Narrative-Report Outreach Prog
Narrative-Report Outreach Prog
Narrative-Report Outreach Prog
START DATE: December 12, 2015 END DATE: December 12, 2015
VENUE: Barangay San Pablo Chapel, San Pablo, Magalang, Pampanga
PROJECT TYPE: (Check all that apply)
Participation Entertainment Community Service(In house)
Organization Initiated Training × Community Service (Outside)
Continuing Project Seminar School Program/ Title: _________________________________
Contest Workshop Others (please specify) ________________________________
Parents Teachers Association Meeting SLAC
Participants/ Beneficiaries: EsP T/20 Indigenous Children from No. of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 20
Barangay San Pablo
Cost of Project: P12, 000.00 Source of Fund: Proceeds from Cellphone raffle of the EsP
Brief Description: A simple program/party for 20 Indigenous Children of San Pablo, snack and Noche Buena Package.