Sa 745M
Sa 745M
Sa 745M
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Dedini S.A. Industrias de Base/5970143001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/18/2007 10:19:04 MST
ARTICLE 23, SA-745/SA-745M 2007 SECTION V
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using the straight-beam technique, and scan the forging in (a) Single-Block Method — Establish the test sensitivity
the axial direction to the extent possible. When the length on the reference standard representing the forging thick-
divided by the diameter ratio (slenderness ratio) exceeds ness. Drill flat-bottom holes normal to the examining sur-
6 to 1 (or axial length exceeds 24 in. [600 mm]), scan face, to midsection in material up to 1.5 in. [40 mm] in
axially from both end surfaces to the extent possible. If thickness and at least 0.75 in. [20 mm] in depth but no
axial penetration is not possible due to attenuation, angle- deeper than midsection in thicknesses from 1.5 to 6 in.
beam examination directed axially may be substituted in [40 to 150 mm]. Make evaluations of indications at the
place of axial straight beam. Examine ring and hollow estimated discontinuity depth at which they are observed
forgings having an outside-diameter to inside-diameter using supplementary reference standards, if necessary.
ratio of less than 2 to 1 and a wall thickness less than 8 (b) Distance–Amplitude Curve Correction Method —
in. [200 mm] by angle-beam techniques from the outside Establish the test sensitivity on the reference standard
diameter or inside diameter, or both, using full node or whose metal travel distance represents the greater metal
half-node technique (see 10.1.2 and 10.1.3) as necessary travel distance of the part under examination, within ±1
to achieve either 100% volumetric coverage or the extent in. [25 mm].
of coverage defined by an approved procedure (see 3.2). Examine thicknesses from 6 to 24 in.
[150 to 600 mm] using the distance–amplitude calibration
method. Calibration to 1⁄2 thickness test metal distance may
8. Examination Frequency
be used provided examinations from two opposing surfaces
8.1 Perform all ultrasonic examination at the highest are made.
frequency practicable (as specified in 8.1.1, 8.1.2, or 8.1.3)
that will adequately penetrate the forging thickness and For metal travel distances over 24 in.
resolve the applicable reference standard. Include in the [600 mm], perform one of the following examinations:
ultrasonic examination report the examination frequency (a) Perform a back-reflection examination from at least
used. Determine the test frequency at the time of actual one surface to QL-5 (see 12.1.1) or to a purchaser-approved
examination by the following guidelines: procedure (see 3.2).
8.1.1 The nominal test frequency shall be 2.25 MHz. (b) On hollow-round forgings with wall thicknesses less
Use of this frequency will generally be restricted due to than 8 in. [200 mm], perform an axial angle-beam scan in
attenuation. place of the straight-beam scan from the end surfaces.
Calibration for this scan may be established on the existing
8.1.2 One megahertz is acceptable and will be the axial notches required for the circumferential scan or on
frequency generally applicable. transverse oriented notches installed specifically for axial
8.1.3 When necessary, due to attenuation, 0.5 MHz angle beam.
examination frequency may be used. The purchaser may
request notification before this lower frequency is 9.2 Calibration Procedure — Over an indication-free
employed. area of the forging and with the proper test frequency,
adjust the amplitude of the back reflection to the maximum
8.1.4 In the event that adequate penetration of certain limit of vertical linearity of the instrument. The adjusted
regions is not possible even at 0.5 MHz, alternative nonde-
instrument sensitivity display shall be the primary calibra-
structive examination methods (such as radiography) may
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Dedini S.A. Industrias de Base/5970143001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/18/2007 10:19:04 MST
ARTICLE 23, SA-745/SA-745M 2007 SECTION V
against which all indications shall be evaluated at the maxi- exceeding 36 in. [900 mm] in length are scanned from the inside diameter
mum obtainable response at whatever depth the indications surface.
are observed. This will constitute an acceptable examina-
tion if there are no indications exceeding the acceptance
limits. In large forgings, it is expected that a portion of 11. Evaluation of Material
the distance–amplitude curve will be above the vertical 11.1 Coarse-grained austenitic materials frequently dis-
linearity limits of the instrument. If an indication appears play sweep noise, particularly when an examination is
in this area, readjust the instrument through the use of a performed at high sensitivities. For this reason, it is impor-
calibrated gain control or through recalibration to the initial tant to critically scrutinize reportable and rejectable indica-
calibration level to bring the appropriate portion of the tions to determine whether they result from defects or grain
presentation on screen for evaluation of that specific area. structure. It is desirable to have several sets of calibration
blocks with varying degrees of grain coarseness so that
NOTE 1 — When flat surfaced reference block calibration is used for the attenuation of the defective area can be reasonably
examination of forgings with surface curvature, compensation for curva-
matched with a test block for a more accurate minimum
ture shall be made and the method for curvature correction shall be a matter
of agreement between the producer and the purchaser. For diameters 80 in. defect size estimation. Due to the normal wide variation
[2000 mm] and over, no correction factor is required. in attenuation throughout a given large austenitic forging,
it is permissible to evaluate rejectable indications on the
basis of alternative calibration blocks that compare more
10. Angle-Beam Examination reasonably in attenuation to the defect area. It is also per-
10.1 Ring and hollow round forgings, as defined in 7.6, missible to insert reference holes into representative areas
shall be angle-beam examined from their outer periphery in of the forging itself, with the approval of the purchaser,
both circumferential directions employing the following to be used for calibration and evaluation of indications.
method of calibration: Loss of back reflection results not only from internal dis-
continuities but also from coarse or nonuniform grain struc-
10.1.1 Notches of 1.25 in. [30 mm] maximum sur- tures, variations in coupling, nonparallel reflecting
face length, with the length perpendicular to sound propa- surfaces, and other factors that must be considered before
gation; depth based on quality level (Section 12), either concluding that loss of back reflection resulted from dis-
rectangular with a width not greater than twice its depth continuities.
or 60° minimum to 75° maximum included angle, located
in the forging so as to produce no interference with each
other, shall be used as calibration standards. 12. Quality Levels for Acceptance
10.1.2 Determine the response from the inside and 12.1 One of the following quality levels may be speci-
outside diameter calibration notches with the search unit fied by the purchaser:
positioned to produce the maximum response from each
12.1.1 Straight Beam:
notch. Adjust the sensitivity of the ultrasonic equipment
so that the indication from the notch at the greatest test Material producing an indication
metal distance is at least 0.5 in. [13 mm] sweep-to-peak. response whose maximized amplitude equals or exceeds
Draw a straight line connecting the peaks of the responses 100% of the primary reference or distance–amplitude cor-
obtained from the inside and outside diameter notches. rection curve at the estimated discontinuity depth shall be
This shall be the primary reference line. This procedure is considered unacceptable.
considered full node calibration. (a) QL-1 — A distance–amplitude curve shall be based
upon the amplitude response from No. 8 flat-bottom hole
10.1.3 In the event that a response of at least 0.5 in. (8⁄64 in. [3 mm]).
[13 mm] sweep-to-peak cannot be obtained from both the (b) QL-2 — A distance–amplitude curve shall be based
inside and outside diameter notches, calibrate from both upon the amplitude response from No. 16 flat-bottom hole
the outer periphery (the outside diameter surface) and the (16⁄64 in. [6 mm]).
inside diameter surface. Adjust the sensitivity of the ultra- (c) QL-3 — A distance–amplitude curve shall be based
sonic equipment so that the indication from the notch in upon the amplitude response from No. 24 flat-bottom hole
the opposite surface is at least 0.5 in. [13 mm] sweep-to- (24⁄64 in. [10 mm]).
peak in magnitude. This procedure is considered half-node (d) QL-4 — A distance–amplitude curve shall be based
calibration. Axial angle beam may be substituted for upon the amplitude response from No. 32 flat-bottom hole
straight beam from the end surfaces, when specified. (32⁄64 in. [13 mm]).
NOTE 2 — Long cylinders or cylinders with small inside diameters are (e) QL-5 — A back reflection examination shall be per-
difficult to examine from the inside diameter surface. Normally, neither formed guaranteeing freedom from complete loss of back
inside diameters smaller than 18 in. [450 mm] nor long cylinders reflection accompanied by an indication of a discontinuity.
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Dedini S.A. Industrias de Base/5970143001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/18/2007 10:19:04 MST
2007 SECTION V ARTICLE 23, SA-745/SA-745M
For this purpose, a back reflection of less than 5% of full QA-1 Angle beam reference acceptance
screen height shall be considered complete loss of back shall be based on a notch depth of 3% of the thickness of
reflection. the forging at the time of examination. The applicable quality level will neces- QA-2 Angle beam reference acceptance
sarily vary with test metal distance, purchasers’ require- line shall be based on a notch depth of the lesser of 5%
ments, and the type and size of forging involved. Large of the thickness of the forging at the time of inspection,
disks, rings, or solid forgings and complex forgings present or 3⁄4 in. [19.05 mm].
extraordinary problems and quality level application shall
be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and
the purchaser. For general guidance purposes, the follow- 13. Reportable Indications
ing list of test metal distances versus quality level attainable 13.1 A record that shows the location and orientation
is provided for general information. of all indications or groups of indications with amplitudes
(a) QL-1 — Generally practical for thicknesses up to 3 as defined below shall be submitted to the purchaser for
in. [75 mm]. information.
(b) QL-2 — Generally practical for thicknesses up to 8 13.1.1 Indications accompanied by a loss of back
in. [200 mm]. reflection of 75% of screen height. Similar loss in back
(c) QL-3 — Generally practical for thicknesses up to 12 reflection without indications shall be scanned at lower
in. [300 mm]. frequencies; if unsuccessful, the area shall be reported as
(d) QL-4 — Generally practical for thicknesses up to 24 “not inspected.”
in. [600 mm]. 13.1.2 Indications distinct from the normal noise
(e) QL-5 — Frequently practical for thicknesses over 24 level and traveling to the left or right on the cathode ray
in. [600 mm]. tube with movement of the transducer 1.0 in. [25 mm] or
12.1.2 Angle Beam — Material producing indications more over the surface of the forging.
with amplitudes equal to or exceeding the primary refer- 13.1.3 Indications equal to or exceeding 50% of the
ence-acceptance line (full node calibration: see 10.1.2) at applicable reference acceptance curve (both straight and
the estimated discontinuity depth observed shall be consid- angle beam).
ered unacceptable. When examining with only one calibra-
tion notch (half node calibration: see 10.1.3), material
containing indications of discontinuities equal to or 14. Keywords
exceeding the notch indication amplitude shall be consid- 14.1 acceptance criteria; austenitic forgings; contact
ered unacceptable. method; ultrasonic examination
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Supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the inquiry
or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Dedini S.A. Industrias de Base/5970143001
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/18/2007 10:19:04 MST