Internet Last
Internet Last
Internet Last
A. Introduction - 16198
B. History - 15890
C. Purpose - 16240
D. Advantages - 16046
Introduction to IOT
What is IOT ?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other
items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables
these things to connect and exchange data,creating opportunities for more direct integration of the
physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic
benefits, and reduced human exertions.
The number of IoT devices increased 31% year-over-year to 8.4 billion in 2017 and it is estimated
that there will be 30 billion devices by 2020. The global market value of IoT is projected to reach $7.1
trillion by 2020.
IoT involves extending internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops,
smartphones and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical
devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and
interact over the internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.
1 - What is the Internet of Things ?
History of IOT The History of IoT (Internet of Things) and How It’s
Changed Today(15890)
What do you know about the Internet of Things and how does it work today? If you’re asking that
question, you are maybe thinking how technology advancements impact the world. Yes, it’s true. At
some point, you’ll also be curious about how the Internet of Things helps your daily life.
So, let’s take a look at the history of IoT and how it’s changed today:
How Does the Internet of Things Begin and Where It is Heading Now?
The Internet of Things is not a new concept at all. History speaks that it already began several years
ago but the introduction of the terminology “Internet of Things” only occurred back in 1999 – and
the person behind the advent of this term was Kevin Ashton, a MIT’s Auto-ID Center’s co-founder.
After this term was introduced, the Internet of Things went viral as Google Ngram displays. One of
the first examples of the Internet of Things was during the early 1980’s. It was a machine used by
Coca-Cola in Carnegie Melon University. That machine was a refrigerated appliance. Yes, you get it
right! The Coca-Cola machine was operated by the local programmers by connecting the Internet to
Part of IoT’s beginnings is an idea from Ashton to focus on technology based on radio frequency
identification which is necessary in connecting several devices easily. Ashton’s notion was different
from how IoT works in the present year since IP networking allows devices to exchange information.
Well, the first concept from Ashton isn’t an issue at all considering that technologies years ago were
not sufficiently advanced. Besides, cellular networks during that time were not using an IP-based
configuration system.
With the IoT’s relevant achievements years ago, you’d say that the world is definitely changing for the better. But, it was
only in the recent years that Internet Of Things has been the apple of the eye in the realm of electronics. It’s no longer just
about Internet-connected appliances. Because of today’s modernizations, the Internet of Things covers all types of devices
ranging from TV to cars when it comes to Internet connectivity. So, here comes the question, “How did it happen?” and
“What makes it possible?” These are the lines of questions you can think about following IoT’s rapid change since 2000.
Well, there are answers to your questions. As people live in an innovative world, the networking capabilities expand, the
establishment of new standards and the start of all-encompassing data analytics tools have brought the Internet of Things
on top. Yes, this is true especially when there are institutions that make it easy for IoT hardware and software to interact
with various vendors.
The evolution of the Internet of Things doesn’t stop there. In the year 2013, the growth of IoT has become more apparent
since it has evolved into a system which uses multiple technologies. For the record, control systems, GPS, wireless sensor
networks and even automation of buildings and homes provide support for the growing concept of the Internet of Things.
Well, it’s part of globalization. Sooner or later, all the things you can do as a human being can be conveniently done with
the help of modern technologies along with the idea of the Internet of Things.
There are many things you can do with the IoT. It’s ready for creative ideas to add up the usual tasks of man. Imagine, when
someone rings your doorbell and it’s linked to your smartphone, you’ll know who the person is, and at the same time, you
can speak to him. Another one is when an alarm is waking you up and signaling your coffee maker to brew your coffee or
when your wristwatch can tell you how productive you are at work.
In short, technology will make your life easy and comfortable. All you need to do is to interconnect your devices and
equipment. Just it! This new era of technological expertise and ideas appear to be exciting and unbelievable, right? But,
what the bottom line here is that anything can be possible with technology.
• We use a proven product development process that captures the needs of users and supports
your business model.
• Our systems design expertise can help you architect your overall solution.
• Our design and development capabilities stretch across the complete IoT technology stack.
• We have the knowledge necessary to design for the regulatory requirements in the medical
device and other industries.
• Hardware business models are changing and time to market is more critical then ever before
- our development speed can be your competitive advantage
Purposes of IOT(S.P.L.S.JAYAWEERA/16240/MC83651)
IoT involves extending internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops,
smartphones and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical
devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and
interact over the internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Connected devices are part of a scenario in which every device talks to other related devices in an
environment to automate home and industry tasks, and to communicate usable sensor data to
users, businesses and other interested parties. IoT devices are meant to work in concert for people
at home, in industry or in the enterprise. As such, the devices can be categorized into three main
groups: consumer, enterprise and industrial.
Consumer connected devices include smart TVs, smart speakers, toys, wearables and smart
appliances. Smart meters, commercial security systems and smart city technologies -- such as those
used to monitor traffic and weather conditions -- are examples of industrial and enterprise IoT
devices. Other technologies, including smart air conditioning, smart thermostats, smart lighting and
smart security, span home, enterprise and industrial uses.
In a smart home, for example, a user arrives home and his car communicates with the garage to
open the door. Once inside, the thermostat is already adjusted to his preferred temperature, and
the lighting is set to a lower intensity and his chosen color for relaxation, as his pacemaker data
indicates it has been a stressful day.
In the enterprise, smart sensors located in a conference room can help an employee locate and
schedule an available room for a meeting, ensuring the proper room type, size and features are
available. When meeting attendees enter the room, the temperature will adjust according to the
occupancy, and the lights will dim as the appropriate PowerPoint loads on the screen and the
speaker begins his presentation.
On a plant floor, an assembly line machine outfitted with sensors will provide sensor data to the
plant operator, informing her of anomalies and predicting when parts will need to be replaced. Such
information can prevent unexpected downtime, along with lost productivity and profits.
In the field, such notifications can alert users to what is wrong, as well as the parts needed to fix a
problem, preventing the need to send a field service worker out to diagnose an issue, only to waste
her time driving to a warehouse, finding the correct part and returning to the site.
1. Communication
IoT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as Machine-to-Machine
(M2M) communication.
Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally with wireless
infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in the workings.
3. Information
4. Monitor
The second most obvious advantage of IoT is monitoring. Knowing the exact quantity of supplies or
the air quality in your home, can further provide more information that could not have previously
been collected easily.
5. Time
he biggest advantage of IoT is saving money. If the price of the tagging and monitoring equipment is
less than the amount of money saved, then the Internet of Things will be very widely adopted.
8. Saves Money
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