Roads: KQ.,, 0, Rca - . Aui

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. . .' " v:::
GO I 15, SQ, TIS, Mar 24, 19,8 )fames of Roads in Fort Dennins Hi ta17
Ca.pilatioR • correction of names of all nam•• rca.. . ...
c1usiv. cf
street of Gan110n proper ••• lee lilt) '/. .' .. J J ~ () «(/ /i"
j I) fJ !

- 19~ ,..-/"
GO.' 4', KQ., 'lIS, )ec. ,0, 19~ lIaael of Rca.. on Fort BenniRc,
Changes ana aUi tionl in _ . (e1i11ina tieas • ex naioas)
(2)Oa.tpost II 2, relocation (,) ohange ••Herea on ~ 40 edition
of Special Map I U.
-ExtensiiR School Me•• II 1, HQ TIS, Sep 20, 19'9 -Extension SeA Me•• II 2, Oct. 11,
19'7 revoked; Branch Ext4nsion Seh .stall b7 ~ IV Corps, It.~ 10, 1939 ill \Ie mon
a. Branch Extension Seh. Ft. Benninc. Ga.


GO # 297, io.·. Fort BenniDc, ••0. 16, 1941 BXTRAC'f-

BoUt of Off'ioen appointed to name 'fopocraphica1
featUhs ...


GO • 296, ~ iort Dwnine, ])eo. ',.942 BXTRAC'f Boari of Qtfi ra 18

appointK to meet at the call of the Sr. officer to _ Ibp phica1
Featuree, POlic;r for namins tills, Stre8lU, Voo4s, lloau

'II ',/

I '


FortBe!h~ing, G-orgia,
Dec 3~ 1942.


1. UP Par 2o, ;,'l61~290 Dnd-Cir 197, ::1), 1942, T-4 T.O. Soy in ,
36225039, Hq Dct., DL";cL, L:-th 8erv C, this sta; i.'PFt Custer; Mich., or the
purpose of ~cting in the capacity of armd guard in returning'--p,jt Leo J. Sho shir~
31,OJ2809, Btry "D", l79thF.;•• , to that place, (-Pvt-3hopshire having surrendered
hilnseli' at thi_s station fr ;,-rOL and his org cOfrun;mcler-havin:; inclic[,t d he Crul-
not be trusted "ith trans), nnd upon delivering the prisoner to the, risoner's
org co;nmc_nder for clispositionc.and obtcining a receipt .therefor, T-4 oyring will
return to his proper sta, Ft, Ga.
'TO fum T.
IGF cooking 'f?_dlities for rations, tile' Fbm1ce Dept, will ay in ad-
vtiJce' the monetary travel allovmnce prBscribed in Tab II; P?.r- 22., j.R 35-4520,
:,_t the rate of}2.25 per day for one (1) nmn (Frisoner) for one and ne-~hird
(1-1/3) days for rdions enroute to Ft Guster, iiich, .cmd_D.t the rate of :,i2.25
per (ky' for one (1) pan (Guard) for twoznd tVlo-thirds.(2-2/3) days or rdions
enroute to Ft Custer, Hich., D.nd returnin[; to Ft ;3erLY!i.i1Q, Ga.
The entire cost of tr"llS and the iric:pe<lsed cost of subsist nee for
• both prisoner and guard will be charged D.g"iIlst Pvt Snopshire pursu t to Par Ja,
An 6 1 5 - 2 9 0 . ' '
TDN: FD 34 P 434-02 i. 0425-23 and C'JM 7 P 411-07 J\. 0502-23.

2. II ~ of officers is appointed to meet :.t this ste_ at the call of the

sr m(~.!tlbGr thereof for' the· purpo'se"of ~rriinL toPogT£.i)hical f n . e 01 the Tt
. Benni-ng Reservc::.tion. I!lsof".r as is prc.c ~ca --.0 m-'~ing policy should

Hills for dec€[1.sed i.rrfe21trymen (mo~tl? :"litl1 D,sC I s Dr

- ,1C1.'11 ec" l.n .'?C tlon
') •
Str62.!TI.S and brt".:lche"s, sil~j.lctrl?
1?oods for units (beloy) -divisions).
Roads for ·:!i'tisions.
(Hold' ov-sr cartC'.in YJell-knopn 10c.::'.1 nf':mGS such r: s:
Sarnon:r Church, Goodhope Cemetery, •.

Colonel ".'1U_I.l; 'J. EDJ'::.:'V:U-'?;, 07983, Inf2.ntr~'.

Coloriel C:C'•. JIl B. TROL.I;U, 08562, C.r;" Infcntry 3chool.
Colonel J()S~,P;: C ..DDI::CTOH; 05363, The Infomtry School.
Lieut. Col.- EOS;: !\j;;IT, 065613, The Infantry School.
.. ,. ,:;:;m;:ll, 0291761, .
1I2.jor CLAPJ( GoC, .
loth 1.1"1::1 Division.

I,ll previou" Spl Orders oC: this he: in ~onflict ~ith t:1e Clb ve Clre
her6>Y revak,cd. ,

--~----- -~- -~- ' - - - - - ------.~.~-~.~--,-'-..-----~--~ .~
. ,

:3. Under lluthority iJ:t Itr, Hq 4th Serv 0, file ,705.1~6l1era1, ubject:
BGd CrGdits at. G6l,-61':"l Hospikls, dateclli'eb l1;.,1942,.:'2tld Lt. Kf,TilR S.
BLf,CI;LIDGE, N727916, ;,.i",O;, Sta 1'03,0, t.hisstC.;WP via' [ovtmtrotrc s, ;.tluntu.,
GIi., «(',ccompo,nied by T-4 !3oston D. Bro-,]n, ]»010988, Driver, Pvt Onin n 'Jc.xwell
3h359435, ;,sst Driver, bot1i"Or Det" L"d Dept., I+th Serv 0, this sta, ,nd 1st Lt.
:~~DISE R: H,~Lll?SON, N703222, fJ'iG, 15ed, ;\ttdt ~ nnd CC\p~ 'TILLTj;H K.1:JENSm! 0373383,
jeG, !Jed j,ttd1;, b:>th of Stn Hosp, thls sta), repol'tlng uJ2oJ} arrlval t erent to
the CG, Lawson G~,n6ra1 Hosp, 'for fur~h()r:obs6rvil.tion and treatment. Upon del-
ivering the po.timt to thd phce ,the above:18Jned drivers Md attdt will re-
turn to their propsr sta, Ft Benn:Li}:;, Ga" via .govt hitr trans,
ij,! G}O, ' ' ',,' "
lGF ratione. in kind, the Fine.nee 'Dept will P?Y inlidvance the monetary
trllvel allowance prescribed in Tab 'II, Pnr 2a, ;';R 35-1,520, at the ra e of ::)2.25
per day forho (2) men (Drivers) for one-third (1/3) of one'(l) &y each, for
rations to Ft Benning, Ga.
In lieQ of subsistffi'lce while I,srfol'ming trc'.ve1 pursucnt to this order,
a ,per diem of ~~4-~OO is e.uthorizcQ 1st. 'Lt JILiijSOH~,
TDN: FD 34 P 434~02 ;, 0425-23.

By COl1l!lJImd of Brigadier C',eneral FULTOE: .

. ',' :'... -.~. ',

• J. D•. aOSi!:T:-TB:3:~m~R, JR.,

Ueut .... Co1oneljE.T,. H;:"
;,djutant· e

~.- " ' .


, Prison Of£'- - -
179th FA - ~ _. - -':.: - ~
!!q Det'- - - - -.:... -:..:-: -
Col :Ji,ederpruem ~ - - - -1
Col Troland - ..:. :... - - ~ -
Col ;i;d<lingwn -.:..": -'~'­
LtOol Kent - - - ... - - -
." .. '
llajoi'Webber - - -- - - -
'Sta'.Hosp - - _ .. - _ ... '-. .2
wvisciriGer" Hosp - .... - - :...
File - - - -- - --.~.~.2'

. '. -. . ," -, .' ~ .

> .".!

. . '. .

': .



, 'Ft. Benning, Ge rgia,
December 16, 19 1.
SPECIAL 0:1n~~n3)

NO ••• .,297 ••••• )


1. ,\ t,,,,,c, of Mficers is appointed to meet at this station at the

c&11 of the ",~"iDr mer,',b8r thereof for the ical
feattll'cs· on t.~e Fo:-t B·:mniwj R03ervation. the
followln-s pol.icy sh:"uld govern: .

Hills for decease" infa.ntrymen (mostly with DSC's or

killed in action).
streams and branches, similarly.
Vioods for units (below divisions).
~~ads for divisions.
(Hold over,cert&in well-kno~m local names such as:
Ha.rmon~r Church, Goodhope Cemetery, etc.).


Colonel Jj,l0'.3 i.. PICKO'.BING, (0-4M4), (Fl.) GSC, 2nd I. md Div.

Lt. c'ol. ilILLLE J. NIEDEUPRUEIi, (0-7983), Infantry.
,- Lt. Col. 8T01,1'>'1I,11 J,~CKSO;!, !O-7360), Infantry School
i Lt. Col. GIR..11D B. TROL',ND,' (0-8562), C.E., Infantry chool.
'\ \..,."......

2. Uncler the provis,ions' of Par. 15, 1.11 2JD-10, 1st Lt. JESS";
D. '[liSS'/ORTeT, JR., (0-341300), G.;,.C., is placed on detached service
expense to :'he zovernrr.8nt for a period of one (1) day; effective Dec
1941, fer tltil purpose of proceeding to Camp Wheeler, Ga., in connect

. .' .
wUp !Iilitar:r Police Activities, and returning to Fort Benniijg, Gear
. , 3~ Urider the provisions. of'par~ 2b;,
:~m:( Regulc.tions 615-290,
Section II; C:i,~cu14r, !f129,WarDepartment:, 1941, Private RON!.LD f .. ;,
;t4045?24',Gom:,cllY B" 38th Inf,mtry Trdning Bat.talion, Camp Croft, So
Carolim; havln:; report,,,j' at this station from /,vIOL, and his Organiza ion
Oom,~ri~erl1<.vin! indic<.cbed that '1e can be trus.tedwith transporj;lltion, (now
c1lsu;),lly attacl~ecl to Induction St<'.tion, this station), and beinG with ut
sufficiunt fkt')sto I'cG1,lrn. to his pro')or station, willprocecd from F rt
_ _~-i3ennir:t'5' Geer ;;j,~,
~ ..
'Gc,mp Croft, ::;.C., reporting Ilpon ari'i wl thereat
his orgr'..nization c.O!"i'iS?:hder'-_f.'?:t; d~ty. '
Th"'luaric.,rrln.ster' Corps' win furnish tho necessary transportdio
f - " - - _.- _7_~ _...It~ll'(c..:'.;!'P:::''\..Qti<::i,ble for, the government to furniSh COOking fac'lities
for. re.ti:)ns, . th,"} Fj n:.nC8 Depo.rtmcnt v:ill ~{J.y _in t'..dvt:nce_' "the rnohcl.a.ry·" rr:.vol
E.lloWL',ncc 91.'" ",cd b"d in T"bl::J II, P1lr. 2a., j,R 35-4520,. asru:tend6d" tho
rate of '12:'25 Pol" -d['.y for one (1) llk".n fo; two-thirds (2/3) of one (1) d1lY,
for rations enroute to CEmp Croft, South Carolin1l.
The entire ~ost of trc.nsport"'tion t.nd' tho' inCNc,sed cost of sub, istenco
. ( will be char:;cd ~c8ainst Pvt. I;D;\HS in cO~lplic~,rico withPo.r. 3£:., Jill 15-290.
'\ ~ .
The tr,,vc;l dir.:;ctod is nocoss"ry in tho militnry service c.nd po. ont vlhon
. ,_, _:' =de is ci1['.ri>;ccblc to procuroment, ~uthority FD 14),1 P 7.,.06" A '0410-2 D d
Q!;i 6. P :;-03 A,050~-2. .

.. _-_. __ ._---- - - J
.. :. .
$0 11297 Hq~ Ft. Bcnnin;"G2" Docol;',bor J..6,19hl,. Cont'd.

ByCor,1[1c:lCd of Brigadier Genoral BRADlEY:

J~ C. iAlmmT,
'Gaptain, A.G.D.;
'AdJutant. '

, ,
.' :

.. ,..

.. ' - ~ .

.. .. ~

~. : .'.'
.' "."',

~ ...


.' .. '~ .... --


, ~.



GENERAL ORDERS) Fort Bermin0~ Ge rgic.,

NO •••• 43· •••••• )
December 30 t 19~39 •


1. Effective January 1, 1940, the follo,"ing changes and addi ions in

nU'l8S of roads on Eort Benning !.lilitary Be servation are !"",de:

Ncme (.Ul coordinates refer to Special Map No. 11.)

~OUroLl.sS m:J) Extended from its intersection (26.6-18.4) with J~ sto¥m

Road to Eelbeck.

v FIRST DIVISION RO.\D Extended to its intersection with "ourglass Ro, d at

(35.2-25. 7) ~ .

Vi.IJ:. iJ,rrmIC;,N RO.J) 1:1 imine. ted •

c8TH DIVISION RO.'ill Extends from (24.2-21,.2) on 1st Division' Road to' 30.0-21.1)
. on Hourglass Road • ••
'v DIXIE RO,'J) Extends from (h.4-16. 7) to its intersection with 1st D vision
Road ut (18'.1-19.4).

,~ BIDE ;,t;'D GR;'.Y ROiJ) Eliminated.

Ji CLOVER .LE;~ RO;J) E1imlnuted.

h,OORE RO:J) Extends f'rom (35.4-31.6) on the Buena Vista Roed to the vi11nge
of Upatoi.

LIBERTYRO;\D ZXtends 'from (34.5-14.4) on Highway 27 tovmrds Union d T..ouva!e.

BWE RIDGE ROJJ) Extends from (30;1-12.2) on Lightning Road to (32. -08.0) on
~~__ c . 'J,ibOJ:C.ty -Road.

LUEPKIN TR[.IL South of' Oswichce Crock, Lumpkin Road chcngedto Lum in Trail.

-.- 5fi:nd'}~IlnlO::n~ irleuaed north from (16.2-22.2) orr Eort Benning to

northen ond of re servQt ion (16.1-25. 7).

Extended north to its intersection 1'I~th Red :;rrow

,j SUllSET RO)J) From (29.8-37.0) to its intersoction ~;lith Midwest Rond at
(31.2-35.0) •
-~- .


(G. O. #43, The Inf Seh. 12-30-39)

JJGOi'T:lE)j) ROJ\D Extends from (16.3-22.5) on Fort 3elll'lInc Bou1evf!rd to

(17.2-25.0), thence to (19.9-26.0) on Co1.w'lbtts-Cus' etD. Road.

WJRBOif RO!J) (N of Elimin!.:ted.

Post. CenetcYJ)

'roRCH HILL "RO:J) From (17.2-25.0) on Ar~O\';hond Rood to (16.5-27.1).

GOOD LUCK RO;J) ~' (27.2-17.6) on Jm,J6stovm Roe.d to its intersection with
"Yo..l1kee Rood 'at '( 26.1"-'15.0),

2. ,outpost no. 2 h",s blmnr'elocded just west of the inters cHon of

ohi:> Rood IJnd First Division Roed.

3. These changes hc.vebeoh ontered on t!le 1940 Edition of, S ec:i.ull-lap

No. 11 und on the mo.p on the attached sheet. All copies of old Special
I"!.:p N:). 11 st'illon ha'ld will be destroyed.

By cOfl1mbnd of BrLsudier GCrl3ral. SIl-lGLETON:

cap"tai:J, 24th Ini'fntry,
Act1ng,ilSsistanthdjutant Gener'l .


' .r.
/, dt

" '/,;' ,"

,.:, / / /
I FlEDE;-rr 6.,

' ,'f

/ t~l'",
n h,. "4tll
nn' '"
..... <¥..' 'In-f'-n+~'
_ u ... . ~ ~,

:.ctine ,wsista'1.t .ldjutant General.

~.- - ---

DIST: "D".
,. lll!lADQ,U.AR'1'.ERI

lPol:'t Bensing.'
September 20,
Ul'BNStON eOllOOr. ) .,
. lm.lORANOW I
NO •• I I I 1 •• ) t
1. IltttmeionSchool M3morandum No. S. this h!uidque~.l", Oetcbe 11, 1939,
is 1'1I"olf~. \

. 2. The BrllJlch Extension Sohool established at this atat.ion purs
.- ,paragraph 6 ,£. Extension School 'liemOrlllldum No.1, Helldquerterii Fourth
. '110"-" August 10 I 1939, will be known I!UI the llRIMOU ltCTENSION SCHOOls. FORT ' ,
......... gt:IflGj.';

3. The stUdent' personnel ot this IIchool will consist otsuoh ot of
the ronowing oat9/Jories aa enroll in the ext8t\~ion o"II1'8oS;'

a. Rosula~ Army otrioors asSigned or attaohod to unite stat oned at

. rOM Bonniai.

!:.. ROll(ItVO offioors assigned or 'attaehod to Activo Regular \:n:ny units.

etntionod at Fort Bonning ~xoopt tholle aXllupt by (lprps Aroll Headqtlr.rta III or hi 10'101'
E.uthority~ ROIJulnr Ann" activo units (R..\",) aN thoso r.:.::;i1'onts, dotac ed elu!ilenta
, thllroot. and lIi1nilar uni til with an aetive hoadquarters. i.ctive units ill inoludo
ineo.tho elomonts thereot.

4. ENROLIl!E;,T:' Tho t.1othod ot enrollmont ",ill bo en prescribed ,11 /.J:r.Iy

,Rcr,ul<tions Uo. 1350-:3000.
5. .APPLlC.l.TIOHSI 11. Roso I'\10 Orticora. J\Pplicetions of Rosorv OtficerSl
will bo hGlidlod.' laS dirocted by Extensien Seho~l IlcmorendUl!l llo. 1, Fou h OOl'",IlS
1:N'o. AUr,Ul3t 10, 19:39.
b. R03Uln.r.'I:rr.Iy Off1oor~. Appliantiontl r~ronrollmont in t a ,'\1:r1J!J
Eitonllion Courses from Rar,u1ar ..\.nny aUto )rs on duty, or dtaohod. for uty, nt
this station will bo fOl"l/ardod to this hoadquarters t.~lrou(ih rC3Ulnr ch 1l1nolll.
Tho :t'orwllrdin~ bd'l1.'samont will ind1c~to whoth"r s"provod or disoppro ed. If
npprovod, an inatructor will '00 do::!i~nto(\. In C'1S() of disnpprovnl, t 10 roalllOn
will bo statod. This hondqunrtoro will tllleo final ,'lotion on tho !l.ppli Iltion. ,
\Illon on applioation for onrollment has boon appr:>vod in this offioe, twill '00
fOI'V/,'rdod through tho orgunilmtion cOJlll'lendor to tho do~i:::;lttod 1nstruc or. Th:::.
proper 9ubeourGo, nOCO!!30ry- texts nnd oClpias of ~I.D. :.a0 Forms No. 147 and 15:3
will be attllohod. Tho instruotor will forw~rd "ro:',lllt1v to tho o.pplic t tho
tpprovod application for onrollment, I'Jld tho aubo,urso J'),-,toria1 end t ::ts as
pt'tsol'ibod. 'itt pc, 22. ExtoneiClJ', School !.!GIIIOre.ndum lio. l,Ilq. Fou h Corps'
J.roe., .\!lgus,; 10 I 1939.

\ '\
. 6. V...l~ING SOLUTIONS I UpCln rocoipt ot a studo'\t I s Elolution I.\t
qUtrtors it will bo t()m:;rdO)(\ informolly t, th.J ')r~"IllizQtion cCllllmondo conoorn?d.
Solution. will he mt.l'Kod undO'll:' ths dirJot1'11l of 1l:'1"l.'lizr,tion oOMmandor. Tho
, '

Incrking of solutions of Officara (In duty wi tit tho Aco.dtl" 1c Dop'rtmon will bo
~()nduetod undor tho diroet1(ln of tltl) Aoobt!',nt O'Jl1ml~Jld;:nt. Tho provi i?no of
ptrnr,rnphs 19, 20, !ll'I.d aJ.,:•• R. 350-3000 nnd p~ro:::rnph 11 n ~Jld b, E tension
School }!Or.Iorondlll1l No.1, Iloo.dquClrturs Fourth Oorps .\.ron, AUl'ust iO', 1 39, will
{ovorn. Boforo 0 papor is tJlnrkOd "uMI:'.tioi'r.<otory" it will be m.-,rkod ops.rntoly bY'
not lOBS thon 1U'l 1fticors. Botoro'r, otudont' e aoo~!1d Unnr.,tisfo,ctory ')1I1t1'111 t"
til!; O~lr.O looson or oxarain~"~ti')n is raturnod to thG 3r;lIloh E~;tonston Soh ()l, tho Or:,;-
het inn COu"ltmdor will 0/,:1\130 tho fa.'lrking ot tho ll;\:!l<ll' to bo 1'OY10\10d. vn10n tho
urklngt>f t solution'10 dolnYl3d bo)'ond ~ l'0c,scn(lbllJ timlJ tor eJlY c~'u 0 tho in3t·
ruet~r will Mkn,wlodr,o rocoij,lt"lt thCl <If)lllti'ln rJtd oltlfltdn tl~ dohy b~, lGttJr
.diroot t,) tho s'tmdont. Norumlly,' 6'llutinns will bo mr..rkud by'instruc orG m i d ,
returnod to tho Off'iMl' in Ohnr[lo, ,;nny E:;ct0nsi:ln C,urs;:,s, Brllnoh Ext nsi'ln $011,)01'.
~vithin fivo (o) dI:\YS, oxcludin.': Sundt'.y"s r..l1.d H~1idIlYs. '

7. CERTIll'!C:':'''ZS OF COlrf'LETIONOF SllBCOU:'l.'lES: tnlon c. .student c. plot06 :l

sUbCOllrsCl, tho instruet'):r will prc,,,:rc r! Cf)l'titio:::',;o of Oor:plotion "1' IlbC0U!,S~
til.D ••\,0.0. r"tm N:'l. 102) as l'roscl'ibod in pllrn,;rnph 17, Extonaion eh)ol 1,0111*
Ol'phdum No.1, Hoo.dqur"rtor6 Fourth CcH71S ,'or.,n. .\.ft'Jr si(llling it, tho instruct)!'
wiP forward i t to this of~1o(J f:lr .'J")m'l~,l. Tho nur,:oricd rl)tbg r.t ilVld will
bo 'entol'ed on nll C":1pi06 61' tho O,!'.II; of C'1mploti,~n of Subcourso. This
'-,' rl.'tincr is dutol'mil1cd es prcserib.,d o)'su:)~p:1r~.,"rilpit, "4('" : •• R. 35Q..OOOO.,

8, TEXT BOOK .'>lID LESSON 1:;TBRL'L: Tho inHinl supply of toxt b ",.,ke '1Ild
lesson t1ctcJrinl will bo furniohod 0. no:11y 0l1r0ll')d stUdoht CeI) pt'Oflarib d in p'tn-
crtph 6 of this r,\Om'Jr~ndU1n. LO<ll3'ln materid r:~,uir.Jd lctor in tho sub Olll'SO will
be fUrnishod QS llronaribod by plU'o 180;.R350-3(JOO. Dp·:m rocoillt of Q Gtudo'lt' a
solution t·, tho ClXI1.r1in,tbnof 0. SUbc)ltrso, naw l'1:lt3t'i,'1 nill bo. fumi I\od l\B pre--
scribC>d by24 &. A.::I.. ' 350-3000. 'w,torial (llld Toxts r'qUircd by Or';i'Uli at1~ns ,'Iill
bo obttlinod i'l'o:n the Officer ill Ch~rt~O :,;rmy 'Sxte!1si":1n Ooursos ,Brnneh 'xtonaion
Sohool. '

9, When c. stUdent is trrmsforrod, his 10Mon o.ssir>nr,ont c!'l'd (\I D., .:.. }.O.
Form No. 147) 11111 bo sont to this !lo('dqui'rturs for tl'''-llsfor, I'll t11 his othar
c,xtonsioh school records, to his new or",f.U1izotion.

10. O.:.NOELL..:rrON OF ENROLU:EllT: Enrolhwnts oill bo c~ncollod u dor tho

C()llditionsoitod 1n pr.rngrnph 15, :•• R. 350-3000. Instructors wUl OX" .ino <:11
losGon rd'loi~o!1t C~rds (ll.D. ,:... G.O. FOn'.1 1h. 147), n'lt loss thl.'JI one ',\':mth
to dcterilini.. whotnor r.'.linirnum roqllilq,u:mta r-.rJ boi:l7, :"ot. ',Ihon it hne boon dotal'-
r1noti that Iln offioor is not 1\O,.. t1n[; tho minir:'lUl11 roqu1:rol.l0l1to Q lettar will b()
Gont thl".t ofi'iOol' 1ntQrtlinil hi"', thnt tho nininun roquiJ.'cllonta uuat 0 I"lot or
hill onrolltlt);1t will bo o0l1oo11od. It no oxcuao is "lvon thr..t wt'rrnntl3 con'b-
inuing his onrollrlont '.'1\d nolOllson r,1'"-toX'ir.-,l is eu1:ml.ittod his nt:.l'lO wil bo t'Ut:'\~
ishod this hoMqunrtars vlith roqucst for tha tlllMll:;lont beina ocnoollo. The '
rliniol)J:l l'oquiroflonts nra proaorib"d in pnrn.erD.llh 15 1 ",R. 550-3000.

11. lit addition to tho instruction!l o(Jntdn.3d in this f10.!lorr!ndur.1 tho Mn-
auc t ofthu oxtailS i'~n O'yUrSOI!l will ho r,~'II'ornod bY' ,.. R. (300·5000. tho nUlll lottor

• .• ,
(Ix., S4hl. ME1lIIO" NO, 1 ..

Of instruc1:iOnt; furnished by the Alijutllnll General. the annolmoertent ot A:nIJ.V'1b:t-o

lInaion COurs••• lind lIXtell8ion 1011001 MeIll:l1'lIndUIII No.1, Hq, 4th 0 ...\.. • 10,'

lJh. The Ilctenai011 SlIbOol rell1' will b8 :t:roIIt 00tob81' 1, to:un. BO I "011

1\ B.· S-u)'1l j

• t1eut" Oolonel, G.lI, ,


cw/D!ST: IiA" ~lUSttE",

< .
I . liE. 'J) VA."<.'ERS
THE m::-,.clT?.y SC; ;001
Fort .. Bonning, Georgia,
Jic,!'ch 24 t 1958.


. NO." •.•• 15 ••••• }"


1. The following conpilat ion and correction of names of all nan" roads on
the Fort Benning l:Uitary Reservation (exclusive of the streets. of the arrison
proper) H,"publisl1ed for the infornation of all concemed •
. " , .
. " 2;' This compilation supersedes ell previously published road des' nations.
,', .

.---"-'---,.-----'--.....,.- - - - - .----.t.,..--~t_---~
(16.7-19.1) (17.9-13.2) 90th; Diy.:" Texas
. ALI. AI:ERICMf ROAD • (25.1-23.0)(35.2-25.4) 'S2nd Div. :Oa, Al • Tenn •
, ,- ** ARROWHEAD ROAD .. ' : ( 17.2-25.0 )(19.8-29.1) 36th Diy.: Texas Okla. ,
" BLUE .AND GRAY 00;1) (14.2-17.7)(15.3-~9.4) 29th; DiY.: NJ, Hd Del, Va.
,BLUE RIDGE RO~ . : (J.5.9-24.6)(18.?-23.3) ': 80th Div.: Va, ~'T1f , pa.
. BUCKEYE,ROAD : (23.7-21.3)(21.4,,15.6) 37th Div.: Ohio
BUENA iTIST}. ROil) : (26.6-32,9) (3G.6-31.0) Established Name'
BUFFJ'.LQ .wAD (18.0-15,9) (15.2-15.0) 92nd piy.:
(15.2-18~ 5) (18.1-19.4)
.. 8Clth Div.:
COLUt:l1'J--S' ,.' ClJSSETA
ROil) ,: (18. 9-:l7. 8) (33.0-15.0) ,

DIXIE RO;'J) .' (1l.3-I\".5){14.2-17.7). 31st Div;: oa,Ala, lao

'. ¥U5T DIVISION RO!']) : (15.8-20. S )(25.1-22.8) Div'.: R.. :~.. .
, FORI' mnmm BOUIEVARD, , :(15.9-21.7)(17,5-29.5) : Esta bli lied N8l'lB
,*~E.crJIDL/.sS ROil), . ,,(28.8-18.9)(55,1-24.1) 7th; Div, ': R. h..
nmIAlI BEAD ROAD : (12,3-16.'6) (r4.2~I9.8} 2nd Div.: RA, iiar nes
"IVY ROAD (22.5-21.1) (22.0-22,9) 4t:' Div.: R.A~
J.Al:ESTOHN ROAD (25.6-22.1)(29,2-08;1) , :.;: Establ i hed Name
~. KEYSTONE ROAD __ : (20.4-20.;4)(ia.7-15.5): 28th Div.: Pa,
, ,-: "fiLiGE'I'iUNGRG.'..D ': (j8.~-il,9)(S2.9-15.1) 78th Div.:,NY;HJ ,D 1.
**LORRAn~ CROSS 'ROAD' • : (:32,8:'27,7)(35.9-39.4)' : 79tll Div. :Pa ,lId ,D
ill.Y.~IN ROAD . , • (15.9-21.7)(28.3-10.1) : Estahli hed Name
p .:-"-- -·'"*I~.AmE'lm!1IJ - ~ -- - --- (15.9-~1;5)(23.5-24.8) : 5rd Div;: R.A.
**EE'rROPOLI'l'.Ali Rom . . (:13.0"-1(5.0) (36.3-31.1),: 77th Dh,: NYC.i1;y
; **A::rDUEST .Rw.B- o• ,'. - (30.7-2\'1.6) (29.6-39.2') : 39th Di v.• : Kan,! 10,0.10 ,Nebr,
. :. SDak ,Ari ,NIL.
, . OHIO ROJ..!) : (17.5-21.4)(21.,9-13.9) 83rd Div.: Ohio ,.;/ira ·pa. .
-':' --*OLD HICKORyrmAO (20. 2-20.?) (21.1-15.7) 30t'! Div •. ! Tenn,llG, 0,
T'~~ ORION RaJJ) , 27th Div.,:. New YO.rk
..... --:- l (16,0-'15,2)(17.4-17.4)

. .

}J.o, Hq. The Int Sch. 3-24-38 C(l1t'd •

. ', .

NAEE . LOCf,TION llOllO?JlfG . RE!Tl

*PIt.""E TREE RO.fJ)

.. (29. 4~·25. 7) (35.1~19.3) 91st Div.: Cal ,'Ia h ,Ore t
Nev.Ut ,Ida,lt'Iont.
RlJriBO'j ROJ\]) : (15.9~22.4)(17.2~26.2)
, . 4.~nd Div.: 26 sta es
"''''FED ,L:jRO'I ROiill (28. 9~24. 9>.( 28 .2~39. 2) 32nd Div.: ]~ich,W' 80.
RED DV.r:OND HOJ.n (13. 8~ 19.1)-( 16.5-16.2) : 5th Div.:· R~A, .
.... S},KDSTORlI p.o •.n (17.7-19.2):,1,9. \)-17.2) 34th Div.: rin.lo, a,Nebr.
, NDak.S ak.
. '''",' . .. "'S£'lTA F.6 ROJ\]) . .
(1.9.7-21. 8) ( 19,6-20.5) : 35t:h Div.:
:SIGHTSEETIlC ROAD~ (14.2-J.7.'1Hl;5.5-14.2) 6thi)iv. : R.A.
I', .
WIlDOllT ROAD (22.1-25.6) (2l5~5-27.3) 81st ·viv.: SC.Ten , .Fla,
: Ill.
YPJJI;EE nO,ill' " . , (19.3-14.9) (3-1. ~-15. 9) 26t:h ·DtV'.: New En
YELLO\! CROSS ROAD'. (17.3-17.6) (19. 7-16. '3) 3jrd Div.:· Ill.

* Eajor cha."lGe of .10 cat ion' invol ved. , .

** Not. previously :n8r:led.
. ..
(000.4) •
f·I . By cOIll!?and of Bri3adier General STIlCLETOlT:
• •


'"-0' .
W. E. 'CDCI;EnmC,
Hajor, A. G. D.!
... '''J''-' -"'- _. . . .' ...... _., . .__ .'
.......,... ····· . · . :--·r :.:..~-.--

~'~'<'V'o'-6' :.~: .:f:!~. ~.~~t __ ~,:·P}t.i)i, Ljr1-jt_c.~_. 1q

··¥I.E. CHICKERmC; , .. .. . " .: .... 21
'l:ajor,' A. C'. D ••
Mjutaut. " .-
~ 1.

. .:

, ; . .' ., .'. ..
-,-' . "

::. -:-.:' ~WI"I~-Dl.S'1';. A~l'J.ui;,.E.~ . _


I" ' .. ;


. ,.

~ .. '

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