Differential Diagnosis MSK Patho
Differential Diagnosis MSK Patho
Differential Diagnosis MSK Patho
MSK Pathos:
Upper Extremities: Shoulder
Pathology S/S: Presentation T&M: Confirmation Associated pathos
External Primary Intermittent mild pain with Hawkins’ Kennedy, Rotator cuff tear
Impingement: overhead activities, over age Neer, supine
Stage I 35 impingement
External Primary Mild to moderate pain with Hawkins’ Kennedy, RC, bicep
Impingement: overhead activities or Neer, supine tendonitis
Stage II strenuous activies impingement
External Primary Pain at rest or with activities, Hawkins’ Kennedy, RC tear, bicep
Impingement: night pain may occur, Neer, MMT RC mm, tendonitis, labral
Stage III scapular or rotator cuff empty can test, supine patho, instability
weakness impingement
Rotator Cuff Mostly d/t impingement Neer impingement test, Overpowering
Tendonitis Weak supraspinatus Hawkins kennedy Deltoid- superior
Excessive use of UE translating of
following prolonged disuse humeral head
Painful arc active ABD 60-
120 degrees
Shoulder shrugs/push ups arm
ABD to 90 to strengthen UT
and SA
PLOF 4-6 wks
Rotator Cuff Classic night pain, weakness Positive empty can test, Associated with
tears (full noted predominately in ABD drop arm test, lift off scapular instability,
thickness) and ER, loss of motion sign, supraspinatus test impingement
Pain in lateral arm/deltoid pain with palpation,
Shoulder instability MMT RC
Adhesive Inability to perform ADLs Capsular pattern Diabetes, thyroid,
Capsulitis owing to loss of motion—loss ER>ABD>IR cardiopulmonary
of motion may be perceived disorders
as weakness - Joint hypomobility
Acute = PROM limited d/t ROM (AROM/PROM)
pain and guarding
Chronic = lateral brachial
region- PROM limited d/t
Recovery 12-24 mo
Anterior Apprehension to mechanical Anterior apprehension Bankart lesion,
Instability shifting limits activities test. SLAP lesion,
slipping, popping, or sliding MMT RC and scap Hills-Sach fracture
may present stabilizers. J (fx. Of
Apprehension usually posterolateral
associated with horizonatal Joint capsule laxity ant > humeral head d/t
abd and ER. post
Anterior or posterior pain impact), Axillary
may be present. Apprehension test, load nerve disruption
Weak scapular stabilizers and shift
Posterior Occurs with horizontal ADD Apprehension, load and
Instability and IR shift, relocation
Slipping/popping of the
humerus posteriorly
Flexion/IR with loading
Biceps Tendonitis Repeated overhead movements Yerganson’s Throwing,
Full ABD and ER Speeds swimming, raquet
Sx. Only recommended when Pain with resisted athletes
conservative treatment fails 6 supination Impingement, RC
mo tendonitis, GH
Pathology S/S: Presentation T&M: Associated Management
Confirmation findings
Lateral Mostly ECRB Cozens, Mills, Activities with Acute stage:
Epicondylitis Pain with gripping Lateral repetitive wrist avoid gripping
Gradual onset Epicodylitis extension activities,
Pain with resisted Resistive testing lifting with
extension Rule out radial palm down
nerve entrapment Conterforce
brace on the
tendons –
Medial Pronator teres, FCR Medial Baseball, Stretching wrist
Epicondylitis epicondylitis test pitching, golf, flexor/pronators
swimming Brace/splint
requiring active
UCL damage
Ulnar nerve
Ulnar Repetitive valgus Valgus stress test Overhead Resolution of
collateral stress throwing inflammation
Ligament Pain along medial Strengthening
injuries elbow Taping
Medial ligament
Elbow posterior dislocations observation Elbow
dislocations most common palpation hyperextension
rapid swelling injuries
olecranon pushed post FOOSH
MCL sprain
Carpal Sensory Phalen’s test Most common Radial
Tunnel changes/paresthesia Tinel’s sign 35-55 y/o deviation
Median nerve Carpal women should be
distribution – lateral compression Repetitive use, avoided
hand + thumb-3rd digit Need to rule out RA,
Night pain, mm cervical preganancy,
atrophy (ABD radiculopathy DM,
pollicis/thenar mm), hypothyroidism
decreased grip strength
Long Thoracic Nerve Pain on flexing fully extended arm Serratus anterior
Winging of scap at 90 forward Erb’s palsy
flexion SCI C7 and above
Decreased shoulder protraction and
upward rotation
Suprascapular nerve Increased pain w/ shoulder flexion Infraspinatus, supraspinatus
Shoulder ER weaknesss Erb’s palsy
Pain w/ABD SCI above C6
Pain w/ cervical rot to opposite side
Axillary Nerve Inability to ABD arm w/neutral Deltoid, teres minor
rotation Shoulder dislocation
Extensor tendon Immobilized for 6-8 weeks with DIP joints 6 weeks post-op AROM w/
repairs of hand in neutral prox IP joints in neutral
Proximal repairs immobilized w/wrist and Early intervention = edema
digital joints in ext for 4 weeks control/PROM
Lower Extremity
Surgery/Injury Indications/Precautions Management/interventions
Total Hip Cemented hips: can tolerate full Early rehab: decreasing inflammation,
Replacement WB immediately post-op PROM, mm setting, AROM
Noncemtended hip TTWB up to 6 Progression: PRE, endurance training,
wks functional training
Hospital d/c- ext to neutral and flex to
Posteriolateral approach- avoid 90 degrees
IR, ADD, flexion > 90 for 3-6 mo
Direct lateral: avoid flexion > 90,
ADD, extension, ER, and ADD
Anteriolateral approach: avoid
flexion > 90, Ext, ER, ADD
Complications = DVT, PE, HO
ORIF femoral NWB for 1-2 wks Early rehab: ambulation, ROM
fracture Depending on approach TFL, glut Isotonic strengthening postponed until
med, Vastus lat may be affected mm have healed
Fx of greater troch—glut med affected
S/S of fixation failure: persistent Fx of the lesser troch—iliopsoas
thigh/groin pain, LLD, limb in
ER, Trendelenburg sign
Total Knee WBAT immediately post-op, Early Rehab (1-3wks) = mm re-ed, soft
Replacement Ambulation w/cane @ wk 3 tissue mobs, edema reduction, PROM,
FWB @ wk 4 AROM, isometrics
Begin resisted exercises @ wk 2-3
Noncemented TTWB up to 6wks Progress to endurance exercises, PRE,
Avoidance of forceful mobs into functional activities
flexion Knee flexion requirements for ADLs-
15-20 yr lifespan minimum 90 degrees, 105 degrees sit to
Avoid squatting, quick pivoting, stand
pillows under knees, low sitting
PLOF 8-12 wks
ACL repairs Brace protection initial post-op: Early interventions = pain control,
~ 20-70 degrees flex edema control, PROM/AROM,
NWB ~ 1wk then WBAT Progress to closed chain/functional
Weaned from brace between wk exercises
2-4 post-op Avoid open chain exercises 0-45
Graft most vulnerable 6-8wks
Hamstring graft = cautious No pain/effusion
w/flexion exercises Full ROM
Graft ~100% at 12-16wks NO instability
Quad strength 85-90% opposite leg
Hamstring strength 90-100% opposite
Functional testing (i.e. S/L hop) 85-90%
opposite leg
PLOF 4-6 mo
Achilles Tendon Pt. will be casted in slight PF Regaining ROM as soon as possible
Repairs initially Caution w/ exercises that stretch
NWB 1st several weeks post-op Achilles or require active PF until
Bracing 6-8 weeks for surgical tendon healed
repair Use of heel lift to not stress the tendon
Non-surgical serial casting 10
wks PLOF 6-7 mo