Indian Sugar Industry
Indian Sugar Industry
Indian Sugar Industry
No. 3 /RN/Ref./February/2015
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Sugar production in India has been cyclic in nature. Every 2-3 years of high
sugar production are followed by 2-3 years of low sugar production. From the sugar
season 2010-11 onwards the country could consistently achieve sugar production more
than the domestic requirements and could also generate surpluses for export3.
Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh contribute over 60 percent of total sugar production
while rest comes from States like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat and Andhra
Pradesh4. In the 3rd Advance Estimates of the Department of Agriculture and
Cooperation (DAC), released in May 2014, the sugarcane production is estimated at
3,483.8 lakh tons in the current sugar season. The production of sugar during 2013-14
season was estimated at 243 lakh tons as against the estimated domestic consumption
of 240 lakh tons5. The Production of sugar from 2001-02 to 2013-14 is as under:
India. Ministry of Consumer Affairs & Food and Public Distribution, Note of Directorate of Sugar, 2014, p.1
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.3652 dated 5.8.2014.
op.cit. Note of Directorate of Sugar, 2014, p.4
Indian Sugar: The Complete Sugar Journal, Indian Sugar Mills Association, November 2014, p.40
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.3787 dated 5.8.2014
India has been a net exporter of sugar. However, it has been occasional net
importer of sugar depending upon demand and supply situation in the country. As per
the data provided by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
(DGCIS), India's export of sugar was highest in 2007-08 and import was on its peak in
2009-10. Import and Export of Sugar from 2005-06 to 2013-14 is as under :
Under the FRP system, the farmers are not required to wait for the end of the
season or for any announcement of the profits by the sugar mills or the Government.
The new system also assures the margins on account of profit and risk to farmers
irrespective of the fact whether the sugar mills generate profit or not and is not
dependent on the performance of any individual sugar mill. In order to ensure that
higher sugar recoveries are adequately rewarded and considering variations amongst
sugar mills the FRP is linked to a basic recovery rate of sugar with a premium payable
to farmers for higher recoveries of sugar from sugarcane6.
Citing difference in the cost of production productivity levels and also as a result of
pressure from farmers' groups some States like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana,
Tamil Nadu and Uttrakhand declare State specific sugarcane prices called State Advised
Prices (SAP) usually higher than the FRP. Statutory Minimum Price/Fair and
Remunerative Price for the last ten years given as under:
op.cit. Note of Directorate of Sugar, 2014, pp.1-2
The position of cane price payments and arrears for the past few sugar seasons
on a similar cut-off date is as under :-
also poses a problem for sugar industry. Further Indian sugar mills do not have
sugar plantations of their own and hence do not have control over quantity and
quality of sugarcane supplied by various cane growers. Another problem of sugar
industry is that the by-products of sugar mills are not fully utilized like molasses and
bagasse. Levy sugar obligations causes huge financial burden on mills under which
mills are bound to sell sugar for distribution under public distribution system at price
determined by the Government which is way below the cost of production7.
Arbitrary fixation of cane prices by the State Governments above the Fair
Remunerative Price (FRP) fixed by the Centre has been adversely affecting the
sugar mills. Due to all these reasons 189 mills were out of operation in 2013-14
sugar season while 166 mills were not operating in 2012-138.
Indian Journal of Research, 'Problems of Indian Sugar Industry' by Dr. Venkateswara Rao, January 2014,
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.3856 dated 16.12.2014.
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.429 dated 25.11.2014
crores have been disbursed upto 30 September 2014. The beneficiaries sugar mills
under the Scheme had time upto 31December 2014 to utilize the loan for cane
payment arrears10.
PIB Press Release, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, dated 9.12.2014
11, Price Policy for Sugarcane, 2015-16, p.5
op.cit. Note of Directorate of Sugar, 2014, p.3
In Karnataka Hon'ble High Court has upheld the notification of the State
Government notifying cane price at Rs.2500 per ton for 2013-14. The mills have only
paid FRP fixed by the Centre at Rs.210 per quintal. The Uttar Pradesh Government
has decided to maintain previous years State Advised Price of Rs.280 per quintal for
2014-15 season but farmers in Uttar Pradesh are demanding cane price at Rs.350 per
quintal while in Maharashtra farmers are demanding Rs.2700 per ton in current sugar
The 2014-15 sugar season has started with a lot of uncertainities, as to whether
the mills would be able to begin operation due to their grave financial constraints and
due to cane pricing policy implemented by State Governments. Mills in all States
including in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra are facing issues relating to
cane pricing and payment to the cane farmers14.
In order to ensure sustainable good health of the Sector, a revenue sharing
formula should be evolved between the sugar mills and the cane farmers in the ratio of
their relative cost as per the recommendation of the Rangarajan Committee. As per
Committee recommendations the ideal value-sharing is 70 per cent for cane growers
and 30 per cent for mills including revenue from sugar and its by-products. Few States
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited, Cooperative Sugar, November,2014, p.3
op.cit. Indian Sugar: The Complete Sugar Journal, , November 2014, p.6
like Maharashtra and Karnataka have already constituted Sugar Control Board to
implement the revenue sharing formula. For successful implementation, cane growers
are to be guaranteed FRP payments, irrespective of the sugar market behaviour. In
case the revenue in a particular season warrants higher payments to growers, they
should be entitled to a second payment15.
Ibid, p.41-42
Cane Area Over a period of time States should encourage The recommendation has been
Reservation: development of such market-based long-term referred to the concerned State
contractual arrangements and phase out cane Governments for adoption and
reservation area and bonding. In the interim the implementation as considered
current system may continue. appropriate by them.
Levy Sugar Levy sugar may be dispensed with. The states Central Government has
which want to provide sugar under PDS may abolished levy on sugar produce
henceforth procure it from the market directly after 1 October 2012.
according to their requirement and may also fix Procurement for PDS operation is
the issue price. However since currently there is being made from the open market
an implicit cross-subsidy on account of the levy and the Central Government is
some level of Central support to help states meet giving a fixed subsidy @ Rs.
the cost to be incurred on this account may be 18.50 per make sugar
provided for a transitory period. available at Retail Issue price of
Rs. 13.50 per k.g.
Regulated This mechanism is not serving any useful Regulated Release Mechanism
Release purpose and may be dispensed with. for open market sale of sugar has
Mechanism been dispensed with.
Trade Policy As per the committee Trade Policies on sugar No export duty on sugar. Import
should be stable. Appropriate tariff instruments duty stands at 15 per cent.
like a moderate export duty not exceeding 5 per
cent ordinarily as opposed to quantitative
restrictions should be used to meet domestic
requirements of sugar in an economically
efficient manner.
By-products There should be no quantitative or movement In order to harness the full socio-
restrictions on by products like molasses and economic potential of the sugar
ethanol. The prices of the by-products should be sector State Governments have
market-determined with no earmarked end-use to take appropriate step to
allocations. There should be no regulatory enhance the productivity of
hurdles preventing sugar mills from selling their sugarcane and the recovery of
surplus power to any consumer. sugar. In addition the effective
utilisation of its by-products i.e.
bagasse molasses and press-
cakes are necessary to make the
industry globally competitive.
The State Governments have
been requested to reconsider the
regulatory controls on movement
of molasses which can be used
for producing ethanol.
Source: India. M/o Consumer Affairs & Food and Public Distribution, Note of Directorate of Sugar, 2014, pp.10-11