Ech 320 Number Identification Center
Ech 320 Number Identification Center
Ech 320 Number Identification Center
Classroom Environment: There are three groups of tables, and each group seats 5 students.
There are seat sacks on the back of the back of each student’s chair that contains important
materials for the students’ learning, including pencils, crayons, and white boards. This particular
table setup encourages optimal student learning and collaboration among peers. There is a
bathroom located in the back corner of the room, along with a sink. There are lockers lining the
left wall where students place their backpacks and coats. In the front of the room, there is a
SMART board with a wooden box in front of it so that students can stand on the box to reach the
board. There is a carpet area with a teacher’s chair and easel to assist with teaching. The
teacher’s desk sits in a back corner of the room.
Content Standards
Standard: CC.K.CC4a: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect
counting to cardinality: When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order,
pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number with one and only one
Rationale: It is important for students to be able to identify numbers, as they will use numbers in
all math that they do in the future. Students will need to be able to identify numbers so that in
future lessons, such as comparing numbers, addition, or counting, they will be able to
comprehend which number is which.
Learning Objective
1. I can identify numbers 0-10.
Academic Language
Number Three Seven
Zero Four Eight
One Five Nine
Two Six Ten
Assessment Plan: Formative Assessment
The teacher will be assessing students and checking for understanding at various points
throughout the lesson. The teacher will often ask for students to volunteer their activity results
as they view and identify different numbers, and will listen to what they find in order to check
for accuracy and understanding. The teacher will also ask students to give thumbs up to signal
that they understand and are ready to move on. If the teacher ever notices someone struggling or
not participating, she will make a point to work with them more in order to assist them.
Additionally, if the teacher notices that many students are still struggling, she will review the
previous topic more before moving on with the lesson.
4 7
0 3
1 10