Vivek Report CRM For MARC Lab

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of their requirements for the

award of the Fourth-Year B.Tech in

Information Technology

Under the supervision of

Er. Brijesh Kumar Mishra


Softpro India Computer Technologies (P) Ltd.

Lucknow (UP)

Submitted By: -

Vivek Prajapati
(College Roll Number- 2005080130056)

Submitted To: -

Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College, Lucknow

“Necessity is Mother of All Inventions”
Summer training is an important part of the engineering curriculum. The B.Tech

course summer training helps a student in getting acquainted with the manner in

which his/her knowledge is being practically used outside his/her institute and this is

normally different from what he/she has learnt from books. Hence, when the student

switches from the process of learning to that of implementing his/her knowledge,

he/she finds an abrupt change. This is exactly why summer training session during

the B.E curriculum becomes all the more important. Summer training is prescribed for

the student of Technical College as a part of the four-year degree course of engineering

by the AICET. We are required to undergo summer training for a period of 45 days

after the completion of the 2nd year.

This training report describes in detail the training after the 3rd year session, which I

completed at the Softpro India Computer Technology (P) Ltd. . This report also gives

the information about the organization and it’s working along with the project

undertaken in the training period.

The fundamental step used in SDLC process is based on the ISO 9001 guidelines. My

aim was to follow the ISO guidelines and develop a perfect system.

The system development was organized into 5 major parts:

1. Requirement Gathering

2. Documentation/Design

3. Development

4. Coding

5. Testing


I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor Er. BRIJESH

KUMAR MISHRA (Softpro India Computer Technologies (P) Ltd.), who gave me his

full support and encouraged me to work in an innovative and challenging project for

Educational field. His wide knowledge and logical thinking gave me right direction

all the time.

I am deeply grateful my project coordinator for his/her help and support provided at

every step of the project. Last but not the least, I thank to all employees of Softpro

India Computer Technologies (P) Ltd. for their support and co-operation.

Vivek Prajapati




This is to certify that Mr. Vivek Prajapati of Technology) from

Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College was working on the project entitled “CRM
For MARC Lab.” in Softpro India Computer Technologies Pvt. Ltd. he was engaged
with us during 15 July to 31 Aug for a period of 45 days.

he has done an excellent job during his engagement with the Software Development
& Testing Division of the company. he has completed his project during the training
tenure. His performance has been good and satisfactory.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Mr. Vivek Prajapati
for his work and wish him all the very best for his future endeavors.


Ms. Yashi Asthana


Softpro India Computer Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Lucknow (U.P.)


This is to certify that the project report entitled “CRM For MARC Lab.” is done by me

is an authentic work carried out for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the B.Tech in “(Information Technology)” under the guidance of Er.

BRIJESH KUMAR MISHRA. The matter embodied in this project work has not been

submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

Vivek Prajapati


1. introduction………………………………………………………………………

1.1 Overview of Organization

1.2 Objectives
1.3 Existing System Description
1.4 Proposed System
1.5 Tools Used

2. System Analysis…………………………………………………………………

2.1 Objective
2.2 SDLC Phases
2.2.1 Feasibility Study
2.2.2 Report Approval
2.2.3 System Analysis
2.2.4 System Design
2.2.5 Coding
2.2.6 Testing
2.2.7 Implementation
2.2.8 Maintenance
2.3 Process Description
2.4 Project Model Used
2.5 ER-Diagram
2.6 Data Flow Diagram

3. Software Requirement Specification………….………………………………

3.1 Hardware Requirement

3.2 Software Requirement

3.3 Support Maintenance

4. System Design


4.1 Top-Down Designing

4.2 Bottom –Up Designing

4.3 Following Approach

5. Low Level Design…………………………………………………………………………

5.1 Description of Classes and Methods

6. Data Modeling……………………………………………………………………

6.1 List of Tables

6.2 Structure of Tables

7. Testing………………………………………………………………………………

8. Input-Output Forms………………………………………………………………

8.1 Modularization Details

8.2 User Screenshots
8.3 Admin Screenshots

9. Future Scope………………………………………………………………………

10. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….

This project is responding to the requirement of CRM Solution Development for MARC
Lab, Lucknow. Developing a Web based Online Interface that manage several aspect of
MARC’s customer interactions, provides powerful insight into the performance of your
business and your staff, and drives user productivity.
Through this project we will provide the services for design, development and testing of
web based online solution for MARC Lab.
The objective of our efforts is to present a comprehensive and an iterative approach
in building strong, flexible and full featured CRM Solution for MARC Lab.
This CRM project can also be enhanced and customized to meet the specific needs
of different business. A professional consultant with experience and good knowledge can
bring all benefits of the CRM solution to business.

Organization of the report:

⚫ Softpro India Computer Technologies (P) Limited was founded in 2004 with the
mission of “Bridging the Technology gap”.
⚫ Provides programming services, Application Development and Integration Services,
Web Design and Development Services, Search Engine Optimization Services (SEO)
and Back-office services.


Identification of Need:

Identification of need mainly concern with requirements of the project how much time it
would be taken and how much cost it would require to complete. The hardware requirement
of the project also concern. The member of the project team also is decided in this phase.
Here we focus our point towards organizing needs i.e. to organize the things which are
scattered here and there.

Preliminary Investigation:

Investigation CRM in e-business from a B2C Companies Perspectives Author: Isdora Dire, Dalida
Samano Tutor: Vivian Vimarlund Date: 2012-08-07 Subject terms: Customer Relationship
Management, Business To Consumers, Fashion Companies, E-business. Abstract Customers are no
longer what they used to be in the past, they are now highly educated, more specialized and more
highly influenced by global culture than ever before. For businesses to be able to win the heart of
customers, they need to do extra because these customers are the pillar that holds organizations.

Feasibility Study:

Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility study
is a high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and design process. The
purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to determine if the problem is
worth solving. The system has been tested for feasibility in the following points.

Technical Feasibility
Economical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility

Technical Feasibility:


technically feasibility because of the below mentioned feature. The project was
developed in Java.
It provides the high level of reliability, availability and compatibility. All these make
Java an appropriate language for this project. Thus the existing software Java is a
powerful language.

Economical Feasibility:

The computerized system will help in automate the selection leading the profits and
details of the organization. With this software, the machine and manpower utilization
are expected to go up by 80-90% approximately. The costs incurred of not creating
the system are set to be great, because precious time can be wanted by manually.

Operational Feasibility:

In this project, the management will know the details of each project where he may
be presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any enquires for
that particular product can be known as per their requirements and necessary.

Software Requirement Specification (SRS):

To develop a web-based application to improve the service to the customers and
merchant which in turn increases the sales and profit in “CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP


The system is capable of maintaining details of various customers, vendors, Products

and storing all the day to day transactions such as generation of shipment address bills,
handling customers and product receipts, updating of stores.


CRM software covers three areas of your company, including Sales Opportunity
Management, Marketing Campaign Management and Customer Support. Once the solution
is installed, it organizes and synchronizes sales, marketing, customer service and technical


Through this project we will provide the services for design, development and testing of
web based online solution for MARC Laboratory.

Overall Description:

Product Perspective:
This CRM project can also be enhanced and customized to meet the specific needs of
different business

Product Function:
The system allows the user to buy/sell products online across internet connection globally.

User Characteristics:

There are 3 kinds of users for the proposed system:

➢ General Public
➢ Customers
➢ Administ

➢ General Public:
General public can use the system to see the product, their prices and quantity available.
General user cannot buy the products.

➢ Customers:
Customers are using for viewing and buying the products. Customer can also write feedbacks
for products and services.

➢ Administrator:

Administrators can add, edit & delete products, and provide services to the customer.
Administrator can also see the feedback given by the customer. Administrator maintains the
record of customers. He can also delete the customer details.

The main constrain there would be the checking the genuineness of the buyer, which is not
always possible. There can be security risks involved.

Assumptions and Dependencies:

➢ The details related to the product, customer, payment and service transaction
provided manually.
➢ Administrator is created in the system already.
➢ Roles and tasks are predefined.

Software Specification:-
Programming Language Support
• Java with JSP
• Java Script for client side validation

Software Requirement for Development

• IDE- Netbeans
• MySql Database
Client side Software Requirement
• Google Chrome Browser
• Operating System

Windows platform like: 2000 Server, Professional, XP & Vista

Hardware Specification:
➢ Intel Pentium and Celeron class processor

➢ RAM - 512 M.B.(min)
➢ HDD - 40 GB
➢ Monitor-14”SVGA
➢ Printer – Dot Matrix /Inkjet /Laser Printer
➢ Mouse & Keyboard- Normal

For Client side: Web browser- IE 7 or above, Google chrome, Safari.

Functional Requirement:

The System must provide following functionalities—

➢ Keeping records of Registration of customers.
➢ Keeping the records of products.
➢ Storing the feedback given by the customer

Non Functional Requirement:

The System must provide following functionalities—

➢ Secure access of confidential data (customer’s details).

➢ Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future
extension Non functional requirements define system properties and constraints It arise
through user needs, because of budget constraints or organizational policies, or due to the
external factors such as safety regulations, privacy registration and so on.
Various other Non-functional requirements are:
➢ Security
➢ Reliability
➢ Maintainability
➢ Portability
➢ Extensibility
➢ Reusability
➢ Application Affinity/Compatibility

➢ Resource Utilization

Software Engineering Paradigm Applied:

• Decomposability:

In developing the project we have followed the principle of decomposability i.e.

dividing the original problem top down into sub problems and then applying the
decomposition to each sub problem recursively. This procedure reflects the well-known
Latin motto divide ET impera (divide and conquer). As in Developing CPO we have
divided first whole problem in modules such as Admin-Zone, Customer Registration,
Project Catalogue Management System , Customer Info, Offer Zone, Order Products,
Complain Module , Reports and each of these modules are again divides into various form
modules then each form module is again decomposed into carious sub routines. Finally
our project assembles by taking modules and combining them to form the required

• Modularity:

The principle of modularity says to divide the big projects into simpler pieces
called modules. The project has been divided into simpler pieces called modules. The
software system developed by us is modular because it allows the principle of separation
of concerns to be applied in two phases:

When dealing with the details of each module in isolation (and ignoring details of
other modules) and when dealing with the overall characteristics of all modules and their
relationships in order to integrate them coherent system.

The project developed by us and presented here consists of different modules like
Admin-Zone, Customer Registration, Product Entry Module ,Customer Info, Product Info,
Order products , Complain Module , Reports and So We have developed the Software
application that completely follows modularity paradigm of Software engineering.

• Abstraction:

Abstraction is required to identify the system artifacts for modeling; abstraction

is required to separate meta-language core constructs and concerns into layers;
abstraction is required to partition conceptual areas within layers. UML is a method to
construct system models from the core of Model Driven Architecture. Abstraction is a
method that is required to construct elements of the common core. Abstraction is a
general idea that is not based on a physical, practical data. In software engineering SDLC
processes abstraction is the method that is used to simplify and generalize the processes
before concrete models can be built.

• Correctness:

A program is functionally correct if it behaves according to the specification of the

functions it should provide. The specification of the system is available and it is possible
to determine unambiguously whether or not a program meets the specifications. The
correctness of our project establishes the equivalence between the software and its
specification. We are more systematic and precise in assessing correctness depending on
how rigorous we are in specifying functional requirements.

• Reliability:

The Software Developed by us and presented here fully reliable if the user
depends on it. The software application will operate as expected now and over for long
period also. As Software engineering can truly be called an engineering discipline only
when we can achieve software reliability comparable to the reliability of other products.
Our development is perfect in this discipline.

• Robustness

Our application is robust, it behaves “reasonably” even in circumstances that had
been even not anticipated in the requirements specification-for example when user
inputs incorrect or incomplete data then it produce a valid error message and either
resumes for same operation or continues the next operation depending upon the
situation. The project performs all necessary checks before processing the input if the
input is not correct then it does not process it anymore and sends the error message to
the user. For example if the user give string value in text box that is for numeric value
then it doesn’t take and also inform the user and same for vise-versa.

• User Friendliness:

The application is very much user friendly. The biggest reason behind it is its GUI
environment. Every user finds it easy to use. Novice programmer’s use it qualifies as user
friendly by virtue of different properties than an application that is used by expert
programmers. For example a nonprogrammer appreciates the use of menus, while a
programmer may be comfortable with keyboard shortcuts. Both the features are
provided in software evenly. A novice user appreciates verbose messages and feels
comfortable while using software; if he commits any mistake he is prompted with
appropriate message to cancel the effect of mistake if possible. Same feature is quite
helpful for the Expert user also. The confirmation messages before almost all those
processes whose effect cannot be cancelled late on gives more confident in working for
both new and expert user. The software always asks for the confirmation before any kind
of deletion because the record deleted once cannot be recalled so there very less
possibility of accidental of data loss.

Data Models:

DFD (Data Flow Diagram):





System Design
Modularisation details:

This website contains a no. of modules

1. General Module

➢ Registration Module
➢ User login Module
➢ Enquiry Module

2. Customer Module

➢ Product Module
➢ Offer Module
➢ Customer module
➢ Feedback Module
➢ Complain Module
➢ Change Password Module
➢ Change Profile Module
➢ User Logout Module

3. Administrator Module
➢ Login Module
➢ Adding the new Product Detail Module
➢ Editing/Deleting the existing Product Detail Module
➢ Customer Detail Module
➢ Order Detail Module
➢ Enquiry Module
➢ Feedback Module
➢ Complain Module
➢ Change Password Module
➢ Logout Module

Registration module:
This module performs the registration of visitor and further allows them to consume the
features provided by the administrator through generating the unique id for them.
Login Module:
In Our Website two types of users exist i.e. Administrator and User. Hence there are two
types of Login Procedure exist for each type of user.
After Successfully Login of User, he can participate in auctioning.
After Successfully Login of Administrator, he can input new information or update
existing information like current available courses, new course launches, discount offers
Enquiry module:
Every time when the user populate any Enquiry or any Thought it is displayed on
dashboard. The other peoples getting the message and reply their enquiry on that topic.
All these activities are handled under Enquiry Module.
Product management:
This module tells us about the product that which type of product will be buy. We may
know about the product by the product category and which type of product belongs to
this product category.
Offer module:
This module will give detail information about the offer given by the customer on the
occasion of any discount offer.
Feedback Management module:
Every time when the user populate any Question or any Thought it is displayed on
dashboard. The other peoples getting the message and reply their feedback on that topic.
All these activities are handled under Feedback Management Module.
Complain module:
Every time when the user populate any Complain or any Thought it is displayed on
dashboard. The other peoples getting the message and reply their complain on that topic.
All these activities are handled under Complain Module.

Change Password module:

With the help of this module, user can change her/his password.

Change Profile module:
With the help of this module, user can change her/his profile details.

Adding the new Product Detail Module:

Administrator can add new product details in the database.

Editing/Deleting the existing Product Detail Module:

Administrator can update/delete the information of existing product detail.

Data Integrity and Constraints:

Customer Detail Table

Login Table

Enquiry Table

Product Detail Table

Response Table

News Table

Snap Shots:-

Registration Page:-

Contact Us Page:-

Login Page:-

Pages of Customer Zone:-

View Products Page:-

Response Page:-

Change Password Page:-

Admin Home Page:-

Customer Page:-

Enquiry Page:-

Feedback Page:-

Complain Page:-

Change Password Page:-

Add Product Page:-


The system designed has too much future scope. Some of these are as follows:
Any Business application can be developed with little alteration of our project. Electronic
trading is in preliminary stage. But its future is very bright because through E-commerce,
we get qualitative service. To have shopping on the net is becoming a society symbol
for major stores. Apart from this the media publicity offered by the internet -giving one
global coverage makes internet based shopping arcade a very feasible solution for the
times to come. System designed is useful for the time saving because everything can do
electronically. So time taken is much more reduced by the online shopping.


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