LucidDream Expansion
LucidDream Expansion
LucidDream Expansion
Symphony of Global Awakening
find in youtube and at
more than words on are
are truly one-interwoven-organism in unconditional love ... downloard packs for most images used in the movies
and it comes back ... deeply moved
#Script-Appendix-LucidDream-Movie-Notes #Models-and-electro-universe
the next 30+ pages catch a part of my scripts for final movies all we ever talked about, every word are just models
... it makes also a lot of sense that there is nothing like
-> some revealing notes are not in the movies, they are electrons, protons, orbits ... and we life just in an electro-
marked with brighter background<- universe ... and electricity equals informations, equals
energy equals consciousness ...
when you hold this in your hands, Kess already went into
offline-deep-forest and inner-space - as there was not much
seems that our periodic table of elements by mendeley was
time left ... it is left in almost orginal note form
a little bit manipulated, so we could never get it ... the
... sources and links can be additionally found in the
original 'table of electroatoms' is very simple ... created out
bibliography, media-packs at LucidDream homepage
of doubling and halfing within circles ... its spherical, has a
zero period and zero row ... it means everything because
LucidDream Final 1/3 ABRAKADABRA: Language, 12- this table is full universe in it, visible and invisible
Strand-DNA, Runes, I-Ching, 3-6-9, Electro-Universe the 'restored' complete table of all elements can be found
we live in a 5% expirience - all our expirience, only 5% DNA,
all our particle-zoo electrons, baryons, bosons - all matter
'never look at things in one way for too long'
we described is only 5% of the whole
95% dark matter is a synonoym for 95% of us is unknown to #dissolve-polarity
us ... we are quasi a 3 year old child - this is step one of live #fingerprint-of-god, #secret-of-3-6-9
to go through this ... and the time in between was just most of our words... are part of our world of duality ... and
strechted from one consciousness-aha to the next its ok, its just words we used ... to describe in the end ...
consciousness-aha ... all our ages and history with it ... with geometric patterns
the metamorphosis we unlock 100% ... Fibonacci from 3d to
5 to 8, 12 and so on ... Vortex-Math:
- a mathematics in which numbers do not move, but the
(the happening of all-connects-to-all in collective functions move instead
consciousness has many names, one is 'timewave-zero', - how numbers form a 3D solid geometric object
omega point or 'transcendental object at the end of time' ) - why dimensions are a result of how things move through
the metamorphosis will be inside-out-convoution of space
consciousness - will feel like waking up from a dream, that - a particle that does not bend, but causes everything in
before was your life the universe to curve around it
- zero is always in the center in the form of the vortex hole
the trigger for the contents about runes, electro-universe - a number cannot be created or destroyed and zero does
and dissolve-polarity where given by the video: 'Matrix not exist on a number line or in any multiplication series
explained Knowledge from the Abyss' by Людин Рɣси
- 9 is the last number and it is the symbol of 10 or zen. the #Appendix-ABRAKADABRA
9 is just the spear that sits upon the sphere. 10 is not a #the-magnificence-of-9
number, its a formula of all numbers (would be divisible Let’s say there are 2 opposites,
by infinite if there were such a number, because a call them light and dark if you
number ending with 0 is divisbile by 10 or zen) want to. They are like the North
and the South poles of a magnet.
One side is 1, 2, and 4; the other
side is 8, 7 and 5; Just like
electricity, everything in the
universe is a stream between
these 2 polar sides, like a swinging
pendulum: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2 ... (and if you imagine the
movement it’s something like the symbol for infinity)
However, these 2 sides are governed by 3 and 6; 3 governs 1,
2, and 4 while 6 governs 8, 7, and 5; and if you look the pattern
closely it gets even more mindboggling: 1 and 2 equals 3; 2
and 4 equals 6; 4 and 8 equals 3; 8 and 7 equals 6; 7 and 5
equals 3; 5 and 1 equals 6; 1 and 2 equals 3 ...
#fingerprint-of-god The same pattern on a higher scale is actually 3,6,3,6,3,6 ...
(this is the name for the simple math, decrypting what
some call 'god') JHWH, the conveyed name of something ... But even these two sides, 3 and 6 are governed by 9 which
is 'just' tetragrammaton geometric form, describing lifes shows something spectacular. Looking closely at the pattern of
basic principle of doubling - the vortex loop of the six 3 and 6 you realize that 3 and 6 equals 9, 6 and 3 equals 9, all
numbers 2,4,8,5,7 (where you double each number, you the numbers together equal 9, both ways excluding and
get the cross-sum which again are these numbers (called including 3 and 6!
infinity cylce) ... they lie below the independent 3,6,9 So 9 means unity of the both sides. 9 is The Universe itself!
The vibration, the energy and the frequency! 3,6 and 9!
The numbers 3 and 6 represent the Yin and Yang in the form
when you double 3 and 6 you will forever tingle between
of magnetism and the number 9 is the S curve.
these two numbers ... if you doble 9, you even always stay
Everything is based on thirds. We think that the universe is
with 9
based on dualities because we see the effects not the cause.
3, 6, and 9 are not in this pattern. these numbers #language-is-a-detour
represent a vector from the third to fourth dimension what #Runes-and-Cymatics
is called 'flux field'. This field is a higher dimensional the whole universe is semantic and communicates
energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six every tree, every flower can speak ... but to learn
points.... it works because of the magnificience of 9 to listen, learn to speak
one of the most important aspects to remember is that each
rune was tied to nature. Therein, you can realize how much our
#language-is-a-detour ancestors communicated with the world around them
#Runes-and-Cymatics ABRAKADABRA is Hebrew and means:
... thats why you often feel 'there are no words to really
describe' ... it was taught, every letter is seperated from any
(sounds so gorgeous, remembers me to old Bavarian or Irish
meaning. Your DNA can speak on wave level
people... runes pronounced have similarities to all dialects)
for thoughts, brain neurons create proteins (the RNA) that
have a semantic in phrases sentences and words – our genetic
apperat has a mind ...
the language you speak and think directly influences the DNA -
if there are not matching words, or words with different
meanings, foreign words or synonyms ... this causes your
genetic apperat to decide what acid to build
... if it was the 'wrong' one – you didn`t mean ... damage or
mutation is produced - could be that this is how we constantly
produce '95%-trash-DNA' ... Think about 'know' and 'no' ...
'there', 'they’re', and 'their' ... your brain constantly needs to
diffuse what it hears
the pronunciation and sound of words affects the matter
around us. this is science of cymatics: sound vibration on
matter cause geometric patterns
look how the pattern turns itself every 2 boxes, at other side see possible meaning of the triplets
LucidDream Final 2/3 HEUREKA - Pineal Gland, 12- #I-Ching-oldest-book-in-one-page
DNA Activation, I-Ching, Delete-Evil, TimewaveZero 64 hexagram elements from Chinese 3000 B.C. ... look at it,
watch how the patterns move - this deciphers everything -
DNA can four of these base-pairs (A,T,G,C) – its a X and that's why the 64 hexagrams are named: 'I am describing the
behaves like a zipper ... DNA Codons translate 1:1 to I-Ching change through (fractal) time' ... the change of the change =
and are is in cross-section anytime sacred-geometry. Codons that is the mother language of the DNA ... it can form thoughts
are the possible combinations of base-pairs. in wave and create therewith
... think here and there no longer in our language ... but I- ying/yan = broken / unbroken line, upper three: connection
Ching, Runes and direct-feeling heavenly, lower three: earthly (or Sun/Moon, Time/Space,
Wind/Ocean, Heart/Vision), the order has deep meaning
I-Ching describes the 64 states that time can have (like
throwing a coin with 64 instead of 2 sides). It is proportion and
symmetry - precived as time and history, it is fractal nature of
time. I-Ching 63 to 64 is f.e. shown to be the genetic code from
stop to go. Their interplay interfere like piano tones, that give
overlayed a melody – they act through dimensions like onion-
slices. I-Ching is primary perception of the organization of
mind time and matter
#increase-DMT-body-own #Appendix-HEUREKA
DAY 6-8
the vibrations of Solfeggio frequencies open the receptors of
At this stage the pineal gland also starts to produce the
your cells, allowing the activation to more easily be imprinted
neurohormone 5-MeO-DMT. This psychoactive tryptamine is on the DNA. the main six Solfeggio frequencies are:
highly luminescent; it is also extremely phosphorescent due UT – 396 Hz – turning grief
to the amount of phosphene that it transmits onto the visual
into joy, liberating guilt & fear
cortex. The neurotransmitter 5-MeO-DMT (is normally only
RE – 417 Hz – undoing
active when we are in the womb and in the first months of
situations & facilitating change
our lives. It is now reactivated in the darkroom. 5-MeO-DMT
switches on 40% more of the cerebral cortex and awakens the MI – 528 Hz – transformation
nervous system to become aware of itself; 'beingness' results. & miracles, repairing DNA
It is the empathogenic neurotransmitter that expands the FA – 639 Hz – relationship,
emotional body between 'infinity and zero'. connecting with spiritual family
SOL – 741 Hz – expression/
It gives rise to telepathy in the emotional and intuitive bodies. solutions, cleaning & solving
It engages the awakening of the 'Flower Of Life', the spine, LA – 852 Hz – returning to
which begins to glow in a state of beingness and peace. 5- spiritual order
Meo-DMT discharges the darkness from the darkroom. A
bright light will be activated. This Great White Light, the the additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-
manifestation of the astral body, enables the self to project dimensional nature, sacred geometry streams
externally. Many exercises will be practiced during this
period; compacting Chi, consciousness and awareness into quoted is 'Kryon Teaches Exactly How to Instruct Your Cells to Heal'
the nervous system, working with the Silent Self and
anchoring the Immortal Body. the trillions of DNA molecules are all in communication with each
other all the time. 'Innate' is the intelligent field knowing itself as
DAY 9-12 one entity. Innate is unique, its you. Homeopathy works to
There is now enough 'Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibition' Innate - the intent in the homeopathy sends a signal
triggered by the pinoline, to allow the pineal gland's
'serotonin to melatonin cycle' to be intercepted by adrenaline DNA, cells and body is one-thing = smart-body = Innate, is body-
and ephedrine activity and converted into a 'serotonin - DMT wide DNA consciousness, connected to higher self + akashic
pathway'. When DMT levels reach more than 25mg, one's record (this is all-knowledge accesible through your sacred-heart-
experience can become very visual. DMT is the visual third space)
eye neurotransmitter. It enables the energy body and spirit to
you address your body in a way, that is so pure, that the body
journey into hyperspace, beyond third dimensional realms of
sees it - and it will react – 'talk to your DNA like with a friend'
time and space. It is intensely energizing. At this stage of the
you are and advanced spiritual thought – no need to die, no
Dark Room Retreat, the required amount of sleep tends to
short-lifetime. you are the consciousness trigger, you have free
diminish dramatically. Although the day may last 24 hours,
3 hours of sleep can seem like 12
and you never have sorrows. 'danger' does not anymore exists
#Appendix-HEUREKA in your mind, only algorithm and you recogize every algorithm
(in what we call 'system', as well as in a jungle) ... to be far far
#12-13-DNA-Activation steps ahead ... and realize: 'the system' is sooo small and
1. drop your karma (dissolve polarity, you are 9) already a story of yesterday once you ascend ... 9 understands
2. drop energies of the past (spiritual survival- in every moment the 3-6 side and can immediately use this to
deprogramming) dissolve, be 9 again (jokes or behaving unexpected or pure love,
3. change your fate dissolve situations)
4. aha experience
5. stop aging say: you don’t have to die to have spiritual #blood-over-intent topic in the movie, reason behind was to
growth find esp. that menstruational blood has stem cells inside and
6. stay healthy while you don`t age the myths aboout getting superpowers when getting in contact
7. its not complicated, its filled with love can be understood in Ayahuasca state .. stemm cells are ur-
8. you’re in control of even time state, your DNA can clone information that you get in touch
9. spontaneous healing / tissue grow / over night is as normal with little – don't get in 'vampire mode' :) ... appreciate what
as any other body function woman produce
10. physical objects come from your thoughts
11. every thought is seed of light, through those seeds you
Someone has to execute - what YOU think what does not belong
create the flower of life which are the manifestation of
to you ... when you have bad feelings - someone else is at the
your thoughts
very same moment executing them for you ... when you watch
12. honour yourself knowing you are the tree of life holding all
horror-movies, horror happens ... who is born in to be treated
innate wisdom, magic and knowing ... the world is truly
to become a Torus-Gap-Human (happens in childhood) ... has
created and designed by you
deep gaps in his energy-field and compensates this by
13. be the mighty-I-am presence - knowing everything is
mistreating a beloved one (realize: this is a mathematical logic -
perfectly alinged
NEVER 'bad will' – we will leave the polar / dualistic perception,
the 13th strand = 12 + unconditional love, it builds a crystaline
there exists no 'evil' in the ur-language Bukvitsa, only: 'Dzyelo' =
bridge on the others ... and: you're not being dependent of
3 Runes = 'Unknown People It' ... it was unknown, that YOUR
anyone else, trust yourself, love yourself, know you can freely
THOUGHTS MANIFEST OUT THERE! \cite{DNA-and-Language-Lectures-
enter higher dimensions by tuning in like a radio youtube}
12-13-strand DNA can be seen as chakras, that send and Hitler, Sadam, Trump ... is functional of YOUR / OUR
percive multidimensional (see video descr. for chakra-conn.) consciousness to manifest out-sourced fears (someone has to
execute your thoughts if you don`t do it)
creation out of thought / singing objects into existence gets come on, lets do this ... clean your minds ... we only need a
experienced in deep-DMT-space critical mass that starts to unconditional love Illuminati,
Zionists, gimmenames ... .they are mirror of our
#why-there-is-no-danger-once-you-are-nine subconsciousness .... this is waking up-signal through heart-
9 lives in unity-consciousness, is 5d, sees and folds all field in #forever-now
wordlines - you can call it 'female/intuitive merkaba
... because: We origin all from one mother, did you know?
programing' - its a knowing that there will be always enough
research it
#Appendix-HEUREKA #Tribe-Ceremonies-and-break-to-our-reality
McKenna reveals ... with these montly rituals, it is primary
#4d-5d-explained where the language arised, precessors came in contact with
4d: time gets fractal game board, you know all the world magic mushrooms and then later with fire what extracts DMT –
line patterns - how they behave forward and backward in with this hyperspace that 1:1 creates vibes and teaches light-
time, you can functionalism the future, you are synched to language ... so language evolved and all was in harmony – the
time, can happen that you do stuff for 3 hours and look at break to our reality happend due to climate change, that
the clock and only 20 minutes passed psycadelics became rare ... and when the ceremonies got less,
5d: the longitudinal-heart-field we are in, all-the-time there could appear, esp. in mans thoughts of taking more land,
to move into your heart, and stay there, never go back to things to get higher than ... because man – and also most people
your head, connect through your heart-field to all heart- nowadays - can go from birth to death without expiriencing
fields (this is Merkaba-Meditation / enter-the-sacred-space- oneness and the relativity of ego, what psycadelics are about ...
of-your-heart) and you combine the feeling from your woman in tribes hadn't been affected by those 'dominant'
intuition, stomach, solar plexus, where life comes from ... patterns, as they give birth between 12-20 times, what is a deep
and draw it upwards to your heart, consciously ... you get a experience of 'being form', seeing another person coming out of
much higher perception and awareness ... you may not feel your body + being mother (what activates 5d) – where all are
it the first weeks but more and more you are in this state 'children' and you woudn't sepearte ... when these experiences
and you really avoid every bad thought/feeling - you don’t of oneness got less, then these behaviours could appear, that
need this, you are 9 ... so 5d is: dwell in this heart-field + are not how humans would naturally behave ... yet it was so
you need 1st eye open to work than with the information important, that all our political, cultural, technical evolution
happened, because its the biggest speed-up in evolution that
about I-Ching, DNA, ... to functionalise it - you are algorithm
can be done – it takes millions of years to adapt the genes in a
- your body knows this language ...and knowing that it is
fly, yet when you speed up the happenings in consciousness, in
possible, not longer wondering how crazy this could be
events (humans are workung now at at least 800MHz, what we
--- can parallely do due to technology), we speed up time ... so
'if you want to think, sit on the ground' nature used cultural and esp. linguistic evolution to evolve more
(Magic-Mushroom-Entity to Terence McKenna)
complexity, we are functional of this ... the breakthrough
already happened, it draws backwards in time
with Ayahuasca, what is used in so many tribes for
thousands of years, its kind of regular melt-down of #Meme-key-to-communication
consciousness-experience – experiencing the relativity of 'we are trying to launch and replicate memes .... a meme is the
ego, and it makes place that there can be not sth like a smalles unit of an idea, the same way a gene is the smallest unit
seperated perception of yourself ... so what then can swarm of organism – these things: DMT-Elfves, transcendental objects
into – to this new freed space of non-ego ... you could call at the end of history – these are memes – in the same way that
'the hyperintelligence, the entitiy of earth – in it, on it ... or genes are copied and spread around, and the fidalety of
that is it –some call Gaja – connected to the whole cosmic replicating is the key to genetic sucess, fidalety of
organism meme replication is the key to communication
' \cite{mckenna-heureka}
all you/we experienced was to get a cosmic libary of word
LucidDream Final 3/3 – This is the PORTAL melts to meaning=feeling ... this is how the machine works ...
and you can call it perpetuum machine
Ayahuasca is the AHA of evolution ... the body-own-god-
molecule DMT will be procuded as natural as Melatonin, There is a language of the Logos, what is THE word, that Is – all
Serotonin, Adrenalin ... and we lern to switch the 100% Language has a certain code-quality, a translation-quality –
perception on ... will get us wisdom in short years ... and the besides the Logos. Our reality will switch as we learn to
functionalise Logos – purest form of communication.
biggest understanding ever: this is how our species will not be
able anymore to behave destrutive to inner or outer
the 'sould-rank' shakes-off habits – its like stop getting Science melts with Consciousness: Quantum Gravity Research
breastfeeded, but a self-chosen one ... it mirrors to you these presents the 'theory of everything' in a great video: all time
fractal sacred geometry patterns ... like every tree ... an you exists simultaneously, same as past influences future, future
realize how all consciousness, all evolution follows these co-creates the past, we are pixeled to the Planck-length
patterns (smallest possible length), basic building block is a
... and then you understand your own patterns ... and all we Tetrahedron, all-is-information, consciousness is in the
do is: habits - and creator means: you have exactly two equation, reality is a holo-projection of a collective
addictions + 1 consciousness of a higher-dimensional 8D-crystal, the Golden
Water: longest range habit, Oxygen: shortest range habit Section is predicted everywhere, Runes and Geometric
and then is there the +1: Sun - we also have a Sun in our cells Symbols can be codes of reality ... the video 'What is this
– yet Sun is super, as it helps us to activate DNA - in aya-state Reality' is worth seeing ... this preludes
sunlight can full-spectrum be recived and interact in cells
(feels gorgeous these resonance harmonies through your #Time-and-Reality-Factory-Salvia-Divinorum
body, that same time: feed energy, feels like having eaten)
everything is a stylistic device ... it is a linguistic evolution ...
quotes Terence: 'Reality is made out of language'... 'our
political and cultural dilemma is a linguistic one' ...
'I see the cosmos as a huge novelity producing machine' –
waking up is: you are the storyteller (my Salvia Intension Note in-case of entering 'black-hole',
Salvia has morphogenetic power / atributes)
#Salvia-Divinorum-Time-and-Reality-Factory this is mind-highway ... here you learn how to switch through
here Salvia-reports as summarised in the videos by Alde. dimensions ... once you get aware ... that YOU can fucntionalize
it any moment
Time does not exist as we think. Imagine a zipper,
upper end is future, lower is past (birth) YES, you can have this state forever
and again it says: be aware this state is endless
- ‘it always feels like being cut in half’ (a feeling through my nable of realease ... like all tension ever
- ‘then a huge zipper tears my vision in half, replacing my
droped ... it is created out of you - everything ... never had
reality by folding it under'
there been reason to hurry ... its not running away .... you
- ‘I could feel myself being pushed down by a page on top of
never missed anything, there is no time ... you percive thought
it, and being crushed, and then I felt that I was the next
in standstill - waiting for you ... cooool)
page, and getting crushed by the NEXT page. It never ended.'
- ‘the ‘page turning’ was like a flip book. The odd part was ...
I was the one flipping the book’
you can repeat ... switch it back ... to again from here ... like
- ‘in this dimension I am part of a continuous line that sort of
Play / Pause on a Movie
moves in a circle. It felt like turning pages'
Play / Pause is functional of your DNA
#the-Portal ... you hear bird singing, the lawn mower .... and can loop
#the-clearest-telepathy-message-ever exactly this scene ... and again ... same with stoppin the lawn
I went into deep-aya (means at least double dose), where you mower to noise, it happened than backwards ... as you wish ...
have an for hours clear telepathy .... after storing the last two just to learn ... how thoughts shape space-time-slices ... how to
days all knowledge 'About Abysses' & 'Unfolding the Stone' - use YOU-ARE DNA TELE-VISION switch ...
the meanings densed by Terence ... they were used in
hyperspace to crystalize the highest meaning of all this is not Alien - this is WE ... later in evolution :) ... jokes are
sooo great teachers
what you percicve - when in absolute DAO-stillness (main
fuction of psycadelics it so make you holding still, they show and everywhere you spread your DNA ... you have direct link ...
you sth) asking myself many days while laughing over it, why today
like in waking up in the matrix ... where are all embryoes - again just drink the always-shaking-me ayahuasca ... and when
what we sill are! - are conneted, resting in fluid happens to be my period, just lick little menstruational
like when a bird suddenly slips out of its nest ... spreading its blood ... to test about the 'occult' powers of blood ... and yes,
wings while realizing: they are multidimensional ... you ARE it is used to clearify ourselfves - mirror ur-state... all is cloning
multi/parallel/sacred-geometry nest ... see all the data- and spreading your information ... like a dog ... like the
highway of parallel multiverse fractal layered ... and you just reindeers that where given fly-agaric-mushroom to
got the 'licence' to drive it ... matrix of awakened light .... this is immedeately locate them in the forest ...
such a whowhowhowhoo juhuuuu moment ... (Christmas is a fly-agaric mushroom story)
#the-clearest-telepathy-message-ever #Appendix-PORTAL
everything just prepared until 'THIS' captures you
'kindergarden history' that was there to serve your memory ...
awareness ... time before and after was just streched to this
that you now have words to form meaning, and meaning
moment .... and all history around you with it
without words. you are meme (=smallest unit of an idea, same
it is a self-realization of all thoughts at once - we are nothing as gene is smallest unit of organism) - that is fractal holographic
but thought (... an advanced thought, a progressing smallest unit - this you use to transport / teleport - you called it
thought ) ... that than crystalizes down through all dimensions quantum teleportation ... yes, you can project yourself on the
= frequencies shell of a quantum ... everything percived always happens on
surfaces - thought that passes through surfaces passes through
thought is made of pure light (everywhere anytime ... you just dimensions
don't percive it when you are distracted with 3d-only-
perception, you could anytime percive 3d as a slice of all-d) you overlay all possibilies - as they fit to YOU ... every slice of
DAO - State IT - being ... adapts right in the moment you think
you are master of numbers, of geometry, anytime (when you
realise, exactly this manifests while you think it) ... it comes to everything i had to catch by pen during telepathy ... felt like ... of
you, as any thought just existed there without anyone being course, its clear ... ja, ja ... do i really have to note it down? ... ok,
involved ... and you can use it ... its all a linguistic super- better for recalling ... yet its already fullfilled ... thats why i`m
memory transporting myself ... spoke the meaning
CREATOR = Create out of thought | slices of cymatics imagine how this transcendental object in time (all-connects-to-
you are Solfeggio - all the time (note: is says so often all the all as geometric object), forms in moment before its collision
time, because you can grasp all timeslices ever and creation with surface (like a fireball hitting the ocean ...) reflections cast
means modifying past and future simultaneously) backwards right the moment before ... through you into all -
what you call history ... these reflections of this happening are
when you connect all words to their meaning you can use forward and backward in time like onion slices
them ... you are them
every desire you feel - you can instantly still ... when you ... where in this novelety we want to land ... = teleportation ... of
wanted to stop smokin - you already did it last week ... same course, universe is a novelety producing machine (you percive
with healing organs ... you slip into the parallel reality where it space-time like a book)
happened, you remember and life-on in this slice ... you are a
and you never need to die, when you are in state of dead all
moving thought that can master all slices of time & reality
the time ... (while being alive) ... aware of it ... you are shape
factory (what unfolded in human history through
shifter conscious being ... death is always release into god-
understanding of Salvia Divinorum, yes we already can talk
mode - what you can have anytime without dying ... and when
about this as 'happened in history')
you lost your body while still unaware you had been sent back
.... any moment you can slice through it ... what is easy when to 'natural-pre-awakened' Karma - cycle ... once you got aware -
your body is in DAO-Stillness ... if you want to take your body YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ... (and can skip Karma) ....
with you - just use the PLATONIC SOLIDS ... as learned in YOU ARE DIVINE INFINITE BEING
all layers of reality and time slice snake like built .... you see WE-ARE-SPECTRUM #Appendix-PORTAL
the room, yourself fractal intervowen sliced ... all is breathing
in rythm of you, of your thoughts ... in multiperception, there all perception, all history, all-in
is no 'reality' - just thought - and all memory ever ... can be folded to and through 0 - the smallest unit of all-and-
nothing ... this is how we create OUT OF DREAM
you decide in which slice of time-space-perception you are thats why Salvia = 0 is so mighty
yes – I-Ching is adapting to you - DNA can mirror any I-
Ching ... even the caledar will adapt, all solar / lunar / star - Runes are the cross-section of language and meaning to a
signs will have prepared for you in the moment realizing it ... smallest symbol and vibe
that is what encloses you-are-fetus ... what all call space - is
womb! ... like in organic stomach system, where everything with open eyes you get aware of the holoprojection that is
works together in sacred signal patterns making up your all perception
(thats why stars sparkle / flicr, and planets don't - latter are one thought switches focus on any - time-space-slice ... grasp
monotone frequenciy stores, stars are multitone / multicolor all parallel multirealities, to inside-out klapp through the slices
frequency bubbles - vibe-bubbles in water... planets stand for while you are in Merkaba-shuttle ... what is simply a star-
the 10 cosmic circuits simply out of numbers - cross-install tetrahedron geometry around you connected to the whole
law-of-time-synchronotron lesson that will follow ... that is cuboctahedro geometry of vector equilibrium ... with
already installed in me – and in use ... every mini piece of harmeins = telepathin crystals active you can project geometry
meaning, can unfold maximally in hyperspace) (shamans trained to amplify harmine-crystals by voice/
glossolalia/humming) \cite{McKenna-Invisible-Landscape}
this is simply cell-communication – telepathy, a passive body-
function of our light bodies and we knew ... if we now look into 'the book of Salvia' ... feel
the book unfold ... all time slices would show up ... the final
and here it comes: you decide the moment of your birth ... you piece of how time-slices anytime unfold, and we would fall
are the balg-creatures, that are closing the tesseract ... 'you through our matress when this filter is lifted ... this is
still don`t get it (says astronaut to robot in black hole) ...' there mastering the situation, by loosing mastership ...
are no 'they', these creatures that build this place are we, not
now but later', quotes Interstellar-movie) ... when you decide in many Ayahuasca expiriences for me Salvia was active
to pass the tesseract - you will (yes like birth - dropping out) ... without haven't touched it ... speaking out of items or
and all awakened ones are suddenly synchronized to you ... perspectives around you... that feeling can`t be broken down
we are tribe, we are swarm, all it is one signal field that you can get it ... what most know is Dejavu or when you
smell something that casts you in a situation ... or the
everything you doin / thinking / every joke, every genious idea Mandela-effect (see in web, collective wrong remembering
you have ... happens at least 100 - 1000 times on earth ... that can be proven, showing parallel-realitiy producing
everyone exists 100-1000 times - as a fractal simmilarity consciousness) ... this is simmilar in feeling, yet the 'Salvia-
mapping of worldlines of the whole Echo' goes deeper
#Appendix-PORTAL quotes from McKenna, 'This is the Portal' and 'About Abysses'
are so great to hear original – how these basketball-jewelery-
#the-clearest-telepathy-message-ever self-transforming-machine-elfves show you how pictorial light-
... and you know also: the more special rare you use Salvia - language works, how 'speaking-in-tounges' / glossolalia sings
the stronger will get its echo – we could acess its echo-effect objects into existence that themselves create other objects +
through delaying the consuption to ... somewhen ... the 'when you move at the speed of light, there is an experience of
perfect moment will come time 0' ... not all could be typed down / find space ... see how
it says: its true, 5-MeO-DMT + Salvia Divinorum is Multiverse tight this appendix it's written :)
Awakening Portal ... all history folds unto this happening
... and yes, its a experience of your own, when no one has to ‘in other words the body must become an interiorised
take care for you ... when there is no creditor hologrammatic object, embedded in a solid-state-
when you go with this knowledge into it ... you will re-puzzle hyperdimensional matrix which is eternal, so that man
all crystal infos ... wanders through Elysium in his body (kind of slummy
paradise I put in ) ... in his body ... experiencing all the
... and it will not be a psycadelic journey where you come back pleasures of the flesh but not realising that he is a holographic
where you started ... you are in control - everything flows projection of a solid state matrix, that is micro-miniaturised,
through you and shapes out of you superconducting and ... nowhere to be found, it is part of the
plenum. And we, all history is about producing protoypes of
EVERYTHING ASPRINGS EVERY MOMENT ANEW this situation, with greater and greater closure toward the
ideal ... so that airplanes, automobiles, condominiums,
you return to another reality, that slightly or largely adapted to starships of the hardware speed-of-light-spin-dizzy-drive-
you - even if you don`t notice it yet ... you get more and more type ... all of these are - as Marcelino’s says: transforming
linked and synched, it will draw you to your fullfillment: images of light, that speak volumes about mans aspiration to
become creator ... like Terence McKenna said: 'wander transcendence.
through elysium ... looking right and left to history trails as a
Novelty pattern' and our only hope basically, is to end the historical crisis,
by ... becoming the Alien ... by ending Alienation, by
a 'genie in a bottle' situation was always just about getting you recognising the Alien as the Self in fact ... as an overmind,
formulating your will / intent ... percived as having a miracle which holds all the physical laws of the planet ... intact ... in
moment ... the same way that you hold an idea intact in your mind
--- all these givens (psychoactive plants) ... are merely the moods
our language creates mainly a polar world ... in ur-rune of the gods, if you will ... that we happen to be ... and what
language there is no 'mine', also the 'I' is not sepearated, in this whole history is about, is to recover this lost piece of
runes it means the connection of heavenly and earthly. When information ... so that man may be durgeable ... or to quote:
you use polar words, feel at the same time the unity in it ... 'but up in the end prospector, you sprout all your worth, and
until our language and words adapt ... what will enable you wuff your wings ... so if you want to be phoenixed ...
information to get pictorial form – 'reality' is a graphical user come and be parked' ... its that simple’
#Appendix-PORTAL quotes from vids by Alde
space more than I’ve ever perceived.’ or worse life. It would just change if I reached it.’
#Movie-Script-Appendix-PORTAL 'the world of waking is only the surface in a geometric
phase ... all information is everywhere ... information that is
'there is a purpose to the universe, its purpose is this state of not there, is nowhere.
hypercomplexification in which all of its points become related
to each other ... and if you take this other point of view, that there is a rush from mokeydom to starshiphood
process under the influence of an attractor, and that the value and in the leap ... across these 25000 years ... energies are
the attractor is maximizing is 'novelty' ... than human beings released, religions are shot of like sparks, philosophy is
are moved back to the center of the stage ... we are finding evolved, science arises, magic arises ... technology is the
ways out of the 3d-Newtonian prism, which says: 'life is skin of our species.
narrow and confined and ends at the grave' ... and we're doing
it, by becoming information ... that is freed from materia, and see our mind in context of the one mind ...
this allows us to make this ascent to the next dimensional the language we use has these build in dualisms ...
modality ... information is not time and space constrained the this is a problem of language - all codes have code quality
way we are ... the most profound event thats possible to besides the Logos ...
imagine: the freeing of organic life from the crystalis of the dualism of our language makes the death'
matter, for a billion years there has been life on this planet,
but never life, that could step outside of matter ... but that is
obviously what is in the cards and we are priviledged to be #Time-Reality-Factory-connection-to-LucidDreaming
central to this event.' (McKenna, Novelty Theory i Ching and DNA) this is not in the movie: in luciddreams the body produces
DMT ... to get this aware dream-state, you repeat 'reality
checks', like with your finger trying to go through the other
#Exploring-the-Abyss hand twenty times a day ... and don’t expect it to be solid ...
add-on quotes from Terence McKennas Lecture you train your perception, the awareness around, meditate
'look at the abysses that confront man unify them ... Psylocibin and really know its possible (thats why hyperspace-
offers a way out ... it allows a dialog with the overmind that is experiences are so useful, there it-happens-with-you) ...
not ... you won’t read about it in scientific american or starring 5 min to a small object of passion (crystal f.e.) before
anywhere else ... YOU will be the one, carrying it out sleeping some days will make it re-appear in dreams, adding
than a second object that is completely different and makes
and the carrying out of this dialog will essentially eschatologize no sense (f.e. a nail) will also bring this into your dream,
you as a person and lift you out of the historical context causing you to recognise the lucid dream (great densed tips
by in youtube)
in other words: the dream is eschatological the dream is zero and here it adds: this works also in awake state - going
time ... escape from the dream, from death through matter, switching realities - its about how your
(the phrase Eschatolon refers metaphorically to the end of perception is trained, we learn to switch outside of matter
ordinary reality and reunion with the Divine)
tip: at luciddream-homepage is a photo gallery 'wander
it's a geometric model of consciousness through elysium': DMT-Art, Salvia-art, visionary-art, psyart
mind and body are embedded in the dream to get an impression how 'reality' in percived in
dream is a higher order dimension' Elysium-where-we-come-from
#Appendix-PORTAL-addons #Poetry-Snippet-from-in-between
ros[a]lil, soul-sister from in-between wrote:
'the milky way is also mouth. So the communication about
it. From behind the milky way come sounds that are to be
grasped by us ... if enough indent a bit, it's done. ... if you
live in-between, you will come everywhere and be
when I had a luciddream about topic water (in my language
'apple blossom'), amongst other, the milky way appeared to
me. It was said, it is the real vagina. I wondered briefly if we
were still to be born and find ourselves in a giant amniotic
fluid. Further, I taught myself that it is important to
communicate only through the 'between' - with the milky
somewhere in Africa, Matree way and through it. Not over the water! For that containes
unnecessary earthly information. It is informed. Each child,
same like a warm twirl f.e. communicates via the 'between'. Because it is PURE. Not
you are to give-into instant over the water. Every drop, dew, fog, hydrogen, amniotic
willing water, ... communicates next to the water and it will be the
full delight and without doubts. reality ... it was said
you can sleep, wake; when I had the second big inside-out-convolution
what You do, shall here happen. experience a few years ago, I was with me. And I heard
It is allowed, because it is, Want's to be near you,
just really close myself loudly, loudly say: everything is out of me leaped,
how god-wished.
Wants to be God, jumped, revived ... all is me/therefore I - there is nothing
Is water, sand – all the same. but me (therefore inner...) - and so everything got to me in
Is element. Part of You, of all else.
No time, no must, and no me back. (I was allWhatIs and also all other not). And so I
All and nothing. convoluted and saw how everything went back to me.
not goal, not way. I slipped into myself. And I turned through myself. And I
Only Is. knew about "prachtGewandt!!!" (~glorious-cloth-changed).
So it is allowed to be. And the very gentle thought that everyone each is God,
Forever Now. I am God myself - was presented again in this moment -
the remembering showed itself - it asounded - was full
--- Matree, 2004
MAYA means 'ILLUSION' present again in me / you / us ... 'And ... it took place!!!'
maybe they wanted to tell us this all the time ... Now, 'geWandel' (~goChange) is full –'gloried' !!!'
LucidDream AFTERHOUR - 441 Synchronotron synchronic order and can be accessed daily through the 13
Moon calendar date and galactic signature
Pictures + pdf at homepage
The four basic matrices include: time matrix, space matrix,
#Keys-to-Synchronotron-441-Master-Telepathy-Code synchronic matrix and base matrix (plus a fifth master matrix:
quoted from 260-Keys-to-Synchronotron.pdf of holomind perceiver). The time, space, and synchronic matrices
are the three coordinating matrices. The base matrix is the
GOD = Galactic Ordering Dynamic whose Name is Beyond anchor that overlays into the holomind perceiver, which is a
Knowing. Source of all Creation Matrices. All is a number, God synthesis and map of the new brain of the galactic mind.
is a number, God is in all
Working with these matrices is an exercise in mind expansion
— Dynamics of Time and conscious evolution.
Through study of these matrices as well as the Cosmic History
The Unity of GOD is one in the simultaneity of the radial Chronicles, we break the mental limitations and penetrate into
matrix. Everything that is , ever was, or will be is happening other worlds and dimensions. Once engaged, the cube system
NOW, this present moment within the radial matrix becomes a living system.
It's a language teaching from Sirius that is a binary star: Sirius Within the unity of timespace totality, yesterday and tomorrow
A and Sirius B - they binary switch in a 52 years cycle no longer exist
Synchronotron refers to the compendium of the practices of prime numbers = consonants
the 441 (21 x 21) cube matrix system. This mathematical factorials = vowels
system represents the minimum fractal of totality cubed: 21 x
21 being the prime statement of totality (20) + 1 (unity). 1 + 2 + numbers are to mind, what atoms are to matter
3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 (unity of totality)
441 is table of elements of mind (= Memes Terence McKenna
José Argüelles discovered that this 441 cube matrix is a living calls 'the smallest unit of an idea')
system of information transmission that is always occurring; all of reality is unified by sychronocity
the cube is being transmitted to the larger mental field of the everything corresponds to a number and is registered in
solar system and then into the planet 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21 telepathic frequency codes of creation
all number = communication frequency
It was found through a dream where number 441 occured +
lawoftime was already known + a crop circle appearing in the meaning of frequency is timed to the moment
2007 depicting exactly the system of the synchronotron - it enters your awareness!
matching with the day it appeared
synchronotron = master code index, universal frequency of
This system consists four primary matrices (and a fifth master synchronization
matrix) that are coordinated by the moving patterns of the
#Appendix-AFTERHOUR-441 Synchronization, governs the first three time dimensions,
activates the unconscious. Law of time makes conscious, what
nine dimensions of time: lightening up 3D, 4D, 5D bodies was previously unconscious. The third time dimension is a
9D, each with 49 units (7x7) function of the second mental sphere: unconscious, alpha-
441 is at the center of the 9th time dimension beta hyperplasma of informative Samadhi.
Dimensions = whole circuits
(Samadhi: refers to a state of meditative consciousness that
number is the dimension that integrates mind, time, space melts with 'God' – everyting is God, doesn't matter with what
and consciousness, it evolves biology you melt. Samadhi is a goal of yoga. It carries fruits that
influence thinking, feeling, acting. You ARE joy, interconnected,
space=mattter (+) , time=energy (-) unity, love)
number = measure, cube = consciousness
(telepathy between space & number and time & cube) #law-of-time
there is a natural timing frequency, that governs the universal
Time, space and mind are interwoven number matrices that order - it is 13:20,
equalize with each other. Together these matrices constitute a
language, a grammar, a vocabulary of telepathic frequencies T (E) =ART, Everything shaped by time is art.
that are constantly occurring, evolving the universe moment
to moment through various ever-shifting patterns of The Law of Time states that: Energy factored by time equals
synchronicity art, E refers to all phenomena in their processes of
unfoldment; T is the present moment functioning according to
Cosmic Cube is beta-beta hyperplasma of waking conscious the ratio constant 13:20. The 13:20 ratio of the natural timing
mediumship number is telepathic frequency cores + musical frequency is coded into the Tzolkin – the 260-unit harmonic
tonalities of a discret paranormal octave frequency range, matrix.
encoding universal order
The 13:20 frequency can also be found in our body: we have
To accelerate the direct experience of parallel universes, 13 main articulations and 20 fingers and toes.
memory retrieval and interdimensional travel, telepathically
imprint the Holomind Perceiver onto your corpus callosum (a #galactic-being
broad strang of nerves that connect both hemispheres)
5D = electric body,
and absorb it through meditative Samadhi.
4d= holon / etheric body
3D = physical body, 5D maps 3D and 4D
Cosmic Creation is first time dimension and a function of the
first mental sphere: preconscious, alpha-alpha hyperplasma of
sychronotron evolves 3D biology and elevates consciousness
profound Samadhi. 2nd time dimension = cosmic ascention,
to a self transcendent superconscious identification with the
beta-alpha hyperplasma of higher mind control, 3rd time
dimension = cosmic synchronization
... which naturally displaces self attachment and
emotions = plan of unification
Circuit 2 has 72 units, the power of 9 (x8). Coordinates karmic/
new impressions arise when thinking is suspended destiny body awakenings. Archetypes: Artist and Magician.
Enter the Venusian Council of the Magical Arts
create space in mind
Circuit 3 has 64 units, coded to each of the 64 DNA codons.
441 establishes the structure of knowledge and power of the Coordinates the sensory biopsychic energy body and
Supreme Order of telepathic knowing; the heart of nine modulates the radialization of human sense organs.
moved by the power of cosmic creation. Archetypes: Avatar and Sage. Enter the Earth Council of
Accomplished Wisdom
From this point, the heart chakra of 5D rainbow body in the
ninth time dimension is activated, establishing origin point of Circuit 4 has 56 units and is the interdimensional coordinating
all star commands and codes. circuit of the 4 radial times. Unifies and connects fourth-
dimensional etheric information. Archetypes: Hierophant and
Prophet. Enter the Martian Council of Death(less) Awakenings
#Circuits-and-Planetary Councils
all fuctions of time space and mind can be resolved as musical Circuit 5 has 48 units containing the “lost chord” and the
resonances, the 55+1 octaves represent the base fractal frequency of harmony of the 6 octaves (48 = 6 x 8).
frequency range of universe (as a psychomental projection) Coordinates sensory/extrasensory fifth dimensional
information. Archetypes: Serpent Initiate and Wizard. Enter
Cosmic ordinates of the new order of new being and the Maldekian Council of Timeless Sex (council that conceived
knowledge are passed through the circuits and gates of garden of Eden)
Circuit 6 has 40 units; it is the inner circuit of outer unity.
The totality of interdimensional creation—'single atomic Coordinates cosmic consciousness of the sixth-dimensional
whole'— consists of 10 circuits containing 55 octaves. There is light body and ESP information transferences. Archetypes:
a council for each of the 10 circuits, plus the 11th, the Innocent and Seer. Enter the Jupiterian Council of Creative
Supreme Council of Unification of the Universal Plan 441 Flowering
Each of the circuits correlates to a planet and two archetypes. Circuit 7 has 32 units, the crystal map encircling the 9th time
An archetype is a primal fourth-dimensional pattern often dimension. Coordinates transcendental soul/akashic register
expressed as a symbol and capable of performing a cosmic access. Archetypes: Dreamer and Pathfinder. Enter the
function Saturnian Council of Dream Intelligence
Circuit 1 has 80 units; it is the all-encompassing outer circuit Circuit 8 has 24 units and is the hyperparton electrical circuit.
of unity. Coordinates changes in outer form manifestation. Coordinates the cosmic electricity of any given celestial body.
Archetypes: Compassionate One and Healer. Enter the Archetypes: Wind Spirit and Navigator. Enter the Uranian
Mercurial Council of Purified Heart Council of Evolutionary Communications
#Appendix-AFTERHOUR-441 The 11th-dimensional system is the living/working mechanism
of Galactic Being, the evolving telepathic circuitry of the
Circuit 9 has 16 units and is the holder of archetypal noosphere.
memories of oceanic consciousness. Coordinates the self-
existing inner ninth-dimensional core of radiant heart. Through the opening of the 11th mystic gate 441 we open our
Archetypes: Yogi(ni) and Primal Force. Enter the Neptunian central channel, attracting magnetic flows of photons and
Council of Self-Reflective Memory. electrical forces that inform the ‘stations of the ark’, the
compact messenger units that surround the 441 core
Circuit 10 has 8 units and holds the Stations of the Ark.
Coordinates the protector beings who guard the hidden #HUNABKU-12-21
treasure contained within the 11th dimension. Archetypes: Within the parameter of the 441 telepathic field is inscribed
Enlightened One and Worldchanger. Enter the Plutonian the star template of the Hunab Ku 21, the inner structure of
Council of Catalytic Enlightenment. the new body of radiance
another tip: when you go in days with eating less, you can spin
around yourself up to 33 times without getting nausea – use
the swirl energies ... what is also hallucinogenic
'When we spin the body, clockwise, as if standing on a clock,
33 times, which is a Sacred Master Number, we are turning
our magnetic cells inside the magnetic field of Mother Earth,
and thereby spinning up their energies.
That the rest of the 'body of god' (because it NEEDS NO twin method, program + more pictures:
GENES) is not yet calculated, has to do with the too primitive
complex number system, that is based on simple plane
largest setting of the same picture, with different colour-
waves' (Gabi Müller, Viva Vortex) coding, from 'Viva Vortex'
#Skull-Fractal-and-Reality-Zipper here it found self-simmilarity:
!!! Salvia-Divinorum-Zipper in perspective of the Skull(s) !!!
Fractal Z=Z^(Z*)-1
coordinate origin in the small point right
zooming into the scale of our scull – the psychedelic trained eye
finds: the SALVIA-ZIPPER – that is described to tear apart Time- Zoom of picture left, the arrowhead right
and-Reality / leafling through it like book pages ... compare p253 (the zipper is also visible in the left pic, very fine)
as well as #the-living-swarm-intelligence in #Portal-Cinema
at the surfaces of the channels / tubes of the zipper are time
and reality-layers projected – behind/in-between/below you see
deepest endless black – the space and everything around you
leafs / tears-apart in this optic and loops through you / out of
itself – it is described that this Time-and-Reality-Zipper always
it says: 'this is one of the first 'SELFI – PHOTOS' Zoom of top picture, still the
of the cosmic organism – a cross section small pixel in left picture
of the structure when ego and observer is lifted' + another fractal-output: eye
(Salvia Divinorum) from 'Viva Vortex'
#understand-dimensions the #Ur-Atom ... that Gabi digged-out from the work of Beasants and Leadbeater, 1908, gets all attention
everything in '...' is from Viva Vortex:
'Our world consists of swirls, nothing else. What we see, feel
and can weight, is only the swirl-cores of other swirls,
because we also feel and see through swirl-cores.
- the matter in our matter equals the hollow-space within a
fast moving swirl-medium
.. the connection to the - the mass is the hole, the matter is non-streaming
7x7 vedic world-cube, - in every smallest time unit, everything re-builts anew – the
in which all higher- Ur-Atoms, our bodies, everything gets always recreated by
frequent worlds each the swirl (Note: here Salvia shouts loudly: YES, exactly that's
inherit 7 levels, that how it is, this you see when ego is lifted)
are always to be - asymmetry is the motor of the infinite preservation
understood as states - a stable swirl current is energy store
of matter - the Ur-Atoms are not matter, but absence of matter, their
windings are made of different large bubbles and they follow
Pic from 'Occult Chemistry', A. Besant & C.W. Leadbeater, 1908, force lines
World-Cube from vedic sources
- there, where the silence is largest, the bud is created =
in Golden Mean, Golden Mean is not-vibration, there
never one vibe meets the other – there a consciousness
can build, that vibes different
- there is no empty space, but a invisible and not-
senseable swirl around all and through all things. Not the
matter was first, but the swirl. It creates the matter, in
every smalles fraction of a second. The swirling
substance is finer than air, yet also much denser than air,
because the particles are smaller, but also much more.'
(Thanks for the insights: Ore (Erz) is a lifeform! Like The young sunflower seeds follow the arrangement in
secretions in Organs ... and she greatly places sugesstions Golden-Mean angle intuitively, because there every
on healing / therapy of nuclear radioactive material single core gets a individual point-of-silence
(ultra!!!)) (consciousness-foucs). Subharmonics of the whole (along
the cord) meet never in a irrational number-ratio. Only
- 'And what is streaming, what quasi builds hollow there one doesn't disturb the other, only there can
bubbles in many hierachies, can not create individuality (seed) appear. All swirls, that arrange in a
consciousness, it IS CONSCIOUSNESS. Streaming rivers rational number-ratio, are group-consciousness, the
with swirls and sub-swirls connect all to one piece. The loose thair indivdiality.'
information-waves, that 'come to our mind' or that we
'produce' as sender, are transported through the whole
Normaly every swirl knows everything, because everything yes, this all had to be formulated, as it has fullfilled
what is flows through it with full information. Only WE play and speaks through us – THANKS LIFE !!!
a hide-and-seek game and put or let-put through our
bodies diverse filters into the decoder-input' (Gabi Müller) Thanks for your all the passion i know you share ...
we meet in unity
1. learn to fly
believe only in yourself
get rid of all authorities
2. fly away
#become-master you learn to fly, if you fall-down
#obedience-dies-out and forget to touch the ground
#LucidDream-Free-Land / #KlarTraum-Freies-Land
Via the forum people that own land / material or money can
gift / offer it for the start of 'communities' that may connect.
This may also be arranged between single persons, that than
prepare the project to start.
everything, EVER to be done – it's done
'Community' means 'lived Utopia': 'autonomous zones',
agreements in circles and personal contact, love & unity
connection ... instead of many documents.
In the End
Suggested is the structure by which Rainbow Gatherings arise
– a 'seed camp' made by the first ones, they then announce a
larger meeting and emerging from this everything else
happens, building up in circle structure.
lies our Beginning For places where a community can arise, someone may be
found that publishes in the forum the approximate position,
the number of people that can live there as well as a contact