The Impact of Pore Water Chemistry On Carbonate Surface Charge and Oil Wettability

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The Impact of Pore Water Chemistry on Carbonate Surface Charge and Oil

Article  in  Transport in Porous Media · October 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s11242-010-9543-6


141 204

3 authors:

Aksel Hiorth Lawrence Cathles

University of Stavanger (UiS) Cornell University


M.V. Madland
University of Stavanger (UiS)


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The impact of pore water chemistry on carbonate surface

charge and oil wettability

A. Hiorth · L. M. Cathles · M. V. Madland

April 12, 2010

Abstract Water chemistry has been shown experimentally to affect the stability of
water films and the sorption of organic oil components on mineral surfaces. When
oil is displaced by water, water chemistry has been shown to impact oil recovery.
At least two mechanisms could account for these effects: the water chemistry could
change the charge on the rock surface and affect the rock wettability, and/or changes
in the water chemistry could dissolve rock minerals and affect the rock wettability. The
explanations need not be the same for oil displacement of water as for water imbibition
and displacement of oil. This paper investigates how water chemistry affects surface
charge and rock dissolution in a pure calcium carbonate rock similar to the Stevns Klint
chalk by constructing and applying a chemical model that couples bulk aqueous and
surface chemistry and also addresses mineral precipitation and dissolution. We perform
calculations for seawater and formation water for temperatures between 70 and 130◦ C .
The model we construct accurately predicts the surface potential of calcite and the
adsorption of sulfate ions from the pore water. The surface potential changes are not
able to explain the observed changes in oil recovery caused by changes in pore water
chemistry or temperature. On the other hand, chemical dissolution of calcite has the
experimentally observed chemical and temperature dependence and could account for
the experimental recovery systematics. Based on this preliminary analysis we conclude

A. Hiorth
IRIS, P. O. Box 8046
N-4068 Stavanger
University of Stavanger
N-4036 Stavanger, Norway
L. M. Cathles
Cornell University
Earth and atmospheric science
New York, USA
M. V. Madland
University of Stavanger
N-4036 Stavanger, Norway

that although surface potential may explain some aspects of the existing spontaneous
imbibitions data set, mineral dissolution appears to be the controlling factor.

1 Introduction

Wettability has a significant influence on multiphase flow in porous media. In particular,

if the reservoir has a mixed wettability state, then the porous media may have oil and
water films that are continuous. Thus oil and water are mobile down to very low
saturations (Salathiel, 1973). Depending on the shape of the pore space (Kovscek et al,
1993), the mineralogy of the pore space and the composition of the crude oil, the pore
space can be water wet, be partly oil and partly water wet, or be oil wet (Buckley,
Before it is filled with oil, an oil reservoir is filled with water and all its mineral
surfaces are water wet. When oil enters the reservoir it will do so by moving through
the center of the pores and water will continue to wet the pore surfaces. This process is
simulated in the laboratory by the aging stage of spontaneous imbibition experiments,
as discussed below. In order for the oil to contact the pore wall, water has to be pushed
away from the wall. The stability of the water film thus determines if there is a potential
for wettability to change (Kovscek et al, 1993). After the water film has collapsed, active
components in the oil can adsorb to calcium or carbonate sites in the calcite lattice
and change the wettability. The nature of the oil components (chain length, number
of carboxylic groups etc.) and the density of adsorption sites will determine if the rock
becomes strongly oil wet or more moderately oil wet (Buckley, 2001; Thomas et al,
1993a,b). The water film is stable if it can resist the pressure in the oil phase. More
precisely the collapse of the water film is controlled by the disjoining pressure (Kovscek
et al, 1993; Bergeron and Radke, 1995), as reviewed in (Israelachivili, 1985). A thick
water film prevents active components in the oil from adsorbing to the surface. However,
a high pressure in the oil phase can reduce the thickness of the water film sufficiently
to allow active components in the oil phase to adhere to the rock mineral surface. Thus
the wetting state in a reservoir should be dependent on the difference between the oil
and water pressure (e.g., the capillary pressure) (Melrose, 1982; Hirasaki, 1991). The
rock should be more water wet close to the oil-water contact, than in the overlying oil
reservoir where, because of buoyancy, the oil pressure is higher. Experiments support
this basic thesis (Hamon, 2004).
Temperature also plays a role, and in practice changes in wettability can involve
non-obvious complexities. Schembre et al (Schembre et al, 2006) for example suggest
that the change in temperature that results when flooding waters are introduced to a
reservoir causes the surface oil-wet fines to detach, leaving a clean, water-wet surface.
One implication is that changes in wettability during water displacement of oil may
differ from those during oil displacement of water.
The situation is thus complicated even if disjoining pressure is the only wettability
control. In the last decade it has also been found that the chemistry of the aqueous
phase influences the water wetness of the pore surface. Brines with low salinity seem
to wet the pore surface more, and reducing the salinity of flooding waters has been
found to enhance oil production (Tang and Morrow, 1999a,b; Lager et al, 2006; Zhang
et al, 2007). In fractured chalk fields such as Ekofisk, spontaneous imbibition of water
from the fractures into the matrix is believed to be an important recovery mechanism
(Hamon, 2004). The concentration of calcium, magnesium, and sulfate in water spon-

taneously imbibed into chalk cores affects the amount of oil expelled (Strand et al,
2006; Zhang et al, 2007, 2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006). One explanation could be
that sulfate, calcium and magnesium adsorb to the pore surfaces, change the surface
charge, and could thereby potentially influence the ability of polar oil components to
adsorb. Regardless of cause, the effect of calcium, magnesium, and sulfate ions on oil
production is clearly illustrated in spontaneous imbibition experiments (Strand et al,
2006; Zhang et al, 2007, 2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006; Karoussi and Hamouda, 2007).
Injection of water into a reservoir could cause mineral dissolution, and this could
change the wettability and perhaps even cause pore collapse that could expel oil. The
chemistry of the oil is definitely also important. Pressure, temperature, and pore water
and oil chemistry can all change wettability and can also influence oil production
through dissolution and induced compaction.
The variations and combinations of the above processes are difficult to assess with-
out a capable chemical model. The purpose of this paper is to develop a geochemical
model that couples aqueous and surface chemistry and use it to analyze the data now
available. The next section presents experimental data that shows how aqueous chem-
istry affects oil recovery in imbibition experiments. Section 3 presents the chemical
model. Section 4 shows that the model can predict surface potential and sulfate ad-
sorption on calcite. Section 5 applies the surface potential model to oil wettability
and shows that surface potential changes cannot explain the oil recovery data. Sec-
tion 6 shows that calcite dissolution could explain the experimental data. The last
two sections provide discussion and summarize the conclusions reached in the previous

2 Review of experimental data

The data to which we will compare our model in this paper is from spontaneous im-
bibition experiments. All the experiments we summarize used Stevns Klint outcrop
chalk from Denmark. This chalk is a relatively clean mainly calcite carbonate with a
non-carbonate content lower than 0.2%. The specific surface area is 1.8 m2 /g (Hjuler,
2007). The chalk porosity is 45-50% and the permeability is 2-5 mD. After being drilled
to the correct size, the cores were dried at 90◦ C (Strand et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 2007,
2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006) and 120◦ C (Karoussi and Hamouda, 2007) until a con-
stant weight was achieved. Before presenting the data, it is important to understand
the way spontaneous imbibitions experiments are preformed:

– In the initial water phase the cores are put under vacuum and saturated with fluid.
(Strand et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 2007, 2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006) used brines
with concentrations similar to the Ekofisk formation (EF) (see Table 1). (Karoussi
and Hamouda, 2007) used pure distilled water (DW), or DW with Na2 SO4 or
MgCl2 added.
– The initial water is displaced by oil in a Hassler cell until a residual water saturation
(Swr ) of 20-35% is reached.
– In a process called aging, the core is then left in a heated cabinet for a period of
time to equilibrate the water with the oil and the rock. (Strand et al, 2006; Zhang
et al, 2007, 2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006) aged their cores for 4-5 weeks at 90◦ C .
Karoussi and Hamouda (2007) aged their cores for 18 days at 90◦ C . These last two
steps simulate the initial migration of oil into a reservoir.

– Different oils were used by different workers. (Strand et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 2007,
2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006) used crude oil diluted with n-heptane. Increasing
the amount of n-heptane lowers the concentration of polar components. The polar
component content is quantified by the acid number. In (Karoussi and Hamouda,
2007), they used n-decane with a concentration of 0.005M stearic acid (equivalent
to an acid number of 0.3 mg KOH/g). Stearic acid promotes a very oil wet surface
(Thomas et al, 1993a,b).
– During the spontaneous imbibition phase of the experiment, the aqueous phase
that entirely surrounds the core is spontaneously imbibed into the core and oil
is expelled. The chemistry of the imbibed water affects the amount of oil that
is produced (expelled from the core). This step simulates some of the processes
involved in oil recovery.
– The production of oil in the spontaneous imbibition tests decreases to near zero
after several weeks or months. When this occurs the chemical parameters or the
temperature of the system is usually changed. For example the temperature is in-
creased and/or the surrounding aqueous fluid is replaced with a fluid with a different
chemical composition. When this is done the production of oil may increase. This
is interpreted as a wettability change. The core is thought to have become more
water wet and hence more oil was expelled. The additional amount of oil expelled
can be comparable to the amount expelled in the initial spontaneous imbibitions

Tables 1 to 5 summarize spontaneous imbibitions data. Table 1 gives the chemical

composition of the brines in the later tables. Table 2 shows the oil recovery from
cores aged with EF water at 90◦ C for 42 days and then invaded by seawater with
variable amounts of Ca2+ . The spontaneous imbibition was at 70◦ C and the post-
plateau change was to increase the temperature to 100◦ C . The table shows that, except
at 130◦ C , increasing Ca2+ in the imbibing water greatly increases the amount of oil
recovered. The higher the Ca2+ concentration in the displacing brine the greater the
oil recovery. Table 3 shows the percent oil recovery for oils with an acid number of
0.3 mg KOH/g aged with distilled water. Cores 1-4 have been aged with distilled
water, thus they should have a similar wettability. The imbibing waters were distilled
water with either sulfate or magnesium ions added. The post-plateau changes involved
heating in two steps of 30◦ C each. The recovery was substantially independent of
the imbibing fluid composition, and the recovery for Mg2+ and SO2− 4 is very similar.
The increase in recovery during post-plateau heating is almost entirely attributable to
thermal expansion of the pore fluids. Cores 6-9, have been aged with different fluid
chemistry. The cores aged with MgCl2 is clearly much more oil wet than cores aged
with distilled water or Na2 SO4 . Later we will show that this is consistent with changes
in surface charge.
Table 4 shows that adding sulfate to the imbibing fluid increases the oil recovery
dramatically. The chalk cores were aged with EF water, and the sulfate content varied
from that of seawater as indicated. During the spontaneous imbibition experiment,
temperature was kept constant at 110◦ C . Table 5 shows that the oil recovery is also
greater when Mg2+ is in the imbibing fluid. The recovery increases quite strongly
with increasing temperature. Some of this is due to thermal expansion of the pore
fluids, but most is not. To summarize, oil recovery by spontaneous imibition increases
with increasing solution concentration of SO2− 4 , Ca
, and Mg2+ , and also increases
strongly with increasing temperature.

Table 1 Composition of synthetic seawater (SW), Ekofisk formation (EF) brine, “modifed”
seawater with 4 times calcium concentration (SW w/4× Ca2+ ), “modified” seawater with no
calcium (SW u/Ca2+ ), “modified” seawater with no sulfate (SW u/ SO2−4 ), and “modified”
seawater with three times the sulfate concentration (SW w/3× SO2−
4 ).

w/4×Ca2+ u/Ca2+ u/SO2−
4 w/3×SO2−4
(mol/l) (mol/l) (mol/l) (mol/l) (mol/l) (mol/l)
Na+ 0.333 0.45 0.489 0.5 0.429 0.684
K+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 -
Mg2+ 0.0445 0.0445 0.0445 0.0445 0.0445 0.025
Ca2+ 0.052 0.013 - 0.013 0.013 0.231
Cl− 0.486 0.525 0.538 0.623 0.408 1.196
HCO−3 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 -
4 0.024 0.024 0.024 - 0.072 -

Table 2 Recovery factors and physical properties of the cores used in (Zhang et al, 2006). All
the cores were aged at 90◦ C , crude oil with acid number 2.07 mg KOH/g was used as the oil
phase. The length of the cores were in the range 4.85-6.33 cm, and the diameter was in the
range 3.51-3.55 cm. The composition of the brines used in the experiments can be found in
Table 1

Core Porosity Swr Aging Imb. Temp. Imb. Recovery

Time brine
id (%) (%) (days) (◦ C ) (%)
CS2-1 47.6 20.4 42 70 → 100 SW w/4× Ca2+ 30.9 → 42.2
. CS2-2 48.9 20.3 42 70 → 100 SW 23.8 → 34.8
CS2-3 48.5 22.4 42 70 → 100 SW u/Ca2+ 8.9 → 22.5
CS3-1 48.1 29.2 30 100 → 130 SW w/4× Ca2+ 29.4 → 39.8
CS3-2 48.9 27.2 30 100 → 130 SW 24.6 → 50.8
CS3-3 48.2 28.1 30 100 → 130 SW u/Ca2+ 22.5 → 45.1

Table 3 Summary of the experimental results in (Karoussi and Hamouda, 2007). The cores
were aged for 18 days.

Core porosity Swr saturation Imb. Imb. Temp. Recovery

id (%) (%) Fluid Fluid (◦ C ) (%)
1 48.01 30 DW DW 40 → 70 → 90 9 → 12 → 17
2 48.32 32 DW 0.03MNa2 SO4 40 → 70 → 90 9 → 15 → 20
3 49.74 32 DW 0.1MNa2 SO4 40 → 70 → 90 10 → 16 → 23
4 49.23 31 DW 0.06MMgCl2 40 → 70 → 90 13 → 18 → 23
5 48.1 33 DW 0.1MMgCl2 40 → 70 → 90 21 → 16 → 34
6 47.94 34 0.03MNa2 SO4 0.03MNa2 SO4 40 → 70 → 90 7 → 13 → 18
7 47.67 34 0.1MNa2 SO4 0.1MNa2 SO4 40 → 70 → 90 9 → 14 → 20
8 48.22 35 0.1MMgCl2 0.1MMgCl2 40 → 70 → 90 3 → 9 → 16
9 48.16 32 0.06MMgCl2 0.06MMgCl2 40 → 70 → 90 2 → 7 → 13

3 Chemical model

At temperatures greater than about 70◦ C pore fluids in nature are generally in chemical
equilibrium with the rock minerals they contact. Methods have been developed to
calculate the chemical composition and pH of a fluid that is in equilibrium with a

Table 4 Summary of some of the experimental data presented in (Strand et al, 2006), tem-
perature was 110◦ C during the experiment and saturation fluid was EF brine. The cores were
aged for 4-5 weeks at 90◦ C .

Core Porosity PV Swr Imb-Fluids Recovery

id (%) (ml) (%) (%)

5/1 48.2 19.2 28.1 SW u/ SO2− 2−

4 → SW → SW w/3× SO4 8 → 15 → 25
6/1 49.4 31.8 26.1 SW u/ SO4 → SW → SW w/3× SO2−
4 8 → 13 → 23

Table 5 Summary of some of the data in (Zhang and Austad, 2006). The authors state that
they add Ca2+ or Mg2+ in a similar concentration as in SW. We assume that 0.0445 M MgCl2
or 0.013 M CaCl2 is added, although this is not explicit is stated in the paper. All the cores
were aged with 1.452 M NaCl brine as the aqueous phase, and crude oil with acid number 2.07
mg KOH/g. Aging time was 42 days at a temperature of 90◦ C . Length of the core samples
were in the range 5.9 to 6.25 cm, and diameter 3.57 cm.

Core φ Swr Imb Imbibition Recovery

id (%) (%) brine Temperature (%)
CM1 47.1 22.8 SW/uCa2+ ,Mg2+ 70 → 100◦ C 9 → 12
addMg2+ 100◦ C 32
100 → 130◦ C 51.5
CM2 49.2 22.8 SW/uCa2+ ,Mg2+ ,SO2−
4 70 → 100◦ C 9 → 12
add Mg2+ 100◦ C 12 → 22
100 → 130◦ C 26
CM3 47.6 21.2 SW/uCa2+ ,Mg2+ ,w/2×SO2−
4 70 → 100◦ C 9 → 12
add Ca2+ 100◦ C 24
100 → 130◦ C 29
CM4 47.6 22.2 SW/uCa2+ ,Mg2+ ,w/4×SO2−
4 70 → 100◦ C 9 → 12
add Mg2+ 100◦ C 42
100 → 130◦ C 61

specified set of buffer minerals at a specified temperature, pressure and chlorinity.

Dissolution constants describe how each mineral dissolves to a minimum set of chemical
basis species that fully describe (span) the solution composition. Dissolution log K for
the mineral buffer set allows the ratio of the basis species activity to the H+ activity
(known as the activity ratios) to be determined. The hydrogen ion concentration (H+ )
is determined by requiring charge balance, taking also into account the total chlorinity
of the solution. Substituting the hydrogen ion activity into the activity ratios yields
the equilibrium activity of each basis species. Knowing the disassociation log K for all
solution complexes (secondary species) to the basis species allows the activity of all the
ion solution complexes to be calculated. Activities are then converted to concentrations
using the Debye Hückel equation (e.g. Bethke, 1966, p. 109) :

A Zi2 Io
log10 γi = − √ . (1)
1 + Bå Io

A and B are solvent parameters that depends on temperature (Helgeson and Kirkham,
1974b), å is an ion size parameter (∼ 3.5-9), Zi is the valence of species i. γi is the
activity coefficient and is defined as the ratio between the activity and concentration

of a species. Io is the ionic strength of the solution:

Nb Nc
1 X 2 1 X 2
Io = Zi mi + Zi ni . (2)
2 2
i=1 i=1

mi is the concentration of the basis species and ni is the concentration of the aqueous
complexes. Nb (Nc ) is the number of basis species (aqueous complex) (for the bulk
solution chemistry Nb = 9, as discussed below). The full equilibrium chemical compo-
sition of the fluid in equilibrium with a specified set of buffer minerals at the specified
pressure and temperature (including the concentrations of all individual basis species,
all their complexes, and pH) can thus be calculated assuming only that the solution is
in chemical equilibrium with a specified set of buffer minerals. An appropriate buffer
is the partial pressure of a gas phase. Specifying the total solution concentration of a
basis species (and all its complexes) is also a valid constraint that can be substituted
for a buffer mineral.
This method of calculating solution composition has been developed and exten-
sively tested over many years, first by Garrels (Garrels and Christ, 1965) and then
particularly by Helgeson and co-workers. We utilize an implementation of this method
we call EqAlt (Cathles, 2006). In our implementation we determine the dissolution
and dissociation constants from the HKF equation of state (Helgeson and Kirkham,
1974a,b; Helgeson et al, 1981) using thermodynamic data in the SUPCRT database
(Johnson et al, 1992). For a recent review of the HKF equation of state, see (Oelkers
et al, 2009). In the chemical modeling considered here the basis species are H+ , Ca2+ ,
HCO− + −
3 , H2 O, Na , Cl , Mg
, SO2− +
4 , K , and the solution chemistry is constrained
by the total concentration of K , Na , Mg2+ , SO2−
+ + −
4 , and Cl in the brine, an imposed
partial pressure of CO2 , and the requirement that the solution is in equilibrium with
calcite. If anhydrite becomes supersaturated it is precipitated from the bulk solution
until it is no longer supersaturated. The determination of solution composition de-
scribed above is completely standard and the methods involved are described in many
standard textbooks (e.g. Garrels and Christ, 1965; Bethke, 1966).
In much the same way as the ions make complexes in the bulk aqueous fluid, they
can also make complexes at the solid surface that contacts the aqueous fluid. For ex-
ample, sulfate can make a surface complex with calcium sites at the calcium carbonate
mineral surface. Calculating the surface complexes requires that the magnitude and
sign of the surface potential is known (in this work we do not distinguish between sur-
face or zeta potential). For a positively charged surface, the concentration of negative
ions will follow a Boltzmann type of distribution. That is, the concentration will be
high close to the surface and fall off exponential away from the surface. We follow the
approach of (Van Cappelen et al, 1993). For similar type of models see (Pokrovsky and
Schott, 1999, 2001, 2002; Pokrovsky et al, 1999a,b). Our work differs from previous
authors in that we predict the surface properties and complexes at the higher temper-
atures, pressures, and salinities that are found in petroleum reservoirs. We make the
following assumptions:
1. The dominant mineral is calcium carbonate, CaCO3 .
2. There are 2 sites/(nm)2 on the carbonate surface where surface complexes of
>CaH2 O+ and >CO− 3 are present. These positive and negative surface complexes
(the > indicates they are surface complexes) are present in equal number. The
number of sites per unit area is usually taken to be 5 site/(nm)2 (Davis and Kent,
1990), but we find that 2 sites/(nm)2 gives a much better fit with the experimental

data, as discussed below. Note that calcium and carbonate at the surface share one
of the electrons; this is why there is only one plus charge on calcium and one minus
charge on carbonate.
3. The thermodynamic equilibrium constants at the surface have the same tempera-
ture dependence as the equilibrium constants in the aqueous phase.

Clearly assumption 1 above can be relaxed and more minerals can be incorporated in
the model. Assumption 3 is the most crucial one, and it is probably not 100% correct,
but it should be close to being the case. At this stage we are not seeking a perfect
match with the experimental data, but are interested rather in determining if there
are significant changes in surface charge and potential when temperature is changed
that could affect the stability of the water film and oil wettability in the ways observed
experimentally. As in the bulk solution chemistry, all of the other possible surface
complexes can be expressed in terms of the two basis surface complexes we selected
above. For example:

>CaCO−3 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ + HCO− 3 - H+ - H2 O,

>CaOH0 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ - H+ ,
>CaHCO03 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ + HCO− 3 - H2 O,
>CaSO−4 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ + SO2−
4 , (3)
>CO3 H0 ⇋ >CO−
3 + H+ ,
>CO3 Ca+ ⇋ >CO−
3 + Ca2+ ,
>CO3 Mg+ ⇋ >CO−
3 + Mg2+ .

Each of these exchange reactions has a corresponding mass action equation from which
an exchange log K can be defined. For example for

3 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ + HCO−
3 - H+ - H2 O, (4)

the mass action equation is:

+ − +
3 ⇋ >CaH2 O + HCO3 − H − H2 O,
a>CaH2 O+ aHCO− exp{F ψ/(R T )}
K = ,
a>CaCO− aH+ exp{−F ψ/(R T )}

log10 K = log10 a>CaH2 O+ + log10 aHCO− − log10 aH+ ,


+2 − log10 a>CaCO− . (5)
ln 10 R T 3

Here we have assumed the activity of water is 1, F = 9.648456·104 C/mol is Faradays

constant, ψ the surface (or zeta) potential, R = 8.314 J/(K mol) the ideal gas con-
stant, T is the absolute temperature. Note that the activity of the aqueous species is
dependent on the surface potential. If the surface potential has a negative sign then
positively charged ions will have a high activity close to the surface and vice versa.
The activity coefficient for the aqueous complexes is taken to be equal to one, thus the
concentration of the surface complexes is equal to the activity of the surface complex.

The surface potential is related to the surface charge by the Grahame equation
(Israelachivili, 1985):
2ε ε0 kB T mi ( exp {−Zi F ψ/(R T )} − 1)
ni ( exp {−Zi F ψ/(R T )} − 1) − σ 2 = 0 ,
+ 2ε ε0 kB T (6)

where ε0 is the dielectric constant of vacuum and ε is the dielectric constant of water, kB
is Boltzmanns constant, Zi is the valence of the aqueous species (Zi = 0 for the surface
complexes), and ψ is the surface charge. mi is the concentration of a basis species
(>CaH2 O+ , and >CO− 3 are included in the basis set), and ni is the concentration of
the aqueous or surface complex (secondary species). σ, is the sum of all the charged
surface complexes : 0 1
Nb Nc
F @X X
σ = Zsc i mi + Zsc i ni A . (7)
i=1 i=1
S is the surface area in m /l, the concentrations of the surface species are in mol/l, thus
the surface charge has the correct dimension of C/m2 . Zsc is the valence of a surface
complex. Zsc is zero for all the aqueous complexes, and Z is zero for all the surface
complexes. Nb (Nc ) is the number of basis species (aqueous and surface complex),
By adding a new basis species log10 E ≡ F ψ/ ln 10 R T (and two surface basis
species, >CaH2 O+ and >CO− 3 ), all aspects of the solution and surface chemistry can
be computed by procedures identical to those used in solving for the bulk solution
chemistry alone (now Nb = 12). The total concentrations, partial pressure of CO2
and buffer minerals specify the theoretical equilibrium concentration of all species in
solution and on the calcite surface and the bulk solution pH. The calculation procedure
is as follows:
1. Set the basis species to the total solution concentration of that species and all
complex concentrations to zero.
2. Find the activity ratios for all basis species subject to the specified partial pressure
of CO2 and the total basis species concentration of the solution.
3. Calculate the ionic strength of the solution, the activity coefficients of all basis
species and complexes, at a specified pH.
4. Find the pH that provides charge balance.
5. Calculate the surface charge and determine the surface potential.
6. Return to step 4 and iterate until the pH and surface charge change less than a
specified amount.
At the end of this procedure some minerals may be supersaturated or undersatu-
rated. If this is the case one of the minerals that is out of equilibrium with the solution
may be selected and precipitated or dissolved in small stoichiometric increments until
it is in equilibrium with the solution. Here we remove only anhydrite and ignore other
supersaturated minerals. However, in general, if other minerals remain supersaturated
after anhydrite is removed, they could in turn be similarly titrated. When a super-
saturated mineral is precipitated, we keep PCO2 and calcite as buffers for Ca2+ , and
HCO− 3 and also maintain the total solution composition constraints. The buffers allow









6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 1 Variation in the surface (or zeta) potential of calcite in a 0.005M NaCl brine at 25◦ C
subject to various partial pressures of CO2 gas (which changes the pH of the solution). The
squares show the experimentally measured zeta potential (Thompson and Pownall, 1989), and
the solid line is our prediction.

the total concentration of basis species to change. In addition the distribution of species
among solution and surface complexes and pH may also change.
To summarize, the procedure for titrating out a mineral is:

1. Calculate the equilibrium chemistry.

2. Pick a mineral such as anhydrite to be titrated and remove small stoichiometric
quantities of calcium and sulfate until the solution is in equilibrium with anhydrite.
3. For each step, where calcium and sulfate are removed, the ionic strength, surface
charge, surface potential, and activity coefficients are updated.

4 Comparison of model predictions of surface chemistry to experimental


Figure 1 compares the zeta potential we calculate for calcite surrounded by a 0.005 M
NaCl brine that is in equilibrium with CO2 gas at various pressures to zeta potential
measurements made by (Thompson and Pownall, 1989) for an experiment of identical
design. The higher the CO2 pressure the lower the pH. There is a good match between
the experimental data and the model, especially considering that we have made no
attempt to fit the model to the data. We use the log 10 K values as in (Van Cappelen
et al, 1993) and the theoretical curve is completely specified by the CO2 partial pressure
and the requirement that the solution be in equilibrium with calcite.
In Figure 2 we compare our model to an experiment performed by (Zhang and
Austad, 2006; Zhang, 2006) in which MgCl2 or Na2 SO4 was added to a 0.573 M NaCl
brine in contact with powdered Stevns Klint chalk core. In the experiment the pH was
maintained at 8.4 by exposing the solution to the partial pressure of CO2 required
to impose this pH and also adding acid and base as needed. The points in Figure
2 show how the measured surface (zeta) potential varies as the solution composition
is changed. The solid lines show the zeta potential we predict for these conditions.






0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Fig. 2 Zeta potential measured by (Zhang and Austad, 2006; Zhang, 2006) (points) as MgCl2
or Na2 SO4 was added in steps to a solution of 0.573 M NaCl brine in contact with 4 wt%
milled chalk powder and subject to a partial pressure of CO2 that maintains the pH at 8.4. The
surface (zeta) potential we calculate for similar conditions is shown by lines. 2 sites/(nm)2 of
calcite surface for >CaH2 O+ and >CO− 3 is assumed. The top (circles) curve and data points
is for Mg additions; the bottom (squares) curve and data points is for sulfate additions.

The addition of SO2− 4 ions gives the carbonate surface a negative surface potential.
The addition of Mg2+ ions gives the surface a positive surface potential. The partial
pressure required to produce a pH of 8.4 in our calculations was 10−3.5 bars. The
fit between our calculated zeta potentials and those measured experimentally is again
excellent, especially considering that the theoretical curves are calculated without any
fitting from thermodynamic data.
Figure 3 shows the calculated concentrations of the main surface complexes on a
calcite surface submerged in seawater in equilibrium with an atmosphere of CO2 with
PCO2 = 10−3.5 and various temperatures, assuming 2 sites/(nm)2 of calcite surface for
>CaH2 O+ and >CO− 3 . As temperature is increased, the divalent ions adsorb more
strongly to the surface. The interaction with H+ , CO2− −
3 , and HCO3 with the surface
is of minor importance because their concentration in “seawater-like” brines is so much
lower than the concentration of the divalent ions: Ca2+ , Mg2+ , and SO2− 4 .
We can relate the calculated adsorption of sulfate to the adsorption of sulfate in
flooding experiments where it has been measured (Strand et al, 2006). Assuming a
surface area of chalk of 2 m2 /g, we can translate the measured total absorption to the
adsorption in µmol per m2 , and compare the temperature dependence of this adsorption
with our model calculations. The results are shown in Figure 4. This figure shows that
a surface site density of 2 sites/(nm)2 gives a good match to the experimental data. At
the highest temperature, there is a large discrepancy between the predicted adsorption
and the measured. However, in the experiment only the loss of sulfate is recorded. This
loss might not only be due to adsorption, but also to precipitation of sulfate bearing
minerals, such as anhydrite. From the experimental curves in Strand et al (2006), one
can clearly see that at 130◦ C the sulfate concentration never rises to the injected
concentration. This suggests an additional sulfate loss due to precipitation. In Figure
4, we have calculated the contribution to the loss of sulfate due to precipitation of
anhydrite and added it to the sulfate adsorption. If sulfate precipitation as anhydrite is

>CaH2 O+
Concentration (µmol/(nm)2 )

>CO3 Ca+
1.5 >CO3 Mg+


20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature ( C)

Fig. 3 The concentration of the main surface complexes at four different temperatures, 25,
70, 90, and 130◦ C for seawater in equilibrium with calcite at PCO2 = 10−3.5 bars. As the
temperature increases, the divalent ions adsorb more strongly to the surface.

taken into account, the calculated “adsorption” gives a much better fit to the measured
data (triangular points).
Figures 1 through 4 show that our coupled bulk and surface chemistry model can
predict the surface potential of, and the sulfate (and presumably other ion) adsorption
to, calcite very well. The predicted surface potential of calcite as a function of pH when
Mg2+ and SO2− 4 are added to solution all fit the experimental data very well without
and modification of standard thermodynamic data or model modifications of any kind.

5 Application to wettability

We have a model that combines bulk solution and surface chemistry and can predict
the zeta (surface) potential and sulfate adsorption to calcite with remarkable accuracy.
The next step is to determine what this implies for the stability of water film and thus
the adsorption of polar oil components.
As discussed above, the ability of the oil phase to collapse the water film and adhere
to the surface depends on the pressure in the oil phase relative to the water phase which
is equal to the disjoining pressure (for a locally flat surface). The disjoining pressure
consists of two terms. One term describes the attractive van der Waals forces, and
the other term the double layer forces. The double layer forces are strongly dependent
on the surface potential and the ionic strength of the solution. In the weak overlap

Adsorption (µmol/(nm)2 )

2.5 Exp


20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature ( C)

Fig. 4 Adsorption of sulfate on calcite in µmol/m2 measured as a function of temperature by

(Strand et al, 2006) compared to our calculated adsorption for 2 sites /(nm)2 and 5 sites/(nm)2 .
The additional loss of sulfate due to precipitation of anhydrite is shown at 130◦ C (blue line
and triangular points).

approximation, the formula for the disjoining pressure is (Israelachivili, 1985):

„ «
A Io
P (D) = − · + 1.12 · 106 ψoil ψrock exp{−κ D} (Pa), where:
10 −20 6 π D3 T
κ = 56.2 (nm)−1 , A = Hamaker constant (5 · 10−19 J) , (8)

where D is the thickness of the water film, A is the Hamaker constant. This formula
assumes the surface potential to be expressed in mV, temperature in K, and D in nm. Io
is the ionic strength of the solution, and defined in equation (2). If the surface potential
for oil and water has an opposite sign, then the water film will collapse immediately.
By combining the above expression for disjoining pressure with our chemical model
we can analyze the experiments performed by (Karoussi and Hamouda, 2007) that we
summarized in section 2. For example, we can calculate the surface charge of the oil
by assuming that the surface of the oil is covered by fatty acid. The typical area of a
surfactant head group is 0.70 (nm)2 (Israelachivili, 1985). Each fatty acid contributes
one unit of electrical charge. Hence :

−1.602 · 10−19 C/0.70 (nm)2 = −0.22 C/m2 . (9)

Notice that the oil has a negative surface potential. If the calcite surface has a negative
surface potential, its water film will be stable and it will be water wet. If, however,
the calcite surface potential is positive, the water film will collapse immediately and

Table 6 Surface potentials calculated for calcite for various solutions at 90◦ C.

Solution Surface potential Surface potential of oil

(mV) (mV)
Distilled water -7.9 -166
0.1MNa2 SO4 -63 -118
0.03MNa2 SO4 -49 -154
0.1MMgCl2 46 -
0.03MMgCl2 43 -


1000 0.1M Na2 SO4

0.03M Na2 SO4

Pressure (kPa)




0 2 4 6 8 10
D (nm)

Fig. 5 Disjoining pressure as a function of distance from the calcite surface calculated by our
model at 90◦ C (the temperature used during aging) for the solution compositions given in
Table 6.

the surface will be oil wet. The surface potentials we calculate for distilled water and
distilled water with addition of Na2 SO4 and MgCl2 is shown in Table 6.
From these surface potentials we can calculate the disjoining pressure using equa-
tion (8), with the results shown in Figure 5. The value for the surface potential of oil is
found by solving equation (6) with the value in equation (9) as input. The results are
listed in the last column in Table 6. Note that the surface potential of oil is not listed
for the MgCl2 solutions because they give the carbonate surface a positive potential
and the surface is therefor oil wet.
Aging a core with a pore fluid containing Na2 SO4 gives the chalk surface a negative
surface charge. Figure 5 shows that the disjoining pressure in this circumstance is such
that the oil pressure needs to exceed the water pressure by more than 10 bars for 0.1
M Na2 SO4 or 5 bars for 0.03 M Na2 SO4 to collapse the water film. If, on the other
hand, MgCl2 is the aging fluid no stable water film is possible because the surface
has a positive charge which would immediately collapse any water film. Thus we can
understand why aging the core with waters containing Na2 SO4 makes the core more
water wet and promotes more oil recovery (during spontaneous water imbibition). The
same also holds for MgCl2 in the water during aging, a positive surface charge will

promote film collapse and make the core more oil wet (Core 8 and 9 in Table 3).
However, during the spontaneous imbibition process, magnesium in the water that
enters the core increases the oil recovery, see Table 5. If surface charge controls this
process, the effect should be just the opposite.
Aging with distilled water gives the chalk surface a negative charge, but as shown
in Figure 5 the oil pressure needed to displace water is almost 3 orders of magnitude
smaller than in the Na2 SO4 case. Thus it is not obvious why cores aged with distilled
water should imbibe water as effectively as cores aged with 0.1 M Na2 SO4 . It is possible
that: 1) The formula in equation (8), derived for small double layers, is not completely
valid for distilled water, 2) the distilled water case has such large double layers that
disjoining pressure is overridden, 3) salt present in the brine could change the surface
charge of oil and render the estimated value in equation (9) invalid , and 4) the polar
components could be packed closer in the presence of positive ions. However, we think
these disqualifications of the model predictions are unlikely.
Finally the predicted temperature dependence of the surface charge does not fol-
low the temperature dependence of the oil recovery that is observed in spontaneous
imbibition experiments. As summarized in section 2, oil recovery increases strongly
with increasing temperature. Using our chemical model we can predict the tempera-
ture dependence of surface charge for fresh water, seawater, and distilled water. The
results are shown in Figure 6. It is important to remember that during a spontaneous
imbibition there is initially a significant amount of formation water in the core. When
seawater enters the core, it will mix with this formation water. Thus if the aging water
was fresh water and the imbibing water seawater, the surface potential of the pore
surface will lie between fresh water and seawater. Figure 6 shows that both fresh water
and seawater have a roughly linear and relatively flat temperature dependence. The
surface potential for fresh water is slightly negative and decreases slightly with increas-
ing temperature. The surface potential for seawater is slightly positive and increases
slightly with temperature. The surface potential of a mixture of fresh water and sea-
water will have a slightly positive surface potential that will increase very little with
increasing temperature. Thus, from 20◦ C to 130◦ C no significant changes in surface
wettability are suggested by our modeled changes in surface potential. The surface
potential of Ekofisk brine increases fairly strongly with temperature but a 50/50 mix
with seawater increases much less strongly. Therefore, regardless of the imbibing fluid
chemistry, oil recovery should not have the strong temperature dependence observed if
surface potential changes are the cause of changes in recovery in experiments (Strand
et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 2007, 2006; Zhang and Austad, 2006).

6 Enhanced oil production caused by mineral precipitation and dissolution

Changes in solution chemistry do not change the surface potential of carbonate in

a fashion that can explain how these changes increase oil recovery in spontaneously
imbibition experiments. Can other mechanisms be identified which could explain the
experimental imbibition data? We think the answer to this question is yes. A good
candidate is carbonate dissolution.
We found in our chemical modelling that dissolution of calcite will take place in the
temperature range where enhanced imbibition is observed. At low temperature seawater
is in equilibrium with calcite, but at higher temperature calcium in the seawater reacts
with sulfate and anhydrite is precipitated. When anhydrite is formed the aqueous phase


40 DW

ψ (mV)



20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (◦ C)

Fig. 6 Predicted surface potential for seawater(SW), Ekofisk formation brine (EF) and dis-
tilled water (DW), and a 1:1 mix of seawater and EF brine (Mix). The calculations assume
equilibrium between aqueous phase, CaCO3 (s)and CO2 (g), with PCO2 =10−3.5 .

Oil phase

1111111111111 0000000000000

Rock Surface
Aqueous phase
Water wet


Rock Surface
Aqueous phase
Water wet

Fig. 7 (Top) A section of the pore space, before any dissolution reaction. The surface is rough
and oil is attached where there is a large curvature and the water film is broken. (Bottom)
Dissolution of the chalk surface has taken place where the oil was attached, and new water
wet rock surface has been created.

loses calcium, and calcium has to be supplied from the rock for the solution to remain
in equilibrium with calcite. The source of Ca2+ ions must be calcite dissolution. If the
calcite dissolution takes place where the oil is adsorbed, then the oil can be liberated
from the rock. The dissolution mechanism is illustrated in Figure 7.
When seawater (or “seawater-like” brines) is spontaneously imbibed, oil is expelled.
Water flows into and oil out of the core. The amount of seawater that enters equals
the amount of oil expelled (or produced). When water enters the core it will mix with


expected calcite dissolution [% wt]





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 8 Calculation of the expected dissolution of calcium carbonate, and plotted against the
oil recovery. The data are taken from the six imbibition experiments reported in Table 2.
%OOIP is the percent of oil in place that is produced. The expected calcite dissolution is
calculated by assuming that the aqueous phase concentration everywhere inside the core is a
mix between the original amount of formation water and the amount of brine that has entered
the core. Calcite dissolution is expressed as a mass fraction of the original calcite. The line is
a regression line.

the formation water present there. For simplicity we assume that the aqueous phase
concentration everywhere inside the core is a mix between the original amount of for-
mation water and the amount of seawater that has entered the core. We can calculate
the consequences of this mixing for anhydrite stability using EqAlt. When we do this
for the experiments summarized in Table 2 we find that the mixing causes anhydrite
to become supersaturated at temperatures used in the experiments. We calculate the
amount of anhydrite that will be precipitated, and if we assume that the calcium
precipitated with the sulfate is replaced by calcite dissolution, we can calculate the
amount of calcite dissolution that will occur in the core as a consequence of imbibition
(oil expulsion). We use the data for core CS2-1, CS2-2, CS2-3, CS3-1, CS3-2, CS3-3 in
Table 2. The results of this calculation are shown in Figure 8. It should be noted that
the experimental points in Figure 8 are taken from three different temperatures (70,
90, and 130◦ C ). Figure 8 shows that the mass fraction of calcite dissolved from the
core correlates linearly with the produced oil in (Zhang et al, 2007). This permits the
conclusion that the extra oil production that is observed when seawater is the imbibing
fluid may be related to the dissolution of calcite caused by this imbibition. It has been
observed in experiments that organic matter attached to a mineral surface enhances
the calcite dissolution rate ((Stumm, 1992, p. 162), and (Pokrovsky and Schott, 2001)).
Thus there are reasons to suspect that the calcite dissolution preferentially takes place
where the oil is adsorbed. Particularly in this context, the amount of calcite dissolved
when seawater enters a chalk formation is quite significant, and liberation of a substan-
tial amount of oil by this mechanism is highly plausible. Moreover, more precipitation
of anhydrite will occur at higher temperature, and so this mechanism for increasing oil
production could have the temperature dependence that is observed in experiments.


expected calcite dissolution [% wt]




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 9 Calculated dissolution of calcium carbonate in the experiments reported in Table 5

(star shaped points). For simplicity the data points in Figure 8 are reproduced (square shaped
points). Axis labels are as described in Figure 8. The expected calcite dissolution is calculated
by assuming that the aqueous phase concentration everywhere inside the core is a mix between
the original amount of formation water and the amount of brine that has entered the core.
The line is a regression line.

Finally, as summarized in section 2, magnesium clearly impacts the spontaneous

imbibition of water into chalk (Zhang and Austad, 2006). The role of magnesium in
precipitation and dissolution of calcite is an area of extensive research (for a review see
Morse et al (2007), but again it appears that the enhanced oil recovery that is observed
when magnesium is present in the imbibing fluid may be related to the dissolution of
calcite. While preforming deformation experiments on Liege chalk (an outcrop chalk
with mineralogy similar to the Stevns Klint) in a case where only magnesium chloride
was present in the injected 130◦ C brine, we noted that a large amount of extra calcium
was produced and there was also a significant loss of magnesium (Madland et al, 2009).
The loss of magnesium and production of calcium at the outlet could be accounted for if
a magnesium bearing mineral precipitated and calicite dissolved in the core. Modeling
the experiments of (Madland et al, 2009) using the EqAlt program, we found that
Huntite (CaMg(CO3 )2 ) was the most super-saturated mineral.

In the present case we can account for the formation of magnesium bearing minerals
inside the core by setting huntite as a buffer mineral (in addition to CO2 , and calcite).
The calculations has been be done in a similar fashion as when calculating the results
shown in Figure 8. Calculating the solution chemistry with huntite, calcite, and CO2
as the buffer minerals and using the composition of the brines and temperatures as
reported in Table 5 gives the results shown in Figure 9 (star shaped points). Note that
the cores in Table 5 were aged with sodium chloride brines and we expected those
cores to have a slightly different initial wettabilty than the cores in Table 2 (Figure 8).
In both cases (the experiments reported in Table 2 and 5) the calcite dissolution was
a consequence of magnesium and/or sulfate bearing mineral precipitation inside the

7 Discussion

The results presented ignore changes in the chemistry of the the oil phase. Ions in the
solution can influence the concentration of charged oil components at the oil-water
interface. This could lead to an increase or decrease in the surface charge of oil. In
addition, ions can make complexes with the polar part of the oil components and this
could change the solubility of the polar oil components in the oil phase.
During aging there is a high capillary pressure and the oil is pushed towards the
solid surface. During imbibition the capillary pressure is reduced to very near zero.
The curvature of the oil-water interface reverses. As the surface charge of the calcite
surface is positive, and the oil water interface negative, there is a significant negative
disjoining pressure that will tend to hold the oil-water interface close to the surface.
When the formation water is partly replaced by seawater, the surface charge will become
less positive and the disjoining pressure will have a slightly less negative value. This
osmotic pressure change could also be a driving force for removing oil components from
the surface. We have suggested that the process of removing oil components depends
on the calcite surface being thermodynamically unstable, i.e. dissolution (see Figure 8
and 9). Otherwise it is very hard to understand why addition of positively charged ions,
such as calcium and magnesium, to the invading brine will increase the oil recovery (as
reported in Table 2 and 5).
There are some inconsistencies in the experimental data in Table 2 that could be
instructive: an increase in the calcium concentration below 100◦ C gives an enhanced
recovery, but above 100◦ C the effect is reversed. These inconsistencies could be due
to transport effects. When water is spontaneously imbibed into the core at 70◦ C (core
CS2-1, CS2-2, CS2-3), sulfate is introduced to a large part of the core. And when
temperature is increased to 100◦ C sulfate can precipitate as anhydrite and lead to a
dissolution. But when water is spontaneously imbibed into the core at a high tem-
perature (100◦ C ), the brines with a high calcium concentration can lose sulfate as
anhydrite before the brine enters the core or very close to the border of the core. In
this case, the impact of anhydrite precipitation would be reduced.
In order to investigate the effect of dissolution of calcite on the rock wettability,
a coupled core scale model needs to be developed. The core scale model can adress
where the dissolution inside the core takes place, and link this dissolution to a corre-
sponding change in relative permeability and capillary pressure. We are in the process
of developing such a model.

8 Conclusions

Many experiments demonstrate that small changes in water chemistry cause large
changes in the way oil displaces water and in the way water displaces oil when it is
imbibed. Here we have used a chemical model that couples bulk solution and surface
chemistry to address the causes of these changes. Our analysis is restricted to a solid
surface of (calcium) carbonate, but our methods can be extended to incorporate other
minerals. We find that pore water chemistry can control how calcite is wet by oil. A
negatively charged mineral surface promotes a more water wet surface, when the oil is
negatively charged. Whereas a postively charged mineral surface promotes a more oil
wet surface.

Table 7 Nomenclature

symbol decription unit

m concentration of basis species mol/l
n concentration of complex mol/l
Zi valence of aqueous species
Zsci valence of surface species
Io ionic strength mol/l
T temperature K
ψ surface potential Volt
σ surface charge C/m2
> prefix for surface species
F Faradays constant 96484.56 C/mol
R ideal gas constant 8.314 J/K mol
S specific surface area m2 /l
D water film thickness nm
A Hamaker constant 5 · 10−19 J
κ−1 Debye length nm

However, it is unlikely that the surface charge dependence of disjoining pressure can
be responsible for forcing the desorption of adsorbed oil during water imbibition. This
is because this process predicts that the addition of positively charged major ions will
promote oil wetting, and the water wetting (i.e. negative surface charge) calculated for
negative ions (e.g., SO2−4 ) does not have the strong temperature dependence observed
in imbibition experiments. On the other hand, the dissolution of calcite could increase
water wetness, and this process has the right temperature dependence. The amount of
calcite dissolved appears sufficient to account for the extra oil production, especially
if, as expected, the calcite is preferentially dissolved exactly where the oil wets the
calcite. Our purpose in this paper was to develop a chemical model that couples bulk
aqueous and surface chemistry and show how it is useful in analyzing the very complex
relationships between oil and water wetting that are fundamental to oil recovery. We
have certainly not addressed all the issues such modeling must ultimately address.
No single paper could. However, we hope we have succeeded in showing that coupled
models can be useful and that this demonstration will encourage further developments
of such models. It is our strong conviction that without capable integrated models of
the kind presented here, it will be impossible to understand the complex relationships
between chemistry and wettability that have been documented by a host of published
chemical experiments.

Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge Mr. Arild Lohne and Dr. Olav Vikane
for many helpful comments and discussions, when writing this paper.
The authors acknowledge ConocoPhillips and the Ekofisk co-venturers, including TOTAL,
ENI, StatoilHydro and Petoro for financial support.

A Equilibrium constants

As stated earlier, we assume that the temperature and pressure dependence of the surface
complexes follows the same dependence as the aqueous complexes. The temperature depen-
dence has been calculated with EqAlt (Cathles, 2006). In Table 8 we list the values for the
equilibrium concentration of each of the surface complexes.

Table 8 Surface reactions and corresponding equilibrium constants at various temperatures

and pressure 8 bar. The temperature dependence has been calculated with EQAlt (Cathles,
2006), the values for the equilibrium constants at room temperature, are similar to the ones
used by (Van Cappelen et al, 1993; Pokrovsky and Schott, 1999, 2001, 2002; Pokrovsky et al,

Reaction T=25◦ C T=70◦ C T=90◦ C T=130◦ C

>CaCO− + − +
3 ⇋ >CaH2 O + HCO3 -H -H2 O 7.01 6.34 6.08 5.65
0 +
>CaOH ⇋ >CaH2 O - H + 12.9 11 10.48 9.76
>CaHCO03 ⇋ >CaH2 O+ + HCO− 3 -H2 O -1.04 -1.2 -1.34 -1.68
>CaSO− ⇋ >CaH O + + SO2− -2.1 -2.29 -2.44 -2.78
4 2 4
>CO3 H0 ⇋ >CO−
3 + H
+ -4.9 -4.7 -4.89 -5.48
>CO3 Ca+ ⇋ >CO3 + Ca2+

-1.74 -1.9 -2.04 -2.38
>CO3 Mg+ ⇋ >CO− 3 +Mg
2+ -1.73 -1.93 -2.06 -2.41


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