Classification and Characterization of Crude Oil: Chapter 2)
Classification and Characterization of Crude Oil: Chapter 2)
Classification and Characterization of Crude Oil: Chapter 2)
Petroleum or crude oil has been known for a long time. Archeologists have
shown that it had already been extracted and used for about 5-6 thousand years
before Christ. The most ancient known oil wells are those at Ephrata and the
Kerch coast in the Chinese province of Sychuan. The mention of petroleum has
been found in many ancient manuscripts and books. For example, the Bible writes
about "pitch wells in the vicinities of the Dead Sea".
In ancient times, petroleum had some applications in medicine as well as
civil works. For example, the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates (IV-V century
B.C.) has described many recipes of medicines which included petroleum. In one
ancient manuscript is written: "we shall rub the patients with petroleum in such a
way that the illness is taken away. White petroleum takes away the illness (cough
in this case). Black petroleum takes away a reasoning of the cough". The Egyp-
tians used petroleum oils to manufacture preservation mixtures.
Petroleum was also widely applied during construction work. Petroleum
bitumen was added to cement and the resulting product used during the con-
struction of the tower of Babylon. In the Bible, there is a narration that goes:
"Also each other has told to each other: "we shall do bricks and heat it by fire".
And they used the bricks instead of stones, and earthen pitch instead of cement".
Modern chemical analyses show that "earthen pitch" is "asphalt", the viscous
resinous substance remaining after the natural evaporation of the light fractions
from petroleum. Asphalt was applied in the construction of the Great Chinese
Wall as well as the trailing gardens of Semiramida. It was used as a water-
resistant medium for the construction of most of the ancient dams on Ephrata
a) b) c)
d) e)
g) h)
\ \
R'"' R
The amount of nitrogen in different crude oils varies from 0.02 to 1.5%.
There are many types of nitrogen compounds in crude oil. The example shown in
Figure 1.1 is only one of them.
Studies of nitrogen compounds present in crude oil are made possible in two
ways. First, these compounds can be analyzed directly in crude oil. The biggest
advantage of such an analysis is the possibility to investigate these compounds
both in their natural form and natural environment. However, the concentration of
nitrogen compounds in crude oil is relatively small, and this makes the analysis
not only difficult but results in a rather wide divergence of the measurements. The
second method is that the nitrogen compounds can be separated before analysis.
The disadvantage of this method is the possibility that during separation, the native
structure could be destroyed. However, despite the difficulties in investigating
a) b) c)
The substituted anilines (d), amides and/or imides belong to the weak alka-
line (lye) nitrogen compounds.
The non-substituted compounds such as indols (e) or carbozoles (f) are
typical nitrogen neutral compounds.
a) b) c) d)
i ;s
Each crude oil has its own types and proportions of sulfur compounds. As a
general rule, however, the proportion, stability, and complexity of the compounds
are greater in the heavier crude oil fractions. Hydrogen sulfide is a primary con-
tributor to corrosion in refinery processing units. Other corrosive sulfur materials
are elemental sulfur and mercaptans. Pyrophoric iron sulfide results from the cor-
rosive action of sulfur compounds on the iron and steel materials used in refinery
process equipment, piping and tanks. The combustion of petroleum products con-
taining sulfur compounds results in the production of undesirable by-products such
as sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide. Catalytic hydrotreating processes such as hy-
drodesulfurization remove sulfur compounds from refinery product streams.
Sweetening processes either remove obnoxious sulfur compounds (example, mer-
The first attempt to explain the origin of petroleum dates back to antiquity.
For example, the Greek scientist Strabon, who lived about 2000 years ago wrote:
"At the place named Nymphey, there is a rock spiting fire, and under it are the
sources of warm water and asphalts... ". Strabon united two facts: the eruption of
volcanoes and the formation of asphalts (the way he named petroleum). This con-
nection between the two facts was a mistake. In the places mentioned by his work,
there were no erupting volcanos. The events which Strabon described as "erup-
tions" were actually "emissions", i.e. breaking out of underground waters (so-
called geysers), accompanied by outputs of petroleum and gas on the surface.
M.V. Lomonosov was one of the first scientists to introduce a reasonable
scientific concept of the origin of petroleum. In his mid-eighteenth century work
on "terrestrial layers", this Russian scientist wrote: "It is expelled from under-
ground with heat, prepared from stone coal and brown coal, this black oily mate-
rial... And this is a birth of a different grade of combustible liquid and dry hard
matter. This is the essence of stone oil, liquid pitch, petroleum, and similar materi-
Indeed, the idea of the inorganic origin of crude oil did not initially have
any success with geologists, who considered that experiments carried out in the
laboratory considerably were different from processes that occur in a nature.
However, the inorganic theory of crude oil formation unexpectedly received
support due to new evidence from astrophysics. Research on the spectra of plan-
ets showed that, there are hydrocarbon compounds in the atmosphere of Jupiter
and other large planets as well as in gas environments of comets. If hydrocar-
bons are widespread in space, it means natural processes of synthesis of organic
substances from inorganic substances are possible.
In the 1950s, the Russian scientist N.A. Kudryavzev collected a lot of
geological material involving petroleum and gas deposits in the world. First of
all, Kudryavzev noticed that many gas and petroleum deposits were found in
zones of deep cracks of the terrestrial core. This knowledge was not new at this
time since other scientists had noticed this fact much earlier. However, Ku-
dryavzev extended the application of such ideas to a great extent. For example,
in the north of Siberia, near the area of the so-called Marhiinskij shaft, there are
frequent outbursts of petroleum onto the surface. At a depth of about two kilo-
meters, the mountain layers are literally impregnated with petroleum. At the
same time, it has been shown that the amount of carbon formed simultaneously
with mountain layers is extremely small (only 0.02 to 0.4%). But further from
the shaft, the amount of organic compounds in the layers increases. Neverthe-
less, the quantity of petroleum sharply decreases. Based on these extra data,
Kudryavzev suggests that crude oil formation in the Marhiinskij shaft can most
likely be explained not on the basis of formation from organic substance, but by
an inorganic theory of oil formation in the deep layers (or shells) of the planet.
Similar oil wells have been found in other regions of the world as well. A long
time ago in Wyoming (USA), the inhabitants heated their houses using pieces of
asphalt, which they collected from the cracks in mountain layers in the Copper
Mountains. But the minerals, of which these mountains consisted, could not
accumulate petroleum and gas. This means that the asphalt (similar to oil) could
only be formed according to the inorganic theory.
The space hypothesis of the origin of oil deserves mention as well. In 1892,
Sokolov stated that the dust cloud from which the Earth and other planets of the
solar system were formed consisted of hydrocarbons. In the process of the forma-
tion of the Earth, hydrocarbon substances were buried in the core of the earth.
Further, during the cooling of the planet, the hydrocarbons were pushed out. As a
result, they penetrated into cracks of friable minerals. This hypothesis is also one
of the representations of petroleum synthesis from minerals.
All seas and oceans are populated with biomass which are essentially a wide
variety of animals and plants. Of all sea biomass, the ones with the most signifi-
cant role in petroleum formation are microorganisms, typically plankton, 90% of
which is microscopic seaweed (phytoplankton). Plankton is the basic source of
organic material in the sea. Plankton is contained not only in the silts at the bottom
of seas or lakes but also dispersed or dissolved in the water. Approximate quanti-
ties of organic material dissolved per m3 of water are 2 g in the Atlantic and Pa-
cific oceans, 5-6 g in the Baltic and Caspian sea, and 10 g in the Azov sea. It is
interesting that the dissolved organic material is like greasy acids that is structur-
ally similar to plankton fats. The concentration of organic material is highest at the
bottom of the oceans. This is obvious because, for the most part, these organisms
are denser than the liquid medium. As such, they fall down to the bottom by grav-
ity. Shallow conditions are the preferable places for accumulation of organic mate-
rial. Generally, the process of mineral (clay, sandy minerals, etc.) accumulation
promotes fast trapping or collection of organic material as well as its protection
from decomposition. On the other hand, for organic material found deep in the
ocean water, there is sufficient time for it to be substantially dissolved and dis-
persed in the water due to the activity of bacteria. Consequently, only 1% of or-
ganic material is usually collected annually per m2 of ocean bottom in the world's
oceans out of 150 g that is formed.
Now, let us consider what occurs when organic material is collected on the
sea bottom. Organisms that are either brought from different continents or are
formed directly in the sea are collected rapidly in clay or sandy minerals. Although
organic materials contain various substances, the one with the greatest interest for
subsequent petroleum formation is "bitumoid". Birumoid can be extracted from
organic material using various solvents such as chloroform, benzene or ether. The
main source of bitumoides are lipoid (i.e., fat or a similar compound). The propor-
tion of bitumoides in the sea bottom deposits ranges from 2 to 20% of all organic
material. Apart from bitumoides, materials such as hydrocarbons (from 0.1 to 3%)
are also available in organic material. Approximately 300 g (and in some cases up
to 15 kg) of hydrocarbons are contained in 1 m3 of minerals formed. The average
quantity of dispersed hydrocarbons in minerals is 70-80xl012 ton. This exceeds the
established volume of hydrocarbons in oil fields (about 2.2xl012 ton) by about
tenfold. It is therefore evident that the organic material collected as described
Traps associated with salt intrusions are of many types (example: Fig. 1.2-
1.3); limestone reefs (Fig. 1.4) can also serve as reservoir rocks and give rise to
overlying traps of anticlinal form as a result of different compaction. Examples are
also known in which the reservoir rock extends to the surface of the earth but oil
and gas are sealed in it by clogging of the pores by bitumen or by natural cements
[3]. Many reservoirs can display more than one of the factors that contribute to the
entrapment of hydrocarbons.
salt dome
Fig. 1.3: Traps associated with a salt dome.
Detailed discussions on oil and gas formation and modern methods of inves-
tigation in this area can be found in references 10-33.
The basis for oil prospecting lies on the possibility of obtaining a geologi-
cal map of the prospecting area. In certain areas (e.g. Iran), one could easily
detect possible oil wells by air photography of the earth's surface in the pros-
pecting area. Geological prospecting can be made very exactly. However, it can
Practically all the drilling today is carried out according to the rotary prin-
ciple. A drilling tool screwed in at the lower end of the hollow linkage (either
roller chisels or diamond chisels) is shifted in a rotary motion by a turntable
installed in the drilling tower. The chisel drills into the Earth's layers. The bore-
hole usually has a diameter of 10 to 70 cm. The borehole begins with the largest
diameter at the surface and then decreases with depth.
Heavy bars are installed to increase the load pushing on the chisel and to
improve the drilling capacities. The individual parts are lined with steel tubes
and sealed against the mountain layers with cement. The layers of material
drilled out must be removed from the borehole. The scavenge pump is used to
ensure this removal as it maintains a liquid circulation in the drilling borehole.
Water is constantly supplied to the chisel as coolant. It ascends the pipe system
with constant pressure and thereby carries all detached rock particles forward.
During the drilling process, particles that are constantly brought by the flushing
water are examined in order to obtain information on the characteristics of the
drilled layers. The first pipe system (so-called "preventers") is now installed for
protection against uncontrolled oil or gas release. A simplified example of a
drilling tower is shown in Figure 1.5.
Crude oil extraction begins after successful drilling. The three most popular
extraction methods are:
Another danger in petroleum lies in the use of petroleum and gas as a fuel.
During the combustion of these materials, enormous amounts of carbon oxides
(such as carbon dioxide (CO2)), various sulfur compounds (such as sulfur dioxide
(SO2)), nitrogen oxides (such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)),
etc. are released into the atmosphere. In the last half of the twentieth century, the
contents of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by almost 288 billion tons, and
more than 300 billion tons of oxygen has been used up for combustion processes
involving various kinds of fuel, including stone coal. Thus, starting from the first
fires of primitive man to the present, the atmosphere has lost about 0.02% of oxy-
gen whereas the content of carbon oxides has increased by 12%. Annually, man-
kind burns 7 billion tons of fuel, for which more than 10 billion tons of oxygen is
used up, and up to 14 billion tons of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. In the
future, these values will grow because of the general increase in the production
and combustion of combustible minerals. It is predicted that in 2020, about 12,000
billion tons of oxygen (0.77%) will disappear from the atmosphere as a result of
being used up for combustion processes. This means that in the next 100 years, the
composition of the atmosphere will be essentially changed, probably, in an ad-
verse direction.
It is feared that reduction in the quantity of oxygen and the growth in the
content of CO2 will cause adverse changes in the climate. The molecules of C02
allow short wave solar radiation to penetrate the atmosphere of the Earth and re-
tain infrared radiation which penetrates into the terrestrial surface. This gives rise
to the so-called greenhouse effect, resulting in an increase in the average tempera-
ture of the planet. It is indicated that the change in climate from 1880 till 1940 is
substantially related to this effect. It seems that the climate will progressively
change due to the greenhouse effect. However, other human influences on the
atmosphere may help to neutralize the greenhouse effect.
Mankind contributes huge quantities of dust and other microparticles into
the atmosphere. These particles shield solar beams and reduce the heating action
of CO2. According to the American expert K. Frazer, the turbidity of the atmos-
phere above Washington in the period from 1905 to 1964 has increased by 57%.
All the fractions obtained from atmospheric residue are called "heavy frac-
tions". On the other hand, the products obtained after secondary processing of the
heavy fractions are considered to be light fractions if boiling of the fraction ends at
< 350°C, and to be heavy fractions if boiling begins at > 350°C.
The amount of light fractions can be very different for oils from different oil
wells. For example, it can be under 20% for some heavy oils from Alberta (Can-
ada) and over 60% for some light oils form western Siberia (Russia). Typical
analysis of a Canadian petroleum from oil wells in McMurray resulted in the fol-
lowing fractions:
The chemical composition of petroleum can be very different too. The main
constituents of petroleum are:
Table 1.1 shows the chemical composition of oils from the US, Canada, and
Even though the chemical composition of petroleum varies, almost all the
hydrocarbons found in petroleum do not include alkenes. On the other hand, many
oils with high amounts of paraffinic or naphthenic compounds or arenes are
It is necessary to make a chemical classification of petroleum since chemical
properties are very crucial in selecting the right method for processing the oil.
There are many classifications with regard to fractions and chemical compositions
of petroleum. In this chapter we will present the basis for these classification
where T, in the case of a petroleum fraction, is the average boiling point, deter-
mined by the standard Bureau of Mines distillation method
d is the specific gravity.
Density has been the principal and often the only specification of petroleum
products and was taken as an index of the proportion of gasoline and kerosene
present. As long as only one kind of petroleum is in use the relations are approxi-
mately true. However, since a wide variety of crude oils having various other
properties occur in nature and have come into use, the significance of density
This parameter, along with the Universal Oil Products (UOP) characteriza-
tion factor, has been used, to some extent, as a means of classifying crude oils.
Both parameters are usually employed to give an indication of the paraffinicity of
the petroleum. Both have been used, if a subtle differentiation can be made, as a
means of petroleum characterization rather than for petroleum classification.
Nevertheless, the viscosity-gravity constant is one of the indexes proposed
to characterize oil types. For heavy oils, the low-temperature viscosity is difficult
to measure. The viscosity-gravity constant for such type of petroleum is calculated
by the formula
K=TB"3/d (1.3)
The list of products from petroleum is endless. Oil products fuel planes,
trains, cars, trucks, buses, and so on. Oil is also used to heat homes. Chemicals
made from oil are used to make products that range from makeup, toys, fabrics,
sneakers and football helmets to aspirin, toothpaste, deodorant, clothes, hair dryers
and lipstick to name just a few. Plastics made from oil are widely used in every-
Many of the common processes in the refinery are intended to increase the
yield of blending feedstocks for gasoline. As such, most modern fuels are repre-
sented by fuel fractions compounded from the products of many different proc-
Typical modern refinery processes for gasoline components include:
• Catalytic cracking
• Hydrocracking
• Isomerization
• Reforming
• Alkylation
1.3.1 Gasoline
In the late 19th century, the most suitable fuels for automobile use were coal
tar distillates and the lighter fractions from the distillation of crude oil. During the
early 20th Century, the oil companies were producing gasoline as a simple distil-
late from petroleum. On the other hand, automotive engines became vastly im-
proved and these required a more suitable fuel. Typical gasoline products in the
1920s had octane numbers (ratings) in the range 40-60. Tetraethyl lead was often
used to enhance the octane number.
Because sulfur in gasoline inhibited the octane-enhancing effect of the alkyl
lead, there was a restriction on the sulfur content of thermally cracked refinery
streams for gasoline. By the 1930s, it was determined that larger hydrocarbon
molecules had major adverse effects on the octane number of the gasoline, and
specifications consistent with the desired properties were developed.
Gasoline contains over five hundred types of hydrocarbons that have be-
tween 3 to 12 carbon atoms in their structure. Gasoline has a boiling range from 30
to 180°C at atmospheric pressure. The boiling range is narrowing as the initial
boiling point is increasing, and the final boiling point is decreasing. Both these
changes are for environmental reasons.
Saturated hydrocarbons have the following major properties:
• Are thermally and chemically stable, it is the major component of leaded
• Tend to bum in air with a clean flame.
The cyclic hydrocarbons all have the positive properties of the alkanes with
regard to thermal and chemical stability as well as good environmental properties.
In addition, they have a higher octane number in comparison to alkanes.
Alkenes or unsaturated hydrocarbons have the following major properties:
• Are chemically unstable.
• Tend to be reactive and toxic, but have high octane numbers.
Polynuclear aromatics are high boiling compounds, and are only present in
small amounts in gasoline. The simplest and least toxic polynuclear arene, naph-
thalene, is present in only trace amounts in traditional gasoline, and in even lower
levels in reformulated gasoline. The larger multi-ringed polynuclear arenes are
highly toxic, and are not present in gasoline.
Oxygenates contain oxygen that does not contribute to the energy content,
but because of their structure, provides a reasonable antiknock value. Thus, they
are good substitutes for aromatics. They also reduce the tendencies of the forma-
tion of toxic gases. Most oxygenates used in gasoline are either alcohols or ethers
that contain 2 to 6 carbon atoms per molecule. Alcohols have been used in gaso-
line since the 1930s whereas ether (such as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE))
was first used in commercial gasoline in Italy in 1973 and in the US in 1979.
Oxygenates can be produced from fossil fuels or from biomass. MTBE is
produced by reaction of methanol with iso-butylene in the liquid phase over an
acidic ion-exchanger resin catalyst at 100°C. MTBE production has increased at
the rate of 10 to 20% per year.
Oxygenates are added to gasoline to reduce emissions. However, they can
only be effective if the hydrocarbon fractions are modified to utilize the oxygen-
ate's octane number and volatility properties. If the hydrocarbon fraction is not
correctly modified, oxygenates can even increase smog-forming and toxic emis-
sions both of which are undesirable. It should also be noted that oxygenates do not
necessarily reduce all toxins.
Initially, oxygenates were added to hydrocarbon fractions that were just
slightly modified unleaded gasoline fractions. These were known as "oxygenated"
1.3.3 Diesel
Diesel fuel is derived from petroleum. Diesel, gasoline and jet fuel are dif-
ferent cuts from the refining of petroleum. The difference is that diesel contains
heavier hydrocarbons with a higher boiling point than gasoline and jet fuel. The
term diesel fuel is therefore generic; it refers to any fuel mixture developed to run
a diesel-powered vehicle, i.e. engines with compression ignition engines.
Diesel is a hydrocarbon fraction that typically boils between 250-380°C.
Diesel engines use the cetane (n-hexadecane) rating to assess ignition delay. Nor-
mal alkanes have a high cetane rating, (n-Ci6=100) representing short ignition
delays. On the other hand, aromatics (alpha-methylnaphthalene = 0) and iso-
alkanes have low ratings representing long ignition delays. Because of the size of
the hydrocarbons, the low temperature flow properties control the composition of
diesel. Consequently, additives are usually added to prevent filter blocking in
cooler temperatures. There are usually summer and winter diesel grades. Envi-
ronmental legislation is reducing the amount of aromatics and sulfur permitted in
diesel. Their emission as well as those of small particulates are considered as pos-
sible carcinogens and are also known to cause other adverse health effects.
Cetane number is one of the most widely known quality characteristics of
diesel fuel. It is important to not confuse cetane number with cetane index.
The fuel in a diesel engine is ignited by the high-temperature and high-
pressure air created in the cylinder as the piston nears the end of the compression
stroke. In contrast, fuel in gasoline engines is ignited by a spark plug.
Rapid pressure rise results from the large number of ignition points and the
accumulation of fuel during the ignition delay period. Following this stage, the
rate of combustion can be controlled to a much greater degree by controlling the
injection rate since the fuel is being injected into the flame. Because the rapid
pressure rise represents uncontrolled and inefficient combustion, it is necessary to
limit the ignition delay to a minimum. This limitation can be accomplished me-
chanically by the selection of a spray pattern configuration properly tailored to the
combustion chamber.
The nature of the fuel is also an important factor in reducing ignition delay.
Physical characteristics such as viscosity, density, and medium boiling point are
influencing parameters. Hydrocarbon composition is also important as it affects
both the physical and combustion characteristics of the fuel. Ignition delay charac-
teristics of diesel fuel are of primary importance since they directly influence the
interval of uncontrolled combustion during the injection and, as such, the overall
engine performance.
The next important parameter of diesel fuel is stability or storage stability.
As fuel ages, it can become unstable and form insoluble particulates that accumu-
late and eventually end up on the fuel filter. For the most part, instability involves
the chemical conversion of precursors to compounds of higher molecular weight
with limited fuel solubility. The precursors are certain nitrogen and/or sulfur con-
taining compounds, organic acids, and reactive olefins. The conversion process
often involves oxidation of the precursors. Certain dissolved metals, especially
For this classification of diesel fuel, the low temperature properties of the
fuel are especially important. At low temperatures, wax crystals can be formed in
the diesel fuel. These wax crystals can collect on and plug fuel filters in a vehicle's
fuel system causing the engine to stumble or stall. The temperature at which this
occurs is called the low temperature operability limit of the fuel and vehicle. Both
the fuel system design and the fuel properties are important factors in determining
this minimum temperature for acceptable operation.
The next quality parameter of diesel fuel is the ability to keep the fuel injec-
tor clean. The fuel injector is the heart of a diesel engine. These precision compo-
nents meter fuel to a high degree of accuracy. Correct engine behavior depends on
the injector functioning properly.
MS ISO 8216/0 — 8216/4 have been developed as standards for fuel classi-
fication in the framework of international standardization.
MS ISO 8216/0 establishes the general classification of petroleum fuels
(fuels of class F). There are five categories of products which are included in class
F. These categories depend on the type of fuel.
A detailed classification of fuel groups with regard to conditions of applica-
tion, type, properties and characteristics establishes the groups of products for each
category and these are provided by separate parts of ISO 8216. Thus, parts desig-
nated as ISO 8216/1, ISO 8216/2, ISO 8216/4 which have been developed are
based on these standards. The Russian standards are included in the international
standards system:
• ISO 8216/0-86 - Classification. Part 0. This is a general classification of pe-
troleum fuels (Class F). The Russian equivalent for this standard is COST
• ISO 8216/1-86 - Classification. Part 1. This covers the categories of fuels for
sea engines. The Russian equivalent for this standard is COST 28577.1-90.
• ISO 8216/2-86 - Classification. Part 2. This covers the categories of fuels for
gas turbines for applications in industry and for sea engines. The Russian
equivalent for this standard is GOST 28577.2-90.
• ISO 8216/4-86 - Classification. Part 3. Group 1. This covers liquefied petro-
leum gases. The Russian equivalent for this standard is GOST 28577.3-90.
• Jet A - Fuel of the kerosene type with maximal freezing temperature of -40°C
• Jet A-1 - Similar to Jet A with freezing temperature of -47°C
C Petroleum Coke.
Hard fuels of petroleum origin produced in cracking processes, and consisting
basically of only carbon
The requirements for British jet fuels for civil aircraft are established by the
specification D, Eng. RD (DERD) 2494. Previously, it was developed for military
aircraft. This is fuel of the kerosene type with a freezing temperature of-47°C.
The list of control operations (AFQRJOS) is a basis for the international
requirements for jet fuels.
Fuel for turbines that are made and delivered according to AFQRJOS should
correspond to the most rigid requirements of the following specifications:
• The standard of the British Defense Ministry DBF STAN 91-91/ Editions 2
(DERD 2494) from May, 1996
• The standard specification ASTM D 1655
• The managing material of the international association of air transport (IATA)
from December, 1994
Properties differ from one lubricant to another. However, the one compo-
nent that lubricants have in common is that they are composed of a main ingredi-
ent called the lubricating base. The lubricating base may be petroleum derived or
synthetic. The lubricating base accounts for 75 to 85% of the lubricant. There are
three different classes of lubricating bases that are used in modern oil industry:
• Mineral bases are manufactured from petroleum that has undergone a variety
of complex separation processes. They are the most commonly used for both
automotive and industrial applications.
• Synthetic bases or synthetics are products created by the chemical reaction of
several ingredients. Two main classes are used for lubricants: esters and syn-
thetic hydrocarbons (in particular polyalphaolefms manufactured from ethyl-
ene). These products have excellent physical properties and exceptional ther-
mal stability.
• Semi-synthetic oils are obtained from mixing both types of bases (generally
70 to 80% of mineral oil and 20 to 30% of synthetic oil).
The development of modern lubricants and their correct use are especially
important as these have substantial economic consequence on the use of these
devices. Optimally chosen lubricant brings saving of energy needed for machine
work, conserves the parts of these devices, reduces wear and tear, reduces the
It can be seen that the main functions of additives are to improve the lubri-
cating properties of the lubricant and to make the lubricant as stable against ad-
verse effects such as oxidation, corrosion, etc. It is important to know the mecha-
nisms of the various effects that each additive is trying to inhibit in order to make
the right choice of the additive or mixture of various additives to select. The most
important function of all lubricants is to lubricate the surfaces in order to prevent
friction between them.
As shown in Figure 1.8, there are four different kinds of friction.
Iron surface
Group Application
A Open systems
B Formless systems
C Gear wheels
D Compressors (including cooling)
H Hydraulic systems
M Metal treatment
N Electrical isolation
P Pneumatic tools
Q Heat transfer
T Turbine
Y Other applications
The classifications of motor oils according to SAE and API have been ac-
cepted worldwide.
Motor oils are classified according to their viscosity and operational proper-
ties. Besides, motor oils are subdivided in terms of energy conservation and ability
to reduce fuel charge in comparison with a reference oil.
Table 1.6: Classification of motor oils by viscosity — SAE J 300 (April, 1997)
Viscos- Viscosity at low temperature Viscosity at low temperature
ity pumpability, Mpa-s, at pumpability, Mpa-s, at Kinematic viscosity, Kinematic
class the temperature (°C) the temperature (°C) mm 2 /s,atlOO°C viscosity,
ASTM D 5293 ASTM D 4684 min max mm2/s, at
OW 3250 at -30 6000 at -40 3.8 - -
5W 3500 at -25 6000 at -35 3.8 - -
10W 3500 at -20 6000 at -30 4.1 - -
15W 3500 at -15 6000 at -25 5.6 - -
20W 4500 at -10 6000 at -20 5.6 - -
25W 6000 at -5 6000 at -1 5 3.3 - -
20 - - 5.6 <9.3 2.6
30 - - 9.3 <12.5 2.9
40 - - 12.5 <16.3 2.9
40. - - 12.5 <16.3 3.7
50 - - 16.3 <21.9 3.7
60 - - 21.9 <26.1 3.7
The CCMC (ACEA) Classification of motor oils has been developed for
European engines. The CCMC classification is developed separately for gasoline
and diesel engines, similar to what pertains for API (Table 1.8).
Each class of CCMC oils is comparable with the corresponding class of API
oils and is defined by a set of complex laboratory and motor tests, according to
ASTM, CBC, IP or DIN standards.
Table 1.8: CCMC classification for motor oils by its operational properties and
areas of application.
Class | Area of application
Oils for gasoline engines
Gl Engines, working in usual conditions
G2 Engines of modern cars working in hard conditions
G3 Engines of modern cars, with high viscous properties
04 Engines of modern cars, used for driving with high-speed
G5 Engines of sports high-speed automobiles
Oils for diesel engines
Dl Engines working under usual conditions
D2 Engines working under heavy conditions
D3 Engines working under especially heavy conditions
PD-1 Diesel engines of the cars
D4 Engines working in heavy conditions
D5 Engines working in especially heavy conditions
PD-2 Engines with turbo-pressurization for cars
The requirements for quality of transmission oils intended for various tasks
are numerous. This is why there is the need for classification.
Similar to motor oils, there are two systems of classification: SAE with
regard to viscosity and API with regard to operational properties.
According to SAE classification, tractor transmission oils are divided into 6
classes (Table 1.9) with regard to viscosity.
A hyphenated viscosity class implies that the oil is suitable for all seasons
for the specific climatic zone. For example, the oil with SAE 75W-90 classifica-
tion has the low temperature properties of the viscosity class SAE 75W (i.e. dy-
namic viscosity of the oil does not exceed 150 Pa*s at the temperature of -40°C).
At a positive temperature, the kinematic viscosity corresponds to the viscosity of
the class SAE-90, (i.e. at 100°C the kinematic viscosity is 13.5-24 mm2/s).
The distinctions in designs of transmission units and conditions of their
operation create distinctions in the requirements for operational properties of the
The development of API classification was based on this principle. As such,
the oils are divided according to the type and loading degree of the gears where the
oil is applied (Table 1.10).
The SAE and API classifications give only the general characteristic of oils
without consideration of all parameters of quality. The complete requirements for
physical, chemical and operational properties of the oils and their allowable limit-
ing values are given in the specifications. In the countries of Western Europe and
the USA, transmission oils are produced with two types of specifications:
• Specifications of firms making automobiles
• Military specifications for oils for supply to the armed forces of both the USA
and NATO are made
Table 1.10: API classification of transmission oils with regard to area of appli-
Class Application area
GL1 Cylindrical and spiral-conic gears, working at low speeds and loading
G12 Cylindrical gears, working at low speeds and loading
G13 Usual transmissions with spiral-conic gears, working in hard conditions
GL4 Transmissions, working at normal speeds and high loading
GL5 Transmissions, working at high and low speeds and high loading
G16 Transmissions, working at extreme high speeds and normal loading
MT1 Mechanical transmissions