Peackock - A Treatise On Algebra Vol 2 (1845)

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- A-











I HAVE endeavoured, in the present volume, to present

the principles and applications of Symbolical, in immediate

sequence to those of Arithmetical, Algebra, and at the same

time to preserve that strict logical order and simplicity of

form and statement which is essential to an elementary work.

This is a task of no ordinary difficulty, more particularly
when the great generality of the language of Symbolical
Algebra and the wide range of its applications are con
sidered ; and this difficulty has not been a little increased,
in the present instance,
by the wide departure of my own
views of its
principles from those which have been commonly

It is true that the same views of the relations of the

principles of Arithmetical and Symbolical Algebra formed

the basis of my first
publication on Algebra in 1830: but not

only was the nature of the dependance of Symbolical upon

Arithmetical Algebra very imperfectly developed in that work,

but no sufficient attempt was made to reduce its principles and

a complete and regular system, all whose
their applications to

parts were connected with each other they have conse :

quently been sometimes controverted upon grounds more or

less erroneous; and
notwithstanding a very general acknow
ledgment of their theoretical authority, they have hitherto
exercised very little influence upon the views of elementary

writers on Algebra.

It may likewise be very reasonably contended that the

reduction of such principles, as those which I have ventured


to put forward, to an elementary form, in which they may

be fully understood by an ordinary student, is the only prac
tical and decisive test, I will not say of their correctness,

but of their value : for we are very apt to conclude that

the most difficult theories and researches which have become
from long study and contemplation, may be
familiar to us

made equally clear and intelligible to others as well as to

ourselves and though I will not say that I feel perfectly

secure that I may not have been, in some degree, under

the influence of this very common source of self-deception

and error, yet I have adopted the only course which was

open to me, in order to bring this question to an issue, by

embodying my own views in an elementary work, and by

suppressing as much as possible any original or other re

searches, which might be considered likely to interfere with

its complete and systematic developement.
It is from the relations of space that Symbolical Algebra
derives its
largest range of interpretations, as well as the chief
sources of power of dealing with those, branches of science

and natural philosophy which are essentially connected with

them : it is for this reason that I have endeavoured to as

sociate Algebra with Geometry thoughout the whole course

of its developement, beginning with the geometrical interpre
tation of the signs + and - when considered with reference
to each other, and advancing to that of the various other

signs which
are symbolized by the roots of 1 : we are thus

enabled, in the present volume, to bring the Geometry of

Position, embracing the whole theory of lines considered both
in relative position and magnitude and the properties of
rectilineal figures, under the dominion of Algebra in a sub :

sequent volume this application will be further extended to

the Geometry of Situation, (where lines are considered in

their absolute as well as in their relative position with re

spect to each other),

and also to the theory of curves.

The theory of the roots of 1 is so important, not merely

with reference to the signs of affection which they symbolize,
but likewise in the exposition of the general theory of equa
tions and in all the higher branches of Symbolical Algebra,

that I have thought it expedient to give it with unusual

fulness and detail :

may be considered as forming
such roots
the connecting link between Arithmetical and Symbolical

could be very
Algebra, without whose aid the two sciences
imperfectly separated from each other.
have not entered further into the general theory of

equations than was necessary to enable me to exhibit


theory of their general solution, as far it can be carried by

existing methods, reserving the more complete exposition

their properties and of the methods employed for their

numerical solution, to a subsequent volume.

The plan which I have adopted necessarily brings Tri

gonometry, or to speak more properly, Goniometry, within

the compass of the present volume, not merely as forming
the most essential element in the application of Algebra to

the Geometry of Position, but as intimately connected with

many important analytical theories.


ON the operations of addition and subtraction in Symbolical Al
gebra 1


On the operations of multiplication and division in Symbolical

Algebra 17


On the determination of the highest common divisors, and the

lowest common multiples of two or more algebraical expres
sions 36

On the reduction of algebraical expressions to their most simple
equivalent forms 52

Formal statement of the principle of the permanence of equiva
lent forms 59

The theory of indices. ...*. 61

On the extraction of square roots in Symbolical
Algebra: origin
of ambiguous roots and of the 67
sign */-!


Applications of the fundamental operations of Symbolical Algebra

to expressions
involving the sign N/^T 74

On the general theory and solution of quadratic equations... 77

On the solution of equations of higher orders than the second,
which are resolvible into simple or quadratic factors ............ 96

The binomial theorem and its applications .............................. 110


On the use of the square and higher roots of 1 as signs of affec

tion ............................................................................. 120

On the symbolical properties of different orders of the root of 1. 123

On the general principles of the interpretation of the signs of
which are symbolized by the roots of 1 .................. 135

On the representation and measures of angles ........................... 144

On the theory of the sines and cosines of angles ..................... 166

On the tangents, cotangents, secants, cosecants and versed sines
of angles ........ ............................................................ 181

On the construction of a canon of sines and cosines, tangents
and cotangents, secants and cosecants ................................. 188

On Demoivre s formula and the expression, by means of it, of
the roots of 1 and of a b J~^l ....................................... 194

On the representation of straight lines both in position and
magnitude, and the application of Algebra to the theory of
rectilinear figures ............................................................ 207

On logarithms, and logarithmic tables and their use 234


On the determination of the sides and angles of triangles, or

trigonometry, properly so called 246

On the use and application of subsidiary angles 260

On exponential and logarithmic series 268

On the limits of the values of series proceeding according to

ascending or descending powers of a symbol, which is capable

of indefinite diminution or increase 278

On the series and exponential expressions for the sine and co
sine of an angle 284


On the relations of zero and infinity 294

On the decomposition of rational fractions with compound deno
minators into partial fractions 308


On the assumption and determination of series 316


On the solution and theory of cubic equations 326


On the solution and theory of biquadratic equations 346



On the solution and reduction of recurring equations 361

On the solution of simultaneous equations, and the theory of

On the algebraical solution of binomial equations

Sources of ambiguity 42^


It is feared that very few of the errors have been noticed, no sufficient time

having been devoted to the revision of the work.




543. THE symbols in Arithmetical Algebra represent num- Distinction

bers, whether abstract or concrete, whole or fractional, and the Arithmetic
operations to which they are subiect are assumed to be identical and Anth-
11 P i metical
in meaning and extent with the operations of the same name Algebra.
in common Arithmetic: the only distinction between the two
sciences consisting in the substitution of general symbols for
Thus, if a be added to 6, as in the expression a + b, it is
assumed that a and b are either abstract numbers or concrete
numbers of the same kind: if b be subtracted from a, as in the
expression a b, it is assumed that a is greater than b, which

implies likewise that they are numbers of the same kind: if

a be multiplied by b, as in the xpression a b (Art. 34), or if

be divided by 6, as in the expression

^ (Art. 71), it is assumed

that b is an abstract number. In all these cases, the operation

required to be performed, whether it be addition or subtraction,
multiplication or division, is clearly defined and understood, and
the result which is obtained, is a
necessary consequence of the
definition:the same observation applies to all the results of
Arithmetical Algebra.

544. But the symbols, which are thus employed, do not The as-
convey, either to the eye or to the mind, in the same manner as
digital numbers and geometrical lines, the limitations of value to limited
which they are subject in Arithmetical Algebra : for they are the symbols

equally competent to represent quantities of all kinds, and of all f^i Jesfhe
relations of magnitude. But if we venture to ascribe to them necessary
a perfect generality of value, (upon which a conventional limi- oft!Je?nde-
tation was imposed in Arithmetical Algebra), it will be found P e
to involve, as an immediate and
n u
s ^ ^ j

necessary consequence, the + and-.

recognition of the use of symbols preceded by the signs +
, without any direct reference to their connection with other

Thus, in the expression a b, if we are authorized to assume
a to bi either greater or less than b, we may replace a by the

equivalent expression b + c in one case, and by b c in the other :

in the first case, we get ab=b+c-b=bb+c (Art. 22),

= + c (Art. 16) =+ c = c and in the second a
: b = b c b
=b b c = c=c. The first result is recognized in Arith
metical Algebra (Art. 23) : but there is no result in Arithmetical

Algebra which corresponds to the second: inasmuch as it is assumed

that no operation can be performed and therefore no result can be
obtained, when a is less than b, in the expression a
- b (Art. 13).*
Positive 545. Symbols, preceded by the signs + or , without any

connection with other symbols, are called positive and negative
(Art. 32) symbols, or positive and negative quantities
: such sym
bols are also said to be affected with the signs -f and . Positive

symbols and the numbers which they represent, form the subjects
of the operations both of Arithmetical and Symbolical Algebra :
but negative symbols, whatever be the nature of the quantities
which the unaffected symbols represent, belong exclusively to
the province of Symbolical Algebra.

Assump- 546. The following are the assumptions, upon which the
!nrmbo -
rules of operation in Symbolical Addition and Subtraction are
lical addi- founded.
subtrac- ^ s ^* Symbols, which are general in form, are equally gene-
tion. raj i n representation and value.
2nd. The rules of the operations of addition and subtraction
in Arithmetical Algebra, when applied to symbols which are

general in form though restricted in value, are applied, without

alteration, in Symbolical Algebra, where the symbols are gene
ral in their value as well as in their form.
It will follow from this second assumption, as will be after
wards more fully shewn, that all the results of the
of addition and subtraction in Arithmetical Algebra, will be
results likewise of Symbolical Algebra, but not conversely.
If we assume symbols to be capable of all values, from zero upwards,
we may likewise include zero in their number: upon this assumption, the ex

pressions a + b and a b will become + 6 and 6, or +b and b, or b and b

respectively, when a becomes equal to zero : this is another mode of deriving the
conclusion in the text.
547- Proceeding upon the assumptions made in the last Rule for
Article, the rule for Symbolical Addition may be stated as fol-
lows :

"Write all the addends or summands (Art. 24, Ex. 1.) in the
same line, preceded by their proper signs, collecting like terms
(Art. 28) into one (Art. 29): and arrange the terms of the result
or sum in any order, whether alphabetical or not, which may be
considered most symmetrical or most convenient."
be understood that negative (Art. 545) as well as positive Negative
It will

symbols or expressions may be the subjects of this operation, moccu-

and it is therefore not necessary, as in Arithmetical Algebra, PY the first
n 6
that the first term of the final result should be positive (Art. 22). fe?ufts of
548. The following are examples of Symbolical Addition. Algebra.

(1) Add together 3a and 5 a. Examples.

3a + 5a = 8a (Art. 29).

Add -
(2) together 3 a and 5 a.

3a-5a=-2a (Art. 31).

This is exclusively a result of Symbolical Algebra.

(3) Add together -3 a and 5 a.

This result, which is obtained by the Rule, is equivalent to

that which would arise from the subtraction of 3 a from 5a:
or, in other words, the addition of - 3 a to 5 a in
Algebra, is equivalent to the subtraction of 3 a from 5 a in
Arithmetical Algebra.

Add together
- 3 a and - 5 a.
-3a-5a=-8a (Art. 31).

This is exclusively a result of Symbolical Algebra: in con

trasting it however with Ex. 1, it merely differs from it in the use
of the sign throughout, instead of the sign + .

(5) 3a (6) 3x* (?)

-5a - x*

Qa: 4>abc

In these examples, the coefficients of the like terms, which

haveUhe same sign, are added together, and
to the difference of

the sums, preceded by the sign of the greater, is subjoined the

rule given in
symbolical part of the several like terms : it is the
Art. 31, applied without any reference to the signs of the first term.
(8) 3a-4>b (9) -7*

a~-3b -3x*- xy+Wf

In these examples, the sets of like terms are severally com

bined into one (Art. 31), and arranged, in the result, in alpha
betical order, no regard being paid to the placing a positive

term, when any exists, in the first place.

(10) -3a-4>b + 5c

-4,a + b + 8c-lld-3e

The several sets of like terms are collected together out

of the several addends.

(11) 7x* 4a.r-f a2


- 6,r
2 -

The alphabetical order of the symbols is, in this case, re

versed, It should be kept in mind in this and in all other cases
that the arrangement of the terms in the final result, does not
affect its value or signification, but is merely adopted as an aid

to the eye or to the memory, or with reference to peculiar circum

stances connected with some one or more of the symbols involved:
see the Examples in Art. 33.

Rule for 549. The rule for subtraction in Symbolical Algebra is


in^ymbo -
by virtue of the assumptions in Art. 546, from the
lical Alge-
corresponding rule in Arithmetical Algebra : it may be stated
as follows.
" To the minuend or minuends, add
(Art. 54?) the several
terms of the subtrahend or subtrahends with their signs changed
from -f to - and from to + ."

The following are examples of Symbolical subtraction.

(1) From a subtract b.

The result a + b: or the symbolical difference of a and

is b
is equivalent to the sum of a and b.

(2) la (3) -la (4) la (5)

3a - 3a - 3a 3a

40 -4 Wa - 10a

In these examples, the minuend and subtrahend are written

underneath each other, as in common Arithmetic: the results are
severally the same as in the following examples of addition.
(Art. 547)
la la la la
-3a 3a 3a -3a

a + b (7) a-b (8) a +b
a-b a+b a+b
2b -26 2a

These examples are respectively equivalent to

(6) a + b - (a - b), or a + b - a + b = 2 b.

(7) a -b- (a + b), or a-b -a -b =-2b.

(8) a+ b -(-a+ b), or a + b + a - b = 2a.
(9) -a b-(a-b), or - a - b - a + b = - 20.
The terms of the several subtrahends are included between
brackets, and, when the brackets are removed, all their signs are
changed (Art. 24).
(10) a* + 3a

(11) 3a- 46+ lc- Qd


(12) From 3x~-7y subtract x + <2y and -

= 9x- ISy.
The between brackets and pre
several subtrahends included
ceded by the sign , are written in the same line with the
minuend ; the brackets are subsequently removed and the signs
of the several terms which
they include changed, in conformity
with the Rule.

x s -xy+y a .

In we first remove the exterior brackets and reduce

this case,
to their most simple equivalent form the terms which are ex
ternal to those which remain: we then remove the
brackets and arrange the terms, when reduced, in alphabetical
order (Arts. 20 and 21.)

(14) a-[a + b-{a + b + c-(a + b + c + d)}^]

=a a b + {a + b + c (a + b + c + d)}
b + a + b+c~ (a + b + c + d)
a+ca- bcd
-b~d, or -(b + d).
In this case, we have a triple set of brackets which are suc

cessively removed, and the like terms, which they involve, are
obliterated or reduced into one. See the Examples in Art. 33.
^ *n tne ex P s iti n an d exemplification of the
used in rules, we have felt it to be unnecessary to repeat definitions and
Arithmeti- ^. , . , , , , ,. . . ,

assumptions which are common to symbolical and Arithmetical


cal and
Algebra such are the ordinary uses and meanings of the signs

In Arith- + and , of coefficients (Art. 25), of like and unlike terms (Art. 28),
of indices and powers (Arts. 38 and 39), and the methods of
the defini-
denoting the ordinary operations (Art. Q).
tions deter
mine the 551. The use however, of the same terms in these two sciences

operation :
will by no means imply that they possess the same
meaning in all
j? ^y^ their applications. In Arithmetic and Arithmetical Algebra, ad-
bra the dition and subtraction are defined or understood in their ordinary
sense, and the rules of operation are deduced from the defini-
determine tions: in Symbolical Algebra, we adopt the rules of operation
which are thence derived, extending their application to all the mean-
values of the symbols and adopting also as the subject matter of
our operations or of our reasonings, whatever quantities or forms of themselves,
symbolical expression may result from this extension but, inas- results. :

much as many cases, the operations required to be performed


are impossible, and their results inexplicable, in their ordinary

sense, it
follows that the meaning of the operations performed,
as well as of the results obtained under such circumstances, must
be derived from the assumed rules, and not from their defini

tions or assumed meanings, as in Arithmetical Algebra.

We will endeavour to illustrate this important and funda
mental distinction between these two sciences in the case of the
two operations which form the subject of this Chapter.

552. The
rule of subtraction, derived rigorously from the Considera-
definition or assumed meaning of that operation in Arithmetical different
Algebra, directs us to change the signs of the terms of the caf es of .

subtraction .

subtrahend and to write them, when so changed, in the same in the tran-
line with the terms of the minuend, incorporating, by a proper
rule, like terms into one. In the application of this rule, three cal to Sym-
.11 , i . , , bolical
cases will present themselves, which it may be proper to con- Algebra.
sider separately.

1st. Where the subtrahend is

obviously less than the minuend, when the
If the minuend be a+ c and the subtrahend be a, then a + c subtrahend
is less tnsn
= =
a + c c. If the minuend be Sa + jb and the subtrahend be the minu-
2a + 6b, then 3a + lb - (2 a -f 6b) = 3a + 7b - 2a - 6b = a + b. Camples.
In these examples, the results follow necessarily from the
definition of subtraction in its ordinary usage, merely supposing
that the symbols represent magnitudes of the same kind.

2nd. Where the subtrahend may or may not be less than when the
the minuend, according to the relation of the values of the subtrahend
... , may be less
symbols involved. than the
If the minuend be 3a + 46 and the subtrahend 2a + 5b, then
3a + 4>b (%a + 5b) = 3a + 4ib 2a 5b = a b. necessarily
If a be greater than b, this is a result of Arithmetical Al- Examples.
gebra, but it ceases to be so when a is less than b: as long
therefore as the relation of the values of a and b remains un
determined, it is uncertain whether it is a result of Arithmeti
cal or of Symbolical
Algebra it is one of an infinite number

of cases in which these two sciences be said to inoscu may

late with each other.

If the minuend be 3a-4>b and the subtrahend be 2a-b,

then 3a-4,b-(2a-b)=3a-4>b-2a + b = a-3b. Unless a be
greater than 3b this is an example of Symbolical Algebra only.
When the 3rd. Where the subtrahend is obviously greater than the

than the If the minuend be a and the subtrahend a + c, then

Examples. a (<z
-f c)
=a a c = c.

If the minuend be 2a + 3b and the subtrahend 3a + 4ib: then

If the minuend be %a + 3b + 4>c and the subtrahend be

4>a + 76+ lOc then :

&-f 4c-(4a + 76 + lOc)

In these examples, the results are obtained, by the appli

cation of the rule for the removal of the brackets when pre
ceded by the sign minus and for the incorporation of like
terms, under circumstances which are not recognized in Arith
metical Algebra, inasmuch as they are not necessary conse

quences of the definition of the operation of subtraction, though

they are necessary results of the unlimited application of the
rule for performing it.

InSymbo- 553u Again, in Arithmetical Algebra, it has been shewn

bra\tw in-
to ^e what order, terms connected by the signs
indifferent in
so long as a positive term
plus a nd minus, succeed each other,
different in

the terms occupies the first place (Art. 22) and the several operations in-
dicated are Lpossible*. Thus a +b is equivalent
to b + a: a-b
each other.
+ c is equivalent to a + c- b or c+ a b or c - b + a*. The
same rule is transferred to Symbolical Algebra, without any

restrictionwith respect to the values or signs of the symbols

involved, in virtue of the assumptions made in Art. 546. Thus

* Art. 21 and note. Thus if b was

greater than a, but less than a + c, the

operation, or rather succession of operations, indicated in the expression a b +c

would be impossible, but would cease to be so in the expression a + c b : it is

however convenient, even in Arithmetical Algebra, to consider an expression as

representing any value which an interchange of its terms would render it capable
of expressing : in virtue of this convention, we might consider b+a, as equivalent
to a b, and recognise its use in Arithmetical Algebra, if a was greater than b.
a -
b is equivalent, in this latter science, to - 6 + a, for all

values of a and b: 3a + 5a is
equivalent to 5a 3a: a b + c

equivalent to a + c b or c + a b or c b +a or b + a+c
or b + c + a, and similarly in all other cases.

554. Inasmuch as the results of symbolical addition and The mean-

subtraction are obtained from an assumed rule of operation, and
not from the definition of the operation itself, it will follow symbolical
that their meaning,when capable of being interpreted, must which are
be dependent upon the conditions which they are required to ^ruo"
satisfy but as the rules for performing these operations and arithmeti-

the results obtained are or may be made* identical in those mus t be as-
two sciences in which are equally within their pro- Jf Jnter ^re
all cases

vince, it is allowable to assume that the operations and their tation.

results, within those limits, possess precisely the same meaning:
it is only when the results of these rules are not common to

Arithmetical Algebra, that it will be found necessary to resort

to an interpretation of their meaning, upon principles which
we shall proceed to establish and to exemplify in the case of
the operations which are under consideration.

555. The
addition of a symbol preceded by a negative Conditions

sign is equivalent to the subtraction of the same symbol pre- tetion terpre
of positive
3 a positive sign and conversely.
ceded by J
and nega-
Thus a+ -b = a-b = a

It appears, therefore, that in the case of negative symbols,

the operation of addition is no longer associated with the fun

damental idea of increase, nor that of subtraction with that of
decrease: and thus a change of sign from plus to minus, in
the symbol operated upon, is equivalent to a
change of opera
tion from addition to subtraction and

556. The signs plus and minus, when prefixed to symbols The signs
denoting quantities of the same kind, cannot denote modifica- ^ed inde
Thus if a be greater than b, the symbolical result - b + a is convertible into
{* ^on"-
a b, which is, under this form, a result of arithmetical algebra. vertible af-
t These formulae express the rule for the and unlike signs fections of
concurrence of like
in symbolical addition and subtraction, which! is as follows: "when two unlike ma g nitude

signs come together, they are replaced by the single sign and when two like;

signs come together, they are replaced by the single sign +."


tions of magnitude*, but only such affections or qualities of

the magnitudes represented, as are convertible by the operations
of addition and subtraction it is on this account that
: a can
admit of no interpretation, as compared with a or +a, when a
denotes an abstract number, to which no qualities are attributed.

557. Quantities and their symbols
J are said to be real or
sible quan- possible, when they can be shewn to correspond to real or

possible existences in all other cases, they are said to be un


real, impossible or imaginary. It will follow, therefore, that when

positive symbols represent real quantities, the same symbols

with a negative sign will be said to be impossible or imagi
nary, whenever they are not capable of an interpretation, which
is consistent with the conditions
they are required to satisfy.
It remains to shew that there exist large classes of magnitudes
which possess qualities which can be correctly symbolized by
the signs + and , and that consequently the terms negative and

impossible^ are not coextensive in their application.

Interpreta- 558. Our

first example of the existence of H qualities of
tionofthe . ,. .
, _. , ... , , .

signs + and magnitudes which can be thus symbolized will be in expressing

case of
^ e PP s i te directions of lines in geometry, and which will
symbols re- be found to constitute one of the most extensive applications
lines^n f Symbolical Algebra the discussion of the following problem

geometry. w ju form the most simple introduction to this most important


Its solution


departure and
"A traveller
northwards for b miles
of departure ?"
Let A be the point of
the dis-

expressed in mag-
nitude by the symbol a, to
which he

travels southwards
moves southwards for a miles, and then returns
what is his final distance from the point

let BC be the distance,



in magnitude by the symbol b } through which he returns north-

*For if +a and b continue to denote magnitudes of the same kind, they may

be replaced by the ordinary symbols of Arithmetical Algebra, such as c and d,

when c+d = a + ( b) = a b is always greater than c d or a (b) or a + b,
results which are contradictory to each other.
t So numerous are the cases in which negative quantities admit of a consistent
interpretation, that the term impossible has never been applied to them it has :

been uniformly applied however to a second class of symbolical quantities, though

not, as will be hereafter shewn, with perfect propriety.

wards: his final distance AC, when he stops, from the point
of departure, is the excess of AB above AC, and is
- we suppose c to represent the distance
represented by a b : or if

AC, then we have

a b = c.

As long as AB
greater than BC, or a is greater than b, the

traveller continueson the same side of the point of departure A,

and the solution of the problem is strictly within the limits of
Arithmetical Algebra : but if we suppose the traveller to return
farther northwards than he went, in the first instance, south
wards, or AB to be less
than then his distance c
AC to the north of the point of departure A, is not capable
of being represented in Arithmetical Algebra by a b, since a
is less than b, and the operation thus indicated is impossible:

but inasmuch as, in this case, AC the final distance of the tra
veller to the north of A is the excess of BC above AB, or of
b above a, it willbe correctly represented in Arithmetical Alge
bra by b a : and if b = a + c, we shall have

b a = c.

There are therefore two distinct cases of this problem, when TWO dis

solved by the principles of Arithmetical Algebra, according as of ^.

the traveller stops on the south or on the north of the point blem when

^ 48

of departure and it will be observed that the solution obtained Seprina-


le s ot
in each case expresses the absolute magnitude of the final dis- ? -

tance only, and not its quality or affection, whether south or cal Alge-
In the geometrical solution of the problem, the distances are its geome-
al solu "
expressed and exhibited to the eye, both in quality and mag- |F^
nitude and there is no such interruption of continuity in passing

from south to north of the point of departure, or, in other words,

through the zero point, as occurs in the solution of the problem
by the principles of Arithmetical Algebra.
Let us next consider the solution of this problem by the prin- its solution
6 "

ciples of Symbolical Algebra. of^

Denoting AB by a and BC by b, when AB is
greater than Symbolical
BC, the distance AC
from the point of departure is denoted
by a b: and inasmuch as the operation denoted by is assumed

to be possible for all relations of value of a and b (Art. 546),

we may suppose b equal to a + c as well as to a - c, or to be
greater as well as less than a : in one case we get, when b = a-c,

a b =a (a c)
=+c= c, and in the other, when b =a+ c,

a b =a (a + c) = -c.

Assuming the first result + c or c, which is common to Arith

metical Algebra, to represent a distance to the south of the point
of departure, the second or c, which belongs to Symbolical

Algebra alone, will represent a corresponding distance to the

north of the point of departure: for the expression a b be

comes + c or - c, according as b is replaced by a c, or by

a + c, or according as the traveller is on the south or the north

of the point of departure, and his actual distance considered
with respect to magnitude only, is, in both cases, correctly
expressed by c it follows, therefore, that the
signs + and
applied to the distance c, under such circumstances, when con
sidered with reference to each other, will symbolize its qualities
whether south or north : thus if + c denotes a distance to the
south, c will denote an equal distance to the north and con

versely; such an interpretation of the meaning of these signs

when thus applied, is consistent with the assumption that the

operation denoted by in the expression a b is equally pos

sible for all values of the symbols: and it also enables us to
include under one formula, and therefore under one solution,
the two cases of the problem which are required to be sepa

rately considered in Arithmetical Algebra*.

The signs
559. We are enabled to conclude, from the discussion of
+ and -
preceding problem, that the signs + and , when thus used

signs of independently, symbolize relative qualities

of the specific mag-

nitude which the symbol c expresses, where the nature of the
denoting relation between them is determined by the conditions which
lines, sym- . .
r , . , .

thus in the case which we have

they are required to satisfy
bolize op-

been considering, it is
opposition of direction, and opposition of
and oppo- direction alone which these signs can correctly express: for if
S e d
t io ns only.
we suppose AB (a} to be the distance c
to which the traveller proceeds south- \

wards, and BC or b the distance to

which he proceeds not northwards,
but in any other direction, such as A B
north north east, then his final distance AC from the point of
a - b, whatever be the re
departure will not be expressed by
lation of the values of a and b in other words, if we replace b

a c or a + the result + c or c in one case and c in

by by c,
* See

the other, will not express the final distances of the traveller
either in magnitude or direction, and consequently will admit
of no interpretation which is relative to the problem proposed*.
560. The same problem may be
variously modified in form, The same
without altering the essential conditions upon which its solution P robl em
by the principles of Symbolical Algebra depends: thus instead variously
of estimating distances northwards and southwards of a point
of departure, they may be estimated, with reference to the lead to tne
same con-

, t. . .
i 7 r
observer s position, as lines to the right or left, up and down, elusion.
to and from, or as reckoned upon any straight line intermediate
in position to these three fundamental directions t : and in all
these cases the quantity and direction of the movement to or

from the same point, or the magnitude and direction of the geome
trical lines which express them, will be correctly symbolized
by the signs + and the steps of the processes by which these

conclusions are deduced, are absolutely identical with those which

have been followed in the discussion of the problem in Art. 558.
561. Equal lines which have the same relative though dif-
Equal lines
which have
ferent absolute positions, will be expressed by the same symbol
with the same sign for : _ relative but
if AB and CD be taken
equal to each other upon the same line, and be estimated, with positions
3T*P CX-
reference to their mode of description, in the same direction, by
they are identical in magnitude and direction, and are there-


fore expressed by the same symbol which with the

symbolizes the first,
and by the same sign which symbolizes the second. Again,
if two equal lines AB and CD be drawn
pendicular to the same line or axis XY, and
their directions estimated from it, AB and CD A
being identical in magnitude and direction, will
be expressed by the same symbol with the same
sign: and, more generally, equal parallel lines c
drawn or estimated in the same direction, whe
ther with reference to a line or
plane, will be
likewise represented by the same symbol with

*For the angle between the directions of the

movements, a relation different
from that of mere opposition is involved, as well as the
magnitudes of a and />, in
the determination of this distance and its direction.
t If we conceive
three planes to pass through the
given points at right angles to
each other, two of which also pass through the eye of the
observer, the three funda r
mental directions in question will be estimated upon their common intersections.

the same sign: for if AB be identical in magnitude and in

direction with CD, and
if EF be identical in

magnitude and direction

with CD, it will follow
that AB and EF, which
may represent any two
equal and parallel lines
drawn towards the same
parts, are identical in magnitude and direction, and therefore
represented by the same symbol with the same sign.

Equal pa- 562. It will follow, therefore, that if AB and CD be two

rallel lines i
e q ua l parallel lines
drawn E
in opposite n
* directions, A ~~B
will be ex- they will be expressed by
the same symbol with dif-
symbol ferent signs, one plus and the other minus : for if BA be pro-
ferent duced to E, making AE equal to AB or CD: then CD and
Hre ^critical m magnitude and direction, and therefore
other-. represented by the same symbol with the same sign: if AB
therefore be expressed by a, and therefore will beAE CD
expressed by a and conversely.

The same system of symbolization will equally ex-

express press opposite directions of movement upon curved or upon
rectkms not stra ig ht lines for, if in the problem proposed in Art. 558 we

in a straight
suppose the traveller to move from
A to B upon the curved or zigzag
line ACB through a distance -^ ^-^"fr
equal to a and then return upon A
the same path from BtoC through \ /\ /\
a distance equal to b, his final \s \A A v
distance from A, reckoned upon the same
path, will be expressed
a - and
by b as the conditions
: of the problem and of Symbo
lical Algebra will admit of every possible relation of value of a
and b, we may equally replace b by a c or by a + c and the :

results + c or c in one case and c in the other, will express the

final distance of the traveller from A :

every step of the rea
soning by which this conclusion is deduced being the same as
in the problem referred to.

564. Whatever conclusions have been deduced

in the pre- The same

ceding respecting the symbolization of the affections

and magnitudes of lines, will be equally applicable to those mag- tionisap-

nitudes whose affections and magnitudes can be symbolized or magnitudes

expressed by the lines themselves. Thus forces in opposite e g x _
directions, such as a force which pushes and a force which pressed

pulls, or a force which attracts and a force which repels, may a nd affec-
n by
be expressed by lines in opposite directions whose lengths are
[| s

proportional to the magnitudes of the forces and it conse :

quently follows that the same forces can be expressed by sym

bols affected by the signs + and Again, time past and time to

come and whatever magnitudes are capable of continuous and

indefinite extension,and therefore of a geometrical representation,
are likewise susceptible of affections which can be similarly sym

565. We shall conclude our observations upon this subject Symboliza-

with the discussion of one more example of a problem of very perty
extensive application.
A merchant possesses a pounds and owes b pounds : his sub
stance is therefore a by when a is
greater than b.

But since a and b may possess every relation of value, we

replace b
by a c or by a + c, according as a is greater
or less than b : in the first case we get
a b =a (a c)
=c :

and in the second,

a b =a (a + c)
= c:

if c therefore express his substance or property, when solvent,

c will express the amount of his debts when insolvent : and
if from the use of + and - as signs of affection or quality in
this case, we pass to their use as signs of operation, then inas
much as (Art. 555)

a+ ( c)
=a- c and a ( c )
= a+ c,

itwill follow, that the addition of a debt

(-c) is
equivalent to
the subtraction of property c of an equal amount, and the subtrac
tion of a debt ( - c) is equivalent to the addition of
property (c)
of an equal amount : and it
consequently appears that the sub
traction of a debt, in the
language of Symbolical Algebra, is
not its obliteration or removal, but the
change of its affection or

character,, from money or property owed to money or property

The preceding examples of the interpretation of the meaning

of negative quantities, and of the operations to which
they are
subjected, will be sufficient to shew the student that the province
of Symbolical Algebra is not unreal and
imaginary,, but that
it comprehends the representation of large classes of real exist
ences, including some of the most important of those which are
the objects of mathematical and philosophical



566. THE fundamental assumptions which were made in Funda-

Art. 546, with respect to Symbolical addition and subtraction, BUTOption8
are equally applicable, and for the same reasons, to Symbolical
j? symbo-

multiplication and division they are as follows

: :
1st. Symbols which are general in form, are equally general J-J^
in representation and value.
2nd. The rules of the operations of multiplication and divi
sion in Arithmetical Algebra, when applied to symbols which
are general in form though restricted in value, are applied
without alteration to the operations bearing the same names
in Symbolical
Algebra, when the symbols are general in their
value as well as in their form,
It will follow from the second assumption that all the re
sults of the operations of
multiplication and division in Arith
metical Algebra, will be results likewise of Symbolical Algebra,
but not conversely.

567- The samethree Cases of the operation of multiplication T h ree *? s

f s

present themselves in Symbolical and in Arithmetical Algebra cal multi- :

they are as follows:
1st. When the multiplicand and multiplier are mononomials.
2nd. When the multiplicand is a polynomial and the mul

tiplier a mononomial.
3rd. When both the multiplicand and multiplier are polyno

568. In Arithmetical Algebra, the rule for the concurrence The rule for

of and unlike signs (Art. 57,) is required in the 2nd and

3rd Cases only: but in Symbolical Algebra, the occurrence of and unlike
symbols or single terms affected with the signs + and - used quired in
e three
independently (Art. 544), renders its application necessary in all
^^ g
the three Cases under consideration. Its deduc
^ n ^
es? T J
569. In order to shew that the Rule of signs is a necessary the as-
consequence of the assumptions made in Art. 566, we shall con-
VOL. II. c

sider the product of a b and c -d as determined by the prin

ciples of Arithmetical Algebra (Art. 56), which is

(a~b)(c-d) = ab-ad-bc + bd. (1).

Assuming, therefore, the permanence of this result, or in

other words, the equivalence of the two members of which it
composed, for all values of the symbols, we may suppose two
of their number to become successively equal to zero: thus,
if we
suppose b=0 and d=0, the product (1) in question becomes
1 st.
- 0) - 0) - a c - a x - x c + x 0, or a x b = a b,

obliterating the terms which involve zero.

If we suppose b = and c = 0, we get,
2nd. (a-0)(0-e?) = xO-ad-OxO + xd, or a x-d=-ad.
If we suppose a = and d = 0, we get,
3rd. (0-b) (c-0) = xc-Ox Q-bc + b x 0, or -bxc = -bc.
If we suppose a = and c = 0, we get,
4th. (0-6)(0-c?) = 0x0-0xd- b xO + bd, or -bx-d=bd.
It follows therefore generally,
necessary consequence as a
of the assumptions (Art. 566), which form the foundation of the
" when two
The Rule, results of multiplication in Symbolical Algebra, that
like signs, whether + and + or and , concur in multiplication,
they are replaced in the product by the single sign + : and that
when two unlike signs similarly concur, whether + and or ,

and + they are replaced in the product by the single sign

, ."

Rule for
We now_ proceed to exemplify,
in their order, the three
symbolical v/r .. _ ../ . .

multiplica- aitterent
Cases ot symbolical multiplication.
CASE 1. When the multiplicand and multiplier are mono-
Case l

RULE. " In
finding the mononomial product we must de
termine its sign; secondly, its coefficient; and
first, lastly, its
literal part."

"Its sign is found by the rule for the concurrence of like

and unlike signs which is deduced in the last article: when
this sign is +, it is commonly suppressed."

"Its coefficient is the product of the coefficients of the several

factors (Art. 37): if the coefficient be
1, (Art. 30), it is generally

suppressed, as not necessary to be exhibited."

" Its literal
part is found by writing the several letters and
their powers in immediate succession after each other, incor
porating powers of the same letter into one by the rule given
in Art. 41."

It is proved in Arithmetical Algebra, (Art. 3?), and therefore

assumed in Symbolical Algebra, (Art. 566), that it is indifferent

in what order the several component factors of a product succeed
each other: it is on this account that it is usual to follow the

alphabetical order, whenever the peculiar circumstances of the

question under consideration do not render a departure from
it convenient.

571. The following are examples : Examples

,, x of Case 1.
(1) axb = abor+ax + b = + ab.

(2) ax b = ab or x b = + ab.

(3) ax b = aboY+ax b = ab.

-a x b = a b or - a x + b = a b.
These four examples merely express the rule for the con
currence of like and unlike signs. (Art. 569-)

(5) 5



suppressing the number 4, which is common to the numerator

and denominator. (Art. 76).

_ -143 a 6V _
llabc -13a 3
6 c
4 3 -
(Q\ x
12 44 528 48

suppressing the common factor 11.

(10) 11 j: x ~ 12# x- 132=1716x1/2.
2x -5xy 9x1/2 -3x3 y*z
(U) ~3 8 10 8"

572. CASE 2. When the multiplicand is a polynomial and

the multiplier a mononomial.
RULE. " Multiply the single term of the multiplier into Rule for

every successive term of the polynomial, and arrange the pro

ducts of the several terms in the result, preceded by their proper

signs, in
any order which may appear most symmetrical or
most convenient."
" If the
sign of the mononomial multiplier be negative, the
signs of all the terms of the
multiplicand will be changed in :

every other respect the rule agrees with that which is given in
Arithmetical Algebra (Art. 50).

Examples. ^73. The following are examples :

a(a-b) = a ~ab.

(2) -a 2 (a*-ab + b*) = -a +a 3 b- 4

(3) xy(-x+y)=-x*y + xy\

(4) l + .-
5 9/

Rule for
574. CASE 3. When both the multiplicand and the multi-
Case 3.

pher are polynomials.

RULE. " Multiply successively every term of one factor into
every term of the other, add the several partial products together,
and arrange the terms of the result in any order which may be
considered most convenient, without regard to the sign of the
first term."
" If there be three
factors, multiply the third into the product
of the two first: and similarly for any number of them" (Art. 6 1).

.Examples. 575. The following are examples;

x z - ax
bx + ab
x*a + bx + ab
(2) 3a-5b

-21a 2 +35ab

(3) (x + a) (.r
- ax + a 2) . x3 + a 3 .

(a -b +2bc-c )(-a +
2 2 2 2
-b 4 +2b c -c\ 2 2

(5) (x +ax + b) (x
- ax + c)= x*- ( 2 - b - c)
x 2 - (ab -ac)x
+ bc.

The examples of multiplication which are given in Arithme

tical Algebra (Arts. 37, 51 and 69, and also Arts. 478 and 479)
are examples likewise of Symbolical Multiplication, the processes
followed being the same.

576. It is usual to arrange the terms of the product according Letter or

to the powers of some one letter, which may be called the letter
or symbol of reference: thus x is the symbol of reference in Exam

ples 1, 3, 5, 6, and a in Example 2 the same letter would be the :

symbol of reference in Example 4, if the result was reduced to the

equivalent form
- a4 + 2 (b*+ c
a2 - b*+2b 2 c 2 - c\

The same result may be equally arranged under the equivalent

- b*+ 2 (a
+ c 2) b 2 - a 4 + 2aV- c 4

where b is the symbol of reference in one case, and c in the


577- The processes of division in Arithmetical and Sym- Division in

bolical Algebra merely differ in the additional rule which is

requisite for determining the sign of the quotient or of its first
term, when a negative sign affects one or both of the first terms
(or the only terms when both of them are mononomials) of the
dividend and divisor.
There are three Cases of the operation of Symbolical Division Three
corresponding to the three cases of the operation of multipli-
cation (Art. 567) we shall consider them in their order.
ration of

578. CASE 1. When both the dividend and divisor are Rule for

RULE. " The sign of the quotient is positive or negative,
according as the signs of the dividend and divisor are the same are mono-
or different."
"The coefficient of the quotient is found by dividing the
coefficient of the dividend by that of the divisor."
" The literal part of the quotient is found by obliterating the
symbols or theirpowers, which are common to the dividend
and divisor : and retaining those which are not thus suppressed/
(Art. 78).
Examples. 579. The following are examples:

(1) ax + x = a: or,
/~\ ax
(2) ax^- x = a: or,

(3) ax+ x=a: or, -a.

(4) ax^-x ~ a: or,

- ax
= a.

These four examples express the rule of signs: it is im

mediately derived from the rule for the concurrence of like and
unlike signs in Multiplication (Art. 569),
by observing that the
product of the divisor and quotient is equal to the dividend
(Arts. 70 and 72).

(5) gaV+iaaV: or,

_3 x 3a 2 x 2 x x _3x
4i x 3a 2 x 2 x a 4>a

s 2
suppressing the factor 3a x , which is common to the divi
dend and divisor.

(6) -18abcde + -12bd.e, or

- ISabcde
- 12bde ~~2~

suppressing the factor 6bdc, which is common both to the

dividend and divisor.
Other examples are given in Art. 77.

When the CASE 2. When the dividend is a polynomial and the divisor
di nd
a ;l1; n o-iSamono " omial -

the divisor RULE. "Divide successively by the rule in Case 1 (Art

578 ^ evcry term of the dividend b y the divisor, and the several
results connected with their proper
signs form the quotient."
(Art. 81).

Examples. 580. The following are examples:

(1) Divide, axbx by x,

- nx hx
-- = a + h.
(2) Divide ax*- a 2 x* +

i 3
ax*-a x +a x 2 -a x

ax2 + ax

a 3)

= a3
# 4 jr by

x*+ ax

a^x + a

a z x + ax 2 x3,

these several forms being equivalent to each other.

(3) Divide - IZacfg + 4>af 2 g - 3fg 2 h by - 4>a*b*fg,

- IZacfg + 4a/2 g - 3fg*h _ 3c J_ 3gh
-4>a 2 b 2fg ab*

Other examples are given in Art. 82.

581. CASE 3. When the divisor is a polynomial.

The dividend may be either a polynomial or a mononomial : When the.

but in the latter case, as will be shewn hereafter, there can be

no finite quotient.

Arrange the divisor and dividend according to the
powers of some one symbol or letter of reference, (Art. 576), or
as much as possible in the same order of succession, whether

alphabetical or otherwise, and place them in one line as in long

division of numbers in arithmetic : find the quantity or expression
which multiplied into the first term of the divisor will produce
the first term of the dividend: this is the first term of the

quotient multiply this term into all the terms of the divisor and

subtract the resulting product from the dividend: consider the

remainder, if any, as a new dividend, and proceed as before,
continuing the process until no remainder exists, or until the
process becomes obviously interminable."

This is the same rule which is followed in Arithmetical Alge

bra, (Art. 84), and the examples which are given in illustration
of it
(Art 86), are examples also of Symbolical Division.

582. The following are additional examples : Examples.

Divide - 2# + 3x z
3 2 2 2
(1) y- 6xy + 9/, by x +3y .

(2) Divide *4 - 2 a ** + (*- 96*)* + 186 ,r-9*6

a a

2 - (a-
by a;
3&),r- 3a6.
4 -

(3) Divide a by l-x, (Art. 432)

l-x) a (a +ax +a
a ax

The dividend and the successive remainders are mononomials

and the successive subtrahends are binomials : it follows there
fore, that the remainders can never disappear, however far the
operation is continued., and the series which forms the quotient is
therefore interminable. (Art. 87).

(4) Divide x + a by x + b.

x + b) x + a (I +-(a-b) - (a-b)b ~
+ (a-b)b*

x xIT

The terms of the divisor and dividend being arranged with

reference to the letter x, we consider a - b, which is the first
remainder, as forming a single term only.

If we reverse the order of the terms in the dividend and

divisor, the process will stand as follows :

h + s)a + *($-^ <*- + to.


ax f a\ (b a)x (a b}x
~rr* j -j-
(a x (& b} x~
6) ~
b~ ~br

We have indicated the successive reductions by which the

first remainder is found : x and -7- are like terms (Art. 28),

I whose coefficients are 1 and we then

j respectively, (Art 30)

I subtract the fraction from 1 or from its equivalent j, having


I the same denominator with (Art. 128), which gives us r~


I or its ^ y -
for the coefficient of x in the re-

II mainder.

x-b x x*

All the terms of this series, after the first, are negative.

x-a -
x+ b
1 - (a
v - +
+ 1
(a + b}b
(a +
b} b

+ &c.

~ (a + b)x
~ ~^
(a + b) x*

where k = a 2 pa+q.
In all these Examples it will be observed that the series

proceeds according to direct or inverse powers of the

letter of

as its highest power occupies the last or

reference, according
the first place in the dividend and divisor.

Origin of 533^ Interminable quotients present themselves in Arithmetic,

intermma- . . , . , i <M i ** -,

ble quo- and and Symbolical Algebra, as necessary

also in Arithmetical

consequences of the Rule for division (Art. 88), which is equally

applicable in all those sciences, whether the dividend is or

not divisible by the proposed divisor: in the first case, we get

a terminable quotient, which multiplied into the divisor, repro
duces the dividend: but in the second, there is no terminable

quotient which multiplied into the divisor, will reproduce the

dividend, however nearly it may approximate to it.

Intermina- 534 j n Arithmetic, the arrangement of the digits of the

tients in divisor and the dividend, in the order of their magnitude, pro-
tic *
duces, in the case of interminable quotients, a series of im
perfect quotients, which approximate more and more nearly to
the true quotient the further the operation is continued: thus
if we divide 1 by 3, we get the interminable or recurring

quotient .333 . . . and the successive imperfect quotients .3, .33,

.333, .3333, will be found to differ, in defect, from the true
quotient by
_ 3 x 10
3xl0 3
and the difference for the rath quotient is - - : if therefore
3 x 10
be indefinitely great or if the operation be indefinitely con
tinued, this difference will become indefinitely small or zero.
(Art. 166).

In Arithmetical Algebra, we adopt or we assume a

585. intermina-
le ^ u
similararrangement of the terms of the dividend and divisor .~
2 2
in the order of their magnitude: thus in dividing x + a by
.... J
tients in
x a, we get the series b

x+a+ +
x x2
whose successive terms, after the third, grow less and less con
tinually, inasmuch as x is greater than a: but if we admit indif

ferently, as in Symbolical Algebra, all relations of the symbols and in

and recognize therefore negative as well as positive expressions,

we shall get, when x is less than a, by the same rule of opera
tion, the same series inform

x+ a H 1
5- +
x x2
but whose successive terms go on increasing continually, in
stead of diminishing.

586. Series, such as are formed in Arithmetical Algebra, Convergent

wnose terms perpetually ,,,.,
diminish and become ultimately zero,
T.I and diver-
gen t series.
are called convergent series whilst those whose terms perpetually

increase, and which exclusively belong to Symbolical Algebra, are

called divergent series thus in the example considered in the last Their pro-

Article, the successive sums of two, three, four, or more terms of p

the convergent series will continually approximate more and more

nearly to the value of the algebraical fraction in which it origi

aggregates of such terms, in the T ne J ransi
nates :but the corresponding
,. . tion from
divergent series, will bear no such relation to it, being always convergent
different in sign and more and more different in magnitude,
further the operation is continued. In this case, therefore, (and the tran-
the same remark will be found to be true generally), the series ArithmetU
becomes divergent, when the operation in which it originates ceases al l

to belong to Arithmetical Algebra. Algebra.

587- The operation of division in Arithmetical Algebra may Convergent

introduce negative as well as positive terms in the quotient, by
jJ"|J^ r^~
allowing the subtraction of partial products which are greater may origi-

nate m the as we n as l ess than the successive remainders : thus if we divide

same ex- 2
pression by x + or by x + a, we get the series
a change in

ot its terms.
which convergent or divergent according as x is greater or /ero

than : if we reverse the order of the symbols, dividing

a 2 + x2 by a + x, we get the series

a x H ----- - -f T- - &c. . . .

a a2 a*

which is convergent or divergent according as a is

greater or less


a; : it follows,

identical in value with


a +x
+ x*

, we must
though the fraction

adopt, in Arithmetical
x + a

Algebra, in dividing its numerator by the denominator, that form

of the fraction which secures the arrangement of its terms in the
order of their magnitude : the results of the operation, whenever
this arrangement is departed from, belong exclusively to Sym
bolical Algebra.

Conse- 588. If J any
multiply of the terms (n) of the
- - be
ing in cer- quotient corresponding to , by the divisor x a, it will
tain cases

found to differ in defect from tbe dividend x 2 + a 2 by 3

: and if

we suppose the quotient series to be indefinitely continued or n

to be indefinitely great, this difference will become zero (0) or

), according
infinity (co as a is less or greater than x, or in other

words, according as the series is a result both of Arithmetical

and Symbolical Algebra, or of the latter science only: and if we
were at liberty equally to neglect the symbols and co in the
reverse process of passing from a series to the expression in
which it originates, we might regard the series
2a-a 2

x + a H H 5-
+ &c.
x x
as equally significant for all relations of the values of the symbols:
but under such circumstances, the processes which we must fol
low for the purpose of effecting this transition, must not be de
pendent upon the arithmetical aggregation of any number of the
terms of the series, but upon methods which are altogether inde
pendent of the relative or absolute value of the symbols involved.

589. When symbols are incorporated by the operation of Interpreta-

multiplication, the sign of the product is determined by the Rule algebraical

of Signs (Art. 569) : or in other words, the signs of the factors products.
determine the sign of the product. When, therefore, the factors
are assigned, the sign of the product is no longer arbitrary, and
its relativeinterpretation, when affected by different signs, must
be dependent upon the interpretation of the factors themselves :

before entering, however, upon this inquiry, it will be necessary

to determine the meaning of such products in Arithmetical Al

gebra, when their factors are not abstract numbers.

590. When
one of the two symbols in the product ab is When one
an abstract number, it
simply means that one factor is to be factors*^
is an abs
multiplied by the other in its ordinary arithmetical sense, the
. /.i T i
, . . . , . ,tract num-
units of the product being identical with those of the concrete her.
factor thus, if a denote a line of 6 inches in length, and b the

number 7, then a b will denote a line of 6 x 7, or 42 inches in

length: and inasmuch as the factors of the product ab are corn-
mutable with each other, without altering its value, we are at
liberty to suppose the abstract factor to be in all cases the multi
plier and the concrete factor the multiplicand*.

591. When both the factors are concrete magnitudes, whe- When both

ther the same or different, their interpretation, when possible, are eon -
must be made in conformity with the following principles. crete -

1st. The product must be identical with the arithmetical pro- Principles
duct, when the factors are replaced by numbers. taticST^"
For if not, the operations in Arithmetical Algebra would not
be identical in meaning with the corresponding operations in
The product is always the same in meaning and magni
tude, when the factors incorporated are so. For otherwise, the
factors would not determine the

592. One of the most important cases which we have to \\ h e n the

consider, is that in which the symbols incorporated represent

geometrical straight lines : it will be found that their product sent

Upon the same principle, if the concrete factor be affected with the sign -

the product will be affected with the same, and the negative units of one will be
identical in meaning with the negative units of the other thus if a denote a dis

tance of 3 miles to the south of a given point, and b the number 5, their pro
duct ab or - 15 will denote a distance of 15 miles to the south.

will correctly
represent the area of the rectangle which those
lines contain.
Their pro- For, let us suppose the lines AB (a) and AD (6), which con
duct is the .
xl _ jrtnr\ i ,1
tam tne rectangle ABCD, to be

in the
^ n
area which of the numbers 5 and and
r 4,
they con-
tain. also to be represented by them : it we
divide AB into 5 equal parts in the
points a, b, c, d, and AD into 4 equal

parts in the points a, (3, 7, each of

these equal parts will be a line repre
sented by 1. Through the several !

/ A a b v

points or division, let lines be drawn

parallel to and to AB AD
respectively, dividing the whole rect
angular area into 5x4 or 20 equal squares, each of which is
constructed upon one of the several linear units into which the
sides are divided.

Assuming therefore the product ab to denote the rectangle

ABCD, will satisfy the first condition (Art. 591), because if

we replace a and b by the numbers 5 and 4, then ab is re

placed by their product or 20, the units in the factors being
equal lines, and those in the product being the squares con
structed upon them.

Again, all rectangles are equal which are contained by the

same sides, and all products are equal which arise from the same

factors : it follows, therefore, that in conformity with the second

condition (Art. 591), the factors a and b determine the product a b,
as well as the rectangle of which it is the symbolical expression*.

* A parallelogram, not rectangular, would satisfy the first condition, but not
the second for if the sides
: (5) and AB
AD (4) of the oblique parallelogram -, -, ,

ABCD be divided into linear units, and

lines parallel to the other sides be drawn /"
T T ~f

through the points of division, it will be / / / /

divided into a number of equal rhombs, ~7 ~T /
which is equal to the numerical product a Z
y J
of the numbers of linear units in the two
adjacent sides: but inasmuch as parallel- ^ ^
////// ^

/ / / /

ograms contained by the same sides, but

making different angles with each other, have different areas, it follows that their
products ab might correspond to different values when a and b were the same:
or in other words, the factors would not determine the product: no such ambi

guity exists with respect to the rectangle, where the angle included by the
containing sides is determined by the definition of the figure.

593. Having shewn that, when a and b are geometrical Meaning ot

, .,, , ,^ i the product
straight lines, their product
ab will express the area the ot a /, jW h en

rectangle which they contain, it

remains to consider its mean-
ing, when one or both its factors become negative
as well as lines ad-
^ .~ milling of
positive. For


this purpose, if we c ^ c the signs

+ and .

produce the adjacent sides

and DA of the rectangle ABCD
to b and d respectively, making b

Ab = AB and Ad=AD, and com

plete the rectangles ADcb, ABEd,
e d
Abed, we shall find, by the prin-
ciples of interpretation established in the last chapter (Art. 558),
that if AB
= a, then Ab = -a, and if = b, then Ad = -b: AD
and of the four adjacent rectangles which are thus formed, ABCD
is contained by + a and + b, and expressed by + a b or a b
- a and + b, and is therefore
(Art. 592) ADcb is contained by

expressed by their product ab: ABEd is contained by 4- a and

-b, and is their product - ab and Abed
expressed by :
is contained by - a and - and is therefore expressed by + a b
or ab: for the expressions + ab and - ab represent equal mag
nitudes (Art. 558) with different signs, and those signs are de
termined by the rules of Symbolical Algebra : whilst the inter

pretation given to them corresponds equally to all values of

the symbols involved, whether positive or negative.

594. There are two rectangles ABCD

and Abed, which Ambiguity
correspond to the same product ab and two others AbcD and fr0 m the

ABEd, which equally correspond to the same product -a b g factors. :

the two first arise from the product of + a and + b and of a

and b the two last from the product of
: a arid + b and of + a
and b. In passing therefore from the factors to the product,
the product itself and its interpretation are fully determined ; but
in the inverse
process, when we pass from the product to its
component factors, there are two different pairs of factors which
equally correspond to it, and there is no reason whatever for
the selection of one pair of them in preference to the other:
or in other words, the determination of the product is ambiguous.
Thus the rectangles ABEd
and ADcb, which are both of them
expressed by ab, are equally related to the rectangles ABCD
and Abed, which are both of them expressed by + ab or ab.

The pro-
595.If we extend our inquiry to the determination of the
ductofthree of the product a b c of three factors a, b, c, which seve
symbols re
presenting rally represent geometrical straight lines, we
lines, re
shall find that it
presents the may correctly represent the
solid paral- volume or solid content of the rectangular G
which they parallelopipedon, of which a, b and c are
three adjacent edges: for if (a),
(b), AC
AD (c), the three adjacent edges of such a

parallel opipedon, (anyone of which is per

pendicular to the other two, or to the plane
which passes through them,) are expressible
by integral numbers, and are severally di
vided into equal linear units, (such as Ab, or A c, or A d), and
if planes parallel to the bounding planes of the parallelopipedon
were made to pass through the several points of division, the
solid ABFDGCE would be divided into cubes equal to each
other (and to becgdf), constructed upon a linear unit, the num
ber of which will be equal to the product of the numbers which

express the number of linear units in each edge respectively :

the requisite arithmetical condition is therefore satisfied, it being

merely necessary to keep in mind that the units in the product

are equal cubes, whilst those in the factors are equal lines.
This solid is of the same magnitude whatever be the order
in which the symbols or the edges which they represent, are
taken: and the product abc denotes a rectangular and not an
oblique parallelopipedon, inasmuch as the latter solid involves
the values of the angles which the edges make with each other,
and which its definition does not determine.

S f e
596 There are onl y two si ns of tne product of three fac-

roduct of
three fac- tors, though they may arise from eight different combinations of
tne s ^ ns ^ tne component factors; they are as follows:
may be
positive or /1X
negative. (1) ix +b x = abc.
+ c

(2) + a x - -b x = abc.

- a x +b x c = abc.

(4) a x b x + c = abc.

(5) + a x + b x c = abc.
(6) + ax bx+c = abc.
(7) -ax + bx+c = abc.
(8) a x - b x - c = a b c.

These eight products would correspond to eight different, Their inter-

though equal and similar rectangular paral-

lelopipedons, having a common
angle (A),
and constructed upon edges which form
severally one of each of the pairs of lines
represented by + a (AB) and a(Ab),
+ b (AC) and -b(Ac), +c (AD) and -c(Ad).
Those pairs of solids, which touch by a
common and which have therefore
two edges common, have different signs
in :

those pairs of solids which have one edge

only in common, have the same sign: whilst those pairs which
have only one point in common, and all whose three edges have
therefore different signs, have also different signs.

597- We should fail in attempting to give the interpretation Products of

of the meaning of the product of four or more symbols repre- m oresym-
senting lines, or of two or more symbols representing areas, or

of any other combinations of symbols representing lines, areas, or

solids, which exceed three dimensions, inasmuch as there is no

prototype in Geometry with which such products can be com

pared in other words, the existence of such products is possible

in symbols only.

598. We have assigned an interpretation to the products Geometry

a b and a be, whenthe symbols, which they involve, represent JTJJJidered

geometrical lines, in conformity with the general principle which asasym-

connects Symbolical with Arithmetical algebra, and which assumes science,
that when the symbols are replaced by numbers, such products

degenerate into ordinary arithmetical products if we may sup


pose, therefore, lines to represent numbers, (and there is no relation

of magnitude which they may not represent,) they may equally
represent any concrete magnitudes whatsoever, of which these
numbers are the representatives it will follow, therefore, that if

a, b and c are represented by lines, the rectangle contained by

the lines a and b, and the rectangular parallelopipedon con
structed upon the lines a, b and c, may represent any specific

magnitudes, which a b and a be may represent, when a, b and c

are replaced by numbers. We shall thus give to Geometry the
character of a symbolical science.

Space de- 599. Thus, if v represents the uniform velocity of a body s

uniform motion, and t the time during which it is continued, the product
motion may v f j}i w
represent the space over which the body has moved
sented by a in the time t : and if we assume one line to represent v, and
ngU "
another line to represent t, the rectangle contained by them
would represent the space described equally with the sym
bolical or numerical product vt.

Linear re- 600. When, however, lines are assumed to represent quan-

tkmsof titles like velocity (v) and time (), which are different in their
nature > anc* tnere ^ore admit of no comparison with each other in
perfectly respect of magnitude, the first assumption of them must be per-
ary *
fectly arbitrary :
thus, if v denoting a certain velocity, be repre
sented by an assumed line, v denoting any other velocity, would
be represented by another line bearing the same proportion to
the former, that v bears to v : and in a similar manner, one line

may represent a time t, and another line any other time t 3 if they
bear to each other the proportion of t to i but the magnitudes v

and admit of no comparison with each other, and therefore the


line which represents an assigned magnitude of one of them

can bear no determinate relation to the line which represents an
assigned magnitude of the other : in other words, the lines, which
severally represent their units, may be assumed at pleasure.

Numerical 601. The same remark applies, and for the same reasons,
to ^ ne representation of essentially different quantities by means
trary. o f numbers, the values of their primary units being perfectly

arbitrary thus the unit of time may be a second, a minute,


an hour, &c. whilst the unit of space or velocity, (for one is

the measure of the other) may be a foot, a yard, a mile, &c. :

thus, if the units be assumed to denote severally a second of

time and a foot in space, we may speak of a velocity denoted
by 1, 2, 3, 10 or 20, being such as would cause a body to move

uniformly over 1, 2, 3, 10 or 20 feet of space in one second,

twice those spaces in 2 seconds, three times those spaces in
3 seconds, and therefore through a space which would be denoted
by vt, if the body moved with a velocity equal to v, during any
number of seconds denoted by t and if we now pass from arith

metic to geometry, we may assume a line to represent a second

of time, whilst an equal or any other line represents a foot in
space or a velocity of one foot such primary units being once

assumed, all other values of those magnitudes will be represented

by lines bearing a proper relation to them.

602. The meaning of algebraical products, when the factors Algebraical

are any assigned quantities, being once determined, we expe- <luotients "
rience no difficulty in interpreting the meaning of algebraical

quotients, when
the dividend and divisor are assigned both in

representation and value the general principle of such inter


pretations being, that " the Division is in all cases

operation of
the inverse of that of Multiplication :" in other words, the quo
tient or result of the division must be such a quantity, that, when
multiplied into the divisor, it will produce the dividend: we
will mention a few cases.

603. If the dividend and divisor be both of them abstract Examples

numbers, the quotient is either an abstract number or a nu-
merical fraction (Art. 92).
If the dividend be concrete and the divisor an abstract
number or numerical fraction, the quotient is a concrete quantity
of the same kind with the dividend (Art. 590).
If the dividend and divisor be concrete quantities of the

same kind, the quotient is an abstract number or a numeri
cal fraction (Art. 590).
If the dividend be an area and the divisor a line, the quotient
is a line which contains, with the divisor, a rectangular area
equal to the dividend, (Art. 592).
If the dividend be a solid and the divisor a line, the quotient
is the rectangular base of an equal rectangular parallelopipedon,

of which the divisor is the third edge (Art. 595).

If the dividend be a space described and the divisor the
uniform velocity with which it is described, the quotient is the
time of describing it (Art. 599)-
not necessary, however, to multiply examples of such
It is

interpretations of the meaning of quotients, when the principle

which connects them with their corresponding products admits
of such easy and immediate application.



(JQ4 THE determination of the highest common divisors

meaning of and the lowest common

multiples of two or more algebraical
common expressions will be required for the reduction of fractions to
divisors their most simple equivalent forms,, in the same manner that
and lowest ,
n ,. , , ,

common tne processes for finding the greatest common measure and the
multiples least common multiple of two or more numbers are involved
of algebra- L

ical expres- in the corresponding reductions of numerical fractions (Arts. 98

and 116): we use the terms highest and lowest, with respect to
the dimensions of the symbol of reference (Art. 576.) according
to whose powers the terms of those expressions, whose common
divisors or multiples are required, are arranged: the terms
greatest and least ceasing to be applicable, in the case of ex
pressions whose symbols are indeterminate in value.

Twpalge- 605. We shall begin by considering the process for dis-

presskras*" covering the common divisor of two algebraical expressions

only, and we shall arrange them as the numerator and deno-


coromon minator of a fraction, which it is proposed to reduce to its most

s ^ m pl e f rm
V for we have already shewn (Arts. 75 and
re uired 578.)
may be as- that any factor common to the numerator and denominator of
form afrac- a fraction may be obliterated without altering its signification or
tion which value. There are several steps in this process, which it will be
is to be re
duced to its convenient to notice in their order.
most sim-

606. In the first place, there may exist a common numerical
of simple divisor of the coefficients of all the terms of the numerator and
numerical .

factors. denominator, which may be discovered by inspection, or by the

common arithmetical rule (Art. 98.) for that purpose: thus,
3 a divisor of every term of the numerator and denominator

of the fraction


which immediately reducible, therefore, to the more simple


equivalent form
3x + 5y

In a similar manner, the fraction

101 lW
+ 12436
is reducible to the more simple form

the common divisor being 113.

607- In the second place, there may exist a simple symbol, Detection
or powers or products of symbols, by which the several terms
of the numerator and denominator may be divided without intro- braical

muring fractions. Such divisors may generally be discovered

by the mere inspection of the several terms in which they present
Thus a is obviously a divisor of every term of the numerator Examples.
and denominator of the fraction

which is therefore reducible to the more simple equivalent form

a x
a +x
Again, x y is a divisor of every term of the fraction

which becomes, when reduced,

608.In the research of mononomial divisors, we confine What class

ourselves to such as can be obliterated
by division without intro- mial div?-"
** e
ducing fractional terms without such a restriction, there would sors


. .

be no limit to the number of such divisors, inasmuch as every as factors.

algebraical expression can be divided by any mononomial, with
out producing an indefinite quotient. Thus, we may divide a*~ax

and a 2 + a x severally by a u, and their quotients 1 and 1 +-

will form the fraction

which is
equivalent to

- ax
. a
a+ x

but we should abstain from calling a 2 a common factor of the^

numerator and denominator of -^-

-- , because, when applied
a + ax
as a divisor, it introduces the fractional term - , where no such
fractional term previously existed.

Detection 609. Lastly, there may exist compound or polynomial ex-?

poun? pressions, which are divisors of the numerator and denominator

algebraical o f a fraction,
by the discovery of which their dimensions may
be reduced, and the form of the fraction generally simplified:
thus, x + a will be found to be a divisor of the numerator and
denominator of the fraction

which is reducible therefore to the form

which more simple than the former with respect to the dimen

sions, though not with respect to the number, of its terms but :

in this, and in all similar cases, there is no obvious character

presented to the eye, by which we can immediately discover

such compound divisors when they exist, and we must follow,
therefore, for this purpose, a process which is similar to that
for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers (Art.

98). It is as follows :

Rule. Arrange the numerator and denominator, or the ex
pressions whose common divisor is required to be found, ac
cording to the powers of some one symbol of reference (Art.
576), and divide one of them by the other, making that

expression the divisor which does not involve the highest power
)f the symbol of reference continue the division until the highest

aower of that symbol in the remainder is less than in the divisor:

nake this remainder the new divisor, and the last divisor the
lew dividend, and continue the same process until the re
mainder disappears, when the last divisor is the compound
:ommon divisor required but if the first remainder from which

;he symbol of reference disappears is not identically equal to

sero, then there exists no divisor in which that symbol is in-

610. The application of this rule will very generally intro- intrusion
coefficients of the symbol of reference, which are foreign
puce eo*g ^ u i
|;o the most simple form of the compound divisor which is sought tipliers of

and which a subsequent modification (Art. 6ll) of the pou nd fac-
to s de er -
fcorocess will enable us to exclude the following; is an example
r F |
mined by
the occurrence of such a coefficient. Let it be required to the Rule in
Art 609
the fraction
x +4>x* + 5x + 2

:o its most simple form.

x*+4,x*+5x + 2 (x -

-x + x + 2

-x - 5x-4>

4>x +4

The last divisor Qx + 6 divides the numerator and denomi-

lator of the fraction, giving finite or terminable quotients, but
with terms under a fractional form : but ifwe had struck out the
"actor 6, which is common to both its terms, we should have
)btained the form x + 1 of the common divisor sought for, which

would reduce the original fraction to its most simple equivalent

form, and which is
x* + 3x +2
x+ 4
Modifi- 611. The intrusion of extraneous divisors in this and similar
thelUle cases mav generally be avoided by the following modification
by which o f t h e general
& Rule in Art. 609, the proof of which rests upon
they may , . .

generally very simple principles.

eluded Multiply or divide the dividend and the successive divisors
and dividends by any number, symbol or expression, which has
no common divisor with the original dividend or divisor, so as
to avoid, in every case, the introduction of fractional terms into
the quotients, partial products or remainders: the last divisor
found by the Rule in Art. 609, thus modified, will be generally
the most simple common divisor in which the symbol of re
ference is involved.
Lemmas 612. The preceding Rules (Arts. 609 and 6ll), are dedu-
thepreced- cible from the following Lemmas.
ing Rules LEMMA 1. If d divide A, it will divide A a, provided a does
founded, not present itself under a fractional form.
For if A = xd, Aa =axd: and inasmuch as a does not present
itself under a fractional form, there is no term in its denominator
which can obliterate d or a factor of d.
LEMMA 2. If d divide A and B, it will divide AaBb,
provided that a and b do not present themselves under a frac
tional form.
For if then Aa = axd and Bb = byd:
A = xd and B=yd,
and therefore AaBb
= axdbyd=(ax by) d: and there is
no term in the denominators of a and b which can obliterate
d or a factor of d.
LEMMA 3. The highest common divisor of A and B is the
highest common divisor of A a and Bb, if a and b have no com
mon divisor, provided a and b do not present themselves under
a fractional form.
For if A
xd and B=yd, then x and y have no common
manner, we have A a = axd and Bb = byd,
divisor: in a similar
when ax and by have no common divisor, and where neither
a nor b can obliterate d or a factor of d.

LEMMA The highest common

4. divisor of Aa and Bb is the

highest common divisor of A and B, if a and b have no common

divisor, and do not present themselves under a fractional form.

For if Aa = axd and Bb = byd,-\hen. A=xd and

and since ax and by have no common divisor, it follows that
d, which is the highest common divisor of A a and Bb, is also
the highest common divisor of A and B*.
It is assumed that a and B, and b and A have no common

613. Two algebraical expressions, like two numbers, may be Extended

said to be prime to each other (Art. 1 se
107), if they have no common J e r m
measure or divisor : a single algebraical expression be said

likewise to be absolutely prime, if it be not resolvable into rational

614. The following is the general form of the process for Form and
finding the highest common divisor of two algebraical expres- ofthe"
sions ; its proof will readily follow from the Lemmas. P rocess. preceding
B) A
B) Aa (p

Cc) B
C) Bb

Dd) C
D) C(r

assumed that a, b, c, d... are prime to each other and

It is
to and B (Art. 613), and that they do not present themselves
under a fractional form.
"We shall prove, in the first place, that every measure of A
and B is a measure of D.
* It is assumed as a
principle (which is proved in arithmetic and arithmetical
algebra,) that a factor of a product can only be introduced through multiplication
by that factor or by another which involves it and that, when once introduced, it

can only disappear through division thus, if a = ex and b = dy, then ab = cdxy,

or in other words, c, d, x and y or all the separate factors of a and b are found in

the product of a and b: and again, if a -ex and & = ,

then ab = cd, where the

factor x, which existed in a, has disappeared through division, inasmuch as it

presented itself also in the denominator of b.


For if any expression represented by x, measures A and B, it

measures Aa and pB, and therefore Aa-pB or Cc (Art. 612):

and if x measures Cc, it also measures C, for c is prime to A and
B, and therefore to a?, which is a measure of A and B: and if x
measures C and .B, it measures Bb and </ C, and therefore Bb-qC
or Z)(/: and if or measures Drf, it also measures D, for d is prime
to ^ and B, and therefore to x, which is a measure of A and J5.
In the second place, it may be shewn that is a measure D
of A and B.
For D
is a measure of qC and JD<7, and therefore of qC + Dd

or Bband if i) measures Bb, it measures 5, for b is prime to


A and and therefore to

I?, and if D
measures pB and Cc, it
: D
measures pB + Cc or Aa: and if D
measures A a, it measures -4,
for a is prime to ^4 and therefore to D.
It follows, therefore, that A and B measures
every measure of
J), and that D measures Aand B ; and consequently is the D
highest common divisor of A and J5*.

When the If the expressions, whose highest common divisor is

involve terms under fractional forms, it will generally
re(l u i rec^
highest be convenient to multiply all of them by a factor which is
divisor is a common multiple (the lowest when discoverable) of their
required several denominators: the factor, thus introduced, whether sim-
fractional pie or compound, may be obliterated, when convenient or neces

sary, at the conclusion of the process.

Other modifications of the preceding Rules, which are some
times useful as tending to simplify the process, will be noticed

amongst the following Examples.

Examples. fjj^ j o re ^ uce tne fraction - to its lowest terms.
2 2

x -a ) x a (x

a?x - a
2 3
(Dividing by a )
2 -
x a) x a 2 (x + a

ax -a*
ax -a 2

* The process assumes that a, b, c, d... are so chosen, that the quotients

p, q... may not take a fractional form : otherwise it would not necessarily follow
that D would measure pB and q C, when it measures B and C. 612.)
The highest common divisor, therefore, of x -a* and x
3 2
is x a and the reduced fraction is

x2 + a x + a 2

(2) To reduce the fraction ^X ~

39<r -I C)
to its lowest terms.
o OC """*
/ \J

x ~3x-70} x 3 -39x + 70 (x + 3

Ix + 70
3x - Qx- 210

(Dividing by 40) 40,r + 280

x + 7) x 2 - 3X-70 (x-W
x + lx

- lO.z-70

In this case 40.T + 280 is the first remainder in which the

highest power of x is less than the highest power of x in the
divisor: its factor 40 is prime (Art. 613.) both to x~- 3x-70
and x 3 -39x + 7Q, and is therefore struck out: the reduced

traction is ---
x-W .

(3) To reduce the fraction

to its lowest terms.

* Other
examples are

- =
-- 2
: the common divisor is x + a.

4 2
* Q *
(2) 3

4z4- 9x 3+2x 2+ 3x

a -t- 9z- 8
- 4

12 15- 8i 2-36a+32 (j?

12a 3-27a; 2 + GJ+ 9

19a 2-42a: +23J 4a;

-9* 2-f2:r+3

76a 3-171a 2+38:r+57

76z 3-168x2+92*

- 3x2-54a;+57
- 19

57x 2+1026rr-1083 (3
57 x 2- 126*+ 69

(Dividing by 1152) 1152x-1152

19x2-42a+23 (j9a:-23

The reduced fraction is therefore

There are two divisions necessary in each of the two first

stages of this operation, before we reach a remainder in which
the highest power of (^), the symbol of reference, is less than
in the divisor : in the first of these stages the multipliers 4 and
-4*, and in the second, the multipliers 19 and -19 are re
quired, in order to prevent the introduction of fractional quotients
(Art. 6ll) these two pairs of multiplications might be severally

replaced by one, if we had multiplied by 4 or 16 in one case,
and by 19 2 or 36l in the other: the process would then stand as
follows :

* We multiply by 4 instead of 4, in order to make the first term of the divi

dend positive ;
but this is not essential.


16x 4 -48.t3 +16x 2 +48i-32

16x 4 -36i 3 + 8x 2 +12x

-12x 3 + 8x 2 +36x -32

-12x 3 +27x 2 - 6x - 9

-19x 2 +42x- 23 (4x 3 -


1 444 x
3 - 3249 x 2 + 722*4-1083 (^*-
1444x 3 -3192x2 +1748x

-57x 2 -1026x +1083

-57x 2 - 126x + 69

-1152* +1152

It is obvious that the first form of the preceding process is

more simple than the second, in consequence of its involving

smaller coefficients*.

The determination of a series of remainders in conformity with this rule, is
made the foundation of Sturm s process for finding the number and limits of the real
roots of numerical equations the
process, however, becomes extremely laborious,

even for equations of the 4th or 5th degrees, in consequence of the rapidity with
which the numerical coefficients increase.
Other examples of the same class are

the common divisor is - 3.
x 4 - 3x 3 - 18a 2 + 32x + 96 x3 + x 2 - 14r - 24
4x3 -9x 2 -36x + 32 4x 2 +7x-8
the common divisor is x 4.

x 3 -x 2 -21x + 45 = x 2 +2x-15
(3) ~ = :
3x2 2x 21 3x + 7
the common divisor is x 3.
15x 3 +35x 2 +3x + 7 5x +l
(4) = :

27x 4 +63x 3 -12x 2 -28x 9x 3 - 4x

the common divisor is 3x + 7.
In this example, the denominator must be multiplied by 5, which will give 135
for the coefficient of the first term, which is the least common multiple of 27 and 15.


the common divisor is x2 2x + 3.

(6) - 36x 2 - 343x+ ~

196 21x 2 - 6U + 28
the common divisor is 3x + 7 : the first multiplier is either 4 or 16.

(4) To reduce

18 9
to its lowest terms.

If the numerator and denominator be multiplied by 1 8 (Art.

615), the fraction becomes

I8x2 -6aa;-l2a 2
- 2a 3 (x

18ax 2 +3a 2 x- 6a 3 (a

s 2
(Dividing by 3a ) 9a x+6a a

18x 2 - 6ax-12a 2 (6x-6a

^ a "

The fraction reduced is

^^ :
or, dividing its nume
rator and denominator by 6, it becomes

x a

(5) To reduce the fraction

to its lowest terms*


Let a be the symbol of reference :

\ Dividing by 2 (b+c)\ 2 (6 + c)a + 2(

a + b + c) a z -b z -2bc-c* {a-(b + c)

2 2
-(b + c)a-b -2bc-c

The reduced fraction is -, .

a o c

Let b be the symbol of reference :

(Dividing by 2 a)
6 +a+ c, or a + b + c,

which will be found to be the common divisor as before: the

form of the process will be precisely similar if c be made the
symbol of reference*.


Make a
, ,
reduce - c a
^, to
ae + af+be + bf
the symbol of reference
- its
lowest terms.

(c + d) a + be + bd\ (e +/) a + be + bf {

Other examples of the same class are

a*!*-!,* ~ax-b
the common divisor is ai + b.

a 2 x 2 -2aca2-ft 2 j/ 2 +c 2 2 2
/9^ _ ai-by-rs
a*x*+ Zabxy+tfy^c**
ax + by +cz
the common divisor is ax + by cz.

a 3 + (\ + ax + x2 +x
W a-
-a 2

the common divisor is u 2 +x.


be found by trial, that c + d, or the coefficient of a

It will
divides the numerator but not the denominator: if we strike
it out of the divisor, we get
a+ b} (e +f) a + be + bf {e +f

Therefore -
ae +
ab + ad+bc + bd --
r^ =
c + d

af+ be + bf e+f

(7) To reduce the fraction

to its lowest terms.

In the first place, we discover by inspection, that 4>ax is a
factor of the numerator, and 7 a; a factor of the denominator:

-- or in order to simplify the

dividing the fraction by r 2 ,.

remaining part of the operation, and arranging the result accord

ing to powers of a, we get
+ 6 (be -bd)a + 9 (b*c - b 2 d)
(c- d) a*
(bc-bd + c*-cd)a-3(b*d-b*c-bc +cbdy
In the next place, we find by trial that c - d, the coefficient of
a2, isa common divisor of the numerator and denominator the :

fraction reduced, by dividing by it, becomes

Arranging the process in the usual form, we get

It will be found that b -f c, the coefficient of a in the

divisor, is a factor of the divisor but not of the dividend:

dividing the divisor by it, we get

a z +3ab

It follows, therefore, that

+6ab + 9b -
_a + 3b
(b + c)a + 3 (b + bc)~ T+~c~
and the original fraction, in its lowest terms, replacing the
factor is
4fl (a+ 3 b)
7x*(b + c)
the highest common divisor being

x(c- d)(a + 3b), or acx - adx + Sbcx- 3bdx *.

617. The preceding process will always succeed in detecting The com-
the common factors of two algebraical expressions, when exhibited "/i^afee
under a rational form, whenever they exist.
T^ i f i
X or in the first place, when the same power only of each under a
braical ex

symbol presents itself (Ex. 6, Art. 6l6), the common factor, if }jjj| ^y 1

any, will be found amongst the successively reduced coefficients always be

r. , , T found.
ot such symbols.
In the second place, when different powers of the symbol
of reference present themselves, the common factors, if any,

which are independent of that symbol, are factors of its co

efficients, and may be found by the same general rulet.

The following are other examples of the same class :

6xy + Bx + 9y + 12

+ yz + 6x + 3y + 2s + 6

xyz + 2xy + 2xz + Zys + 4x + 4y + 4= + 8 xz + ~2x + 2s + 4

The primary coefficients of x in the numerator and denominator are

^24.3^ + 2^ + 6 and yz + Zy + 2s + 4:
the secondary coefficients of y in the primary coefficients of x are 2 + 3 and
c + 2, which are not identical but the secondary coefficients of 2 derived from

the same primary coefficients of x are y + 2 and y + 2, which are identical,

and form the common divisor required. The coefficients yz + 3y +22 + 6, 2 + 3,
y + 2 are the successively reduced coefficients of x in the numerator, amongst
which the common divisor, if any, which is independent of x, must be found.

Thus the terms of the fraction

(a - 6 2 )a 2 -
2 - ab - 2 ) bx + a (a - 6) 6 2

- ft) 2 * 2 - (2a
2 - 3ab + b*)x + atP-ab*
are arranged according to the primary symbol of reference x we first find a b, :

which is the common measure 2

and (a - 6) 2 of the first
of the coefficients a 2 fc

terms of the numerator and denominator, and which is found to be a common

measure of all their other terms: we subsequently find, by.the general rule, x b

Whenthese factors, if any, are struck out, we finally deter

mine, by the same rule, the common factors which involve the
symbol of reference, and thus obtain the most simple equivalent
form which the primitive fraction admits.

Rule for 618. If the highest common factor of three algebraical ex-
^ P ressions A, and C is required, we find X the highest common
common divisor of A and B; and then the highest common divisor of X and

threeor C is the highest common divisor of A, B and C the proof is the :

more alge- same ^ mutatis mutandis, as of the Rule for finding the greatest
pressions. common measure of three numbers (Art. 106) ; and similarly
for any number of such expressions.

Extended 619. An algebraical expression, which is divisible by an-

term mul- other, and the lowest or most
may be said to be a multiple of it,

P 16 simple common multiple of two or more such expressions is


The lowest required in the reduction of two or more algebraical fractions

common to t h e r mO st simple equivalent forms, in the same manner as
multiple. /
the least common multiple of two or more numbers is required
in the corresponding reductions of numerical fractions for this :

purpose, we divide their product by their highest common divi

sor* (Art. 116): and when there are three or more of such ex-

to be a common measure of the numerator and denominator of the reduced


leading to the most simple form of the equivalent fraction, which is

(a + ft) a? -aft

(a b) a; aft

* If x be the highest common divisor of A and B, and if A = ax and B= by,

where a and ft are prime (Art. 613) to each other, then -- = Ab = Ba, is the

lowest common multiple (M) of A and B : for if not, let m be a multiple of A and B,
whose dimensions are lower than those of M, and let M=my = Ab = Ba : it follows,

therefore, that m = Ax = Bx ;
or in other words, that y is a common divisor of

a and ft,
which contrary to the hypothesis.

It is the fundamental principle of the theory of the measures and multiples

of numbers that divisors can only be introduced by multiplication, and obliterated
by division: in other words, that aft can have no divisor, which is not a product of
divisors of a and ft, where 1 ft are included amongst them: and
and a, 1 and
this principle is so essentially involved inour primary conception of number, that
little can be gained by any attempt to establish it by a formal demonstration, as
in Art. 110.

pressions, whose lowest common multiple is

required, we apply
the same rules, mutatis mutandis, as in common arithmetic, (Arts.
118, 120, 12J.)

(520. The following are examples :

(1) The lowest or the most simple common multiple of Example

x~ - a 2 and a: 3 a 3 is

=J+ ax- ax - a
(2) The lowest common multiple of x
3x~ + lx- 21 and
- 4-9 is


(3) The lowest common multiple of

x 2
-a 2
, x*-(a + b)x + ab and x*~b*
is .c
- 2
4- a?
+ tt
(a //) .

This may be found, mutatis mutandis, by the rule in Art. 126,

as follows :

x a) x"*
a", x~ (a + b} x + a b, x 2 - b

x b
) x 4- a, x b , x- b*

x + a, 1 , x + 1).

The product of x a, x b, x+ a, x+b is the lowest common

multiple required.


Reduction 621. WHEN an algebraical expression presents itself under
fractions, a fractional form, whose numerator and denominator admit of a
common divisor, their dimensions may be lowered and the form
of the fraction generally simplified without altering its significa
tion or value, by the process which is given in the last Chapter.
Reduction 622. When two or more algebraical expressions, one or

morefrac- more of which are under a fractional form, are connected by

tions, con- tne s ig ns + an(i _^ they may be reduced to their lowest common
the signs denominator, and subsequently added or subtracted or reduced
to t ^le ^ r most s i P^ e equivalent form, by the same rule, mutatis
simple mutandis, which is given for the addition and subtraction of
* lt

from! numerical fractions in Art. 124: it is as follows.

Rule. RULE. "Find the LOWEST common multiple (Art. 619) of
the denominators of all the fractions, for the new common deno
Find the successive quotients which arise from dividing this
LOWEST common multiple by the several denominators of the frac
tions and multiply them successively into the numerators of the

several fractions, thus forming the successive numerators of the

equivalent fractions with a common denominator; connect the new

numerators together with their proper signs, and beneath the result
write the common denominator, reducing the fraction, which they
form t
to its lowest terms."

Examples. 623. The following are examples.

(1) To reduce the expression -

+ a
T to its
most simple

equivalent form.
The lowest common multiple of the denominators is their
2 2
b :

- 6) = (a
- (a
- = a - 2a b + b
(a ft) b)

Their sum = 2 a 2 + 2b 2
See Appendix.

The final equivalent fraction

is therefore
9 2 8 8
2a + 2& 2(> -f& )
a*-b 2
a2 -b 3

which admits of no further reduction.

___j -__
x+6 x+2
(2) To reduce the expression to it

most simple equivalent form.

The lowest common multiple of the denominators (D) is

Their sum

The final equivalent fraction is therefore


which admits of no further reduction.

(3) To reduce the expression

x 1
1 r
to its

most simple equivalent form.

Dxx ,
Q 2 3
_ Q
1 -0?

Their sum = x + x2 -x*

The final equivalent fraction is therefore

x + x2 - x*
_x (I + x x
1 + x - x3 x4 1 + x --x 3 - ,

which admits of no further reduction.

(4) To reduce

most simple equivalent form,

+ ^- 3
== 4X (*+3) = 4*4-12,

D x-3 v v ,, 2

-r^4i = 5(a-
(^4- 3)- 5* 3 4- 25^4-35*

The final equivalent fraction is therefore

2 s
4-r +4 j? + 1

40 4-
I) (x
3) (x + I) (x
+ 3)
which admits of no further reduction.
In the preceding reductions we have adhered strictly to the
general rule, though the same result can frequently be obtained
by shorter and more expeditious processes, which it is not ne
cessary to notice they can only be safely employed by a student

who has already become familiar with algebraical operations,,

and whose memory is stored with an habitual knowledge of
a great number of their more
simple arid elementary results*.

The following are examples of the same class :

/1N a + b a b 4ab
624. The rule for the multiplication and division of fractions
11 am
given in Art. 143: and it will be seen, by 1
is e J a reference to the S? l ! .

division of

Articles which precede it, that it is derived by a species of an- fractions.

ticipation, from the principles which are made the foundation of
Symbolical Algebra: those principles, as applicable to the cases
under consideration, may be restated as follows.

625. What is the product of ^ and -,? Thepro-

b d duct of two
- to be the multiplier, we may assume that amongst
the successive values of c there is one which is equal to md,

where in is a whole number, making -^ to - -

or m
d equal

under such circumstances, therefore, the product of and


becomes the product of

j and m, which is -,- (Art. ISO):

such would be the result if the general form of the product of

CL (* fl C*
and was 7-7, and no other form of this product will satisfy
the required condition and inasmuch as : it is assumed that the
form of this product, whatever it may be, is independent of the
specific values of the symbols involved (Art. 546), it follows that

.. which is the form of the product of T and -. in one case,
cd b d
must be its form likewise in all others.

ft (*

626. What is the quotient of T divided by ->? Quotient of

b a one frac
tion divided

- become or m, ]

Supposing the divisor , as before, to


where m is a whole number, it will follow that the quotient of

-r by -. will become, under such circumstances, identical with

4(x-3)" 8(a - - 9a 2
r 3
5) a

the quotient of which is (Art. 131): such would

j by m,

be the result, if the form of the quotient of y by -. was ^-,

b a be
and no other form of this quotient will satisfy the required
condition and inasmuch as it is assumed that the form of

this quotient, whatever it may be, is independent of the spe

cific values of the symbols involved, it follows that , which


is the form of the quotient of divided by -7 in one case,

must be its form likewise in all others.

Examples, 627- The following are examples of the multiplication and

division of fractions.

(1) Multiply x
and ~^

l) * 3 -.r 2 -9.r + 9 x2
(* + 4) (*+.)- *2 + 7
when reduced to its lowest terms.

(2) Multiply a 4 b"

and ?Ll*
a + b

T6 a 3 + a 2 b-ab*~b 3
when reduced to its lowest terms.

= 2
x* +2 x+ 1 (a;
+ 2) (x + 2) j?
+ 2,r
+ 2 a- + 4
when reduced to its lowest terms.

fA\ r\ i a2 + b* . a b
^-^ by ^

when reduced to its lowest terms,

Division by
628. The
J-equirt- quotient of the division of a by ~ is ai, and
lenttomul- i
tiplication the product of a and is
^ ^ (Art 144,): it
follows, therefore,

that we change the operation of division into multiplication by

inverting the divisor, and the operation of multiplication into
division by inverting the multiplier.

629. By thus changing the character of the operations per- Great

formed by inverting the symbols or expressions involved in
them, or, in other words, by transferring them from the nume- forms, with
rator to the denominator of a fraction or conversely, we shall of their
not only be enabled to produce an almost endless variety of
equivalent forms, but likewise, in many cases, to reduce them, tion
when given, to others which are more simple and convenient:
the following are examples of such conversions :

a.... for iUl.

1 a

The student should observe very carefully the import of

the brackets in these four examples (Art. 24), as they will be
found sufficient to guide him in the interpretation of their
meaning and use in similar cases.

for the numerator 1

= , and the denominator
I +x 1 x I or
1 x 1 +x
= - 3-: their quotient is therefore 1.
l-x 1 +x I- x2
VOL. II. ii

l l

IT ~~" U/ 1 -L
J. "T" U>

following the same process of reduction as in Ex. 5.

, 1 + j: 1 1
_ 1 + #-1 = _^_

1 + ^r

/ A \

and the fraction becomes, therefore ~ = -

\i + x/

- for-

1 1 +x
and, therefore,

+ x.
multiplying the numerator and denominator by 1
= a:
2 - lx + 12 : for

-4 ^2 -7^ + ^ 2 - 7^ +12
a:- 3

"T" "T"

~ 12
^_ 493?
3^ 8 -
or + .S oT?l a: - 8


for multiplying the numerator and denominator by x + - , we get

x+ -
^ l+x2
0^1 + !
1+^ + ^
(12) x
1 +*
i +x+x



630. IN the exposition of the fundamental operations of The gene-

addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Symbolical ciple fpl-
Algebra, we have adopted the corresponding rules of operation
in Arithmetical Algebra, extending them to all values of the or determi-

symbols involved, as well as to those additional derivative forms* equivalent

which are the necessary results of that extension and we have forras :

subsequently endeavoured to give to those extended operations

and to their results, such an interpretation as was consistent
with the conditions which they were required to satisfy. In
the further developement of this science we shall continue to
be guided by the same principle, making the results of denned
operations, or the rules for forming them, the basis of the cor
responding operations and results in Symbolical Algebra, and
also of the interpretation of the meaning which must be given
to them, whenever such interpretation is practicable.

631. This principle, which is thus made the foundation Its formal
of the operations and results of Symbolical Algebra, has been
called "The principle of the permanence of equivalent formst",
and may be stated as follows :

" Whatever
algebraical forms are equivalent, when the symbols
are general inform but specific in value, will be equivalent likewise
when the symbols are general in value as well as in form"
It will follow from this principle, that all the results of and con-
Arithmetical Algebra will be results likewise of Symbolical
Algebra: and the discovery of equivalent forms in the former
science, possessing the requisite conditions, will be not only
their discovery in the latter, but the only authority for their
existence for there are no definitions of the operations in Sym

bolical Algebra, by which such equivalent forms can be de

termined J.
Such are +a and a, and other forms which are thus derived, and which
are not recognized in Arithmetical Algebra.
t Treatise on Algebra, p. 105. Cambridge, 1830.
See Appendix.

Meaning of 632. The term operation is used in the most comprehensive

operation, sense, as including every process by which we pass from one

equivalent form to another : arid its interpretation, in Symbolical

Algebra, as we have already seen, will more or less change with
every change of the circumstances of its application the inter

pretations which we have given of the operations of addition and

subtraction, multiplication and division, in the preceding Chap
ters, furnish examples of such changes.


633. THE
continued product of a number or symbol a into Definitions
itself, repeated as a factor n times, is expressed by (Arts. 38 anJTpowers
and 39) and the expression itself is called a power (the n th ) of a, m A nth -
and n exponent or index: and it is easily shewn to be a neces- Algebra,

sary consequence of this definition, that the product of two powers

of the same symbol is also a power of that symbol, whose index which they
is equal to the sum of the indices of the component factors : that
is, if a and a n be two powers of a, then (Art. 44)
am x &* = a m + ".
It will follow from this conclusion and the known relations
of the operations of multiplication and division, that, if m be

~n "
greater than n, : for the product of the divisor and
m n m~n =a n+ m -n
the quotient ~", or a x a we conclude there
m ~ n is
fore that a the quotient required, inasmuch as, when mul
tiplied into the divisor, it produces the dividend.

634. The definition of a power, in Arithmetical Algebra, The index

f * power
implies that its index is a whole number: and if this condition ?
* m Antn-
be not the definition has no meaning, and therefore
fulfilled, metical

no conclusions are deducible from it the principles, however, :

necessari ly
of Symbolical Algebra, will enable us, not merely to recognise a wh ole
the existence of such powers, but likewise to give, in many
instances, a consistent interpretation of their meaning.

635. Observing that the indices m and n in the expressions The equa-
which constitute the equation
633 gen*?*
^m n__ m+n ralized by
the prin-
le of
though specific in value, are general in form, we are authorized c
to conclude by "the principle of the permanence of equivalent nence of
forms" (Art. 631), that in Symbolical Algebra, the same expres-
sions continue to be equivalent to each other for all values of those
indices: or in other words, that

am x a n = a m + ",
whatever be the values of in and w.

Principle This equation, which forms one of the most important pro
of indices.
called "the prin
positions in Symbolical Algebra, is sometimes
ciple of indices." We shall proceed to notice some of the numerous
conclusions which are deducible fromit, beginning with examples

of the interpretation of powers whose indices are fractional or

negative numbers.

Interpreta- 636. What is the meaning of a* ?

The product al x al = al*l = a = a,

(Art. 42) by the "prin

ciple of indices" (Art. 635): and

likewise appears that ^/tfx ^0=0,

where Ja denotes the square root of a (Art. 223) we conclude, :

therefore, that a* is identical in meaning with Ja, inasmuch

as when multiplied into itself, it produces the same result*.

Meaning cf 637 What is the meaning of a I ?

The product of a* x al x al = al + l + l = a 1
= a: and the product
of f]a x ^a x If a = a, where /a is the cube root of a : it follows,

therefore, that #sis identical in meaning with the cube root of a.

Meaning of 638. What is the meaning of a n

, where n is a whole num-
a. ber?

If a ^ be successively multiplied into itself, and repeated aS

a factor n times, the index of its product will be the sum of
the indices of the component factors, and therefore equal to

n times - or 1, and the product itself will be equal to a:

the wth root of a or j/a possesses the same property, and we

conclude, therefore, that a~^ = lja.

Meaning of 639. What is the meaning

a 5 and
* Those quantities which produce the same when employed in the
a ~H . result,
same operations, are considered as identical : this principle, though correct in
Arithmetical Algebra, will require some modification in Symbolical Algebra :
thus axa = a 2 = ax a: and we should not be justified, in concluding from
thence, that a= a. We shall have occasion to notice this ambiguity more at
length, when we come to the consideration of multiple values and of the roots
of 1 and - 1.

The continued product

05 x as x al x as x as = a** * = a = ^ 4 4
x 4
x ^
^a ^a ^* :

we conclude, therefore, that al is identical with ]a*, or with

the fifth root of the fourth
power of a.
More generally, if m and n be whole numbers, it may be
shewn in thesame manner = ^/a m or the n th
that a~z s root of
the m th
power of a.
640. The preceding examples will be sufficient to shew Negative
that powers with fractional indices, though pot deducible from
the definitions of Arithmetical Algebra, will correctly express

quantities which are recognized in that science; we shall pro

ceed further to shew that powers with negative indices will
likewise admit of an equally simple and consistent interpretation.
If m and n be whole numbers, where m is greater than n, we Proof that
I _m _ 1_

have shewn (Art. 633), that a m x -- = =am - n : and it follows," ~a"

a" a"
from the "general principle of indices" (Art. 633), that a x a~"
= am ~ n . We conclude, therefore, for the particular case under
consideration, that
* =

and we infer, by the principle of the permanence of equivalent

forms," that this proposition is true whatever be the value of n.
It follows, therefore, that

a~-a a~ =


And, conversely,
1 o 1
a = ^ : a = :,

a a



Proof that 641 m other important consequences of the pre

ceding proposition, it will follow that a = 1 .

For ^-
m =a
m-m =
a: and since =1, it appears that a= 1,
a am
whatever be the value of a.

PSSf^SL 642. If n be a whole number, it may be shewn that

(-)- =
.r easily

(O" fl -.
m n
For, in this case, (<2 ) denotes the continued product of
m m
a into itself, where a is repeated as a factor n times, and the
index of the powe* which is equivalent to this product is equal
to the sum of the indices of the component factors (Art. 632),
which \$mn or n times the index of one of them: and since
n and m are general in form, though n is specific in value, it
will follow from "the principle of the permanence of equivalent
forms" that the proposition is true for all values of m and n what
It follows, therefore, that

643. The preceding

properties of powers and their indices
will enable us not merely to vary to an almost endless extent
the equivalent forms of expressions in which they occur, but
likewise to reduce them to the most simple forms which
are capable of receiving the following are examples. :

Examples 1
of the re- (l)
x -3 = a~- 3 = a~ = -1 l

duction a a
of expres- j i i
+ 1 5
8 a
sions in
(2) H Xfl sstf -fl 6 .

which in- ,

dices occur. a * i_i i .1 _i

(4) fl
x fl~ 4 = fl s ~* = al2=^_".

The square root of a- may be - a as well as + .


(5) (ay = ai

(6) {(fyi

(7) fr-)- -.rf-.r

1 2
(8) {(a- ) }

_1 2
2 5
(9) (cfb c )

(reducing the indices to a common denominator)

/ b

_ 5

(10) |flAV
13 14 151 25 73 I 5 73

= \b* (a +x = b*(a + x)*

= Jb y(a + ar).

In many of the preceding examples, the indication of roots

is effected by signs as well as by indices; but, in the process
of reduction it is
generally convenient and sometimes necessary
to replace the signs of the different roots by the
ing indices : it would in fact conduce very greatly to the uni
formity and clearness of algebraical notation, if the use of radical
signs was altogether abandoned.

644. The following are miscellaneous Examples of the re- Other ex

duction of expressions involving radical quantities or indices
to other and equivalent forms:

For the product of J(l - x) and J(l + x) is

- -r

VOL. II. i

We multiply the numerator

and denominator by

-* 2

We multiply the numerator and denominator by

involved in the proposition that a?-b* = + - 6)-

This is (a b) (a

(Art. 66.) .

(5) 4-^ = ai + al6 + ii -

(Art. 86, Ex. 16.)

. ax ax
a-J ax
fj ax ax
= a-^
it, a, i , , ,,

Jax = 2
i f.t
i -
For -^ , and, therefore,
a-^ax a-Jax
i ax _ ajax-ax + ax _ a J~ax a Jx
*J a
~ \l x
a Jax a Ja x a Ja x
ax 2 ax
~ ax
a3 x
(v it n ^ ^\~: ~3
+ "5= 1-



645.IT will follow, from the Rule of Signs. (Art. 569.) There are
i o i T i AI T/y. always two
that,, in Symbolical Algebra, there are always two roots, diner- roots, with
ing from each other in their sign only, which correspond to the s gn S
same square: thus a 2 may equally arise from the product ax a which pro-
7N2 f *. A ducethe
and a x - a : (a
+ b) IT
may equally arise from the product same

S 1 uare -
(a + b)x(a + b), and -(a + b) x -(a + b) : (a-b)* may equally
arise from the product (a b)x(a b) and (b a) x (b a),*
and similarly for all other squares. It follows, therefore, that
in passing from the square to the square root, we shall always
find two roots, which only differ from each other in their sign ;
but it is the positive square root alone which is recognized in Arithmeti-
Arithmetical Algebra, and which may therefore be called the ^
arithmetical root.

646. We
have already had occasion to notice these am- Occurrence

biguous square roots in Arithmetical Algebra (Art. 383) in Jus

deducing the square roots of squares, such as x -2ax + a* and


2 2
fl -2aor + a? , which are identical in their arithmetical value, calAlge-
though the arrangement of their terms. If the
different in
relation of the values of the symbols x and a be known, the
Rule for the extraction of the square root of these expressions,
which is given in Arithmetical Algebra, would require the terms

of the square, and therefore of the root to be arranged in the

order of their magnitude, and consequently no ambiguity could
exist with respect to the arithmetical root, which would be x-a
if x was greater than a, and a x if x was less than a : but if the
unknown, as where x is an unknown
relation of those values be
number be determined from the solution of the equation which
leads to the formation of the square, it is uncertain or ambi
- - that relation is
guous, whether the root be x a or a x, until
For-(a-6) = 6-a, and therefore - (a- b) x -(a- 6) = (b- a) x (b -a).

assumed or determined*. In this case, however, the ambiguity

of the roots originates in the ambiguity of the problem pro

posed, and not in the independent use of the signs in Symbolical


The sym- 647-In extracting the square root, we follow, as in all other
roots de- operations, the same process both in Symbolical and in Arith-
rived by metical Algebra, assuming the proper relation of the symbols:

process as and the negative is at once found from the positive root, by

merely changing its sign. It is not unusual, likewise, to de-

Algebra. note the double root
by prefixing the double sign to it: thus
Use of the -n i i / /\
double a means equally + a or a, one or both :
(a o) means
sign. equally a b and b a: and similarly in other cases.

648. The following is the Rulet for extracting the square

root in Symbolical Algebra:
Rule for the terms of the square according to some symbol of
theTquare reference (Art. 576); obliterate the Jtrst term of the square, and
make its
square root the primary term of the root to be found:
divide the Jirst remaining term of the square by double the pri

mary term of the root, making the quotient the second term of the
root: add this second term, with its proper sign, to double the

primary, to form the divisor: multiply the last term of the root
into the divisor, and subtract their product from the remainder

of the square: if there be any remainder, repeat the same process,

considering the terms already found in the root as constituting the
single primary term : and so on continually until there is no re
mainder, or until the process becomes obviously interminable. The
second root is found by changing the sign of all the terms of the


Examples 649. The following are Examples in which the process ter-
* We do not assume, in Arithmetical Algebra, that x a or a x, are equally
the roots of x8 2ax + a 2 when the relation of values of x and a is unknown, but
that x a is always the root of x -2aa; + a2 , and a x the root of a 2
%ax + x2 :

and it is only when the relation of values of x and a is unknown, that there is

nothing to guide us in the selection of one of those forms of the square in pre
ference to the other.
t The Rule for extracting the square root in Arithmetical Algebra has not
been formally stated apart from the corresponding Rule in Arithmetic (Art. 218.)

(1) To extract the square root of a 2 2ab + b*.

a 2ab + b* (a-b: the second root is

2a-b) -2ab + b 2
-(a-b) orb -a.

We obliterate a
and make its square root a, the primary
term of the root we double a (2 a), and we divide - 2 a b by it
: :

the quotient b is the second term of the root we add (Art. 547) :

b to 2 a, making the divisor 2a b: and we subtract the pro

duct (2 a b) x b from the first remainder Zab + b ,
and there
is no second remainder.

To find the square root of a

4 - 2 a 3 x + 3 a 2 x 2 - 2 a x 3 + x4 .

a - 2a x
4 3
+ 3a~x 2 -2ax 3 + x*,

Za 2 -ax) -2a 3
x + 3a 2 x 2
-2ax + x 4 (a?~ax + x
3 2
: the
3 2 2
20 a?4- a .r second root is

2a 2 -

In forming the second divisor, we consider a ax as the
single primary term of the root, the double of which is
2a 2 -2ax: we divide the first term 2a*x* of the second re

mainder by the first term 2 a2 of 2a 2 -2ax, and the quotient

2 2
+ x 2 is the third term of the root: we add +x to 2
to form the second and final divisor.

(3) To extract the square root of

Making a the symbol of reference, this expression becomes


We divide -(126-16 c), which is the first term of the first

and only remainder, by double the primary term of the root or
4>a: we thus get (36 4c), which forms the second term of
the root*.
The second root is 2a + 36 4c.

Examples 650. In the following Examples the process leads to an

of inter- . -, ~ .,

minable indefinite series.

(j) Xo extract the square root of a + x*.

tf + x2 (a+~2-* + 16V

_^__^_ _^_

+ _ + rf__
a 4a 3 l6a 5 8a

256a 1

5 a:

Inasmuch as the number of terms in the subtrahend is

always greater than in the remainder, the process can never

terminate. It follows, therefore, that

* CD.

If we reverse the order of the terms in the square, we shall

find, by a similar process,

Other examples are

The only arrangement of the terms in the square which Convergent

would be recognized in Arithmetical Algebra, is that in which gent series.

they follow the order of their magnitude, Art. 646 thus, if a :

be greater than x, it is the first (1) of these series only, which

convergent : if a be less than x, it is the second (2) if this :

order be reversed, the same series are divergent, and no ap

proximation is made to the value of the roots by the aggre

gation of any number of their terms. (Art. 58?.) It will be
observed, that in both these series, the signs of the terms after
the first are alternately positive and negative.
To extract the square root of a* - x .
The process followed in the last Example will give us

^ (a
a "~~~ x* x* x6 5x*

an indefinite series, where all the terms after the first, are

This series is convergent or divergent, according as a is greater The square
or less than x : in the first case, both the square and its posi- *^ 2
tive root are arithmetical quantities, and we can approximate bo tn wnen .

indefinitely to the value of the latter by the aggregation ofandfess
the successive terms of the series*: but in the second case, thanx *
neither the square nor its roots are recognized in Arithmetical

Algebra, and we approximate to no definite arithmetical value,

by the aggregation of any number of the terms of the result
ing divergent series. It is hardly necessary to observe, that the

general rule given in Art. 648, is equally applicable to the

extraction of the square root of a 2 x 2, both when a is greater
and less than x.

651. But if a, in the expression a 2 a: , be less than x, Square
we may replace x by a~+b
which gives us
a*-x* = a 2 - (a 2 + b 2) = - If, "> ra bols.

and therefore,

* a = 5 and =
Thus, if x 1, we find

V(25 - 1 ) = V 24 = 5 - .1 - .001 - .00002 - .0000005

where the sum of two terms is 4.9, of three terms is 4.89898,4.899, of four terms
of five terms 4.8989795, the last of which differs from the true value of the

root by less than th part of the whole.


and it remains to consider, whether any sign is discoverable,

which possesses the symbolical conditions to enable
us to express the result of the operation (Art. 632) of extract
ing the square root, under the circumstances thus indicated.

Discovery 652. place, the squares + b and

In the first - b , express 2 z

which Is the same magnitude, though affected by different signs, and those
to express
ns express affection or quality, and not magnitude (Art. 556) :
the symbo- thus, if + b be the square contained by the sides + b and + 6,
root o^-l?. or ^ an d b, then b will express the equal square con
tained by +b and b, or by b and + b. (Art. 593.)
In the second place, the squares b 2 and b are respectively
equivalent to the symbolical products of 1 and b and 1 and ,

b*: for

1 X b =lb*=b* (Art. 30), and -1 x ,

Again, since the square root of a product is equal to the

product of the square roots of its factors, it follows that


It thus
appears that J- 1 is the sign, which is determined
by the rules of Symbolical Algebra, as characteristic of the

square root of a negative symbol for it is the sign, and the :

only sign, which satisfies the essential symbolical condition that

(b J~l) = b C/^l) = 6
2 2 a 2
x - 1 =- b

It is usual, but not necessary, to write the sign J 1 after

and not before, the symbol or expression which it affects: we
thus commonly write b J^l, and not J -1x6.
tion of


square roots of a are a and
and the square roots of a 2 are a ,J I and
#, the first
of which

aritlnneti- -uj-lj neither of which is arithmetical; but it will be ob-

cal and

and imagi
for the symbolical meaning of v 1, or of the square root of 1 is, that, if
it be multiplied into itself, it will reproduce - 1.

served that the several roots , , a J^\, -aj ^T differ

merely in their signs, which severally affect the same arithme

tical magnitude a. The second of these signs (or 1, if
considered as a symbolical factor of its
subject, since

a =- I x a)

has been shewn to admit of an interpretation consistent with

its symbolical conditions, when a denotes a line and other
nitudes (Art. 558): and the signs and 1 will be

shewn in a subsequent Chapter, to admit likewise of an inter

J\ J
pretation perfectly consistent with their symbolical conditions,
when similarly applied.
In the absence of such interpretations, which have only very
recently been recognized in Algebra, it has been usual to desig
nate the quantities denoted by a J I and aj l as unreal,

impossible or imaginary.

654. It appears therefore, that the introduction of the addi- The ex-
. . i- . traction of
tional sign >J 1, will enable us to give to the inverse operation higher roots
of extracting square roots the same general application that
we were enabled to give to the inverse operation of subtraction, render the
, , ,, , ,. .
^introduc- . .

by the use of the sign , as distinct from its use as a sign of turn of
operation and it will be found generally that the inverse

operation of evolution, as in the case of cubic, biquadratic and

higher roots, will admit of a corresponding generalization, by

the use of the cubic, biquadratic and higher roots of 1 and 1 :

the further consideration of such signs, and of their symbolical

properties, will be considered in a subsequent Chapter.




655. THE rules of Symbolical, are those of Arithmetical,

Algebra, extended so as to comprehend every symbolical form,

whether affected by the signs -, -I, or any other sign, the J
use of which the unlimited values of the symbols submitted to
their operation may render necessary; we have already exem

plified their application to symbols affected by the signs + and

-: it remains to extend them to those which are affected by
the sign J- 1.

Symbols affected by the sign J 1, may be further affected,
like any other symbols, with the signs + and but it will :

be found convenient, in order to avoid confusion and ambiguity,

not to consider Jl, when used as a sign, as carrying with
it the double sign , but
one value only. as capable of
The following are Examples of the application of the fun
damental operations of Algebra to expressions involving the

^ $a + ^b J - 1 + 40 + 3b J^-l = 7 + 5b

In this example, 2b J -I and 3bJ -I are combined into

one, in the same manner as other like terms.

(2) 4# + 3aJ- 1 + 3a-2a J~^l = la + /

aj- 1.

In this case 4 a and 3 a ,J 1 are not like terms, but SaJ I

and 2 a ,J 1 are so. The final result may be further reduced to

the equivalent form (7 +J- 1) a.

(3) (a + bj~^l) + (a-

(4) (fl
+ 6V-~l)-( - fl

(5) (a + b J- 1 ) + (c +




(10) (aj~^ = a\
It will be observed that the series

equivalent to the series

1, x/^ -1, -J^l, 1, xA

17 !,
-1, -V^T,
and periodic, the same term reappearing in every fourth place :

thus the 1st, 5th, Qth terms are 1 the 2nd, 6th, 10th terms :

are J- 1 : the 3rd, 7th, llth terms are - 1 : the 4th, 8th, 12th
terms are J 1.

This periodicity of the square and higher roots of 1, which

is connected with very important theories, will be very fully
considered in a subsequent Chapter.

(11) (a + b J 1) x c J 1 = ac J 1 be: for the product

equal to ac J 1 + be (J ])
, and (J l)
= 1.

J - 1) (a - b J - 1) =
2 2
(12) (a + b + b : the common process
of multiplication applied to this Example, would stand as follows;

a*+b 2

It appears, therefore, that cf+b 2 is equally resolvible into

factors with a 2
-b 2
(Art. 66): but such factors, involving

sign */ 1, are not considered as rational factors.

(13) (a + bl) (c +

- b -d = ac-bd-(ad + bcy- 1
(14) (a lTi) (c l)

+ 2fl6/=~l.
6^n)=fl -6
(15) ( +

(16) ( fl + 6 x/^"l)
= 3 - 36 8
+ (3a 2 b - b^J^l.
(17) ^(-rf+aa*-P)-*(-fcW^l-
(18) J(4 a*-l2abJ~^l-9b*)=(2a-3bJ~=i).

b + 6bc - 9<r- 4 (06 - Sac) V 17 !}

2 - 2
(19) v/{4

(20) aj~b*cj~d = -ac jbdi l for a J~b = a Jb J^

and c j-d = c jdj-l,
f f and, therefore, ^-6 x c J - d

In Examples 17, 18, 19, the sign is used to denote an J

operation to be performed, and the results are in every case
ambiguous (Art. 645): but in Example 20, the same sign in
the expressions a b and c Jd is used to denote one only J
of the results of the operation of extracting the square roots
of - a z b and
c d, and is therefore not ambiguous the other :

roots are -a -
J b and - c J- d, and are not required to be
considered in this Example.
I I 2a

a+bjl a-b J -I a2 + b2

- 1 a + bj-l



656. THE
process of extracting the square root of a number
, quadratic . , . .

or expression q, is equivalent to the solution or the binomial equations.

quadratic equation (Arts. 246 and 377)

x* = q, or x2 q
= 0.

For the value of x, determined from this equation is ,Jq

or the square root of q : and this root, as we have already shewn,
(Art. 645) possesses two values which differ from each other
in their sign only thus, if a represents one root,
: a represents Their dou-
the other : and if q, whose root is required, is negative, then
a J 1 represents one of its two roots, and aj~\ the other.
Thus, in the equation Examples.

x- -4 = 0,

the roots are 2 and 2 : and in the equation

the roots are oJ\, and-3^/ 1, which are both of them

impossible or imaginary *.
(Art. 652.)

657 More generally, the square whose root is required, Trinomial

may present itself in connection with another term which in- equations.
volves the simple root, as in the following forms (Art. 383) :

x*-px = q (1)

q (2)

-q (3)

-q (4).

Or, transposing the significant terms to one side of the equation,

these forms become

* are both of them and will generally indicate that

They unaritlimetical roots,
the problem in which they originate, is incapable of solution in the sense in which
it was proposed.
x 2 -px-q=0 (5)

= (6)

The three first of these equations have been considered in
Art. 384 : the last belongs exclusively to Symbolical Algebra.
It is obvious that these four equations are convertible with
each other, by merely changing the signs of p and q : and it
will follow (for the same reason) that the symbolical solution
of one of them will furnish the symbolical solution of all the

General 658. Let us proceed to determine the solution of the equation

solution of
x 2 -px-q = (5),
px = q.
or x



and since x^ px q, it
follows that

and, therefore, (Art. 645)

we change
If the sign of p and retain that of q, as in equation
(6), we get

we retain
If the sign of p and change that of q, as in equation
(7), we get

If we change the signs both of p and q, as in equation (8), we

x~- -

This process is, in every respect, similar to that which is followed in extract,
ing the square root :
thus, if it be required to find the square root of

659. It appears from the formulae (0 and (10) of solution )

In equa-
_ . . tions(5)
of the equations and (6)
one root is
x*-pX-q = Q (5)
x 2 + px-q = (6)
an dthe
other nega-
when p andq are arithmetical quantities, there are two
roots, one positive and the other negative, or one arithmetical

and the other not: for < + *s al way s greater than

\/( J ~^} |,

and, therefore, + is always positive, and

./(q ^J |

is always negative.
Thus in the equation
a?- x -90 = 0,

and, therefore, x
--= ,

and x 10 or 9*

the process will stand as follows :

7 -px-q

It follows, therefore, that

(* 5)
differs from x"-px-q by
-f-q, and,

consequently, if x 2
px-q -0, which the conditions of the equation require, we
/ \ 2
p p
I*-^J =4+9^
and, therefore, a:-
1 =V ($

In the following Chapter, examples will be given of biquadratic and higher

equations of an even order, which admit of reduction or solution, through
ordinary processes for extracting roots.

In the equation
4.T-21 = 0,

\ve find (x + 2)
- 21 + 4 = 25,

and, therefore, x+2= 5,

and a: = 3 or 7-

It is the positive root a/owe which is recognized in Arith

metical Algebra.

Inequa- 660. Again, it appears from the formulae (11) and (12)
both roots of solution of the equations

*-*>* + 9 = (7)
possible: /oN
inequation X 2 +pX + q = (8),

q are arithmetical quantities, and

roots are that, when p and greater
or both than o, there are two positive roots of the first equation (7),
impossible. // 2
and two /( -
negative roots of the second (8): for

always less than -, and therefore the signs of the two roots

are determined by the sign of .

Thus in the equation

7 1
and, therefore, x -- = -,

and x = 4 or 3.

In other words, the solution is

In the equation

we find (.r + 6)
=36-35 = 1,

and, therefore, .r +6= 1,

and x =J or 5.

This solution arithmetically impossible: but if negative


values be recognized as admitting of interpretation, the solution

is also ambiguous like the one preceding.

If, in the same formulae (11) and (12), is less than q, then
- and the roots of equations and
q is negative, (7) (8) will

involve the square root of a negative quantity and therefore

the sign 7^- (

Art 652
Thus in the equation

x 2 - 8x + 25 = 0,

we find (x
- a
= 16 - 25 = - 9,

and, therefore, x 4> = 3 J 1,

and x = 4+ 3 J ^1, or 4- 3 */~-^

Again, in the equation

4 36 y

and, therefore,

The unarithmetical or impossible roots which present them

selves in equations (7) and (8), necessarily assume the form
a +b J 1 and a bjl, where the term involving the sign
^y 1 is affected with the sign + in one of them, and with the
sign in the other.

661. The roots, which are thus determined, bear a very Composi-
simple relation to the given quantities of the equations to which Coefficient
they belong ; their symbolical sum being always equal to the
of the se

coefficient of the second term with its sign changed, and their and of the

product to the last term : thus, if a and b be the roots of the

px + q = 0, we
a: find the roots.



A change of sign in p and q, one or both, will

not affect
this conclusion, it being assumed that a and b may be either

or both of them imaginary.

positive, negative, one or both,

Resolution 662. The same assumptions being made, it may be further

f- shewn that x - a and x - b are the simple factors of the trinomial
nomial into
x 2 -pxr + .


and, therefore,

= ,r 2 ^;
+ q.

It will follow, therefore, that q will become equal

x*-px +
to zero, when one of its factors is
equal to zero, or when x
= a,
or x = b, arid in no other case : in other words, a and b are
the only values of x which verify the equation
x" px + q
= 0*.

663. The propositions contained in the two last articles,

will be found to be included in some general propositions which
apply to the coefficients of equations of all dimensions, when
they assume the ordinary form.

Examples 664. The following examples, of the solution of quadratic

don oYqual equations, and of problems which lead to them, may be con-
dratic sidered as supplementary to those which are given in Arts. 38Q,
and 410, and 412 1.

* It otherwise shewn, that, if a be a value of x, which makes

may be
-px + q = 0, xa
is a factor of the trinomial x
then 2
px + q for all values
p a + q = 0, and consequently
of x : for by the assumption it appears that a

px + q = x2 px + q (a
pa + q) = a.
2 - a? p(x a) :

and, therefore,
= x +a p x (p a) :

it follows, therefore, that x a is a factor of x px + q: the other factor is

t In Example 1, Art. 389, the second or negative root is 3, and in Example 3,
it is 14 the two roots in Example 5 are both negative, one being
: , and

the other 4 : the solutions in Examples 2 and 4 are ambiguous, and both the

(1) Let - - 3 --
- -1
- . Examples.
x 4- 2 1

Clearing the equation of fractions, Art. 368, we get

+ 30x + 20 - Sx 2 - 3x =

Collecting like terms into one (Art. 372), and transposing

the known terms to one side of the equation, and the unknown
to the other, we find 3 x - 7 x = 20.

Dividing both sides by 3 (Art. 370), which is the coefficient

2 7 a? 20
of x 2, we get x
--y =-j-
Completing the square (Arts. 384 and 657), the equation
/ 7\ 49 20 289
becomes ( -r - ^ ) = 7775 + ^r = ~^r -

\ 6J 36 3 36

Extracting the square root, we get

_7_ :k
6~ ~6~

and therefore

x 4, or
- .

There is
only one arithmetical root: but the negative root
- fully satisfies, as may be found by trial, the symbolical

conditions of the equation.

1-x x 10
The several processes of reduction and solution follow the
same order as in the last example.

7 3
~ =

x= 5, or

roots are determined by the processes of Arithmetical Algebra. In Example 5,

Art. 410, the second or negative root is 9 in Example 6, it is :

15 : in Exam
ple 4, Art. 412, it is - 15.

This is an example of an equation, whose roots are arith

metically ambiguous.
3* + 25 - 7
(3 ) Let-
63* + 525 + 6* 2 + 50* - 28 - 84* - 8* = 588 + 56*,

o o *

27Y 729 91

27 i
4 4

This equation admits of no arithmetical root, but its sym

bolical conditions are satisfied by both the negative roots 7

and ~
* 2 -4* 3* 2 +ll
(4) Let + + 8 = 3*,

39* + 143 + 416 = 156*,


- 172* =-559,

There is no arithmetical or negative root which will satisfy

the equation: the two roots are said to be imaginary*.

^65. We shall endeavour to connect the solution of the
quadratic with the
following problems producing quadratic equations,
and inter- illustration of some of the more common principles of inter-
a n0f
P retin S the results of symbolical
their re. operations.
* In the
examples of quadratic equations which are given in the Note, Art.
389, the Symbolical, as distinguished from the Arithmetical, roots, are in Exam

ple 1,
- 10 : in Example 2,
- 7 : in Example 4,
- : in Example 5,
- 1 : in

Example 6, 10 : in Example 8,
^ : in Example 11 ,
2 + J ^T, or 2 - J H"jE

(1) To number 10 into two parts, whose pro

divide the
duct shall be equal to 24.
Let x be one of the two parts, and therefore 10 - x the other.
Their product =x (10 - x) - 24: or 10 r-,r 2 =24, <

and, therefore, x - 10 x =

we (x - = 25 - 24 =
Completing the square, get 5) 1,

and, therefore, x 5 = 1,

and x = 6, or 4.

The two parts into which 10 is divided are 6 and 4, and

there no ambiguity in the solution of the problem but the
is :

value of x is ambiguous, inasmuch as, conformably to the as

sumptions which are made, it may equally represent the greater
or the lesser of the two parts into which 10 is divided.
If the product had been 25 instead of 24, we should have

-5) = 25 -25 =
(x 0,

x - = 0,

x= 5.

In this case 10 would have been divided into two equal

parts*, and there would have been no ambiguity either in the
solution of the problem or in the value of x.
If the product was required to be 26 instead of 24, the equa
tion would have been
or- 10* =-26,

= 25-26 = -!,

In this case, the solution of the problem is

impossible in the
sense in which it was proposed, and we transfer the same epithet
to its symbolical roots : but those roots will be found to satisfy
the symbolical conditions of the problem ; for their sum

* The product
of the parts into which a number is divided, will be the greatest
when those parts are equal for if 2n be the number, and n + x one of those parts,

and, therefore, n x the other, their product is (n + i) (n ,r), or n

* 2 , which
is the greatest possible when a- = 0.

and their product

- =
= (5 + V 37) x (5
J^l) = 25 + 1 26*.

(2) The sum

of a decreasing arithmetical series is 75, its
first term 21, and the common difference 3: to find the number
of its terms.
The formula in Art. 422, gives us

75 = |42-3(n- l)j 5,

where ?*, or the unknown number, is the number of terms of

the series.
We thence get

n 2 - 15;? =-50,
225 25


w= 10 or 5.

If we take 5, the less of these two values, we get the series

of five terms
21, 18, 15, 12, 9,

which satisfies the proposed conditions.

If we
take 10, or the greater of the two values of n to express
the number of terms, the series will be found to be

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, -3, -6,

which likewise answers the conditions of the problem, inasmuch
as the symbolical sum of the 5 last terms 6, 3, 0, 3, 6, is

equal to zero: but the arithmetical solution of the problem, as

is not ambiguous, inasmuch as it is not
proposed, possible to
form 10 consecutive terms of the decreasing series 21, 18,
15, ... without introducing, and therefore recognizing, negative

* Another
equation of the same class is given in
Example 7, Art. 410 : the
student particularly recommended to study the problems leading to quadratic

equations, which are given in that and the following articles, with especial reference
to the more enlarged views of the interpretation of symbolical results which are
given in this Chapter.

The arithmetical conditions, however, of the equation

to which the problem leads, are equally satisfied by n = 5 and

n = 10: for the first gives

75 = (42- 12) x|,

and the second,
75 = (42 - 2?) x 5,

which are severally equal to each other.

(3) Given one line, to find another such, that the rectangle A geome-
which they form, shall be equal to the square of their difference, jj}
Let a be the given line, and x the line to be determined generally :

then by the conditions of the problem, we form the equations

ax = (x-a) 2 or (a-x)

which equally lead to the equation

x*-3ax = -a 2 .

Completing the square,

9a* 5a 2
x 2 -3ax + - -,
4 4

3a a J5
X =
~~2 ~2~
~ ~~

Both these roots are positive, since J5 = 2.236 . . ., and, there

l + v 5
fore, = 1.618 and lZ.v=.-.6l8,,. j consequently

, or .382 a, nearly.
In the problem proposed, it is uncertain whether the line Its solution
,. !
include* . .
to be determined is less or greater than the given line: ana tne two cases.
symbolical solution, being coextensive with the enunciation
the problem, includes both cases.
The first case is equivalent to the following problem. Its first case
stated and

To divide a given line into two such parts that the rectangle
contained by the whole and one of the parts shall be equal to
the square of the other."
If we call x the greater of the two parts, and, therefore,
a x the other, the equation will become

a(a-x\=x* (2),

the symbolical roots of which are

(v/5-1) (v/5 +
L a and - **

one being positive and the other negative: the solution is there
fore not ambiguous, there being only one positive root. But
if x be taken to represent the less of the two parts into which the
line is divided, the equation becomes
ax = (a x)

the solution of which, as we have seen above, is ambiguous :

this ambiguity, however, removed, by the necessity of taking


the least of the values of x or .382 a, as the only value which

is compatible with the conditions of the problem.
Its second The second case corresponds to the following problem.
S solved

P int in a given line P rocluced > sucn tnat tne
find a

by the given line and the whole line produced,

shall be equal to the square of the part of it produced."
If we call x the part produced, and therefore a + x the whole
line produced, the conditions of the problem lead to the equation
a (a + = x*

x) (3),

the two roots of which are -a, and - "/ a, differing

merely in sign from those of equation (2) it is the arithmetical :

root alone which corresponds to the problem: but if we had

called x the whole line produced, the resulting equation would
have been
ax= (x )

the solution of which ambiguous, though the problem is not,


the less of the two roots being excluded by the conditions which
it imposes.
It thus appears that the same problem lead to one
equation whose solution is unambiguous, and to another which
is ambiguous but in the latter case, the conditions of the pro-

blem will immediately lead to the exclusion of one of the two

roots, and therefore to the removal of the
Whatever geometrical problems can be shewn to depend im
mediately or ultimately upon the division of a line into extreme
and mean ratio, will lead likewise to some one of the equations
which we have just been considering*.
(4) To find a point in a given chord of a circle produced A geome-
from whence the tangent drawn to the circle shall be equal
to a given line.

Let AB(%c) be the given chord,

and CD (/) the given line assume P :

to be the point in the chord BA pro

duced, from which the tangent PT
drawn to the circle is equal to CD:
and let PA the part of the chord
produced and which is required to
be determined, be denoted by x.

Then, by the property of the circle

(Euclid, Book m. Prop. 36.) we get

or replacing PA, PB and PT, by x, x + 2 c and /,


Completing the square, we get

and x + c = ,J(c
+ I

or x = J(c +2 2
J(c + I ) c.
c and 2 2

It is the first of these values only which belongs to Arith

metical Algebra, and which corresponds to the problem proposed.

But if we had denoted PB and not PA, by x, we should
have found the equation

the positive root of which, or c + J(c 2 + 1 2) gives the value

of PBrequired, and is identical in magnitude with the negative
root of the first equation (l).
In the algebraical solution of this and other problems, we The analy-

begin by assuming the solution of the problem to be solved

Such is the problem for constructing a triangle where each angle at the
base is double of the angle at the vertex, (Euclid, Book iv. Prop. x. )upon which
the inscription of a regular pentagon in a circle depends, as well as others which
might be proposed.

and we subsequently determine the quantity whose value is

required, by following out the necessary consequences of the
conditions which it must satisfy until we arrive at one which
can be made the basis of an equation thus, in the first solution

of the problem under consideration, we assume P to be the point

in the chord BA(2c) produced, from which the tangent PT,
drawn to the circle, is equal in length to the given line CD (/),
and we denote PA, the assumed distance of P from A, by x :

the conditions of the problem, which are involved in the general

property of the tangent of a circle, shew that x must have

such a value that

and it is found that the only arithmetical value of x, which
thesis. will satisfy this equation, is N/(c +/ 2 )-c.
The preceding process of investigation may be called the
analysis of the problem proposed, and immediately leads to
its synthesis or construction, which is as follows.
Bisect the chord BA in E: draw perpendicular to BF AB
and equal to CD or
join EF, which is equal to

J(EB* + BF 2
= J(c* + I 2 ) = c + x = EP :

it follows, therefore, that a circle described from the centre E, with

the radiusEF, will cut BA produced in the point P required.
Geome The corresponding process in Geometry, by which, assuming
trical ana
and the problem to be solved and the unknown line or other quan-
tity to be determined, we are enabled to discover, from an
examination of the conditions which it must satisfy or the pro
perties it must possess,
the direct means of determining its value,
is likewise calledits analysis: whilst the inverse
process, by
which, when
those consequences are traced out or discovered,
we are enabled to construct or solve the problem, is called its

synthesis. Thus, in the problem under consideration, we begin

by assuming the point P to be that from which the tangent PT
drawn to the circle is equal to CD: we further know, from
the property of the circle, that

we likewise know, if bisect AB, that PA x PB + AE 2 is

equal to PE 2
(Euclid, Book u. Prop. 6), and, therefore, to
PT to CD + AE\ (since PT = CD ), or to the hypo-
2 2 2 2
+ AE* or
thenuse (EF) of a right-angled triangle EBF, of which EB
and BF (which is equal to CD), are the sides: if, therefore,
CD and AE be given, the distance EP of the required point
from the given point E is also given.

Thisthe geometrical analysis of the problem its synthesis,

is :

which the ordinary form of exposition adopted in Geometry,


directs us to bisect BF
in E: to draw
perpendicular to
EB and equal to CD: to join EF: and in BA produced to take
EP equal to EF and we finally assert that
: the tangent PT
drawn to the circle from the point P thus determined, isequal to
the given line CD. We
then subjoin the proof, by which the
correctness of this construction, or synthesis, is established.
Theprocesses of exposition in Geometry are generally syn-
The pro-

thetical,whilst those of discovery in that science, and of dis- Algebra an

anal y tlcal
covery and of exposition in Algebra, are uniformly analytical:

it is this fundamental distinction in the ordinary mode of

exhibiting or deducing the conclusions in Geometry and
Algebra, which has led to the very general application of the
term analytical to algebraical processes, as distinguished from
those which are geometrical, though the processes of discovery
in the two sciences are essentially the same.

666. PROBLEM. Given four points in the same straight A geome

trical pro-
line, to find a fifth, such that the rectangle under its distances blem.
from the and second may bear a given ratio to the rect

angle under its distances from the third and fourth.

Let A, B, C and D be the given points, arid A D c D P
P be the point required: let AD = a, BD = b:
let 1 i I

CD = c and DP = x, the lines being estimated from A towards P

(Art. 558) ; it will follow, therefore, that CP = x + c, EP = x + b
and AP = x + a and : the conditions of the problem give us
PAxPB _ (x + a)(x + b) _
PCxPD~ (x + c)x ">
where e is a given number, and which leads, when reduced,
to the equation
ex 2 -\a + b-(l+e)c\x = ab (2),
(a + b - c \ ab
or * -( c\x = (3).

The solution of this equation gives us

a + b-c \ /ifa + b-c

If e be positive and if both a and b have the same sign, or Discussion

be drawn in the same direction, the two roots are of the form a f lts solu .

and - (Art. 659), and shew that there are two points on dif

ferent sides of the point D, whose values those roots deter

mine, and which equally satisfy the conditions of the problem.
Limiting If e diminishes, the value of a or of the positive root in
creases and becomes indefinitely great when e is indefinitely
small : the negative root, under the same circumstances, becomes

ultimately equal to *.
a + b-c
If, in equation (l), we 1 + e by 1 - the values of
replace e,

x will be expressed by

which are both of them negative, shewing that there are two
points on the left of the point Z), which answer the conditions
of the problem but if we reverse the directions, and, therefore,

the signs of a, b, c and x, the two roots, under the same cir

cumstances, will be both of them positive t.

* For the if e become evanescent, degenerates into the simple

equation (2),
equation (a + 6 c) a -
ab, which gives the value of x in the text the same :

result may be otherwise obtained from the general expression for a? (4): for if we

take the negative sign of the square root, and make t = -- c, we get

extracting the square root of 1 + -~ by the process given in Art. 650, Ex.
we get


~ b-c
-A = a + b-c-ec, and

and if e becomes indefinitely small, then et becomes a + b - c, and e

1* is infinitely
great : it follows therefore, that, under such
ab ab
et~ a + b c

all the other terms of the series

becoming indefinitely small the other root of :

the equation (2), as we have already shewn, is indefinitely great.

The following are particular examples of this problem.
T + 8) <> + 6)
(1) Let a = =
8, ft
6, and ( c = 3, and let
(,r + 3),r

The problem, whose solution we have been considering, was The pro-
known to the ancient geometers under the name of the Deter- Determi-
minate Sectio?i, and is said to have branched out, with its kindred nate Sec-

problems, into eighty-seven propositions* : it would be difficult

to selectan example better calculated to exhibit the superior

brevity and comprehensiveness of symbolical processes.
The magnitudes, which are the subjects of our reasoning
in Geometry,
J are either given and exhibited to the eve,
J or Process by
which the
are required to be determined and exhibited : and the conclu- conclusions
sions which we draw concerning them, are in the first instance,
confined to the specific magnitudes under consideration it is : i

only by a deductive process that we are enabled to make our

conclusions respecting them general, by shewing that the form
of the demonstration would remain unchanged, when applied to
other magnitudes of the same kind, which present precisely the
same conditions.
Thus, if two triangles, which are given or exhibited, have
two sides about two equal angles, equal to each other, they are
shewn to have their remaining side, angles, and also their areas
equal to each other and the demonstration, and therefore the

The values of x are 12 (DP), or -4 (DP ).

I | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

If we change the signs of a, b, c, and therefore the directions of the lines
they represent, we merely change the signs, and therefore the directions of the
values of x.

Let a = = and = and

^t4 ^ = ]
4, b c let -
(2) 3, 1,
The only value of x is - 2 : or P is the middle point be- A B P C D
tween B and C I I I


The values of x are - 10.772 and - 2.228 nearly.

we change the signs of a, b and c, or the directions in which they are
estimated, we shall change the signs of the values of a-, and therefore the directions
in which they are reckoned.
* It formed one of the lost treatises of
the celebrated Apollonius of Perga,
which Pappus has noticed in his Proemium to the 7th book of his Collections,
and which Schooten and Robert Simson have succeeded generally in restoring :

its object is stated by him in the following terms.

" To
cut an indefinite straight
line in a point, so, that of the lines intercepted
between that and other given points
in the square of one, or the rectangle under two, of them, may bear a given

ratio either to the rectangle formed by a given line and another of these inter

cepted lines, or to the rectangle formed by two of them."

conclusion, being obviously independent of the specific form or
values of the triangles, or of their sides and angles, is equally

applicable to all triangles whatsoever, and is therefore general.

The sepa But if there is a disruption of the continuity of the visible con
rate cases
of Geome ditions of the proposition proposed, though the truth which it
try are
compre expresses may be general, it will be necessary to establish the
hended corresponding cases by a distinct demonstration: thus, it is
under the
same for asserted that different parallelograms upon the same base and
mula in
between the same parallels are equal to one another, and the
visible conditions will present three distinct cases for considera
tion ; first 7 when the sides opposite
to the common base have all
their points incommon: secondly, when the sides opposite to
thecommon base have one point only in common and thirdly,

when the sides opposite to the common base have no points in

common and inasmuch as the terms of the demonstration will

be found to involve the notice or consideration of the rela

tive position of the sides opposite to the common base with
respect to each other, the precise form of the demonstration,
which is applicable to one of these cases, will not be appli
cable, without alteration, to the other: but if the demonstra
tion of this or any other proposition was conducted through
the medium of general symbols, the conclusion obtained, as
well as the reasoning by which it was obtained, would be found
to be equally general with the symbolical language in which
it was expressed.
It is this necessity of considering all the
separate cases of
the same proposition or problem in Geometry, and the
sibility of comprehending the extreme or limiting, simultaneously
with the ordinary, values of the magnitudes which they involve,
which commonly renders the reasonings and processes of Geo
metry more operose and less effective than those which are
conducted by the general symbols of Algebra: and it is the
permanence of the equivalence of the forms and conclusions
expressed by general symbols, for all values of those sym
bols, whether limiting or otherwise, which are once shewn to
be equivalent, when they are general in their form, even
they may be specific in their value (Art. 631), which enables
us to include, under one general formula or conclusion, pro
positions or cases of propositions which must be and
distinctly considered in Geometry.
The discussion of a general formula, or expression, origi-

nating in the solution of a problem or otherwise, consists in

evolving the separate cases which it comprehends, corresponding
to the limiting or other values of its symbols, and assigning to
each of them their correct interpretation it requires us to pass

in review, the several propositions which, in the geometrical

or synthetical exposition of the problem, would require a sepa
rate and successive consideration. The geometrical problems
which we have considered in this Chapter, present examples of
such discussions and analyses, and they will be found generally
to constitute the deductive processes which are required in the
applications of Algebra to Geometry and Natural Philosophy :

it not easy, therefore, to overrate their importance, or to


impress too strongly upon the mind of a student, the neces

sity of acquiring such clear and accurate notions of the prin

ciples of interpretation as may guide him securely in the

research and establishment of his conclusions.



Classifica- 667. EQUATIONS, as we have already seen (Art. 377), are

tion of
classified according to the highest power of the unknown symbol
which they involve, when cleared from fractional and radical
expressions and if we further suppose the significant terms to

be transferred to one side, the general forms of simple, quadratic,

cubic and biquadratic equations would be as follows.

(1) *-p = 0,
(2) x*-px + q = 0,
px + qx r = 0,
(3) x3
(4) x*-px*+ qx rx + s= 0:
and similarly for equations of the fifth, sixth and higher orders.

Any equa- 668. Any equation, may be solved, by processes which have
tionmaybe -, -,
, .
,, 1-11-
. .
i i
solved already been considered, it it be resolvible into simple or quad-
rat * c ^actors f r those values of the unknown symbol (x), which
into simple
severally reduce those factors, and therefore their product, to
1 *
ratio zero, and no others, will satisfy the conditions of the equation :

factors. and it is
merely necessary to solve the several equations which
arise from successively equating those factors to zero, in order
to discover all the roots of the equation*.
It is not our intention, in the present Chapter, to
to prove the necessary existence of such simple or quadratic
factors in all equations reduced to the ordinary form, or the
possibility of discovering them, whenever they exist: but we

Thus if u = PQR, and if u = 0, then P = 0, or Q = 0, or R= : but u cannot

become zero, if all its factors P, Q, R retain values different from zero : thus
= x -7x+12 = (x-3)(x-4): then u = 0, when z-3 = 0, or a -4 = 0, or
if tt

when x = 3, or x = 4 but there is no other value of x which reduces u to zero.


Again, let u = j*- I3x +41x-35=(x- l)(a--5) (*-7)

then u = when :

i l=0, or x 5 = 0, or i 7 = 0: or when x = l, or x = 5, or x = 7 but every :

value of x different from these, will make u the product of three significant factors
and, therefore, not =0.

shall merely notice the existence of large classes of

of the superior orders, which admit of such resolution into
factors, and consequently of complete solution.

669. To solve the equation The cube

roots of 1 .
x - 1=0.
3 2
Since a; 1 = 1) (# +x+ 1), for all values of x (Art. 69,
Ex. 5), it follows that
x 3 - 1=0,
when x 1 = 0, or when x* +x+ 1 = 0.

The first equation, x 1 0, gives x = 1, which is the arith

metical root (Art. 645,) of the primitive equation.
The second equation, or a. 2 + x + I = 0, gives

or two unarithmetical and imaginary roots, which also satisfy the

primitive equation*.
Inasmuch as the equation x s l =0 gives x3 = 1, and there
fore x = yi, it follows that there are three cube roots of 1, which
~ 1 + ~~
are 1, \ and

-l^V3 v/-l\3
- 1 3 V 3 V - 1 + 9 T 3 V3 x/ - 1 8 Their pro-
v )r /
= =
\~ ~2 j ~~8~~ 8
The square of one of these imaginary roots is equal to the other : for

and -

-/ 4 2
If, represents one of these cube roots, a will represent the other,
therefore, a.
and the three cube roots of 1 may be represented by 1, a, a or they may be :

2 3
represented by a, a a , since a
= 1.

Again, since a x a = a
2 3 = 1, it follows that a
2 = ,
and a= : and conse

quently the three cube roots of 1 may be represented by 1, a and ,

where a

is one of the imaginary cube roots of 1.

Every integral power of a cube root of 1 is a cube root of 1.

For every integral power of 1 is 1 : numbers are expressible

and since all

by the formulae 3n, 3n + 1, 3n + 2 (Art. 526, Note), where n is a whole number,

it follows that
3"+ 2
a ra -_
a 3 ", or a 3 + i t
or a ,

where a 3n = 1 ;
a 3n + 1
= a 3"
x a = 1 x a = a ;

and a 3n + 2=a3nx 2 = lx a2 =a 2 .


are con
properties of the cube and higher
The roots of 1

nected with many important theories, and will be more par

ticularly considered in a subsequent Chapter, (xxm).

67 T S0lv6 the e(l uation

x3 +l=0.

Since x
+ = + z -x+ values of x, follows
1), for all
1 it
(x 1) (x
x 3 +l = 0,

when x + 1 = 0, or when a?* x + 1 = 0.

The first equation, x + 1 =0, gives x = 1.
The second equation, x 2 - x + 1 = 0, gives

Inasmuch as the equation, xs + I = 0, gives x

= 1, and there
fore x= - 1, it follows that the three cube roots of- 1, are

The sixth 671. The roots of the equation

roots of 1.
x 6 -l=0,

are included amongst those of

x3 - 1 = and x 3 + 1 = 0.

For x 6
1= (# 3 3
1)(# + l) for all values of ,r, and the roots
of x - =
(Art. 668,) are therefore those of

x3 - I = and x 3 + 1 = 0.

The same expression x l may be likewise resolved into
the three quadratic factors
x*-l, x + x+ 1 and x 2 -x + l:

and the roots of the equations

x 2 - 1=0, # 2 + x + I = and x 2 - x -f 1 = 0,

are also the roots of the equation x

- 6
I - 0.

* If a be one of these
imaginary roots, the three roots may be expressed

by 1, a and a 2 , or by - 1, a and , or by a, a 2 and a 3 : for a3 = 1.


672. Biquadratic equations, which present themselves under Solution of

x*+ qx*+S = (1), wanting the
second and
are immediately resolvible into the quadratic factors fourth
terms of the

torm in
Art. 667.

and consequently admit of solution by the processes given for

quadratic equations: for if we make x2 = u, the equation (1)

u2 + q u + s = 0,

whose factors are (Art. 662.)

which become the factors above mentioned, when u is replaced

by x*.

The four roots of the proposed biquadratic equation are,


673. The roots of the equation considered in the last Article, The same

may be exhibited under other and equivalent forms, which are bite.
(J eren
sometimes susceptible of more complete arithmetical reduction. m
f r
For if we divide the original equation

by a: , we get
2 _

and therefore

and therefore

-<?) (2).

If we multiply both sides of this equation by x, we get

and therefore

Solving this pair of quadratic equations in the ordinary

manner, we get
L. -v/_i_^-_^_
"24^ 24
r V/fVf_\l
Y3 Vf
and therefore

where the different combinations of the signs + and -1 will

furnish the four different roots of the primitive equation (l).

* If we compare the equivalent expressions for x which are obtained in Arts.

672 and 673, we find

and, consequently,

may be considered as expressing the square roots of

5-=*= V (if""

result which may be and we - and

easily verified if by
replace ^ by a, s b,
therefore s by a &, we shall find

which assumes the form Va V=*= i n those cases in which a 2 b is a com

plete square.
Thus (1) V(5 + 2 V6) = V2 + V3.




674. Thus, if the equation be Examples.

we get

If the equation be

where q = and s = I, we get

If the equation be

4 - 20 or + 64 = 2

we get
*==V(5 + 4)* x/(5-4)
= 3 l =4 or - 4, 2 or - 2.

675. If we extract the square root of the first member Cases of

of a biquadratic equation arranged as in Art. 667, (where all equations
its significant terms are
transposed to one side,) and if we arrive
at a remainder,which, with its sign changed, is either a complete into factors
6 pr
square or independent of the unknown symbol, the biquadratic C JSS f
equation may, in all cases, be resolved into two quadratic factors,

and its roots determined by the solution of two quadratic equa- root of
. their first
tlons -
member as
For if we express by X the first member of the equation, arranged in

and by u the terms which are obtained in the root before the
process of extracting its square root terminates, then Xu? is

the remainder: and if

X- u *
= -v 2 ,

we have
X= u 2
= (u + v) (u v),

and this is = 0, when u + v = 0, or when u- v = (Art. 668) :

the roots of the equations u + v = and u - v = are therefore the

roots of the equation = 0. X

If v z involve xand be not a complete square, then u + v,

though a factor of X*, does not exhibit x under a rational form :

but if v 2 be independent of x, then u + v and u v will exhibit

x under rational forms, whether v 2 be a complete square or not.

Examples. 676. The following are examples.

(1) Let x*+ -24,x- 256 = 0:

The condition, upon which the success of this process of resolution depends,
may be easily discovered by extracting the square root of

x4 + px 3 -\- qx* + rx + s,

(which is the general form of the first member of a biquadratic equation), as follows :

The last remainder but one, with its sign changed, or (%r - q\ rx-s,

will be a complete square, if ( s

__ !1
V4 4

The last remainder will be independent of x, if ^O -^f + r = 0.


p = =
last condition will always be satisfied, if and r as in the
Examples in Art. 674.
The preceding method will succeed in
detecting u and , whenever they
are of the form x 2+ ax and bx + c or of the form x* + ax + b and c but not

necessarily when they are of the form x*+ax + d and bx + c, inasmuch as it

will generally require the solution of a cubic
equation to determine the value of d.

And -
~-+ 24,r + 256 is a complete square, since

x 256- 144 = lx(24) 2

and its root is + 16.
The quadratic equations, into which the primitive equation
is resolved, are

3x Sx 3x
u+ v = x2 +-- + -- +
44 16 = x 2 +
+ 16 = 0,

and u v = x2 -\
4 4
l6 = x* 16 = 0:

and the four roots of the biquadratic are

3 -
4 and - 4 *.

(2) Let the equation be

2 - x) -2

* The following are examples of the same class.

10 T 3
(1) a:
The factors are a
+ -^ +9 and x 2 - 9 : and the roots are 3, - 3, and

13 J- 155

8r 10.r
The factors are x + 1 and x
a: ^~
;r- + 1, and the roots are

-3, 4, 3 and -.

We thus get ii
= (x
-x + I)
and v
=4, and therefore

u + v =x 2
x+ 3= 0,

u v = x2 -x\ =0.
The four roots are ^ and .

/ /o

Let the equation be

Therefore u*= (x - ax + b ) and V = a 2 b 2 +b 4 and

2 2 2 2
the roots
of the component factors
X *~ax-b 2 + bj(a 2 +b 2 ) and x z - ax - b
2 - bj(a z + V\
when respectively equated to zero, are expressed by the formula

* This " to deter

equation results from the solution of the following problem :

mine a right-angled triangle, the sum of whose sides containing the right angle
is a, and the perpendicular from the right angle upon the hypothenuse is 6."

If a: be taken to represent one of the sides, and therefore a x the other, the
well-known properties of the right-angled triangle will readily furnish the equation

or x 2 -ax + b V( 2 - 2aa; + 2r2 ) = (1).

This equation is one factor of the rationalized equation

2 - ax + b V(a
2 -
2ox + 2a 2 )} (r 2 - ax - b V(a 2 - 2ax + 2;r )}

= x4 - 2ai3 + (a 2 - 26 s ) i 2 + 2o6 2 x - a 2 6 2 = 0.
2 2
The two roots
^^V JT+ & ~^\/( a2 + b )l belong to the first of these

equations, and express the two sides of the triangle which are required to be
determined the other two roots

belong to the second equation, and are totally foreign to the problem proposed.
This problem is given in the Arithmetica Universalis of Newton (Prob. vn.
Cap. II. Sect, iv.) a juvenile work, but which is every where pregnant with marks
of the extraordinary genius of its author the whole section on the Reduction of :

Geometrical Questions to Equations will richly repay the most careful perusal of
the student.

(4) Let the equation be

x 2 - lx + J(x 2 -lx + 18) = 24.

If we transpose 24 and multiply together the two factors

and x 2 - lx -24 -J(x 2 -7x +18),

in which the radical expression J(x 2 - lx + 18) has different

signs, their product

2 2 2
(,r -7.r-24) -(.z -7.r+18),

is rational and becomes zero when either of its factors is zero.

+7*-18 (a;
2 - 7* - 24 - 1
2 2
2( r -7,r-24)-i> -.r
l ) +7*


Therefore (x 2 - lx - 24 - A) 2 = i^ ,

and ,r -7,r-24-l==b .

If we solve this pair of equations, we get the respective pairs

of values 9 and - 2, and .

The two roots 9 and - 2 belong to the proposed equation :

7 =*= /173-
the two others - belong to the factor

x 2 - lx - 24 - j(x 2 - lx + 18) f
= 0,

which is introduced for the purpose of rationalizing the proposed

equation, and are altogether foreign to it: the first pair of roots
may be considered as the proper roots of the equation, and the
second pair as roots of solution merely *.

Equations, such as that in the text, involving square roots of the unknown
symbol or of expressions involving it, may be generally rationalized, by trans
posing all their terms to one side, and by multiplying together the several factors
which arise from changing the signs of the quadratic surds: but it must be kept in
mind, that there are generally, though not always, roots of the rationalized, which
are not roots of the proposed equation, and that there are many equations, in

volving such radical expressions, which admit of no solution whatsoever.

VOL. II. o

Where the When or are easily reducible to, a

677. equations appear in,
s_quareand f^m where the unknown sym bol presents itself exclusively in
power only
of an ex- had been x- V2z=4, the rationalizing factors would be
If the proposed equation
pression in- ,

volving the x 4 iJHf and x 4 + \r2.t,

unknown ftnd the resu i t i ng equation x
2 - I0x + 16 = 0, whose roots are 8 and but

the first root only which belongs to the proposed equation x - J%x= 4;
OCCttT. it is

the other root 2 belongs to the factor

which is introduced in the process of rationalization, and is foreign therefore to

the original equation.

The adventitious factors required in the rationalization of the equation

3 V(H2 - 8*) - 19 + V(3* + 7) =0 (2),

- 3 V( H2 - 8x) - 19 - V(3* + 7) = (3),
- 3 V( 1 12 - 8 x) - 19 + V(3* + 7) = (4) :

we form the two factors, which are the products of (1) and (2) and of (3)

and (4) respectively, and which are

1362 - 75* - 114 v/112 - 8x = (5),

1362 - 75 1 + 114 - 8a - Vm (6),

and the final rationalized equation is their product or

* 2
-625-* + W
= ,
7 v

whose roots are 6 and .

The first of these roots is the proper root, and corresponds to the primitive
equation (1), or to the rationalizing factor (5) the second is a root of solution, :

and corresponds to the factor (6), or to the subordinate factor (4) it may be :

further observed, that the subordinate factors (2) and (3) are satisfied by neither
of these roots, and that they are equations which admit of no solution whatsoever.
In a similar manner, the equation

V(2* + 7) + V(3r - 18) = VO + 1), (1),

when rationalized, becomes

of whose roots 9 and - , the first is the proper root of the proposed equation

(1), and the second a root of solution only: also the proper root of the equation

T - 5 ) ~ ^(l + 45 ) ~ i
is 20, and its root of solution : and in both these cases there are irrational

factors of the rationalized equation which no value of x can satisfy.

It will be found that 4 and are proper roots of the equation

but there are no values of x which will satisfy its rationalizing factor
x - 2 V* 2 + * + 5)
- 14 = 0.

expressions which possess the relation of the square and simple

power only, we may replace this expression by a new symbol,
and proceed to solve the equation with respect to it.
Thus, if the equation be
6x - x z + 3 J(x* -6x+ 16) = 12 (1),

we make ^(3? 6x + 16)

= u, or #
6x + 16 = u 2, and therefore
6x x2 16 u2 : we thus get the quadratic equation

l6- 2
+3M = 12 (2),

where the values of u are 4 and 1 : but inasmuch as the form

of the proposed equation (1) excludes a negative value of u,
we confine our attention to the arithmetical root of equation
* we thus
(2) :
16= 4,

or x z Qx + 16 = 16,

and x = or 6,

which are the proper roots of the equation.

The equation

j (x + 3)
+ (x + 3)}
2 - 7 (* + 3)
= lx + 71 1

is easily reducible to the form

{(x + 3)
+ (x + 3)}
-7{(x + 3)
+ (x + 3)}
= 690,

which becomes, if we make u = (a; + 3)

+ (x + 3)

u 2 - 7^ = 690.
The values of u are 30 and -23: those of x are 2, -9,

- ,
which are the four roots of the proposed biqua

dratic equation t.
In the equation

a?+x +
__ 5)

* If we u
take the negative value of or 1, the resulting roots 3/^/ 6,

correspond to the equation

and are merely roots of solution of the original equation.

t The biquadratic equation, if reduced to the ordinary form, is

a;4 + 14z3 +66o: 2 -119a -630 = 0,

which may be solved by the extraction of its square root.


we multiply both sides by x, and thus get

.r 5x 116
"* "
~~5 ^- /fn&l I

if we make 2
; = w, the roots of the resulting equation
v/( <2? ~T" <X? ~h O )

w2+5M =~
4 29
are - and , of which the second must be rejected.
5 5
The roots of the equation

u= -
2 ^ = -5K ,

>J(x +x+ 5)
are 4 and - , of which the second must be rejected, being

merely a root of solution: there is, therefore, only one proper

root of the proposed equation.

Let ^ + 6,^ = 891.

Make u = a;
, and we get

u = a* = 27, or - 33,

.-. x* =(!)* 3, or (- 1)^33*,

x = (l)*x3 5 ,
or (-!) .(S3)*

- 5 x 243, or - .
V39135393 t-
(I) ( 1)

The num. 678. The number of proper solutions of an equation is not

per solu-
affected by a common denominator of the index of the unknown
n svmbo1
or its powers : for if the highest power of this symbol
was x ^ > tne process of solution would give us the values of x~z ,
initiator of and the
number of those values would not be increased by the
the index of

known transition from the values of x^ to those of x : thus the equation

symboL a" +6^= 891
* There -~
* ^ 3 * ~-
are three cube roots of which are
1, 1,
^ (Art.

669), and three cube roots of - which are - - ^ 3 * ~-

1, 1,
^ (Art. 670) :

there are, therefore, six values of x3 in this equation.

t For (!) = (l)i and (-1)3 = (-l)i-


would have the same number of proper solutions with the

a* + 6** = 891,
and the solutions themselves only differ in the roots of one
equation being the fifth powers of those of the other.

If, however, we should suppose the equation

to admit equally all the forms which are proper to the different
symbolical values of # (which will be found hereafter to be 5
in number,) we should have 5 equations and 30 roots, of which
6 only are the proper roots of the proposed equation, the rest
being roots of solution.
It will appear, likewise, that the reduction of the indices of
the unknown symbol, when one or more of them are frac
tional, to a common denominator, will convert roots of solution
into proper roots, unless the change from one form to the other
is accompanied by a limitation of the roots to be extracted,

in consequence of such a change, to their arithmetical values

only: thus the proper root of the equation
x+ Jx = 6 (1)

is 4, and 9 is the root of solution : but 4 and 9 are equally proper

roots of the equation

x* + x* =6 (2),

unless we are equally restricted to the arithmetical value of

x* in the two equations (1) and (2).

In a similar manner, there are only three proper roots of
the equation

x 3 ~6J-l6 = (1),

but there are six proper roots of the equation

a* -6** -16 = (2),

which include the roots of the former equation (1).



The bino 679. IN Chap. viii. (Art. 486...), we have proved, when
theorem the index n is a whole number, that
when the
index is a ^3
whole (1 + = 1 + nx + n (n
- +n (n
- 1) (
2) + - :
*)" l) ^-^-g
and it be seen, from an examination of this series, and of
the law of its formation, that the powers of x and their divisors
are independent of n, and that the coefficients of

x2 xs xr
TTz iTzTs i.2...r
are n, n (n - -r+
n(n-l), n(n-l)(n-2), . . .
, 1) . . .
(n 1),
being, for the (1 r) term, the continued product of the de
scending series of natural numbers from n to n r + 1 .

The same n
680. This series for (1 + x) is perfectly general in its form,
series is

equivalent though n is
specific in its value, and it will continue therefore,
when the "the
index is by principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" (Art.
perfectly 631) to be equivalent to (1 + j?) , when n is general in value
general in
value as as well as in form: and it will consequently admit, in virtue
well as in of this equivalence, of being immediately translated into the
whole series of propositions respecting indices and their inter
pretation, which are given in Chapter xvi *.

The pro- 681. Thus "the general principle of indices" (Art. 635)
^ws that

(]+*)" (!+*)" =(!-,-*)"+


is theseries f r au va ^ ues f n an(^ n > an ^ consequently the product of the

series for (
1+ *)" or

1 + M+ (
- 1) + (- l) (
_ ft)
+ &c.,

* See

and of the series for (1 + #)" , or

1 +n x+ - 1) + - _ 2) - + &c.
( l) (

be equivalent to the series for n+n>

will (1 + x) , or

+ (n 4- n (n +n - 1) (n + - 2) + &c
-^-^ >

under the same circumstances.

682. Again, the series for

~ + x)~ n
, or (1 (Art. 640,) The series
(1 + XJ for
will be found by replacing n by n in the series for (1 + *)
(l +#)":
we thus get

(1 + x}~ n = I - nx + n (n + l)
^ - n (n + 1
) (n + 2)
^-^ + & c :

for the product n(- n 1) may be replaced by n (n + 1) the :

product n(- n-l)(-n- ) by - n(n + l) (n + 2), and simi
larly for the subsequent terms.

683. The series for (1 #)" is deducible, in virtue of the The series
same principle (Art. 631), from that of (1 4 #)", by changing _
^ T v.
the signs of those terms which involve the odd powers of x:
we thus get, as in Art. 491,

and in a similar manner, the series for (1 - a )"" will 1

become and for

where all the signs and terms are positive*.

684. Since A + Au = A (\ + 11), and therefore Series for


* Thus (l_.T )-i = _L-

3.4.T 2 3.4.5.t 3

it follows that

Examples. Thu ^ A + Au = a + rf = a * *
+ we have
(1 )
+) ,

= a* and u= -,

d An - 2"
w2 = u3 =

= a2 " +n - 1)
therefore (a + x*) 1 .

2 "
multiplying a into every term of the series.

If A + Au = a*-ax = a 2 we get
(2) (l-^,
A = a*,u=
and therefore

Series for 685. Since (1 + x^ means the square root of 1 +x (Art. 636,,)
(1 +x)a. it follows that the corresponding series \ replacing n by J in the
series for (l + x) },

expresses the square root of 1 +


If in this series we replace the factors

we get
1x1 x2 1x1x3 x3 1x1x3x5
--- .

_f +

_ ^128

If the series for 2 2

(a 4 x )^ = afl + -2 Y be required, we get ^2"

6 s

+ a?_ _x^_ + x ~~

In a similar manner, we shall find Series for

20 8a 3 16 a* 12Sa 7
These results are identical with those given in Art. 650,
Ex. 1 and and the student will not fail to observe the readi
ness with which the terms of the series are formed and the law
of their formation ascertained,
compared with the ordinary pro
cess of extracting the root.

686. Since (1 + j?)

means the cube root of 1 +x (Art. 63?), The series
it follows that the for
corresponding series {replacing n by J in i
the series for (1 + or)"},

expresses the same cube root of 1 + x.

This series becomes, by replacing
1.2.3 34 "

687- More generally, if we replace n by

- in the series for The series

(A + An)* (Art. 684), and replace the factors - 1, E_^

3, ... of the numerators of the successive coefficients by

p-3 9 .... we shall find

+ -


Examples. Thus, in the expansion or developement of (a + ax), where

we get
lo = a5
3 /
Q j,
^7 /r

3.7*17 3?
(a +ax) ^l

-^ j-^ .
uF"" 1 .2 . 3a 3
\ i*^

10 4 1 . 2 3 4 a
. . .
= 5
+ .3 x
_ 10 5 , x
+ .0595 x ^-
a 5
-0401625 x -^ +
fl *
. . .

by multiplying
into every term and reducing the several
numerical coefficients.

The developement of (a #)">, where


1 x 1.11 ,r 1.11.21

= +*

+ .1 x - + .055 x + .0385 x . . .

coe ^ c i ents f tne simple powers of a; in the series

terminal for (l 4- ,r)" consist, as we have
already seen (Art. 679), of two
ar t s ^ one the index or exponent of the power
p dependent upon
of the binomial, and the other upon the position of the term
in the series and it will be convenient to mark this fundamental

distinction in the
origin of the factors of the entire coefficient,
by calling one of them the exponential, and the other the ter
minal coefficient of the series thus, the
exponential and terminal :

coefficients of the
(1 + r)
term of the series for (1 + x) n are
Other examples of the same kind are,

35 x 4 63 x 5
"128 ~~25b~

= a2 + .4 x a
2 - .12 x + .064 x ^ - .0416 x + ...

- -
M ( 1) ... (n-r+1) and -
J. X ,c

X o , . . 7*

the entire coefficient being formed by their product, which is

n(n- 1) ... (n-r+ 1)

1 x 2 x 3 x ... r

The factors of the numerator of the exponential coeffi- Rule for

the forma-

cient, when the index is - , form a decreasing; arithmetical tion and

q reduction

series, of which the first term is

p, and the common difference coefficient
en * he
q (Art. 687) ;
whilst its denominator
index is the number of such factors: thus in the developement of fractional.
is that
power of q, whose ^
(l+,r)w, this arithmetical series is 3, -1, -17, -27: and the

exponential coefficient of the 5th term is

3 x _ 7 x _ 17 x -27_ 3 x 7 x 17 x 27
10 4 10

the number of factors being one less than the denomination of

the term the corresponding; terminal coefficient is


1x2x3x4 ,

3 x 7 x 17 x 27
and the complete coefficient required is r^,
1 x2x3x4xlO
or .0401625.

Again, in the developement of (l+a?)~Io, the arithmetical

- 3, - 13, - 23, - of
series is 33, and the complete coefficient
8 x 13 x 23 x 33
the 5th term is or 1233625>
Ix2x3x4xl0 4

These examples will be sufficient to shew, that when the

arithmetical series of the factors of the numerator of the expo
nential coefficient is once formed, the law of formation of the

complete coefficients becomes immediately manifest*.

* Thus the 7th term of (a 7 + a 6 i)7, where A= a 7 and u= - ,


xlx 2x3x4x5x6
j ^ t

_i a s
the 4th term of (\Jx V )
, where A= x*

, n= -- -



The limits

verse ratio
of any two
consecutive (l


of the


as the limits of the

inverse ratio of any

be expressed by
series for

- two consecutive complete

(!+#)", such as the r

values of r are
and the

= --
TZ +

* : and inas-

(or n, when n
a positive whole number), is it follows that the
limits of the values of this ratio are n and 1, and that, when
the series does not terminate, it
perpetually approximates to the

The limits 691. In a similar manner it will appear that the inverse
verse ratio ratio of any two consecutive terms of the series for (1 + x)
of any two
n_r+ j /n + I \
consecutive is
expressed by x = ( - - - 1 ) x, the extreme limits .

terms of the r \ r J
^ wn i cn are nx an d % > and the series for (] + x) will there-

The series
f re sooner or later, when it does not terminate, approximate

for (!+) i n form and character to the series

mates T - Tx + TV - TV + . . .

sooner or
later to a which converges or diverges according as x is greater or less
than 1- (Art. 432, and Note.)

692. This character of convergency or divergency of the

gencyor e ries for (1 + x) will be dependent upon the value of the

mial series."
i nverse ratio ( -- - x of two of
its consecutive terms: if

this ratio be less than

(without regard to
1 its sign, whether
+ -
or ),
it is
divergent: and
convergent: greater than 1, it if is

the point of change from divergency to convergency, or the

contrary, will take place in the (1 + r) term, where r is that

whole number, which is next greater than L_-i , or than

+ \)x,
T, according as
n + l
1 is
positive or negative: thus,

* For the complete L^!LL
coefficient of the r* term is
1 ,6 . O . >
( 7* ly
" ~
and of the (1 + r)* term is
w( * + - ?
and the quotient
\"^~J^ ,

of the second divided by the first is .

(n +-- ,\ + --
If * = we get r = (n l) lT
f-~ \
{ 1J
p- ;
we get r = -

^_ : in cases, \vhere -- 1 passes from positive to negative,


3 9
n ~ a X~ n r *s tne next wn l e number, which
2 To
greater than , and therefore the series becomes convergent

from its second term: if n 3 and x = , we find

= 22,

and the convergency begins from the 23rd term : if n and

x =- , we have a point of convergency when r = 3, and, sub-


when = 17: w= - and

sequently, a point of divergency, r if

,r = , we find r = 5, or the divergency begins with the 6th


term of the series.

693. It appears, therefore, that the series for (1 + #)" and The series

(1 -#)" are or become, convergent, whenever x is less than 1, and(l-a)"

or whenever the binomials, whose powers are developed, are n

arithmetical, both in their arrangement and value but that : divergent

, according
they cease to be so whenever x is greater than 1, or whenever a sl + xand
~ 7

they cease to be arithmetical either in their value or their ^ r th

arrangement for in this case 1
: x is negative, and therefore cal or not,

unarithmetical in its value : whilst under the same circumstances, tlieir ar _

the binomial 1+x, though arithmetical in its value, is not so in

its arrangement, inasmuch as the
greater term succeeds the
* but it
in an inverse and interminable operation (Art. 386) :

and x is greater than 1, we may obtain positive values of r from both these
formulae, which shews that a point of convergency is in such a case followed
by a point of divergency.
It is in the inverse operations of Arithmetic and Arithmetical Algebra,

such as Division and Evolution, that we meet with interminable results, and
in which the arrangement of the terms of the expressions, which are the subjects
of the operations, in the order of their magnitude,is absolutely necessary to enable

us to approximate to, when we cannot

accurately obtain, the true result
is sought for: such an arrangement, which is emphatically called arithmetical ,
is not absolutely necessary, though generally convenient, in operations, whether
direct or inverse, which lead to a terminable result.

should be observed, that in the latter case, the terms of the

resulting series, either are, or become, alternately positive and
negative, confirming the remark which has elsewhere been made
(Arts. 517 and 650), that the expression in which it originates,
though arithmetical in its value, is not so in the character of
the operation to which it is subjected.

If the series which arises from the developement of

(l + be arithmetical, or convergent, we shall be enabled not

only to approximate to its true value or sum (s) by the aggre

gation of its terms (provided we include the term from which
the convergency begins), but likewise to assign the limits of
the excess or defect of the aggregate thus formed from the
true sum which is required.
Thus if o- be the aggregate or sum of r terms of the series,
and T, with its
proper sign, its (l + r) term, then the true sum
s will differ from o- by a quantity less than

Thus (1 + j;)
2 = l + 2.r + x 2 and (x + I)
=x 2 + 2x + I, and the results
2 2
1 + <2x + x and x + 2x + 1

are identical in their arithmetical value, though not in their arrangement, whether
x be less or greater than 1 but ( 1 + x)~ 2 = 1 - 2x + 3x 2 - 4a 3 + ... and

and if x be less than 1,

it is the first, and if x be greater than
1, it is the second, of
these series which
convergent: or, in other words, the convergency or diver

gency of the resulting series depends upon the arithmetical or unarithmetical

arrangement of the terms of the binomial.

For if p = 1 -- -
, it will follow, since 1 increases as r increases,

that the
sum of the

(Art. 432), will be less than the

geometrical series T - Tpx + T p 2 a 2 - Tp 3 x 3 +
sum a of the corresponding terms
..., which is

of the series for (1 + x) ;
but the sum of the geometrical series

T-Tx+Tx 2
T -
which is , will be greater than o- since p is necessarily less than 1, when r is

greater than n \ it follows, therefore, inasmuch as o- is intermediate in value between


As an Example, supposeit was

required to determine within Example.
what of error the square root of 5 would be given by
the aggregation of 5 terms of the series for 2(1 +i)^> or

4 x 42 2 x 4 x 43 43 x 4*
2 x 4 x 4

we should find
(7 = 2.236026 nearly,

T= .0000534 nearly,

= .000032 1 nearly,

T = 4 T- =
.0000427 nearly,
1 +x 5

a- + -^ = 2.2360687 nearly,
and therefore s differs from 2.2360687 by a quantity less than

+ px
and -j
that <r +
1 + x
will be =
- less and <r + .
+ px
will be greater,

than or o- + <r a less than

s by quantity

T T (l-p)Ta;
+ /ox I + .T



The signs 695. THE signs of affection, which we have hitherto used,
hitoto are +, -, J^l and -^=1; the two first of which + and
required -
may ^ e conveniently replaced by + 1 and 1, if we consider
nized, are them, like the two last, as factors of the symbols which they
Thus + a = + 1 x a and - a = - 1 x a, in the same manner
biqu a-
dratic roots
that fl
J~^ = ^^ x and - a J~^l =- J^l x a (Art. 652).
Of these signs, the two first + 1 and - 1, or 1 and 1, are the

two square roots of 1 whilst the two last, ,J1 and - J 1


are the two square roots of - 1 the entire series of them, + 1, :

- 1, + -
J 1 and 1, be J
easily shewn to be the four may
biquadratic roots of 1 t.

Their use The preceding

696. signs, or their equivalents, are suf-
ralizing the ficient, as we have shewn in the preceding Chapters, to express
everv symbolical consequence which arises from extending the
ofArith- rules for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and
the Extraction of the square root, which are proved in Arith
metical Algebra, to all values whatsoever of the symbols to which

they are applied, in conformity with the general principle of the

permanence of equivalent forms (Art. 631): no further signs of
affectionwould be required, if the processes of Arithmetical
and Symbolical Algebra, were confined to the several operations
above enumerated.

Corres- 697* But the processes of Evolution in Arithmetic and

useVAfie Arithmetical Algebra, are not confined to the extraction of square
ni s her
and biquadratic roots, and it will be found necessary to intro-
the roots of duce new signs, in order to give the same extension to the rules
* r t *le extraction of cubic and higher roots, and which, like
higher pro-
cesses of those we have already considered, are capable, as we shall pro-
ceed to shew, of being correctly expressed or symbolized by the
multiple symbolical values of the cubic and higher roots of 1.
See Appendix.
t For x 4 - 1 = (x 2 - 1) (x 2 + 1 ) = : the roots of the equation ,r
2 - 1 = 0, are

1 and - 1 : those of .r
+ 1 = 0, are >J^l and - J~^l.

Thus a 3 =lxa 3 and therefore ^/ 3 =^/lxa: and,

698. ,

inasmuch as we have shewn (Art. 66 9), that the three cube roots of l .

roots of 1 are

-l+JS J^l -1-^/3 7~1

2 2

it will follow that there are also three cube roots of a 3, which are

the first of which alone is arithmetical.

- -
In a similar manner,
= s/
1 x fl :
we have - a = - I x a 3 and there-
i i

and inasmuch as we nave shewn that


IT Of the cube
rootsof- 1.

the three cube roots of - 1 (Art. 670), are

it will follow that there are also three cube roots of a 3, which

- fl, a,
none of which are arithmetical.

700. It shewn that the three cube roots of The cube

may be easily
1, and the three cube roots of 1, form the six senary roots an - ,i

of 1 for if x = yi, we have x*=l, and therefore


roots of 1.

and inasmuch as
*-! =(*-!) (**+!),


and also


it follows that the equation (1) is equally satisfied by the three

roots of x
-l =0, which are the three cube roots of 1, and by
the three roots of x* + 1 = 0, which are the three cube roots of
-1. (Art. 671).

Use of the 701. More ffenerallv s since

nth roots of
1 and - 1.
a" = 1 x a
and - a" = (- a n,
, l)

it follows that

v a" = tf 1 x a and J -a
= l] -I x 0,

a" and - a" (which will be shewn hereafter

and the w th roots of
to be severally n in number), will be correctly expressed or
symbolized by multiplying a into the several symbolical values
of y\ in one case, and of j 1 in the other*.

appears that the several symbolical values of the

It thus
different orders of the roots of 1 and 1 will enable us to give

to the processes of evolution generally the full extension which

the conditions of Symbolical Algebra require and we shall pro :

ceed, in the next Chapter, to investigate some of the more

important properties of those roots, with a view to the esta
blishment of the principles upon which their use and inter
pretation shall be founded.

* The n th roots of 1 and of -1 form the 2 n th roots of 1 : for if x = ijft, we

x*"-l = (1),
and therefore
*-! = (*-!) (-!);
and it is obvious that the equation (1) is equally satisfied by the n roots of
a" 1 = and by the n roots of x" + 1 = 0.



702. we represent a root of 1, which is of the w th order, The n roots

th n
by x,w power or x will be equal to 1: its values will jJj^JJ th!

therefore be the roots of the equation x* - 1 = 0, whatever

they equation
may be : the discovery or determination therefore of the roots
of this equation is equivalent to the
discovery or determination
of the corresponding roots of 1.

703. One of these roots is

always 1, which is the only There is

arithmetical root: for it may be easily shewn that arithme-

= (x~ i) (*- + *-- +...*+!)
which becomes zero when x is 1 but there is no arithmetical :
value of x, which, under any circumstances, can make the second
n~ ~
factor of this product x + x n 2 + . . x + 1 equal to zero.

The discussion of the properties of the roots of this equation,

in those special cases in which they can be easily determined and

exhibited, will form the best introduction to their general theory.

704. The
roots of the equation a: 1=0, which are the The square
square roots of 1, are 1 and 1, one of which only is arith-
If we represent the unarithmetical root or 1
by a, the two Their pro-
roots of the equation will be expressed by a and a : for

= (-!) =!.
705. Theroots of the equation a; 1=0, which are the The cube
c , roots of 1.
cube roots ot 1, are

-1+J3 J~^l -1-J3 J~^~\

~T~ 2

* For if we divide x n 1 by xl, the complete quotient is

and since all its terms are positive, there is no positive or arithmetical value

of r which can make the sum of its terms equal to zero.


Their pro- an j jf a represent one of the unarithmetical roots, the three

perties. 2 3
roots will be represented by a, a , a (Art. 669^ Note) *.

dratic roots
706. The roots of the equation
_x*-l =
. _ and
which are the

biquadratic roots of 1, are
(Art. 695, 1, -1, -*J-1
Note). The two first are also the square roots of 1 : the two last
are the square roots of 1, or of that square root of 1, which

- I or
is not arithmetical: and if a represent 3 the J -J-1
four roots will be expressed by a, a 2, a 3 and a 4 .

The qui- 707- The roots of the equation or

- 1 = 0, which are the
nary roots .
of i quinary roots 01 1, are

or], .309 * 951 J^l, - .809 587 J- 1 nearly.

Their pro- It appears that the pairs of imaginary roots are severally
reducible to the form a b J 1, and that in both cases

* Or by a, - and 1, one of the imaginary or unarithmetical roots being the

reciprocal of the other.

t For i 5 - 1 = (x-l)(x*+x*+x 2 +x + 1) = 0, where
a 1 = or 4 + a 3 -f a: +x+ x2 1 = 0.

In order to solve the equation x*+ 3 + x2 + x +

a, 1 = 0, we divide it
by x ,
which gives
X2 +X + 1+1 + L

9 1 1
or x 2 + ~2 -f 1 + - + 1 = 0;

-Y +(i + -\ =1, (Art. 677).

*/ \ x)

the solution of this quadratic equation gives the values of x in the text.
+ For if a = .309 and b = .951, we find
V(a + b 2) = J .999882 = .9999 ...... = 1 nearly :

or if a = and ^v , we get fl

this will be shewn, in a subsequent Chapter, to be a property

common to the imaginary roots of 1, whatever be their order*.
If we represent one of the quinary roots of 1, which is dif
ferent from 1, by a, their whole series will be expressed by

a, a2 , a , a 4, a 5 ;

and the same series be continued indefinitely, the same suc


cession of values will be reproduced periodically^.

This is a general property of those imaginary roots of 1, which
are denominated by prime numbers, and will be demonstrated

generally in the following proposition.

708. If there exists a root J a of the equation x n 1, which General

is different from 1, when n is a prime number, then its n roots SJ5*roots
when "
will be expressed by the terms of the series f

a prime
a, a?, a ...a" number.
In the first place, no power of a, whose index is less than n,
can be equal to 1.

and similarly, if a - .809 and b .587, we get

Vfa* + b 2
= J .999639 = .9999 = 1 nearly:

orifa= v
5+l //5_^5x 2 2,

3 + V5 5-V5-=1
and&=\/ \ O-^-)/ , we get a + b

* Thus the pair of the imaginary roots of .r

3 1 = is A =t -~-
/Q / 1

where a _i.
and b =
^ : we therefore get V(
+ 2
& ) = V(? + i) = 1-

t Thus if a = .309 + .951 x^I be one of the unarithmetical roots of - a.

1 = 0,
we find
a2 =- .809 + .587 *J~^l,

a 3 = -.809 -.5

which are also the quinary roots of 1 : it will be found likewise, if the series be

continued, that
a 6 = a 5
Xa=lxa = a,
7 = a 5 X a2 = 1 X a2 = a 2 ,

or that the same series of values is reproduced, and so on for ever.

J be demonstrated, in a subsequent Chapter, that there exists in all

It will

1 = 0, which are different

cases one, and therefore n I, roots of the equation x
from each other and from 1 in the absence of such a demonstration, the existence

of such roots in the equations a 3 1 = 0, z

4 1 = and i 5 1 = 0, where they

have been determined, affords a reasonable presumption that they exist likewise
in all other cases.

For, if not, let a =

1, where p is less than n: then since

ap 1 =
and a" 1 = 0, for the same value of , it follows
that they must have a common factor, which becomes zero for
that value: but if n be a prime number, a 1 is the only common
factor of a p 1 and 1, and which can only become zero

when a = I (Art. 703), which is contrary to the hypothesis it :

follows, therefore, that a" is the lowest power of a, which is

equal to 1.
In the second place, the successive powers of a, whose in
dices are less than n, are different from each other.
For, if not, let of a where q is less than p, and both of
them less than n: dividing both sides by aq , we get ap q =l,
which is impossible, since the index p q is less than p, and
therefore less than n.
In the third place, the first n terms of the series (t) are
roots of the equation x p 1 = 0.

For a n = 1, since a is assumed to be a root of the equation.

Again, since
()-=(-)= (1)- = 1,

y=) 3
=(l) =l,

() = (!)=!,
it follows that a 2 , a 3 ..... a", satisfy the requisite conditions
of the equation equally with a and since they are all of them :

different from each other, and n in number, the equation

xn I =0 can have no other roots.

Theindefi- If the series

nite series
formed by a, a ,,... a"

cessive be continued beyond a", forming the terms

an imagi-

naryroot^of t
is P eriodic For a" +
= a" x a = 1 x a = a,

a" +3 =a n x a3 = 1 x a3 =a 3

It appears, therefore, that the series

a" +2,...
a, a , ...a",

is periodic, the same terms recurring, in the same order, after

every ;i term.

710. root (a) of the equation x n -l,

The whose successive Base of the

powers form the complete period j^


may be called its base : and it is obvious that there are as many
bases as there are roots of the equation different from 1.
It will be farther shewn,, in the articles which follow, that if

n be a composite number, no root of the equation x n 1 =0 will

possess a similar property; but that in all such cases, a base

of a complete period of n terms may be formed, which is de
pendent upon those roots of 1 different from 1, which are,
severally denominated by the prime factors of n.

711. The roots of the equation The roots

of theequa-
y?*~ 1=0 (1) tion
when p and q are different prime numbers, are the several pro- are the pro
ducts which can be formed of the roots of the subordinate roo^of the
equations x 1 = 0, and ^-1=0.
p - subordinate
Jor, let a and p be two roots of X 1 = 0, and x q =
T =
1 i*- 1

respectively, which are different from 1, and let

J?-l =
a, a 2, ...a* (2),
ft /3 , . . .
/3 (3),

be their corresponding periods ; then the several terms of their

product, which are n in number, form all the roots of the

equation x
pq 1 = 0.

For if a r j3 be any one of those terms, we have

it is therefore a root of the equation xp<1 - 1 = 0.

Again, all the terms of this product are different from each
~ -
other: for, if not, let a {3 and therefore a r r = /3* t, =a p r

which is impossible, since 1 is the only root which is common

to the equations xp I = 0, and x q 1 =0.

The terms of this product, therefore, which are all of them

different from each other and pq in number, form all the roots
of the equation xpq 1 =0.

* For * = (o) = 1, since a?= 1 : and p"> = (/3 )

p = 1, since /3= 1.

t For r r is less than p. and s s is less than q : and if s s be negative,

we get /3
= /3- <- ), which is a root of &- 1 = 0, and different

from I, since q (s s ) is less than q.


^ 12 TJle P roduct a ft is the base of a complete period of

the base of pq terms of the roots of the equation xpq 1=0.
* In the first P lace evelT term of the P eriod
the roots of
>*- ] = 0. An r
f n\i3
(a/3) . . .
. . .

is equal to some one term of the product of the subordinate

1 = 0, and x q
periods corresponding to x l 0.

For (a(3) r =a r /3 r and a r is always a root of xp 1=0, and


f3 a root of x q I =0, whatever be the value of r: and there

fore a
is, by the last Article, always a root of x
pq 1 = 0.

Again, all the terms of this period are different from each

For, if not, let (a/3) = (a/3) , where r is greater than s:

r J

r- s~ r *-^-^
we thus get a = fi = fi 1

(Art. 711, note), which is im

possible, unless
r s = mp, and tq-r s = nq, or mp = n q, where n =tn;
and since p is prime to q, the least values of m and n in this

equation are q and p (Arts. 110 and 11 6): it follows, there

fore, that r s is not less than pq, and consequently the terms
(/5) and (/3)* which are equal to each other are beyond the
limits of the period.
The terms, therefore, of this period, which are pq in number,
form all the roots of the equation x vq 1=0.

The roots of 713. Thus the
roots of the equation # -l=0, are found
1 =
by multiplying together the three roots of x and the
2 -
two roots of x 1 =0: they are therefore

-l + x/^x/- "l
-I-JSJ^I I-j3j~l I

The same series of roots, though not in the same order, form
the terms of the period whose base (a /5) is

Therootsof jf p ancl q b e equal to each other, as in the equation

^ -i=o,
the series of roots in the subordinate equations

^-1=0 and x q - 1 =
become identical with each other, and no new values or roots

are formed therefore by their multiplication with each other:

but under such circumstances, the roots of the equation

x^- 1 =0,
will be found to be the p th roots of those of the equation
xp -l = 0.

we make xp =u, weget x = u =l, and therefore

For if p

x= */u, where the values of u are the roots of the equation

^-1 =0.

715. Again, if we suppose a to be one of the roots of The period

3-p- i = 0, which is different from

one of the p th roots 1, and j3 ^^ they

of a, we shall find
that the p" roots of the equation xp2 1 =0

may be represented by the terms of the period whose base is a/3.

For the terms of this period, which are p 2 in number, are
all from each other.
For if not, let (aj3) =(a/9) and therefore a r ~* = fi r where
r s

r- ~
r and s are less than p: and since a = /3p(r \ it follows that

o-o_ 1 k u t since r
s cannot exceed p 1, it follows
that (p+l)(r-s) cannot exceed (p + l)(p-l), or p~-l, and
(p+1) - s)
therefore /3 cannot be equal to 1:
it will follow therefore
2 p2
that the terms of the period a/3, (a/3) , . . .
(/3) form all the
roots of the equation x p
1 = 0.

716. Thus the roots of the equation x* 1 =0 are the cube The roots of
roots of the roots of the equation x
1 = :
they are therefore
the cube roots of
2 2

The method

pressions, such as
of extracting the cube and higher roots of ex-
-- ,
and -
-- *-
3 - ,
will be

explained in a subsequent Chapter.

The ro 9 ts
717. prime factors of n, which are dif-
If p, q, r be three
ferent from each other, and if a, /3, j be severally roots of the O ftheequa-
x p
-l=0, ^-1=0, and of- 1=0, which are dif- t n s i

equations a ?
_ 1 = 0> r

ferent from 1, then the period of n terms, whose base is a/3y, and
will form all the roots of the equation .r" 1 = 0.

In a similar manner, if n p and if a be a root of xp 1 =0,


which is different from 1, and if {3 is ^/a, and if 7 is //?, we


shall find that the period of p terms, whose base is a (3 7, will

express all the roots of the equation ,rp3 1 = 0.

It is not necessary to give the demonstration of these pro

positions, nor to shew in what manner they may be extended
to the exhibition of the roots, periods, and their bases of the

equation x
1 = 0, when ?i is any composite number whatsoever.
General It appears, therefore, that the roots of the equation x 1 =0
I0n *
will form, in all cases, periods of n terms, which are the suc
cessive powers of a common base : and it is this remarkable pro

perty, which will be shewn in a subsequent Chapter, to form

the principal basis of their interpretation.

The roots of The roots of the equation #"+1=0, which are the
n roots of 1, are included amongst the roots of the equation

Their If a be one of the roots of xn + 1 = 0, which is different from

1, the odd powers of the base a of the period of 2n terms

a, a 2, a 3, ... a 2 "- 1
, a 2n ...

will express the whole series of its roots.

For "
= -!, (")= () = (-!) = -!:

()" = (") = (-!)*=-!,

and so on for other terms of the series : it follows therefore that
a, a 3, a 5, ... are roots of x + I = 0.

Again, all the terms, and therefore the odd terms of the

are different from each other : and since they are n in number,
they form all the roots of the equation #"+1 = 0.

The roots of
a: +l = 0,

amon g s t
Thus the

those of the equation X K

roots of the equation # 4 +

- =
1 = are included

J? 1 = 0. 1 : and if
y^ - be
one of the roots of x 4 + 1 = 0, all its roots are expressed by
the period

For ,v2-l = -

which are equivalent to

j* ^ ~jr- jr
The series formed by the even powers of the same base
1 +v ~ l
- -
710) , which are J~l, 1, J~I\ and 1, are the
roots of the equation x* - I =0. (Art. 695).

720. We have shewn (Arts. 708 and 710), that when the The order
index n a prime number, the same period of n terms
f suc e
may -


arise from (n
1) different bases, which are the (n 1) first terms of a

terms of the the last or n th term being 1

period,, but it will aheredty :

likewise be found that the terms of all these periods follow a a c.hange .
of its base.
different order: thus, if in the period

a, a 2, a 3 , a\ a 5 , a 6, 1 (1),

to x 1 - = 0, we 2
corresponding 1
replace the base a by a we ,

shall get the period

a 2, a\ a 6, a, a 3, a 5, 1

whose terms are the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th terms
of the period from which it is derived : if in the same period
(1) we replace a
by a , we shall get the period

a 3
a 6, a 2, a 5, a, a 4, 1

whose terms are the 3rd, 6th, 2nd, 5th, 1st, 4th and 7th of
the same period and it may be observed generally, that if in

a series of repeating periods of n terms, we replace the first

by the r term, then if n be prime to r, we shall reproduce
a period involving the same terms, with that from which it is
derived, but disposed in a different order, being such as would
arise from taking every r term of the periodic series*.

* For if one term (the p th ) of the series of r th terms coincides with a final

term a" or 1 of a (the <j

) period, in the periodic series a, a
a", a, a 2 ... a"...

we must have p r = q n or = ,
and since n is prime to r, the fraction cannot
q r r
be reduced to lower terms: and since p and q are the least possible numbers,

which will answer the required conditions, it will follow that p = n and q r: or
in other words, it is the n th term of the new period which coincides with the final
term of the r th period of the periodic series.
Again, all the terms of the period thus produced are different from each other :

for, if possible, let a r

= a tr and , therefore a ( )r = I : but since s and t are both of

Properties 721. n terms, therefore, of a period be arranged

If the
of such a
circularly, and if we
mark in succession every r term, (r being
period if
round the circle r times, having
arranged prime to n), we shall pass
marked every term of the period once, and once only, before
we return to the first term thus, if = 7 and r = 2, and if :

we arrange the terms of the period

a, a 2, a 3 ,
a 4, a 5 ,
a6, 1 (l),

round the circumference of a circle,

and mark every second term, begin
ning from 1 the succession or new
period of marked terms will

a 2, a 4 , a 5, a, a3 ,
a 5, 1 (2),

where every term of the first period

is included once, and once only, and

where 2 circuits are made before we

return; to again, if we make r
1 :
= 5,
we shall form the period

a5 ,
a3 , a, a 6, a 4, a 2 ,
1 (3),

where 5 circuits are 1 made

and similarly before we return to :

in other cases: and it is obvious that the same periods will be

found, and in the same order, if we replace a, in every suc
2 5
cessive term of the period (1), by a in one case, and by a in
the other, depressing the indices in every case to the residual
which arises from dividing them by 7

Cyclical 722. If we restrict our attention to the imaginary roots of

arrange =
ment of the xn 1 0, where n is a prime number, or, in other words, to
roots of the roots of the equation

where n is =0,
a prime
X- 1

number. we shall find that they are capable of an arrangement, by which

the terms of the period which they form, may always recur
in the same order, upon the replacement of one base by another ;
this may be effected by arranging the terms of the period

them less than n, it follows that s t is less than n : but we have shewn above,
a nr .
that the least power of a which ,
is equal to 1, is
It may be observed, that the proposition is true of all powers of a base whose
indices are prime to n, whether n be a prime number or not.

in such an order that their indices may be the residuals of the

successive powers of a primitive root of n (Art. 531), which

comprehend every number from 1 to n I inclusive thus, if :

n be 7, of which 3 is a primitive root, the residuals of

Q Q2 q3 q4 y q5 06
*/ y il>
y CJ y *-*
<-?} *-*?

3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1*:
and if the terms of the period
a, a i a , a , a , a

corresponding to
= 0, be distributed in the order of these

residuals, as follows,


and then arranged circularly, it will

be found that the succession of its
terms will remain unaltered, what
ever be the base or term of the period

by which the assumed base or a is

replaced thus, if a be replaced by

a 3, we get the period


whose terms follow the same circu-

These residuals are successively formed by multiplying the preceding resi
dual by the primitive root, or 3: thus, 3 being the first residual, the second is 2,
which is the remainder from dividing 3 x 3 by 7 the third is 3 x 2 or 6 the fourth : :

is 4, the remainder from dividing 3 x 6 by 7 the fifth is 5, the remainder from :

dividing 3 x 4 by 7 the sixth is 1, the remainder from dividing 3 x 5 by 7 they

: :

afterwards recur in the same order for ever. If we take the second primitive root
of 7, which is 5, we shall get the series of residuals 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, the five first

terms of one series being the five first terms of the other series in a reverse order.
If n = 13, there are 4 primitive roots corresponding, which give the following

periods of residuals :

2 and 7 j
\ 7, 10, 5, 9, 11, 12, 6, 3, 8, 4, 2, 1

n ( 6, 10, 8, 9, 2, 12, 7, 3, 5, 4, 11, 1,

b and 11 {
111, 4, 5, 3, 7, 12, 2, 9, 8, 10, 6, 1 :

these periods form pairs, in which the first 11 terms follow severally an inverse
order and it may be observed, that the terms of the second pair are the 5th terms

of those of the first.

student will find the theory of such primitive roots discussed at consider
able length in Art. 531, and those which precede and follow it.

lar arrangement with those of the period (2), each term being
one place in advance: if we replace a by a or a 2 , we get

a 6 , a 4, a 5 , a, a 3, a 2 (4),

where each term is two places in advance, when compared with

by a or a we get the
the same period (2) : if we replace a ,

a 4, a 5 , a, a 3, a 3, a 6 (5),

where each term three places in advance and similar results

is :

will be observed to follow, whatever be the term in the series by

which a is

Such periods of the imaginary roots of 1, which cor-
periods :
respond prime values of the index, may be properly called
their great \ , . . , ,.\3 . . .

import- cyclical periods, inasmuch as the various derivative periods which

result from changes of their bases, will perpetually follow in
the same order round the circumference of a circle, where no
regard is paid to the initial term: they will be found hereafter
to be connected with the most important analytical theories*,
and therefore deserve the most careful attention of the student.

They form the basis of Gauss well-known researches respecting the geo
metrical division of the circle, and of Lagrange s theory of the solution of the

equation x - I for all values of n. See the Disquisitiones Arithmetics of Gauss,


Sectio 7 ma and the Resolution des

, of Note xiv.
Equations Numeriques Lagrange,



724. WE
have explained
r in a former Chapter (xxm.) the The use of
the roots
introduction and use of the roots of 1, as the recipients of the O f 1 as the
signs of affection, which the application of the general principle ^g^"^
of the "permanence of equivalent forms" (Art. 631) renders ne- affection
, , , . i .
i . i . in Symbo-
cessary in algebraical operations, and more particularly in those }j ca Alge-

of Evolution : we have shewn that 1 x r and - 1 x r may be conve- l)ra -

niently used as equivalent to + r and r respectively, where 1

and - 1, which are also the square roots of I, may be considered
as the recipients of the signs + and : the extraction of the square
2 2
roots of expressions, such as r and r , or of their equivalents
2 2
I x r and 1 x r , leads to results which are correctly sym
bolized by ,Jl x r arid I x r the consideration of higher
J :

roots conducts us in a similar manner to expressions such as

^/l x r and *J \ x r, or to their equivalents (I)"* x r and (- !)" r,

where the signs (!)" and (!)"

are used to designate such
affections or
qualities of their common subject r, as can be
shewn to be consistent with their symbolical properties.

725. We
have subsequently investigated (Chapter xxiv.) Recapitu-
the more important of these properties, with a view to the dis- theTrsym-
covery of the conditions which must be made the basis of their bohcal pro
interpretation: we have shewn, when n is a prime number,

that (!)" has necessarily n symbolical equivalents or values*,

provided it has one such value which is different from 1 and :

we have further demonstrated that these equivalent values or

roots may be considered as the successive powers of a common

* The term when thus used, has no reference to magnitude, but to


symbolical form only, or to the quality of magnitude which its symbolical con
ditions are competent to express: all the values of (l)^r are equal in mag
nitude, but different in affection or quality.

base, which is one of them, forming periods of n terms, which

recur in the same order for ever.

Research of
726. If r, therefore, be a specific magnitude to which the
the condi-

their inter-
Sn C1 )"" ^s attached, or into which it is multiplied, forming

tne expression (1)^~ r ; and if a be a base of (1)1 (Art. 710),

plied to __
specific or any one of which is different from
its roots 1, then (l)n r may
tudes!" equally express any one term of the period
z 3
ar, a r, a r, ... a""

a n r or r (l),
which are all of them symbolically different from each other.

The sue- 727- It will be observed that the successive terms of this

termslf a P er id bear the same symbolical relation to each other, the ratios
period pos-
sess the -
a2 r
a r
j ,
. . .

an r
, l,
bohcal re-
lation to
k emfife identical with each other, and with a and it will follow,
each other: therefore, that

whatever be the affection or quality which a is


capable of symbolizing, when applied to the specific magnitude
r, must equally symbolize, the affection which connects a 2 r

with ar, a 3 r with a 2 r, and so on, throughout the period, until

we reach its last term a n r, which is identical with r.
and must We may conclude, therefore, that the quantities designated
b y the terms of the P eriod
quantities ar> a *r, u r . . . a"r
of the same ni same
i M
i <* i
same magnitude t
? i

kind and ofmiut be ot the kind*., ot the / but

ma Stlfde
^ nasmucn as tne successive terms of this period are symbolically
different from each other, they are also different in their af
fections if we enter upon a second period, the same terms
: but
will re-appear, and in the same order: and so on from period
to period, however far the series of them may be extended.

Their geo- 728. The relative position of equal lines in Geometry, mak-
* n e(l ual angles with each other, and which are the quotients
Quantities may be of the same kind though different in quality or affection :

thus are quantities of the

all straight lines same kind, though they may differ in
relative or in absolute position.

t For, if not, let the magnitude of the quantity expressed by ar, considered
without regard to its affection, ber(l + c) then since a 2 r bears the same relation

to ar that ar bears to r, it will follow that the magnitude expressed by a 2 r must be

2 s 3 4
r(l + c) similarly, the magnitude of a r will be r(l + c)
: that of r, ,

r(l + c) ... and that of a"r, ... r(l + c)
but a n r = r, and therefore r = r (1 + c)"
: :

or in other words, c = 0.

of the division of 4, 8, 12 right angles by the number of terms

in a period, will be found to present an exact correspondence
to the symbolical conditions considered in the last Article, and
will enable us to give to them a consistent and complete inter

Let a circle be described with a radius AB(r), and let its

circumference be supposed to
be divided into n equal parts in
the points 19 B B B ... B _ 2, 3 n 2 ,

B n _t ; the radii AB AB AB 13 2 , 3,

AB n _ 2, AB _ and AB being
n 1}

drawn to the several points of

division: then, if be repre AB
sented in magnitude and posi
tion by r, AB, may likewise be

represented in magnitude and

position with respect to AB by
ar,AB by 2 a*r, AB 3 by a?r . . .

and ABn _ l by a- r, rhere a is a base of the period 1.

For, since AB, AB,, AB AB 2, 3, &c. are equal in magnitude

and identical in position when considered with respect to each

other, Art. 726, it will follow, that if AB, can

be represented in

magnitude and position with respect to by a x AB, 2 may AB AB

be equally represented in magnitude and position with respect
to AB, by a x AB,, AB 3 by
a x ,
. . n _, by
a x n _*, AB 2
and finally AB by a x ABn _, .

Again, if we make AB = r, we get

AB = axAB = ar,

ABn _, = a x AB _ n z
= an - r,
AB =a x AB _ n
= an r or r,

and will follow, therefore, that the successive lines AB,,

a, AB
AB 3 ...AB n _,, AB, which are assumed to be severally repre
sented with respect to each other by
a x AB, a x AB,, a x Z AB ABn _ s, a x AB n _,,

will be represented, under the same circumstances,

with respect
to the primitive line or r, by the several AB
terms of the period

a 2
aV a n-
a n
the line by the last term
ar, r, r, r,
. . . represented

a" r, coinciding with the primitive line or r, in exact conformity

with the symbolical condition, which gives "= 1, and which

makes the term a"r the commencement of a new period, whose
successive terms are identical with those of the preceding period,
and so on, for ever.
It appears therefore, that if a, which is an imaginary root
of (1)^, be multiplied into r, which represents a given line, then
the product of a and r or ar, may represent a line of equal

length, making an angle with the primitive line r, which


th part of 4, or of some multiple of 4 right angles.

Again, if we should make a the base of the period instead
of a, the terms of the new period which arises, or
~l 3
a 2 r, a 4 r...a n r, ar, a r...a*r,
would magnitude and position of the
severally represent the
lines AB.24 ,
AB l} .
1} .
3. AB
n_z n_AB, where eachAB AB AB ,
. . .

line makes, with that which precedes it in the series, an angle,

such as B?AB, B4 AB 2 which is the double of B AB, and
. . .
, V

which renders it necessary therefore to pass twice round the

circumference, or through 8 right angles, before we return to
the primitive line AB
and if we should make ar the base of

the period instead of a, the successive lines which its terms

would represent would be AB r, AB.2r , AB3r ... , the final term
of the period (Art. 721), being nr , which coincides with AB, AB
and which we reach for the first time, after passing round the
circumference r times, or through 4 r right angles and it may :

be further observed, that the primitive line AB or r, is the

first of the n radii AB lt ABZ ... AB,
which, in this course
of circulation, we reach for the second time.

Choice of 729. We
have assumed, in the preceding investigations, a
which cor- to be the appropriate sign of affection, which when multiplied

** mt ^ B
* T ^^
denote the mag tude and position of 1
m AB
with respect to AB, and therefore a to be the
angle of
gign for AB ^ ^ for AB ^ and ^ for AB^.
but masmuc h as a

may express any one of the (n-l) roots of (1), which are
different from 1 (Art. 708), there is apparently no reason why
one of them should enter into the expression which designates
the relative position of V
with respect to AB
corresponding AB
to the least angle of transfer, in
preference to any other: it
will be found, however, when we are enabled, in the

of our enquiries, to assign explicitly the

symbolical forms of
(1)^, (Chap, xxxr.) for specific values of n, that every term in
this series will possess a determinate use and
interpretation, as
will be partially seen likewise in the particular examples which
follow: in the absence, however, of such determinations, we

may assume, as we are at liberty to do, a to express that term

in the series of roots which corresponds to the least of the

angles of position or transfer, or to B^AB, after which assump

tion the preceding theory will at once assign to all the other
terms of the period their determinate signification.

730. The interpretation, which in the preceding Articles we The pre-

have applied to the radii of the same circle, which make deter-
\ tions are
minate angles (that is,
th part of 4 right angles, or of some equally

multiple of 4 right angles) with a primitive radius, are equally equaHmes

applicable to any lines which are equal to them, and which
which make

make -i i -^
the same angles with the primitive line
^ .*! :
for we
the same

have elsewhere shewn (Art. 56l), that equal lines which

the same relative, but different absolute, positions in space, are other

expressed by the same symbol with the same sign, whether

+ or and the same reasoning, which was applied to those

primitive signs, will be found to

be equally applicable to the
more general signs which we are now considering.

731. Again, such interpretations may be indifferently con- They may

sidered either with reference to an operation, or to the result of dered either
an operation : that is, we may consider the multiplication of a (a !

base of (l)"^) into r, as a specific operation, whose symbolical

result is ar, and whose geometrical result is the transfer of

the line denoted by r(AB) through a determinate angle t

or we may consider it as the result of an operation, or

ar as simply representing the line AB
l} making a determinate

angle BABV
with the primitive line AB. The operation itself is
the transfer of the line AB
through the determinate angle BAB V

the result of the operation is the line AB l having a determinate

position with respect to AB, considered without reference to

the manner in which it attained it: it is under this second
view that we may consider the lines denoted by a"r and by r as
absolutely identical with each other, insomuch as
we suppress all
reference to the operation or process of transfer by which one

brought into absolute coincidence with the

line is other.

We shall now proceed to apply the preceding theory to

some examples, in which the symbolical forms of the roots of
1 are explicitly determined.

732. The square roots of 1 are 1 and - 1 and a : =- 1

preceding" 704), is die corresponding base of the period 1, ( I) or
theory to _ i i
the geome
trical inter- In this case, if r represent AB in magnitude and position,
pretation of .,, ,

the square ar or -f, will represent AB^

roots of 1. which makes an angle equal to / \
two right angles (^ of 4 right an- /^
gles) with AB, a result which
indicates, that in passing from the
first is transferred through 2 right
to the second position, AB
angles (Art. 728): the second or last term a*r of the period

is r or ; AB
and inasmuch as l
is transferred through 2 right AB
angles in passing from the position l
to AB, corresponding AB
to the multiplication of ar by a, it coincides in position and

value, as well as in symbolical expression, with the primitive


line AB or r. It may be remarked

that the general theory coin
cides thus far (and they proceed in common no further) with
the interpretations given in Art. 728, and those which follow.

Itsapplica- 733. The biquadratic roots of 1, or the values of (1)* are

biquadratic 1>
~ ^ J~~^ and ~ \/~-^ ( Art 706) : if we make J- 1 (a) (Art.
roots of 1.
7] ^ thebage ^ the period will be J^i _i, -J~l, 1. t

If we denote AB in magnitude and position by r, and if

AB AB AB3) AB make right angles

l} 2,

with each other, then it would appear

by the principles of the proposition
in Art. 728, that AB^ would be re

presented in magnitude and position

with respect to or r by a r or AB \ /
2 -
by a r or r, AB3 by aV
J~^l, AB.,
or _ r>y_] >
and AB by aV or r !;

where the primitive line AB is re

produced both symbolically and geometrically*.

* If we had made 1 the base, then ar or I would have de
A/ r^J
noted AB 3 , or the line AB transferred from AB through 3 right angles in the
direction 6, b lt b 2 , b 3 :
also, in that case, a?r or r, would have denoted AB 2 or

the line AB 3 transferred through 3 right angles in the direction b 3 , b, fe,, b2 :

or r jj 1 would have denoted AB l , and o 4 r would have denoted AB or r.

It thus appears, that if a line, in a given

position, be denoted Geome-
by r, equal lines making one or three right with it, will trical inter
angles .

be symbolically represented by r 1 and rJ J

1 respect- the_sign
ively, a conclusion of fundamental importance in the theory of Ji^ ^"
the interpretation of the results of Algebra when applied to straight
/->, lines.
we suppose the effect of the multiplication of ,J 1 into r,

denoting the line AB, to be its transfer from AB to AB V through

the right angle BAB
t in the direction bb ly the effect of the mul

by -J-l, will be
tiplication its from AB to AB3
transfer ,

through the three right angles BAB

B^AB^, B.2 AB 3 in the
l} ,

direction b, b l} b z , b 3 : if we suppose the directions of the move

ment of transfer to be reversed, the signs corresponding to the

same angles will be changed from + to and conversely, the
angles generated being subject to a similar change, Art. 563.

734. The cubic roots of 1, or the values of (Art. 705) Applica

tion to the
cube roots

and if we make the base , the period will be

If we draw AB, AB AB
1} Z dividing the circle into three
equal parts, or making angles
BAB^B.AB^ B AB with each Z

other which are severally equal

to 1 rd of 4 right angles, or to

120, then if r denote in AB

magnitude and position,

will denote the magnitude and

of AB with respect to
AB, and
err or

the magnitude and position of AB* with respect to AB: but

if we had made " * the base, instead of

then ar would denote AB t, a 2 r would denote AB l and aV

would denote AB, thus passing twice round the circle before
we reach AB.
Sum and If we produce BA to D, and join BiBz> which bisects AD in
of two lines E, we shall find
when con
with refer
ence to
position as
well as
since EB l and EB Z being
considered merely with re
ference to each other, have

opposite signs, one + and

the other - it will follow,

therefore, that if EB l be
further considered with re
ference to AB or r, it will be represented both in magnitude

and position by ^~ r J^-l (Art. 733), and EB 2 by - ^-

it will follow, therefore, that

or in other words, that the symbolical sum of the two sides

AE and EB
of the right-angled triangle
is the
hypo- AEB l

thenuse 19 AB
the three sides being considered in magnitude and
also in position with respect to the primitive line AB: and in
a similar manner, the symbolical sum of and Z , when con AE EB
sidered both in magnitude and position with respect to AB, is the

* For since the angle B AD is 60 or ^rd of a right angle, the triangle B AD

} 1

is equilateral, and the perpendicular J^E bisects the base it follows likewise :

that ^2= AE 2
+ EBi 2
, and therefore EBj = AB, - 2 2
AE = AB - \ AB* = % AB 2
S 2

and therefore EB, = ^IB.


hypothenuse AB* of the right-angled triangle AEB 2 , where EBZ

isdrawn in an opposite direction to EB^ , and therefore affected
with an opposite sign* this is a case of a general proposition,

which will be established in a subsequent Chapter (xxxi), by

which it will appear that if a and b
*f^l represent two sides
AB and BC (where the position of BC is
referred to AB) of a right-angled triangle
ABC, their symbolical sum or a + b J 1
will be the hypothenuse AC: and simi- A
larly if a and
- b J~^~i or AB and BC
be the two sides of a right-angled triangle
ABC , their symbolical sum or a b 1 J
(or the symbolical difference of AB and BC), will be AC .

Again, it will be found that


or in other words, the symbolical sum of the two sides l and AB

AB Z of the rhombus 1 AB DB
i is the diagonal
^4D which they
include, and their symbolical difference l
- AB^ is the secondAB
diagonal BB
which is at right angles to the former the same
l z :

proposition will be shewn hereafter to be true with respect to

the sides and diagonals of any rhombus whatsoever.
It will be found however to be impossible to demonstrate

generally these and other important propositions, or to make

any extended applications of Symbolical Algebra to Geometry,
without the aid of a knowledge of the theory of angles and
their measures, and of the various periodical ratios which con
stitute the science of
Trigonometry, or more properly Goniometry,
and which we shall proceed to consider at length in the Chapters
which immediately follow.
* The EB 2
lines EBj and , being drawn in opposite directions, are affected
with opposite signs, one + and the other : the application of these signs is inde

pendent of the sign \/-l, which farther indicates that EB l

is perpendicular
to AB with reference to which it is estimated.


The 735. THE theory of angles, their measures, and the peri-
dical ratios which determine them, constitutes the science of
try, Trigo-
Goniometry, whilst the specific application of some of its results
and Poly- to the determination of the sides, angles, and areas of triangles
gonometry, w^id De properly termed Trigonometry, and to rectilineal

figures in general Polygonometry : but it has arisen from the

associations connected with the progress of our knowledge of
these sciences, that the least general of these denominations has

anticipated and superseded the adoption of the others, and it is

usual to include, under the name of Trigonometry, the science
of Goniometry in its most extended applications.

Angles in 736. Angles are considered in Geometry, as absolute mag-

m tu d es on b^ without any reference to their mode of generation :

with refer-
may possess every magnitude between zero and two right
their mag- angles, which are their limiting values for lines which contain :

nly no eometr ^ ca ^ angle with each other, and which, in conformity

and1u) S
with re- with other views of the generation of angles, make angles with
their mode eacn other equal to zero, or two right angles, or any multiple
of genera- o f 2
right angles, are either parallel to each other, or in the
same straight line and such lines are not distinguished from

each other in Geometry, as being drawn in the same or in

opposite directions*.

Angles may 7^7 As lines, however, may be conceived to be generated

ceived to be
^v t ^ e motion of a point (Art. 558), so likewise angles may
generated be conceived to be generated by the motion or revolution of
by the re
volution of
a line In applying the principles of Symbolical Algebra to the representation of
round a ii negj we h ave Deenenabled (Arts. 561 and 562) to form two classes of parallel

and from a ^ nes (Deluding those which are in the same straight line), according as the lines
given posi- which form them are drawn in the same or in opposite directions, or according as
tion. they form angles with each other, which are an even or an odd multiple of two
right angles, zero being included amongst the former : this classification of parallel
lines is not recognized in Geometry, where angles cease to exist at the extreme
limits of zero or two right angles.

a line round a fixed point: when viewed witli reference

such a mode of generation, and not with respect to their
nitudes merely, angles will be found to be not
only capable
of indefinite increase, but likewise of affections which
may be
symbolized by the ordinary signs of algebra.
Thus, if a radius AP revolve from the primitive position
AB to the position AP, it
be said to pass over or gene
rate the angle BAP, whilst
the point P
passes over or
generates the arc if the BP :

movement be continued from between
AP to AQ, the arc BP will be arcs and
the angles
increased by PQ, and the an they sub
gle BAP by QAP: and it
will follow from a well-known
proposition*, that the angles
will bear to
each other the same propor
tion with the arcs and BP BQ, by which they are subtended
in the circumference of the same circle.

If the subtending arc be the quadrant BC, the cor- Degrees

responding angle BAC
is a right angle: and if we suppose the
]J|jSl utes

quadrant BC
to be divided into 90 equal parts, the right angle
will be divided
by the radii which pass through these points
into 90 equal angles, each of which is called a degree: and
ifthe arc subtending a degree be divided into 60 equal parts, -phe sexa .
each of them will correspond to, or subtend, an angle which gesimal

degree, which called a minute: if the arc

^th part of a is

subtending a minute, be divided into 60 equal parts, each of

them will correspond to an angle, which is ^th part of a minute,

and is called a second: and we

may proceed similarly to other
inferior units in the sexagesimal scale t, as far as we choose to
extend them.

Euclid, Book vr. Prop. 26.
t The sexagesimal division of the circle has prevailed since the time of

Ptolemy or the astronomers who preceded him, (see the article Arithmetic" in the
Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, p. 401), and is so intimately associated with our

and speaking on such subjects, as well as with our astronomical

habits of thinking

Anglesthus 739- It thus appears that the angle generated will increase
* n *^e same proportion with the corresponding arc which is
indefinite described or passed over,, by the extremity P of the revolving
radius AP: and consequently if one of them admit of indefinite

increase, so likewise will the other: thus, if P advance to C

(Fig. Art. 737), the extremity of the quadrant BC, the angle
generated is the right angle or 90: if move onwards BAG P
to Pj in the second quadrant of the circle, the corresponding

angle BAP l
is greater than one right angle and less than two,
bearing to the right angle the BAC
same proportion that the
arc BCPi bears to the quadrantal arc BC: the revolving radius
AP will reach the position Ab, after describing two right angles
BAC and CAb, and it is in this sense that the lines AB and A b
which are drawn in opposite directions, are said to make with
each other an angle equal to two right angles*: if the motion of
AP be continued, it will reach the position AP 2 after describing
two right angles together with the angle bAP 2, or an angle

equal to 180+&^P 2 t: when it reaches c, at the extremity of

the third quadrant, the generating radius has described or passed
over three right angles, or 270: if the movement be further

make its abandonment somewhat incon-

instruments, tables, and records, as to
ven en t and embarrassing but the superior brevity and uniformity of processes of
Advantages :

of the cen- computation adapted to the decimal scale is tending rapidly to replace the sexa-
gesimal by the decimal, or rather by the centesimal, division of the degree thus :

13 27 42 in the sexagesimal scale is equivalent to 13. 4633 nearly in the
- -

decimal or to 13 degrees 46 (centesimal) minutes and 33 (centesimal) seconds
The French T ie French, simultaneously with the establishment of their Systeme metrique
division of decimale, proposed to divide the quadrant into 100 degrees, the centesimal degree
the qua- i nu m
j nto JQQ tes, and the centesimal minute into 100 seconds, and so on, and
this division was adopted in the Mecanique Celeste of Laplace and other co-

temporary scientific works. The change however from the nonagesimal to the
Causes of centesimal degree, was attended with no advantages sufficient to compensate for
its failure, the great sacrifices of tables and records which its adoption rendered necessary,
and its use was speedily abandoned, even in France. If the proposed change had
been limited to the centesimal division of the nonagesimal
degree, it could hardly
have failed, when the authority of the great men who proposed it is considered,
to have been readily and universally adopted.
* At this the contained AB and the revolving radius
point geometrical angle by
ceases to exist, inasmuch as the lines which contain it are in the same straight
line : no regard is paid in Geometry to the directions of lines when considered
per se.

The corresponding geometrical angle, which is formed by AB and

t AP 2 is

BAP 2 OT360~(l8Q + bAP 2 ) = \80-bAP 2 this is sometimes called the :

mentofBAP 2 to360.

continued to P in the fourth quadrant, the corresponding

3 ,
generated is 270+cAP and when P reaches B, or the
3 ,
from which it started, after describing the entire circumference,
the corresponding angle generated is 4 right angles, or 360.
If we proceed onward for a second revolution, we must add
360 or 4 right angles to the angles generated at the
ing points in the first revolution : and similarly for every addi
tional revolution of the revolving or generating radius,
in the (n + l) th revolution, n x 3()0, or 4>n
right angles to the
symbolical or numerical value of the angle in the first.

740. The angles which are thus generated, and which are Goniome-
capable, like other magnitudes, of indefinite increase, may be
termed goniometrical, as distinguished from geometrical, angles : angles.

thus, if the geometrical angle BAP, which AP makes with AB, be

called A, the series of goniometrical angles A, 360 + A, 2 x 360 + A,
3 x 360 + A, n x 360 + A, will severally designate the same
. . .

position of AP
with respect to AB, implying the additional con
dition that this position had been attained in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, . (M + l)
. . revolution of the generating radius AP.
It may be observed that goniometrical angles, which are less In what
than 180, or two right angles, coincide both in magnitude and coincide*^
in the position which they express, with the corresponding

geometrical angles but that goniometrical angles which are greater


than 180, or two right angles, are different in magnitude, but

coincident, in the position which they express, with the corre
sponding geometrical angles, the geometrical angle being formed
above or below the line BAb, according as the goniometrical
angle contains an even or an odd multiple of 180*.

741. We recognize no distinction in Geometry, where the Angles ge-

nerated by
magnitudes of angles alone are considered, between those which opposite
are formed upon different sides of the primitive line AB, or ^ev^fu-
more generally between those which are generated by move- tion have
ments of revolution in opposite directions: but in Symbolical s j gns .

Algebra, where some of the affections of magnitudes, as well

as the magnitudes themselves, are capable of being considered,
If the goniometrical angle be expressed by 2n x 180+ A, where A is less
than two right angles, the geometrical angle corresponding is A, and is above the
line KA b it the goniometrical angle be expressed by (2n + 1) 180
: + ^, the cor
responding geometrical angle is 180- A, and is formed below the line BAb.

we shall find that such angles, when expressed symbolically,

will differ in their signs, one series being positive and the other
negative, or conversely.
For we have shewn in Art. 563, that if an arc BP described
by the movement of a point
from. B
to P, be represented

by a or + , an equal arc Bp, P

described by a corresponding
movement from B to p, in
an opposite direction, would
be correctly symbolized by
a and the same reasoning

which is there applied, would

equally shew, that if an angle
BAP, generated by a radius
revolving from AB to AP be
represented by A
+ A, an or

equal angle BAp generated by the radius revolving in the

opposite direction, or from AB to Ap, would be correctly repre
sented by A, and conversely and generally, whenever angles

are generated by movements of revolution which are in opposite

directions, they will be correctly expressed by symbols repre

senting their absolute magnitudes, with different signs, one +

and the other -*.

* The Let A and

process of reasoning applicable to this case is as follows.
B represent the magnitudes of the
angles BAP
and PAQ
as used in
Arithmetical Algebra, and therefore P
A B will express their difference,
which is the angle BAQ :
but, in Sym
bolical Algebra, A
and B, which are
general in form, are general likewise
in value,and therefore we may sup
pose B to be greater as well as less
than A. Let us suppose B = A + C,
where C represents the magnitude of
the angle BAq or the excess of the
angle PAq above BAP
: we thus

or in other words, an angle formed on

the opposite side of AB
to that on
which the angle + A is formed and which is generated by a movement in an
site direction, is represented by a symbol expressing its absolute magnitude, but
with a different sign.

742. In considering, therefore, the different modes in which The most

a generating or revolving radius may reach a given position with
respect to a primitive line, we must have regard not merely
the same

to the quantity, but to the direction of the movement of revo- means of

lution by which we pass from one to the other.
Thus, if AB be the primitive position of the generating radius

(Fig. in Art. 741), we may arrive at the position AP, making

an angle A, less than 180, with AB, after describing the series
of goniometrical angles, A, 360 + A, 720 + A, n x 360 + A, . . .

and reaching AP once, twice, thrice,... (1 + n) times: but if

we reverse the movement, generating negative angles, the cor
responding series of goniometrical angles will be 360+^,
- 720 +A,- 1080 + A ...-nx 360 + A and
similarly if
- A be :

the angle which Ap makes with AB, and therefore on the

opposite side to that on which the angle A is formed, then the

corresponding series of goniometrical angles formed by direct
and reversed movements will be

360-^, 720-^, 1080-^, ... (1 +) x360- A,

360- A, - 720- A,
and - A, - . . .
- n x 360- A :

as far, therefore, as regards the position of one line with respect

to another, which makes with the primitive line an angle A,
when A less than 180, it will be equally expressed by all

the goniometrical angles which are included in the formula

M x 360+ A in one case, and n x 3()0- A in the other.

743. And conversely, we may pass from any goniometrical Transition

-, .- -i. from the
angle to the
corresponding goniometri
cal to the
geometrical angle, (which will correspond
be symbolically expressed by ing geome
a positive or negative value
of A, according as it is formed &
above or below the primitive
line AB), by adding to it, or

by subtracting from it, such a

multiple of 360 as may leave
a positive or a negative resi
dual which is less than 180,
or than the extreme limit of

geometrical angles: thus the

goniometrical angle 427 denotes a position identical with that

denoted by the geometrical angle 427- 360 or 67 or the angle

BAG in the annexed figure: the goniometrical angle 534 is
identical with the geometrical angle 534-360or 174 (BAD):
the goniometrical angle 597- 1 1 44" corresponds to

597. 11 44"- 2
. x 360 = - 122. 47 .
or to the geometrical angle 122. 48 16", or formed below
the primitive line AB, or bAB: the goniometrical angle 1104
corresponds to the symbolical angle
- 1104+ 3 x 360 = - 24,
which is equivalent to the geometrical angle 24, or BAF formed
likewise below* AB: and similarly in other cases.

Definition 744. One variable quantity may be said to measure another

of a mea
sure. of a different kind, if it increases or diminishes indefinitely in
, the same proportion with itt.
It will follow as a necessary
consequence of this definition,
that if the measure capable of continuous and indefinite

increase, the quantity measured must possess the same property.

Thus, arcs of the same circle are measures of the goniometrical
angles which correspond to them, inasmuch as they increase con
tinuously in the same proportion (Art. 737) from zero to infinity:
but such arcs cannot properly be considered as measures of the
corresponding geometrical angles, inasmuch as whilst the arcs
increase indefinitely, the corresponding values of the angles
are periodical, being always included between the limits of zero
and two right angles.

Measures 745. Measures are said to be determinate or indeterminate,

nate or according as a determinate or indeterminate magnitude of the
nate. * The terms above and below are relative, being applied to angles formed on
opposite sides of a primitive line, one of which is positive and the other negative,
and conversely, though it is indifferent in what order they are taken such terms,

as well as other relative terms of a similar class, such as high and up and down,
right and left, to and from, have generally some reference, not merely to a zero
point or line, but likewise to relations of position, which are real with reference to
the writer or observer thus the terms above and below, are used in their ordinary

meaning, when applied to the lines and angles formed in the figure given in the
text, when viewed by a reader in his ordinary position.
"t The relations of magnitudes of the same kind are numerical only, and may
be replaced by commensurable or incommensurable numbers (Art. 165) it is the :

common unit of magnitude expressed by one of these numbers, when they are
commensurable, which is said to measure the magnitudes which they express, a
notion of a measure which is quite distinct from that which is considered in the

measure corresponds to a determinate magnitude of the quantity

Thus an
arc of a determinate length in a circle, whose radius
given or determinate, corresponds to a determinate goniome-
trical angle, and it is therefore a determinate measure of such

angles: but if the radius of the circle in which the arcs are
reckoned, is not given or is indeterminate, then a determinate
value of the arc will not correspond to a given or determinate

angle, and it is therefore no longer a determinate measure of

such angles : it follows, therefore, that arcs are determinate mea
sures of the corresponding angles, when the radius of the circle
in which such arcs are taken is determinate or given, and not

746. If, however, the arc alone be an indeterminate, the ratio The arc
of the arc to the radius of the circle on which it is taken, will
be a determinate, measure of the corresponding goniometrical of the circle

angle, whatever that radius may be*: it is this ratio which is j s taken is

assumed as the measure of angles in the articles which follow. ,

sure of the
sP ndin s
747. The and
ratio of the arc to the radius is numerical,
. . angle.
if its value can be determined for the whole or any definite If this ratio

portion of the circumference, it can be determined by a simple Ifn^caseS;

is given in
proportion for any other. all others.

For if the arcs EC and bc subtend the same angle A in the circles whose
radii are AB and Ab respectively,
then by a well known property of
EC be
the circle, we have = : and
if we take the angle BAD in the
circle whose radius is AB and the
angle bAc in the circle whose radius
is A b, then we find


EC ED bc^
:: ::
and since these angles increase in
15 ri

the same proportion with the corresponding ratios, it follows that or its

equivalent -77- is the proper and determinate measure of the corresponding
A I)


The ratio Thus, the ratio of the whole circumference to the diameter,
cumference though they are not commensurable, has been approximately
determined by various methods, some of which will be con-
pressed by sidered hereafter. This ratio, which very frequently presents
itself in analytical formulae, is approximately expressed by the
number 3 .
14159, and
also generally represented by the symbol

?r: the ratio of the circumference to the radius, which is the

double of the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, is there
fore expressed by STT*.
The mea- The ratio of a quadrant to the radius, which is the measure
i^ex- f a right angle or 90, is one-fourth part of the ratio of the
TT circumference to the radius, and is therefore expressed by *- .

Unity is it be
If required to determine the angle whose measure is 1,
the mea- or ^ n other words, the arc whose length is equal to the radius,

angle of ^ it will be found to be 57. 2958 or 5?. 17 .45" nearly: if the

an(j measure of an angle of one degree be required, it will be found

.0017453 is TT
the mea- to be -
or .001745 nearly: there exists therefore no simple
sure of an
angle of 1. nume rical relation between the unit of measures and the unit
of the angles which they measure.

Angles and 748. But though there no simple relation between


an gl es an d their measures t, by which they may be converted
very often 22
designated Archimedes, in his Ku/cXou Me-rjorjcris, assigned j-
as an approximate value
^ 7r> w ^ cn differs in excess from its true value by less than ^o tn P art f tne
and the diameter it is this value, which
generally used by workmen, in their estimation
same deno- o f c i rcu i ar work. Peter
Metius, by a similar process, found the remarkable ratio
mmations. 355
jYg 5 which is correct to 5 places of decimals, and which may be very easily remem
bered, by observing that if we write each of the three first odd digits twice in suc
cession, as in the number 113355, the three last digits form its numerator and
the three first its denominator. Later researches have assigned its value correctly
to 208 places of decimals, a prodigious approximation, which is effected by pro
cesses which are extremely simple and expeditious, and well calculated to shew
how much the most complicated calculations may be shortened by a judicious
selection of formulae. See Phil. Trans. 1841, p. 281.

tA right angle is capable of being determined geometrically, and is there

fore an invariable standard of angular magnitude, to which all other angles are
referable numerically, and some also geometrically if we should call a right angle :

unity, and its centesimal subdivisions grades, minutes, seconds, we should have
the French division of the quadrant, or of the right angle, with its scale of units
increased one hundred-fold.
There is no geometrical mode of determining an absolute unit of any other
magnitude. Thus a linear unit must be sought for in some assumed standard,

promptly and easily into each other, yet in the case of certain
periodical ratios, which will be considered in the next
which are equally determined by them, it is usual to
them by common symbols, and to call them by common denomi

nations :
thus, is considered equally as the representative of
a right angle, andits measure: and
similarly 6 or (p (which are
symbols very generally employed for such purposes) and any
other symbols are applied indifferently to designate both
or their measures.

749. Upon the same principle, if 6 is used to denote either Usual

mode ofde-
an angle or the measure of an angle,
noting an
7T angle and
- 6 is used to denote its its comple

ment, or the measure of its

ment to 90other words, if 6
or, in
denotes the angle or the measure of

the angle, BA P, then 6 is used

to denote the angle as well as the

measure of the angle, PAC.

750. In speaking of geometrical angles and their comple- Extended

ments, we assume them both to be less than 90 but if 6 application :
of the term

denotes any goniometrical angle whatsoever, or its measure, comple-

whether greater or less than 90, we still continue to apply

the same term complement to 6, though it may no longer

possess its ordinary geometrical meaning.

Thus = 120 BAq, then ?--d=-30 or BAp


if or , (Art.

= -30, - = 120, or BAq

741); and if or BAp, then
: it fol

lows, therefore, in conformity with the principles of Symbolical

Algebra, that the meaning of the term complement, when
no longer

such as the English standard yard (which no longer exists), or by reference to

some invariable standard in nature, such as the length of a pendulum vibrating
seconds in vacuo in a given latitude at a given height above the sea, or to the
such as the
length of a quadrant, or other definite part of the earth s meridian,
metre of France: the same remark applies to the units of time, force, and ;ill

other phi/sico-mathematicitt units.

VOL. II. u

geometrical,, is interpreted altogether with reference to the con

ditions which its symbolical representative is required to satisfy.

Usual 751- In a similar manner, if 6 denote the angle BAP, or

e" ~
notin th
* ts measure > tnen """ ^ *s usecl to denote
supplement its supplement 180 6 (PAb\ or its mea-
of an ancle.
In speaking of geometrical angles and
their supplements, we suppose them both
to be less than 180: but TT - continues to be called the sup
plement of 0, when 6 is
any goniometrical angle whatsoever.

752. The angle 6, or its measure, corresponds to the same

measures , , , ,
. ,, ,

corres- geometrical angle with the measure 2w7r0, where n is any

ponding to
wnol e number in other words, if we merely regard the position

geometrical of one line with respect to another, we may add to, or subtract
from, its measure, any multiple of 2 TT, or of the measure of
4 right angles : this conclusion follows immediately from Art.

In a similar manner, - 6 corresponds to the same geome

trical angle with 2w-7r + -0 or -^0: TT 6 cor

responds to the same geometrical angle with 2w7r + 7r0, or

2w + and

6 corresponds to the same geometrical
TT 6 : =t
( 1)

3 IT ( 4 n + 3) TT

angle with 2mr + or - 6.

A <

These equivalent measures, corresponding to the same geo

metrical angle, lead to the most important consequences, which
will be more particularly considered in the subsequent Chapters.

Great im- 753. The propositions in this and the following Chapter
Fhe fun<la will be found to constitute the grammar, as it were, of the Ian-
mental pro-
rr e o f
ffua &
& Trigonometry, and will be made the foundation of a
Trigono- very extensive analytical theory, admitting of the most varied
" try "

and important applications to every branch of mathematical and

that the relations and signs
physical science. It is for this reason
of affection of goniometrical angles, and their measures, and of
the periodical ratios (Chap, xxvi.) which determine them, minute

and unimportant as some of them may at first

sight appear,
will lead to consequences of very great interest and value*:
they cannot therefore be too carefully studied and remembered.

The whole theory of music is dependent upon the properties and conversions
of a very small number of numerical ratios :
yet how vast and complicated is
the superstructure which is raised upon them !It should be the first lesson
of a student, in every branch of science, not to form his own estimate of the
importance of elementary views and propositions, which are very frequently
repulsive or uninteresting, and such as cannot be thoroughly mastered and re
membered without a great sacrifice of time and labour.


which de 754. AN angle, such as BAP, is determined by its measure,
termine, 7?P
but do not which is - : but there are other
A -^ (Art. 746)
angles. ratios which equally determine an angle,
though they do not measure it, possessing
properties of very great importance, which
we shall now proceed to consider.
Definition If from any point whatsoever P, in one of the lines con
of the sine
and cosine taining the angle or 6, we draw MAP
of an angle a perpendicular upon the other, PM
we shall form a right-angled triangle
MAP, of which one side is oppo PM
site, and the other adjacent, to the
PM .

angle 6: then the ratio is called

the sine, and the ratio -r-^
AM .

is called the cosine of the angle

PAM or 6: and inasmuch as these ratios remain unaltered what
ever be the distance of the point P from A*, they are said to
determine the angle, inasmuch as a definite value of the sine or
cosine determines a definite value of the corresponding angle t.
For if we take any other point whatsoever p in AP or in AP produced, and

drawpm perpendicular to AM
or to ,4Mpro-

duced, we shall find, from a well-known pro-

- pm - PM ana
perty of similar triangles, that ~^ ,

= and therefore the ratios called

Ap AP ,

sine and cosine are always the same for the

same angle therefore the angle be given,
: if

they will possess a determinate value.

It was formerly the practice to define the sine and cosine as lines, and

not as ratios : thus if we take an arc BP subtend

ing an angle BAP (0) in a circle whose radius is

AB, and if from the extremity P of the arc we

draw PM a perpendicular upon the radius AB
then PM" was defined
passing through its beginning,
to be the sine of the angle BAP, and its AM
cosine: it followed from this definition, that the sine

755. If we form the right angle MAm, drawing Pm per- The sine of

pendicular to Am, then the angles PAM m x t^coline*

and PAm be complementary to each
will I* of its com
other (Art. 74-9) ; and if one of them PAM
be denoted by 6, the other PAm may be

denoted by - - : and it will follow from

the definitions of the sine and cosine which are given in the last

Article, that -j-= is the sine, and -j= is the cosine of the angle

PAm, or
but since Pm=AM and PM = Am, it follows


~ 3 i --_
and therefore the cosine of the angle -- is the swe of the angle

and the of the angle 6 is the cosine of the angle

It consequently appears that the cosine of an angle is the

sine of its
complement, and conversely, a relation of values
which is indicated by the composition of the term cosine.

756. It is usual to denote the sine and cosine of an angle 6 Usualmode

by the abbreviated expressions sin and cos 6*: and the pro- the sine and
cosine of e -
position in the last Article would, therefore, be symbolically
expressed by the equations

sin = COS0 (2).


and cosine did not determine the angle when the radius was not given, and no
trigonometrical formula was complete unless the radius (when not assumed to
be 1 ) was introduced as one of its elements the definition in the text, which

is now exclusively used, (see Hymers s Trigonometry, Cambridge, 1837), was

first formally introduced into my Algebra, (Cambridge, 1830), and afterwards
into a
Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Trigonometry," (Cambridge, 1833).
* was Euler who
It first introduced this notation, and thus created the
proper science of Goniometry. See Report on certain Branches of Analysis,
page 289, in the Reports of the British Association for 1833.

Expres- 7^7- Again, it follows, from the definitions given in Art. 754,
sides of a
h6that if ABC be an y right-angled triangle,
right-an- we shall find, since
gled trian
gle in terms ,, BC
BAC =-177
. ~ AB

. .

ofthehy- sin and cos jtLi C = -j-~

^^ ,

and of the ^i, f

sine and
cosine of
BC = ^Csin B^C and J5 = ^fCcos BJC: ^
the angle at
the base. j therefore, a, b, c be the hypothenuse, base, and perpendicular
of any right-angled triangle, and Q the angle adjacent to the
base, we shall get b = a cos 6 and c = a sin 6 these expressions :

willbe found to be of very great importance in the application

of Algebra (including Trigonometry as one of its branches) to


^ Inasmucn as sin =
( Fi g- Art 754), and COS 6 =
relation of
the sine and
__ jt follows that
cosine. AP

for in the right-angled triangle, PAM, we find, by Euclid, Lib. i.

Prop. 47, that

PM 2
+ AM =AP\ 2

Expres- 759. The equation

sion for the .

2 a
+ COS 2an = 1
sine in (3),

c^ ennes tne fundamental relation between sin 6 and cos 6, and
conversely, enables us to express one of them in terms of the other: we
thus get
sin 6 = 7(1- cos 0)
cosO-^l-sin ^) (5).

The limits It willappear, from the examination of these expressions,

t* lat tne limits of the arithmetical values of sin 6 and cos
the signs are and 1, and that whilst one of them increases, the other
them. diminishes that the limits of their symbolical values are 1 and

1, the fundamental equation recognizing no distinction between

the positive and negative values of sin 6 and cos 6 and that for :

every value of cos 6 there are two values of sin 0, and conversely,
which differ from each other in their signs
only, one being posi
tiveand the other negative.
examina- 760. The course and succession of these changes, however,

changes, will appear much more distinctly, from tracing them in detail

through angles, by the aid of their geometrical

four right
definition (Art. 754)and of the principles of interpretation esta
blished in Art. 558, and those which follow.
In the first quadrant, the value of sin 6 increases from

to 1 : for sin d = -

PB is
754) is when -^ 0:
and when 6 is 90, then PM
becomes CA, and

the corresponding values of

the cosine diminish from 1 to
: for if d = 0, then AM = AB, V

and cos 6 = -^-- = 1 : and if = 90, then AM = 0, and therefore

= 0.
In the second quadrant, the values of sin0 decrease from
1 to 0: for if 6
represent the angle BAQ, then sin0 is 1, when
Q is at C, and when Q
is at b, where Q?n is 0: the correspond

ing values of the cosine change from to - 1 : for

cose = cosBAQ = ^,
which is at C, and equal to 1 at b } where Am coincides with
Ab: for since AM and Am are drawn in opposite directions from
A, it follows that if
-^ be positive, then -^ is negative :

cosine in the second quadrant, therefore, increases from to - 1 *.

* If we speak of magnitudes independently of their signs, we may say that

a quantity increases from to 1 with as much propriety as that it increases

from to 1 : for the signs + and ,

used as signs of affection, express quali
ties or specific conditions of existence of magnitudes, and not the magnitudes
themselves : thus the line generated by the points
M or m moving from A to B in one case, and from |

A to b in the other, increases equally by its move- j i i T

ment through equal spaces, though it is positive in
one case, and negative in the other and if we sub :

tract the same number repeatedly from another, as 1 from 4, we get a series of
3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3,

In the third quadrant, where the goniomettical angle exceeds

two right angles, and where the corresponding geometrical angle

BAq is negative, the sine is and in

(Art. 740) ^ negative,

creases from to 1 : for q m is drawn in an opposite direction to

Qm (or to PM, which is
parallel to it),
and has therefore a dif
ferent sign, and q m is at b, and equal to Ac at c: the cor

values of the cosine diminish from 1 to 0, and are

negative, for the same reason as in the second quadrant.
In the fourth quadrant, where the goniometrical angle ex
ceeds 3 right angles, and the corresponding geometrical angle

BAp is still
negative, the sine is also negative, and diminishes

from -1 to 0; for the ratio ~ is - 1 at c, and at B: the

corresponding values of the cosine are positive, and increase from

to 1 : for the ratio

AM has precisely the same values as for

the equal and positive angles in the first quadrant.

The sine 7^1. The same position of one line with respect to another,
and cosine or primitive line, and therefore the same geometrical angle 0,
trieal an-
(whether positive or negative, less or greater than 90), and con-
sequently the same sine and cosine* will correspond to the series
differ by
multiples of o f 2 ?r + 0, 4 ?r + 0, 2 w TT + 0, which
goniometrical angles Q, . . .

the same as differ from each other by multiples of 2 TT only (Art. 752) and :

*^is conclusion, which will be found to lead to the most important

responding consequences, is symbolically expressed by the equations
angles. sin = sin {
2 w TT + 6} (7),

6} (8).

There are some other general consequences which are easily

deducible from the geometrical definition of the sine and cosine

which increase both ways from : but it is sometimes very incorrectly said that
1 is less than 0, forgetting that the operation called subtraction changes its

meaning (Art. 555) when the subtrahend is greater than the minuend thus :

offering an example of the influence of terms, in their ordinary acceptation, pre

vailing, both on our language and our conclusions, when the circumstances of
their usage require a change of signification.
* For the sine and cosine are altogether dependent, as appears by the
definitions in Art. 754, upon the geometrical angle all goniometrical angles, :

therefore, which correspond to the same geometrical angle, have the same sine
and cosine.

of an angle, which are not we

less important than those which
have already considered, and which we shall now proceed to

762. The sines of angles, which are equal in magnitude, T he rela -

but different in sign, are also equal in magnitude but different sines and
in sign but the cosines of
angles which are equal in magnitude p*-
but different in sign, are identical both in magnitude and sign : negative
/ i .
i T i i angles.
or, it expressed in symbolical language,
sin - e =- sin 6 (p),
cos-0= cos0 (10).
For, BAP (Fig. in the last Article), and BAp are equal

angles, but with different signs (Art. 74-1): and their sines
PM and
*- m
At) At)
are equal in magnitude, but different sign:

but the same cosine -- is common to both of them.

The same remark applies to the angles BAQ and BAq,

which are greater than right angles.
These equations, combined with the fundamental equation
sin d
+ cos
6= 1,

completely determine the sine and cosine of an angle and


relations to each other.

763. The sine of an angle is identical with the sine of its The rela-
(Art. 751), both in magnitude and sign:
supplement but the^^J
cosine of an angle is equal to the cosine of its in cosines of
angles and
magnitude, but differs from it sign. m their sup-

For, if the angle BAQ (Fig. in Art. 760), be the supplement plementa.

of the angle BAP, their sines r^ and -~ are equal in mag-

At> At)
nitude, since PM = Qm ;
and they have the same sign, since PM
and Q?n are parallel and estimated in the same direction with re

spect to the line BAb : but the cosine of the angle BAP or -^
is equal in magnitude to the cosine of its supplement BAQ.,

which is
-jj , but differs from it in sign, since AM and Am
are drawn in opposite directions from A.
The symbolical enunciation of this proposition is

sin - = sin 6 (11),

(TT 0)
cos (TT- 6} --cos a (12).

VOL. II. x

Therela- 754. It follows, from the proposition in the last Article,

tions of the ,

sines and that

cosines of _

cos (u) -

For ^ + is the supplement of ^ - 0, and therefore

sin + 6\ = sin f- - = cos (Art. 755),

(JL 0)
* - 0V- -
+ d]^- cos
sin (Art. 755).
v2 / \~ /

from the
The same conclusion may be deduced geometrically
figure given in Art. 760.

of all goniometrical
The rel a- 765. Again, since the sines and cosines
S the
sine and angles, which differ only by multiples of STT or 360, are identical
C Sil e with each other (Art. 761), it follows that
J and0
sin (TT + 0)
=- sin (TT
=- sin (15),


=- COS (l6).
(TT 0)
For sin = sin (TT +
+ - 2 TT) = sin - (TT
- 0)
=- sin (TT
- 0)
(TT 0)

(Art. 763), =-sin0: and

COS + = COS + - 2 TT) = COS - - 0) = COS (TT
- 0) (Art. 763),
(TT 0) (TT (TT

= cos 0.

Other simi- The sameprinciple will enable us to convert many
expressions of a
similar kind into others which are equivalent
to them.

Thus, sin
(^ -0V- cos (17).
\ * /

For sin [ -? - )
= sin (-? - - STT )
= sin - f^ -}

=_ sin + 0- - cos 0. (Art. 764).

we find


cos sin (19),

C08 4. A -

B1 n (20).

Similarly, if the goniometrical angle, whose sine or cosine is

required, exceeds QTT or 360, it may be immediately reduced
to one of the preceding cases by the subtraction or addition of
the greatest multiple of 2-rr, which it contains. Thus
sin (2 TT + tf)
= sin 6,

= sin ( ? =
(^ + 0\ + 0\ cos 0,

sin (3 TT + 6) sin (vr

+ 6)
=- sin 0,

cos (2 TT + (?)
= cos 6,

cos f ~+ J
= cos f
^+ J
=- sin 0,

COS (3 TT + 0)
= COS (TT + 0)
=- COS 0,

^ + 0\ = cos
= sin -

766. The general methods which are adopted for deter- Angles
mining and registering in tables the numerical values of the ^nd cos ne s i

sines and cosines of every angle, expressed in degrees and a(lmi of a


minutes, between and 90, or in other words, of forming a merical ex-

canon of sines and cosines, will form the subject of a subsequent
Chapter (xxix) but there are some angles, which are aliquot

parts of a right angle, whose sines and cosines admit of a very

simple and immediate numerical expression, by the aid of their
geometrical properties, and which it will be found to be very
useful for the student to remember the following are examples. :

The sine and cosine of 45 are equal to each other and to


For sin 4-5 = cos (90 - 45) (Art. 755),

= cos 45 : and since

45 =
3 2
sin 45 + cos 1 (Art. 758),

we get 2 sin
45= 1, and therefore sin 45 =- = cos 45: the
positive sign is taken, since 45 is less than - (Art. 7^0).

The same conclusion follows immediately from reference to

the Figure in Art. 76 0.
Th e
n d stoes^ 7^7. The sine of 60 or the cosine of 30 is
^ : and the

30, or of cosine of 60 or the sine of 30 is

- and -,. For if, upon the base AB we
describe the equilateral triangle

DAB, the point D will be found upon the cir

cumference of the circle and the angle BAD <L

willbe one third of two right angles or 60 :

and if DE
be drawn perpendicular to AB, it
will bisect it in E: it follows therefore that

cos BAD = cos 60 = - = = sin 30 :

and inasmuch as (Art. 758),

cos 60
+ sin
60 = 1,

we 2
cos 60 1
get, by replacing by ,

or sin 60=f,

or sin 60 = = cos 30,

the positive sign being taken, since 60 is less than - .

The sine
768. The sine of 18 is and the cosine of 18 is
and cosine
of 18 or
7T ^(10 + 2^5)
10 4

For if CB be the side of a decagon inscribed in a circle, its

length the greater of the two portions


into which the radius is divided, AB

when cut in extreme and mean ratio

(Euclid, Book follows

iv, Prop. 10): it

therefore that

CB = J* AB (Art. 665, Ex. 3), A

and the angle CAB which it subtends is
or 36.

If we draw AD perpendicular to CB, it bisects the angle


BAG and also the chord EC: the angle BAD is therefore 18,

and the semichord BD = ^- xAB: and since the sine of

it follows that sin I8
=" 5 l
, and

cos 18- J(l - sin 2

i 8 o) = (Art. 758).

769. It will readily follow from the three last Articles, and

those which precede them, that

1. Sin 135 =
2. Sin 225 = sin 315 = - -i .

3. Cos 135 = - = cos 225.
4. Cos 315 = -?-.

5. Sin 120 =.
6. Sin 210 = sin 330 = - .

7. Cos 120= cos 210 = -^.

8. Cos
9- Sin
1 0. Sin 240 = sin 300 = - ^- .

11. Cos 120= cos 240 = - |-.

12. Cos 300= i.
13. Sinl08

14. Sin 208= sin 342 = -

15. Cos 108=


The numerical values of the sines and cosines of any multiple

and submultiple of an angle, whose sine and cosine is given,
may be determined by the aid of the following proposition and

those which follow which are of fundamental importance


in the theory of the sines and cosines of angles.

Given the 770. (PROPOSITION.) Given the sines and cosines of two
sines and
cosines of angles, to find the sine and cosine of their sum and difference.
two angles
to find the
Let the angles whose sines and cosines are given, be and ,
sine and and let it be required to find the sines and cosines of + and
cosine of
their sura 0-0 .

Let the angle BAG = 6, CAD = 6 , and therefore BAD = 6 + 6 :

and let CB be drawn perpendicular to AB,

CD to A D, DE
to AB, and CF to DE.

Then, from Art. 757, we get

AC = AD cos and CD=AD sin 6 :

and also

and if, BC and AB,

in the expressions for
we AC
replace AD by we shall get A
cos 6 ,

BC = AD sin cos and AB = AD cos cos .

Again, CF CD sin CDF

= = CD sin and DF=CDcos6,
since the angle CDF is equal to BAG or 0: and in the expres if,

sions for CF and DF, we replace CD by AD sin we shall get ,

CF = BE = JDsin0sin0 and D F AD cos sin 6

= /

and therefore
DE = BC+DF= AD sin cos + AD cos sin 6 ,

AE = AB - CF = AD cos cos - AD sin sin .

We thus find

DF = + cos sin
sin (0 + ) -jjtr
sin cos (a),

cos (0 + = -~- = cos cos 6 - sin sin 6


Again, we make BAG = 0, CAD =6

if , and therefore
BAD = and if we draw CB per
6 -6 ;
pendicular to AB, CD to AC, DE to
AB produced, and DF to CB, we shall
find, as before,


and also

and AB=ACcosO;

and if, in the expressions for BC and AB, we replace AC by

AD cos 6 , we shall get
BC = AD sin cos V and ^5 - AD cos cos .

Also CF = CD cos DCF = CD cos and DF = CD sin 0, since

the angle DCF is equal to the angle BAG or 6: and in the if,

expressions for CF and DF, we replace CD by AD sin we ,

shall get

CF = AD cos d sin 6 and D F = ^D sin sin ,

and therefore
DE = BC - CF - AD sin cos d - AD cos sin ,

^4 = .4 B + DF = ^1D cos cos + AD sin sin V.

We thus find

- =
DF = sin -
sin (0 )
cos cos sin 6 (c),


cos (0 - )
= ---= = cos cos + sin sin (</).

771. Of
the four formulae (), (6), (c) and (rf),
which are Three of

given in the preceding Article, the three last may be easily mu i ffi ; n the

derived from the first (a) or from

sin (0 + = V+ *
sin cos cos sin (),

by the aid of propositions previously established in this Chapter,

provided we assume this formula to be true for all values of
and .

* The which is given in Art. 770, is incom

investigation of this formula,
plete, unless it is made to comprehend all values of 0, and B + 6 , which are
within the limits of geometrical angles, to which the definition of sine and cosine
extends: for it is only when definitions cease to be applicable, that "the principle
of the permanence of equivalent forms" comes into operation: this might be effected
geometrically, though not without some difficulty, by a proper adjustment of the
figures to all the different cases which this proposition comprehends; a very
slight examination, however, of the forms which the two members of the equa
tion (a) assume for any values whatsoever of 6 and ,
will shew that the

equation is correct in all cases.

Thus, if we replace by "9

+ 0, and assume the formula (a) to be correct

for this case, we get

=sn ~

Thus, if in (a) we replace 6 by - 6, we shall find

sin - 6 = - sin and cos - 6 = cos 6 ,

and replacing sin + e + 6 b ? cos ( e + e )

(.f J

sn by cos0 and cos by -sin 6, (Art. 764),

(f +*)
we obtain
cos (6 +6 ) =cos6 cos 6 -sin 6 sine 7 (&),

an equation which has been shewn to be correct when 6, 6 and 6+6 are

less than - : the formula (a) assumed, therefore, is correct in this case, since

it leads to a correct conclusion.

^+ ^+ and assume the formula (a)
Again, if replace 6 by 6, 6 by 6 ,

to be correct for this case also, we shall get

sin O+ 6 + 6 ) = sin
+ 6\ cos
(^ + 6 \ + cos
^ + 0) cos
+ e

and replacing sin (TT + 6 + 6 ) by - sin (6 + ) (Art. 765), sin (~ + 6 by cos 0,


cos (-TT + ) by - sin , cos ( + J

by sin 6, and sin ( + J
by cos ,

(Art. 764), we obtain

sin (6 + )
= cos sin 6 sin 6 cos :

or changing all the signs,

sin (0 + )
= sin cos + cos sin (a),

a correct equation.

If, in the same formula (a) we further replace by TT + and by

+ ,
and assume its correctness for this case also, we shall get

= sin + + cos + (~ +
sin I + + 0) cos
j+ 0) sin
(TT (TT :

-^ J j J

- +
-^ +
if we now replace sin f + by cos (0 6 ) (Art. 765), sin
(TT + 0)

by sin0, cos (TT + 0) by cos 0, sin

l^ + ^j by cos , and cos
+ )

by sin , we shall obtain

cos (0 + )
= sin sin cos cos ,

or, changing all the signs,

cos (0 + )
= cos cos - sin sin (b),
a correct equation.
It is obvious that AVC may apply the same process to the verification of the
fundamental formula sin (0 + ) = sin cos + cos sin , for all values of 0,

and + whatsoever, including those in which or become equal to

o- or to any multiple of , which would require a distinct geometrical inves



and therefore
sin (0 - 6 = sin cos - sin cos
) (b).

Again, if in (b) we replace by - 0, we get

- -
= sin
- 0] cos - cos
- A sin & :

and if we further replace sin ( ~ - - by cos (0 + ),


we shall get

cos (0 + = cos cos - sin sin

) (c).

If, in this formula (c) we replace by , we get

cos (0 - = cos cos &+ sin sin B

) (d),
- and -
observing that cos is replaced by cos , sin by
- sin .

772. Inasmuch as Other deri

vative for
sin (0 + )
= sin cos + cos sin (a),

sin (0 + )
= sin cos - cos sin (b),

we readily obtain by the addition of (a) to (b),

sin (0 + )
+ sin (0 - ) = 2 sin cos (e),

and by the subtraction of (b) from (),

sin (0 + 00 - sin (0 - )
= 2 cos sin (/).
And again, since
cos (0 4-
= cos cos - sin sin (c),

cos (0 - )
= cos cos + sin sin (d),

we find, by the addition of (d) to (c), Formulae

cos (0 + ) + cos (0
- )
= 2 cos cos (g),
for express
ing the sum
and by the subtraction of (d) from (c), or differ
ence of the
cos (0 + ) - cos (0 - ) = - 2 sin sin (/*).
sines or co
sines of two
angles in
773. Inasmuch as it
may be readily shewn that terms of the
product of
the sines or
cosines of
their senii-
sum and


we get
sin + sin = sin (s + + sin (s - d) = 2 sin s cos d,

sin - sin = sin (s + d)

- sin (s
- d) = 2 cos s sin d,

cos + cos = cos (s + d) + cos (s - d) = 2 cos s cos d,

cos - cos r
= cos (s + d)
- cos (,?
- d)
= - -2 sin s sin d :

p i
/y p A
and if we replace s by and d by , we find

/0 + \ -
sm + sin = 2 sin -

sin - sin = 2 cos ( -

sin ( ) W>
J 9

/0 4. \
cos - cos r
=-2 sin (
- sin

These formulae, expressing the sum and difference of the sines

and also of the cosines of two angles, in terms of the products of
the sines and cosines of half their sum and half their difference,
are very frequently referred to, and will be found to be extremely
useful in the transformation of formulae to others which are

equivalent to them, and more particularly in their adaptation

to logarithmic computation.

774. If we resume the formulae

sin (d + )
+ sin (0 - )
= 2 sin cos (e),

cos (0 + )
+ cos (0 - = 2 cos cos (g),

and ifwe transpose sin (0 )

in one case, and cos (0 )
in the

other, from the left-hand side of the equation to the right, they
will assume the form
sin (0 + =2 sin cos - sin (0 -
) ) (),
cos (0 + )
=2 cos cos - cos (0 - ) (o).

If we further replace by (w-l)0 and by $, we get

+ = 7z0, and 0-0 =-(n- 2) <, and the formula? (n) and (0),
sin n (/>
= 2 cos <^>
sin (n 1) (f>
sin (n 2) (p),
cos n = 2 cos cos (w - 1)
- cos (w - 2) $ (9).
These formulae are useful, as expressing the sines and cosines
of multiples of an angle in terms of sines and cosines of inferior

multiples of the same angle they are very frequently referred



775. If in the formulas given in the last Article, we replace To express

. by 2, we get %*Su
. . . of double
sm 2 = 2 sin cos - sin an ang i e in
terms of the
=2 Sin COS r sine or co
sine of the
for sin = : angle.

cos 2^ = 2 cos cos cos

= 2 cos 0-1 = 1-2


for cos 0=1.

the sine and cosine of an angle
It follows, therefore, that if

be given, we
can find by these formulae the sine of double the
angle and also, if either the sine or cosine of an angle be given,

we can find the cosine of double the angle.

Thus, the sine of 30 is ^, and its cosine : therefore

sin 60 = 2 sin 30 cos 30

The sine of 18 is *^i , and its cosine N/

10 + 2 v/ 5 .
tnere ..
4 4
sin 36 =2 sin 18 cos 18

2 4

Similarly, from the second formula, we get

cos 36 = 2 cos
18- 1=1-2 sin 2 18 9

Given the
sine or co
sine of an
776. The same formulae will likewise enable us to express &
*n es to .

. . find the sine

the sine or cosine of half an angle in terras of the sine or and cosine
cosine of the angle itself.

Thus, let it be required to express the values of sin - and

cos - in terms of sin 6.

Inasmuch as
sin =2

sin - cos - ,


1 = sin
2 - + cos 2 - (Art. 758)

we get, by adding
/l f\ f\ /j

= - +2 - cos cos -
2 2
1 + sin sin sin -t- ,

and, by subtracting

1 - sin 6 = sin2 - - 2 sin - cos - + cos8 - .

f\ n
If sin- be greater than cos-, the terms of the complete

squares on the right-hand side of these equations are arranged

in the order of theirmagnitude (Arts. 587 and 650), and the
extraction of their square roots will give us

srafl = sin-
in + C os-
2 2

e e
- sin 0) = sin

- - cos -;

and therefore, by adding and subtracting, we get

sin - = i J(l + sin 0) + A J(l - sin 0) (l),

+ sin ~ - sn

But, if sin- be less than cos-, the order of the terms in

the squares

e e e
- +2 - cos - + cos2 - , and sm 2,e- - 2 - cos - + cos"2 -

2 8

sin sin sin ,

must be reversed: the extraction of their roots, when their

form is thus modified, will in that case give us

,J(1 + sin 6) = cos - + sin -

- sin 6) = cos - - sin - ;

and therefore

cos - =
i J(l + sin 0) + 4 7(1 - sin 0) (3),

f sin 0)- 4^(1- smfl) (4).

If be between the limits and -, ~ and 2-Tr, we must

use the expressions (3) and (4) : but if be between the limits

- and , we must use the expressions (1) and (2): it should

be kept in mind, however, that for greater values of 0, which

make - correspond to a negative geometrical angle, these ex-

ressions must change their sign. (See Art. 781).

a a

Again, let it be required to express sin - and cos - in terms

f cos 0.

n a
cos = 2 cos
--1 = 1-2 sin
2 - ,

we readily obtain the equations

2 cos - =
1 + cos 0,


2 sin -
= 1 - cos 0,

nd therefore

cos- =

If be between the limits TT and 3 TT, 5 TT and 7 *-, 9 * and 1 1 ir t it

will be found that cos |L- A ^-V and if e be between


the limits 2-rr and 4?r, GTT and STT, 10 TT and 12 TT, then sin -

1 - cos

Examples. 777, j^e following are examples.

Given the sine of 30, which is A (Art. to find

(1) 76?),
the sine and cosine of 15.

sin 1 5 = 4 J(l + sin 30) - 1 ^(1 - sin


cos 15 = A ^(1 + sin 30) + i V(l
- sin 30)


5 + ^5
(2) Given the cosine of 1 8 = /( = .897, to find the
sine and cosine of 9.


It is obvious that if the sine or cosine of any angle 6 be given,

we can apply the same method to find the sine and cosine of ,

whatever be the value of .

To deter- 778. To find the series of values of Q which have a given

Series of
sine *
equisinal In the first place, all angles are equisinal or have the same
sine, whose measures differ from each other by multiples of 2 TT.
(Art. 761).
In the second place, if 6 be an angle whose sine is of the

required magnitude, its

supplement TT 6 is also equisinal with
(Art. 763).

Or, in other words, to find all the values of 0, which satisfy the equation
sin = a, where a is any positive or negative number less than 1.

It will follow, therefore, that all the angles in the two series

0, 27T+0, 47T + 0, ... 2W7T + 0, ...

7T-0, 37T-0, 57T-0, ... (2W+l)7T-0,

continued both ways, are equisinal with : or in other words

when n is zero or any whole number, whether positive or nega


779. To find the series of values of which have a given To deter

mine a
COSine. series of

In the first place, all angles are equicosinal or have the same equicos

cosine, whose measures differ from each other by multiples of

2 TT.
(Art. 761).
In the second place, if be an angle whose cosine is of the

required magnitude, then equicosinal with it.

is (Art. ?62).
It will follow, therefore, that all the angles in the two series

0, 27T + 0, 47T + 0, ... gWTT + 0, ...

-0, 27T-0, 47T-0,... 2W7T-0,...

continued both ways, are equicosinal with 0: or, in other words,

cos = cos (2 n TT 0),

where n is zero or any positive or negative whole number.

780. The propositions in the two last Articles deserve the Great im-
most careful consideration of the student, as furnishing the tne theory

basis of the explanation of the multiple values not merely

equisinal and equicosinal angles, but likewise of the periods

of equisinal

formed by the sines and cosines of their submultiples, which c

will be found to be intimately connected with some of the

most important theories in analysis. multiples.

Thus, if the angle be given, there is only one value of its

sine and cosine there is also only one value of the sine or cosine

of any given multiple or submultiple of it, which form likewise

a unique and determinate angle.
If sine or cosine of an angle be given, and the
however the
the value
value of the angle be required to be determined from
its sine or cosine, then not only may the angle corresponding
be any one or more of the series of equisinal or equicosinal

angles, but the sines and cosines of their submultiples will be


The periods 78!. Thus the angles in the series 2wr + are equisinal with
of the sines th
B: but the sines of a series of angles, which are - part of those
muhfples of
angles. in the series 2w7r+ 0, form periodical series, the sines of the first
m terms being different from each other, and afterwards re
curring periodically in the same order.
Thus, the equisinal series being

0, 27T + 0, 47T+0, ... 2(m-l)7T + 0, 2W7T-f0,...

the series of their submultiples by m, will be

and the
m ,
sines of the


. -
2(w-l)7T +
terms are different from each other
, A if H--
m j

n a
but the + term is 2-7M which is
equisinal with the

(7H l) ,

h - which ----
(m + 2Y term is 2-7T+ is equisinal with
m ,
m ,

and so on successively: it follows therefore that the series of

sines of the series of submultiple angles is periodic, each period

consisting of m terms.

Again, if we
take the second series of equisinal angles, in
cluded in the formula (2w + l)w 0, which is

7T-0, 37T-0, 57T-0, ... (2 7W + 7T - 0, . . .

(277Z-l)7T-0, l)

m ,
the corresponding series of their submultiples by

-- 57T-0
m , ,4

will be


. . .

and the sines of the m first terms are different from each other ;
that of the (rw+l) term being equisinal with the first, of the
(m 2) with the second, and so on for ever. The sines there
fore of the second series of submultiple angles or measures of

angles is also periodic, each period consisting of terms. m

It follows therefore that there are, in the two periods, 2m
submultiple angles, less than 360, whose sines may be different
from each other, corresponding to the same sine, or to the sine
of any term of the two series of equisinal angles: but this
number, when m is odd, may be reduced one half, by the identity

of the sines of the terms of one period with those of the

the terms reckoned from the beginning of one
period being
severally the supplements of the terms of the other reckoned
from the end, and therefore the second period may be
left out of consideration: and in the case in which
is even, m
the half of the terms of each period will bear to those of

the second the relation of and TT + 0, whose sines are equal,


but with different signs.

782. If the cosines of the angles which are the part The periods
W of the co-
of the included in the formula 2 n TT sir of he
equicosinal angles
vi i
we form / i iii submulti-
(Art. 779) be required, the double series pies of
0, 27T0, 47T0, ... 2(7H-l7T +
and the cosines of the first m terms of the series of submultiples

27r 4vr 2(wt~lW

m m-*-,
m m -,...
m m m 27T-,
will be different from each other, comprising 2m different
angles: but whether m be odd or even, we find cos = cos
m m ,

/27r 0\ Cf2m-lW 6\
j(2m-l)7r 0) /47T
/4-Tr 0\ f2(wi- 2)
cos -)=:cosiI m ^-=F->, cosf -)=cos^-^

\w mj m] \m mj [

thus reducing the number of different values of the cosi

from 2 m to m : and further when m is even, the first terms

from the beginning of the period are the supplements of the

last^ terms reckoned from the ( + l) th term to the end, and

*i \2 /
their several cosines therefore differ from each other in their

signs only.

The Example!.
783. following are examples:
(1) Given sin 0, to find sin - .

The series of equisinal angles are

0, 27T + 0, 47T + 0,

w-0, 3?r- 0, 5*--0, .

VOL. II. z
The corresponding series of semi-angles are

e e e
, 7M-- , 27T + -, ......

The periods of sines are

6 /
+ 6\
. .

sin-, smf 7r
0\ /37T

of which sin - =- sin (IT + - J and

The expression, given in Art. 776, if we assign the double

sign to the square roots, or

will express these four values, two of them being equal to

sm -

, and the others to sin

-- - or cos - .

~ \^ ~/J <w

(2) Given cos 0, to find cos - .

The double series of equicosinal angles is

The corresponding

006 series of semi-angles is

2vr -, ......

The period of cosines is

cos-, c

of which cos
00 = cos - and cos (
6\ = -
cos - .

The expression, given in Art. 776,

/I + cos

will express both these values, if we assign to it its double sign.

Given sin 0, to find sin - .
(3) . tj

The two series of equisinal angles are

0, 27T + 0, 47T + 0,, 67T + 0, ......

7T-0, Sir-0, 57T-0, lir-Q, ......
The corresponding series of ternary submultiples of these
angles are
6 2<7T 6 47T

TT STT 5-7T 77
3~3~ !T~3 ~3~ ~3 3

The periods of sines are

_, sm-+-, sm-

-8* - &
- **
~ +- ..v 9
but since - of - - -
. ,
is the supplement of - , , and
3 o o o o o o

- + - of - -
rejecting 2-Tr),
it follows that the values
o i> o o (after
of the sines of the first period are identical with those of the
second: and there are consequently only three such values,
which are different from each other*.

(4) Given cos 0, to find cos .

The double series of equicosinal angles is

The corresponding double series of quaternary submulti

ples of the angles of this series


TT Sir

* in Art. 774, that

It appears by the formula

= 2 cos
. 20 - .0
sin sm sin
j -g- -^

= 4 cos 2
00- -
- sin sin - /
replacing sin
by 2 cos
- sm - .

3 sin
.0 -
4 sm d3 ,

/ 6\ -
"~ ai in
a cubic equation, whose roots are sin 3 sin
("3 \ 3 3

where is the least angle whose sine is of the given magnitude.


The double period of cosines is


which are reducible to

a /TT 0\ /V 0\ /
cos(^--J, cos(^-f-J, cos^r--
which alone are different from each other, and of which the
fourth and third only differ from the first and second in their

Caution re- 784. It should be observed, that the definitions of the sine
an ^ cosine apply to all geometrical angles, and therefore to
cation of those which are negative as well as positive, extending thus
pie of equi- beyond the limits of Arithmetical Algebra: and whatever be
t ^le P ro P os iti ns J which come within the range of these defi
nitions, they must be established by means of them, and not by
the generalizations of Symbolical Algebra: and though it is by
the aid of Symbolical Algebra alone that we are enabled to
form and express negative lines, negative arcs, and negative
angles, yet as soon as we have given to them a consistent inter
pretation, they come within the proper province of Geometry,
and are subject to the same definitions and propositions, as apply
to the geometrical quantities which they represent in affection
as well as in magnitude: it is for this reason that in demon

strating the formulae of Goniometry, we must consider the

negative values of the quantities involved as equally possible
with those which are positive, and as equally within the range
of our definitions :
thus, we are not at liberty to pass from the
formula for sin (6 + 6 )
to that for sin (0 - ), by the aid of the

principle of the"permanence of equivalent forms/ but by rea

sonings founded upon the definitions of the sine and cosine,
and the geometrical or other properties of the magnitudes to
which they apply: it is only when the definitions, which are
the foundation of our reasonings cease to be applicable, that
we are at liberty to resort to the generalization of Symbolical

n f\

* = -
The corresponding biquadratic equation is cos 8 cos4 8 cos 2 -7 + 1.



785. THE ratio of the sine to the cosine of an angle is called Definition
its tangent : and the reciprocal ratio of the cosine to the sine
of an angle is called its g ent

Thus, if & be the angle, then the tangent of 6 or tan 6 =


and the cotangent of 9 or cot 6 = -r-r

sin u

786. The tangent and cotangent of an angle determine the They de-

angle equally with the sine and cosine :

6 ^
for if BAG be any angle, and if any /c
point whatsoever P be taken in AC,
and if PM be drawn perpendicular to

AB, then the ratio -

71rr is the tangent,

and the reciprocal ratio is the

cotangent of the angle BAG: and if this ratio be given, it

determines the species of the triangle PAM, and therefore the
angle at A, and conversely. Euclid, Book vi, Prop. 5.

787- The following properties of the tangent and cotangent Properties

are derivable immediately from their definitions.
gen/ and
i cotangent.

* The tangent and cotangent were formerly defined as lines, and not as
ratios :
thus, if J3P be the arc of a circle sub
tending the angle at the centre, and if BT
and C t be drawn from B and from the extremity
C of the quadrant, tangents to the circle meet
ing AP produced in Tand t respectively, then
BT was called the tangent, and Ct the cotangent
of the angle BAP or 0.

r or tan
and, cot = -:
cos 6
. ,
and the first ratio
s is
cos sin

reciprocal of the second, and conversely.

(2) Tan - =- tan 0, and cot - =- cot 0.

_, sin - - sin
For tan - = = -
5-= - tan

a 0, and
cos cos


(3) Tan ( - = cot 0, and conversely.

^ j

For tan - - (
A= "-OH
H2 V =.cos0 =
. -. cot 0:
\2 /
/TT A sm
and cotfg-flU
f \

(HA= -

v j _._
= tan0.
Tan (TT - 0) = - tan and cot - =- cot 0.
(4) (TT 0)
sin CTT 0} sin ,
For tan - 0) = \ -^
= -=-tan0: and
cos - - cos
(TT 0)

m -r
- 0) COS (TT 0)
. = - COt 0.
(TT } ) - sf .

sm (TT 0) sm
By a similar process it may be shewn that

(5) Tan fc + 0\ =- cot and cot fc + 0\ = - tan 0.

Tan ( -0\ = cot and cot - = tan 0.

(^ 0)

+ 0\ = - - tan 0.
(7) Tan (?-~- cot and cot
(^ + 0\=
(8) Tan (TT + 0)
= tan and cot (TT
+ 0)
= cot 0.

Inasmuch as the sines and cosines of all angles which differ

by multiples of STT or 360, are identical, the same observation,
as is obvious from their definitions, will extend to their tangents
and cotangents: we thus get

(9) Tan = tan (2 TZTT + 0) = tan (ir

+ 0)
= tan {(2 n + I) TT + 0},
cot = cot (2 n TT + 0) = cot(7r + 0)
= cot{(2n + 1) TT + 0j,

where n is any whole number, whether positive or negative.


J(l + tan 6) =
(10) and N/(l + cot 0)
= -,_ *.

For 1 + t-n = 1 +

= cos
+ sin 6

= _ I
and there-

fore J(l + tan

= --,: and again,

1 + Cot 6 = 1 +
cos d

sin- d
. ,
sin 6
= ---:-
sin- ^

sm* 6

and therefore J(l + cot a 0)=-r
Reciprocally, we find
1 tan
C Sd=: "~ andsm0n =i

tan2 0)

Tan0 + cot0=-
sin 20
2 2
sin cos sin + cos 1
For tan + cot = -, +
cos sin cos sin \ sin 2 1


(12) Tan 9 - cot d = 2 cot 2 d.

, sin0 cosfl sin -cos 2 cos 20
For tan 0- cot = : = 2cot20.
cosd sin

788. The tangent and cotangent may have every possible Changes of
value between zero and infinity, whether positive or negative,
tangent and

. TT
S111 cotan s ent -
sinO TT 2 1
For tanO= =_ = 0: and tan-= = -=oo, or mfi-

cosO 1 2 TT

nity : and for values of between and - , the tangent increases

with the increase of : for values of which are greater than

- and
, less than TT, the value of the tangent is negative, and

diminishes from infinity to zero, which it reaches when = ir:

* It will be seen in Art. 793, that is called the secant of 6, and

the cosecant of 0.

t = 2 cosec 26 (Art. 798), and the proposition in the text may be put
under the following form, tan + cot =s 2 cosec 20.

for values of 6 which are greater than IT and less than ~,

the tangent is
and increases from zero to infinity : and

for values of between and 2 TT , the tangent is negative,

and decreases from infinity to zero.

The cotangent being the reciprocal of the tangent, its signs
are the same for the same angle, but its values follow a reversed
order, one being infinite when the other is zero, and one increas
ing when the other is
It may be observed that the tangent and cotangent change
their signs when they pass through infinity and zero, or, in other
- -
words, at the points where 6 is 0, or , or a multiple of :

this subject, which is not without importance, will be further

considered in a subsequent Chapter*.

Given the 789. PROPOSITION. Given the tangents of two angles, to

g f
two ang1es find the tan g ent of *eir sum and difference.
to find the Let and 6 be the angles, whose tangents are given, and let

thelfsum it be required to express the tangent of 6 6 .

and differ
_ sin (0 =fc 6
_ sinfl cos0 / =fccos0 sin
fi fi
~ )
" :
cot (0*P) cos0cos0=Fsin0siiT0

(dividing the numerator and denominator by cos cos ),

sin sin
cos0 coslJ tan tan 6
sin sin 1 =F tan tan
cos cos 6
In a similar manner it
may be shewn that

cot0 cot0 =F 1
cot (0 6 ) =
cot 6 cot

^ 90 " If in the ex P ression for tan (0 + ) we replace & by 0,

tan nQ in and by (n 1) 0, we shall get
terms of
tan and tan (n - 1) + tan
fl =

The signs of geometrical angles change in passing through zero and two
right angles : the signs of the sines and cosines change in passing through zero

791. If n = 2, the formula in the last Article gives us Expres

sion for

tan 20a = - --
~ tan^.
terms of
tan 0, and
If we solve this equation with respect to tan Q, we get verse
tan e =- cot 2 J(l +
cot 2 0).

If the value of 20 is required to be determined from the

value of tan 20, then the angle may be any term in either of
the two series, (Art. 787, No. 9),

20, 2-/T + 20, 47T + 20, ......

7T + 20, 37T + 20, 57T4-20, ......

The corresponding series of semiangles are

6, 7T+0, 27T + 0, ......

and the tangents of all the angles in the first series are identical
with tan 0, and in the second series with cot and it will -

be found that
tan = - cot 20 + 7(1 + 2
cot 20)*
- cot 0=- cot 20 -^/(l +cot 2 20).

792. The following formulae are not unfrequently useful,

and are very easily proved:



* Since V(l + cot 2 20) = cosec20 (Art. 795), it follows that

= cosec20-cot20,
cot = cosec 20 + cot 20.

If in the formula in Art. 790, we make n = 3, we get

tan 20 + tan 3 tan 0- tan 3

tan 30 =
l-tan0tan20 l-3tan 2
. 2 tan
replacing tan 2 by_ tan2 Q
The three roots of this equation are found by a process similar to that given
the text, and are tan 0, tan (60 + 0), tan ( 120 + 0), or

\/3 + tan0 tan - \/3


for tan 60 = V3 and tan 120 = - V3.

(3) tan + cot =


(*) "
cos sin

tan + tan sin (0 + )

(5) -
tan tan sin (0 )

sin + sin 6 + 0^
= tan (d
cos + cos d \FV
sin 0- sin 6 /$ -6\
(7) tal1
cosd + cos6 \r2~J
. tan
sin Q
+ sin
(8) ~;
sin sin

793. The reciprocal of the cosine of an angle is called its
cant and" secant, and the reciprocal of the sine of an angle is called its

If be an angle, then the secant of or sec = and


the cosecant of or cosec =

If BAG (Fig. in Art. 786) be an angle, and if from any
point P in one of the lines containing it we draw a perpen-
dicular upon the other, then the ratio r^- is the secant

of BAC or and the ratio

AP cosecant*.
is its
The terms
secant and cosecant are not very commonly used, it

being equally convenient to use the actual reciprocals of the sine

and cosine in most of the expressions in which they would other
wise occur.

794. The changes of sign of the secant and cosecant are those
changes of
sign. of the cosine and sine respectively. Likewise the secant of m-

* The secant and cosecant were formerly defined as lines, and not as ratios :

thus, if BP (Figure in Note, Art. 785), be the arc of a circle subtending the
angle at the centre, and if BT and Ct be respectively drawn from B and from the
extremity C, of the quadrant BPC, tangents to the circle, then AT was called
the secant, and At the cosecant of the angle BAP or 0.

creases from 1 when 6 = 0, to infinity when 6 =- : it then changes

its sign and decreases from infinity to - 1 when 6 = ir : from

= TT to 6 = it increases from - 1 to infinity : and from 6 =

to = 2 TT, it decreases from infinity to 1 : the cosecant of is

infinity when = 0, and 1 when = it becomes

^: infinity again

when 6 = TT, where its sign changes: when = , it is 1, and

when 6 = 27r, it is infinite and negative.

795. The relations of the tangent and cotangent with the The rela-
secant and cosecant are expressed by the equations (Art. 787,, [JJUgent ami
No. 10), cotangent
tan 0) = sec0,
+ 2
cot 6) = cosec 0.

796. The versed sine of an angle is the abbreviated expres- The versed
_ . sine of an
sion tor 1 - cos 6 it is written vers 6.
. .

If BAP be an angle, and if PM be drawn perpendicular

to (Fig. in Note, Art. 785), then the ratio r-p
is the versed
sine of the angle BAP *.
It never changes its sign, and the limits of its values are

when = 0, and 2 when 6 = TT it increases whilst increases


from TT, and it diminishes whilst 6 increases from

to TT to 2?r.

The use of this term is now almost entirely abandoned.

* The versed sine formerly defined as the line BM, intercepted

between the beginning JBof the arc and the perpendicular drawn through PM
its extremity : it was sometimes called the sagitta of an arc, for if the arc PB
was doubled, and PM
produced to make a complete chord, then would be BM
the position of the arrow upon the stretched bow it is chiefly with a view to make :

the writings of the older mathematicians intelligible, that it is expedient to refer to

terms and definitions which have now fallen into disuse.



What is 7^7- WE have hitherto considered sines and cosines, tangents

meant by
an( j co t a ngents as possessing determinate values for determinate
in the cases
sines, co- angles, without attempting to assign them, except
ies, &c.
of an gleg of 45 o^ 3 o and lg o^ an(j tneir SUCC essive binary mul
tiples and submultiples (Arts. 766, 709, 777): in the present
Chapter we shall proceed to shew in what manner their nume
rical values may be determined generally for every minute and

degree of the quadrant, with a view to the construction of a

Table or Canon, in which those successive values may be regis
tered: for in the ordinary applications of Trigonometry, the
sine or cosine, corresponding to a given angle, and conversely,
the angle corresponding to a given sine or cosine, are not found,

by the actual calculation of their values, but always by reference

to such a Table.

To find the 798. As the basis of our enquiries, we shall begin with the
sine and calculation of the numerical values of the sine and cosine of 1 .

If, in the formula (Art. 776),

--i - -
7(] + sin 6) 7(1 sin 0),

we replace 6 successively by 30 {whose sine is , (Art. 766)},

- 30 30 30
, 5- ,
and so on as far as
-^ , we shall find,

sin = i 7(1 + J-)
- i 7(1
- i)
= .258819 = *

60 x I

15 x 15 x 1
X li and 1

fore the first of the successive binary submultiples of 30 which

is less than l and inasmuch as the sines of very small angles

increase and diminish very nearly in the same proportion with

the angles themselves*, it follows that

. x 1 =
^ sin 1 = .000255625,

and therefore

sin 1 = -
x .000255625 = .0002908882 nearly.

The corresponding value of the cosine of 1 derived from

the equation
cos 1 = 7(1 -sin 2 ! )

gives us
cos 1 = 9999999577-

799. The knowledge of the sine and cosine of 1 of a degree,

will form the basis of our calculation of the sines and cosines of cosine ofV
between an angle of
angles differing from each other l 1
all by ,

and 90. sines and

For this purpose we make use of the formula?, (Art. 774),

sin(rc+ 1)
=2 cos sinw0-sin(w- 1)0,

cos (n + - 2 cos cos n- cos - (n l)


* inferred from the equation

The truth of this proposition may be

sin 26 = 2 cos sinO or - = 2 cos 0,

when is very small, cos0 is very nearly equal to 1, and therefore the
sine is almost exactly doubled when the angle is doubled, and conversely:

thus, cos = .9999999674, which differs from 1 by .0000000326 only: again,

if we recur to the calculation in the text, we shall find

sin = .0010224959,
^ =.00051 12482,

sin = . 0002556254,
from whence it will be seen, for very small angles, how nearly the sines are

bisected, when the angles are so.


If we replace 6 by 1 , and substitute successively the natural

numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. for n, we shall get

sin 2 =2 cos I
sin 1 = .0005817764,
sin 3 =2 cos I
sin 2 - sin 1 = .0008726645,
sin 4 = 2 cos l sin 3 - sin 2 = .001 1635526,
sin 5 =2 cos 1 sin 4 - sin 3 = .0014544406,

cos 2 =2 cos 1 cos 1 - cos = 9999998308,


cos 3 = 2 cos 1 cos 2 - cos 1 = -9999996192,

cos 4 = 2 cos 1 cos 3 - cos 2 = -9999993231,
cos 5 =2 cos 1 cos 4 - cos 3 = -9999989423,

Not neces- In this manner we might proceed as far as the sine and cosine
P roceec^ n g beyond which we shall find the same values of
13 ^ 45 *n
ceed be
yond 45. sines and cosines which have been previously determined for inas :

much as sin (45 + 0) = cos (45 - 0) and cos (45 + 0) = sin (45 - 0),
it will follow that the sines of the angles in the series ascending
from 45 will be severally equal to the cosines of the complements
of angles in the descending series which have been already
determined, and conversely it thus becomes necessary to construct

the canon of sines and cosines as far as 45, and no further.

Beyond But it will be observed that the processes of calcu-

^ a^ n >
which are founded upon the formulae in the last Article,
rocest of
calculation involve the formation of a very laborious product, which it is
greatly sim- expedient to supersede, when practicable, by others which
require the more simple and expeditious operations of addition

and subtraction only: one of the most convenient of these is

the formula
sin (30 + = cos - sin (30 - 0)*,

by which the sines of the angles from 30 to 60 may be cal

culated by the mere subtraction of the sines of (30 - 0) (where

may have every value from 1 to 30), from the cosine of 0:

and since
sin (30 +0) = cos (60 -0),

the determination of the series of sines from 30 to 60 will

give us the corresponding series of cosines in an inverse order.

* For sin (30 + 0) + sin (30
- 0) = 2 sin 30 cos = cose, since 2 sin 30= 1.

801. In the formulae which we have

given, we have cal- Processor
culated the values of the sines and cosines, at least as far as
30, independently of each other, from the ascertained values nessofthe
of the sine arid cosine of , and
consequently we may use thetaTned.

values of the sine and cosine of any

assigned angle 6, to test
the accuracy of the calculation, by
substituting them in the
equation cos
4 sin 2 = 1: for if this equation be not satisfied,
the values of one or both of them are incorrect thus necessarily :

if we take the values of the sine and cosine of 5 , which are

found in Art. 799, we shall find

cos 5
= .999997884601 1 1 872929,
5 = .000002 11 539745892836,
cos 5 + sin 5
= .99999999999857765765,
a number which differs from 1 by a quantity less than

a discrepancy which is referrible to the influence of terms in
the calculated values of cos 5 and sin 5 , which are necessarily
omitted, as being beyond the 10 place of decimals, to which
the registered values are limited.

802. The methods of calculating the successive terms of a Process of

canon of sines and cosines, are methods of continuation, where

an error committed in the determination of any one of them terposition
. . i . . of stops or
is transmitted to all those which succeed it: and it is in order O f values
to arrest the continued propagation of errors, as well as to verify
the correctness of the calculations, at different points of their methods.

progress, when no such errors exist, that it is usual to interpose,

as stops, the values of any such terms in the series as can be
determined by independent methods. Such are the sines and
cosines of 45, 30 and 18, and their binary submultiples, or
of the sum and difference of any angles in the series thus

803. A canon of tangents may be formed from a canon of Formation

sines and cosines, by dividing the sines by the cosines : and a
an(i cotan-
canon of cotangents may be similarly formed by dividing the
cosines by the sines. If however we have found the tangents

* We thus get

sin (18 - 15) = sin 3 = sin 18 cos 15 - cos 18 sin 15 = .0523360.


between I and 45, we may form the tangents between 45 and

90, or the cotangents between 1 and 45, by means of the formula

tan (45 + 6)
= 2 tan 26 + tan (45 - 6) *,

which involves the most simple operations only.

Thus if we replace successively by l , 2 , 3 . . .
, we get
tan 45. 1 = 2 tan 2 + tan 44. 59 ,

tan 45. 2 = 2 tan 4 + tan 44. 58 ,

tan 45. 3 = 2 tan 6 + tan 44. 5? ,

A canon of 804.A canon of secants and cosecants may be formed imme-

cosecants? diately from a canon of cosines and sines, the secant being the

reciprocal of the cosine, and the cosecant the reciprocal of the

sine: or much more rapidly, from a canon of tangents and

cotangents by means of the formulae

cosec =

sec =i + + cot f 45 + .
|tan ^45 -) -)}
Formulae of 805. Formulae of verification are equations between the sines
tion. an(l cosines, tangents and cotangents of different angles, which
if satisfied by their values, as given in the canon, or not, would
verify their correctness, or the contrary.
Such are the equations:
(1) Sin = sm(60 +0)-sin(60 -0).

(2) Sin = cos(30-0)-cos(30+0).

(3) Cos = cos (60 + 0) + cos (60 - 0).
(4) Cos = sin (30 + 0) + sin (30 - 0).

(5) Tan Q - cot - 2 cot 2 0.

For tan (45+ 0) - tan (45" - 0)

tan 45
+ ta "
tan45u tantt
1 +
tan 45 tan~0
1 + tan 1 - tan 6

(A r ,79i )} .

t For, by Note, Art. 791, we find

tan = cosec 26 -cot 20,

cot = cosec 20 + cot 20,

and therefore, by adding, we get

tan + cot = 2 cosec 2 0.


(6) Sin + sin(72 +0)-sin(72 -0)

= sin (86 + 0) - sin (36 - 0).

Sin (90 - 0) + sin (1 8 + 0) + sin 8 - 0)

(7) (l
= sin (54 + 0) + sin (54 -

(8) Cos + cos (?2 + 0) + cos (72 - 0)

= cos (36 + 0) + cos (36 - 0).

(9) Cos (90 - 0) + cos (1 8 - 0)

- cos (1 8 - 0)
= cos (54 - - cos (54 + 0) *.

Such formulae, however, are better suited to verify the cor

rectness of canons of sines and cosines, tangents and cotangents,

already formed and calculated, than to aid us in providing against

the intrusion and transmission of errors in the progress of their

* These equations are easily verified by developing the sines and cosines
of the sums or differences of the angles which they involve, and substituting
the numerical values of the sines and cosines of 30 and 18, or their multiples.



Demoivre s 806. IF we multiply together two such expressions as
cos <p +a sin (p
and cos 6 +a sin 6,

we shall find

(cos (p
+a sin 0) (cos +a sin 0)

= cos cos 6 +a 2
cos cos 6 +a (cos sin 6 + sin </>
cos 6).
If we replace a by J 1, and therefore a by 1, this equa
tion becomes

(cos </>
+ J 1 sin
0) (cos 6 + J 1 sin 6) = cos cos 6 sin sin 6

+ J- 1 (cos sin + sin cos 6) = cos (</>

+ 6) + J- 1 sin (0 + 0).

(Art 770.)
If we make (p
= ft, we get

(cos + J^l sin0)

=cos20 + N/-
: l sin 26.

If we make = 20, we get

(cos 2 + J^~L sin 2 0) (sin 6 J~L sin 6) = (cos

+ + J-l sin 0)

-cos 30 + 7^1 sin 30.

If we make fp
= 3 0, we get

(cos 30 + ^/~l sin 3 0) (cos + ^"l sin 0) = (cos + J ~l sin 0) 4

- cos 40 + ^ 1 sin 4 0.

The law of formation of this formula being thus indicated,

we may assume
(cos + J^i sin 0)"-
= cos (n -
+ J~^~l sin ( -1)0;

and making <p

= (n- 1)0, and therefore + = nO, we get
- + ,/^T sin (n - +
{cos (n 1
) 1) 0} (cos f
j~^~l sin 0)
= cos ?i0 + V~ !
Bin0=(c080 + s/- , 1
sinO)"- (cos0 +
J- 1
= (cos + J~\ sin 0)".

It thus appears, that if the formula

cos (n -1)6 + 7^~i sin ( - l)

= (cos d + J^i sin 0)"-

be true, then the formula

cos n 6 + J- 1 sin n d = (cos + J^~i sin 0)"

isnecessarily true (Art. 44?) and inasmuch as it has been shewn :

to be true when n is 2, 3, 4, it is necessarily true when n is

5, 6, ... and so on, for any whole number whatsoever.

In a similar manner it may be shewn that
cos nd - J - 1 sin7z0 = (cos0- N/- 1 sin0)".

Again, if, in the formulae just established, we replace by

(for 6 may be any angle, great or small, positive or negative*)

we get
nQ n9 -
= ( cos - + - .

J- m J
i /
cos 1 sin I sin
v m (
\ in)

and since
/ m
, 0\
cos +

J- 1 sin = cos - + J- 1

sin -
\ m in)

and therefore
fi f)

(cos + J- \ sin 0)
" = cos + J- I sin ,

it follows that

cos _ +N/ _ lsm _


= (cos + J 1 sin 0) m .

Also, since

+ J^~l sin 0) (cos - J~l sin 0) = cos

+ sin
it follows that
- J- 1
CO s + yZ~i sin = (cos
sin ff)~ ,

and therefore
n *
(cos + */~l sin 0)
" = (cos
- J- 1 sin 0) .

* For if in the formula

we replace 6 by
- 6, we get

cos ?i0 -rj - 1 sinnO = (cos - *J

- 1 sin0)",

a conclusion which may be otherwise shewn to be true.


But cos
4- J-
v 1 sin
= cos (0 + J- 1 sin 0)

= cos (0-^-1 sin 6) :

n6 , nd .


and, inasmuch as cos +* I sin becomes

in m
n0 ?i0
cos 1 sin
m m ,

when is replaced bv it follows that

m m ,

cos -J- 1 sin = (cos d + J- 1 sin 6)



m J~^- I sin
= (cos 6 =F J- 1 sin 0)" .

It thus appears that the formula

= sin 0) *
cos n 6 J~^~\ sin (cos J~l
is true for all values of the index. It is known, from the name
of its discoverer, formula, and constitutes one
as Demoivre s

of the most important propositions in the whole range of analysis.

Exponen- ^07- If, in virtue of the preceding proposition, we should

tial expres- suppose a to be equal to
sion for the .

sine and cos + J 1 sin 0,

cosine of 0.
and therefore a nd = cos n + ,J 1 sin n 0, we might treat

a ne and cos n0 + J- 1 sin n0

as possessing common properties, and as immediately convertible
with each other: we should thus find

cos + J- I sin = a6
cos J 1 sin0 = ff-0,
* The demonstration in the text is dependent upon the properties of indices,
by the aid of which we are enabled to shew that

cos n0A/ IsinnS and (cos tj 1 sin 0)"

are in every respect convertible into each other general properties : and as the
of indices are referable for their authority to the "principle of the permanence
of equivalent forms," (Art. 631), so likewise must the formula under consider
ation be ultimately referrible to the same principle for its establishment but :

the properties of indices being once admitted as algebraical truths, we refer to them
as furnishing the immediate authority for other truths deducible by means of

them, and not to the fundamental principles upon which they rest in common.

and therefore, adding and subtracting, and also dividing their

sum by 2 and their difference by 2^-1, we should find

9 -
a +
cos (/ =

a -a

and again, since

cos n 6 + J - 1 sin nti = a 11 9

cos n d J 1 sin n 6 = a n&
we should find, in like manner,

cos jl0 = ,

_ - nQ
an 9 a
sin n 6 7 ^= .

808. The exponentialexpressions for the cosine and sine
of They
an angle which are given in the last Article, will be found to fund

J the fundamental equations for those quantities, whatever **le<i\ia.-
tor the tions
be the value of a : for .-ine and
cosine for
all values
of a.

4 4
and also

cos 6 = - - = cos 0,

a -e_ a e
sin - = ==- = - sin 0, Art. 7<

809. It should be observed that the definition of the sine The value

and cosine of an angle is dependent upon the goniometrical angle

and its measure no further than it serves to determine the geo- upon the
u assumen , ,

metrical angle, and therefore will remain the same whether tne metisu re of
measure of the goniometrical angle be the ratio of the arc to the gyj^J.
radius, or of the arc to the diameter, or any other ratio whatever nary
im -n-

which increases or diminishes in the same proportion with it

^1^, it :

and it is for this reason, that if the value of B, for a given geo-
metrical angle, be indeterminate, the value of a will be indeter- e vrr >

minate likewise but if we agree to assume, as the measure; of


angles, the ratio of the arc to the radius, as adopted in Art. 746,
the analytical value of a (for in no case does it possess an arith
metical value) will be shewn in a subsequent Chapter to be
determinate and equal to e^~ where = 2. 7182818 is the base

of Napierian logarithms :
replacing a by we shall find
this value,

cos 6 = , sin 6 =

expressions, which comprehend all the conditions which we have

imposed upon the sine and cosine of an angle and its measure,
and from which we may very readily deduce all the formulae
which are given in Chapter xxvn, independently of their geo
metrical definition.

There are
n different
values of
810. If in the equation

cos n 6 + ,J
_ I sin ?id = (cos 6 +
_ 1 sin 0)

give the the values of nQ are to be determined from the values of its

cos i ne an d sine, then there are n different values of 6 which give

different values of

COS + J ~l
_ sill 6,
values of
and which equally satisfy the equation.
V-lsin0. p OY} inasmuch as the terms of the two series

716, v-rr + nQ, 4-7T + W0,... 2 (n - TT + 7*0, 2W7T + 7Z0,


and no others, are cquisinal, (Art. 780), and those of the two

nO, 27T + M0, 4>7r + n0,... 2(ft-l)7r + w0,

-116, 2ir-nd, 47r-0,... 2(n-l)ir-nd,
and no others, are equicosinal, (Art. 781), it follows that the
terms of the series

110, 27T + W0, 4-7T + W0,... 2(/Z

- 1)7T + W0, 2W7T + W0,
and no others, are simultaneously equisinal and equicosinal, and
therefore severally give the same value of the expression

cos n +J 1 . sin n 0,

when both cos n and sin n are given.*

* If cosn0 = a and sin w0 = b, then a 2 + 6

2 = 1 : if one be given therefore,
the other is determined in magnitude, though not in sign.

It is the period of n terms

and no others, which give different values of cos 6 and sin 0, one
or both of them, and therefore different values of
cos 6 + x/- 1 sin 0,

but which give the same values to both the terms of the ex
cos nd + J I sin nd:

they form therefore the values of 9, and the only values of 0,

which satisfy the equation

(cos 6 + x/ 1 sin 0)
= cos n 6 + J I sin n 0.

Any one therefore of the n following expressions

cos 6 + ,J~^l sin0,

(2) c

/ 2 CM
- 2) TT ) 2 (w - 2) TT

- 1) cos
I -^ - +
+ V-
1 sm /
^ -+ ,)

power, will give the same value

when raised to the 7i erf the

cos nQ + tj- 1 sin nd

when n0 is to be determined from the value of its sine and

Inasmuch as cos (2 TT - = cos and sin (2 TT - 0) = - sin 0,
0) (p

it follows that


r-rr \ /2r7T , \ -

= cos -
- -0);

w / \ /

and the preceding series of n different values may be reduced

to equivalent forms, which involve no angle exceeding 180.

Determina- 811. Let it be required to express the n roots of 1 : or in

tion of the , .1

?i roots of 1. other words, to solve the equation

a:"- 1=0.

If, in the equation

cos ( - + + A/ "l sin (

-- - + 0) = cos n 6 + J- 1 &mn6,
j 6J [

we make 6 = 0, and therefore cos n 6 = 1 and sin n 6 = 0, we get

cos + J- 1 sin )
= 1,
\ n n )
and therefore

cos T5 +N /I1 rin_I.{i)7,

in which r may be made 0, 1, 2,.. .(-!) successively, giving

n results and no more, which are different from each other: these
are the n roots of 1, or the n roots of the equation

* B -1 =0.

The cube 812. Thus, let it be required to express the cube roots of 1.

In this case, n = 3 and the roots are expressed by

(1) cosO + ^-l sinO =1.

2?r /
. 2?r
2 cos
3 O

4-rr STT - STT

4<7r i . .

(3) cos +7-lsm = /

-V-l sm

= cos 120- J~l sin 120= - - ~--

These results agree with those given in Art. 669.

The biqua- 813. Let it be required to express the biquadratic roots of 1.

dratic roots
jn ^jg cage n _ ^^ anfj fae roots are expressed by


p 2 IT
(4) Cos "*/- * sm
* sm -T- = -V - L

These results agree with those given in Art. 695.

814. Let it be required to express the quinary roots of 1. The qui-

In this case n-=5, and the several roots are expressed by of 1.

(1) Cos + */ 1 sin = 1.

(2) Cos + J^l sin = cos 72 + J^l sin 72=.309 + J^l x .95 1 .

(3) Cos + 7-1 sin 144+ N/^1 sin 144

=- cos S6+J^i sin 36= -.809+ J^l x .587.

\ / p? \i C *

(5) Cos -^"isin =-cos36 - N/ rrsin36=-.809-N/ ::rix -587.

These results agree with those given in Art. 707-

815. Let be required to express the septenary roots

it of 1. The septe
nary roots
In this case n = 7, and the roots are of 1.

(1) Cos + 7-^1 sin = 1.

(2) Cos + /Tl sin

y- cos 51. 26 + J~^i sin 51. 26

= .623 + J^l x .782.

-- cos 77. 9 + J^l. sin 77. 9 = - -222 + J^l x .975.

Cos^ x
/-,sin^^cos^ +N/-^-n^
=- r
25. 43 - .893 + J ~l x .450.
cos 25. 43 + J~l sin

_ 8 7T 8 7T 7T . 7T
, .

cos - - J-
/ /

(5) Cos - + 1 sm

- =- ,

1 sin ...

~-.89S-.J~l x.450.

VOL. II. C c

- , 4-7T 3-7T /
- . STT "
(6) Cos
y J- ismy "COSy-V-lsm-y
= - 222 -
,l x .975.

Cos^-y^lsin y = ................ 628-7^1 x .782.

The preceding Examples will be sufficient to shew how

rapidly the roots of 1, o/ wj/ order, may be found by means
of a Canon of sines and cosines, in which their successive values
are registered.

To express 816. Let it be required to express the n roots of 1 :

the n roots 1^.1.
of-1. m .-, j
other words, to solve the equation
j"+l =0.
If, in the equation

2 /* 7T
+ //-
/O Y* rjr

\ \ n
0H =cosn6 + J-
. _
{/ cos/
1 sinf l sin 7*0,

we make n6 = TT, and therefore cos n = - 1, and sin nd = 0, we get

--+ lW + J -
;f cos ^(2r

sin -
- J

and therefore

cos - K J
in which r may be 0, 1, 2 ...( 1) successively, giving n re
sults and no more: these are the n roots of 1, or the n roots

of the equation
xn + 1 = 0.

He n roots 817- The n roots of-1 are the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 2w th terms
of ~ a e
f of the period of 2w roots of 1, arranged in their order, or the

amongst the alternate roots of the equation

2 n roots an n
of 1.
X -,

For the 2nd, 4th, 6th, : .. 2wth roots of a?

2 "- 1 are

. 27T 67T r . 67T

2(w-lW + J - ,




cos - 4- J 1 sm - , cos
n n n

which are also the n roots of 1.

818. Let
it be
required to express the complete values of To express
a n and - n
considered as derived respectively from a and - a, p ietevahies
( a) ,

for all values of n. ;


Assume p to represent the arithmetical value of

or - )",
which independent of any sign of affection, and
is is the same
therefore for both.
We then find
a =(l)*p = (cos 2nnr + */ 1 sinSwrvr) p


= {cos(2r + l) rnr + J^l. sin(2r + I) 1111} p,

where r is any number in the series 0, 1, 2, 3

If n be any whole number, a =

If n be an even whole number, (-)" = p : for in that case,

(2r + an even multiple of IT.

1) nir is
If n be an odd whole number, ( a)
= p for in that case, :

(2r + l) nir is an odd multiple of IT.

If n be a rational fraction, having a denominator p then :

the values of r may be limited to the terms of the series

0, 1, 2,...p-l:
beyond these limits, whether the series be continued backwards
n m
or forwards, the same values of a or ( a) recur.
If n be an irrational number
(Art. 245), every different value
of in the ascending series, will give a different value of ()"

or (.a)": and such values, therefore, never recur.

819. Let it be required to express the complete values of To express

the com-
(a + bj~l)
and (a
- b J-JY, pletevalues

considered as derived respectively from (a+&V-l)

a + bj-landa-bj-l. (-6>/-l)

If we make cos 6 = .,
, and

we get

cos + yri sin = +


cos - =l sin =

It follows, therefore, that .

J(a +b )
{cos0 + J^~l sin 6} =a+
J(a + b
) {cos
- 7- 1 sin 0} =a- b
J- 1.

But, inasmuch as the value of 6 is derived from that of cos 9

and sin 0, it follows that

= sin = sin ( 2rT + #)

/(n + y)

Consequently, if we make (a
+ 6
a = p, we get
= cos

-6N i)
= {cos w (2r w+ 0)
- ^/l sin w (2r7r + 0)} p.

If we suppose 6
= and therefore = 0, these formulae dege
nerate into those which are given in the last Article.

The ex- 820. The conclusions, which are given in the preceding
S 1 1
Articles, are of very great importance, and deserve the most
cos e +
*fi sin careful attention of the student.
may m all j n t]le fi rst p] ace ^ j n expressions such as

we must consider cos J- 1 sin as a sign of affection of p,

and as in no respect affecting its magnitude: for it may, in all

cases, be shewn to coincide with one of the roots of 1, and to

be therefore incapable of modifying the magnitude of the geo
metrical or other quantity into which it is
multiplied (Art. 727) :

for, inasmuch as

cos + 7-18111 =(!)",

where r may be any whole number, and n any numerical mag-


nitude whatsoever, whether whole, fractional or irrational, it

will follow that there is always some integral value of r, and,
when n is not rational, some approximate fractional value of n,

to be found, which will make - -

equal to, or indefinitely

nearly equal to, any assigned value of 6, and therefore to

authorize us in considering cos d + J 1 sin as in all cases

coinciding with some one of the roots of 1, and therefore pos

sessing their periodical properties.

a - b J
In the second place
- 1 are equal

has been shewn that

J (a
+ 2
b ) (cos + J
_ a+bj-l

- 1 sin 6)
and \A> 2 + & 2 )
and mon
is the com-

+b )(cosd- J^l
and consequently that
sinO) respectively, value
a + bj^l and a-bj^l respectively express the same arith- +6v - ]

2 2
metical or geometrical magnitude x/( +6 ), affected by the s\ga _ hij

cos 6
+J - 1 sin 6

\ where cos 6
= -77 ^ 7^ and sin 6 =
-JT-^z + b
\ which dif-
2 } fer in
a [

,J(a*+J?) J(a )] fection O ni y

in one case,and by the sign cos6J- 1 sin 6 in the other: these S

conclusions will be found to be of fundamental importance in
the interpretation of those signs, when applied to lines in geo
metry, and which will be given in the following Chapter.

821. Let it be required to express the complete values of To express

the values

and of ence ot_

(a + bJ-l)-(a-/,J-lY. %&*
and - ^"
Adopting the expressions for (a + b l) (a b J l) ,

which are given in Art. 819* we find

r7r + d) + f
j^l sin n (Zr-rr + 6)}

+ p {cos n (2rir + 6) J 1 sin /*

(2nr + 6)\
= 2p cosn(2rTT + 6),

and similarly

(a + b ,J^iy>-(a - b J~\}"=<2f> J~\ sin (Sr-rr + (/),

where cos 6 = -.-~~ 2 and sin - and where p is

p- ^ z

the arithmetical value of (a 2 + 6

2 2

Example. 822. Thus, if n = J,

we find

xA a= /2r*7r + 0\
J- 1)3 + (a -b ,J-
/ 7 /
(a + b l)s %p cos (
\ J /
where p is the arithmetical value of (a* + b )^ , and r is any
term in the series 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

The different values of 2/> cos - are


Thus, if it was required to express the different values of

03 r
where is greater than ,
we should find, making

~U 27 4/ ~W/ VA3
-^i.^-CiV- ~

and cos =

If more terms in the series are taken, the same values of x

recur in the same order.

* This formula will be shewn, in a subsequent Chapter, to express the three

roots of the equation

8 - qx +r= 0,

and it will be observed that if be less than - , there is no term in the formula
which involves J~l :
or, in other words, b 0.



823. THE investigations, in the last Chapter, have enabled Restate-

us not merely to prove the necessary existence of roots of the

equation tainedin
the last
x _n
10, Chapter
which are different from 1, {a proposition which we had previously the roots

assumed (Art. 708)}, but likewise to determine, in all cases, their

complete analytical values we have there shewn that those roots

are expressed by the n values (and there are no more, Art. 811)
of the formula

cos - r-7T
-f J

sin - ,
n n

corresponding to the successive values of r between and n l


824. In the application of the successive terms of the period The base a
" correspond-
1, a, a 2 ,,., a 71 1

, ing to the
least angle
formed by the n roots of 1, as signs of affection to denote the
of transfer,

successive positions of the n radii which divide the circumference determi-

of a circle into n equal parts (Art. 728 and 729) it was shewn nate -

that if a was the appropriate sign used to denote the least of

the successive angles of transfer, then the other terms of the

period, in their order, would correspond to the other angles of

transfer in their order : but even when the roots of 1 were
explicitly given, as in the case of its cubic, biquadratic and
quinary roots, we were unable to connect a specific root with
a specific angle of transfer, inasmuch as there existed no mani
fest symbolical connection between this angle and the analytical
form of the root which exclusively corresponded to it this :

in the
uncertainty however will no longer be found to prevail

form of the roots of 1, which Demoivre s formula

enables us to assign to them :
for, if we make

a = cos
- sm 1

the base of the period

1, a, a 2 ,... a n ~\

we shall find

a 2 =(cos
/ 27T /
- . 27T\
4>TT 4-7T

+J-1 sin

/ STT 27r\ 6-7
, .

a3 = (cos + J-lsm

\ n n / )
n n


= ( cos f-
J 1 sin
= +-
where the successive angles of transfer , , ,...
n n n n
follow the order of the successive powers of a : but if we had
4?r . 4-7T
a = COS
+J 1 Sin
n n

as the base of the period, we should have found

a 2 =COS
+J-1 /

127T . 127T
a 3 = COS /
+ J-1 Sin ,
n n

= cos ^ --
-f J- I


where the order of the powers of the base of the period does not
follow the order of the angles, and where we must pass twice
round the circumference of the circle before we return to the

primitive line : in a similar manner, if the base of the

had been assumed to be

2 r TT ,

cos- -+ -

we should have returned to the primitive line after r transits

round the circumference, and not before. It
appears, therefore,
that the base which corresponds to the least angle of transfer

is determinate, and is in all cases that root of

1, which is expressed

by the formula
2-7T , 2?r
+ J-1

cos sin
n n
where is the angle of transfer, and n is the denomination

of the root.

825. It follows, therefore, in conformity with the conclu- Resumed

sions established in Art. 728, that if or o be the primitive AB ^Sth
line, and if AB, AB AB t, 2 ,.. .ABn _^ be drawn from the centre interpreta-
of the circle to a series of points dividing the circumference into in

n equal parts, and making angles equal to with each other,

then the several radii thus drawn will be represented both in

magnitude and in position, in their order, by


, ^ .

(3) pcos -
+ x /-lsm ,

2(w-lW- + /-ls /

(n) pJcos- x

and that if the formation of these analytical values, according

to thesame law, be continued, the same series of values will be
reproduced in the same order for :


cos --
- h
1 sm
n /
= p,

-~ - -
- .
2(W+1)7T1 / 2 IT - . 27T\
J- 1 sm -"^-\ = P (cos V- 1 sm
, /
-f -f
p n j,


2 (n + r) TT 2 (n +
J- sm -
-+ r}

= rP (cos
+ J- 1 sin -
n J

and, consequently, the n roots of 1, connected as signs of affection

with a symbol p which denotes a line, will represent the same
line both in magnitude and position in n different positions,

making angles equal to with each other, and in no more;

the successive lines, in their order, being severally represented

by the successive values of

2T7T .
- . 2r7T\

where r has successively

every value in the series
0, 1, 2, ...(-!).

The same 826. And, generally, if p be the length of a line, making

interpreta- , n . , , ... ,. .

an angle 6, with the primitive

(cos 6 + J- I
line, then

sin 0) p

will, in conformity with the preceding theory, express it both

in magnitude and in position : for if 6 = - where the values

of r and n are whole numbers, then

cos + J- 1 sin

is one of the n roots of 1, and therefore

/ 2r7r -
( >>
or the equivalent expression

(cos a + 7^1 sin ^) p

will represent the magnitude and position of a line, equal in

magnitude to p, which makes an angle - or 6 with the pri

mitive line : and if no finite integral values of r and n can be

2 7*7T
found, which make - - we can always
absolutely equal to 6, yet

determine, by the theory of converging fractions or otherwise,


such values of them as will make the value of -

to as near as we chuse: it will follow, therefore, under such
circumstances, that

+ J- 1 sin -\ r p
will represent a line in magnitude and position (Art. 820) as near
as we chuse to that which is assumed to be
expressed by

(0080 + ^-1 sin0) p:

and approximation be indefinitely continued, we may con
if the

sider the line which is represented by one of these formula? as

geometrically coincident (Art. 169) with that which is assumed

to be represented by the other.

Thus, if = 13. 14 , and if we make - = 0, we shall Example.

find the series of fractions

J_ JL ^9 397
27 109 136 1333" 10800

converging to the value of

- , the last of them being equal to it :

of these, the second fraction gives - = - = 13. 12 .

66, which
n 1 09

is less than 6: the third gives - =

^= 13. 14 .
1, which
Tt 1 c>0

is greater than d: the fourth gives =^ ^= 13. 13 .


which differs from 6 by less than th part of a minute : the last,

which gives the accurate value of 0, is the line expressed in

magnitude and position by

whose sign of affection is the 397th term of the period formed

by the 10800 values of the 10800th root of 1.

827. Inasmuch, therefore, as a line p, making an angle K

with a primitive line AB, is expressed, both in magnitude and p retat ons j

of *
position with respect to it, by ,-^
for R iven
(cos J^l
+v sin 0) p,
values off fl

it follows, that if 6 or if AC
be perpendicular to AB, then
= 90,
AC is
expressed by p J^l (Art. 733 ) if be
6 c : ,

120, as in the position AC , then AC is ex

pressed by 5 ^

if 6 = 180, as in the position Ab, opposite to

AB, then Ab is expressed by (- !)/> or -p (Arts. 732
and 559):
if -240 as in the position AC", then AC" is expressed



if 6 = 270, as in the position Ac, then ^c is expressed by

- to AC, is dis
p J^l (Art. 733) where Ac, being opposite
in its from it by the additional sign
- :
tinguished, representation,
the preceding results are in accordance with those established
in Chap, xxv, and are sufficient to shew the ease and readiness
with which this principle may be applied.

If two sides 828, Again, since

of a right-

angle be" p (cos 6 + J- 1 sin 0) = p cos Q + p sin 6 J - I,

in magni-
^ w ^ appear that if, upon the primitive line
tude and J# we take ^ jf) = CQB Q J) equa j n an(j j

position by
a and magnitude and perpendicular to A 13,
to p sin 6
h */-!, its then the hypothenuse ^4C of the triangle ADC
nusewillbe is equal to p, and makes an angle 6 with AB,
expressed an(j g therefore represented in magnitude and

a + b*J-l. in position by p cos Q + p s

N/ mO1.

And if we further replace p cos 6 by a and p sin by 6, then

a and &*/ 1 express the two sides AD and DC of the right-
angled triangle ADC both in magnitude and position (Art. 827),
and a -\-likewise expresses the magnitude and position of
b /J 1

its hypothenuse and in a similar manner, if we replace 6 by

and therefore sin Q by - sin 6, and if, upon the primitive line AB,
we take AD = p cos 6 and expressDC (equal and opposite to DC)
by p sin 0, then the hypothenuse A c of the right-angled triangle

A DC will be correctly expressed both in magnitude and posi

tion by
- + N/- - -
p (cos I sin 6) or p (cos 6 J~l sin 0) :

for ^4c is
equal in magnitude to jo,
and makes an angle 6 with

the primitive line: in this case, will therefore, a and bj1

express the magnitudes and positions of the two sides of the
right-angled triangle ADc, and a bj 1 will express the mag
nitude and position of its hypothenuse : it follows therefore, ge

nerally, that the symbolical sum of two lines AD and DC which

are represented in magnitude and position by a and bj 1, will
be equal to the hypothenuse of the right-angled triangle which
2 2
they form, whose magnitude is expressed by J(a + b ) and which
makes an angle with the primitive line whose cosine is

and sine

and also that the symbolical difference of two lines AD and DC,
or a b J
be the hypothenuse of the right-angled triangle
1, will
formed by AD and DC, where DC is equal and opposite to
DC, and where Ac is equal in magnitude to ^/(a^+b ) and
makes an angle with the primitive line or a whose cosine is

and whose sine is -

829. It appears, from the last Article, that if AC and Ac(p) The sum or
be equal to each other, and make the angles C oftwT
and respectively with the primitive /\ equal lines
AB, they
magnitude and position by

p (COS 6
severally represented

+ ,J-
- 1 Sin 0)
-\ ,5 ^B
as well as
are the

\\ /
of the

- J-
which they
p (cos 6 1 sin 6).

If we add and
subtract these expressions for and Ac, we AC
get, for their symbolical sum, 2 p cos 6, and for their symbolical

difference 2p sin Q J^l but if the rhombus ACBcbe completed,


and its diagonals AB and Cc be drawn, then we find

and Cc = %CD = zACs m 0:

and inasmuch as Cc is perpendicular to the primitive line AB }

it is
expressed both in magnitude and position by 2p sin ,J 1 :

of the diagonals of a rhombus, therefore, the one is the symbolical

sum of the two sides which include it, and the other is their

symbolical difference.

The sum More f

AC(p) and Ac(p ) be two

of 830. if lines
cent sides making angles CAB (0) and cAB(0 ) with N

tne P r i itive line respectively, then AB
they are represented in magnitude and
in position . .

as well as position by
magnitude, , - .
is the p(cos0 + j-
f 1
diagonal ,

which they and

include: r
+ V/ ~
// Qf Q/ .
their dif- P C
cos * ! sm )
ference is
respectively: and if we add and subtract these
the other
we shall find for their symbolical sum

p cos + p cos + (p sin + p sin ) J 1,

and for their symbolical difference

p cos
p cos + (p sin
p sin 0^ J- 1 :

if we now complete the parallelogram AC DC contained by AC

and Ac, and draw CE, ce and Dd perpendicular to the primitive
line AB, and DN
and en perpendicular to CE or CE produced
either way, we shall find

\^ O y [*

and therefore
Ad = AE + Ae p cos + //cos .

CE = AC sin = p sin 0, and ce= CJV= ^4c 85110 = p sin ;

and therefore
NE = Z)rf = p sin + j/ sin .

It follows, therefore, that Ad and DC? are represented in

magnitude and in position by
p cos + p cos , and (p sin + p sin

) ^7 1

respectively, and therefore their symbolical sum is the hypo-

thenuse AD of the right-angled triangle which they form.

Again, we similarly find

- Ee = - en = cos 6 -p f
p :

Cn = p sin 6
- f

p sin :

and since en, which

parallel to the primitive line AB, is repre

sented in magnitude and in

position by p cos - p cos and Cn,
which is
perpendicular to AB, is
Yepresented in magnitude and
(p sin 6
- f
position by p sin ) J~l, it follows that Cc, which is
the hypothenuse of the
right-angled triangle which they form, and
which is that diagonal of the and AC
parallelogram contained by
Ac which not included by them,
is is the symbolical difference
of AC and Ac.

831. Inasmuch as the diagonal AD is expressed in position Expres-

and magnitude by 116

p cos 6 + p cos 6 + (p sin + p sin ) ^^1,

and inasmuch, as if d was its length and the angle which it P stion
s -

made with the primitive line, it would equally be expressed by

d(cos $ +*/- 1
it follows that (Art. 828)

d = J{(p cos + p cos )

+ (p sin +p sin ) }

p - cos + p cos ~~
and cos </>

The corresponding expressions for the second diagonal Cc

ord } and the angle $ which it makes with the primitive line,

would be

p cos - p cos
and cos cf> -7,

832. The
interpretations which form the subjects of the pre- Applica-
,. . ,
. , ,. .. tion of these -,-, .

ceding enable us to represent lines generally in position nterpn ta .

articles, j

as well as in magnitude, and thus to bring their properties under tionstothe

the dominion of Algebra: it may tend to illustrate the theory of rectilinear
such interpretations, as well as the relations of Algebra to Geo-

metry, if we proceed to apply them to some of the more common

properties of geometrical figures which are immediately
from them.

Symbolical 833. L et it be required to express symbolically the three

tion o nhe sides AB, EC, and CA of a triangle, taken in order.
* dS the sides of i an be expressed in magnitudeABC
oa tr f the
tne tr
trianglegl e
angle. by a, b, c, and the angles opposite to them c

by A, B, and C: and let c be the primitive

line: then BC or a, which makes an angle
TT B with c, will be expressed by
a {cos - B) + J^i sin -
(TT (TT B)},
or a ( cos B+ J 1 sin .B)* ;

and AC which makes an angle with

or b, c equal to STT
(B + C)
or TT + A, will be expressed by

b (- cos ^4 - J~^~l sin .4).

The sum of 834. The sum of the three sides of a triangle taken in order
the three
sides of a
is equal to zero.
triangle, For, if CD be drawn perpendicular to AB, we shall find
taken in
order, is a smB = CD = b sin A: and AB = AD+DB=b cosA + n cosB=c:
and it follows therefore that the sum of the three sides of the

triangle ABC, taken in order, is equal to

c + a (- cos B + J- 1 sin B) + b (- cos A - J~l sin A)
=c a cos B b cos A+J 1
(a sin B b sin A)

The same conclusion is expressed by saying that the sym

bolical sum of two sides AC and CB of a triangle ACB, taken in
order, is equal to the third side AB, estimated in the direction
AB, and not in the reversed direction BA.
Funda- ^ w ^l ^ e shewn, in a subsequent Chapter, that all the
mental relations of the sides and angles of triangles, upon which their
in Trigono
metry pro- For the exterior angle at .B is TT B, and at C is TT C : and the entire
perly so angle of transfer, in passing from the position AB to CJ, is 2*7r B C= TT +A :

for A+B+C = *.
The same conclusion follows from the

proposition proved in Art. 829 for : if we

complete the parallelogram ACBD, then
the symbolical sum of AC and AD is

AB : and since AD
equal to CB andis

estimated in the same direction with it, it

is symbolically identical with CB : it fol

lows therefore that the symbolical sum of

AC and CB is AB.

solution or determination, from the

requisite data, will depend,
and which constitute the proper science of
Trigonometry, are
deducible from the three equations
c =a B + b cos A
cos \

a sin B = b sin A .

835. It will follow, as an immediate consequence of the The propo-

proposition in the last Article, that the sum of the sides of any Ar^sS
rectilineal figure, taken in order, when estimated both in position extended to

and magnitude, is equal to zero: for if ABCDE be any recti- H

lineal figure, then the sum of the consecutive sides AB and BC
is the line formed by joining AC: the
sum of AC and CD, or of AB, BC, and
CD the line formed by joining AD:

the sum of AD
and DE, or of AB, BC,
CD and DE is the last side of the figure
AE and, finally, the sum of EA and AE

or of AB, BC, CD, DE, and EA is zero,

inasmuch as AE and
have opposite EA
signs: the same reasoning will apply, whatever be the number
of sides.

836. It follows, therefore, that if we draw Ac, Ad, A e, and General

Aa parallel to BC, CD, DE and in the direction of EA pro-

duced respectively, and if 6, 6 , 6", be the goniometrical
angles which Ac, Ad, Ae, and A a make with the primitive
line AB, and if we represent the lengths of the sides AB, BC,

CD, DE and EA by a, b c, d, and e, then the symbolical }

sum of the sides will be

a + b (cos 6 + J^l sin 6) + c (cos + ^^1 sin 6 )

+ d (cos e" + + e (cos 0" + J~l sin = 0,

J^I sin 0") ")
which becomes, by collecting together those terms which are
affected, and those which are not affected, by the sign J 1,
a + b cos 6 + c cos 6 +d cos d" + e cos

4 (b sin + c sin +d sin 6" + e sin ") J~l = 0,

an equation which is
equivalent to the two equations*

For ifA + B ^~l = 0, then A = and B= for we get A =

and therefore A 2 = (- I) 2 B 2 (-1) = - B 2 a condition which
. . ,
no arithmetical
values of A and B or of - A or - B, which are different from zero, can



" =
a + b cos 6 + c cos &+d cos 6" + e cos (a),
" =
b sin + c sin +d sin 0" + e sin (6).

Modifica- 837. If A, B, C, D, be the interior, and A E ,

, , ,

tions which tne and therefore,

corresponding exterior angles of the figure,
tuMis of (Euclid, Book i.
Prop. 32, Cor. 1 and 2),
figure re-
ceive from A+ B + C + D + E = 2*,
the equa-

A+B + C + D + E = 3. (c),

we get

" = B + C" + Z> + E = 4 - (B + C + D + E)

TT ;

if we now replace 0, , 0", in equations (a) and (b), by
these values, they will assume the form

a - b cos B +c cos (B+C)- d cos(B+C+D) + e cos (B+C+ D+E) = 0,

b smB-c smB
More generally, if the rectilineal figure have n sides ,
a lf
a 2 >- - a n-i> an(i ^ its interior angles be A, A lt A 2 ,...A n _ l

(where A is the angle at the point from which a is reckoned),

then the equations (a), (b), and (c) will become*
n~ l
a-a cosA l +a 2 cos(A
l l
+A 2 )...+(-I) a n_ cos(A
l l
+A S!
+...A n _ 1 )=0 (a),

sin AI - a 2 sin (A + A^) +...+(- !)"_!
sin (A 1
+A a +...A n_ )=0 (6), l

A+A^ A 2 + ............... J n_! = (W - 2) 7T


Again, since
A! + A2 + ... ^ n _! = (n 2) 7r-A,

A!+ A 2 + ... J n _ 2 =(w-2) 7r-(J + ^ w _ 1 ),

^+ A 2 + . . . A H _ 3 = (n - 2) TT -

* We write the last term 1

I)"- a,-! cos (A l + A 2 + ... ^-i) in order
to intimate that it is preceded by a positive or a negative sign, according as
n 1)"- = + 1, and in the second
is odd or even: for in the first case (

the equations (a) and (6) may be put under the form

a- a, cos A, + a a cos ( A + A ) -...+(-

l 2 l)
a n _ 2 cos (A + /*_,)

a sinA
l l
-a 2 sin(A + A 2 ) + ...+(-
a n _ a sin(A + A n _J

The equations (a) and (6) may be called equalio?is ofjigure, Equations
inasmuch as they are not satisfied unless the lines, from whose offigure

symbolical sum
these equations are derived, either form a
or are capable of forming one, when
arranged in consecutive
order : if their sum is not equal to zero, but to a + (3 J 1, then
+P J 1 will express the line, in position and magnitude, which
completes the figure.

Thus, if a be the side AB of a regular hexagon Expression
g "
ABCDEF, then its several sides are re-
nl^of a
presented by a, a (cos 60 + ^^T sin60),
a (cos 1 20 + J~^l sin 120), ^ c

- ,
- a (cos 60 + J~^~\ sin 60),
-a (cos 120+ J- I sin 120),

since the three last sides are parallel to the three first, but esti

mated in opposite directions.

The sum of AB and BC or

AC = a + a (cos 60+ 7^1 sin 60) = +

a line whose length is I( - --- H

= x/3, and which makes

an angle with AB whose cosine is ^/3 and sine ^, and is therefore

The sum of AB, BC and CD or

AD = a + a (cos 60+ ^/^l sin 60) + a (cos 120 + J ^l sin 120")

which is a line whose length is 2#, making an angle with AB


whose cosine is
^ and sine ,
and therefore of 60 : this line

is a diameter of the circumscribing circle.

The sum of AB, BC, CD and DE or

AE= a + a(cos 60+ J^l -a

sin 60) + a(cos 1200 + 7-^ sin 120 )

which is a line whose length is a J3, and at right angles to AB.

The sum of AB, BC, CD, DE and EF or AF

=a+a (cos 60 + J~l sin 60) + a (cos 120 + J~^l sin 120)
-a - a
(cos 60 + ^^1 s in 60) = a (cos 120 + J~^l sin 120).

In a similar manner, it may be shewn that the diagonal CE

is the sum of CD
and DE, or it is the difference of the sums
of AB, BC, CD, and DE, and of AB and BC, or it is the
difference of AE and AC: in whatever manner it may be deduced,
it will be found to be represented by

~~~ H
| aJSj^l ~~
which is equivalent to

cos 120 + J^l sin 120),

which is a line whose

length is a Js, and which makes an angle
of 120 with the primitive line AB.
It is obvious that the same principles may be applied to

express, both in magnitude and in direction, the diagonals of

any rectilineal figure whatsoever.

The ortho- 839. In the preceding Articles we have considered lines in

tne ^ r relativef and not in their absolute, positions, no distinction
of lines
being made in the representation of lines which are equal and
angular parallel to each other and also estimated in the same direction :
but if the primitive line be extended both ways, and another
line be drawn at right angles to
through its beginning or
origin, then such lines are called rectangular axes, and lines
may always be expressed in magnitude and in relative position,

when their orthographical projections upon such axes are

given :

thus, if AP be a line drawn from

the origin or intersection of the axes,
and if Pa: and Py be drawn perpen
dicular to AX and AYrespectively, 9
then Ax and Ay are the orthographical y

projections of AP : and if QR
be a line
equal and parallel to AP and estimated
in the same direction with it, and if
Qq and Rr, Qq f and Rr be drawn perpendicular to AX and
AY respectively, then qr and q r are its orthographical pro
jections, which are also respectively equal to those of A P.

840. The orthographical projections of a line which is repre- A line is

sented in magnitude and direction by

I ,
and relative
a (cos 6 + tj 1 sin 6) position
when its
or t h ra
are a cos 6 upon the primitive line, and a upon the line which h a^
sin 6
i ]!

is perpendicular to it : and conversely, if a and (3 be the ortho- jections are

graphical projections of a line upon the primitive line and upon
an axis perpendicular to it, then the line itself will be ex
pressed in magnitude and position by

or by the equivalent expression

2 2
J(a + /3 ) (COS + </> J~l Sill 9),

where cos = and sin

N/(a+ /3 2 ) being the length of the line, and </>
the angle which it

makes with the primitive line.

841. Again, the perpendiculars let fall from a point P upon Relations

the two axes AX and AY at right

angles to each other, are also angSar co-
called its co-ordinates, and they are likewise equal to the ortho- ordinates

graphical projections of the line AP, which is drawn from the graphical

origin A to P, to which they are respectively parallel namely, :


the co-ordinate Px is equal to Ay and the co-ordinate Py to

Ax : and if we take the co-ordinates of the points Q and R, at the
extremities of the line QR which equal and parallel to, and

symbolically identical with, AP, then the difference qr of the

co-ordinates which are parallel to AX will be equal to the
orthographical projection of QR
upon AX, and the difference
q r of the co-ordinates which are parallel to will be equal AY
to the orthographical projection of upon AY. QR
The theory The theory of co-ordinates will be found to form the basis
nates is the of the application of Algebra to Geometry, where lines are

cons idered in their absolute as well as in their relative positions :
of Algebra it is a theory full of important consequences and which will

try, where require very extensive developement, and we shall therefore

absolute as reserve the further consideration of it to a subsequent part of
relative this work.
position is
considered. 842. If we should conceive a point to be moved through
Conditions S aces O r lines
p represented in magnitude by
movement a> a a 2 ,...a^,
ot a point
which per- an d in directions making: the goniometrical angles
describes d, 6 lt 2 ,...0-i>
the same
closed with the primitive then the point would return to the origin
of the movement, and the lines described would form a closed

figure, when the equations in Art. 837, were verified for if the :

symbolical sums of the orthographical projections upon the two

rectangular axes are equal to zero, the line joining the origin
and the final point would be equal to zero likewise and it would :

further follow, that if the sum of the angles of transfer or

A +A + A ,*...^,

th th
including the angle of transition from the w to the (w + l)
line or from a n _ to a was 2-rr or any multiple of %TT, and if the

conditions of the movement remained unaltered, the point would

continue to circulate in the same figure for ever we will endea :

vour to illustrate our meaning, and to demonstrate the conclusion

to which it leads, in the case of the movement of a point which
describes a regular pentagon.

In a case of 843. Thus, if the successive spaces or lines described be

scribing a" equal to each other (a), and if, at the end
regular o f eacn j me t| le direction of the movement
whether isinstantaneously changed through an angle
of transfer of 72, then the point will return
into itself after describing five such lines: and
if the movement be further continued in con

formity with the same conditions, the point

will for ever circulate in the same figure: but if, all the other

assumptions remaining, we suppose the angle of transfer, at the

end of each line to be 1 44" instead of 72 the
point would still
return into itself after describing five
lines, but the lines would intersect
each other, and the figure would be
stellated: thus, if AB was the primi
tive line, the order of description of
the lines would be AB, BC, CD,
DE, and EA, the angles at A, B,
C, D, E, being severally 36 or
the supplements of 144: again, if
the angle of transfer at the end of
each line was 3 x 72 or 216, the
same stellated pentagonal figure
would be described, but in a re
versed position and if the angle of

transfer was 4 x 72 or 288, the or

dinary pentagon of geometry would

be described, but on a different side
of the primitive line AB, to that on
which the pentagon corresponding
to an angle of transfer of 72 was de
scribed : but if the angle of transfer When the
was 360, the point would continue to movement
move forward in the same direction in a straight
and in the same straight line for ever.

844. If we should define a regular pentagon to be a figure Theory of

of five equal sides and five equal angles, without any assumed ex periodical
clusion of re-entrant angles or intersecting sides, it is obvious that corre
sponding to
the stellated figures referred to in the last Article would equally different

answer the conditions of such a definition with the regular and equations
of angles.
completely bounded pentagon of Geometry the essential distinc

tion between them presents itself in the equation of angles, which

is commonly assumed in Geometry to be unique for all figures of
the same number of sides thus the equations of angles for the

different angles of transfer which are considered in the last Article

are, if A, B, C, D, E be the interior angles,

(2) A+

(4) A+B+C

(5) A + B + C + D + E = -57r.
In the case Thus, in the figures corresponding to the equations (1) and (4),
of pentago- , , . , . , , , .

nal move- the several interior angles are equal to each other, but with dif
ferent signs, and the figures are formed on different sides of the

primitive line: the same remark applies to the stellated figures

which correspond to the equations (2) and (3) in Geometry :

these distinctions of position, as above and below the primitive

line, are not recognized, and our attention therefore in that
science necessarily confined to one figure of each class the
is :

fifth equation intimates, that as each interior angle is

- TT, and
as the sum of each exterior and interior angle is TT, each exterior

angle is 2 TT, and consequently no figure is formed.

The - or 60
Tn the case 845. angle of transfer in a regular hexagon is

of hexago-

Ve ~
^ we snou ^
suppose the sum of the exterior angles doubled, the
angle of transfer would be doubled or become 120, in which case
the corresponding hexagon would degenerate into an equilateral
or regular triangle and the describing point would pass twice
over each of its sides in six changes of movement: if we supposed
the angle of transfer tripled, the figure corresponding would be
come a straight line described by an oscillating movement: if
quadrupled it would become the regular hexagon of Geometry,
in a reversed position to the former, in which each of the in

terior angles was negative and equal to - : if quintupled, it

would again become an equilateral triangle in a reversed position
to the former : if sextupled, the point would continue to move

forward in the same straight line, in the direction of its primi

tive motion: if still higher multiples of the angle of transfer
were taken, the same series of movements would be repro
duced, and in the same order.
In the case The series of movements corresponding to an angle of
of heptago-

trans fer f ~ anc* f * ts successive multiples, would be distri-

ments. buted into successive periods of seven figures or lines, of which

the 1st and 6th would be the regular heptagons of Geometry
in reversed positions, the 2nd and 5th, 3rd and 4th stellated

figures in reversed positions,

and the 7th a continued and inde-

finite straight line : in the series of movements corresponding

to an angle of transfer of and of its successive multiples, the

1st and 7th would be the regular octagons of Geometry in

reversed positions, the 2nd and 6th squares in reversed posi
tions, the 3rd and 5th octangular stellated figures, the 4th a
terminated and the 8th an indefinite, straight line. It is not
necessary to extend these observations further, as may be easily
done, to the series of movements corresponding to other angles
of transfer and their successive multiples.*

* The
general theory of such periodic movements requires that the sums of
the orthographical projections of the n first lines described should be equal to

zero, where , or any of its successive multiples, is the least angle of transfer :

or if we express this angle of transfer by 0, then the equations of the figures

described or of the movement of a point, which, after describing n equal spaces,

returns into itself, are

p {I + cos + cos 20 + cos (n- 1) 0} = 0, (s)

+ sin 20 + sin (n
- 1)0} = 0. ( )
p {sin
e 9
a + a~ becomes
If we replace cos0 by (Art. 807), the first series (s)

(Ar , 429 ).

and denominator of the first and second of the

If we divide the numerator
9 9
* we
fractions of which this expression is composed by a* and a respectively, get

_ -(n-i)0 + a *- a
/a (n-*)0 \
s= 1 r"
i I
\ a2-a~2

which becomes, if we replace a

^-*>- a-<-* )a by 2 J^l sin(n- i)6 and

- _-
- 6
a 2_ a by 2 N/^Tsin-,

^ ^
{e\ sin(n-.e + , s.n / ^ __
sin-| ~
e I L*
| | 2


Number of 846. In a figure of n sides, there are 2 n elements, and only

<tent ele-
tnree necessary equations amongst them, one of which is the

equation of angles: there are, therefore, 2n-3 elements which


assumable are indeterminate and assumable at pleasure, though not abso-

6 - 3)
of n sides ^y unlimited in themselves,* which are n sides and (n
^ ute

In a similar manner, if s be the sum of the series

p (sin 6 + sin 20 + sin0),

we shall find

. 6

If we make = , as in the case of the regular n sided polygon of

Geometry, we find

p sin TT cos
= 0.
. 7T

p simr sm
* "
s = = 0.
. IT

Again, if we make = . where m is less than n, we get


p sinm-Tr cos I
In- 1\

sm -

p sin m TT sm I I m ir
. rmr

If we make = 2^, we find

p sin n IT cos (n 1 ) TT

, p sinnTr sin (n 1 )-TT

sin TT

Under this form, these expressions are indeterminate but it will appear by :

methods which will be investigated in a subsequent Chapter, that the value of

s, under such circumstances, is np, and that of s is it will follow therefore :

that the movement of the point, when = 2r, is one of continual progression
in the direction of its first motion.

* from the
It appears first equation of figure (a) Art. 836,
a - al cosA + l
a2 cos(^i +^ 2 ) ... +( I)"-
a n _! cos(^i + ^ 2 + ^-i) = 0,

angles, or (w-1) sides and (n - 2) -

angles, or (n 2) sides and
(w-1) in order to determine a
angles: figure, therefore, there
ra ~ *
are three classes of data, one class admitting of -
combinations (Art. 453), the second of n . combinations

and the third of the same number. When the independent

data are fewer than (2ra-3) in number, the
figure is not de
termined if they exceed (2w-3) in number, they
may furnish
results which are inconsistent with each other. (Arts. 402
and 403).

847. Thus, the equations of quadrilateral figures are In the case

a -a, cos A, + a, cos (A, + A )-a2 3 cos (A, + A 2 + A 3) = (1),

0, sin A - aa
sin (A + A a ) + a 3
l sin (A + A 2 + A 3) =
l (2),

A + A + A 2 + A 3 = 27r
1 (3).

If we combine equation (3) with (l) and (2) (Art. 836), we get
a !
cos A +a
1 2 cos (A^ + A^) a 3 cos A= (4),

a sin
l A l
a 2 sin (A t
+ A2 ~)
a 3 sin A= (5).

Of the 7 quantities fl, a 2, a 3 , A, A l} A2 , if five of them

be assigned within the requisite limits of value, the remaining
two may be determined from the equations (4) and (5).

848. Parallelograms are defined to be quadrilateral figures*, Properties

which have their opposite sides parallel: and it will follow

a necessary consequence of this definition and from the pro
perties of parallel lines, that the sum of every pair of conse
cutive angles in the figure will be equal to two right angles,
and therefore that if the value of one of its angles be known
or assumed, the rest are determined: for if

A+A ~A l l
+ A 2 - A 2 + A 3 = A 3 + A = TT ,

we find

A = 7T
l A y A 2 = TT A! = A, A 3 = 7T A2 = A lf

that no one side can be greater than the sum of all the others, and from the
relation of the exterior and interior angles, that no angle of the figure can be
greater than two right angles.
* The
opposite sides of regular polygons of 2m sides are parallel, but it i-

not usual to call them parallelograms, unless the figures are also quadrilateral.

and the opposite angles are therefore equal to each other : if we

transfer these conditions to equations (4) and (5), we get

a + cii cos A a z - a 3 cos A = 0,

tii sin A a z sin A Qt
and therefore
= 3, and also a = aa ,

or the opposite sides are also equal to each other.

Properties 849. Again, suppose the four sides of a quadrilateral figure

to ^ equal to each other and one of its angles A to be a right
angle,and let it be required to determine the remaining angles:
under these circumstances, the equations (4) and (5) become
a a cos A +al
cos (A l + A 2) = 0,

a sin A l
a sin (^A l + A^ - a = 0,
we thus get

1 = cos AL - cos ( AL
+ A 2) = 2 sin ^ (2 AL + A 2) sin ^ A2 ,

1 = sin AL sin (A^ + A )=-

2 2 cos ^ (2 ^+ ^4 2) sin \ A.2 .

-l=tan(2^, + ^ 2 ),
and therefore

i(2^, + ^ 2 ) = 135. and 2^j + J 2 - 270;

but AL + A2 + A 3 = 270;
therefore AL A 3 = 0, or AL = A3 ,

and therefore AL = A 2 = A 3 = 90.

It appears therefore that if the four sides of a quadrilateral

figure be equal and one of

its angles a right angle, then all

angles are right angles.
Definition A
square is commonly defined to be a four-sided figure which
as uare:
has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles: but if the
^ rJi

proper object of the definition of a figure be the simple enun

ciation of the conditions which are sufficient for its determination,
and no more, obvious that the ordinary definition of a square
it is

includes three superfluous conditions : for the same figure is de

termined by defining it to be that which has its four sides equal,
and one of its angles a right angle the same conclusion would :

follow, if we defined it to be a figure which had three sides


equal,and two of its angles right angles, or a figure which had

two of its adjacent sides equal*, and three and therefore all
its angles right angles but such definitions of figures may be

regarded as descriptions which comprehend their characteristic

properties, which are not so much to be considered as consti

tuting the definition of the figure as the results of independent

investigations f.

850. The definitions of regular and other figures which are Definition

commonly given in Geometry,, will be found similarly to involve

superfluous conditions, and should rather be considered as enun
ciations of propositions concerning them, than as forming the
essential conditions for their determination they will be found to :

present themselves, in a similar manner, in the following defini

tion of Similar Figures, which is commonly given in Geometry.
" Similar as have
figures are defined in Geometry to be such
their angles severally equal to each other, and the sides about

their equal angles in each proportionals."

If this definition be interpreted algebraically, it assumes,
as the essential condition of the similarity of figures, that all
their should be
angles as well as the ratios of their sides :
or in other words, that if a y a lt a s , .. . an _ l represent the sides,

the ratios , , ,
. .
^^ are the same in all similar figures,
0, a2 a3 a n _j,
and as the angles
therefore given, as well

A, A lf A,, ... An _^\

but the value of any one of these sides be given, such as a,

all would be given, inasmuch as there would be

the others
n-1 independent equations involving them successively: it fol
lows, therefore, that the ordinary definition of
similar figures

involves the fulfilment of 2 n - 1 conditions, which exceeds by

* if the four angles be right angles, the opposite sides are necessarily
equal the equality of two opposite sides is not, but of two adjacent sides is,

an independent condition.
f One of the principal inconveniences which results from the introduction of
is the necessity it imposes of
superfluous conditions into the definitions of figures,
are satisfied
shewing that the unessential as well as the essential conditions
and de
whenever such figures present themselves in geometrical constructions
are satisfied thus,
monstrations, in order to prove that all the required conditions

in the Elements of Euclid, a

figure, which has four equal sides and one angle
a right angle, not pronounced to be a square until the other angles are proved

to be right angles likewise. See Euclid, Book n. Prop. 4.


2 the number of those which are requisite for the complete

determination of the figure it may be easily shewn, however, :

that only 2 n 4 conditions are required to determine this simi

larity, and that the other three are superfluous, or are not

required to be included in the test by which it is ascertained.

Thus, if there be two figures of n sides, and if the (n 2)
ratios of the (n - of one figure be identical
1) successive sides
with (n 2) ratios of the (n 1) successive sides of the other,
and if the ( 2) angles which they severally include be also
it may be shewn that all the con
equal to each other, then
ditions of the geometrical definition of similar figures are

For let a, a l} . . . a n _ 2 arid x be the n successive sides of one

figure, and a, a l3 ... a n _ 2 and x the n successive sides of the

other: and let the (n 2) angles made by a lt a 2 ,...a n _ z with
the primitive line in one figure, and similarly by a lt a 2 , ... a,,_ 2
in the other be lf 6 2 , ...G n _ 2 *: and let it be supposed that

x, or the complement of the first figure, makes an angle <, and

that x } the complement of the second figure, makes an angle ,

with the primitive line : then if it be assumed that

it will follow that

_ i
_ 2
" _ n-2 _
a al fl
a a n_ 2
and therefore
a = ae, !
= !, a a =a 2 e, .. . a n _ z =a n _ z e:

but, inasmuch as
a + (cos ^, + - 1 sin 0,) + . o n _ 2 (cos n_ 2 + /v/^T sin
^/ . .

= J? (cos + ,/
- 1 sin 0),
a + a^cosa^^^Tsin^) -i- ... an

= e + flje (cos 0, + ^/- 1 sin 6^+ ... a n _ z e (cos 6 n _

=x r

(cos $ + J-I sin = ex (cos +

<[> ) (/) ^/

For if the n - 2 interior angles of one figure be severally

equal to the n - 2
corresponding interior angles of the other, their exterior angles are therefore the
same in each, and consequently 0! which the
is first exterior angle, and
02.03, ...... 0- fl t which are the sums of two, three, ...... (n
- 2) exterior angles
in each, are severally the same in both figures.

we shall get
ex cos <p
=x f
cos d> ,

ex sin =x sin </> ,

and therefore
ex = x and fy
- </>

It follows, therefore, that

the complements x and x bear the
same relation to each other which the other sides of one
severally bear to those of the other, and also make the same
angles with the primitive line: and inasmuch as (n - 1) angles
of one figure are
severally equal to (n
- 1)
angles of the other,
it will likewise follow, from the
equation of that the angles,
remaining angle of one figure, which is contained by x and
a will be equal to the remaining angle of the other
figure, which
is contained
by x and a the two figures are therefore similar,

in conformity with the

ordinary geometrical definition.

851. In the preceding investigation, we have (-2) equa- There are

tions, between (n 1) successive sides, and (n 2) angles are jitions^f"

assigned, making in all (2 n 4) conditions and it appears that : similarity

figures are similar, which have these conditions in common: Of nodes.
without enquiring into other consequences of the fulfilment of
these conditions, we shall content ourselves with pointing out
one of them, which furnishes a simple and immediate geome
of the similarity of rectilinear figures.
trical test

If we suppose the ratio of AB to BC, of BC to CD, and Geometri

of CD to DE to
be the same
as those of ab to be, of be
to cd, and of cd to de re
spectively, and the angles
B, C, D to be equal re

spectively to the angles b, c, d :

then the ratio of the comple- JL B
ment of AB and BC to BC, that is of AC to BC, and therefore
of AC to CD is the same as that of the complement of ab and be
to be, that is of ac to ab, and, therefore, of ac to cd: in the
same manner, the ratio of the complement of AC and CD to CD,
that is of AD
to CD, and, therefore, of to is the same AD DE
as that of the ratio of the complement of ac and cd to cd, that
is of ad to cd, and, therefore, of ad to de: lastly, the ratio

of the complement of AD
and DE
to DE, that is of AE to DE
complement of ad and de to de,
is the same as that of the that

is of ae to de: it follows, therefore, that the three triangles


ABC, ACD, ADE, and a be, acd, ade, similarly formed in each

figure, are similar to each other: and the same conclusion will
equally follow, whatever be the number of the sides of the
figure : it follows, therefore, that all rectilinear figures are similar
to each other, in which all the triangles similarly formed in each
are similar to each other.

Figures 852. In the geometrical theory of rectilinear figures, where

with re-en
trant angles A represents an interior, and A the corresponding exterior angle,
may come we assume A and A , in the equation
under the
general A + A =*
equation of
figure and to be both of them positive, and also less than TT : but figures
may be conceived to be formed possessing re-entrant angles, (as
we have already seen in the case of stellated figures), where one
of these angles may exceed 180, and where this equation cannot
be satisfied unless the other be negative, and conversely :
thus, if
the movement of transfer, in passing from the line BA to AC,
be from right to in one case (Fig. 1), and from left to

right in another (Fig. 2), the external angles (xAC) generated

will have different signs : and if these movements of transfer

Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

be continued through more than 180, the interior angle BAG

will be negative in the first case (Fig. 3), and greater than
4 right angles in the second (Fig. 4) for if A = TT + <, then

A + A = TT, gives A = - ; and if A = - TT - <p, then also,

A+A TT, gives A
2?r + (/>.
All these relations of exterior and interior angles are exem-

Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

plified in the formation of the equilateral pentagonal figures


and (4), of which the first is the regular pentagon

(1), (2), (3)
of Geometry: the second has the re-entrant and interior angle
at A greater than 180: and therefore A negative: the third
has the angle at A negative, and the fourth the angle at A
positive and greater than 4 right angles.
Such rectilinear figures, therefore, though not geometrical,
satisfy the equations of figure and of angles, and they may be
determined, like geometrical figures, by the aid of those equa
tions, from the requisite data.



Definition 853. THE index or exponent x, in the equation

of a
logarithm. a =n
is called the
logarithm of n to the base a this definition includes

the primary notion of a logarithm, in which the term originated,

which is mentioned in Art. 273.
It will be shewn in a subsequent Chapter, that if a and n are

numbers {where the term number is used in its largest sense

(Art. 169 and 41 6)} greater than 1, there is always an arith
metical value of x which satisfies the equation
a =n:
or, in other words, there is
always an arithmetical logarithm of
n to the base a.

A system of 854. A
of logarithms is the series of indices of the
same base, which correspond to the successive values of n such :

a system is formed by the series of logarithms of the natural

numbers from 1 to 100000, to the base 10, which constitute the
logarithms registered in our ordinary tables, and which are there
fore called tabular logarithms.

There are 855. Though our general reasonings have reference to sys-
only two terns of logarithms calculated to any
J base whatever, there are
systems of .

logarithms two systems only which are commonly employed in analysis : the
^ rst * s t *lat ^ taDu ^ ar logarithms above referred to, and which are
employed, exclusively used in numerical calculation the other is the system

" *
and the" whose base is 2-7182818. . , which is called
Napierian, from the
Napierian. name o f the great man to whom their invention is due, and
which is almost exclusively used in analytical formulse.

General 856. The properties of logarithms are the properties of

168 f tne same symbol, and
oHoT inc^ ces f P owers may be stated as
rithms. follows.

Let x and x be the logarithms of n and n respectively to the

basea, and therefore a =n and a* = n we then find (Art. 635) i

a = a x+x = nn where x + x
x x r

(1) a x , is the logarithm of nn


in other words, the logarithm of a product is the sum of the

logarithms of its factors.

= ax ~ x = , where x 1
x is the logarithm of : in

other words, the logarithm of the quotient of two numbers is

the logarithm of the dividend diminished by the logarithm of
the divisor.

(3) (a
x p
= apx = n v, where px is the logarithm of n
in other :

words, the logarithm of the p power of a number is p times
the logarithm of the number.

- - - x -
(4) (a
I p
=a p = n p , where - is the logarithm of n p : in other

words, the logarithm of the p root of a number is -th part of

the logarithm of the number.

857- The logarithm of the base of a system is 1. Theloga-

For a = a (Art. 42), and 1 is therefore the logarithm of

a, ^

where a is the base of the system, whatever a may be.

858. The logarithm of 1, in all

systems, is 0. The loga-

For a= 1 (Art. 641), whatever be the value of a: and is

therefore the logarithm of 1. systems,

859. The logarithm of is infinite and negative, or - oo , The loga-

in all systems, where the base is greater than 1.

when the*
I i base is
For if a be greater than 1, then 0-==-^ = = 0: but if greater
a GO
a be less than = and consequently, under such
^ *

1, then a ;

circumstances, oo is the logarithm of 0.

The lopa-

860. The logarithms of all numbers which are not integral JjjJjjyL,
wlm-h are
powers of the base, involve a decimal part.
For if a be the base of the system, then the logarithms ofJJiJJnfJF
a, a~,
, or
of the integral powers of a are the indices of a, * ba
and therefore whole numbers: the logarithms of all numbers decimal

a and a , a and a 3, a 3 and a 4 have a decimal

2 2
between 1 and a,

part: thus, in the tabular system, the logarithms

of 10, 100,
1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, &c., which are the articulate

numbers of the decimal scale, are expressed by the series of

natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. being less by 1 than the
number of places in each number consequently, the tabular :

logarithms of all numbers

between 1 and 10 are between and 1

10 ... 100
100 ... 1000
1000 ... 10000 3 ... 4
10000 ... 100000 4 ... 5

100000 ... 1000000 5 ... 6

and it may be observed that the integral part, or characteristic

as it is called, of such logarithms will always be known from
the number of integral places in the number, and therefore will

not require to be tabulated.

The loga- ggl. The logarithms of numbers less than 1, in a system

rithms of
numbers whose base is greater than 1, are negative.
For if a be reater than l > and if x be
> positive, then a* is
where the
greater than greater than 1, and a~ = is less than 1: the logarithms of
1, are
negative, such numbers, therefore, are necessarily negative.

Classifica- 862. The fundamental

operations of arithmetic are Addition
turn of the and Division, Involution and
an(j Subtraction,
fundamen- .

tal opera- Evolution, and the order of succession in which they are thus

Arithmetic arranged is likewise the order of the difficulty and labour of

in the order
performing them, the inverse operations of Subtraction, Division,
sion and and Evolution being generally less simple, direct, and expeditious
tjlan ^g corresponding operations of Addition, Multiplication,
and Involution.

The order 863. If we compare the operations with numbers with the

Ifndin" corresponding operations with their logarithms, it will be observed

logarithmic that their order, with reference to the preceding classification, is
?s k>wer^) y reduced by two unities thus the operation of Multiplication

two unities,
with numbers corresponds to that of Addition with logarithms,

Division to that of Subtraction, Involution to that of Multi

plication, and Evolution to that of Division: and it follows as
a consequence of this reduction of the order of arithmetical
operations when logarithms are employed, that the operations
of Addition and Subtraction with numbers have no correspond
ing operations with logarithms, and therefore cannot be effected
by means of them, without the aid of expedients which will be
afterwards described.
It is this reduction of the order of arithmetical operations
which gives to logarithms their great value and importance, and
which enables us to bring within the range of the resources of
calculation, arithmetical processes which would otherwise become

practically impossible, from their complexity and from the labour

which they would require.

864. In the following examples, which are introduced for Examples,

the purpose of illustrating the more simple applications of the

general properties of logarithms to reduce the order of arith

metical operations, it is assumed that the logarithms of all num
bers, to the base 10, whether whole or decimal, are given in the

(1) To find the product of 371 and 796 by logarithms.

Log 371 = 2.5693739

log 796 2.9009131

log 295316
=: 5.4702870

We find, from the tables, the logarithms of 371 and 796,

and add them together: we then find the number 295316, of
which this sum is the logarithm, which is therefore the product
of 371 and 796.

(2) To find the quotient of 400107 divided by 197-

Log 400107 = 5.6021762

log 197 2.2944662

log 2031 = 3.3077100

We find the logarithms of the dividend 400107, and of

the divisor 197, and subtract the second from the first: tin- re
which is
mainder, from this subtraction, is the logarithm of 2031,
therefore the quotient required.

(3) To find the value of 9 , or of the ninth power of nine.
The logarithm of 9 is 9 times the logarithm of 9.

Log 9= -9542425

log 387420489
= 8.5881825

387420489 = 9
or .

It is proper to observe that the ordinary tables will only give

the first seven digits of this number.

(4) To find the square root of 67943.

Log 67943 = 4.8321447

log J67943 = log 67943 = 2.4160723


log 260.6587
= 2.4160723
^67943 = 260.6587...

(5) To find the cube root of 67943.

Log 67943 = 4.8321447

log ^/67943
= 1 log 67943 = 1.6107149

log 40.80515
= 1.6107149
= 40.84515...

(6) To find the 7th root of 67943.

Log 67943 = 4.8321447

log ^67943 = \ log 67943 = .6903064

log 4.901245
= .6903064
7/67943 = 4.901245...
This is an operation, which is extremely laborious and diffi

cult, when effected without the aid of logarithms.

Superior 865. If the logarithms which are registered in tables were

encellid coextensive with the numbers which are employed in arithmetical

brevity of operations,we should experience no difficulty in reducing the
tables of
logarithms order or such operations by two unities, whatever was the base
to base 10.

of the system which was adopted but a very little consideration


would be sufficient to shew that the extent of tables which would

be required for a succession of all numbers, both whole and
decimal, even if confined within the narrowest limits which are
required for the purposes of calculation, would be much too
great to be easily registered or referred to but it will readily :

appear from the relation which exists between the characteristics

of tabular logarithms and the articulate numbers of the decimal
scale, which we have noticed above (Art. 860), that the loga

rithms, in that system, of all numbers, whether whole or deci-

mal, expressed by the formulae 10" and, or in other

words, of numbers which are expressed by the same suc


cession of significant digits, may be found from one opening

of the tables*.
log 96498
= 4.9845228,

log 96498 x 10 = log 964980

= 5.9845228,
= = 6.9845228,
log 96498 x 100 log 9649800

log &>*j* =log 9649-8 = 3.9845228,

= log 964.98 = 2.9845228,


log ^ n
98 = log 96.498
= 1 .9845228,

log lS = 1
S 9-6498 .


For log IV x 10" = logJV + loglO B = n + logIV,

log N
= - log 10" = -n
log JV

for the logarithm of 10", if 10 be the base, is n.


In the three last cases the sign - is placed above, and not

before, the characteristic, which is alone affected by it, the

decimal part of the logarithm, or mantissa,* remaining positive:
but if we subtract the mantissa from 1,
forming what is called
its arithmetical complement, and diminish the negative character
istic by 1, we shall obtain the correct negative logarithm corre
sponding : we thus find

log .96498=- .0154772,

log .096498 =- 1.0154772,

log .0096498 = - 2.0154772.

Tables of 866. The tables, therefore, of a

system of logarithms, whose
base is coincident with the base of our
scale of arithmetical
tisstz only, notation, give the mantissa? only of logarithms in one column,
with the significant digits, in their proper order, of the cor
responding numbers in another, inasmuch as the characteristic
may be always supplied from the number of integral places,
or in case there are none, from the position of the decimal point
with respect to the first significant digit: thus, the mantissa of
the logarithm of 53399 is -7275331, which alone is recorded
in the tables, the complete logarithm 4.7275331 being at once

supplied by prefixing a characteristic which is less by 1 than

the number of number: and in
integral places in the proposed
a similar manner, we
from the same mantissa, the complete

logarithm of .00053399, which is 4.7275331, where the negative

characteristic 4 exceeds by 1 the number of zeros, which im

mediately follow the decimal point.

Incon- 867. If, however, the base of the system was not coincident

of table^of
W^ ^e ra(^ x or kase of our system of arithmetical notation,

to a base
the logarithms of all numbers included in the formulae 10"x N
anc* w^ cn are therefore expressed by the same succes
sion of significant digits, would not be known from one opening
of the tables: thus if the base was the number 2.7182828 (Art.

* This term was introduced

by Euler, and may be conveniently used to
designate the decimal part of a logarithm, in the absence of any simple desig
nation which can be supplied by our own language.

855), and if we assume the prefix log to designate Napierian

and not tabular logarithms*, we should find

log 964 =6.8710911,

log 9640 = log 964 + log 10
= 6.8710911 + 2.3025851
- 9-1736762,
log 96400 = log 964 + log 100
= 6.8710911 +4.6051702
= 11.4762613,
log 96.4 = log 964 -log 10
= 6.8710911-2.3025851
= 4.5685060.
It thus appears that we cannot pass from the Napierian

N to Nx N
logarithm of that of 1 0" or without an additional

opening of the tables for the purpose of finding the Napierian

logarithm of 10".

. The following is a specimen of the form of our ordinary ofatable

tables of the logarithms of numbers. of loga

Some modern writers are accustomed to subscribe the base to the prefix log,
in order to designate the particular system of logarithms which is employed :

thus Iog 10 means tabular logarithms log e means Napierian logarithms, whose base

is e = 2.7182818, and similarly in other cases: such refinements of notation, how

ever, are rarely necessary, as the circumstances under which they occur
generally indicate the nature of the logarithms, whether tabular or Napierian,
which are used.

In thefirst column are placed, underneath the letter N, the

firstfour digits of the number, the fifth being written in the same
line with it at the head of the successive columns. In the
column headed 0, are written the mantissce of the logarithms
of 26500, 26510, 26520, , the three first digits being sup

pressed as long as they remain the same with those in the

first line: in the column headed 1, are written the four last

digits of the mantissce of the logarithms of 26511, 26521,

26531, : in the column headed 2, the four last digits of
the mantissce of the logarithms of 26512, 26522, 26532, :

and so on for the remaining columns headed by the remaining

nine digits, in their order.
It will be observed that the mantissa of the logarithm of

26546 is 4239991 and that of the logarithm of 2654? is 4240154 :

this change of the third digit of the mantissa from 3 to 4, is indi

cated, in the place where it first occurs, by writing the four last

digits thus 0154.

The loga- 869. If the mantissce of the logarithms of the successive

large "num- numbers,

which are
given in the Extract from the tables in
bers m-
^ ne j as t Article, be subtracted from each other, their difference
crease very
nearly in will appear to be between .0000164 and .0000163, and will be

^ un ^ by actual reference of the Tables, to continue nearly the
with the same for the whole series of numbers between 26500 and 26800 :

themselves, we are authorized to conclude, therefore, that the mantissce of

large numbers will increase, within small limits, very nearly in

the same proportion with the numbers themselves, and that,

consequently, if the mantissce of the logarithms of two successive

large numbers, and therefore their difference, be given, the
mantissce of the logarithms of all intermediate numbers may be
found approximately, if not accurately, by a simple proportion
and conversely * this property of logarithms is very important,

as furnishing us with very simple and expeditious methods of

greatly extending the range of the tables.

To find the 870. Thus, if it was required to find the logarithm of a

of?nnin^ number of more than 5 digits (and therefore beyond the range
ber of more O f t ne
ordinary tables), we should proceed as follows,
places. We should find from the tables, the logarithm of the number

This proposition will be easily shewn to be an immediate consequence of
the logarithmic series, which will be given in Chapter xxxv.

formed by the first five

digits ; we should add, from
and to this
the column headed
of proportional parts Prop., the number

corresponding to the 6th digit and th of the number cor

responding to the 7th digit, by advancing the number given

in the column one
place to the right: their sum would be the
logarithm required to seven places of figures and if the number :

of decimal places of the logarithms recorded in the Tables was

greater than what is commonly given, the same method might be

extended to find the logarithms of numbers of more than seven
Thus, if it was required to find the logarithm of 265.4678, we Example.
find from the tables

Log 265.46 =2.4239991

Prop, part of logarithm corresponding to digit 7
in the 6th place 114
Similarly for digit 8 in the 7th place 13

The logarithm of 265.4678 =2.4240118

871. Again, if it was required to find the number corre- To find the
sponding to a non tabulated logarithm, we should proceed as correspond-
follows :

We between the mantissa of the given

find the difference not in the
logarithm and the next and we
inferior mantissa in the tables
write down the corresponding number in the column of propor :

tional parts, we find the number which is equal to, or next below,
the difference thus found and the digit opposite to it is the 6th

digit of the number sought for : if there be a remainder, we sub

join a zero to it, forming a new difference (removed one place
to the right) and the digit in the column of proportional parts
which is opposite to the number equal to or next below, it, is
the 7th digit of the number required ; and similarly, if more

digits than 7 are required to be determined.


For if D be the difference in the mantissa: corresponding to a unit of the

tabular number, and will be the differences, in conformity with the

property assumed in the text, corresponding to the two next inferior units in the

6th and 7th places respectively, and therefore - and -- will be these dif

ferences, if a and b be the digits in those places : the first is found in the column
of proportional parts opposite the digit a : the second, removed one place to

the right, is found in the same column opposite the digit f>.

Example. Thus, let it be required to find the number, whose logarithm

is 1.233678, and whose precise value is not found in the Tables.
The given logarithm is 1- 233678
The next less tabular-logarithm of 17-122 is 1.2335545

Their difference is 133.

The table of prop, parts gives the digit 5 for 127

Their difference (6) followed by zero gives 6

The same table gives 2 for 51 51

Their difference (9) followed by zero gives 90

The same table gives 3 for 76 76

Their difference 14 followed by zero gives 140

The same table gives 5 for 127 127
The number required is therefore 17-1225235 nearly.

Tables of 872. Inasmuch as the sines, cosines, tangents, secants, &c.

of angles enter into formulae which are the subjects of calculation
cosines, equally with other symbols possessing; assigned numerical values,
/ nri-i /? u
a register ot the logarithms ot their successive values becomes

equally necessary with that of the logarithms of the series of

natural numbers. Tables or cations of natural sines, (Chap,
xxvin.) cosines, tangents, cotangents, secants, cosecants, will
contain their successive values for every minute (and in some
tables for every ten seconds) of all angles between 1 and 45
and consequently between 1 and 90,
taken in an inverse order,

when the sine is replaced by the cosine, the tangent by the

cotangent, and the secant by the cosecant: whilst tables of the
logarithms of sines, cosines, tangents and cotangents, secants
and cosecants, will contain the logarithms of their natural values
increased by the number 10, arranged in precisely the same order,
each page of the natural values being opposite to a page of their
corresponding logarithmic values.
The reason

logarithms ^73. A
very little consideration will shew the great con-
of the nu-
venience, for the purposes of calculation, of increasing the logar-
values of ithms of the goniometrical quantities, as recorded in the tables,
cosines &c ^y the
number 10: for the natural values of the sines and cosines
are in- are included between and 1 and the characteristics of their
10. logarithms are therefore necessarily negative: thus

sin 1 = 0002909:
. its unaltered logarithm is 4.4637261,
sin 1=. 0174524; ......................... 2.2418553,
sin 50 = .7660444 ; ...................... ... 1.8842540,

cos 30 =.999961 9; ......................... 1-9999836,

cos 30 = .8660254 ; ......................... T.9375306,

cos 85 = .0871 557; ......................... 2-9402960.

If such logarithms, therefore, were registered in tables, their

and manlissce would have different signs and great
confusion might thus be occasioned in the calculation, by means
of them, of the values of formulae in which such quantities oc
curred, particularly in the hands of calculators, as is very com
monly the case, who have no very accurate knowledge of the
principles of Algebra : it is for this reason, that the logarithms of
allgoniometrical quantities are increased by 10, and the logar
ithms of sin 1 sin 1, sin 50, cos 30 , cos 30, cos 85, present

themselves, therefore, in the tables, with the following values:

6.4637261, 8.2418553, 9-8842540,

9-9999836, 9-9375306, 8.9402960.

874. The number 10 is the logarithm of 10 and the regis- Transition

tered or tabulated logarithms of the sines, cosines, and other gonio- [
metrical quantities are the proper logarithms of the products of logarithms
those quantities and 10 ; or if we adopt the ancient definitions, cos inesAc.

we should say that the tabulated logarithms were those of the sines, J^^f
cosines, &c. in a circle whose radius was 10 or 10000000000 logarithms

(Art. 754, Note) but in the adaptation of formula? to logarithmic

verse i y .

computation, we may always pass from the tabulated to the proper

of such quantities, by subtracting 10 from their
racteristics and conversely: or we may follow the practice, which
to or
is generally most expeditious and convenient, of adding
subtracting from, the final logarithm which results, 10 or any
multiple of 10, which may obviously have been introduced by
the use of tabulated instead of proper logarithms.
The student
will find, in the two following chapters, several

examples not merely of the adaptation of expressions, involving

but like
goniometrical quantities to logarithmic computation,
wise of the calculation of their numerical values by means ot



Equations 875. WE have already shewn (Art. 833), that if a, b, c be

W Ch X
t ^le s * (* es ^ a irian S^ e) an ^ A, B, C the angles opposite to them,
res the
general the following equations will express their general relations to
relations of . -. .
, -, . . . , .

the sides eac " other,, assuming c to be the primitive line.

and angles
oftri&ngles. C - a COS B - b COS A = (1),

a sin B - b sin A = (2),

A + B+C=7r* (3).

* These equations may be derived immediately from the triangle, by the

aid of the definitions of the sine and cosine for :

if ABC be a triangle and if CD be drawn per- J^

pendicular to AB, then we have

and BD = BC cos B = a cos B ;

and therefore
c = AB = AD + DB=bcosA + acosB, or A
c a cosB - b cos A= 0, (1)
which is the first equation. And again, since CD = b sin A - a sin B, we get

which is the second equation.

If the triangle be oblique-angled, as in Fig. 2, and if CD be drawn per
pendicular upon AB produced, then the angle fs
CUD = -TT - B, and we find

AD = AC cos A - b cos A, and

BD - BC cos CBD = a cos (TT B) =
Art. 763) and therefore

AB = c = AD BD = b cos A + a cos B,

or c-acosB-&cos^ = 0; (1) Ac
and again, since
CD = ,4 C sin /I = a sin ,4

= CB sin CBD = a sin (-TT

- 7*) = a sin B, (Art. 763),
we find
sin B-/>sin 4 = 0. (2).

Of the six elements which present themselves in every tri- Two only

angle, namely, the three sides and the three angles, there are
five involved in the first of the
preceding equations, four in the Bangle
second, and three in the third. The last equation, which is the specific
equation of angles, determines the third angle when two of them
11 11 *

fo",^ ,?
are given : it follows, therefore, that two only of the three
angles termina-
can be considered as dependant upon the specific* conditions of
the triangle.

876. The solution of the second of the preceding

equations, Of the four
which involves two sides and the sines of their e ements
opposite angles, ^
enables us at once to express one of these four elements in sides and
terms of the other three.
We thus find
angles, any
three will
_= b smA

a sin B determine
sin 5 ~sm~Z~

sin A=T
sin B, sin B - sin A.

Likewise, if in equation (1),

c a cos B b cos A= (X,

, . a sin B
we replace b by
J .
A , we get
sm A
c =a cos B+a sin B A
; cos
sm A
- **(
sm ^ cos B+ sin B cos A)
A sin

_asin(A + B) _a sin C
sin A sin A

for, by equation (3), we find

sin (A + B) = sin (TT
- C) = sin C.

877- The conclusions in the last Article may be exhibited The sides of
, , ,,
a triangle
under the torm are pro-
portional to
a __
sm A4 a _ sin A i
_ sin B
the sines of
the oppo
b ~sinjB c slrTC" c suTC*
site angles.
* The which are not common to all triangles,
specific conditions are those
but peculiar to that which is under consideration : the three sides and two

angles, given, constitute specific conditions, provided the sum of no two

sides exceeds the third and the two angles together do not exceed 180 if three :

angles be given, they are not the angles of a triangle, unless their sum be 180

but if two of them only, whose sum is less than 180, be given, there is always
a triangle of which they may form two of the angles.

and it follows, therefore, that the sides of a triangle are pro

to the sines of the opposite angles.

Expression gyg. The fundamental equations in Art. 875, will readily

for one side ^ i -,

of a triangle furnish us with an expression for one side of a triangle in terms

of the two other sides and of the cosine of the an S le which
other sides
they include, which is of fundamental importance in the science
and the , ,

cosine of of Trigonometry, properly so called.

For from eci uation 0)> we s et
^ = (a cos + cos ^f = a
p + tf co $* A + 2ab cosAcos B.
From equation (2), we similarly get
= (a sinB- b sin A) = a
2 2
B + b s m A - 2ab smA
2 2

Consequently, by adding, we find

= a 2 (cos2 B + sin
B) +
b (cos
A + sin
+ 2ab (cos A cos B - sin A sin B)

cosC: (),
B + sin B=\, cos A + sin A =
for cos
2 2 2 2
1 ,

cos A cos B - sin J sin B = cos (^4 + B) = cos (TT C) = cos C.

In a similar manner, we shall find

isB (c),

Expression 879. If we severally solve the equations (a), (b), and (c)

cosine of
with respect to cos C, cos A, and cos B, we shall find
an angle
a + ; ~
2 2 _ 2
of a triangle
in terms of
r< _
% a fr \a)
( ^
its sides.

cos B=
which are expressions for the cosines of the several
angles of a
triangle in terms of its sides.
for the sine
of an angle 880. Corresponding and more symmetrical expressions may
e fu n(l for the sines of the angles of a triangle in terms of its

sides, and which present themselves likewise in a form which is

better suited, as will afterwards appear, to logarithmic computa

tion : we proceed to obtain them, as follows :

From equation (a), Art. 878, we get

2abcosC = a 2 +b*-c*.
If we add 2ab to both sides, we find
2ab (1+ cos C) = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 -c 2

= (a + b)
-c 2

= (a + f) + c)(a + b-c). Art. 66. (g).

Again, if from 2ab we subtract 2ab cos C on one side, and

+ 6
2 - c
on the other, we get

= + c - b) (b + c -
(a a), (h).

If we multiply the two sides of the equations (g) and (h)

respectively together, we find
4<a b (1
2 - cos C)
= (a + b + + c - a) (a + c - + b -
c) (b b) (a c).

Replacing 1 cos
C by 2
sin C, dividing both sides by 4># 6
2 2

and extracting the square roots, we get


we make



c -a =
.9 = -





find a

= %s
+ o

2a = 2
+ c =



a + c-b = a + c + b -Zb = 2s-2b = 2(s -b),

and therefore

rinC-M (

*>< --?

In a similar manner,

sin A= Is/fc

r) C
VOL. II. 1 1

The ex 881. be observed, that the several expressions for

It will
for si nA, sin A, sin B, and sin C, have the same numerator
sin B, and
sin C, have 2 ,J{s (s -
a) (s 6) (s c)},
the same
numerator, which likewise expresses twice the area of the triangle.
which is
twice the For the area of the triangle is equal to one-half of the ABC
area of the
rectangle contained by its base and AB
the perpendicular let fall upon it CD
from the opposite angle C, and it is
therefore expressed (Art. 592) by ^AB

~,^ = be sin A = ac sin B

^r "Y
since CD = a sin B = b sin A.

,f be sin A ^
AA ^by

It in -
, we replace sin the expression given in
the last Article, we get the area of the triangle (k) J\s (s a)
(s b)(s c)}, or it is
equal to the square root of the continued
product of the semi-sum of the sides and of its several excesses
above the three sides of the triangle.

The pre 882. If it be granted that the value of an angle may be both
ceding ex
determined and calculated from the value of its sine, cosine, tan
are ade
gent, &c. (and the limits of the values of the angles of triangles
quate for
the solu will be found to remove all
ambiguity when the value of the
tion of all
is not to be determined from the value of the sine*), the
the cases of angle
Trigono expressions given in the preceding Articles will enable us to
calculate the sides, angles, and areas of triangles whenever the
data are adequate to determine them.
We shall now proceed to consider the different cases of data
which are sufficient to determine a triangle, and to exemplify
their logarithmic computation.

Given one 883. CASE 1. Given a, A and B, to find C, b and c.

two angles, The third angle C is found from the equation
to find the
which gives C= TT - (A +

For the sine of an angle is identical in magnitude and sign with the sine
of its supplement ;
but the cosine, tangent, and cotangent of an angle are seve
rally equal to the cosine, tangent and cotangent of its supplement in magnitude,
but different from it in sign.

The equations in Art. 876, give us

a sin
a sin B =
b and c
Aj- Aj-.
. :

sin sin

The same equations, adapted to logarithmic computation,

log b = log a -f log sin B log sin A,
log c
= log a + log sin C - log sin A.
Let a = 749.6, A = 37.U and ,
= 67-27 : to find ft, c Example,

and C.
In the first place, to find C,
we have

^= 37-14
B= 67.27

A+B 104.41

C= 75.19
To find b, we have
log 749-6= 2.8748296
log sin 67.27
= 9-9654582
log sin 37. 14
= 9-7818002

log 1144.16 = 3.0584876 or b = 1144.16.

The use of the arithmetical complement of log sin 37. 14 ,

which is found by subtracting it from 10, will enable us some
what to simplify this process,

log 74,9.6
= 2.8748296

log sin 67-27 = 9-9654582

arith. comp. log sin 37.14 = .2181998

log 1144.16
= 3.0584876

We reject 10 from the final characteristic, as forming simply

the tabulated augment of the logarithm of sin 67.27
To find c, we have
log 749.6
= 2.8748296
log sin 75.19 = 9-9855798
arith. comp. log sin 67.27 = .2181998

= 3.0786092 or c = 1197-42.
log 1197.42

Given two 884. CASE 2. Given a, b and A: to find B, C and c.

sidesand mi . .

an angle -The equations in Art. 8?o give us

opposite to A A
one of sinjg= ,
which becomes, when adapted to logarithmic computation,

log sin log sin A + log b B=

log .

When A and i? are known, we find C and c as in the first case.

The solu- If the value of B

from that of sin B, it is
is to be determined
uncertain whether it is B or TT

biguous" B, or whether it is greater or

when the less than 90, unless the connexion of the data with other pro-
given angle .
f , . , .

isopposite perties of the triangle remove the ambiguity.

to the less
Thus if b be less than a, or if the angle whose value is
of the two t _

sought for is opposite to the less of the two given sides, then
B is less than A and therefore
necessarily less than 90 in this
case, therefore, there is no ambiguity*.
But if b be greater than a, or if the angle, whose value is

sought for, is opposite to the greater of the two given sides,

then there are two triangles, possessing precisely the same data,
in which the angle opposite to the greater side in one of them
supplemental, and therefore equisinal to the corresponding
angle in the other; and in this case the solution, therefore, is
necessarily ambiguous.
Thus if A, which is the given angle, be
opposite to a, the less of the two given
sides a and b, then if we describe an arc
of a circle with centre C and radius CB,
it will cut AB
produced in two points, B &
andB ,.forming two triangles CAB and
CAB , whose angles B and B , opposite to the common side
or b, are supplemental, and therefore equisinal to each other:
but the two triangles formed have the same data, which are CB,
CA, and the angle A in one triangle, and CB l
t and
the angle A in the other.

* For the
greater side of a triangle is opposite to the greater angle and
conversely, a conclusion which is proved in Geometry (Euclid, Book i. Prop. 11.)
and may be easily deduced from the fundamental equations in Art. 875 for if :

a be greater than b, then sin A is greater than sin B if A be greater than 90, :

then B is less than 90 and therefore less than A, inasmuch as the sum of
the angles A and B is less than 180 but if A be less than 90, then B must

be than 90, and also less than A

less for if B be greater than 90, its sup

plement TT B must be less than 90, and therefore less than A, since sin (TT B)
is less than sin A but if-Tr-B be less than A, then IT is less than A + B,

which is impossible: it follows therefore, that B is necessarily less than A, or

that, the greater side is opposite to the greater angle.

The ambiguity, therefore, which we have shewn to exist in

the case under consideration is not a consequence of the imper
fection of our formula, but is essentially dependent upon the con
ditions of the problem proposed.
The sides of a triangle are 17-09 and 93.451 and the angle Example,

opposite to the greater of them is 93.l6 : to find the angle

opposite to the less.
The logarithmic formula is
log sin B
= log sin A + log b - log a.
log sin 93.l6
= log sin 86.44
- 9-9992938
log 17.09 =1.2327421

log 93.451 1.9705840

log sin 10. 31 9.2614519*

If the conditions of the problem had been reversed, and if the

sides 17.09, 93.451, and the angle 10.31 opposite to 17-09 had
been given, to find the angle opposite to the greater side 93.451,
the operation would have stood as follows :

log sin 10.31

= 9-2614519
log 93.451 1.9705840

log 17.09 1.2327420

or log sin 93. 1 6 = 9-9992939

log sin 86.44

and both these angles will equally answer the conditions of the

885. CASE 3. Given a, b and C : to find c, A and B. Given two

The equation (a) in Art. 878, gives us the in
=a?+b 2 -2abcos C, angle.

Since - 1.9705840 is equivalent to 2.0294160, (Art. 865)

we may put the

example in the text under the following form

log sin 93. 16 = 9.9992938

log 17.09
- 1.2327421
arith. comp. log 93.451
= 8.0294160

log sin 10. 31 = 9.2614519

rejecting 10 from the characteristic.


where c is expressed in terms of the given quantities ,

b and
When c is found, A, and therefore B, is determined as in
Case 2.
Meaning of rj^ e expression a* + b*- 2ab cos c, whose terms are connected
the phrase
adapted by the signs + and , and whose values cannot be ascertained
to loga
rithmic without the performance of arithmetical operations of considerable
computa difficulty and labour, is said to be not adapted to logarithmic
computation : and formulae generally are said to be adapted or
not adapted logarithmic computation, when they consist of pro

ducts, quotients, powers or roots of easily calculated terms, or

which do not require a mixed application of logarithmic and
numerical computation in order to determine their values.
Its vague The phrase, however, and its usage, is somewhat vague and
indefinite, inasmuch as it does not determine absolutely the con
ditionsof greatest convenience in the selection or preparation of
formulae for the purposes of computation in other words, a :

formula which not adapted to logarithmic computation, accord


ing to the technical usage of the term, may admit, in many cases,
of more rapid computation, by mixed or even by merely arith
metical means, than one which is so: the selection therefore of

one or the other, when more than one method are within our
reach, must be determined by the judgment and experience, and
sometimes by the taste of the computer.
Solution of The introduction of subsidiary angles will enable us to adapt
the pro-
tne expression
posed prob
lem without 2 ,
the use of

or an y other, whose terms are connected by the signs + and ,

to logarithmic computation, and we shall reserve for the following

Chapter, which will be devoted to their theory and use, the.

further consideration of the various methods which are employed
for this purpose; in the mean time the following method will
enable us to solve the problem proposed.

8 n
Since j = !
-4 (Art. 877), we have (Art. 792, No. 8)
U Sill. JLJ

tan -
a + b
sin A+ sin B
a b sin A- sin B

. A +- 13 TT C . .

but =.- is known, since C is

given: it follows there-
2 ~
fore that
- B\ -b) C
tan (A - = (a
; cot 77
) IN
\ 2 ) (a + b) 2

- known
is known, and therefore is :


are known, when c may be found by the methods given in Art.

Let the two sides of the triangle be 27.04 and 74.67, and Example.
letthe angle included between them be 117.20 ; and let it be

required to find the remaining side and angles.

In this case
a = 74.67,

b = 27.04,
and therefore
a-b = 47.63 and a + b = 101.71,

A+ B = TT- C=180- 117.20 = 62.40 ,

and therefore
31.20 ,

- log
B +
log tan tan \ + log (a-b)- log (a A),
(^-^) (^-

Iogtan31.20 = 9-7844784
log 47.63
= 1.6778806


log 101.71
= 2.0073637

= 9-4549953

31.20 ,


Therefore A= 4*T.15 ,
and =15.25 .

Also c = -~ -.
j- and therefore

log c
= log 74.67 + log sin 1 17.20 - log sin 47-l 5

log 74.67
= 1.8731462

17.20 = log 62.40 = 9-9485852


log sin 1 sin


Iogsin47.15 9-8658868

log 90.333 1.9558446

We have thus determined the remaining side and angles of

the triangle.

Given three 886. CASE 4. Given a, b and c to find A, B and C: and

also the area of the triangle.

The cosines (Art. 879) of the three angles of the triangle are

expressed by

cos A=

cos BD =

a 2 +b 2 -c*
cos C =-

The ex- which are not in a form adapted to logarithmic computation,

masmucn as the separate terms of which the numerators are
cosines of
composed cannot be ascertained without a logarithmic, or a
the angles, , . _

though not somewhat laborious arithmetical, computation.

are not It should be observed however, that the three
angles are
determined by these formulae without ambiguity for the cosine :
computa- of the angle will be positive or negative according as it is less or
greater than 90.

= J{s (.9 - - - c)}, where .

a+ + c
If we make k a) (s b) (s .9

and where the factors are formed therefore by a very easy and The ex-

rapid arithmetical process, we shall find (Art. 880)

of the
2k 2* n sles
A T> ~ 2/r , .
sm^i^joc , sml3 = and sm C= T , though am -
ac ab higuous,
are adapted

which are in a form adapted to logarithmic

computation. rithmtc"
We thus get tion.

log sin A = log k + 10 + log 2 (log b + log c)

= % {log s + log (s-a) + log
- b) + log -
(.9 (.9 c)\

+ 10 + log 2 - (log b + log c).

The log sin A, which is here sought for, is the tabulated loga-
rithm, exceeding by 10 the proper logarithm of ^ .

Wehave already shewn (Art. 881), that k is the area of the

triangle, expressed in units which are the squares described upon
the linear units in terms of which the sides are expressed, whether
inches, feet, yards or miles.

should be kept in mind that the angle A determined by


this is ambiguous; but inasmuch as only one angle of

the triangle can be greater than 90, and the greatest angle
is opposite to the greatest side, this ambiguity is confined to
that angle alone ; and this angle will be greater or less than
2 2
b + c -a* .

90, according as the expression tor its cosine -,

negative or positive or in other : words, according as b + c*

is less or greater than a .

Again, if the three angles A, and C be determined from B

the preceding formulae, and if, assuming them to be acute, their
sum or A + + C= ir t then their values are correctly determined :

but if not, this equation will be satisfied, (assuming that the arith
metical and logarithmic processes are correctly performed), by
taking that value of the equisinal (Art. 776) angle opposite
greatest side,
which is greater than QO".

Let the three sides of the triangle be 107-9, 193.4- and 217-12 Example.
to find the three angles of the
yards: and let it be required
triangle and its area.


a -107-9
b = 193.4
c= 217-12

2) 518.42

5=259-21 :
= 2.4136518

a= 107.9

6-- a = 151.31: log (*-)= 2.1798676

5 = 259-21

-6= 65.81: log (*-&) = 1.81882919

= 259-21

- = 1.6241789
s42X)9 :
log (* c)

2J 8.0359902

log A
= log 10423.06 4.0179951
10 + log 2 = 10.3010300


-log 193. 4

log 6
log c log 217-12

+ log c :
log 6

= log sin ,4
= 9-6958686
log sin 29. 46

10 + log 2 + log k = 14.3190251

log a= log 107- 9 : 2.0330214

log c= log 217.12 2.3366998


= 4.3697212
loga + logc

log sin 62. 51

= log sin B = 9-9493039

The angles A and B being found, the angle C is known:

or it
may be found as follows :

10 + log 2 + log k = 14.3190251

log a= log 107.9 = 2.0330214

log b = log 193.4 = 2.2864565


log sin 87. 23 = log sin C= 9-9995472

Therefore A = 29.46
B = 62.51
C= 87.23

Also k= 10423.06 square yards = 2.1535 acres, which is the

area ,of the triangle.
Modifications of the preceding formulae might be proposed,
which, in some cases, would enable us to obtain the required
results, by shorter and more expeditious processes than those
which are given above*: but it is not our object, in this Chapter,
to give a complete treatise of practical Trigonometry, but merely
to explain generally the method by which we adapt our formula?,
in one of their most useful applications, to arithmetical and loga
rithmic computation.
* will readily follow, from the investigation in Art. 880, that
Thus, it

1 + cos C=2 cos 2 = 2s(s-c)
2 ab

I - cos C= o sm~ -
2 ab
and therefore

If therefore we make

a symmetrical expression with respect to a, b, c, (and equal to the radius of the

circle inscribed in the triangle) we get

C R B R A --
tan = ---- tan = -- tan = -
s - c -
, , ,
2 2 s b 2 s a

in the
expressions which are not only more easily calculated than the expressions
" Geometrical Problems and Analytical
text, but are also free from ambiguity. See
Formula?, with their application to Geodetical Problems ;" p. 21, a very ingenious
and original work by the late Professor Wallace, of Edinburgh.


What is 887- A SUBSIDIARY angle is one whose sine, cosine, tan-

ln a
.ky a gent, &c. does not exist in the primitive formula, but which
angle. is introduced for the purpose of modifying its form, or of faci
litating its computation, by means of logarithms or otherwise.

Used in the A subsidiary angle generally necessary in the computation

adaptation ,-.
. ,

of formulae of expressions consisting or two or more terms connected with

tolog.a- the signs + and , and which cannot otherwise be adapted to
computa- logarithmic computation, as will more fully appear in many of
areVot tne examples which follow.

1n the case ^^* ^et ^e expression to be adapted to logarithmic com-

of a + 6. where a and b are positive quantities, whose
putation be a + b,

separate numerical values are not easily found or added together,

without the aid of logarithms.
In the first place

if we make 2
tan 6 =- *, where 6 is the subsidiary angle, we shall


a + b = a(l+ tan 6)
=a sec
= -^2 :

cos 8
and therefore

log (a + b) = log a + 20
- 2 log cos

= log a + 2 arith. com. log cos 0.

Example. Thus, as an example, let it be required to find the value

of the expression

* = -
Therefore log tan 6 10 + (log 6 log a).

{.97 cos 14 + 410.7 sin 6?. 10

log 3.97

log cos 14 9-9869041



log b (rejecting 10)


log 410.7

log sin 67. 10 9.9645602


= 12.5780849
= 2.5780849
log a (rejecting 10)

log b log a
= 2) .0076097

= 10.0038048
log tan 45. 15

arith. com. log cos 45. 1 5 = .1524183


2 arith. com. log cos 45. 15 = .3048366

= 2.5780849
log a

= log + = 2.8829215
log 770.56 b)

889 Let the expression be a - b, where both a and b are In the case
, of a- / .

positive, and a greater than b.

In the first place, we find

where - is less than 1 : we may assume, therefore,


which gives
= 10 - J -
log sin 6 (log a
log b)
we thus get
a - b =a (1
- 2
sin 0) =a cos

and therefore
- = - 20.
log (a h) log a + 2 log cos

In a similar manner, if we make - = cos 2 0, we get

a l-a(l cos 6)
=a sin 6,

and therefore

log (a
- b)
= log a + 2 log sin 6 - 20*.

In the case 890. Let the expression be of the form .

, where both a
- b*
" + b
and I) are positive and a greater than b.

If we make - = tan 6, we get

a+ b b i + tan
1 +-
Thus the expression (Art. 886),

- - = a-b tan fd
- + B\
V 2 / a+b \
7 (
2 /

Thus, if two sides a and b and the included angle C of a triangle be given,
we find

_ sin A _ sm{Tr-(E+C)} _ sin(E + C)
b sin B sin B sin B
and therefore, dividing by sin C,

& sinC
;md consequently

cot B= ? - - cot C
b sm C

alb ~
cos C\
& sin C\ a /

1 f we make -
= cos 0,2
we get

cotB =
6 sin C b sin U

In a similar manner, we shall find, making cos

6 = ,

b sin 2 6
cotyl = .
a sin C
This a very convenient and expeditious method of solving a triangle when

two and the included angle are given

sides see Prof. Wallace s Geometrical :

Theorems and Analytical Formulae, &c. Edinburgh, 1839. p. 42.



tan ( ~ = tan (45 - 0) tan ( i


if we make tan 6 =- .

89.1. Let the expression be ,J(a*-b*), where a is greater In the case

than 6. 8
^/(o -ft ).

Make - = cos 0, and we get

^(a - = a J(i -
cos 0) = fl sin 6.

Thus the expression in Art. 885 or

= J{a 2 +<2ab + b
2 - 2ab + cos C)\

( 2
4>ab cos

cos 0)
= (a + b) sin 0,

making; cos 6 = }
a +b

In this case

- log cos -
log cos + log 2 + \ (log a + log b] log (a + b)

log c
= log (a + b) 4-
log sin 010.

2 2
892. Let the expression be J(a + b ). In the case

If we make tan - =- , we get

J(a + b
= a/J(l+ tan 0)
=a sec B


Thus the expression in Art. 885, or

cos C)

2*6(1- cos C)

(a -6)

making tan = ,

In the case 893. Let the expressions be of the form

or a^ j(a
+b 2

If, in the first of these expressions, we make

-= sin 6,
we get
= 2a cos
2 -
fl + cos 0) ,

- = 2a 2 -
a - =a (1
cos 0) sin 1.

* The same is also adapted to logarithmic computation by making

a + b C
tan = tan ,
a o &

which gives

t The roots of the equation


If, in the second, we make

- tan 0,
we get
2 2
a + J(a + b ) = 6 (cot + cosec 0) (Art. 791)

= & cot-,

a _ ^(a2 +b*) = b (cot - cosec 0) (Art. 791)

= -6tan-.*

894.Let the expression consist of a series of terms connected In the case

with the sign +, such as of terms
a + o+c + d + &c. with the
sign +.
In the first place,

a + b = asec d,
if tan

Again, replacing a sec

by a , we find
a sec
= a sec2 sec ,

a sec 2
by a", we find
Similarly, replacing
a +b + c + d = a" + d = a"sec d"
2 2
= sec 0sec
sec 0",

and if we make
-^ = sin 6,
the two roots will be expressed by

- 2
and psin -.

It is assumed that q is less than .

* The roots of the equation

we make
2V? _
= tan 0,
and if nuiKX

the two roots will be expressed by

cot and - V? tan

^q ^


^=a+b+ =
if tan 0"

and so on, whatever be the number of terms of the series.

When the 895. Let the expression consist of series of converging terms
connected alternately with the signs + and -, such as
and the
terms con- a o + c a + ...
nected \vith
the signs In the first place
+ and -.
a-b = a cos
=a ,
if -= sin

a a cos
= 7=

a! a-b
If we include a fourth term, we get
2 2
a cos cos B"
ab+cd=a- d = a cos

if . = =s in2 0".
a a o + c

For five terms, we get

a cos 2 2
cos 0"
7= cos
co S^0-

and similarly for any number of terms.

In the case 896. Let the expression be a continued product, such as

of a con-

or (a
- b) (a
-b f
) (a"
- b").
a + b or

In the first case we make

= -, tan
= -,, tan2 //
= ^,. . .

a a a

and we get

In the second, we make

= -, sin
= -,, sin 0"=^,..-.
a a a

and we get
- f
- V) (a"
= aa a" 2 2
cos 6 cos 6 cos 0".

(a b) (a

There are many applications of analysis, particularly in Conver-

Astronomy, in which it will be found to be extremely
useful to otiiTr for-

convert expressions, such as means^

a sin A b COS A, subsidiary
a cos A b sin A,

into equivalent expressions of the form

a sin (A 0), or cos (

A 0),

by means of the subsidiary angle


if we make a = J(a2 + b
cos and - sin 0, we
Thus, ),
^= ^

a sin A b cos A a sin 6 sin A sin cos A
= sin (A 0)
= J(a* + b
sin (A 0),

a cos A 6 sin A= cos cos A a sin sin y4

- a cos (A=F0) = J(a* + 6 ) cos (A^Q).
An form
expression of the
a sin
A- b,
2 b =a sin 0,
where 6 is less than a sin ^, becomes, by making
asinM-a sin
= - sin (4 + 0) sin (4-0),

ii modification of its form which is not unfrequently used.



Develope- 898. THE exponential expression a , the series into which
mentofa*. |t may j^ d eve i O p ec^ an(j t ne various logarithmic and other
series which may be deduced from it, enter very extensively
into analytical enquiries, and deserve the most careful examina
tion of the student. We shall begin with the developement of
ax into an equivalent series.
If, in a 3 we replace a by 1 + (a 1), making

-{!+ (a -I)} ,

we shall find, by the binomial theorem., (Art. 680)

if we actually multiply the factors of the exponential coefficients

(Art. 688), and collect together
the terms which severally involve
the same powers of x, denoting their successive coefficients by
ky A 2 , A 3 , A 4 &c., we shall get

a series which possesses, as we shall afterwards shew (Art.

906), some important properties; it remains to determine the
coefficients A 2 , A 3 ,...

* terms of these several products are

For the last

-x, 1 x 2i, - 1 x 2 x 3x, 1 x 2 x 3 x 4i,

which, when severally divided by the terminal (Art. 688) coefficients 1x2,.
,r .T ,T

1x2x3, &c. become r, -~- , TT , -j- , ......


If in equation (1), we replace x by y, we get

If we multiply together the two sides of the equations (1)

and (2), we get

... (3),

But if, in equation (1), we replace x by x + y, we find

which becomes, by expanding the successive powers of x 4-

which it involves,

-+ 3A,-s+ .

We thus obtain two forms of the developement of a ""*"*, which


can only become identical in form as well as in value, when the

respective terms of both series which involve x and y .similarly
are identical with each : thus if we compare together the terms
in the two series which involve y only, without its powers,
we find

if we replace A^, A3 A4, , ... by their values, we get

a series in which k and x are similarly involved.

899. The principle which is involved in this investigation

of equiva- is one of great importance, and capable of very extensive appli
cation: it is presumed that the form of the series which is
equivalent to a is independent of the specific value of x, and
therefore the same when x is replaced by y, or by x + y,
or by any symbol or combination of symbols whatsoever: but
if ax+y beequivalent to the product of a* and a? for all
values of x and y, then likewise the series for a x+y must be
x y
equivalent to the product of the series for a and a under the
same circumstances and this equivalence of the results which

are obtained implies that they are identical in all those terms
in which x and y, one or both, are similarly involved: we are
thus enabled to obtain a series of equations, expressing the
conditions of identity, by which the form, or analytical values
of the successive coefficients are determined.

Is the ex 900. It may be further observed that the existence of an

istence of
the series equivalent series fora x, or of a series which shall possess the
for a* ne same analytical properties with a x, is a necessary consequence
cessary or
not? of the binomial series in its general form, and involves "the

principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" no further

than it is involved in the binomial theorem : but when the
binomial or any other theorem is once established, whatever be
the principle upon which it rests, it becomes one of the known
and acknowledged results of Symbolical Algebra, and may be
employed in the deduction or establishment of other conclusions
equally with the results of the definitions of Arithmetical Algebra:
it is thus that the bases of
Symbolical Algebra are perpetually
enlarged, and the great principles which present themselves in
the first and most elementary of the generalizations which it

requires, are speedily replaced by other and successive links in

the long chain of consequences which are found in the progress
of our enquiries: such results, therefore, though their existence

per se may not be necessary, yet become necessary results when

considered with reference to each other and to the propositions
upon which they are finally dependent.
901. Resuming the consideration of the equation The nume-

a =i+A J ,
+ _
+ __s+ s
k x

rical value


we shall find, by making x = K ,

aLi + i+L
1 1

a rapidly converging series, from which its numerical value
be calculated to any required degree of accuracy: the aggre
gation of 14 of its terms gives us

a~k = 2.7182818,

which is correct as far as the last figure: but no finite decimal

number can express its accurate value*.

It is usual, in all cases, to denote this number 2.7182818

by the symbol e; it is the base of Napierian logarithms (Art.
855), which are exclusively used
in analytical formulae.

902. If, in equation (), we replace x by T , we get The series

K for e .

* The
process for this purpose is very simple and expeditious: divide 1, and
the successive quotients which thence arise by the successive natural numbers :

the sum of the quotients, increased by 2, is the number required: thus,


2) 1.


It has been shewn, in Art. 203, that e is an incommensurable number : it is

not capable, therefore, of being expressed by any finite decimal.

i *
but a h =e, and therefore a =e*: we thus get

This series, which constantly presents itself in analysis, be

comes convergent from its rth term, if r is the first whole number
greater than x.

TheNa- 903. Since a~k =e, we get

logarithm a =e 1
of a.
and consequently k is the logarithm of a to base e, or, in other

words, it is the Napierian logarithm of a.

Again, since a = we find
of 904. e ,
a system of
logarithms. a x
= ^ x = n,
where kx is the Napierian logarithm of n, whilst x is its

logarithm to the base a : if we multiply, therefore, Napierian

logarithms by j-
or --- , we shall obtain the corresponding

logarithms to base a ; and the multiplier y is called the mo


dulus (jw) of that system.

The series 905. Again, since k = log a, we get (Art. 890)

for log n
- -
in terms of
(a l)
(a l)

or replacing a by w,

log w
= (n
- >(w-1); + (n-lV
v (n-1)*
; - v y
+ &c. (c),
g g ^
a series of great importance in analysis, and which expresses
the Napierian logarithm of a number in terms of the number

The series This series is divergent when n exceeds 2

906. ; but a very
maybe simple modification of its form will enable us to make it, in
made con- a\\ ca ses, as
rapidly convergent as we please.
vergent in 1 J
For (n) =n and log ( ;)"
= mlog (n^) = log ,
and there
= m{(n> - 2 3
) 1)-^ (n -1) + J (w* -l) -...} (rf).

If we suppose n to be greater than 1, it is

always possible,
by assuming m sufficiently large, to make w exceed 1
by a
quantity as small as we choose: thus, if n= 10, we find

10* -1 =2.162277,

10* - 1 = .778279,

10 5 -1 = .333521,

lOw-i = .154781,

10 F2 -1 = .074607...

- 1 = .000000000536112,
which, multiplied into 2 *, gives

^(lO* -!)* 2.3025851,
a result which expresses the accurate value of the
logarithm of 10, as far as it goes: for it will be found that

the second term of the series which is 2

31 2^- 2
(d), (lO 1) , pos
sesses no significant digit in the first 8 places of decimals.

907. The reciprocal of log 10 or The modu

lus of tabu-

" 43 *2 9 4481 *&
isthe modulus (Art. 904) of tabular logarithms, or it is the factor

by which Napierian logarithms, when calculated by the series

in the last Article or by other and more expeditious methods,
require to be multiplied, in order to reduce them to the cor
responding logarithms of the tables.

908. The preceding method of calculating tables of loga- Practical

rithms theoretically perfect, but the operations of multipli-

is to t |, e pr e_

cation, division and extraction of roots which it involves, makes J^jjJJj of

Briggs, in his Arithmetica Logarithmica, has found logarithms.

- 1 = .000000000000000127819149320035 :

the same work contains the tabular logarithms of the natural numbers as far

as 1097 to 61 places of decimals, an unrivalled monument of labour and ingenuity,

at a period when the various expedients which modern analysis supplies

abridging such calculations, were almost entirely unknown.


itsapplication for such purposes extremely tedious and embar

rassing: but in the calculation of the logarithms of successive
numbers,, we shall be enabled to resort to much more expeditious
methods, founded upon logarithmic series, or upon the differences
of successive logarithms, some of which we shall proceed to

Loga- 909. Since (Art. 905)


we shall find, by replacing n by 1 + x,

log(l +)=*- + -+... (e),

a series of very simple form, and which is

very frequently
referred to.

we - x, we
910. If, in this equation (e), replace x by get

911. If we subtract the series for log (l - x) from that for

log(l+a?), we shall get

P 912. If in this equation (g), we make _ x =-, and there-

Log .

fore ,r =^ i we get

q p+q

P= g + l.
If we make p = a+l, we get
, and there-


log ( 9 + 1)
= log , + 2
{^ + J
( T?

This is a series adapted to the calculation of the logarithms

of successive numbers, being rapidly convergent in all cases, and
more particularly so, when the numbers, whose logarithms are
sought for, are large.

913. If p and q are resolvible into factors which involve Expression

the first power of a number n only without a coefficient, and J-thm of
~ a number
if the fraction - - be of such a form as to decrease rapidly in terms of

p+q the loga-

when n increases, then we may
express the logarithm of the
and numbers,
greatest of the factors of p q, in terms of the logarithms
v . /7N and of th
of the other factors, and of the series (h), series for

2 -
= -
p = x and q = x + and therefore
Thus, let 1 (x 1) (x 1),

_ *
: we find log =2 log *-log (*+!)- log (*-l),
p + q 2.r -l
and therefore
log (x + 1)
= 2 log x - log (x - 1)

l 1
"2 f
+ \J
+3 i
-l)l2^=T"J. (2,r

a number is expressed in terms of

by which the logarithm of
the logarithms of the two next inferior numbers, and of a rapidly

Again, we assume

= 2 - 2 2
= x*- 98 4
+ 2401 x 2
p x (x 7) (x + 7) ,

= (x-3)(x + 3)(x-5)(x+5)(x-8)(x + 8)

= x 6 - 98 x 4 + 2401 x 2 - 14400,
p-q = 7200
we find 6 - 98 x4 + 2401 x 2 - 7200

and therefore
= 2 log + + 2 log x + 2 log -
log (x + 8) (x 7) (x 7)

- log (x + - log + - log (* - 3)

- log (a? - 5)
5) (or 3)

If x = 100, the first term of the series, or

^ _ 8^ + 2401^-7200

has no significant digit in the first 7 places of decimals for this :

and higher values of x therefore it may be altogether neg

lected,and the calculation of the logarithms of a considerable
succession of such numbers may be made dependent upon the
logarithms of 8 inferior numbers only.

Differences 914. The practical and most expeditious method of calcu-

garithms of lating the logarithms of successive numbers will be found to be

dependent upon the Theory of Differences, which will form the

subject of a subsequent Chapter of this work: we shall notice
itno further in this place, than is requisite to justify the rules
which are given in Art. 870, for finding the logarithms of
numbers which are not in the tables, and conversely.

Inasmuch as n + I =nll +-j } we find

log (n + 1)
= log n + log fl +-

and therefore

and, if n be large, - may be taken as an approximate value of

this difference: thus, if n= 10000, - ;

will have no significant

digit in the first 8 places of decimals.

Again, since (
+ or)
= (!+ we find

log (n + x)
= log n + log fl + - ,

and therefore
+ x )-log n = -- i+ 3

and if x be small compared with n, then - will be the approxi

mate value of the difference of log (n + x) and log n. If therefore

A=- be the approximate value of the difference

we shall find that ,r A will express the approximate value of the

+ - n.
log (n x) log

We conclude, therefore, that, if n be very large compared

with x, the difference of the logarithms of n + x and n will
be nearly proportional to the difference of the numbers n + x
and x (Art. 869): and that if the difference of log (n + 1) and
log n be given, the difference of log (n + x) and log n,
when x
is small compared with n, may always be found approximately
by a simple proportion.
If the logarithms under consideration be tabular and not

Napierian, then


log (n + x)
- log n = p
^ +

where p is the modulus of tabular logarithms (Art. 907): if

A therefore be assumed to be -, then the formula

log (n + x)
= log n
will furnish an approximate value of log (n + x) it will be at :

once seen that this proposition is the basis of the rules in

Art. 870, to which we have before referred.



Limits of 915. THE following propositions relating to the limits of

the values of series, proceeding according to ascending or de

scending powers of a symbol, which is capable of indefinite

increase or diminution, will be found to be extremely useful
in many enquiries, and more particularly in those which regard
the application of Algebra to the properties of curvilinear figures.
The complete theory of limits, properly so called, is only partially
involved in them, and will be more expressly considered in a

subsequent Chapter of this work.

In a geo-
916. If we make x = -
a + ^, the sum of the geometric series

a + ax + ax* + ax + .. .

is equal to a + 8.

For the sum of this series, when x is less than 1, is

(Art. 432): and, if we make x- - *

^, we get

It will follow, therefore, that a value ofx } in such a series,

be which will make its sum (s) differ from
may always assigned,
its first term a by a quantity less than any that can be assigned :

for if 8 be the quantity thus assigned, then any value of x which

is less than -
s <
S 1
sav x =

- ^I , will make s differ from a

by a quantity less than 3,


917- A limit of a series or expression is a Jixed value to Definition

of a limit *
which it approaches nearer than for any assignable difference,
whilst a symbol upon which it is dependent is indefinitely
diminished or indefinitely increased, but which it never attains
whilst the value of that symbol is different from zero in one
case or from infinity in the other.

918. It will follow therefore that the limit of the value of The limit

the series
a + ax + ax + ax+ .. . series pro-

is its first term or a : for it has been shewn that a value of x cording to

may be assigned, which will make

from a by a its sum differ [ peers
than other that can be assigned: and it never symbol
less f
quantity any ? .

attains to this limit, though it may approach indefinitely near term.

to it, whilst x is different from zero.

919. If in the series The limit

of a geo-
a a^ a metric
" series P ro
a+ ^
proceeding according to inverse powers of x, we make x = , ?o hwerse
-, . , ~ powers of a
then its sum is equal to a + c. symbol.

For, if we make # = -, this series becomes

a + ay + ay 2 + ay 3 + . . .

whose sum, when y = -

and therefore x= ^
, is a+ 8.

It will follow, therefore, that, in such a series, a value of

x always be assigned, which will make its sum (s) differ
from first term by a quantity less than any which may be

assigned for if 8 be the quantity thus assigned, then any value


of x greater than - 1 will make s less than a + 8.

|say ^
The limit, therefore, of the value of this series, when x is

indefinitely (see Chap, xxxvn.) great, is its first term or a.

920. The terms of the geometric series Formation

of a geo-
s 3
a + arx + ar x i i
+ar x + ... (), metric
are severally either equal to or greater than the corresponding is a supe-
n , . rior limit
terms ot the series to a g i ven
series pro-

ceeding ac- if r be the greatest inverse ratio of any two consecutive co-
cording tO /

of efficients.

symbol. In the first place, let be greater than -?, ,

and all sub

we have = and
sequent ratios of a similar kind : then r,

therefore a l = ar : is less than r, and therefore a 2 is less

than !/*, and therefore also less than ar 2 , since a l

= ar: -- is

less than r, and therefore a s is less than a 2 r, and therefore less

than ar s, since a 2 is less than ar 2 : and similarly for all sub
sequent coefficients of the series: it follows, therefore, that the
firstand second terms of the geometric series (a) are equal to
the first and second terms of the series (/3), but that all the

subsequent terms of the first series are severally greater than

those corresponding to them in the second.
In the second place, let any other inverse ratio, such as

-^, and not the first , be the greatest, and therefore equal

to r: we have consequently less than r, and therefore a l


than ar: less than r, and therefore 2 I GSS tnan a i r> anc^
fortiori less than ar 2 , since a l is less than ar: and so on, until
n ~
we come to a n _ lt which is less than ar
the next ratio

= r, and therefore a n = an _ l r, which is less than ar , since
_! is less than ar tl
: and similarly for all subsequent coeffi
cients: it will follow, therefore, that the terms of the series (a),
after the first, are severally greater than those corresponding
to them in the series (/3).

If the successive ratio. . , , as far as the 7/ ratio
a al a2

, be equal to each other, but greater than all those which

follow them, then if = r, the n first terms of the series, (a)

and (/?)
are equal to each other: but all the subsequent terms
of the series (a) are severally greater than those corresponding
to them in the series (ff).

We may assume the coefficients of the series

((3) to be posi
tive, and to increase
perpetually as we recede from the first
term: but the proposition which we have demonstrated above
will be true a fortiori if the coefficients form a
decreasing series,
or if one or more of them become zero or
It will follow generally, therefore, that if r be the
inverse ratio of any two consecutive coefficients, the terms of the

geometric series (a) are severally equal to or greater than the

corresponding terms of the series (/3), and that consequently a
value of x may always be determined, which will make the
sum of the series (/3) differ from its first term by a quantity
less than any which may be assigned: thus, if rx =
- CL

+ 5 , and

therefore x=
+ 1)
r (a
- g
^ , the sum of the series (a) is a + , and

therefore the sum of the series (/?) is less than a + B : and the
limit of value (Art. 917)
its is a, or the first term of the series.

Thus, in the series Examples.

1 x 2 +2 x 3x + 3 x 4<x*+4, x 5x 3 + ... (/3),

the value of r or of the greatest inverse ratio of two consecutive

coefficients is 3 and the terms of the geometric series

2 + 2x3,r + 2x 3V + 2 x 3V+ . . .

are severally equal to or greater than those of the series pro-

posed (/3)
: if x= - - ^ , the sum of the terms of the series

(/3), will differ from its first term 2 by a quantity less than g.

If the series proposed had been

l + lx2,r + lx2x 3x z + 1 x 2 x 3 x 4>x + ...

the ratio of the w th

to the (n- l)
coefficient is n, which increases

indefinitely : the series is therefore infinite, if indefinitely con

tinued, whatever be the value of x.

921. PROPOSITION. If there be three quantities whose On the

values are expressed by series proceeding according to powers series

of the same symbol, and if, for the same value of that symbol,
the first be necessarily greater than the second and the second
s( first

^ j

than the third; then, if the first and third series have the same is^Vi h l

in value be
first term or the same limit, the first term or limit of the second


tween two series willbe necessarily equal to it it being assumed that the :

others .. />

which have
whi^h inverse ratio of any two consecutive coefficients of those series
the same is finite.
Thus, if the three series representing the three quantities be
a + diX + a 2 x z + a a x 3 + ... (1),
s 3
b + b1 x + b2 x + ba x +... (2),
2 3
a + Cj x + c a x + ca x + ... (3),

where the inverse any two consecutive coefficients is

ratio of

always finite, then values of x exist which will make their

arithmetical values differ from their first terms by quantities
less than any which may be assigned: let such values of the

series be a + 8, b + ^ lf a + 8 2 and since it is assumed that a + 8


is greater than b + 8 and b + 8j greater than a + 8 2 it will follow ,

that the values of

a b + 8 8j and b a + 8j
- 88

are arithmetical and positive: and, if possible, let us suppose

b =a+d or a d: in the first case, the preceding expressions
-rf + S-Sj and d + ^-^ t

and in the second

rf + g_g 1
and -d + ^-Bg:
and inasmuch as these expressions are necessarily positive, it
will follow that, in the first case, 8-8, is greater than d, or 8

greater than d + 8, which is contrary to the hypothesis, since d

is supposed less than any quantity which may be assigned and :

in the second case, 8, 8 2 must be greater than dy or \

than d+8 2 which is also contrary to the hypothesis, since \

has been supposed less than any quantity which may be as

signed : it follows, therefore, that b is necessarily equal to 0,

which is the proposition to be proved.
This isa proposition of very extensive application, inasmuch
as it will very frequently happen that an expression, which is
not capable of direct development into a series by the aid of
assumed definitions or known theorems, may be shewn, by other
considerations, to be included in value between expressions which
admit of direct development, and which have therefore ascertain-
able limits ; and it will follow that, if those limits be the same,
the limit of the unknown expression or undeveloped series is

necessarily the same likewise.


922. The correct notion of a limit

is not
easily formed,
inasmuch as it is
necessarily connected with a conception of a the con-
n of
state of existence of magnitude, either in itself, or in some
J ^

quantity upon which it is dependent, which is incapable of

arithmetical or geometrical representation and like all our

notions, therefore, which ultimately involve considerations of

zero or infinity (Chap, xxxvin.), it is entirely negative it is

on this account that it becomes of the utmost importance that

we should confine our attention exclusively to the definition
(Art. 917), which we have given of it, and altogether discon
nect it, like other definitions, from every consideration which
is not essentially involved in it.
A limit, in conformity with its definition, may be zero, but A limit
not infinity : for though we are incapable of conceiving zero ^ b ut
as one of the successive states of existence of magnitude, we not infi -

are capable of conceiving its existence in a state in which it

differsfrom zero by a quantity less than any which may be
assigned, and therefore when zero becomes, as it were, the fixed
limit of the definition: but we are utterly incapable of con

ceiving the existence of a quantity which is not infinite, but

which at the same time differs from infinity by a quantity less
than any "which may be assigned: and therefore, under no
circumstances can infinity answer the conditions of a limit,
which the definition assigns to it.



The series 923. IT has been already shewn (Art. 808) that the value

anVcosinT of a in the exponential expressions

a x +a~x a 1 -or*
/ i

is indeterminate, as far as it is dependent upon the definition

of the sine and cosine of an angle only we shall proceed, in :

the Articles which follow, to shew that it ceases to be indeter

minate when the measure of angles ceases to be so.

The exponential series deduced in Chapter xxxv give us

_ _____ k 3 x3 k*x*

where k = loga: we thus find

2 1.2
a* -a-* I
(, k3 x 3 k b x* \
sm * = ** + + +
2 TT8T8 i. a . 8 .4.5 -)
If we further replace k by cj-l, these series become,

COS X = 1 -
1.21 .2.3.4
sin x = ex

Themea- 924. It may be easily shewn that these series will satisfy
e fan
the equation (Art. 758)
ang i e
which is .
assumed in sin * + cos 2 * = 1

when substituted in it, whatever be the value of c : but if we


assume, as we have already done (Art. 74-6), x or the measure Art 746)
of an angle, to be the ratio of the arc which subtends it to the determines
the value
radius of the circle in which it is taken, then it may be demon- of the sym-
strated that the only value of c, in the series for sin a: and
1 is
jjjgy inl
cos x, which will satisfy the conditions to which it leads. volve.

For, if we assume x or the measure of the angle C to be BA

then since sin x
, -7-^ ,
we get
sinr CP
and inasmuch as
3 3
c x

we get
sin x c
= c
sin a?
where c, which is the limit of (for it is the limit (Art. 918)

of the series which is

equivalent to it),
is required to be deter
For this purpose, we observe that the ratio is
chord EC
CP sm x
greater than PE,^ or since the chord is less than
arc BEC ,

the arc BEC: but CP=ABsir\x, and the chord BC=2ABsm-:

2 cos sin
and therefore
CP = cos-:
(Art. 775)
chord BC
2 sin - 2 sin -

and again, inasmuch as the tangential line BT is greater than the

CP = BT sin* CP
arc BEC*, and since tan x = -^^ -jj^ , we get -^^ = cos* = ^^
C^ T^ sin J?

which is less than j, and therefore less than -

arcBEC :

* shewn from geometrical considerations: if from the

This may be easily
extremity C of the arc BEC, we draw Ct a tangent meeting BT in f, then we have
Bt=Ct: but Tt is greater than Ct, being opposite to the greater angle
TCt :

therefore BT is greater than Bt+Ct: again, if from the middle point

E of BEC,
we draw the tangent cEb, meeting Ct in c and Bt in b, then we have bt +ct,

It appears, therefore, that is
interposed in value between

cos - and cos or: or, in other words, the quantities

sin x c
x2 c

x 1.2.3

_^ + _^__... I

are arranged in the order of their magnitude; and since the

first and third have a common limit, which is 1, the limit

c of the second series is identical with it, and therefore equal

to 1. (Art. 919).

greater than be, and therefore Bt + Ct, and therefore a fortiori BT, greater than
Bb + be + cC : in a similar manner, if we bisect the arcs BE and CE, and from
theirmiddle points draw tangents meeting Bb, be and Cc, then the sum of the
tangents thus formed will be less than Bb + bc + Cc, and therefore a fortiori
than BT
by continuing this process, we should increase the number and diminish

the magnitude of these small tangents, until their sum, which is necessarily less
than BT, shall differ from the arc BEC by a quantity or line less than any
that may be assigned or in other words, the arc BEC is necessarily less than

BT by a similar course of reasoning, the arc BEC may be shewn to be neces


sarily greater than the chord BC.

Again, if we take r for the radius of the circle, the series

r tan 2 r tan 2 2 r tan 2"r tan

a:, K- ,
p , ...
will express BT, and the several sums of the successive circumscribing tangents:
in a similar manner the series

22 , 2"+^
2rsin|, rsin^ sin^-f^
will express the chord BC and the several sums of the successive inscribed chords :

the ratio of the n th term of the second series to the n term of the first is


+i _^ cos
s in
EL ^
2" <6"~ri

and the limit of this value is 1 : this is another mode of arriving at the conclusion in
the text.
This relation of the chord, arc and circumscribing tangent, is one of fun
damental importance in the application of Algebra to the theory of curves:
it applies to the arcs of all curves of continuous
curvature, as well as to arcs
of the circle.

It consequently follows that

cos x = 1 -

sin x=x
where x is the measure of an angle, which is formed by dividing
the arc which subtends it at the centre,
by the radius of the
circle in which it is taken.

925. It appears, from the preceding investigation, that Determi

nate expo-

c = 1 and * = c 1 = n :

and, inasmuch (Art. 903) as

we find

a = e vz:i a*=e* v:iT and a~ x = e- x ^~,


and therefore

a* -a
sin #=

we thus obtain determinate and explicit exponential expressions

for the sine and cosine, adapted to the commonly assumed mea
sure of an angle.

926. Inasmuch as Proofthat

= = cos a
cos a:


we get, by adding

and by subtracting
cos x J 1 sin ,r = e~ * ^^ .

927. It follows, therefore, since (Art. 811)

r *
f7r 7 v - 1
= f\\
J- J-l =
/ / vr~
cos +v 1 sin v e (
l )
n n

that the n roots of 1 are expressed by

~Z^- 1
47r _
C ,
e~ )

and if the series be continued, the same values recur in the same

928. Again, since

cos- +
7T -
J -Ism- =ez
/ V^T . 7T ""


it follows that

and therefore

. .

Conclusions of this kind are symbolical only, and cannot be
made the basis of calculation and it is only in those cases in :

which the symbols or signs which such expressions involve,

are capable of being interpreted, that we are enabled to con
ceive the nature of the connection between them and the specific
numerical or other value which they may be shewn to denote.

Demoivre s other important conclusions which fol-

Among many . ,

low immediately from the exponential expressions lor the sine

and cosine, it will be found that the formulae of Demoivre,
which are given in Art. 806, are immediately deducible from
For, if in
cos x + 1 sin x e
x * ~ 1
we replace x successively by and by nQ, we get

cos + J^l sin = e

e ^~ l

cos n6 + 7^ sin n0 = en ^~ = (e ^~
l e l
= (cos + J~l sin 0)":

and if in
~x ^~
cos x J 1 sin x e l

we replace x successively by and by n0, we get


cos 0-^/^7 sin e = e- Q ^^ ,

~ ne V:TI
cos nQ-J~\ sin n0 = e = (e -o V~)n = ( cos d-J^lein 0)".

930. The substitution of the exponential expressions for Develope-

the sine, cosine or tangent of an angle, in the goniometrical ment of the .

formulae in which they are involved, will enable us to resolve tan B =

them, in many which are not only very remark-
cases, into series, _^
able in their form, but which admit of very useful applications. by means
Thus, in a triangle, if a, b and the angle C be given, to de-
termine A or B, we find

sin A = sin (B + C) = cos B sin C
D 5 COS C 4-
6 sin B
. ^
sin B sin Bo:

and therefore
sin B b sin C
cos B a b cos C
if we replace the sines and cosines their equivalent expo
nential expressions, we get

and therefore

If we take the logarithms of the two members of this equa

tion, we get

log 6
2B V^T .
log (a-be-c ^ - log (a
- be c ^)


For if
L= S.
we get
^= -
and conversely. Art. 296.

VOL. II. o


=- sin C+ 5
sin 2 C+ d
sin 3 C+ . . .

a 2 3o
This series converges rapidly if b is small compared with a.

Develope- 931. Similarly, in the equation

ment of the
equation tan x =m tan a,
tan .T
= m tan a. of analysis, we
^ich very often occurs in the applications get

and therefore
- m-1 - 2<x V-l
/ m+ 1

m- 1 _
from whence we derive, as in the last Article,

X=a+ sin 2 a + sin 4 a + &c.

m+ 1

If we by tan 6, this series becomes, since

replace TW
m- I = tan -
(0 45),
m+ 1
x = a + tan (6 - 45) sin 2 a + - 45) 2 sin 4a
(tan 6

Series for 932. Inasmuch as

the measure
of an angle
in terms of
its tangent.

we readily find

and therefore, taking the logarithms

2x J^l = 2 {.f^l tan x + J (7^1 tan a:)
+J (V^ tan or)
+ &c.}

x = tan ,r - J tan 3 j? + 1 tan 5 # - . . .

a series* remarkable for the simplicity of its form,

by which
the measure of an angle is expressed in terms of its
If we make x the measure of 45, and therefore tan 45= 1,
we get
= 1
+ +
4 -3 5 7
a series which is
very slowly convergent.
If we make x the measure of 30, and therefore tan x = ,

we get
= 1,1111
11 +
6 ~j3 -3 3 5"3*-7 3
a series which converges with great rapidity.

933. Among many other conclusions which are deducible The sines
from the series for the sine and cosine of an angle, it may
angles are
nearjy P r -
J shewn that the sines of small angles are very
be readily J nearly
. portionalto
proportional to the angles themselves, a proposition whose truth the angles
we have assumed in a former Article (798) for if 6 arid be :

the measures of two small angles, we find, neglecting those

powers of 9 which are higher than the third, that


a ratio which becomes very nearly that of

^, when 6 and 6

are very small, or differ very little from each other. Thus, let
the angles measured by 6 and 6 be I and 2 respectively: inas
much as an arc, which equal in length to the radius (Art.

1 2
747), contains 57.3 = 4438 nearly, we get 0= and 6 = - ,
44oo 44?o
and therefore
sin 1
=A X 1.000000025
sin 2
=l nearly.

* This series was discovered by the celebrated James Gregory in 1771 :

if to 5 times the series in which tanx = -c we add that in which tan * =


and subtract from their sum the series in which tan x = =7- ,
the result will be

the expression for j : it was by this method that the remarkable approximation,

mentioned in the Note to Art. 747, was obtained.


Formulae 934. Again, the ordinary formulae for the solution of triangles
solution of sometimes give results, which are less accurate than those which
are commonly obtained, when they involve the cosines of angles
volye the which differ little from zero or 180, or the sines of those which

differ little from 90, inasmuch as, under such circumstances,
which dif-
change slowly for considerable changes in the value
their values
from zero, of the angle the series, however, for the sines and cosines of

JL sLnesof an l es W *U enable us to deduce formulae which are adapted to


those such extreme cases, and where the minutest changes of value
which dif- , , .., . .

fer little m . .

the quantities sought to be determined will become imme-


from 90.

Thus, in a triangle, where A and B are very small and where

C - be the measure
very nearly 180, we get (Art. 885), if TT
of C,

omitting all terms of the series for cos 6 beyond the second, as
being too small to affect the result within the limits of the
recorded places of figures ; by extracting the square root, we get

c = (a TAJ,
+ b) < 1 -
abd *
2(a +
r^2 V


Thus, if C= 179, = 20, b = 16, we find = and

O / *\j nearly,

= 35.999424 nearly.

Again, if a and j3 be the measures of A and B*, we get

sin A=a- -

* When wespeak of the sines and cosines of angles, it is indifferent whether

the angles are expressed by their measures, or by degrees and minutes: but
it should always be kept in mind that the numerical values of the measusres of
angles enter essentially into the series which we are now considering.


c sin A
sin C
a+ 2

= _^L |!-^ + (
/) l
a + j3 I
ft j

Ca ,

6-J*,,, +

If we add these expressions together, we find

a very convenient and very accurate formula for expressing one side
of a triangle

in terms of the two others and of the measures of the adjacent angles, provided
those angles are small.


Meaning of 935. THE terms infinite and indefinite are frequently used
LlnSTand indiscriminately by mathematical writers, though, if due regard
indefinite. was p aij to propriety of language, they should be distinguished
from each other: they are negative terms whose meaning must
be denned by that of the terms Jinite and definite, which are
respectively opposed to them.
Jinite number, a Jinite line, a Jinite space, a Jinite time,
would denote any number, line, space, or time, which is either
assigned or assignable: whilst the term dejinite could properly
be applied to such of those quantities only as were already
assigned or determined: in other words, the term Jinite is more
comprehensive than dejinite, being limited only by the power
possessed by the mind of conceiving the relations which the
magnitudes, to which it is
applied, bear to other magnitudes
of the same kind.
An infinite number, an infinite line, an infinite space, an in-

Jinite time bear no conceivable or expressible relation to a Jinite

number, a Jinite line, a Jinite space, or a Jinite time the term :

indejinite, properly speaking, when

applied to these quantities,
would imply nothing more than that they were not determined
or not assignable.

Infinity and 936. Magnitudes may be infinitely small as well as infinitely

great, and the abstract term infinity should be, properly speaking,
equally applicable to both, though it is confined, by the usage
of language, exclusively to the latter, whilst the term zero is
exclusively applied to the former the general term infinity is

superseded by the specific terms immensity and eternity in the

case of space and time*.

* The phrase for ever, though properly expressing infinite duration of time,
is commonly applied to denote infinite repetition as well as infinite time thus :

the processes which never terminate are said to be continued for ever : the terms

937- The symbol co is used to denote magnitudes which Symbols of

are infinitely great, in the same manner that the symbol is

used to denote those which are infinitely small: they are con

nected by the equation = oo , and = 0, where a may be a

Jlnite though indeterminate magnitude : in the first case, we con

sider ooas the quotient of the division of a by : in the second,
we consider as the quotient of a divided by oo ; such results
may be interpreted by considering the dividend as the product
of the divisor and quotient thus, there is no Jinite number :

which, when
multiplied into zero or an infinitely small number
(fractional or decimal) will produce a finite product there is :

no Jinite line, which multiplied into zero or an infinitely small

line, will produce a Jinite area, and similarly in all other cases.

938. The product of oo into 0, or of an infinitely great and Different

an infinitely small number, line, or other magnitude, in the sense

which we have attached to those symbols and terms, may pro- denoted by

duce a finite result, but it does not follow that it must do so: symbol.

the equation - = oo is universally true, when a is finite : but the

same equation is also true, when a is infinite, and therefore

replaced by oo : in other words =00: in such a case, the

infinity denoted by the symbol oo , on one side of the equation,

is said to be infinitely greater than the infinity denoted by the
same symbol on the other: for one is equivalent to -, and the

other to , and the ratio of the second to the first, or x -

= =00 or infinity.

939. The mind is as incapable of conceiving the relation o ^ *," e

of different orders of as it is of conceiving infinity

. .

itself, and only when the relation between them is the

it is

necessary result of symbolical language, and of those general

come defi-

of a series which are said to be continued in injinitum, are also said to be con- thecircum-
tinued for ever but it should be observed, that the notion of infinity of time stances of

th er origin
is closely associated in the mind with all our notions of indefinite repetition.
are known.

laws of their combination, which the rules of Algebra impose

upon them, that they can become the proper object of our
reasonings: same symbol oo is used equally to denote
for the
all magnitudes which are infinitely great, and the same symbol
to denote all magnitudes which are infinitely small but if :

the. symbols oo or were used, in a course of operations as

ordinary symbols, when the circumstances of their usage shewed
a common origin, and therefore indicated something beyond a
mere symbolical identity, we must adopt the results of opera
tions upon them, whether finite or not, in the same manner as

any other necessary results of Algebra :

thus, if the symbols
QO and oo denoted the same infinite magnitude (such as ,

when x= 1\ the relation of a x oo and b x oo . or -, would

b x oo

be equally y, as if oo, in this ratio, had been replaced by an

ordinary symbol of algebra but, if the course of our reasonings


should call our attention to a x co and b x oo , as simply denoting

two infinite magnitudes, without any reference to the relation
which the circumstances, in which they originated, may make
them bear to each other, we might properly represent a x oo
and b x oo by the common symbol oo , and the relation between
a x oo and b x oo would become altogether indeterminate.

Example. But though the symbol oo might not have the same origin
in the expressions a x oo and b x oo , yet if the precise symbolical
conditions of their origin in both cases were known, the inde-
termination of their relation to each other might be removed :

thus, if the symbol oo in a x oo originated in the expression

when x = 1 , and the symbol oo in b x oo
originated in the

expression j when a?=l, we should find

x (1 -x) (when
^ *. !): b x

but inasmuch as it appears that

flx(l-.r )
b x(l-ar)
for all values ofx whatsoever, and therefore when j? = l, it will
follow that, under these circumstances

a x oo 2

and the relation of the infinite magnitudes represented, in the

numerator and denominator of this expression, by the common
symbol oo, or by the common symbol 0, under another and
equivalent form, is
necessarily that of 2 to 1.

940. It may be useful to illustrate, by some other

examples, Further ex-
the origin of the indetermmation which exists, in certain cases in tkn? of the
expressions which involve the common symbol or the common origin of
, i different
symbol .
orders of

The sum (s) of the series

ax + ax 2 + ax 3 + .. .

and the value of x, are denoted by the common symbol 0, when

x is zero: but inasmuch as

whose value is a when x is zero, it will follow, that if we denoted
the first zero by and the second zero by 0, we should find

or, in other words, a definite relation would thus be shewn to
exist between the zeros denoted in this particular instance by
and 0: but all traces of this relation would be obliterated
if and were replaced, as is usual, by the common symbol
as the common and only representative of zero, and if no reference
was made to the circumstances of their origin.
Again, the sum (s) of the series

ax 2 + ax3 + ax 4 + . . .

is zero, when x is zero: if we divide s by x, we get

- = ax + ax* + ax 3 + ...

when x we - we
which is zero is zero : if again divide by x, get

-5 = a + ax + ax + .. .


whose value is a, when x is zero : if we denote the zeros cor

responding to s and to -, when x is zero, by 0" and , and

the zero corresponding to x by 0, we shall find = , and

therefore = 0, whilst =a : in other words, the relation be

tween the two first zeros is zero, but between the two last is a :

but if we had denoted the three successive zeros 0", and by

the common symbol 0, and had suppressed the consideration
of reference to their origin, their relations to each other
all would
have been altogether indeterminate.
Again, the sum (s)
of the series

- + a + ax + ax + .. .

is infinite when x = : and similarly the sum s of the series

a a
5 H \- a + ax + ax + ...
x2 x

is also infinite, when x = : if we denote the first of these infinite

magnitudes by oo and the second by oo , we shall find, since

s = -, when x = 0,

oo oo 1
oo = and therefore =- ,

or, in other words, the ratio of the infinite magnitudes denoted,

in this particular instance, by oo and oo, is also an infinite mag
nitude: if, however, we had denoted these infinite magnitudes,
without reference to their origin, by the common symbol oo we ,

should have lost all traces of the relations which existed amongst

Determi- 941 m ft appears, therefore, from the preceding considera-

nate values .
of expres- tions, that expressions, which, under certain circumstances, become
sions which oo
become _ or mav admit of determinate values, which are different
co o *
X or co

from and oo and that this determination

may always be
effected when such expressions admit of equivalent forms, which

do not become - or , under the same circumstances.

U 00

942. Thus, the obliteration of a common factor, which be- Oblitera-

comes or co for specific values of the
symbols which it involves,
may furnish an equivalent form of the
original expression, which factors,
Q which be-
does not become - or , under the same circumstances. come or
(J oo co.

*"" fl
As an example, the fractional expression , becomes
- Examples.
x -a o
when x = a: but if we obliterate the common factor x-a (which
becomes when x d) of its numerator and denominator, the
fraction assumes the equivalent form
a2 + a x + x 2
a -f x
which becomes = , when x = a : its value, therefore, is no

longer indeterminate.
Again, the expression

- ax 3 - 3a*x* + 5a 9 x - 2a 4
becomes - , when x = a\ but if we obliterate the common factor

- 3
of its numerator and denominator, the original fraction
(x a)

assumes the equivalent form -- , which becomes - when

943. But if
different powers of a common factor exist in When dif-

the numerator and denominator of the original fractional ex-

pression, the discovery and obliteration of what is common to

both of them by the ordinary rule, will leave a residual power j n the nu-

of this factor in one of them, which becomes or oo for the spe-

cific values of the symbols which are under consideration under : tor.

such circumstances, the value of the fraction is either zero or

Thus, a-2x is found to be a common factor of the nume
rator and denominator of
3 - 10a 2 .r

which is thus reduced to the equivalent form

but inasmuch as a 2x still continues a factor of its numerator,

the value of the fraction is zero when x = - : in a similar manner,

the value of the fraction

which becomes - when x = -

, and which also becomes
= -

when the common factor a 2 a; of its numerator and denominator

is obliterated, will be found to be oo when x = - : for a - Zx still

continues to be a factor of its denominator.

When the 944. In many cases, however, the expressions which become
expressions ^
which be- _ or for S p ec ifi c values of the symbols which they involve,
come oo

or are do not present themselves under a rational form, and the ordinary
therefore, for their common factors ceases to
or involve
_ i.
be applicable.
the absence
or the more prompt and

or gonio-
me thods of finding their determinate values, under such cir-
metrical cumstances, whenever they exist, which will be given in a sub
sequent Chapter of this work, we may very frequently succeed
in determining them by the following method.
TJ /A .

Let the fraction become - or when x = a :

replace x
by a h, and develope P and Q (by the aid of the binomial
theorem or other methods at our command), according to powers
of h, whether integral or fractional: divide the series which
resultby any powers of k, which are common to all their terms,
and subsequently making h zero or infinity, we shall find the
determinate value of
^, which
is for.

Examples. Thus, the expression

becomes - when x a: we replace x by a h, and it becomes


which becomes

when h = 0*:
Let the expression be
log a log ,r

which becomes - when x = a we - we

, : if replace x by a h, get

log a
- log (a - A)
a 2a 2

= wa", when A = or x a.

Let the expression be

e- 1 - log (1 + x)

* It may be observed, that the common factor of a series of irrational ex

same order, or which are reducible to the same order, may be

pressions of the
rational expressions which are
found, by finding the common factor of the
included under the same radical sign the common factor, when subjected

the common radical sign, which is thus found, is the common factor of the

irrational expressions under consideration.

- 2
Thus a - x is the common factor of a - x, ax x and o
8 -
x 8 and : therefore

- ) is the common factor of the numerator and denominator of


which becomes, when reduced,

^ q +^

which becomes - when x : if we develope e" and log (1 + x),

we get
x~ x3

which becomes 1, when x = 0.

Let the expression be

sin nd cos (n 1)6

which becomes - , when x = 2 TT (Art. 844, Note) ; if we make

6 2 TT h, this expression becomes

= w, when A r= 0*.

An expression which assumes, for specific values of its symbols, the form
x co becomes by inverting the expression which becomes co thus
^ :

is x co , when x = J* : but if we replace tan x by -

, it becomes

^^~^ = TT ,
when a: =
-r ;
cot a: 2
and its determinate value is . In a similar manner, an expression such as

x 1
x- 1 log x
which becomes co -
co , when x = 1,
assumes, by reducing the fractions to a com
mon denominator, the equivalent form
x log T a; + 1


which becomes - when x = 1 : its determinate value is ^.


945. In the preceding examples, the values of ? and

, Case
j i f wnicn
considered with reference to the
expressions in which they ori-
ginate, were determinate, zero or and if zero and
. , , i ,
infinity: v
S the sign of

were considered as comprehended within the

range of those pos- indetermi-
sible existences which we are capable of contemplating equally
with those which are the objects of calculation, we
might regard
them as determinate in all cases*: but in the which follow, examples
- or will be found to be symbols of indeterminate magnitude,

In the contemplation of continuous magnitude, we are accustomed to con

sider zero and infinity as equally included in the successive states of its existence,
with those which are finite and determinate : thus, whilst the measure of an angle

passes through all values between ~- h and h, including -~ , its cosine is

said to pass through zero, and its

tangent through infinity under the same cir

cumstances, and we regard zero as the cosine, and infinity as the tangent of

n , equally with the cosine or tangent of any other determinate angle.

It may be however as an objection to our considering such values as suc

cessive states of existence of the cosine and tangent, that they merely mark a point of
transition in the condition of those successive magnitudes, from positive and negative,
which maybe considered as an interruption of their continuity but it is easy to pro :

pose examples of a transition through zero and infinity, in which no such change of
affection or sign takes place : thus if a curve
PCp touch the line ACE in C, and if it be
symmetrical with respect to it (such as the
arc of a circle) on each side of the point C :

then if, from successive points between P

and p, we draw successive ordinates or per- -

pendiculars from points in the curve, such

asPMand pm to AB, they will pass through zero at C, and will be identical in mag
nitude and sign at points equidistant from C in a :

similar manner, if the two curves APD and Bpd be

symmetrical with respect to an indefinite line C.F,
which they never touch, but which they approach
nearer than any assignable distance, (or in other
words, if, in conformity with a phrase which will

be afterwards explained, the indefinite line OF be

a common asymptote to these curves), then for
equal distances from C, the ordinates and PM
pm will be identical in magnitude and sign, and
will increase indefinitely as they approach C: in
other words, PM
may be said to pass through
infinity, in passing through C, without any change
in its existence, which the
those conditions of
A M C 1*
signs of algebra are capable of expressing.

or the appropriate analytical forms by which the failure of the

requisite conditions of determination is indicated.

Examples. Thus, in the equation
ax~ b = a r
x b

the ordinary process of solution gives us

If we suppose b
= b, and a not equal to a, we get
x = 0.
If we suppose a =a, and b greater than b, we get
07= 00 .

If we suppose a! a and b b, we get

In the first case, 0, and in the second, oo, are the only values
of x, which will satisfy the proposed equation, in conformity
with those symbolical properties of the symbols and oo , which
distinguish them from ordinary symbols.
In the third case, all values of x will equally satisfy the con
ditions of the equation, which is therefore absolutely indeter

minate* :
(or oo ) is the only form, which the general
\ /
expression for x could assume, which would not give a de
terminate value, whether Jinite, infinite, or zero : the interpre

tation, therefore, which we have given of the expression -, in

this case, is absolutely determined by the circumstances which

characterize its occurrence.

Again, if we solve the simultaneous equations

c (2),

The proposed equation, under these circumstances, becomes an identical

equation whose symbols, when not actually assigned, may assume every possible

t For the value of x may be expressed by . .

equally with
- - ,

which becomes when a = a and b = b.


by the ordinary process (Art. 395), we shall find

_ Vc-bc

a c-ac

If we suppose a = ma, b =mb, c = mc, we shall get

_mbc mbc
mab mab ~0*
__mac mac
y ~ mab-mab ~Q
which shew that x and y are indeterminate as far as these ex
pressions are concerned : for the equations
(1) and (2), under such
circumstances, are not independent equations (Art. 391), the second
being derived from the first, by multiplying each of its terms by
the same symbol m y and it furnishes, therefore, no new con
dition for the determination of the
symbols which it involves.
The values of a; and y, in the equation
ax + by = c
are separately,
though not simultaneously, capable of all values
whatsoever, and are, therefore, when separately considered, abso
lutely indeterminate: but if we consider them as connected in
the proposed
equation with each other, the value of one of them
determines the other, and one of them only can be considered as
absolutely indeterminate with reference to the other.

946. In performing the operation of division and of the ex- Indetermi-

traction of roots 650 and 693), when the operations do J^y result
(Arts. 586,
not terminate, and when the f
symbols are not arranged, as required .*-
in Arithmetic and Arithmetical Algebra, in the order of their whose

magnitude, even when the expression is arithmetical in its ori-

al value, we
obtain diverging series, whose terms are alter- arithmeti-

nately positive and negative*, and whose values are therefore

indeterminate: for, under such circumstances, no approximation
is made by the aggregation of any number
to a determinate value
of their terms : and
has been observed that this indctcrminalion

is referrible to the neglect of that arrangement of the terms

* Mr De Morgan, in a singularly original and learned Memoir in the Trans

actions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Vol. VIII. Part n.) classili
Divergent Series, as alternating or progressing, according as their terms are
and negative, or have all the same sign.
alternately positive


which are the subject of the operations performed, which the

rules of Arithmetic and of Arithmetical Algebra prescribe in :

such cases also the restitution of the arithmetical order of ar

rangement would convert alternating divergent, and therefore

indeterminate, series, into others which were convergent and deter
minate, to whose values we can approximate as nearly as we
choose, by the aggregation of a sufficient number of their terms.
It would be premature, in the present stage of our progress
in analysis, to speculate generally upon the origin and character
of alternating and progressing divergent series. Do alternating
divergent series originate in expressions, which are always arith
metical in their value, though they may not be arithmetical in
the circumstances and process of their developement ? Do pro
gressing divergent series always originate in expressions which
are not arithmetical, either in their origin, in their arrangement,
or in the process of their developement*? Will divergent series,

either of one class or the other, when substituted, in algebraical

operations, in place of the expressions in which they originate,

or in which they are presumed to originate, give correct and

equivalent results?
These questions, which are of fundamental importance in
many of the most delicate and difficult applications of analysis,
have given occasion to much dispute and controversy, and have
not hitherto been satisfactorily settled. It will be prudent there
fore for a student, whenever he is called upon to consider the
infinite values, whether of series or of expressions under a defi

nite form, to consider very carefully the circumstances in which

they have their origin, before he draws any conclusion respecting

the interpretation which they are capable of receiving.

The values
947. The symbol oo will sometimes present itself in ex-
ofCGSOO . i.ii
which have periodical
T i
the result will
and sin oo. pressions, values,

Thus = l - Zx + 3a: 2 -4r3 +&c. and

and when x is greater than 1, the first series is an alternating, and the second a

progressing divergent series : but and are, under these cir- <

cumstances, equally arithmetical in their value, though not in their arrangement

of their terms : but can we consider _ as also arithmetical in its origin 1

/^ ,

a )8

be apparently, if not absolutely, indeterminate, in consequence

of our being unable to assign the position in the
period to
which it corresponds: thus, the values of cos0 and sirifl are
periodical, their limits being 1 and 1, through the intervals of

which they pass, whilst 6 passes through intervals of value equal

to 2 TT. What then is the value of cos <x> and sin co * ? What is
the value of tan GO or cot co ? The answers to these questions are
founded upon indirect considerations, which we should never

recur, when other resources are within our reach: they form

points of transition between the demonstrated and acknowledged

truths of deductive science and the less definite results of me
taphysical speculation.
See Mr De Morgan s Memoir above referred to, Sect, in : it is usual to

assign as their values, inasmuch as is the mean of their successive periodic

- a and if
values : for it is equally probable that the value in question is a or :

the value is assumed to be unique, is the only value which the doctrine of

chances, or similar considerations, would assign to it.




Rational 948. IT is usual to distribute arithmetical fractions into two

fractions classes as proper and improper (Art. 95), according as the numerator
distinguish- j g } egs or o- reat e r than the denominator : and the same denomina-
ed into two
classes as tions are extended to rational algebraical fractions according as the

dimensions of the symbols in their numerators are lower or higher

than those in their denominators : thus - is a proper and is

an improper numerical fraction : and similarly,

is a proper

1 + x4
and 2 is an improper algebraical fraction.

Improper 949. In the same manner, that improper numerical fractions

are reducible, by the division of the numerator by the deno-
ble to a
minator, to an integer and a proper fraction, so likewise improper
expression algebraical fractions are reducible by a similar process of division
to an integral expression and a proper algebraical fraction: in
fraction. 4
this manner, is reduced to the mixed number 2 , and simi-
lo lo
1 +x 9,

J = is reduced to x 2 - 1 + where x 2 -! is an integral
1 + x2 1+x2^

algebraical expression and -

- a proper algebraical fraction :

and similarly in all similar cases.

Example 950. But the proper which is thus obtained, is

of the reso-
far ther resolvible into other and more simple fractions, when its
lution of an . .

algebraical denominator is resolvible into factors: thus suppose it was re

iiired to regoive the frac tion

into partial and more simple fractions, whose denominators are

the factors x - 3 and x - 4 of its denominator

for this purpose, we should assume

o? + 1 A B
x*-7x + 12 x-3 x-4f
where A and B are unknown and are required to be determined.

If we add the partial fractions together, we get

x+l _Ax-4<A + Bx-3B

* a -7tf+12~ x 2 - 7x + 12
and therefore
x+l = A + Bx

Inasmuch as the value of x is indeterminate, this equation

can only exist for all values of x, by supposing the corre

sponding terms of both its members to be severally identical

with each other we thus get

A + B=1,

and therefore A = -4>> and B=5: we consequently find

g+1 ~
-4 5
-7a? + 12 ,r ~3 JT
-4 "

951. The principles which are involved in this process, Principles

though simple arid obvious, are of considerable importance JJJ
and of very extensive application. tln ^ P ri "

In the first place, the relation between -5 -

x 7x + 1/6

- - is not merely one of equality, but also

of where x may have any value whatsoever, provided

it is and we thus get as many conditions,
simultaneous in both :

or equations, as there are corresponding terms on each side,

and therefore as many equations as there are unknown quan
tities A and B to be determined.

Identity More generally, if any two series, proceeding according to

* ne sam e law, such as

a + bx + cx* + dx* + ...... (1)*

a-f J3x+yx*+%x + ...... (2)

be identical as well as equal, the corresponding terms of each

series must be identical also, which will furnish as many equa
tions as there are terms in each for if not, the value of x can

be no longer indeterminate, admitting of all values between

zero and infinity inclusive: we have assumed the truth of this

proposition in the investigation of the series for a* in Art. 898.

If the members of the equation

x+l=(A + B)x-(4<A + SB)

were merely equal to each other and not identical, the symbols
A and B would be indeterminate, and the value of x (as would
appear by the ordinary solution of the equation) would be ex
pressible in terms of them, and therefore be dependent upon them :

it is the additional hypothesis of the identity of form as well

as of the equality of value of the two members of this equation,
which furnishes the equations for the determination of A and
B, and leaves x indeterminate, as is the case with the symbols
involved in any other identical equation.

General 952. The following method of resolving rational fractions

with decomposable denominators, into an equivalent series of
rational and will serve to illustrate the
partial fractions, is general, pre-
withde- ceding observations.
tors. Let
M be a
rr= proper and rational fraction, and let a + ox be
When the *
N = (a + bx)Q,
factors of
the deno
minator are
a factor of N: if

we make

-^i. =
- r-pr =
N (a + bx)Q=
A -- P
a + bx
h -77


equah and therefore

M= A ~~
P(a + bx)

* For if not, by subtracting the equal expressions (1) and (2) from each
other, we get

where x can be neither zero nor infinity, unless a a and the other coefficients
are also zero.

If we now suppose M to become m and Q to become q,

when a+bx=0 or x = --, we shall find


Thus, let it be required to resolve


(*+!)(** 2) (* + )

into partial fractions.

+ J, ^ 3

(* + 1) (ar + 2) (a?
+ 3) x+ I x+2 x+3
thus get

x2 mil
ml )

- 7 Tw + ^x : #+3=0 and x=-3 A 3 = - :

(.r-f l)(,r2) t

x* 1 4

953. If (a + bx) r be a factor of TV, where r is greater than 1, Whensome

it will be found, if we make N= (a + bx) Q., that a + b x will still
P(a + bx}- possible
be a factor of Q, and consequently - ~ will become - and equal.

and not necessarily 0, when a + bx = 0: under such circumstances

we make N=(a + bx) r Q, and assume
M A, A 2
A r

* It will be found that P=- , under the same circumstances : for it may

be readily shewn that P=

M~A and if a + bx = Q, then M-AQ = 0, other-
a + bx
wise P
would be infinite: it follows therefore that a + bx is also a factor of
M-AQ, and if this factor be obliterated by division, the value of P will be

and therefore
M=A + A2 + bx) + A + bxy 1 P(a + bx)-
+ -

l (a . . .
r (a =Q :

consequently, if we make a + bx = 0, we get

A =
A> -.

Again, transposing A 19 we find

M- A = A 2 (a + bx) + . . A + bx) r ~l
+ bx) r

-ft l
r (a -^.(a ,

both members of which equation are divisible by a + bx: we

make M M-A&
a + bx
- -, . we get

M =A + A 3 (a + bx) + ... A + bx)r~2 +

+ bx) r
~ l

2 r (a -Q (a ,

which gives Az .

In a similar manner, by making M"= ~ -

} we find
a + bx
A3 = : and the continuation of this process will enable us

successively to determine A4 A , 5, ... as far as A r .

Example. Thus, suppose it was required to resolve

into a series of partial fractions.

x* + 2x A l A,

which gives

and therefore, making x 2 = or x = 2, we get
. m 12

In the second place,


and therefore,
x ^
2x ---

making x = 2, we




In the third place, we get

a-2 (a? + 3)(*-2) *+ 3 Q


and therefore, making ,r = 2, we find

~~</~ ~T25*

Lastly, if we make M=x 3

+2x and Q = (,r-2) 3 we , find, by
making x + 3 = 0, or x = - 3,

B= _ 33

12 58 92 33

954. If one of the quadratic factors of N be of the form When some

of the fac-
X - 2 a x + a2 +
(3*, torsjnvolve
whose simple factors are x-a-fij-l, and x-a + ft J 1, we
collect the terms

A, A,
x- a-

into a single term of the form


and assume
M~ Ax + B A3
N x* - 2 a x + a a + (J* + x - a

If we make N= (x
-2ax + a a
)Q, and replace x by

(3 J
_ i f when M becomes m + m^J -I and Q becomes
-i we


We thus find

= (mq.-m.q) _ ^(m^+m, qj -^(wigr-OT^)


Thus, let us suppose



M= Q=

= a? - 4. Replacing -2-
where a? and 2
by V" 1
we = -2, = -!, m = -2, m^ = -l = -6, = -l, and
get a /? 3 q qi


^zi an dB = |.
If, in the second place, we make M= x, Q=x a
+ 4>x + 5 and
x= 4, we get

we therefore find
x 4 -4>x+5

If there be a single factor of 2V of the form

we assume
M - A.x
~~~+ B, ~~
A 2 x + B2 x+B
A~~ r r

^T _ (TO + CTI V - 1 ) (g -

which gives

we then determine A l
and E^ as in the last case, and subsequently
, we get

we then determine A 2 and Be as before, and proceed in the same
manner as far as A and B
r r.

By the application of this process we shall be enabled to

resolve the fraction

into the equivalent series of partial fractions

4 fa +5) 25 (x +-5) 25


Direct and 955. THE methods which are employed for the determination
^ e 9 u i v a^ ent forms, may be considered as constituting two great
^thods f
determin- classes,according as they are direct or indirect: direct methods
are tnose m
which the transition from the primitive to the equiva-
forms. } en t form, is effected by means of defined or definable operations,
such as multiplication, division, the raising of powers, and the
extraction of roots; whilst indirect methods are generally resorted

to, when we are unable to express in words or otherwise the

nature of the operations, which connect the primitive forms with
those which are equivalent to them but, under such circum

stances, the primitive form will commonly furnish the conditions

which the derived or secondary form must satisfy, in order that
equivalence may be determined.

Use of in- 956. Though the employment of indeterminate coefficients

^ rt 8^8) w ^ ose use > * n one important application, we have

in direct
exemplified in the last Chapter, properly belongs to the second
ments. f these methods, yet it is likewise applicable to cases of direct

developement, by a simple change, from direct to inverse, in

the character of the operations which are required to be per
formed the following examples will be sufficient to explain our

Example. The series corresponding to the fraction
A + Bx
a + bx + ex*

may be found by the actual division of the numerator by the

denominator : but as it is
readily seen that it
proceeds by ascend
ing powers of x, we may begin by assuming

= A + A >* + A > x * + Ax *
+ &c

where^ ,
A lf A 2 A 3 , ... are indeterminate* coefficients, whose
values are required to be assigned: for this purpose we multiply
both sides of this equation, instead of dividing A + Bx, by
a + bx + ex , which gives us

A +Bx = A a + A ax + A ax
l 2
+ A a ax + A 4 ax* +

+ A bx + A^x 2
+ A 2 bx + A 3 bx*+

4- A cx* 4- A ex + A
cx* + ...

In order that these results

may be
identical as well as
we must have the corresponding terms identical with each other:
we thus get

A ia + A b = B,
A2 a + A^b + A c = 0,

A3 a + A2 b + ^!c = 0t,

The successive solution of these equations, in which A A l}


A 2) A 3 ... are the unknown quantities, will give us

A -
B Ab
Bb Ab 2
a ~a^~~tf~

Bb* Ab 3 Abe
a* a* a*

The law of formation of the two last coefficients A and


* The term
indeterminate, which is generally used in such cases, might be
more properly replaced by undetermined or unknown: there is generally nothing
indefinite in its character when thus applied.
f Such from the ordinary process of division in algebra, are Scale of
series, resulting
sometimes called recurring series, and the multipliers employed in the formation
of the successive coefficients, connected with their proper signs, constitute what
is called the scale of relation: thus the scale of relation in the series under con

sideration is -- - , and in the numerical example which follows, it is -2 -3.


will extend to all those which follow, and the series may thus
be continued at pleasure.

Thus, if A = l, B = 3, a=l, 6 = 2, c = 3, we find

A = l, A, = 1 J = -5, A B = 7, &c., 9 8

and therefore

Again, assuming
sin a
1 <4
e sin (a
-~ = A sma
Q + eA l
sin (a + b) + eM 2 sin (a + 20) + . . .

and multiplying both sides by 1 2ecoso+e2, we get

sin a e sin (a - o) = -4 sina + e^ sin(a + o) + eM 2 sin (a + 2 ft)

+ ...

- 2 e^ sin a cos 6 - 2 A l
sin (a+) cos o- . -

+e A 2
sin a.

Equating the coefficients of corresponding terms, we find

A sin a sin a;
and therefore A =1 :

A l
sin (a + b) 2 sin a cos b = sin (a b),

or ^! sin (a + b) = 2 sin a cosb- sin (a - b)

= sin (a + b) ;

and therefore -^ = 1 :

A 2 sin (a + 26) - 2 sin (a + b) cos b + sin a = 0,

or A 2 sin (0 + 26) = 2 sin (a + 6) cos b - sina = sin (a + 2fe) ;

and therefore A s = l: and similarly for all subsequent terms .

we thus find

1 -
e sin (a

2e cos b
+ e2
b} .
= sin a + e

sin (a
, ?.
+ b) + e*2 sin (a
+ ni\
2 6) + ...

a result which is equally deducible for all values of e.

* This series is a recurring series, whose scale of relation is 2ecos6-e 8 : for

e 2
+ 2 b)
sin (a = 20 cos 6 x e sin + ft) e
. sin a,

esin(a + 26) -
3 e2
e sin(a + 36) =2ecos& x sin(a + b).

If we call s the sum of this series indefinitely continued, we find

s = sina + esin(a + 6) + 2ecosfc(s sina)

e s,

and therefore
s(l - 2ecos& + e2
) = sina esin(a b),

957. The form of the series in the last Example is peculiar, Thispro-
and such as could not have been assumed arbitrarily, or without
some previous knowledge of the relation existing between the an err -
generating expression* and its developement but in the absence sumption :

of such a knowledge, the process under consideration might 1

appear likely to lead sometimes to the assumption of series, series.
whether they possessed a necessary existence in the form as
signed to them, or not or, in other words, whether the opera

tions which, on one side of the equation are indicated and not

performed, would conduct us when they are performed to such

a series or not: but a very little consideration will be suffi

cient to shew that the process employed for the determination of

the indeterminate members of the assumed series, involves the es
sential conditions upon which the equivalence of the resulting

expressions depends: and that the failure, in the determination

of those coefficients that are erroneously or unnecessarily as
sumed, or their entire disappearance from the final result, would
furnish the requisite correction of the first assumption, or, in
other words, would be considered as the proper indication of the
non-existence of the assumed equivalent expression or series, or
at least of some one or more of its terms, under the form
which was assigned to them.
Thus, if we should assume


+A + A, X 4- A 2 X* + ...
of series
with super-

and proceed to the determination of the indeterminate coefficients,

identical results de
by the comparison of the terms of the two
duced in the ordinary way, we should find A^ = ; and it would
appear therefore that the assumption, in this case of a term of a
form, which has no existence in the equivalent or resulting series,
would lead to no error in the result obtained :
again, if we should
I- assume

1 +X
sin a esin(a 6)

where s is the expression which generates the series in the text it is only when :

e is less than1 that this reasoning can be considered as strictly correct, mil.

a term, infinitely distant from the beginning, may be equally neglected, whether
it be infinitely small or infinitely great.

generating expression, it is more common to use

* Instead of the term gene

rating function.

and proceed, in a similar manner, to the determination of the

several coefficients of the series, we should find A lt A 3 A 69 and .

all other coefficients of the terms which involve odd powers of x,

severally equal to zero, and the correct result

l-2,* 2 +3,r 4 -5,r 6 -f 8,r -...

would be determined in the same manner as if we had com

menced with the assumption of the series
A +A 2 x* + A 4 x4 + A 6 xG + . . .

in which all superfluous terms were omitted.

Cunsidera- 958. the correct assumption, therefore, of the form

guide usin
of equivalent series in the first instance, is not absolutely

theassump- essential to the correct determination of the series itself, yet it will

series. always, more or less, tend to simplify the process for that purpose,
by lessening the number of quantities to be determined, and
by not encumbering the equations, whose solutions are required,
with unnecessary symbols: it is and other reasons, that
for this
itbecomes important, in all such researches, to avail ourselves
of any considerations which may serve to guide us in the form
which must be assumed for the series.

The general principle of the method of indeterminate co

efficients, as we have already seen, (Art. 898) is to deduce two
expressions or series, which, from the nature of the process
by which they are obtained, are identical with each other :

and be found generally to exist for all values

this identity will
whatsoever of the symbols which they involve: but the primitive
expression, and the assumed series which is equivalent to it, may
not always admit of the same range of values with the identical

expressions to which the developement of the series may lead;

thus some of these values may change the form of the primitive

expression by making factors or terms of it or oo , when the

assumed series may cease to be equivalent: whilst others may
make the assumed series divergent, when the arithmetical

equality between it and the expression from which it is de

rived, will cease to exist, though their algebraical equivalence

may, in a certain sense, be still said to continue *. If the ex-

* It would be premature, at this stage of a student s progress, to enter upon

the formal discussion of the much disputed question of the possible algebraical

pression, whose developement is required, be finite, or zero, when

the symbol or combination of symbols, according to which the
series is required to be arranged, is zero, then in neither case can
its negative powers present themselves in one or more terms of
developement ; and it will be found that its first term is the
finite value thus determined in one case, and zero in the other*:
but under the same circumstances, the expression becomes

infinite, then there is one term, at least, of the resulting series

which involves its negative power.
Again, of the expression, in which a series ori
if the sign

ginates, changes or does not change its sign, for a change of

equivalence of a finite expression and a diverging series, of course confining

the application of the term equivalence to its use as a factor in multiplication
or in any other known algebraical operation but it may be asked, if the pro :

duct of such a series with a given expression, or the result of any other alge
braical operation performed with it, is a definite symbolical result, when the
series, which is thus employed, though general in its form, is assumed to be

convergent, why not necessarily produce the same symbolical result,

should it

when, without any change of its form, it is assumed to be divergent? It is in

fact at least as difficult to reject divergent series, when viewed either as the
results or the subjects of operations, as it is to admit them when viewed as the
representatives of arithmetical or other magnitudes.
Thus the expression or generating function (Art. 956)
sin a e sin (a
~~ b)

will generate the series

sin o + esin (a + b) + e sin(a + 26) + ...
whatever be the value of e, whether less, equal to, or greater than 1 and in ;

the two first cases, it will likewise express the arithmetical value or sum of the
series continued in infinitum ; in the third case, when e is greater than 1, it

will equally generate the series, though it will not express its arithmetical sum
under such circumstances, is incapable of arithmetical expression: but
it may be considered equally equivalent for some symbolical purposes at least, if
not for all, whether it is arithmetically equal to it or not.
( 1 + x)
* we should assume the existence of a series for pro
Thus, if ,

ceeding according to positive powers of x, its first term would be necessarily 1,

inasmuch as 1 is the value of (l+x) ,
when x = 0: in a similar manner,
the term of the series for (a
first + x) ,proceeding according to positive

powers of x, would be o" but the : first term of the series, for the same expres

- would be 2a n inasmuch as
sion, proceeding according to powers of , ,

2a" would be the value of (a + x)", when =0, or when x = a: in a si-

a + x

milar manner, the first terms of series for cos T, proceeding according to powers of i

inasmuch as cos.i
or Of -_.r, would be 1 in one case, and in the other,

is 1 or 0, according as ,r = or .

VOL. II. S s

sign of the symbol or combination of symbols according to

which it is arranged, we should at once conclude that its

odd powers alone presented themselves in one series, and its

even powers in the other: thus in assuming series, proceeding

according to powers of x for sin x and cos x, we should on this
account, exclude all terms involving the even powers of x from
one series, and all terms involving its odd powers from the other.

An equi-
959. A series, in
, ,
order to be completely equivalent to the
. . . , , .
. . . .

series expression from which it is derived, should possess the same

should pos- more than
S6SS 9.S
number Of values with it, when those values are
many one: but the process of developement will in many cases ap-
more than ply exclusively, in the first instance, to the deduction of that
one, as the form o f the series which represents its arithmetical value, and
in which it which is unique, leaving the other values to be supplied by various
metjlo(j s ^ some o f wn i c h will be explained hereafter thus the :

series which the binomial theorem, as commonly applied, gives

for (1 + #)*

~ 3x* 3.7* 3 3.7 H.r

+ x_ +
4 4 2
. 1 . 2 4 3
. 1 . 2 . 3 44 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4
which expresses the arithmetical value of the biquadratic root
of 1 + x, when x is less than 1 its complete developement would :

be expressed by
* 4
x 3x* 3 7x 3.7-H.r .

+3 4 +

where 1* is the recipient (Art. 724) of the multiple values of the

be replaced by cos ^
biquadratic root, which may also /Jl
sin , whose several values are 1, 1, J I, and J I.

Similarly, we find

where the value of the series, included between the brackets,

is unique, but that of (ax)*, which is multiplied into it, is multiple:

the successive substitution of the three values, which (ax)* admits

of, will give the triple series which represents the complete


Whatever 960. But if a radical or other term, admitting of multiple

radiator values, presents itself in a generating expression OY function, and

other ex-
subsequently reappears in the equivalent series into which it is
developed, it should be
kept in mind that, whatever be the value admitting
which it is assumed to possess on one side of the sign of equality, tlp le
it must continue to retain it on the other thus, in the series : sesses in
one term of
, a series, it

v r retains in
H xv

whichever of its two values, Jx, whether + or is assumed

to possess in -
- j-
+ Jx
, the same is

retained throughout the series :

it is when such radical or other expressions (such as equi-

sinaland equicosinal angles) present themselves in equations,
whose members are neither identical nor reducible, by the per
formance of the operations indicated, to identity, and where no
convention expressed or understood limits the multiplicity of
their values, thatwe admit every combination of such values
as being equally possible, and as being equally included within
the range of the different cases to be considered.

consideration of this subject, which is one of the most

important in the theory of series, will be resumed in a subse

quent Chapter.

When an expression, denoted by a symbol y, is de- Inversion


veloped in a series proceeding according to powers of any other

symbol or quantity x, which it involves and upon which its

value is dependent, we may invert the operation, and express
x or the symbol according to which the
first series is arranged,

by means of another series, proceeding according to powers of

the symbol y\ thus if

A a x* + A a x3 + . . .

then the inverse series may assume the form

x = a y + a 2 y* + a a y 3 +
l ...

and the problem proposed for solution is the following: Given

the first series or its successive coefficients A lf Aa A a ...
to find
the second series or its successive coefficients a 1} a 2 , a 3 ----
We exemplify it in the determination of the series for
shall the

measure of an angle in terms of its sine, the series for the sine

of an angle in terms of its measure being given.


Inversion Since therefore (Art. 924)

of the series
for the sine xg x6 s-,\

sin x = x ~, a o + o Q
" ^
in terms of
1.X.0 i
1 . X . . 4. /;"
its measure.
we may assume, for the inverse series
,r = ^[ sin ,r + ^3 sin
x+ A 5 sin
x+ . . .
(2) :

for it is obvious that this series (2) must be confined to odd

powers of sin x, for the same reason that the series (1) for sin or
was confined to odd powers of x replacing in series (1), x and :

its powers by the series assumed to express it in (2), we get

x= A sin x+ A3 sin
x+ A 5 sin
x+ . . .

A 3A A3
3 3 2 5
x3 sin x sin x
"l.2.3~ 1.2.3 1.2.3
x5 A n

Consequently, adding together the terms on both sides, we get

sm,r =

and equating the coefficients of corresponding terms, we find

A 3

therefore Aa
2 3
J 2 J
J 6

= and thCTefore ^
and therefore
sm 3 x 9 sm 6 x
sin * + + + ---
T72^ r273T4r5
The law of formation of the coefficients of this series is not
made manifest by the number of its terms which have been thus
determined, and it
appears that the extension of the process to
other terms would involve the formation of the successive powers
A sin x + Aa sin
x + A b sin
x + ...

and requiring the aid of a theorem, called the multinomial

theorem, which we have not hitherto investigated: in the pro
gress of our investigations, however, we shall find other and more
expeditious methods of effecting this and other developements,
in which the laborious formation of complicated powers and

products will be altogether avoided.

962. It has been shewn (Art. 778) that all measures of angles The inverse
included in the expressions Qnr + x and (2r+l)7r x are equi- s n:r son ly i i

sinal, and we may conclude that all such values of x are equally j^
6 f "

included in the equation measures of
the equisi-

but it is the least of these equisinal values of x which is alone

admissible in the inverse series
in j? Q sin 5 ,r

which is necessarily convergent and arithmetical in its value.

This observation will be found hereafter to apply to inverse
series and expressions generally, and is connected with important


Theextrac- 963. WEhave given, in a former Chapter, rules for the

ti 8im" extract i n f simple and compound cube roots (Art.
land 242), as
compound far as those rules could be properly considered as included

iTthVsolu- w ithi n the province of arithmetic : the processes in

are equivalent to the arithmetical solution of binomial and
equation, other cubic equations, in cases where they necessarily possess
an arithmetical root, whose determination involves no ambi
guity: we
propose, the present Chapter, to consider the

general theory of the solution of cubic equations, and to exem

plify the arithmetical or other rules to which it leads.

The second 964. A cubic equation, cleared of fractions and radical

complete expressions, by the rules given in Chap. V., may be always

cubic equa- reduced to the form
tion may
always be
obliterated. x 3t - ax 2 + bx
- c=0, /-,\

where b, c are whole or fractional numbers, positive or


negative: but this equation may be farther reduced by a very

simple process, to a form in which its second term will dis

appear :
for, if we make x y+-
, we get

a 2 11 a

X3 3
=y + ay + + ,


+ bx = + by + ,


Adding together the several terms on each side of the

of equality, we find

2 3
or, if we replace
- 7

by and
, 2a
- ab +
c by we
q, r, get

y_^-r = 0, (2)

ory = qy +
r*. (3)

965. If, in equation (3), we replace y by - x, we get The signs

of the roots
x = qx - r;
(4) of an equa
tion may be
and it follows, therefore, that if a be an arithmetical root o f changed

equation (3), a
is a symbolical root of
equation (4), and
conversely: the same process therefore which determines one
of these roots will determine the other also, by passing from
equation (3) to equation (4) or conversely, the negative roots
of one equation being the positive roots of the other, and
conversely it is usual therefore, in the solution of cubic and

other equations (as will be afterwards seen), to consider nega

tive and positive roots as determined by the same arithmetical

process, whenever such a process can be found : they are also Distinction

called real roots, to distinguish them from those whose ex-


pression involves the sign J\, and which are called unreal roots>

or imaginary roots.

Thus, the equation
+ 6y 2 + 9y + 4 -
is reduced, by replacing y by x 2, to

*3 -3x + 2 = 0.
The equation

is reduced, by replacing x by y 7, to

y -i,- 1=0.
The equation
3.v 11 j,
y +
~T + l6 + m~
is reduced, by replacing y by x $ , to

In what 966. All roots, however, which admit of interpretation are

sense the ,, , , . .,,
roots of equally real and significant, whether positive, negative, or af
fe cted with a sign involving tf^l: but it will be useful, in
^ t^ieor y ^ e q uat i ns J to recognize the preceding distinction

imaginary, of real and imaginary roots, as characterizing two great classes

of roots, which are distinct from each other, both in the form
in which they present themselves in equations, and in the

practical arithmetical processes which are employed for their


Solution of If we make p the arithmetical cube root of a (where

cubic" a positive number, whole or fractional), there are, as we

equations, have seen (Art. 669), three symbolical cube roots of a, which
_ 1\ /- l - l\
which are the three roots of the binomial cubic equation

x3 -a = 0. (1)

In a similar manner, it will be found (Art. 670) that

are the three symbolical cube roots of - , or the three roots

of the binomial cubic equation

+a= 0. (2)

The root p in
equation (l) p in equation (2), are and
called real roots, in conformity with the conventional language

adopted in the last Article: the other roots, which are affected

with the sign Jl, are called imaginary roots.

General 968. When q was a negative and r a positive whole num-

^ er > we were a *^ e to determine a value of x which satisfied
of cubic the equation
wanting the x* = qx + r
by a direct arithmetical process (Arts. 240 and 241): and it
be shewn generally, if we assume

or x to be
equal to the sum of the cube roots of s and t,
that such values, whether arithmetical or
symbolical, may be
assigned to *J S and t, as will J
satisfy the same equation for
allvalues of q and r: for we thus


replacing IJs + ^/t by x: but if the values of x and of x 3

be the same in
equations (l) and (2), then

3 1] st .x + s + t,
qx + r
are identical
expressions, and therefore
S J~si = q, and s + t

It will follow therefore that s and t are the roots of the given
quadratic equation

the solution of which gives us

t-L- /( l
r f
We thus get
~2 VU 27

If the equation proposed for solution had been

we must replace q by
6, r by
2/ 3
+c, and add -, which

* For if and
s t be the roots of the equation
u2 - au + b = 0,

then a = s + t, and b = st. (Art. 661).


a3 2a*b 2
3 3
ab c /a c abc b

fl_^ +
27 6 3
. /^
Y \27 +

This expression will shew how much the formula of the

solution of a cubic equation is simplified, by the suppression
of its second term.

The values 969. The values of s and / are derived, as we have seen,
of v/ A and from the quadratic equation
Ut are 3
deter- *__* 4- JL- O
rained by 27
the solu
tion of an
an(j those of 1/s lit from the binomial cubic equations
and of v
equation u.
cquttiiuii of
six dimen
sions. v

or if we begin by representing Ijs by v and ^/< by z, we get

+^=r (1),

3vz = q (2);

and if we replace z, in the first equation (1) by derived

from the second (2), we find

or v
-rv 3 + = 0,

an equation whose roots are the three values of

and the three values of

12 V/^_il
4 27\

it is in this sense that the solution of the equation

x3 qx r =

may be said to be dependent upon that of an equation of 6


970. The general expression, however, for x, which is

given The gene-
in Art. 968 will be found to admit of more values than are com- T e *P res - l


patible with the conditions which the sum of the cube roots of s the root
and / are required to satisfy for if we
represent the arithmetical extJane^us

cube root of
of 1
s by <r, and that of t
a 2 (Art. 669,
1, a,
by T, and the three cube roots
Note,) then a-, a a-, aV are the three not roots
cube roots of s, and r, ar, aV are the three cube roots of t, and
one of the first triplet of values
may be combined with one of equation.
the second in nine different
ways, as follows:
1. <r + T.

2. ao- + a 2 r.
13. aV + ctT.
I 4. <r + a T.

5. ao- + T.

[ 6. a*<r + a 2 r.

7. a- + aV.

< 8. aV + T.
9 a o- + a T.
But it should be observed that the equation of condition

restricts the selection of the combinations of such cube roots to

those whose product is equal to -, and which are therefore


independent of a or of those powers of a which are different

from 1 it is obvious that this condition is satisfied
by the
three first combinations only, which exclusively represent there
fore the three roots of the proposed cubic equation.

971. The three triplets of combinations of the cube roots The nine

of s and /, which are bracketted together above, will severally

form the roots of the cubic equations cube roots
of* and r

x*-qx-r = 0,
an- the
roots of an
X aqx - r = 0, equation of

and the nine values of those combinations will be the roots of the


It appears therefore that the expressionwhich the preceding

process has given for x, furnishes the general solution of an equa
tion of 9 dimensions, of which the proposed cubic equation

xs qx r =
is a factor : and we are not authorized to conclude, from this

investigation, that there is

any symbolical expression which can
be formed, which is capable of expressing simultaneously the
three roots of the cubic equation

x 3 -qx- r = 0,

and those three roots only.

Cases in 972. If r and q in the equation

which there
is only one x3 qx r =
real root
2 3
which is , r O
arithmeti- be both positive, and

if - be

greater than
L- , then
a- and T

(Art. 968) are arithmetical and real, and the three roots are

(1) T + T,


2 2

of which the first alone is arithmetical, the other two being

2 3
r q
Where one If r be negative, q positive, and greater than , then

and T are ne g at i ye an d real: in this case there is only
metical. on e real root, which is not arithmetical the other roots are :

Where one If q be negative, then a- and T are real, but with different
real which signs there is, therefore, only one real root, which is arithmetical

is anthme- or no t
tical or not,
according as r is positive or negative the other roots :

according are imaginary.

as r is posi- 2 3

less than $
It- o 973. If q be positive, and , then the two
negative. 4 27
Case in
which all roots s and t of the reducing quadratic equation
the roots

only, or at

are i ma^ nar y : tne y nave therefore no real and arithmetical cube
metical. roots.

If however, in this case, we make c = - and d= ~

\*7 V\ ~r

we shall find

x = (c +d J- 1)3 + (c - d ^/-"i) 3 :

and if we make

cos = cos (2r7rfl)= =

y 3^
i( c + (p\
V 27
we shall find (Art. 822)

it =2 (c
+ <f )* cos
or 2 (c +
dj cos ^ ,


and , inasmuch as (c
+ d 2 )* = ( %- V = the three values of
x are
* =2 Acos-

g COS 27T +
3 3

These three roots of the equation are real, and one at least,
but not more than two, of them, are arithmetical for their
sum :

is equal to zero*.

974. The term

of cubic equations considered
irreducible has been applied to the case
in the
of cub clast Article, where the
^ i

of them are real and one of them, at least,

three roots, though all *v^
arithmetical, are not capable of being
determined, as in all ailed.
the other processes
other cases, by the extraction of roots, or
of Arithmetic and Arithmetical Algebra: the difficulty

For * + *" + *" 2
V3 J
+ cos


was thus presented to the earlier writers on Algebra*, to whom

the principles of Symbolical Algebra were almost entirely
unknown, was insurmountable, and involved the solution,
as the preceding investigation shews, of the problem of tri
secting an angle, which was also beyond the province of plane

Geometry : not the only case in which the separation

it is

of Arithmetical and Symbolical Algebra, and of plane and

the higher Geometry in which the different conic sections and
other curves appear, will be found to be marked by common

Geome- 975. The principles of interpretation, which we have given

*n a f rmer Chapter (xxxi.), will enable us to represent the two
portions of which the several roots in the preceding solution
tion of the

cubic equa are composed as well as the roots themselves.

tion in the

Let the angle = e and

> let the angle BAP=- = BAp,

the angle BAP = =BAp , and

the angle BAP" = ": and

join Pp, Pp and P" p" cutting BA,

and BA produced, in Q, Q , and Q":

we assume the radius AB-

we shall find that

s+ ^- isin and

will be expressed in magnitude and in position by AP and A p,

and their symbolical sum, or 2
/Jo cos-o by 2AQ: in a similar

manner, the values of the other two roots will be the symbolical
sums of AP and Ap , and AP" and Ap", which are respectively

equivalent to 2AQ! and 2.AQ!


* An excellent account of the progress of the researches and discoveries

of Tartalea, Cardan, Ferrari, Bombelli, Vieta, Des Cartes, and other early

algebraists, in the
solution of cubic and biquadratic equations, is given by Mon-

tucla in his Histnire des Mathematiques, Tom. I. Pars in. Livre in.

If the angle 6 be between and 90. or if its cosine be posi- Case in

which one
- and -
tive, then are both greater than 90, and their t h e three
3 3 roots are
cosines are negative : in other words, one root of the correspond- arithme-

ing equation is
positive, and two are negative but if 6 be :

between 90 and 180, or if its cosine be negative, then - and

- are than 90, and -

less greater than 90 ; or in other
o o
words, two of the three real roots are positive, and one of them
is negative.

976. we proceed to the consideration of numerical Problem,

examples of cubic equations, we shall notice the following pro- the^g!^
blem as well calculated to illustrate the origin of their multiple of the ambi
t i A 1 /* gUOUS SOIU
solutions, and to exhibit the composition of their coefficients, tions of
" To find three numbers, whose sum shall be equal to a,
the sum of whose products shall be equal to b and their con
tinued product equal to c"
Let x, y, z be the three numbers required; then the con
ditions of the problem give us

x +y + z = a,
xy + xz + yz = b,

xyz = c.

From the first equation we get

y+2-a x,

and from the second

or x (a- x) + yz = b,
or y z = b a x + x* :

the third equation gives us

x x yz = x (b ax + ,r
= c,

or x " ax* + bx -c =

Inasmuch as x represent indifferently any

one of the
three unknown numbers or quantities which were assumed to
be represented by x, y, z, which are all similarly i/irolrcd in
the equations assumed, it
must equally represent them

all; or in other words, x will admit of three values, "which

are those of the several unknown symbols*.
If the sum of these three values or a = 0, then one of
them at least is positive, and two negative, or two of them
positive, and one negative, when all the roots are real : or
otherwise one of the three values whether positive or is real,

negative, and the symbolical sum of the two others, which are

imaginary, is
equal to it with a different sign.

Compo- 977- In considering the relations which the coefficients of

of a cubi x3 ax 2 + bx - c = 0,
bear to evident likewise, from the result of the
its roots, it is

preceding elimination, (and the same may be easily proved

from other considerations t), that the coefficient (a) of the second

The same remark applies to the values of the unknown symbol in an
equation, which results by elimination from any system of equations which are
symmetrical with respect to the several unknown symbols which they involve :

thus, if we eliminate y from the system of symmetrical equations

xs + y
3 = 35,

r + y= 5,

we get the quadratic equation

x2 - bx + 6 = 0,

where x has two values, which are those of a; and y in the proposed system
of equations for a; and y are obviously interchangeable with each other.

But if the system of equations had been

X3 + y
3 = 35,

x-y = l,

which are not symmetrical with respect to x and y, the equation resulting
from the elimination of y would have been

a cubic equation, in which x has one real value only, the other two being
t For, if a be a root of the equation

then i a is a factor of it : for if

as -aa 2 +ba - c = 0,
a s_ ax 2 + bx -c = x - 3 a3 - a (i - 2
a2 ) + b (x - a),

which is divisible by r a :

term is the sum of the roots, the coefficient of the third term
(b) is the sum of their products two and two, and the last
term is their continued product: and it will therefore follow

that if the second term disappear, the sum of the roots is neces

sarily equal to zero.

978. The following are examples of the solution of cubic


(1) Let
*>-^ + ^=o,
Sine* = , ,, we get

and therefore

-581 .y
#asi)- 2

-581- 733731 1\ = -7-739

= <r + T = 7?
4"r )

j;" =_( +

,_ (IT
+ T) (^z
2 2

In this example, we have put down the values of <r and


a tentative of the
under a finite form, as determined by process tinilinj,

n ,, . , . , the cube
following kind. roots of
it thus appears that
and since a, ft, and y are roots of this equation,
can b **
x - /3, and x -y are factors of it, and therefore there exJ9t under
thus <rPt ll <inite
thUS gCt " -- *)fx-B)(x-y) form.

= *3 - (a

which proves the proposition in the text.


Thus, if it be suspected, from the nature of the case or other

wise, that a numerical expression of the form

required, (as in the case of s and

whose cube root is t in the

is a complete cube of an expression of the

Example just given)

where x and y are, one or both of them, quadratic surds, and

which are not reducible to a common quadratic surd, then we
shall also have

it will follow, therefore, that


an expression, in which R may be always so assumed, that

b) R may be a perfect cube* and therefore x
2 z 2
(a y a rational

Again, since

we get
and inasmuch as it would follow from the hypothesis which we
z z
have made, that x and y are whole numbers, the value of
2x 2 + 2^ 2 is necessarily equal to the sum of the two nearest
integral values i, / of ff{(a + Jb) R} and y{(a-Jb)*R}, one of
them being taken in defect and the other in excess : we thus find

* 2
be not a perfect cube, or not resolvible into factors which are
If a b

repeated, then the least value of R is (a

thus, if u = 1162, and
V& = 1349244, we get
a2 - b = 1000, R= I and x 2 - y
2 = 10 :

if a - b
2 = 54 = 2 x 27 = 2 x 3 3 then R = 4 and x 2 - y 2 = 6
, :

but if a2 - b = 58 = 2 x 29, then we must make R = 58 2 and x 2 - w 2 = 58.


Adding and subtracting

these expressions to and from each
other, we get
and x = v/0


If, upon /n fl/, the cube of jj

which is thus determined,

is found to be equal to a + Jb, the problem is solved, and one

of the roots of the
equation is a whole number, or a
fraction if not, there is no such root of the equation, and its

approximate value must be determined by the actual extraction

of the roots involved in it.

appears that unless 7( + /+ 2 c) and N /(i + /-2c) are even

numbers, x and y* cannot be whole numbers, but this may be
avoided, by multiplying a + Jb, in the first instance, by 2 .

Thus, in the example under consideration, we find

581+7(337311) _ 1162 + 7T349244

~4~ 23

581- 7(337311) _ 1162- 71349244

4- ~^r~
and therefore fl = -ll62 and 6 = 71349244: consequently

we thus find R= 1, and

Again a + Jb = - 1162 + 1161.569

= .431, nearly,
and therefore
+ 7^) 2 = -7554 nearly :
say 1 :

and a-7& = - 1162- 1161.569,

= - 2323.569 nearly ;

and therefore
y( nearly: say 175.
We thus get

= 49 and x = -

=39 and y =


7(- 1162 + 71349244)


which upon trial is found to be true.

Let # 3 +8tf-9 = 0,

_ 81 + 7J2705 _ 944784 + 7l 829520

18 6

81- 7l 2 705 944784-


and therefore

(3) Let

t = -7 -722 = -11.6904,

<r = - 72.3096 = - 1.3208,

T = - 7ll.6904 = - 2.2696;
o- + T = - 3.5904,

_^Z + OLIZ) 73 = 1.7952 + .82166 7^1,

73 = 1.7952 -.82166 V~!.

The process followed, in the two last Examples, for exhibiting

the roots under a finite form, is not applicable in this case.

(4) Let o;
-]8cr 2 +87^-70-0.
If we make x-6 = u or x = u + 6, we get the transformed
u 3 -21u + 20 = 0,

in which - - = 100 - 343 = - 243.


2 10
If we make cos 6 = .
= ; and therefore
/. 75
V 27
- 6)
= ;

we find

10 + loglO =11, % log 7 = .4225490


log 7* = 1.2676470 1.2676470

log cos 57. 19 . 12"= 9.7323530

and therefore
= TT - 57. 19 12"= 122. 40
. . 48".

To find the value of u

2 cos - .

\/ 3

log 2
= .3010300

ilo7 .4225490


- = = 9-8784812
log cos o log cos 40. 53 36" .

Iogw =log4
.6020600, omitting 10.

ff. g 7T 6
To find the value of u" = cos
A/| 3"

og cos ?^1? m iog cos 790. 6 24" = 9-2764210

= -0000000

To find the value of w "= 2

./| cos-^-


" = .6989700
-Iogu = log5

and therefore u "=-5.

The corresponding values of x or the roots of the original

equation are 10, 7, 1.

(5) Problem. Three consecutive chords, whose lengths are

1, 2, and 3 inches respectively, subtend a semicircle: to find the
diameter of the circle.

Let the chords AB= \, BC=Z, and CD = 3: let the diameter

AD = x, and draw the diagonals AC
(), and DB (v) inasmuch as it ap

pears, by a well-known property of

quadrilateral figures, that

we get
uv = 2x + 3.

But, since ABCD is a semicircle, the angles ABD and ACD

are right angles, and, therefore,

u = J(x*-l) and v = J(x*-9) -

we thus get

which gives, when rationalized

4 - 14,r
2 - 12,r = 0,

or dividing by x,
x3 - 14,0: -12 = 0*.

* If the three chords had been the resulting equation

expressed by a, b, c,

would have been

x _ (a* + 6s + c*) - afr c =
2- :

o3 r2
it is not difficult to prove that in this case is necessarily less than j. This

problem is selected by Newton in his Arithmetica Universalis, Sectio 4ta. Cap.

I., and solved in several
different ways as an illustration of the various modes

in which the same problem may be reduced to the form of an equation.


3 2
In this case *- is
greater than ,
and the process followed
27 4<

in the last example gives us

x =

x" =- .9118,
"= -
x 3.201 5.

It is the positive root which expresses the unique value of

the diameter, which solves the problem the negative values :

are roots of solution only (Art. 676), and have no reference to

the geometrical conditions of the problem proposed * : the solu
tion is not therefore ambiguous.

(6) Problem. From the extremity of a given arc of a

circle, todraw a line in such a manner that the portion of it,
intercepted between the circle and a diameter produced which
passes through the beginning of the arc, may be equal to the

Let BC be the arc, and let CP be

drawn to meetAB produced in P, in such
a manner that DP = AB.

Make AB = r, AP = x, and the angle

Tr~d: then since

we get

but since
PC 2
= AP 2
+ AC 2 - ZAP x AC cos (TT - 0),
we get

= x2 + r
+ 2 r o: cos

hich gives

or x3 2
3r x 3
2 r cos 6 = 0,
x\ - Sx\
- 3 f - - 2 cos e = 0.
) J

See Appendix.

s = cos + J - 1 sin 0,
t = cos 6 J- 1 sin 0,

Thus, if = 60, we find

- =2 cos 20= .187949,

= 2 cos 100 =- .34740,

=2 cos 140 =- 1.53209.

It is the arithmetical root 1.87949 which answers the con

ditions of the problem proposed the other roots merely indicate

that if the angle BAD

be 100 in one case and 140 in the other,
a point to the left of the centre A and at the distance .34730 r
from it in one case, and 1. 53209 r in the other, may be found,
whose distance from D is equal to r: and the angle BAD is
geometrical problem, whose analytical solution we have
just given, is one of the many forms to which the celebrated
of proving

negative in problem of the trisection of an angle has been reduced, but for
wn i n no construction, which can be effected by the rule and
solution of compass only, has been hitherto discovered and it is presumed, :

from the failure of these attempts as well as from other con

siderations, that it is a problem whose solution is beyond the
powers of plane geometry.
It is very difficult, however, if not impossible to shew, from

geometrical considerations only, that the solution of this or of

any other problem similarly circumstanced, is geometrically im
possible, inasmuch as there is no limit to the number of con
structionswhich may be proposed, all of which should be shewn
to fail;and we are not enabled to conclude, by the forms of
geometrical reasoning, from the failure of one construction, that

all others will be equally inadequate or inapplicable: it is for

this reason that Geometers have not hitherto succeeded in as
signing any form of demonstration, which is sufficiently conclusive
and clear to check the attempts of geometrical adventurers, whose
knowledge is imperfect or whose understandings are not sound
and well disciplined, to solve impossible problems.
It will be found hereafter, however, that problems which

admit of solution by straight lines or circles, or by combinations

of them, will be, in all cases, reducible to simple or quadratic
equations, or to such as are resolvible into them: and we shall
be enabled to conclude therefore, that if the algebraical solution
of a problem leads, as in the case just considered, to an irreducible
cubic or higher equation, there exists no construction, which plane

geometry can supply, which is capable of effecting it.



formof a ^79. THE general form of a biquadratic equation is

equation. x* - ax 3 + bx 2 - CX + d = (l),

formation where a, by c and d are rational numbers, whole or fractional,

positive or negative ; and it may, in all cases, be transformed, by

second the following process, into another biquadratic equation, whose
roots differ from those of the given equation by a given num

ber, but which shall want the second term.

For this purpose, we make x = u, or xu -fi and

3a*u* a u a*
x* = u* + a u3 H h TT + -
8 16 256
3a 2 u 2 3a 3 u a4
~ax 3
-au* T*-- ^7
4 16 64
2bau ba 2
+ + bu + - - + ^~
4 lo

ex CM

+ d + d.

If we add together the several terms on each side of the

sign =, we get

and if we replace
3a 2 3

b ~~-ba

3a ca
_ba? _

we get

-qu -ru-s = 0.
4 2

It is obvious that if the values of u can be determined by

the solution of the transformed biquadratic equation, those of

x in the original equation are immediately found, by adding -

severally to them : in the research, therefore, of general methods

for the solution of biquadratic equations, we may confine our
attention to those which want the second term, though it is

not, in all cases, necessary to do so.

980.We have given, in a former Chapter (xx), many ex- Ferrari s

of the reduction of biquadratic equations, either wanting
amples ^gof m
their alternate terms or possessing peculiar relations amongst biquadratic
their coefficients, to equations of an inferior degree and we :

shall now proceed to apply one of the most common and suc
cessful of the expedients which are there exemplified, which
consists inadding or subtracting such terms to or from both
their members, as may make them complete squares.

* Thus the

becomes, by writing y + | for a-,

43 75 851

The equation
4 - 20i/
+ 148t/
+ 464* + 480 =

becomes, by putting x + 5 for y,

x4 - 2x 2 + 16x - 15 = 0.

The equation
+ 7t,
-19 2/-20 =

becomes, by putting x ^
for y,

147 1 2 191 x 3811

--8~ + --55T-

For this purpose, let the proposed biquadratic equation be

put under the form
x4 = qx a + rx + s ; (1)

and inasmuch as the square of x 2 + u is x* + Zux 2 + u 2, let us

add %ux* + u 2 to both its members: we thus get

+ w)
= (2 u + q) x
+ r x + u2 + s (2).

In order that the second member of this equation may be

also a complete square, it is necessary that we should have


2w 3 + qu 2 + 2su + qs = ,



It appears, therefore, that in order to determine the value

of u, so that, if 2 u x + u 2 be added to both members of equation
(1), they will severally become complete squares, it is necessary
to solve the cubic equation

+ - =
+!+* (>

If we suppose this equation solved, and a real value of u

determined, we replace it in equation (2), and proceed as follows.
Extracting the square root on both sides of the equation, we
+u= (J2 u + q . x+ Ju + *)

and we thus obtain the quadratic equations

x2 - J%u +q . x+ u- Jit 2
+ s = (4),
x2 4- J% u + q . x + u + Jit 2 + s = (5),

according as we
use the upper or lower sign: the solution of
these two quadratic equations will jjive us the four values of
x in the proposed biquadratic equation t.

* For if (ax + 6)
2 - a2 ! 2 + 2afe.r + b
, then 4a 2 x 6 2 = (2a&) 2 .

It was F. Ferrari of Milan, a disciple of Cardan
who, about the middle of

the 16th century, discovered this method of resolving biquadratic equations, on

occasion of the proposition of the following problem.

Let the proposed equation be Examples.

The reducing cubic equation will be found to be

u3 + 3u 2 + 11 u- 255 = 0,

the real root of which, determined by the ordinary process, is 5.

The quadratic factors of the proposed equation are

x2 - 4-x - 1 = 0, whose roots are 2 + J5 and 2 J5 :


x2 + 4>x + 1 1 = 0, whose roots are - 2 + J^l and - 2 - J- 7-

Let the proposed equation be

-25.r 2 + 60.r-36 = 0.

The reducing cubic equation is

w + 12 . 5w +36w =

whose roots are 0, -8, and 4.5.

If we make = 0, the system of quadratic equations

u is

5 x + 6 = 0, whose roots are 2 and 3

x :

x~ + 5x -6= 0, whose roots are 1 and 6.

For it
appears that 25 x 60x + 36 is a complete square, and

requires no addition to its terms to make it so.

If we make u = 8, the system of quadratic equations is

2 - 3.r +2= 0, whose roots are 1 and 2 :

xz 4- 3x 18 = 0, whose roots are 3 and - 6.

In this case, we add - l6# 9 + 64 to 25x - 60x + 2

36, which
produces the complete square Qx 60 a: + 100.
If we make u - 4.5, the system of quadratic equations is

x - 2
4>x + 3= 0, whose roots are 1 and 3 :

To find three numbers in continued proportion, whose sum is equal to 10,

and the product of the first and second of which is equal to 6."
This problem leads immediately to the biquadratic equation

+ Qx 2 - 60* + 36 = 0,

and to the reducing cubic equation

-3 it
-36 -342 =
it 0.

-f 4,r- 12 = 0, whose roots are 2 and -6.
2 2
In this case, we add -Qx + 20.25 to 25,r -60,r + 36, which
produces the complete square l6.r -60,r + 56.25.
The roots of this biquadratic equation, as well as those of
reducing cubic, are all real, and the different solutions cor
respond to the three different ways of resolving it into quadratic
factors, involving three different combinations of the roots; it
only when all the roots of the biquadratic equation are real
that all those of the reducing cubic are real also.

Thepre- ggj. The process in the last Article is equally applicable

process ap- to the solution of a biquadratic equation, all whose terms are

com pl ete: f r ^
su ch a biquadratic equation be put under the
equations, form
all whose
px = qx + rx +
3 2
terms are x* S ; (1)
we shall find

2 - + = x*-px 3 + (- + 2
+ M

2u)x -pux
I ,
2 MJ
4 3
which becomes, by replacing x px by qx* + rx + s,

+ u\ =(P- + q + 2u\ x - (pu - 2

x+ u* +
-^- r) s,

both sides of which are complete squares, if

or if

If the value of u, in equation (2) be found, the

equation (1)
immediately resolvible, as in the former case, into two quad
ratic equations.
if it was
Example. Thus, required to find two numbers whose sum
was 3, and the sum of whose fifth powers was 33, we should
readily obtain the equation

which would lead to the system of quadratic equations

<2 u-9 -
x+ u -T4),

where u is found from the reducing cubic equation

3 __ 2
53 u 225 _
IT ~8~~

The real root of this

equation is -, which gives x equal to

l 2
The two numbers required are, therefore, 1 and 2.

982. The preceding method of solving

biquadratic equations Composi-
altogether independent of any antecedent assumption concern- qu^rltic
ing the existence of their roots, or the composition of their co- equations.
efficients : if we conclude from it, however, as we are authorized
to do, that
every biquadratic equation

has four roots, and if we denote those roots by a, ft, 7, d, then

x x x and x
a, ft, y, B
may be easily shewn to be severally
factors of the equation, and therefore

+ (a + (3 +7+ B)
X 3 + (a/3 + ay + aS 4- /3 7 + j3l + 7 S) X

+ (a/?7 4-
afid + aye + /3y%) x + afiyd
= x4 - aj;
+ bx -cx + d:

we thus find, by equating corresponding terms of these identical

results, that
a = a-f/3 +7+ t>,

or the sum of the roots :

b = a/3 + ay + at) + (3-y + /33 + 7$,

or the sum of all the products of the roots taken two and two :

C = aftj + a/33 4-
ay% + /3y%,

or the sum of all the products of the roots taken three and three:

or the continued product of the roots.

It will follow therefore that if the coefficient of the second


term of a biquadratic equation is zero, the sum of the roots

is zero*.

The same 983. conclusion would follow as in Art. 976 from

The same
X rwise
the result of the elimination of three out of the four symbols
^^ Z} v [ n tne following system
of symmetrical equations.

x+y+z+v=a (1),

xy + xz + xv +yz+yv + zv = b (2),

xyz + xyv 4- xzv + yzv = c (3),

xyzv = d (4).

From equation (1),

we get

y+ z + v =a x.

From equation (2), we get

x (y + 2 + v) +yz+yv + zv -b,
and therefore
= x (a = b ax + x

yz y + 2v b .
4. i) x]

From equation (3), we get

x (y z + yv + zv) + yzv = c,

and therefore
c-x (b-ax + x ) = c - bx + ax - x\ 2 2

yzv =

And from equation (4), we also get

=-= C bx 4- CX 2

and therefore

The values of x in this equation are quadruple, for x may

of x or y or s or v.
equally represent the value

* The statement of this proposition supposes the terms of the original equation

to be alternately positive and negative if the form assumed had been


4 3
+ px + 2
qx + rx + s = 0,

we should have found p equal the sum of the roots with their signs changed, and r

equal to the sum of their products three and three with their signs changed.

If a, fi, 7, 3 be the several values of x, y, z, and v, we then

find as in Art. 982
a + /? 4 7 + 3 = 0,

a/3 7+ a/31 + ay I + (3 76 = C,

aft^b = d*.

984. If we resume
the consideration of the quadratic factors Value of u
(4) and (5) in Art. 980, into which the equation in terms of
the roots of

-(2w +q}x -rx-ri -s =

2 2 2 z the biquad
(x + w)
ratic equa
was resolved, and if we denote the pairs of roots of these factors,
by a and j3 in one case, and by 7 and 3 in the other, we shall

w + *Ju a + s = a/3,

u- Ju 2
+ s = yt,

and therefore by addition

_ a/2 + 73

and inasmuch, as we may interchange the roots a, /3, 7,

3 in this

expression at pleasure, the three values of u are

and there are no more^ : we thus discover the reason why the
values of u, upon which the determination of the roots of the

biquadratic equation, in this method of solution, are dependent,

are expressible by means of a cubic equation.

985. In the preceding process we have decomposed a Examina-

biquadratic equation, under a modified form, into two quadratic

* The same method may be extended to explain the

easily composition of the
coefficients of an equation of n dimensions.
t For no more combinations can be formed by the interchange of the symbols
a, /3, y, S,
in the semi-sums of these pairs of products.


which a
factors*, by whose solution its roots are found: we shall now
quadratic , . .. , , L . .

factor of a proceed to examine generally into the conditions which a trmo-

mustsa- x s +ax + b (1),

must satisfy, in order that it may be a factor of the equation

-qx -rx-s =
4 2
x (2),

under its unaltered form.

For this purpose, we shall divide (2) by (l) as follows ;

x*+ ax + b) x*qx rx- s (x? ax + a 3
b q

2 2
(a q)x +(abr)x s

-b ~q)j; + (a ~ab-aq)ju + b(a 2 -b- q)
2 3

But if x*+ax + b be one factor of x* qx* rx s, then

jc ax + a 2 b q must necessarily be the other t, and therefore

the two terms of the remainder

must be identically equal to zero: we thus get the two simul

taneous equations
a3 ~2ab-aq + r = (3),

b(a*-b-q) + s = (4).

From equation (3), we get

* If 2
+ ax + b is a factor of x4 2
rx continues to be a factor for
i 7a s, it

all its values, and therefore when

n2 +ax + b = 0,
in which case also
x* - qx*-rx-s = 0.
t For no negative power of x can appear in their product, nor, therefore, in
the factors themselves.

and therefore (& )

*-l- f -*^5j-
The substitution of these values in equation (4) gives us

which reduced, becomes

a 6 - 2qa*+(q 2 + 4*) a 2 - r 2 = (5);
or, replacing a by u
u3 2qu + (q*+4<s)ii r*=Q (6),

a cubic equation, whose solution gives a value of u, and therefore

of a .
A value of a being thus determined, the two quadratic fac
tors of


ax +

Wethus obtain a method of determining the quadratic factors

of a biquadratic equation, wanting its second term, without the
necessity of any previous modification of its form. It was first

given by the celebrated Des Cartes in his Geometry*, a work

whose appearance formed a remarkable epoch in the history
of Algebra and its applications.

Thus let the proposed equation be Examples.

The reducing cubic equation is

u 3 - 34>u 2 + 3l3u - 400 = 0,

one real root of which is 16, which gives a = 4: we thus get

* Lib.
III. t Ibid.

The component quadratic equations are therefore

x" + 4>x + 2 = 0,

x a - 4<x-3 = 0,

whose roots are - 2 + J2, - 2 - ^2, 2 + ^7 and 2-^7-

Euler s so- 986. If we denote the roots of the equation

lution of a
biquadratic x* - qx* - rx -s=
de ~
duction ky a > P> 7) ^ we may replace 8 by -(a + /3 + 7), inasmuch as their
from that sum is equal to zero : but since a is the coefficient of the second
Cartes. term of one of the component quadratic equations, its value
may be the sum of any two roots a, (3, 7 and (a + /? + 7) of
the proposed biquadratic, and therefore equal either a + 0, a + 7,
/3 + 7, or, to
- + - + (a
- +
the values of u or a
(a /3),
((3 7) :

are therefore ( + /3) 2, (

+ 7) 2 and (/? + 7) 2 which are only
in number and are, consequently, the roots of a cubic equation.

Again, if we suppose t, t , t" to represent the three roots

of the reducing cubic equation thus found or of

then, inasmuch as t = (a + /3)

t = (a + y)
, t
+ 7)*, we get

J* + Jt +>Jt"= (
+ /?) + (a + y) + (0 + 7)

= 2(a + /3 + 7)=-2S,

Jf-Jt"=* + ft- ( - 7) - (ft + 7) =~ 2 7 ,

It follows therefore that we can determine immediately the

roots of the proposed biquadratic equation,
by means of the
roots of its reducing cubic equation

u*-2qu*+ (q
+ 4ts)
u - r
= 0,

without the formation or solution of its

component quadratic
The same conclusion may be otherwise deduced by the fol

lowing process, which was first given by Euler: let


be assumed to represent a root of the equation

2 - rx-s = (1),

and let /, t , t" be the three roots of the cubic equation

-Pu*+Qu-R = (2):
we thus get
x* = Lt + +t"+2 ,7t + ^Tt +
2 77 f

Transposing the significant terms to one we

side, get


Comparing the terms of the identical equations (1) and (3),

we find


and the reducing cubic equation (2), becomes

which is identical with the reducing cubic equation in Des Cartes s


It should be observed that Jtt t"=-- is an equation of con

dition, which makes it necessary that the values of Jt, Jt , Jt"
should be either all of them positive or two of them negative.

987. The following are examples of the application of this Examples.

method of solution.

Let the equation proposed for solution be

The reducing cubic equation is

u* - 50u 2 + 769 u - 3600 = 0.

The roots of this equation are

9, 16 and 25.

- +2 + = 6,

3 5

Again, let the proposed equation be

The reducing cubic equation is

w 3
-156w- 1600 = 0,

- 8 QJ
whose roots are 16, 4- 1, 8 6 J 1


= i {4 + (1 +3 V^T) + (1 - 3 V^T)} = 3,

!) + (1
- 3 =-2- 3

A common 988. The different methods of solving biquadratic equations,

Svolvedin wn ^ cn we nave given in the preceding Articles, have been found
methods to
depend upon the formation of a cubic equation, whose roots
biquadratic were determinate combinations of those of the equation required
equations. to fo e sol vecl, whether with or without its second term: and
inasmuch as there are only three roots of a cubic equation,
those combinations alone would succeed, which admit of three
values and no more: such combinations are

(a + /3)( 7 + 8), (a + 7) 08 + 8), (a +8) 08 + 7),


07 -
a + /? - (7 + g) a + 7 .- (/9 + 8) a + c - (/3 + 7)

which are only three in number, whether a, (3, 7 and S be the

roots of a biquadratic equation, with or without its second term :
such also are

if the four roots are capable of being represented by a, /?, 7

and (a + /? + 7), as in the case of a biquadratic equation which
wants its second term : we may conclude, therefore, as far as
these examples will authorize us in doing so, that the methods
of solving biquadratic equations (which will be considered under
a more general point of view in Chap. XLV.) put us in possession
of no specific process for the general solution of equations distinct
from those of equations of the third degree t.

989. But it may be asked what is meant by the general What is

solution of an equation of the third, fourth, or any higher order ?
It is the discovery or determination of an expression, involving the

of an equation when denoted by general symbols, whose


multiple values shall express all the roots of that equation and no
more: such equation being supposed to possess the most general
form of its order, or such other form as is deducible from it by a

general process. It is a relaxation of the strictness of this defi

nition of the meaning of the general solution of an equation, if
we allow the multiple values of the expression or formula thus
discovered, to be limited means of one or more equations of
condition: without such a restriction, the formula of Cardan is
not a general solution of cubic equations, and the formula of
solution of a quadratic equation would alone, of known methods,
satisfy all the conditions required.
When we What is
speak of the numerical solution of an equation meant
i-i .11 by
of any degree, we mean the discovery of a process which will t ie n ume-

enable us, in all cases, to determine its roots to any required |jjj?Jf
degree of accuracy, when its general coefficients are replaced equations.

These combinations form the basis of a very ingenious solution of a biquad
ratic equation which is given in the 1st volume of the Cambridge Mathematical
Journal, a publication which is justly distinguished for the originality and elegance
of its contributions to almost every department of analysis.
t See Waring, Meditationes Algebraicee, p. 139.

by numbers; and it will be seen, in a subsequent volume of

this work, how great is the progress which has been made in
effecting the complete solution of this problem but it should be:

always kept in mind that the general and the numerical solution
of equations are problems of a different nature, and almost entirely

independent of each other : in one case we seek to determine the

roots one by one, by the repetition of a prescribed process: in
the other, we are required to discover a single general formula,
whose multiple values will express all the roots, and those roots
only: and it should be observed that no such general formula
has been found, even with the aid of equations of condition,
for a general equation beyond the fourth degree.
But is the existence of such a formula, for equations of the
fifth and higher degrees, possible and if not, is there any simple

mode of demonstrating that the conditions which it is required

to satisfy are incompatible with the laws of Algebra ? We have
before remarked (Art. 978) upon the difficulty of proving a

universally negative proposition, even in cases which involve

relations of a very simple kind, and the attempts which have
been made for this purpose by Abel and others are not cal
culated to lessen the impression which those observations are
intended to convey: the clearest understanding gets bewildered
by the extreme generality and complexity of the relations which
it is
necessary to consider in such investigations, and our final
assent to the conclusion obtained is rather a formal act of ac

quiescence in reasonings whose entire force and relevancy we can

neither fully appreciate nor easily refute than a spontaneous ad
mission of a truth whose evidence is complete and irresistible.
It is contrary to probability that a formula should exist,
formed by the fundamental operations of Algebra only, which
should embrace all the coefficients of an equation, and express

indifferently all its roots, and no more for no such formula has

hitherto been found, which rigorously fulfils those conditions

beyond equations of the second degree and the failure of the

various attempts which have been made to discover it in the case

of higher equations is more likely to be owing to the impos
of the problem proposed than to the inadequacy of the
methods which have been made use of for that purpose, or to
want of skill in applying them.


, -ill
IN the absence of general methods of solving equations
ot degrees superior to the fourth, there are
h ch
many cases where
and other
equations present themselves with particular relations of their ^ \
coefficients, which admit of reduction to binomial and other sed to

equations, whose degrees are within the limits of general solu-

tion : some of these we have considered in a former Chapter s ree

(xx) : and another extensive class are denominated recurring

equations, whose coefficients from the beginning and the end
are the same ; of this kind are the equations

x 5 + px* + qx 3 + qx 2 + px + 1 - 0,
the first of which is of odd, and the second of even dimensions.

991. A recurring equation of odd dimensions may be always A recur-

depressed to one of even dimensions of the next inferior degree, ["{> ^
by dividing; it by x + l or x - 1 according as its last term is 1 odd may
.-u -r v -J always be
or 1 : thus if we divide depressed
to one of
X 5 + p X 4 + qx 3 + q X 2 + px + 1 =0 even

by x + 1, we get
x* + (p-l)x 3 + (q-p + l)x 2 +(p-l)x+l = 0,

which is a recurring equation of 4 dimensions : in a similar

manner, the recurring equation

I5x 2 + lOx- 1=0
becomes, when divided by a* 1,

= 0.

It appears, therefore, that in considering the theory of the

solution of recurring equations, we may confine our attention

to those which are of even dimensions only.


992> If we take a re curring equation

dimensions cn ,. ,

to a cubic ot o dimensions, we may reduce it to a non-recurring equation ot

equation. h a]f t}j e num b er o f dimensions: and a similar reduction may
be effected in similar cases
allfor if we divide the terms of :

this equation by x , and combine together the first and last
term and also those which are equidistant from them, we shall

and if we make
x+ - = w,

we get


the reduced equation thus becomes

u 3 -3u + p(u
-2) + qu + r = 0,
2p =
+ pu 2 + - +
(q 3) u r 0,

which is a cubic equation.

Again, the recurring equation

x s + px 7 + qx s + rx 5 + sx*+ rx*+ qxz + px +1=0
of eight dimensions, may be depressed, by a similar process, to
the biquadratic equation

u4 + pu
+ (q - 4) it* +(r- 3p) u + s-2q + 2 = 0.

The roots
993. further be observed that whatever be the value
of recurring
jt may
equations of u m the depressed equation, there are two values of x,
corr esporiding to it, in the primitive equation, and which are
values are the reciprocals of each other: for if u = a, we get
the recipro
cals of each i
other. x H = a,
and therefore


x= - + / I
- 1 I or

it follows therefore that if a, b, c ... be roots of a recurring equa

tion, then - , T ,
- ... are also roots of it: such equations have,
a b c
on this account, been sometimes called reciprocal equations.

994. There is another class of equations which admit of a Q uag i


similar reduction to others of half their dimensions, when those equations.

dimensions are even, which are sometimes called quasi recurring
equations of this class is the biquadratic equation

x* + px 3 + qx 2 + rx + = 0,
where the last term is the quotient which arises from dividing
the square of the coefficient of the last term but one by the
square of the coefficient of the second term: for if we divide
the several terms of this equation by x and ,
if we make
x H = M.
we get the quadratic equation
u* + pu + q--- = 0.
Of the same class is the equation

x + px + qx + rx + qsx + ps*x + s = 0,
6 35 2 4 3

which may be depressed to a cubic equation by making

x+ - = M.

995. A question may now arise, whether it is possible to

transform the equation
x 4 qx 2 - rx s -0

into a quasi recurring equation, such as that we are now con

sidering: for this purpose, making x = u + tt we get the trans
formed equation (Art. 979)

and in order that the required condition may be satisfied, we

must assume / so that

which leads to the cubic equation

The real value of / determined from this equation, leads to

the transformed equation


which is depressible, by making ^ = &+-=, to the quadratic


f+Py + Q-^=o.
Thus, if the proposed equation be

the reducing cubic equation is

one root of which is .

The transformed equation is therefore

15 87w 841
*<-6 +
If we make y
= u + -=r- = u +
= u -\
-- , this equation be-


the values of y are 7 or 1, and those of x are 2 ^5 and

Other 996. Other equations, which are not quasi recurring equa-
\?hoseroots ti ns > ^ ut wn ose coefficients possess a particular relation to each
areexpres- other, may be solved by formulae similar to those which occur
finite for- in the general solution of a cubic equation. Thus if,

x"-ax =-s 5 5

Cambridge Mathematical Journal, Vol. I. p. 254.


and therefore

But, it* we make u =x+- , we get


u* = a*+ + 5,

- a + 5s (u
3 - 3su) + Ws*u,

which becomes
u 5 -5su 3 + 5s*u- a = 0,

an equation of the fifth degree whose roots have therefore,

been determined.

If s and be the arithmetical 5 th roots of - + anc*

/ \I~ s )

2 5
- /fa
/ \~I~ S
res pectively, and if a be a root of --
x 1
= 0, then

of the 25 values of u which are given by the preceding formula,

4 2 3 3 2
s and /, as and a t, a*s and at, a s and a /, and a ^ and a t are

the only combinations which express the values of u in the pro

posed equation.

Again, the formula

will express the roots of the equation

and, in a similar manner, we may proceed to determine gene

rally, the form of the equation whose roots are expressed by
the formula

both when n is an odd and an even number.




Dependent 997- THE object proposed in the solution of those equations

which have been considered in preceding Chapters of this work,
symbols. nas been to express one in terms of all the other symbols of
the equation, upon whose values therefore, whether assigned
or assignable, the value of this symbol is dependent, and by
means of which it is determined: and the same necessary de
pendence between one symbol and all the others is presumed
to exist in all equations whatsoever, whether the law and nature
of such dependence is assignable or not: it is for this reason
that such a symbol termed the unknown quantity in the pri

mitive equation, when all the other symbols are assigned or

assignable, and when its determination is the object proposed

by the solution of the equation; or it is termed the dependent

symbol, when the others are not assigned, but are considered
as perfectly arbitraryand independent of each other: in other
words, the dependent symbol can only become known and de
termined, by assigning specific values of the several symbols,
in terms of which it is expressed.

Connection 998. Thus the equation

of the cha
racter of ax + by-c = Q,
andinde- when solved with respect to x, gives us
with the X=
C -by
solution of a

tion which where x is

dependent upon y and the symbolsb and c, which ,

are a ^ ^ t^lem and independent, so far as the

e q ua lly arbitrary
conditions of the equation determine them: but if we suppose

(as is most commonly the case), that the first letters of the
alphabet a, b, c, denote quantities which are known or deter
minate, then x is the dependent, and y the independent symbol :

if, however, we should solve the primitive equation (1) with

respect to y, we should get

when y will become the

dependent, and x the independent symbol :

the character of dependence and

independence, therefore, as dis
tinguishing one symbol of an equation from the others, which
are unknown and indeterminate, is convertible, and is deter
mined by the solution, or presumed solution, of the
with respect to one or other of those symbols.

999. The dependence of one symbol upon an independent Meaning of

symbol or symbols, whether accompanied by others which are fJnJtion
known and determinate or not, is usually expressed by the term explicit and

function ; and the function (for the term also used

absolutely) functions.
is said to be explicit or implicit, according as the equation which
involves the dependent and independent symbols, is solved with
respect to the dependent symbol or not: thus x is an explicit
function of y, in the equation

and y is an explicit function of x, in the equation

c ax

but x is an implicit function of y, or y of x, (these relations being

convertible), in the equation

ax + by c 0.

The term function is not only used to denote the de- Presumed

pendence of one symbol or quantity upon another or others, functlons -

when their dependence is completely exhibited in a symbolical

equation, whether implicitly or explicitly, but also when such
dependence is presumed to exist, from the nature of the case,
any equation by which it may
anteriorly to the investigation of
be expressed: thus we
should wish to express the dependence

of the space described by a body when acted upon by deter

minate forces according to determinate laws, upon the time of
its motion, we should say that the space was a function of the
time: and ifwe should agree to denote the space by s, and

the time by t, we should express the same proposition by means

of the equation s =,/(/), where the letter f, prefixed to the inde
pendent symbol (t),
is used to express the term function.

The exhi- 1001. When more than one unknown or indeterminate sym-
bitionofthe .

dependence bol presents itselt in an equation, the solution or me equation

!/. i /* -L

w ^
res P ect to an y one f them, and therefore the exhibition
upon the of its dependence upon the others must be effected by the general

methods which have been taught in the preceding Chapters,
and must be limited by the limitation of those or other methods :

thus the equation

may be reduced to the equivalent equation

where the actual dependence of x upon y is exhibited: in a similar

manner, the equation

x* 2 x + 11
y + x

+ -jy-JL^QQ-J y
leads to the equivalent equation

2 2 y "


to the equation

Contri- It is obvious, however, that this exhibition of the dependence

thine tothe
^ one svm kl upon one or more other indeterminate symbols
determina- leaves them necessarily as indeterminate as in the primitive
tion of their . , , .
i -i

values. equation however important such reductions may be

: and
for many of the purposes for which such equations may be

applied, it can only be by the aid of other hypotheses or

conditions, that their values can be absolutely determined*:
such conditions, however various when considered in connection
with the problems from which they arise, will generally resolve
themselves into the simultaneous existence of as many inde-

* Such is the condition, considered in Chap, ix., which restricts the values of
the unknown or indeterminate symbols to whole numbers.

pendent equations, as there are indeterminate, and in this case,

unknown quantities involved in any one of them.

1002. Thus, if we have two equations involving x and y, Process by

possessing simultaneous values in both of them, then it is obvious

that the value of x determined, in terms of y, from the first ma Y be
* -i
n i . solved or
equation, must be the same as that ot x determined, in terms one or more
of y, from the second if we equate these values, we get an

equation involving y only the solution of this equation gives

: eliminated.

the absolute value or values of y, and leads us therefore neces

sarily to the absolute value or values of x: the following are

examples, and many others have already been considered in

Chap. v.

(1) 7*- 9.y

= 7 \ Examples.

The first equation, solved with respect to x } gives us

7 + 9.y

The second equation, solved likewise with respect to x,

gives us
_ 100-lOy

The values of x and y in the two equations being assumed to

be identical, we must have

~" ~~lOy
+ 9y _100-

= 700-70y,

97 y = 679,

and therefore ^M = I^ = = ia

If we solve the first equation with respect to x, we get

Vot. II. sA

If we solve the second equation with respect to x, we get

x = 2+y.

If we equate these values of x, we get

and therefore yy = 3 or - .

The corresponding values of x are 5 and - .

^-4^- i-oL
x +y + z- 12 0j

Clearing the first equation of fractions and solving it with

respect to x, we get
_ 5y -4>E + 24

From the second equation, we get

* =12-^-2.

Equating these values of x, we get

or 13 + 4z - 72 = 0.

We have thus reduced the two primitive equations to one,

involving two unknown, and, in this case, indeterminate quan
tities: the third unknown quantity has been eliminated from

them, and by the process employed for that purpose we have

lessened the number of the proposed equations by 1.

Ifwe had commenced by eliminating y, instead of x, from

the primitive equations, we should have obtained the equation

and if we had eliminated z, instead of x or y, we should have

obtained the equation

Elimina- The elimination of symbols or unknown quantities, whether

determinate or indeterminate, from equations in which they are
involved, is one of the most important operations in Algebra,

and the processes which are employed for that purpose, which
are very various in form, are generally identical with those em

ployed for the solution of such equations, or rather for their

reduction to a single final equation: if this final equation in
volves one unknown quantity only, its value may be determined

absolutely, by the aid of the known methods for

by means of it,

solving equations, as far at least as thosemethods extend if it :

involves two unknown quantities, they are both of them indeter

minate, and one of them is independent and arbitrary if the :

final equation involves more than two unknown and indeterminate

symbols or quantities, then all but one of them are independent

and arbitrary.

1003. In the preceding examples, the process of elimination The num-

of one unknown quantity has reduced the number of equations JJtem^S?

... ..,.
by one: and a very little consideration would shew that if n was equations
the number of the primitive equations involving any number of by the

unknown quantities, of which x was one, then the number of in-

dependent equations which would result from the elimination of quantities
111 n n n i i eliminated. i i i i

x, would be n~l: for if each of these equations be solved with

respect to x, (and we assume the practicability of such solutions)

and if we should thus obtain

where A 19 A 2 A 3) ...... A n are the symbolical values of x


derived from the several equations, then we should find, by

equating the first value of x with each of the others, the following
(?i l) equations,

A - A 2 = 0,
l At - A3 = 0, A -A4 = 0,
...... A - A n = 0.

All other similar combinations of the quantities A lt A a , A 3 ,

... A n with each other, though equally admissible with the pre
ceding, will lead to equations immediately derivable from them,
and therefore presenting no new arid independent conditions for
the determination of the unknown symbols which they involve :

A, -A ^=(A -A )~(A ~A.,)
3 l 3 l =0,
A3 -A ^(A -A )-(A -A
5 l 5 l 3} =0,
A n _, - A H = (A,
- A H ) - (A - A n_,} m l 0,
in other words, the equation corresponding to
any such com
bination will always arise from subtracting from each other some
two of the (n 1) equations which resulted from the first series
of those combinations which it was considered most proper and
convenient to select.

Again, inasmuch as the elimination of one unknown quantity

from any number of (n) equations, diminishes the number of
independent equations by 1, it will follow that the successive
elimination of (n 1) unknown quantities will diminish the num
ber (n) of equations by (n 1), and will therefore leave a single
finalequation remaining if, therefore, the number of unknown

quantities be the same as the number of equations which involve

them, the equation will involve one unknown quantity only,

which admit of determination by any methods which enable

us to solve the equation itself: but if the number of unknown
quantities exceeds the number of equations by m, the final equa
tion will involve (r/z-fl) unknown quantities, which are therefore
indeterminate in common with all the others, and m of them are
independent: but if, on the contrary, the number of equations
exceeds the number n of unknown quantities by m, all the
unknown quantities may be determined from any assumed
combination of n of those equations, which are

(n + m)~(n + m - 1) (m + 1)
1 72777 .7~
in number : the values of the unknown quantities which would
thus be obtained might be different for different combinations,
and therefore m out of the n + m equations are at least super
fluous, if they are not inconsistent with each other. (Arts- 398,
402, 403).
Equations When we speak of equations as independent of each other,
dentofeach we m ean such as severally contain conditions for the determina-
other. tion of the unknown quantities which they involve, which are
not supplied by the other equations, nor derivable from them :

we must exclude therefore all equations which are multiples of

any other of the equations proposed, when the multiplier is an
assigned quantity, and independent of the unknown quantities
involved in the equations for the equation which thence arises

can express no new condition for the determination of the quan

titiesor symbols which are involved in it. Again, we must
exclude equations which are multiples of other equations, when

the multiplier involves one or more unknown

quantities, if such
a multiplier be also a factor of another
equation for in such a

case, the two equations will have a common measure (Art. 1005):

lastly, we must exclude all such equations as are the sums or

differences or products of the other
equations, or of assigned
multiples of them, inasmuch as all such equations are satisfied,
by any values of the unknown quantities which satisfy the
several equations which are involved in them, and conse

quently express no new and independent conditions for their


1004. It is not necessary that every equation should involve in a system

all the unknown quantities which are required to be determined J^^t is :

thus one equation may involve one unknown

quantity, when its
not neces-

value is determined by means of it, or two unknown

quantities evSy equa-
or more : two equations may involve two unknown ion slloul(l f
whose values will then be determined by means of them, or they the un-
may involve three unknown quantities or more : three equations
may involve three unknown quantities, when their values are
determined by means of them, or they may involve four unknown
more but the number of equations in any series of
quantities or :

connected equations must not exceed, for reasons given above

(Art. 1003), the number of unknown quantities involved in them,
and no equation must involve more than one unknown quantity
which does not also appear in other equations.

1005. Any common

factor, involving one or more unknown Suppres-

quantities, oftwo or more of a system of equations, may be Common

detected by the methods employed for finding the highest com- factors of
mon divisor, i iii,.
and must be excluded from them as foreign to the
f. . i

determination of the unknown quantities involved in them: for

if such a factor involve one unknown quantity, any value of it

which makes (and therefore determines it) will

this factor zero,

verify the equations which involve it, whatever be the values

of the other unknown quantities ; thus if there were two equa
tions with two unknown quantities possessing such a factor, the
other unknown
quantity would remain perfectly indeterminate,
and similarly in other cases. Again, if such a factor involve two
or more unknown quantities, there are an infinite number of
values which make this factor zero, and which therefore verify
the equations which involve it, without any reference to the

values of the unknown quantities which the equation divided

by this factor contain, and without contributing therefore in any
respect to their determination ; equations therefore which involve
such common factors cannot be considered as independent of
each other as long as such factors exist.

General 1006. It remains to consider the particular methods which

process of are requisite for the elimination of unknown or indeterminate
quantities from a system of equations we shall confine our :

attention almost exclusively to a system of two equations with

two unknown quantities, and in the first instance to the fol

lowing method, which is one of the most general, though not

always the most expeditious, of the various methods which have
been proposed.
If there be two equations, E = and E2 = 0, involving x and

y, and possessing simultaneous values of them, then for every

proper value of y, there must correspond a proper value of x :
in other words, a proper value of y must be of such a kind, that
if substituted in both the equations, the resulting equations in
volving x only, will have a common value or values of x con :

sequently, if E! and E 2 become X and X t 2 upon the substitution

of a proper value of y, then X and X x 2 must have a common
which, when made equal to zero, will give the correspond

ing proper value or values of x in order, therefore, to find such


factors, we institute
upon and E2 , arranged according to
E l

powers of x, the process for finding their highest common divisor,

and continue it (excluding throughout fractional quotients and
remainders) until we obtain a remainder Y, which involves y
only: whatever value ofy makes F=0 will make the last divisor,
which involves x, a common factor of E^ and E 2 , which, upon
this substitution, become X, and X 2 : if we find therefore all the
values of?/ which make F=0, we shall obtain all the correspond

ing values of x, and we shall thus be enabled to form all the sets
or pairs of proper roots of the equations E 1
= and E a
= 0.

Circum- 1007- The preceding is the statement of the general process

which must be followed in such cases, without reference to cir-
wliich may
modify the cumstances which may sometimes modify the results which are
process? obtained, or which may apparently cause us to fail in obtaining
them: for in the first place, the process of finding the highest
common divisor of E and Ey, may introduce factors into Y, and

therefore values of y in Y = 0, which are foreign to the system of

equations in the second place, two, three or more values of x


may correspond to the same value of y, in which case the com

mon factor of X t
and X 2 will be of the form
x~ -f a x + b or x3 + a xz + b x + c,

and so on, and therefore the the first case, the two
last divisor in
last divisors in the second, and so
become equal to zero, on, will
for the corresponding
proper value of y these cases and their :

theory will be more particularly noticed amongst those examples,

which follow, in which they first occur.

1008. Again, the system of equations may be themselves Incompa-

inconsistent with the existence of simultaneous values of x and {^ equa
y: this would be indicated by the final remainder or the last
divisor becoming a numerical quantity which cannot be made

equal to zero; circumstances which would indicate in one case

that there was no value of x, which would give a common value
of y, and in the second case, that there was no value of
y, which
would give a common value of x.

1009. Lastly, the final equation = 0, may become an Equations Y

identical equation, in which case the last divisor, if not itself
^mon* *
identically equal to zero, or the last divisor which is not so, factors in-

must be a common factor of E and E2 This common factor v

and *y o*
must be excluded from the two primitive equations (Art. 1005) both *

and the process instituted again with the quotients which result
from its exclusion, which, when made equal severally to zero,
become the independent equations which are the proper objects
of consideration.

1010. The following examples will serve to illustrate the Examples.

various propositions contained in the preceding articles.

(1) ax + by-c = = E l ,

ax 4-
- ax + (3y
- 7

aax + afty-ay (a, (Art. 614),

aax + aby ac

(a/3-ab)y-(ay-ac) = F.

If F=0, we find y= CLO
-j- t
and therefore ax + by c

= ax + fay~ ac\ - =
b {
-, )
c 0, which gives us x =
- .

If aj3 ab = 0, and if ay ac be not equal to zero, there

is no common value of x in the two equations, which are there
fore incompatible with each other.

If a/3- ab = 0, and also ay ac = 0, then the two equations

have a common measure which is independent of the particular
values of x and y: under such circumstances the equations are
not independent of each other, and the values of x and y continue
indeterminate. (Art. 945).

(2) x -y = 5

*-13 (x-y + 5


2/- 10^+12= Y.

If F=0, or 2j/ - 10^+12 = 0, we find y = 3 or 2: if y=3,


we have x -f 3 5 0, and therefore x = 2 if y = 2, we have :

x -f 2 - 5 = 0, and therefore x = 3.

(3) tf
+# =fl or x +y -a = = E 1 ,

x +y = b
3 3
or x +y -
3 3
b = - E 2,

2 2
-(y-a)x -(y-a) x

- a) 2 x + (y - a) 3

If Y=0, we find

a a //4>b-a \
y = 2n +
/ (\ - 120 and %= -- /(
) >
2 V \
12 fl /

- 3
a 3
and *.* = + //46-a-).

L2a r
) ,
2 V
A 1
\ 12 )

E l is of three dimensions, but the final equation

The equation
Y= of two dimensions only
is it is obvious, however, that

the second equation is reducible to one of two dimensions

3 3
by dividing x + y by x + y and 6 by a (Art. 976 and Note) the :

same remark is applicable to the dimensions of the final equation

deducible from the two symmetrical equations x + y = a, and
x 5 +y 5 =b, or to that from the two equations = Q, x* y 4 =0, xy
and similarly in other cases, where such a division of the equal
members of one equation by the corresponding equal members
of the other is found to be practicable.

(5) xy + xy*-12 = =
x + xy 3 -18 = =

(!+/)* -18} (#+/)* -12

12y*+30y-12 = Y=0.

If ^ = 2, then x = 2.
If # = i, then #=16.
In this case, the coefficients of the first terms of the divisor
and dividend have a common factor 1
+y and
therefore y(l +y )

is their lowest common multiple (Art. 6lp): if this circumstance

was not attended to, the final equation would become

VOL. II. 3 B

and would involve a foreign factor y + 1 and therefore a value

of y to which no value of x would be found to correspond.


(y-l) x 2 -3

y(y-l) x*-

- 2

l6y*-96y + 144^ = = F.

This final equation is reducible to the form l6y (y 3) =0:
if ?/
= 3, we have .r = 2: but if y = which is also a value of y
in F=0, we no corresponding value of x: for under such
circumstances and E2 become
E l 7 # + 2 and - x
3x 2,
which have no common measure: but E and yE 2 become, under l

the same circumstances, 7 # + 2 and 0, which are equally zero,

when y=0 and x = -: it
appears therefore that y= is a root

of the final equaion, which is introduced

by the process of solu
tion, and which is altogether foreign to the equations E = 0, and l

E2 = 0, which were originally proposed.

Theory of If we
consider this process generally, it would appear that

Y Q, would necessarily contain the values of y which severally
the final
give common factors, not merely of E and E2 in their original

form, but also of E and E2 one or both of them or of any of


their successive remainders, when multiplied by such factors as

are necessary to avoid the introduction of fractions or, in :

other words, the final equation will be the same, as if such

factors had existed as essential parts of the primitive equation
or equations proposed : and if to the values of y which belong

to such factors, there are found

corresponding values of x, then
such values of y must necessarily present themselves as
roots of the final equation but if there is no value of x cor

responding to the values of y which belong to such factors, then

the final equation cannot comprehend such values of
y among its
roots, and will be the same therefore as if such factors had never
been introduced. It is for this reason, that the factors introduced
for the last division, if the divisor involves the first
power of x

only, willnever affect the degree of the final equation: for the
values of x which belong to the factor whose introduction
be necessary in this case, will make the first term of the divisor
equal to zero, and will leave therefore no term in which x exists :

thus, in the example which we have been if we

I make (4j/ 7)
= 0, the last divisor becomes 5, which is a
numerical quantity.
For the same reason, likewise, it follows, that if the
primitive No foreign

equations do not exceed the second degree, no foreign root or {JSfiSd

factor can appear in the final
equation : for if the first term of into th e
one or both of them involves x 2 , it must present itself with
numerical coefficient only, and will not require therefore the 01
JjJ^j, ^
introduction of any factor involving y: and it is obvious that ceed the
the second divisor can involve x to the first degree
only. gree^
It will frequently
happen that a factor involving only y may Suppres-
be suppressed in the first or some subsequent remainder, and by "
^ ^ in
such means the operation which is otherwise necessary, may be the primi-
greatly shortened: if a value or values of x correspond to this tionor^he
factor, the simple factor itself, or powers of it, would appear, if
not suppressed, in the final equation, according as the remainder
in which it first appeared, was the remainder immediately pre
ceding the final equation or not: for if it appeared in the last
remainder but one, its square would be involved in the final
equation; if in the last remainder but two, its cube, and so on;
if therefore it is required to determine the
complete final equation,
such powers of this factor must be restored to it, at the con
clusion of the operation : but if it is merely proposed, as is most

commonly the case, to determine the different systems of values

of x and y, it will be merely necessary to consider the value or
values of y deduced from this factor in connection with those
which are deduced from the finalequation which results from its
suppression : these observations would equally apply, if the factor
in question was a factor of one of the primitive equations.

If in the example which has given occasion to these remarks,

l) x*- 3x- 2 the divisor, and yx -Jx + 2 the

we had made (y-
dividend, the final equation at which we should have arrived,
would have been (y 1) (y S) =0, where y 1, and not y,
would be the foreign factor introduced by the operation.

(7) *9 + (2y-7)*+y-7y-8=0,
x s + (2y- 5) x +y*- 5y - 6 = 0.
If we subtract these equations from each other, we get

-2,r-2?/-2 = 0.
J + (2y - 5) x + y 2 - 5y - 6 (x


Incom- In this case there is no final

equation, inasmuch as x + y + 1 is

a common factor, and therefore x and y are indeterminate ; but
if we take the equations

x+y-6 = 0,

which from the suppression of this factor, they are obvi


ously incompatible] with each other, or such as can be satisfied

by no common values of x and y whatever.
In a similar manner it will be found that the equations

y x + y*x + (y + y)yx+y* + 7,f =

3 2 2

x*-y* + lx = Q,

are incompatible with each other.

Process for 1011. When three equations, involving three unknown or

the solution indeterminate quantities are proposed for solution, we commence
of three , . .

equations by reducing them two equations with two unknown quantities,

unknown anc subsequently to a single final equation, by a process similar

quantities, to the one which has been employed in the preceding examples:
thus let it be proposed to find the values of x, y, and z in the
following equations :

x-y+z- 3=OJ
+ =
xy-z* 10 1;

-y + z-3)yx-z*+10

zx Sx

(y-z + 3) x+y*+ z*-29

(y-z + 3) x- (y-z + 3)

or -z-
If we now proceed to eliminate y from F, = and Y = 0, we

find, by subtracting one equation from the other,

y*-(z-3)y-z +10 =

If we solve the final equation Z = 0, we get z = 4>, or :

the substitution of the first value of z in l

Y =
or Y2 0, gives =
y=3 or 2: the substitution of the second value of z } gives

y=-: 4 4
the substitution of the corresponding pairs of

the values of z and y in any

one of the primitive equations, gives

,,8 or -S or

The values of a; and y are symmetrically involved in the

three equations, and the values of x and y, which are four in
number, are therefore the same with different signs; if we had
begun therefore by eliminating z from the three equations, we
should have arrived at the following final biquadratic equations,

according as the final equation was formed in x or in y.


3 s
9-r 31 x 147 45
"-I7 -T +
9V 3iy 147 45

Method of 1012. There are many other methods of elimination which

by indeter- peculiar circumstances will sometimes make more eligible than
inmate those which we have exemplified in the preceding Articles of
this Chapter : of these, the method of Indeterminate Multipliers
leads to processes which are not only symmetrical in their
form, but also very easily applied.
Thus, if it was required to eliminate y from the equations
For two ax + bu = c, (1)
ax+by=c, (2)
we should multiply one of them by the indeterminate multi
plier \, which would give us the equations

If we add these equations together, we get

(a + \a )x + (6 + A6 )j/
= c + Ac :
we make + \b =
and if b or
\=j-, we get

ba \ be

or (ab a b)x =b c bc

For three 1013. If there be three equations,




we multiply the second by X and add it to the first, which

(! + a*\}x + (bj. + b z \)y + (c + c 2 \) z (k + ^A) = x L :

and if we make c + c 2 \ = 0, this equation becomes, when mul


tiplied by ca ,

(a i C*
- 2 Ci)a? + (6. c.
b^y - (c<, /^
- d ky ) = 0. (4)

In a similar manner, if we multiply the third equation by

and add it to the first, we get,
by making Cj + /jic 3 = and
multiplying by c3 ,

(!C 3 - 3 d)a? + (6,c3

- b 3 c^y - (c3 ^ - c,k ) = 0.
z (5)

If we now eliminate y from equations (4) and (5), as

the last Article, we get, after proper reductions,

and, by a similar process, we likewise obtain


1014. If the number of equations (n + 1) exceed the num- T9deter-

ber of unknownquantities (n) by 1, their we may determine
equa tion of
^on*! "
values by means of n equations, and substituting those values 111 11

in the (w+l) th we obtain an equation of condition, which must number of


be satisfied, in order that the equations may be consistent with

each other :
thus, if we have the three equations 1 the num
ber of quan-
, N tities to be
= c> (a) eliminated.

a x + Vy = c , (b)

a"x + V y = c": (c)

and only two unknown quantities x and y to be eliminated,

we find from the two first

b c-bc
ab -a b

which substituted in the third equation, give us, when multi

plied by aV a b, the equation of condition

See Art. 404. Appendix, Vol. I. p. 399.


The pro- 1015. If the coefficients, one or more of them, involve one
elimination or more unknown symbols, the equation of condition (of) will
Sons of
be tne final equation to which the elimination of x and y, by
higher this process, will lead: and it will be found to be very easy,

reduced to by a very simple artifice, to extend this method of elimination

to a svstem ^ equations in which different powers of one or
tions of the more of the symbols which are required to be eliminated,
resent themselves *.

Thus, let the equations be

0, (1)

0, (2)

where the coefficients a y b, c &c., one or more of them, in

volve y and its powers: and let it be required to eliminate x.

If we multiply these equations (1) and (2) by x, we get

the additional equations

ax 3 + bx2 + cx = 0, (3)

3 2
and if we consider x , x , and x as distinct and independent
symbols, like z, y, x, the number of equations, thus formed, will
exceed by 1 the number of symbols to be eliminated.
If we eliminate x from equations (3) and (4), we get the
(a b -ab )x 2 + (a c - ac )x = 0, (5)

or Ax + Bx =

replacing a b ab by A and a c ac by B.
If we now from equations (5) and (1) in one
eliminate x
case, and from equations (5) and (2) in the other, we get

(Ab- aB)x + Ac = 0, (6)

(Ab -a B)x + Ac = 0, (7)

which leads to the final equation or determinant

(Ab- aB)c -(Ab - a B)c = :

or, replacing the values of A and J5,

-a 2
+ (a b
- ab (c b
- cb ) -
(ac c) )

Cambridge Mathematical Journal, Vol. n. p. 232 and 276.

Thus, if the proposed equations be

-S(y -l)x+y - 3 y - 6 = 0,
2 2

3x* - (3y - 4) x - 10y 2 -4 = 0,

the elimination of #, by this process, gives us the final equation

252/ - 440/ +
430# 1 50 y +112 = 0,

which is the same result as would be obtained by the method

of the greatest common divisor.

It is this reduction
of the general problem of elimination
to that of eliminationfrom equations of the first degree only,
which gives additional importance to the latter problem, and
to the research of the most easy and expeditious rules, both
for the expression of the unknown symbols which they involve,
or for the formation of the final equation, under its most simple
form, which results from their elimination, when the equations
exceed by one the number of such symbols the discussion of :

the methods and formulae to which this inquiry would lead, is

one of no ordinary difficulty and extent, and is such as would
hardly be consistent either with the object or the limits of
thiswork: we shall confine ourselves therefore to the single
problem of the result of the elimination of n unknown symbols
from n + 1 equations of the first degree.

1016. Resuming the expressions for x, y, z, which are Enuncia-

given in Art. 1013, we be enabled to enunciate the law of }^ /f r _
formation of the numerators and denominators of those ex- mation of
, . . i T.I. -the expres-
pressions, to ascertain the principle upon which it may be sionsforthe
extended so as to express the values of the unknown quantities n
^ ^Q^
in four or any greater number of such equations. derived
from three
In the first place, the numerator of each fraction differs from equations
its denominator in having subscript numbers, in the
k, with its Jj

place of the coefficient (with the same subscript numbers) of the

unknown quantity whose value it expresses.
In the second place, the number of terms in each numerator
and denominator is 6, or is equal to the number of permutations
of the subscript numbers 1, 2, 3, (Art. 444).
In the third place, the algebraical sign of any term of the
numerator or denominator will be the same with, or different

from, .the first term in each, according as it involves an odd or

an even number of quantities which are different from those in
the first: thus, the terms which involve two
c^Cg and ffi& 3 c2 j

quantities, b 2 , c3) and from each other,

b 3 , c2} which are different
have different signs, whilst the terms a^b z k 3 and a a b s k l3 each
involving three quantities which are different from each other,
have the same sign.
It will follow as a
consequence of the last observation, that
the corresponding terms in the numerator and denominator, or,
in other words, the terms with the same
subscript numbers in
the same order, will have the same algebraical signs.
Determi- We shall now proceed to consider the formation of corre-
s Pon ding unknown quantities, when
tluf expires- expressions for the there
sionsforthe are four or a greater number of such equations.
~ N
~ N
Let , y= , z -j^ , be assumed to represent the
of four or
ofnequa- expressions for the three unknown quantities in three equations
which are given above (Art. 1013); and let the four equations

ax -f

If in the expressions lf z, N N N
3 we replace k l} k z , Jc 3 by

Jt,-rf,tt,k z -dz u y k3 -d.d u respectively, and if n ly w 2 , n 3 be

taken to represent the values of JVi, 2J N N
3 , when k l is replaced

by d lt k z by dz k3 by d3 then we
, , shall find, from the three first

equations (1), (2), (3),


and substituting these values in the last equation (4), and sup-
pressing fractions, we get

(#4;?! + 64 w2 + c4 w s - d4 D) u-atNi-btN?- c4 N3 + k4 D = 0,
and therefore
+ l
b 4 N<i-{-c4 N3 -k 4 D
d4 D

and if N ,
N" f
with their proper subscript numbers be suc
cessively taken to represent the values of the numerators of
the expressions for any other three amongst the four unknown
quantities in the three equations (l), (2), (3), namely, of

x, y } Uj when c is replaced by d and d by c,

xy s, u, when b is replaced by c and c by b,

y, 2, u, when a is replaced by b and b by a ;

and if the corresponding values of n and D be denoted by

n r
n", n
n vt"
TV, TV f
u u u
TV" , ,

then we shall find

a, JV," + b, N," + c4 N " - k D"

3 4

g jy w + 64 jyg
w+ c N" f
- D"r
~ 4 t 4 3 k,

The number of terms in the numerator and denominator of

each of these expressions four, or is equal to the
is number of
unknown quantities : arid if similar expressions were formed for
five unknown quantities and they would severally
five equations,
contain five terms in their numerator and denominator ; and
similarlyfor whatever number of equations such expressions
were investigated : for the substitution of the expressions
P P " P
~H 7T Q~
^or ( w-1 ) un ^ nown quantities derived from

(/!) equations but adapted to a system of n equations and

n unknown quantities, in the th or additional equation, will
lead to an expression for the new unknown quantity, whose
numerator and denominator consist of n terms; or if x n denote
the last unknown quantity introduced, and / and m (with their

proper subscript numbers) be the coefficients of x n-l and xn ,

then we shall find

a.Pt + ln P 2 + c n P3 +... ln P n. r
-kn g

and it is obvious that corresponding symmetrical expressions

may be obtained for all the other unknown quantities xn _ l ,

#-2 &i in the inverse order of their introduction.

Enuncia- It appears therefore that the number of factors in each

^enera/law P ro(^ uct involved in the numerator and denominator of the ex-
pression for xn will be n for an additional factor is introduced
of forma- :

for every additional unknown quantity or additional equation,
for the n
unknown Again, the number of terms, when they are completely ex-
n^a system halted, in the numerator and denominator
of the expression for
ofnequa- xn is 1 x 2 x 3 x n, or is equal to the number of permu
. . .

tations of the subscript numbers 1, 2, 3, ...n, (Art. 449): for

the number of terms in the numerator and denominator of the
is n times the number of them in the expres
expression for x n
sion for#_! in a system of (n 1) equations, n (n I) times
the number of them in the expression for xn _^ in a system of

(n 2) equations, and so on, until we descend to the expression

for the unknown quantity in a system of two equations.

Again, the number of positive and negative terms in the

numerator and denominator being the same in the expression for
the unknown quantity in a system of two and three equations,
will continue the same likewise in the corresponding expressions
in a system of n equations : for the new numerators of these

expressions are formed by multiplying the series of literal nu

merators (which are the same as far as the letters involved and
their signs are concerned) of the (n 1) first unknown quantities
and also their common denominator, into a n3 bn , c n . kn respec . .

tively, and connecting their results with the sign + : if therefore

the number of positive and negative terms be the same in the
numerators and denominators of those expressions for (n 1)
unknown quantities and (n must continue the
1) equations, it
same therefore when there are n unknown quantities and n
equations and
: inasmuch as this number was the same, when
there were two equations and two unknown quantities, it must
continue the same therefore whatever be their number the same :

observations apply, with a very trifling modification, to the

number of positive and negative terms in the denominators.

same law which was noticed as determining the

Lastly, the
negative and positive terms in the case of the expressions for the
unknown quantities in three equations, will prevail likewise for

any number of such equations for whatever condition deter


mines the sign of the separate terms in the numerators and

denominators of the expressions for the unknown quantities,
when there are (?i 1) unknownquantities, will determine their
signs likewise when there are n unknown quantities: for the
series of terms involved in their numerators and denominators
are multiplied into new factors

and therefore the conditions for the determination of the signs of

the resulting products in each series remain the same as before.

equation, when the Mode

1017. If it be required to find the final of

number of equations (n+1) exceeds by 1, the number of (n) the^

symbols to be eliminated, we fincf from the n first equations, equation
when the
number of
D eliminated
is less 1
N and D

just investigated:
are formed
we find,
by the general law which we have
in a similar manner, from the n
than the

last equations,

where N and D are determined as before : we then equate the

values of x, which are thus found, which gives

or ND
which is the final equation required.

Thus, if there be three equations,

a x + by c = 0,

a x +by - c = 0,

a"x + b"y- c" = 0,

we find from the two first equations,

(ab -a b)x-(b c-bc ) = 0,

and from the first and last,

(ab"~ a"h) x - (b"c - bc ) -


which leads to the final equation

(aU- a (We - - (b c -bc ) = 0;

b) be") (ab"-a"b)
or, dividing by b,

al c"- aV c -a bc"+a r
b"c + a"bc - a"c = 0.

It will be observed that this final equation is found by

making the denominator D=0, in the expression for any one
of the three unknown symbols arising from the solution of three
equations of the first degree which are given in Art. 1013.


1018. WE
have shewn in a former Chapter, that the roots The gonio-
of the binomial equation
S ionof

i n - 1=0
are completely expressible by means of the different values of does not

-f J i

Sin -
e p

, properly
u u called.

where r may be replaced by any term of the series

0, 1, 2, 3, ... (r-1);
the same roots recurring, in the same order, if additional terms
of this series are taken.
But this solution, though complete, is not algebraical, in the
strict sense which is attached to that term, for reasons which
have been explained before (Art. 990) ; but it will be found that
the symbolical properties of those roots, and of the cyclical
periods (Art. 722) which they form, will be sufficient to deter
mine them algebraically or rather arithmetically in all cases.
For this purpose it will be necessary to investigate some
propositions, which are equally applicable to the roots of bino
mial and other equations, and which will enable us to bring
the various methods of solution of cubic and biquadratic equa
tions, which we have already considered, under the operation
of a common theory*.

Let p, p 1} ^ 3 ,.../On_! be the roots of any equation of Formation

2 1
n dimensions, and let 1, a, a ,. .a"- be the roots of the binomial

#n 1 =0 assumed
form of its
* The substance of this theory is given by Lagrange, in notes xui. and xiv. to
the Resolution des Equations Numeriques.

of the same degree: and let it be required to investigate the

conditions requisite for the determination of the roots of the

equation which are expressed generally by the formula

t = p + ap + 1 a*p 2
In the place, the number of values of t,
first and therefore the
dimensions of the corresponding reducing equation will be

1 x 2 x 3 x . . . n:
for if we suppose
1, a, a2 ... a"

to retain their position, we may arrange the n roots

P> P\> PS Pn-l

in 1 x 2 x 3 x ...n different ways, each of which will produce

a different value of t.

But a very little consideration will shew that these 1 x 2 x 3 x

... n roots or values of t
may be distributed into

1 x 2 x 3 x ... (n - 1)
groups of n roots each, whose w powers are identical : for if
t = 2
p + ap! + a p 2 + ... an p n _ ly
then also
at = ap + d p + a 3 p 2 + l
. . .
p n -i,

o?i = a z p + a? pi + a*p 2 + .. .
ap n_ lt

~l 2
an t = a"

p + pl + ap! + ... a" /o n _j,

which are all of them equally included in the number of the

1 x 2 x 3 x ... n combinations which form the roots of the re
quired equation: but inasmuch as
9 1

f=(/)"=(a 0"=... (a- /)",

it follows, that if we make

* This form of the root of the

reducing equation, or equation resolvante, as
he terms it, was suggested to Lagrange by an examination of the form of the

roots of the reducing equations in the solutions of cubic and biquadratic equa
tions : should be kept in mind that the propositions which follow have
and it

reference to the specific form assumed for t only or to such as are reducible to
it, and therefore do not close the inquiry as far as other forms, which may be

assumed for t, are concerned.


the number of different values of is -
only the n part of the The lowest
number of and consequently the values of
values of t, are 1 ^ncrali
expressible by means of an equation of

1 x &x 3 x ... (ft- 1)

We may assume, therefore,

where A , A lf A a .. .A n_ ly are combinations, whether symmetrical*

or not, of the roots p, p lf p 2 ... />_! of the equation to be solved :

for it is obvious that 9 can involve no power of a higher than

a"" , inasmuch as all powers of a are reducible to some one term
of the series
1, a, a2 ... a""

If it be assumed hypathetically, that the values of The roots

re "
A A!, A 2 ... A n _^ are expressible by known numbers, or in|j u *j

terms of the coefficients of the equation to be solved, it may will deter-

L i M i i 11 i mine those
then be easily shewn that all its roots may be expressed in terms O f the

of the different values of Z/6, which arise from replacing a by

the successive roots of
x n -l=0.

For if we denote the terms of the series

1, a, a2 ... a"

1, r lt r a ... /_!,

and if we denote the corresponding values of in the equation

6 = A + aA + l
a A* + ... a""
A n_,

we shall find, since 6 = t \ and therefore

* A symmetrical combination of the roots of an equation is invariable, inasmuch

as it is not changed by a change in the order of the roots and it may be easily :

proved that all symmetrical combinations of the roots of an equation are expressible
in terms of its coefficients, and are therefore given, when the equation is given.



Cn-i = p + rn_ lpl + r n_,p 2 + . . .

_p n_ r
If we add together the terms on both sides
of the sign -,
we get


Again, since

we get

"Je + rr 1
y0i + ^n " 1

A + - - -
^:l ^Ci -

^ i=
+ n"- 1 A + r,- 1

A + ^:{ yg^

In a similar manner, we find



It thus appears that all the w roots of the proposed equation

are successively expressible in terms of ,
6 l} 2 n _, and of
. . .

the n roots of
x n -l =0:
and it is in this sense, and in this sense only, that the general
resolution of equations may be said to be dependent upon that
of binomial equations of the same degree.

1021. Before we proceed with the developement of other Applica-

parts of this theory, we shall proceed to apply it in the first preceding*

instance to the solution of quadratic, and subsequently to those f rmul * to
of cubic and biquadratic equations.
* .the solution
T , , , ralic equa-
Let the quadratic equation be tion.

and let its roots be p and p^ : the roots of the corresponding

binomial equation
are 1 and -1, and therefore o = -l.
Let t =

But p 2 +p 2
and 2pp , or A and A^ are symmetrical com
binations of the roots, and are expressible therefore in terms of
the coefficients of the proposed equation ; we therefore find

We thus get

eo =p
and therefore

~_ JQo

expressions which coincide with those given by the ordinary

process of solution. (Art. 658.)

Amodifica- 1022. It may be observed, that inasmuch, as when a = 1,

tion of the i
form of the we nave
root of the t = p + pi + ps+... />_! ,
equation. O r equal to the sum of the roots of the equation, which is always
expressed by the coefficient of its second term, with its sign
changed, it will follow therefore that, if p be this coefficient, we
shall have

which is therefore always known.

Again, inasmuch as
Q = A + A, + A.,+ ... A n^ =pn ,

we get
A =p n - A!- A*- ... A n_,:
and if we substitute this value of A in
= A + a A + a? A? + ... a n ~ A n ^

it assumes the equivalent form

= p"+(-l) A + (a*-l)A,+
... (a- -1)
and therefore

8l = fr+(r -l)A + (r *-l)A t +

l l l ... (r,--!)

6 t =fT + (r a - 1) A + (r,/ - 1) A. +
l . . .
(r^ - 1)

Solution of 1023. The great, and in most cases, insuperable difficulty

of the problem consists in the determination of the values of
A ly A z ... A n_i, or the coefficients of a, a 2 ... a"" in the ex 1

pression for 6: thus in the cubic equation

if we make
t = p + up +l

Ave get


which are convertible into each other, if we change p, into p?,

and pz into p if we form the quadratic
equation, therefore, of
which A! and A^ are the roots, we get

where P and Q are invariable, or in other words, involve the

roots of the proposed equation symmetrically.
It is always possible, as will be shewn generally hereafter,
to assign symmetrical expressions of the roots of an equation in
terms of and the application of this theorem would
its coefficients,

enable us, in the case under consideration, to assign the values of

P and Q in terms of the coefficients , b, and c but if with a :

view to the simplification of the very complicated expressions,

which would thence result, we suppose a = 0, and if we replace
b by -q and c by r, we shall find

and therefore

We thus get

and therefore (Art. 1020)

These expressions coincide with those which are given in

Art. 9^8.

The complete when the coefficients are q, v, are us follows

P =-3/77 -9r,
+ 81 .

An equa- 1024. More generally, if we consider the equation

tion of n
dimensions, x _ px
n "~
+ p l

l x"-
2 - . . .
= 0,
when n is a
prime num- , . i /
number, we
where n is a prime find
ber, isde-

ite ultimate 6 = p n + (a- I) A + l (a

z -
I) A^+ ... (a"-
- l) A n_i ,

upon an which is given, as we have shewn in Art. 1019j by an equation of
equation of
X X3 " x2 x3 x ...
?n -2)
1 (n-l)
Dimensions : but if we form the equation

u n-l __ p u n- 2
+ p^ u n-3 __ . . . ^ p ^
= Q,

whose roots are A l} A z ,

. . . A n_ l} and if q be the number of
differentforms which this equation may assume for different
values of P, PI ... Pn _ 2 , then the final equation which arises
from their continued product will have invariable coefficients,
and will have q(n 1) dimensions: and inasmuch as

- = - -
q (n 1) 1 x 2 x 3 x ... (w 2) (w 1),

it follows that

= 1 x 2 x 3 x ... (n - 2) :

appears, therefore, that whilst the values of 6 are expressed
by an equation of Ix2x3x ...(n-l) dimensions, the values
Ai t A^ ... A n _i, in terms of which it is expressed, will be de
pendent upon an equation of ] x 2 x 3 x (n 2) dimensions. . . .

In the case Thus, if n = 3, as in the case of cubic equations, the values

^ ^ are gi yen by an equation of 1 x 2 dimensions, and the co
of the equation which expresses the values of A v and

AZ will depend upon an equation of the first degree, and they

are therefore unique
: this coincides with the result given in Art.

In the case If n be 5, or if the proposed equation be of 5 dimensions, the

tion^f the
va ^ ues f ^ wn depend upon
"l an equation of or 24 1x2x3x4
5th degree,
dimensions, and the coefficients of the equation which expresses
the values of A 1} A^ y A 8 A4 , will depend upon an equation of
1x2x3 or 6 dimensions, exceeding by 1
degree the dimensions
of the proposed equation.

When the 1025. If the number which expresses the dimensions of the
which ex- proposed equation be not prime but composite, then it will be
presses the found that the process under consideration may be very greatly

simplified: for if n=>qm, where m is not greater than q, then the dimensions
of the equa
tion is not
1, a, a ... a""
prime, but
Of the roots of composite.

*"-] -0

may be distributed into q groups or periods

a2 a- a 2 ... a m
I, a, ... , 1, a, . . .

recurring after every m th

term: we thus get

p 2m + ap 2m+l

and if we make


Pm-l + p2m-l + p3m-l + p gm~l

= m-l >

we shall find

t = X + aX l + a 2 X2 + ... a"- 1

Considering therefore X Xlf X , 2 ... Xm_ l as the roots of a
new equation of m dimensions only, we shall find

= tm = A

(a- -

if be the coefficient of the second term of the

p proposed equa
tion with its sign changed: and therefore


Having thus determined the values of the groups of the

roots of the proposed equation which are severally denoted by
X , Xi, Xz ... Xm_ l} we proceed to apply the same process to
the several equations of q dimensions which they form: and if

q is still a composite number, we may again proceed to re

distribute the roots of each primary into secondary groups, and
to repeat the same process for their determination.

Dimensions 1026. The number (N) of values of t in the expression

of the final
equation. v+
=X v + 2v +
aX ... am
~ li v _
t a*X% 1 m l

1 x 2 x 3 x . . n
(1 x2 x 3 x ... q)m

for the number of permutations of the

roots in each group is
1 and therefore all the permutations which m such
x 2 x 3 x ... q,
groups can form with each other is (1 x 2 x 3 x q) and if . . . : ;

the number of values of t, when all the terms in the series

1, a, a2 . . . a" 1

are different from each other be 1 x 2 x 3 x n, and if the . . . j

every m term, distributes

recurrence of the same period, after
them into groups admitting of (1 x 2 x 3 x ... q) permutations,
which become identical with each other, it will follow that the
number N
of different values of t, under such circumstances,
will be expressed by dividing 1 x 2 x 3 x . . . ra
by (Ix2x3x .

Again, the number N of different values of is
only the ]

part of the number of different values of t
(Art. 1019), and

Lastly, inasmuch as
B= rr+(a-l)A + (a*-l)A + l 9 . .

it will follow that, if we form the equation

whose roots are A lf A* ... A m_ l3 the number N" of sets of such

coefficients (arising from different values of A Jt A2 ... An_^)

which enter into them will be (m-l)N", which is also equal

to N : we thus get

m 1 m (m - I

_ Ix2x3x...
~ra(w-l)(lx2x3x ... q)

a number which expresses the dimensions of the final reducing

equation upon which the formation of the coefficients P, Q, R,
&c., and therefore the solution of the proposed equation, in its
ultimate analysis, may be said to depend.

1027. Let us apply the formulae in the last Article to the Applica-
solution of the biquadratic equation preceding
theory to
x*- px 3 + qx 2 rx + s = (1). the solution
In this case we have m = q = 2, and or the root of equa "
x2 - 1 =0,
which is different from 1, is - 1 : we thus find

/ = X l
+ a X 8 , where X l
= p + p z and X2
= pi
+ pz :


The triple values of A = 2,X X

1 Z are expressed by the roots
of the cubic equation

u3 -Pu*+Qu-R = (2),

where P, Q, R involve the roots of the proposed equation (l)

symmetrically, and are therefore expressible in terms of its co

efficients and are consequently known*.

Inasmuch as

where it = pp z + pip 3 we may transform

, the equation (2) into

M /3
-PV+QV-fl = 0, (3),

VOL. II. 3.E


when =q, Q =pr-4>s, R =(p*-4<q)s +

P r
are assigned by the
process given in Art. 981 *.

We thus find A = ^q- C2u

, and therefore

=p^-2A = p
2 /
l l
-4,q + 4 u
f :

if we find a real value of u t

or of 0,, we get

Again, since
Xi = P + P*,
we may consider
x a
-X x + \ = l

as a factor of the proposed equation : and if we proceed to ex

amine the conditions (as in Art. 985) which this factor must
satisfy, we shall readily find

we thus finally get, as in Art. 1021,

x L+ jW-4x)
f= and ^g.
and similarly for p l and p 3 .

Theory of 1028. If instead of forming the equation which expresses

Euler s so
lution of a the triple values of A l} we had begun
once to form the equa- at

tion wmch expresses the triple values of 6, we should have

processes of solution of biquadratic equations, which we have considered
in XLII., are equivalent to the corresponding processes for forming the
reducing cubic equations, whose roots are such symmetrical combinations of those
of the proposed equation as have triple values only: such are (p + p 2 ) (PI + PS)
or (pp 2 + p l p 3 ), or (p + p 2 p 1 ,/o 3 ) , and others which may be formed: such
processes are always greatly simplified, by supposing the coefficient of the second
term of the biquadratic equation to be zero thus the equation, whose roots are :

(p + p 2 P!
- p 3 ) 2 , investigated in the Article which follows, when all the terms
of the proposed equation are complete, is

which becomes, when p = 0,

it is only in this latter form that the particular process of transformation (if so
it may be termed) which is commonly Jcnown as Euler s solution (Art. 986), is

practicable and it is
: to this form of the original equation exclusively that Des

Cartes solution (Art. 985) is capable of application.



from whence we should obtain

i(P + = P + /2> and

if we farther make u + v = pp 2 ,
and u - v = p p^, the
two quad
ratic factors of the proposed equation would become
x* - ^ (p + t)
x 4- u +v = 0,

x 2
^ (p ) x+u- v 0,

which multiplied together would give the equation

jj _
* 1 - 2 - - 2=
p x + {2u + (p* / )} a? (pu + lv)x + u* v :

if we equate the terms of this biquadratic equation with those of

the equation proposed, we get

pu 4- tv = r,

from these three equations, we eliminate u and v by the

ordinary methods, and replacet
by 6, we get the cubic equation
sought for, which is

If Q lt a ,
63 be the three values of 6 in this equation, we

Kncyclopa-dia Uritaniii
Article "Equations" in tin-

It will be observed that the last term of the equation which

expresses the values of d with its sign changed (Art. 1027, Note)

0, x0 2 xd 3 = (p

and therefore

JOi x x/0 2 x ^/0 3

= (p
3 - 4,pq + 8r).

If we suppose pi = 0, p<i = 0, p 3 = 0, and therefore p=p, then

x \/02 x x/^3 ~ p = p*> which shews that the upper or positive
sign must be taken: if we suppose therefore p 4>pq + 8r to
be a positive quantity , then either all the values of ^0^ JQ^ JQ&
must be positive, or they must become negative by pairs, as in
the form of solution just given: but if p 4<pq + 8r be a ne
gative quantity, then either all the values of ^0^ ,J6 Z) and ^03
must be negative or two of them positive, in which case the
solution would assume the following form :

Failure of 1029. If we should proceed to apply the same method to

1 1S
f T
^e ex P ress i n f tne roots of the equation

c should find
dimensions. t
p + ap + a 2 p 2 + a 3 p 3 + a*p t
l ,

2 3 4
where a, a ,
a ,
a are the roots of the equation

x 5 - 1=0,

which are different from 1 : if we now make = / 5, we should ob

tain an equation in 0, with determinate coefficients ofl \2x3x4
dimensions, which is decomposable into 2x3 biquadratic equa
tions of the form
-P0 +Q0 3 2
- 120 + ^= 0,

where each of the coefficients P, Q, R, S admits of 2 x 3 (Art.

1024) different values for different permutations of the roots: or

in other words, those coefficients will be
dependent upon the
solutions of equations of the sixth degree and
: it appears, there
fore, that the solution of an equation of the fifth degree, will
necessarily lead, by the process under consideration, to an equation
of the sixth degree.

1030. If we apply the preceding process, however, to the Applica-

solution of the binomial equation
n ~ 1 = equations.

we shall find that it

assign will enable us to its roots, by
algebraical processes alone, for all values of n.

For this purpose, let us suppose n to be a prime number, Formation

and let us represent the roots of
of the roots
xn 1 when n is a

...r " 2, and

2 3
by r, r , r let us suppose them to be further dis
tributed into the cyclical period

by means of any one of the primitive roots (Art. 531) of n t such

as a : we shall thus find that the substitution of r, r , m*, Sic,
or of any one of its terms, in the place of r, will reproduce the
same series in the same order, if no regard be paid to the position
of the first term, or, in other words, if they be supposed to be

arranged in a circular order (Art. 722).

1031. Assuming therefore a to be a root of Determina

tion of the
n~ l - =
X 1 0, roots of the
which is different from 1, we may make thelceof
~2 the primi-
t - r + ara + ct
+ ... aB ra"~
, tive equa-
tion -
and therefore

+ a*A z 4- ... a*~*A n-Z)

where A A lt A z ... A^ are rational expressions involving r,


2 3
which do not change upon the substitution of r", r &c. ;-
, ,
n ~2 3
for r: tor if we replace t
by a t, a"~ t, successively,
we get

~3 ~2
an t = a"~ 3 r + an ra + r
4- ... a*"

B "2
at = ar 4- a2 r 4- a3 r 2
4- r ;

and if again in the same expression for t, we substitute for r

2 3 2
the successive terms of the series r, r , r . . . r""" , we shall get

"- 2 - = a"-

-3 /
=a t,

+ a r + a2 r 4- ... a"~ ra"~
2 3
= a/ ;

it thus appears that the values of 6 or of

r- =(ay- = (a0-=...(a^r
are the same, whatever be the term of the series

which we substitute for r, and that consequently those values

admit of absolute determination, inasmuch as it thus appears that
they involve the roots r, r, r r*~2 symmetrically. . . .

If we represent therefore the values of A in the expression

6 = A >

+ aA + l ... an A n_ 2,

P+Qr + Q,r 2
+ ... Qn_ 2 r"-

it will remain unaltered, in conformity with the proposition just

demonstrated, if we replace r by r, when it becomes

P+Q ra + Q, r* 2 + ... Q B _2 r (2),

and therefore equating corresponding terms of the identical

expressions (1) and (2), we get

Q=Q , Q -Qt 2, 0, = ft, . . .

Q,,_ 3 = Q_,
and therefore
A =P+Q (r + r" 4- ... m"- 2 ),

r + ra + ra
+ ,.. t r rt"-
=_ 1

iin a similar manner we find

where the symbols P, P, ... P_ n 2 , Q, Q l

. . . Q n_ ti
denote rational

The values of 6 are therefore

eo = P-Q + (p -Q l l )
+ (P2 - Q)+
2 . . .
(Pn_ 2 _ Q n _J,
0, =P- Q+ (P,
- Q,) + a,
(P2 - Q)+ "- 2 -
ttl 2 . . .
ai (P_, Q_*),

= P- Q+ (P,
- QO + a./ (P 2 - Q.) + .,
a2 - Q B _2),
2 2 .

C, = P - Q + - QO + aL 2 2 - Q 2 +
n _2 (Pi (P )
. . .
::S (Pn _, - Q n _ 2 ),
where i
= a, a 2 = a 2 a 3 = a 3
. . . a n _ 2 = a"~2 .

We thus find

r =
n- I

M- 1

1032. A very little consideration, however, will be sufficient Simplifica-

to shew, that not necessary to form the expression for a process by

it is

power of so high as 0"- , when n is a prime number: for, under


such circumstances, we have and it is obvious that which isnl=mq,

the terms of the expression for / may be distributed into groups fr^ i O f
of m or q terms as in Art. 1025: thus if a be a root of the hino-
inial equa
tion \\llOM

index is the which is different from 1, we have

least factor

m m+1 2
a 8 /*""" +

+ r<i + ar 4-

- 1) " (? - 1)m +2 -1 ""

+ a2 r

+ fafe-D" + ar" (v
4- . . . a"
/-" ;

and if we assume

X =

it will obviously appear, from an examination of the terms of

which these several expressions are composed, that by replacing
r by r, X becomes X2 X2 becomes X3 l Xm_z becomes X^^: , , . . .

similarly^ by replacing r by r
, X becomes X3 X^ becomes X4 l ,

. becomes
. X and similar consequences will follow from

replacing r by other terms of the cyclical period of the roots :

it will follow therefore that

will become, when r is

replaced by r,
X aX + a*X4 + ... a
m- l
= a m~ l

8 4- 3 X, t ;

when r is
replaced by r , it will become
X 3 + aX 4 +a 2
X 5 4- . . . am X z
= a^t :

and when r is
replaced by r*""
, it will become
Xm + aX l + a 2 X2 4- ... a"
1 1
Xm^ l
= at.

It will follow, therefore, that if

6 = r = (a t}m - (a 2
= . . .
1 1


^4 , ^4 U v4 2 . . .
^^_ 2 will be rational expressions involving X,,
X Xm in such a manner as not to change, when Xj is changed
2 . . .

into X X into X and so on and that they are consequently

2, 2 3, :

of the form P+Q,(X X +X Xm) or P+ Qs, where P and 1

4- 2 3 4- . . .

Q are determinate numbers, and .9 is either 1, or as will be


seen hereafter, some known rational or irrational number : if we

now find therefore the different values of
0, which are

Oo P
= + Q** + (P + l Q l s + ...... + (Pm_,
#1 = P
Q + S + a, (P, + Q lS) + . . . + aj"

=P Q + Q + 2 (P,

<L-, = P + Qo 4- a^ (P, + Q, ,) + . . . 4- a-! (P^ + Q_, ,),

we shall find,, making ^/6 = s,

s +a


m-l l

Having thus found the values of X X lt 8 . . ,

A, it remains
to determine the several
roots, which are q in number, in the
several which
groups purpose, we consider
form : for this they
them as forming the roots of an equation of dimensions, and
I r + ara + a 2 r a 2m + afo-OfaCj- )"^

If mq = n 1, and if q = 2, and m = - , we find

X l
= r +r
=r+-: (Art. 532)

X2=ra+ ^>

If we make therefore

r"=cos ^^+
\dsin -^-,
we find

X l
=2 cos
n ,
= 2 cos
X8 = 2 cos n

where a is a root of the equation

tf-1 =0,

which is different from 1 : we then form

where A A 1} A% ,
A q-l are reducible to the form P + Qs,
. . .

where P and Q are severally determinate numbers, and s X t ,

whose value has been previously found the several values of 0, :

and consequently those of r m r? m

ra 1)m are determined, as in ,
. . .

the last Article, merely replacing s by X and m by q. :

If, however, it should be found that q is still a composite

number, the several roots which are comprehended in Xl} Xz ,

X3 Xm may be further distributed as before, and the process


in the last Article repeated for it is always desirable to reduce :

as low as possible the index of the power to which / is required

to be raised.

We shall now proceed to apply the preceding theory to the

solution of binomial equations.

1033. Let it be required to solve the equation

x 5 - 1=0.

Applica- The number 2 is a primitive root of 5, and the cyclical period

tion of the ...
. , . . . ,

preceding of the roots or this equation is therefore

theory to
the solution r, r\ r , r2 ,

of the or
equation 2 4 3
5 - 1=0. r> r r > *

In this case, since 4 = (w l)

= 2x2 = qm, if we make a = 1

or that root of a;
1 = 0, which is different from 1, we find

t = Xi + a X% ,

where Xi = r + r and 4
=r + 2


A = 2X,X, = 2
l (r + r2 + r
+ r4 ) = - 2 :

and A = s
-A l
(Art. 1022) =3: therefore

We thus get, since J0 Q

-s= 1 ,

X ^V e
oJ ei

But inasmuch as

.3d = r + r
and X =r + 4

we find, by repeating the same process,

/ = r -f a r4 ,

and therefore
= /
= r* + /-
+ 2a = X, + 2a = X 8
- 2.

We thus get, since ,J0 =X l ,

2 2

and again, by changing Xi into X 8, and X% into X,, we find

X g


If we replace A r
and X 2 by. their numerical values, we get

-1-J5-J(- 10-2^/5)
These will be found to coincide with the values given in
Arts. 707 and 814.

Solution of 1034. Let it be required to solve the equation

the equa
tion x 3
1 = 0.
x7 - 1 = 0.

Since 3 is a primitive root of 7, the cyclical period of the

roots of the equation

r e ) r*3 r s

- =6=3 x 2 = qm, if we take a the root of

Again, since n 1

x ,=>

we get
/ = X, + aX 2 ,

X 1

X 2

d = t*=A + aA l ,

J, = SXtX, = 2 (3 + r + r
+ r
+ r
+ r
+ r

=2 + = 6 + 2* = 4, since * = -^ 1
(3 *)

and therefore
A = s*~ A = l-4, = -3. l

We thus find
= -3 + 4a,

and therefore
0: = -7.


V ~~

Again, since q
- 3, if we make a a root of the equation

x T1 = 0,

and consider r, r
, r*, which are involved in X lt as the roots
of a new equation, we shall find

and therefore
e> = t
=A + aA^ + JAv,

where by the actual formation of the cube of / , we find

and therefore

We thus get

and therefore

3 5 6
The values of r , r , and r may be found in a similar manner.

1035. Let it be required to solve the equation Solution of

the equa-
r 17 1 O tion
x 7_l=0.
Since 3 is a primitive root of 17, the cyclical period of the
roots of
x l7 -l =0
t,i,r .9 10
) r,i,r,r,
13r r 5 \\

1C 14 3 7 4 !2 H "

Since n- 1 = 16 = 8 x 2 = qm, we make a the root of

and assume

X l
= r + r+ r ls
+ r
+ r
+ r
+ r
+ r




We thus get

and therefore

= _ 2 5615528 .

* if n be a prime number of the form 4m + and if the

Generally, 1,

cyclical period formed by the roots of

be distributed into two groups l and X X

2 of 2m roots each, formed by taking

itsalternate terms then if we consider X^ and

; 2 as the roots of the quad X
ratic equation
u2 + Au + B=0,
we shall find

= A! Y2 = ms =

(2m) = 4mxm =
for there are (n 1) terms in their product, forming

and therefore equal to T x s = -

original cyclical periods, ;

the equation consequently becomes

*+_Sr!. ft

and therefore

Again, since q = 8 = 4 x 2 q m, we proceed to distribute the

roots in the primary groups X 1 and X 2, into the secondary groups
YI, F 2 ,
F 3 , F 4 assuming
c-y1+a r fj
F^r + r^+r^+r 4

= r
+ r
+ r
+ r

We thus get

and therefore

Thus if n = 5, we find

If n = 13, we find
- 1 yi3

But if n be of the form 4m + 3, then if t and X X 2 be assumed as before,

and be supposed to be the roots of the equation

we shall find


(2m + I) or m (n 1) + 2m + 1 terms in their product, forming

for there are
m complete cyclical periods of n 1 terms, and (2m + 1) terms which are
n we thus get
severally equal to r or 1 ;

B = ms + 2m + 1 = - m + 2m + 1


the equation thus becomes

whose roots are


Thus, if n= 7, we find (Art. 1034)

If n = 11, we find

This proposition is given in Gauss

1 + V~f1

Disquisitwnes Arithmetics, Art. 356.


A =2Y
l l Yt =


13-X/17 9 _
1= -2~~
and also

X 1

2 4


In a similar manner we find

Again, since 5 =4=2 x 2 = q"m, we proceed to distribute the

secondary groups Yl} Y F Y z, 2, 3 into ternary groups Z 19 Z2 Z3

, ,

Z4 Z6 Z
, , fl ,
Z7 Z 8
, :
taking the same value of a, we assume


We thus get
J", = 2Z,Z, = 2 (r 3 + r
+ r
+ r
=2 F 3,


* The value of A" is more readily found from Zf + Z2Z than from

2 - A \.

0", = 4+y,

= 1.864944,

Yl ~J e" l
=. 184537.

In a similar manner, we find

= 1.478018,

c =r + -
-- .547326,

77 = r + -4 = -1.700434,

Zs = r
+ 4r = - 1.205269.

The roots of the equation ?/

2 -Z l
u -j- 1 = 0, or r and r

.932472 .261 124 V 1^

2 2 15
The roots of the equation u -Z^u+ 1 =0, or r and r , are

.739009 * .673696 J^l.

The roots of the equation u

-Z u+ 1 = 0,
or r
and r
, are

.445738 .895163 7^-

The roots of the equation n
2 - Z2 u + 1 =0, or r
and r

17 !-
.092368 .995734 V
The roots of the equation n
2 - Zs u + I =(),
or r and r ,

-. 273662 .96! 183 7^-


The roots of the equation u

-Z a u + l = Q, or r
and r", are

- .602635 1
.79801? J ^-

The roots of the equation n

-Z 7
n + l=Q, 7
or r and r

- .850217 .5264.32 J-~l.

The roots of the equation

2 - Z3 n + 1 =0, or r
and r 9 , are

- .982973 .18374-9 v^-

We have thus assigned all the roots of the equation
x 11 - 1 -
without the solution of any equation which exceeds the second

A regular 1036. The solution of the equation, a-

17 - 1=0, which we

sideTmay nave given preceding Article, enables us to divide a circle

in the

17 equal parts: for we have elsewhere shewn

be inscribed into
fo J
cally in a (Art. 811) that r, which is
expressed by
.932472 + .261 124 J^l,
equally represented in magnitude and direction by
27T 27T .

^~ * sm 1i
cos +
being a radius of the circle which is
equal in magnitude to 1,

and which makes an angle of with the primitive line.

Theprocesses which have been employed for determining

2 7T 2?T
the numerical values of cos - and sin ~- , in the preceding

value of r, involve nothing beyond the extraction of the square

roots of real magnitudes and the solution of quadratic equations
with real coefficients, which are equally within the province of
arithmetic and of geometry.

Other 1037. Whenever n is a prime number, and n 1 = 2

, the

SOTC^ equation
which pos- Xn 1 =
sess the
same pro- may be similarly solved
by the aid of quadratic equations with
real terms, and the subdivision of the circle into n or 2 m + 1
equal parts may be effected by arithmetical and geometrical
means but a very little consideration will be sufficient to shew

that 2 + 1 cannot be a prime number, unless m is of the form

2 r *, and not universally t so, even when that condition is ful

filled we thus find the series of numbers

2 +l, 2 2 +l, 2 s2 +1, 2 23 +l, 2 24 -fl, ...

3, 5, 1 1, 257, 65537 . . .

which express the number of sides of regular figures which are

geometrically inscriptible in a circle.
More generally it follows from the preceding theory "that,
if n be a
prime number, and n 1 = a x
x x cv , then the & . . .

binomial equation

xn ~ 1 =0
may be solved, and a circle divided into n equal parts, by pro
cesses which involve the solution of A equations of a dimensions,
of n equations of b dimensions, of equations of c dimensions ,
// . . .

and all such subordinate equations admit of resolution by general

processes which fail when applied to other equations in their
general form of a degree superior to the fourth." Thus if n = 7>
we find n I = 2 x 3, and a regular heptagon may be inscribed
in a circle by the and cubic equation if
solution of a quadratic :

n = 13, we have = 22
and a regular polygon of 13 sides may
n x 3,
be inscribed by the solution of two quadratic and of one cubic
equation. It is this important proposition which forms the

subject of the 7th and concluding section of the Disquisitio?ies

Arithmeticce^. of Gauss, and which may be considered as one of
the most remarkable additions which the theory of equations
has received in later times.

* For m = qr, where is an odd number, we get 2" =2 + l which

if </
l r

for if we make 2 = u, we get 2 + 1 = w + 1, which

r r r
is by 2 + 1
divisible :

is divisible by 2 + 1 or u + 1, since q is an odd number but 2" is the only


form of m which contains no factor which is an odd number.

t For 223a + 1 or the 32nd term of the series, has been shewn by Euler
tobe divisible by 641 ;
all the terms in the series which precede it are prime

\ The same subject is treated in a very general form by Abel in a very

" Memoire stir
remarkable line classe particuliere d equations resolubles alge-
briquement," which appears in the first volume of his works, p. 114, and of
which a short analysis is given in a Report on the recent progress and present
state of certain branches of Analysis," p. 318, amongst the Reports of the 13riti.-,li

Association for 1833.



In Arith- 1038. IN Arithmetical Algebra, the results of direct as well

as of inverse operations, when practicable, are equally unique,
A?gd> ra,
the results
tne on jy ambiguities being those which correspond to different
am/inverse cases, admitting of distinct and independent statements thus :

of 1 +x is 1 + 2x + x , and the only recognized
are^quTllytne only square
square root of l + 2x + x is l+x:
unique. the only square of (l-#) is
l2x + x , and the only recognized square root of 1 %x + x

is 1 - it x, assumed that the

being and the root are
equally arithmetical both in their value
and in their arrrange-
ment: and though the arithmetical values of I-2x + x and
jc*-<2x + l are the same, yet their roots, being 1 -# in one case,
and x-l in the other, are different both in their values and
- x2 - 2 x + 1
their arrangement and it is only when 1 Zx + x* and

are derived in such a manner that one of them may replace the
other indifferently, which can only take place when the relations
of value of 1 and x are unknown, that the square roots of either
one of the two, or of both, will equally admit of being considered
as real and arithmetical results.

In Arith- 1039. Ambiguities, therefore, can only present themselves

/u ebra
* n Arithmetical Algebra, when the specific values of the symbols
ambiguities are not assigned antecedently to the performance of operations
present upon them: for it is only under such circumstances that expres-
themselves s j O ns, such as 1 -2x + x* and x 2 -2x+ 1, can be considered to be
relations of equally admissible as the subjects of any operation, such as that
^ extractm g tne square root, or that l~x, which is the square
hols con- root of the first of them, or x I which is the
square root of
them are tne second, can be considered as equally admissible results of
unknown. tne operations when performed for it is obvious that there exists

no reason, whilst the relation of those values is unknown, for

the selection of one of these forms in preference to the other.

The following problems will serve to illustrate not

the origin of such ambiguities, but likewise to
suggest con
siderations by which they may sometimes be removed.

1040. By selling sugar at $d. per Ib. I lose as much per An ambi-
cent, as the sugar cost me. What was the prime cost of the guo u s
, ,

*. ..
sugar ?

If x be the prime cost of the

sugar, the conditions of the
problem give us the equation

x-9 __ _*_
x ~100
100,r-900 =
.r ,

100,r-,r 2 =900.

Subtracting both sides from 50 or 2500, we get
2500 - 100 x + x*= 1600,
50 - x = 40,
which gives
x= 10,

a value which answers the conditions of the

If, however, in the absence of any knowledge of the value
of x, or of the limits within which it might be taken, we should
reverse the order of the terms in the trinomial 2500-300.T + x 2 ,
we should find
2 - 100 x + 2500 = 1600,
x - 50 = 40,

which gives x = 90, a number which equally answers the con

ditions of the problem.

appears, therefore, that the problem proposed is really am
biguous, and that the processes of Arithmetical Algebra equally
adapt themselves to the determination of the two values of the
unknown symbol which is required to be found. Such an
ambiguity in this and in similar cases could only be made to
disappear, by supposing the range of its values to be limited by

See a similar problem, No. 7, Art. 409.

circumstances involved in the statement of the problem in such

a manner as to be incompatible with one or both of the two
values which are thus assigned.

it was
A problem 1041. required to determine a right-
Thus, suppose
an ^ whose hypothenuse was given, as well as the
ec^ triangle,
tions of sum of the other two sides and of the perpendicular let fall from
value of the , . , , -,

unknown the right angle upon the hypothenuse :

quantity jf we SL1 pp Ose the triangle to be ACE,

remove the
ambiguity and if AB = b, AC+CB+CD = a, and
would CD = x: and if we further assume
otherwise AC-CB = y, we should find

and therefore, since AC 2

+ CB = AB
2 2


Again, since ACxCB = ABxCD, we get

H: z = b, ( 2 ).

If we eliminate if from the equations (1) and (2), we get the

final equation

one solution of which gives us

a positive value and which answers the conditions of the pro

blem proposed.

If however, in order to find the second value of x } we should

arrange the equation under the form

we should not be authorized, by the principles of Arithmetical

Algebra, in forming the root

inasmuch as we know, from the statement of the question, that


x is less than a, and therefore than a + b, and that consequently

the arrangement of the terms of the
x 2 -2(a + h)x + (a + b)

and therefore, its root, is not arithmetical there is consequently :

only one root of the proposed equation, which is compatible with

the conditions of the problem in which it

If, however, we should solve the equation by the Its sym-

of Symbolical Algebra, we should find two
positive roots ex- so\u\\L.
pressed by the formula, which are

the greater of which must be rejected as incompatible with the

conditions of the problem for the reasons which we have

1042. The ambiguities of Symbolical, as well as those of Considera-

Arithmetical, Algebra, are confined to inverse operations and which t he
in ordinary cases, in the absence of interpretation, the results ambigui-

which we obtain solution of problems, are equally un-

in the bolical Al-

ambiguous in one science and in the other thus, if the

roots of a~ be equally -f- a and a, and if a be either uninter- be re-

preted or uninterpretable, the negative root, whenever it presents

itself, may be rejected as unmeaning or inapplicable, and the

conclusion restricted to that which is furnished by the positive

which are generally, though not universally, equally

root or roots,
obtainable by the processes of Arithmetical Algebra.

in the solution of the following problem :
" A bought Problem.

pears for l%d., and found that if he had bought six more for the
same money, he would have paid id. less for each. How many
did he buy ? we readily find, by Symbolical Algebra, the two
roots of the resulting equation, which are 18 and -24: and
inasmuch as no meaning relative to the problem, in the form
in which it was proposed, can be given to the
negative root,
we derive no information, from the application of the principles
of Symbolical Algebra, which those of Arithmetical Algebra,
in such a case, would not equally supply*.

* It would in no respect limit the generality of this conclusion, to shew-

that the problem, in the text, is capable, in conformity, with the ordimm
principles of interpretation, of being converted into another, in which the

The inter 1043. Again, though the multiple values which Symbolical
of symboli Algebra assigns for the solution of a problem, whether they be
cal results
must be re
may admit of interpretation, yet
positive, negative, or imaginary,
lative to the they are not applicable unless they likewise satisfy the geo
problems metrical or other conditions which the problem imposes upon
in whose
solutions them thus symbols with different signs, if applied to lines,

they ap
would denote, generally, lines in opposite directions but such :

opposition of direction may be very variously estimated, whether

with respect to a point in the same or different lines, or with
respect to another line in a given or variable position : but even
supposing that lines may be found which fully satisfy the re
quisite symbolical conditions, yet it does not therefore follow
that they are relative to the problem proposed: neither will it

necessarily follow, when real ambiguities exist, that the form of

the symbolical solution employed will be competent to express
them, or that it will comprehend all the geometrical conditions
which the problem requires to be fulfilled.

The following problems will serve to illustrate the preceding

observations, as well as some other points, which deserve the

most serious attention of the student.

Geometn- 1044. Let C be the middle point of a given chord AB of

and11let CD
cal pro- i s<t-r\ ii

blem- first a circle, be drawn

and imper-
perpendicular to AB, meeting
tion. the circumference in and let D :

it be required to draw the chord

DF, so that the part of it EF
intercepted between the given
chord, and the circumference,
may be equal to a given line.

negative root of one solution would become the positive root of the other :

for this purpose, in the enunciation of the problem, we change buying into
selling, more into less, paying into receiving; securing in every instance such
a change of the relations of the magnitudes involved as may be correctly
symbolized by a change of their sign, from + to ,
and conversely the ;

problem thus modified, would stand as follows:

" A sold
pears for 72d., and
found that if he had sold six less for the same money, he would have received
Id. more for each. How many did he sell? 1 But it should be observed that
these two problems are not so related to each other, that any single inter
pretation of the negative root of one equation would immediately lead to the
requisite modification of the other.

Let AC = a, CD = b, and the given line EF = c, and let us

assume, in the first DE = x: then since

EF = AE*EB = AC - CE 2 2

= AC 2 - (DE - 2
CD 2
= AC 2
+ CD 2 - DE 2
) ,

we get
ex = a~ + b
x 2,
and therefore

of which one value is positive and the other negative.

be expressed by the positive value of a-, the negative
root will not, in this case, be
expressed by a line drawn in the
direction of ED
produced for the direction of the line : is DE
estimated with respect to that of the given line EF, which is

assumed to be positive : if DE and EF, therefore, are estimated

in the same direction from D, then they are both of them posi
tive : but ifthey are reckoned or estimated in different directions
from Z), then EF
is positive, and is negative the first case DE :

is that in which DE = - | + /( j+
+ #*
where EF is within

the circle: the second is that in which DE = --- /( +a 2 +b*\

where EF
is intercepted between the chord produced, and AB
the circumference, and estimated in a direction opposite to DE .

Again, the symbolical solution gives only two answers to the

problem proposed, whilst the geometrical solution gives four:
for it is obvious that lines
Def and Df e making with CD ,

the same angles as DEF and DF E , will equally answer the

conditions of the problem proposed.

But though the different cases formed by the pairs of

symmetrical lines DEF and Def, DF E and Df e are dis
tinguished from each other in the geometrical, they are not so
in the algebraical, solution and the reason of this apparent :

deficiency or rather ambiguity (for it is uncertain whether

x expresses DE or De,
or Z)e ) DE is very easily explained:
for since DE and De are equal to each other, and also sym
metrical in position with respect to CD, and, therefore, when
considered with reference to EF
or ef, have the same sign, they


are identical in their symbolical representation; and the same

remark will equally apply to DE
and De : it will follow, there
fore, that the same symbols, when thus assumed and used, are
ambiguous in their representation, and are incapable therefore
of distinctly symbolizing more than two of the four
cases of the problem.

Again, the four cases of the problem are reduced to two, if


EF be greater than Cd or ar ; for in that case there are no-

lines DE and De drawn within the circle, which will answer
the conditions of the problem : but the
expression which wes
have obtained for DE
remains unaltered in form and character,
and is therefore incompetent to express the limitation to which
the problem is subject: in other words, we obtain a real
positive value of a? or of DE, to which no solution of the problem
corresponds. It would be difficult to refer to a more instructive
example of the necessity of a rigorous comparison of the sym
bolical values of
expressions with the geometrical or other
conditions which they symbolize, when the
points of transition

in passing from cases which are possible to those which are*

impossible are marked by no changes of sign or of form.
Second and Such imperfections however, in the symbolical solution of
more com- , .,,

plete geometrical problems an injudicious

will generally originate in
solution. choice of the line or other
quantity which the unknown symbol
of the equation is assumed to
represent for if, in the case under

consideration, we should represent the line CE instead of by DE

>r, we
should easily obtain a symbolical, which is in
every respect
coextensive with the geometrical, solution of the
For we shall thus get DE = J(b* + x 2
), which gives us, since
DExEF=AExEB, the equation

which, when rationalized, becomes

2 2
x*-(2a +c*)x
whose four roots are expressed by

It remains to examine the different values of x in this ex

pression, and the interpretation of their

In the first place, if

~= c, there are only three values of x,

which are
i^g&c + c
0, ).

For, in this case, EF= Cd, and CE = 0: the points E and e

corresponding to,/(2&c + c )
and -J(2bc + c 2 ) respectively, being
exterior to the circle.

In the second place, if

be greater than c, or if EF be less
than Cd, then there are four values of x, two
positive, and two
negative two of these values, which are expressed by

are less than a, and therefore correspond to points E and e within

the circle: and two, which are expressed by

and which are greater than a, correspond to points E and e ,

which are exterior to the circle.

In the third place, if -=- be less than c, or if EF be greater

than Cd, then there are no points E and e within the circle
which fulfil the conditions of the problem, and two of values
of x, expressed by

become imaginary : of the two others, expressed by

one is positive and the other negative, corresponding to points

E and e*, which are exterior to the circle.

In this solution, the positive and negative roots admit of their

primary and appropriate interpretation, being referred to a fixed

point in a given straight line, and being
estimated therefore in

opposite directions from it: but the occurrence of imaginary

roots intimates that there are no points E and e within the circle

through which DE may be drawn so that EF may be of the


required magnitude and it may be further observed, that there


isno modified construction which the geometrical interpretation

of such imaginary roots would suggest, which is compatible with
the conditions of the problem*.

If the as- 1045. If the assumptions which are made with respect to
sumptions fa e representation of lines or other magnitudes be arithmetical,
one part of as opposed to symbolical, in one part of the solution of a problem,
tne results which are obtained may be either erroneous or in-?
blem be same principles of representation be not applied
consistent, if the r
cal, they throughout. Ihus, supposing a given chord r

DE P asses through a given point C of the
throughout, diameter AB of a circle, and it is required
to determine the segments CD and CE into
which it is divided in C ; then if we should
denote AC by a and CB by b } representing
lines drawn from C by
in opposite directions

symbols with the same signs, then the same principle of repre
sentation and interpretation would be found, in the result, to
extend to the lines CD and CE } which are also drawn in op
posite directions from C: for if we denote CD by x, and DE
by c, we should find
x (c .r)
= ab }


where the values of x are both of them positive and express the
segments CD and CE of the chord and as the assumptions made :

respecting them are those of Arithmetical Algebra, the results

The problem in the text, which is one of more than common instruction
and has been discussed, though very imperfectly, by Carnot in his
Geomelrie de Position, by whom its results are appealed to as subversive of the
ordinary theory of the interpretation of positive and negative symbols, when
representing lines he appears to have laboured under the impression, in com

mon with D
Alembert, and others who preceded him, that such interpretations
of signs were absolute and not relative, and that the opposition of direction
which they symbolized, was to be sought for, not in a different but in the
same straight line thus CE and Ce, in the figure in the text, would be legi

timately symbolized by + x and x; but if DE

was denoted by +x, the line
which was symbolized by x must be sought for in the production of ED,
and not in a different line DE .

tThis example is produced by D

Alembert, in his Dissertation sur les
Quantites Negatives, in the eighth volume of his Opuscules, as presenting an
anomaly to the ordinary theory of interpreting negative quantities.

may be properly considered to belong to the same science and

to respect and not direction.
quantity only

1046. If however the point A,

through which the given
A problem
chord ED passes, be exterior to the
Jrcle,and if AC and AB, estimated ^o,
i ,. / -^\ bohcally
n the same direction from A, were
f ^*^ \ andarith-

represented by a and b, an assump-

tion consistent with the
principles both
of Symbolical and Arithmetical
bra, and if we further assume =x AD
and DE
= c, we should arrive at the
x (c + x)
= ab,
and, therefore, obtain

me AD is positive, and the other

value of which, representing

representing EA and exclusively belongs therefore

is negative,
to Symbolical
Algebra for if AD and DE estimated in the

same direction from A be represented by positive symbols x

and c, then EA, which is formed by the production of ED in a
direction opposite to AD and DE, must, in conformity with
the principles of that science, be affected with a negative sign.
If, however, the same problem be solved by the principles of

Arithmetical Algebra, we may represent AD by x, AE by y,

AC by a, AB by b, and DE by c, and form the two equations
y - x = c,
xy = ab.
If we replace y by c + x, the second equation becomes
x (c + x)
= a b,
whose unique arithmetical root is

if we farther replace this value of x in the first equation, we get

which is likewise
positive and arithmetical: the lines AD and
AE, as well as the lines AC and AB are represented in this
solution by positive symbols.

A large 1047. In the largest class of examples, however, the equa

class of
geometrical tions which are formed have exclusive reference to the magni
and other
tudes of the quantities which the symbols represent, and not to
problems in
which their affections, or, as in the case of lines, to their positions with
Symbolical in such cases, Symbolical Algebra will:!
Algebra respect to each other:
affords no no results which are notgenerally obtainable by Arith
which are metical Algebra, inasmuch as the introduction of expressions
not equally
affected with negative or imaginary signs must be considered as
by Arith referrible to the general rules of Symbolical Algebra only, and
Algebra. not amenable therefore to the principles of interpretation which
are found to be applicable under other circumstances. Thus, if!
we take the diameter AB of a circle,

drawing Dcd perpendicular to it, and

joining AD and Ad, and if we repre
sent the magnitude of the diameter
AB by r, the magnitude of the seg
ment (or sagitta) AC by x, we shall
and therefore

In this result, zrx

represents indifferently the magnitude
of the chord AD or
Ad, but has no reference whatever to the
position of one or the other of them with respect to AE the in :

troduction of the negative result therefore, is entirely due to the

rules of Symbolical Algebra, and is, in no respect, relative to the
problem proposed: and though it is quite true that if AD be
assumed to be represented in magnitude and in direction by J%rx,
then AD which is
equal and opposite to AD (and also any other
equal line which is parallel to it) may be correctly represented
by J%rx, yet such an interpretation of the negative root, in
the solution of the problem under consideration, would be a mere

surplusage and altogether alien to the original assumptions which

were made: in other words J%rx may equally represent, under
such circumstances, any line whatever which is equal to AD.

Ambigui- 1048. The most common, however, of all the sources of

roots ambiguity in the symbolical solution of problems, is due to the

* This
example is also discussed by D Alembert in the same Dissertation,
"referred to before.

introduction of extraneous factors which are required for the

rationalization of the equations of condition, which the problem

furnishes, and the consequent introduction of roots which will

satisfy the rationalized but not the primitive equation ; we have

already illustrated this theory of proper roots of equations, as
distinguished from roots of solution, in great detail, in a former
Chapter (xx). The following is an example of a problem, whose
solution leads to an equation of condition, of the peculiar class
to which we are now referring.
" To determine a
right-angled triangle the sum of whose

two sides is 35, and of which the perpendicular let fall from
the right angle upon the hypothenuse is
equal to 12."
If we denote one of the two sides by x, the conditions of the

problem will give us the equation

35,r - xa = 12 J(2x* - 7Qx + 1225),

which rationalized becomes

4 - 70 a? + 937 x* + 10080 x - 176400 = 0.

This biquadratic equation is resolvible, by the processes

given in Chapter xx, into the two quadratic equations
x2 -35 x + 300 =

The roots of the first equation are 15 and 20, which satisfy
the primitive equation of condition, and will be found to solve
the problem: they express the two sides of the right-angled

The roots of the second equation, which are 47-4 and 12.4

satisfy the rationalizing

Zx 2 - 70,r + 1225) =

only, and not the primitive equation, and are therefore roots of
solution only, and are not relative to the problem proposed.

1049. We must beware, however, lest we conclude too The roots

hastily, in all cases, where an irrational equation

is rationalized,
that some of the roots of the resulting equation are roots of solution factor are
, _ sometimes
for may
merely, and not relative to the it
problem proposed :
pr0 per
roots -
happen that all the irrational factors of the rationalized equation

are equally furnished by the conditions of the problem, and*

that therefore all the roots which satisfy the several factors are

equally relative to it: thus in the equation given in Art. 1044

the two irrational factors
a2 - x* - c Jb 2 + x 2 = 0,

a -x + c + x~ = 0,

of the final equation

are equally relative to the problem proposed, and their roots,

therefore, equally satisfy the required conditions.

Ambigui 1050. Another source of ambiguity in Symbolical Algebra

is referrible to thewant of a uniform notation of radicals as well
unique or
multiple as of a uniform sense in which such notation is used.
values of
under a
Thus we denote the square root of 1 + x2 indifferently both by
Jl + x and by (1 + x )^ the cube root of 1 - x either by
radical 2 2 2
- 2 - th 3
H (\ x ), or by (1 x )* the 7i root of ax x either by

IJax x , or by (ax or )" and similarly in other cases. No

2 2

serious inconvenience could result from this variety of notation

for identical quantities, inasmuch as they are immediately con
vertible into each other, provided it was used, in all cases, in

precisely the same sense, or subject to the same limitations : but

we sometimes assume Jl x 2, or */! x2 to denote the multiple
and sometimes the simple arithmetical root as determined by the
principles of Arithmetical Algebra.

Suggestion 1051. It would tend greatly to the clearness and precision

for their n
of symbolical notation, if the radical sign ,J or was used j
strictly in the sense attached to it in Arithmetical Algebra, and
the corresponding notation by indices to designate the multiple
root of Symbolical Algebra: the equation

x? - 7x + 2 -
lx + - 24 =
J(x 18)

would thus be confined to the designation of one of the two

factors of the rationalized equation

2 - 7x - 24) 2 - (x
2 - 7x +
= 0,

both of which would be equally represented by its symbolical


x a - lx 4-
- 7* +
- 24 = :

and it would be no sufficient objection to this limited

use of
the radical sign (which is
exclusively used in Arithmetical Al
gebra, inasmuch as the use and theory of fractional indices is
essentially symbolical) that it might be applied to expressions
which were negative, and therefore not arithmetical: for ex
pressions or equations in which such radical signs occur, can
only admit of interpretation by being transferred to Symbolical

1052. We have before noticed (Art. 960) the

ambiguities Ambigui-
which arise from the uncertainty which sometimes when prevails, asTumhT
the same specific radical presents itself in different terms of an or not .

equation or a series, whether the same specific value (when mul-

tiple values of it are admissible) which it is assumed to in specific possess
one term is or is not simultaneous in the others
however, same radi-
all :

we should adopt the limitations of notation which are **" 11

proposed in Soah?
the last Article, no ambiguity would occur in the equation different
terms of the
8 same equa-
, tionor

or in the series

Jx + 3x 5xjx f
35 x*
,Jx)~ 2 8 16 128
where the specific radical Jx would retain throughout its
arithmetical meaning : but if the equation was

where x* admits of double and x^ of triple values, and where
it is not assumed that the values either of ar or of or are
simultaneous on both sides of the equations, it would be equally
capable of 36 different forms, and if rationalized would become
an equation of 6 dimensions, all whose roots would be equally
admissible as proper roots of the equation.*

1053. Such a range of uncertainty, however, would not be Such am -

n i i . . i i . biguities
allowable in series or expressions derived from known operations are not al-

in which the specific values of the radical terms involved in the JjJlJJS m
generating expressions are, in all cases, assumed to be transmitted derived
to the results to which they lead : thus if it was required to
VOL. II. 3 I

multiply 1+^
into 1 + o?*, the specific values of x* and or*

would be assumed to prevail in the product

and in the developement of a series such as (1 -# 2 ) which gives
1*2 14 a 35

whatever be the specific value of jr which is assumed in the

generating expression, the same is transferred to the series
generated : in the absence of such an assumed community of
values, the results of the operations of Symbolical Algebra would,
in such cases, lead to inextricable confusion.

Ambigui- In the transition from a generating expression, more

arise"when especially
it is deduced, in the first instance, for values of

an expres- the
symbols involved in it which are general in form but specific
sion and -1-1.1 -I.T "
the ordi- m
value, and which are subsequently generalized by the prm-
of its
deve- ^
e ^ tne permanence of equivalent forms," or by means of
lopement some proposition to which the application of that principle leads,
have not .
we sometimes adopt a form
, V /. i t
or the series whose value is unique
the same
number of
wnen that of the expression in which it originates and to which
it is assumed to be equivalent, is multiple : thus the value of
the series

1 + nx + * (n
- 1)
~ +n (n
- 1) (n
^^ g
+ . . .

which originates in (I+x) n is unique for all values of n: but

inasmuch as the values of (l + #)n are multiple whenever n is
fractional, the series in question, under such circumstances,
ceases to be coextensive with, and therefore completely equivalent
to, the expression from which it is derived if however, we :

should call s the arithmetical value of the series

l g g
we should find
(1 +*) = !(! + *),
(!+#)"= r(l+jr) =l".*,
where 1" is considered as (Art. 724) the recipient of the multiple
values of (1 -f
#)": and inasmuch as it
appears (Art. 810) that

(where r may have any value in the series 0, 1, 2, 3 ...), we

may form the equation
(1 + #)"= (cos 2nrir + J^l sin ^nrtr) s,

which is true for all values of n.

We thus get

(1 + x$ = 1^. s = (cos rtr + J- 1 sin rv) s = s,


and similarly in other cases.

neglect of a sufficient attention to this peculiar source
of ambiguity has led to many imperfect and erroneous gene
ralizations, more particularly in the case of an extensive class
of goniometrical series, some of which we shall now proceed
to investigate it is only within a very recent period that their

correct forms were first exhibited by Poinsot.

m in
1055. Let it be required to find a series for (2 cos 6) Series for

terms of the cosines or sines of multiples of 0. m terns of

m and the sines or
Let p represent the arithmetical value of (2 cos 0) .

cosines of
therefore multiples
m offl.
(2cos0) =:r.p,
if 2 cos 6 be positive, and

(2 cos 0)"
= (-!)>,
if 2 cos 6 be negative.

Again, since 2 cos 6 = ee ^~ + e~ e ^~ l l

(Art. 926), we get

(2 cos 0)"
= l
^~+ e~ ^r> e

But 1"*= cos 2mr7r + J 1 sin27wr-n-,

J^l sinm0,

= cos _ + -
4) a yri s in (m 4)


(cos 2mrir + J^l sin Zmnr) p


+ fjl (cos2mr7r + J 1 sin 2rar7r) {sinm0

~ *)
+ msin (m -2) 0+ sin (m- 2)0 -...}:
(cos 2wr-7r + N/- 1 sin 2wr7r) (cos ?H0 + ^/ 1 sinm0)
cos mQ
+J 1 cos Qmnr sinrnd si

= cos m (2 r ?r + 0) + ^ 1 sin m (2 r TT + 0).

We thus get

(cos 2mrTr + J 1 sin 27wr-7r) p,

6) +mcos (m-2) (2r?r + 0)

cos (TW _ 4) (2

+ J- 1 {sin 77Z
(2 r TT + 0) + m sin (7/2
- 2) (2 r ?r + 6)

?W v
(Vj 1 yJ y
sm (?w
- 4) x ..

(2r-7r + ^) + . .

= Cr + 7^ *r,

where cr represents the series of cosines, and ^ r the series of sines

of the multiples of 6.

m =(
If we take the second case, in which (2 cos 0) 1
)"*/, we
shall find, in a similar manner

{cos(2r+l)7W7r + N/-l sin (2 r+l) WTT} p = cr + J^l sr ,

where cr and sr represent the same series of cosines and sines

of multiple angles as in the expression for l
p, merely putting
(2r + l)7r + for 2r7r + 0.

When m is 1056. It remains to discuss the different forms which these

number. series will assume for different values of m.
Let m be a whole number.

In this case, we may make r equal to zero in both members

of the equation: or, in other words, we may replace c r
by c
and sr by s ,

If 2 cos 6 be positive and m even or odd p = c .

If 2cos0 be negative and m even P

=C -

If 2 cos be negative and m odd =

p -c .

In all these cases, the value of p is expressed, therefore, by

a series of cosines, the corresponding series of sines being equal
to zero.

The + term of c = _
(p !)
1L<2L^2r!) cos (m 2p} 9

=t cos (m
- 2p) 6.

The (m p)
term of c = t cos (m 2m + 2p)
= t cos (m - 2p) 6.

The terms of the series for c being, therefore, the same from
the beginning to the end, it follows that

CQ = 2 {cos mQ + m cos (m 2) 6 + - cos
(m 4) + ...}

continued to + 1 terms, when m is even, and to -


when m is odd: the last term, in the first case, being

1 x 8 x 5 ... (w-1) _i^

which is a modified form of the half of the middle term of the
binomial (1 + l) (Art. 489): and in the second case being

1 x 3 x 5 x ... m 2
x 2 cos 6.

1 x 2 x 3 x ...

1057. Let m be not a whole number. When mis

not a whole
If 2 cos 6 be positive, we find number.

p- cosZmrir smZmr-

If 2 cos be negative, we find

coswz (2r + 1) TT sinTH (2r + 1) TT

In both cases, therefore, p is expressible either by a series

of cosines or of sines, unless cosZmr-rr O or sin2wzr7r = in

one case, and cos m (2r + IT = or sin m (2 r + tr = in the

1) 1)

In examining such cases, we may suppose m a rational frac-


tion in its lowest terms of the form - , and also that r does
not exceed n 1.

If p is odd, n divisible by 4 or pariter par (Art. 516, Note),

and r

44 n
, we get

pn or Spir
2prir =-
2 2
, and therefore


In these cases p is expressible by a series of sines only, and

= sn or s3n , if p be of the form4z + l or pariter imparf and
2~ T
= sn or *3n , if j9
be of the form 4>i + 3 or impariter impar.
2 T

Secondly, if r = 0, or if p be odd, n even and r = - , we find

sm -*
= 0.

In these cases, p is
expressible by a series of cosines only,
and p = c or cw .

pariter par.
Thirdly, if p be odd, w even and of the form 4z

and r =
n-2-44 or
- .
we nnd
cos ~ +-
+ 2 or
p(2r l)7r

= 0.

In these cases, p is expressible by a series of sines only, and

= - s3n_2 or s 8n_2 , according as p is pariter or impariter impar.

Lastly, if w be odd and r= --

, we find sin^-^ -~
= 0.

In these cases, p is expressible by a series of cosines only,

and p = c n_ or cn_! according as p is even or odd.

1058. let it be required to find a series for (2 sin 0)

m Series for
Again, ,

in terms of the sines or cosines of multiples of 0.

Since 2 N/ r l smd = ee ^~ - e - e ^~ l l
(Art. 926), we get

(2 V^Tsinar=r {e
me ^~ l - me< m - 2 ^~ + l

= cosm(2r-7r + 0) ?H
cos(m 2)

-m sin(7w-2) (2

if cr be taken to represent the series of cosines, and ST the series

of sines.

If p denote the arithmetical value of (2 m

^^T sin 0) , then,
if 2 sin 6 be positive, we get

{cos m (2 r + i) TT + J 1 sin m (2 r + A) TT} p = c + s J^l r r


and if 2 sin 6 be negative

{cos m (2r + I-) TT + ^^ sin m (2r + |-)} ^ = c + s J^l. r r

1059. If m be a whole number and even, then When mis

a whole
1 1
= * {cos ?w0 - wz - 2) + number
2"- (sin 0)*
cos (m . . .

the sign + or being used according as m is of the form 4t
or 4z + 2.

If wz be a whole number and odd, then

1 "1
(sin 0)
m = {sin w - m sin (w - 2) + . . . to
^ terms},

the sign + or - being used, according as m is of the form 4z


1060. If m be not a whole number and 2 sin0 positive, then when m is

not a whole
Cr Sr number.
~ ~
cos m (2r 4-
^) TT sin TW (2r + ^) TT

or its value is expressible either by a series of cosines or sines

of multiple angles, except under the following circumstances.

If m= - its lowest terms), p and n being odd numbers,

n (in
= *,,_ or
-s^ 4

according as p is of the form 4z + l or 4 + 3.

If p be even and n of the form 4>i+ 1, then

^ 4
or -c-

according as p is of the form 4>i or 4z + 2.

If z be not a whole number and 2 sin negative, then

cos m (2 r + --) TT sin m (2 r + -f-)

its value being expressible, either by a series of sines or of

cosines, except under the following circumstances.

If m= -
(in its lowest terms), p and n being odd numbers,
f^^n+i or =fcs 3n+1 ,

4 4

when n is of the form 4>n + 3, the sign + or being used, ac

cording as p is of the form 4z + l or 4z + 3 in the first case,

or the contrary in the second.

If p be even and n of the form 4e + 3, then

>==sfc{ r =P<WI>
/ !H
4 4

the + or - sign being used, according as p is of the form 4z

or 4? +2 in the first case, or the contrary in the second.

We have been thus minute and critical in the deduction of

allthe separate cases which this problem comprehends, not only
on account of the intrinsic importance of the problem itself, but
likewise as affording a very instructive example of the proper mode
of discussing and interpreting a formula when it is expressed in

very general terms : for it will very generally be found, that the
more comprehensive is the form in which a problem is stated

and investigated, the more remote and difficult its application

will be to the particular cases which it includes.
A converse problem to the one which we have just been Series for

considering, would require us to assign a series for cos m 6 *Q In*

and sinra0 in terms of the sines and cosines of 6: the inves- terms of

tigation however of such series, which branch out into a great S i n 0.

variety of forms and cases, cannot easily be effected without the

aid of principles and processes which will be given in a sub

sequent volume of this work.

1061. The same principles will likewise find their appli- Theory of
cation in the general theory of symbolical as distinguished from ^S^ 1

arithmetical logarithms: if we assume p to represent the arith- guished

. from Arith
metical logarithm of a or or its powers, we may extend our metical
lo s arithms -
enquiries to determine the most general symbolical forms of the
m m - 1 x (1 x a) m, or, in
logarithms of (1 x a) , of (- 1 x ) , or of
other words, we may suppose a or a to be affected by any sign,
which is recognized in Symbolical Algebra, and their logarithms
tobe required, assuming e to be the common base to which they
are referred.

Since it has been shewn in Art. 927, that

= cos2mr7r + J-l sm2mrir = e >mrn\/

it will follow, in conformity with the definition of Napierian

logarithms (Art. 901) that

m = 2
log l
m = m (2r
log (- l)
m when m = or r=0: the loga
The logarithm of l is zero,

rithm of (-1) can only become zero when m = and therefore

(_1)=1: the other logarithms are all imaginary, and are un

limited in number: it is the logarithm of 1 or (- l) only, which
of no other value.
is essentially zero and which admits

1062. If m
be a fraction in its lowest terms, with an even
n p -i T-- L. value of the
denominator of the form -, there is one value of 1 which is logarithm
2w " con-
O fl-
to r = n: in this case we find
equal to -1, corresponding
of a loga-
m p = I

logll = 2 =2.^.^,J- \ p-rc J- 1,

- nir . rithm of


where p is an odd number, a result which coincides with one

w =
of the values of log (- l) ,
when m = I and r
^ .

Symbolical 1063. Inasmuch as

of a-. am =(l xa) m =I m xa m ,

we find

log a
log 1
+ log a m,

where p isthe arithmetical logarithm of a .

When we seek for the general logarithms of a , we presume
that a is viewed as a symbolical and not as an arithmetical quan
tity, and we replace it by 1 x a, where 1 is made the recipient of
the affections of a, whilst the other factor a, is considered as an
arithmetical magnitude merely : this is a distinction of funda
mental importance, both in this and other theories, and which
our ordinary notation is not competent to express, a defect which
is a constant and
very embarrassing source of ambiguity*.

The sym- 1064. Again, since

m = (- m x m
logarithms (- a) l) fl
of (-a)". we get
w= m m
log ( a) log ( l) -f
log a ,

= TH
(2 r + 1) TT
J^l + p.
Mr D. F. Gregory, in a very able memoir " On the Impossible Logarithms
of Quantities," which is given in the first volume of the Cambridge Mathe
matical Journal, has proposed to distinguish these arithmetical and symbolical
values, by a and by a, where the sign + takes the place of 1, in the

notation adopted in the text, as the recipient of the affections of a, and where
+m is considered as equivalent to 1 such a use of the sign + , as the :

subject of symbolical operations, is opposed to the ordinary conventions of

notation, and is calculated to keep out of sight the peculiar symbolical pro
perties of the various roots of 1, by which all our signs of affection are sym
bolized:it is certainly no objection to its use, as urged by Mr
Gregory, that
itstendency is to recall arithmetical ideas.
I cannot refer to this memoir of Mr Gregory, the inheritor of the name
and honours of a family singularly illustrious in the history of the sciences,
without expressing the deep sense which I feel, in common with all who knew
him, of the loss which the mathematical and philosophical world has sustained
by his premature death his memoirs were remarkable for the large and original

views which they take of the principles of mathematical reasoning, and gave
ample promise of the valuable results which could hardly have failed to have fol
lowed from the full developement of his powers.

If m = 2, we find The
= (4r + 2) TT
J- + 1 2 log a.
rithms of
(- a) and
log (- a)
a 2 , are not
It appears, from the last Article, that identical.

log a
= 2 r-K J^\ + 2 log a.

It follows, therefore, that,


and though the logarithms of ( a) are always included amongst
those of a the converse proposition is not true it consequently
, :

appears that we are not authorized in inferring, as has sometimes

been done, the identity of the logarithms of ( a) 2 and of a z, from
the identity of the symbolical results to which they lead when the

signs of affection or their recipients are suppressed.

1065. Similarly, since The sym

- am = (- 1) X I" x
a m
of - a .
we find

- am = log (- + log l m + log am

= (2r + I)TT ^-l -h2m/7r > - 1 + p

= (2r + 2?wr + 1) TT
J^i + p.
This is the most general form, in which the logarithm of The loga-
a m can be exhibited, and it remains to consider, whether it nega ti ve
admits, in any case, of an arithmetical value. quantity

* Mr
Gregory, in the memoir to which I have before referred, has con
cluded from the equation

or, as expressed in his notation

that - = + +,

from 3
and he infers thence that + is the general representation of the
sign : but it might, with equal propriety have been taken, as the general
representation of the sign + ;
for the equation
+2 = +
is equally true with the equation

can, in no If we suppose, as in Art. 1062, m t

in its lowest terms, to be
cases, be
f the f rm -> and if
that of a

and there would apparently be one value of the logarithm of

-amj which is possible and equal to p or to the arithmetical
value of log a

A very little consideration, however, will shew that this case

is not admissible*.

For one of the values of I is, as we have already shewn,

(Art. 1062) equal to 1,

- which is that which corresponds to
r n : and inasmuch as
- 1=(- 2 - =
I)- (-!)-",

it will follow, that, under such circumstances,

-(-1) (-!)- %
a form is necessarily excluded, inasmuch as it is assumed
that x a) m is equal to
(1) (1 a m and not a : we may con
clude, therefore, generally that there is no possible logarithm of
a negative quantity.

Difficulty 1066. The ambiguity which J results from the

of avoiding . .

ambiguities identical representation of arithmetical and symbolical quantities,

rr rS
ancl tne essential difference of the form of their logarithms, makes
fn the
theory of a vigilant attention to the most delicate shades of difference
between them absolutely necessary, in order to avoid defective
or excessive generalizations : thus some writers have considered
the base of the system of logarithms as equally capable of mul

tiple values with the quantities whose logarithms are required,

not sufficiently considering that the system of logarithms itself is

altered by every change of its base thus, if we suppose :

y= <?>
x x
they replace y by 1 x y, and a* by 1* x ax, assuming ax in l x a
to be arithmetical: we thus find
The existence of a possible logarithm of a negative number was asserted
in my first work on Algebra, page 569, and the mistake was pointed out by
Mr Gregory, in the memoir to which I have before referred.

log 1 + log y
= log 1"" + log a*,

2r-7r J- 1 + logy = x (2rV ^^l) + x ;

and therefore


y= we get x or the logarithm

and if 1

and not Zrir J^~1 3 as determined above, Art. 1061


On the
Pa e 12 > Art 558
- - IN Arithmetical Algebra, zero and infinity
are the extreme limits of the values of the symbols which we
limits of the

the^ymbols employ, though the circumstances of their usage will very gene-
lth ~
ra^ v con fi ne them within a much less extensive range.
Ariihmeti- Thus, in the expression a -b, a may have every value be-
tween infinity and b, whilst b may have every value between a
Algebra. an(j Q the expression a - b itself may have every value between

and infinity.
But in Symbolical Algebra, a, 6, and a-b may severally
have every value between positive and negative infinity, zero
being included in their number and if, as in the case of lines

drawn in opposite directions, the positive and negative values

equally admit of interpretation and are consequently equally
real, it will follow that their symbolical is coextensive with their

geometrical representation.
It may be further remarked that Arithmetical and Symbolical

Algebra are equally competent to represent continuous magni

tude between the limits of the values of their symbols, or of
the expressions which they form.

Magni- The magnitudes represented by the symbols of Arithmetic

anc* ^ v tne ex P ress i ns > whether fractional or decimal, which
thesym- they form, are essentially discontinuous, being incompetent to
Arithmetic express the continuous values which are included between their
are discon- successive units : and it is only
* by
the indefinite subdivision of
tinuous. .

the primary units, whatever they may be, that we can approxi
mate, in this science, to the representation of continuous mag

^ n e contrary, the symbols of Arithmetical or Symbolical
A1 ebra are ^competent to represent, like those of Arithmetic,
bols of discontinuous magnitudes : for whilst in Arithmetic,
11 "
are represented at their limits only, however numerous
caTancf they may
Symbolical be, in the other science,
they are represented between their
Algebra .. .

limits only, whatever those limits

areconti- may be.

It is,for this reason, that the symbols of

Algebra are not
competent to express generally the properties of numbers, which
are essentially discontinuous in their nature and it is
owing to :

this cause that the

theory of numbers, properly so called, as
distinguished from the theory of numerical operations, being not
reducible to the general representations of symbolical language,
has made no advancement which is comparable to that of the
kindred science of Algebra.

Page 52, Art. 622. We have assumed the rules for the ad
dition and subtraction of numerical fractions as the basis of the
corresponding rules for those operations in Symbolical Algebra :

but a further consideration of the principles upon which those

rules are deduced (Art. 127 and 128) would rather lead to the
conclusion that the interpretation of the meaning of numerical
fractionswhich is there assumed, is not strictly deducible from
the meaning attached to the quotient of the division of one
number by another, with which it is required to be coincident.
Assuming, therefore, that the only property which the defi
nitions of the fundamental operations of arithmetic would assign
to numerical fractions is, that their values are not altered when
and denominators are multiplied or divided by
their numerators
the same number, we will consider the case of two numerical

fractions and -, which are to be added together; their sum

will be represented by \-
- , and if we further suppose that

amongst the different values which may be given to m and n,

there are some which are multiples of p, so that = = r and

- = -J- = s, then, under such circumstances, we should find

rp sp _m + n

it appears, therefore, that when m = rp and n = sp, we get
m n m +n
~p p~~p~
and inasmuch as this formula or expression represents the sum

of the fractions - and - when the symbols involved in it are

general in their form,
but specific in their value, it will continue
to represent their sum when the symbols in it are general both

their form and value : in a similar manner, it may be shewn that

m n m n
p p p
Considering therefore such fractions, in the first instance,
the of the division of the numerator by the
expressing quotient
denominator, we should proceed to interpret their meaning, as
in the case of the results of all other symbolical operations, with
reference to the symbolical conditions which they are required
to satisfy; we be readily enabled to arrive at the in
shall thus

terpretation of their meaning, which we have made the foundation

of the conclusions in the text.

Theprin- "The principle of the permanence of equivalent

Art. 631.
forms" that which expresses, in the most general terms, the

nence of nature of the connection between Arithmetical and Symbolical

equivalent A ,

forms is the Algebra.

All the conclusions of Arithmetical Algebra are considered
sion of the to be the necessary results of the denned operations of addition,
which subtraction, multiplication and division, involution and evolution,
exists be- when applied to numbers or quantities whose relations are fully
Arithmeti- understood : and such conclusions when represented through the

me diumf symbols which are general in form but specific in
Algebra, value, or by rules which are general in their form, though ap
plied to quantities which are specific in their value, are assumed
to be true likewise when the
symbols which represent such mag
nitudes are equally general in their form and
In Arithmetical
Algebra it is the definition of the operation
(whether expressed or understood) which determines the result,
and also the rule for
obtaining it in Symbolical : it is
the rule which determines the
meaning of the operation, such rule
being determined by the principles of Arithmetical Algebra,
when the symbols, though general in their form, are
yet so
specific in their value, come under the operation of its
as to
definitions: the rules of same in Arithmetical
operation are the
and Symbolical Algebra, and therefore the results are the same
as far as
they proceed in common: but it is at the point of
transition from Arithmetical to
Symbolical Algebra, when the

symbols or the conditions of their usage, cease to be arithmetical,

that themeaning of the operations must be determined, not by
but interpretation and such interpretations must vary
definition, :

with every change in the circumstances of their application.

The T he
results of Arithmetical Algebra may be said to exist results

by necessity, as consequences of the definitions : and those defi- metical

nitions,whether expressed or understood, (for they are never S

neces ^
formally enunciated) may be considered as derived immediately sary, those
from the relations of numbers, and as consequently involving ?i ca y JJJ fr i

nothing which is arbitrary or variable in our conceptions of asthe y are

their nature or essence :
they may be
said, therefore, to possess
not com-
mon to
6 1"
in an eminent degree, the character of mathematical necessity.

^ ^

The case is
very different, however, with the results of Sym- C0 nven-
bolical, as far as they are not common likewise to Arithmetical, tional -

Algebra: inasmuch as they may be said to exist by convention

only, for the rules for forming them are not proved as conse
quences of definitions, but are borrowed or adapted from a
kindred science and it
: is only when specific values are assigned

to the symbols, that their relations or properties can become the

subject of our reasonings, with a view to their interpretation in

those cases and in those cases only, where the requisite corre

spondence, between the symbols and the quantities which they

are assumed to represent, can be shewn to exist.

Again, such interpretations must not be confined to the The inter-

meaning of the operations performed merely, but must extend

likewise to the nature of the connection which exists between must be
the operation and
its result
the sign
: = ,


to the sign

used for means arithmetical equality in Arithmetical

this purpose,

Algebra, when placed between the primitive expression and the the primi-

result of the operation which it involves, whether the result, to s i on an(j

11 *
which it leads, presents itself under a finite or indefinite form :

but in Symbolical Algebra, in cases which are not likewise com- from it.

mon to Arithmetical Algebra and in which the operation which

produces the result requires interpretation, the sign =, in common
with the expressions which it connects, must necessarily be in
cluded in it:most comprehensive meaning will be that the

expression which exists on one side of it is the result of an

operation (using this term in its largest sense, Art. 632) which
is indicated on the other side of it and not
performed: this
view of its general meaning will include as a consequence, arith-

metical equality or algebraical equivalence, according as either

one or the other of them may be shewn to exist.
Expres The phrase as distinct from alge
algebraical equivalence,
sions may
equality, would be applied
braical or arithmetical in
be algebra identity
ically equi the case of which, though not possessing either of
valent expressions
which are these characters, are capable of reproducing or representing the
not equal.
symbolical properties of the expressions from which they
derived thus in the case of the series which result from the

m n
developement of binomials such as (1 + x) and (l + x) , by the
general theorem considered in Chap, xxi, we find

m = m -
(1 + x) l
{l + mx + m(m- 1)
(1 + x)
= l
{1 + nx + n (n
- 1) (2),

and it
appears that for all values of x, m, and n, we have
+ m n
= m+
(1 x) x (1 + x) (1 + ar) ",

and likewise that the product of the series (1) and (2), if they
are multiplied together, term by term, according to the ordi

nary rule for that purpose, will be the series


[I + (m + ?i)x + (m + n) (m + n - 1) + &c. . . .

which arises from replacing m in the series (1), or n in the series

(2), by m+n thus appears that the products of the binomials

: it
(1 + x) and (1 + x) n, and of the series (l) and (2), are equally
formed by replacing m or n by m + n, in the binomials and the
series corresponding to them, and in this sense, and to this
extent, they are said to be equivalent to each other: but if
m or n be likewise rational numbers and x less than 1, then
the binomial (1 + ,r) m, and the series (l) corresponding to it, may
be considered not merely as algebraically equivalent, in the sense
which we have attached to the term, but likewise as arithmetically

equal to each other.

Misappli- It has become a common
practice with many distinguished
the term analysts to denounce diverging series as either false or
false to
insecure, or, in other words, as not capable of replacing the
series. expression in which they originate in any algebraical operation,
without leading to erroneous results: it would, however, be more
in accordance with
large and comprehensive views of Symbolical
Algebra and its operations, if it should be said that diverging

and therefore incapable of arithmetical

series are not arithmetical,

computation by the aggregation of their terms: that inasmuch

as they
rarely, if ever, originate in expressions which are arith
metical both in their arrangement and value, it would be more
correct to term them false under such circumstances, if they gave
arithmetical values of expressions which were not themselves
arithmetical: and further, that an algebraical equivalence may
exist between an expression and its developement, when they
are not arithmetically equal and likewise that whenever general

processes of Arithmetical Algebra may enable us to determine the

expression which generates a series, when the symbols which it

involves, though general in their form, are so modified in value

as to produce a series which is arithmetically equal to it, they will

equally enable us to assign it, when those symbols are general

both in their form and value. (Art. 958, Note).

Page 106, Art. 680. The existence and form of the series for
(1 + #)", is proved, when n is a whole number, by considerations
derived from the fundamental operations of Arithmetic and Arith
metical Algebra : and the same series, exhibited under an inter
minable form, is extended to all values of the index, by the
principle of the permanence of equivalent forms.
The primary assumption of indices in Arithmetical Algebra
leads directly to the propositions

where m and n are whole numbers: and we derive from the

same assumption of indices, the extension of the same conclu
sions to the series which are deduced from them, when m and
n are whole numbers, or in other words, we are thus enabled
to conclude that the product of the series for (1 + x) into the
series for (l + .r)" will be the series for (l+x) , or, in other

words, their product will be that series which arises from putting
m + n in the place of m in one series, or of n in the other and :

also that the series for the w th power of (1 +^)

which is (1 + or) mn,
is formed by putting mn in the place of m in the series for
(1 + x) . It is the principle of the permanence of equivalent

forms, as we have shewn before (Appendix, p. 450), which enables

us to extend these conclusions to all values of m and n.

in the same
Euler had drawn the same conclusion, nearly m
of the series for (1 + x) *, though
manner, in his celebrated proof
of a prin
he at the same time denied the universal application
ciple equivalent
to that of the permanence of equivalent forms,
which alone could make it valid: he produced, as a striking
truth, the very remarkable series
exception to its

whose sum is m, when m is a whole number, but not so for

other values.
A little consideration, however, will be sufficient to
shew that
is not ap
the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms

plicable to such a case: for if m be a whole number, as in

Arithmetical Algebra, the connection between m and its equi

valent series in the identical equation
^ + (l-a OT

[ ^
is not given, or, in other is no statement or definition
words, there
of the operation, by which we
pass from m, on one side of the

sign =, to a series under the specified form on the other, and

there is no basis for the extension of the conclusion
to all values of the symbols, either by the principle of the per

manence of equivalent forms or by any other it is only when :

the results, which are general in form, but specific in value, are
derived by processes which are definable and recognized, that
of this prin
they become the proper subjects for the application

Page 120, Art. 695. The fundamental operations of Sym

bolical Algebra conduct us necessarily to expressions such as
+a or a, and - a, (+ n
or a", and (- 0)",
which are easily shewn

to be symbolically equivalent to

n n
(+ l) x a or 1" x , and n
( l)

x o

where ,
1 x

and a are used

or I x a and
in Arithmetical Algebra : it would thus appear that 1 and 1

may be very conveniently used as the recipients (Art. 724) of

the known and recognized signs of affection of Algebra for all :

modes of representation in this science are considered to be

* A eta Petropol. for 1774.


equivalent to each other, which lead, in conformity with its

rules, to identical symbolical forms*.

This replacement of the signs of affection in Symbolical
Algebra, by the roots of 1, considered as their recipients and
representatives, will enable us to consider all expressions in
Algebra as composed of two factors, one being the appropriate
root of 1 or 1, and the other an arithmetical magnitude, or,
in other words, such a magnitude as is recognized in Arith
metical Algebra and what is more important, it will further

enable us to determine the proper symbolical forms of such signs

of affection, and thus to reduce the expressions, which involve
them, to their most simple equivalent forms it is this circum :

stance which gives such peculiar importance to the theory of

the roots of 1, and which connects their properties and their

symbolical determination so essentially with the progress of


Page 343, Art. 979- The subject of the roots of solution of

equations which are formed in the solution of Geometrical pro
blems has been discussed at some length in Art. 1044, and those
which follow it. It is there shewn, that it by no means follows,
that negative roots, though interpretation may make them real,
will be therefore relative to the problem proposed and what :

* Mr
Gregory, in an article above referred to, p. 442, distinguished + a
and a from each other, the former as belonging to Symbolical Algebra and
considered as opposed to a, and the other as a simple unaffected symbol in
Arithmetical Algebra: such a distinction, however, would rarely enable us to
remove ambiguities, if it could be preserved, and it is farther opposed to the
very important and fundamental rule, which allows us to suppress the sign +
when it is connected with a symbol which has no other symbol before it: it
is contrary to all just views of the relations of Arithmetical and Symbolical
Algebra, to retain any distinctions between them which the ordinary rules of
operation would lead us to suppress.
Mr Gregory further proposes

the subjects of operations,

to the primary signs + and
and to use (+)" instead of 1" , and
II (


of ( 1)" :
considering the use of 1 and 1, as the recipients of signs of
affection, asobjectionable, in consequence of their tending to recal arithme
tical notions, when the circumstances, in which such signs originate, present
themselves exclusively in Symbolical Algebra, and may, therefore, according to
his views, be altogether independent of arithmetic but there may be a deri

vative though not an immediate dependance of one of these sciences upon the
other, and I believe that no views of the nature of Symbolical Algebra can be
correct or philosophical which made the selection of its rules of combination

arbitrary and independent of arithmetic.


in some cases, fail to

is more, that even positive roots may,
answer the required conditions.

The entire consequences deducible from

Page 357, Art. 986.
the equation of condition

are not correctly stated in the text, inasmuch as no notice

taken of the case in which r is negative as well as positive it :

should be added, that be negative, then all the values of

if r

or two of them are positive: we should

Jt> J 1
Jt" are
, negative,
thus find, that when r is positive, we have

and if r be negative, we have

The theory of this solution, as applicable to the complete

x* -par
-rx-s =
is still more completely developed in Art. 1028.

The argument of Abel " De

Page 360, Art. 989. entitled
monstration de 1
impossibilite de la resolution algebrique des
equations generales qui possent le quatrieme degre," is given
in the first volume of his works* and has been revised and

amplified by Sir William Hamilton in the 18th volume of the

Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy: and though no sub
ject could pass through the hands of those great analysts without
retaining the impression of their extraordinary sagacity and
power, yet be conceived that even they have failed
may easily
to make investigations of a character so refined and difficult

Published by Professor Ilolmboe at Christiania, 1839.

intelligible to a reader whose mind has not been rendered long

familiar with the highest generalizations of symbolical language.
There is only one remark which I would venture to make
on the subject of this demonstration its authors would appear

to have omitted to notice the effect of equations of condition

in limiting the multiple values of the final expression for the
roots, a consideration which enters essentially into all specula
tions on the general solution of equations.

Page 404, Art. 1089- Attempts have been made by Meyer

Hirsh of Berlin in the firstinstance, and subsequently by
Professor Badano of Genoa, to discover cyclical periods amongst
the roots of this reducing equation and thus to apply the methods,
which are shewn in the Articles which follow, to be successful
with binomial equations, to the solution of an equation of the
fifth degree :the error of the first attempt was subsequently
discovered and acknowledged by its author, a mathematician of
no ordinary attainments and merit : that of the second, which
presents itself in a very plausible form, has been made the sub

ject of a singularly elegant investigation by Sir William Hamilton

in the 19th volume of the Transactions of the Royal Irish


Page 365, Art. 996. It is to the form

u 5 3
5su + 5s u 2
a = 0,

that the resolution of a general equation of the fifth degree has

been attempted to be reduced by Mr Jerrard, in some very
remarkable researches in which he has succeeded in shewing that
this great problem may be reduced to the resolution of an equa
tion under the very simple form

x5 + x + e = 0,

where e involves ,J 1 their failure in advancing beyond this


point, has been

shewn by Sir William Hamilton in an " Inquiry
into the validity of a method recently proposed by George B.
Jerrard, Esq., for transforming and resolving equations of ele
vated degrees," which appears in the sixth Report of the British
Association for the advancement of Science.

This publication is due on the LAST DATE
stamped below.

MAR 1 1965

RB 17-60m-8, 61
(Cl641slO)4188 University of California


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