V Bends Burstones PDF
V Bends Burstones PDF
V Bends Burstones PDF
and V bends
Charles J. Burstone, D.D.S., MS., and Herbert A. Koenig, Ph.Di
Farmington, Corm.
The force system produced by wires with steps and V bends was s’udied analytically by means of a
small deflection mathematic analysis. Characteristic force relations ips were found in both the
step and the V bend. Step bands centrally placed between adjacen brackets produce unidirectional
couples that are equal in magnitude. Along with these couples, ve ical or horizontal forces are
produced depending upon the plane of activation. Mesiodistal place ent of step bends is not critical
because very little alteration in force system occurs if a step is cent!i red or positioned off center.
V bends, on the other hand, are very sensitive to the positioning mesiodistally of the apex of the V. If
the apex of the V bend is placed on center, equal and opposite couples are produced. As the
V-bend apex is moved off center, predictable combinations of moments and forces are created. A
method for determination of the relative force system is described that allows for simple interpretation
and prediction of the force system from a V bend. The clinical applications of these data and a
rational basis for wire bending are presented based on the producing of a desired force system.
Bracket 1
347 gm 347 gm
1210 1210
gm-mm gm-mm
31 I lc>
(t---------7 mm-1 1
Table II. MJM, ratios for V bends as a function “V” BEND FORCE SYSTEMS
of apex position from bracket 1
V-bend apex posirion (mm)
Bracket 1
0.7 1.4 0.4
1.4 2.8 0.3
2.3 4.6 0.0 ‘C.
2.8 5.6 -0.3
4840 1720
3.5 7.0 - 1.0 gm-mm gm-mm
Bracket 2 _
*IBD = Interbracket distance. Fig. 8. Force systems from three a/L ratios. Interbracket dis-
tance is 7 mm; height of V bend is 0.35 mm. A, Centered
V a/L = 0.5; equal and opposite couples. B, a/L = 0.29; a
larger moment exists at M,. C, a/L = 0.14; forces and moments
are much greater than in A and 8. In 6 and C, the wire would
magnitude of the moment at M2 to 1720 g-mm. The permanently deform.
vertical forces become 937 g. The large moments pro-
duced at M, in Fig. 8, B and C, could lead to permanent
deformation of the wire. If one assumed a maximum
moment at yield for the wire at 1860 g-mm, permanent
deformation would occur at the point on the wire near
bracket 1 since moments considerably more than 1860
g-mm are produced. When that happens, not only is
there less force and moment but the entire wire bracket
geometry changes, giving an entirely different M,/M,
ratio and therefore a different type of tooth movement.
If the height of the apex of the V bend is increased
or decreased, the relative force system M,/M, does not
change. Fig. 9 shows the linear relationship between
the height of the V bend and the moments produced.
It should be remembered that if the height of the
V bend becomes too great, (1) activations would be Fig. 9. A linear relationship is shown between V-bend height
beyond the yield strength of the wire and permanent (A) and M, and M, with varying a/L ratios.
deformation would occur, and (2) these relationships
are only true within the elastic limit.
Table II gives the actual positioning of the V bend
in respect to bracket 1 in millimeters for both 7-mm the positioning of the V bend mesiodistally would not
and 14-mm interbracket distances. The high sensitivity so significantly change the relative force system.
of placing the apex of the V in short interbracket dis-
tances becomes evident. For a 7-mm interbracket dis- CLINICAL APPLICATIONS
tance, as would be expected, equal and opposite couples The present study leads to important clinical appli-
would be produced if the bend is placed 3.5 mm to the cations in the use of two fundamental bends, a step and
right of M,. If the bend is placed at 2.3 mm, the force a V bend. Although the exact magnitudes of the forces
system is radically changed so the moment at M, is and moments are significant and will become increas-
completely eliminated. The difference in positioning ingly important as orthodontic appliances become more
between these two force systems is only 1.2 mm. Fur- sophisticated, it is the relative force system that cur-
thermore, if the bend is moved only an additional rently is the most relevant. Even if the forces are not
0.9 mm toward M,, a moment will be produced at M, the exact magnitudes the orthodontist wishes or if the
in the opposite direction-one third of the moment at M/F ratios of a given tooth do not approach what we
M,. With a larger interbracket distance of 14 mm, con- estimate would be the optimum, at a basic minimum it
siderably more leeway is present and small errors in is necessary that the moments and forces at least be in
64 Burstone and Koenig
one third of the distance from the molar tube to the ESTHETIC BENDS - UPPER INCISORS
bracket, we reach that crossover point where the mo-
ment is eliminated and any increased activation pro-
duces greater force without concern for spurious torque I I
on the incisors.
In Fig. 10, B, the V bend is now placed in the center A.
I n n 1
between the molar tube and the bracket; equal and op-
posite couples are produced. If the arch wire were tied
back so anteroposterior forces were created, this wire
could be used to move the roots lingually on the upper
incisors. The roots would also move mesially on the
molar, but this could be prevented by increasing the
number of teeth in the posterior segment or backing up Fig. 12. Forces produced by anterior esthetic bends to move
the posterior teeth with suitable headgear. roots distally. A, V bend between central incisors gives equal
Fig. 10, C, shows the V bend now positioned closer and opposite couples. B, Step bends between central and lat-
to the central incisor bracket (a/L = 0.66 from the eral incisors give vertical forces and unidirectional couples. C,
Summation of A and B. Moments are in correct direction for
molar). The force system completely changes; instead root movement but are not equal. Vertical forces will erupt the
of an intrusive force as in Fig. 10, A, there is now an central incisors. All forces are shown acting on the teeth.
eruptive force on the central incisor with lingual root
torque. An intrusive force on the molar is also seen.
By moving the V bend forward, we have a root spring In the above two examples of force systems, one
for the incisors, provided the wire is tied back to prevent can see the principle of creative wire bending at work.
anterior flaring of the incisors. The eruptive force si- The older, traditional approach in orthodontic treatment
multaneously extrudes the incisors. has been an “ideal” shape-drive appliance. The
From an occlusal view, Fig. 11 shows the effects “ideal” shape thinking goes something like this: if you
of altering the placement of a V bend between the canine would like to move a molar lingually and rotate the
and the first molar. The forces and the moments between tooth mesiobuccally, bend the wire so that it lies lingual
the canines tend to cancel out across the anterior part and angled to the bracket. As we have seen, this may
of the arch (although side effects are still possible with create many different force systems and may not pro-
highly flexible wires). For that reason we will primarily duce the force system that is needed. A scientific and
concentrate on the force system on the first molars. If more creative approach is to (1) determine where the
the V bend is placed one third of the distance from teeth should be moved and (2) establish the directions
the canine bracket to the molar tube as measured of both the force and the moment needed. Ideally, we
from the canine bracket, a lingual force would be should also establish the magnitudes of these forces and
produced on the molar, moving it lingually without the ratio between the moment and force, but for now
any rotation (Fig. 11, A). If the V bend is placed we will consider only the directions of the force and
close to the first molar, a force is produced moving moment and (3) develop the proper shape in the wire
the first molars buccally and a moment produces to deliver that force system. This is what we mean by
mesiobuccal rotation (Fig. 11, C). As would be creative wire bending. A force-driven appliance is not
expected, if the V bend is placed centrally between the fabricated by the shape of an ideal wire or by falla-
canine and the first molar, equal and opposite couples ciously placing the wire in one bracket and looking to
would be produced. This allows for pure rotation of see where the wire is at the other bracket, imagining
the first molar without the buccal force (Fig. 11, B). the teeth will move to that position on the wire. It is
If we would like to rotate the molar with the mesial based on understanding some very fundamental rela-
aspect out and also have a lingual force, the V bend tionships between the force system and what type of
must be placed somewhere between the a/L of 0.3 and bend is used and where it is placed. The appliance thus
0.5 as measured from the canine bracket. In a situation becomes force driven and is shaped to deliver the de-
in which mesiolingual rotation and lingual force on the sired forces rather than some arbitrary shape that some-
first molar are required (this is sometimes indicated in how is related to the final position of the teeth or an
uniarch extraction cases), the V bend should be placed exaggeration of the final position of the teeth.
as close as possible to the bracket on the canine (a/L The step bend, unlike the V bend, is not critical in
greater than 0.66). its mesiodistal placement. For those orthodontists using
66 Bucvrone and Koenig
tipback mechanics with tipback bends such as the have considered brackets in a straight hne with vana-
Tweed technique, this fact offers great convenience. tions of V and step bends. The usual clinical situation
Historically, bends have been placed that are called long will have a combination of bends and malaligned brack-
ot short tipbacks; these bends are placed either off cen- ets that ate not in a straight line. The actual force system
ter or on center and may change in position during is produced by adding together the two effects. Prcvi-
tipback mechanics. The favorable finding from this ously, the force system from malaligned brackets in z;
study shows that the placement of the bend does not straight wire was discussed and certain principles elic
appreciably influence the force system present. ited on the basis of the relative angmation of adjacent
The last clinical example that will be given is the brackets. To produce a desired force system, two ap-
placement of anterior esthetic bends. Fig. 12 shows an proaches are possible. The first approach allows the
upper anterior segment in which esthetic bends have orthodontist to use a straight wire, triggering the force
been placed between the four incisors. Although when system produced by the wire in malaligned brackets
play is present there may be other effects between and adding the proper bends whose force systems are
brackets from one bracket down the line to nonadjacent summated to the straight wire force system. Thi< IS
brackets, our analysis will &ZOY~this phenomenon and called the super-position method. The other approach
also the mesiodistal forces (in order) that the funda- is to first contour the wire passively between two brack-
mental effects of this configuration can be studied. ets and then to add the proper V or step bends. Since
Between the central incisors, a V bend is placed in this approach we remove the force system produced
that produces equal and opposite couples. This is shown by a straight wire and maialigned brackets, it is referred
as the block A of the force system in Fig. 12, Between to as the subtraction method. With small interbracket
the central and the lateral incisors, a step bend is seen. distances, it becomes increasingly difficult to use cithet
The unidirectional couples and vertical forces of the the super-position or the subtraction method. Small CT-
step ate shown in block 3. If there is an addition of rots in wire bending can produce large errors in force
the force system from the V bend and the step, the total systems. As the interbracket distance increases. out
force system on each of the four brackets is shown in potential for delivering the desired force system 1s en
block C. The total force system acting at each of the hanced. Nevertheless. regatdless of the interbracket
incisors is very interesting, producing both desirable distance, knowing where to place the bend and knowing
and undesirable effects in most patients. There ate mo- what type of bend to place at least heads the clinician
ments tending to move the roots distally and this is in the right direction to achieve the proper tooth
desirable; unfortunately, the moments are not equal--- movement.
larger moments ate present on the central incisors in In this study we purposely have looked at the eltect
comparison to the lateral incisors. The actual moments of only two basic types of bends. V and step, on the
that would be acting on the lateral incisor. of course, force system using small deflection theory. .4tthough
would be dependent upon what type of bend is placed we have the capability of solving these problems in
between the lateral and the canine. which. for simplicity large deflection formulation, it is important to have n
of analysis, we are ignoring. intrusive forces ate pro- first approximation using small deflection theory tc: r’h--
duced at the lateral brackets. These teeth will not be tablish some of the basic principles. Future studies are
intruded provided the arch wire is connected to the important to determine what differences in the actual
posterior teeth. On the central incisors. an extrusive force systems exist with large deflections. Particularly.
force is produced and in patients who previously have the calculation of mesiodistal forces requires a consid-
had intrusion of teeth or who have deep overbites, this eration of both large deflection theory and bracket wire
extrusive force becomes an undesirable side effect interface phenomena such as freedom to slide and play.
Many orthodontists have noticed that when they place V and step bands ate not the only bends that can
esthetic bends, the deep overbite increases. This could be placed to produce a given force system. Combma..
be anticipated by an understanding of the force system. tions of V bends and steps can be used. 11-iparticular.
Conversely, if one tried to correct a deep overbite by arcs or wire curvatures have many advantages in pro-
stepping the incisors apically, the moments produced ducing the desired forces and moments, more predict-
would tend to move the roots mesially. For these reasons ably, eliminating permanent deformation of wires and
esthetic bends may not be the most sensible way to creating an activated wire shape that more closel:; ap-
correct the axial inclinations of the incisors in many proximates a straight wire. A discussion of the u>e of
patients. wire curvatures instead of V and step bends IS beyond
This study and the clinical applications ot results the scope of this article.
Vol1rme 91
Creative wire bending 67
Number 1