Boards Study Guide
Boards Study Guide
Boards Study Guide
have excluded some content that I already know.
Class 1 Lever: Fulcrum in middle: Head and first vertebra, elbow extension
Class 2 Lever: Fulcrum at edge, load middle: Standing on tip toes, push up
Class 3 Lever: Fulcrum at edge: effort middle: elbow flexion, knee flexion
Pacinian and Ruffini are pressure receptors: deep pressure, high velocity, high frequency
A alpha: motor
A beta touch/pressure/proprioception → can inhibit a delta and C
A delta: pain, cold temperature
C fibers: pain and temperature
McGill questionnaire: most common 4 parts 70 questions
Kehr’s sign: foot elevated results in left shoulder pain → rupture of spleen
Skinfold sites: abdominal, tricep, pec, medial calf, subscap, suprailiac, thigh, midaxillary: right
side, 1cm away from caliper
Plum line: coronal structure, external auditory meatus, odontoid, tip of shoulder, lumbar,
posterior to hip, anterior to knee, anterior to lat mal, calcaneocuboid
Poor- 2-
Partial ROM, gravity eliminated
Poor+ 2+
Gravity eliminated/slight resistance or < 1/2 range against
Fair- 3-
> 1/2 but < Full ROM, against gravity
Good- 4-
Full ROM against gravity, mild resistance
Good+ 4+
Full ROM against gravity, almost full resistance
Spherical - baseball
Hook - handle
Key components: maximal knee flexion: intial swing to midswing, maximum extension big toe,
terminal stance/pre swing
Gait patterns: pg 89
Steppage: foot slap, df weakness
Vaulting: elevation of pelvis + pf
Goniometer: test position stabilize prox segment, move through, estimate, palpate align, record
start, stabilize prox measure record
Sulcus: 1, 1-2, 3+
Thumb Spica splint immobilizes wrist and MCP jt of thumb. Thumb splica 20 degrees extension,
mcp flexion
Radial gutter splint immobilizes metacarpals and phalanges, allows free movement of thumb
Rigid dressings dont need frequent change, non ridig requires it. Cheapest is ace wrap.
PRessure: shaft + ligament, ishium and sfot tissues all else is bad
Wearing: Start 1 hour a day with alf the time spent ambulating, check skin every 30 min.
Increase 15-30 min inspection.
Order of wearing: WLSN
UE: 2-4
LTranstibial 2 ….3-4
Transfem- 6
L-TEST: same as tug. 90 degree turn after 3 meters, total 20m (instead of 6), 4 turns involved
Vaccum suspension is bettter overall for atheletic, shuttle lock requires sock changing and
Achielles tendinopathy: risk over 30, thompson test, seriel casting for 10 wks. Surgical repair
lower rate of rerupture
Afhesive capsulitis: decreased capsule size, decreased fluid. Diabetes more likely.
Biceps tendnopathy: overhead throwing like motion, transverse humeral ligament popping,
Osteogenisis Imperfecta: mild type 1 sclera, type 2 death in utero, type 4 increased ossification
of skull, type 4 bowing of long bones, barrel shape Avoid rotation, and weight bearing at
Arthrogryposis: jt contracture
Plantar fascitis: excessive foot pronation, heel wedge, high arch
Osteosarcoma: most common location: knee, long bone - Codman’s triangle indicative of
Ewings: Bone marrow children
I90 - priformis
Humira crohns.
The largest division of the brain is telenchepelon.
31 (33 spinal vertebrae) pairs of spinal cord - 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1
-norepinephrine: stimulating
-acetylcholine: inhibitory
Parietal: apraxia
Meninges: dura, arachnoid, pia. Subdural (dura arach), subarachnoid (aracnoid pia)
Kernings sign: pain with hip flexion combined with knee extension = meninges
Brudzinski: flexion of the neck facilitates flexin of hip and knee = meninges
Ascending Tracts
Fasciculus cuneatus: upper extremity
Fasciculus: gracilis: lower extremity
Spinocerebellar dorsal: ipsi proprio of lower
Spinocerebellar ventral: ipsi upper lower and posture
Spinoreticular: conciousness
Spinotectal: eye movements and head
Descending Tracts:
Corticospina anterior: ipsilateral volunatry
Corticispinal lateral: contralateral voluntary - babinski, absent superciial abdominial reflex,
Cranial Nerve:
Olfactory: identify familiar odors eg. smelling shit
Optic: testing visual Fields
Occulomotor: upward, downward, medial gaze, reaction to light
Trochlear: downward, inward gaze
Trigeminal: corneal reflex, face sensation, clench teeth → push down on chin to separate jaw
Abducens: lateral gaze
Facial nerve: innervates anterior ⅓ tongue, close eyes tight, smile
Vestibulocochlear: balance, cooridnation tests 512hz 18-24 inches can’t hear
Glossopharyngeal: posterior ⅔, gag reflex, ability to swallow
Vagus: gag reflex, swallowing, saying “ahh”
Accessory: resisting shrug shoulders
Hypoglossal: Tongue protrusion
Modified ashworth:
0 no increase in tone
1 slight increase by catch and release with resistance at end
1+ catch minimal resistance throughout
2 marked resistance
3 considerable increase passive difficult
4 rigid
Peripheral: BPPC, meniers, infection, trauma, metabolic disorders, acute alcohol intoxication
Lower limb:
Flexor: abduction lateral rotation, knee flexion, dorsiflexion supination, extension D1 flexion
AI progresses to RS
Conract relax: hamstring
Hold rleax is an isometric hold
Romberg test
● Assessment tool of balance and ataxia that initially positions the patient in unsupported
standing, feet together, upper extremities folded, looking at a fixed point straight ahead
with eyes open. With eyes open, three systems (visual, vestibular, somatosensory) provide
input to the cerebellum to maintain standing stability
● If there is a mild lesion in the vestibular or somatosensory system, the patient will typically
compensate through visual sense. Next the patient maintains the same standing posture,
but closes the eyes. A patient receives a grade of “normal” if they are able to maintain the
position for 30 seconds
● An abnormal response occurs with inability to maintain balance when standing erect with
the feet together and eyes closed. Patients may exhibit sway or begin to fall.
● When the visual input is removed, instability will be present if there is a larger
somatosensory or vestibular deficit producing the instability. If a patient demonstrates
ataxia and has a positive Romberg test, this indicates sensory ataxia and not cerebellar
Brown sequard: Loss of temperature and pain on opposite, loss of motor ipsi
Concussion Grades
Grade 1: resolve within 15
Grade 2: more than 15 min
Grade 3: unconcious
Infant Reflexes
● ATNR, STNR, TLR 6 months
● GALANT, POsitive reflex, walking 2 months
● Moro and startle is 5 mo
● Rooting 3 mo
● Palmar grasp 4 mo
● Plantar 9 mo
● Toddler 12-36 mo
4-5 mo: Feet to mouth, sits alone briefly, bears weight through legs in supported
6-7 mo: sits independently, crawl backward, midline trasnfer bw hands
8-9: crawl forward, crusing, pull to stand, sit without hand support
16-24 mo: squats in play, up and downstars using both feet on one step, walk backward
Menieres: fullness
Neuroma: tinnitus, hearing loss
Neuro Diseases:
● Acetylcholine involvement, amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles - atrophy of
smooth muscle
● Involvement of aluminum
● Stage 1: emotional lability
● Stage 2: agitation, aphasia, apraxia
● Stage 3: long term memory
● Cognex, Aricept, Exelon
● 4th leading cause of deaths -7-11
● Both upper and lower motor neuron
● Asymmetrical muscle weakness, fasciculations, atrophy, incoordination, Babinski -
respiratory paralysis.
● Diagnosis: electromyography
● Drug: Rilutek
● Progression: Distal to proximal
Carpal Tunnel:
● Abductor pollicis brevis atrophy
● Normal tissue pressure is 2-10. Above 30 is CTS
● Ape hand deformity. No opposition.
● Avoid radial deviation strengthening.
Hook of hamate and pisiform - ulnar nerve tunnel of guyon.
Cerebral Palsy
● Most common cause of permanent disability in kids
● Neuromuscular disorder of posture and controlled movement
● Monoplegia - one involved extremity
● Hemiplegia - unilateral involvement of UE and LE
● Quadriplegia - involvement of all extremities
● EEG used for lab findings
● Dorsal Rhizotomy surgical intervention
● 1st 3 mo critical for prognosis
● Modifiable: hypertension is the most common cause
● Trisomy 21- nondisjunction.
● Almond eyes, palmar crease, epicanthal folds, large tongue, congenital heart issues
● Hypotonia lax ligaments, poor muscle strength. Age 55.
● Prader willi: chromosome 15, obesity, excessive appetite short stature
Erbs Palsy:
● C5-C6 anterolateral neck. Waiters tip deformity
● Klumpke palsy: C8-T1- claw hand. Supination, extension of wrist, MCP extension,
flexion of IP.
● MOI: traction with ABD
Huntingtons Disease
● Degeneration and atrophy of basal ganglia
● Involuntary choreic movements
● Mild personality alteration
● Unintentional facial expressions (grimmace, tongue protrusion, eyebrow elevation)
● Emotional Disorder worsens over time
Multiple Sclerosis:
● More likely in woman 20-35
● Relapse remitting 85%.- progressive secondary, progressive primary, progressive
● 50% in wheelchair in 15 years
Parkinson’s Disease
● Decrease in production of dopamine
● Basal ganglia deteriorates → less dopamine
● Hypokinesia, akinesia, COGWHEEL or LEAD PIPE rigidity or skeletal mm.
Spina Bifida:
● Failure of neural tube closer by day 28
● Myelomeningocele
● Arnold chiari type 2 malformation, clubfoot, bowel and bladder dysfunction
● Alfafetoprotein 16 wks
C7 Tetraplagia:
Spinal shock: total flaccid, loss of reflexes and sensation
A halo device
45 years mortality
L3 Paraplagia:
TLSO may be indicated. KAFO.
Most common cause is falls and MVA.
Whiplash and head innjury is most common. Treated with anticholniergic, benzodiazepines
Myasthinia gravis:
Acetylcholine receptors get destroyed, proximal to distal
● Levadopa: high dose nausea. Can also cause cardiac arhymias
● Dilantin, Valium, Neurontin : Seizures
● Mass movement patterns are similar in concept to overflow, but refer specifically to the
hip, knee, and ankle moving into flexion or extension simultaneously.
● Chopping is a neuromuscular technique that uses a combination of bilateral upper
extremity asymmetrical patterns performed as a closed chain activity.
● Overflow is a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation concept that refers to muscle
activation of an involved extremity due to intense action of an adjacent muscle or group
of muscles.
● The muscles of the eye are typically the first muscles affected in myasthenia gravis. The
condition ultimately results in extreme muscular weakness. Often, initial symptoms
include diplopia, ptosis, and squinting of the eye.
● Suprascapular nerve does not have connections to all the trunks
● Common sites of injection are the gastrocnemius, hamstrings, hip flexors, and hip
● Anterior division obturator adductor longus
Pericardium: double walled connective tissue that surround the outside of the heart
Right coronary artery → sinus node artery → right marginal artery → posterior descending
Accessory muscles that help with inspiration are scalenes, pec minor, pec major, serratus
ERV = 15% TV
IRV = 50% TV
FRC = 40% TV
VC = 75% TV
RV = 25% TV
IC = 60%
TV = 10% TV
TLC = 100% TV
Ribs 1-7 are true ribs. 8-10 false ribs. Ribs 1, 10, 11 and 12 articulate with only 1 vertebrae.
During forceful: external oblique, internal oblique, external oblique and transversus abdominus
S4 correleated to hypertension
S3 correlated to CHF
ABG Element Normal Value Range
Sa02 95-98%
HCO3: 22-26
SaO2 95-98%
CKMB- 48-72hrs
Troponin- 5-7 days
Angiography: plaques
Chest Radiograph: visualize location, size, shape of heart, lungs, blood vessels and bones of
spine. Can also reveal fluid in lungs or pleural space
Echocardiography: size and function of ventricles, thickness of the septums, function of the
walls and valves, and chambers of the heart
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring: wan ganz catherted to obtain pulmonary artery pressure and
left atrial pressure. Central venous measures vena cava and right atrium.
ACE: prils
Antiarthymias: Clas 1 NA, Clas 2 beta vlockers, class 3 prolong repolarization, Class 4 calcium
channel blockers
Antithrombic: Inhibit platelet aggregation. Used for post MI, A-Fib and clot formation. Side
effects are hemmorhage, liver toxicity. Eg. aspirin, plavix
Beta Blocker Agents: decrease myocardial O2 demands via decreasing HR and contractility.
Used for hypertension, angina, arrythmias, heart failure. Side effects are orthostatic
hypotension, HR and BP response will be diminished.
Diuretic Agents: increases excretion of sodium and urine, Used for hypertension. Sideeffects
are dehyrdation, hypotension, electrolyte imbalance, arrythmias
Nitrate Agents: decrease ischemia, angina pectoris. Sublingual administration most ideal for
consuming meds
Positive Ionotropic Agents: increase force and velocity of myocardial contraction, slow heart
rate, decrease conduction velocity throufh AV node.
Thrombolytic Agents, break down clots. Hemmorhage are side effects. Avoid situations that may
cause trauma d/t altered clotting activity
CABG: treats narrowed coronary artiereis. Blood rerouted to affected artery joining saphneous
Valve Replacement: prosthetic valve implanted in heart to replace old shitty valve
Enhanced Extracorpreal Counterpulsation (EECP): compresses the veins helps with venous
Bullectomy: one or more of the large air spaces called bullae are removed when alveoli is
destroyed due to emphysema
Indications for Tracheostomy: airway obstruction at or above the level of larynx and respiratory
ABI levels.
>1.3 Rigid Arteries, PAD
1-1.3, Normal
0.8-1, Mild Blockage, beginning of PAD
0.4-0.8 Moderate Blockage, intermittent claudication
<0.4 Severe Blockage, claudication at rest
Normal breath sounds: tracheal and bronchial sounds over trachea, inspiratory shortern than
expiratory. Bronchial over distal airways are abnormal!!!
Vesicular breath sounds: high pitched breezy sounds normall over the distal airways.
Inspiratory phase is longer than expiratory!!
Abnormal: adventitious. Crackle high pitched heard during inspiration indicative of COPD or
Pleural friction. Dry craclking
Bonchophony 99
Egophony E to A
Whuispered pectoriloquy recognition of whispered
BMI - if you dont know this by now leave PT (18-24)..its a joke meant for me
Claudication pain: 1-4. Discomfort, can be distracted, cant be distracted, unbearble. Wmph at
constant grade between 0-12%
Vtach: 3 more consecutive PVCS at 150 beats per minute LIFE THREATENING
RELATIVE INDICATIONS: 2mm ST, same drop in SBP, chest pain, hypertensive SPB > 250 or
DBP> 115
Percussion sounds:
Tympany large pneumothorax
Hyper: emphysema
Flat or dull: atelactasis or consolidation, neoplasm
Pulse grading: 0 absecense
1 small
2+ normal
3+ large rebounding
Restrictive > 80
Normal exercise crap: no change or moderate decrease in dbp, increase in SBP 8-12mm HG
per met
ACB technique for breathing: normal breathing to deep breath to forced expiratory
Autogenic drainage: unsticking, slow breath through nose then exhale out
Collecting phase: breath at tidal volume
Evacuate is: deep to huff similar to ACB
Diaphramatic: semi fowlers position. Sniffing is a good start dominant hand on abdomen
PFLEX for building resistnce and strength 30-40% for 10 15 increasing to 20-30 3-5 times per
Discontinue if HR > 130
DBP 110
Decrease in sbp 10
SBP over 250
Dbp 115
St segment 1mm
12-16 id 60-80%
6-11 30-55%
Sudden weight gain
Framingham scale
No S3 in corda pulamane
Cystic Fibrosis:
Autosomal recessive, caucasians moe likely
High sodium and chloride in sweat, salty
Sodium greater than 60.
Mucuous in alveoili life expectancy 35 yrs
Enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles
Loss of elastic recoil, airway collapse during exhalation
Paraseptal destroys alveoli
Decreased Pa02
TLC, FRV, RC increased rest decreased
Presents with tight pectorals, rounded shoulder, subcostal angle barrel chest
Cor pulmonale is a serious complication that can occur with advanced emphysema
Bronchiactases inflammation leading to dilation and destruction of bronchial walls
Transmural full thickness, subendocardial inner third. Zones infarct, hypoxic, ischemia
Most common: left coronary artery anterior descending
Most common post complication is artyhtmias
Angina due to 90% coronary artery disease
Stable angina does not last mor than 15 min. Inverted t wave
HYpetension 140/90
Marfans and anurysm
Most common cause of atelactasis surgical anesthesia
Pericarditis due to viral infections, sharp pain
Venous insufficiency hyperceratoniss
Other systems:
Wound healing: inflammatory 1-10, proliferative ..keratinocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial 3-21,
maturation 7 days to 2 years
Red raise rigid
Pale plaible flat
75mg insesate
PAge 503
Superficial wound: non blistering epidermis intact
Partial thickness: epidermis gone blisters epithelization
Full thickness through dermis
Subcunatous through integumentary tissues
Wagner classification
No open lesion
Superficial not involving sub
Deep sub
Deep osteo
Gangrene digi
Gangrene foot
Eschar dehydrated
Alginate”require secondary dressing used on partial and full thickness and infected wounds
Hydrocolloids attach to intact surrounding skin. Used effectively with granular or necrotic
Most occlusive: hydrocolloids, hydrogel, semi permeable foam semi film, impregnatez gauze,
alginated, traditional
Iodine antifungal
Catecholamines: dilate airways, constrict blood vessels, block insulin, activate glycogen
Epi: dilate
Pancrease: glucagon
Parathyroid: increase blood calcium
T4 t3 increase rate
Calcitonin: increase calcium storage in bone opposite of parathyroid
Dynamic lymp insufficiency: too much fluid usualyl causes pitting edema
mechanical “ damage
Lymphoscintigraphy preferred
Stage 0-4 cancer: layers of the cell, limited to tissue of origin, begins to spread lymph (2), latest
stage is to bone or other organ
Vitamin E antioxidant
B12, copper hemoglobin
Ginseng reduces effects of anticoagulants
Kava liver toxicity
Enteral: oral, sublingual rectal
Ankylosing Spondy:
HLAB27 - high risk
Breathing if costovertebral jts involved. Elevated erythrocyte sedementation rate
High impact flexion contraindicated
Sjogren: women mostly post menopausal chronic arthritis
Arterial insufficiency:
Yellow nail
Nailkd bed cyanatic
Surronding skin pale
Breast cancer:
90% self examination, most comon complication pleural effusion
Stage 1: edema thermal changes
Stage 2: trophic changes
Stage 3: atrophic changes to finger tips or toes decreased temp
a1C levels for type 2 diabetes. DM is the leading cause of kidnet failure new blindress and non
traumatic le amputations
Dolorimeter, 3 months. Axial + 11/18 standaraized tender point. Woman 30s
Myofascial is trigger poitns not tender points and lacks associated symptoms
Stage 1 is highest risk for transmitting flu like symptoms
aIDS when cd4 falls below 200
Pauciarticular JRA involves 4 or less joints asymmetric and mild
Stills disease is systemic JRA: hepatospelemnomegaly myo and pericarditis.
Microscopic fluorescent techniques asre indicated to detect ANA
Can lead to kidney failure
Excessive tear drops, double vision, sensitivity to light, hyperthyroidism of thyroid gland
Dastesis Recti:
No double leg lifts, no crunches in supine, no supine to long sit. Can fuck up rectus abdominus
Hyperpigmentation of skin and mucous membranes ACTH definitive
Chron’s Disease:
Inflammation of GI tract
Does not result in structural changes to intestinal tissue unlike Chron’s disease
Uric acid buildup, typically in big toe
Reynauds phenomenon:
Cold fingers
Fibromyalgia child-bearing
Baclofen t12-l1 admoninal wall
system resulting in increased heart rate, pale and moist skin, anxiety, and tremors.
Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones in children, usually because of an extreme and
prolonged vitamin D deficiency
Sulfamylon metabolic acidsosis
The epidermis contains keratinocytes, Langerhans cells, melanocytes, and Merkel cells.
CA DM diarrhea
Induration fibrous
Percussion test assesses vein insufficiency saphenous
Two person lift: transfering pt’s on two different levels. 1st therapist arms under axilla, second
distal thighs. Therapist at head commands lift
Dependant Squat Pivot: pts that cant stand independantly. Pt positioned at 45 degree angle.
Pt put hands on therapists shoulders, but do not choke therapists neck!
Three person lift: towards head leads
Sliding board transfer: pts that have some sitting balance, some UE strength, can follow
directions. Place lead hand 4-6 inches away from sliding board
Stand pivot transfer: pt able to stand and bear weight for one of both LE, lead with uninvolved
Seat width: add 2 inches 16
Seat depth: subtract 2 from from popliteal space 16
Seat height: 4 inches below axilla. At inferior angle
Arm rest: add 1 inch from elbow
PArallel bars 20-25 degrees elbow flexion. Grasp bars 4-6 inches in front of body
Cane: grasp and hand rail with same hand, use cane on opposite side of involved extremity
Walker: used with all levels of WB’ing. Has significant BOS, offers good stability. Used in 3
point gait
Axillary Crutches: requires higher coordination for proper use. No greater than 3 finger widths
from axilla. Used with 2 pt, 3pt, 4pt, swing to and through gait patterns
Feeding Devices
NG tube - nostril
G tube - abdomen
J tube - jegenum
IV system - basilic, cephalic, antecubital (veins in arm)
Arterial line: can be used for blood samples as well as blood pressure
CT high radiation
Fluoroscopy is for movement
Myleography - x-ray+fluroscopy+ contrast dye for spinal cord, n. Roots, meninges
NCV - measures speed of electrical implulse
PET - invasive, uses radiography to determine metabolic activity
Ultrasound sound wavse that can show movement and image cause its done in real time
RAdiopaque bone
Conversion ultrasound and diathermy
Pg 702
Cold pack 20 min. 30 min for spasticity.
92-96 spasticity
32-79 inflam 79-92
99-104 pain
Dvt 16-18
Large current flow decreased current density. Decreased impedance, increased flow
Airborne: private room negative pressure, respiratory protection when entering room, TB,
measles, varicella
Droplet precautions: maintain at least three feet room door may remain open wear mask...flu,
Contact precautions: use of gloves, wear gown if you have substantial contact, do not share
equipment. Hep a, herpes simplex virus, most skin infections
Heat stroke: dry skin, rapid pulse, flushed color, nausea, headache elevated temperature
dilation of pupils
ICF model: body function, body structure, impairments, activity, participation, activity limitation,
participation restriction, environmental factors
Case control: retrospective particular disease matched with a comparison group of individuals
withotu disease
Cohort, case, cross.
68 95 99
Incidence new
Prevalance existing
Non Systems:
What are some compensations would be seen and the cause of gait deviations
• Steppage gait = weak dorsiflexors during mid-swing to clear the toe
• Knee hyperextension = PF contracture or weak quads
• Foot drop = weak dorsiflexors
Compensations / Gait deviations that would occur during the gait cycle
• Leaning back = weak hip extensors (trouble going UP steps)
• Excessive knee flexion = weak quads/spastic hamstrings (trouble going DOWN steps)
• Hip hike = weak quadratus lumborum
• Knee hyperextension = weak quads, PF contracture, spastic hamstrings
• Pressure tolerant = Suprapatellar area, Patellar tendon, Medial flare of tibia, Lateral Flare of
fibula, Posterior area of the stump, Popliteal area
• Pressure sensitive = Lateral tibial Condyle, Tibial tuberosity, Tibial Crest, Anterior Distal, End
of Tibia, Fibular Head, Distal End of Fibula, Distal end of stump with surgical suture, Medial
Femoral condyle
• Pressure tolerant = Ischial tuberosity, Lateral, Medial, Anterior and Posterior Flares of the
stump, Gluteals
• Pressure sensitive = Greater Trochanter, Ramus, ASIS, Adductor Tendon, Distal End of
Femur, Inguinal Fossa, Pubic Tubercle, Surgical Suture, Perineal Area
Assistive Devices
Extra stuff:
MRI: sensitive - rules out. Identifies true positives.
Mechanical compression 3:1
Content validity measures more
vegetaibe state: locked in, speach, vertigo, ataxia, vertebrap basilar (cerbellum)
30-150 50-100
Balance grades
CPT is for innervation
ndt is bout posture and inhibiton
Environmental factors such as clinic location, parking, time spent waiting for the therapist, and
type of equipment
hand pro ffric s 567
30 pounds
15 for bulge muscle spasm
a p per
92-96 spas
99-104 p
79-92 exer