Determining The Specific Gravity of Soils: Test Procedure For
Determining The Specific Gravity of Soils: Test Procedure For
Determining The Specific Gravity of Soils: Test Procedure For
1.1 This method determines specific gravity of soils that pass the 425 μm (No. 40) sieve.
1.2 The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact
mathematical conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from
the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard.
2.1 Specific Gravity—Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a given volume of solid or
liquid to the mass of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature, commonly 4°C
3.3 Balance, Class G1 in accordance with Tex-901-K, with minimum capacity of 800 g.
3.5 Mercury thermometer, calibrated between -15 and 43°C by 1°C intervals (-5 and 110°F
by 2°F intervals).
5.1.1 Fill the volumetric flask to the graduation mark with distilled or deionized water.
5.1.2 Place the flask in a water bath, maintained at a selected temperature (19°C [67°F] for
example) until the temperature of the flask and contents is constant.
5.1.3 Adjust the water to the precise level of the graduation mark with distilled or deionized
water at 19°C (67°F).
5.1.4 Remove flask from bath, carefully dry flask, and weigh. Weigh flask and water at 19°C
(67°F) to the nearest 0.05 g or better, and record as T under Section 6.
5.2.2 Determine the hygroscopic moisture content of a separate portion of the air-dried soil in
accordance with Tex-103-E.
5.2.3 Use the glass funnel to carefully place the soil sample into the volumetric flask and fill
flask about one-half full with distilled or deionized water.
5.2.4 Remove the entrapped air by either: gently boiling on a hot plate for 30 minutes (bubble
breaker will prevent loss of material); or subjecting the contents to a partial vacuum.
5.2.5 Apply a low vacuum and gradually increase the vacuum level to cause the water in the
flask to boil. Continue this vacuum level for approximately ten minutes.
5.2.6 Place flask and contents in water bath and adjust water level at the same temperature at
which the flask was calibrated.
5.2.8 Weigh to the nearest 0.05 g or better and record the mass of the flask, soil, and water to
fill to graduation mark as L under Section 6.
M = 100( A ) / ( 100 + P )
M = mass of oven-dried soil, g
A = mass of air-dried soil, g
P = percent of hygroscopic moisture.
G = ( M • D) /( M + T − L)
G = specific gravity
T = mass of flask and water to fill at temperature at which flask was calibrated, g
L = mass of flask, soil and water to fill at constant temperature, g
D = density of water at the temperature at which determination was made. (See Table 1
or Table 2.)