App10 Fundamentals of Connections
App10 Fundamentals of Connections
App10 Fundamentals of Connections
Appendix 10
Fundamentals of Connections
A-10-1. Introduction.........................................................................................................2
A-10-11. References.......................................................................................................20
EP 2000-9073 A-10-2 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
A-10-1. Introduction
Chapter 4 of the main body of the Design Guide explains the need to use only qualified
connections in casing and tubing strings and the concept of what connection qualification entails
and provides access to the web site listing qualified connections. This appendix explains some of
the fundamentals of connections.
Once a premium connection has been tested and qualified using a thread compound, the thread
compound used in well service should be the same as the compound that was used to qualify the
connection. The compound should not be changed for well service until supplemental
qualification tests have been done which demonstrate that galling does not occur at
makeup/breakout and that the connection continues to meet its rated sealing performance using
the new compound. The listing of qualified connections (see Chapter 4) includes the compounds
used to qualify the connections.
The use of too much compound on a premium connection in order to increase the lubrication can
adversely affect sealing due to the buildup of trapped compound pressure.1 Care should be taken
to determine whether a premium connection is sensitive to the amount of thread compound used,
and the manufacturer usually will be able to provide this information. As part of the qualification
program of the connection, the manufacturer should provide the type and allowable amount of
compound to be applied. For compound-sensitive connections, care should be taken to apply the
recommended amount of compound at makeup.
During the last three decades, as well pressures and depths increased, there was a shift away from
thread compound sealing connections toward connections capable of sealing higher pressures. At
first, this led to connections with API thread forms but using resilient seal rings (usually Teflon)
to provide the sealing. To seal still higher pressures, “premium” connections were developed and
used throughout the industry. The premium connections were based on sealing high pressure
through the mating contact between tapered, radial pin and box surfaces achieving high contact
stress (interference). All connections that have one or more special features, such as higher
strength, better sealing properties, faster makeup, smaller outer diameter of the coupling,
internally streamlined and recess free, etc. as compared with API connections, are collectively
called premium connections.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-5 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
Premium connections have been shown to be reliable at high pressures and loads, but
only after going through qualification test programs which forced manufacturers to tighten up on
the design tolerances. More recently, as well service loads have increased into larger compressive
loads and higher external pressures, testing throughout the industry has demonstrated that even
premium connections can have limits for sealing external pressure or for sealing internal pressure
while under large axial compression. More than ever, this has increased emphasis on the need to
use a connection only within a service envelope to which it has been qualified.
Threaded casing connections can be divided in two groups, integral connections and threaded and
coupled connections. Each group can further be divided into several types, depending on the
sealing mechanism and the existence of a torque shoulder as summarized below.
Fig. A-10-2 – Integral connection with internally and externally upset pipe ends.
– Non-upset- or flush-type connection (Figure A-10-3): this type of connection has pipe ends
with the same OD and ID as the pipe. It has a reduced strength efficiency, compared to upset
type of connections, in all cases.
The coupling can be made with several varying outer diameters, and some operating companies
have chosen to use coupling dimensions customized to their operations. The standard dimensions
of API couplings can be found in API Spec 5CT3 and ISO 11960.4 Couplings also are available
with “special clearances” which have a smaller OD than the usual coupling. Usually, the
connection with a special clearance coupling will have a qualified performance envelope which is
less than the envelope of the standard clearance connection. If a connection is used with a special
clearance coupling, the engineer should not assume that the connection will perform up to the
same level as the connection with a standard clearance coupling. Based on expert judgement, the
connection with special clearance coupling should be subjected to a complete or reduced
qualification test program.
In order to incorporate a resilient seal and maintain the required sealing and tensile performance,
the manufacturer sometimes finds it necessary to increase the OD of the coupling to “oversized”
dimensions. Doing this is effective, but it creates a new connection which again must be qualified
or must be found on the already-qualified list.
• Integral connections halve the number of threaded connections and thus the number of
potential leakage paths.
• There is no possibility of receiving a coupling made of a different, and thus wrong, material.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-8 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
• In general, integral connections have higher torque capacity than does the threaded and
coupled connection. This is because integral connections are generally designed with an
external torque shoulder, while for most threaded and coupled connections, the torque
shoulder is located at the pin nose.
• There is a risk of “ringworm” corrosion. This corrosion can occur at the upset region of joints
in the presence of CO2. During the upsetting process, the pipe ends are heated and heavily
deformed, which results in a difference in steel microstructure compared to the pipe. It has
been found that this microstructure is highly sensitive to CO2 corrosion so that pits can form
quite rapidly. The observed corrosion has a characteristic morphology called ringworm
attack.5 To avoid this problem, it is necessary to use tubulars which have been fully heat-
treated after upsetting.
– a change in the angle of the loading flank, ranging from +3° to –15° (see Figure A-10-5),
claimed to increase the tensile capacity of the connection;
– a change in the pitch of the threads as one moves along the thread form (single or double
pitch change) (see Figure A-10-6) in order to redistribute the stresses in the connection
threads more uniformly under tensile or compressive loads.
• Two-step thread, with two sections of different diameter, each provided with free-running,
non-interfering threads that are either straight or tapered (Figure A-10-7). The figure shows a
design with three shoulders, claiming an advantage of increased over-torque capacity. In
contrast, a non-interfering thread has the risk of inadvertently backing out of the connection.
• Wedge-shape thread, based on an interlocking dovetail thread profile. The loading flank is
machined with a greater pitch than the stabbing flank (Figure A-10-7) to produce a thread that
wedges together during makeup, eliminating the need for an additional torque shoulder. The
applicable makeup torques of these connections tend to be higher than that of connections
with modified buttress thread profiles and a shoulder.
It should be noted that no amount of torque applied to the connection can completely close the
leak paths in round or buttress threads. Added torque sometimes stops leaks in connections with
round thread, but does not close the leak path. However, once the elastic limit of the material is
reached, the additional torque cannot help and acts only to damage the connection. Connection
studies have led to the conclusion that the amount of pressure a thread-sealing connection can
hold depends on the gap width between the threads. The smaller the size of this gap, the higher
the pressure it can hold.10 Therefore, small thread tolerances should be requested, so as to
increase connection sealing performance. In wells with high temperatures and large alternating
tensile and compressive loads, the operating cycles can open and close the leak path, and in such
service these types of connections may provide less than expected sealing even at low pressures.
It has not yet been shown that it is possible to design a thread profile that is capable of providing a
reliable gas-tight seal on its own, although some manufacturers have made this claim.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-12 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
The polymers which are used most as sealing material within connections are the plastomeric
materials,14 for instance, virgin Teflon or reinforced Teflon. It is recommended not to use the
same seal ring twice. The seal ring groove needs to be cleaned and free of lubricants prior to
installing the ring. In general, the ring should be installed only by running crew experienced with
the installation of seal rings.
Various OpCo’s have different views on the use of connections with seal rings or connections
with both metal seals and resilient ring seals. The choice of whether or not to use a seal ring or a
combination of both a seal ring and a metal seal depends on the OpCo’s experience in qualifying,
running, and operating connections in wells and on the amount of effort the OpCo is willing to
expend to qualify the connection.
• To act as an adhesive to ensure that the coating sticks to the metal surface under condition of
• To provide sufficient lubricity to overcome the initial friction between the connection thread
and the seal surfaces during makeup.
Each thread compound will have a characteristic friction correction factor, which depends on the
compound composition. Grease, oil, high-pressure additives, Teflon, copper flakes, graphite, and
certain sulfur compounds decrease the friction coefficient.16,18 Metal oxides and silicates increase
the friction coefficient. The friction correction factor also depends on the hardness, the size and
shape, and the number of particles suspended in the grease base.
Lacquer coating – Anti-friction lacquer, for instance a molybdenum disulfide, is sprayed evenly
on pin and box surfaces, which have been heated to harden the lacquer in a short time. In order to
provide a good base for adhesion of the lacquer, the sliding surfaces are roughened by means of
grit blasting.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-17 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
Oxalating is the process in which a thin layer of oxalate is applied to steels with a high chrome or
nickel content, by dipping the steel into a hot oxalic acid solution. The process is more or less
similar to phosphating.
Electrochemical treatment – plating can be done with a wide variety of materials such as gold,
silver and its alloys, cobalt, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, cadmium, and tin. The materials
deposited by the plating tend to be more finely grained and are usually harder and more brittle
than wrought materials.
Ion deposition – For high-alloy materials and nickel-based alloys, the application of a metallic
surface coating via the ion implantation process is used. Normally, in such a case, the pin is left
untreated. During the ion implantation process, a microscopically thin film of ions from
dissimilar metals, such as gold, chromium, copper, or aluminum, is diffused into the base
Grit blasting and glass-bead peening are performed on the threaded area as well as on the sealing
area. The treatment converts the smoothly machined surfaces into surfaces containing a fine
anchor pattern (very small pits or surface indentations) for oil and grease retention.
Phosphating – the phosphate layer improves the compound retention and surface hardness.
Phosphating is commonly applied to carbon steel connections which are less susceptible to galling
problems than are more highly alloyed steels. For these materials, other techniques have been
developed. There is some evidence that manganese phosphate offers better galling resistance than
does zinc phosphate.
Lacquer coatings have been applied on connections made from high-alloy steels. However, the
number of problem-free makeup operations which could be achieved was limited.
Oxalating is applied to high-alloy steels. The oxalate layer improves the surface hardness and the
capacity to hold on to a thin layer of compound.
Electrochemical treatments – the most common electrochemical plating treatments used for
casing connections are the following:
• Copper plating: The most attractive electrochemical surface treatment in terms of galling
resistance is copper plating to a thickness of approximately 10 µm.
• Tin plating: Tin plating is an excellent coating material. However, too high contact
stresses can pulverize the tin layer and destroy the inter-metallic bonding, affecting the
reusability of the connection. Furthermore, there is the risk of liquid metal embrittlement
that might occur in the base material at temperatures above 350°F (175°C).24
• Zinc plating: Conventional zinc-plating baths produce fine-grained, smooth and brittle
deposits, which however have poorer lubricant-retention properties than does tin plating.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-18 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
Ion deposition is considered to be process which has some potential for reducing the risk of
galling for critical applications, particularly for high-alloy tubular.
Grit blasting, glass-bead peening – because galling may be promoted by too fine a surface finish,
it is thought that a slightly rough surface aids lubrication by the thread compound trapped in the
surface indentations.12
where it is taken off to allow removal of the storage compound. Most of these heavy-duty-type of
protectors are composed of a molded polymer body reinforced with a cylindrical steel insert.
However, they can also consist of 100% polymer.
Non-threaded protector or handling protector – this type of protector is installed on the pin prior to
lifting the casing joint up to the drill floor. It is usually either a clamp-on type or an inflatable type.
Impact resistance: A protector must be able to absorb impact energy in the axial and radial
direction and also in the angular direction, without damage being inflicted on the threads or
sealing area of the pipe. In addition, the protectors should be able to meet these requirements
under extreme temperature conditions, as stated in API Spec 5CT.3
Protection against water penetration: The protector should be able to prevent water penetration
along the threaded area in order to prevent a potential corrosive attack on thread and seals. This
criterion must be met with or without the presence of suitable storage grease.
Resistance to thread stripping: A protector should be able to sustain an axial load, uniformly
applied around the inner perimeter.
Resistance to vibrational loading: The protector must be able to sustain vibrational loads such as
can occur during transport.
Chemical resistance: If subjected to oil field chemicals, like degreasers and solvents, the volume
of the protector should not increase by more than 10%, and the hardness should not change
Weathering resistance: The protector should not show sensitivity to aging as caused by climate.
Thread profile: The thread profile of the protector should provide a number of basic functions:
• It is the primary barrier to moisture; therefore, a good match between protector and threads is
essential. Storage grease is considered to be an additional secondary barrier.
• The profile should provide a locking fit between the protector and the pipe.
• A protector should have a threaded profile all along the threads of the pipe.
• The general fit of a protector should be satisfactory, meaning that the threads of the protector
should have a pitch, a taper, and diameter that correspond within reasonable limits to those of
the pipe end.
Additional criteria: The protector should bottom out near the sealing area of the pipe to protect
the seal from the inside on both pin and box threads.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-20 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
A-10-11. References
1. Snaith, N. N. (1990), Influences of Thread Compounds on Tubing/Casing Connections,
Report EP 90-0572, Koninkl./Shell E&P Lab, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
2. Exxon Torque Position, Performance Properties (and related machining specification) of API
Connections, Exxon Production Research Company, August, 1994, licensed technology.
3. American Petroleum Institute (1998), Specification for Casing and Tubing, Spec. 5CT, Sixth
Edition, October.
4. ISO/DIS 11960, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Steel Pipes for Use as Casing or
Tubing for Wells, dated May 5, 2000.
5. de Waard, C., Geelen, P. M. H., Smith, L. M., Robbe, C., Thomas, M. J. J., and Ashton, S. A.
(1987), Principles of Materials Engineering and Corrosion Control in E&P Operations,
Report EP 87-1780.
6. Otten, G. K. and Cernocky, E. P. (1985), Gas Leakage of Inspected, 95⁄8 in., VAM Casing
Connections due to Machining Defects, and Recommendation of New Inspection Equipment,
Monthly Research Summary, Shell Development Bellaire Research Center, Houston,
7. Allen, M. B., Schwind, B. E., and Wooley, G. R. (1985), Investigation of Leak Resistance of
API 8-Round Connector, Report from Enertech Engineering and Research Company to API
Production Department, May 24.
8. Raulins, M. (1984), How Loading Affects Tubular Thread Shoulder Seals, Petroleum Eng.
Int., March.
9. Maruyama, K., Tsuru, E., Ogasawara, M., Inoue, Y., and Peters, E. J. (1990), An Experimental
Study of Casing Performance Under Thermal Cycling Conditions, SPE Drilling Eng., June,
pp. 156–164.
10. SIPM, EPO/512 (1986), Sealing Ability of Pipe Thread Compounds, DEN 19/86.
11. Weekers, E. E. A. J. and van der Graaf, W. J. A. (1985), Premium Tubing and Casing
Connections: State of the Art and a Selection of Candidates for Testing at KSEPL and Use by
Group Companies, Group Research Report RKGR.85.026 (EP-63893), Koninkl./Shell E&P
Lab, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
12. Snaith, N. N. (1990), Summary of KSEPL Tubing and Casing Connection Tests 1982–1988,
Report EP 90-1862, Koninkl./Shell E&P Lab, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
13. Ender, D. H. and Allen, R. A. (1986), Elastomeric Seals for Deep Sour Gas Applications,
Evaluations of O-Ring Seals, Technical Progress Report WRC 189-85 (EP-65422), Shell
Development Westhollow Research Center, Houston.
14. Ender, D. H. (1985), User Guide – Polymeric Seals for Oil Field Applications, Technical
Progress Report WRC 305-84 (EP-63396), Shell Development Westhollow Research Center,
15. Bollfrass, C. A. (1985), Sealing Tubular Connections, J. Pet. Technol., June.
16. Prengaman, D. R. (1986), Anatomy of a Thread Compound, Drilling, August/September.
17. Allen, F. J. and Noffke, R. B. (1987), Thread Compounds: Where Are We and Where Are
We Going, Drilling, November/December.
EP 2000-9073 A-10-21 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
18. Prengaman, D. R. (1981), Thread Compounds – How Do They Work?, Petroleum Eng. Int.,
19. International Research & Development Co. Ltd. (1977), Wear Resistant Surfaces: A Guide
to Their Production, Properties and Selection.
20. White, G. W. (1984), Eliminating Galling of High-Alloy Tubular Threads by High Energy
Ion Deposition Process, SPE 12209, J. Pet. Technol., pp. 1345–1351.
21. Snaith, N. N. and Weekers, E. E. A. J. (1986), Evaluation of the Comparative Anti-Galling
Properties of Three Methods for Applying Thread Compounds to Premium Connections,
Research Summary RKRS.86. 11, Koninkl./Shell E&P Lab, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
22. Weatherford (1991), Tubular Running Manual, WF-TR-MAN, August.
23. SIPM , EPO/512 (1991), VAM AG, DEN 43/91.
24. Krings, R., Coating of Gastight Special Connections to Prevent the Occurrence of Galling,
Report No. 6336 E, Mannesmann.
25. Spruijt, E. J. C. (1986), Performance Evaluation of Commercially Available Thread
Protectors, Group Research Report RKGR.86.072 (EP 86-0727), Koninkl./Shell E&P Lab,
Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
26. Spruijt, E. J. C. (1988), Performance Evaluation of Commercially Available Thread
Protectors, IADC/SPE 17209, presented at 1988 IADC/SPE Drilling Conf., held in Dallas,
TX, February 28–March 2.
27. Dale, B. A., Moyer, M. C., and Sampson, T. W. (1983), A Test Program for the Evaluation
of Oil-Field Thread Protectors, IADC/SPE 11396, presented at IADC/SPE 1983 Drilling
Conf., held in New Orleans, LA, February 20–23.
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Rowlands, G. W. and Booth, N. R. (1980), Planning for Deep High Pressured Wells in the
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EP 2000-9073 A-10-23 Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
Scholibo, F. C. and Cernocky, E. P. (1986), Abstracts of Non-Shell Tests of Casing and Tubing
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