Cobie and Classification Systems in Revit: Learning Objectives
Cobie and Classification Systems in Revit: Learning Objectives
Cobie and Classification Systems in Revit: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
Learn what COBie data can be generated by the Revit model and how to collect
that data quickly and efficiently
Find out how easy it is to create your own classification system and apply the data
directly to Revit elements
See how to export COBie compliant worksheets directly from your Revit model
Are you required to submit a COBie deliverable from your Revit model? Do you need to be able
to apply classification data to Revit elements from systems such as UniFormat, MasterFormat,
OmniClass, Uniclass, or even a custom database? This session will provide a deep dive into the
two free tools to help you do this: The Autodesk COBie Extension for Revit and the Autodesk
Classification Manager for Revit. Learn how to get them, how they work, and how you can
configure them to meet your needs. Walk away with the expertise necessary to manage and
track COBie and classification system data in your Revit models.
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Your AU Experts
T.J. Meehan has recently learned to tie his shoes and is excited to
be done with Velcro sneakers although he misses that “rip” sound
they would make. He often stares into the infinite realm of the
universe and contemplates the existence of all things; but primarily
if “Crocs” are really a necessary footwear or can be used as a
method to “thin the herd”.
Page 2
Construction to Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) is an exchange format
typically used to export data for manageable assets from BIM design software into a data format
that can be easily imported into FM and O&M software.
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only elements that require maintenance from a building engineer: equipment,
fixtures, devices, etc. Other building elements such as walls, floors, ceilings,
piping, ductwork, structural elements, etc., do not typically qualify as managed
assets. Because of this, you usually do not need to export the entire building to
COBie, just those particular assets. This can significantly reduce your export and
the time it takes. Every element in the model has a “COBie” yes/no parameter
that controls whether or not it’s exported and every family type has an equivalent
“COBie.Type” yes/no parameter as well. You can use the Modify > Select
Elements button to help with this on the COBie Extension ribbon.
Only export the extra parameters you actually need. The COBie Standard
includes some default fields for components, but many more are required to
effectively manage those assets in a real building. Don’t simply select every
custom parameter in your model for export, but instead be very specific about the
parameters that are actually necessary to manage that asset. This, too, can
significantly reduce your export and the time it takes as well as ensures you are
providing only the data necessary to the owner to be able to manage the
Export in chunks. You don’t have to export every COBie worksheet at once.
Export just the Components worksheet. Then, export just the Attributes
worksheet. Finally, do all the rest. You can use the “Append” option each time
to continue updating one COBie spreadsheet.
The following link cover the limit and workarounds in detail:
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COBie Extension
The Autodesk COBie Extension for Revit is an add-in for Autodesk Revit.
It runs on Revit 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
It configures your Revit model to be able to hold and export data in the COBie standard
It utilizes shared parameters to hold the data in the model.
These parameters can be customized using the “Custom Parameter Mapping” feature.
The COBie Extension scored a perfect score at the last COBie Challenge competition.
How to Use
The Setup step will create the necessary parameters in Revit for COBie and apply those
parameters to the pertinent elements.
These processes will also import some schedules for COBie that will help with adding
and modifying information in those parameters.
Typically, this step happens one time at the beginning of modeling.
Landing Page: Allows you to manage your contacts, define the COBie settings for your
model, define your parameter mappings, and perform import/export operations.
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Manage Contacts: Opens a dialog box for adding, editing, and deleting COBie contacts
and is organized into three parts; the Ribbon spanning the top of the dialog, the Contact
List aligned along the left of the dialog, and finally the Contact Details along the right of
the dialog.
Features include:
Contacts: List displays an alphabetical list of all contacts stored in the current
model. Selecting any contact from this list will display the details for that contact
within the Contact Details portion of the dialog. When managing COBie contacts
it’s important to note the designation between Required and Optional fields.
Although any of the Optional fields may include incomplete data, the COBie
Extension will not allow contacts with missing or incomplete data for any of the
Required fields to be created. Picking the information icon Info Icon displayed to
the right of any contact field will provide information describing the data required
by a field, along with an example of the expected data for it.
New: Used to create a new contact. Once selected the contact detail fields will
accept data allowing you to define a new project contact. Although many fields
exist, to remain compliant with COBie requirements, the Email, Company,
Phone, and Specification fields are required to create/save a new contact.
Save Current: Used to save the newly added or edited contact. Only complete
contact records including data for Email, Company, Phone, and Specification can
be saved. If any of these fields are blank, the following warning dialog will
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In addition, since every e-mail address (which is the unique identifier for each
contact) must be unique, if an e-mail is entered for a contact that is the same as
another contact the following error dialog will open:
Save & New: Works the same as the "Save" button but also starts a new blank
contact for editing.
Edit: Selecting any existing contact from the Contact list will display the most up-
to-date information for that individual. Select the ‘Edit’ button from the Ribbon to
modify this information.
Remove: Should a contact leave the project team, they can be removed n by
selecting their Contact entry within the Contact List on the left side of the Manage
Contacts dialog, and then select the Remove button from the Ribbon. Since this
will permanently delete the selected contact, a warning dialog will open asking
you to confirm the operation.
Cancel: Selecting the ‘Cancel’ button will discard any unsaved changes to your
contacts and close the Manage Contacts dialog.
Finish: Once you have created and saved your contacts, you must click the
‘Finish’ button to register the contact data in your Revit model.
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Default Settings: Opens a separate dialog box that lets you set up defaults that the
COBie Extension will use to populate the COBie parameters in your Revit model with the
proper data
This dialog box is the most critical part of the setup process, as it:
Creates all the necessary parameters in the current Revit model as well as
imports any necessary content (i.e. schedules, families, etc.)
This dialog box is the first in a series of similar dialog boxes walking the user through a
"wizard" format. The figure above represents step one of several in the wizard process,
and illustrates both the layout and individual elements for these dialog boxes which
include the following parts:
Description Area: Displays the name of the current step in the wizard process
along with a brief description of what these settings control. In addition to this
title information, three buttons on the right edge of the interface allow you to;
Save your settings for the current model; Export your settings as an XML file;
and finally Import settings from other projects (using the XML export).
Settings Area: This area contains the settings you can select for a particular
step in the wizard process. Each of the dialog boxes will have different settings
from which to choose.
Navigation Bar: Spanning the bottom, this interface includes a button for each
step of the wizard process. Selecting any one of these buttons will jump you
directly to that step in the setup process. Left and right arrow buttons complete
the list, and will navigate you to the preceding or succeeding step.
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Default Settings – General
United States (US): This is the default setting, and will instruct the COBie
Extension to apply the US template during the export process, and will also
check the OmniClass schedules for import.
United Kingdom (UK): Choosing this option will instruct the COBie
Extension to apply the UK template during export, and check the Uniclass
schedules for import.
Although the Locality setting does affect the default scheduling system applied to
your project, the Schedules page will allow you to override this setting; choosing
between OmniClass or Uniclass.
Identification: Allows only a choice between "Revit Element ID" (which means
every COBie element in the model will use its Revit Element ID as its COBie
ExternalIdentifier value) or "GUID" (which will generate a unique Globally Unique
Identifier (GUID) for each COBie element in the model).
Units: Allows you to override the Revit unit settings for the Facility COBie
worksheet. Changing these settings has no impact on your Revit model, simply the
exported field that is documented in the worksheet.
Area Measurement Standard: Choose the standard used for area measurements
in this project. If the standard you are using is not in the list, choose the "Other"
option and type in your own value. Changing this setting does not affect the
exported values - it simply documents the method of measurement you are using.
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Default Settings – Spaces
The Spaces dialog allows you to configure whether Revit elements remember the Room
or the Space in which they are located for the Space column (column E) of the
"Component" COBie worksheet.
The scrolling window on the left side will be a list of all the pertinent Revit categories with
a toggle to designate whether the Room or Space data is used to track their location.
The five buttons on the right will change the toggles based on their descriptions.
All MEP Elements = any category that is considered MEP.
All MEP Runs = just MEP categories that are used as carrying paths (duct, pipe, conduit,
cable tray).
Default = Same as All MEP Elements, except anything that is considered more MEP
equipment is assigned to Spaces and MEP devices and fixtures are assigned to Rooms
(as an architect will often initially place these).
Space Name: Using the table, you can configure how the COBie.Name field is
constructed for exported spaces in your model. You can add, remove, and
reorder fields, include manual text, and have a field separator to build the name.
A preview below the table shows you what the output name will be.
Spaces in Zones: This area gives two options to allow you to decide whether
the spaces listed for each zone on the COBie Zone worksheet are listed in one
cell, comma-separated, or listed as a separate row for each space.
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Default Settings – Type
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Default Settings – Component
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Default Settings – System
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Default Settings – Attributes
The Attributes dialog box gives you the ability to select other type and instance
parameters from families to be exported to the Attribute worksheet in the COBie
The organization is shown above, but it includes all the Revit family categories as the top
level, followed by “Type Parameters” and “Instance Parameters” as the second level,
and all the pertinent parameters for each as the third level.
This list will include all the parameters of the current model – both Revit standard
parameters and those added to the model (project and shared).
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Default Settings – Coordinates
The Coordinates dialog controls what data is used from Revit to populate certain fields
on the “Coordinate” COBie worksheet.
Those data fields include:
The default option for each coordinate type is “Bounding Box”.
More than likely, this will not be a COBie worksheet / data table in COBie v3.0.
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Default Settings – Schedules
The Schedules dialog represents the standard Revit schedules and key schedules that
will be imported from the Revit Resource Model.
The Resource Model is part of the COBie Extension installation, and can be located in
the extensions installation folder on your computer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\COBie Extension\201x\
COBie Extension Resource Model 201x.rvt
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Default Settings – Finalize
The Finalize dialog box gives you one last chance to do any final changes to the settings
before clicking the “Finish” button (designated by a check symbol).
Each of the first three buttons – Manage Contacts, Save, Save + Export – are features
already explained in previous sections.
The “Finish” or a (check) button will perform two functions:
Save all the settings chosen to the current model in the extensible data area
Begin to execute the changes to the current model designated by the settings by:
Creating all the necessary shared parameters and applying them to the appropriate
Import the schedules chosen during the Step 6 – Schedules step
During this process, a progress bar will appear showing the progress for each step as
well as the overall progress.
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Parameter Mapping: The COBie Extension has functionality to create and manage its
own parameters in your Revit model. However, you might have already created your
own parameters to store some COBie or related data. The Parameter Mapping function
allows you to bypass the default COBie Extension parameters and use your own.
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Once you have your parameters mapped properly, use the save button in the upper right
to save your settings. Here you can also import a preconfigured Parameter Mapping, or
export the current settings to use in other projects.
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The Modify step allows the COBie data applied to elements during the life of the Revit
model to be edited.
This process can be completed manually, or by using a batch-updating tool included with
the COBie Extension.
Landing Page: Similar to the Setup process, choosing the Modify button from the
COBie Extension panel on the Ribbon will open a Landing Page.
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Zone Manager: Based on the taxonomy of Revit elements, COBie Zones may be
defined by Revit Rooms, Revit Spaces, or some combination of the two.
Features include:
The Zone Manager allows COBie Zones to be created in a hierarchical manner.
Once created, those Zones may be mapped to any of the Revit Rooms or
Spaces present in the current model.
The Zone Manager dialog is organized into three columns; Zones,
Rooms/Spaces, and the model preview
On the left side of the Zone Manager is the Zones column that includes a toolbar
with three buttons with a tree view listing each zone defined for the current
project. The three toolbar buttons at the top of the Zone column perform the
Create Zone: Defines a new COBie Zone for the current project.
Delete Zone: Removes an existing COBie Zone from the current project.
Below the Zone toolbar is a tree view that will display each of the COBie Zones
present in the current project. Selecting on any one of these COBie Zones will allow
its Name, Category, and a Description to be specified in the fields that display along
the bottom of the dialog. Expanding the tree node of any COBie zone will display a
list of Revit Rooms and Spaces already associated to it.
The center column within the Zone Manager provides tools for managing Revit
Rooms and Spaces. Similar to the Zones column, the Rooms/Spaces column
includes a toolbar with four buttons, and a list box below toolbar. The four toolbar at
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the top of this column function as filters for the Revit Rooms and Spaces in the
current model:
Show All Filter: Resets the Rooms/Spaces list to its default state and displays all
Revit Rooms/Spaces in the current model.
COBie Zone Filter: Shows which Rooms/Spaces have NOT been assigned to one
of the COBie Zones defined within the current project. Revit Rooms or Spaces
currently assigned to a COBie Zone will not be displayed.
Sort by Level Filter: Updates the list view to organize all Revit Rooms and Spaces
in the current model by the Revit Level they are hosted by within the current model.
Show Spaces/Rooms/Rooms & Spaces Toggle: This button is a three-way toggle
that will update the list view to only display Revit Spaces; only display Revit Rooms;
or display both Revit Rooms and Spaces concurrently.
Custom filters may be composed by combining the above buttons; for example, you
might use the COBie Zone filter in tandem with the Show Spaces toggle to update
the Rooms/Spaces list so it only displays Revit Spaces that have not been assigned
to a COBie Zone.
The list box below the toolbar will display all Revit Rooms and Spaces present in the
current model. Since both Revit Rooms and Spaces may be used to define COBie
Zones, special attention should be taken to ensure a compliant COBie export without
duplicate names. Please refer to the COBie with Revit section of this Getting Started
Guide to learn more about how to manage the relationship between Revit Rooms
and Spaces.
Once you have created the appropriate Zones, you can simply drag and drop a room
or space from the center column to the zone in the left hand column. The (Remove)
link next to the room or space will allow you to remove it from the zone. To comply
with COBie requirements, you are able to add a room or space to multiple zones.
The final column on the right side of the Zone Manager dialog displays a preview of
the current model. Intended for reference purposes, Revit Rooms or Spaces
selected from the list will highlight in the preview. Additionally, the View Cube in the
upper-right corner of the preview window allows for basic navigation tasks to be
The navigation bar at the bottom of the Zone Manager interface provides tools for the
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Select Elements: Which elements the COBie Extension exports are determined by the
Select Elements dialog.
Features Include:
At its highest level, the tree view list within this dialog lists each of the Revit
Family Types available for export. Below each of these primary headers are the
individual families, types, and elements present within the current model.
Use the Select All button to export all possible model elements, or the Select
None button to clear all checkboxes. By default, selecting a higher-level parent
in the tree view list will also select all child entries below it. Override this
behavior by unchecking any family, type, or element you wish to omit from the
COBie export.
Running this tool will "check" the COBie parameter for the instances of the
selected categories, types, or families. If you have a properly mapped yes/no
parameter to use in lieu of the COBie parameter, it will check that parameter.
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Batch Modify Other Fields: Using the settings defined in the Setup, the Batch Modify
Other Fields window will then generate the appropriate data and assign that data to
either the predefined COBie Extension parameter, or any properly mapped parameter.
Features include:
In this window you can tell the COBie Extension to update only blank
parameters, all parameters, or skip it.
You also get control over model groups within your model, and how to manage
those. The elements inside groups cannot have individualized data written to
them properly, so the extension give you to option to either skip groups, or
ungroup them first so the data can be written properly.
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Tips and Best Practices
The COBie Extension will create schedules in the Revit model. These are NOT
exported. They are simply there for reference to make collecting and editing the COBie
data easier. They can be manipulated and updated like any Revit schedule and will
have no impact on the exported COBie spreadsheet.
Parameter Mapping
Fields for Parameter Mapping MUST be in the model, not just the family.
Parameter Mapping is a two-way street – running the Batch Modify Other Fields function
will update the mapped parameters.
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For exporting the COBie Extension can be configured to export individual parameters
onto the Attributes tab in the COBie spreadsheet. The Attributes area in the Setup menu
lists all parameters in the active model organized by Revit category. Selecting these
parameters will export them to the spreadsheet. However, only parameters for matching
exported elements will be on the final Attributes tab.
Some requirements expect extra columns to be added to other COBie spreadsheet tabs,
however this functionality is not supported by the Extension.
Exported dimensions look at the Project Units "Unit Symbol" so if that says "None" you
get none.
Extensible Storage
The data for the ‘Contact’ and ‘Zone’ worksheets, since there is not a Revit equivalent
element, is saved in the extensible storage of the RVT file. Because of this, it can only
be accessed programmatically.
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Integration with IFC Exporter
The IFC Exporter for Revit has been updated to accommodate the data for ‘Contact’ and
‘Zone’ in extensible storage.
If you would like a list of all the default parameters and the categories they map to,
please contact us and we’d be happy to send you a spreadsheet with all of this
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Classification Systems
As the need to share data has increased over the years, the need to organize and categorize
building systems, materials, and components of construction has increased as well. To this
end, the AECO industry has come to rely more on classification systems that organize the
different parts of how to construct and operate a building into a structured hierarchy that can be
referenced and used by any party.
Prominent Systems
In the US, the classification systems most often referenced are OmniClass, UniFormat, and
MasterFormat. In the UK, Uniclass 2015 is being put forward as the most relevant system to
support the UK BIM Initiative.
Each of these systems has different components that they classify, typically divided by tables.
The chart below lays out the primary classification systems and their relationships to each other.
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Facilities OmniClass Table Construction Entities by Function February OmniClass Construction Classification System
11 2013 (OCCS) Development Committee
Uniclass Table D Facilities Version 1.4 Construction Project Information Committee
Uniclass Table En Entities 2015 Construction Project Information Committee
Spaces OmniClass Table Spaces by Function May 2012 OCCS Development Committee
Uniclass Table F Spaces Version 1.4 CPIC
Uniclass Table Sp Spaces 2015 CPIC
Systems UniFormat Construction Systems and Assemblies 2010 Edition Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
OmniClass Table Elements May 2012 OCCS Development Committee
Uniclass Table G Elements Version 1.4 CPIC
Uniclass Table Ee Elements 2015 CPIC
Work MasterFormat Master List of Numbers and Titles 2010 Edition Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
Results Classified by Work Results
OmniClass Table Work Results May 2012 OCCS Development Committee
Uniclass Table J Works Sections for Buildings/Civil Version 1.4 CPIC
Engineering Works
Products OmniClass Table Products May 2012 OCCS Development Committee
Uniclass Table L Construction Products Version 1.4 CPIC
Uniclass Table Pr Products 2015 CPIC
Roles OmniClass Table Organizational Roles October 2012 OCCS Development Committee
Uniclass Table C Management Version 1.4 CPIC
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Other Systems
In addition to the main systems listed above, other notable standard systems include BOMA
(US), NBS, and Natspec (AUS).
In addition to standard industry wide classification systems, individual entities and organizations
can generate their own classifications to fulfill specific needs within their own workflows. These
may be related to rooms/spaces function, building function, occupant information, fire rating, etc.
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Classification Manager
The Autodesk Classification Manager for Revit is an add-in for Autodesk Revit.
It runs on Revit 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
It allows you to assign multiple classification system values to elements and types with
one click.
It references fully configurable Microsoft Excel files for its classification system database
It integrates with the Autodesk COBie Extension for Revit by providing “category” data
for Contact, Facility, Space, Type, and Component worksheets.
You can control the naming of the parameters it uses by editing the database file.
How to Use
The first step in using the Classification Manager is to select a classification database.
Clicking Setup from the Classification Manager Panel located on the Add-Ins Tab, you
can select a default dataset, create a new dataset from the default Excel file, or open the
current dataset for editing.
Click one of the options to pick the database to use.
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You can return to this screen to change your selection at any point during the project life
cycle if necessary.
The name of the database chosen is saved in the extensible storage of the RVT file.
Instructions on creating a custom classification database can be found in the Excel file,
"Classification Manager Database Custom" located in the Classification Manager
installation folder.
Assign Classification
For elements in the Revit model, select the elements, and then click the "Assign
Classification" icon.
You can also select Family Types from the Project Browser.
Depending on what type of element you selected, the appropriate tab and filter will be
applied to your list of classifications to use.
If you have no element selected, you will be given the option to assign Facility
classifications, which get assigned to the Project Information.
The Contacts tab is used as integration with the Autodesk COBie Extension for Revit.
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Simply navigate through the tree in the right hand window, select the classification you
want to assign, and click the Finish button.
You can easily toggle between classification systems on the left, if your database
supports multiple systems.
If your chosen database has been set up to support cross classifying, the "Apply All"
checkbox will attempt to assign classifications across the systems available in your
"Set COBie Parameters" will assign the classification to the appropriate default
parameter used by the Autodesk COBie Extension for Revit, if those parameters exist in
the model.
The "Blanks Only" checkbox can keep you from overwriting any existing data already in
the parameters used by the Classification Manager.
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Tip and Best Practices
Integration with COBie Extension
Since many COBie exports require the use of a classification system, the Classification
Manager has been designed to work with the COBie Extension.
To successfully employ this integration, both the Classification Manager and the COBie
Extension must have been already properly setup for the project in question. There are
four primary methods of utilizing the Classification Manager data and database in the
COBie Extension. The important thing to remember is to decide on a method that is
effective for your workflow and use only that method. Confusion and bad data can occur
if the techniques are mixed in any one project.
The first method is accomplished via the Classification Manager. When assigning a
classification to an element, if you check the “Set COBie Parameters” checkbox, a
combination of the classification’s number and description will be generated and fill in
the COBie.Type.Category parameter.
The second method is to leverage Parameter Mapping inside of the COBie Extension.
In lieu of using the default COBie parameter, you can reassign it to the Classification
Manager. Remember to not overwrite your Classification Manager parameter when you
run the batch modify update function in the COBie Extension.
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The third technique is to configure your settings in the COBie Extension to pull from the
Classification Manager parameters. On the Type and System tab, the Category
dropdowns have the default Classification Manager parameters as options that you can
choose from. If you select one of these, when the COBie Extension batch update is run,
the extension will look for these parameters, and if data is accessible in them, the
extension will copy that information to the appropriate COBie parameter.
The fourth and final method is to customize the Classification Manager database to point
the parameters used to the default COBie parameters. Then when you assign a
classification via the Classification Manager, the tool will fill in the COBie parameter
instead of the default Classification Parameter.
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The Classification Manager installs with 3 database files:
o United States (US)
OmniClass Tables 21, 22, and 23
o United Kingdom (UK)
Uniclass 2015
o Custom
Databases as Excel files and are located in the installation folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Classification Manager\201x
Databases include columns for equivalent values in other databases, however there’s
not always an equivalent. The Classification Manager will let you know if there is more
than one option for an equivalent.
Custom Database
The installed custom database can be copied to another location, even a file server, and
easily modified to use a custom classification system.
The first tab of the custom database explains the requirements of creating a valid
database for the Classification Manager to use. Some highlights and special notes are
laid out below:
The worksheet (tab) name does not matter, except that no special characters can
be used.
The B4 field is the function of the specific worksheet. This will control what tab
this data populates in the Classification Manager interface.
Properly filling in the Title, Version, and Description in field B1, B2, and B3 will
automatically populate A8 and B8. These two fields should not be manually
The data in Row 8 should be the only row set to “Level 1”. This is the topmost
level of this classification’s hierarchy.
Your custom database can only have a single worksheet of Contact, Facility, and
Space function. The database supports up to five (5) worksheets of Element
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The Revit Category column of each row can be populated with the Revit
Category ID. A list of these IDs can be found on the Instructions worksheet.
Note that they start with a “-“. You do not have to fill in this field in your rows. It
is used to filter down the list in the Classification Manager interface based on
what element is selected.
On the Element worksheets, you can add additional columns starting at Column
E. The header for these column in Row 7 should be the name of another
Element worksheet in the same database. This allows the population of different
parameters with the different classification systems in a single database.
Do not add any rows about Row 8. Doing so will cause the Classification
Manager to not function properly.
Do not add any columns before Column E. Doing so will cause the Classification
Manager to not function properly.
Assembly Code
A properly formatted Classification Manager database can be easily made into an
Assembly Code file that Revit can read. Or, you can use the Classification Manager to
populate the Assembly Code parameter. The following link has more detailed
On successful setup, parameters are added to Categories in the Revit model. If you use
a custom database, the parameters specified in that database are not managed or
created by the Classification Manager. You must assign those parameters to the proper
categories before assigning classifications.
Below is a table outlining the default parameters that the Classification Manager uses.
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Classification.Facility.Description US/UK Instance Project Information
Classification.MasterFormat.Description US Type Air Terminals Flex Ducts Sprinklers
Classification.MasterFormat.Number Cable Tray Fittings Flex Pipes Stairs
Classification.OmniClass.21.Description Cable Tray Runs Floors Structural Area
Classification.OmniClass.21.Number Casework Furniture Reinforcements
Classification.OmniClass.22.Description Ceilings Furniture Systems Structural Beam
Classification.OmniClass.22.Number Columns Generic Models Systems
Classification.OmniClass.23.Description Communication Lighting Devices Structural Columns
Classification.OmniClass.23.Number Devices Lighting Fixtures Structural
Classification.UniFormat.II.Description Conduit Fittings Mechanical Connections
Classification.UniFormat.II.Number Conduit Runs Equipment Nurse Structural Fabric
Conduits Call Devices Reinforcement
Classification.uniclass.Pr.Description UK Curtain Panels Pip Accessories Structural
Classification.uniclass.Pr.Number Curtain Wall Pipe Fittings Foundations
Classification.uniclass.Ss.Description Mullions Pipe Insulations Structural Framing
Classification.uniclass.Ss.Number Data Devices Pipes Structural Path
Doors Piping Systems Reinforcement
Duct Accessories Planting Structural Rebar
Duct Fittings Plumbing Fixtures Structural
Duct Insulations Railings Stiffeners
Duct Linings Ramps Structural Trusses
Duct Systems Roofs Telephone
Ducts Security Devices Devices
Electrical Equip Site Topography
Electrical Fixtures Specialty Walls
Fire Alarm Devices Equipment Windows
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How to Get These Tools
Acquiring the Tools
This web site always has the latest build as well as all the resources (sample files, videos, help
pages, etc.).
All of these add-ins are in a collection of the “BIM Interoperability Tools” and are free to
download and use. In addition to the COBie Extension and the Classification Manager, the
Autodesk Model Checker for Revit and Model Checker Configurator are both available on the
site for free and can be used to help check data integrity and BIM standards in Revit models.
The website has the installers, help files, and other resources to help use the tools effectively.
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Additional Information
“Only for me” versus “Everybody”
During installation, the user can choose which method to use. Some government
agencies require installation to only be valid for the current user, but most commercial
firms want the installation to apply to all users.
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File locations
Most Revit add-ins are installed the same way, and these tools are no exception. The
required files include:
One .ADDIN file installed in one of the two standard Revit “Addins” folders. This .ADDIN
file is a text file pointing to the .DLL and support files folder location and can be manually
edited, if needed. The .ADDIN file is located in one of two folders:
One or more .DLL files that include the compiled application and, optionally, support
files. For these tools, the folder that includes these files is located:
These .DLL files are all signed by Autodesk for the 2017 requirements if having new
add-ins digitally signed. Users should not get any warning about running them.
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When the user first launches any one of the tools, they will be prompted to register the
Once filled out, a file will be saved per tool to the local computer in the following location
so that this registration dialog does not show again.
This file can be manually deleted to force the dialog to show again the first time the add-
in is used. Data from this dialog, if the “Opt Out” is not checked, is sent to the BIM
Interoperability Tools web site and downloaded monthly by Autodesk.
If necessary for a larger organization, this file can also be copied from a PC with a
successful registration and copied to other PCs to avoid the registration window. The
installer does not have built in functionality to support this. The mechanism used to copy
this file around must be provided and supported by the company in question.
If the user does not have an Internet connection, the software will still function.
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Version Checking
Each time any of the add-ins is launched, the software checks a list maintained on the
BIM Interoperability Tools web site of the latest builds of each tool. If the build of the
installed tool is equal to the latest build, then nothing happens. If it is older, the following
dialog box lets the user know and gives them a button to directly download the latest
The bottom line of each of these dialogs provides a link to a version history list on the
BIM Interoperability Tools web site.
To install silently for the current user only, use "/passive ADDINFOLDER=%appdata%".
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