility
• Stability
• Simplicity
• Consciousness

The code should be adequate for present and anticipated data processing for machine and
human use. Care was taken to minimize the clerical effort and computer time required to continue

The process can be conceptualized in such a way to keep the methodology of main
module process along with some auxiliary task, which will run concurrently with the main

The top-down approach is maintained so as to keep track of the process, which

satisfies the maintenance reliability testing requirements. The concurrency of the data is
checked during data entry, by means of validation check for data in each field.


Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a

graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data


The data flow diagram is analogous to a road map. It is a network model of all possibilities

with different detail shown on different hierarchical levels. This processes of representing

different details level is called “leveling” or “partitioning” by some data flow diagram

advocates. Like a road map, there is no start point or stop point, no time or timing, or steps to

get somewhere. We just know that the data path must exist because at some point it will be

needed. A road map shows all existing or planned roads because the road is needed.

Details that is not shown on the different levels of the data flow diagram such as volumes,

timing, frequency, etc. is shown on supplementary diagrams or in the data dictionary. For

example, data store contents may be shown in the data dictionary.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) uses a number of symbols to represent the systems. Data Flow

Diagram also known as ‘Bubble Chart’ is used to clarify system requirements and identifying

the major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting

point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements specifications down

to the level of details.

A square shows the Entity.

A Circle shows the Process

An open Ended Rectangle shows the data store.

An arrow shows the data flow.

The DFD can be up to several levels. The 0 level DFD states the flow of data in the system as
seen from the outward in each module.

The first level DFD show more detail, about the single process of the 0 level DFD

The second level DFD can show even more details and so on.

Symbols of DFD:-

The Data flow Diagram shows the flow of data. It is generally made of symbols given below

The various symbols used for DFD are:

 Square

A square defines a source (originator) or destination of system data.

 Arrow

An arrow identifies data flow-data in motion. It is a pipeline through which information


 Circle

A circle or a bubble represents is a process that transforms incoming data flow into outgoing

data flow. Circle basically represents a process.

 Open Rectangle

An open Rectangle is data store-data at rest, or temporary repository of data. Open rectangle

basically denotes data storage.




Information Flow of Data for Testing

Test Results Evaluatio

Testing Error
Rate Debu
Data g
Test Results
Configuration y

Predicted Reliability

Information Flow of Data Testing


• Each E-shopping module has different requirements from the others. This section
describes the requirements, design, and implementation of each module.
• Control module—the control module dispatches requests to business logic, controls
screen flow, coordinates component interactions, and activates user sign on and
registration. The control module is implemented by the WAF and application-specific
WAF extensions.
• Shopping cart module—the shopping cart tracks the items a user has selected for
• Sign on module—the sign on module requires a user to sign on before accessing certain
screens, and manages the sign on process
• Messaging module—the messaging module asynchronously transmits purchase orders
from the pet store to the OPC
• Catalog module—the catalog module provides a page-based view of the catalog based on
user search criteria

• Customer module—the customer module represents customer information: addresses,

credit cards, contact information, and so on
Control Module Requirements

The control module forms the framework underlying the application, so it naturally has the
most high-level requirements. Extensibility and maintainability are prime considerations in
this module. The control module must be extensible because all real-world enterprise
applications change constantly. Because the control module plays a role in virtually every
interaction, its code must be well-structured to avoid complexity-related maintenance
problems. The requirements of the control module are:

• The module must handle all HTTP requests for the application. This module controls
a Web application, and interacts with a user who sends HTTP service requests. The
control module is responsible for classifying and dispatching each of these requests to
the other modules.
• HTTP responses may be of any content type. Web application developers do not want
to be limited to just textual content types. The control module must also be able to
produce binary responses.
• Business logic must be easily extensible. Enterprise applications are always changing
and growing as business rules and conditions change. A developer familiar with the
control module should be able easily to add new functionality with minimal impact
on existing functions.
• New views must be easy to add. Most business logic changes imply new user views,
so developers must be able to create new views easily.
• Module must provide application-wide control of look and feel. Manually editing
hundreds or dozens of user views is not a practical way to manage application look
and feel. The control module must provide a way for application screen layout and
style to be controlled globally.
• Application must be maintainable even as it grows. The control module must be
structured so that new functions added over time do not result in a thicket of
unmentionable “spaghetti” code. It should be possible to easily understand the control
of even an application with several hundred business classes.
• Application-wide functionality must be easy to add. New application requirements
occasionally apply to every operation or view in an application. The control module
must be structured so that such requirements can be easily met.
Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a
graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data

The data flow diagram is analogous to a road map. It is a network model of all

possibilities with different detail shown on different hierarchical levels. This processes of
representing different details level is called “leveling” or “partitioning” by some data flow
diagram advocates. Like a road map, there is no starting point or stop point, no time or timing, or
steps to get somewhere. We just know that the data path must exist because at some point it will
be needed. A road map shows all existing or planned roads because the road is needed.

Details that is not shown on the different levels of the data flow diagram such as
volumes, timing, frequency, etc. is shown on supplementary diagrams or in the data dictionary.
For example, data store contents may be shown in the data dictionary.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) uses a number of symbols to represent the systems. Data
Flow Diagram also known as ‘Bubble Chart’ is used to clarify system requirements and
identifying the major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the
starting point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements specifications
down to the level of details.
First_Nam Last_Nam
e e
User_I Address

User User Details


User to

Product_Id Name Id


Product_Master Categor
y Product_type_Master

Quantity e
Name Desc

TABLE 1- User Detail TABLE


User_id Varchar Id of the Customer.
First Name Varchar First Name of
Last Name Varchar Last Name of
Cons_add Varchar Customer address
Telephone Varchar Telephone Number of
the Customer
Mobile Varchar Mobile Number of the
email Varchar Email address


Field Name Data Type Description

user_id varchar Id of the customer.
password Varchar User’s password.
User_type Varchar Type of user


Field Name Data Type Description

Product id Varchar Id of Product
Product name Varchar Product name
Quantity Number Maximum level of
Prices Number Item’s price
Product image url Varchar Address of image
of product.
Product Varchar Products detail
Product type id Varchar Product type

Field Name Data Type Description
Product_Type_Id Number
Name Varchar Name of product
Details Varchar Details of the
product type


Field Name Data Type Description

Order_id Number Id of the order
Order_date Date Date in which
order is placed
User_id Number id of the user
Delivery_date Date Date of delivery
Status Boolean Whether delivered or

Field Name Data Type Description

Order_id Number Id of the order
Product_id Number id of the product
Quantity Number Quantity ordered
Offer price Number Priced offered for
the product

Here the System testing involved is the most widely used testing process
consisting of five stages as shown in the figure. In general, the sequence of testing
activities is component testing, integration testing, and then user testing. However, as
defects are discovered at any one stage, they require program modifications to correct
them and this may require other stages in the testing process to be repeated.

Unit testing





(Component testing) (Integration testing) (User testing)

Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing performs a very critical role for
quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of the software. The results of testing are
used later on during maintenance also.
Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption
that if the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. In
adequate testing or non-testing leads to errors that may not appear until months or even
years later (Remember the New York three day power failure due to a misplaced ‘Break’

This creates two problems:

1. The time lag between the cause and the appearance of the problem.
2. The time interval effect of the system errors on files and the records on the system.

A small error can conceivably explode into a much larger problem. Effective testing early
in the process translates directly into long term cost savings from a reduced number of

Another reason for system testing is it’s utility as a user oriented vehicle before
implementation. The best program is worthless if it does not meet the user requirements.
Unfortunately, the user’s demands are often compromised by efforts to facilitate program
or design efficiency in terms of processing time or design efficiency.

Thus in this phase we went to test the code we wrote. We needed to know if the code
compiled with the design or not? Whether the code gave the desired outputs on given
inputs? Whether it was ready to be installed on the user’s computer or some more
modifications were needed?

Through the web applications are characteristically different from there software
counterparts but the basic approach for testing these web applications is quite similar.
These basic steps of testing have been picked from software engineering practices. The
following are the steps, we undertook:

1. The content of the Intranet site is reviewed to uncover Content

Errors. Content Errors covers the typographical errors, grammatical errors, errors in
content consistency, graphical representation and cross referencing errors

2. The design model of the web application is reviewed to uncover the navigation errors.
Use cases, derived as a part of the analysis activity allows a web designer to exercise
each usage scenario against the architectural and navigational design. In essence these
non-executable tests help to uncover the errors in navigation.

3. When web applications are considered the concept of unit changes. Each web page
encapsulate content navigation links, content and processing elements(Forms, Scripts,
JSP’s as in our case). It is not always possible to test each of these individually. Thus is
the base of the web applications the unit to be considered is the web page. Unlike the
testing of the algorithmic details of a module the data that flows across the module
interface, page level testing for web applications is driven by content, processing and
links encapsulating the web page.

4. The Assembled web application is tested for overall functionality and content
delivery. the various user cases are used that test the system for errors and mistakes.

5. The Web application is tested for a variety of environmental settings and is tested for
various configurations and upon various platforms.
The modules are integrated and integration test are conducted.

6. Thread based testing is done to monitor the regression tests so that the site does not
become very slow is a lot of users are simultaneously logged on.

7. A controlled and monitored population of end users tests Intranet application , this all
comprises of the User Acceptance Testing .

Because web application evolve continuously , the testing process is an ongoing

activity, conducted by web support staff in our case the Organization’s IS people who
will finally update and manage the application.

The aim of testing is often to demonstrate that a program works by showing that it
has no errors. The basic purpose of testing phase is to detect the errors that may be
present in the program. Hence one should not start testing with the intent of showing that
a program works, but the intent should be to show that a program doesn’t work. Testing
is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.


The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of errors, systematically and

with minimum effort and time. Stating formally, we can say,

• Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

• A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.
• A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding error, if it exists.
• The tests are inadequate to detect possibly present errors.
• The software more or less confirms to the quality and reliable standards.

In order to uncover the errors present in different phases, we have the concept of levels
of testing. The basic levels of testing are

Client Needs Acceptance


Requirements System Testing

Design Integration


Code Unit


Unit testing
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e. the
module. Using the detailed design and the process specifications, testing is done to
uncover errors within the boundary of the module. All modules must be successful in the
unit test before the start of the integration testing begins.
In this project each service can be thought of a module. There are so many
modules like Login, HR Department, Interviewer Section, etc. Each module has been
tested by giving different sets of inputs. When developing the module as well as finishing
the development, the module works without any error. The inputs are validated when
accepting them from the user.

Integration Testing

After unit testing, we have to perform integration testing. The goal here is to see if
modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces between
modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing the design and hence the
emphasis on testing module interactions.

In this project the main system is formed by integrating all the modules. When
integrating all the modules I have checked whether the integration effects working of any
of the services by giving different combinations of inputs with which the two services run
perfectly before Integration.


Here the entire software system is tested. The reference document for this process
is the requirements document, and the goal is to see if software meets its requirements.
Here entire ‘E-SHOPPING’ has been tested against requirements of project and it
is checked whether all requirements of project have been satisfied or not.

Acceptance Testing is performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate
that the software is working satisfactorily. Testing here is focused on external behavior of
the system; the internal logic of program is not emphasized.

Test cases should be selected so that the largest number of attributes of an

equivalence class is exercised at once. The testing phase is an important part of software
development. It is the process of finding errors and missing operations and also a
complete verification to determine whether the objectives are met and the user
requirements are satisfied.


This is a unit testing method, where a unit will be taken at a time and tested
thoroughly at a statement level to find the maximum possible errors.
I tested step wise every piece of code, taking care that every statement in the
code is executed at least once. The white box testing is also called Glass Box Testing.
I have generated a list of test cases, sample data, which is used to check all
possible combinations of execution paths through the code at every module level.
White-box test focuses on the program control structure. Test cases are derived to
ensure that all statement in the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure
that all statement in the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure that all
statement in the program has been executed at least once during testing and that all
logical conditions have been exercised. Basis path testing, a white box technique, makes
use of program graphs (or graph matrices) to derive the set of linearly independent test
that will ensure coverage. Condition and data flow testing further exercising degrees of


This testing method considers a module as a single unit and checks the unit at
interface and communication with other modules rather getting into details at statement
level. Here the module will be treated as a block that will take some input and generate
output. Output for a given set of input combinations are forwarded to other modules.
Black-box test are designed to uncover errors functional requirement without
regard to the internal workings of a program. Black-box testing techniques focus on the
information domain of the software, deriving test cases by partitioning the input and
output domain of a program in manner that provides through test coverage. The black-
box test is used to demonstrate that software functions are operational, that input is
properly produced, and that the integrity of external information are maintained. A black-
box test examines some fundamental aspect of a system with little or no regard for the
integral logical structure of the software.

Graph based testing methods explore the relationship between and behavior of
program objects. Equivalence partitioning divides the input classes of data are likely to
exercise specific software function. Boundary values analysis probes the program’s
ability to handle data at the limits of acceptability.


A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit
testing begins at the vortex of the spiral and, concentrates on each unit, component of the
software as implemented in source code. Testing progresses moving outward along the
spiral to integration testing, where the focus is on designed the construction of the
software architecture. Taking another turn outward on spiral, we encounter validation
testing, where requirements established as part of software requirements analysis are
validated against the software that has been constructed. Finally, we arrive at system
testing, where the software and other system elements are tested as a whole. To test
computer software, we spiral out along stream lines that broaden the scope of testing with
each turn.
Considering the process from a procedural point of view, testing within the context
of software engineering is actually a series of four steps that are implemented
sequentially. The steps are shown in Figure. Initially, tests focus on each component
individually, ensuring that it functions properly as unit. Hence, the name unit testing.
Unit testing makes heavy use of white-box testing techniques, exercising specific paths in
module’s control structure to ensure complete coverage and maximum error detection.

System Testing

Validation Testing

Integration Testing

Validation testing




System Engineering

Test Results

Rate Data
Expected Results

Test Configuration

Predicated Reliability



The key factor to the success in software quality program is its implementation.
While definition of process can be evolving phenomenon, implementation of processes
makes the difference between success & failure.
A quality product can be defined as:
• One that is fit for use.
• One that is produced as per the predefined standards.
So, Software Quality Assurance is the process of ensuring that the product
confirms to its standards.


A Quality Management System (QMS) is instituted by an organization to manage &

maintain quality procedures in its day-to-day functioning. It is a conglomerate of people who
have the required authority, responsibility and procedures for performing various activities.
The QMS of an organization is guided by quality policy & quality procedures supported by
various documents-Forms/Formats to maintain records & work instructions to provide
guidelines for doing a particular piece of work.



System implementation is the stage when the user has thoroughly tested the system and
approves all the features provided by the system. The various tests are performed and the system
is approved only after all the requirements are met and the user is satisfied.

The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated
system, or it may be a major modification to an existing system. In either case, proper
implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet organizational requirements.
Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the new
system (that is a design question), but improper will prevent it.

Implementation is the process of having systems personnel check out and put new
equipment into use, train users, install the new application and construct any files of data needed
to use it. This phase is less creative than system design. Depending on the size of the organization
that will be involved in using the application and the risk involved in its use, systems developers
may choose to test the operation in only one area of the firm with only one or two persons.
Sometimes, they will run both old and new system in parallel way to com-pare the results. In still
other situations, system developers stop using the old system one day and start using the new one
the next.

The implementation of the web based or lan based networked project has some extra steps
at the time of implementation. We need to configure the system according the requirement of the
For the project we need to install and configure Weblogic server 8.1 , database server, and
the deployment directory for the project.
Aspects of Implementation

The two aspects of implementation are:

• Training Personnel
• Conversion Procedures


Even well designed and technically elegant systems can succeed or fail because of the
way they are used. Therefore the quality of the training received by the personnel involved with
the system in various ways helps or hinders, and may even prevent, the successful
implementation of an information system.

Since, E-Shopping Systemis web-based and user friendly, not much effort was required
in training process.


Conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new system. There are
two methods of handling systems conversion:

• Parallel Run
• Immediate cut-off

Parallel Run
In this approach, the old system and the new system are used simultaneously for some
period of time so that the performance of the new system can be monitored and compared with
that of the old system. Also in case of failure of the new system, the user can fall back on the old
system. The risk of this approach is that the user may never want to shift to new system. Immediate cut-off

In this method, the use of the old system ceases as soon as the
new system is implemented and bought in to palace. The old system becomes redundant from the
day of implementation of the new system. There is the high risk involved in this approach if the
new system is not tested rigorously. This is because of the fact that if the new system fails, then
there will not be anything to fall back upon. The advantage of this approach is that both the
systems need not be used simultaneously.

Implementation Tools
The project was implemented using Java server pages,HTML,Java beans.The implementation
work was carried out in Windows XP/2003 server platform.

1) .Net Framework
2) IIs
3) Sql Server 2003


This means program construction with procedural specifications has finished and the coding for
the program begins:

• Once the design phase was over,coding commenced

• Coding is natural consequence of design.

• Coding step translate a detailed design representation of software into a programming
languae realization.

• Main emphasis while coding was on style so that the end result was an optimized code.

The following points were kept into cosideration while coding:

Coding Style

The structured programming method was used in all the modules the project.It incorporated the
following features

• The code has been written so that the definition and implementation of each function is
contained in one file.
• A group of related function was clubbed together in one file to include it when needed and
save us from the labour of writing it again and again.

Naming Convention:-

• As the project size grows,so does the com[plexity of recognizing the purpose of the
variables.Thus the variables were given meaningful names,whihch would hellp in understanding
the context and the purposse of the variable.
• The function names are also given meaningful names that can be easily understood by the

Judicious use of indentation can make the task of reading and understanding a program
much simpler.Indentation is an essential part of a goog program.If code id intended
without thought itv will seriously affect the readability of the program.

• The higher-level statements like he definition of the variables,constants and the

function are intended,with each nested block intended,stating their purpose in the code.

• Blank line is also left between each function definition to make the code look neat.

• Indentation for each source file stating he purpose of the file is also done.



Maintenance or enhancement can be classified as: -

• Corrective
• Adaptive
• Perfective.

Corrective maintenance means repairing processing or performance failures or

making changes because of previously uncorrected problems or false assumptions.

Adaptive maintenance means changing the program function.

Perfective maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the
program(s) to respond to the user’s additional or changing needs.

Maintenance is actually the implementation of the post implementation review


As important as it is, many programmers and analysts are reluctant to perform or

identify themselves with the maintenance effort. There are psychological, personality and
professional reasons for this. In any case, a first class effort must be made to ensure that
software changes are made properly and in time to keep the system in tune with user

Maintenance is costly. One way to reduce maintenance costs is through

maintenance management and software modification audits. Software modification
consists of program rewrites system level updates, and re-audits of low ranking programs
to verify and correct the soft spots.

The outcome should be more reliable software, a reduced maintenance

backlog, and higher satisfaction and morale among the maintenance staff.

In E-Shopping, care has been taken towards maintenance; Loop Holes can
be eradicated from the system from time to time according to changing requirements with
lesser cost.


The evaluation phase ranks vendor proposals and determines the one best suited, Evaluation of
the system is performed to identify its strengths and weaknesses. The actual evaluation can occur
along any of the following dimensions:

 Operational Evaluation: Assessment of the manner in which the system functions, including
case of use, response time, overall reliability and level of utilization.

 Organizational Impact: Identification and measurement of benefits to the organization in such

areas as financial concerns, operational efficiency and competitive impact.

 User Manager Assessment Evaluation of the attitudes of senior and user manager within the
organization, as well as end-users.

Development Performance: Evaluation of the development process in accordance with such

yardsticks as overall development time and effort, conformance to budgets and standards and other
project management criteria.
System Development Methodology

System Development Life Cycle


1.2.1 Initiation Phase

The initiation of a system (or project) begins when a business need or opportunity is identified.
A Project Manager should be appointed to manage the project. This business need is documented in a
Concept Proposal. After the Concept Proposal is approved, the System Concept Development Phase

1.2.2 System Concept Development Phase

Once a business need is approved, the approaches for accomplishing the concept are reviewed
for feasibility and appropriateness. The Systems Boundary Document identifies the scope of the
system and requires Senior Official approval and funding before beginning the Planning Phase.

1.2.3 Planning Phase

The concept is further developed to describe how the business will operate once the approved system
is implemented, and to assess how the system will impact employee and customer privacy. To ensure
the products and /or services provide the required capability on-time and within budget, project
resources, activities, schedules, tools, and reviews are defined. Additionally, security certification and
accreditation activities begin with the identification of system security requirements and the
completion of a high level vulnerability assessment.

1.2.4 Requirements Analysis Phase

Functional user requirements are formally defined and delineate the requirements in terms of data,
system performance, security, and maintainability requirements for the system. All requirements are
defined to a level of detail sufficient for systems design to proceed. All requirements need to be
measurable and testable and relate to the business need or opportunity identified in the Initiation
1.2.5 Design Phase

The physical characteristics of the system are designed during this phase. The operating environment
is established, major subsystems and their inputs and outputs are defined, and processes are allocated
to resources. Everything requiring user input or approval must be documented and reviewed by the
user. The physical characteristics of the system are specified and a detailed design is prepared.
Subsystems identified during design are used to create a detailed structure of the system. Each
subsystem is partitioned into one or more design units or modules. Detailed logic specifications are
prepared for each software module.

1.2.6 Development Phase

The detailed specifications produced during the design phase are translated into hardware,
communications, and executable software. Software shall be unit tested, integrated, and retested in a
systematic manner. Hardware is assembled and tested.

1.2.7 Integration and Test Phase

The various components of the system are integrated and systematically tested. The user tests the
system to ensure that the functional requirements, as defined in the functional requirements
document, are satisfied by the developed or modified system. Prior to installing and operating the
system in a production environment, the system must undergo certification and accreditation

1.2.8 Implementation Phase

The system or system modifications are installed and made operational in a production environment.
The phase is initiated after the system has been tested and accepted by the user. This phase continues
until the system is operating in production in accordance with the defined user requirements.

1.2.9 Operations and Maintenance Phase

The system operation is ongoing. The system is monitored for continued performance in accordance
with user requirements, and needed system modifications are incorporated. The operational system is
periodically assessed through In-Process Reviews to determine how the system can be made more
efficient and effective. Operations continue as long as the system can be effectively adapted to
respond to an organization’s needs. When modifications or changes are identified as necessary, the
system may reenter the planning phase.

1.2.10 Disposition Phase

The disposition activities ensure the orderly termination of the system and preserve the vital
information about the system so that some or all of the information may be reactivated in the future if
necessary. Particular emphasis is given to proper preservation of the data processed by the system, so
that the data is effectively migrated to another system or archived in accordance with applicable
records management regulations and policies, for potential future access.

SDLC Objectives

This guide was developed to disseminate proven practices to system developers, project managers,
program/account analysts and system owners/users throughout the DOJ. The specific objectives
expected include the following:

• To reduce the risk of project failure

• To consider system and data requirements throughout the entire life of the system
• To identify technical and management issues early
• To disclose all life cycle costs to guide business decisions
• To foster realistic expectations of what the systems will and will not provide
• To provide information to better balance programmatic, technical, management, and cost
aspects of proposed system development or modification
• To encourage periodic evaluations to identify systems that are no longer effective
• To measure progress and status for effective corrective action
• To support effective resource management and budget planning
• To consider meeting current and future business requirements

Key Principles

This guidance document refines traditional information system life cycle management approaches to
reflect the principles outlined in the following subsections. These are the foundations for life cycle
Life Cycle Management Should be used to Ensure a Structured Approach to Information
Systems Development, Maintenance, and Operation

This SDLC describes an overall structured approach to information management. Primary

emphasis is placed on the information and systems decisions to be made and the proper timing of
decisions. The manual provides a flexible framework for approaching a variety of systems projects.
The framework enables system developers, project managers, program/account analysts, and system
owners/users to combine activities, processes, and products, as appropriate, and to select the tools and
methodologies best suited to the unique needs of each project.

Support the use of an Integrated Product Team

The establishment of an Integrated Product Team (IPT) can aid in the success of a project. An IPT is
a multidisciplinary group of people who support the Project Manager in the planning, execution,
delivery and implementation of life cycle decisions for the project. The IPT is composed of qualified
empowered individuals from all appropriate functional disciplines that have a stake in the success of
the project. Working together in a proactive, open communication, team oriented environment can aid
in building a successful project and providing decision makers with the necessary information to
make the right decisions at the right time.

Each System Project must have a Program Sponsor

To help ensure effective planning, management, and commitment to information systems, each
project must have a clearly identified program sponsor. The program sponsor serves in a leadership
role, providing guidance to the project team and securing, from senior management, the required
reviews and approvals at specific points in the life cycle. An approval from senior management is
required after the completion of the first seven of the SDLC phases, annually during Operations and
Maintenance Phase and six-months after the Disposition Phase. Senior management approval
authority may be varied based on dollar value, visibility level, congressional interests or a
combination of these.

The program sponsor is responsible for identifying who will be responsible for formally
accepting the delivered system at the end of the Implementation Phase.

A Single Project Manager must be Selected for Each System Project

The Project Manager has responsibility for the success of the project and works through a
project team and other supporting organization structures, such as working groups or user groups, to
accomplish the objectives of the project. Regardless of organizational affiliation, the Project Manager
is accountable and responsible for ensuring that project activities and decisions consider the needs of
all organizations that will be affected by the system. The Project Manager develops a project charter
to define and clearly identify the lines of authority between and within the agency’s executive
management, program sponsor, (user/customer), and developer for purposes of management and

A Comprehensive Project Management Plan is Required for Each System Project

The project management plan is a pivotal element in the successful solution of an information
management requirement. The project management plan must describe how each life cycle phase will
be accomplished to suit the specific characteristics of the project. The project management plan is a
vehicle for documenting the project scope, tasks, schedule, allocated resources, and interrelationships
with other projects. The plan is used to provide direction to the many activities of the life cycle and
must be refined and expanded throughout the life cycle.

Specific Individuals Must be Assigned to Perform Key Roles Throughout the Life Cycle

Certain roles are considered vital to a successful system project and at least one individual must
be designated as responsible for each key role. Assignments may be made on a full- or part-time basis
as appropriate. Key roles include program/functional management, quality assurance, security,
telecommunications management, data administration, database administration, logistics, financial,
systems engineering, test and evaluation, contracts management, and configuration management. For
most projects, more than one individual should represent the actual or potential users of the system
(that is, program staff) and should be designated by the Program Manager of the program and

System Requirements

Review & Validation

User Requirement Specifications

Software Requirements
Software Requirements
Review & Validation

Preliminary Design
Review & Validation
Detailed Functional Specifications

Detailed Design Global Implementation Specifications &

Review & Validation Detailed Implementation Specifications

Code and Debugging

Review & Validation Coding & Debugging

Review & Validation


Review & Validation Maintenance

Process Engineering of Application Software (Software Development Life

1.1 Identification of the need

Since the world is growing for globalization, every organization wants to beat its

competitors and want to grow. Enterprise Resourceful Planning (ERP) is the need of today’s

organization. Survival on manual system is difficult so, that’s why organization of the

corporate world wants to computerize their departments. The modules should be complete

database driven and interactive that should provide the proper information about the

Placement and Training Organization.

Success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined, thoroughly

investigated and properly carried out to the choice of solution. Analysis is a phase in
which the requirements for the new system are identified. System analysis is a detailed
study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationship within and
outside of the system. The question is: what must be done to solve the problem? One
aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or
not a candidate system should consider other related system. During analysis data are
collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the parent
system. Data flow diagram, interviews, onsite observations, questionnaires are used as a
logical system model and tools to perform the analysis.

Tasks, which are performed as analyst:

 Gathered all facts about the present system from the employees.

 Studied strength and weakness of the current system.

 Determined “what” must be done to solve the problem.

 Prepared a functional specifications document.

In order to reduce the time, there is a need for computerized system that cans retrieve data, insert data, update existing data or delete
existing data. These modules are developed wit the aim of reducing time, reducing manpower, reducing cost so that the records can be
easily maintained. The volume of work and complexity are increasing year by year. This system reduces complexity and workload.
1.2 Preliminary Investigation:
A request to take assistance from information system can be made for many reasons, but in each case some one in the organization
initiate the request. When the request is made, the first system activity the preliminary investigation begins. This activity has three

 Request clarification

 Feasible Study

 Request approval

Many requests from employees and users in the organization are not clearly defined. Therefore, it becomes necessary that project
request must be examined and clarified properly before considering systems investigation.

The feasibility study is carried out by a small group of people who are familiar with

information system techniques, understand the parts of the business or organization that will

be involved or affected by the project, and are skilled in the system analysis and design


Request Approval: It is not necessary that all request projects are desirable or feasible. Some

organizations receive so many projects request from employees that only a few of them can

be purchased. However, those projects that are feasible and desirable should be put into a

schedule. In some cases, development can start immediately, although usually system staff

members are busy on other ongoing projects. When such situation arises, management

decides which projects are more urgent and schedule them accordingly. After a project

request is approved, its cost, priority, completion time and personal requirements are

estimated and used to determine where to add it to any existing project list. Later on, when

the other projects have been completed, the proposed application development can be

Analysis is a process of studying a problem and to find the best solution to that problem.

System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation. Analysis is one

phase, which is important phase for system development lie cycle. System development is a

problem solving techniques. Analysis involves interviewing the client and the user. Thee

people and the existing documents about the current mode of operation are the basic source

of information for the analyst.

Analysis is the process of studying a problem to find the best solution to that problem.

System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation. Analysis is one

phase of the very important phase of the system development life cycle. System development

is a problem solving techniques. Analyses involve interviewing the client and the user. These

people and the existing document about the current mode of operation are the basic source of

information for the analyst.


Computer Aided Software Engineering can be as simple as a single tool that support a

specific software engineering activity or as complex as a complete “environment “ that

encompasses tools, a database, people, hardware, a network, operating system, standards, and

myriad other components. Each building block forms a foundation for the next, with tools

sitting as the top of the heap. It is interesting to note that the foundation for effective CASE

environment has relatively little to do for software engineering tools themselves. Rather,

successful environments appropriate hardware and systems software. In addition, the

environment architecture must consider the human work patterns that are applied during the

software engineering process.

The environment composed of the hardware platform and system support (including

networking software, software management, and object management services), the

groundwork for CASE. But the CASE environment itself demands other building blocks. A

set of portability services provides a bridge between CASE tools and their integration

framework and the environment architecture. The integration framework is a collection of

specialized programs that enables individual’s CASE tools to communicate one another, to

create a project database, and to exhibit the same look and feel to the end user (the software

engineer). Portability services allow CASE tools and their integration framework to migrate

across different hardware platforms and operating system with out significant adaptive


The building blocks represent a comprehensive foundation for the integration of CASE tools.

However, most CASE tools in use today have been: constructed using all these building
blocks. In fact some CASE tools remain “point solution:” That is, a tool is used to assist in a

particular software engineering activity (e.g. analysis modeling) but does not directly

communicate with other tools, is not tied into a project database, is not part of an integrated

CASE environment (l-CASE). Although this situation is not ideal, a CASE tool can be used

quite effectively, even if it is a point solution.

At the low end of the integration spectrum is the individual (point solution) tool. When

individual tools can provide tools provide facilities for data exchange, the integration level is

improved slightly. Such tools produce output in a standard format that should be compatible

with other tools that can read the format. In some cases, the builder of complementary CASE

tools work together to form a bridge between the tools (e.g. an analysis and design tool that is

coupled with a code generator). Using this approach, the team develops, synergy between the

tools separately. Single source integration occurs when a single CASE tools vendor

integrates a number of different tools and sells them as a package.

Although this approach is quite effective, the closed architecture of most single source

environments precludes easy addition from other vendors.



Hardware Specification:-

It is recommended that the minimum configuration for clients is

as appended below:-

Suggested Configuration of Windows clients:-

Microprocessor : - Pentium-2 class processor, 450 megahertz (MHz)

Ram : - 128 MB of RAM
Hard Disk : - 2.5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive, which
includes 500 MB on system drive.
CD ROM Drive : - 52 X CD ROM Drive

Software Specifications:-

Operating System : Windows 2000XP/Windows 2000 NT

RDBMS : Sql Server 2000
Front End : Microsoft Visual Studio.NET

This system was developed under window 2000XP/Windows 2000 NT. It is complete
with all 32-bit versions of windows operating system. Windows is a popular and largest
used operating system in the world because it is easy to understand and provides an easy
interface to users.

Windows 2000XP/Windows 2000 NT Operating System

The main responsibility of an operating system is to manage computer’s resources. All

activities in the system scheduling application programs, waiting files to disk, sending data

across a network and so on should function as seamlessly and transparently as possible.

Windows 98 makes your computer easier to use, with new and enhanced feature.
Improved Reliability

Window 98 improves computer reliability by introducing new wizards, utilities and resources

that keep your system running smoothly.

Faster Operating System

Windows 98 includes tools that help your computer run faster than Windows 95 with out

adding new hardware. Window 98 includes a suite of programs designed to optimized you’re



Windows 98 Explorer and Internet Explorer integrate local and Web-based resources in a

single viewer computer’s efficiency, especially when used together. Window 98 makes your

computer more entertaining by new hardware. These enhancements provide you with hours

of fun.

Multitasking Concepts

Multitasking in general refers to an operating system’s capability to load and execute several

applications concurrently. A multitasking operating system is consider a robust and reliable

one if it successful shields concurrent applications from each other, making them believe that

they system also shields application from other’s bugs.

To a large extent, multitasking operating system relay on system hardware to implement

these capabilities. Another important aspect of multitasking is process scheduling. As
process are capable of executing only a single stream of instruction at any given,
multitasking would obviously not be possible without the technique of the context
switching. A context switch, triggered by a specific event (such as an interrupt from a
timer circuit or a call by the running application to a specific function), essentially consist
of saving the processor context (instruction pointer, stack pointer, register contents) of
one running program and loading that of another.
In a cooperative multitasking environment, the operating system relies explicitly on

applications to yield control by regularly calling a specific set of operating system functions.

Context switching takes place at well-defined point during the execution of a program.
In a preemptive multitasking environment, the operating system can interrupt the execution

of an application at any time. This usually happens when the operating system responds to

hardware events, such as a interrupt from a timer circuit. An application’s flow of execution

can be interrupted at any point, not only at predefined spots. This realizes the complexity of

the system.


The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The term

design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the

technical specifications that will be applied in implementing the candidate system.

The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format.

Samples for the output (and input) are also presented.

The second step is input data and master files (data base) have to be designed to meet

the requirements of the proposed output. The operational (processing) phases are handled

through program construction and testing including a list of the programs needed to meet the

system’s objective and complete documentation. Finally, details related to justification of the

system on the user and the organization are documented and evaluated by management as a

step toward implementation. To design the system we must note the following points:

 To identify the Software Components which satisfy the System Design.

 To design and document the Software Components and their linkage.

In this component the software components and relevant interfaces such as, interactions

with existing internal and external systems, network connections, standard input an output

formats are to be identified.

Identify Relevant Interfaces

 Interaction with existing internal systems.

 Interaction with external systems.

 Network Connections.

 Standard Input Formats

 Standard Output Formats.

Program Specification

Elements of Specifications required are

 How it is being accessed.

 Function called.

 Program Security.

 Field Details.

 Program Functions.

From Analysis

Output System
Design Documentation
Design Design
submitted to
for approval

Processing No
Design Design Abandon project




Databases and database technology are having a major impact on the growing use of

computers. It is fair to say that databases will play critical role: in almost all areas where

computers are used. Including business, engineering, medicine, law, education and library,

science to name a few. A database is a collection of related data. By data we mean known

facts that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning for example, consider, the names,

telephone numbers and addresses of the people you know. You may have recorded this data

in an indexed address, book, or you may have stored it on a diskette. Using a personal

computer and software such as DBASE IV or V, PARADOX, MS EXCEL OR MS

ACCESS. This is a collection of related data with an implicit meaning and hence is a


A database is a logically coherent of with some inherent meaning.

A database represents some aspects of the real world. Sometimes called the mini-world or the

universe of discourse (UOD). Changes to the mini-world are reflected in the database.

A database is designed, built and populated with data for the specific people. It has an

intended group of users and some preconceived applications in which the users are interested.

A database can be of any size and of varying complexity. For example, the list of names and

addresses referred to earlier may consist of only a few hundred records, each with simple

structure. On the other hand the card catalog of a large library may contain half a million

cards stored under different categories by primary author’s last name, by subject, by book

title with each category organized in alphabetic order.

A database may be generated and maintained or by machine. The library card catalog is an

example of a database that may be created and maintained either by a group of application

programs written specially for that task or by a database management system.

A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables users to

create and maintained a database. The DBMS is hence a general-purpose software system
that facilities tile processed of defining, constructing and manipulating database for various

applications. Defining a database involves specifying the data types, structures and

constraints for the data to be stored in the database. Constructing the database is the process

of storing the data itself on some storage medium that is controlled by the DBMS.

Manipulating a database includes such functions as querying the database to reflect changes

in the mini-world, and generating reports form the data.

With the advent of the graphical operating system like windows, the world of imputing went

through a dramatic change. It opened up a whole new world of graphics. Interfaces that use

graphics came to known so graphical user interface (GUI). These became very popular

because the users could identify with images than words. Mention tile word print to a person

and it invokes the image of a printer. The primary requirements for an interface are that it is

easy to use. We must be able react intuitively to an interface presented to us. This is possible

if the interface presented is such that is it emulates real life.

This project has been

1. All the procedure in this project is automatic accept the entry of data from the user.
2. The project gives the user-friendly environment, which gives the way of working in more
efficient manner.

1. This project does not cancel the order once placed, due to using third party
tool(Web Services).
2. System date for the project is like as backbone for the human, i.e. proposed
system is depends on system date so it must be correct.

This software can be easily upgraded in the future. And also include many more
features for existing system.

 It is connected with the internet for easily retrieved data about

different types of products,newly launched products can be easily added into
the site using database.

 All the information can be easily accessed the Customer like their details, order status, stock,
Transaction. It can be modify and the others details can be easily provided to customer.

 Report on the different basis will be easily created on the demand.

19.0 Bibliography

 C#.NET on the Edge

Author: Rick Leinecker.

 Programming Microsoft Visual Basic.Net

(Microsoft Press)
Author: Francesco Balena.

 Introducing .NET
WROX publications.

 Learn to Program with c# .NET

(Osborne McGrew-Hill)
Author: John Smiley.



Analysis Breaking a problem into successively manageable parts for

individual study.

Attribute A data item that characterizes an object.

Cost/Benefit Analysis The purpose of the comparing projected savings and benefits to

projected costs to decide whether a system

changed is justified.

Database A store of integrated data capable of being directly addressed

for multiple users; it is organized so that Various files can be

accessed through a single reference Based on the relationship

among records in the file rather then the physical location.

DBMS The software that determines how data must be

structured to produce the user’s view; and maintain and update

the system.

Data flow Movement of data in a system from a point of origin to a

Specific destinations- indicated by a line and arrow.

Data security Protection of data from loss, disclosure, modification or


Data structure A logically related set of data that can be decomposed into

lower level data elements; a group of data elements handled

as a unit.

Design Process of developing the technical and operational

specifications of a candidate system for implementation.

Feasibility Study A procedure that identifies, describes and evaluate candidate

systems and select the best system for implementation.

File Collection of related records organized for a particular purpose also called a dataset.

Flow Chart A graphic picture of the logical steps and sequence involved in

a procedure or a program.

Form A physical carrier of data of information.

Gantt Chart A static system model used for scheduling; portrays output

performance against time.

Implementation In system development – a phase that focuses on user training,

site preparation and file conversion for installing a candidate


Maintenance Restoring to its original condition.

Normalization A process of replacing a given file with its logical equivalent;

the object is to derive simple files with no redundant elements.

Operating System In database – machine based software that facilitates the

availability of information or reports through the DBMS.

Password Identity authenticator a key that allow access to a program

system or procedure.

PERT (Project Evaluation & Review Technique) A flow system model used to manipulate

various values as a basis for determining the critical path to

interpret these relationship and to relate them back to the real

world as a control technique.

Record A collection of aggregates or related items of data treated as a

Source Code A Procedure or format that allow enhancements on a software


System A regular or orderly arrangements of components or parts in a

connected and interrelated series or whole; a group of

components necessary to some operation.

System Design Detailed concentration on the technical and other specifications

that will make the new system operational.

SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) A structured sequence of phases for implementing

an information system

System Testing Testing the whole system by the user after major programs and

subsystems have been tested.

Unit Testing Testing changes made in an existing or new programs.

Validation Checking the quality of software in both simulated and live


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