Prosthetic Foot Project PDF
Prosthetic Foot Project PDF
Prosthetic Foot Project PDF
What It Is, What It Is Not, and What Patient Care
Facility Providers/Practitioners Need to Know…
What It Is…
This project, which was begun in 2007 at the behest of the SADMERC, had as one of its goals to improve the
accuracy and consistency of the coding of prosthetic feet through the development of standard tests that would
validate the existence of certain features of a foot. The participating foot manufacturers provided the engineering
input and assistance that allowed such tests to be created and subsequently carried out on a number of existing
feet. Based upon the results of these tests, these feet were then categorized into specific recommended HCPCS
codes. The second goal of the project was to deliver these results to Medicare in the hope that it would adopt
these coding recommendations and the accompanying testing methodology.
What It Is Not…
At no time during this project did AOPA ever intend to develop clinical standards of care for these feet. The
project’s findings relate only to appropriate coding and do not speak to what foot is most clinically appropriate
for a particular patient.
Also, at this time, this is a report/proposal from AOPA to CMS, nothing more and nothing less. AOPA is NOT
recommending that clinicians should use these recommended code descriptors and assignments for your
current coding. AOPA is informing everyone that at this point no one at CMS has given any indication whether
the agency will agree with any, some or all of these recommendations in the report. It could be perilous for
practitioners/patient care facility owners to misunderstand this, or to believe that this document comprises
recommendations on coding that have been endorsed by either AOPA or CMS for purposes of coding TODAY.
This testing consisted of a “round robin” series of tests where all feet were tested by all
manufacturers that had appropriate equipment to carry out such tests. In every case, the same
specific foot was tested by all participating testers, through shipping the same device from one
manufacturer to another. In addition, all testers used the same protocols, agreed upon by the
Workgroup, when developing the testing mechanisms. Once testing was completed, the results
allowed the Workgroup to assign specific feet to specific HCPCS codes. Also, participating
manufacturers were offered the option to have independent testing done and were invited to sign
an acknowledgement regarding their participation in the project (see pages 36 and 38 for a full
copy of the acknowledgement and a disclaimer regarding future use of this report).
Initial testing often yielded the need to revise testing guidelines to accurately measure mechanical
features. It is important to note that product testing continues to be refined and the testing
guidelines and thresholds are subject to future revision as more data is obtained and new
products come on the market.
In addition, orthotics and prosthetics is a field where technology and advances in science and
technique are relatively frequent. In recognition of this, we are establishing a specific sunset
provision for the usefulness of this document. Specifically, in the absence of either a revision to
the document or a specific action by AOPA to extend the sunset date, the usefulness of this
document will expire three (3) years from the date of publication, specifically, on (date to be
inserted upon final publication).
Section I. Context Based Descriptors
In order to clarify the precise meaning of the terms which appear within each HCPCS code
descriptor, the workgroup created Context Based Descriptors. These descriptors further define
certain key terms to insure consistent application. For example, a term such as “rigid” has a
different application within different contexts or when applied to different types of devices. The
term “rigid” when used in reference to a prosthetic foot has a different meaning
than when describing that attribute on a spinal orthotic device. Thus, the following Context Based
Descriptors can only be applied within the context of prosthetic foot and ankle systems.
1. Axial Torque Absorbing: The ability of a prosthetic component to rotate along the
longitudinal axis (axial axis) under torsional load.
2. Cushion Heel: The heel portion of a prosthetic foot that deflects under load without
significant energy return.
4. Dynamic Response Prosthetic Pylon: A structural support that connects two prosthetic
components (such as a foot, foot adapter, ankle, socket, knee, or other attribute
component) and deflects under load and has the ability to store and return significant
5. Flexible: The elastic property of a component designed to deflect under load without the
ability to store and return significant energy.
7. Pylon: A structural support component that connects to the foot or two other prosthetic
components such as a foot, foot adapter, ankle, socket, and knee. The pylon can be a
separate component or it can be part of another component.
10. Vertical Shock Absorbing Feature: The ability of a prosthetic component to compress
along its longitudinal axis under axial load.
Section II. Test Descriptions and Methodology
These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in determining
which HCPCS L codes should be recommended for specific, prosthetic feet, based upon the
specific attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The
thresholds were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines
are designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure
clinical effectiveness of any device.
All tests are to be conducted using a standard 27 L foot for an A 80 patient. All tests
should be performed with common practice methods and at normal conditions such as
temperature, humidity, etc.
Keel Test
Scope: This test procedure defines test setup and method for evaluating a foot design for
keel/toe dynamics. The results of this test define whether the keel is rigid, flexible or dynamic.
Load vs. Displacement Curve
Step 3: Evaluate the Data -1300
Loading 1230N
o Calculate the % energy returned using the -800
Force (N)
trapezoidal method to determine the area -600
-400 Unloading
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which HCPCS L codes should be recommended for specific, prosthetic feet, based
upon the specific attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code.
The thresholds were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These
guidelines are designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant
to measure clinical effectiveness of any device.
Heel Test
Scope: This test procedure defines test setup and method for evaluating a foot design for heel
dynamics. The results of this test define whether the heel is dynamic or cushioned. This test is
only done on foot designs that have qualified as “dynamic keel”.
under the loading & unloading curves. -500
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18
Displacement (m m )
Step 4: Compare Results to Heel Classification Criteria
Cushioned Does not meet Displacement and/or % Return criteria for dynamic heel.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Single Axis Test
Scope: This test procedure defines test setup and method for evaluating a foot design for single axis
dynamics. The results of this test define whether or not the foot is single axis.
! Tighten the set screws of the pyramid receiver on Figure 2. Single Axis set up with Ball bearings
the fixture until all 4 set screws are touching the in place
pyramid of the foot, then tighten the set screws to
12 NM (9 Ft lbs).
Step 2: Run Test Figure 3. Metatarsal region of foot contacting
! Load the Foot to 800 N @ a rate of 200N/S. the loading wedge
Ramp load back to 50N at 200N/S. Within the
next 60 seconds ramp load the foot to 800 N @ a
rate of 200N/S. Within the next 5 seconds
determine if the metatarsal region of the foot
contacts the loading wedge.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Multiaxial Test
Test Procedure: Multiaxial
Scope: Multiaxial is defined as motion in two or more planes. This test emphasizes motions in
the sagital and coronal planes.
Test Order:
! Sagital Dorsiflexion
! If PASS, then Sagital Plantarflexion
! If PASS, then Coronal Inversion
! If PASS, then Foot Complies with Multiaxial Criteria
Sagital Dorsiflexion Sagital Plantarflexion Coronal
of Motion
10° " Dorsiflexion 8° " Plantarflexion
Multiaxial: Inversion
1230N @ 200 N/s 1230N @ 200 N/s
Second Loading
Heel Contact Toe Contact ! 8°
Second Loading
No Heel Contact No Toe Contact < 8°
Test the load error versus off-axis loading for your test machine. The following graph shows the
result of attaching a rectangular bar to a load cell and contacting a second load cell at increasing
lateral offsets. Position feet for the multiaxial tests such that load cell error due to off-axis loading
is #2%.
Load the roller plates, bearing plate onto the force-deflection test machine:
The roller plate shown in the above is made of four Ball Bearing Miniature Transfer Plates
TIG welded together for easier handling. They are 12” X 2.5” X 3/8” and available from part number 5764K32. Whether welded together or not, they should fully
support fixtures.
Load the fixture, which can be a sine plate as shown here, or a block of material with a
10-degree slope:
Before mounting the foot, set up the sine plate for dorsiflexion test angle of 10 degrees,
and then drop the plate back to 0 degrees for zeroing the foot:
Load the foot and bring the pyramid and pyramid receiver together gently to contact:
Load to 50N and hand tighten the setscrews such that all four setscrews contact the
pyramid facets:
Tighten the set screws with a torque wrench alternately in at least 2 stages up to the final
value of 11N-m.
Raise the foot and add anti-slip grip tape under the heel plate and foot to prevent sliding
during loading (or simply affix it permanently to your sine plate or block). Make sure the
heel plate also sits on the grip tape so the heel height remains correct. Lower the foot to
contact and 50N settling load. The following shows the foot ready for testing at a 50N
Load the foot from 50N to 1230N at 200N/s. As the heel is settling toward contact, a non-
fixed heel plate allows sliding it forward to touch the heel plate’s vertical plate as the heel
Load the foot only once for this test. It must pass on the first loading.
At full 1230N load and before 15 seconds transpires, grip the heel plate lightly and seek
to slide it laterally.
The plantar surface of the heel contacts the heel plate upper surface firmly holding it in
The heel plate is able to slide laterally in either direction or posterior under light pressure.
If the foot does not pass, it is not considered multiaxial compliant and no further testing is
Plantarflexion Test:
Setup for the plantarflexion test is the same as for the above dorsiflexion test. Please
refer to the dorsiflexion section for details previous to the following step:
Loaded as shown below to the settling load of 50N, the heel plate must be against the
back of the foot. Place a sheet of standard (20 pound) printing paper under the
overhanging toe as shown. The foot is ready for loading to 1230N at 200N/s:
Within 15 seconds of reaching 1230N, check to see if the paper under the toe can be slid
The plantar surface of the toe contacts the paper such that it cannot be slid out.
The plantar surface of the toe does not contact enough to keep the paper from sliding
If the foot does not pass, it is not considered multiaxial compliant and no further testing is
Inversion Test:
The inversion fixture is of one specific design due to the complexity and variability of ‘firm
envelopment’ described in the graphic above. The test is therefore only valid when
performed with the approved fixture.
The illustrations below show a CAD version of the fixture. Firm envelopment is by
downward-constraining toe bar and lateral-constraining heel plate.
The offsetting of supporting rose joints results in an inversion moment when a foot is
vertically loaded.
Setup is similar to the previous two tests. The same roller plate and fixture-bearing plates
are used, but the foot should be reoriented 90 degrees for better visibility on loading.
The Toe Bar and Heel Plate screws are hand tightened (ensure the heel of the foot
remains centered on the fixture), then a torque wrench is used to carefully clamp the foot
to the specified torque:
Specified Torques:
1X Toe Clamp Screw = 0.5N-m
2X Heel Plate Screws = 0.5N-m
Zero a digital angle meter, then set it on the shelf behind the heel:
Step 2: Run Test
! 0N to hand tighten the pyramid receiver setscrews.
! 50N to zero the foot.
! Unload to pull out the rest block.
! Load to 50N and dwell a few seconds.
! Load to 1230N @ 200N/s and dwell for ~15 seconds.
! Unload to 50N and dwell no more than 15 seconds reading and recording the
settling angle, "settling.
! Load the second time to 1230N @ 200N/s and dwell for ~15 seconds reading
and recording the measure inversion angle, "1230N .
Running the test, read the settling angle on the second loading:
Read the inversion angle on the second loading:
When "1230N - "settling = "total ! 8º the foot passes the inversion test and is considered
multiaxial compliant.
When "1230N - "settling = "total < 8º the foot fails the inversion test.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Axial Torque Absorption Test
Test Procedure: Axial Torque Absorbing Feature
Scope: Axial torque absorption is the ability of a prosthetic component to rotate along its
longitudinal axis under torsional load. This test procedure defines test setup and method for
evaluating a foot and/or adapter designed for axial torque absorption.
For stand alone devices, either a rigid dummy foot can be used in conjunction with above or
ideally the unit is assembled as part of the pylon and inserted vertically inside a test machine. A
measurable torque wrench which can withstand the vertical load at one end is used (see image
below). The other end of assembly is fixed rigidly to the machine (last page for alternative
Applied load
by Torque
Methods of Loading:
Directly apply a torque wrench capable of withstanding and transferring 800N axial compression
through means of connection with a thrust washer. Apply up to 20 Nm of axial rotation and
measure the axial rotation angle. The rotational angle can be measured electronically or
Add the angular rotation values from both directions to get the angular range
Key Conditions:
a) Special cradle made of rigid steel needs to contain the foot shell and be able to pre-
compress the soft foam of the foot shell either by means of moving wedges or standard
slip gauges that under application of compressive axial force pre-compresess the soft
foam shell.
b) The heel height block of matching height to the foot, Overall Angular Qualifies for
50mm deep covering full width of the heel made of Range Axial Torque
aluminium or material with similar rigidity must be Absorption
applied to the cradle. !16° yes
<16° no
c) The compression in the foot shell must be of sufficient
level to stop any relative motion of the internal keel/heel to the footshell, especially if
loose interchangable foot shell is used.
d) Application of means of rotation must be about the pylon axis or longitudinal axis of the
device or perpendicular to proximal horizontal face of the foot at ankle level about ankle.
e) This rotational measurement is about the center of the ankle about the longitudinal axis of
the pylon or an axis perpendicular to the proximal horizontal plane face of the foot, is
about ankle center and referenced to mid line of the foot, which is marked by a line
crossing two points, one at half distance of the width of the sole at ankle center or point of
attachment and the other at ball of the foot region at 120mm anterior to ankle at half
distant width line perpendicular (direction of progression) or top of the lateral border of
the foot.
f) Standard 27 L category 4 foot and (A 80) torque absorbing devices should be used.
h) Ensure the proximal connection is rigidly fixed to axial compression actuator prior to
i) Apply the 800 N load through a thrust washer to 20 Nm of axial torque applied and
return to pre-load 5 consecutive times and on the 5th application, measure the rotational
angle. Repeat measurements internally and externally twice and note variation for return
to zero reference starting point. Record the mean value of axial rtotational angle in
j) Accuracy of applied load is +/- 10N or +/- 1 Nm with calibration certificates and
Apply a force 100N to the anterior portion of the foot (see image below) at the height of
20mm from the base of the foot and 200mm from the ankle joint perpendicular to the
base of the foot as shown below. The force can be servo driven or manually by hand.
Key Conditions:
a) Special cradle made of rigid steel needs to contain the foot shell as per previous method.
Frictionless pulley
Applied load
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Vertical Loading Test
Test Procedure: Vertical Loading Feature
Scope: This feature is the ability of a prosthetic component to compress along its longitudinal
axis under axial load.
! Digital force and displacement logging with sampling rate high enough not to affect data at
the load rate specified.
! A prosthetic foot can normally connect via a “male pyramid“ connector to the rest of the
prosthesis. Such a connector should be used whenever possible. Other standard
connectors may be used when necessary.
! All tests should be performed with common practice methods and at normal conditions
such as temperature, humidity etc.
Step 1: Test Setup
Procedure A Procedure B
Procedure A:
Procedure B:
Test Cycle:
Step 3: Evaluate Data
The 50N settling value is intended to define as clear a “starting“ position as possible.
However, it is unlikely to match 50N exactly, and therefore, when an average of three
datapoints in a row is >=50N, the middle point is set as DataPoint#1.
Vertical Displacement Does not meet vertical loading test
a) Prosthetic foot < 10mm
Vertical Displacement Does meet vertical loading test
>= 10mm
b) Endoskeletal Vertical Displacement Does not meet vertical loading test
< 6mm
Vertical Displacement Does meet vertical loading test
>= 6mm
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Dynamic Pylon Test
Test Procedure: Dynamic Pylon
Scope: This test procedure defines the test setup and method for all pylons without foot
assembly and foot assemblies, which have qualified as dynamic keel and dynamic heel. The
maximum length from fixture to load point that can be used for these tests is 250mm.
For testing the product, remove the 30mm rod and connect the foot or pylon directly to the fixture.
The basic test set up is shown in figure 1.
Step 2: Run Test
Mount test fixture on test machine. Assemble foot to fixture so heel will be at the loading point.
Use “L” shaped loading plate with 50mm flat by width of foot, see figure 1. Adjust fixture so heel
load point is centered on test machine load line. Measure and record the foot build height length,
L (see figure 1.) Complete the first preliminary load cycle to 1000N at 200 N/sec (no data
required). Apply a settling load of 50N, measure the distance from top of big toe to fixed surface,
$50. Apply a load linearly to 1000N at a rate of 200N/sec and measure from top of big toe to
same fixed surface, $1000. Subtract $50 - $1000 and record gross displacement ($gross) at
1000N load. Determine the fixture deflection ($fixture) for a 1000N load for the measured length,
L, based on data curve from calibration rod, developed above. Determine and record the net foot
deflection, $net, by subtracting fixture deflection, $fixture, from the gross foot deflection, $gross.
Mount test fixture on test machine. Assemble pylon to the fixture. Use a 25mm ±5mm diameter
metal rod as the loading rod (see figure 1.) Position the loading rod at a length of 250mm from
mid dome of the connector. Complete the first preliminary load cycle to 1000N at 200 N/sec (no
data required). Apply a settling load of 50N and set the displacement to 0mm. Apply a load
linearly to 1000N at a rate of 200N/sec and unload at the same rate with no dwell at 1000N.
Record the gross displacement, $gross, at 1000N load. Determine and record fixture deflection,
$fixture, for a 1000N load for the length, L = 250mm, based on data curve from calibration rod
developed above. Determine and record the net pylon deflection, $net, by subtracting fixture
deflection, $fixture, from the gross foot deflection, $gross.
Feet attaining a net displacement of >10 mm qualify for the dynamic response pylon code.
Pylons attaining a net displacement of >10mm qualify for the dynamic response pylon code.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Horizontal Displacement Test
Test Procedure: Keel and Heel Horizontal Displacement Test
Scope: This test procedure defines test setup and method for evaluating a foot design for keel
and heel horizontal displacement performance. The results of this test define whether the foot
meets the criterion for the horizontal displacement test. This method can be performed
interchangeably using a vertical load frame with the proper fixture or an ISO Fatigue Test Frame.
Recommended Equipment
1. ISO Test Frame, which meets ISO 10328 requirements, or a vertical load frame with a
fixture which meets the requirements of this test specification.
2. Linear measuring device (dial indicator, etc.)
3. Fixture which allows for the placement of a measuring device to be placed in line with the
horizontal motion of the prosthetic foot.
4. The fixture will have a slide which allows the foot to slide horizontally forward or
backward. This slide will have minimal friction.
5. The fixture shall have a construction which minimizes deflection in the fixture.
6. See Figure 1.
The fixture for the measurement of the horizontal displacement shall meet the following
1. The fixture shall rigidly mount on the existing frame.
2. The fixture will allow adjustment in the line of motion of the foot.
3. The fixture will provide mounting for a linear measurement device (dial indicator, etc).
1. Select the appropriate upper mount angle for loading the keel or heel.
a. To test the heel, a 15° angle mount is used to mount the prosthetic foot.
b. To test the keel toe, a 20° angle mount is used to mount the prosthetic foot.
2. Place the upper portion of the fixture in the upper jaws of the test frame. Using the
appropriate adapter, connect the proximal connection point of the foot to be tested to the
upper portion of the fixture. The upper fixture must be of a rigid construction. Any
measurable flexibility of the upper fixture will influence test results.
3. Place the test fixture in the test frame. Securely attach the foot test fixture to the
hydraulic ram (i.e. Clamp the lower jaws of the test frame to the fixture, verifying a
horizontal alignment, and ensuring the fixture is properly supported by the jaws).
4. Verify that the primary axis of the foot is in line with the slide mount on the lower portion
of the fixture.
1. Mount the prosthetic foot in the test frame. Orient the primary axis of the foot in the
direction of horizontal motion.
2. Mount the measuring device on the front of the toe or heel plate. Position the device to
capture the full range of motion. If the range of motion is greater than the capacity of the
device, pause the test, note the current deflection measured. Reposition the device to
capture the rest of the motion. Add the two deflections and this is the total deflection.
Heel Test
1. If using the ISO Test Frame locate the measuring device to the heel actuator. If using the
Vertical Test Frame, mount the prosthetic foot to the 15° angle mount.
2. Pre-load the prosthetic foot to 50 N.
3. Apply a “dry run” of the actuator, applying a 1230 N (+/- 10 N) compressive load,
observing which direction the linear slide plate will move, and then set the vertical load
again to 50 N. Zero or note the horizontal and vertical positions, not the load.
4. Load the prosthetic foot to 1230 N (+/- 10 N). Note the horizontal and vertical positions,
as well as the load.
2. Pre-load the prosthetic foot to 50 N. Zero or note the horizontal and vertical positions,
note the load.
3. Apply a “dry run” of the actuator, applying a 1230 N (+/- 10 N) compressive load,
observing which direction the linear slide plate will move, and then set the vertical load
again to 50 N. Zero or note the horizontal and vertical positions, not the load.
4. Load the prosthetic foot to 1230 N (+/- 10 N). Note the horizontal and vertical positions,
as well as the load.
Please note that the dry run is performed to settle the foot. If a dry run is not performed, the
results will not be accurate.
Figure 2. Test fixture utilizing an ISO Test Frame and a dial indicator
1. The passing criterion for the horizontal toe keel motion is >= 25 mm.
2. The passing criterion for the horizontal heel motion is >= 5 mm.
Section III. Summary
By using the context based descriptors, testing descriptions and methodology outlined in Sections
I and II, appropriate HCPCS codes can be recommended for prosthetic feet. Once the Workgroup
had completed its classification of existing prosthetic feet, each participating manufacturer
reviewed the report and this classification.
To acknowledge their participation, each manufacturer was asked to read and sign the following
Your company has been an active participant and contributor to the AOPA Prosthetic
Foot Manufacturers Project. This project is now drawing to its completion. We have a
final manuscript, a copy of which is attached, and we plan to present the document and a
narrative on its findings to the PDAC and CMS within the next month. Congratulations to
you and others from your company who worked on and contributed to this very important
By signing below and returning this Acknowledgement/Approval to AOPA you are stating
the following three assertions and nothing more. You are not stating that you agree with
or are making a permanent commitment to any or all findings.
1. Our company participated in meetings and contributed our input and talents to
the development of this document.
2. Our company has had the opportunity to review the final text of the resulting
publication document.
3. Our company agrees to having our name included on the list of companies that
developed this document.
Signature: ____________________________________________________
In addition, the manufacturers were offered the option of having their feet tested by an
independent testing laboratory of their choosing.
The process does afford the opportunity for a manufacturer, should they wish, to pursue,
at their expense, independent product testing.
We believe the results of the round robin testing to be accurate and legitimate, and to the
extent that manufacturers say they were completely satisfied with the results of round
robin testing performed by other manufacturers, are requested to execute a waiver of
liability as to both AOPA and all other companies involved in the project.
For any manufacturer who does wish to secure independent testing, at its own expense,
here is the process that has been established. Such company shall advise AOPA that it
wishes to pursue independent testing. AOPA will notify the company of the independent
testing facility which AOPA has identified as well as applicable fees charged by that
facility. The manufacturer can then engage the laboratory for its services and supply the
feet to be tested, with the same standard testing methods to be used. The independent
testing facility shall timely provide the results to both AOPA and the manufacturer,
together with its attestation that the methods prescribed by AOPA have been strictly
There is a second and final option afforded to a company which engages, at its own
expense, the independent testing facility that AOPA has identified, where the
manufacturer disagrees with the results of the independent testing conducted by the
AOPA contractor. Such a manufacturer could take one final step, of securing testing of
its product(s) engaging two additional independent testing labs of the company’s
choosing, again with all costs borne by the manufacturer, which attest that they will test
the product using the identical testing methods specified in this document, with each
independent testing facility providing a report on the results of their testing to both AOPA
and the manufacturer immediately upon completion of the testing. If both of those
results agree with each other, but disagree with the results from the AOPA contractor,
then the results from the two additional tests would be honored and substituted for the
AOPA contractor results in the final AOPA report.
Signed: ____________________________________________________
Date _______________________________
We would like to thank the following manufacturers who participated in this Project:
Without their support and input, this project could not have been completed.
Information contained in this publication is the consensus opinion of the AOPA Prosthetic Foot
Manufacturers Task Force based on information known and available as of the date when the
matter was last reviewed. This publication does not represent any official policy or position of the
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association, nor of its individual members, and should not be
presented or quoted as such. The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association does not assume,
and cannot accept any responsibility for any damages or injury which may result from reliance
upon this voluntary educational publication. This publication is a holistic document, and AOPA
cautions particularly against quoting this publication in part, or excerpting specific portions of this
document, and any such usage is not authorized.
Copyright, 2010, American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association. All rights reserved.
Appendix A
Summary of Test Thresholds
Test Threshold
1. Keel Test
Keel Type Displacement @ 1230N % Return
Rigid <25mm NA
Flexible !25mm <75%
Dynamic !25mm !75%
Cushioned Does not meet Displacement and/or % Return criteria for dynamic heel.
3. Single If the metatarsal region of the foot contacts the loading wedge at or before the max load the foot
Axis Test qualifies for Single Axis
4. Multiaxial Plane(s)
Sagital Dorsiflexion Sagital Plantarflexion Coronal
Test of Motion
10° " Dorsiflexion 8° " Plantarflexion
Multiaxial: Inversion
1230N @ 200 N/s 1230N @ 200 N/s
Second Loading Pass Heel Contact Toe Contact ! 8°
Second Loading Fail No Heel Contact No Toe Contact < 8°
! Sagital Dorsiflexion tested first
! If PASS, then Sagital Plantarflexion
! If PASS, then Coronal Inversion
! If PASS, then Foot Complies with Multiaxial Criteria
5. Axial Under Axial compression load of 800N applied at proximal connection of the foot, foot and device
Torque and/or device on its own, when subjected to axial rotation of up to 20Nm, the device, or foot and
Absorption device, should reach a minimum threshold value of 16 degrees on both internal and external
Test rotational direction (may not be proportionate) for compliance with the Axial Torque Absorbing
feature addition.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
6. Vertical Vertical Displacement Does not meet vertical loading test
Loading a) Prosthetic foot < 10mm
Test Vertical Displacement Does meet vertical loading test
>= 10mm
b) Endoskeletal Vertical Displacement Does not meet vertical loading test
< 6mm
Vertical Displacement Does meet vertical loading test
>= 6mm
7. Dynamic Feet attaining a net displacement of >10 mm qualify for the dynamic response pylon code.
Pylon Test
Pylons attaining a net displacement of >10mm qualify for the dynamic response pylon code.
8. Horizontal The passing criterion for the horizontal toe keel motion is >= 25 mm.
Test The passing criterion for the horizontal heel motion is >= 5 mm.
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.
Appendix B
NOTE: These tests are of a mechanical nature and are designed to assist individuals in
determining which feet should be assigned to specific HCPCS L codes, based upon the specific
attributes of the prosthetic foot and the characteristics described in the code. The thresholds
were developed within the constraints of the existing coding system. These guidelines are
designed to relate to the mechanical characteristics of the foot and are not meant to measure or
evaluate clinical safety or effectiveness of any device.