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VSP Menu Commands: Function Description

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VSP Menu Commands

[VSP Interactive Menu]

Function Description
Geometry Window Display Use this window to enter zero offset VSP geometry.
Velocity Profile Display Displays the velocity profile.
Sonic Log Calibrate Allows calibration of the sonic log.
Hodogram Display VSP Hodogram analysis window.
Q Attenuation Allows computation of attenuation.
VSP Well Look Ahead Window Interactive Window uses logs, VSP and an extracted
wavelet to help in calculating (Inversion) velocity
below the well in depth.
2D VSP CDP Mapping Window Perform interactive VSP CDP mapping on a VSP data
2D Ray Tracing Constructs various ray tracing displays.
2D/3D VSP Model Build/ Interactive Model Building Window
3C-3D VSP First-Break Interactive window for semi-automatic auto-adaptive
Picking 3-component 3D VSP first break picking.

Geometry Window Display

The Geometry Window Display is accessed through the VSP | Geometry Window Display as
shown below:

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[VSP | Geometry Window Display]

This Geometry Window Display is used to create/edit the VSP Geometry for the VSP Offset
data and put the necessary values into the VISTA headers of the demo data set.

See: VSP Near Offset for a complete example of the use of this process.

[Geometry Reference]

Clicking the VSP | Geometry Window Display first opens the VSP Geometry Window
opening selection spreadsheet as shown below:

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[Selection of Input VSP data set to VSP Geometry Window]

Double click on the desired file name ("Zero_offset XYZ"), or select the item in the DATA#
and click OK, and one will open the VSP Geometry Window as shown below:

[Initial Setting of VSP Geometry Window]

VSP Geometry Window Display Toolbar

Icon Function Description

Save VSP Geometry to This opens the Save VSP Geometry dialog where
Headers the user can select the header items to be saved.
Normally, the default headers are chosen.
Read TVD from Input File Read TVD values from an input ASCII file. Optional
fields can be read in from a Columnar or Space /
Tab delimited ASCII file;
MD, Rec-X, Rec-Y, Inclination, Azimuth
Calculate TVD from MD Select to calculate TVD values from MD values

Calculate Offset from Calculate Offset from X_Shot, Y_Shot.

Shot/Receiver Locations
View Options Note that this icon is only active when the VSP
Geometry Plot is in the window.
VSP Spread Sheet View Toggle to the spread sheet view from the VSP
Geometry Plot view.
VSP Geometry Plot View Display the VSP Geometry in 3-D as shown below:

Math Function on Has three sub-icons to Fill Selected Cells, Interp.

Selected Cells Select Cells, Math Function on Selected Cells.

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In the VSP Geometry Window the top row of the spread sheet is the reference geometry
parameters. Normally in this above window KB_ELEV, which refers to Kelly Bearing
Elevation, and the DATUM must be entered from the field log data and MD refers to
Measured Depth and TVD refers to True Vertical Depth. The other variables are self

Enter the KB_ELEV and the DATUM values.

The equation for the computation of TVD is:


The VSP Geometry Window with the correct values is shown below for this example:

[VSP Geometry Window Tutorial VSP Near Offset - Correct Parameters and Depths]

When one is satisfied with the values use the icon Save VSP Geometry to Headers icon.
This opens the VSP Geometry Header Items to Save dialog. One may choose which VISTA
header words to create from the geometry. Note in this example use the defaults.

[VSP Geometry Header - Headers Items to Save Dialog]

Note that the ELEV_REC header item is not shown in the above dialog list as the
variable DEPTH_RECV is used instead. This dual header use is to maintain past
compatibility while allowing newer tools to use the DEPTH_RECV header variable.

The user can use the VSP Geometry Plot icon to view of graphic of the VSP

An example of the VSP Geometry Plot is shown below:

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[VSP Geometry Plot View]

In the above plot the RED square is the shot elevation and offset, the BLUE square is the
elevation and location of the Kelly Bushing, and the GREEN squares are the down hole
receiver array elements depths.

When the geometry has been written to the headers, close the VSP Geometry Window and
return to the Project Data List window.

One can check the geometry by using the icon just to the left of the NAME in the
Project Data List. Check such things as DEPTH_RECV, SHOT_POINT_NO, OFFSET_SH_REC,
etc. A check on the items above in the Seismic Header View/Edit Display is shown below
for the this project.

[Seismic VSP Selected Headers for VSP QA]

Sort Indexes are normally created when the "VSP Geometry Header Save"icon was
executed above. However, in some sequence of operation, all sort indexes are not
created. Open the Project Data List | Sort Data Tools and confirm that all have been
created correctly as shown below:

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[Sort Data Tools - VSP Sort Settings]

If there are some sort items missing, insert the proper sorts as shown.If one is satisfied
with all the header values it is now time to pick the first breaks.

VSP use of VISTA Header Words

VISTA header words are used a bit differently in VSP than normal seismic processing.

Here is a list of the most important header words and their contents.

TRACE_SEQ_NO Logical Trace Count (1,2,3... N)

TRACE_SEQ_REEL Normally supplied on the raw input
FIELD_RECORD_NO Normally supplied on the raw input

SHOT_POINT_NO Set equal to 1.0.

CMP_SEQ_NO Usually set to channel number from *.sgy file.
TRACE_ID_CODE Sequential set to identify 3-Component axis type
ELEV_REC Not used - Insure input depth is copied to DEPTH_RECV if not corrected
by input dictionary
DEPTH_RECV Set by input dictionary when loading *.sgy file.
ELEV_SHOT Set to elevation of shot above Mean Sea Level
XSHOT Shot coordinate
YSHOT Shot coordinate
XREC Receiver coordinate in same units as shot coordinate
YREC Receiver coordinate in same units as shot coordinate
OFFSET_REC_SH Offset in project units to shot
ABSOFFSET_REC_SH Offset in project units to shot and set by the VSP Geometry Window
KB_ELEVATION Kelly Bushing elevation set by the VSP Geometry Window
TV_DEPTH True Value Depth below Kelly Bushing

Velocity Profile Display

The Velocity Profile Display is accessed through the VSP | Velocity Profile Display as shown

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[VSP | Velocity Profile Display]

This Velocity Profile Display is used to create/edit the VSP Velocities for the VSP Offset
data and generate the VSP Velocity file *.vspvel for use in other processes. See VSP Near
Offset for a complete example of the use of this process.

Clicking on this Interactive function opens the Velocity Profile Display window as shown

[VSP Velocity Profile Display]

Velocity Profile Display Horizontal Toolbar

Icon Function Description

VSP Data: Read 'P' Opens the VSP 'P' Profile Input spreadsheet for selecting
Velocity the VISTA file for loading and calculating the 'P' velocity
information as a function of True Vertical Depth.

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VSP Data: Read 'S' Opens the VSP 'S' Profile Input spreadsheet for
Velocity selection the VISTA file for loading and calculating the
'S' velocity information as a function of True Vertical
VSP File: Read 'P' Opens a standard Windows file open dialog for reading a
Velocity 'P' *.vspvel file.
VSP File: Read 'S' Opens a standard Windows file open dialog for reading a
Velocity 'S' *.vspvel file.
Save Current Velocity Opens a standard Windows file save dialog for saving
File the VSP Velocity file. The file extension is *.vspvel.
Save as VISTA Opens a standard Windows file save dialog for saving
Velocity File the VISTA formatted Velocity file. The file extension is
Save VSP Time-2- Opens the Graph Seismic Trace window displaying the
Depth Curve to VISTA Time Depth curve. Select the option to SAVE when
Data Set. prompted when exiting the Graph window to create a
VISTA dataset.
Save VSP Information Opens the Output VSP Information to Data Headers
to Data Set Headers dialog to allow users to specify which headers to
Display Current Opens a text window display the current velocity picks
Velocity Picks in text formats.
Icons are provided for saving this text file, printing this
data, and clearing the text window.

Velocity Profile Display Vertical Toolbar

Icon Function Description

Velocity Profile View Modify Display settings and Inversion Options.
Display Log TOPS Toggle TOPS display on/off from an input LAS file.

View Options
Apply Function to FBP Select to Decimate, Smooth or only Keep picks closest
Values to Log Tops
Reset FBP's for Removes the current applied function and restores
Record FBP's.
Calculate Smooth Updates the Interval Velocity (Inversion) display based
Velocity on the Inversion calculation settings in Velocity Profile
View Options.
Use Mouse to Zoom Standard zoom feature. Draw a rectangle around the
area the user wishes to enlarge. Double clicking the
display restores the original display.
Edit VSP FBP Points Modify the current FBP display.
Delete VSP FBP Group Left click and drag a box over the FBP's to delete. Click
of Points the Reset FBP icon to restore the picks.
Toggle 'P'/'S' Edit Toggles between the 'P' and 'S' Velocity Profile displays.
Toggle Mouse Toggles Mouse Tracking On/Off

Velocity Profile Display Right Mouse Button Menu

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Allows editing of the First Break Line data and setting the display options.

[VSP Right Mouse Button Menu]

Mouse: ZOOM Mode - Standard VISTA zoom option.

Mouse: DELETE Velocity Pick Mode - In this mode a rectangle is drawn around the one
or more velocity points to delete in the left FB Line window. This allows editing of
erroneous points.

Display LAS Log Tops - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the Log Tops such as Line
Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size. This menu item appears once a LAS file is
read in using the <Display Log TOPS> icon on the vertical toolbar.

First-Break Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the First Break Line
such as Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.

[Line Display Dialog]

Velocity Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the Velocity Line such as
Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.

RMS Velocity Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the RMS Velocity Line
such as Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.

Average Velocity Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the Average
Velocity Line such as Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.

Interval Velocity Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the Interval

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Velocity Line such as Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.

Interval Velocity (Inversion Line Display - Opens an Option dialog for settings of the
Interval Velocity (Inversion) Line such as Line Size, Line Color, and Symbols type and size.
This menu item appears when the <Calculate Smooth Velocity> is selected from the
vertical toolbar.

RMS Velocity Display - Toggle on/off the RMS Velocity display.

Average Velocity Display - Toggle on/off the Average Velocity display.

Interval Velocity Display - Toggle on/off the Interval Velocity display.

Interval Velocity (Inversion) Display - Toggle on/off the Interval Velocity display.

Example Velocity Profile Display Data - Clicking on the VSP Data: Read 'P' Velocity
icon open up the VSP 'P' Velocity Profile Input spreadsheet for selecting the VISTA file
for loading and calculating the velocity information as a function of True Vertical Depth.

[VSP 'P' Velocity Profile Input Spreadsheet]

Selecting the Vertical component 'Raw Vertical' and clicking OK computes and loads the
velocity information as shown below:

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[VSP Velocity Profile with File vertical Raw Loaded]

In the above display the left pane is the Travel Time versus True Vertical Depth curve (FB
Line), and in the right pane is the Velocity and Interval Velocity versus True Vertical Depth.
Note that the bottom panes provide both Time and Depth, and First Break Pick time,
Measured Depth and True Vertical Depth as a function of the cursor position.

If the user is satisfied with the data quality, one may use the Display Current Velocity Picks
icon to open the VSP Velocity Profile text window as shown below:

[VSP Velocity Profile Text Window]

This window has icon options for saving the data to a *.asc file, printing the data, or
clearing the data.

Finally, the user should use the Save Current Velocity File icon to save the data for
future use. A standard Windows save dialog is opened for entering the save file name. The
saved file has an extension of *.vspvel.

At any time one can use the VSP File: Read 'P' Velocity icon to read in VSP files with
extensions of *.vspvel.

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Velocity Profile Vertical Toolbar

VSP Profile Display View Options

Control display functions for first break picks, velocity RMS, velocity interval and velocity
inversion. Also contains parameters for velocity inversion.

Line Display Settings

The following line display settings are common to the highlighted tabs below.

Display On - Select to toggle the line and symbols on/off.

Display Line - Select to toggle only the line display of/off.

Line Size - Enter a value for the line thickness.

Color - Select a color for the line.

Display Symbols - Select to toggle only the line symbols of/off.

Symbol Size - Enter a size for the symbols.

Symbol Type - Select a symbol from the drop down menu.

Vel-Inversion Options

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Inversion Parameters
Algorithm - There are two solvers for solving equation (1): One is conjugate gradient
(CG) and the other is Recursive (Carayannis, Kalouptsidis and Manolakis, 1982)).
CG is a proximate method and the accuracy depends on a tolerant value coded to (1.e-6).
CG is an efficient solver. However, even it is rare, it may not be convergent. Inside code,
when the convergence fails, the algorithm will automatically jump to the recursive solver.
Recursive solver is using an efficient way to update solution recursively.

Option 1: Fixed value of α: Given “Regularization Param”, i.e. α to calculate smooth


Regularization Param - suggest value between 0 and 2. Default value 0.2.

Option 2: Auto Search - Automatic searching value of α:

Regularization Min – Minimum value of α, Default is 0.001;

Regularization Max – Minimum value of α, Default is 2.0;

Xhi2 --- based on value of misfit between observed travel-time and predicted travel-
time of first break to searching optimal value of α. Default is 5.e-3.

Warning message: If the searched α approaching to “Regularization Min” , a warning

message will pop up and the parameter for XHi2 should be reduced; vice versa.

V-variation -Based on threshold for variation between smooth solutions to searching

optimal value of α. Default is 5.

The main idea is to solve travel time equation with smooth constraint
(Lizarralde and Swift, 1999), i.e.

Where T is travel time and Z is for depth, and U is slowness (i.e. 1/V, V is
velocity); D is smooth matrix (first or second order finite difference matrix) and
W is weighting function matrix; α is the regularization parameter that control
smoothness. Weighting function matrix W: the diagonal of W is chosen as the
inverse of depth interval, which can balance depth interval variance. Smooth
matrix D: is chosen as first order finite difference matrix. Based on testing, it is
more efficient than second order.

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Because the smaller α is, the less smooth result will be and vice versa. Therefore,
the optimal smooth solution can be obtained by trial and error of different α
Because the more smoother the U is, the less misfit between observed travel
time and predicted travel time will be, therefore, it can iteratively search a proper
α in a given range, i.e. [α_min, α_max], such that the misfit is equal to a given
value, say Ɛ, to obtain a smooth solution of U. The procedure of this searching is
that when misfit is larger than Ɛ, reducing value of α and vice versa. Therefore,
the key to success to find the optimal value of α needs a proper value of Ɛ: the
smaller Ɛ is, the less smooth result will be and vice versa. The key point of this
idea is that the optimal solution is at that the misfit is equal to the Ɛ. Too
small Ɛ or too large Ɛ will end up to α_min or α_max. Therefore, input value of
Ɛ needs trial and error, which may be equivalent to trial and error of α.
Another α searching procedure: given a range of α, i.e. [α_min, α_max] and find
an optimal one between them. The search procedure can be carried in this way:
first, dividing the range of α into n (iteration number) values. First obtaining a
result from α_max and using this result as a reference U0; then search result U
from α_max to α_min and stop when the difference between U and U0 larger
than a user given parameter.

Display Log TOPS

Read log TOP depth information from a LAS file. Select the LAS file and click Open.

Select <Apply> to toggle on the TOPS display.

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Apply Function to Current FBP Values

Select to apply one of the following functions to the FBP display.

Decimate (Mark Dead) Picks - Select to decimate the FBP's. The default is to only keep
every 5th pick. The picks in between will be marked as dead.
Smooth Picks - Select to apply a smoother to the FBP's.

No Smoothing Smooth 5x

Only Keep Picks Closest to Log Tops - Select this option to keep only those FBP's that
are closest to the log top. A LAS file must be read in using the <Display Log Tops> icon
before running this function.

Calculate Smooth Velocity (Velocity Inversion)

Select this option to calculate the Smooth Velocity. The Inversion Parameters located on
the <Vel-Inversion Options> tab (Of the Options Dialog) will be used for the calculation.
The new (Pink) velocity inversion line will appear on the graph.

Edit VSP FBP Points

Select to Edit the FBP's.

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Move Picks - Left click on the pick, hold down the left mouse button and drag the pick to
a new location.
Mark as Dead - Hold down the <Ctrl> key and left click on the FBP. To mark as live hold
down the <Shift> key and left click on the FBP.

Sonic Log Calibration

The Sonic Log Calibration is accessed through the VSP | Sonic Log Calibrate as shown

[VSP | Sonic Log Calibrate]

This Sonic Log Calibration is used to correct for drift in the VSP *.LAS log for the VSP
Offset data and generate drift calibrated new *.LAS log file for use in other processes. See:
VSP Near Offset for a complete example of the use of this process.

The sonic log drift calibration can be derived from vertical VSP velocity data with the VSP |
Sonic Log Calibrate window. Clicking on this VSP function opens up a Windows file open
dialog for loading the required VSP velocity file (*.vspvel).

The VSP velocity file that is entered is the one that has been verified by the Velocity Profile
Display. Clicking open after selecting the desired file opens the Sonic Log Calibrate display
as shown below:

[Initial VSP Sonic Log Calibrate Window]

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Sonic Log Calibration VSP Profile Toolbar

Icon Function Description

Open LAS Sonic Log Opens a standard Windows file open dialog for reading
the LAS Log Info file. The file extension is (*.las). This
options opens the Input LAS Log File dialog for
reviewing the parameters of the file before loading.
Save Calibrated LAS Opens a standard Windows save dialog for saving the
Sonic Log drift correct LAS Sonic Log.
View Options

Example Sonic Log Calibration Summary

After opening the required *.vspvel file, the next step to calculate the Sonic Log drift
correction is to use the Open LAS Sonic Log icon to load in the Sonic Log to calibrate.

[Input LAS Log File Dialog]

This dialog above provides various tabs to provide the user with all of the Sonic Log
parameters. If the user is satisfied that this is the correct log just click OK and proceed
with the calibration after this data is loaded and the log is integrated and pre-drift
computed as shown below:

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[VSP Sonic Log Calibrate Window with LAS Data Loaded]

Now use the mouse on the above figure in the Pre-Drift pane and draw long straight line
segments near the pre-drift curve. Double click when finished and the post calibration drift
will appear in the Post-Drift pane as shown below:

[VSP Sonic Log Calibrate Window with Post-Drift Displayed]

Normally the Post-Drift under optimum conditions should be +/- 1 millisecond. Practically
this Post-drift can be larger depending on the quality of the data used. This completes this
calibration process and the data computed should be saved using the Save Calibrated LAS
Sonic Log icon . This icon opens a Windows save dialog to save the calibrated data in a
*.las file.

The sonic log, calibrated sonic log, and VSP internal velocities are displayed in the above

Hodogram Display

The Hodogram Display is accessed through the VSP | Hodogram Display as shown below:

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[VSP | Hodogram Display]

Two Hodogram Rotations are required for optimum Far Offset processing. The first rotation
is of the X and Y geophone's to orient the horizontal components toward to source (Hmax
and Hmin).

The second rotation is in the plane of the well and source using the oriented horizontal
(Hmax) from the first rotation and Z (vertical component). This maximizes the down going
P wave energy onto one channel (Hmax') with the down going SV on the other (Z')
contains predominately up going P wave energy with down going SV.

See: VSP Far Offset for a complete example of the use of this process. Also note that the
data should contain First-Break Picks.

Clicking on this Interactive menu item opens, the VSP Hodogram Analysis input
spreadsheet as shown below:

[Hodogram Display - VSP Hodogram Analysis Input Spreadsheet]

There are two modes of input selection for processing in the Hodogram Display:

1. Use the original 3-component file as input to the Hodogram process with the vertical
FBP's transferred to the X and Y components. When the user selects a 3 component file
the VSP Hodogram Analysis Dialog for selecting the components to process.

[VSP Hodogram Analysis Dialog - Select Input Trace ID's]

Component One # - Two # - Specify the TRACE_ID_CODE's for the two components to
process in the Hodogram Display.

First-Breaks Component # - Specify the TRACE_ID_CODE for which component is to be

used for DATA_FIRSTBREAK data.

Load Rotation angles - Load saved rotation angles from specified header.

2. Use the separated components as input to the Hodogram process with the vertical FBP's
transferred to the X and Y components. When the separated components are used to
demonstrate the Hodogram process. Choose the appropriate first component data set
and read rotation angles from headers if they exist.

Clicking OK opens the Hodogram Display for the X - Y rotation as shown below:

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[VSP Hodogram Analysis Display - Input Data X - Y]

On opening this window all processing for all traces is performed. The contents of each
window pane in the display is summarized for the user below for the horizontal rotation:

1. Center Left Pane - The colored line is the cross plot of the two input signals with the
line coloring changing as a function of time. The black line is the slope of the cross plot
of the two input signals.

2. Center Right Pane - This pane is divided into 4 vertical sub-panes. From top to bottom
the signals displayed are:

a)Input Y Component Signal or Vertical Component.

b)Input X Component Signal or Hmax.

c) Hodogram Maximum Signal - The computed slope angle solution is provided. This signal
is the maximum signal in the X-Y plane pointed towards the source.

d)Hodogram Minimum Signal - The computed slope angle solution is provided. This signal
is the minimum signal at 90 degrees from the Maximum Signal (c).

The cross-hatched vertical boxes in each pane is the window about the DATA-FIRSTBREAK
to select data for the Hodogram computations. This window can be re sized with the RMB
'Seismic Mode: Define Window'.

3. Far Right Pane - A graph of the Hodogram slope angle. Note that the computed slop
angle has been modified by the following equation for plotting purposes:

Plot Angle = 90 - Computed Angle

The angle provided by the display 'View Current Rotation Angles' icon employs the same
equation above.

Hodogram Toolbar

Calculate Current Angle

Used to calculating angle on the current trace.

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Calculate ALL Angles

Used to calculate angle on all traces.

Toggle between Hodogram
Pick Rotation Mode / Hodogram: Zoom Mouse Mode.
Toggle between Seismic Input
Define Window Mouse Mode / Seismic Input: Zoom Mouse Mode.
Save Output to Project

Save the calculated output traces as an output data set.

View Current Rotation Values

Open a text Window of current rotation values as shown below:

[VSP Hodogram Analysis - View Current Values]

View Options

Trace Selection Slide Bar

Allows the user to scan through and edit, if necessary, the
various Hodogram Rotation solutions for all traces (Receiver
Depths). The Receiver Depth and Rotation Angle for each trace
is provided to the right of the Slide Bar.

Hodogram Right Mouse Button

[Hodogram - Right Mouse Button Menu]

Hodogram Mouse: Zoom - The user can apply VISTA Zoom features to the Hodogram
display. This item toggles with the next item.

Hodogram Mouse: Manual Angle - Allows manual editing of the Angle solution. When in
this Mode, holding down the left mouse button over the Hodogram Display and moving it
will both change the angle solution and display the effects of the angle change on the
output displays.

Seismic Mode: Zoom - The user can apply VISTA Zoom features to the seismic Trace
displays. This time toggles with the next item.

Seismic Mode: Define Window - Allow manual editing of the window about the First
Break Pick. This window selects the data for the computation of the Hodogram Rotation.

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Click and hold down the left mouse button and slide to the left or right to define the new
window size. Releasing the left mouse button defines the window size.

After defining a new window select the appropriate Calculate Angle icon to recompute the
proper Hodogram Rotation angles. Remember to save the data to the Project.

Example Horizontal Hodogram Rotation [X-Y Output (Hmax)]

The saved data is labeled in the Project list as two files:

1. Hodogram: 'First Input File Name' - Maximum values. Normally, this file name
is re-labeled to 'Hmax', for the tutorial VSP Near Offset it is labeled 'Hmax [X-

2. Hodogram: 'Second Input File Name' - Minimum values.

The 'Hmax [X-Y]' display is shown below:

[Far Offset Hodogram - Hmax [X-Y] Horizontal Rotation Output Example]

For comparison the 'Hmin' display is shown below to illustrate how the Hologram
process maximizes the signal in the source / receiver plane for the X - Y

[Far Offset Hodogram - Hmin [X-Y] Horizontal Rotation Output Example]

Q Attenuation

The Q Attenuation is accessed through the VSP | Q Attenuation as shown below:

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[VSP | Q Attenuation]

The availability of Near Offset down going VSP data allows the implementation of the VSP
Q Attenuation Calculation display for estimating Q as a function of depth.

For optimum Q estimates the filter separating the down going wave field from the Raw
Vertical data should have the minimum number of traces employed in the median filter to
keep the role off at the edges to a minimum, while also keeping the up going wave field to
a minimum. A typical flow to prepare the down going data for Q Attenuation processing is
shown in the tutorial VSP Near Offset.

Clicking on this Interactive menu item opens, the Q Attenuation input spreadsheet as
shown below:

[VSP Q Attenuation Window - Data Selection Spreadsheet]

One of the prepared down going (-tt) files is selected as the input file.

Clicking OK opens a standard Windows Input dialog for entering the velocity file needed for
the Q depth computations as shown below:

[Enter Input Near Offset VSP Velocity File Dialog]

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After opening the velocity file the VSP Q Attenuation Calculation window is opened as
shown below:

[VSP Q Attenuation Calculation Window - Down Going (-tt) Data]

There are 3 data panes in the VSP Q Attenuation Calculation display. They are:

1. Left Pane - Near Offset seismic down going data display. The vertical BLUE line
indicates which trace is being used as the reference frequency. A different reference
trace can be selected by holding down Shift Key and clicking on a new trace in this
seismic display pane. The two horizontal BLUE lines defined the time window around the
direct arrivals as a function of depth.

2. Center Pane - This pane displays the reference spectrum (BLUE) and the depth
spectrum (BLACK). The latter spectrum changes by the slide bar in the toolbar and by
moving the cursor between the traces in the seismic window. The vertical BLUE lines
define the spectrum width to be used. The RED line indicates the absorption ratio
computed within the selected spectrum window.

3. Right Pane - This pane displays the Cumulative Attenuation as a function of depth.
Using the mouse to pick constant straight line segments of 'Q' values as shown.

VSP Q attenuation – enhancements: multi-spectral ratio method with weighted median Q

estimation; estimation of attenuation curve in running window.

Quality factor (Q) is obtained by 3 methods - spectral ratio method, multi-spectral ratio
method with weighted median and multi-spectral ratio median Q estimation. In multi-
spectral ratio method all possible combination of traces are used to estimate each interval
Q value. Final Q factor is estimated as median or weighted median with deviation as a
weight. Estimated Q factors are displayed on the cumulative curve, first value corresponds
to the spectral ratio method, values in the brackets are obtained by multi-spectral ratio
method first – weighted median and second – median estimation.

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VSP Q Attenuation Calculation Toolbar

Q Attn. Calc. Options

Clicking this icon opens the Q Attenuation Calculations Dialog shown below:

[VSP Q Attenuation Calculations Options Dialog]

Start Window (ms)/End Window (ms) - Sets the BLUE horizontal lines in the Seismic
pane to define a time window around the direct arrivals as a function of depth.

Start Freq (hz)/End Freq (hz) - Sets the BLUE vertical lines in the Spectrum pane to
define the bandwidth to perform the Q Attenuation calculations.

Moving Depth Window – set depth moving window size to calculate Interval Q. Interval
Q will be obtained for each depth level between two traces separated in depth by the
defined window size using the spectral ratio method. Obtained interval Q's will be assigned
to the middle of each depth moving window.

Slope Estimate – user can choose between 2 options – Least Square or Robust m-

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estimates. Note that Robust m-estimate method is more tolerant to outliers.

Robust m-estimate analysis works as a weighted least square fit, where previous estimate
is used to obtained weights. Note that robust m-estimate method is more tolerant to

Suggested reading on robust m-estimation:

Andrews, D. F. (1971). Significance test based on residuals. Biometrika, 58, 139-148.
Anscobe, F. J. (1960). Rejection of outliers. Technometrics, 2, 123-147
Huber, P.J. (1981). Robust Statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New York..
Rand.R.Wilcox. (2005). Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Academic

See example below:

Save Q Output File (Q,T,Pairs)

Opens a standard Windows Save dialog for inputting a file name to save the Q, T,
pairs data from the 'Q' picks in the Cumulative Attenuation pane.
This file can save the data in either a *.asc or *.txt format.
User have a choice to output Q obtained by one of the 3 methods: spectral ratio
method, multi-spectral ratio method with weighted median and multi-spectral ratio
median Q estimation

On clicking OK to save, a text window opens displaying the picked Q data as a

function of travel time, Q value and depths range, and velocity as shown below:

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[VSP Q Attenuation Calculation - Display Text File Window]

The above window provides an addition save icon, print icon, and window clear icon.

Display Log Tops

Opens a standard Windows file open dialog for inputting an LAS file containing TOPS

The Display LAS Log Curves window will open below:

Formation Tops to be loaded can be verified on the <t> Tab.

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The Right click menu will now include the option to <Calculate Q Between Selected

[Right click menu

Define 2 tops to have program calculate least square fit of line on cumulative

The calculated value for Q will be displayed below.

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View Options

Receiver Depth Slide Bar

Selects the depth for the spectrum and absorption display in the
center pane of the VSP Q Attenuation Calculation window.
Moving the cursor horizontally in the seismic window pane or
vertically in the Cumulative Absorption pane will have the same
effect as the slide bar. Note that the current receiver depth and
the reference signal depth are shown to the right of the slide bar.

VSP Q Attenuation Calculation Right Mouse Button

Clicking the RMB in any of the panes of the VSP Q Attenuator Calculation window opens
the following menu:

[Q Attenuation RMB Menu]

Q Line Display - Opens the 'Q' Line Display dialog for setting Line Size, Color, and
Symbols size and type for Q calculated data.

['Q' Line Display Settings Dialog]

Window Line Display - Opens the Window Line Display dialog (similar to above) for
setting Line Size, Color, and Symbols size and type for reference trace, window size, and
spectrum bandwidth.

Output Moving Window Interval Q - Q factor, calculated in the moving depth window
will be saved in *.txt, *.asc or *.prn text format

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Output Cumulative Accumulation - Cumulative Accumulation will be saved in *.txt,

*.asc or *.prn text format

VSP Well Look Ahead Window

The Interactive VSP Well Look-Ahead window can be used to generate a velocity model
below total depth (TD) by utilizing zero-offset VSP data, well log data and inversion

Prior to working with VSP Look-Ahead window user must process zero-offset VSP data in a
true amplitude sense, create VSP velocity profile, obtain a corridor stack, extract or create
a wavelet using the interactive window or flow command, and calibrate a sonic log.

The VSP Look-Ahead window is entered from the VSP Menu item as shown below:

User will be prompted to pick 4 mandatory files:

· VSP corridor Stack

· Wavelet

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· VSP velocity profile

· LAS Log file.

If Corridor stack picked by user was already employed to work with Look-Ahead window,
user will be offered to load previous session parameters and results:

Click on “New” to start over, click on “Load” to continue last session, or click on “File” to
use previously saved Look Ahead parameters.

After window is open user can toggle between Time and Depth view tabs.

Time View Tab is a main tab where user can perform calculations, display input and
output data as well as import Vista project data in time domain.

[Time View]

Depth View Tab displays input and output velocities, input and calculated density and
LOG curves in depth domain.

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[Depth View]

In the Interactive window user can:

1. Calculate Impedance/ Reflectivity from Log

2. Pick wavelet for inversion from Vista project data list

3. Perform VSP impedance inversion

4. Estimate or input Gardner parameters and calculate density

5. Estimate and apply Impedance trend

6. Calculate synthetic traces

7. Calculate velocity in time and depth and save them as a Vista files

A warning will be displayed if user tries to perform an action which requires some previous
steps to be executed, for instance if user tries to run inversion without picking a wavelet or
calculate velocity before estimating Gardner density parameters.

When closing the VSP Look-Ahead window, users will be offered to save program settings:

Horizontal Toolbar

Set or change options and parameters

Read VSP Look Ahead Parameter file

Write VSP Look Ahead Parameter file

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Calculate Impedance/Reflectivity from Log

Run VSP Inversion and calculate Impedance

Estimate Gardner rotation and calculate density

Estimate and apply low frequency trend

Calculate output velocity in time and depth

Save output Velocity, Impedance and Impedance trend as Vista files

Right Mouse Button

By clicking RMB inside any of the Time View panes except for the first (corridor stack) and
last (log data) user can either choose among different datasets to view, remove the view
or calculate and view different types of synthetic traces:

User can rearrange existing views and/or load any Seismic dataset from the Vista project

User can create and view different types of synthetic traces: obtained from the Log data,
or velocity after inversion and calculated density, or VSP profile velocity and calculated

Temporary datasets with synthetic traces will be created and displayed. One trace will be
repeated the same amount of times as the input corridor stack trace. When closing VSP
Look-Ahead window user will be offered to save temporary files to the current Vista

By clicking RMB at the top of the any View panes brings dialog, which allows user to
change top of the view appearance as well as change or define zoom and reverse order.

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Vertical Toolbar

Pick Wavelet from the VISTA project data list.

Display LAS LOG Curve Parameters

Display Log tops

View Options

Toggle display cross-hair

Look Ahead Options

VSP Well Look Ahead Options Tab

Important Note: to obtain new results after changing parameters user has to recalculate
impedance inversion, or Gardner relation, or trend, or velocity respectively using
Horizontal toolbar icons, new parameters will not be applied automatically.

After changing parameters in the VSP Well Look Ahead Options dialog, user has to click
“OK” or “Apply” button. If “Apply” is chosen, dialog will stay open, while one can use
Horizontal toolbar icons for calculations. For the user convenience dialog can also be
dragged outside the Vista project window and will always stay atop of the other windows
until closed.

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User can set Number of Time display views and Number of Depth display views.

Log Sonic Curve and Log Density Curve will be detected automatically but user can pick
different curve from the drop down list.

VSP Inversion Tab

VSP Inversion works by inverting corridor stack to obtain impedance and reflectivity.

Inversion Method – Toggle between FD (frequency domain) and Sparse Inversion methods.

Priezzhev I., Scollard A., Robust one-step (deconvolution + integration) seismic

inversion in the frequency domain, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts

Broadhead M.K., Frequency domain Bayesian inversion and impedance uncertainty

estimates. 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2009

Lancaster S., Whitcombe D., Fast‐track ‘coloured’ inversion, SEG Technical Program
Expanded Abstracts 2000

Start Time - Enter start time for inversion of the corridor stack

End Time- Enter end time for inversion of the corridor stack

Impedance Start – Enter start impedance value in (m/sec)*(g/cm3)

Reflectivity Threshold – Enter value (%). Reflectivity values less than defined value will

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be considered noise and excluded from the solution

Pre-whitening - Stabilization factor, enter value (%).

Smooth Reflectivity – Check to obtain more smooth, less noisy solution.

Corridor Stack reverse polarity – Apply to maintain polarity consistent with the
impedance, user can compare corridor stack and synthetic data to check polarity.

Density Calculation [Gardner] Tab

Gardner’s equation relates seismic P-velocity to the bulk density:

User has a choice to input Gardner relation parameters or estimate them if density log is
available, to do so user can toggle between:

Define Gardner Parameters – Check to input parameters

Calculate Gardener – Estimate parameters using log data

Estimate Method – Toggle between Least Square (regular LSQ estimation) and Robust
Estimate (weighted LSQ estimation less vulnerable to the outliers)

Input Velocity – Toggle between Log or VSP profile interval velocity

Start Time - Enter start time for density estimation

End Time- Enter end time for density estimation

As start and end of the density log very often is not equal to the area of AC log, choose
carefully area which is covered by both logs.

Note, if density log is not available, program will automatically use input Gardner

After user set parameters and calculates Gardner equation by clicking on calculate density

icon - , calculated density will be displayed and estimated Gardner parameters will
appear at the top of the Density time view:

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Impedance Trend calculation Tab

To calculate impedance trend user defined input data smoothed and/or low pass filtered
following by approximation using parabola or straight line to extrapolate trend outside of
input data (velocity/density) range.

Input Velocity -User has a choice to estimate trend from Log data or VSP profile data or
surface seismic data. Toggle between 3 velocity options. If Seismic Stacking velocity
picked, specify Vista stacking velocity file.

Density Input: Toggle between Log density and density, calculated with Gardner relation

Approximation Method: Toggle between Parabola and Straight line approximation

Start Time - Enter start time for the trend estimation

End Time- Enter end time for the trend estimation

Smooth – Check to smooth impedance for the trend estimation

Smoothing Window – Enter value in msec

Filter – Check to apply low pass filter for the trend estimation

Max Frequency – Maximum frequency for the low pass filter

VSP Output

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Depth Sample Rate – enter output depth sample rate.

Maximum Depth – enter output maximum depth.

VSP Display Tab

Choose parameters to display impedance, reflectivity, velocity and density, calculated in

the VSP Look Ahead window.

Log Display Tab

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Choose parameters to display impedance, reflectivity, velocity and density, obtained from
the well log.

Save results to the project VISTA files

After user calculated impedance and velocity output results can be saved to the project.

Clicking on Save output icon- , will bring Vista Graph windows with output velocity, impedance
and impedance trend in time domain and velocity and impedance in depth domain.
User can manually edit and/or export values to an ASCII file.
After clicking on the ‘X’ (Close window icon) at the top right corner user will be prompted to
Discard or Save data to the project:

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2D VSP CDP Mapping Window

The VSP CDP Mapping Window is accessed through the VSP | 2D VSP CDP Mapping
Window as shown below:

[VSP | 2D VSP CDP Mapping Window]

2D Ray Tracing

The Ray Tracing is accessed through the VSP | Ray Tracing as shown below:

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[VSP | Ray Tracing]

The VSP Ray Tracing generates a set of direct and reflected rays to generate a ray trace
file (*.vwrays) for input to the Time Variant Rotation flow command process.

The ray trace file contains arrival times and incident angles for the TVRot flow command.
The velocity file input to the ray trace program is usually the near (zero) offset velocity
file. The Time Variant Orientation (TVRot) operates on the Z up going (frt) and Hmax up
going (frt) data sets to provide the P wave energy on one data set and up going SV wave
energy on another data set.

See: VSP Far Offset for an example of the application of the output of the ray trace
program. It should be noted that for display purposes the user usually generates only 100
rays for display purposes. However, the user should use between 1000 and 2000 rays for
generating the output file for the Time Variant Orientation processing file (*.vwrays).

Clicking on this Interactive menu item opens, the VSP Ray Tracing input spreadsheet as
shown below:

[VSP Ray Trace Window - Data Selection Spreadsheet]

One of the Up going (frt) files are selected as the input file. This file is used to provide the
geometry of the VSP for the ray trace computations.

Clicking OK opens a standard Windows Input dialog for entering the velocity file needed for
the ray trace computations as shown below:

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[Enter Input VSP Velocity File Dialog]

Note that experience has shown that the user should use the Near (Zero) Offset
velocity file for optimum final VSP-CDP stacking even though the data being
processed is the Far Offset data.

After opening the velocity file the Ray Trace window is opened. Note that if the user has
not inserted the REPLACE_VEL in the Geometry Window Display and error dialog will be
displayed. This value is the VELOCITY_SUBWEATHER VISTA header values.

This item is the velocity of the layer above the DATUM. This value is only used if the shot
elevation is above the DATUM and it not used in ray trace computations example provided
in the tutorial VSP Far Offset as the shot elevation is the DATUM.

If the user has forgotten to enter this value the header values for the
VELOCITY_SUBWEATHER can readily be manually entered in the desired file using the
Header View/Edit Window Display.

The VSP Ray Trace Display is shown below:

[VSP Ray Trace Display - Far Offset Geometry, Near Offset Velocity]

The velocity of the layers is shown in color with the velocity values provided by the color
bar on the left. The receiving array is shown in GREEN on the left of the main display next
to the True Vertical Depth scale. For the above example the 'Ray Trace VSP Shot' icon was
used to select 100 rays. The horizontal axis is the shot offset. Many ray trace displays
selections are provided.

VSP Ray Trace Toolbar

Save VSP Ray File

Opens a standard Windows save dialog to Save the final ray trace data to a file for

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input to the Time Variant Orientation (TVRot) flow command. Note that the final
data set for processing in this flow command should have between 1000 and 2000
rays. Also note that this output file should have both the direct and reflected rays.

Ray Trace VSP Shot

Opens the VSP 2D Ray Trace dialog for the selection of the type of rays and the
number of rays to compute as shown below:

[VSP 2D Ray Trace Dialog]

Angle Start - Input the desired start angle. The angle orientation is such that the
horizontal shot to receiver angle is 270 degrees and the shot to depth (vertical) is 360
degrees. Note that only the angles that arrive at the vertical axis are shown for Direct
Arrivals and Reflections, and if Show Surface Rays is selected then these additional rays
are displayed.

Angle End - Input the desired end angle. Noting that the normal to the surface pointing in
the depth direction is 360 degrees.

Number of Rays - Input the number of rays to display. Note that for the final output for
the TVRot processing select 1000 to 2000 rays.

Show Reflects - Display the rays reflected from the layers.

Direct Arrivals - Display the direct arrivals to the vertical at the array location.

Show Surface Rays - Display the rays that are reflected from the layers to the surface
(top horizontal plane).

Create Data Set From Ray Trace

Creates a data set of ray arrival times for each trace (array elements depth points).
An example of a Data Set from the Far Offset geometry with the Far Offset velocity
as input is shown below:

[VSP Ray Trace - Created Data Set Displayed with Corresponding FBP's]

View Options

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Ray Selection Drop Down Menu - Clicking on the drop down menu opens up the entire
menu as shown in part below:

[VSP Ray Trace Drop Down Menu]

In addition to the first 2 selections (Display All rays and Display Direct Only rays), the user
has the option of selecting a given layer to observe the up going reflected rays from that
layer. A example of the up going reflections from the layer at depth 1505 meters is shown

[VSP Ray Trace Display - Selection Up going Reflection from Specified Layer]

VSP Ray Trace Right Mouse Button

Clicking the Right Mouse Button at any place in the display creates the rays from a source
at this location with the rays being received by the down hole receivers with all of the
selection options in the VSP 2D Ray Trace Dialog discussed above. An example is shown

[VSP Ray Trace Display - Right Mouse Button Selection Source at 1505 meters/ 350 meters Offset]

2D/3D VSP Model/Inversion

The interactive window for 2D/3D VSP Model Building is accessed through the VSP | 2D/3D

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Model /Inversion menu selection shown below:

[VSP| 2D/3D Model Build/Inversion Window]

In this Interactive window the User may create, view and improve a 3D Depth Velocity
Model to be used by the various 3D VSP Imaging programs: 3D VSP Depth Migration, 3D
VSPCDP Transformation and 3D VSP Depth-Time Transformation, as well as to run 3D Ray
Tracing to calculate model downgoing P or S times.

3D Depth Model:
Layered depth velocity model with gridded curvilinear boundaries and anisotropic velocity
layers with arbitrary axis of weak non-elliptic anisotropy

Model limitations:

· Model layers must be continuous and must not disappear.

· Minimum thickness of the layer is 2 meters.
· Velocity does not change within the layer, except for anisotropy.
· Anisotropy: weak non-elliptic anisotropy with arbitrary axis.
· In the present version (VISTA 12.0), layers have constant depth everywhere within a
rectangular grid.
Inversion Algorithm:

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Least-squares inversion of 3D VSP downgoing wave travel times is employed
to minimize the objective function:

Treal – picked travel times
Tmodel – calculated travel times
i=1,N – number of picked travel times
p – model parameters for each layer: P-velocity, S-velocity, anisotropy
parameters: epsilon, delta, inclination and azimuth of anisotropy axis.
Inversion can be performed for downgoing pressure (P) waves, or shear (S)
waves or joint P and S wave travel times
3D point to point ray tracing in a 3-D medium is employed to calculate model
(P or/and S) travel times
As the model travel time is not a linear function of model parameters, a first
order Taylor series expansion is used to linearize the problem.

t(p0) - travel times calculated for initial model
∆p = p-p0
p0 – initial model parameters
Thus minimization of equation (1) then becomes the problem of solving a
linear system of equations with respect to ∆p:

As ∆p would give us a linear approximation of the solution to problem (1), we

use an iterative process to reach a solution with a desired accuracy.
Method Assumptions:
This approach assumes the starting model is reasonably close to the solution.
To ensure convergence:
· Zero offset VSP is used to obtain starting velocity model.
· User defined limits to the parameter additives ∆p are applied.
· 3D VSP prestack data.
· Data must contain proper VSP geometry information and first breaks. To run
shear wave inversion, input data headers must contain shear wave travel
times in the header word VWUSER_10.
· VSP Velocity Profile (obtained from zero offset VSP) or 3D Depth Model
(obtained from 3D VSP Inversion Window)
· 3D Depth Model file
· Model Times, saved in the VISTA Headers

Functions and Options buttons:

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Step 1. Initial 3D Model Building

A Zero offset VSP is used to obtain the initial 3D depth velocity model.

Open VSP Velocity Profile button – load Zero offset VSP Velocity Profile model .

Bin Grid Layout button – click on Auto-Calculate to create bin grid for the model. Dialog
allows user to change origin, grid size and orientation. Note, that VSP depth imaging
programs such as VSP Migration and VSPCDP Transform, create output image with the
same orientation as the depth model.

Save Model file button – save model.

The saved Model can be loaded into the Interactive 3D VSP Inversion Window later for
further improvement.

Note, VSP profile stops at the total depth (TD) of the well. It is highly recommended to add
at least one or two layers below TD. Generally depth model should cover expected
reflections depth and be as deep as at least depth of the last receiver plus 2 shot-receiver
offset value. See Step 2.Manual correction of the Model / Add layer to the Model option

Step 2.Manual correction of the Model

To manually change any layer’s parameters, one has to click on the desired layer in the
left window to open the layer dialog.

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Model Origin and Datum button – The Model Origin (X and Y), rotation angle and datum
are taken from the grid layout. They are displayed in this dialog and can be changed if

Add New Layer to the Model button – enter Depth, P and S Velocities, and optional
anisotropy parameters.

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Step 3. Inversion
Before running inversion one has to pick the desired inversion options, and the layers and
layer parameters which are to be changed and the layer parameter limits.

Ray Tracing button – run 3D ray tracing for current model to estimate the RMS difference
between model times and real times.

After running ray tracing, the Model times can be saved in the Input data VISTA Headers –
Use button Save Model Times to VISTA Headers.

Real and Model times are displayed for the chosen receiver, as well as the RMS difference
for shots and receivers separately. The display is updated after running ray tracing or
when the model is updated by inversion.

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P wave times are displayed in red and S wave times in blue. To activate or deactivate P
and S times displays one has to use the P-wave and S-wave buttons.

Inversion Options button:

Wave Type - pick wave type for inversion:

· Downgoing P
· Downgoing S
· Downgoing P and S – joint inversion
Input data headers must contain first breaks.

To run Downgoing S or Downgoing P and S Inversion input data headers must contain
S-downgoing travel times in VWUSER_10 word.

Accuracy – (msec) Minimum difference between model time and real time to stop
inversion process.

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Time Shift – (msec) Constant time shift will be added to real times.

For instance, when the maximum is picked as a first break time, this time should be
reduced by one quarter of the wavelet if it was not done earlier.

Improve – pick type of inversion:

· Layer by layer (only receivers in the improving layer are involved)

· All layer at once,
· Layer by layer all recvs (all receivers involved)

Set parameters to improve for one layer:

To set a layer’s parameters for inversion, one has to click on the desired layer in the left
window to open the layer dialog

Alter Inversion Parameters – if not selected, none of this layer’s parameters will be
improved. If selected, then one has to pick at least one parameter. For each parameter the
minimum and maximum values should be set.

A Red cross to the left of the layer name means none of the layer’s parameters will be
improved. A Green check mark means at least one parameter is set to be improved.

Set parameters to improve for several layers:

To set several layer parameters for inversion at the same time, select several layers in the
left window (use either the shift or ctrl key with the mouse), then right click and turn On or
Off the desired parameter.

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After running, Inversion Model times can be saved in the Input data VISTA Headers –

Use button Save Model Times to VISTA Headers.

Note: Header items VWUSER_2 and VWUSER_3 are reserved for the P- downgoing wave
emerging angle and azimuth.

3C-3D VSP First-Break Picking

The interactive window for 3-component 3D VSP first break picking is accessed through the
VSP | 3C-3D VSP First-Break Picking menu selection shown below:

[VSP| 3C-3D VSP First-Break Picking]

The procedure consists of several steps:

1. Manual or automatic picking on one component of at least one reference gather chosen
by the user.

2. Automatic 3-component picking on the reference gather, automatic analysis and

parameter adjustment based on the manual picks.

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3. First break prediction for each subsequent gather and automatic picking based on 3
criteria (see below) and adjusted parameters determined in step 2 above.

4. Automatic analysis, correction and smoothing of automatic picks.

Criteria for automatic picking:

1. Amplitude criterion: We calculate the ratio of the RMS amplitudes of the signal in two
contiguous windows of specified length positioned both before and after some fixed time
which moves within an overall search window. This ratio reaches a minimum value when
the first window (before) ends at the actual first break time and the second (after)
window starts at the first break time.

2. Polarization criterion: The RMS amplitude of the signal reaches a maximum in the
specified “polarization” window which starts at the expected first break. Note that this
amplitude is the maximum vector amplitude of all 3 components which has been
determined by a maximization analysis.

3. Threshold criterion: The amplitude exceeds the specified threshold value on at least
one component.

There is a parameter for each of these 3 criteria: Amplitude and Polarization are defined by
window lengths and threshold is an absolute value (typically between 0 and 1.0).

For criteria 1 and 2, the polarization vector is calculated, using 3 components, and the
signal is estimated as a direct wave projection on this polarization vector.

First breaks, picked on each criterion, are analyzed and corrections, based on reference
picks and user specified parameters, are applied.

Median values of the picks derived from analyzing all of the criteria are assigned as the
output first break times.

Input Data:

· 3C-3D VSP data. All 3 components must be present.

· Data must be sorted in Shot\ Depth receiver\ Trace ID or Depth receiver\ Shot\ Trace
ID order.

· If Shot\ Depth receiver\ Trace ID order is chosen, shots should be sorted in increasing
offset order.

VSP FB picking Window:

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Horizontal Toolbar

First Break Pick Options

Use Mouse to Zoom - Toggle Seismic display mode between Pick/Zoom mode.

Manual 1C FBreak Pick

Auto 1C Pick CURRENT Record

Auto 3C Pick CURRENT Record

Auto 3C Pick All Records

Reset All FB Picks

Reset FB Picks on Record

Reset Automatic FB Picks on Record

Calculate 3C Rotation Angles

Z-Component Identification

Set Attribute Setting

Four icon sequence at this toolbar location for Plot at


Header Selection. Use the 'Attr' icon and its sub-icons to create smaller lists.

For example, if the user selects the second icon ('AMP'), the pull down list of
header names will be restricted to only 'Amplitude' items.

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Displayed Value Modifier drop down list. Available modifiers are

Maximum, Mean, Median, Mean-Median, and Minimum.

Vertical Toolbar

Seismic Data Plot Parameters

Bin Grid Layout

View Options

Shot Defaults - See: Plot Display Parameters.

Current Sort Order - Sort Display Order - Displays

selected one of these icons as current sort order.
Previous Sort Index List

Next Sort Index List

Attribute at Selected Locations - See:

Attribute Display Modes.
Fill Attribute at Selected Locations - See: Attribute Display Modes.

Contour Attribute at Selected Locations - See: Attribute Display Modes.

FB Pick Display (Green)

Amplitude Pick Display (Blue)

Polarization Pick Display (Yellow)

Threshold Pick Display (Gray)

Mouse Tracking (large cross-hair) Toggle Off/On

Mouse BroadCast Location (to other windows) Toggle On/Off

Step 1- One Component Picking on Reference Gather

Step 1. One component picking on reference gather.

3C-3D VSP data must be sorted in user specified ensemble order; the third order index
must always be Trace_ID.

The User must identify the Z-component, which is crucial for polarization vector
calculations: to do this, use one of the buttons labeled Z-component identification in
the figure above.

The User must choose one ensemble and carefully pick the first break times on one
component (usually the Z component). This ensemble will be used as a reference gather to
adjust picking parameters for further automatic 3-component picking on subsequent
gathers (ensembles).

For this one component, first breaks can be picked manually –Manual 1C FBreak Pick
button or automatically –Auto 1C Pick CURRENT record button.

Manual (or automatic) one component picking can be performed on several different
gathers. It is recommended that such picking should be done on gathers (ensembles)

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whenever direct time arrivals change substantially. For instance, if there is a gap in offsets
(for shot sort order) or in receiver levels (for receiver sort order).

Thus for an irregularly sampled 3D VSP, first select the ensembles where there is a
significant change in first break times – as you go from one ensemble to the next. Then
pick the first break times at these selected ensembles – usually on the z component. The
program will recognize these picked ensembles and will repeat the automatic parameter
adjustment at each of them. Thus the parameters may be changed many times throughout
the dataset.

Options for manual or automatic 1-component picking can be changed in the 1st tab of
First-Break Pick Options dialog:

For automatic 1-component picking choose Sliding Win/Threshold as FB Pick Method.

Make sure that the search window is long enough to go from time zero to the deepest first
break pick.

Step 2- Automatic 3C Picking on Reference Gather

Step 2. Automatic 3-component picking on reference gather and Analysis.

Auto-picking should be performed on the same reference gather, which was picked by the
user. Parameters will be scanned within user specified limits, and will be auto-adapted to
achieve the best fitting of these newly generated automatic picks to the actual user picks
from step 1.

Auto-picking parameters:

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Search Interval (ms) - search window length – thus, for example, all data within 35ms
of the actual first break pick time will be used in this auto-picking step (i.e. 70ms of data)

Window (ms) – window before 1st breaks for Amplitude criterion. Recall above that we
use two contiguous windows which move down one sample at a time through the whole
search interval.

Period (ms) - length of direct wave signal after 1st break –used to calculate the
polarization vector

Threshold – relative number from 0 to1. 1 corresponds to amplitude maximum of 3-

component trace.

Amplitude, Polarization and Threshold criteria can be turned on and off.

Scanning Parameters:

The User must specify limits (desired range of values) for scanning to adjust parameters
Window, Period and Threshold.

When the scanning process is finished for this ensemble, the optimum values are posted in
the dialog as “Window”, “Period” and “Threshold”, overwriting any values already entered
in that dialog.

To start auto picking and analysis, the user can click Auto 3C Pick CURRENT Record
button. All three criterion picks will be displayed, which allows the user to adjust the
Scanning Parameters if the result is not satisfactory.

At the same time as the analysis is performed the picking parameters are readjusted on
each manually picked gather during automatic 3-component picking on all gathers.

Step 3- Automatic 3C Picking and Correction on All


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Step 3. Automatic 3-component picking and corrections on all gathers

Automatic 3C-3D FB picking can be performed from the current gather to all subsequent
gathers, or the User may specify a number of gathers, or continue until the next already
picked gather is met. Picking can also be done with some increment (i.e. every second,
third, etc. gather).

Each time that a manually picked gather is met, a new analysis is performed and picking
parameters are readjusted within the user defined limits (Scanning Parameters).

Stop at First Picked Record – picking is performed from the current gather to the next
previously picked gather.

Auto Pick until Done– picking is performed on all gathers

Number of Records to Pick– picking is performed on a specified number of gathers,

starting from the current gather.

Picking can be done with some gather increment if Record Increment is set to more than

Correction using previous picks:

If the option Check/Fix Picked Record to Previous Record is checked, first breaks for
each picked gather will be compared to the previous gather.

An average shift is calculated and after removing this shift those FB picks where the
deviation is more than the average deviation multiplied by the specified Threshold Scalar
are corrected. Thus the position of the offending FB picks will be set to the average curve.

To start auto picking click the Auto 3C Pick All Records button. All first breaks will be
saved in the VISTA Headers

To start over, FB picks can be deleted on the current record:

Reset FB Picks on Record button – delete FB picks on current record.

Reset Automatic FB Picks on Record button – delete automatic FB picks on current


Reset All FB Picks - If necessary, FB picks can be deleted on all records or from the
current record to the first or last record:

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Step 4- Polarization Analysis

Step 4. Polarization Analysis.

After all first breaks are picked, an optional new Polarization Analysis can be performed
and the new rotation angles will be saved in the VISTA Headers. Angles can be used later
for 3C polarization rotation and True Vertical rotation.

Note that the headers of every ensemble will be affected by this operation.

To perform this Polarization Analysis click on Calculate 3C Rotation Angles button.

Window Length – length (msec) of direct wave signal after 1st break to calculate
polarization vector.

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