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Applied Physics Express 6 (2013) 015202


Mechanical-to-Electric Energy Conversion by Mechanically Driven Flow

of Electrolytes Confined in Nanochannels
Ling Liu1 , Hyuck Lim2 , Weiyi Lu3 , Yu Qiao2;3 , and Xi Chen4;5;6
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, U.S.A.
Program of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California — San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, U.S.A.
Department of Structural Engineering, University of California — San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, U.S.A.
Columbia Nanomechanics Research Center, Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
International Center for Applied Mechanics, SV Lab, School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
E-mail: ling.liu@usu.edu
Received October 16, 2012; accepted December 13, 2012; published online January 8, 2013

This letter presents a conceptual mechanical-to-electric energy harvesting mechanism, in which an electrolytic flow is driven through a
nanoporous electrode to perturb the interfacial electrochemical equilibrium and generate voltage. Using an electrochemical analysis coupled with
molecular simulations, we demonstrate that both flow velocity and nanopore size have prominent effects on the structural and electrochemical
properties of nanoconfined electrolytes. By first-order approximation, the energy conversion efficiency is found to be promising, and strategies for
further improvements are suggested. A preliminary experiment is carried out to validate that the electrolytic flow in nanopores can cause
significant energy generation. # 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

arvesting mechanical energy from ambient sources1)

H is promising to provide sustainable power for low-

power portable electronic devices,2) wireless sen-
sors, and medical implants4) to remove or alleviate the

requirement for battery replacement. The technological

challenge hinges upon the mechanical-to-electric energy
conversion mechanism. Many studies have focused on
piezoelectric materials,5–8) but they are known to have
low strength and/or low throughput.9) More efficient and
robust mechanical-to-electric conversion mechanisms may
be achieved by operating aqueous solutions in nanoconfine-
ments. The intriguing interfaces between aqueous solutions
and carbon materials have enabled a number of applications
related with the modulation of electrical field in nano-
confined environments.10–13) Carbon supercapacitors have
shown extremely high capacitance when the nanopore size is
reduced below 1 nm. The increased capacitance contradicts Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the nanofluid-based mechanical-to-
classic theories, and has been attributed to the partial electric energy conversion mechanism: as the piston is driven to move by
removal of the hydration shell in nanoconfinements.11) On external mechanical excitations, an electrolyte solution is forced to flow
the other hand, graphene field effect transistors have been through a nanoporous electrode. The confined electrolytic flow varies the
demonstrated to be effective in the electrical detection of cross-interface electric potential, , and generates a voltage V between the
nanoporous electrode and a reference electrode residing in the bulk
inorganic13) and biochemical12) analytes. By applying an electrolyte solution.
electrical field, ions build up at the material interfaces and
induce holes and electrons by capacitive charging, thus
varying the conductance of the nanochannel.12) occur even at high surface charge densities. To correlate
These applications of nanofluidics-based material systems structural properties with electrical properties, Poisson-
are critically dependent on the structure and dynamics of Boltzmann theory has been adopted in a previous study
electrolytes confined in nanochannels. Nanoconfined elec- to compute the electrostatic potential across the interface
trolytes feature unique molecular, energetic, and flow char- between functionalized solid monolayers and electrolytes.20)
acteristics, including an incomplete hydration shell,14) slow However, the effect of flow velocity on the interfacial
ionic diffusion,15) energetically unfavorable infiltration,16) electrical potential has been relatively underexplored, which
and uneven ionic polarization.17) Of particular interest is the represents ample opportunities for harvesting ambient
interfacial electrochemical characteristics. In nanoconfine- mechanical energy.
ments, opposite solid planes get so close that the Helmholtz This work investigates a conceptual mechanical-to-
and Gouy-Chapman layers residing in the vicinity of both electric energy conversion mechanism that involves two
solid surfaces are strongly interfered with and distorted. electrodes immersed in an electrolyte solution. As illustrated
Partially due to these reasons, both simulation18) and experi- in Fig. 1, under external excitations, the electrolyte solution
ment19) have shown that increasing the charge density on a can be forced to flow through the nanoporous electrode in a
solid surface that confines an electrolytic solution can in- controlled manner. According to classic electrochemistry,
crease the thickness and the counter-ion density in the elec- the formation of EDL in nanopores may induce an electric
tric double layer (EDL); however, charge inversion cannot potential difference, , across the solid-fluid interface.
015202-1 # 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
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Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) 015202 L. Liu et al.

Importantly,  is not only a function of adopted materials, the four particles. H and O atoms are highly concentrated
but it also strongly depends on the environment in which close to the solid surface, while Naþ and Cl show very low
the liquid-solid biphase system is operated. Different flow densities in the same region. Given the high density of water
velocities and temperatures can perturb the interfacial elec- and low densities of ions in the first solvation shell [i.e., FSS,
trochemical equilibrium to different extents, thus varying . the first shell of concentrated water from the solid surface, as
By connecting such a biphase system with a reference elec- illustrated in Fig. 2(b)], the ionic hydration is significantly
trode residing in the bulk liquid phase, a voltage can be varied within the nanoconfinement.
generated due to the different  at the two electrodes. The Figure 3(a) plots the cross-interface potential difference,
electric output is sustainable if the flow velocity is con- , for four model nanopores when the confined nanofluid
tinuously varied by external mechanical inputs, which is remains stationary. As the size of the confinement decreases,
compatible with most ambient mechanical energy sources.  is shown to first ascend, attaining the maximum of 38.04
Since this mechanism is based on interfacial electrochem- mV at D ¼ 13:56 A,  and then drops to 3.61 mV when the
istry that can be amplified by increasing interfacial areas, pore size is reduced to 8.14 A. The sudden drop of  in the
nanoporous materials with the pore size ranging from sub- sub-nanometer nanopore is partially attributable to the
nanometer to hundreds of nanometers are considered in this unique (single-file) molecular and ionic structures.14)
study. Note that the present mechanism is radically different The value of  also strongly depends on the flow velocity.
from the well-known streaming potential. The latter is gen- Theoretically, different ions/atoms in a nanoconfined elec-
erated by an electrolytic flow through a charged channel and trolyte solution have different affinities with the solid surface
the direction of potential is along the flow direction; in the atoms. When the solution is driven to flow, particles with
present mechanism, however, the electric potential differ- higher mobility are given higher probabilities to leave their
ence is perpendicular to the flow direction. equilibrium radial positions, while those with lower mobility
An electrochemical analysis coupled with molecular are more likely to stay. The re-equilibrized interface strongly
simulations is employed to investigate the effects of flow affects . Figure 3(b) illustrates the effect of flow velocity
velocity and nanopore size on the interfacial electrochemical on the interfacial potential difference, . When v is below
properties of nanoconfined electrolytes. We consider a 125 m/s,  is shown to increase almost linearly with v at
12 wt % aqueous solution of NaCl and four nanopores d=dv  0:003 mV s/m; when v is above 125 m/s, d=dv
modeled as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with different is raised to about 0.016 mV s/m. Such a nonlinear flow
diameters D ¼ 8:14, 13.56, 20.34, and 27.12 A.  Classical rate effect is attributable to the nonlinear response of the
molecular dynamics is adopted to simulate the flow of the confined electrolyte to the flow velocity.
solution at various velocities through the model nanopores. A voltage (Vc ) can be generated by connecting the
Due to the viscosity of electrolytes,21) a driving force (e.g., solid surface with a reference electrode residing in the bulk
pressure drop as adopted in this study) is required to drive electrolyte solution (Fig. 1). Charges are driven to move
the fluid flow. The periodic boundary condition is applied from the nanoporous electrode with relatively higher elec-
in the axial direction. The temperature is fixed at 300 K. tric potential to the reference electrode with lower electric
In order to rule out possible influences of initial molecular potential. However, if the confined electrolyte flow speed
configurations, 50 initial configurations are sampled for each is constant, the system is equivalent to a nanocapacitor in
case and independently simulated. All results shown below which charges will eventually drain, and the voltage, Vc , is a
are averaged from these sampled systems. transient peak voltage before the nanocapacitor discharges.
Based on the radial density distributions of the four In order to maintain its powering capability, one has to force
particles (Naþ , Cl , O, and H) obtained from simulations, the confined electrolyte to flow at a varying velocity. By
Pn charge density can be readily assessed as C ¼ doing so, the interfacial electrochemical equilibrium is con-
i¼1 i  Ci where n represents the number of species (n ¼ 4 tinuously perturbed, leading to a sustainable charging and
in this study), i denotes the density of the ith species, and Ci discharging process.
represents the charge carried by the species. The resulting C By first-order approximation, the output electric energy
is further correlated with the electric potential, ’, by solving scales with Wout ¼ Vc Q=t, where Q denotes the line
a Poisson’s equation, r2 ’ ¼ C ="0 ", where "0 and " are density (along pore/flow axis) of the excessive charge
the vacuum permittivity and the dielectric constant of the residing in the FSS, and Vc is a change in the transient
medium, respectively. In this study, " is assumed to be the peak voltage caused by a velocity change of v over a
same as that of the bulk 12 wt % aqueous solution of NaCl time period of t. Assuming a constant acceleration of a,
(about 44.30),22) despite the fact that the dielectric constant t ¼ v=a and Wout becomes Vc Qa=v. An external
could be varied at material interfaces.23) The computation mechanical energy is required to provide inertia force and
yields a radially varying electric potential, ’ðrÞ. By taking to overcome surface friction while the confined liquid
the difference between ’ at the solid surface and that at column is accelerated. Its power can be estimated by
the center of the confined liquid column, a cross-interface Win ¼ ðma þ f Þvavr =2, where m and f denote the mass and
potential difference,  ¼ ’jr¼R  ’jr¼0 , is deduced with R friction of a confined liquid column of unit length along
denoting the pore radius. the pore axis, and vavr is the average velocity during the
Since the adopted model nanopores are just a bit larger acceleration. Then, the efficiency of the present system can
than the interatomic equilibrium distance, only a few ions be assessed as  ¼ 2Vc Qa=ðma þ f Þvavr v. Apparently,
and atoms can be simultaneously accommodated in the same low surface friction is desired, which may be achieved
cross section of the nanopore [insets of Figs. 2(a)–2(d)]. by using nanoporous materials with smoother and nonpolar
Figure 2 plots the radial density distribution (RDD) for all solid surfaces. For simplicity, we assume f ¼ 0 for CNTs
015202-2 # 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
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Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) 015202 L. Liu et al.

(a) (b)



Fig. 2. Radial distribution of the four species of atoms and ions (O, H, Naþ , and Cl ) in an aqueous solution of NaCl confined statically in a nanopore with
 Insets are snapshots of the confined atoms and ions (red spheres: O; white spheres: H; purple
diameter D = (a) 8.14, (b) 13.56, (c) 20.34, and (d) 27.12 A.
spheres: Naþ ; green spheres: Cl ). The number density is defined as the number of a certain type of ion/atom in a unit volume. Only half the r–z plane is
plotted, where r denotes the radial direction and z is the axial direction.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a)  versus R for a NaCl solution statically confined in four carbon nanopores. (b)  versus v in a nanopore with D ¼ 20:34 A.

(because f of CNTs is known to be ultra-low24)) and  To validate the proposed concept, an experiment was
becomes ðVc =vÞð2Q=mvavr Þ. With the ratio of Vc =v carried out by using nanoporous monel electrodes. A tight-
obtained from Fig. 3(b), and both Q and m extracted from fitting nanoporous monel rod was inserted into a relatively
simulations, the mechanical-to-electric energy conversion small polypropylene (PP) tube (outer diameter: 9.5 mm),
efficiency is estimated to be a promising value of 5% for the while another similar monel electrode was placed in a larger
system with D of about 2 nm. To further improve the energy PP tube (outer diameter: 19 mm). For both electrodes, the
conversion efficiency, the system should incorporate elec- nanopore size was around 200–800 nm, with the specific
trolytes with higher ion concentrations and lower mass pore volume of about 0.15 cm3 /g. Details of material pre-
densities, nanoporous materials with less surface variations, paration can be found elsewhere.25,26) A piping system was
and be operated at a low vavr while being accelerated fast formed by connecting the two PP tubes via a reducer. The
enough (e.g., through vibration) to achieve prominent flow length of the two monel rods was 19.1 mm, and they were
effects on interfacial electrochemical properties. separated by 50 mm. By using a MasterFlex L/S 7518-10
015202-3 # 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
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Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) 015202 L. Liu et al.

digital drive, a 15 wt % aqueous solution of NaCl was driven Acknowledgments This work was sponsored by the National Natural
to flow through the two tubes in series. The flow rate was Science Foundation of China (11172231), the World Class University program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea (R32-2008-000-20042-0),
controlled in the range from 5 to 50 ml/min. The two monel DARPA (W91CRB-11-C-0112), and the National Science Foundation (CMMI-
electrodes were connected by an external resister, R0 ¼ 500 0643726). L.L. acknowledges financial support from Utah State University and
k, with the voltage, V , measured using a National Instru- the Space Dynamics Lab.
ments 6936E data acquisition (DA) system. The measure-
ment devices were connected via platinum (Pt) wires.
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